• Thus the plural morphophonemic rules apply to the plural morpheme specifically, not to all morphemes in English.
Chapter 6 The Sound Patterns of Language
Hale Waihona Puke honology vs. Phonetics
• The study of how speech sounds form patterns is phonology
• The study of speech sounds is called phonetics
Additional example
• The patterns of Plural morph II: house /haus/ thief / i:f/ belief/bili:f/ foot /fu:t/ passer-by/pas bai/
• Morpheme of past tense • The phonological presentation
The Pronunciation of Morphemes
• Plural form of English
how to pronounce the plural morpheme?
• Allomorphs of plural morpheme
• To define the distribution of allomorphs by minimal pair
• The science of phonetics attempts to describe all of the sounds used in all languages of the world.
语言学教程Chapter 6. Language and Cognition课件
语言学教程Chapter 6. Language and Cognition
(1) Access to words
• Steps involved in the planning of words: • 1. processing step, called conceptualization,…… • 2.to select a word that corresponds to the chosen concept. • 3.morpho-phonological encoding • Generally, morphemes are accessed in sequence, according to
• 1). Serial models…… • 2). Parallel models…… • Structural factors in comprehension of sentences • 1). minimal attachment which defines “structural simpler” • 2).“Garden path” • Lexical factors in comprehension • Information about specific words is stored in the lexicon.
语言学教程Chapter 6. Language and Cognition
6.2.3 language production
• Language production involves…… • 1. generation of single words • 2. generation of simple utterances • Different mappings in language comprehension and in language production • Discussions: • A. production of words orally, • B. production of longer utterances, • C. the different representations and processes involved in spoken production
语言学教程 chapter6 PPT
含义: An image-schema is a “skeletal” mental
representation of a recurrent pattern of embodied (especially spatial or kinesthetic) experience. 意象图式是在对事物之间基本关系的认知的基 础上所构成的认知结构
Involves repetitious events and event series. Its structure includes the following:
A starting point A progression through successive events
without backtracking A return to the initial state
Cognition is the way we think.
Cognitive linguistics is the scientific study of the relation between the way we communicate and the way we think.
It is an approach to language that is based on our experience of the world and the way we perceive and conceptualize it.
a physical or metaphorical core and edge, and
degrees of distance from the core.
新编语言学教程chapter 6 pragmatics
you don’t work today. (c). Situation: John promised to go shopping
with his wife on Sunday. I: Don’t forget what you promised.
Utterance: unit of speech actually used for communication. It can be understood as the speaker’s purpose or the speaker’s intention.
1.2 Context
Generally, context refers to the background knowledge shared by the speaker and hearer, including general knowledge of the world, knowledge specific to the situation of communication, specific to the counterparts of communication, the knowledge of the purpose of communication.
• Performatives: different from constatives, performative is used to perform an action, to do a thing. Uttering a performative is doing a thing.
This sentence presupposes that Susan exists and that she has a sister.
In English, words like here, there, this, that, now, and then, as well as most pronouns, such as I, we, you, he, her, them.
(2) You’ll have to bring that back tomorrow, because they aren’t here now.
பைடு நூலகம்
6.2.3 Anaphora
Anaphora (照应) is coreference of one expression with its antecedent. The antecedent provides the information necessary for the expression’s interpretation. This is often understood as an expression “referring” back to the antecedent.
I was waiting for the bus, but he just drove by without stopping.
To study the meaning of such pieces of language in smaller contexts is called micropragmatics.
英语语言学概论 Chapter 6 Syntax
6.4 IC Analysis, ….
IC Analysis of sentences: to divide the words of a sentence into two groups, and then divide each group into subgroups and so on, until the single words of the sentences are obtained. It is a major feature of Bloomfieldian Structuralist linguistics(布龙菲尔德结构 布龙菲尔德结构 主义语言学的主要特征) 主义语言学的主要特征
Chapter 6 Syntax
A study of sentences:sentence structure and formation
6.1 definition of syntax:how the words of a language can be combined to make larger units, such as phrases, clauses(分句 and sentences. It studies 分句) 分句 the interrelationships between elements of the sentence structure and the rules governing the production of sentences
Finite(有限的 有限的)number of words and 有限的 small set of rules can create infinite number of sentences Syntactic knowledge: the intuition of native speakers about how words are combined to be phrases and sentences.
语言学第六章Part One ppt课件
Part One
Teaching aim
Introduce to the students language comprehension, discourse interpretations and language production. The students are to have the main ideas of language processing in mind.
Psychological aspects of language. Psychological states and mental
activity with the use of language.
Psycholinguistics belongs to Macrolinguistics
3 approaches to the study of language and Tmhcoeropgfhonorlimotgaiiolcaanpl:,psryonatcahc:tsict,ruacntdulreaxl ipcaatltsetrrnusc,tiunrcelu. ding the study of
1. Mental processes, information processing
2. Mental process or faculty of knowing, including awareness, perception, reasoning, and judgment.
语言学概论(第四版)PPT第6章 文字
1. 文字的发明,打破了语言的时空界限性。 2. 文字的产生,标志着人类告别了原始的蛮荒时代而进入文明时代。 3. 文字与语言
• 文字和语言不同,语言是第一性的,文字是第二性的。文字是在语言的基础上产生 的,是标记语言这一符号系统的符号系统,语言对文字有决定性作用。
2. 分类 (1)意符:文字系统中的字符跟文字所代表的语言单位在意义上有联系的字符是意符 (2)音符:音符最初都是由已有的意符转化而来的。 (3)字符:
• 分类:字符又可以分为“单纯字符”和“复合字符”两种 • 注意:并不是所有的图形部件都是字符;单独的字符还不等于文字
(一)几种不尽相同的分类标准 1. 按照文字系统中的字符跟何种语言单位相联系来分类,在理论上各种文字可以分为“词
• 文字对语言又有很大影响,文字把语言记录下来,形成书面语使之向横的方向和纵 的方向传播,这也使人们有可能对语言进行加工和锤炼,使之愈来愈丰富,愈来愈 精密细致,进而形成书面语言。此外,语言中有的词语是在文字基础上创造出来的。
1. 含义:字符也就是文字符号,是文字的最基本的单位,也就是直接跟某种语言单位相联 系的符号。
文字创制是指在现代社会里为没有文字的语言创制文字,特别是政府或语言学家为还没有文 字的民族创制文字,不涉及历史上各种民族语言的文字的创制过程,它是特定历史条件下的 一种现象。
• 女书,也称女字,在我国湘南江永县潇水流域 已经流传很久了,是当地妇女专用的文字符号 (她们称汉字为男书),这种文字传女不传男, 男人不学也不用。
2. 内容:字形规范、字表规范、字音规范、标点符号规范、字组合规范和版面组合规范等。
名词解释Syntactic function/ predicate/ performance/ tone/ semi-vowels/ minimal pairs/ intonation/ competence/ proposition/ cognitionMinimal pair, semi vowels, tone, intonation, competence, performance, predicate, syntactic function, proposition, cognition, conceptual metaphors, image schemas, hyponymy, endocentric construction, inflection Minimal pair refers to a pair of words, as pin and bin, or sheep and ship, differing only by one sound in the same position in each wordSemi-vowels The segments are neither vowels nor consonants but midway between the two categories.Intonation the occurrence of recurring fall-rise patterns, each of which is used with a set of relatively consistent meanings, either on single words or on groups of words of varying length. Tone a set of fall-rise patterns affecting the meanings of individual words.Predicate refers to a major constituent of sentence structure in binary analysis in which all obligatory constituents other than the subject were considered together.A language user’s underlying knowledge about the system ofrules is called his linguistic competence.Performance refers to the actual use of language in concrete situation.Syntactic function shows the relationship between a linguistic form and other parts of the linguistic pattern in which it is used. Cognition In psychology it is used to refer to the mental processes of an individual, with particular relation to a view that argues that the mind has internal mental states and can be understood in terms of information processing, especially when a lot of abstraction or concretization is involved, or processes such as involving knowledge, expertise or learning for example are at work. In cognitive linguistics, cognition refers to the conceptualization of linguistic structures and patterns.A proposition is what is expressed by a declarative sentence when that sentence is uttered to make a statement.Chapter 1Design feature of languageArbitrariness1.bowwow 汪汪2.Syntactic level 有句法顺序3.Convention 约定俗成为什么树叫树而不是别的Duality1.底层构建上层Creativity/productivity1.duality 不同地层结构可以组成很多上层结构2.Recursiveness 句子可以无限长Displacement1.不受限制,可以谈论过去/未来,真的/假的Functions of languageHalliday —— ideational,interpersonal,textual◆Informative function 语言用于表达一个概念或内容◆Interpersonal function◆Performative function (change social status如结婚词,定罪词,表达动作,我让你去关门)◆Emotive function 感叹词(damn it)◆Phatic communion 寒暄功能(问你吃了吗,并不真的问吃了没)◆Recreational function 写诗陶冶情操◆Metalingual function 用语言解释语言(词典中,一个词下很多释义)Important distinctions in linguistics◆Descriptive VS prescriptive尊重语言事实,客观描述约定俗成的现在更关注descriptive◆Langue & Parole (更倾向于parole)Saussure 提出(社会角度)Langue 语言(抽象)parole 从小生活在某个社区影响的语言◆Competence & performance (心理角度)Chomsky提出天生具备的语言能力依据参数规则转化出所说所写A knowledge of grammar, to incorporate the pragmatic communicative competence --communicative competenceChapter 2Gesture -- movements of the tongue and the lipsVoiceless consonants-- air can pass through easilyvoiced consonants -- airstream causes them to vibrate against each otherConsonants and vowels 区别(obstruction of airstream)元音不受阻P32, 33 图(⚠)例如:voiceless bilabial stopVoiced bilabial stopVoiceless alveolar fricativeVoiceless velar stopGlottal, palatal, lateral, affricative, approximant例如:high front tense unrounded vowelHigh back lax rounded vowelPhonemes: refers to a unit of explicit sound contrast; the existence of a minimal pair automatically grants phonemic status to the sounds responsible for the contrasts.Allophones 音位变体「p」「ph」都是/p/的音位变体,且二者为互补分配(complementary distribution)Assimilation 同化(受周边影响)Nasalization (cap-can)Dentalization (tent-tenth)Velarization (since-sink)Regressive Assimilation (逆同化,后者受前者影响)progressive Assimilation (相反)Rule ordering冠词规则:The elsewhere conditionThe more specific rule supplies first (最特殊的规则最先用)SyllableNucleus 一般为元音Maximal onset principle (MOP) 最大节首原则如:telling /l/ 划分到节首(ling 的节首)Intonation and toneIntonation-- fall-rise tonesChinese is tone language.Tone sandhi 连续变调你好(你变三声)Obligatory contour principle (OCP) {identical adjacent elements are not allowed}Chapter3Morpheme◆Free Morpheme 可以独立存在◆Bound Morpheme 不可以Stem=root+(Bound Morpheme)如:cat 的stem和root都是catRoot:nature stem:naturalAffix - prefix,suffix,infix(-um-),circumfix(gr--t)Allomorphs同位异形体in-,ir-,im-都有表示否定,但因为phonological requirement 而区别开Lexeme 词位Walk - lexeme;walked,walking - word formContent words(open class words)and function words(closed class words)◆Derivation (lexeme+affix)◆Compounding (lexeme+lexeme)Attributive compound(windmill)wind修饰millCoordinative compound (teacher-student)并列Subordinative compound (truck-driver)左名词,右动词变形存在(drive变driver)即synthetic compound;不存在即root compoundInflection 曲折构词曲折词缀主要是表达不同的语法关系或语法范畴,如数、时、格等。
不同的文化背景会影响人们的语言使用。例如,不同民族或社会对于礼貌、谦虚、尊重等方面的文化价值观 不同,因此在语言使用上也会有所不同。
• 语言学概述 • 语音学 • 词法学 • 句法学 • 语用学与社会语言学 • 语言与文化的关系
语言学是研究人类语言的科学,探 讨语言的性质、结构、演变以及语 言与思维、文化、社会等的关系。
语言学的研究对象包括语音、语法、 语义、语用等方面,以及语言在社 会文化背景下的运用和变化。
通过实地观察和记录语言使用情 况,收集第一手语言材料。
利用历史文献和现代语言学著作, 对语言进行系统和深入的研究。
通过设计和实施语言实验,验证 语言学理论和假设。
对不同语言或同一语言的不同变 体进行比较,揭示语言的共性和
包括语言变异、语言规划、语言与性别、语言 与年龄等。
The second wife will claim the inheritance
belongs to her.
Garden path sentence Sentences that are initially interpreted with a different structure than they actually have.
L comprehension: discourse interpretation
Schemata and drawing inferences Schema: a pre-existing knowledge structure in
the world
Structural factors: identify constituents of a
sentence and the ways in which they relate to one another
Minimal attachment: structural simplicity guides all initial analyses in sentence comprehension.
Problems: Syntactic ambiguity
Different possible ways that words can be fit into phrases. Ambiguous category of some of the words in the sentence.
The formal approach: structural patterns, including the study of morphological, syntactic, and lexical structure. The psychological approach: language from the view of general systems ranging from perception, memory, attention, and reasoning. The conceptual approach: how language structures (processes & patterns) conceptual content.
新编语言学教程chapter 6 pragmatics (课堂PPT)
Direct anaphora (direct relation between the antecedent and the anaphor):
3.2 Constatives and performatives
• Constatives: statements, assertions and utterances like them; an utterance is used to state a fact or what the speaker believes to be a fact, or to describe state of affairs. e.g: She is a waitress. The characteristic property of a constative is that it can be assessed in terms of truth value.
the rest of social sience was/ wasn’t asleep. >> Chomsky was revolutionizing linguistics. • Cleft sentences It was/ wasn’t Henry that kissed Rosie. >> Somenone kissed Rosie. • Comparisons and contrasts Carol is/ isn’t a better linguist than Barbara. >> Barbara is a linguist.
第二语言习得入门PPTUnit 6
2) computerized error analysis
Computer error analysis is a method which has developed from the traditional error analysis (EA) in applied linguistics studies. It avoids many of EA’s problems and is now an important way to analyze L2 learners’ language output. The crucial difference between traditional EA and computer-aided error analysis lies in the fact that the latter allows for the full context to be presented, and does not only look into learners’ errors.
languages or subsystems of
languages in order to determine both the differences and similarities between them.
6.1.2 Hypotheses of CA
1) The strong version "It is possible to contrast the system of one language (the grammar, phonology and lexicon) with the system of a second language in order to predict the difficulties which a speaker of the second language will have in learning the first language, and to construct reading materials to help her learn that language." 2) The weak version This version requires that linguists only use the best linguistic knowledge available to them to account for observed difficulties in second language learning. It does not require the prediction of those difficulties, and conversely, of those learning points which do not create any difficulties.
as a self-contained, intrinsic system; in the study of language, any extra-linguistic factor was to be kept out of consideration. This is the spirit in which traditional phonology studied the sounds of language, traditional syntax studied the structure of sentences, and traditional semantics studied the meaning. The meaning of language was considered as something intrinsic, and inherent ,i.e., a property attached to language itself. Therefore, meanings of words, meanings of sentences were all
studied in an isolated manner, detached from the context in which they were used. If we take the meaning of word “dog” as an example, linguists or semanticists were quite happy with its definition as “a domesticated, canine mammal, etc.” And they would also be happy to explain the meaning of the sentence “The dog is barking” as the predication consisting of the argument“DOG” and the predicate “BARK”.What the sentence is used for in real situations of communication was excluded from their investigation; they felt
Direct anaphora (direct relation between the antecedent and the anaphor):
husband. >> Joan hadn 't been beating her husband. ? Iteratives The flying saucer came/ didn 't come again . >>The flying saucer came before.
? Temporal clauses
2.2 Deixis (p.144)
Deixis is the words and expressions whose reference depends entirely on the situational context of the utterance and can only be understood in light of these circumstances.
2. Micropragmatics (p.143) 2.1 Reference
The act by which a speaker or writer uses language to enable hearer or reader to identify something is called reference.
heads. >> There exists a man with two heads. ? Factive verbs John realized/ didn ' t realize that he was in debt. >>John was in debt.
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其关系 认识其关系 意象图式
含义: An image-schema is a “skeletal” mental
representation of a recurrent pattern of embodied (especially spatial or kinesthetic) experience. 意象图式是在对事物之间基本关系的认知的基 础上所构成的认知结构
The ship is coming into view. She’s deep in thought. We stood in silence.
Cycle schema
Involves repetitious events and event series. Its structure includes the following:
Examples (English)
Days Weeks Years Sleeping and waking Breathing Circulation Emotional buildup and
End-of-path schema
An image schema in which a location is understood as the termination of a prescribed path
含义 渊源 基本理论 应用
What is Cognition?
Mental processes, information processing
Mental process or faculty of knowing, including awareness, perception, reasoning, and judgment.
行为 & 事件范畴
含义 也符合原型理论
例子:lie & white lie 也包含三个层次
例子:move-walk-limp,hobble,amble, wander
例子:meal-breakfast-fast breakfast
Image Schema(意象图式)
It is an approach to language that is based on our experience of the world and the way we perceive and conceptualize it.
Categorization (范畴化):The process of classifying our experiences into different categories based on commonalities and differences
Cognitive Linguistics
Cognition is the way we think.
Cognitive linguistics is the scientific study of the relation between the way we communicate and the way we think.
Johnson, Mark. 1987.The body in the mind: The bodily basis of meaning, imagination, and reason. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press.
世界 认知的两个层面
事物 认识事物
Basic level
Superordinate level Animal
German shepherd
Subordinate level Vertical organization
Prototypes:the best examples of a category 作用 原形范畴的特点: ✓ 成员之间享有家族相似性 ✓ 成员之间的地位不是平等的,具有中心成
basic level superordinate level subordinate level.
Basic Categorysuperordinate Category
subordinate Category
A starting point A progression through successive events
without backtracking A return to the initial state
The schema often has superimposed on it a structure that builds toward a climax and then goes through a release or decline.
Center-periphery schema
a physical or metaphorical core and edge, and
degrees of distance from the core.
Examples (English):
An individual’s social sphere, with family and friends at the core and others having degrees of peripherality
Containment schema
Involves a physical or metaphorical
Bodily experience: human bodies as containers.
Structural elements: interior, boundary, exterior