
l 具有超强的抗杂质中毒性能。
性能参数和技术规格(发动机测功机在450℃下的测量值)空燃比浓时的电压信号:750毫伏升空燃比稀电压信号:当120毫伏升450℃时,空燃比变浓和变稀的相应时间:当150 ms升450℃时,对应的稀空燃比和浓空燃比的时间为:65毫秒升锆元素激活时间12秒升加热元素电阻(21℃) 9.6 1.5欧姆升加热元素电流:0.52±0.10安培升加热元件功率:7.0瓦升内阻:500欧姆升外部电压(连接至发动机控制模块控制器):12.0伏升氧传感器信号传输线束线径要求:1.6毫米l氧传感器典型匹配连接器由我公司生产。

氧传感器使用说明书 (第一版)适用零件号:25327985 253599081.概述氧传感器是现代发动机管理系统中必不可少的重要零部件。
氧传感器的输出信号为0 ~ 1V的交变电压信号。
2. 工作原理德尔福公司生产的氧传感器是采用氧化锆元件作为传感器的基础元件。

汽车技师专用万用表汽车传感器模拟测试仪技术手册如题Automotive Digital Diagnostic Tools汽车数字诊断专用工具系列汽车技师专用万用表汽车传感器模拟测试仪技术手册如题汽车技师专用万用表ADD81 汽车传感器模拟测试仪ADD91/71目录一.安全指引二.重要提示三.目测检查四.技术指标常规指标精度指标:模拟信号输出(ADD71/91)喷油脉宽:Pulse width 转速:RPM(tach) 占空比:Duty Cycle 闭合角:Dwell Angle 温度:Temperature 直流电压:DC Voltage (自动量程) 交流电压AC Voltage (自动量程) 直流电流:DC Current 交流电流:AC Current电阻:Resistance (自动量程) 频率:Ferquency (自动量程) 电容:Capacitance(自动量程) 二极管测试:Diode Test声响连续测试:Audible Continuity 标准附件面板描述面板描述屏幕显示:测试功能选择和操作:五.仪器操作传感器模拟功能:电压测试:Voltage(V)如题电阻测试:Resistance(Ω)连续性(导通)声响测试Audible Continuity 二极管测试电容测试Capacitance温度测试Temperature (Temp)频率测试Meter Functions C frequency (Hz) 转速:RPM/X10RPM 测量占空比Duty Cycle (%) 测试喷油脉宽:ms 测试闭合角:Dwell 测试电流测试附件的应用:电池的更换六.汽车传感器模拟测试仪频率信号模拟功能的应用实例如题一.安全指引z 戴上安全防护眼镜、穿上安全工作服、不要带手饰和留长头发。
z 工作区域有良好通风,并将汽车尾气排放到室外。
z 如果发动机运转时进行测试,(制造厂的原厂手册另有规定除外),请放下手刹,选择空档或驻车档,锁上驱动轮。

氧传感器的工作原理 帕萨特B5发动机是采用氧化锆式氧传器,
氧化锆式氧传感器的基本元件是氧化锆陶瓷 管(固体电解质)。锆管内表面与大气接触, 外表面与废气接触,而锆管在温度高时,渗 入其中的氧气会发生电离,由于锆管内、外 侧氧含量不一致,存在浓差,因而氧离子从 大气侧向排气侧扩散从而使锆管成为一个微 电池,使锆管内、外两侧的铂电极间产生电 压。
B.检查条件 a.29号熔必须正常; b.蓄电池电压至少为11.5V; c.燃油泵继电器必须正常; d.冷却液温度至少85℃; e.发动机控制单元必须与节气门控制部件匹配; f.三元催化器和缸盖之间的排气系统应无泄漏处。
C检查步骤 a.连接故障阅读仪V.A.G1551或车辆系统测试仪V.A.G1552,启动发动机, 并按地址码“01”键,选择“发动机电子系统”。 b.按0和8键,选择“读测试数据块”,并用“Q”键确认。 c.按0、0和3键,选定“显示组号3”,并按Q键确认。再按显示区域3中的 显示值,即是冷却液温度值,应大于85℃。 d.按“C”键(为转换显示组准备)。 e.按0、0和9键,选定“显示组号9”,按Q键确认,选择显示区域3中的氧 传感器电压。电压每分钟至少 应变化30次,且在0到1.0伏范围内摆动。 f.若电压在规定范围内摆动,则按“右键”,再按0和6键,选定“结束输 出”功能,然后按Q键确认。 g.若电压不在工作范围内摆动或电压变化很慢,则除了检查氧传感器体上 的长细孔或圆孔是否堵塞通风孔是否堵塞外,还应继续以下检查。 h.将三元盒催化器前连接氧传感器G39的四针插头拔下。 i.检查氧传感器加热触点1和2是否导通,如未导通,则应更换传感器G39. j.如导通,用万用表连接插头触点1和2进行电压测量,在启动发动机怠速 运转时,电压允许值11~15V,然后关闭点火开关。 k.如无电压,将测试盒V.A.G1598/22连接到控制单元线束上,根据电路图, 检查测试盒与四针插头的导线是否导通,触点2和插孔27导线 的最大电阻 为1.5Ω。如达到允许值,根据电路图,检查触点1与燃油泵继电器J17的 导线
氧传感器 AO-02 说明书

3.4推荐电路图3.AO-02推荐应用电路图●将传感器的正负极引脚(Vsensor+与Vsensor-)短接,此时读取到的ADC 值(MUC_ADC )记作A 0;●将传感器置于空气中,此时读取的ADC 值记作A 1;●传将传感器置于待测环境中,此时读取的ADC 值记作A x ;●待测环境中氧气浓度的计算公式为:氧气浓度=(A x −A 0)×20.9(A 1−A 0)×100%3.5引脚定义图4.AO-02引脚定义图AO-02氧传感器接口型号为Molex 3针接头,图4中1号引脚为正极引脚,2、3号引脚为负极引脚。

a、b)结构 c)特性 1-TiO2氧传感器元件 2-壳体 3-绝缘体 4端子 5-陶瓷连结片 6-导线 7-TiO2热敏电 阻元件
氧分压如果偏离理论空燃比,则呈阶跃变化。所以利用测定的氧 气分压,即传感器的电阻变化,就能测得空燃比的偏离差值。与 空燃比相对应的传感器电阻值的变化特性如图1-89c所示,图中以 理论空燃比为界,电阻值产生跃变。 当周围气体介质中的氧元素多时,二氧化钛的电阻值增大;反之, 氧元素少时,电阻值减小。与氧化锆式氧传感器相同,由于在理 论空燃比附近电阻值急剧变化,故其输出电压也急剧变化。 二氧化钛式氧传感器的三个端子分别是基准电源、传感器输出端 和接地端。由于二氧化钛的电阻随温度变化,故串联热敏电阻后 具有温度补偿作用。在低温状态下,二氧化钛电阻值增大,影响 其正常的性能,为使其快速升温以活化其性能,可装有加热线圈。
对于稀薄混合气燃烧生成的排气,由于存在高浓度的O2与低浓度的CO, 即使CO与O2完全反应,也会有剩余的O2存在,故氧浓度比低,几乎不 产生电压。 此外,在接近理论空燃比的排气中,存在着低浓度的CO与O2,在铂表面 O2从与CO完全反应状态(CO过剩,O2为零),急剧向氧过剩状态(CO 为零,O2过剩)变化,氧浓度比也急剧变化,从而使电动势急剧变化, 图1-83b、c所示为氧化锆式氧传感器的输出特性。但上述特性只在温度 比较高的条件下才能充分体现出来,在低温时,这种特性会发生很大变 化,这时为了能够得到稳定的输出,应把氧传感器安装在不使温度降低 的位置,如可把图1-84所示的陶瓷加热器置于氧化锆元素的内侧,使氧 化锆氧传感器保持较高温度,这种方法已经实用化了。 图1-85a所示为氧化锆式氧传感器的空燃比反馈控制系统实例,在该系统 中,为对排气中的CO、HC、NOx三种成分同时获得高净化率,而采用了 三元催化剂。为使三元催化剂发挥最佳效果,必须在各种工况下,总是 使空燃比控制在理论值水平附近。因此,使用氧化锆式氧传感器来检测 排气中的氧浓度,通过发动机电控单元的反馈控制,即可实现控制空燃 比的反馈控制。
Oxymax W COS41 溶解氧传感器说明书

Brief Operating InstructionsOxymax W COS41Dissolved oxygen sensorThese instructions are Brief Operating Instructions.For detailed information, please read the Operating Instructions and the special instructions on the supplied CD-ROM.The complete device documentation comprises:•these Brief Operating Instructions•the Operating Instructions on the supplied CD-ROM•if necessary, certificates and calibration protocols (acc. to the version).KA284C/07/en/06.0571002048Table of contents Oxymax W COS41 Table of contents1 Safety instructions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.1 Designated use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.2 Installation, commissioning and operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.3 Operational safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32.1 Installation conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32.2 Installation instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42.3 Installation examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52.4 Post installation check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93.1 Direct connection to the transmitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93.2 Connection via junction box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Commissioning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114.1 Function check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114.2 Polarization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114.3 Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121Safety instructions1.1Designated useThe oxygen sensor is suitable for continuous measurement of dissolved oxygen in water.Typical applications are:•Measuring, monitoring and regulating the oxygen content in activated sludge basins.•Monitoring the oxygen content in the sewage treatment plant outlet.•Monitoring, measuring and regulating the oxygen content in public waters and fish farming water.•Monitoring of oxygen enrichment in drinking water.Any other use than the one described here compromises the safety of persons and the entire measuring system and is, therefore, not permitted.The manufacturer is not liable for damage caused by improper or non-designated use.1.2Installation, commissioning and operation•The device/measuring system may only be installed, connected, operated and maintained by trained technical personnel (e.g. certified electrician). The technical personnel must strictlyadhere to the Operating Instructions, prevailing standards, legal regulations and certificates(depending on application).•If the Brief Operating Instructions do not provide sufficient information, you must read theOperating Instructions. There, you can find detailed information on the device.2Endress+HauserOxymax W COS41InstallationEndress+Hauser 3•The operator may only perform modifications and repairs of the device/measuring system that are explicitly permitted in the Operating Instructions.•Do not operate damaged products and secure them against unintentional commissioning. Mark the damaged product as being defective.•If faults can not be rectified, the products must be taken out of service and secured against unintentional commissioning.1.3Operational safetyThe sensor has been designed and tested according to the state of the art and left the factory in perfect functioning order.Relevant regulations and European standards have been met.As the user, you are responsible for complying with the following safety conditions: •Installation instructions•Local prevailing standards and regulations."Caution!Pay attention to the technical data on the name plate!2Installation2.1Installation conditions2.1.1OrientationOther angles are not permitted. Do not install the sensor overhead.Fig. 1: Angle of installation ARecommended angle of installation: 0 ... 180 °Installation Oxymax W COS414Endress+Hauser2.1.2Mounting location•Select the installation location so that there is easy access for later calibration.•Make sure that upright posts and assemblies are secured safely and vibration-free.•For immersed operation in an activated sludge basin, select an installation location which produces a typical oxygen concentration.2.2Installation instructions2.2.1Installing a measuring point!Note!For immersed operation, install the individual modules away from the basin on a solid base. Only carry out the final installation at the intended installation location.For a complete installation of a measuring point, proceed as follows:1.Install a retractable or a flow assembly (if used) into the process.2.Connect the water supply to the rinse connections (if you use an assembly with cleaning function).3.Install and connect the oxygen sensor.4.Install an immersion or an suspension assembly (if used) into the process."Caution!•For immersed operation, the sensor must be installed in an immersion assembly (e.g. CYA611). Do not install the sensor suspended from the cable.•Screw the sensor into the assembly so that the cable is not twisted.•Avoid exerting excessive tensile force on the cable (e.g. from jerky pulling).•Select the installation location so that there is easy access for later calibration.#Warning!When using metallic assemblies and installation equipment, comply with national grounding regulations.Oxymax W COS41InstallationEndress+Hauser 52.3Installation examples2.3.1Immersion operationUniversal assembly holder and chain assemblyFig. 2: CYH101 with immersible pendulum assembly 1Weather protection cover2Upright post, square pipe SS AISI 3043Transverse pipe SS AISI 3044Star handle5Second fixing possibility for transverse pipe 6Immersion assembly CYA 611Fig. 3: Immersion assembly CYA 6111Protection cap2Worm drive hose clip3Pipe clips (detailed drawing in right half)4PVC pipe5Threaded couplingInstallation Oxymax W COS41 Universal assembly holder and fixed immersion assemblyFig. 4: Universal suspension assembly holder CYH101 with immersion assembly CYY1051Star handle2Pipe holder3Fixing bracket4Immersion assembly (= immersion tube)6Endress+HauserOxymax W COS41InstallationEndress+Hauser 7Basin rim mounting with immersion tubeFloating bodyFig. 5: Horizontal basin rim mounting 1Protection cover for cable entry 2Assembly holder3Immersion assembly SS 1.4301 (AISI 304)Fig. 6: Vertical basin rim mounting 4Basin rim mounting 5Star handleFig. 7: Floating body1234567Cable route with strain relief and rain protection Mounting ring for ropes and chains with locking screwLugs Ø15, 3 x 120 ° for anchoring Saltwater-resistant plastic floatPipe 40x1, stainless steel 1.4571 (AISI 316Ti)Shock absorber and weight Oxygen sensorInstallation Oxymax W COS418Endress+Hauser2.3.2Flow assembly2.4Post installation check•Check the membrane for leak tightness und replace it if necessary.•Sensor and cable undamaged?•Compliance with permissible sensor installation position?•Is the sensor installed in an assembly and is not suspended from the cable?•Avoid moisture by rain by fitting the protective cap to the immersion assembly?Fig. 8: Flow assembly COA250-B 1Screw-in part for sensor 2Screw ring 3Meter body4Connection thread G¾5Dummy plug (connection for spray head COR3)Fig. 9: Bypass installation1Main line 2Medium return 3Oxygen sensor4, 7Manually actuated or solenoid valves 5Flow assembly COA250-B 690 ° pipe bracket 8Medium removalOxymax W COS41WiringEndress+Hauser 93Wiring#Warning!•The electrical connection must only be carried out by a certified electrician.•Technical personnel must have read and understood the instructions in this manual and must adhere to them.•Ensure that there is no voltage at the power cable before beginning the connection work.3.1Direct connection to the transmitterThe sensor is connected using a special measuring cable (→å 10). The wiring diagram is contained in the Operating Instructions of the COM223/253-DX/DS transmitter.!Note!The interior white and yellow pilot wires have no function.Fig. 10: Special measuring cable CYK 71Terminal S 12909111AssignmentOuter shieldActive inner shield (NTC)Cathode AnodeNTC temperature sensorWiring Oxymax W COS413.2Connection via junction boxTo lengthen the sensor connection beyond the length of the fixed cable, you require a junction box VBM. The connection is lengthened to the transmitter using the special measuring cable CYK71.Fig. 11: Connection via junction box VBM1Sensor2Junction box3Extension cable4Transmitter10Endress+HauserOxymax W COS41CommissioningEndress+Hauser 114Commissioning 4.1Function checkBefore first commissioning, check if:•the sensor is correctly installed•the electrical connection is correct.If using an assembly with automatic cleaning, check the correct water connection at theassembly rinse connection.#Warning!Danger of medium leaking offBefore applying compressed air to an assembly with cleaning facility, make sure the connections are correctly fitted. Otherwise, the assembly may not be insert into the process.4.2PolarizationThe sensor was tested in the factory for perfect functionality and is supplied ready for operation.To prepare for calibration, proceed as follows:1.Remove the sensor protective cap.2.Place the externally dry sensor in atmospheric air. The air should be saturated with watervapour. Therefore, install the sensor as close to the water surface as possible. Whencalibrating the sensor membrane, make sure the membrane remains dry. Therefore, avoidany direct contact with the water surface.3.Connect the sensor to the transmitter and switch on the transmitter.4.Switch-on the transmitter.If you connect the sensor to the transmitter Liquisys M COM223/253, polarisation isautomatically performed after switching on the transmitter.5.The polarisation time takes about 1 hour.!Note! Polarisation starts high, then drops gradually. You will recognise the end of polarisation when the display stabilises and remains practically constant."Caution!•When you remove the sensor from the medium, protect the sensor from strong sunlight.•Make sure you comply with the instructions for commissioning and calibration in theOperating Instructions of the transmitter.4.3CalibrationCalibrate the sensor (calibration type "Air") immediately after it’s polarization.1.Remove the sensor from the medium.2.Clean the outside of the sensor with a damp cloth. Then dry the sensor membrane e.g.by using a tissue.3.If the sensor is removed from a closed pressure system with a process pressure greaterthan atmospheric pressure:–Open the membrane cap to equilibrate the pressure and clean the cap if necessary.–Replace the electrolyte filling and close the membrane cap again.–Wait for the polarisation time to end.4.Then wait while the sensor adjusts to the temperature of the ambient air. This takesabout 20 minutes. Check that the sensor is not in direct sunlight during this time.5.If the measured value display on the transmitter is stable, carry out the calibration inaccordance with the Operating Instructions of the transmitter.6.Place the sensor in the medium again.!Note!Make sure you comply with the instructions for calibration in the Operating Instructions of the transmitter./worldwideKA284C/07/en/06.05Printed in Germany / FM+SGML 6.0 /DT71002048。

发动机管理系统 维修手册(项目)
1 2 2.1 2.2 3 4 5 6 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 7.16 7.17 8
简图和针脚定义 简图 针脚定义
工作原理 应用指南 安装注意事项 故障现象及简单判断 故障排查指导 P0030—上游氧传感器加热控制电路开路 P0031—上游氧传感器加热控制电路电压过低 P0032—上游氧传感器加热控制电路电压过高 P0036—下游氧传感器加热控制电路开路 P0037—下游氧传感器加热控制电路电压过低 P0038—下游氧传感器加热控制电路电压过高 P0053—上游氧传感器加热内阻不合理 P0054—下游氧传感器加热内阻不合理 P0130—上游氧传感器信号不合理 P0131—上游氧传感器信号电路电压过低 P0132—上游氧传感器信号电路电压过高 P0133—上游氧传感器老化 P0134—上游氧传感器电路信号故障 P0136—下游氧传感器信号不合理 P0137—下游氧传感器信号电路电压过低 P0138—下游氧传感器信号电路电压过高 P0140—下游氧传感器电路信号故障 附件
联合汽车电子有限公司 United Automotive Electronic Systems Co.,Ltd
发动机管理系统 维修手册(项目)
编号:2010-LSF- Manual
Issued Date:
页数:第 7 页 共 27 页
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联合汽车电子有限公司 United Automotive Electronic Systems Co.,Ltd

整个NOx传感器总成是一个零件!1.1. 氮氧传感器类型● 按品牌分类:潍柴、玉柴、锡柴、上柴、重汽、康明斯等等。
● 按供电电压分类: 24V跟12V两种。
● 按插头分类:五针和四针两种。
1.2. 氮氧传感器测量的参数及范围1.3.氮氧传感器结构组成氮氧化合物传感器由传感器探头、控制模块、连接插头和连接电缆组成。
以下条件必须满足,以运行NOx监控● 没有冷却水温度传感器相关故障码● 没有环境压力传感器相关故障码● 冷却水温度高于70摄氏度● 海拔低于1600米● 在第一测量室内尾气中的氧气被泵出同时在铂金材料上HC, CO, H2 被氧化。
● 第二测量室中,NOx在催化材料上还原同时释放出O2。
● 测量第二测量室产生O2的量就代表了NOx含量。
2.2.氮氧化物监控-常规监控氮氧化物常规监控程序工作的条件为:● 计量喷射量在800 to 3800 ml/h 6cyl engine.600 to 3800 ml/h 4cy engine.● 发动机转速范围在1400 - 1700 rpm 6 cylinder engine.1400 – 1750 rpm 4 cylinder engine.● Nox传感器给出一个相对稳定的读值● 最少15秒钟稳定的喷油量● 以上条件满足后,ECU将进行两次采样,然后将两次采样的值平均,得到的平均值与设定好的限值进行比较。


喷油器减油 氧传感器低电平(稀)
喷油器增油氧化钛式源自相对于氧化锆型的氧传感器是以产生电压的讯 号,氧化钛(T氧化钛型氧传感器iO2)型则是利 用电阻的变化来判别其中的含氧量。 在某个温度以上钛与氧的结合微弱,在氧气极 少的情况下就必须放弃氧气,因此缺氧而形成 低电阻的氧化半导体。 相反的,若氧气较多,则形成高电阻的状态。 就像水温度传感器一样,有着电阻高低的变化 ,这时只要供给一参考电压,即可由电压来可 知冷却水的温度。
用氧传感器(后氧)会检测三元催化器是否仍 然处于最佳工作状态。然后ECU就可计算出矫 正偏移所需的补偿量。 (图中3,4为诊断用氧 传感器)
全球几大主要知名氧传感器产家: 1、德国:博世(BOSCH) 2、日本:NGK-NTK 3、美国:德尔福(Delphi) 4、日本:电装(Denso)
一、根据传感元件材料: 氧传感器有氧化锆和氧化钛型2种,其工作原理不同。目前,市场上的主要的氧 传感器都是锆系氧传感器,因为锆系氧传感器寿命较长,也相对稳定。
1.二氧化锆型(ZrO2) 锆元素工作特性: 氧化锆是具有传导氧离子能力的固体电解质,当温度达到300℃,氧化锆材料能够传
内部设计有加热器,可利用系统供电电压强制使氧传感器加速预热, 促使其快速反映,
及早实现系统的闭环控制。可以装配在距离发动机排气管远端。 三、根据功能或安装位置分类 控制用氧传感器: 俗称前氧,可单独测量发动 机燃烧废气中氧的浓度,生成电压信号反馈给 ECU以达到理想空燃比状态,安装在三元催化 器的上游位置。 (图中1,2为控制用氧传感器) 诊断用氧传感器:俗称后氧,安装在三元催化 器下游端。控制氧传感器(前氧)因老化,其
凯米斯 RDO-206 在线荧光溶解氧传感器 用户手册说明书

RDO-206Online Fluorescence Dissolved Oxygen Sensor User ManualYANTAI CHEMINS INSTRUMENT CO.,LTD.Tel:*************************E-mail:***********************************************Website:Address:No.15,Entrepreneurship Base,Development Zone,Zhaoyuan City,Shandong Province●Please read this manual in detail before using it and save it for reference.●Please abide by the operating procedures and matters needing attention in thismanual.●When receiving the instrument,please carefully open the package and checkwhether the instrument and accessories are damaged by shipping.If any damage is found,please inform the manufacturer and distributor immediately and keep the package for return for processing.●When the instrument fails,please do not repair it on your own,please contact themaintenance department of the manufacturer directly.ContentUser Notes (2)Ⅰ、Operational Principle (4)Ⅱ、Technical performance and specifications (4)1.Technical parameter (4)2.Dimensional drawing (5)Ⅲ、Installation and electrical connection (5)1.Install (5)2.Electrical connection (6)Ⅳ、Maintenance (6)1.Maintenance schedule and methodology (6)2.Frequently questions (7)3.Calibration of sensors (8)4.Points for attention (8)Ⅴ、Quality and service (8)1.Quality assurance (8)2.Spare parts and spare parts (9)3.After-sales service commitment (9)Appendix data communication (9)Ⅰ、Operational PrincipleRDO-206integrated on-line fluorescence dissolved oxygen sensor is designed and fabricated based on the quenching principle of excited fluorescence by specific substances in physics.The blue light emitted by the light emitting diode(LED)irradiates on the fluorescent substance on the inner surface of the fluorescent cap,and the fluorescent material on the inner surface is excited and emits red light.by detecting the phase difference between the red light and the blue light and comparing it with the internal calibration value,the concentration of oxygen molecules is calculated, and the final value is automatically compensated by temperature.●No electrolyte is required and will not be polarized.●No oxygen consumption,not affected by flow rate.●Built-in temperature sensor,automatic temperature compensation.●Free from interference by chemicals such as sulfides●Small drift,rapid reaction,more accurate measurement.●Maintenance-free,long service cycle,lower cost of use.●Simple replacement of fluorescent capⅡ、Technical performance and specifications1.Technical parameterModel RDO-206MeasuringFluorescence methodprincipleRange ability0~20mg/L(0≤200%saturation)Resolution ratio0.01mg/L,0.1℃Precision±2%F.S.,±0.5℃Temperaturecompensation Automatic temperature compensation(Pt1000)Output mode RS-485bus,Modbus-RTU protocolWorkingconditions0~45℃、<0.2MPaStoragetemperature-5~65℃Installation mode Immersion mountingCable length5meters,other lengths customizablePower<0.5WdissipationSource12~24VDC±10%levels ofIP68protectionCalibration Two-point calibrationFluorescent capGuaranteed use for one year(under normal use)lifeSensor shellPOM and316L stainless steelmaterial2.Dimensional drawingⅢ、Installation and electrical connection1.InstallThe temperature induction part should be immersed below the liquid level to avoid collidingwith the surface of the film head.The attachment of sediment should be avoided in the part of membrane head.2.Electrical connection●Red wire-power cord(12~24V)●Black wire-ground wire(GND)●Blue Line-485A●White Line-485B●Bare wire-shield layerAfter the wiring is completed,it should be carefully checked to avoid the wrong connection before the power is turned on.Cable specification:Considering that the cable is immersed in water(including sea water)or exposed to air for a long time,the cable has a certain corrosion resistance.All interfaces of cable outer diameterΦ6mm,have been waterproof.Ⅳ、Maintenance1.Maintenance schedule and methodology1.1Maintenance scheduleDifferent from the dissolved oxygen probe technology of electrochemical principle,the fluorescence dissolved oxygen probe does not consume oxygen and does not need to be cleaned frequently(except when it is used in viscous liquid).Maintenance task Recommended maintenance frequencyCleaning sensor Wash every30daysCheck for damage to sensors andfluorescent caps Check every30daysReplace the fluorescent cap Replace it once a yearCalibrate sensors(if required by the competent authority))According to the maintenance schedule required by the competent departmentNote:The maintenance frequency in the above table is only recommended,and the maintenance personnel shall clean the sensor according to the actual use of the sensor;however,the replacement frequency of the fluorescent cap is recommended once a year.1.2Maintenance methodSensor outer surface:clean the outer surface of the sensor with tap water,if there is still debris residue,wipe with wet soft cloth,for some stubborn dirt,you can add some household washing liquid to tap water to clean.a)External surface of fluorescent cap:remove the protective cover at the front end of the sensor,rinse the dirt on the optical window of the sensor with clean water,and finally cover the cover;If wiping is required,please use a soft cloth and take care of force and force direction;If the fluorescent film layer is scratched,the sensor will not work properly.b)Inner surface of fluorescent cap:if water vapor or dust invades the inside of fluorescent cap, the cleaning steps are as follows:●Remove the fluorescent cap;●Rinse the inner surface of the fluorescent cap with tap water;●For dirt containing fat and oil,clean with warm water with household washing fluid;●Rinse the inner surface of a fluorescent cap with deionized water;●Gently dry all surfaces with a clean velvet-free cloth and put it in a dry place for the moisture to evaporate completely.c)Check the cable of the sensor:the cable should not be tightened when it is working properly, otherwise it is easy to break the wire inside the cable and cause the sensor to fail to work properly.d)Check that the shell of the sensor is damaged by corrosion or other causes.e)Daily preservation of fluorescent caps:when not in use,put in a shield with a wet sponge to keep the sensor moist for a long time.If the head of the sensor fluorescent cap is dry for a long time, it will produce the drift of the measurement results and need to be immersed in water for48hours before use.2.Frequently questionsWrong Probable cause SolutionThe operating interface cannot connect or does not display the measurementresults Error connecting controllerto cableReconnect the controller and cable Cable failure Please contact us.The fluorescent cap is nottightened or damagedRefit and tighten the fluorescentcap or replace the fluorescentcap.The measured value is too high,too low,or the numerical value remainsunstable.The outer surface of thefluorescent cap is attachedto the outer objectClean the outer surface of thefluorescent cap and stir theprobe during measurement The fluorescent cap wasdamagedReplace the fluorescent cap The fluorescent cap hasexceeded its service lifeThe temperaturemeasurement value is beyond the range of measurement or there is a reading disorder code.The temperature sensor isattached to the foreignobject.Gently brush the attachment with asoft brush3.Calibration of sensorsa)Zero calibrationweighing2g of sodium sulfite by a balance,adding98mL of water into a250-mLmeasuring cylinder,pouring the water into a beaker,adding the sodium sulfite which hasbeen weighed,stirring with a glass rod,dissolving,and obtaining a solution of2%sodiumsulfite,putting the sensor in a solution,And the zero point calibration is carried out afterthe three-minute numerical stability is stable.Refer to the Appendix to the instructionsb)Slope calibrationThe sensor probe is placed in air saturated water and the slope is calibrated after3minutes of numerical stability.The instructions refer to the appendix.c)Preparation of air saturated water:add2%3volume fresh distilled water to the constanttemperature water bath to float the porous plastic sheet on the water surface(see figurebelow).At the same time,the bubbler(air pump)is used to aerate the water continuouslyfor more than1hour,stop aeration,and get air saturated water after20minutes or so.Put the sensor into the water and calibrate the slope after the numerical value is stable.Note:as an option,slope calibration can also be performed in water-saturated air.Put thesensor in a calibration bottle with a small amount of water(the probe is higher than the water surface2-3mm)to ensure that the sensor film cap remains wet but has no water droplets,and the calibration slope is calibrated after3minutes of numerical stability.4.Points for attention●Avoid sun exposure to the inner surface of the fluorescent cap.●Please don't touch the fluorescent film with your hands.●Measuring and calibrating the surface of fluorescent film to avoid attaching bubbles.●Avoid directly applying any mechanical stress(pressure,scratches,etc.)to the fluorescent film in use.Ⅴ、Quality and service1.Quality assurance●The quality inspection department has a standard inspection procedure,with advanced and complete detection equipment and means,and according to the procedure inspection,the product is subjected to72-hour aging experiment and stability experiment,so that anon-conforming product is not allowed to leave the factory.●The consignee shall refund directly the product batches with a failure rate of2%,and all expenses incurred shall be borne by the supplier.Consider the standard reference to the product description provided by the supplier.●Ensure the quantity of goods and the speed of shipment.2.Spare parts and spare partsThis product includes:●1sensor●1copy of the manual●1certificate3.After-sales service commitmentThe company provides after-sales service for this machine within one year from the date of sale,but does not include the damage caused by improper use.If you need to repair or adjust, please send it back,but the freight must be borne by yourself,and it is necessary to make sure that the packing is good to avoid damage in transit.We will repair the damage of the instrument free of charge.Appendix data communication1.Data formatThe default data format for Modbus communication is:9600,n,8,1(baud rate9600bps,1 start bit,8data bits,no check,1stop bit).rmation frame format(xx stands for one byte)a)Read data instruction frame0603xx xx xx xx xx xx Address FC Register start address Number of registers CRC check code(low bytes in front)b)Read data response frame0603xx xx……xx xx xx Address FC Number of bytes Response data CRC check code(low bytes in front)c)Write data instruction frame0606xx xx xx xx xx xxAddress FC Register address Read-in data CRC check code(low bytes in front)d)Data response frame0606xx xx xx xx xx xxAddress FC Register address Read-in data CRC check code(low bytes before)3.Register addressRegister address Name InstructionNumber of registersAccess method44353(0x1100)Switch machineBoot write data 1,shut down write data 0.The power on defaults to the boot state.1(2bytes)write40001(0x0000)Measured value+temperature Four double-byte integers,measured,measured decimal,temperature decimal places,respectively,measured,decimal places.4(8bytes)read40005(0x0004)Dissolvedoxygen saturation (0-200%)Two double-byte integers,saturation values and decimal places,respectively.2(4bytes )read44097(0x1000)Zero calibration Calibrated in anoxic water,writing data 0;readout datazero offset.1(2bytes )Write /read 44101(0x1004)Slope calibrationCalibrate in air-saturated water,write data to 0,read data to slope value ×1000.1(2bytes )Write /read44113(0x1010)temperature correctionIn the solution,the writtendata is the actualtemperature value ×10,and the readout data is the temperature calibrationoffset ×10.1(2bytes))Write /read44129(0x1020)Salinity compensationThe read /write data is salt value (PSU)×10,which isused for salinity compensation,and the factory default is 0,no salinity compensation.。
DOE-45PA 溶解氧传感器说明书

DOE-45PA Dissolved Oxygen SensorTABLE OF CONTENTSPart 1 - Introduction (3)Figure 1-1 D.O. SYSTEM DIAGRAM WITH SUBMERSIBLE SENSOR (3)Part 2 – Electrical Connection (4)Figure 2-1SUBMERSIBLE SENSOR WIRING DIAGRAM (4)2.1 D.O. SENSOR ASSEMBLY (5)Figure 2-2SUBMERSIBLE D.O. SENSOR ASSEMBLY (5)Figure 2-3SUBMERSIBLE D.O. SENSING MODULE ASSEMBLY (6)Part 3 - Maintenance (8)3.1Sensor Maintenance (8)3.2LEAD ANODE REPLACEMENT (9)D.O. SOLUBILITY VS. TEMPERATURE (10)SPARE PARTS (11)Part 1 - IntroductionA new modular dissolved oxygen sensor is now being supplied for replacement and upgrade of DOTX-45 D.O. monitoring systems. The new sensor provides the advantages of the original modular sensor with the economy of a rebuildable module that greatly reduces the operating cost of the system.The new sensor is designed to interface with the DOTX-45 transmitter electronics without adjustment. All that’s required is to remove the original DOE-45P sensor from it’s mounting assembly and install the new sensor in its place. On units with software version V2.05 or earlier, Tear Diagnostics should be turned OFF. Figure 1 below shows the typical installation of this sensor with the DOTX-45 monitor.Operation of the DOTX-45 monitoring system does not change. Refer to your DOTX-45 manual for instructions on calibrating the system once installation of the sensor is complete.Figure 1-1 D.O. SYSTEM DIAGRAM WITH SUBMERSIBLE SENSORPart 2 – Electrical ConnectionThe replacement sensor has the same number of wire connections as the original sensor but the color code is slightly different. Figure 2 and Figure 3 shows the proper connection of the sensor to the transmitter. Note that the new sensor no longer contains a yellow conductor. This has been replaced with either a brown or an orange conductor.Figure 2-1 SUBMERSIBLE SENSOR WIRING DIAGRAM2.1 D.O. SENSOR ASSEMBLYThe oxygen sensor is shipped dry. It will not operate until it is prepared by adding electrolyte and a membrane. Preparation of the sensor for operation must be done carefully. The procedure should be done by a qualified technician, and it should only be done when the system is ready for operation. Until then, it is best to leave the sensor in the condition in which it is received.Submersible oxygen sensors are made up of two separate parts, a submersionholder that also contains the temperature compensating element and a sensingmodule. The sensing module screws into the holder, with an o-ring providing awater tight connection. Figure 2-2 below shows the assembly.Figure 2-2 SUBMERSIBLE D.O. SENSOR ASSEMBLYSensing modules contain the main measuring components, and are the main component requiring service. Figure 5-2 below shows an exploded view of theD.O. sensing module.Figure 2-3 SUBMERSIBLE D.O. SENSING MODULE ASSEMBLYFollow the procedure below to prepare the D.O. sensing module for operations:1. Unscrew the electrolyte canister from the assembled module and also remove thevent screw from the side of the body.2. Remove the membrane cap from the bottom of the canister and discard theprotective membrane. O-rings are contained in grooves on both the bottom and top of the canister. Be sure that these o-rings remain in place.3. From the package of membranes supplied with the sensor, place a new membraneinto the membrane cap. The membrane is the clear plastic disk and is separated from other membranes by a paper spacer.4. Screw the membrane cap onto the canister until you feel the o-ring compress. Handtight compression is all that is needed. Do not use tools to tighten. The membrane should be flat across the bottom of the canister without wrinkles.5. Fill the canister with electrolyte until the level reaches the bottom of the internalthreads in the canister.6. Slowly screw the canister onto the sensor body. A small amount of electrolyte willrun out of the hole from which the vent screw was removed. Place a paper towel around the sensor to absorb the electrolyte overflow. The electrolyte is slightlycaustic and should be rinsed off of skin if contact occurs. Tighten the canister until the o-ring at the top of the canister is compressed. Once again, do not use tools to tighten.7. Shake excess electrolyte from the vent hole on the side of the sensor and replacethe vent screw.The sensing module is now ready for operation. The membrane should be stretched tightly across the tip of the sensor.CAUTION: When handling the assembled sensor, do not set the sensor on its tip or damage to the membrane will result. Severe impacts on the tipof the sensor from dropping or other misuse may cause permanentdamage to the sensor.Part 3 - MaintenanceThe DOE-45 Dissolved Oxygen Monitor will generally provide unattended operation over long periods of time. With proper care, the system should continue to provide measurements indefinitely. For reliable operation, maintenance on the system must be done on a regular schedule. Keep in mind that preventive maintenance on a regular schedule is much less troublesome than emergency maintenance that always seems to come at the wrong time.3.1 Sensor MaintenanceVirtually all of the maintenance required for operation of the D.O. Monitor is sensor related. The electronics are generally trouble free. They are burned in at the factory and will likely have a problem only if random component failure occurs.Sensor maintenance is required for accurate measurements. The primary requirement is simply to keep the sensor membrane clean. The membrane is a polymer material that is resistant to anything that will be encountered in water streams. However, deposits or biological growth can form on the surface of the membrane, and these deposits will reduce the sensitivity to oxygen. Normally, these coatings can be removed by simply wiping the membrane with a soft cloth or paper towel.Should a coating form on the membrane that does not wipe off, it is best to change the membrane. Chemical cleaning may work as well, but a new membrane is a more reliable solution. To change a membrane, follow the Sensor Assembly procedure in this manual. Do not reuse the electrolyte from the sensor when changing a membrane. Always refill with fresh electrolyte. The electrolyte is stable and does not have a limited shelf life.Even if no buildup is apparent on the membrane, it should be changed on a regular schedule. The recommended membrane change interval is every 6 months. The actual membrane life is often in excess of one year, but periodic preventive maintenance will simply avoid having to do service on an emergency basis.While the sensor is disassembled for membrane changing, examine the condition of the o-rings on both ends of the electrolyte canister. If the o-rings show any signs of damage, replace them with new ones from the spare parts kit. It is good practice to change these o-rings once a year, regardless of their condition.3.2 LEAD ANODE REPLACEMENTGalvanic D.O. sensors consume the lead electrode during normal operation. As oxygen is measured, lead is converted to lead oxide, and after a period of time, the lead is expended. The lead electrode in Omega’s D.O. sensor can be easily replaced, and replacement should be done automatically every 12 months.The lead electrode is the thick lead wire wrapped around the sensor body see Figure 4. It is connected through a stainless steel post with a nut and star washer. To change the lead electrode, remove the nut and washer and unwrap the old lead. Loop the end of a new lead electrode around the post and replace the nut and washer. Tighten the nut firmly but do not over tighten as damage to the sensing module can result. Wrap the remainder of the lead around the sensor body. There is no need to secure the other end of the lead.D.O. SOLUBILITY VS. TEMPERATURETEMP. D.O.TEMP. D.O.0 (32) 14.62 26 (79) 8.111 (34) 14.22 27 (81) 7.972 (36) 13.83 28 (83) 7.833 (37) 13.46 29 (84) 7.694 (39) 13.11 30 (86) 7.565 (41) 12.77 31 (88) 7.436 (43) 12.45 32 (90) 7.307 (45) 12.14 33 (92) 7.188 (46) 11.84 34 (93) 7.069 (48) 11.56 35 (95) 6.9510 (50) 11.29 36 (97) 6.8411 (52) 11.03 37 (99) 6.7312 (54) 10.78 38 (101) 6.6213 (55) 10.54 39 (102) 6.5114 (57) 10.31 40 (104) 6.4115 (59) 10.08 41 (106) 6.3116 (61) 9.87 42 (108) 6.2117 (63) 9.66 43 (110) 6.1218 (64) 9.47 44 (111) 6.0219 (66) 9.28 45 (113) 5.9320 (68) 9.10 46 (115) 5.8421 (70) 8.91 47 (117) 5.7422 (72) 8.74 48 (119) 5.6523 (73) 8.58 49 (120) 5.5624 (75) 8.42 50 (122) 5.4825 (77) 8.26SPARE PARTSPART NO. DESCRIPTIONDOE-45PA Submersible D.O. Sensor with 30’ cableDOE-45PA -SM Submersible D.O. sensing moduleDOE-45PA -SE Submersible D.O. sensing element bodyDOE-45PA -SH Submersible D.O. Sensing Holder Assembly with 30’cableDOE-45PA -EC Electrolyte chamberDOE-45PA -MH Membrane holder, type 316 stainless steelDOE-45PA -RLE Replacement lead electrodeDOE-45PA -RM* Membranes, 5 mil., pkg. of 10DOE-45PA -SP * Spare Parts Kit, screw & o-ringDOE-45PA -DOE * D.O. electrolyte, 4 oz (120 cc)Note: I nstrument is supplied with sufficient spare parts for 6-12 months of operation.For 2 year spare parts inventory, 3 each of the items marked with an asterisk (*) should be ordered.M-3694/0509。

3.5 半导体气体传感器优缺点
优点:敏感性好,掺杂三价元素(Al,Bi,Ga,In)时,对NOx显 示出可靠的选择性。 缺点:无法完全过滤其它气体,稳定性不好。
以氧化物为基体,掺杂某些特定金属制成半导体传感器。如TiO2, WO3,AlVO4等,提高选择性和稳定性。
3.6 非电阻式半导体气体传感器
非电阻式半导体气体传感器是MOS二极管式和结型二极管式以及场 效应管式(MOSFET)半导体气体传感器。其电流或电压随着气体含量 而变化,主要检测氢和硅烧气等可燃性气体。(略)
1. NOx气体传感器技术要求 2. NOx气体传感器分类 3. 半导体气体传感器 4. 固体电解质气体传感器 5. 电化学型气体传感器 6. 新型气体传感器
图示为烧结体N型半导体的模型(左)。晶粒间界有较高的电阻,晶粒内部电 阻较低。该模型可简化为仅由颈部等效电阻Rn串联而成的等效电路(右)
3.4 电阻型半导体NOx传感器特性参 数
名称 固有电阻
分辨率(选择 系数)
符号 Ra S
初期稳定时间 T3
(2) 极限电流型
4.3 氧化锆固体电解质传感器分类(2)
(3) 阻抗谱型:
4.4 阻抗谱型NOx传感器检测机 理
在YSZ 电解质与敏感电极界面上发生了 如下的阴极反应:
NO2+4e → N2+2O2- (1) 或NO2+2e → NO+O2- (2)

bosch氧传感器试验标准解释说明1. 引言1.1 概述首先,引言部分旨在为读者提供对于本文主题的背景和概要。
本文将讨论bosch 氧传感器的试验标准,并解释说明其重要性和制定过程。
1.2 文章结构本文分为五个主要部分,即引言、正文、bosch氧传感器试验标准解释说明、结论以及参考文献。
1.3 目的通过这篇文章,我们旨在增加对于bosch氧传感器试验标准的理解,并强调其在汽车行业中的重要性。
以上就是“1. 引言”部分内容的详细说明。
2. 正文正文部分将重点讨论与bosch氧传感器试验标准相关的信息。
广州奥松 AO-07氧气传感器产品手册说明书

Oxygen Sensor Product ManualAO-07Features•Meets ISO 80601-2-55•Linear output from 0% to 100%•No external power supply •Temperature compensation •Excellent signal stability•Accurate and reliable•Fast response•Anti-interference•Long lastingSummaryAO-07 is the oxygen sensor of Aosong Electronics.Offering long life and fast response, the high quality AO-07 replacement sensor incorporates a molded body design, specific for medical use. Best of all, the AO-07 costs less than the sensors it replaces, creating additional saving while providing superior quality. For further information on the AO-07 or any product in ASAIR’s complete line of medical oxygen analyzers and sensors, contact us.ApplicationsAO-07 Medical Oxygen Sensors are intended as oxygen-sensing component of an oxygen analyzer that measures oxygen concentration in breathing gas mixtures in the following applications:Sensing device for oxygen in• control device of oxygen concentrators• medical ventilators• anaesthesia equipment• incubators.The use is limited to system monitoring. The sensors are not suited for breath by breath analysis of breath gases. Please refer to the Instructions for Use. To avoid cross infection, please strictly follow the instructions of the oxygen analyzer manufacturer.1Technical SpecificationsNote:① Specifications are based on measurements made with cylinder gases using a flow rate of 100 mls/min and are valid at 20°C, 50% RH and 1013 mBar, using recommended circuitry.② Performance characteristics outline the performance of sensors supplied within the first 3 months.③ Output signal can drift below the lower limit over time.④ Use of a regression coefficient shows a best fit straight line better than 0.9995 when measured through the four data points from testing with 100%N2、21%O2、60%O2 and 100%O2.⑤ Connection should be made via recommended mating parts only. Soldering to the sensor will damage it and invalidate the warranty.2Product Dimensions(unit:mm)AO-07 outline dimensions3Installation and Use3.1Installation requirementsAO-07 is designed for operation in a wide range of environments and harsh conditions. However, it is important that exposure to high concentrations of solvent vapours is avoided, both during storage, fitting into instruments and operation.When using sensors with printed circuit boards (PCBs), degreasing agents should be used before thesensor is fitted(Clean the PCB to prevent rosin and other flux impurities from volatilizing and condense and block the oxygen sensor breathable membrane). Do not glue directly on or near the AO-07 as the solventmay cause crazing of the plastic.3.2Stabilisation TimeAllow at least 15 minutes to stabilise in the instrument before calibration or refer to manufacturersinstructions.3.3CleaningIn case of contamination the sensor may be cleaned with distilled water and allowed to dry naturally.The sensor is not suitable for sterilisation by steam or exposure to chemicals such as ethylene oxide or hydrogen peroxide.3.4Calibration IntervalThese sensors are designed to have minimal drift over their useful lifetime. For maximum accuracyhowever they should be calibrated before each use.3.5If the Sensor is DroppedIf a sensor is dropped, then it should be placed in quarantine for 24 hours and a follow-up check made bya 2 point calibration.3.6Mechanical InstallationWhen installing the sensor, it must only be screwed in hand-tight and a gas tight seal ensured. Spanners and similar mechanical aids may not be used, as excessive force may damage the sensor thread.3.7Cross Sensitivity4Warnings and Precautions4.1It is the responsibility of the user to determine the suitability for use of the sensor. Follow theinstructions for use of the oxygen analyzer and for replacement of oxygen sensor.4.2To ensure the normal operation of the instrument using the sensor, it is required to confirm thefunction of the sensor by exposure to the target gas before each use of the sensor or instrument.Failure to perform such tests may endanger the safety of people and property.4.3The sensor contains lead and corrosive liquid, please do not open the case or penetrate thepermeable membrane, do not touch the damaged sensor without protective gloves, in case of leakage, avoid contact with eyes.4.4The sensor is not suited for use in a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) environment.4.5Do not use this product for applications that may cause personal injury (including death). Do notuse this product for products other than the intended use and authorized use.4.6Please consult the data sheet and product manual carefully. Failure to follow these instructionsmay result in death or serious injury.4.7For any application using this product, expressly reject any responsibilities, including but notlimited to consequential or incidental compensation.。
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