



港口术语及其英文翻译内部编号:(YUUT-TBBY-MMUT-URRUY-UOOY-DBUYI-0128)2 术语2.0.1 设计船型 Design Vessel设计船型是用于确定码头、港池和航道尺度的船型,按其确定的尺度能保证所有使用码头、港池和航道的船舶在给定的条件下均能安全操作。

2.0.2 良好掩护码头 Well Sheltered Terminal有天然或人工掩护条件,港内作业平稳,且设计重现期波浪不会对码头上部结构构成安全影响的码头。

2.0.3 开敞式码头 Open Sea Terminal位于开敞海域、无天然或人工掩护条件、外海波浪可直接影响码头结构安全的码头。

2.0.4 半开敞式码头 Partly Open Sea Terminal码头前沿波况条件介于良好掩护码头与开敞式码头之间的码头,称为半开敞式码头,或部分掩护式码头、半掩护式码头。

2.0.5 危险品码头 Dangerous Cargo Terminal危险品码头是指主要装卸、存储和运输危险品的码头。


2.0.6 进港航道设计通过能力 Design Traffic-capacity of Approach Channel对于确定港区的给定航道和一定的到港船型组合,在港口正常生产作业状态下,基于一定的港口服务水平,一年期内通过该航道的船舶数量或船舶载货吨。

2.0.7 复式航道 Compound Channel同一航道设计断面处有两个或两个以上不同通航水深的航道。

2.0.8 液体散货码头 Liquid Bulk Terminal原油、成品油、液体化工品和液化石油气、液化天然气等散装液体货物的装卸码头统称为液体散货码头。



第一篇港口总平面图及方案设计第1章前言1.1 概述本港位于长江下游,下距上海280公里,上至南京100公里,为适应国民经济和外贸运输日夜发展的需要,经国家统一规划,决定在本地区兴建江海运输中转港。

1.2 设计任务本港有4个万吨级泊位,码头建成以后将成为长江下游江海联运和江苏内河水系货物集散的重要港区,本次设计就是要设计一个有4个万吨级泊位的码头。

1.3 设计依据文件1、《苏港万吨级码头结构设计资料》2、《港口工程荷载规范》JTJ 215-98(中华人民共和国交通部发布)3、《港口工程桩基规范》JTJ 254-98(中华人民共和国交通部发布)4、《高桩码头设计与施工规范》JTJ 291-98(中华人民共和国交通部发布)5、《海港总平面布置规范》(中华人民共和国交通部发布)6、《港口水工建筑物》(人民交通出版社)7、《港口规划与布置》(人民交通出版社)8、《结构力学》(高等教育出版社)9、《土质学与土力学》(人民交通出版社)10、《水工钢筋混凝土结构学》(中国水利水电出版社)11、《桩基工程》(人民交通出版社)第2章设计依据资料2.1 自然条件一、港区航道情况有关部门为选择本港港址作了大量工作,认为本港港区航道的水域条件适宜建港。









1.affirmative flag 【航海】五色旗2.anchorage 锚地,停泊税3.barge 驳船,v.碰撞4.between wind and water 在船的吃水线部位5.bilge keel 龙骨6.bitt 系缆7.blade 船桨8.bow 船首9.stern 船尾10.broadside 水线上的弦侧11.bunk 舱位12.cabin 船舱,机舱13.cargo trimming 平仓14.center of buoyance 浮力中心15.clipperbuilt 流线型的,快艇型构造的16.coaster 近海贸易船17.collier 运煤船,矿工,煤商18.conning tower 驾驶舱,了望塔19.deadweight capacity 载重吨位20.deck 甲板21.freeboard, topside 干弦22.freighter 货船23.gangway 通道,跳板24.hull 船体,船身nding stage 栈桥26.load line 载重27.ocean liner 远洋班轮28.port side xx29.propeller 螺旋桨,推进器30.rudder 船舵31.starboard 右弦32.tugboat 拖轮33.water line 吃水线34.sequence 连续,顺序35.apply to custom 报关36.crew 全体船员37.deck officer 高级船员38.deckhand 普通船员39.deratization 灭鼠40.cruise 巡航,往返航行41.distress 不幸,苦恼,海难42.logbook 航海日志43.moorage 停泊,系泊44.navigation 导航45.pitch 颠簸46.port of call 沿途停靠的港口47.reef 暗礁48.stand out 离岸驶去49.to embark 乘船50.wharf 码头51.Hatch No.2 lower hold aft(fore) part 2舱底舱后(前)部52.dunnage 垫舱物料53.tweendeck 二层舱y mats 铺放草席55.put one layer of planks on each tier 在每层(排)铺一层木板56.pig iron 生铁块58.tape 胶带,带59.chandler 杂货商ship chandler 船用物料供应商60.duty officer 值班船员61.square wood 方木62.plank 木板63.as for the drums 至于桶子yer 不同物品之间的隔层65.tier 同种物品相叠而上的各层66.big lot 大票67.as regards 关于,至于as for 至于68.transshipment cargo and optional cargo 转口货和选港货69.with transshipment at 在…..转口70.direct cargo 直达货71.sketch plan 舱图草图72.By the way, you have to stow the pieces of frozen pork fore and aft, not crosswise.顺便说一下,你们最好把冻猪肉片前后直装,不要横装。



港口码头建设中英文对照外文翻译文献中英文对照外文翻译(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:The optimization of container berths and shore bridge coordination scheduling AbstractThe global economic development, the container quickly raised up into exports. Rapid growth of the import and export cargo throughput brings to the container terminal larger benefits at the same time increase the burden of the port, have higher requirements on the terminal operation efficiency. How is the existing equipment of container terminals, reasonable resource allocation and scheduling, is common problem facing the container terminal. Therefore, how to improve the terminal facilities such as the maximum utilization of resources, to meet the increasing port demand, improve their competitive advantage, and has more practical meaning to improve the working efficiency of the container terminal. The main content of this study is berth, gantry cranes and set card co-allocation research, has plans to all ship to the port assignments during mathematical model is established with the target of minimum cost, according to the characteristics of the scale model by genetic algorithm, finally validates the effectiveness of the model.Keywords: System engineering; Water transportation; Gantry cranes allocation; Dynamic scheduling;1 IntroductionContainer terminal logistics is an organic system, made of interactive and dy namic components, such as containers, ships,berths, yards, tracks, quay cranes and yard cranes trucks, labors and communications, in a limited terminal space. It is a complex discrete event dynamic system related to kinds of complicated problems in l ogistics transport field.Berth scheduling (berth allocation) refers to the vessel arrival before or after according to each berth free condition and physical condition of the constraint for ship berthing berth and berthing order. To port berth scheduling optimization research has made important progress, but research is only limited to the single scheduling berth and shore bridge. Of berth scheduling problem in recent years has been based on simple berth scheduling considering more factors, but only for gantry cranes operating sequence when performing a specific loading and unloading of microscopic optimization. Container ships in the port of time depend on how well the berth scheduling on one hand, on the other hand depends on the completion of tasks of gantry cranes loading and unloading time. Gantry cranes loading and unloading time tasks assigned by the Shore Bridge and gantry cranes scheduling two link form. Gantry cranes allocation is reasonably allocated to the ship to shore bridge. Scheduling is a bridge across the river shore bridge between loading and unloading task scheduling. For container terminal how to out of berth allocation, and collaborative scheduling shore bridge set card effective allocation and the arrangement of the container yard, etc are the main factors influencing the efficiency of port operations.2 Literature reviewBerth, gantry cranes and set card configuration and operation quality directly determines the operational efficiency of container ports. Container port whether canmeet customer demand depends on whether the scheduling of a better, affecting the competitiveness of the port. So how to coordinate the three configurations and scheduling caused the wide attention of scholars both at home and abroad. Most experts and scholars in different circumstances port hardware facilities according to the different methods of berth, gantry cranes, set card and etc were studied. In recent years, the berth, shore and set scheduling and allocation problem of study to become a hot topic, scholars in a wide range of further research.2.1 Research on berth allocation problemEdmond will berth allocation problem as queuing theory for the first time, and establish the mathematical model research berth allocation problem. Lai and Shih to adopt rules first come first service berth allocation problem, and design the corresponding heuristic algorithm for the optimization of the mathematical model of the berth allocation, and to obtain the berth allocation to wait for the mooring time, and the average berth utilization indicators for evaluation. Prove the feasibility of obtained berth allocation scheme. Kiin mixed integer programming model is established to study the for large container ship berth allocation problem to determine the ship docked location and time, the design of simulated annealing algorithm to solve the model. Since then, many scholars study of berth allocation problem scheme compared with Kim. Imai respectively studied and dynamic to static to the port to port berth allocation problem, at the same time the berth allocation in the process of container ship is introduced into the berth time priority, berth allocation was studied for the ship to port. Later, Mr Imai and Sun to adopt continuous geographical space to study the method of continuous berth allocation, established themathematical model of the minimum vessel waiting time and operation time and coefficient using LaGrange relaxation algorithm to solve. Hansen, considering the schedule and ship docked preference location problems, such as setting the berth scheduling optimization goal for waiting time while minimizing of the ship. At the same time describes what preference position of the ship is. Lee also adopt the rules of first come first service to research into the port ship berth allocation problem, design the corresponding heuristic algorithm to solve the berth allocation model. After this, Leeand ship at the port of all research cycle to overall in the shortest time continuous berth allocation problem for the target research, through random greedy adaptive search algorithm to solve the model.2.2 Research on Shore Bridge factors problemDiazole in 1989 for the first time put forward the concept of gantry cranes scheduling by the author and a mixed integer programming model was established to solve the model to determine the distribution of each ship to the shore bridge. Park and Kim first studied the static to the port of berth and gantry cranes scheduling problem. Lim under interference constraint made the gantry cranes scheduling decisions made by a branch and bound method will be a period of time the latest ship to minimize the departure time of this algorithm ability is limited but simulated annealing method feasible solution can be obtained for the same question then also has used the genetic algorithm and greedy algorithm. Mussel and had to use a more realistic shore bridge resources use function to replace the method of linear hypothesis this paper proposes a new model to improve insufficient corrected simulation in the study of landbridge in front of the interference constraint error and put forward a improved model than other algorithms are good before fast branch and bound method based on one-way operations. Bierwirth to before 2010 to berth allocation problem, task allocation problem shore bridge, gantry cranes scheduling problem of research literature made a detailed statistics and investigation and study analysis. Ship movement were studied using genetic algorithm reaches the case of fixed alongside berths and gantry cranes scheduling problem, homework and assumes that each ship shore bridge number is fixed, the optimization goal to minimize shipping time in Hong Kong. At present scholars to container terminal berth allocation, gantry cranes scheduling and allocation, set operations such as path planning are detailed studies. They mainly from the perspective of time and economic cost and so on, studies the optimization of container terminal handling operation link research, makes the anticipated goal of optimal. But can be seen from the collected literature at home and abroad, the research of the container terminal although in-depth and meticulous, but there are still insufficient. At present study mainly just to container terminal operationof a single link a job scheduling optimization, or are the two assignments link joint scheduling optimization research. However, container terminal berth allocation, shore bridge distribution and collection card is a complete operating system. If is simply the optimization study of a job link, can only reach a certain optimal operation link, it is difficult to achieve with other assignments link affinity. In the whole container operating system does not make the overall optimal.3 Container terminal operation analyses(1) ChannelChannel is refers to the container ship in the in and out of the container terminal area can satisfy container ships and other water traffic tools (tug, etc.) the requirements of the safe navigation channel.(2) AnchorageAnchorage is used for container ships waiting for berthing of ships docked or for a variety of water homework need water. Main floor including loading and unloading of anchorage, anchorage, shelter, water diversion fault, fault and quarantine and so on, this article proposed tracing refers to anchor it wrong, is to wait for container vessels into anchored into the dock before berth waters.(3) BerthBerth is to point to inside the container terminal for container vessels, loading and unloading to the docking area by the sea, for the container ship safety and to meet the need of loading and unloading operation waters and space. Have a certain length of call with berthing waters adjacent quay wall line, referred to as the shoreline. Berth coastline length meet the requirement of container ship loading and unloading and berthing safety distance, depth of berth satisfies the requirement of container ship's draft. Container port berths are mainly divided into two forms. Berth discrete and continuous berths. Discrete berth: container terminal of the coastline of the corresponding berth waters is divided into a number of different lengths of part, at the same time there can be only one ship in a garage to accept service, and any ship berthing of ships in the harbor cannot take up two berths at the same time. Continuous berth: in the container terminal to the coastline of the corresponding vesselberthingwater not to break up, to the port container ship in meet the demands of the depth and the captain of the ship to draft cases, can be arbitrary parked in container terminal coastline of the corresponding boundary waters.(4) Gantry cranesLand refers to the coast side of container loading and unloading of the bridge crane, is a special hoisting machinery container wharf apron loading and unloading of containers, container terminal is the only direct contact with berthing ships operating equipment, is one of the most important resources in container terminals and scarce resources. Gantry cranes loading and unloading efficiency and quality of high and low will directly affect the length of the container vessel in operation time, at the same time also affect other container terminal operation link configuration and scheduling. Among them, the land bridge is mainly divided into orbit type gantry cranes and tired gantry cranes. Orbit type gantry cranes, coastline of gantry cranes are all in the same orbit, land bridge between the mobile can not appear the phenomenon such as cross. Tyred Gantry cranes can move than rail type gantry cranes move large range. But at present most of the container terminal mainly Is to use rail type gantry cranes, so in this paper, we study the land bridge for track type gantry cranes.(5) Set cardSet card can achieve a container in the container yard and onshore bridge between the yard and mobile, collection card is container terminal based on the shipping container truck. Set card according to the different main purpose transportation of container terminal is divided into inside and outside sets card twotypes of collection card. Set inside the card, is to realize the gantry cranes loading and unloading of containers and a bridge on the stacking yard box between the means of transport. Of all the set inside of the container terminal equipment configuration, scheduling the most complex number of mobile devices. Outside the set of CARDS, sonograms are directly from the port to the shore bridge shipment, or from the shore bridge directly discharging to the container truck outside of a container terminal.(6) YardImport and export container yard is the function of container terminal is used tostore the site area, close distance tend to berth. Container terminal will stay according to the purpose of import and export container shipping and shipping time factors such as different, in order to facilitate access to the specified container, the container yard area is divided into multiple box. Due to the container depot in box area position is different, so each box area the distance from the need to load and unload ships size is different. Packing storage location and the distance between the ship dock berths will also affect the level of set card transport time, thus affecting the entire pier loading and unloading efficiency of the system. Can be inferred from this, container storage location is the operation efficiency of container terminals also has a great influence. (7) BridgeThe role of a bridge is similar to the gantry cranes and container loading and unloading transportation tool. Just a bridge job is located in container yard. A bridge, it is within the container yard stacking, move the box and the box operation of loading and unloading equipment. Will set card transport imported within the container stack to the designated containerterminal yard box area or take out the box of export containers of area specific location set card, to the specific land bridge loading operations.(8) The work facilities such as container yard behindBehind the container yard operation facilities mainly make mouth, control room, maintenance shop, container freight station and other facilities. Describes the mouth, is the container and the container cargo of containers of intersection, and container terminal, both inside and outside dividing line of responsibility. Due to the gate is the container of in and out of the harbor, in the mouth is set between the container of relevant documents, related to container number and seal number and container exterior condition for inspection operations such as link.Berth allocation problems Scope and classification scheme In berth allocation problems, we are given a berth layout together with a set of v essels that have to be served within a planning horizon. The vessels must be moored within the boundaries of the quay and cannot occupy the same quay space at a time. I n he basic optimization problem, berthing positions and berthing times have to be assigned to all vessels, such that a given objective function is optimized. A variety of o ptimization models for berth allocation have been proposed in the literature to captur e real features of practical problems. In Bierwirth and Meisel (2010), we have propos ed a scheme for classifying such models according to four attributes, namely a spatia l attribute, a temporal attribute, a handling time attribute, and the performance measur e addressed in the optimization. The values each attribute can take are listed in Fig. 1 Spatial attributeThis attribute concerns the berth layout, which is either a discrete layout (disc), a co ntinuous layout (cont), or a hybrid layout (hybr). In case of disc, the quay is partitio ned into berths and only one vessel can be served at each single berth at a time. In cas e of cont, vessels can berth at arbitrary positions within the boundaries of the quay. F inally, in case hybr, the quay is partitioned into berths, A particular form of a hybrid berth is an indented berth where large vessels can be served from two oppositely loc ated berths. The spatial attribute is extended by item draft, if the BAP-approach addit ionally considers a vessel’s draft when deciding on its berthing position.Temporal attributeThis attribute describes the arrival process of vessels. The attribute reflects static arri vals (stat), dynamic arrivals (dyn), cyclic arrivals (cycl), and stochastic arrival times (s toch). In case of stat, we assume that all vessels have arrived at the port and wait fo r being served. In contrast, in case of dyn, the vessels arrive at individual but determi nistic arrival times imposing a constraint for the berth allocation. In case cycl, he ves sels call at terminals repeatedly in fixed time intervals according to their liner schedu les. In case stoch, the arrival times of vessels are stochastic parameters either define d by continuous random distributions or by scenarios with discrete probability of occ urrence. Cyclic and stochastic arrival times are considered in a number of recent pub lications and, therefore, we have extended the original classification scheme with reg ard to these cases. The temporal attribute is completed by value due, if a due date i s preset for the departure of a vessel or if a maximum waiting time is preset for a ves sel before the service has to start.Handling time attributeThis attribute describes the arrival process of vessels. The attribute reflects static arri vals (stat), dynamic arrivals (dyn), cyclic arrivals (cycl), and stochastic arrival time s (stoch). In case of stat, we assume that all vessels have arrived at the port and wait f or being served. In contrast, in case of dyn, the vessels arrive at individual but deter ministic arrival times imposing a constraint for the berth allocation. In case cycl, h e vessels call at terminals repeatedly in fixed time intervals according to their liner sc hedules. In case stoch, the arrival times of vessels are stochastic parameters either de fined by continuous random distributions or by scenarios with discrete probability o f occurrence. Cyclic and stochastic arrival times are considered in a number of recent publications and, therefore, we have extended the original classification scheme wit h regard to these cases. The temporal attribute is completed by value due, if a due dat e is preset for the departure of a vessel or if a maximum waiting time is preset for a vessel before the service has to start.Handling time attributeThis attribute describes the way how handling times of vessels are given as an input t o the problem. It takes value fix, if the handling times of vessels are known and consi dered unchangeable. Value pos indicates that handling times depend on the berthin g positions of vessels and value QCAP indicates that handling times are determine d by including QC assignment decisions into the BAP. In case of value QCSP, the ha ndling times are determined by incorporating the QC scheduling within the BAP. I n order to classify the recent literature properly, we have inserted case stoch as a ne w attribute for the scheme. Again, handling times can be subject to either discrete or c ontinuous random distributions. A similar extension of our scheme is alsosuggeste d by Carlo et al. (2013), who also open it to further sources of influence on vessel han dling times, like operations of transfer vehicles and yard cranes. However, as we har dly find instantiations of these cases in the literature, we refrain from extending the s cheme in further directions.Performance measureThis attribute considers the performance measures of a berth allocation model. Mos t models consider to minimize the port stay time of vessels. This is reached by different objective functions, e.g. when minimizing waiting times before berthing (wait), m inimizing handling times of vessels (hand), minimizing service completion times (co mpl), or minimizing tardy vessel departures (tard). If soft arrival times are given, als o a possible speedup of vessels (speed) is taken into consideration at the expense of a dditional bunker cost. Other models aim at reducing the variable operation cost of a t erminal by optimizing the utilization of resources (res) like cranes, vehicles, berth sp ace, and manpower. An often considered feature is to save horizontal transport capac ity by finding berthing positions for vessels close to the yard, which is why we inclu de this goal by its own value pos. Rarely met performance measures are summarize d by value misc(miscellaneous). The introduced measures are either summed up for al l vessels in the objective function. Alternatively, if the minimization of the measure fo r the worst performing vessel is pursued, i.e. a min–max objective is faced. Vessel-sp ecific priorities or cost rates are shown by weights. Different weights w1 to w4 addre ss combined performance measures.Literature overviewIn the relevant literature, we have found and classified 79new models for bert h allocation, most of them published after 2009. Fig. 2 shows the BAP models devel oped by researchers since 1994 by year of their publication, including also those app roaches reviewed in Bierwirth and Meisel (2010). The figure shows that the interest i n berth allocation started with the early papers of Hoffarth (1994) and Imai, Nagaiw a, and Tat (1997). However, the growth of publications followed the pioneering pape r of Park and Kim (2003), who combined berth allocation and QC assignment for th e first time, and the early survey on container terminal operations by Steenken et a l. (2004). In particular, journal publications scaled up to ten and more per year after 2 010. To the mid of 2014, already 13 new journal papers have been published or acce pted for publication. The continuous effort spend on research in berth allocation confi rms it as a well-established field today, which still shows potential for future researc h.With Table 1, we also provide an overview of the methods that are used for solv ing the BAP models. Note that only the most successful method presented in a pape。



船体结构中英文对照表!!中英文对照船体结构主船体main hull上层建筑superstructure上层连续甲板upper deck船底bottom舷侧broadside艏艉fore and aft舱壁bulkhead水密watertight艏部bow艉部stern/quarter二层甲板second deck平台甲板platform deck桅屋masthouse罗经甲板compass deck驾驶甲板bridge deck船长甲板master deck高级船员甲板office deck艇甲板boat deck船员甲板crew deck机舱engine room货舱cargo hold货舱口cargo hatch压载舱ballast tank 深舱deep tank 燃油舱fuel oil tank 滑油舱lubricating oil tank淡水舱fresh water tank污油水舱slop tank 隔离空舱/干隔舱caisson球鼻艏标志bulbous bow mark/BB mark首侧推器标志 bow thruster mark/BT mark吃水标志draft mark甲板线deck line 干舷甲板freeboard deck载重线标志load line mark热带淡水载重线 tropical fresh water load line/TF夏季淡水载重线 fresh water load line/F热带载重线 tropical load line/T夏季载重线 summer load line/S冬季载重线winter load line北大西洋冬季载重线 winter North Atlantic load line/WNA国际船舶载重线证书 international load line certificate吃水指示系统 draft indicating system船舶尺度ship dimension最大尺度/全部尺度/周界尺度 overall dimension最大长度/全长/总长 length overall/LOA最大宽度/全宽 extreme breadth最大高度maximum height净空高度air draught船型尺度/型尺度/主持度 moulded dimension垂线间长 L/length between perpendiculars型宽B/moulded breadth型深D/moulded depth型吃水d/moulded draft登记尺度register dimension登记长度register length登记宽度register breadth登记深度register depth船舶主尺度比dimension ratio船长型宽比L/B , length breadth ratio 船长型深比L/D , length depth ratio船长型吃水比L/d , length draft ratio型宽型吃水比B/d , breadth draft ratio型深型吃水比D/d , depth draft ratio重量吨weight tonnage排水量displacement满载排水量dead displacement空船排水量light displacement装载排水量load displacement总载重量deadweight/DW净载重量 net deadweight/NDW容积吨/登记吨capacity tonnage总吨位/总吨gross tonnage/GT净吨位net tonnage/NT运河吨位canal tonnage/CT抗沉性floatability全客船passenger vessel客货船passenger-cargo vessel货客船cargo-passenger vessel客滚船ro-ro passenger ship集装箱船container ship箱格导轨系统 cellguide system散装货船bulk carrier散装货物bulk cargo舱口围板hatch coaming横剖面cross-section边舱side tank压载舱ballast tank矿砂船ore carrier压载边舱side ballast tank内底板inner bottom plating兼用船 combination carrier矿砂/石油两用船 O/O船, ore/oil carrier矿砂/散货/石油三用船 OBO船, ore/bulk/oil carrier 杂货船general cargo ship滚装船roll on/roll off ship , Ro/Ro ship木材船timber carrier冷藏船refrigerated ship多用途船multi-purpose ship液货船liquid cargo ship易燃液体inflammable liquid油船oil tanker污油水舱slop tank液体化学品船liquid chemical tanker液化气船liquefied gas carrier液化天然气船liquefied natural gas carrier/LNG carrier 液化石油气船 liquefied petroleum gas carrier/LPG carrier 乙烯运输船ethylene tanker工程船engineering ship挖泥船dredger起重船floating crane海洋调查船marine survey ship敷缆船cable ship航标船navigation mark ship工作船working ship拖船tug供应船supply boat破冰船icebreaker海难救助船rescue ship消防船fire boat科学考察船 scientific research ship船体结构ship construction钢板plate 型钢section steel扁钢flat bar 球扁钢bulb bar角钢angle bar , A/B工字钢I-bar T型钢T-bar槽钢channel bar铸钢,铸件casting锻钢,锻件forging焊接welding 周围焊around welding电弧焊/电焊 electric arc welding气焊gas welding焊缝weld 塞焊plug welding端接焊end welding角接焊fillet welding对接焊butt welding搭接焊lap welding坡口groove 覆板doubling plate铆接riveting 板材deals and battens骨架skeleton总纵强度total longitudinal strength 扭转强度torsional strength横向强度transverse strength局部强度local strength坐坞强度docking strength刚度rigidity 稳定性stability 应力集中stress concentration船台building berth横骨架式transverse framing system横向构件transverse member舷顶列板sheer strake舷侧板side plating舭列板bilge strake船底板bottom plating中内龙骨center keelson旁内龙骨side keelson梁肘板beam knee平板龙骨(flat) plate keel甲板纵桁deck girder肋骨frame 强肋骨web frame舷侧纵桁side girder肋板floor 横梁beam横舱壁板transverse bulkhead plating舱容hold capacity外板shell plate内底板inner bottom plating纵向构件longitudinal member自重sole weight纵骨架式longitudinal framing system船底纵骨bottom longitudinal中桁材center girder旁桁材side girder舷顶列板sheer strake舷侧纵骨side longitudinal撑材strut 甲板纵骨deck longitudinal强横梁web beam舱口围板hatch coaming纵舱壁longitudinal bulkhead舭龙骨bilge keel二层甲板tween deck内底边板margin plate实肋板/主肋板 solid floor内底纵骨 inner bottom longitudinal加强筋 stiffener人孔 manhole舱口端梁 hatch end beam支柱 pillar船舱肋骨 hold frame甲板间肋骨 tweendeck frame舷侧列板 side strake舭肘板/污水沟三角板 bilge bracket舱口端横梁 hatch end beam防倾肘板 tripping bracket舷墙板 bulwark plating舷强扶强材 bulwark stiffener换新 renew基本结构图 basic construction plan纵中剖面结构图 central fore-and-aft plane construction plan各层甲板图 deck plan内底结构图 inner bottom construction plan列板 strake舭列板 bilge strake甲板边板 deck stringer基线 base line横剖面图 transverse cross-section plan中横剖面图midship transverse cross-section plan 机舱处横剖面图 engine-room transverse cross-section plan货舱口处横剖面图 cargo hatch transverse cross-section plan舱壁图 bulkhead plan总布置图 general arrangement plan船底结构 bottom construction下甲板横梁 lower deck beam上甲板横梁 upper deck beam支柱肘板 pillar bracket双层底结构 double bottom construction骨架 framing首防撞舱壁 fore collision bulkhead尾尖舱舱壁 afterpeak bulkhead肘板 bracket水密肋板 watertight floor内底纵骨 inner bottom longitudinal实肋板 solid floor组合肋板/框架肋板 bracket floor扶强材 side girder船底横骨 bottom frame流水孔 drain hole透气孔 air hole减轻孔 lightening hole切口 incision内底横骨 inner bottom frame水密舱壁 watertight bulkhead横骨架式双层底结构 transversely framed double bottom construction 轻型肋板 lightened floor面板 face plate折边 flanging中桁材/中底桁 center girder中内底板 center inner bottom plating箱形中桁材/箱形龙骨 duct keel管隧 pipe tunnel水密纵桁 watertight longitudinal girder 内底纵骨 inner bottom longitudinal内底横骨 inner bottom frame船底中心线 bottom center line旁桁材/旁底桁/旁龙骨 side girder人孔盖 manhole cover污水沟 bilge drainage/side bilge污水井 bilge well/bilge sump单层底结构 single bottom construction 中内龙骨 center keelson旁内龙骨 side keelson舷侧外板 side plating甲板边板 deck stringer主肋骨 main frame甲板间肋骨 tweendeck frame尖舱肋骨 peak frame肋距 frame space中间肋骨 intermediate frame普通肋骨 ordinary frame强肋骨 web frame舷侧纵桁 side stringer舷侧纵骨 side longitudinal舷边角钢 gunwale angle bar止裂 crack arrest舷墙 bulwark舷墙板 bulwark plating支撑肘板 buttress bracket扶手 armrest栏杆 hand rail舱口纵桁 hatch side girder甲板纵中线 deck center line舱口端梁 hatch end beam强力甲板 strength deck甲板间舱 tweendeck space遮蔽甲板 shelter deck舱壁甲板 bulkhead deck干舷甲板 freeboard deck量吨甲板 tonnage deck半梁 half beam斜置加强筋 tilt stowing stiffener 管型支柱 tubular pillar水平加强筋 horizontal stiffener 菱形面板 diamond plate悬臂梁 cantilever beam梁拱 camber舷弧线 sheer curve首舷弧 fore sheer尾舷弧 after sheer首尖舱 fore peak tank首尖舱舱壁 fore peak tank bulkhead防撞舱壁 collision bulkhead尾尖舱舱壁 after peak tank bulkhead防火舱壁 fireproof bulkhead液体舱壁 liquid bulkhead油密 oiltight制荡舱壁 wash bulkhead平面舱壁 plane bulkhead舱壁板 bulkhead plate舱壁扶强材 bulkhead stiffener水平桁 horizontal girder对称槽形舱壁 symmetrical corrugated bulkhead 三角形 triangle矩形 rectangle梯形 trapezoid弧形 arc双层底 double bottom tank底边舱 lower side tank顶边舱 top side tank底登 lower stool直立型首 straight bow首柱 stem/stem post驳船 barge前倾型首 raked bow飞剪型首 clipper bow首楼甲板 forecastle deck破冰型首 ice resistant bow兴波阻力 wave making resistance 形状阻力 form resistance铸钢首柱 cast steel stem post 钢板首柱 steel plate stem post 锚链舱 chain locker升高肋板 raised floor强胸横梁 panting beam外板 shell plate开孔平台 trepanned platform椭圆形尾 elliptical stern巡洋舰形尾 cruiser stern方型尾 transom stern尾封板 stern transom plate船首结构 bow construction强力构件 strength member剖面模数 section modulus船尾结构 stern construction尾肋板 transom floor尾柱底骨 sole piece推进器柱 propeller post轴毂 propeller boss舵钮 rudder gudgeon舵柱 rudder post斜横梁 cant beam舵机舱平台 steering gear room platform 尾升高肋板 stern raised floor斜肋骨 cant frame舵杆管 rudder case防火措施 fire precaution防火结构 fire structure耐火材料 refractory material主竖区 main vertical zone不燃材料 non-combustible material自燃 autoignition易燃蒸气 inflammable vapour可燃材料 combustible material等效材料 equivalent material防火分隔 fire resisting divisionA级分隔/甲级分隔 A class division天花板 ceiling衬板 furring轴隧 shaft tunnel推进器轴 propeller shaft逃生孔 escape trunk中机型船 amidship-engined ship尾机型船 stern-engined ship单车船 single-screw ship顶板 top plating木铺板 batten ceiling滑动式水密门 slid watertight door拱形顶板 arch top plating平顶板 flat top plating轴承基座 stool supporting shaft bearing 管系 piping格子板 grating舭龙骨/减摇龙骨 bilge keel坞修 dock repair船底塞 docking plug坞墩 docking block锰黄铜 manganese brass不锈钢 stainless steel舭部外板 bilge plate舷侧型线 moulded line of side shell船底型线 moulded line of bottom shell 垫圈 insertion ring垫板 pad隔离空舱 caisson双层舷侧 double side shell双层壳 double shell中间舱 center tank边舱 side tank甲板下纵桁 deck lower girder业务衡准数criterion of service numeral 舱底水管系 bilge system舱底水管路 bilge pipe吸口 suction过滤器 filtrator舱底水总管 bilge main line止回阀 non-return valve舱底泵 bilge pump阀箱 valve casing泥箱 mud box油水分离器 oil-water separator测量管/测深管 sounding pipe旋塞 faucet螺纹盖 thread cap防击板 striking plate压载管系 ballast system压载水 ballast water压载管路 ballast pipe调驳阀箱 control valve easing压载泵 ballast pump截止阀 stop valve海底阀/通海阀 sea suction valve舷侧排水阀 overboard discharge valve空气管 air pipe花钢板 diamond plate自动关闭阀 automatic closing valve通风管系 ventilating system自然通风 natural ventilation烟斗式通风筒 cowl-head ventilator排风筒 uptake ventilator蘑菇形通风筒 mushroom ventilator起重柱 Samson post鹅颈式通风筒 gooseneck ventilator机械通风 mechanical ventilator风机 aerator管路 pipe conduit吸口空气滤器 suction air filter空气调节 air conditioning system消防管系 fire extinguishing system固定式灭火系统 fixed fire extinguishing system水灭火系统 water fire extinguishing system气体灭火系统 gas fire extinguishing system泡沫灭火系统 foam fire extinguishing system水雾灭火系统 water fog fire extinguishing system自动喷水系统 automatic sprinkling fire extinguishing system 惰性气体保护系统 inert gas system日用水管系 domestic water supply system日用淡水系统 domestic fresh water system 日用热水系统 domestic warm water system 饮用水系统 potable water system重力水柜 gravity tank压力水柜 pressure tank循环泵 circulating pump甲板排水管系 deck scupper system甲板排水器 deck scupper排水管 scupper pipe卫生排泄系统 sanitary water system锚 anchor锚穴 anchor recess锚链筒 hawse pipe制链器 chain stopper锚机 windlass锚链管 chain pipe锚链舱 chain locker锚链 chain cable闸刀 switch blade制动销 detent pin松紧螺丝扣 turnbuckle弃链器 releasing gear横闩式弃链器 dog type cable clench螺旋弃链器 screw type cable releaser手轮 hand wheel螺杆 screw脱钩 senhouse slip末端链环 end open link首锚 bow anchor尾锚 stern anchor有杆锚/海军锚 stocked anchor锚铃环 anchor ring锚干 anchor shank锚爪 anchor fluke锚冠 anchor crown锚爪臂 anchor arm锚尖 anchor bill锚爪掌 anchor flukepalm锚杆销 forelock pin横杆 folding stock无杆锚/山字锚 stockless anchor锚卸扣 anchor shackle锚肩/助抓突角 anchor shoulder销轴 pintle横销 pin cotter大抓力锚 high holding power anchor 普通链环 common link加大链环 enlarged link末端链环 end open link散合式连接链环 detachable link肯特卸扣 Kenter link转环 swivel link电动锚机 electric windlass电动液压锚机 hydraulic windlass 电动机 electromotor减速器 reducer传动齿轮 drive gear离合器 clutch链轮 chain wheel刹车操纵杆 brake control rod带缆卷筒 rope drum带式刹车 brake绞盘 capstan锚机间 windlass room锚链末端 bitter end舾装数/船具数 N/equipment number 备锚 spare anchor大抓力锚 HHP超大抓力锚 SHHP挂锚 hanging off an anchor单花 cross双花 elbow锚链绞缠 foul hawse清解锚链 cleaning a foul hawse 力链 riding cable惰链 sleeping cable保险缆 safety line挂缆 hang line送出缆 removing rope纤维缆绳 fibre rope钢丝缆绳 wire rope尼龙绳 nylon rope涤纶绳 polyester rope丙纶绳 polypropylene乙纶绳 polyethylene维尼龙绳 vinylon rope硬钢丝绳 stiff wire rope半硬钢丝绳 semi-flexible wire rope 软钢丝绳 flexible wire rope钢丝股 strand油麻芯股 jute heart钢丝 wire油麻芯 jute or wire core复合缆 compound rope破断强度 breaking load/BL安全强度 safety load安全工作负荷 safe working load/SWL 试验强度 test strength/TS验证负荷 proof load/PL头缆/首缆 head line前横缆 forward breast line后横缆 aft breast line前倒缆/首倒缆 fore spring line后倒缆 aft spring line单头缆 buoy line回头缆 slip line吊拖 leading ahead巴拿马导缆孔 Panama fairlead缆桩 bitt/bollard导向滚轮 pedestal fairlead万向导缆孔 multi-angled fairlead导向滚轮 guide roller单十字缆桩 single cross bitt羊角桩 cleat单柱系缆桩 single-post bitt双柱系缆桩 double-post bitt斜式双柱系缆桩 double raked bitt双十字缆桩 double cross bitt导缆孔 chock导向滚柱 fairlead roller导缆钳 fairleader转动导缆器/万向导缆器 universal fairlead 水平滚柱 horizontal roller垂直滚柱 vertical roller卷筒 cable drum挡角 horn基座 pedestal绞缆机/系缆绞车 mooring winch系缆绞盘 capstan圆盘刹车 disc brake主卷筒 main drum减速箱 reduction gear box联轴节 union joint主轴 main shaft滚筒 capstan head检查盖 inspection cover控制开关 control switch接线盒 terminal box自动张力绞缆机 automatic tension mooring winch 压力调节阀 pressure adjusting valve液压泵 hydraulic pump卷筒/缆车 reel制缆索 stopper撇缆绳 heaving line撇缆头 heaving line ball碰垫/靠把 fender防鼠板 rat guard撇缆器 throwing line apparatus离泊 unberthing乔塞尔公式 Joessel平板舵/单板舵 single-plate rudder流线型舵 streamline rudder舵杆 rudder stock连接法兰 coupling flange舵臂 rudder stay舵板 rudder plate舵销 rudder pin水平加强筋 horizontal stiffener焊接衬板 welding bracket垂直加强筋 vertical stiffener吊舵孔 lifting rudder tube不平衡舵 unbalanced rudder平衡舵 balanced rudder半平衡舵 semi-balanced rudder支承舵 bearing rudder多支承舵 multi-pintle rudder双支承舵 double bearing rudder穿心舵轴平衡舵 balanced rudder with axle 悬挂舵 underhung rudder半悬挂舵 partially underhung rudder反应舵/迎流舵 reaction rudder主动舵 active rudder整流帽舵 bulb rudder襟翼舵 flettner rudder/flap rudder科特导流管舵 Kort nozzle rudder组合舵 unit rudder希林舵 Schilling rudder舵叶 rudder blade固定导流管 fixed nozzle可转动导流管 movable nozzle翼片 fin螺旋桨舵 rudder propeller水平法兰连接 horizontal coupling joint 垂直法兰连接 vertical coupling joint 上轴承 upper bearing舵轴 rudder axle下轴承 lower bearing吊舵孔 tube hole骨架肋板 webs舵底塞 drain plug舵板 rudder plate衬套 cylinder liner止推滚珠轴承 non-return ball bearing 舵承体 rudder bearing frame填料 packing舵承盖 rudder bearer cover挡板 shield水密填料 watertight packing 螺钉 screw舵杆衬套 stock bushing本体 rudder body压盖 screw cover滚珠轴承 ball bearing底座 bed plate蜗杆 worm蜗轮 worm wheel小齿轮 small gear舵扇 rudder quadrant缓冲弹簧 buffer spring舵柄 tiller液缸 hydraulic cylinder柱塞 ram滑块 cod piece动力装置 PU/power units换向阀 CO/changeover valve 溢流阀 RV/relief valve锁紧阀 LV/locking valve阀门箱 VC/valve chest伺服控制 SC/servo control 辅助泵 auxiliary pump固定体/定子 stator回转体/转子 rotor动叶 movable vane压力舱室 pressure chamber定叶 fixed vane油管路 manifold储油箱 oil tank舵角限位器 rudder angle stopper随动系统 follow-up system手柄控制系统/直接控制系统/应急控制系统 non-follow-up system 舵轮 wheel液缸 liquid tank活塞 piston轴 axle齿条 gear rank弹簧 spring活塞杆 piston lever杠杆 lever液压管路 hydraulic pipe自动操舵装置控制系统 automatic course-keeping control system 自动舵 autopilot比例旋钮/舵角调节旋钮 rudder adjust微分旋钮/反舵角调节旋钮/速率调节 rate adjust灵敏度旋钮/天气调节旋钮/航摆角调节 weather adjust航摆角 yawing自动改向旋钮 course adjust自适应舵 adaptive autopilot恒向线 rhumb line自动驾驶仪/航迹舵 automatic navigation 综合导航仪 integrated NAV system航路数据 routeing data微处理器 micro-processing计程仪 Log speed船舶动态 vessel movement显示器 display警报系统 alarm system选择开关 select switch舵角反馈器 rudder angle feedback计划航线 navigation plan计划航向 predetermined course大圆航法 great circle滑车 block挂头 oval eye车壳 steel side plate车带 tail strop制动板 stopping plate轴 spindle滑轮 cast-iron sheave车尾 tail绞辘 tackle辘绳 tackle-fall力端 running end根端 standing end定滑车 fixed block动滑车 movable block卸扣 shackle钩 hook眼板 eye plate眼环 ring plate心环 thimble紧索夹/绳头卸扣 clamp索头环 socket/swaged terminal松紧螺丝扣/花篮螺丝 rigging screw起重机/克令吊 crane控制室 cabin变幅/旋转操纵杆 control lever for slewing/luffing 起货操纵杆 control lever for hoisting吊臂 jib油马达 oil motor 上油柜 head tank过滤器 oil strainer冷却器 oil cooler限位器箱 differential limit switch box变幅绞车 luffing winch起货绞车 hoisting winch吊货滑车 falling block液压千斤顶 hydraulic cylinder安全工作负荷 safe working load/SWL 吊货索 cargo fall千斤索 topping lift起货机 cargo winch千斤索绞车 topping lift winch吊杆 boom吊货钩 cargo hook起重柱 Samson post/SP双杆联合 union purchase舷内吊杆/大关 inside boom舷外吊杆/小关 outside boom调整稳索 adjustable guy保险稳索 insurance guy三角眼板 triangle eye-plate吊货索滑车组 cargo fall tackle千斤索滑车组 topping lift tackle 稳索 guy导向滑车 leading block桅柱 mast重型吊杆 heavy derrick控制台 cross-tree轻型吊杆 derrick山字吊货钩 Flemish hook连接横杆 connecting traverse拉索 pull guy滚动式 rolling type滚翻式 rolling and tipping type舱口围板支架 brackets偏心轮 eccentric wheel连接链 connecting chain上滚轮 upper roller压紧器 cleat halve上升轨 wheel ramp导装面板 leading panel折叠式 folding type铰链 slotted hinge固定钩 fixed hook存放臂 stowing arm钢索 wire pendant铰接滑车 hinged sheave拖拽眼板 hauling eye plate关闭臂 closing arm固定钩 securing hook熏舱 fumigation《货物系固手册》 cargo securing manual/CSM 货物单元 cargo unit标准货 standardized cargo半标准货 semi-standardized cargo非标准货 non-standardized cargo货物系固设备 cargo securing device系固 secure支持 support最大系固负荷 maximum securing load/MSL固定式系固设备 fixed securing device携式系固设备 portable securing device地铃 lashing eye系固链条 lashing chain紧链器 tension lever钢丝绳 lashing wire rope系固钢带 lashing steel band花篮螺丝/松紧螺旋扣 turnbuckle系固槽座 lashing pot绑扎带 lashing band象脚 elephant feet拖车支架 trailer trestle拖车千斤顶 trailer support jack轮楔 wheel chock系固钢丝 lashing wire快速释放紧索器 quick release lashing 底座 foundation 滑移底座 sliding foundation埋入式底座 imbed foundation燕尾槽/燕尾底座 dovetail foundation板式底座 doubling plate foundation插座 socket固定锥 welding cone可折地铃/D形环 D-ring眼板 lashing plate箱格导轨系统 cellguide system横撑材 transverse prop导箱构件 container guide member横向支撑底座 lateral support foundation集装箱绑扎桥 lashing bridge扭锁 twistlock操作杆 operating rod半自动扭锁 semi-automatic twistlock锁销 locking pin底座扭锁 bottom twistlock堆锥 stacking cone中间堆锥 inter-bridge stacking cone底座堆锥 bottom stacking cone可移动锥板 removable cone plate自动定位锥 automatic fixing cone锁紧装置 locking device调整堆锥/高度补偿锥 leveling stacking cone 桥锁 bridge fitting绑扎杆/绑扎棒 lashing bar横向撑柱 lateral support element辅助工具 accessory appliance分舱因数 factor of subdivision重心 gravity/G稳心 metacenter/M船舶修理 ship repair计划修理 planned repair临时修理 occasional repair航修 voyage repair小修 current repair岁修 annual repair检修 overhaul船坞 dock坞修 dock repair事故修理 accident repair自修 self repair防腐锌板 ZINC protector/anticorrosion zinc plate进坞图 docking plan舵结构图 rudder construction plan浮坞 floating dock船底望光 light measure with eye for the bottom deforming 裂缝 crack止裂孔 stopper hole船舶修理单 repair list缺陷清单 defect list外观检查 external examination内部检查 internal examination缺陷修补 imperfection mend系泊试验 docking test密性试验 watertight test冲水试验 hose testing压水试验 water test气密试验 gastight test舷梯 gangway航行与信号设备 navigation and signal equipment通信设备 communication equipment倾斜试验 inclining test航行试验 navigation test加强检验附加标志 ESP/Enhanced Survey Program水下检验 in-water survey压载水管理计划 BWMP/ballast water management plan 入级检验 classification survey保持船级检验 survey for class maintenance年度检验 annual survey中间检验 intermediate survey坞内检验 docking survey特别检验 special survey循环检验 continuous survey法定检验 statutory survey营运中检验 survey for ships in service定期检验 periodical survey换证检验 change certificate survey附加检验 additional survey。



中英文对照船体结构主船体 main hull 上层建筑 superstructure 上甲板/上层连续甲板upper deck 船底 bottom 舷侧 broadside 艏艉 fore and aft 舱壁 bulkhead 水密 watertight 艏部 bow 艉部stern/quarter 二层甲板 second deck 平台甲板 platform deck 桅屋 masthouse 罗经甲板 compass deck 驾驶甲板 bridge deck 船长甲板 master deck 高级船员甲板 office deck 艇甲板 boat deck 船员甲板 crew deck 机舱 engine room 货舱 cargo hold 货舱口cargo hatch 压载舱 ballast tank 深舱 deep tank 燃油舱 fuel oil tank 滑油舱 lubricating oil tank 淡水舱 fresh water tank 污油水舱 slop tank 隔离空舱/干隔舱 caisson 球鼻艏标志 bulbous bow mark/BB mark 首侧推器标志 bow thruster mark/BT mark 吃水标志draft mark 甲板线 deck line 干舷甲板 freeboard deck 载重线标志 load line mark 热带淡水载重线 tropical fresh water loadline/TF 夏季淡水载重线 fresh water load line/F 热带载重线tropical load line/T 夏季载重线 summer load line/S 冬季载重线winter load line 北大西洋冬季载重线 winter North Atlantic loadline/WNA 国际船舶载重线证书 international load linecertificate 吃水指示系统 draft indicating system 船舶尺度 ship dimension 最大尺度/全部尺度/周界尺度 overall dimension 最大长度/全长/总长 length overall/LOA 最大宽度/全宽 extreme breadth 最大高度 maximum height 净空高度 air draught 船型尺度/型尺度/主持度moulded dimension 垂线间长 L/length between perpendiculars 型宽B/moulded breadth 型深 D/moulded depth 型吃水 d/mouldeddraft 登记尺度 register dimension 登记长度 register length 登记宽度 register breadth 登记深度 register depth 船舶主尺度比dimension ratio 船长型宽比 L/B , length breadth ratio 船长型深比L/D , length depth ratio 船长型吃水比 L/d , length draft ratio 型宽型吃水比 B/d , breadth draft ratio 型深型吃水比 D/d , depth draft ratio 重量吨 weight tonnage 排水量 displacement 满载排水量dead displacement 空船排水量 light displacement 装载排水量 load displacement 总载重量 deadweight/DW 净载重量 netdeadweight/NDW 容积吨/登记吨capacity tonnage 总吨位/总吨 gross tonnage/GT 净吨位 net tonnage/NT 运河吨位 canal tonnage/CT 抗沉性 floatability 全客船 passenger vessel 客货船passenger-cargo vessel 货客船 cargo-passenger vessel 客滚船ro-ro passenger ship 集装箱船 container ship 箱格导轨系统cellguide system 散装货船 bulk carrier 散装货物 bulk cargo 舱口围板 hatch coaming 横剖面 cross-section 边舱 side tank 压载舱 ballast tank 矿砂船 ore carrier 压载边舱 side ballasttank 内底板 inner bottom plating 兼用船 combinationcarrier 矿砂/石油两用船,O/O船 ore/oil carrier 矿砂/散货/石油三用船,OBO船 ore/bulk/oil carrier 杂货船 general cargo ship 滚装船 roll on/roll off ship , Ro/Ro ship 木材船 timber carrier 冷藏船 refrigerated ship 多用途船 multi-purpose ship 液货船 liquid cargo ship 易燃液体 inflammable liquid 油船 oil tanker 污油水舱 slop tank 液体化学品船 liquid chemical tanker 液化气船liquefied gas carrier 液化天然气船 liquefied natural gas carrier/LNG carrier 液化石油气船 liquefied petroleum gas carrier/LPGcarrier 乙烯运输船 ethylene tanker 工程船 engineering ship 挖泥船 dredger 起重船 floating crane 海洋调查船 marine survey ship 敷缆船 cable ship 航标船 navigation mark ship 工作船working ship 拖船 tug 供应船 supply boat 破冰船icebreaker 海难救助船 rescue ship 消防船 fire boat 科学考察船scientific research ship 船体结构 ship construction 钢板plate 型钢 section steel 扁钢 flat bar 球扁钢 bulb bar 角钢 angle bar , A/B 工字钢 I-bar T型钢 T-bar 槽钢 channelbar 铸钢,铸件 casting 锻钢,锻件 forging 焊接 welding 周围焊 around welding 电弧焊/电焊 electric arc welding 气焊 gas welding 焊缝 weld 塞焊 plug welding 端接焊 end welding 角接焊 fillet welding 对接焊 butt welding 搭接焊 lap welding 坡口 groove 覆板 doubling plate 铆接 riveting 板材 deals and battens 骨架 skeleton 总纵强度 total longitudinal strength 扭转强度 torsional strength 横向强度 transverse strength 局部强度local strength 坐坞强度 docking strength 刚度 rigidity 稳定性stability 应力集中 stress concentration 船台 buildingberth 横骨架式 transverse framing system 横向构件 transverse member 舷顶列板 sheer strake 舷侧板 side plating 舭列板 bilge strake 船底板 bottom plating 中内龙骨 center keelson 旁内龙骨side keelson 梁肘板 beam knee 平板龙骨 (flat) plate keel 甲板纵桁 deck girder 肋骨 frame 强肋骨 web frame 舷侧纵桁 side girder 肋板 floor 横梁 beam 横舱壁板 transverse bulkhead plating 舱容 hold capacity 外板 shell plate 内底板 inner bottom plating 纵向构件 longitudinal member 自重 soleweight 纵骨架式 longitudinal framing system 船底纵骨 bottom longitudinal 中桁材 center girder 旁桁材 side girder 舷顶列板sheer strake 舷侧纵骨 side longitudinal 撑材 strut 甲板纵骨deck longitudinal 强横梁 web beam 舱口围板 hatch coaming 纵舱壁 longitudinal bulkhead 舭龙骨 bilge keel 二层甲板 tweendeck 内底边板 margin plate 实肋板/主肋板 solid floor 内底纵骨inner bottom longitudinal 加强筋 stiffener 人孔 manhole 舱口端梁 hatch end beam 支柱 pillar 船舱肋骨 hold frame 甲板间肋骨 tweendeck frame 舷侧列板 side strake 舭肘板/污水沟三角板bilge bracket 舱口端横梁 hatch end beam 防倾肘板 tripping bracket 舷墙板 bulwark plating 舷强扶强材 bulwarkstiffener 换新 renew 基本结构图 basic construction plan 纵中剖面结构图 central fore-and-aft plane construction plan 各层甲板图deck plan 内底结构图 inner bottom construction plan 列板strake 舭列板 bilge strake 甲板边板 deck stringer 基线 base line 横剖面图 transverse cross-section plan 中横剖面图 midship transverse cross-section plan 机舱处横剖面图 engine-room transverse cross-section plan 货舱口处横剖面图 cargo hatch transversecross-section plan 舱壁图 bulkhead plan 总布置图 general arrangement plan 船底结构 bottom construction 下甲板横梁 lower deck beam 上甲板横梁 upper deck beam 支柱肘板 pillarbracket 双层底结构 double bottom construction 骨架 framing 首防撞舱壁 fore collision bulkhead 尾尖舱舱壁 afterpeakbulkhead 肘板 bracket 水密肋板 watertight floor 内底纵骨inner bottom longitudinal 实肋板 solid floor 组合肋板/框架肋板bracket floor 扶强材 side girder 船底横骨 bottom frame 流水孔drain hole 透气孔 air hole 减轻孔 lightening hole 切口incision 内底横骨 inner bottom frame 水密舱壁 watertight bulkhead 横骨架式双层底结构 transversely framed double bottom construction 轻型肋板 lightened floor 面板 face plate 折边flanging 中桁材/中底桁 center girder 中内底板 center inner bottom plating 箱形中桁材/箱形龙骨 duct keel 管隧 pipetunnel 水密纵桁 watertight longitudinal girder 内底纵骨 inner bottom longitudinal 内底横骨 inner bottom frame 船底中心线bottom center line 旁桁材/旁底桁/旁龙骨 side girder 人孔盖manhole cover 污水沟 bilge drainage/side bilge 污水井 bilgewell/bilge sump 单层底结构 single bottom construction 中内龙骨center keelson 旁内龙骨 side keelson 舷侧外板 side plating 甲板边板 deck stringer 主肋骨 main frame 甲板间肋骨 tweendeck frame 尖舱肋骨 peak frame 肋距 frame space 中间肋骨intermediate frame 普通肋骨 ordinary frame 强肋骨 webframe 舷侧纵桁 side stringer 舷侧纵骨 side longitudinal 舷边gunwale 舷边角钢 gunwale angle bar 止裂 crack arrest 舷墙bulwark 舷墙板 bulwark plating 支撑肘板 buttress bracket 扶手armrest 栏杆 hand rail 舱口纵桁 hatch side girder 甲板纵中线deck center line 舱口端梁 hatch end beam 强力甲板 strengthdeck 甲板间舱 tweendeck space 遮蔽甲板 shelter deck 舱壁甲板bulkhead deck 干舷甲板 freeboard deck 量吨甲板 tonnagedeck 半梁 half beam 斜置加强筋 tilt stowing stiffener 管型支柱 tubular pillar 水平加强筋 horizontal stiffener 菱形面板diamond plate 悬臂梁 cantilever beam 梁拱 camber 舷弧线 sheer curve 舷弧 sheer 首舷弧 fore sheer 尾舷弧 after sheer 首尖舱 fore peak tank 首尖舱舱壁 fore peak tank bulkhead 防撞舱壁collision bulkhead 尾尖舱舱壁 after peak tank bulkhead 防火舱壁fireproof bulkhead 液体舱壁 liquid bulkhead 油密 oiltight 制荡舱壁 wash bulkhead 平面舱壁 plane bulkhead 舱壁板 bulkhead plate 舱壁扶强材 bulkhead stiffener 水平桁 horizontalgirder 对称槽形舱壁 symmetrical corrugated bulkhead 三角形triangle 矩形 rectangle 梯形 trapezoid 弧形 arc 双层底double bottom tank 底边舱 lower side tank 顶边舱 top sidetank 底登 lower stool 直立型首 straight bow 首柱 stem/stem post 驳船 barge 前倾型首 raked bow 飞剪型首 clipper bow 首楼甲板 forecastle deck 破冰型首 ice resistant bow 兴波阻力 wave making resistance 形状阻力 form resistance 铸钢首柱 cast steel stem post 钢板首柱 steel plate stem post 锚链舱 chainlocker 升高肋板 raised floor 强胸横梁 panting beam 外板 shell plate 开孔平台 trepanned platform 椭圆形尾 ellipticalstern 巡洋舰形尾 cruiser stern 方型尾 transom stern 尾封板stern transom plate 船首结构 bow construction 强力构件 strength member 剖面模数 section modulus 船尾结构 sternconstruction 尾肋板 transom floor 尾柱底骨 sole piece 推进器柱 propeller post 轴毂 propeller boss 舵钮 rudder gudgeon 舵柱 rudder post 斜横梁 cant beam 舵机舱平台 steering gear room platform 尾升高肋板 stern raised floor 斜肋骨 cant frame 舵杆管 rudder case 防火措施 fire precaution 防火结构 firestructure 耐火材料 refractory material 主竖区 main vertical zone 不燃材料 non-combustible material 自燃 autoignition 易燃蒸气 inflammable vapour 可燃材料 combustible material 等效材料equivalent material 防火分隔 fire resisting division A级分隔/甲级分隔 A class division 天花板 ceiling 衬板 furring 轴隧shaft tunnel 推进器轴 propeller shaft 逃生孔 escape trunk 中机型船 amidship-engined ship 尾机型船 stern-engined ship 单车船single-screw ship 顶板 top plating 木铺板 batten ceiling 滑动式水密门 slid watertight door 拱形顶板 arch top plating 平顶板flat top plating 轴承基座 stool supporting shaft bearing 管系piping 格子板 grating 舭龙骨/减摇龙骨 bilge keel 坞修 dock repair 船底塞 docking plug 坞墩 docking block 锰黄铜manganese brass 不锈钢 stainless steel 舭部外板 bilgeplate 舷侧型线 moulded line of side shell 船底型线 moulded line of bottom shell 垫圈 insertion ring 垫板 pad 隔离空舱caisson 双层舷侧 double side shell 双层壳 double shell 中间舱center tank 边舱 side tank 甲板下纵桁 deck lower girder 业务衡准数criterion of service numeral 舱底水管系 bilge system 舱底水管路 bilge pipe 吸口 suction 过滤器 filtrator 舱底水总管bilge main line 止回阀 non-return valve 舱底泵 bilge pump 阀箱 valve casing 泥箱 mud box 油水分离器 oil-waterseparator 测量管/测深管 sounding pipe 旋塞 faucet 螺纹盖thread cap 防击板 striking plate 压载管系 ballast system 压载水 ballast water 压载管路 ballast pipe 调驳阀箱 control valveeasing 压载泵 ballast pump 截止阀 stop valve 海底阀/通海阀sea suction valve 舷侧排水阀 overboard discharge valve 空气管 air pipe 花钢板 diamond plate 自动关闭阀 automatic closingvalve 通风管系 ventilating system 自然通风 naturalventilation 烟斗式通风筒 cowl-head ventilator 排风筒 uptake ventilator 蘑菇形通风筒 mushroom ventilator 起重柱 Samsonpost 鹅颈式通风筒 gooseneck ventilator 机械通风 mechanical ventilator 风机 aerator 管路 pipe conduit 吸口空气滤器suction air filter 空气调节 air conditioning system 消防管系 fire extinguishing system 固定式灭火系统 fixed fire extinguishing system 水灭火系统 water fire extinguishing system 气体灭火系统gas fire extinguishing system 泡沫灭火系统 foam fire extinguishing system 水雾灭火系统 water fog fire extinguishing system 自动喷水系统 automatic sprinkling fire extinguishing system 惰性气体保护系统 inert gas system 日用水管系 domestic water supply system 日用淡水系统 domestic fresh water system 日用热水系统 domestic warm water system 饮用水系统 potable water system 重力水柜 gravity tank 压力水柜 pressure tank 循环泵 circulating pump 甲板排水管系 deck scupper system 甲板排水器 deck scupper 排水管 scupper pipe 卫生排泄系统 sanitary water system 锚 anchor 锚穴 anchor recess 锚链筒 hawse pipe 制链器 chain stopper 锚机windlass 锚链管 chain pipe 锚链舱 chain locker 锚链 chain cable 闸刀 switch blade 制动销 detent pin 松紧螺丝扣turnbuckle 弃链器 releasing gear 横闩式弃链器 dog type cable clench 螺旋弃链器 screw type cable releaser 手轮 hand wheel 螺杆 screw 脱钩 senhouse slip 末端链环 end open link 首锚 bow anchor 尾锚 stern anchor 有杆锚/海军锚 stocked anchor 锚铃环anchor ring 锚干 anchor shank 锚爪 anchor fluke 锚冠 anchor crown 锚爪臂 anchor arm 锚尖 anchor bill 锚爪掌 anchor flukepalm 锚杆销 forelock pin 横杆 folding stock 无杆锚/山字锚 stockless anchor 锚卸扣 anchor shackle 锚肩/助抓突角 anchor shoulder 销轴 pintle 横销 pin cotter 大抓力锚 high holding power anchor 普通链环 common link 加大链环 enlarged link 末端链环 end open link 散合式连接链环 detachable link 肯特卸扣Kenter link 转环 swivel link 电动锚机 electric windlass 电动液压锚机 hydraulic windlass 电动机 electromotor 减速器reducer 传动齿轮 drive gear 离合器 clutch 链轮 chainwheel 刹车操纵杆 brake control rod 带缆卷筒 rope drum 带式刹车 brake 绞盘 capstan 锚机间 windlass room 锚链末端 bitter end 舾装数/船具数 N/equipment number 备锚 spare anchor 大抓力锚 HHP 超大抓力锚 SHHP 挂锚 hanging off an anchor 单花cross 双花 elbow 锚链绞缠 foul hawse 清解锚链 cleaning a foul hawse 力链 riding cable 惰链 sleeping cable 保险缆 safety line 挂缆 hang line 送出缆 removing rope 纤维缆绳 fibrerope 钢丝缆绳 wire rope 尼龙绳 nylon rope 涤纶绳 polyester rope 丙纶绳 polypropylene 乙纶绳 polyethylene 维尼龙绳vinylon rope 硬钢丝绳 stiff wire rope 半硬钢丝绳 semi-flexible wire rope 软钢丝绳 flexible wire rope 钢丝股 strand 油麻芯股jute heart 钢丝 wire 油麻芯 jute or wire core 复合缆 compound rope 破断强度 breaking load/BL 安全强度 safety load 安全工作负荷 safe working load/SWL 试验强度 test strength/TS 验证负荷proof load/PL 头缆/首缆 head line 尾缆 stern line 前横缆forward breast line 后横缆 aft breast line 前倒缆/首倒缆 fore spring line 后倒缆 aft spring line 单头缆 buoy line 回头缆slip line 吊拖 leading ahead 巴拿马导缆孔 Panama fairlead 缆桩 bitt/bollard 导向滚轮 pedestal fairlead 万向导缆孔multi-angled fairlead 导向滚轮 guide roller 单十字缆桩 single cross bitt 羊角桩 cleat 单柱系缆桩 single-post bitt 双柱系缆桩 double-post bitt 斜式双柱系缆桩 double raked bitt 双十字缆桩double cross bitt 导缆孔 chock 导向滚柱 fairlead roller 导缆钳 fairleader 转动导缆器/万向导缆器 universal fairlead 水平滚柱horizontal roller 垂直滚柱 vertical roller 基座 seating 卷筒cable drum 挡角 horn 基座 pedestal 绞缆机/系缆绞车 mooring winch 系缆绞盘 capstan 圆盘刹车 disc brake 主卷筒 maindrum 减速箱 reduction gear box 联轴节 union joint 主轴 main shaft 滚筒 capstan head 检查盖 inspection cover 控制开关control switch 接线盒 terminal box 自动张力绞缆机 automatic tension mooring winch 压力调节阀 pressure adjusting valve 液压泵hydraulic pump 卷筒/缆车 reel 制缆索 stopper 撇缆绳 heaving line 撇缆头 heaving line ball 碰垫/靠把 fender 防鼠板 rat guard 撇缆器 throwing line apparatus 靠泊 berthing 离泊unberthing 乔塞尔公式 Joessel 平板舵/单板舵 single-platerudder 流线型舵 streamline rudder 舵杆 rudder stock 连接法兰coupling flange 舵臂 rudder stay 舵板 rudder plate 舵销rudder pin 水平加强筋 horizontal stiffener 焊接衬板 welding bracket 垂直加强筋 vertical stiffener 吊舵孔 lifting rudder tube 不平衡舵 unbalanced rudder 平衡舵 balanced rudder 半平衡舵 semi-balanced rudder 支承舵 bearing rudder 多支承舵multi-pintle rudder 双支承舵 double bearing rudder 穿心舵轴平衡舵 balanced rudder with axle 悬挂舵 underhung rudder 半悬挂舵partially underhung rudder 反应舵/迎流舵 reaction rudder 主动舵active rudder 整流帽舵 bulb rudder 襟翼舵 flettner rudder/flap rudder 科特导流管舵 Kort nozzle rudder 组合舵 unit rudder 希林舵 Schilling rudder 舵叶 rudder blade 固定导流管 fixednozzle 可转动导流管 movable nozzle 翼片 fin 螺旋桨舵 rudder propeller 水平法兰连接 horizontal coupling joint 垂直法兰连接vertical coupling joint 上轴承 upper bearing 舵轴 rudderaxle 下轴承 lower bearing 吊舵孔 tube hole 骨架肋板webs 舵底塞 drain plug 舵板 rudder plate 衬套 cylinderliner 止推滚珠轴承 non-return ball bearing 舵承体 rudder bearing frame 填料 packing 舵承盖 rudder bearer cover 挡板shield 水密填料 watertight packing 螺钉 screw 舵杆衬套 stock bushing 本体 rudder body 压盖 screw cover 滚珠轴承 ball bearing 底座 bed plate 蜗杆 worm 蜗轮 worm wheel 小齿轮small gear 舵扇 rudder quadrant 缓冲弹簧 buffer spring 舵柄tiller 液缸 hydraulic cylinder 柱塞 ram 滑块 cod piece 动力装置 PU/power units 换向阀 CO/changeover valve 溢流阀RV/relief valve 锁紧阀 LV/locking valve 阀门箱 VC/valvechest 伺服控制 SC/servo control 辅助泵 auxiliary pump 固定体/定子 stator 回转体/转子 rotor 动叶 movable vane 压力舱室pressure chamber 定叶 fixed vane 油管路 manifold 储油箱 oil tank 舵角限位器 rudder angle stopper 随动系统 follow-upsystem 手柄控制系统/直接控制系统/应急控制系统 non-follow-upsystem 舵轮 wheel 液缸 liquid tank 活塞 piston 轴axle 齿条 gear rank 弹簧 spring 活塞杆 piston lever 杠杆lever 液压管路 hydraulic pipe 自动操舵装置控制系统 automatic course-keeping control system 自动舵 autopilot 比例旋钮/舵角调节旋钮 rudder adjust 微分旋钮/反舵角调节旋钮/速率调节 rateadjust 灵敏度旋钮/天气调节旋钮/航摆角调节 weather adjust 航摆角yawing 自动改向旋钮 course adjust 自适应舵 adaptiveautopilot 恒向线 rhumb line 自动驾驶仪/航迹舵 automatic navigation 综合导航仪 integrated NAV system 航路数据 routeing data 微处理器 micro-processing 计程仪 Log speed 船舶动态vessel movement 显示器 display 警报系统 alarm system 选择开关select switch 舵角反馈器 rudder angle feedback 计划航线navigation plan 计划航向 predetermined course 大圆航法 great circle 滑车 block 挂头 oval eye 车壳 steel side plate 车带tail strop 制动板 stopping plate 轴 spindle 滑轮 cast-iron sheave 车尾 tail 绞辘 tackle 辘绳 tackle-fall 力端running end 根端 standing end 定滑车 fixed block 动滑车movable block 卸扣 shackle 钩 hook 眼板 eye plate 眼环ring plate 心环 thimble 紧索夹/绳头卸扣 clamp 索头环socket/swaged terminal 松紧螺丝扣/花篮螺丝 rigging screw 起重机/克令吊 crane 控制室 cabin 变幅/旋转操纵杆 control lever for slewing/luffing 起货操纵杆 control lever for hoisting 吊臂jib 油马达 oil motor 上油柜 head tank 过滤器 oilstrainer 冷却器 oil cooler 限位器箱 differential limit switch box 变幅绞车 luffing winch 起货绞车 hoisting winch 吊货滑车falling block 液压千斤顶 hydraulic cylinder 安全工作负荷 safe working load/SWL 吊货索 cargo fall 千斤索 topping lift 起货机cargo winch 千斤索绞车 topping lift winch 吊杆 boom 吊货钩cargo hook 起重柱 Samson post/SP 双杆联合 union purchase 舷内吊杆/大关 inside boom 舷外吊杆/小关 outside boom 调整稳索adjustable guy 保险稳索 insurance guy 三角眼板 triangleeye-plate 吊货索滑车组 cargo fall tackle 千斤索滑车组 topping lift tackle 稳索 guy 导向滑车 leading block 桅柱 mast 重型吊杆 heavy derrick 控制台 cross-tree 轻型吊杆 derrick 山字吊货钩 Flemish hook 连接横杆 connecting traverse 拉索 pullguy 滚动式 rolling type 滚翻式 rolling and tipping type 舱口围板支架 brackets 偏心轮 eccentric wheel 连接链 connecting chain 上滚轮 upper roller 压紧器 cleat halve 上升轨 wheel ramp 导装面板 leading panel 折叠式 folding type 铰链 slotted hinge 固定钩 fixed hook 存放臂 stowing arm 钢索 wirependant 铰接滑车 hinged sheave 拖拽眼板 hauling eye plate 关闭臂 closing arm 固定钩 securing hook 熏舱 fumigation 《货物系固手册》 cargo securing manual/CSM 货物单元 cargo unit 标准货standardized cargo 半标准货 semi-standardized cargo 非标准货non-standardized cargo 货物系固设备 cargo securing device 系固secure 支持 support 最大系固负荷 maximum securing load/MSL 固定式系固设备 fixed securing device 便携式系固设备 portable securing device 地铃 lashing eye 系固链条 lashing chain 紧链器 tension lever 钢丝绳 lashing wire rope 系固钢带 lashing steel band 花篮螺丝/松紧螺旋扣 turnbuckle 系固槽座 lashing pot 绑扎带lashing band 象脚 elephant feet 拖车支架 trailer trestle 拖车千斤顶 trailer support jack 轮楔 wheel chock 系固钢丝 lashing wire 快速释放紧索器 quick release lashing 底座 foundation 滑移底座 sliding foundation 埋入式底座 imbed foundation 燕尾槽/燕尾底座 dovetail foundation 板式底座 doubling plate foundation 插座 socket 固定锥 welding cone 可折地铃/D形环 D-ring 眼板lashing plate 箱格导轨系统 cellguide system 横撑材 transverse prop 导箱构件 container guide member 横向支撑底座 lateral support foundation 集装箱绑扎桥 lashing bridge 扭锁twistlock 操作杆 operating rod 半自动扭锁 semi-automatic twistlock 锁销 locking pin 底座扭锁 bottom twistlock 堆锥stacking cone 中间堆锥 inter-bridge stacking cone 底座堆锥bottom stacking cone 可移动锥板 removable cone plate 自动定位锥automatic fixing cone 锁紧装置 locking device 调整堆锥/高度补偿锥 leveling stacking cone 桥锁 bridge fitting 绑扎杆/绑扎棒lashing bar 横向撑柱 lateral support element 辅助工具 accessory appliance 分舱因数 factor of subdivision 重心 gravity/G 稳心metacenter/M 船舶修理 ship repair 计划修理 planned repair 临时修理 occasional repair 航修 voyage repair 小修 currentrepair 岁修 annual repair 检修 overhaul 船坞 dock 坞修dock repair 事故修理 accident repair 自修 self repair 防腐锌板 ZINC protector/anticorrosion zinc plate 进坞图 docking plan 舵结构图 rudder construction plan 浮坞 floating dock 船底望光light measure with eye for the bottom deforming 裂缝 crack 止裂孔 stopper hole 船舶修理单 repair list 缺陷清单 defectlist 外观检查 external examination 内部检查 internal examination 缺陷修补 imperfection mend 系泊试验 dockingtest 密性试验 watertight test 冲水试验 hose testing 压水试验water test 气密试验 gastight test 舷梯 gangway 航行与信号设备navigation and signal equipment 通信设备 communicationequipment 倾斜试验 inclining test 航行试验 navigation test 加强检验附加标志 ESP/Enhanced Survey Program 水下检验 in-water survey 压载水管理计划 BWMP/ballast water management plan 入级检验 classification survey 保持船级检验 survey for class maintenance 年度检验 annual survey 中间检验 intermediatesurvey 坞内检验 docking survey 特别检验 special survey 循环检验 continuous survey 法定检验 statutory survey 营运中检验 survey for ships in service 定期检验 periodical survey 换证检验 change certificate survey 附加检验 additional survey。



港口英文及缩略语港口(Port Harbor) 码头(Terminal) 船舶($心口)铁路(Railway) 泊位(berth) 航空(Aviation)控制室(Control Tower, CT) 闸口(Gate House, GH)集装箱堆场(Container Yard, CY)集装箱运输(container transportation, CT)集装箱多式联运(Multimodal Transport)集装箱货运站(container freight station, CFS)集装箱码头企业(Container Terminal Enterprise)海侧操作系统(Seaside Operation System, SOS)堆场操作系统(Yard Operation System, YOS)陆侧操作系统(Landside Operation System, LOS)地面水平运输系统(Ground Vehicle Operation System, GVOS)水上运输系统(Water Transport System, WTS)码头物流系统(Terminal Operation System, TOS)陆上运输系统(Land Transport System, LTS)内部水平运输(Inside Ground Vehicle Operation, IGVO)外部水平运输(Outside Ground Vehicle Operation, OGVO)岸壁(Quay) 岸桥(Quay Crane, QC/STS) 码头前沿(Apron) 深圳蛇口 SCT码头德国汉堡港 CTA (Container Terminal Altenwerder)自动化码头上海外高桥二期码头泰国林查班马士基APMT码头鹿特丹ECT DELT码头鹿特丹港Euromax 中国青岛QQCT上海洋山四期:SDCT全自动化码头无线终端(Radio Data Transport, RDT)堆场管理实时控制(Real-Time Control, RTC)场箱位(Slot) 箱区号(Yard Code, YC)场箱位号(Yard Location Code, YLC)闭路电视(CCTV)地磅(Truck Scale) 箱号OCR自动识别系统无线对讲机(VHF) 维修车间(Workshop)行政办公大楼(Administration Hall)物流装卸设备(Container Handling Equipment, CHE)岸边装卸机械(Ship to Shore Crane, SSC)水平运输机(Internal Horizontal Vehicle, IHV)场地装卸机械(Yard Handling Crane, YHC)超长:Over Length(O/L) 超宽:Over Width(O/W)超高:Over High(O/H)箱型种类(Container Type)船舶预计到港时间(Estimated Time of Arrival, ETA)到港船型^1口 Size)全集装箱船(Full Container Ship)干线(Main Service) 小型支线(Feeder/Barge Service)微观效益(Microcosmic Benefit)宏观效益(Microscopical Benefit)泊位利用率(Berth Utilization Ratio)吞吐能力(Throughput Capacity)船舶利用率(Vessel Utilization Ratio)库场利用率(CY&CFS Utilization Ratio)振华重工集团(ZPMC)国际贸易(International Trade) 对外贸易(Foreign Trade)商品进口(Import) 商品出口(Export)贸易术语(Trade Terms)责任、费用与风险(Responsibilities , Costs, Risks)4个组别:E组:指卖方在自己的地点将货物交给买方。









4、进度计划(1)、港区总平面规划与布置 6 – 7 周;(2)、码头结构方案的比选8 – 9 周;(3)、码头结构计算10-12周;(4)、构件配筋计算13-15周;(5)、绘制施工图,整理说明书16-17周。




2006-8-11 16:321、1结构 Structure船厂 dockyard/shipyard 船坞 dock/boatyard船东 ship-owner 船舷 Ship's side船舱 hold 甲板 Deck船籍 Ship's registry 住舱甲板 accommodation deck 船首 bow 梁拱甲板 arch deck船尾 stern 首楼甲板 Forecastle deck2船坞 dock/boatyard船舷 Ship's side船的栏杆 Ship's rail甲板Deckeck梁拱甲板 arch deck载货甲板 cargo deck首楼甲板 Forecastle deck上甲板 Upper deck下甲板 Lower deck货舱甲板 Hold deck桥楼甲板 Bridge deck水密甲板 Watertight deck3艇甲板 Boat deck罗经甲板 Compass deck板 Plate舭板 Bilge plate船首外板 Bow plate肘板 Bracket plate舱壁板 Bulkhead plate槽形舱壁板 Corrugated bulkhead plate铜-钢复合板 Copper sheathing steel plate 甲板边板 Deck stringer plate斜板 Sloping plate加强板 Reinforcement plate平台 platform机舱平台 Engine-room platform分段 Block首段 Bow block中段 Midship block5尾段 Stern block左舷 port右舷 Starboard甲板纵桁 Deck girder横桁 Cross girder水平桁 Horizontal girder舱口边梁 Hatch coaming girder机座纵桁 Engine girder6甲板下纵桁 Underdeck girderframe船底肋骨 Bottom frame首肋骨 Bow frame肘板框架肋骨 Bracket frame球鼻首肋骨 Bulbous bow frame球曲型肋骨 Bulbous frame主肋骨 Chief frame首肋骨 Fore frame7桁架梁 me 甲板纵桁 Deck longitudinal横框架肋骨 Transverse frame 内底纵桁/纵骨 Inner bottom longitudinal肋距 F.S.(frame space) 舷侧纵桁/纵骨 Shell side longitudinal纵桁/纵骨/纵向构件 longitudinal 双层底顶纵骨 Top longitudinal of doublebottom8斜舱壁纵骨 Slopping-bulkhead longitudinal 舱 Tank结构 Structure 尾尖舱 after peak tank附属结构 Accessory structure 尾部水舱 after water tank全焊结构 All-welded structure 辅助水柜 Auxiliary water tank structure 底舱 Bottom tank船首部结构 Bow structure 底边舱 Bottom side tank支撑结构 Braced structure 货油压载舱 Cargo and ballast tank桥楼结构 Bridge structure 循环水槽 Circulating flow water tank首楼结构 Foreca人孔 manhole 干舱 Dry tank9舱 Tank尾尖舱 after peak tank尾部水舱 after water tank辅助水柜 Auxiliary water tank辅助压载水舱 Auxiliary water ballast tank污and ballast tank循环水槽 Circulating flow water tank循环滑油舱 Circulating lubricating oil tank构架结构 Framed structure纵桁结构 Girder structure人孔 manhole10k应急淡水柜 Emergency fresh water tank首舱 Fore tank首尖舱 Fore peak tank斜边舱 Hopper side tank液舱 Liquid tank龙骨舱 Keel tank右舷舱 Starboard tank顶边水舱 Topside tank顶边翼舱 Topside wing tank小舱口盖 Small hatch cover水密舱口盖 Water-tight small hatch cover风雨密舱口盖 Weather-tight small hatch cover页面功能【字体:大中小】【打印】【关闭】dugout独木舟barge驳船kayak(爱斯基摩人的)木排outrigger桨叉架船rowing boat划艇(美作:rowboat)gondola(意大利的)长平底船whale mother ship捕鲸母船hydrofoil水翼船catamarans双体船dredger挖泥船boat船brig, brigantine双桅船canoe小船,独木舟caravel快帆船cargo boat货船coaster近海贸易货船cod-fishing boat捕鳕鱼船whaler捕鲸船collier运煤船battleship战船shallop小型战船coastguard cutter, coastguard vessel巡逻艇,缉私艇revenue cutter缉私船patrol boat巡逻艇minelayer布雷艇minesweeper扫雷艇torpedo boat鱼雷艇frigate轻护航舰gunboat炮舰submarine潜水艇destroyer驱逐舰corvette轻巡洋舰cruiser巡洋舰aircraft carrier航空母舰ferry, ferryboat渡船,渡轮fishing boat渔船freighter货船galleon大型帆船galley大划桨船hovercraft气垫船icebreaker破冰船launch艇lifeboat救生艇lighter驳船liner, ocean liner远洋班轮merchant ship, merchantman商船motorboat摩托艇outboard尾部装有马达的小艇paddle steamer, paddle boat明轮船passenger boat客船piragua, pirogue独木舟raft木筏rowing boat划艇sailing boat, sailing ship帆船schooner纵帆船ship船skiff小艇sloop单桅船steamer, steamship汽轮tanker油轮trawler拖网渔船tug, tugboat拖轮vessel船yacht游艇yawl船载小艇船舶英语自动雷达标绘仪Automatic radar plotting aid 自动电话Automatic telephone电压自动调节器Automatic voltage regulator 自动化系统Automation system压载控制台Ballast control console镇流器Ballast底座Base电池Battery铃Bell弯曲Bend床头灯Berth light失电Black out刹车Brake电刷Brush船舶英语3球鼻首警告灯Bulbous bow warning light 汇流排Bus(-)bar汇流排Bus –tie –in蜂鸣器BuzzerC、电缆Cable电缆填料函Cable gland敷设电缆Cable laying电缆管Cable pipe (conduit)电缆扎带Cable strap电缆托架Cable tray校准器Calibrator电容capacitor阴板Cathode警告牌Caution plate船舶英语4顶灯Ceiling light中央处理器Central processing unit通道Channel充电器Charger充放电板Charging&discharging board 海图灯Chart table light检查Check芯片Chip清洁Clean雨雪清除器Clear view screen二氧化碳释放报警CO2 release alarm 同轴电缆Coaxial cable线圈Coil冷库呼叫Cold store calling船舶英语5通讯Communication计算机Computer接头Connector恒电流Constant current消耗Consumption触头Contact接触器Contactor控制箱Control box控制箱Controller芯线Core角灯Corner light计算器Counter电流CurrentD、损坏Damage船舶英语6危险气体报警箱Dangerous gas detecting &alarm box 白昼信号灯Daylight signal light去耦Decoupling set台灯Desk light控测器Detector拨号Dial数字选择呼叫收信机Digital select –call receiver调光器dimmer直流电Direct current直接起动Direct –on –line starting磁盘Disk显示Display遇险信息控制器Distress message controller多普勒记程仪Doppler speed log船舶英语7双极单刀开关Double pole single way switch双极双刀开关Double pole two way switch天线收发转换开关Duplexer值班水手呼叫Duty sailor calling接地Earth接地排Earth bar测深仪Echo sounder电工试验板Electric test panel电机员Electrical engineer电极Electrode应急照明分电箱Emergence lighting distribution box应急示位标Emergence position indicating radio beacon 应急停Emergence stop船舶英语8应急配电板Emergency switch board机舱报警Engine alarm集控台Engine control console机舱监测报警Engine room monitoring &alarm system 轮机员呼叫Engineer calling panel轮机员安全Engineer safety system增强群呼叫收讯机Enhance group call receiver交换机Exchanger防爆灯Explosion proof light延伸报警板Extension alarm panel故障Failure故障Fault反馈Feed back船舶英语9馈电品Feeder panel滤波器Filter火警复显器Fire alarm repeater防火风闸控制单元Fire damper control unit火警检测箱Fire detecting box火焰探头Flame detector闪光灯Flash light浮充电Float charge强光灯Flood light流程图Flow chart流量开关Flow switch荧光灯Fluorescent light雾笛Fog horn频率Frequency船舶英语10熔丝Fuse填料Gasket通用报警General alarm发电机Generator发电机屏Generator panel(铜)锣、钟Gong全球卫星定位导航GPS navigator 组合灯板Group alarm light pillar 组合起动屏Group starter panel 电罗经Gyro compass卤素灯Halogen light听筒Handset硬件Hardware航向Headingcontinue很好,支持一下!汇流排Bus –tie –in 最好有图片Double pole single way switchvery usefull.very usefull.study itwhy do not you send in one note?very usefull.study it general alarm.通用报警very usefull.study Filter=滤波器and flow chart=流程图交换机=Exchanger ,studywhat is word to describe the ”显示器“?use display or not?页: [1] 2船舶英语手册10请给我看一下电站负荷平衡表。



Civil EngineeringAbstract: The civil engineer may work in research, design, construction supervision, maintenance, or even in management. Each of these areas involves different duties and different use of the engineer’s knowledge and experience.1.Careers in Civil EngineeringEngineering is a profession, which means that an engineer must have a specialized universityeducation. Many countries also require engineering graduates to pass an examination, similar to the bar examinations for a lawyer, before they can start on their careers.In the university, mathematics, physics, and chemistry are considered very important throughout the engineering curriculum, particularly in the first two or three years. Mathematics, of course, is very important in engineering, so it is greatly stressed. Today, mathematics includes courses in statistics, which deals with gathering, classifying, and using numerical data, or pieces of information. An important part of statistical mathematics is probability, which deals with what may happen when there are different factors that can change the results of a problem. Before the construction of a bridge is begun, for example, a statistical study is made of the amount of traffic the bridge will be expected to control. In the design of the bridge, factors such as water pressure on the foundations, the effects of different wind forces, and many other factors must be considered.Because a great deal of calculation is involved in solving these problems, computer programming is now included in almost all engineering curricula. Computers, of course, can solve many problems involving calculations with greater speed and accuracy than a human being can. But computers are useless unless they are given clear and accurate instructions and information---in other words, a good program.In spite of the importance of technical subjects in the engineering curriculum, a current trend is to require students to take courses in the social sciences and the language arts. We have already discussed the relationship between engineering and society. It is, therefore, sufficient to say again that the work done by an engineer affects society in many different and important ways that he or she should understand. An engineer also needs a good command of language to be able to prepare reports that are clear and persuasive. An engineer doing research work will need to be able to write up his or her findings for publications.The last two years of an engineering program include subjects within the student’s field of specialization. For the student who is preparing to become a civil engineer, the specialized courses may deal with such subjects as soil mechanics, or hydraulics.In today’s society, people who have technical training are, of course, in demand. Y oung engineers may choose to go into environmental engineering, for example. They may choose construction firms that specializes in highway work. They may prefer to work with one of the government agencies that deals with water resources. Indeed, choices are may and varied.When the young engineer has finally started real practice, the theoreticalknowledge acquired in the university must be applied. He or she will probably work with a team of engineers at the beginning. Thus, on-the-job training can be acquired that will demonstrate his or her ability to translate theory into practice.The civil engineer may work in research, design, construction supervision, maintenance, or even in management. Each of these areas involves different duties and different use of the engineer’s knowledge and experience.2.Soil MechanicsGrain size is the basis of soil mechanics, since it is this which decides whether a soil is frictional or cohesive, a sand or a clay. Starting with the largest sizes, boulders are larger than 10 cm, cobbles are from 5to 10 cm, gravel or ballast is from about5 cm to 5mm, grit is from about 5mm to 2mm, sand is from 2 mm to 0.06mm. All these soils are frictional, being coarse and thus non-cohesive. Their stability depends on their internal friction. For the cohesive or non-frictional soils the two main internationally accepted size limits are: silt from 0.02mm to 0.002mm, and clay for all finer material. There are, of course, many silty clays and clayey silts.Every large civil engineering job starts with a soil mechanics survey in its early stages. The first visit on foot will show whether the site might be suitable, in other words, whether money should be spent on sending soil-sampling equipment out to it. The soil samples and the laboratory results obtained from the triaxial tests, shear tests and so on will show at what depth the soil is likely to be strong enough to take the required load. For a masonry or steel structure, this is where the soil mechanics survey will end, having rarely cost more than 2 per cent of the structure cost.Generally, the strength of a soil increases with depth. But it can happen that it becomes weaker with depth. Therefore, in choosing the foundation pre ssure and level for this sort of soil, a knowledge of soil mechanics is essential is essential, since this will give an idea of the likely settlements.There are, however, several other causes of settlement apart from consolidation due to load. These causes are incalculable and must be carefully guarded against. They include frost action, chemical change in the soil, underground erosion by flowing water, reduction of the ground water level, nearby construction of tunnels or vibrating machinery such as vehicles,Static load can cause elastic or plastic settlement, consolidation settlement being permanent. However, when plastic flow is mentioned in English, it generally means the failure of a soil by overload in shear. Consolidation settlement occurs mainly in clays or silts.From dynamic load alone the commonest settlements are found in sands or gravels, caused by traffic or other vibration, pile driving or other earth shocks. A drop in the ground water level will often cause the soil to shrink and a rise may cause expansion of the soil. Ground water is lowrered by the drainage which can be caused by any deep excavation. The shrinkage which can occur with drying is well shown by the clay underlying Mexico City, a volcanic ash. After seven weeks drying this clay shrinks to 6.4 per cent of its initial volume. It is an unusual clay with the very high voids ratio of 93.6/6.4=14.6.Underground erosion is the removal of solids, usually fines, from the soilby the flow of underground water. The solids can be removed as solids or in solution, though only a few rocks are soluble enough to be removed in this way. Rock salt is the commonest example of a soluble rock. Potassium salts also are soluble.The permeability of a soil is important for calculations of underground flow, for example of oil or water to a well, or of water into a trench dug for a foundation, or of water through an earth dam. Of the loose soils which can be dug with a spade, clays are the least permeable, silts slightly more, sands yet more, and gravels even more. In other words, the permeability is in direct proportion to the grain size of the soil.When a well is being pumped, the water flows towards it from every direction and the ground water surface around it sinks. As the distance from the well increases, the water table is lowered rather less, so that around the well it becomes shaped like a funnel, though it is usually called a cone of depression.3.FoundationsFoundations are bases placed on the ground so as to spread a vertical load over it. Bases which carry horizontal load are usually called abutments.A foundation may be built in one of many different materials. It may be of timber or of steel joists encased in concrete, of reinforced concrete or plain concrete without reinforcement, or for a breakwater in the sea merely of rock tipped from a barge. Structures built on strong rock generally need no foundation since rock is usually as strong as concrete, and goes much deeper. All that is needed on rock is a little concrete or mortar to make the surface level.One of the commonest foundations is that for a concrete column or a steel stanchion. It is generally designed for the same maximum load as the column, and usually is an independent foundation. Where the pads in one row become so large that they nearly touch, it is convenient to join them into a continuous foundation which generally will be cheaper to dig and to concrete than the same foundations built separately as pads.Combined footings are those in which the pads would also be so large that nearly touch, but unlike strip footings, they may carry the load form more than one row of columns. The final development of the combined footing is the raft foundation in which all the pads are combined into one reinforced concrete slab which may vary in thickness, but is usually of the same thickness throughout its area.The design of a multi-storey building on compressible soil is difficult and therefore extremely interesting. Compressible soils are like a sponge, sinking most where the pressure is greatest and the load is largest. Thus even if all the foundations are designed for the same bearing pressure, say 1ton/m2,the largest foundation will sink the most because it has the largest load. A correct foundation design will therefore apply a higher bearing pressure to the smaller foundations and a lower one to the larger foundations. The exact calculation of these different bearing pressures is extremely difficult. But at least this is now the aim of foundation designers.It must here be said that the foundation designer before he starts the design should know the safe bearing pressures which are abvisable at every level possible for the foundation. He will usually obtain these figures from the organization whichmakes the soil mechanics survey for the site.For most multi-storey buildings the structure itself is in a very early stage of design at a time when the foundations must be designed very quickly. The building design must, however, have progressed so far that at least the positions of the columns are known, and thickness can then be worked out. This will vary only slightly if at all from floor spans will be fixed. The probable floor to floor, and it must be calculated as closely as possible including the topping. Generally an allowance of 13 cm of dense concrete will be enough, plus cm for the topping and floor surface, making 18cm in all. The weights of the beams, columns and stairs can be regarded as included in the floor thickness allowance. If the floors are to be built with hollow tiles or with lightweight aggregate, a reduction for this should be made.4.Mixing ConcreteWater-Cement RatioThe ratio of water to cement in a batch of concrete is the principal determinant of the concrete’s final strength. At one time the instructions for preparing a batch of concrete would have contained proportions such as1:2:4. They would have indicated that 1part of Portland cement to 2parts of sand to 4parts of gravel by volume were to be mixed together, after which sufficient water was to be added to obtain a workable mixture. This procedure ignored entirely the importance of the water-cement ratio. It also resulted very often in the preparation of a very weak concrete, since the natural tendency is to add enough water to make placement of the concrete as easy as possible ---the sloppier the better, as far as the workmen are concerned . This manner of specifying the proportions of concrete is obsolete and should never be followed.In theory, it takes only 3 gal of water to hydrate completely 1 cuft of cement. But this water-cement ratio produces a mixture that is too stiff to be worked. In practice, therefore, additional water, between 4and 8 gal per sack of cement, is used to obtain a workable mixture.But the greater the proportion of water in a water-cement ratio, the weaker the final concrete will be. The additional water that is necessary to achieve a workable batch will only evaporate form the concrete as the concrete sets. And it will leave behind in the concrete innumerable voids. This is the reason there will always be some porosity in concrete. But when an excessive amount of water has been used, there will be an excessive number of voids, which may cause the concrete to leak badly. If these voids should be filled with moisture when cold weather comes, they will cause frost damage.As a general rule , therefore, 6gal of water per sack of cement should be the maximum amount used for making concrete. And the less the amount of water that is used, the stronger the concrete will be. Also included in the 6 gal is whatever surface moisture is contained in the sand that is part of the aggregate.AggregateAggregate is divided into fine aggregate, which consists of all particles 1/4 in, and less in size ,and coarse aggregate, which consists of everything else up to roughly5/2in.in size. The maximum size of the coarse aggregate in any particular mix depends mainly on the width of the forms into which the concrete is to be poured. As ageneral rule, the largest size particles should not exceed one-fifth the distance across the narrowest part of the forms.WaterAs for the water ,any water that is good enough to drink is good enough for mixing concrete. The converse is also true. If water isn’t good enough to drink, it isn’t good enough for mixing concrete. Seawater can be used, but it will decrease the 28-day strength of the concrete by about 12 percent. One group of substances water should never contain are sulfates. Sulfates will attack the concrete and will gradually reduce its strength.5.Curing ConcreteWhen a batch of concrete is first mixed, it forms a plastic mass that can be poured into prepared forms with little effort. In about an hour the concrete sets into a rigid mass that weighs about 1501b per cu ft. The cement paste is said to hydrate. That is, the individual particles of cement absorb the surrounding molecules of water into their molecular structures. As they do, the cement crystallizes into a kind of rigid gel, something like gelatine, that gradually changes with the passing of time into a solid mass of minute, interlocked crystals. The longer hydration continues, the stronger the concrete will become. It is standard engineering practice, therefore, to calculate the final design strength of concrete on the basis of a 28-day curing period, although under exceptional conditions concrete has been known to continue increasing in strength for a quarter of a century and longer.The time during which concrete hydrates and increases in strength is its curing period. Concrete cannot hydrate, or cure unless there is water present within the concrete. Throughout the curing period, therefore, all the exposed surfaces of the concrete must be kept moist. As long as the concrete is kept moist, curing will continue and the concrete will become increasingly stronger, denser, and more impervious to water.Once concrete is allowed to dry out completely, however, hydration stops. Usually it is the surface of concrete that is adversely affected by a too short curing period. For example, the surface of a sample of concrete that has been kept moist for 28 day will be twice as strong as a surface that has been kept moist for only3 days.The outside air temperature is an extremely important factor in proper curing. If the air temperature is too high, over 90o F, say, the water in the concrete may evaporate away before hydration can be completed. An excessive internal temperature may also interfere with proper hydration. Concrete that has been mixed and placed during very hot weather is never as strong as concrete that has been placed when the air temperatures are 70o F and below, mainly because of the difficulty of keeping the concrete properly moist. Furthermore, concrete that sets too quickly during hot weather is more likely to crack afterward because it will not thereafter be able to withstand the stresses imposed on it by large changes in temperature.Nor can concrete be placed during freezing weather unless special precautions are taken to keep the concrete above 50o F for at least 4 days after it hasbeen placed. If the temperature of the concrete should fall below 50o F, it will never harden properly. And if the concrete is allowed to freeze before it has set, it will be permanently damaged.To cure concrete properly, the exposed surfaces must be kept continually moist from the moment the concrete first begins to set. The concrete must thereafter be kept continually moist for a minimum of 14 days, and longer if at all possible.The simplest method of keeping concrete moist is to spray the surface with water at frequent intervals. Sand or burlap can be spread over the surface to help retain moisture. A covering is necessary, in any case, for the first 3 days after placing to protect the concrete from the direct rays of the sun.Special curing compounds can also be sprayed on the concrete. The spraying should take place as soon as the surface of the concrete has lost its watery appearance. Properly applied, a curing compound will allow the concrete to continue curing even after the concrete has been placed in service, as with a concrete highway, for example. Spraying on a curing compound is often the only practical method of curing concrete that has been poured into an unusual shape.A third method of curing concrete is to spread a sheet of polyethylene film or building paper over the surface of the concrete. The polyethylene or building paper should overlap the sides of the exposed concrete. This covering must remain on top of the concrete for the entire curing period.From《Civil Engineering》土木工程摘要:土木工程师可能从事研究、设计、施工监督、维修、甚至管理。



pilot ladder n.引水梯 stowage n. 堆载、 积载stowage plann.配载图、积载图Notice of Readiness n. 装卸准备tow vt. 拖拉towline 拖缆let go 抛锚;解缆headline 头缆sternline 尾缆spring 倒缆heaving line 撇缆stevedoring a.装卸的lift vt. 举起;抬起 capacity n. 容量;能量 derrickn.吊杆 capacity of derrick吊杆负荷量 discharge卸;卸货 load . 装; 装货 delivery a. 交货 transhipmentn.转船运输;转cargo for transhipment 转船货 consignment n. 托付的货物container n.集装箱 container terminal集装箱码ladder 梯子,阶梯n.container yard 集装箱场地container ship 集装箱船舶container freight station集装箱货运站berth n.泊位container berth集装箱船泊位quay n.码头quay length码头长度shorecrane n.岸桥transtainer n.场桥tractor n.拖车reach stacker n.正面吊forklift n.集装箱空箱叉车wharehouse n.仓库weightbridge n.地衡pick up提箱gate n.闸口gate in进闸gate out出闸transportation n.运输transhipment n.转船运输container for transhipmentn.中转箱consignee n.收货人consigner n.发货人heavy lift n. 重件货大件货TEU ( twenty-feet equivalent units )集装箱计算单位ATB实际靠岸时间ATU实际离岸时间ETA预计到达时间bay plan 分配仓位图berth allocation 泊位分配berth application 泊位申请berth utilization 泊位利用率draft fore draft aft 前后吃水LCL 拼箱货hatch-cover 舱盖ship stability 船舶稳性prepare your main engine 备车港口英语Gross Registered Tonnage (GRT) 注册( 容积) 总吨Net Registered Tonnage (NRT) 注册( 容积) 净吨Deadweight Tonnage (All Told) (DWT or 总载重吨位( 量)Gross Dead Weight Tonnage 总载重吨位Dead Weight Cargo Tonnage (DWCT) 净载重吨Light Displacement 轻排水量Load(Loaded)Displacement 满载排水量Actual Displacement 实际排水量Over weight surcharge 超重附加费Bunker Adjustment Factor (Surcharge) (BAS or BS) Port Surcharge 港口附加费燃油附加费Port Congestion Surcharge 港口拥挤附加费 Currency Adjustment Factor (CAF) Deviation surcharge 绕航附加费Additional for Optional Destination Additional for Alteration of Destination Fumigation Charge 熏蒸费 Bill of Lading提单On Board (Shipped) B/L 已装船提单Received for shipment B/L 备运 ( 收妥待运 ) 提单Named B/L 记名提单 Bearer B/L 不记名提单 Order B/L 指示提单Blank Endorsement 空白备书 Clean B/L 清洁提单In apparent good order and condition 外表状况良好Unclean ( Foul, Dirty) B/L 不清洁提单 Direct B/L 直航提单 Transshipment B/L 转船提单 Through B/L 联运提单Multi-modal (Inter-modal, combined) transport B/L 多式联运提单 Long Form B/L全式提单货币贬值附加费Direct Additional直航附加费选卸港附加费变更卸货港附加费Short Form B/L 简式提单Anti-dated B/L 倒签提单Advanced B/L 预借提单Stale B/L 过期提单On Deck B/L 甲板货提单Charter Party B/L 租约项下提单House B/L 运输代理行提单Seaworthiness 船舶适航Charter Party ( C/P) 租船合同( 租约)Voyage charter party 航次租船合同Time Charter Party 定期租船合同Bareboat (demise) Charter Party 光船租船合同Common carrier 公共承运人Private carrier 私人承运人Single trip C/P 单航次租船合同Consecutive single trip C/P 连续单航次租船合同Return trip C/P 往返航次租船合同Contract of Affreightment (COA) 包运合同Voyage Charter Party on Time Basis 航次期租合同Fixture Note 租船确认书Free In (FI) 船方不负责装费Free Out (FO) 船方不负责卸费Free In and Out (FIO) 船方不负责装卸费Free In and Out ,Stowed and Trimmed (FIOST) 船方不负责装卸、理舱和平舱费Declaration of ship ′s Deadweight Tonnage of Car go 宣载通知书Dunnage and separations 垫舱和隔舱物料Lump-sum freight 整船包价运费Weather working days 良好天气工作日Notice of Readiness (NOR) 船舶准备就绪通知书Idle formality 例行手续Laytime statement 装卸时间计算表Damage for Detention 延期损失Customary Quick Despatch (CQD) 习惯快速装运International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG) 物规则国际海上危险品货( 国际危规)Booking Note 托运单( 定舱委托书)Shipping Order (S/O) 装货单( 下货纸)Mate′s Receipt 收货单Loading List 装货清单Cargo Manifest 载货清单( 货物舱单)Stowage Plan 货物积载计划Dangerous Cargo List 危险品清单Stowage Factor 积载因素( 系数)Inward cargo 进港货Outward cargo 出港货Container yard (CY) 集装箱堆场Container Freight Station ( CFS) 集装箱货运站Container Load Plan 集装箱装箱单Conventional Container Ship 集装箱两用船Semi-container Ship 半集装箱船Full Container Ship 全集装箱船Full Container Load (FCL) 整箱货Less Container Load (LCL) 拼箱货Delivery Order (D/O) 提货单( 小提单)Dock receipt 场站收据Twenty equivalent unit (TEU) 二十尺集装箱换算单位Equipment Interchange Receipt ( EIR) 集装箱设备交接单Demurrage 滞期费Crew List 船员名册Log book 航行日志Liner transport Tramp transport Minimum Freight Maximum Freight 班轮运输不定期(租船)运输工最低运费最高运费Accomplish a Bill of Lading (to) 付单提货Ad valorem freight 从价运费Address commission (Addcomm) 回扣佣金Adjustment 海损理算Average adjuster 海损理算师Average bond 海损分摊担保书Average guarantee 海损担保书Act of God 天灾All in rate 总运费率年度检验 全部装卸时间节省的全部时间始终保持浮泊Annual survey All purposes All time saved Always afloatAnchorage 锚地Anchorage dues 锚泊费Arbitration award 仲裁裁决Arbitrator 仲裁员Arrest a ship 扣押船舶Area differential 地区差价Addendum (to a charter party) ( 租船合同) 附件Apron 码头前沿Bale or bale capacity 货舱包装容积Back (return) load 回程货Back to back charter 转租合同Backfreight 回程运费Ballast (to) 空载行驶Barge 驳船Barratry 船员不轨Barrel handler 桶抓Base cargo (1) 垫底货Base cargo (2) 起运货量Bundle (Bd) 捆( 包装单位)Beam 船宽Bearer ( of a B/L) 提单持有人Both ends (Bends) 装卸两港Boatman 缆工Buoy 浮标Bunker escalation clause燃料涨价条款Derrick 吊杆Fork-lift truck 铲车Boom of a fork-lift truck 铲车臂Both to blame collision clause 互有过失碰撞条款Book space 洽订舱位Bottom 船体Bottom stow cargo 舱底货Bottomry loan 船舶抵押贷款Breakbulk 零担Breakbulk cargo 零担货物Broken stowage 亏舱Brokerage 经纪人佣金Bulk cargo 散装货Bulk carrier 散货船Bulk container 散货集装箱American Bureau of Shipping 美国船级社Bureau Veritas .) 法国船级社Cabotage 沿海运输Canal transit dues 运河通行税Capsize vessel 超宽型船Captain 船长Car carrier 汽车运输船Car container 汽车集装箱Cargo hook 货钩Cargo sharing 货载份额Cargo superintendent 货物配载主管Cargo tank 货箱Cargo tracer 短少货物查询单Cargoworthiness 适货Carryings 运输量Certificate of seaworthiness 适航证书Cesser clause 责任终止条款Chassis 集装箱拖车Claims adjuster 理赔人Classification certificate 船级证书Classification register 船级公告船级社Classification societyClassification survey 船级检验Paramount clause 首要条款Clean (petroleum ) products 精练油Clean the holds (to) 清洁货舱Closing date 截至日封航Closure of navigationCollapsible flattrack 折叠式板架集装箱Completely knocked down (CKD) 全拆装强制引航Compulsory pilotageConference 公会Congestion 拥挤Congestion surcharge 拥挤费Con-ro ship 集装箱/ 滚装两用船Consecutive voyages 连续航程Consign 托运Consignee 收货人Consignor 发货人Consignment 托运;托运的货物Consolidation (groupage) 拼箱Consortium 联营Constants 常数Container barge 集装箱驳船Container leasing 集装箱租赁Containerization 集装箱化Containerised 已装箱的,已集装箱化的Containership 集装箱船Contamination (of cargo ) 货物污染Contributory value 分摊价值Conveyor belt 传送带Corner casting (fitting) 集装箱( 角件)Corner post 集装箱( 角柱)Crane 起重机Crawler mounted crane 履带式( 轨道式) 起重机Custom of the port (COP) 港口惯例Customary assistance 惯常协助Daily running cost 日常营运成本Deadfreight 亏舱费Deadweight (weight) cargo 重量货Deadweight cargo (carrying)capacity 载货量Deaiweight scale 载重图表Deck cargo 甲板货Delivery of cargo (a ship) 交货( 交船)Despatch or Despatch money 速遣费Destuff 卸集装箱Det Norske Veritas 挪威船级社Deviation 绕航Direct discharge ( 车船) 直卸Direct transshipment 直接转船Dirty(Black) (petroleum) products ( 原油Disbursements 港口开支Discharging port 卸货港Disponent owner 二船东Dock 船坞Docker 码头工人Door to door 门到门运输Downtime ( 设备) 故障时间Draft (draught) 吃水;水深Draft limitation 吃水限制Dropping outward pilot 引航员下船时Dry cargo 干货Dry cargo(freight) container 干货集装箱Dry dock 干船坞Demurrage half despatch (D1/2D)速遣费为滞期费的一半Efficient deck hand二级水手Elevator 卸货机 Enter a ship inwards (outwards)申请船舶进港 ( 出港 )Entrepot 保税货Equipment 设备 ( 常指集装箱 ) Equipment handover charge 设备使用费 预计到达时间Estimated time of completion (ETC) Estimated time of departure (ETD) Estimated time of readiness (ETR)Estimated time of sailing (ETS)Europallet 欧式托盘 Even if used 即使使用Excepted period 除外期间Exception 异议Exceptions clause 免责条款Excess landing 溢卸Expiry of laytime 装卸欺瞒Extend suit time 延长诉讼时间 Extend a charter 延长租期 Extension of a charter租期延长 Extension to suit time诉讼时间延长Extreme breadth 最大宽度Fairway 航道Feeder service 支线运输服务预计完成时间 预计离港时间 预计准备就绪时间 预计航行时间Feeder ship 支线船Ferry 渡轮First class ship 一级船Flag of convenience (FOC) 方便旗船Floating crane 浮吊Floating dock 浮坞Force majeure 不可抗力Fork-lift truck 铲车Forty foot equivalent unit (FEU) 四十英尺集装箱换算单位Four-way pallet 四边开槽托盘Freeboard 干Freight all kinds (FAK) 包干运费Freight canvasser 揽货员Freight collect (freight payable at destination) 运费到付Freight prepaid 运费预付Freight quotation 运费报价Freight rate (rate of freight) 运费率Freight tariff 运费费率表Freight ton (FT) 运费吨Freight manifest 运费舱单Freighter 货船Fresh water load line 淡水载重线Fridays and holidays excepted .) 星期五和节假日除外Full and complete cargo 满舱满载货Full and down 满舱满载Gantry crane 门式起重机( 门吊)Gencon 金康航次租船合同General average 共同海损General average act 共同海损行为General average contribution 共同海损分摊General average sacrifice 共同海损牺牲General cargo (generals) 杂货General purpose container 多用途集装箱Geographical rotation 地理顺序Germanischer Lloyd .) 德国船级社Greenwich Mean Time 格林威治时间Grabbing crane 抓斗起重机Grain or grain capacity 散装舱容Gross weight(GW) 毛重Grounding 触底Gunny bag 麻袋Gunny matting 麻垫Hague Rules 海牙规则Hague-Visby Rules 海牙维斯比规则Hamburg Rules 汉堡规则Hand hook 手钩Handymax 杂散货船Handy-sized bulker 小型散货船Harbour 海港Harbour dues 港务费Hatch (hatch cover) 舱盖Hatchway 舱口Head charter (charter party) 主租船合同Head charterer 主租船人Heavy lift 超重货物Heavy lift additional (surcharge) 超重附加费Heavy lift derrick 重型吊杆Heavy weather 恶劣天气Heavy fuel oil 重油Hire statement 租金单Hold 船舱Home port 船籍港Homogeneous cargo 同种货物Hook 吊钩Hopper 漏斗House Bill of Lading 运输代理行提单Hovercraft 气垫船Husbandry 维修Inland container depot 内陆集装箱Ice-breaker 破冰船Identity of carrier clause 承运人责任条款Idle ( 船舶、设备) 闲置Immediate rebate 直接回扣International Maritime Organization (IMO) 国际海事组织Import entry 进口报关Indemnity 赔偿Inducement 起运量Inducement cargo 起运量货物Insufficient packing 包装不足Intaken weight 装运重量International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) 级社协会Inward 进港的Inward cargo 进港货物International Transport Workers ' Federation (ITF) 国际运输工人联合 会Itinerary 航海日程表Jettison 抛货Joint service 联合服务Joint survey 联合检验Jumbo derrick 重型吊杆Jurisdiction (Litigation)clause 管辖权条款Knot 航速 ( 节)Laden 满载的Laden draught 满载吃水Landbridge 陆桥 Inflation adjustment factor ( IAF) Infrastructure (of a port) ( Inherent vice 固有缺陷通货膨胀膨胀调整系数港口 ) 基础设施Institute Warranty Limits (IWL) ( 伦敦保险人 ) 协会保证航行范围国际船Landing charges 卸桥费卸货、仓储和送货费Landing,storage and deliveryLash 用绳绑扎Lashings 绑扎物Latitude 纬度Lay-by berth 候载停泊区Laydays (laytime) 装卸货时间Laydays canceling (Laycan 或L/C) 销约期Laytime saved 节省的装卸时间Laytime statement 装卸时间记录Lay up 搁置不用Leg (of a voyage) 航段Length overall (overall length , 简称LOA) ( 船舶) 总长担保书(函)Letter of indemnityLien 留置权吊上吊下Lift-on lift-off (LO-LO)Lighter 驳船责任限制Limitation of liability航运公司Line (shipping line)班轮Liner ( liner ship)Liner in free out (LIFO) 运费不包括卸货费Liner terms 班轮条件Lloyd ′s Register of Shipping 劳埃德船级社Loadline (load line) 载重线Loading hatch 装货口Log abstract 航海日志摘录Long length additional 超长附加费Long ton 长吨Longitude 经度Lump sum charter 整笔运费租赁Maiden voyage 处女航Main deck 主甲板Main port 主要港口Manifest 舱单Maritime declaration of health 航海健康申明书Maritime lien 海事优先权Marks and numbers 唛头Mate′s receipt 大副收据Mean draught 平均吃水Measurement cargo 体积货物Measurement rated cargo 按体积计费的货物Measurement rules 计量规则Merchant (班轮提单)货方Merchant haulage 货方拖运Merchant marine 商船Metric ton 公吨Misdelivery 错误交货Misdescription 错误陈述Mixed cargo 混杂货Mobile crane 移动式起重机More or less (mol.) 增减More or less in chartererMore or less in owner 's option (MOLOO) 船东有增减选择权Mother ship 母船Multideck ship 多层甲板船Multi-purpose cargo ship 多用途船Multi-purpose terminal 多用途场站Narrow the laycan 缩短销约期Net weight 净重New Jason clause 新杰森条款New York Produce Exchange charter-party (NYPE)纽约土产交易所制定的 定期程租船合同格式Newbuilding 新船Nippon kaiji kyokai (NKK) 日本船级社No cure no pay 无效果无报酬Not otherwise enumerated 不另列举Nominate a ship 指定船舶进行航行To be nominated (TBN) 指定船舶Non-conference line (Independent line ,Outsider)非公会成员的航运公司Non-delivery 未交货Non-negotiable bill of lading 不可流通的提单Non-reversible laytime 不可调配使用的装卸时间Non-vessel owning(operating) common carrier (NVOCC) 's option (MOLCHOP) 承租人有增减选择权 无船承运人Not always afloat but safe aground 不保持浮泊但安全搁浅Note protest 作海事声明Notice of redelivery 还船通知书Notify party 通知方Ocean (Liner, Sea) waybill 海运单Off hire 停租Oil tanker 油轮On-carriage 货运中转On-carrier 接运承运人One-way pallet 单边槽货盘Open hatch bulk carrier 敞舱口散货船Open rate 优惠费率Open rated cargo 优惠费率货物Open side container 侧开式集装箱Open top container 开顶集装箱Operate a ship 经营船舶Optional cargo 选港货物Ore/bulk/oil carrier 矿石/ 散货/ 油轮Out of gauge 超标( 货物) Outport 小港Outturn 卸货Outturn report 卸货报告Outward 进港的Overheight cargo 超重货物Overlanded cargo or overlandingOverload 超载溢卸货Overstow 堆码Overtime (O/T) 加班时间Overtonnaging 吨位过剩Owner′s agen ts 船东代理人Package limitation 单位( 赔偿) 责任限制Packing list 装箱单Pallet 托( 货) 盘Pallet truck 托盘车Palletized 托盘化的Panamax 巴拿马型船Parcel 一包,一票货Performance claim 性能索赔Perishable goods 易腐货物Permanent dunnage 固定垫舱物Per freight ton (P. F. T.) 每运费吨Phosphoric acid carrier 磷酸船Piece weight 单重Pier 突码头Pier to pier 码头至码头运输Piggy –back 驮背运输Pilferage 偷窃Pilot 引航员Pilotage 引航Pilotage dues 引航费Platform 平台Platform flat 平台式集装箱Pooling ( 班轮公司间分摊货物或运费) 分摊制Port 港口,船的左舷Port of refuge 避难港Portable unloader 便携式卸货机Post fixture 订约后期工作Post-entry 追补报关单Preamble ( 租船合同) 前言Pre-entry 预报单Pre-shipment charges 运输前费用Pre-stow 预定积载Private form 自用式租船合同Pro forma charter-party 租约格式Produce carrier 侧开式集装箱Product (products) carrier 液体货运输船Promotional rate 促销费率Prospects 预期Protecting (protective, supervisory) agent 船东利益保护人Protection and indemnity club (association) (P.& I. Club ,Pandi club) 船东保赔协会Protective clauses 保护性条款Protest 海事声明Pumpman泵工Purchase ( 吊杆) 滑车组Quarter ramp 船尾跳板Quarter-deck 后甲板Quay 码头Quote 报价Ramp 跳板Ramp/hatch cover ( 跳板) 舱口盖Rate 费率Rate of demurrage 滞期费率Rate of discharge (discharging) 卸货率Rate of freight 运费率Rate of loading 装货Receiving dates 收货期间Recharter 转租Recovery agent 追偿代理Redelivery (redly) 还船Redelivery certificate 还船证书Refrigerated (reefer)container 冷藏集装箱Refrigerated (reefer) ship 冷藏船Register 登记,报到Register (registered) tonnage 登记吨位Registration 登记,报到Registro Italiano Navale .) 意大利船级社Release a bill of lading 交提单Release cargo 放货Remaining on board 船上所有Removable deck 活动甲板Reporting point ( calling-in-point)报告点Reposition containers 调配集装箱Respondentia loan 船货抵押贷款Return cargo 回程货Return load 回程装载Reversible laytime 可调配的装卸时间Roads (roadstead) 港外锚地Rolling cargo 滚装货物Rolling hatch cover 滚动舱单Roll-on roll-off (Ro-ro) 滚上滚下Roll-on roll-off ship 滚装船Rotation 港序Round voyage 往返航次Round the world (service) 全球性服务Run aground 搁浅Running days 连续日Safe aground 安全搁浅Safe berth 安全泊位Safe port 安全港口Safe working load 安全工作负荷Safety radio-telegraphy certificate 无线电报设备安全证书Said to contain ( 提单术语) 内货据称Sail 航行, 离港Sailing schedule (card) 船期表Salvage charges 救助费Salvage agreement 救助协议Salve 救助Salvor 救助人Saturdays,Sundays and holidays excepted 星期六、日与节假日除外Saturdays,Sundays and holidays included 星期六、日与节假日包括在内Scancon 斯堪人航次祖租船合同Scanconbill 斯堪人航次祖租船合同提单Scantlings 构件尺寸Special commodity quotation (SCQ) 特种商品报价Scrap terminal 废料场Single deck ship .) 单层甲板船Sea waybillSealSecure (to) 固定Segregated ballast tank 分隔压载水舱Self-sustaining ship 自备起重机的集装箱船Self-trimming ship (self-trimmer) 自动平舱船Self-unloader 自卸船Semi-trailer 半脱车Separation 隔票Service contract 服务合同Shears (shear-legs) 人字(起重)架Sheave 滑轮Shelter-deck 遮蔽甲板船Shift 工班Shift (to) 移泊,移位Shifting charges 移泊费Shipbroker 船舶经纪人Shipping 航运,船舶,装运Shipping instructions 装运须知Shipping line 航运公司Ship ′s gear 船上起重设备Ship ′s rail 船舷Ship ′s tackle 船用索具Shipyard 造船厂Shore 货撑Shore gear 岸上设备( 岸吊)Short sea 近海Short shipment 短装Shortage 短少Shortlanded cargo 短卸货物Shut out (to) 短装Side door container 侧门集装箱Side-loading trailer 侧向装卸拖车Similar sbustitue .) 相似替换船Single hatch ship 单舱船Sister ship 姐妹船Skid 垫木Skip 吊货盘Sliding hatch cover 滑动舱盖Sling 吊货索( 链) 环,吊起Slop tank 污水箱Slops 污水Slot 箱位Special equipment 特殊设备Specific gravity.) 比重Spiral elevator 螺旋式卸货机Spreader 横撐( 集装箱吊具)Squat 船身下沉Starboard (side) 右舷Statement of facts 事实记录Stem 船艏,装期供货Stem a berth 预订泊位Stern 船尾Stevedore 装卸工人Stevedor ′s (docker 's,hand) hook 手钩Stevedoring charges 装卸费用Stiff 稳性过大Stranding 搁浅Strengthened hold 加固舱Strike clause 罢工条款Strike-bound 罢工阻碍Strip (destuff) a container 卸集装箱Strip seal 封条Stuff (to) 装集装箱Sub-charterer 转租人Sub-freight 转租运费Subject (sub.) details 有待协商的细节Subject free (open) 待定条款Subject (sub.) stem 装期供货待定Subrogation 代位追偿权Substitue 替代船,替换Substitution 换船Suit time 起诉期Summer draught 夏季吃水Summer freeboard 夏季干舷Support ship 辅助船Tackle 索具( 滑车)Tally 理货Tally clerk 理货员Tally sheet (book) 理货单Tank car 槽车Tank cleaning 油舱清洗Tank container 液体集装箱Tank terminal (farm) 油灌场Tanker 油轮Tariff 费率表Tarpaulin 油布Tender 稳性过小Terminal chassis 场站拖车Terminal handling charge 场站操作费Through rate 联运费率Tier limit (limitation) 层数限制Time bar 时效丧失Time charter 期租Time sheet 装卸时间表Tolerated outsider 特许非会员公司Tomming (down) 撑货Tones per centimeter (TPI) 每厘米吃水吨数Tones per day (TPD) 每天装卸吨数Tones per inch (TPI) 每英寸吃水吨数Top stow cargo 堆顶货Total deadweight (TDW) 总载重量Tracer ( 货物) 查询单Tractor 牵引车Trading limits 航行范围Trailer 拖车Transfer (equipment handover) charge 设备租用费Transship (trans-ship) 转船Transhipment (transshipment,trans-shipment) 转船Transit cargo 过境货物Transporter crane 轨道式起重机Tray 货盘Trim 平舱Trim a ship 调整船舶吃水Tug 拖轮Turn round (around , or turnaround) time 船舶周转时间Turn time 等泊时间Tween deck 二层甲板Twin hatch vessel 双舱口船Two-way pallet 两边开槽托盘Ultra large crude carrier (ULCC) 超大型油轮Uncontainerable (uncontainerisable) cargo 不适箱货Under deck shipment 货舱运输Unit load 成组运输Unitisation 成组化Universal bulk carrier ( UBC) 通用散装货船Unload 卸货Unmoor 解揽Unseaworthiness 不适航Utilization 整箱货Valuation form 货价单Valuation scale 货价表Vehicle /train ferry 汽车/ 火车渡轮Ventilated container 通风集装箱Ventilation 通风Ventilator 通风器Vessel 船舶,船方Vessel sharing agreement Voyage account 航次报表Voyage (trip) charter 航次租船Waybill 货运单Weather permitting 天气允许Weather working day 晴天工作日Weather-bound 天气阻挠船舶共用协议Void filler 填充物With effect from 自生效Weight cargo 重量货Weight or measure ( measurement) (W/M) 重量/ 体积Weight rated cargo 计重货物Well 货井,井区Wharf 码头Wharfage (charges) 码头费When where ready on completion of discharge . r .) 何时何处还船Whether in berth or not 无论靠泊与否Whether in free pratique or not 无论是否通过检验Whether in port or not ( 不论是否在港内White (clean, clean petroleum) products 精炼油Wide laycan 长销约期Workable (working) hatch 可工作舱口Working day 工作日Working day of 24 consecutive hours 连续24 小时工作日Working day of 24 hours 24 小时工作日Working time saved 节省的装卸时间Yard (shipyard) 造船厂International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)国际民用航空组织International Air Transport Association (IATA) 国际航空运输协会Scheduled Airline 班机运输Chartered Carrier 包机运输Consolidation 集中托运Air Express 航空快递Air Waybill 航空运单Master Air Waybill (MAWB) 航空主运单House Air Waybill (HAWB) 航空分运单Chargeable Weight 计费重量High density cargo 重货Low density cargo 轻货Specific Commodity Rates (SCR) 特种货物运价Commodity Classification Rates (CCR) 等价货物运价General Cargo Rates (GCR) 普通货物运价Unit Load Devices (ULD) 集装设备Construction Rate 比例运价Combination of Rate 分段相加运价Valuation Charges 声明价值费Declared value for Carriage 运输声明价值不要求声明价值No value Declared (NVD)海关声明价值Declared value for Customs无声明价值No customs valuation (NCV)LOGISTICS 物流LOGISTICS INDUSTRY物流产业LOGISTICS ACTIVITY 物流活动LOGISTICS OPERATION物流作业LOGISTICS COST 物流成本LOGISTICS MODULUS物流模数LOGISTICS CENTRE物流中心LOGISTICS NETWOR物K 流网络LOGISTICS ALLIANCE 物流联盟BUSINESS LOGISTICS企业物流SOCIETAL LOGISTICS 社会物流THIRD-PARTY LOGISTICS (TPL)第三方物流LEAN LOGISTICS 精益物流VIRTUAL LOGISTICS 虚拟物流CUSTOMIZATION LOGISTICS定制物流value-ADDED LOGISTICS SERVICE 增值物流服务SUPPLY CHAIN供应链SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT(SC供M应)链管理SUPPLY CHIAN INTEGRATION供应链整合PHYSICAL PRODUCTIO产N 品配送INTEGRATED LOGISTICS综合物流MATERIAL REQUIREMENT PLANNING (MRP I物)料需求计划MANUFACTURING RESOURCE PLANNING (MRP制II)造资源计划DISTRIBUTION REQUIREMENT PLANNING(DRP I配)送需求计划DISTRIBUTION RESOURCE PLANNING (DRP II)配送资源计划LOSGISTICSRESOURCE PLANNING (LRP物)流资源计划ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING (ER企P)业资源计划QUICK RESPONSE (QR)快速反应EFFICIENT CUSTOMER RESPONSE (EC有R)效客户反应CONTINUOUS REPLENISHMENT PROGRAM (C连R续P)补充库存计划COMPUTER ASSISTED ORDING(CA计O)算机辅助订货系统VENDOR MANAGED INVENTORY (VM供I)应商管理库存ELECTRONIC ORDER SYSTEM (EOS 电)子订货系统ADVANCED SHIPPING NOTICE (ASN)预先发货通知DIRECT STORE DELIVERY(DSD店)铺直送POINT OF SALE(POS)销售实点(信息)系统AUTOMATIC REPLENISHMENT (AR自)动补货系统JUST IN TIME (JIT)准时制OUTSOURCIN业G 务外包(外协,外购) INVENTORY CONTRO存L 货控制WAREHOUS仓E 库BONDED WAREHOU保SE税仓库AUTOMATIC WAREHOU自SE动化仓库STEREOSCOPIC WAREHOU立S体E 仓库VIRTUAL WAREHOUS虚E拟仓库WAREHOUSE LAYO仓UT库布局(仓WM库S管)理系统WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMECONOMIC ORDER QUANTITY(EO经Q济)订货批量FIXED-QUANTITY SYSTEM(FQS定)量订货方式FIXED-INTERVAL SYSTEM (FIS)定期订货方式ABC CLASSIFICIATION ABC分类法DISTRIBUTION CENTRE(DC)配送(分拨)中心CONTRACT LOGISTICS合同物流FULL-SERVICE DISTRIBUTION COMPANY (FSDC全)方位物流服务公司SAFETY STOCK安全库存LEAD TIME 备货时间INVENTORY CYCLE TIME库存周期CYCLE STOCK订货处理周期CROSS DOCKING交叉配送(换装)GOODS SHED料棚GOODS STACK货垛GOODS YARD货场GOODS SHELF货架PALLET 托盘STACKING堆码SORTING分拣ORDER PICKING拣选GOODS COLLECTIO集N 货ASSEMBLY组配DISTRIBUTION PROCESSING流通加工ZERO INVENTORY零库存value-ADDED NETWORK增值网BAR CODE条形吗OPTICAL CHARACTER RECOGNITIO光N学文字识别ELECTRONIC DATA INTERCHANGE (EDI电)子数据交换RADIO FREQUENCY (RF)无线射频GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS全)球定位系统GEORGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM (GI地S)理信息系统以下转载—您好!(见面打招呼)—How do you do ?(How are you ?)—Hello! —Hi!非常高兴见到您。



船舶行业英语大全一1、1结构 Structure1 .2船厂 dockyard/shipyard 船坞 dock/boatyard船东 ship-owner 船舷 Ship's side船码头 quay/dock 船的栏杆 Ship's rail船舱 hold 甲板 Deck船籍 Ship's registry 住舱甲板 accommodation deck 船首 bow 梁拱甲板 arch deck船梯 ladder 载货甲板 cargo deck船尾 stern 首楼甲板 Forecastle deck2船坞 dock/boatyard船舷 Ship's side船的栏杆 Ship's rail甲板Deck住舱甲板 accommodation deck梁拱甲板 arch deck载货甲板 cargo deck首楼甲板 Forecastle deck上甲板 Upper deck下甲板 Lower deck主甲板 Main deck货舱甲板 Hold deck桥楼甲板 Bridge deck水密甲板 Watertight deck3驾驶甲板 Navigation deck艇甲板 Boat deck罗经甲板 Compass deck板 Plate舭板 Bilge plate船底板 Bottom plate船外板 Shell plate船首外板 Bow plate肘板 Bracket plate舱壁板 Bulkhead plate槽形舱壁板 Corrugated bulkhead plate舷墙板 Bulwark plate围板 Coaming plate连续板 Connection plate4铜-钢复合板 Copper sheathing steel plate 甲板边板 Deck stringer plate斜板 Sloping plate加强板 Reinforcement plate舵板 Rudder plate舷侧外板 Side plate裙板 Skirt plate首柱板 Stem plate首柱板 Stern plate平台 platform机舱平台 Engine-room platform分段 Block首段 Bow block中段 Midship block5尾段 Stern block左舷 port右舷 Starboard纵桁 Girder型材桁 Bar girder中底桁 Bottom center girder中内龙骨 Bottom center line girder 底桁材 Bottom girder旁桁材 Bottom side girder甲板纵桁 Deck girder横桁 Cross girder水平桁 Horizontal girder舱口边梁 Hatch coaming girder机座纵桁 Engine girder6甲板下纵桁 Underdeck girder舭纵桁 Wing girder支柱 Pillar肋骨 Frame基础台架 Base frame支架 Bear frame舭肋骨 Bilge frame船底肋骨 Bottom frame首肋骨 Bow frame肘板框架肋骨 Bracket frame球鼻首肋骨 Bulbous bow frame球曲型肋骨 Bulbous frame主肋骨 Chief frame首肋骨 Fore frame7桁架梁 Girder frame 舭纵桁舭纵骨 Bilge longitudinal舯部肋骨 Middle frame 船底纵骨/纵桁 bottom longitudinal尖舱肋骨 Peak frame 船底腹板纵桁 bottom web longitudinal加强筋 Stiffened frame 甲板纵桁 Deck longitudinal横框架肋骨 Transverse frame 内底纵桁/纵骨 Inner bottom longitudinal肋距 F.S.(frame space) 舷侧纵桁/纵骨 Shell side longitudinal纵桁/纵骨/纵向构件 longitudinal 双层底顶纵骨 Top longitudinal of double bottom8斜舱壁纵骨 Slopping-bulkhead longitudinal 舱 Tank结构 Structure 尾尖舱 after peak tank附属结构 Accessory structure 尾部水舱 after water tank全焊结构 All-welded structure 辅助水柜 Auxiliary water tank中部结构 Amidships structure 辅助压载水舱 Auxiliary water ballast tank泊位结构 Berthing structure 污水舱 Bilge tank底部龙骨结构 Bottom keel structure 底舱 Bottom tank船首部结构 Bow structure 底边舱 Bottom side tank支撑结构 Braced structure 货油压载舱 Cargo and ballast tank桥楼结构 Bridge structure 循环水槽 Circulating flow water tank首楼结构 Forecastle structure 循环滑油舱 Circulating lubricating oil tank构架结构 Framed structure 清洁压载舱 Clean ballast tank纵桁结构 Girder structure 冷凝水柜 Condensate catch tank人孔 manhole 干舱 Dry tank舱 Tank尾尖舱 after peak tank尾部水舱 after water tank辅助水柜 Auxiliary water tank辅助压载水舱 Auxiliary water ballast tank 污水舱 Bilge tank底舱 Bottom tank底边舱 Bottom side tank货油压载舱 Cargo and ballast tank循环水槽 Circulating flow water tank循环滑油舱 Circulating lubricating oil tank 构架结构 Framed structure纵桁结构 Girder structure人孔 manhole10饮用水舱 Drinking water tank污水舱 Bilge tank应急淡水柜 Emergency fresh water tank首舱 Fore tank首尖舱 Fore peak tank斜边舱 Hopper side tank液舱 Liquid tank龙骨舱 Keel tank右舷舱 Starboard tank顶边水舱 Topside tank顶边翼舱 Topside wing tank小舱口盖 Small hatch cover水密舱口盖 Water-tight small hatch cover风雨密舱口盖 Weather-tight small hatch coverdugout独木舟barge驳船kayak(爱斯基摩人的)木排outrigger桨叉架船rowing boat划艇(美作:rowboat)gondola(意大利的)长平底船whale mother ship捕鲸母船hydrofoil水翼船catamarans双体船dredger挖泥船boat船brig, brigantine双桅船canoe小船,独木舟caravel快帆船cargo boat货船coaster近海贸易货船cod-fishing boat捕鳕鱼船whaler捕鲸船collier运煤船battleship战船shallop小型战船coastguard cutter, coastguard vessel巡逻艇,缉私艇revenue cutter缉私船patrol boat巡逻艇minelayer布雷艇minesweeper扫雷艇torpedo boat鱼雷艇frigate轻护航舰gunboat炮舰submarine潜水艇destroyer驱逐舰corvette轻巡洋舰cruiser巡洋舰aircraft carrier航空母舰ferry, ferryboat渡船,渡轮fishing boat渔船freighter货船galleon大型帆船galley大划桨船hovercraft气垫船icebreaker破冰船launch艇lifeboat救生艇lighter驳船liner, ocean liner远洋班轮merchant ship, merchantman商船motorboat摩托艇outboard尾部装有马达的小艇paddle steamer, paddle boat明轮船passenger boat客船piragua, pirogue独木舟raft木筏rowing boat划艇sailing boat, sailing ship帆船schooner纵帆船ship船skiff小艇sloop单桅船steamer, steamship汽轮tanker油轮trawler拖网渔船tug, tugboat拖轮vessel船yacht游艇yawl船载小艇船体部件英语自动雷达标绘仪Automatic radar plotting aid 自动电话Automatic telephone电压自动调节器Automatic voltage regulator 自动化系统Automation system压载控制台Ballast control console镇流器Ballast底座Base电池Battery铃Bell弯曲Bend床头灯Berth light失电Black out刹车Brake电刷Brush船舶英语3球鼻首警告灯Bulbous bow warning light 汇流排Bus(-)bar汇流排Bus –tie –in蜂鸣器BuzzerC、电缆Cable电缆填料函Cable gland敷设电缆Cable laying电缆管Cable pipe (conduit)电缆扎带Cable strap电缆托架Cable tray校准器Calibrator电容capacitor阴板Cathode警告牌Caution plate船舶英语4顶灯Ceiling light中央处理器Central processing unit通道Channel充电器Charger充放电板Charging&discharging board 海图灯Chart table light检查Check芯片Chip清洁Clean雨雪清除器Clear view screen二氧化碳释放报警CO2 release alarm 同轴电缆Coaxial cable线圈Coil冷库呼叫Cold store calling船舶英语5通讯Communication计算机Computer接头Connector恒电流Constant current消耗Consumption触头Contact接触器Contactor控制箱Control box控制箱Controller芯线Core角灯Corner light计算器Counter电流CurrentD、损坏Damage船舶英语6危险气体报警箱Dangerous gas detecting &alarm box 白昼信号灯Daylight signal light去耦Decoupling set台灯Desk light控测器Detector拨号Dial数字选择呼叫收信机Digital select –call receiver调光器dimmer直流电Direct current直接起动Direct –on –line starting磁盘Disk显示Display遇险信息控制器Distress message controller多普勒记程仪Doppler speed log船舶英语7双极单刀开关Double pole single way switch双极双刀开关Double pole two way switch天线收发转换开关Duplexer值班水手呼叫Duty sailor calling接地Earth接地排Earth bar测深仪Echo sounder电工试验板Electric test panel电机员Electrical engineer电极Electrode应急照明分电箱Emergence lighting distribution box应急示位标Emergence position indicating radio beacon 应急停Emergence stop船舶英语8应急配电板Emergency switch board机舱报警Engine alarm集控台Engine control console机舱监测报警Engine room monitoring &alarm system 轮机员呼叫Engineer calling panel轮机员安全Engineer safety system增强群呼叫收讯机Enhance group call receiver交换机Exchanger防爆灯Explosion proof light延伸报警板Extension alarm panel故障Failure故障Fault反馈Feed back船舶英语9馈电品Feeder panel滤波器Filter火警复显器Fire alarm repeater防火风闸控制单元Fire damper control unit 火警检测箱Fire detecting box火焰探头Flame detector闪光灯Flash light浮充电Float charge强光灯Flood light流程图Flow chart流量开关Flow switch荧光灯Fluorescent light雾笛Fog horn频率Frequency船舶英语10熔丝Fuse填料Gasket通用报警General alarm发电机Generator发电机屏Generator panel(铜)锣、钟Gong全球卫星定位导航GPS navigator 组合灯板Group alarm light pillar 组合起动屏Group starter panel 电罗经Gyro compass卤素灯Halogen light听筒Handset硬件Hardware航向Heading船装部分 OUTFITTING PART 一、材料 Material方钢 Square bar圆钢 Round steel角钢 Angle bar槽钢 v-iron球扁钢 Bulb bar扁铁 Flat iron扁钢 Flat bar不锈钢 Stainless steel 青铜 Bronze黄铜 Brass铝合金 Aluminum alloy93二、舱盖设备 Hatch cover equipment舱盖板 Hatch cover舱盖结构 Steel structure of hatch舱口围 Hatch coaming端铰链 End-hinge unit油缸 Cylinder油缸铰链 Bearing of cylinder油缸铰链链轴 Bolt for bearing of cylinder 滚轮装置 Wheel assembly端部止动装置 End securing device中间铰链 Middle hinge端铰链底座 Support of end –arm下开式压紧器 Snaplock排水阀 Drain valve94铰链接缝压紧器装置 Hinge joint cleat压紧器 Cleat通气塞 Air plug应急操作 Emergent operation橡皮压紧条 Rubber packing舱盖铰链臂 Main hinge-arm舱盖铰链接缝 Hinge joint at side舱盖分离接缝 Main joint at side30度转角橡皮30度 End seal90度切角橡皮90度 Corner seal90度垂直转角橡皮 3-way corner packing 滑块 Sliding pad防护板 Protection plate压紧架 Cleating bracket95压紧器撬棒 Tommy bar安全索 Securing wire起吊索 Lifting wire轨道 Rail拉杆 Stay扶手 Hand rail通风设备 Ventilator风机 Fan通风管 Vent风帽 Funnel cap底座 Seat百页窗 Window shutter抽风机 Exhaust fan送风机 blower96三、人孔盖 Manhole cover平板式人孔盖 Flush manhole cover铰链式人孔盖 Hinged manhole cover凸起式人孔盖 Raised manhole cover埋入式人孔盖 Sunken manhole cover油密人孔板 Oil tight manhole plate 水密人孔板 Water tight manhole plate 污水井盖板 Sewage cover橡皮盖圈 Rubber cover四、锚设备 Anchor斯贝克锚 Speke anchor霍尔锚Hall’s anchor大抓力锚 High holding power anchor 97首锚主锚 Head anchor锚爪 Anchor fluke锚柄 Anchor shank锚杆 Anchor stock锚冠 Anchor crown锚臂 Anchor arm锚眼圈锚台 Bolster锚链筒 Hawse pipe锚链管 Chain pipe掣(止)锚索 Chain fix掣(止)链器 Chain stopper锚铰机 Windlass锚机底座 Windlass seat锚机操作平台 Operating platform of windlass 98螺旋弃锚器 Chain sliding锚链 Anchor chain锚接链环 Jointing link锚卸扣 Anchor shackle末端卸扣 End shackle肯特式卸扣 Kenter shackle浮筒卸扣 Buoy shackle转环 Swivel link末端链环 End link(有档)加大链环 Stud enlarged link(有档)普通链环 Stud common link首端链节 Start part中间链节 Middle part末端链节 End part99链节链环 Link chain锚卸扣锥销 Taper pin for anchor shackle五、吊 Crane/davit甲板克令吊 Deck crane物料吊 Provision crane软管吊 Hose crane单轨吊 Moto crane小吊 Small crane苏伊士运河灯吊 Suez canal light crane克令吊筒体 Crane column吊臂 Jib吊臂搁吊 Jib rack起货吊 Crane31机舱部分 ENGINE ROOM PART一、机舱设备 Machines and equipment in engine room1、主机 Main engine1)主机油底壳 The sump tank of M.E.2)主机飞轮 Fly wheel of M.E3)活塞 Piston2、发电机 Generator engine1)应急发电机 Emergency generator engine2)辅机 Auxiliary3、锅炉 Boiler1)组合锅炉 The composite boiler2)锅炉安全阀 The safety valve of boiler323)燃烧器 Oil burner unit4)水位表 Water level gauge5)水位控制器 Water level controller6)过量蒸气调节阀 Excess steam pressure control valve 4、舵机1)舵机间 Steering room2)舵机装置 Steering-gear3)手操舵装置 Trick wheel plant4)油缸 Oil cylinder5)反馈装置 Feedback device6)舵 Rudder舵叶 Rudder blade舵杆 Rudder stock上舵承 Rudder carrier33舵销 Rudder pintle舵杆衬套 rudder stock liner舵杆轴套 Sleeve for rudder stock舵销承衬套 Bush for rudder pintle舵销轴套 Sleeve for rudder pintle上舵承底座 Rudder carrier seat舵销承座 Pintle bearing舵杆承座 Rudder stock bearing挡圈 Retaining ring舵柄 Tiller7)舵角 The angle of rudder5、空压机 Air compressor1)主空压机 Emergency air compressor 2)应急空压机343)主空气瓶 Main air reservoir4)应急空气瓶 Emergency air reservoir5、控制空气瓶 Control air reservoir6、空气干燥器 Air dryer7、分油机 Oil purifier1)燃油分油机 Fuel oil purifier2)柴油分油机 Diesel oil purifier3)滑油分油机 Lubricate oil purifier4)排渣 Sludge discharge8、制淡装置 Fresh water generator9、焚烧炉 Incinerator10、油水分离器 Oil water separator11、生活污水处理器 Sewage treat plant12、大气冷凝器 Atmosphere condenser35热水井 Cascade and inspection(hot well)滑油自清滤器 The automatic back-flash lubricating oil filter燃油单元 Fuel oil unit1)主机燃油单元 Fuel oil unit of M.E2)付机燃油单元 Fuel oil unit of A.E3)粘度计 Viscosity controller泵 Pump1)主机滑油泵 Main engine lubricating oil pump2)主机缸套水泵 Main engine cylinder cooling waterpump3)主机缸套水预热泵 Main engine cylinder cooling water preheating pump 4)主机海水泵 Main engine sea water pump365)主机燃油供给泵 Main engine fuel oil supply pump6)主机燃油增压泵 Main engine fuel oil booster pump7)主机十字头泵 Main engine cross head pump8)付机海水泵 Generator engine sea water pump9)付机缸套水泵 Generator engine cylinder cooling water pump 10)锅炉给水泵 Feed water pump of boiler11)锅炉燃油泵 Fuel oil pump of boiler12)分油机供给泵 Fuel oil supply pump of purifier13)制淡海水泵 Sea water pump of fresh water generator14)压载泵 Ballast pump15)舱底消防泵 Bilge and fire pump3717)油渣泵 Sludge oil pump18)柴油输送泵 Diesel oil transport pump19)燃油油输送泵 Fuel oil transport pump20)汽缸油输送泵 Cylinder oil transport pump21)淡水输送泵 Fresh water transport pump22)热水循环泵 Hot water circulating pump23)饮水日用泵 Drinking water pump舱底消防总用泵 Bilge, fire and G.S pump喷淋泵 Sprinkling pump停泊海水泵 Harbor sea water pump二、各种舱(箱)柜 All kinds of tank1、柴油日用柜 Diesel oil daily tank382、柴油澄清舱 Diesel oil setting tank3、燃油日用柜 Fuel oil daily tank4、燃油澄清舱 Fuel oil setting tank5、滑油澄清舱 Lubricating oil setting tank6、滑油储藏舱 Lubricating oil store tank7、滑油循环舱 Lubricating oil circulating tank8、燃油溢油舱 Fuel oil overflow tank9、燃油油渣舱 Fuel oil sludge tank10燃油深舱 Fuel oil deep tank11滑油污油舱 Lubricating dirty oil tank12滑油溢油舱 Lubricating oil overflow tank13滑油油渣打舱 Lubricating oil sludge tank14主机淡水膨胀水箱 M.E fresh water expansion tank 15付机淡水膨胀水箱 A.E fresh water expansion tank 3916、淡水压力柜 Fresh water pressure tank17、热水压力柜 Hot water pressure tank18、饮水压力柜 Drinking water pressure tank19、淡水舱 Fresh water tank20、饮水舱 Drinking water tank21、锅炉水舱 Boiler water tank22、分油机工作水箱 Purify operating water tank23、汽缸油日用柜 Cylinder oil daily tank24、尾管滑油重力柜 Gravity tank of tube oil25、排气水封箱 Exhaust seal water tank26、蒸馏水水舱 Distilling water tank27、污水井 Bilge well401、滑油系统 Lubricating oil piping system2、燃油系统 Fuel oil piping system3、海水系统 Sea water piping system4、缸套水系统 Cylinder cooling water piping system5、启动空气系统 Start air piping system6、控制空气系统 Control air piping system7、排气系统 Exhaust piping system8、日用供水系统 Daily water piping system9、蒸汽系统 Steam piping system10 、锅炉给水和凝水系统 Feed water and condensate of boiler piping system11、燃油净油系统 Fuel oil purified piping system12、燃油输送系统 Fuel oil transport piping system 21立焊 Vertical position welding仰焊 Overhead position welding立向上焊 Vertical up welding立向下焊 Vertical down welding单面焊 Welding by one side双面焊 Welding by both side单道焊 Single-pass welding多道焊 Multi-pass welding多层焊 Multi-layer welding焊接材料 Consumables焊条 Electrode焊条药皮 Coating酸性焊条 Acid electrode碱性焊条 Basic electrode22低氢型焊条 Low hydrogen type electrode铁粉性焊条 Iron power type electrode重力焊条 Gravity electrode焊剂 Flux熔炼焊剂 Fused flux烧结焊剂 Sintered flux焊丝 Wire药芯焊剂 Flux-cored wire保护气体 Shielded gas焊剂垫 Flux backing重力焊条 Gravity electrode 焊剂漏斗 Flux-hopper流量计 Flow meter干燥箱 Dryer23焊丝盘 Wire reel铜冷却板 Cu-cooling plate 铜滑块 Copper shoe切割 Cutting焊接工作台 Welding bench焊接变位机 Positioner送丝机构 Wire feeder行走机构 Traveler焊接车间 Welding shop引弧板 Run-on tab(end tab) 引出板 Run-off tab(end tab) 定位板 Strong-back焊接衬垫 Welding backing敲渣锤 Chipping hammer24面罩 Helmet焊工手套 Welding glove焊钳 Electrode holder焊枪 Welding gun导电嘴 Tip喷嘴 Nozzle焊矩 Torch焊接缺陷 Welding defect未焊透 Incomplete penetration 未熔合 Incomplete fusion渣 Slag夹渣 Slag (slag inclusion)夹杂物 Inclusion气孔 Blow hole25条虫状气孔 Wormhole密集气孔 Porosity针尖状气孔 Pinhole白点 Fish eye (flake)切口 Kerf咬边 Undercut焊瘤 overlap凹坑 Pit烧穿 Burn through未满焊 Incomplete filled groove 清根 Back chipping清渣 Slag removal焊接烟尘 Weld fume电光性眼炎 Eye-flash26焊接性 Weldability碳当量 Carbon equivalent未焊满 Incomplete filled groove 焊接裂纹 Weld crack热裂纹 Hot crack冷裂纹 Cold crack氢致裂纹 Hydrogen –induced crack 延迟裂纹 Delayed crack层状撕裂 Lemellar tearing弧坑裂纹 Crater crack根部裂纹 Root crack再热裂纹 Reheat crack热影响区裂纹 Heat-effected zone crack 晶间裂纹 Intercystalline crack27横裂纹 Transverse crack纵裂纹 Longitudinal crack焊趾裂纹 Toe crack机械性能试验 Mechanical property test 试板 Test piece试样 Specimen侧弯 Side bend弯曲 Bending横向拉伸 Transverse tensile宏观试样 Macro-etching specimen微观试样 Micro-examination specimen 破断试验 Fracture test抗裂试验 Cracking test脆性断裂 Brittle fracture28塑性断裂 Plastic fracture焊接残余裂纹 Welding residual stress 消除应力 Stress relieving焊接变形 Welding deformation角变形 Angular distortion外观检查 Visual examination无损探伤 Non-destruction testing(N.D.T.)超声波探伤 Ultrasonic inspection射线探伤(X光) Radiographic inspection(X-ray inspection)磁粉探险伤 Magnetic particle inspection渗透探伤 Penetrate inspection熔池 Weld-pool焊机(焊接电源) Weld source29焊接方法 Welding process焊接工艺 Welding technology焊接操作 Welding operation焊接顺序 Welding sequence焊接方向 Direction of welding常用缩语气电立焊 EGW药芯电弧焊 FCAW实心电弧焊 GMAW焊剂铜衬垫单面埋弧自动焊 FCB手工电弧焊 SMAW埋弧自动焊 SAW30钨极惰性气体保护电弧焊 TIG熔化极惰性气体保护焊 MIG活性气体保护焊 MAG手工电弧切割 SMAC11密封圈 Sealing ring铰链 Hinge把手 Handle平衡块 Balance block焊接 welding坡口 groove单面坡口 Single groove双面坡口 Double grooveⅠ形坡口 Square grooveV型坡口 Single v grooveU型坡口 Single u grooveX形坡口 Single v grooveK形坡口 Single bevel groove12Y形坡口 Single v groove with broad rood face坡口面 Groove face坡口角度 Groove angle焊缝倾角 Weld slope接头根部 Root of joint根部间隙 Root gap钝边 Root face焊接接头 Welding joint对接接头 Butt joint角接接头 Corner jointT形接头 T-joint搭接接头 Lap joint十字接头 Cross shaped joint母材 Base metal(parent metal)13填充金属 Filler metal热影响区 Heat-affected zone(HAZ) 过热区 Overheated zone焊合线 Bond line(fusion line)焊接区 Weld zone焊缝区 Weld metal area焊缝 weld连续焊缝 Continuous weld断续焊缝 Intermittent weld纵向焊缝 Longitudinal weld横向焊缝 Transverse weld对接焊缝隙 Butt weld角焊缝 Filled weld并列断续角焊缝 Chain intermittent fillet14交错断续角焊缝 Staggered intermittent fillet焊缝正面 Face of weld焊缝背面 Back of weld焊缝宽度 Weld width焊缝长度 Weld length焊缝余高 Reinforcement焊脚 Leg(of a fillet weld)焊脚长度 Leg length套管接头 Muff joint手工电弧焊 Manual arc welding(shielded metal arc welding) 直流电弧焊 Direct current arc welding交流电弧焊 alternating current arc welding弧焊变压器 Arc welding transformer15弧焊整流器 Arc welding rectifier自动焊 Automatic welding埋弧自动焊 Submerged arc welding半自动焊 Semi- automatic welding氩弧焊 Argon-arc welding二氧化碳气体保护焊 CO2 gas shielded arc welding 氧乙炔焊 Oxy-acetylene welding气割 Gas cutting碳弧气刨 Carbon arc air gouging水下切割 Underwater cutting等离子弧切割 Plasma arc cutting连续焊 Continuous welding断续焊 Intermittent welding点焊 Sport welding16对接焊 Butt welding角焊 Fillet welding搭接焊 Lap welding返修焊 Re-welding补焊 Repair welding定位焊 Tack welding封底焊 Back sealing welding打底焊 Backing welding堆焊 Surfacing(overlaying)塞焊 Plug welding槽焊 Slot welding盖面焊 Consmetic welding前倾焊 Forward welding后倾焊 Backward welding17分段退焊 Back step welding分段多层焊 Block welding深溶焊 Deep penetrating welding跳焊 Skip welding陶质衬垫焊 Ceramic backing welding 引弧 Striking the arc焊接工艺参数 Welding condition焊接电流 Welding current焊接电压 Welding voltage焊接速度 Welding speed电弧电压 Arc voltage焊丝间距 Wire spacing空载电压 Open circuit voltage熔化速度 Melting rate18送丝速度 Wire feed rate气体流量 Gas flow rate焊丝伸出长度 Wire extension极性 Polarity正极/阳极 Positive electrode负极/阴极 Navigate electrode左焊法 Leftward welding右焊法 Rightward welding电流密度 Current density线能量 Heat input预热 Preheat后热 Post-heat预热温度 Preheat temperature后热温度 Post-heat temperature19层间温度 Inter-pass temperature焊后热处理 Post-weld heat treatment 锤击 Peening全焊透 Full penetration welding熔池 Weld-pool熔深 Penetration弧长 Arc length喷射过渡 Spray transfer短路过渡 Short circuiting transfer熔滴过渡 Metal transfer焊缝成形 Appearance of weld焊缝成形系数 Form factor of weld熔敷系数 Deposition coeffcient熔敷效率 Deposition efficiency20熔合比 Penetration ratio等速送丝 Constant wire-feed system变速送丝 alternate wire-feed system电弧静特性 Static characteristic of arc 电弧动特性 dynamic characteristic of arc 焊接性试验 Weldability test焊接结构 Welded construction焊道 Bead焊层 Layer正接(正极性) Straight polarity反接(反极性) Reversed polarity焊接位置 Position of welding平焊 Flat position welding横焊 Horizontal position welding1、1结构 Structure1 2船厂 dockyard/shipyard 船坞 dock/boatyard船东 ship-owner 船舷 Ship's side船码头 quay/dock 船的栏杆 Ship's rail船舱 hold 甲板 Deck船籍 Ship's registry 住舱甲板 accommodation deck 船首 bow 梁拱甲板 arch deck船梯 ladder 载货甲板 cargo deck船尾 stern 首楼甲板 Forecastle deck2船坞 dock/boatyard船舷 Ship's side船的栏杆 Ship's rail甲板 Deck住舱甲板 accommodation deck梁拱甲板 arch deck载货甲板 cargo deck首楼甲板 Forecastle deck上甲板 Upper deck下甲板 Lower deck主甲板 Main deck货舱甲板 Hold deck桥楼甲板 Bridge deck水密甲板 Watertight deck3驾驶甲板 Navigation deck艇甲板 Boat deck罗经甲板 Compass deck板 Plate舭板 Bilge plate船底板 Bottom plate船外板 Shell plate船首外板 Bow plate肘板 Bracket plate舱壁板 Bulkhead plate槽形舱壁板 Corrugated bulkhead plate舷墙板 Bulwark plate围板 Coaming plate连续板 Connection plate4铜-钢复合板 Copper sheathing steel plate 甲板边板 Deck stringer plate斜板 Sloping plate加强板 Reinforcement plate舵板 Rudder plate舷侧外板 Side plate裙板 Skirt plate首柱板 Stem plate首柱板 Stern plate平台 platform机舱平台 Engine-room platform分段 Block首段 Bow block中段 Midship block5尾段 Stern block左舷 port右舷 Starboard纵桁 Girder型材桁 Bar girder中底桁 Bottom center girder中内龙骨 Bottom center line girder 底桁材 Bottom girder旁桁材 Bottom side girder甲板纵桁 Deck girder横桁 Cross girder水平桁 Horizontal girder舱口边梁 Hatch coaming girder机座纵桁 Engine girder6甲板下纵桁 Underdeck girder舭纵桁 Wing girder支柱 Pillar肋骨 Frame基础台架 Base frame支架 Bear frame舭肋骨 Bilge frame船底肋骨 Bottom frame首肋骨 Bow frame肘板框架肋骨 Bracket frame球鼻首肋骨 Bulbous bow frame球曲型肋骨 Bulbous frame主肋骨 Chief frame首肋骨 Fore frame7桁架梁 Girder frame 舭纵桁舭纵骨 Bilge longitudinal舯部肋骨 Middle frame 船底纵骨/纵桁 bottom longitudinal尖舱肋骨 Peak frame 船底腹板纵桁 bottom web longitudinal加强筋 Stiffened frame 甲板纵桁 Deck longitudinal横框架肋骨 Transverse frame 内底纵桁/纵骨 Inner bottom longitudinal肋距 F.S.(frame space) 舷侧纵桁/纵骨 Shell side longitudinal纵桁/纵骨/纵向构件 longitudinal 双层底顶纵骨 Top longitudinal of double bottom8斜舱壁纵骨 Slopping-bulkhead longitudinal 舱 Tank结构 Structure 尾尖舱 after peak tank附属结构 Accessory structure 尾部水舱 after water tank全焊结构 All-welded structure 辅助水柜 Auxiliary water tank中部结构 Amidships structure 辅助压载水舱 Auxiliary water ballast tank泊位结构 Berthing structure 污水舱 Bilge tank底部龙骨结构 Bottom keel structure 底舱 Bottom tank船首部结构 Bow structure 底边舱 Bottom side tank支撑结构 Braced structure 货油压载舱 Cargo and ballast tank桥楼结构 Bridge structure 循环水槽 Circulating flow water tank首楼结构 Forecastle structure 循环滑油舱 Circulating lubricating oil tank构架结构 Framed structure 清洁压载舱 Clean ballast tank纵桁结构 Girder structure 冷凝水柜 Condensate catch tank人孔 manhole 干舱 Dry tank9舱 Tank尾尖舱 after peak tank尾部水舱 after water tank辅助水柜 Auxiliary water tank辅助压载水舱 Auxiliary water ballast tank 污水舱 Bilge tank底舱 Bottom tank底边舱 Bottom side tank货油压载舱 Cargo and ballast tank循环水槽 Circulating flow water tank循环滑油舱 Circulating lubricating oil tank 构架结构 Framed structure纵桁结构 Girder structure人孔 manhole10饮用水舱 Drinking water tank污水舱 Bilge tank应急淡水柜 Emergency fresh water tank首舱 Fore tank首尖舱 Fore peak tank斜边舱 Hopper side tank液舱 Liquid tank龙骨舱 Keel tank右舷舱 Starboard tank顶边水舱 Topside tank顶边翼舱 Topside wing tank小舱口盖 Small hatch cover水密舱口盖 Water-tight small hatch cover风雨密舱口盖 Weather-tight small hatch cover 11密封圈 Sealing ring铰链 Hinge把手 Handle平衡块 Balance block焊接 welding坡口 groove单面坡口 Single groove双面坡口 Double grooveⅠ形坡口 Square grooveV型坡口 Single v grooveU型坡口 Single u grooveX形坡口 Single v grooveK形坡口 Single bevel groove12Y形坡口 Single v groove with broad rood face坡口面 Groove face坡口角度 Groove angle焊缝倾角 Weld slope接头根部 Root of joint根部间隙 Root gap钝边 Root face焊接接头 Welding joint对接接头 Butt joint角接接头 Corner jointT形接头 T-joint搭接接头 Lap joint十字接头 Cross shaped joint母材 Base metal(parent metal)13填充金属 Filler metal热影响区 Heat-affected zone(HAZ) 过热区 Overheated zone焊合线 Bond line(fusion line)焊接区 Weld zone焊缝区 Weld metal area焊缝 weld连续焊缝 Continuous weld断续焊缝 Intermittent weld纵向焊缝 Longitudinal weld横向焊缝 Transverse weld对接焊缝隙 Butt weld角焊缝 Filled weld并列断续角焊缝 Chain intermittent fillet14交错断续角焊缝 Staggered intermittent fillet焊缝正面 Face of weld焊缝背面 Back of weld焊缝宽度 Weld width焊缝长度 Weld length焊缝余高 Reinforcement焊脚 Leg(of a fillet weld)焊脚长度 Leg length套管接头 Muff joint手工电弧焊 Manual arc welding(shielded metal arc welding) 直流电弧焊 Direct current arc welding交流电弧焊 alternating current arc welding弧焊变压器 Arc welding transformer15弧焊整流器 Arc welding rectifier自动焊 Automatic welding埋弧自动焊 Submerged arc welding半自动焊 Semi- automatic welding氩弧焊 Argon-arc welding二氧化碳气体保护焊 CO2 gas shielded arc welding 氧乙炔焊 Oxy-acetylene welding气割 Gas cutting碳弧气刨 Carbon arc air gouging水下切割 Underwater cutting等离子弧切割 Plasma arc cutting连续焊 Continuous welding断续焊 Intermittent welding点焊 Sport welding16对接焊 Butt welding角焊 Fillet welding搭接焊 Lap welding返修焊 Re-welding补焊 Repair welding定位焊 Tack welding封底焊 Back sealing welding打底焊 Backing welding。



良好掩护码头Well Sheltered Terminal开敞式码头Open Sea Terminal进港航道设计通过能力Design Traffic-capacity of Approach Channel 复式航道Compound Channel通用码头Bulk and General Cargo Terminal泊位设计通过能力Berth Design Capacity单位直接装卸成本Unit Cost of Cargo Handling转口货和选港货transshipment cargo and optional cargo在…..转口with transshipment at不同物品之间的隔层layer同种物品相叠而上的各层tier停靠pull up/stop/berth in远洋班轮Ocean liner载重吨/净吨deadweight ton码头堆场Wharf yards1 港口机械Port machineryQuay Crane 岸桥Portainer 岸壁集装箱装卸桥RTG--Rubber-tyred Gantry Crane 轮胎式龙门起重机/场桥RMG--Rail Mounted Gantry Crane 轨道式龙门起重机/场桥Little Forklift 小叉车Top loader 空叉Forklift 叉车Reach stacker 正面吊Gantry crane 龙门吊/场桥Tractor/Chasis 拖车Cabover Type 平头式Bonnet Type 长头式trailer 拖车Full trailer 全挂式拖车Semi trailer 半挂式拖车Straddle carrier/van carrier 跨运车Berth 泊位Gate and Reefer 大门及冷藏Spreader 吊具Spares 备件Infrastructure (港口)基础设施Double trolley 双小车Twin-lifting spreader 双箱吊具Switchboard 配电箱pressure 压力windproof 抗风的attachment 附件sling 吊索grab 抓斗hook 吊钩shore 岸mobile 机动的,可移动的cabin 驾驶室platform 平台turning radius 回转半径engine 引擎axle 轴structure 结构Stow 堆垛cooperation 合作tier 层capacity 能力reliable 可靠性feature 特点automation 自动化Front-handling Mobile Crane 正面吊运机Back reach 后伸距Bolt 螺栓Engine 发动机Equipment 机械,设备Over-height container 超高箱Hoist wire rope 起升钢丝Layout plan 布局图Lifting capacity 起重量Above rail 轨面以上Below rail 轨面以下Maximum lifting height 最大起重高度Out reach 外伸距Rail 轨道Rail clamp 夹轨器Rail span 轨距Rated load 额定起重量Reducer 减速器Reset 复位Safety device 安全装置Safety warning system 安全警告系统Spare parts 备件Spreader 吊具Spreader cable 吊具电缆Spreader side-shifting 吊具侧移Stability 稳定性Stairway 斜梯Structure 结构Trim of spreader 吊具纵倾Trolley speed 小车行走速度Twistlock 旋锁Twistlock locking time 旋锁锁紧时间Twistlock unlocking time 旋锁开锁时间2 港务作业Port operation Approval 批准ATB-Actual Time of Berthing 实际靠岸时间ATU-Actual Time of Unberthing 实际离岸时间Bag cargo 袋装货Barrel 桶装Bay 排Bay plan 分舱箱位图Berth allocation 泊位分配Berth application 泊位申请Berth utilization 泊位使用率Berthing gang 泊位员工Best turnaround port 最佳周转港Bill of exchange 汇票Bill of loading (B/D) 提货单Block 区Bulk cargo 集装货BTR-berth time required 泊位预定时间Cargo 货物Cargo hatchway 货舱口Cargo markings 货物标签Cargo throughput 货物吞吐量Carton cargo 纸箱货Case cargo 木箱货CFS-container fright station 集装箱货运站Consignee 收货人Consignor 寄货人Consign 发送Container packing list 装箱单Container removal form 集装箱移货表Container spreader 集装箱吊具Container throughput 集装箱吞吐量Crane hang 装卸桥悬搁时间Crane intensity 装卸桥使用密度Crane sequence 装卸桥作业顺序Crane splitting advice 装卸桥分配表Customs 海关Damaged cargo 破损货Deliver cargo 交货Depot 场站Depreciation 折旧DG-dangerous goods 危险货物DG packing list 危险货物装箱单Discharging bay plan 卸箱分舱箱位图Discharging cargo 卸货Discharging list 卸货顺序单Dunnage 垫材Electronic bay plan 电子分箱图ETB-estimated time of berthing 预计靠岸时间ETU-estimated time of unberthing 预计离岸时间Feeder ship 支线船Freight 运货Freight forwarder 运货人Global alliance 环球联盟Grand alliance 大联盟Gross crane rate 总装卸率Gross weight 总重量Ground slot 地面单位Hand-held terminal 手提终端机Hatch/hold 舱口Hatch beam 货舱梁Hatch-cover 舱盖Hatchway 舱梯Hook 吊钩Cargo hook 货钩Crane hook 起重机吊钩Stevedore hook 装卸钩Palm hook 掌钩Baling hook 捆钩Hub 枢纽Import breakdown list 进口项目单Import cargo 进口货Import status list 进口资料清单In-situ 现场In-transit 运输过程,过境Insurance 保险Label 标签Laden 满载Landing & reshipping 回装货Lashing bar 捆扎杆Lashing gang 捆扎员工Lashing/unlashing 捆扎/松绑LCL-less container load 拼箱货Level 层Loading bay plan 装箱分舱箱位图Loading cargo 装货Loading list 装货顺序单Loading summary 装箱小结Offload 卸载Open storage 露天贮放场Operating procedure 作业程序Operational standby 等待作业Optional list 供选择的清单Original copy 原件Duplicate copy 副本Photostat copy 影印本Overside 从船边装卸货物Packing list 装货单Performance indicator 作业指标Performance target 作业目标Port equipment 海港机械Port premises 海港作业范围Post Panama 超巴拿马3业务及流程Business and processStack yard 堆场Revenue 收入Shipping line berth allocation 航线布局Ship rules and regulations 船舶规范Hazard prevention 安全预防Timeline 时间表Container throughput/ volume 箱量Bollard strength 系船柱力度Inward container 进口箱Outward container 出口箱Contingency plan 应急方案Shipping line transfer 移线Appraisal institute 评估机构Lease agreement 租赁协议Dangerous cargo administrative provisions 危险货物集装箱管理规定Nomenclature 命名The fine-tuning period 磨和期Operational capabilities 操作能力Throughput 吞吐量Cargo supply 货源Feeder 支线Multimodal shipping 联运transshipment 中转Procedure 流程CIQ supervising procedure 监管流程Flood & typhoon prevention contingency 防台防汛应急方案Feeder route 航线Call 挂靠Main line 干线Domestic cargo and foreign trade cargo loaded on the same ship and handled on the same terminal 内外贸同船同码头Cargo distribution and transportation system 集疏运体系Gang 作业线Container Terminal Tariffs for Domestic Trade 国内水陆集装箱港口收费办法Gate-in operation 入港及截载Laden container 普通重箱Empty container 普通空箱Laden reefer 冷藏重箱Empty reefer 冷藏空箱DG cargo 危险品重箱On-site inspection expenses 工厂监造费用Weighing scale 地磅Shipping line transfer plan 航线移植方案Shipping line allocation 航线布局Tugboat 拖轮Dangerous cargo area 危险品场地Maintenance workshop 维修车间Dangerous cargo certification 危险品资质认定Inspection yard 查验场地Port security facility 港口保安设施4港口相关工作人员Port related staffCaptain (mate) 船长Political Commissar 政委Chief Officer (chief/first mate) 大副Second officer 二副Third officer 三副Chief Radio Officer 报务主任Bosun 水手长Chief Engineer 轮机长Second Engineer 大管轮Third Engineer 二管轮Electrical Engineer 电机员Motor Man 机匠Interpreter 翻译员Crew (全体)船员Ship owner 船东Charterer 租船人Agent 代理Shipper, Consignor 发货人Receiver, Consignee 收货人Harbour Master 港长Harbour Officer 港务人员Frontier Officer 边防人员Customs Officer 海关人员Pilot 领航员Ship Surveyor 验船师Cargo Surveyor 商检员Quarantine Doctor 检疫医生Quarantine officer 检疫员Wharf manager 装卸作业区主任Dispatcher 调度员Chief foreman 装卸队长Foreman 装卸领班Stevedore 装卸工人Docker 码头工人Winchman 起重工人Warehouse keeper 仓库保管员Lighterman 驳船工人Chairman (Labor Union) 工会主席Supervisor 主管Duty head 值班主任Senior operator 高级操作员Office assistant 办公助理RTG operator 场桥司机Office clerk 办公文员Safety and security clerk 安全员Procurement officer 采购员Billing clerk 计费员Permanent staff 正式员工Position 岗位Planning supervisor 计划主管Control room supervisor 中控主管Resource allocation supervisor 资源配置主管Stowage planner 配载计划员Yard planner 堆场计划员Ship clerk 船舶业务员Ship/yard dispatcher 船舶场地调度Resource allocation clerk 资源配置员Container management 箱管RS/FL driver 正面吊/叉车司机Perform on-the –job training 实习Take up an appointment 就职Outsourced labor 外包劳务Permanent staff 正式员工Job description 岗位职责5 海事服务Maritime Service Above deck 上甲板Agent 船务代理Anchorage 锚地Call sign 船舶呼号Captain 船长Chief officer 大副Deckhand 水手Departure declaration 离港呈报Displacement 总排水量Draft/draught 吃水量ETA/estimated time of arrival 预计抵港时间ETD/estimated time of departure 预计离港时间Fore and aft 船头与船尾Freeboard 干舷High water 高潮LOA-length overall 船身总长Loadline 载货吃水线Low water 低潮Mate 高级船员Overload 超载Pilot 领航员Ship owner 船东Ship stability 船舶稳性Stowage 装载Tide table 潮汐表UKC-underkeel clearance 富裕水线Under deck 下甲板Vessel trimming 船舶纵倾Walkie-Talkie 对讲机Port side 左舷Starboard side 右舷6工程engineeringLight steel keel gypsum board partition 轻钢龙骨石膏板间隔墙Foundation engineering of hydraulic structure 水工基础工程Water supply and wastewater engineering 给排水工程Paying off construction 放线施工Cable pit 电缆井Drop ceiling 吊顶Pipe laying 布管Turning basin 船舶掉头区Sheetrock rods 吊顶拉杆Fire box 消火栓箱Water works main and branch pipes 喷洒主支管Windpipe trachea 风机盘管Modeling steel roof truss 钢架造型Girder 梁Trellis 棚架Gate post 门柱Construction works 土建工程Ventilation 通风Alarming 周界保安Building security controlling 楼宇自控Prefabricate piling foundation 预制桩Assets under construction 在建工程Main structure 主体工程No. 4 transformer substation 4号变电所Interior and exterior decoration 内外装修Reinforced concrete 钢筋混凝土Block masonry wall 砌块墙体Wall plastering 墙体抹灰7 财务Financial affairs Adjustment of budget 预算调整Financial report 决算报告Auditor’s report 审计报告Capital verification report 验资报告Proposal 提案Financing plan 融资计划Financial policies 财务制度Statistic 统计Loss 亏损Capital injection 注资Taxation registration 税务登记Registered capital 注册资本Industrial and Commercial Bank of China 中国工商银行Bank of China 中国银行Open account 开户Fixed deposit 定期存款Cash in bank 银行存款Prepayment 预付帐款Current assets 流动资产Fixed assets-NBV 固定资产净值Long-term deferred expenses 长期待摊费用Tax payable 应交税金Other payables 其他应付款Total of current liabilities 流动负债合计Paid-up capital 实收资本Capital reserve 资本公积Undistributed profit 未分配利润Owner’s equity 所有权益总额Owner’s equity and liabilities 所有者权益及负债Cash flow 现金流Cash flows from operating activities 经营活动产生的现金流量净额Cash flows from investing activities 投资活动产生的现金净流量Cash flows from financing activities 筹资活动产生的现金净流量Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash flows 汇率变动对现金的影响Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 现金及现金等价物增加额Statement of income 利润表Deloitte Touché Tohmatsu CPA Ltd. (Deloitte) 德勤华永会计师事务所Standard tariff 标准费率Agreed tariff 协议费率Credit terms 结算方式Credit period 结算信贷期Temporary tariff 临时费率Repay 还款Pay off 还清Revenue 收入税收An appreciation tendency (货币)升值趋势Borrowing plan 贷款计划Loan draw 贷款额Accumulated loan 累计货款Tenor 贷款期限Currency 币种Depreciation 折旧Amortization 摊销Fixed assets classification 固定资产分类Taxation regulations 税法Budgetary estimate 概算Capitalized interest 资本化利息Net profit 盈利Accumulated balance 累计盈余Principal 本金Billing 计费Assets 资产Tariff 费率Intangible assets/ fixed assets 无形资产/固定资产Provision policy for doubtful debt 坏帐准备计提方法Absorbing beneficial interest investment 吸收权益性投资Estimate total amount 预计总额Balance 余额Revenue 收入Free of charge 免费Comparable month a year earlier 去年同比Totalled 总数达到Fiscal Year 财政年度Facility amount 授信额度Tax--exemption 免税Credit standing 银行授信office expenses 办公费Sales expenses 业务开发费Traveling expenses 差旅费Office Rental 房租Bank changes 手续费(财务)Staff appraisal system 绩效评估制度Compensation &welfare 薪资与福利Salary system 薪资体系Training cost 培训费Car expenses 办公车辆费用Entertainment expenses 交际应酬费Communication expenses 通讯费/交通费Administration expenses 管理费Miscellaneous 其他款项8港口收费Port charges Opening/closing hatch cover 开关舱盖费Re-export container rate 重出口货物费Removal charge 搬移费Standby charge 等候费Stevedore labor standby 码头员工等候费Stuffing/unstuffing 装箱/拆箱费Supply of water by waterboat 供水费(供水船)Supply of water from mains 供水费(供水管)Tug service 拖船费Use of machinery 机械租费Wharf handling charge 码头操作费Wharfage 仓库费Port dues 港务费Miscellaneous all-in charges 港杂包干费Lift on/off charge 搬移费9 IT系统 IT system Community and EDI system 社区及EDI系统Office automation 办公自动化系统Reefer monitoring system 冷藏箱监控系统IT system 资讯系统Smart Gate System 大门自动化系统Auxiliary system 辅助系统Subsystem 子系统Billing system 计费系统Job incentive system 计件工系统Statistic system 统计系统Mounted (fixed) radio system 固定台式对讲机Mounted (mobile) radio system 流动台式对讲机Hand held radio system 手持对讲机Mounted (high frequency) 台式高频对讲机Hand held (high frequency) 手持高频对讲机Server 服务器Network equipment 网络设备PC 微机Dot matrix printer 针式打印机Printer 普通打印机High-speed printer 高速打印机Wireless base station 无线基站Vehicle mounted terminal 车载终端Handle held terminal 手持终端Server room cabling 机房装修综合布线System integration 系统集成Laying of cable in the yard 堆场布线系统Customization 客户化Portent 社区网络Sever room 机房Laying of cables 网络布线Radio frequency interference 通讯频率干扰Interphone 对讲机Radio frequency 无线电频率Database 电子档案Site reconnaissance 现场勘测Testing environment 测试环境Integration 总集成Analog interphone 模拟对讲机Mean Time Between Failures MTBF10招标和投标Invite tenders and submission of tendersTender 招标tender Invitation 邀标Contract awarding 中标Evaluation 评标Contractor 中标方Acceptance of Tender 中标通知书11 特定名词Specific nounSteering committee 筹备组Dayao Bay Phase II 大窑湾二期China Communications Planning & Design Institute for Water Transportation 中交水规院Business affairs panel 商务综合组Tendering Committee 招投标委员会Ministry of Communications (MOC) 交通部Northeast traditional industry base 东北老工业基地Shipping hub of Northeast Asia 东北亚航运中心ASEAN 东盟Logistic park 物流园Bohai Highway 渤海大道Dalian Port Key Projects Headquarters 大连港重点工程指挥部(重点指)Dalian Free Trade Zone 大连保税区China Communications Planning and Design Institute for Water Transportation 水规院Yangtse River Delta 长江三角洲州State Department 国务院Foundation engineering of hydraulic structure 水工基础工程Stevedoring company 港务公司Procurement Committee 采购委员会Bohai Rim area 环渤海地区12其他 MiscellaneousAppointment 委任Short-list (人员)挑选In good progress 有序进展Basic structure 基本框架Appraisal criteria 考核内容Annual achievement 年度指标Circulated paper 流转文件Artificial person 法人Time constraint 时间紧急Minivan 面包车Expend 扩建Consumable goods 易耗品Acquaintanceship 熟悉Optimal 最大限度Integrate 整合M & R workshop 维修保养车间Verse 2 第二款Serial No. 序号Working highlights 工作重点Performing duties on our behalf 代甲方职责Receptionist/ statistician 热线/统计Macro-allocation 宏观协调Monitor the market trend 跟踪市场趋势Land use right 土地使用权Amount to 达到(数量)In succession 陆续Unified management body 统一经营势实体Alleviate traffic congestion 减轻交通堵塞Pending /be mooted 未决定的, 有争议的Equity investment 产权投资,直接投资Post 宣告Bourse 交易所Relinquish 放弃Aggregate consideration 总体考虑Intellectual property /rights/patent 知识产权Office supplies 办公用品Time and venue 时间与地点Topic 议题Agenda 议程Letter of intent 合同意向书Belgian 比利时Deploy 采用,展开Tax-exemption 免税Sophisticated 熟练的,优秀的Company’s Article of Association and JV Contract 公司章程及合同。



水运工程结构设计专用术语6.1 港口、码头及防波堤6.1.1 港口水工建筑物marine structure;maritime structure供港口正常生产作业的临水或水中建筑物。

6.1.2 斜坡码头sloping wharf前沿邻水面呈斜坡状的码头。

6.1.3 墩式码头dolphin wharf由靠船墩、系缆墩、工作平台及引桥等组成的码头。

6.1.4 实体式码头quay wall由方块、沉箱、扶壁、沉井、板桩等结构连续构成并与后方陆体紧连的整片式码头。

6.1.5 透空式码头open type wharf由基桩、墩柱等结构构成的下部透空的码头。

6.1.6 浮码头floating wharf由趸船及其系留设施、引桥、作业平台及护岸等组成的码头。

6.1.7 重力式码头gravity quay以结构本身和填料的重力保持稳定的码头。

6.1.8 高桩码头open type wharf on piles由桩基和上部结构组成的码头。

6.1.9 板桩码头quay wall of sheet pile由板桩、导梁、上部结构和锚锭结构等组成的码头。

6.1.10 码头胸墙wharf breast wall在直立式码头上部的靠船面,装设防冲设备,挡住墙后回填料,并与下部结构连接成整体构件。

6.1.11 卸荷板relieving slab用以减少重力式码头墙后填土压力,增加墙身稳定的混凝土板状构件。

6.1.12 靠船构件berthing member专门承受船舶在靠码头时撞击力和挤靠力的构件。

6.1.13 引桥approach bridge;approach trestle连接码头与陆域的桥式建筑物。

6.1.14 防波堤breakwater;mole防御波浪侵袭港口水域,保证港内水域平稳的水工建筑物。


6.1.15 斜坡式防波堤sloping breakwater;mound breakwater用石料或混凝土块体填筑,堤的两侧为斜坡形的防波堤。



各种船型英文缩写(一)Bulk Carrier (散货船)- Handysize (灵便型) :2~5万吨左右,大灵便型:大于4万吨- Panamax(巴拿马型): 6~7.5万吨,船的总长小于或等于274.32M,型宽小于或等于32.30M;目前平均载重吨达到8.2万吨- Kmsarmax(卡尔萨姆型):8~8.9999万吨- Capesize(好望角型):15万吨左右Container(集装箱)(货舱区分:中央部位货舱——集装箱船;其他舱位——普通杂货船可变换区分:货舱内结构可拆装——集装箱船;不可拆装——普通杂货船)Oil Tanker(油轮)- ULCC(巨型原油轮):大于30万吨- VLCC(超大原油轮):20~30万吨- Suezmax(苏伊士型):12~16万吨- Aframax(阿芙拉型):8~12万吨- Panamax(巴拿马型):6~8万吨BC:Bulk Carrier 散货船COT:Cargo Oil Tanker 货油轮DFF:高速渡轮ERRV:救援船FLNG:浮式液化天然气船(科代替岸上传统的液化天然气工厂)FPSO:浮式生产储油船FPV:浮式生产设备G-Cargo Ship:杂货船LNG:液化天然气船LEG:液化乙烯汽船LPG:全压式液化石油汽船LSV:驳运支援船LR成品油轮:stands for large range,远程成品油轮MR成品油轮:stands for medium range,中程成品油轮OSV:Offshore Support Vessel,海洋工程船PSV:平台供应船PC:重型石油化学制品运输船PCC:Pure Car Carrier 汽车运输船PCTC:Pure Car & Truck Carrier 大型轿车卡车专用船RO-RO SHIP:客滚船Roll-on/Roll-off ship:滚装船UCLL: Ultra Large Crude Carrier: 超大型原油轮VLOC:大型矿砂船VLCC:巨型原油轮。



9th Int'l Conference on STELL ,SPACE &COMPOSITE :10-15 OCT2007,Yantai&Beijing,ChinaRELIABILITY ANALYSIS OF NEW TYPE COMPOSITE PANELS OF STELL AND CONCRETE FOR WHARFSChang hong Huang*,Navy University of Engineering , tianjin,China Zhuo bin Wei . NaVy University of Engineering,tianjin,china ABSTRACTNew type steel-concrete composite slabs with stiffening ribs were porposed as panels of wharfs to meet special requirements. Working procedure of a wharf can be reduced and project construction speed can be fester by using this new type steel- concrete composite slabs . Based on the statistic parameters of load and material characters and dimensions,the security and reliability for the new type steel- concrete slabs for wharfs in the periods of construction and using in sea are calculated and compared with common concrete panels of wharfs . By the calculated results,advices of the new type steel-concrete structure for wharf on Piles are proposed.KEY WORDS: new type steel-concrete composite slabs with stiffening ribs , wharf,concrete structure,reliability,and construction period1. IntroductionStell-concrete composite structure has been applied widely in the buildingproject,but it is seldom applied in wharfs in sea . Instead of reinforced concrete beam-slab system,a new type steel-concrete composite structure is designed for wharf on piles to meet special requirements. A type of composite beam with concrete and U-shaped steel is designed as the beam of wharf on piles,and a new type of steel-concretecomposite slab with stiffening ribs is designed as the panel of wharf on piles.Steel slab with stiffening ribs can span a long distance without any temporary braces; furthermore,it has bigger carrying capacity than RC slab has during construction,and after integrating with concrete the steel-concrete composite slab with stiffening ribs can support more loads .Because the construction of this slab needn't use moulding board and bind reinforcing steel bars . working procedure of a wharf can be reduced and project construction speed can be faster by using this new type steel-concrete composite structure . And because this Steel-concrete composite slab has less deadweight,the hoist ability off floating crane will not be so important in building a wharf U-shaped steel concrete composite beam has the same advantage . Thus this steel-concretecomposite structure system is a good choice to build a wharf on Piles under brief time limit for a project.The new type of stell-concrete composite structre is researched to apply in wharfs ,so there are few experiences of design,construction and use of the application of the composite structure in wharfs .Based on the statistic Parameters of load and material characters and dimensions,the security and reliability for the new type steel-concrete slabs for wharfs in the periods of construction and using in sea are calculated and compared with common concrete panels of wharfs . Based on the calculated results advices of the new type steel-concrete structure for wharf on piles are proposed.2. The new type of composite beam-slabs systems2.1 Beam-slabs systemsTo meet the requirements of a wharf on piles in sea,two kinds of composite structure are adopted to form a new type of composite structure beam-slabs system(Fig.1). One is U-shaped steel concrete composite beam which is also called cap-style section composite beam,The other is the ribbed steel form concrete composite slabs or the steel sheeting-concrete composite slabs with the reinforced bar of profiled steel.Welding or cold bendings slabs into the U-shaped section as the beam's rib,pouring concrete into the rib and the upside of flange on the U-shaPed section,the U-shaped steel-concrete composite beam is formed.According as require,U-shaped steel beams can adopt the type of the section with liPPed bar or the section without lip,just as Fig.2. When the U-shaped steel has the lipped bar,one way is to lay the bottom slabs on the lipped bar and root them with bolt( as Fig.2(a)).The other way is to groove firstly on the bottom slabs and connect it with the lipped bar by plug welding. when the U-shaped steel beam has not the lipped bar,the end of slabs may be extended in to concrete of the beam,then they are braced on the side rib of U-shaped steel beam(as Fig.2(b)),and the width of this kind of U - shaped steel beam is longer.2.2 Steel-concrete composite slabs with stiffening ribs slab0n the bottom of the steel-concrete composite slabs with stiffening ribs slab,is welded into the steel deck on which the certain concrete is poured(Fig.3).The slab is one-way slab , and the I-shaped steel or the T-shaped steel must be Paralleled to thedirection of the span of the slab . If the slab is designed as one-way continuous plate,reinforcing steel bars can be set at the upside of the slab on the bearing by calculation . Because of stiffening ribs,the slab can endure big shearing force and needn't set reinforcing steel bars to resist it .To make the steel and concrete of the slab work as a whole , bolts are welded into the bottom of the steel deck and the top of the I-shaped steel or the T-shaped steel.3 . Reliability analysis of the steel-concrete composite slab with stiffening ribs in wharf on pilesThe structural reliability is the Probability of a structuer realizing its Pre-design function in certain Period and certain conditions . In this paper , the reliability for the steel-concrete composite slab with stiffening ribs in wharf on piles is analyzed . Based on the limit state of bearing capacity,JC method is applied into the calculation of the slab's reliability index β[5][6].3.1Calculating model of resistanceThere are three factors that influence the randomicity of the resistance of structure members mainly . These factors are material property ,geometrical parameter of the members and calculating mode. For the steel-concrete composite structures,the randomicity of geometrical parameter of the members can be determined by each statistical parameter of steel members and concrete members . Then the randomicity of material ProPerty,which mainly refers to the strength of the material,can be obtained after analyzed the statistical data of each kind of materials of the slab . For the randomicity of calculating mode,because of the lack of its statistical date ,it is not be discussed in this PaPer,and choosing a Proper calculating model of resistance is a appropriate way to reduce its influence.During construction,only the resistance of the steel components in thesteel-concrete composite slab with stiffening is accounted, and the concrete of the slab is merely regarded as load . So the flexure strength of the slab can be calculated by ordinary steel structure calculating method,and we do not discuss more about it . During service life,steel components and concrete can work as a whole , and the natural axis of the composite slab should be designed to pass the webs of profiled steel[2]. Then the height of compressive region can be figured out by the balance of force.Where ‘f a’ is design value of compressive and tensile strength of steel slab; ‘f s’ is design value of compressive and tensile strength of profiled steel; ‘f c’ is design value of compressive strength of concrete;‘A a’ is area of steel slab; ‘A f’ is area of tensile flange wall of profiled steel; ‘b’ is width of composite slab;‘A’sf’ is area of compressive flange wall of profiled steel;‘t w’ is web depth of profiled steel;‘h s’ is web height of profiled steel(viz. the approximatively total height of profiled steel) ;‘hc’ is distance between the compression flange wall of profiled steel and the top of concrete;‘b’ is width of composite slab;’n’is amount of profiled steel on slab width.The value of ‘x’ figured out by the formula (3) must be given as follows: ‘X<h c+h f’.otherwise the slab should be redesigned . Where ‘h f’ is flange depth of profiled steel . Then the flexure strength is given byShear strength of the obligue section of the steel-concrete composite slab with stiffening ribs can be figured out by formula(3).Where ‘V c’ is design value of shearing strength of concrete;‘V s’ is design value of shearing Strength of profiled steel.If the composite slab is designed as one-way continuous plate and reinforced steel bars are assigned in the upside to resist negative moment ,the bearing capacity ofnegative moment resistance formula of U-shaped steel-concrete composite beam[3].3.2 Model of loadActions that may affect a wharf on piles can be classified as permanent action and variable action and accidental action ,and the effect of accidental action isn’t involved in this paper.The main permanent action of a wharf on piles is the action of the dead loads of the component of the wharf. The dead load distribution of wharf on piles is normal distribution ,and the statistic parameters are given as follows . Themean value is given by 1k G 1.0148G =μ; the variance is given 1k 2G 0437.0=σ ;the variable coefficient is given by 0431.0=CV . Where 1k G is design value of dead load.The actions of the loads of the heaped load and carnes and trucks are the variable actions that a wharf on piles may suffer ,and the heaped load often has the main effect . The heaped load distribution conforms to the Extreme I distribution . The statistic parameters are given by the appendix of the Code JTJ215一98.3.3 Calculation of reliability indexIn this PaPer ,JC method is appl ied in the calculation of the composite slab’s reliability index The limit state equation is given as folLows ,0S -S -R S -R Z Q G ===Where ’Z’is the limit state function;‘R’is the resistance of the structure;‘G S ’is the effect of Permanent actions;’ Q S ’Is the effect of variable actions.Because the slabs in the upside of wharf on Piles are usually continuous plates ,what's the brief failure mode must be taken into account to figure out the reliability index of the composite slabs . The new tyPe steel-concrete comPosite slabs with stiffening ribs are designed to rePlace old concrete slabs with equal or aPProximate bearing capacity of flexure strength ,and the shear strength resistance caPacity of the composite slabs is usually bigger than the old one's . Therefore ,considering the correlation of three failure modes ,the reliability index of the middle section is regarded as the representative reliability index of the whole slab with enough precision.3.4 Calculation of an instance3.4.1 Introduction of the structureWithout longerons ,Prefabricated RC slabs were Put on the crossbeams directly in the wharf on Piles,and the distance between two crossbeam is 6.0m .As one-way continuous Panels,the slabs are hinged in transverse . The length of the slabs is 5600 mm,and the width is 2700 mm,and the thickness is 500 mm. The concrete degree of the slabs is C40 . 21 reinforced bars with 18 mm diameter were assigned in the downside of each RC slab. As design variable load,the heaped load were given,and its representative value is 20KN/m2 . In the construction period ,the representative value of construction load is 2.5KN/m2.New tyPe steel-concrete composite slabs with stiffening ribs are designed to rePlace the old RC slabs with the aPProximate bearing capacity of flexure strength . The length of the composite slabs is 560O mm , and the width is 270O mm,and the thickness is 250 mm .The concrete degree of the slabs is C40 . Each composite slab has 6 stiffening ribs ,which are made by ll4 shaped steel,and the bottom steel Plate is 5 mm in thickness . All the steel components are made from Q235 steel . TO resist shear strength and make the composite slab work as a whole , bolts are welded on the top of the I-shaped steel and the bottom steel Plates . In this PaPer,the old RC slab is noted as ‘SLABO’,and the new tyPe composite slab is noted as ‘SLAB1’.3.4.2Result of the reliability calculationBased on JC method , reliability indexes of the old slab and the new type composite slab are calculated,and the result is listed as the Table 1.The durability for the wharf on Piles in sea is also imPortant , and it is discussed in this PaPer.Time-dependent reliability indexes for the RC slabs of the wharf with changing characters are calculated with the corrosion rate of 8.0 m/ , and the calculated results are showen in Fig.4.4. ConclusionsA new type steel-concrete composite structure is porposed to replace the upside structure of wharf on piles for some special purposes . The reliability for the steel-concrete composite slab with stiffening ribs is discussed , and an instance is calculated . By analyzing the result ,some conclusions can be down as follows.With approximate bearing capacity of flexure strength , the reliability for the new type steel-concrete composite slab with stiffening ribs is bigger than the old RC slab's . Therefore , being safe enough ,the new type composite slabs are advised to replace RC longerons and RC slabs of wharfs on piles for their emergency repair or construction.Because of the high resistance capacity of the stiffening I-shaped steel ribs , the reliability index of the new type composite slabs during costruction period is higher than that during service period . So the new type composite slabs can carry more construction load in safe , and it can speed the building Work in a way.Because of the corrosion of the steel bottom slabs , time-dependent reliability for the new type composite slabs keeps falling smoothly , and the falling speed is quicker than that of the RC slabs during the first 15 years . After 15 years ,with the corrosion of the inside reinforced steel bars , the time-dependent reliability for the RC slabs drops quickly . Therefore ,to have enough durability ,some available measures must be taken to protect the exposed surfaces of the composite slabs' steel components .And in long term ,the durability for the composite slabs is better than the RC slabs . Reference[1] WEI Zhuo-bin,WANG Tie-cheng & ZHANG Xiao-Peng . New Type Composite Panels of Steel and Concrete for Quays[J]- China Harbour Engineering ,2006(3):24-28[2] WEI Zhuo bin,Gao Yi & Wang Tiecheng. Test of A New Type of steel-concrete Composite Slab With shape Stiffening Rib[J] . Steel Construction,2006,27(1):77-82[3] PLA General Logistics Department . Technical Specifications for Early-strength Model Composite Structure Used for Navy Port Emergency RePair in Wartime(GJB4142-2000) . Beijing : PLA General Logistics Department ,2000-12-26[4]WEI Zhuo bin,GAO Yi & XUE Songtao . Construction and strength calculation of a new type of composite structure beam-slabs system [A] ,The Ninth International Symposium on Structural Engineering for Young ExPerts[C] ,Fuzhou & Xiamen ,China : Han Linhai , 2006:1445-1450[5]HUANG Changhong . Reseach on Evaluation of The Durability of Existing Open Type Wharf on Piles : [M.S.Dissertation] . Tianjin :Tianjin University , 2004 [6]WANG Yuan-zhan ,SUN Yi & HUANG Changhong . On Time-dependent Resistance of RC Members in Marine Environment[J] . Port Engineering Technology , 2005(3)第九届国际钢材,航天与复合材料会议:2007年10月15号,中国烟台和北京新型复合板与钢筋混凝土码头的可靠性分析黄长红*,海军工程大学,天津,中国卓魏斌,海军工程大学,天津,中国摘要:新型加劲肋钢和混凝土的组合板作为码头的面板来满足特殊的要求。

万吨级码头泊位数 英文缩写

万吨级码头泊位数 英文缩写

万吨级码头泊位数英文缩写英文回答:The abbreviation for "万吨级码头泊位数" in English is "DWPT" which stands for "Deadweight Tonnage Port Capacity". DWPT refers to the maximum weight that a ship can carry, including cargo, fuel, crew, and passengers. It is an important factor in determining the size and capacity of a port.For example, let's say there is a port with a DWPT of 100,000 tons. This means that the port can handle ships with a maximum weight of 100,000 tons. If a ship has a DWPT of 80,000 tons, it can safely dock at this port. However, if a ship has a DWPT of 120,000 tons, it would be too large for this port and would need to find another port with a higher DWPT.Having a high DWPT is crucial for ports that handle large cargo vessels, such as container ships or bulkcarriers. These types of ships often carry goods in the millions of tons, so the port needs to have enough capacity to handle their size and weight. Ports with a higher DWPT are more attractive to shipping companies as they can accommodate larger vessels and handle larger volumes of cargo.中文回答:"万吨级码头泊位数" 的英文缩写是 "DWPT",它代表着"Deadweight Tonnage Port Capacity",即码头的最大吨位能力。

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苏港万吨级码头结构设计英文翻译Civil EngineeringAbstract: The civil engineer may work in research, design, construction supervision, maintenance, or even in management. Each of these areas involves different duties and different use of the engineer’s knowledge and expe rience.1.Careers in Civil EngineeringEngineering is a profession, which means that an engineer must have a specialized universityeducation. Many countries also require engineering graduates to pass an examination, similar to the bar examinations for a lawyer, before they can start on their careers.In the university, mathematics, physics, and chemistry are considered very important throughout the engineering curriculum, particularly in the first two or three years. Mathematics, of course, is very important in engineering, so it is greatly stressed. Today, mathematics includes courses in statistics, which deals with gathering, classifying, and using numerical data, or pieces of information. An important part of statistical mathematics is probability, which deals with what may happen when there are different factors that can change the results of a problem. Before the construction of a bridge is begun, for example, a statistical study is made of the amount of traffic the bridge will be expected to control. In the design of the bridge, factorssuch as water pressure on the foundations, the effects of different wind forces, and many other factors must be considered.Because a great deal of calculation is involved in solving these problems, computer programming is now included in almost all engineering curricula. Computers, of course, can solve many problems involving calculations with greater speed and accuracy than a human being can. But computers are useless unless they are given clear and accurate instructions and information---in other words, a good program.In spite of the importance of technical subjects in the engineering curriculum, a current trend is to require students to take courses in the social sciences and the language arts. We have already discussed the relationship between engineering and society. It is, therefore,sufficient to say again that the work done by an engineer affects society in many different and important ways that he or she should understand. An engineer also needs a good command of language to be able to prepare reports that are clear and persuasive. An engineer doing research work will need to be able to write up his or her findings for publications.The last two years of an engineering program include subjects within the st udent’s field of specialization. For the student who is preparing to become a civil engineer, the specialized courses may deal with such subjects as soil mechanics, or hydraulics.In today’s society, people who have technical training are, of course, in demand. Young engineers may choose to go into environmentalengineering, for example. They may choose construction firms that specializes in highway work. They may prefer to work with one of the government agencies that deals with water resources. Indeed, choices are may and varied.When the young engineer has finally started real practice, the theoretical solicited opinions and suggestions Article 265, including: four problems to 171. Deepening special regulation, State line State modified, side check side modified, total solution highlight problem 19 a; to rectification spirit carried out party political life, in-depth carried out heart talk, serious carried out criticism and self-critical; put built chapter State business throughout activities always, full cleanup and established perfect a involved "four wind" aspects of system provides, new 12 items, amendment perfect 15 items, abolition 3 items. Through educational practices, "four winds" problem significantly curb, party members and cadres ' apparent change of consciousness and ability of serving the masses increased significantly. (C) to promote the sustained and healthy development of economy and society. Adhere to the "party-led township, prospering Township, eco-village, projects promoting Township and industrial Township, industry-rich Township, harmony Township, stabilization control" development strategy, take economic construction as the Center, strengthen leadership over the economic work in earnest, closely around the target determined earlier this year to deal with and try to resolve the various adverse factors, pay close attention to the work. Efforts to promoting the constructionof major projects. To transportation, water conservancy, urban infrastructure construction, focusing on implementation of a number of industrial structure adjustment and optimization and upgrading of key projects for leading roles; Completed has XX village pass village Highway, and township location lights bright of, and XX meters "beautiful village", and township public rental and Xiang hospitals public rental, and 270 sets rural housing roomknowledge acquired in the university must be applied. He or she will probably work with a team of engineers at the beginning. Thus, on-the-job training can be acquired that will demonstrate his or her ability to translate theory into practice.The civil engineer may work in research, design, construction supervision, maintenance, or even in management. Each of these areas involves different duties and different use of the enginee r’s knowledge and experience.2.Soil MechanicsGrain size is the basis of soil mechanics, since it is this which decides whether a soil is frictional or cohesive, a sand or a clay. Starting with the largest sizes, boulders are larger than 10 cm, cobbles are from 5to 10 cm, gravel or ballast is from about5 cm to 5mm, grit is from about 5mm to 2mm, sand is from 2 mm to 0.06mm. All these soils are frictional, being coarse and thus non-cohesive. Their stability depends on their internal friction. For the cohesive or non-frictional soils the two main internationally accepted size limits are: silt from 0.02mm to0.002mm, and clay for all finer material. There are, of course, many silty clays and clayey silts.Every large civil engineering job starts with a soil mechanicssurvey in its early stages. The first visit on foot will show whether the site might be suitable, in other words, whether money should be spent on sending soil-sampling equipment out to it. The soil samples and the laboratory results obtained from the triaxial tests, shear tests and so on will show at what depth the soil is likely to be strong enough to take the required load. For a masonry or steel structure, this is where the soil mechanics survey will end, having rarely cost more than 2 per cent of the structure cost.Generally, the strength of a soil increases with depth. But it can happen that it becomes weaker with depth. Therefore, in choosing the foundation pressure and level for this sort of soil, a knowledge of soil mechanics is essential is essential, since this will give an idea of the likely settlements.There are, however, several other causes of settlement apart from consolidation due to load. These causes are incalculable and must be carefully guarded against. They include frost action, chemical change in the soil, underground erosion by flowing water, reduction of the ground water level, nearby construction of tunnels or vibrating machinery such as vehicles,Static load can cause elastic or plastic settlement, consolidation settlement being permanent. However, when plastic flow is mentioned inEnglish, it generally means the failure of a soil by overload in shear. Consolidation settlement occurs mainly in clays or silts.From dynamic load alone the commonest settlements are found in sands or gravels, caused by traffic or other vibration, pile driving or other earth shocks. A drop in the ground water level will often cause the soil to shrink and a rise may cause expansion of the soil. Ground water is lowrered by the drainage which can be caused by any deep excavation. The shrinkage which can occur with drying is well shown by the clay underlying Mexico City, a volcanic ash. After seven weeks drying this clay shrinks to 6.4 per cent of its initial volume. It is an unusualclay with the very high voids ratio of 93.6/6.4=14.6.Underground erosion is the removal of solids, usually fines, fromthe soil solicited opinions and suggestions Article 265, including: four problems to 171. Deepening special regulation, State line State modified, side check side modified, total solution highlight problem 19 a; to rectification spirit carried out party political life, in-depth carried out heart talk, serious carried out criticism and self-critical; putbuilt chapter State business throughout activities always, full cleanup and established perfect a involved "four wind" aspects of system provides, new 12 items, amendment perfect 15 items, abolition 3 items. Through educational practices, "four winds" problem significantly curb, party members and cadres ' apparent change of consciousness and ability of serving the masses increased significantly. (C) to promote the sustained and healthy development of economy and society. Adhere to the"party-led township, prospering Township, eco-village, projects promoting Township and industrial Township, industry-rich Township, harmony Township, stabilization control" development strategy, take economic construction as the Center, strengthen leadership over the economic work in earnest, closely around the target determined earlier this year to deal with and try to resolve the various adverse factors, pay close attention to the work. Efforts to promoting the construction of major projects. To transportation, water conservancy, urban infrastructure construction, focusing on implementation of a number of industrial structure adjustment and optimization and upgrading of key projects for leading roles; Completed has XX village pass village Highway, and township location lights bright of, and XX meters "beautiful village", and township public rental and Xiang hospitals public rental, and 270 sets rural housing room2007届毕业设计?外文翻译by the flow of underground water. The solids can be removed assolids or in solution, though only a few rocks are soluble enough to be removed in this way. Rock salt is the commonest example of a soluble rock. Potassium salts also are soluble.The permeability of a soil is important for calculations of underground flow, for example of oil or water to a well, or of waterinto a trench dug for a foundation, or of water through an earth dam. Of the loose soils which can be dug with a spade, clays are the least permeable, silts slightly more, sands yet more, and gravels even more.In other words, the permeability is in direct proportion to the grain size of the soil.When a well is being pumped, the water flows towards it from every direction and the ground water surface around it sinks. As the distance from the well increases, the water table is lowered rather less, so that around the well it becomes shaped like a funnel, though it is usually called a cone of depression. 3.FoundationsFoundations are bases placed on the ground so as to spread avertical load over it. Bases which carry horizontal load are usually called abutments.A foundation may be built in one of many different materials. It may be of timber or of steel joists encased in concrete, of reinforced concrete or plain concrete without reinforcement, or for a breakwater in the sea merely of rock tipped from a barge. Structures built on strong rock generally need no foundation since rock is usually as strong as concrete, and goes much deeper. All that is needed on rock is a little concrete or mortar to make the surface level.One of the commonest foundations is that for a concrete column or a steel stanchion. It is generally designed for the same maximum load as the column, and usually is an independent foundation. Where the pads in one row become so large that they nearly touch, it is convenient to join them into a continuous foundation which generally will be cheaper to dig and to concrete than the same foundations built separately as pads.Combined footings are those in which the pads would also be so large that nearly touch, but unlike strip footings, they may carry the load form more than one row of columns. The final development of the combined footing is the raft foundation in which all the pads are combined into one reinforced concrete slab which may vary in thickness, but is usually of the same thickness throughout its area.The design of a multi-storey building on compressible soil isdifficult and therefore extremely interesting. Compressible soils are like a sponge, sinking most where the pressure is greatest and the load is largest. Thus even if all the foundations2are designed for the same bearing pressure, say 1ton/m,the largest foundation will sinkthe most because it has the largest load. A correct foundationdesign will therefore apply a higher bearing pressure to the smaller foundations and a lower one to the larger foundations. The exact calculation of these different bearing pressures is extremely difficult. But at least this is now the aim of foundation designers.It must here be said that the foundation designer before he starts the design should know the safe bearing pressures which are abvisable at every level possible for the foundation. He will usually obtain these figures from the organization which solicited opinions and suggestions Article 265, including: four problems to 171. Deepening special regulation, State line State modified, side check side modified, total solution highlight problem 19 a; to rectification spirit carried outparty political life, in-depth carried out heart talk, serious carried out criticism and self-critical; put built chapter State business throughout activities always, full cleanup and established perfect a involved "four wind" aspects of system provides, new 12 items, amendment perfect 15 items, abolition 3 items. Through educational practices, "four winds" problem significantly curb, party members and cadres ' apparent change of consciousness and ability of serving the masses increased significantly. (C) to promote the sustained and healthy development of economy and society. Adhere to the "party-led township, prospering Township, eco-village, projects promoting Township and industrial Township, industry-rich Township, harmony Township, stabilization control" development strategy, take economic construction as the Center, strengthen leadership over the economic work in earnest, closely around the target determined earlier this year to deal with and try to resolve the various adverse factors, pay close attention to the work. Efforts to promoting the construction of major projects. To transportation, water conservancy, urban infrastructure construction, focusing on implementation of a number of industrial structure adjustment and optimization and upgrading of key projects for leading roles; Completed has XX village pass village Highway, and township location lights bright of, and XX meters "beautiful village", and township public rental and Xiang hospitals public rental, and 270 sets rural housing roommakes the soil mechanics survey for the site.For most multi-storey buildings the structure itself is in a very early stage of design at a time when the foundations must be designed very quickly. The building design must, however, have progressed so far that at least the positions of the columns are known, and thickness can then be worked out. This will vary only slightly if at all from floor spans will be fixed. The probable floor to floor, and it must be calculated as closely as possible including the topping. Generally an allowance of 13 cm of dense concrete will be enough, plus cm for the topping and floor surface, making 18cm in all. The weights of the beams, columns and stairs can be regarded as included in the floor thickness allowance. If the floors are to be built with hollow tiles or with lightweight aggregate, a reduction for this should be made.4.Mixing ConcreteWater-Cement RatioThe ratio of water to cement in a batch of concrete is the principal determinant of the concrete’s final strength. At one time the instructions for preparing a batch of concrete would have contained proportions such as1:2:4. They would have indicated that 1part of Portland cement to 2parts of sand to 4parts of gravel by volume were to be mixed together, after which sufficient water was to be added to obtain a workable mixture. This procedure ignored entirely the importance of the water-cement ratio. It also resulted very often in the preparation of a very weak concrete, since the natural tendency is to add enough water to make placement of the concrete as easy as possible ---the sloppier the better, as far as the workmen are concerned . This manner of specifying the proportions of concrete is obsolete and should never be followed.In theory, it takes only 3 gal of water to hydrate completely 1 cuft of cement. But this water-cement ratio produces a mixture that is too stiff to be worked. In practice, therefore, additional water, between4and 8 gal per sack of cement, is used to obtain a workable mixture.But the greater the proportion of water in a water-cement ratio, the weaker the final concrete will be. The additional water that is necessary to achieve a workable batch will only evaporate form the concrete as the concrete sets. And it will leave behind in the concrete innumerable voids. This is the reason there will always be some porosity in concrete. But when an excessive amount of water has been used, there will be an excessive number of voids, which may cause the concrete to leak badly. If these voids should be filled with moisture when cold weather comes, they will cause frost damage.As a general rule , therefore, 6gal of water per sack of cement should be the maximum amount used for making concrete. And the less the amount of water that is used, the stronger the concrete will be. Also included in the 6 gal is whatever surface moisture is contained in the sand that is part of the aggregate.AggregateAggregate is divided into fine aggregate, which consists of all particles 1/4 in, and less in size ,and coarse aggregate, which consistsof everything else up to roughly solicited opinions and suggestions Article 265, including: four problems to 171. Deepening special regulation, State line State modified, side check side modified, total solution highlight problem 19 a; to rectification spirit carried out party political life, in-depth carried out heart talk, serious carried out criticism and self-critical; put built chapter State business throughout activities always, full cleanup and established perfect a involved "four wind" aspects of system provides, new 12 items, amendment perfect 15 items, abolition 3 items. Through educational practices, "four winds" problem significantly curb, party members and cadres ' apparent change of consciousness and ability of serving the masses increased significantly. (C) to promote the sustained and healthy development of economy and society. Adhere to the "party-led township, prospering Township, eco-village, projects promoting Township and industrial Township, industry-rich Township, harmony Township, stabilization control" development strategy, take economic construction as the Center, strengthen leadership over the economic work in earnest, closely around the target determined earlier this year to deal with and try to resolve the various adverse factors, pay close attention to the work. Efforts to promoting the construction of major projects. To transportation, water conservancy, urban infrastructure construction, focusing on implementation of a number of industrial structure adjustment and optimization and upgrading of key projects for leading roles; Completed has XX village pass village Highway, and townshiplocation lights bright of, and XX meters "beautiful village", and township public rental and Xiang hospitals public rental, and 270 sets rural housing room2007届毕业设计?外文翻译5/2in.in size. The maximum size of the coarse aggregate in any particular mix depends mainly on the width of the forms into which the concrete is to be poured. As ageneral rule, the largest size particles should not exceed one-fifth the distance across the narrowest part of the forms.WaterAs for the water ,any water that is good enough to drink is good enough for mixing concrete. The converse is also true. If water isn’t good enough to drink, it isn’tgood enough for mixing concrete. Seawater can be used, but it will decrease the 28-day strength of the concrete by about 12 percent. One group of substances water should never contain are sulfates. Sulfates will attack the concrete and will gradually reduce its strength.5.Curing ConcreteWhen a batch of concrete is first mixed, it forms a plastic massthat can be poured into prepared forms with little effort. In about an hour the concrete sets into a rigid mass that weighs about 1501b per cu ft. The cement paste is said to hydrate. That is, the individual particles of cement absorb the surrounding molecules of water into their molecular structures. As they do, the cement crystallizes into a kind ofrigid gel, something like gelatine, that gradually changes with the passing of time into a solid mass of minute, interlocked crystals. The longer hydration continues, the stronger the concrete will become. It is standard engineering practice, therefore, to calculate the final design strength of concrete on the basis of a 28-day curing period, although under exceptional conditions concrete has been known to continue increasing in strength for a quarter of a century and longer.The time during which concrete hydrates and increases in strength is its curing period. Concrete cannot hydrate, or cure unless there is water present within the concrete. Throughout the curing period, therefore, all the exposed surfaces of the concrete must be kept moist. As long as the concrete is kept moist, curing will continue and the concrete will become increasingly stronger, denser, and more impervious to water.Once concrete is allowed to dry out completely, however, hydration stops. Usually it is the surface of concrete that is adversely affected by a too short curing period. For example, the surface of a sample of concrete that has been kept moist for 28 day will be twice as strong as a surface that has been kept moist for only3 days.The outside air temperature is an extremely important factor in proper curing.oIf the air temperature is too high, over 90F, say, the water in the concrete mayevaporate away before hydration can be completed. An excessiveinternal temperature may also interfere with proper hydration. Concrete that has been mixed and placed during very hot weather is never asstrong as concrete that has been placed when the airotemperatures are 70F and below, mainly because of the difficulty of keeping theconcrete properly moist. Furthermore, concrete that sets too quickly during hot weather is more likely to crack afterward because it will not thereafter be able to withstand the stresses imposed on it by large changes in temperature.Nor can concrete be placed during freezing weather unless special oprecautions are taken to keep the concrete above 50F for at least 4 days after it hassolicited opinions and suggestions Article 265, including: four problems to 171. Deepening special regulation, State line State modified, side check side modified, total solution highlight problem 19 a; to rectification spirit carried out party political life, in-depth carried out heart talk, serious carried out criticism and self-critical; putbuilt chapter State business throughout activities always, full cleanup and established perfect a involved "four wind" aspects of system provides, new 12 items, amendment perfect 15 items, abolition 3 items. Through educational practices, "four winds" problem significantly curb, party members and cadres ' apparent change of consciousness and ability of serving the masses increased significantly. (C) to promote thesustained and healthy development of economy and society. Adhere to the "party-led township, prospering Township, eco-village, projects promoting Township and industrial Township, industry-rich Township, harmony Township, stabilization control" development strategy, take economic construction as the Center, strengthen leadership over the economic work in earnest, closely around the target determined earlier this year to deal with and try to resolve the various adverse factors, pay close attention to the work. Efforts to promoting the construction of major projects. To transportation, water conservancy, urban infrastructure construction, focusing on implementation of a number of industrial structure adjustment and optimization and upgrading of key projects for leading roles; Completed has XX village pass village Highway, and township location lights bright of, and XX meters "beautiful village", and township public rental and Xiang hospitals public rental, and 270 sets rural housing roomobeen placed. If the temperature of the concrete should fall below 50F, it will neverharden properly. And if the concrete is allowed to freeze before it has set, it will be permanently damaged.To cure concrete properly, the exposed surfaces must be kept continually moist from the moment the concrete first begins to set. The concrete must thereafter be kept continually moist for a minimum of 14 days, and longer if at all possible.The simplest method of keeping concrete moist is to spray thesurface with water at frequent intervals. Sand or burlap can be spread over the surface to help retain moisture. A covering is necessary, inany case, for the first 3 days after placing to protect the concretefrom the direct rays of the sun.Special curing compounds can also be sprayed on the concrete. The spraying should take place as soon as the surface of the concrete haslost its watery appearance. Properly applied, a curing compound will allow the concrete to continue curing even after the concrete has been placed in service, as with a concrete highway, for example. Spraying on a curing compound is often the only practical method of curing concrete that has been poured into an unusual shape.A third method of curing concrete is to spread a sheet ofpolyethylene film or building paper over the surface of the concrete. The polyethylene or building paper should overlap the sides of the exposed concrete. This covering must remain on top of the concrete for the entire curing period.From《Civil Engineering》solicited opinions and suggestions Article 265, including: four problems to 171. Deepening special regulation, State line State modified, side check side modified, total solution highlight problem 19 a; to rectification spirit carried out party political life, in-depth carried out heart talk, serious carried out criticism and self-critical; putbuilt chapter State business throughout activities always, full cleanupand established perfect a involved "four wind" aspects of system provides, new 12 items, amendment perfect 15 items, abolition 3 items. Through educational practices, "four winds" problem significantly curb, party members and cadres ' apparent change of consciousness and ability of serving the masses increased significantly. (C) to promote the sustained and healthy development of economy and society. Adhere to the "party-led township, prospering Township, eco-village, projects promoting Township and industrial Township, industry-rich Township, harmony Township, stabilization control" development strategy, take economic construction as the Center, strengthen leadership over the economic work in earnest, closely around the target determined earlier this year to deal with and try to resolve the various adverse factors, pay close attention to the work. Efforts to promoting the construction of major projects. To transportation, water conservancy, urban infrastructure construction, focusing on implementation of a number of industrial structure adjustment and optimization and upgrading of key projects for leading roles; Completed has XX village pass village Highway, and township location lights bright of, and XX meters "beautiful village", and township public rental and Xiang hospitals public rental, and 270 sets rural housing room2007届毕业设计?外文翻译土木工程摘要:土木工程师可能从事研究、设计、施工监督、维修、甚至管理。
