7天搞定托福单词--无老师编--整书词汇英译汉statements-statement formdeformed-deform reformplants-plant plantation transplanted-transplant mentioned-mention centuryauthorauthorityspeciessubspeciesartproduced-produce productionproducts-product reproduction reproduce productivity productive reproductiveincreasecauseregions-region sentencepopulationstudyfossils-fossil fossilizationfossilized-fossilize theorytheorists-theorist theorized-theorytermartists-artistartisticdesigndesigners-designer sourceenvironmentalists-environmentalist periodperiodicperiodicallyactivities-activitymasssinceemotions-emotionemotionalcommunities-community organisms-organism microorganisms-microorganism processindividualindividualismeffecteffectiveeffectivenesscultureculturaloccuroccurrences-occurrenceincludeinclusionprovideindicateindications-indicationsedimentsedimentarysedimentationpressureparticularinfluenceinfluentialmodernheatobjects-objectobjectivepowerhydropowermajormajoritygasgasolineoutgassingcavecaverns-caverntechniques-techniquestructurestructuralrapidoceanoceanicoceanographers-oceanographer ancient contained-containcontainers-containerglaciers-glacierglacialglaciationinterglacialtheaterconditions-conditionbehaviorbehavioralvariousvaryvariables-variableinvariablynestcharacteristics-characteristic characterized-characterize governmentgoverning-governenergyenergeticinvolveessentialessentiallymovementevidenceeuropeannationallocationlocated-locateaggressiveaggression aggressivenessupperatmosphereatmosphericironfacialclayurbanurbanizationpainting-paintpainters-painterpainted-paint overpaintingeconomiceconomyeconomicallyeconomicalpopulartechnologytechnologicallayerinsects-insectabilitygenerallyapplied-applyapplicationtransportationtransportmethods-method manufacturing-manufacturemanufacturers-manufacturer contributed-contribute contributions-contribution qualitymarinesubmarinemammals-mammal established-establish establishmentextinctionextinctcomplexcomplexityclimateclimaticrelativeJupiternativeerosionerodecontrastconstructionconstructed-construct reconstruct reconstruction constructive architecturearchitecturalarchitects-architectsupplycolonialcolonies-colonycolonized-colonize colonization valleymeteorites-meteorite factors-factor desertdesertificationappeardisappearamountsummarysummarizestored-storestorefrontpoliticalpoliticians-politician plates-plategoodsexposed-expose expositionexposureelements-element completecompletelyincomplete complementbased-baseadvantage disadvantage advantageousrarelyrateprotected-protect protection pheromones-pheromone features-feature expressions-expression expressed-express expressivedefined-define definitionlocallocalized-localizelocallymarkmarkedlyecosystems-ecosystemcraftspeoplehandcrafted craftsmanshipexperiencereflectreflectionorigins-originoriginalliteratureinstruments-instrument instrumentalidentified-identify identifiablesubstances-substancerolerangerangedrangingquantities-quantity primarilyprimaryconsidered-consider considerableconsiderablyaspectapproachpacificPacificgrasses-grass grasshoppers-grasshopper grassland carboncarbohydrates-carbohydrate carbonate carboniferouscarbonicwhigpredators-predator predatorypredationparticles-particle forces-forceforceforcedadvanced-advance advancement squares-square risegradually frequentlyfrequentdiversitydiversions-diversion democrats-democrat democraticstylestylized-stylize stylisticsignificant significance significantly projects-project projectionprojector preserved-preserve preservationgrainwhalethusshapeshapes relationship relationshipslacklackedlacksgalaxies-galaxy drawdiscovered-discover decades-decadelaborlaboriouslaborerfunctionfunctional functionalismcraters-crater replaced-replace replaceheld-holdholddioxidecetaceans-cetacean sculpturesculpturalsculpturesruralorgans-organ organicallyremoveremovingremovalentiredepended-depend dependent interdependence currents-current adapted-adapt adaptations-adaptation adaptive adaptabilitysteamsteamboats-steamboat folkfibers-fiberfeetdrilling-drillactwireremains-remainrelated-relate relationimpulses-impulse illustrateillustrations-illustration hugeemphasize emphasissurvivesurvivalsettlers-settlersettlesettlement paleolithicinterest demonstrateartisans-artisan affected-affect skeletons-skeleton plains-plainoxygeninteriorengines-engine engineering electricity electricalelectricdeposits-deposit depositioncrows-crowcontinuecontinuous continuumcontinuitycells-cellcelledattractattractiveattractionprivatephysicalphysicists-physicist gathering-gather dyes-dyedeclineconsisting-consist consistenttunasresponses-response specific specificallypromotepromotionaudienceacorns-acorn traditionaltraditionstabilityspotsculptors-sculptor obtained-obtain nitrogenmelting-meltlandscapeevolutionevolutionaryeventually distinguished-distinguish corecomposed-compose composition composers-composer volcanicvolcanoes-volcanovasttrailrenaissancereligiousreligionreactions-reactionreactpetroleumobservations-observation oaknormallyfocusflightfeathers-feather evolved-evolve estimated-estimatecrustcrustalconflictcompeting-compete competition competitors-competitor competitivecombined-combine combinationritualreleased-release performanceeradevices-device decrease throughoutstandardscalerootpractices-practice philadelphia hydrogendramaticdramadisplayclimaxcharacters-characterbottombiologicalbiologistmicrobiologistaquifertonesolarrevolutionrevolutionarypreymicroscopemicroscopicmetalmetallicmetalworkers-metalworker helium framecontinentalsupercontinent contemporaryclaims-claimtensiontaskstimulated-stimulate stimulationspreadsolidsolidifiedpresented-present presencepots-potmeasuremeasurements-measurement immeasurablyirrigationirrigated-irrigate overirrigation improvements-improvement improveburied-buryburialattitudes-attitude approximatelythereforesubjects-subject subjectedsubjectingstableunstablesigns-signroutes-routepreferred-prefer preferences-preference opportunity opportunists-opportunist opportunisticintenseintensiveintensityintensifies-intensify globalflowfigures-figurefamiliardifferdifferentiated-differentiate dietdietarydecorations-decoration decorated-decorate decorativevisibleinvisibleshelterresembleprincipalmaintained-maintain maintenancefungilichens-lichenemerging-emerge emergencedesiredesireddesirable undesirable compared-compare comparison comparable comparatively communication communicate citizens-citizen centerbenefitbeneficialarchanalyzeanalysisanalysts-analyst worthtracetexturetexturalsurfaces-surface subsurfacerays-raypermitted-permit perfectmasterfitexhibitionexhibitexhibitors-exhibitor efforts-effort dominated-dominate dominant dominance dinosaurs-dinosaur detailed-detail depressioncharged-charge rechargebeliefs-beliefbasinadoptadoptionvaporevaporateevaporationrevealtypicallytypicalturbines-turbine transformed-transform transformationstrengthstrengthenedscholars-scholarrentrentalproperties-property practicalphotographs-photograph photography photographic performed-perform performers-performer motionminormachinerycrystals-crystal crystallinecanallooseprofitprofitableinternalinhabitants-inhabitant inhabited-inhabitidealfeeding-feed feedbackexpansion expanded-expand solutions-solution portrayed-portray parlors-parlor merchants-merchant extremeextremelydustdistinctdistinctive distinctioncometbeads-beadbasistulips-tuliptextileterrestrialsurgespecialized-specialize specialization speciallyreadilypotentialpotentiallymigrationmigratemigratory immigrationmasks-mask headmaskhabitats-habitat fundamentalcyclecattlecaliforniabriefavoidvitamins-vitamintimberlinetimberpueblos-pueblopollutants-pollutantpolluted-pollutenovelnovelistnoveltymechanisms-mechanism industrialization industrialized industrialismpreindustrial independence independent immigrants-immigrant formercontentbacteriabacterialviolinvessels-vesseltailed-tailtailtailsridgerespondcorresponding respondents-respondent principleprehistoricisolated-isolateisolationconstantconstantlyconsequences-consequence consequentlysequencecommercialcommerciallychemicals-chemical chemicallybelongaccumulated-accumulate accumulations-accumulation actionstatuswaresurrounding-surround represented-represent potterypotters-potterpotashmyths-mythmythicalimmediatelyimmediatehighlighted-highlight geologicalgeologists-geologist geologicgarfragments-fragmentfloridaexistexistencedestructivedestructiondefensedefenselesscretaceousconceptconceptions-conception capital capitalists-capitalist component appropriateinappropriateapparently。
word list 1accomplishment acronym acuteadhere aggression artistic awareness balance brochure careless chimpanzee collective conductivity congestion convince council crevice crossing curriculum debate deficiency devotion discharge dispute diverse doctrine endless enforce essentially expirefareflatforwardfoulglow gymhonestimproveinterestinvestigatejuvenileloadlogmanagemaritimematobstructoverchargepartlypollenpredominantprevalentprotagonistradiationrehabilitaterenovatesapphirescattersensualshellfishshuttlesodiumsolospicestretchstrivestylisticsurplussweepsyllabletemporarytendencytermtowtrialunearthvarnishwipeword list 2abilityaccord additive affectionalike alternately behaviorism biological budget calendarcoil colleague composer composition dairy deadlinedealdeceive distant dramatic erosion explosive forestallfume igneous immutable impetus indicate industry intelligence interpret intriguing justify legislative legitimate literacylocomotionlongitudelowermarkedmodulatemonarchmottomutualoveralloverlookparallelparamountparticipantpendentplanetplausibleplotprecipitateradiateremnantremovalrenaissanceretirerodsalonscarshipwrightslothsolitaryspecializespecimenspectatorspillstatestemstringsturdysubstantialtoweringversusworthwrapword list 3accentadmitalkali asymmetrical authority bargainbonybriefbuddy catastrophe classic coarse communicate compare compel comprehend concentrate consent consideration contrast coordinate copiouscount crusade cushion custom detectable drawedifice emphasize engine envelop episode equation external fadefellowshipfierceflintforefrontfreezegrindgroomheadinghordeinactiveinfestinteriorjogLatinmammalmelaninnomadicnotoriousparameterpathologyphenomenaplasterpolicyquenchrenewripenroostsalmonscriptsheerspiralstaffsteadystratasuperiorsurrendersuspensiontherapytileunadornedunprecedentedutilizevigorousword list 4adventure analogyapply appraisal artifact assureattire biochemical catalyst cohesion combustible complain counterpart datadecade dimensional diplomatic disposal documentation ductile engage enrich epidemic evaporation expertise exploration explore extension figurative foragehaunt homogeneous hurricane imply intoxication labellocatelogicalmaintenancemanifestmaterialmathematicsmaximummemomoldneoclassicaloriginalornamentoutlineoysterpaddleperceptionperceptivepretentiousproceedpuncturerebelrecallrelevanceremainsresistantruralrusticsculptselectiveshrinksleddingstickysuperficialsyntheticthrowtradeundergraduatevanishvenomventurevetovibrationvicinityword list 5ailment assimilate audioaxiscablechubby committee commute consult converse corrosive courageous cousin credential define denote detergent device dominant estimate excavation facilitate fellow foremost frenzyfriction hardware imprint induceinert infection intense intuitive isolatedjelly joltlaboratorylamentleftoverlithospheremanufactureopposedoverhaulovertimepackpay]perfectphotodissociationpigeonpoetryprincipleprofoundpromotepromptproposereactorrealizationrecessionreliableremarkablereplenishresponserevolutionscurrysensiblesimulatesluggishsoftsquashstucksubsequentsubstantiatesuburbsupremetracevaguevastvirusvisualwatercourseword list 6agreeable allegiance alleviate angular annoyed architect ascending bouncecabincarp celestial ceremony colonial comparable complementary congressional cornerstone crewcrow department deserve desire digression director disadvantage distinguish eccentric eligiblefile flagellumfoldfoolishfungiglacialgrab graspimproviseinconspicuousinstitutejournallandmarklooselost-and-foundlushmentalmoistnationalismnomineenonsensenotationotherwisepalatephysicalpostcardpresidentquiltrancherrarerawreddishrefreshingrescueresignruptureschedulescholarsealsheathshelterspacecraftsphericalstablesympathetictallytenementtissuevacantversewastezealousword list 7accounting acidityacting adoption alarm alternate angiosperm aquifer arboreal aurora available awesome bacon balconyblushbreakbuckle cardiac centennial chagrinclog collaborator collidecomet content convergecost costumecurldesolate detest economy emerald emotion ethnology exceedexpectexpressivefeministfinancialforerunnerhikehurryidentityimpendinginaccessibleindicativeinventorykeenlandmasslatentlayermannermethodminimizemonumentalneutronorchidpatientpenmanshippermissionplowpreponderanceprimalprojectpropelquotationranchrashremodelrendersacrificialscoresiliconsimplyspheretranscendtriangletypicalviralword list 8administer along amount annual apologize astutebindblockbudcanal championchill construct consumption creativity cuneiform current democrat detect determine disseminate Easter elegant engaging enormous enrollment extend extreme fastenfilmfitness flamboyant folklore generation genetic hatchincessantlyinstructionjuicelacklarvaleasemagnificentmelodiemeteorologistmusiciannormallynutritionomitorientationporeportraitpreferprerequisiteprolificpunctualregardlessrelativerepresentativereschedulerustsaturatescreenselectionskyscrapersledslumbersmoothlystereostrandsummarizesuspectswantendtoleratetuitionunderscoreviablevolcanowarehouseword list 9access accredit advanced adverseafford annoying appreciation assembly benefit captivity championship chilledcluecolumn commemorate component cosmoscritic dehydrate despoil dictiondim elaborate engulf eternalfairfairlyfeudal function gradualheed hibernation hollow horizon illuminate implementincenseinsistlaunchlinguistlongevitymanagementmedalmedievalmeteorologymicroscopemocknourishmentnumerousobscurephenomenonpitplumageporcelainportionpostponepresidencyproductivityproponentproteinrecognizesalamanderseepsenatesessionshortageskipsliceslipstatusstrainstridesubwaysurgeterminusterritorytherebytopsoiltransitunpredictableword list 10abortacidic adequateadornapproveatomic bacteria breathing bubblebulbcluster consume debris destined distribute dolphindrill elementary engraving entitle expansion exposurefarceflexiblefulfillgendergeniusgospelhamper hygiene ideology inconvenient infrared invasion junction laureateliterarymammothmaniamanualmelodymoralmuggynaivenarratenotionofferoutbreakoverloadpartialpopulateprevailingprohibitivelyproofreadprotestquotarampantratiorecitalrecklessrestorationrodentscholarshipscubasedimentarysewerageshowersiltstripesupposesymptomtensiontreadmilltributaryundertakingunparalleledverticalvigilancevocalwaneword list 11absorb acknowledge ambitious amenity applaud avalanchebaldbarrierbolstercargocarveceramic commitment conclude confercrawl deception destructive dictatedivision editorial electrodeemit enactment erect excursion exhaustfavorfavored fermentfertilefertilizer forecast genesis healing inactivateinsultinvertebratelatterlistlessmaturemechanistmerchandiseminorityorbitpackedparkingpavepersonalpreliminarypsychologyreceptaclerehearserelieveresistrevoltrhythmribbonsegregatesignificantskepticalsolutionsopranospunsterilesubtlesurveyswallowthornthrivetrashtroupetwineutmostvacancyvalidvaporverbalvoyageyieldword list 12addition address adhesive advisable alchemist announce auctioncellistcheckchequecommit complacence compress compute construction corpsdepicteminent fantasy fascinating fashionablefluglossygranite graphite guarantee hazardheraldhockeyhumididentity illustration incongruity innerintrepid intricatelocalitylustermagnesiummodifymonotonousmotivatemythologynavigationoozeorganicoutfitoutspokenoverduepastelpersistpleasingportableprevailproclaimrefurbishreligionremindreportresonanceresumereunionsemestersewagesparksquidstratigraphystripstunstuntsuffragisttechnologicaltediumthreatenthwartunderlyingvaryvegetativewagonwitherword list 13addictive agency airbornealienanxious atmosphere attractive audiencebark beverageboldcarecomment common comply comprise conceal conduct contourcrabcrumpledepot deserted diagnosedilate diversification doteffective expressly facilityfieldfinchfrigidfurnace gasoline generalizegivenhayhemispherehieraticimitationimmatureimpressiveinheritanceinteractivelacelatitudelaylegislaturemarchmarvelmetricmetropolitanmodelingmonitormultiplymythicaloffspringpamphletpausepetitionpetroleumpharmacypreserveprioritypuzzlerecognitionrecurringrefractionretreatrevealsanctuarysketchstanzasubstantivetargetunityunravelveilword list 14abrasion absenteeism acclaim astronomy boundarybrass candidate coincidecolonycomic comprehensive concave cooperation curious decode demanding designate diversity dogged donation dormitorydraindrowsyedge efficiency elevation elongate employeruptextinctfractiongalaxygracehithertoidle inanityingredientinsulininterfereinvitationinvitinginvolveitemkeyboardlettucemagneticmasonmeantimemerchantmetallicmilitarymodemonasterynarrativenourishoptimisticornithologyovernightpalepenetrateprominentproposalqualifyrealmrugsacsatiricseparateshedsmotherso-calledsoresuspendswarmsweatthroughtranslucentuntamedX-rayword list 15awakecode commercial compliment concertconveydeadlydeclinedevise differentiate dilutedismaldisplaydonate dubious durabledyeelmemotional entrance environmental exterior extremityfaint formation genregravelhardyhempimpose incinerate incompatible inevitably inherentinhibit intentionallyjusticekennellibrarianlodgemastmercymodestnavalneedynoxiousopponentoptionalorepantspart-timepermitphotographypopularpositpreciseprovisionquantityreceiverrechargerenditionreproducerubsacredscenesecretesedentaryseemsettlementshattersignificancesourstaplestartlingstellarsuccessivetantalizingtectonicstorportriggerword list 16absorption accomplish adjunct appointment approximate archaeology attributebarterbesiegeboostbouquet broadcastcalmchiefcollision conflict continent convict cookoutcriticalcylinderdecayderivedessert dispersal domesticate dragdueelicitescape evisceratefinformatgorilla healthful hidehinterlandhypothesizeignorantintegrallashlayoutlocallyluremagnetminutemodemneuronnoticeablenotwithstandingoppositeoverlapperipherypredatorpredictpredictableprehistoricpreviousprimitiveprodigiousprofessionalrationravenremarkrequireresistanceresponsibleSaturnsaveseasonalsproutstalkstifftheorytransplanttunnelundergovelocityversatileword list 17actionallergyaridaromaassign associate athlete aviation bedrock cardinal carnivore census certificate complex contract convexcoursecriticizedealer defecate dismaydrasticflakefloatflourish geologyglazegradingharshhindhominid hypothesis illegible incoming individual inheritinstructinsulateintellectuallegendlegiblelimelivelihoodlizardmalematuritymilitantmosaicmotivationoverwhelmparaphrasepebbleposthumouspreoccupationprepareprivilegepublicizerealisticreciperegionrekindlerelevantrentalrepresentrevisionriteruggedsanitationseniorskeletalstarkstrikesunsetswelltactictragedyundertakeuniquevestigewaxword list 18accelerate accessible accumulate adjacent applicant aquatic asteroid chronicalclam complicated compound considerable consistent constituent curvedazzling decadent discrete displacedrift executiveextolextrinsicflash formulate fragmentfrankgeargibegleangourmet graphichabitherbhive hydrogenidenticalignoreinsightinsistenceintimateledgeleisureloremagmamalnutritionmanipulatemassivemessmountainousneonpathplantationplasticpocketbookportraypresentationprobeproofpurityreasonablerecruitreservationscarceshellsimplifysmeltingsoundspoilstashsubmissionsuppresssurpasstarnishtimbertraittubeunevenvirtuallyyogurtword list 19abrupt accessory accuse aggressive alphabet antibioticavoid behavior beneficialbetbondcafeteria compete compromise confusion consequently constricted cultivateddaisydevotedioxidediscern discrimination documentary domesticdraftelective element enlightenment equitable estateethicsfederalfinancefossil frescofrivolityfruitlessfuelgradienthazelherbhuddlehueinflationinspireinstructorintrinsicjoggingkernelleatherliberatemansionmottlednailnotedoceanographerparalyzeparasiteprescriberegeneratereleaserequestresiliencescaleshadesortsowsplashsponsorsubstitutetastetraditionaltundraundergrounduniversevesselvoraciousword list 20aboundamble astronomical attractbasicbeambellowsbloomcape characteristic collectively colonize command continuum convenience coredaylightdelaydepend distract eclecticism elasticity embellish endangered equalera evacuation exploitfacade fantastic fracture guidelinehastehornhurl indispensableinferiorinflammationinformedinstallirreverentjeansjewelrymaglevmaizemarketmeltmimemimicmoltennotateovalpinpointpreferenceprojectorpursuitradioactiverainbowrattlerebellionreconstructionreformrelatescanscenerysilicatesituatedskullslogspanstaketablelandtestimonythreadthriftytinkerturbulentunconsolidatedvisibleword list 21aggregate alternative ambience ancestor anecdotal animation announcement apartment arthritis authentic banner calciumchaste classicalclientcloset commodity company concise confederacy contagious convention depletedetail distinctiondriveemblem existencefixflagflexibility fundinggarbgeneGothic habitathalthumorousincursioninforminninternshipjournalismleadligerlivestockmeaningfulmethaneminemothongoingonslaughtoutlyingpatronizingperspectivepictorialplatelikepoisonousprematureproliferaterefineremoteresinrevererollsolesparsespecialspectaclestandardstrapsynchronizetariffthesistidetournamentturtlewelfareword list 22algebra cascade characterchart circulation complement conductor congress couplecoupon critiquecrowncuedefect dehydrate difference disaster distinctive drawbackdropevolveexpelextractfancyfatalfinalizeflaskfluctuatefrugal genetics germinate glorifyhawk humanity iceberg jotkidkingdomlastinglicenseliquidlittermachinerymagnitudemethanolmicroorganismnegativenewsletternightmareobservepertinentpinpioneerplungeprimequitrandomreferencereputeridgerodeosatellitesatirescarfsimplicitysomewhatsoothesophisticatedspinspinetspotstationsuitetokentrivialturn-outturnpikeunaidedunsubstantiatedversionwarpword list 23absence activity acumen allergicangleanomaly apparent ardentartisan barbecuebasinbladeblastcellcider communal conform congenial conservation delegate dimension diplomatdivert electricity errandethnicexalted exception Fahrenheit faucetformatfoster genetically gregarious handy harborhormoneidiomimpactincidentinfantinnovativeintersectionirrigatemanifestationmatemediaobtainoccuroutrageouslypaucitypersonalityproperquarryragereputationresembleroamscarcelyscruffysevereshapeshovelshroudsignalsilicaslenderspecifyspontaneitystainstoutstylizedsunlitsurgeonsusceptibletransformutensilwearwillowword list 24adaptive allegationboonbulletin campus conceive conference consistently criterion decompose depredation deterdialectdigest directory discard dissenter dormantdumpecology eliminateentryexhibitfacultyfiberfidelityfocus franchisefurrygallerygapgingovernorhaulhighlight ignitionimpairimpreciseintegritylawnleastmiserablemythnucleusodoropticaloutstandingovercomeowlpermeatepersonnelphysiologypickypicturesquepointedpositivepotterpredominateprincipalproprietorquiescentraiserallyrelayrepertoireshrimpsoccersolarsolidstarchsweepingswifttalenttendontrilogytwinklingunequalurgentutilityveinword list 25additional admire advance advent amusement analysis ancient apportion appreciate auxiliaryboundbrandbuffalobumpbutter cannibalism characterize civilianclay companion comparative competence concomitant condense crooked cumbersome debutdescent devastate development dignity dormancy dressendure entrepreneur excavateexcessexemplaryextentfavorablefemalefurnishgriphaircutimitateinnocentinspectionlethargylipidmailmediumminormushroomnavynovelnurtureoffensiveoperateparachutepasteperpetuateplankpollinateracketreachreserveresiduerestraintscentsnapsolublestickstylishsuperintendentsyruptedioustopographytrendtugunderneathwaspword list 26absolutelyacidagile allocation attorneybiasbluff bookstore captivecease ceremonial claimclub concentration deciduous deductdefinitedense deteriorate discipline domain economicalepicerraticevidentevoke experimental explosive extraordinary foreshorten frustrategermgourdgroanhoe hummingbirdinfluxingeniousinnovationintactintentjeopardizeleadingliterallyluminositymaintainmillenniummotorneolithicnitrogennotifypovertyprettypromisingpromptlyreceptionrefundrelayrepertoryreplacerestoreretailripesavingseismographsequencesievesodaspectrumspewspongestaggeredstimulusstreamsufficientunbridgeablevolunteerweatheringword list 27accurateadoptallude alumnus amplify anarchist bleachboard brilliance checked choreograph clamor collapse condensation contain contribute corrosion counter creativeease ecological enterprise exorbitant exponentflavorfoliageformergraphichandlehomingimbibe indifference infectious influenza invade meteormicroscopicmightyminimumnaturalistnegateneverthelessnoveltyoccasionaloriginpalatablepanelpatronpenicillinpestphasepostagepreferablequalityradicallyrearreviewruinscientificsectionsilversmithstatesmansubjectsustenancesynthesizesystematictoedtoleranttreadtribaltutorultimateuntappedwalnutword list 28abnormal absoluteairatrophy awkward backlighting benignbog celebrated center challengechewcircuit circumstance collect constitution conventional cramdatedentistdiffuse disappoint disease embodyevenfabricate foment geometry gildinggonna hydrothermal immunityinitialinnate insufficient intrudeJupiterleaguelunarmechanismmesmerizemetropolismobilenestnonverbalobsessoverviewperfumepiqueplaqueplaywrightproficientprolongedpropertyprudentpulppurchaseregisterrepublicresiderespectsimultaneoussnowflakesolderstagestimulationsubliminalsubsidizesurgeryswampswingtextureupheavalupsetutilitarianvacationvalidateweirdword list 29abandon agitationample arbitrary argumentasset assignment bandannabeatbisonbland camouflage canyon capacity chlorine choreographer chunkclutchcodify commerce consistency constant continuity coppercratercrucialcubism democratic deposit deprive disciple discountdozen exchange expand feeblefundamentalgallopgarbagegorgeousincapacitateindigestionlethallistliteraturemembranemeteoritenocturnalnominatenotchobjectiveoutcomeparticularpermanentpersuasivepigmentpiracypivotalposepotterypredominantlyrangereliancereplicaterumorsaturationscrubseashoresimilarskeletonsneakersparespecificstratumstuffsupplantsymbolizewickwonderword list 30acquire aerobicamid ammonia anthropology arithmetic artificialbakeblipbrittlecaribou cautious channel cholesterol coexist constrain counselorcourtcreditcrystal demonstrate downward enclose entrepreneurial equator evidence explicit generation glimpse gravitational groceryhailharmonyhavenhook hoveridentificationimmenseimpartinceptioninsanityinteractionlengthenlinguisticlumberluminousmagnifymeridianmindmineralmissionmultipleoctopusoutcrypainstakingpatchpepperperceivepronouncedprovincialismpumprecruitmentremainderretainreversesegmentsprawlspringstadiumstoragesubmarinetelescopetragicuppermosturgevascularverifywitwithstandword list 31abreastabsurd admission amino applianceatom attendance augment barrenbasecalculatecartcavity celebrate chancecircularclinic condiment counseling craftsman crude decorate dedication delight destruction dinosaur distinct disturbance dominatedoubt exceptional fascination framework freightgland guiltyidealizeimmigrantintegrateinterstellarlaundrylibertymeteorologicalmidtermnapnonethelesspancreaspassivepeculiarperishablepitchplainpliablepositionprecedeprosperradiusreapplyrectangleremainingrepelridiculousrotateschemesensorysignificantlysignifystatisticstirstrictsubsisttangletornadovehiclevividwannawedge-shapedwherebywispyyarnword list 32abolition accordion advocateariaarouseassertbagelbarber circumference civilclinical coalition competing confine confused consider contamination contemporary contest deceptive disguise drainagedullenvisionfactorfactual familiarize fatigue flavoring homestead hospitable imperative independent initiate intelligent ironicallyjarlabyrinthlinemarginmarshmedicationmildmiraclemotifmultitudemundanemyriadnectaroasisolfactoryoptimalparticlepesticideplightpotassiumpotentialpracticalrefinedreflectrevitalizeroesakesamplesequoiashallowstatisticsstatuesteerstocksubmergesubsidysubsistencesummittarnishtechniquetelegraphtempertemptterminologyviolentlyword list 33academy accident accompany acquaintadobe amateur articulate aspectasthma avenuebarbbarrelbeadclumsy coherent compass compose concept configuration consort constantly contact contradict correspond declaration decrease delectable dependable descend disrepute diversion efficient effluent emergence entrenched excitingextrafeatfilterfragrantgiganticgraingrudgegullharnesshenceforthhierarchyhinthostileimplicitinfrastructurejawlegislationlevellocomotivelubricantmediatemosquitoparticipatepatronageperformprizeradarreciprocityreferrigorsculpturesewsharpenspawnspeculatesquabblestresssubversivesymmetrytrackturkeyunifyvisualizezoneword list 34accomplished aestheticalert approach audition biography brightenbuckburgeon campaign carboncareercentricchaosclimate compile consequence controversy conversational coronacrazycultivate diameter equivalent fragile generousgiantglaciergnawgulfhosthumidity initially intellect internal irregularjumblekineticlibellightninglinearmaneuvermechanicmuscularnakednickeloakoutgaspanoramapartnershippatriarchpatternperishprecursorprimatepuebloquartzratifyreceptorrecordrecyclereluctantrespondreviserigidrustproofsedimentsensesettingsharplysociablesouvenirspinystardomsubspeciessummaryswitchteemthoroughviolentwholesome。
地理 学 地理 学 地理 学 地理 学 地理 学 地理 学 地理 学 地理 学 地理 学 地理 学 地理 学 地理 学 地理 学 地理 学 地理 学 地质 类 地质 类 地质 类 地质 类 地质 类 地质 类 地质 类 地质 类
oasis outskirt
绿洲 外边,郊区
地层学 硫磺 沼泽 地热
sedimentary rock 沉积岩
seismic intensity 地震的
seismic wave
风土的,地方的 epicenter
extinct volcano 死火山
fault plane
continental drift 大陆漂移
continental shelf 大陆架
轮廓,等高线 copper
DAY-11states-state n.状况, 状态 v.陈述2statements-statement n.陈述【In fact, various emotional states give rise 3form n.形状 v.形成4deformed-deform v.使变形;变畸形5reform v.改造 ; 改革 n.改良【Some mountains were formed as a result of th 6plants-plant n.植物, 工厂 v.种植7plantation n.农园, 大农场8transplanted-transplant v.移居, 迁移【Animal dung enriches the soil by providing n 9mentioned-mention v.提到【For example, in 1875 one biologist pointed o 10century n.世纪;百年【Even though the fine arts in the twentieth c 11author n.作者12authority n.专家, 威信【The author presents two theories for a histo 13species(单复数同型) n.种类; 人类14subspecies n.亚种【Some species of tuna have specialized groove 15art n.艺术【Tunas, mackerels, and billfishes have made s 16produced-produce v.生产 n.产品17production n.生产18products-product n.产品19reproduction n.生殖;复制20reproduce v.繁殖;翻拍;复制21productivity n.生产力22productive adj.多产的23reproductive adj.再生的; 复制的【Other mountains may be raised by earthquakes 24increase v.增加【To increase the society’s prosperity】25cause v.导致 n.原因【Wind velocity also increases with altitude a 26regions-region n.区域【It ranges from sea level in the Polar Region 27sentence v.宣判n.句子【Where would the sentence best fit?】28population n.居民;人口【Have populations that are unstable in respon 29study v.研究 n.研究【It is conceivable that before going hunting 30fossils-fossil n.化石31fossilization n.化石作用32fossilized-fossilize v.使成化石【Pakicetus is the oldest fossil whale yet to 33theory n.理论, ...论34theorists-theorist n.理论家35theorized-theory v.建立理论; 理论化【According to psychodynamic theory, the best 36term v.把...称为 n.学期【During Jackson's second term, his opponents 37artists-artist n.艺术家38artistic adj.艺术的; 美术的【For example, some early societies ceased to39design v.设计40designers-designer n.设计者【Architecture is the art and science of desig 41source n.来源, 根源【This unprecedented development of a finite g 42environment n.环境n.环境保护论者【Many ecologists now think that the relative 43environmentalists-environm44period n.时期45periodic adj.定期的46periodically adv.周期性地; 偶尔【In the long run, electricity from large wind 47society n.社会【Some theories of theater development focus o 48activities-activity n.行动; 活动【There is little doubt, however, that deserti 49mass n.块adj.大规模的【The cinema did not emerge as a form of mass 50since conj.因为, 从...至今【Since the raising of most crops necessitates 51emotions-emotion n.情绪52emotional adj.情绪的【In psychodynamic theory, the purging of stro【Each SMSA would contain at least one53communities-community n.人群,很多个体的集合体,社54organisms-organism n.生物n.微生物【We can say that the properties of an ecosyst 55microorganisms-microorga56process n.过程 v.加工;处理, 办理【In fact, damage to the environment by humans 57individual n.人, 个体 adj.个别的58individualism n.利己主义【Because each individual is short-lived, the 59effect n.结果 v.造成60effective adj.有效的61effectiveness n.效力【But for the black-tailed deer, human pressur 62culture n.文化, 耕种 v.耕种63cultural adj.有修养的; 有文化的【The arch was used was used by the early cult 64occur v.发生, 出现65occurrences-occurrence n.发生,事件【They occur at the end of a succession.】66include v.包括; 包含67inclusion n.内含; 内含物【Some drawbacks to wind farms include visual 68provide v.提供【The land under wind turbines can be used for 69indicate v.指出70indications-indication n.指出; 迹象【To indicate that trance states were often as 71sediment n.沉淀物, 沉积72sedimentary adj.沉积的73sedimentation n.沉淀作用; 沉降【Petroleum, consisting of crude oil and natur 74pressure n.压v.对...施加压力; 迫使【Continued sedimentation—the process of depo 75particular adj.特别的, 独有的【There is increasing evidence that the impact 76influence v.影响n.影响77influential adj.有影响的【Impacts by meteorites represent one mechanis 78modern adj.现代的, 时髦的【To contrast the relative sophistication of m 79impact v.影响;撞击n.作用,冲击【If an impact is large enough, it can disturb【Increase pressure and heat from the80heat v.把...加热; 使激动 n.热, 高潮81objects-object v.反对, 抗议 n.物体;目标【They engraved animal figures on the82objective adj.客观的, 外在的 n.目的, 实83types-type n.类型 v.作为代表,打字【They may have used figurines to portray an i 84power n.势力; 权力 v.使...有力量, 激励85hydropower n.水力发出的电力【In the future, wind power is likely to becom 86major adj.主要的, 大部份的 n.主修87majority n.多数, 大多数【The technology is in place for a major expan 88gas n.气体89gasoline n.汽油90outgassing n.除气作用【These periods are times when wind turbines a 91cave n.洞穴 v.挖洞92caverns-cavern n.巨穴【Scholars have wondered about the meaning of 93techniques-technique n.技巧; 技法【Artists developed special techniques for pai 94structure n.结构, 构造 v.建筑, 组织95structural adj.结构的, 建筑的【The Long-Term Stability of Ecosystems Plant 96rapid adj.迅速的, 急促的n.急流【A very dehydrated person, on the other hand, 97ocean n.海洋98oceanic adj.海洋的n.海洋学者【It has been suggested that Pakicetus fed on 99oceanographers-oceanogr100ancient adj.远古的, 年老的【To explain how ancient builders reduced the 101contained-contain v.包含102containers-container n.容器; 集装箱【The situation is most critical in Texas, whe 103glaciers-glacier n.冰河104glacial adj.冰的; 冰河的105glaciation n.冰蚀【Sediments that hold water were sprea106interglacial n.两个冰河世纪之间的温暖时间段107theater n.剧场; 电影院【They produced and prerecorded the material t 108conditions-condition n.情况; 环境【In some regions, the increase in desert area 109behavior n.行为, 举止110behavioral adj.行为的【When one animal attacks another, it engages 111variety n.变化,多样性112various adj.各种的113vary v.改变, 变更; 变化114variables-variable n.变数, 可变物115invariably adv.不变地, 一定地【Facial expressions and emotional states inte 116nest n.巢 v.造巢【Such nests also act as humidity regulators b 117characteristics-characteris n.特性, 特色 adj.特有的v.赋予特色【The most striking characteristic of the plan 118characterized-characterize119government n.政府120governing-govern v.统治; 决定【In contrast to the Democrats, the Whigs favo 121energy n.精力;精神122energetic adj.精力充沛的【Growth, reproduction, and daily metabolism a 123involve v.包括124involvement n.包含【Spillage from huge oil-carrying cargo ships, 125essential adj.重要的,本质的126essentially adv.实质上; 本来【Another opinion is that the paintings were d127movement n.运动; 运转【A united, highly successful labor movement t 128evidence v.证明n.证据, 迹象【Supporting evidence comes from research show 129european adj.欧洲的n.欧洲人【Those queried ranged from European college s 130national n.国民adj.国家的【Some oil lies under regions where drilling i 131location n.位置132located-locate v.找出, 位于【Limiting drilling to accessible locations】133aggressive adj.侵犯的, 有进取精神的134aggression n.进攻; 侵略135aggressiveness n.侵犯; 进取【When they are caused to frown, they rate car 136upper adj.上面的, 上级的【Ekman’s observation may be relevant to the 137atmosphere n.大气, 气氛138atmospheric adj.大气的【The explosion lifted about 100 trillion tons 139iron n.铁; 熨斗adj.铁的【Scientific analysis reveals that the colors 140facial adj.脸的, 脸部的【A person's facial expression may reflect the 141clay n.粘土【The impact of raindrops on the loose soil te 142urban adj.都市的143urbanization n.都市化【Whig and Democratic areas of influence were 144painting-paint n.画, 绘画145painters-painter n.漆工146painted-paint v.油漆; 画147overpainting n.(油画)复盖色,复绘【In Southwest France in the 1940’s, playing 148economic adj.经济上的; 合算的149economy n.经济150economically adv.节俭地151economical adj.节俭的【To indicate that not all economic activity i 152popular adj.受欢迎的, 流行的【Although origin in ritual has long been the 153technology n.技术,工艺154technological adj.技术的, 工艺的【The development of projection technology mad 155layer n.层; 地层 v.分层堆积【The Earth's crust is thought to be divided i 156insects-insect n.昆虫【Small size makes it easy to scramble among t 157ability n.能力; 才能【Ekman argued that the ability to accurately【Above the tree line there is a zone158generally adv.通常, 普遍地, 逐渐地; 一般159applied-apply vi.使用;适用于vt.使用160application n.申请(表,书)【To demonstrate that an understanding of stab 161transportation n.运输162transport v.传送,运输【Transportation networks began to decline.】163methods-method n.方法;秩序【The new methods of doing business involved avt./ n.(大量)制造164manufacturing-manufacturn.制造商【After 1815 this older form of manufacturing 165manufacturers-manufactur166contributed-contribute v.有助于167contributions-contribution n.贡献【Even living things contribute to the formati 168quality n.品质, 特质【They were produced with more concern for qua 169marine adj.海的; 航海的; 海产的170submarine n.海底生物【Microscopic organisms settle to the seafloor171mammals-mammal n.哺乳动物【The canopy ,the upper level of the trees in 172established-establish v.建立, 制定173establishment n.确立; 设施【Once an oak tree becomes established, it is 174extinction n.消失175extinct adj.灭绝的【This break in Earth's history is marked by a 176complex adj.复杂的, 合成的n.复合物, 综合体177complexity n.复杂; 复杂性【Besides cave paintings, Upper Paleolithic pe 178climate n.气候179climatic adj.气候上的【A fundamental difference between Whigs and D 180relatively adv.相当地;比较而言181relative adj.相对的,有关系的【To suggest that wind turbines result in rela 182Jupiter n.木星【The world anxiously watched as, every few ho【Many tribal hunters, including some183native adj.本国的;本地的;与生俱来的184erosion n.冲蚀,侵蚀185erode v.腐蚀;侵蚀【Dandelions are called opportunists because t【To contrast them to desert mammals.】186contrast n.对比; 差异; 对照, 相反v.使对187construction n.建造,建造物188constructed-construct vt.建造189reconstruct vt.重建190reconstruction n.重建191constructive a.建设性的【It is the work of architects to create build 192architecture n.建筑学193architectural a.建筑学的194architects-architect n.建筑师【To be architecture, a building must achieve 195supply vt.供给【To help society members better understand th 196colonial a.殖民地的197colonies-colony n.殖民地198colonized-colonize vt.建立殖民地199colonization n.殖民;殖民地化【During the seventeenth and eighteenth centur 200valley n.山谷【In the tropics, the valleys appear to be mor 201meteorites-meteorite n.陨石【Twice in the twentieth century, large meteor 202factors-factor n.因素【Various environmental factors may play a rol 203desert n.沙漠204desertification n.沙漠化【Many factors have contributed to the great i 205appear vi.出现206appearance n.出现207disappear vi.消失【Numerous biological structures and chemicals 208amount n.数(量)vi.(to)合计【There are adaptations that increase the amou 209summary n.总结adj.摘要的210summarize v.作总结, 作概括【Calculating a numerical summary of each solu 211stored-store vt.贮藏 n.商店212storefront n.店面【Personal correspondence, newspaper clippings 213political a.政治的214politicians-politician n.政治家【The Democratic and Whig Parties developed in215plates-plate n.盘子;平板216plateau n.高原【By contrast, in the United States an estimat 217goods n.货物,商品【This new form of manufacturing depended on t 218exposed-expose vt.暴露219exposition n.讲解;展览会220exposure n.暴露【The exposed rocks are attacked by the variou 221elements-element n.元素;组成成分【It works in compression to divert the weight 222complete v.使齐全;完成adj.完整的223completely adv.完整地; 彻底地224incomplete adj.不完全的225complement n.补足物【Many incomplete skeletons were found but the 226based-base n.基vt.(on)建在…的基础上【Unlike building materials, the methods of su 227advantage n.优势;好处228disadvantage n.不利(条件)229advantageous a.有利的【Wind power has a significant cost advantage 230rarely ad.很少【They contain remote areas where the winds ra 231rate n.比率,率vt.评估 vi.被评价【Given the aquifer’s low recharge ra232protected-protect v.保护233protection n.保护,保卫【Excessive numbers of cattle and the need for 234pheromones-pheromone n.外激素【The information contained in pheromones】235features-feature n.特征, 特色【It is a nonselective part of parental care a 236expressions-expression n.表达, 措辞237expressed-express n.快递 v.表达; 表示238expressive adj.表达的【the differences between the written and oral 239defined-define v.给(词语等)下定义;阐明(某事)240definition n.定义【The theater, then, is one tool whereby peopl 241local n.当地居民, 本地人adj.当地的; 地方的242localized-localize v.使局部化; 使具地方色彩243locally adv.当地的; 地方的【National, regional, and local women’s organ 244mark v.做记号于; 标明n.痕迹; 污点; 记号245markedly adv.显著地; 明显地【The end of the nineteenth century and the ea 246ecosystems-ecosystem n.生态系统【Coincident with concerns about the accelerat 247crafts-craft n.技艺,手艺248craftspeople n.艺术家249handcrafted adj.手工制作的250craftsmanship n.技能; 技术【The earliest American folk art portraits com 251experience n.经验, 经历v.经历; 感受【Even the most mundane beads may have travele 252reflect v.反射; 反映253reflection n.反射; 倒影【Their products, primarily silver plates and 254origins-origin n.起源; 起因【They are of more recent origin than255original n.原物, 原作adj.最初的, 独创的256literature n.文学; 著作【Archaeological literature is rich in descrip 257instruments-instrument n.乐器; 器具258instrumental adj.仪器的【For a century and a half the piano has been259identified-identify v.确认;识别260identifiable adj.可认明的;可识别的【To identify a historically significant mount 261substances-substance n.物质, 主旨【Certain fungi and even some kinds of bacteri【But times are changing; a new genera262role n.角色; 作用, 任务 play a XX263range n.山脉, 范围, 行列v.排列, 使并列,264ranged n.山脉, 范围, 行列v.排列, 使并列,【Those queried ranged from European c265ranging n.山脉, 范围, 行列v.排列, 使并266quantities-quantity n.量, 总数【Glaciers may form in permanently cold areas, 267primarily adv.首先; 首要地; 起初268primary n.首选adj.主要的, 根本的【In seeking to describe the origins of theate 269considered-consider v.考虑; 认为270considerable adj.可观的,相当的271considerably adv.相当地【For example, some early societies ceased to 272aspect n.方向,外观【We need to know what aspects of a community 273approach n.方法, 接近v .靠近; 接近【Approaching crafts from the point of view of 274pacific adj.和解的; 温和的275Pacific n.太平洋 adj.太平洋的【The Native American peoples of the north Pac 276grasses-grass n.草, 草原 v.使吃草, 放牧277grasshoppers-grasshoppe n.蚱蜢; 轻型飞机278grassland n.牧草地; 草原【In the eastern parts of the United States, t 279carbon n.碳280carbohydrates-carbohydra n.碳水化合物, 醣281carbonate n.碳酸盐v.使变成碳酸盐282carboniferous adj.含碳或煤的283carbonic adj.碳的; 由碳得到的【Many of the more important air pollutants, s【The Democratic and Whig Parties deve284whig n.辉格党(是英国历史上的一个政285predators-predator n.掠夺者, 食肉动物286predatory adj.掠夺的, 捕食生物的287predation n.动物的捕食行为【First, the major predators of deer---wolves, 288particles-particle n.粒子, 极小量【The mineral particles found in soil range in 289forces-force n.力量, 势力, 武力 v.强迫, 推动290force n.力量, 势力, 武力 v.强迫, 推动【Lacking the right to vote and absent291forced n.力量, 势力, 武力 v.强迫, 推292advanced-advance n.前进; 增长; v.使向前移动; 推进, adj.先行的293advancement n.前进; 促进; 进展【Some 800 years ago, Alaska’s Hubbard Glacie 294squares-square n.广场;方形物【Steam was accumulated in a large, double-act【Instead of trying to keep down the b295rise n.上升, 上涨, 增加 v.上升; 上296gradually adv.慢慢地;渐渐地【Then as industrialization became increasingl 297frequently adv.频繁地, 屡次地298frequent adj.时常发生的【Some humans hunt more frequently than gray w 299diversity n.差异; 多样性300diverse adj.不同的; 变化多的301diversions-diversion n.转移【But on reflection it becomes clear that the 302democrats-democrat n.民主主义者303democratic adj.民主的【In contrast to the Democrats, the Whigs favo 304style n.风格, 作风v.称呼; 设计305stylized-stylize v.使风格化306stylistic adj.格式上的【The glass objects of this style were elegant 307significant adj.重要的308significance n.重要性; 意义309significantly adv.意味深长地; 值得注目地【The design of an object is considered more s 310projects-project n.计划 v.计划, 投掷, 突出311projection n.发射, 突出部分, 计划312projector n.放映机【The development of projection technology mad 313preserved-preserve v.保存, 保藏314preservation n.保存, 保护【Ichthyosaurs had a higher chance of being pr 315grain n.小颗粒;谷物v.使成粒状【In agriculture, the transformation was marke 316whale n.鲸【Beluga whale mothers, for example, nurse the 317thus adv.如此, 因此【Inevitably, the practical functions that she 318shape n.外形, 形态 v.使成形; 塑造319shapes n.外形, 形态 v.使成形; 塑造【Florida gars are sometimes confused320relationship n.关系, 关联321relationships n.关系, 关联【Scientists have discovered that for the last 322lack n.欠缺; 不足 v.缺乏, 不足323lacked n.欠缺; 不足 v.缺乏, 不足324lacks n.欠缺; 不足 v.缺乏, 不足【The biggest initial surprise was the almost 325galaxies-galaxy n.星系;银河【Astronomers have measured the abundance of h 326draw n.平局;吸引人的事物 v.取, 画【This theory is suggested by evidence327discovered-discover v.发现; 找到【The best-known specimens are the remarkable 328decades-decade n.十年【Biological diversity has become widely recog 329labor n.劳工; 劳动330laborious adj.费力的, 吃力的331laborer n.劳动者【The region around Hopewell had everything ne 332function n.功能 v.活动 ; 运行333functional adj.功能的;实用的334functionalism n.功能主义【Each advance in microscopic technique has pr 335craters-crater n.火山口【Close observation of craters, combined with 336replaced-replace v.取代337replace v.取代【To maintain the cave system, the elements of 338held-hold v.认为;握着339hold v.认为;握着【And virtually all policy makers, whether the 340dioxide n.二氧化物【We assume that volcanoes spewed out the same 341cetaceans-cetacean n.鲸【Very exciting discoveries have finally allow 342sculpture n.雕刻, 雕刻品 v.雕刻343sculptural adj.雕刻的; 雕刻般的344sculptures n.雕刻, 雕刻品 v.雕刻【Sculptures must, for example, be stable, whi 345rural adj.乡下的, 乡村风味的【Local studies indicate that nearly three - q 346organic adj.器官的, 组织的347organs-organ n.器官348organically adv.有机耕作地【Petroleum, consisting of crude oil and natur 349remove v .去掉;移动350removing n.拆迁;消除351removal n.移动; 搬迁【In artificial incubation programs, avicultur 352entire adj.全体的, 全部的【This new design concept, coupled with the sh 353depended-depend v.依靠;相信354dependent n.依赖他人者adj.依赖的, 从属的355interdependence n.互相依赖【Depending on how the tool is used ,character【Still, their fossilization required356currents-current n.气流;倾向;电流adj.当前的;357adapted-adapt v.使适应; 改写358adaptations-adaptation n.适应; 改写本; 改编359adaptive adj.适合的; 适应的360adaptability n.顺应性; 适合性【Keen observers and quick learners, they are 361steam n.蒸气362steamboats-steamboat n.汽船, 轮船【In the steam-engine analogy, verbal aggressi 363folk n.人们adj.民间的, 民众的【A folk culture is small, isolated, cohesive, 364fibers-fiber n.纤维【Although we now tend to refer to the various 365feet n.脚, 英尺【Today, well over a century later, there is s 366drilling-drill n.钻, 钻头v.钻;钻孔【Thus drilling into the ice was tantamount to 367act n.法案 v.扮演; 举动像【A survey is a study, generally in the form o 368wire n.电线【Photoflash is now generated electronically, 369remains-remain v.剩下;保持不变【After 1785, the production of children's boo 370related-relate v.将(两事物)联系起来371relation n.关系【The TVA is a unique institution in that it b 372impulses-impulse n.冲动, 刺激, 脉冲【Other links may involve changes in brain tem 373illustrate v.举例说明, 阐明374illustrations-illustration n.例证, 插图【Three of the answer choices below are used i 375huge adj.巨大的【For example, as the great ice sheets that co 376emphasize v.强调377emphasis n.对...的强调, 加强【Instrumental leadership is leadership that e 378survive v .活下来, 幸存379survival n.留住生命, 生存【In spite of problems with their condition, r 380settlers-settler n.移民者381settle v.决定, 安放382settlement n.解决; 殖民【It made it increasingly possible for settler 383paleolithic adj.旧石器时代的【Cave art seems to have reached a peak toward 384interest n.利息, 嗜好 v.使感兴趣【The Democratic Party primarily represented t 385demonstrate v.论证, 证明【This universality in the recognition of emot 386artisans-artisan n.工匠; 技工【Unlike modern industrial potters, prehistori 387affected-affect v.影响【As a consequence, historian David Donald has【The tiny, delicate skeletons are usu388skeletons-skeleton n.骨骼, 梗概 adj.骨骼的; 概略389plains-plain n.平原, 草原 adj.简单的【The other species, the Columbian white-taile 390oxygen n.氧【The organic matter may partially decompose,391interior n.内部, 内政adj.内的, 内侧的【Modern architectural forms generally392engines-engine n.引擎393engineering n.工程【To provide evidence that airplane engine hav 394electricity n.电, 电学, 电流395electrical adj.与电有关的,;用电的396electric adj.导电的, 电动的【In 1994 there were nearly 20,000 wind turbin 397deposits-deposit n.存款, 堆积物398deposition n.罢免; 宣誓作证【Continued sedimentation—the process of depo 399crows-crow n.乌鸦;欢呼声v.啼, 报晓【On the other hand, when it comes to substant 400continue v.继续, 延长401continuous adj.连续的, 连续不断的402continuum n.连续403continuity n.连续性【Later on in the early years of the nineteent 404cells-cell n.单元, 电池405celled adj.含有某种或若干小细胞的【Backup power could also be provided by linki 406attract v.引起407attractive adj.吸引人的408attraction n.吸引【Whigs were able to attract support only in t 409private adj.私人的, 私立的【Early cinema allowed individuals to use spec 410physical adj.身体的, 自然的, 物质的 n.体格检查411physicists-physicist n.物理学者【Sensitivity to physical laws is thus an impo 412gathering-gather v.使聚集【Four specific activities have been identifie 413dyes-dye n.染料; 染色v.染, 染色【Petrochemicals such as dyes, fertilizer, and 414decline n.下降; 衰退v.下降, 下跌【Partly this decline reflected the low level 415consisting-consist v.组成, 构成416consistent adj.一致的, 并立的【The total volume of water in the saturated s 417tunas n.金枪鱼【Because they are always swimming, tunas simp 418responses-response n.反应, 响应【The Fore also displayed familiar facial expr 419specific n.特性adj.特殊的, 明确的420specifically adv.特别地; 具体地【Plant communities assemble themselves flexib 421promote v.晋升; 促进422promotion n.晋级, 增进【The killing of birds of prey by wind turbine 423audience n.观众, 听众【They not only hide the real face of the mask 424acorns-acorn n.橡树果【Although oaks produce thousands of acorns, t 425traditional adj.传统的426tradition n.传统, 惯例【If a pot has no bottom or has large openings 427stability n.稳定, 稳定性【In the years following 1820, after several d 428spot n.斑点, 斑块v.点缀, 认出【The pale, smooth desert plain provides a per 429sculptors-sculptor n.雕刻家【He urged musicians to follow the example of 430obtained-obtain v.得到, 获得【Blues were obtained from indigo, which was w 431nitrogen n.氮【The Earth's atmosphere, by comparison, is ma 432melting-melt v.融化; 溶化【The resulting internal heat keeps what would 433landscape n.风景, 地容地貌【Los Angeles was a decentralized metropolis, 434evolution n.进化, 进展435evolutionary adj.发展的; 渐进的【They are an example of a common theme in evo 436eventually adv.最后; 终于【The earliest pterosaurs arose near the end o 437distinguished-distinguish v.区别...;辨认出【Still, the proclivity to play hot distinguis 438core n.争论的核心, 果心【Their composition is thought to he similar t 439composed-compose v.组成, 作曲440composition n.写作; 作品441composers-composer n.作曲家, 设计者【They are composed of iron and nickel along w 442volcanic adj.火山的443volcanoes-volcano n.火山【These hominids walked across a stretch of mo 444vast adj.巨大的, 非常的【When heated, the mixture becomes soft and ma 445trail n.痕迹; 足迹【When a bloodhound trails a human being, what 446renaissance n.复活, 文艺复兴【The Harlem Renaissance, a movement of the 19 447religious adj.宗教性的448religion n.宗教; 宗教团体【The eighteenth century had seen a gradual sh 449reactions-reaction n.反应450react v.对...做出反应【As the children's book market expanded, then 451petroleum n.石油【Oil is formed when organic material trapped 452observations-observation n.观察【A useful theory, in addition to explaining p 453oak n.橡树【An oak tree is a good example of a competito 454normally adv.正规地, 正常地【Normally, the remains of a plant or animal a 455focus n.焦点; 中心,v.使聚焦;聚焦在【These writers, called naturalists, o456flight n.飞行; 飞跃【Needless to say, each short run between "fli 457feathers-feather n.羽毛【By the mid-1870's, however, the best glass f 458evolved-evolve v.逐渐形成;进化【Birds, despite sharing common reptilian ance 459estimated-estimate v.估计【In North America, potash making quickly beca 460crust n.地壳;外壳461crustal adj.地壳的【Normally, slow cooling occurs when the crust 462conflict n.冲突, 矛盾v.矛盾, 冲突【Expressive leader are less concerned with th463DAY-2464competing-compete v.比赛; 与...竞争465competition n.竞争; 竞赛466competitors-competitor n.竞争者467competitive adj.竞争的【In any housing market, rental prices perform 468combined-combine v.使结合;混合469combination n.结合;联合【They were spurred by the inflation of the 19 470ritual n.宗教仪式;典礼adj.仪式的【They functioned as sanctuaries where the eld 471released-release n.释放;发行 v.释放, 解放【This impact released an enormous amount of e 472performance n.表现;执行【But the movies differed significantly from t 473muscles n.肌肉【But when the emotion that leads to stiffenin474era n.时代【The second era was initiated in the early de 475devices-device n.装置;设计【Bands, radio transmitters, or other identify 476decrease v.减; 减少【As the size of families decreased, the roles【Another advantage is that, unlike th477throughout adv.在所有各处, 自始至终prep.478standard n.标准adj.标准的【The standard criterion for the survival of a 479scale n.刻度;天平;鳞【The same thing happens to this day, though o 480root n.根 v.生根【They spend more energy on their leaves, trun 481practices-practice n.练习;实行 v.实践;练习【Besides overhunting, at least three other ki 482philadelphia n.费城483hydrogen n.氢【In the long run, electricity from large wind 484dramatic adj.剧烈的;戏剧性的485drama n.戏剧【Several other mass extinctions in the geolog 486display n.显示 v.陈列; 显示【The Fore also displayed familiar facial expr 487climax n.高潮, 极点【Ecologists are especially interested to know 488characters-character n.个性;特点【It should be noted, however, that the pure o 489bottom n.底; 下端adj.最下的【If a pot has no bottom or has large openings 490biological adj.生物学的491biologist n.生物学家492microbiologist n.微生物学家【An offshoot of the biological approach calle 493aquifer n.含水土层, 地下蓄水层【This aquifer was named the Ogallala aquifer 494tone n.音调, 语调【A person conveys thoughts and ideas through 495solar adj.太阳的;太阳系的;日光的【Among the most ancient bodies in the496revolution n.革命, 旋转497revolutionary adj.革命的, 革命性的【It appeared that Canada was once more fallin 498prey n.被掠食者, 牺牲者v.捕食【When other predators such as the gray wolf p 499microscope n.显微镜500microscopic adj.用显微镜可见的【The invention of the visible-light microscop 501metal n.金属, 合金502metallic adj.金属的, 产生金属的n.制金属品工人【A brass or woodwind player may hum while pla 503metalworkers-metalworker504helium n.氦【Jupiter and the other giant planets are of a 505frame n.框;结构v.构成;制定【The carpenter's shop probably provided the f 506continent n.大陆, 陆地507continental adj.大陆的, 洲的508supercontinent n.超大陆【When this supercontinent started to tear apa 509contemporary n.同时代的人adj.同时代的【Granite may be found on the surface of the c 510claims-claim v.要求; 声称【An oak tree is a good example of a competito 511tension n.紧张, 拉紧【The same forces that create surface tension 512task n.作业;任务【Each product had its own peculiar characteri 513stimulated-stimulate v.刺激, 鼓舞514stimulation n.激励; 刺激【Cheap transportation networks, the rise of c【Growing human populations and the ag515spread n.传播, 伸展, 散布 v.使伸展,516solid n.固体adj.固体的, 坚固的517solidified adj.固化的;固体化的【At first thought it seems incredible that th518presented-present n.目前;赠品 v.赠送 adj.在场的;当前的519presence n.出席, 存在【Some sentences do not belong in the summary 520pots-pot n.罐【Some pots were adorned with incised or stamp 521measure n.尺寸; 量度标准v.测量; 估量n.测量法; 尺寸522measurements-measurem523immeasurably adv.不可测量地; 广大无边地【Clay is far too small to sieve accurately; 524irrigation n.灌溉525irrigated-irrigate v.灌溉526overirrigation n.过度灌溉【Mines and irrigation ponds can be kept from 527improvements-improveme n.改进; 进步528improve v.改良;改善【During that decade, though, Henry Warren's P 529buried-bury v.埋葬; 隐藏530burial n.埋葬, 葬礼【A favored device of the style was to imitate 531attitudes-attitude n.态度; 看法【Whigs and Democrats held different attitudes 532approximately adv.大概【Edison was more interested in the sale of Ki 533therefore adv.因此, 所以【The total volume of water in the saturated s 534subjects-subject n.题目, 科目, 主题 v.使隶属, 使受到;使 某人[某物]经历或遭受某事物be sub 535subjected n.题目, 科目, 主题 v.使隶属, 使受到【Expanding populations are subjecting536subjecting n.题目, 科目, 主题 v.使隶属,537stable adj.稳定的, 牢固的538unstable adj.不牢固的【Group members expect expressive leaders to m 539signs-sign n.记号, 符号 v.签【For example, one sign of this condition is t 540routes-route n.路径, 轨道【Americans continued as in colonial times to 541preferred-prefer v.宁可;更喜欢542preferences-preference n.偏爱, 优先选择【Masters preferred to maintain the trade with 543opportunity n.机会, 时机544opportunists-opportunist n.机会主义者, 投机取巧 者545opportunistic adj.机会主义的【The opportunity to hear chronologically narr 546intense adj.强烈的;非常的547intensive adj.加强的; 精深的548intensity n.强烈, 强549intensifies-intensify v.加强; 强化【The participants generally agreed on which t 550global adj.全世界的;球形的【The process may be accelerated in subsequent 551flow v.流动; 涨 n.流【The keels, finlets, and corselet help direct 552figures-figure n.图形;数字 v.想出, 估计【Upper Paleolithic men and women believed tha 553familiar adj.熟悉的, 亲密的【The Fore were asked to display familiar faci 554differ v.差异;不同555differentiated-differentiate v.使有差异; 区别【Rather, each person is expected to perform a 556diet n.饮食, 食物v.节食557dietary adj.饮食的【The growing interest of consumers in the saf 558decorations-decoration n.装饰, 装潢559decorated-decorate v.装饰; 油漆560decorative adj.装饰性的【Brightly colored Slips were often used and f 561visible adj.看得见的, 显然的。
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n.状况, 状态 v.陈述n.陈述n.形状 v.形成v.使变形;变畸形v.改造 ; 改革 n.改良n.植物, 工厂 v.种植n.农园, 大农场v.移居, 迁移v.提到n.世纪;百年n.作者n.专家, 威信(单复数同型) n.种类; 人类n.亚种n.艺术v.生产 n.产品n.生产n.产品n.生殖;复制v.繁殖;翻拍;复制n.生产力adj.多产的adj.再生的; 复制的v.增加v.导致 n.原因n.区域v.宣判n.句子n.居民;人口v.研究 n.研究n.化石n.化石作用v.使成化石n.理论, ...论n.理论家v.建立理论; 理论化v.把...称为 n.学期n.艺术家adj.艺术的; 美术的v.设计n.设计者n.来源, 根源n.环境n.环境保护论者n.时期adj.定期的adv.周期性地; 偶尔n.社会n.行动; 活动n.块adj.大规模的conj.因为, 从...至今n.情绪adj.情绪的n.人群,很多个体的集合体,社 区n.生物n.微生物n.过程 v.加工;处理, 办理n.人, 个体 adj.个别的n.利己主义n.结果 v.造成adj.有效的n.效力n.文化, 耕种 v.耕种adj.有修养的; 有文化的v.发生, 出现n.发生,事件v.包括; 包含n.内含; 内含物v.提供v.指出n.指出; 迹象n.沉淀物, 沉积adj.沉积的n.沉淀作用; 沉降n.压v.对...施加压力; 迫使adj.特别的, 独有的v.影响n.影响adj.有影响的adj.现代的, 时髦的v.影响;撞击n.作用,冲击v.把...加热; 使激动 n.热, 高潮, 热度v.反对, 抗议 n.物体;目标adj.客观的, 外在的 n.目的, 实物n.类型 v.作为代表,打字n.势力; 权力 v.使...有力量, 激励n.水力发出的电力adj.主要的, 大部份的 n.主修n.多数, 大多数n.气体n.汽油n.除气作用n.洞穴 v.挖洞n.巨穴n.技巧; 技法n.结构, 构造 v.建筑, 组织adj.结构的, 建筑的adj.迅速的, 急促的n.急流n.海洋adj.海洋的n.海洋学者adj.远古的, 年老的v.包含n.容器; 集装箱n.冰河adj.冰的; 冰河的n.冰蚀n.两个冰河世纪之间的温暖时间段n.剧场; 电影院n.情况; 环境n.行为, 举止adj.行为的n.变化,多样性adj.各种的v.改变, 变更; 变化n.变数, 可变物adv.不变地, 一定地n.巢 v.造巢n.特性, 特色 adj.特有的v.赋予特色n.政府v.统治; 决定n.精力;精神adj.精力充沛的v.包括n.包含adj.重要的,本质的adv.实质上; 本来n.运动; 运转v.证明n.证据, 迹象adj.欧洲的n.欧洲人n.国民adj.国家的n.位置v.找出, 位于adj.侵犯的, 有进取精神的n.进攻; 侵略n.侵犯; 进取adj.上面的, 上级的n.大气, 气氛adj.大气的n.铁; 熨斗adj.铁的adj.脸的, 脸部的n.粘土adj.都市的n.都市化n.画, 绘画n.漆工v.油漆; 画n.(油画)复盖色,复绘adj.经济上的; 合算的n.经济adv.节俭地adj.节俭的adj.受欢迎的, 流行的n.技术,工艺adj.技术的, 工艺的n.层; 地层 v.分层堆积n.昆虫n.能力; 才能adv.通常, 普遍地, 逐渐地; 一般来说vi.使用;适用于vt.使用n.申请(表,书)n.运输v.传送,运输n.方法;秩序vt./ n.(大量)制造n.制造商v.有助于n.贡献n.品质, 特质adj.海的; 航海的; 海产的n.海底生物n.哺乳动物v.建立, 制定n.确立; 设施n.消失adj.灭绝的adj.复杂的, 合成的n.复合物, 综合体n.复杂; 复杂性n.气候adj.气候上的adv.相当地;比较而言adj.相对的,有关系的n.木星adj.本国的;本地的;与生俱来的n.冲蚀,侵蚀v.腐蚀;侵蚀n.对比; 差异; 对照, 相反v.使对比, 使对照n.建造,建造物vt.建造vt.重建n.重建a.建设性的n.建筑学a.建筑学的n.建筑师vt.供给a.殖民地的n.殖民地vt.建立殖民地n.殖民;殖民地化n.山谷n.陨石n.因素n.沙漠n.沙漠化vi.出现n.出现vi.消失n.数(量)vi.(to)合计n.总结adj.摘要的v.作总结, 作概括vt.贮藏 n.商店n.店面a.政治的n.政治家n.盘子;平板n.高原n.货物,商品vt.暴露n.讲解;展览会n.暴露n.元素;组成成分v.使齐全;完成adj.完整的adv.完整地; 彻底地adj.不完全的n.补足物n.基vt.(on)建在…的基础上n.优势;好处n.不利(条件)a.有利的ad.很少n.比率,率vt.评估 vi.被评价v.保护n.保护,保卫n.外激素n.特征, 特色n.表达, 措辞n.快递 v.表达; 表示adj.表达的v.给(词语等)下定义;阐明(某事)n.定义n.当地居民, 本地人adj.当地的; 地方的v.使局部化; 使具地方色彩adv.当地的; 地方的v.做记号于; 标明n.痕迹; 污点; 记号adv.显著地; 明显地n.生态系统n.技艺,手艺n.艺术家adj.手工制作的n.技能; 技术n.经验, 经历v.经历; 感受v.反射; 反映n.反射; 倒影n.起源; 起因n.原物, 原作adj.最初的, 独创的n.文学; 著作n.乐器; 器具adj.仪器的v.确认;识别adj.可认明的;可识别的n.物质, 主旨n.角色; 作用, 任务 play a XX role 起到了一个 XX 样的作用n.山脉, 范围, 行列v.排列, 使并列,n.山脉, 范围, 行列v.排列, 使并列,n.山脉, 范围, 行列v.排列, 使并列,n.量, 总数adv.首先; 首要地; 起初n.首选adj.主要的, 根本的v.考虑; 认为adj.可观的,相当的adv.相当地n.方向,外观n.方法, 接近v .靠近; 接近adj.和解的; 温和的n.太平洋 adj.太平洋的n.草, 草原 v.使吃草, 放牧n.蚱蜢; 轻型飞机n.牧草地; 草原n.碳n.碳水化合物, 醣n.碳酸盐v.使变成碳酸盐adj.含碳或煤的adj.碳的; 由碳得到的n.辉格党(是英国历史上的一个政党)n.掠夺者, 食肉动物adj.掠夺的, 捕食生物的n.动物的捕食行为n.粒子, 极小量n.力量, 势力, 武力 v.强迫, 推动n.力量, 势力, 武力 v.强迫, 推动n.力量, 势力, 武力 v.强迫, 推动n.前进; 增长; v.使向前移动; 推进, adj.先行的n.前进; 促进; 进展n.广场;方形物n.上升, 上涨, 增加 v.上升; 上涨adv.慢慢地;渐渐地adv.频繁地, 屡次地adj.时常发生的n.差异; 多样性adj.不同的; 变化多的n.转移n.民主主义者adj.民主的n.风格, 作风v.称呼; 设计v.使风格化adj.格式上的adj.重要的n.重要性; 意义adv.意味深长地; 值得注目地n.计划 v.计划, 投掷, 突出n.发射, 突出部分, 计划n.放映机v.保存, 保藏n.保存, 保护n.小颗粒;谷物v.使成粒状n.鲸adv.如此, 因此n.外形, 形态 v.使成形; 塑造n.外形, 形态 v.使成形; 塑造n.关系, 关联n.关系, 关联n.欠缺; 不足 v.缺乏, 不足n.欠缺; 不足 v.缺乏, 不足n.欠缺; 不足 v.缺乏, 不足n.星系;银河n.平局;吸引人的事物 v.取, 画v.发现; 找到n.十年n.劳工; 劳动adj.费力的, 吃力的n.劳动者n.功能 v.活动 ; 运行adj.功能的;实用的n.功能主义n.火山口v.取代v.取代v.认为;握着v.认为;握着n.二氧化物n.鲸n.雕刻, 雕刻品 v.雕刻adj.雕刻的; 雕刻般的n.雕刻, 雕刻品 v.雕刻adj.乡下的, 乡村风味的adj.器官的, 组织的n.器官adv.有机耕作地v .去掉;移动n.拆迁;消除n.移动; 搬迁adj.全体的, 全部的v.依靠;相信n.依赖他人者adj.依赖的, 从属的n.互相依赖n.气流;倾向;电流adj.当前的; 流行的v.使适应; 改写n.适应; 改写本; 改编adj.适合的; 适应的n.顺应性; 适合性n.蒸气n.汽船, 轮船n.人们adj.民间的, 民众的n.纤维n.脚, 英尺n.钻, 钻头v.钻;钻孔n.法案 v.扮演; 举动像n.电线v.剩下;保持不变v.将(两事物)联系起来n.关系n.冲动, 刺激, 脉冲v.举例说明, 阐明n.例证, 插图adj.巨大的v.强调n.对...的强调, 加强v .活下来, 幸存n.留住生命, 生存n.移民者v.决定, 安放n.解决; 殖民adj.旧石器时代的n.利息, 嗜好 v.使感兴趣v.论证, 证明n.工匠; 技工v.影响n.骨骼, 梗概 adj.骨骼的; 概略的n.平原, 草原 adj.简单的n.氧n.内部, 内政adj.内的, 内侧的n.引擎n.工程n.电, 电学, 电流adj.与电有关的,;用电的adj.导电的, 电动的n.存款, 堆积物n.罢免; 宣誓作证n.乌鸦;欢呼声v.啼, 报晓v.继续, 延长adj.连续的, 连续不断的n.连续n.连续性n.单元, 电池adj.含有某种或若干小细胞的v.引起adj.吸引人的n.吸引adj.私人的, 私立的adj.身体的, 自然的, 物质的 n.体格检查n.物理学者v.使聚集n.染料; 染色v.染, 染色n.下降; 衰退v.下降, 下跌v.组成, 构成adj.一致的, 并立的n.金枪鱼n.反应, 响应n.特性adj.特殊的, 明确的adv.特别地; 具体地v.晋升; 促进n.晋级, 增进n.观众, 听众n.橡树果adj.传统的n.传统, 惯例n.稳定, 稳定性n.斑点, 斑块v.点缀, 认出n.雕刻家v.得到, 获得n.氮v.融化; 溶化n.风景, 地容地貌n.进化, 进展adj.发展的; 渐进的adv.最后; 终于v.区别...;辨认出n.争论的核心, 果心v.组成, 作曲n.写作; 作品n.作曲家, 设计者adj.火山的n.火山adj.巨大的, 非常的n.痕迹; 足迹n.复活, 文艺复兴adj.宗教性的n.宗教; 宗教团体n.反应v.对...做出反应n.石油n.观察n.橡树adv.正规地, 正常地n.焦点; 中心,v.使聚焦;聚焦在n.飞行; 飞跃n.羽毛v.逐渐形成;进化v.估计n.地壳;外壳adj.地壳的n.冲突, 矛盾v.矛盾, 冲突v.比赛; 与...竞争n.竞争; 竞赛n.竞争者adj.竞争的v.使结合;混合n.结合;联合n.宗教仪式;典礼adj.仪式的n.释放;发行 v.释放, 解放n.表现;执行n.肌肉n.时代n.装置;设计v.减; 减少adv.在所有各处, 自始至终prep.在所有各处n.标准adj.标准的n.刻度;天平;鳞n.根 v.生根n.练习;实行 v.实践;练习n.费城n.氢adj.剧烈的;戏剧性的n.戏剧n.显示 v.陈列; 显示n.高潮, 极点n.个性;特点n.底; 下端adj.最下的adj.生物学的n.生物学家n.微生物学家n.含水土层, 地下蓄水层n.音调, 语调adj.太阳的;太阳系的;日光的n.革命, 旋转adj.革命的, 革命性的n.被掠食者, 牺牲者v.捕食n.显微镜adj.用显微镜可见的n.金属, 合金adj.金属的, 产生金属的n.制金属品工人n.氦n.框;结构v.构成;制定n.大陆, 陆地adj.大陆的, 洲的n.超大陆n.同时代的人adj.同时代的v.要求; 声称n.紧张, 拉紧n.作业;任务v.刺激, 鼓舞n.激励; 刺激n.传播, 伸展, 散布 v.使伸展, 使延伸n.固体adj.固体的, 坚固的adj.固化的;固体化的n.目前;赠品 v.赠送 adj.在场的;当前的n.出席, 存在n.罐n.尺寸; 量度标准v.测量; 估量n.测量法; 尺寸adv.不可测量地; 广大无边地n.灌溉v.灌溉n.过度灌溉n.改进; 进步v.改良;改善v.埋葬; 隐藏n.埋葬, 葬礼n.态度; 看法adv.大概adv.因此, 所以n.题目, 科目, 主题 v.使隶属, 使受到;使 某人[某物]经历或遭受某事物be subjected to 受制于n.题目, 科目, 主题 v.使隶属, 使受到n.题目, 科目, 主题 v.使隶属, 使受到adj.稳定的, 牢固的adj.不牢固的n.记号, 符号 v.签n.路径, 轨道v.宁可;更喜欢n.偏爱, 优先选择n.机会, 时机n.机会主义者, 投机取巧 者adj.机会主义的adj.强烈的;非常的adj.加强的; 精深的n.强烈, 强v.加强; 强化adj.全世界的;球形的v.流动; 涨 n.流n.图形;数字 v.想出, 估计adj.熟悉的, 亲密的v.差异;不同v.使有差异; 区别n.饮食, 食物v.节食adj.饮食的n.装饰, 装潢v.装饰; 油漆adj.装饰性的adj.看得见的, 显然的adj.看不见的n.遮盖物;避难所v.掩蔽;保护v.相似, 象adj.主要的, 首要的v.维持n.维护, 维修n.菌类n.苔藓v.浮现;源于n.出现; 露头n.欲望, 要求v.想要, 请求adj.渴望的,想得到的adj.值得向往的adj.不受欢迎的v.比较;与...比较n.比较adj.比得上的adv.相当地n.沟通, 交通v.沟通;交流思想n.市民; 公民n.中心;中心点 v.集中n.利益, 好处v.有益于; 有助于adj.有益的; 有帮助的n.拱门, 弓形v.使成弧形, 拱起v.分析n.分析; 解析n.分析者; 分解者n.价值, 财产adj.值钱的n.痕迹;微量v.跟踪; 查出n.质地, 纹理adj.质地的; 组织的n.面, 表面adj.表面下的; 地下的n.射线;光线v.放射;显出n.许可证v.允许v.使完美adj.完美的n.主人;师父;硕士v.合...身; 适合于;符合;适合adj.适合的; 恰当的n.展览;展览会v.展现, 展览n.展示者; 参展者n.努力; 成就v.支配, 控制adj.占优势的n.优势; 支配n.恐龙n.细节;详情 v.详述n.衰退; 消沉adj.沮丧的n.指控,费用 v.对...索费;控诉;使充满;充电v.再充电于; 再控告n.相信; 信念n.盆地;盆;水池v.采取;收养n.采纳;收养n .水汽, 蒸汽v.使蒸发; 蒸发n.蒸发; 消失v.露出, 透露, 显示adv.代表性地; 典型地adj.典型的, 象征性的n.涡轮v.转换, 改造n.变化; 改适n.力,力量adj.被加强的n.学者n.租金 v.租用n.租金; 租赁n.财产, 性质adj.实际的, 实用性的n.照片n.摄影, 摄影术adj.照相的v.履行; 完成n.表演者n.运动; 动作adj.较小的n.机器, 结构n.水晶adj.水晶的, 结晶性的n.运河;水道v.放松;释放 adj.宽松的n.利润, 利益 v.有益adj.有利润的, 赚钱的n.本质, 本性 adj.内在的n.居民; 居住者v.居住于, 栖息n.理想;典范 adj.理想的n.黑猩猩v.喂养; 放牧n.反应;反馈n.扩充; 膨胀v.使膨胀; 扩张n.解决, 溶液v.描写;画n.店n.商人adj.商业的n.极端, 末端 adj.极端的, 尽头的adv.极端地, 很n.灰尘, 粉末adj.清楚的;明显的adj.有特色的n.区别;差别n.彗星n.珠子; 水珠n.基础n.郁金香n.纺织品 adj.纺织的adj.地球的, 陆地的v.汹涌; 蜂拥而至v.专攻;专门从事n.特长;专门化adv.特别地adv.容易地;乐意地adj.有潜力的, 潜在的adv.潜在地n.迁移v.迁移adj.迁移的n.外来的移民n.遮蔽物;伪装 v.掩饰n.英国中小学校长n.栖息地,居留地n.基本原则adj.基本的;重要的n.周期;循环 v.循环n.牛; 牲口n.加州adj.简短的n.摘要;简报v.摘要v.躲开, 避开adj.精确的;正确的n.维生素n.树带界线n.木材n.印第安人村庄n.污染物质v.污染, 弄脏n.小说 adj.新奇的n.新颖n.机械, 结构n.工业化adj.工业化的n.工业主义adj.未工业化的n.独立adj.独立自主的n.移民adj.从前的;前者的;在前的n.内容n.细菌adj.细菌的;细菌引起的n.小提琴n.船;容器;血管;导管n.尾巴;尾部adj.尾部的;后部的n.尾巴;尾部adj.尾部的;后部的n.尾巴;尾部adj.尾部的;后部的n.屋脊, 山脊v.回答;响应adj.符合的;一致的n.应答者n.原则;主义adj.史前的v.使隔离; 使绝缘n.隔绝;孤立adj.不变的; 坚决的; 持续的adv.不断地n.结果; 推论adv.结果n.序列, 顺序adj.商业的n.商业, 贸易adv.商业上n.化学物质adj.化学的adv.以化学方法v.属于v.积聚, 累积n.堆积; 积聚n.动作n.状态, 地位n.制品, 货物v.围绕v.描绘, 表现n.陶器n.陶工n.神话adj.神话的adv.立刻adj.立即的v.强调;使显著adj.地质学的n.地质学者adj.地质学的n.长嘴硬鳞鱼n.碎片n.佛罗里达州v.存在n.存在adj.破坏的; 消极的n.破坏; 毁灭n.防御, 防护adj.无防御的adj.白垩的n.观念; 概念n.构想n.资本;首府n.资本家n.零件;构成要素adj.适当的adj.不适当的adv.显然地adj.积极的n.闪族人adj.热带的n.热带n.(动植物的)组织n.打击;罢工v.打, 攻击n.松鼠adj.生的;未加工的;无经验的v.证明v.证明...是虚假;反驳n.电极;极地adj.私人的n.个性adv.永远地n.永久n.脊椎动物adj.有脊椎的)n.无脊椎动物n.报刊;新闻界n.部落n.医学,v.给...服药, 治愈n.液体adj.液体的n.名词;项目v.进口n.健康n.地下水v.出口n.输出品n.爆发; 爆炸v.期待n.期待n.电子adj.电子的adv.电子地n.文件 v.证明v.描述n.专栏;圆柱adj.公民的n.文明v.刻v.刻n.原子n.曙光conj.但是n.金星n.出口v.发泄adj.宝贵的n.宇宙adj.普遍的n.普遍性adj.独一无二的n.主题n.钢, 钢铁v.使坚强adj.钢的n.仪式v.认出, 识别n.认出, 识别adj.在先的n.先, 优先n.原始人adj.原始的n.总统;院长n.总统职位adj.总统的adj.平常的adj.非常的n.矿物adj.矿物的n.家畜adj.介绍性的adj.财政的v.雇用;使从事于;使用n.职员n.雇用, 工作n.老板adj.生态的n.配给物;分发v.分发;分配n.黄瓜n.帐篷n.行为;指导v.引导;管理n.领导者v.要求; 吸引n.请求;吸引力n.学院n.学者adj.学院的adv.因此v.强调;重读n.压力;逼迫n.教堂v.保持v.限制, 限定adj.规则的adj.不规则的n.减少;削减v.减少;降低n.加薪;提高v.举起, 抬起n.铁路adv.事先adj.早先的n.水塘, 水池adj.新近到达的; 新近生产的n.泥adj.泥泞的n.假设 hypotheses(复数)adj.假设的, 假定的v.假设n.缝隙;缺口v.腐蚀n.生态学者n.裂缝 v.爆裂n.小麦; 玉米n.混合物 v.使化合;使混合adj.合成的adv.通常地n.树枝 v.分支n.街区;石块;阻碍v.阻塞;封锁n.有效; 可利用性n.攻击 v.抨击n.物品;文章n.祖先;原型n.赤杨v.使加速;加快n.井n.视野, 见解v.看, 视察prep.在...之上n.弦n.银, 银器adj.银的n.银器匠n.帆;薄板v.覆盖n.工作表adj.有责任的n.责任, 负担n.抵抗, 反抗adj.抵抗的v.抵抗, 抗adj.显著的n.精神力学n.比例, 部份adj.不成比例的v.防止;阻止n.观点;角度adj.口头的n.原始人类n.目标v.延长, 延伸v.提高, 增加n.边缘因为,由于adj.家庭的;国内的v.分解; 使融化n.意识;自觉adv.有意识地; 自觉地adj.有意识的n.集中; 专心adj.集中的n.海岸adj.海岸的n.海岸线n.学徒v.获得, 取得n.水彩; 水彩画adj.温和的v.为...服务; 供应n.代表, 典型n.代表;表示;表现n.部分n.细孔adj.多孔的n.多孔性n.山顶;最高点adv.偶尔adj.偶然的n.场合, 机会v.恐吓;威胁n.恐吓, 威胁n.文章;问题v.发行adj.后面的n.鳃n.一代;产生n.边境n.堡垒, 要塞adj.联邦的v.散发;发出n.散发;发射n.数据(复数)v.培养; 耕作n.耕作;(细菌等)培养adj.传统的, 约定的n.大会;协定n.尝试;攻击v.尝试v.以为; 认为n.设想, 假定n.翅膀 v.飞,飞行adj.富有的adv.事实上, 实质上n.贸易;商业 v.交易n.调查v.调查, 测量n.检查员adj.充足的adv.充分地adj.不够的v.吸n.保管adj.不由自主的adj.成熟的;繁复的n.老于世故;复杂n.头盖骨n.贝壳n.蛋壳n.贝; 有壳的水生动物adj.半干旱的adj.干燥的n.手稿, 剧本n.浮游生物n.关系者v.参加n.分享, 参与adv.自然地n.自然主义者adj.自然主义的n.音乐家n.倍数adj.复合的n.遮盖物, 斗篷adj.不可避免的n.历史学家adj.新鲜的adj.淡水的v.使清新n.赞成v .探测;探险n.探险家n.勘查adj.探险的n.居民v.居住n.干旱v.分, 划分v.腐朽, 腐烂n.腐朽, 腐烂n.铜n.铜匠adj.复杂的n.仪式adj.正式的n.演员阵容, 铸件v.投;图谋n.砖adv.在...之下v.陪同;伴随n.卡通制作, 活泼n.丰富; 充足n.地域n.量, 册adj.形象的, 视觉的n.管adj.很少的n.伸展;张开v.延伸;伸长adj.锐利的v.论及n.现实性v.预言; 预报adj.不可预知的adj.可预言的n.预言adj.相对的, 对立的adj.否定的;负的;消极的n.道德;品行adj.道德的v.更改,修饰n.修改; 缓和n.密苏里n.密西西比州n.调查; 研究n.调查者, 研究者v.调查, 研究adj.内部的adj.内心的, 最深处的adj.开始的;最初的v.放牧adj.过度放牧adj.庞大的v.产生, 导致v.得自; 起源n.达科他州adj.批评的, 危险的v.批评;评价n.批评n.人;生物v.消耗;消灭;消费n.消费;消耗n.消费者adj.粗糙的adj.古典的n.倒钩v.装倒钩adj.大西洋的adv.分别地n.人类学家adj.耕地的n.舞台;阶段n.公共马车n.德行;美德n.主题n.符号, 象征adj.象征的n.象征主义n.信号v.向...发信号n.系列;连续v.寻求, 探索(过去式)v.浸透adj.任意的;随机的n.难题;迷惑 v.使迷惑adj.纯的;纯净的n.哲学;人生观n.哲学家v.计划, 建议n.宾夕法尼亚州v.克服;胜过n.俄亥俄州adj.营养的n.营养adj.有磁性的n.磁力计v.证明;证明合法n.投资n.投资人v.投资v.解释, 诠释n.解释, 翻译n.印象adj.给人深刻印象的n.印象主义n.印象主义者v.使有印象v.模仿n.模仿adj.模仿的n.釉;上光 v.上光adj.几何学的n.家具v.失败;不及格n.失败adj.正式的v.正式化; 使形式化v.摘录, 吸取n.抽出n.入口;进入n.登录; 进入adj.巨大的v.雇佣;预定;涉及v.鼓励adj.令人鼓舞的adj.持久的adj.决定性的n.分子adj.分子的n.结论v.断定;推断adj.决定性的adv.全体地n.收藏; 搜集品adj.可收集的n.煤n.木炭v.激增;暴涨n.带;乐队n.察觉adj.知道的 (固定搭配:be aware of 知道~~~)n.灰n.始祖鸟n.考古学n.考古学家adj.考古学的adj.每年的adv.每年n.洛杉矶adj.美学的adv.审美地n.酸adj.酸的adj.酸性的n.帐单, 帐目v.把...视为;认为n.联盟adv.不幸地adv.最后地n.陷阱;阴谋v.设陷阱捕捉;阻止n.溪v.流, 流动v.使成流线型adj.后来的n.火炉adj.严厉的, 剧烈的adv.严格地; 激烈地n.时间表;计划n.讽刺n.屋顶v.拒绝, 抵制n.拒绝adv.前进地n.肖像n.钢琴n.速度;步调adv.但是;然而adj.神经紧张的;神经的adj.新石器时代的n.换毛;换毛期v.脱毛n.墨西哥街头乐队n.领导能力n.高度v.增高, 加强v.得到n.燃料v.加燃料v.变动, 动摇n.洪水v.淹没n.小说adj.虚构的adj.额外的n.排水沟;排水 v.排水;耗尽n.排水adj.创造性的n.链v.束缚n.种类n.注意n.安排;约定v.整理; 安排adj.邻近的n.近邻n.接近;通道v.接近adj.易接近的, 可进入的adj.难接近的n.小麦n.四轮马车n.航行v.航海;飞过n.航行者n.转变n.运输, 运送n.道v.繁荣;兴旺v.榨取n.榨;压榨n.方案,体制 v.计划;策划v.修订;修改v.尊敬, 敬重n.敬重, 尊敬v.压制;抑制n.翼龙adj.肯定的, 绝对的, 积极的n.正数;正面n.名声, 流行adj.适度的v.使缓和, 使稳定n.密西西比州;密西西比河n.磨坊n.神经;忧虑n.熟练工人n.发动机;喷射器v.解决n.把手v.启示;激发n.灵感;妙计n.孵化 v.孵化n.海湾;深渊adv.此外n.平面;浅滩;沼地adj.平的, 平坦的v.挖掘v.扩大v.雕刻n.荷兰人adj.远的n.碎片;残骸adj.天然的, 粗糙的n.控制;实验(对照组) v.控制; 管理v.确定n.圆锥体, 球果adj.认知的n.线索, 提示v.分类n.大灾难n.边缘v.接近;毗邻n.栅栏adj.赤裸的;极少的n.奖品;奖学金 v.赏给v.集合; 装配n.盔甲n.南极洲n.选择;二择一;供选择的东西 adj.两者择一 的;替代的v.改变缺乏v.放弃adv.无论哪里adj.无论怎样的n.武器n.制服adj.统一的n.细枝v.转移, 调任n.地带n.土地n.增补 v.补充n.上司;长辈adj.上级的n.优越;上等)n.衣服;套v.适合adj.实质上的n.奋斗;斗争v.抗争;奋斗)n.茎v.起源于n.螺旋v.盘旋n.推测v.投机;推测)n.矛)n.范例;样品n.斜坡;倾斜)v.下沉;落下n.筛子)n.灌木n.选择n.封条;海豹 v.封, 密封n.沙岩n.现实主义作家adj.现实的adj.心理学的n.心理学家n.灵长类的动物v.在...之前adj.空前的v.拥有v.引起; 发明n.创作者n.兰花n.管弦乐队adj.管弦乐的v.反对n.营养adj.营养的adj.有营养成分的n.原子核adj.熔化的n.湿气adj.潮湿的v.迷失;想念n.镜子v.映出adj.中生代的v.使机械化n.机械化adj.机械性的adj.最高的n.最大量n.嘴唇v.引起;激起adj.火的n.丘脑下部n.兽群;人群adv.因此n.壁炉n.小雕像n.猎鹰n.范围;程度n.公司 v.使稳固;变坚实adj.稳固的;坚定的adv.坚固地adj.显然的v.拉, 拖n.疏散;散布adj.细致优雅的;易碎的n.危机v.保存n.哥伦比亚v.停止n.平衡 v.使平衡n.高度n.成人adj.成年的adj.充足的adj.不充分的;不适当的v.吸收n.专心adj.再吸收n.轮子v.旋转n.平板n.征兆v.支撑;维持n.条, 带;简易机场n.裂缝 v.劈开v.纺织adj.缺乏的;稀有的adv.大体上地adj.粗糙的adj.坚硬的;严格的n.共和国v.依靠n.信任n.改革家n.样子;姿态v.摆姿势adj.塑胶的n.行星n.阶段adv.部分地n.寄生虫n.仪表板adj.离岸的n.气味v.占领adj.职业的n.挪威人, 挪威语 adj.挪威的, 挪威语的adj.引人注目的n.混合, 混合物v.使混合n.媒体;媒介adj.半生熟的, 中的adj.宏伟的n.页边的空白;边缘v.伐木n.圆木;日志n.立法adj.较后的n.纬度v.发明n.发明家n.发明n.交互作用v.互动n.例证 v.引以为例n.革新adj.创新的adj.免疫的n.洞n.内陆n.喜马拉雅山脉n.黑人住宅区n.希腊人n.货运adj.易碎的n.饲料n.强征者v.预报v.繁荣adj.易曲的, 柔软的n.雀类v.等于;比得上adj.相等的adv.相等地v.遇见v.围绕, 装入n.胚胎v.除去n.地震v.察觉;侦查adj.可发觉的adj.宇宙的v.转变;转换v.限制v.碰撞n.屑片;瑕疵n.容量, 才能n.独木舟n.候选人n.蝴蝶n.泡沫n.青铜n.帐单;鸟嘴 v.给...开帐单n.横梁 v.照射v.烤v.达到;获得v.赏识;感激n.赏识;感激adj.可感知的n.帮助 v.帮助n.代理人v.经得住n.视觉;眼光n.价值;价格 v.评价;看做v.催促;强烈要求n.公路n.潮n.白蚁n.连续;继承adj.连续的adj.接连的n.压力;张力 v.拉紧n.暴风雨n.邮票;印 v.贴邮票于; 毁掉adj.僵直的v.使坚硬v.喷洒;喷n.种类 v.把...分类v.打碎adj.半熟练的v.使满意n.鸟窝v.栖息v.颠倒n.相反adj.住宅的n.定居者adj.居住的n.居住;住所adv.不顾一切地n.实现n.调查表v.购买 n.购买n.出版者v.窥探n.繁荣adj.繁盛的v.针测v.流行n.更新世岩n.愉快adj.愉快的n.主题;动机n.最小量adj.最小的v.操纵adj.有魔力的n.肺n.石灰石n.石灰adj.次要的n.幼虫 larvae(复数)n.窑n.题字;碑铭n.婴儿adj.婴儿的n.孵卵v.合并n.股份公司n.印痕v.印adj.怀敌意的n.凹槽adj.图解的n.花岗岩n.霜n.群v.聚集n.肥料adj.肥沃的n.肥沃v.施肥n.设备n.织品adj.过度的adj.过度的;额外的n.过度v.夸张n.企业家n.娱乐v.精心制作 adj.精细的adv.精心地n.直径v.设计n.投递v.递送n.水坝n.室n.人口普查adj.毛细管的n.毛细管n.边界n.汽车n.天文学家n.天文学adj.天文学的n.出现n.荒野n.薪水adj.重要的n.冻土地带n.瓦n.治疗n.沼泽adj.易受...影响的n.剩余v.滑动adj.浅的adj.敏感的n.敏感adj.高灵敏度的n.灌木丛n.气味n.例行公事;常规adj.例行的n.弹性n.减轻n.驯鹿n.礁n.现实adv.完全地n.推进;推进力n.自豪 v.以...自豪adj.精确的adj.邮局的adj.两极的n.月台adj.抑制的n.古生物学者n.外形;轮廓 v.描画轮廓n.出口n.对手adj.敌对的n.模态v.开采n.矿adj.数学的n.长毛象adj.阴历的adj.文学的n.叶adj.叶茂盛的n.熔岩n.实验室adj.中间的;中级的n.中间物n.协会;学院v.创立n.机构v.禁止;抑制v.告知adj.刺耳的adj.有害的v.伤害n.门厅v.保证v.使满足adj.地理学的adj.地理学的n.地理学者n.画廊n.火炉n.菌类n.挫败n.基础;建立n.杉木n.露天市场n.探险v.发挥;运用adv.正确地adj.精确的n.酵母n.漩涡adj.热心的n.潜水者v.跳水;潜水adj.空间的n.尺寸n.刺, 碰v.掘;挖n.密度n.楔形文字n.乡下地方n.服装v.为...设计服装n.要素n.保存adj.保守的n.会议v.意见相同v.压紧;使紧密adj.紧密的n.合同n.同事n.环境v.限制n.圆周adj.圆形的;循环的n.流通;发行量adj.主要的n.领袖;长官n.公分v.爆炸n.刷子 v.刷n.球茎;电灯泡prep.此外n.海湾v.归于 n.属性;特征n.有艺术价值的作品adj.人工的n.公寓n.娱乐v.提倡n.拥护者adj.逆向的n.经营;管理n.英亩n.英亩数n.狼n.福利v.秤重量adj.垂直的n.速度v.利用n.公用程序v.扭转adj.紫外线的n.百万兆adj.有毒的n.旅行者n.旅游n.旋风n.外表的装饰n.故事v.吊;中止adj.微妙的n.工作室n.海滨;绳n.主要产品v.把...分级n.节;部分n.秘密v.破坏...的基础v.牺牲n.祭品;牺牲n.报酬v.奖赏n.评论v.再检查;评论;回顾n.恢复n.储备v.保留n.遗迹adj.可靠的n.卷轴n.疑问 v.询问n.处罚n.证据v.检验adj.卓越的n.程序adj.普遍的adv.占主导地位地n.祖先n.钾n.现象phenomenon 的复数n.波斯人n.感觉n.坚果n.乐谱n.动机n.动机v.激发n.壁橱adv.只是n.草地n.奇异的事物v.表明n.显示;证明n.补充;化妆品n.岩浆n.奢侈, 豪华adj.奢侈的v.认为...正当adj.合法的n.皮革 adj.皮的。
无老师 Toefl 词汇红宝书(A4)
List 1(第一天)1.states(satate) n.状况v.陈述2.statement n.陈述3.form n.形状v.形成4.deform v.使变形5.reform v.改造6.plant n.植物7.plantation n.农园8.transplant v.移居9.mention v.提到10.century n.世纪11.author n.作者12.authority n.专家13.species n.种类14.subspecies n.亚种15.art n.艺术16.produce v.生产17.production n.生产18.product n.生产19.reproduction n.生殖20.reproduce v.繁殖21.productivity n.生产力22.productive adj.多产的23.reproductive adj.再生的24.increase v.增加25.cause v.导致n.原因26.region n.区域27.sentence v.宣判n.句子28.population n.居民29.study v.研究30.fossil n.化石31.fossilization n.化石作用32.fossilize v.使成化石33.theory n.理论34.theorist n.理论家35.theorize v.建立理论36.term v.把...称为37.artist n.艺术家38.artistic adj.艺术的39.design v.设计40.designer n.设计者41.source n.来源42.environment n.环境43.environmentalist n.环境保护论者44.period n.时期45.periodic adj.定期的46.periodically adv.偶尔47.society n.社会48.activity n.行动49.mass n.块50.since conj.从...至今51.emotion n.情绪52.emotional adj.情绪的munity n.人群anism n.生物55.microorganism n.微生物56.process n.过程57.individual n.人,个体58.individualism n.利己主义59.effect n.结果60.effective adj.有效的61.effectiveness n.效力62.culture n.文化63.cultural adj.有修养的64.occur v.发生,出现65.occurrence n.发生,事件66.include v.包括;包含67.inclusion n.内含;内含物68.provide v.提供69.indicate v.指出70.indication n.指出71.sediment n.沉淀物72.sedimentary adj.沉积的73.sedimentation n.沉降74.pressure v.对...施加压力75.particular adj.特别的76.influence v.影响77.influential adj.有影响的78.modern adj.现代的79.impact v.影响80.heat v.把...加热81.object v.反对82.objective adj.客观的83.types(type) n.类型84.power n.势力85.hydropower n.水力发出的电力86.major adj.主要的87.majority n.多数,大多数88.gas n.气体89.gasoline n.汽油90.outgassing n.除气作用91.cave n.洞穴92.cavern n.巨穴93.technique n.技巧94.structure n.结构95.structural adj.结构的96.rapid adj.迅速的97.ocean n.海洋98.oceanic adj.海洋的99.oceanographer n.海洋学者100.ancient adj.远古的101.contained v.包含102.container n.容器103.glacier n.冰河104.glacial adj.冰的105.glaciation n.冰蚀106.interglacial n.两个冰河世纪之间的温暖时间段107.theater n.剧场108.condition n.情况109.behavior n.行为110.behavioral adj.行为的111.variety n.变化112.various adj.各种的113.vary v.改变114.variable n.变数115.invariably adv.不变地116.nest n.巢v.造巢117.characteristic n.特性118.characterize v.赋予特色ernment n.政府erning v.统治121.energy n.精力122.energetic adj.精力充沛的123.involve v.包括124.involvement n.包含125.essential adj.重要的126.essentially adv.实质上127.movement n.运动128.evidence v.证明129.european adj.欧洲的130.national n.国民131.location n.位臵132.locate v.找出133.aggressive adj.侵犯的134.aggression n.进攻135.aggressiveness n.侵犯136.upper adj.上面的137.atmosphere n.大气138.atmospheric adj.大气的139.iron n.熨斗adj.铁的140.facial adj.脸的141.clay n.粘土142.urban adj.都市的143.urbanization n.都市化144.paint n.画,绘画145.painter n.漆工146.painted(paint) v.油漆;画147.overpainting n.复绘148.economic adj.合算的149.economy n.经济150.economically adv.节俭地151.economical adj.节俭的152.popular adj.受欢迎的153.technology n.技术154.technological adj.技术的yer n.层;地层156.insect n.昆虫157.ability n.能力158.generally adv.通常,普遍地159.apply vi.使用;适用于160.application n.申请(表,书)161.transportation n.运输162.transport v.传送,运输163.method n.方法;秩序164.manufacture vt./n.制造165.manufacturer n.制造商166.contribute v.有助于167.contribution n.贡献168.quality n.品质169.marine adj.海的170.submarine n.海底生物171.mammal n.哺乳动物172.establish v.建立,制定173.establishment n.确立;设施174.extinction n.消失175.extinct adj.灭绝的plex adj.复杂的plexity n.复杂178.climate n.气候179.climatic adj.气候上的180.relatively adv.相当地181.relative adj.相对的182.Jupiter n.木星183.native adj.本国的184.erosion n.冲蚀,侵蚀185.erode v.腐蚀;侵蚀186.contrast n.对比187.construction n.建造,建造物188.constructe vt.建造189.reconstruct vt.重建190.reconstruction n.重建191.constructive a.建设性的192.architecture n.建筑学193.architectural a.建筑学的194.architect n.建筑师195.supply vt.供给196.colonial a.殖民地的197.colonies n.殖民地198.colonized vt.建立殖民地199.colonization n.殖民200.valley n.山谷201.meteorite n.陨石202.factor n.因素203.desert n.沙漠204.desertification n.沙漠化205.appear vi.出现206.appearance n.出现207.disappear vi.消失208.amount n.数(量) 209.summary n.总结210.summarize v.作总结211.stored vt.贮藏n.商店212.storefront n.店面213.political a.政治的214.politician n.政治家215.plate n.盘子;平板216.plateau n.高原217.goods n.货物,商品218.expose vt.暴露219.exposition n.讲解220.exposure n.暴露221.element n.元素plete v.使齐全pletely adv.完整地224.incomplete adj.不完全的plemen n.补足物226.base n.基础227.advantage n.优势228.disadvantage n.不利(条件) 229.advantageous a.有利的230.rarely ad.很少231.rate n.比率,率232.protect v.保护233.protection n.保护,保卫234.pheromone n.外激素235.feature n.特征,特色236.expression n.表达,措辞237.express n.快递v.表达238.expressive adj.表达的239.define v.阐明(某事)240.definition n.定义241.local n.当地居民242.localize v.使局部化243.locally adv.当地的244.mark v.做记号于245.markedly adv.显著地246.ecosystem n.生态系统247.craft n.技艺,手艺248.craftspeople n.艺术家249.handcrafted adj.手工制作的250.craftsmanship n.技能251.experience n.经验252.reflect v.反射253.reflection n.反射254.origin n.起源255.original n.原物256.literature n.文学257.instrument n.乐器258.instrumental adj.仪器的259.identify v.确认;识别260.identifiable adj.可认明的261.substance n.物质,主旨262.role n.角色;作用263.range n.山脉,范围264.ranged adj.排列的265.ranging n.测距266.quantity n.量,总数267.primarily adv.首先268.primary n.首选269.consider v.考虑;认为270.considerable adj.可观的271.considerably adv.相当地272.aspect n.方向273.approach n.方法274.pacific adj.和解的275.Pacific n.太平洋276.grass n.草,草原277.grasshopper n.蚱蜢278.grassland n.牧草地279.carbon n.碳280.carbohydrate n.醣281.carbonate n.碳酸盐282.carboniferous adj.含碳或煤的283.carbonic adj.碳的284.Whig n.辉格党285.predator n.掠夺者286.predatory adj.掠夺的287.predation n.动物的捕食行为288.particle n.粒子289.force n.力量290.forced adj.强迫的291.advance n.前进292.advancement n.前进293.square n.广场;方形物294.rise n.上升295.gradually adv.慢慢地296.frequently adv.频繁地297.frequent adj.时常发生的298.diversity n.差异299.diverse adj.不同的300.diversion n.转移301.democrat n.民主主义者302.democratic adj.民主的303.style n.风格304.stylize v.使风格化305.stylistic adj.格式上的306.significant adj.重要的307.significance n.重要性308.significantly adv.意味深长地309.project n.计划310.projection n.发射311.projector n.放映机312.preserve v.保存,保藏313.preservation n.保存,保护314.grain n.小颗粒315.whale n.鲸316.thus adv.如此,因此317.shape n.外形,形态318.shapes n.外形,形态319.relationship n.关系,关联ck n.欠缺cked v,欠缺;不足cks n.欠缺;不足323.galaxy n.星系;银河324.draw n.平局325.discover v.发现; 找到326.decade n.十年bor n.劳工; 劳动borious adj.费力的borer n.劳动者330.function n.功能331.functional adj.功能的332.functionalism n.功能主义333.crater n.火山口334.sculpture n.雕刻335.sculptural adj.雕刻的336.sculptures n.雕像337.rural adj.乡下的338.replace v.取代339.held v.认为340.dioxide n.二氧化物341.cetacean n.鲸anic adj.器官的an n.器官anically adv.有机耕作地345.remove v .去掉346.removing n.拆迁347.removal n.移动348.entire adj.全体的349.depend v.依靠;相信350.dependent n.依赖他人者351.interdependence n.互相依赖352.current n.气流353.adapt v.使适应354.adaptations n.适应355.adaptive adj.适合的356.adaptability n.顺应性357.steam n.蒸气358.steamboat n.汽船359.folk n.人们360.fiber n.纤维361.feet n.脚,英尺362.drill n.钻,钻头363.act n.法案364.wire n.电线365.remain v.剩下366.relate v.将(两事物)联系起来367.relation n.关系368.impulse n.冲动369.illustrate v.举例说明370.illustration n.例证371.huge adj.巨大的372.emphasize v.强调373.emphasis n.对...的强调374.survive v.活下来375.survival n.留住生命376.settler n.移民者377.settle v.决定378.settlement n.解决379.Paleolithic adj.旧石器时代的380.interest n.利息381.demonstrate v.论证382.artisan n.工匠383.affect v.影响384.skeleton n.骨骼385.plain n.平原386.oxygen n.氧387.interior n.内部388.engine n.引擎389.engineering n.工程390.electricity n.电,电学391.electrical adj.用电的392.electric adj.导电的393.deposits n.存款394.deposition n.罢免395.crow n.乌鸦396.continue v.继续,延长397.continuous adj.连续的398.continuum n.连续399.continuity n.连续性400.cell n.单元,电池401.celled adj.含有某种或若干小细胞的402.attract v.引起403.attractive adj.吸引人的404.attraction n.吸引405.private adj.私人的406.physical adj.身体的407.physicist n.物理学者408.gather v.使聚集409.dye n.染料;染色410.decline n.下降;衰退411.consist v.组成,构成412.consistent adj.一致的413.tunas n.金枪鱼414.response n.反应,响应415.specific n.特性416.specifically adv.特别地417.promote v.晋升;促进418.promotion n.晋级,增进419.audience n.观众,听众420.acorn n.橡树果421.traditional adj.传统的422.tradition n.传统,惯例423.stability n.稳定424.spot n.斑点,斑块425.sculptor n.雕刻家426.obtain v.得到,获得427.nitrogen n.氮428.melt v.融化;溶化ndscape n.风景430.evolution n.进化,进展431.evolutionary adj.发展的432.eventually adv.最后433.distinguish v.区别... 434.core n.争论的核心pose v.组成position n.写作poser n.作曲家438.volcanic adj.火山的439.volcano n.火山440.vast adj.巨大的441.trail n.痕迹;足迹442.renaissance n.复活443.religious adj.宗教性的444.religion n.宗教445.reaction n.反应446.react v.对...做出反应447.petroleum n.石油448.observation n.观察449.oak n.橡树450.normally adv.正规地451.focus n.焦点452.flight n.飞行;飞跃453.feather n.羽毛454.evolve v.逐渐形成455.estimate v.估计456.crust n.地壳;外壳457.crustal adj.地壳的458.conflict n.冲突,矛盾List 2(第二天)pete v.比赛petition n.竞争petitor n.竞争者petitive adj.竞争的bine v.使结合bination n.结合;联合466.ritual n.宗教仪式467.release n.释放;发行468.performance n.表现;执行469.muscle n.肌肉470.era n.时代471.device n.装臵;设计472.decrease v.减;减少473.throughout adv.在所有各处474.standard n.标准475.scale n.刻度476.root n.根v.生根477.practice n.练习478.Philadelphia n.费城479.hydrogen n.氢480.dramatic adj.剧烈的481.drama n.戏剧482.display n.显示483.climax n.高潮484.character n.个性485.bottom n.底;下端486.biological adj.生物学的487.biologist n.生物学家488.microbiologist n.微生物学家489.aquifer n.含水土层490.tone n.音调,语调491.solar adj.太阳的492.revolution n.革命,旋转493.revolutionary adj.革命的494.prey n.被掠食者495.microscope n.显微镜496.microscopic adj.用显微镜可见的497.metal n.金属,合金498.metallic adj.金属的499.metalworker n.制金属品工人500.helium n.氦501.frame n.框;结构502.continent n.大陆,陆地503.continental adj.大陆的504.supercontinent n.超大陆505.contemporary n.同时代的人506.claim v.要求;声称507.tension n.紧张,拉紧508.task n.作业;任务509.stimulate v.刺激,鼓舞510.stimulation n.激励;刺激511.spread n.传播,伸展512.solid n.固体513.solidified adj.固化的514.present n.目前;赠品515.presence n.出席,存在516.pots n.罐517.measure n.尺寸518.measurement n.测量法519.immeasurably adv.不可测量地520.irrigation n.灌溉521.irrigate v.灌溉522.overirrigation n.过度灌溉523.improvement n.改进;进步524.improve v.改良;改善525.bury v.埋葬;隐藏526.burial n.埋葬,葬礼527.attitude n.态度;看法528.approximately adv.大概529.therefore adv.因此530.subject n.题目,科目531.be subjected to 受制于532.subjected adj.所属的533.subjecting n.隶属于534.stable adj.稳定的535.unstable adj.不牢固的536.sign n.记号v.签537.route n.路径,轨道538.prefer v.宁可539.preference n.偏爱540.opportunity n.机会,时机541.opportunist n.机会主义者542.opportunistic adj.机会主义的543.intense adj.强烈的544.intensive adj.加强的545.intensity n.强烈,强度546.intensify v.加强;强化547.global adj.球形的548.flow v.流动;涨549.figure n.图形v.想出550.familiar adj.熟悉的551.differ v.差异,不同552.differentiate v.使有差异553.diet n.饮食,食物554.dietary adj.饮食的555.decoration n.装饰,装潢556.decorate v.装饰;油漆557.decorative adj.装饰性的558.visible adj.看得见的559.invisible adj.看不见的560.shelter n.遮盖物561.resemble v.相似,象562.principal adj.主要的563.maintain v.维持564.maintenance n.维护,维修565.fungi n.菌类566.lichen n.苔藓567.emerge v.浮现;源于568.emergence n.出现;露头569.desire n.欲望,要求570.desired adj.渴望的571.desirable adj.值得向往的572.undesirable adj.不受欢迎的pare v.比较parison n.比较parable adj.比得上的paratively adv.相当地munication n.沟通municate v.沟通579.citizen n.市民;公民580.center n.中心581.benefit n.利益582.beneficial adj.有益的583.arch n.拱门,弓形584.analyze v.分析585.analysis n.分析;解析586.analyst n.分析者587.worth n.价值,财产588.trace n.痕迹;微量589.texture n.质地,纹理590.textural adj.质地的591.surface n.面,表面592.subsurface adj.表面下的593.ray n.射线594.permit n.许可证595.perfect v.使完美596.master n.主人597.fit v.合...身598.exhibition n.展览599.exhibit v.展现,展览600.exhibitor n.展示者601.effort n.努力;成就602.dominate v.支配,控制603.dominant adj.占优势的604.dominance n.优势;支配605.dinosaur n.恐龙606.detail n.细节;详情607.depression n.衰退;消沉608.depressed adj.沮丧的609.charge n.指控,费用610.recharge v.再充电于611.belief n.相信;信念612.basin n.盆地;盆;水池613.adopt v.采取;收养614.adoption n.采纳;收养615.vapor n .水汽,蒸汽616.evaporate v.使蒸发;蒸发617.evaporation n.蒸发;消失618.reveal v.露出,透露,显示619.typically adv.代表性地620.typical adj.典型的621.turbines n.涡轮622.transform v.转换,改造623.transformation n.变化;改适624.strength n.力,力量625.strengthened adj.被加强的626.scholar n.学者627.rent n.租金v.租用628.rental n.租金;租赁629.property n.财产,性质630.practical adj.实际的631.photograph n.照片632.photography n.摄影,摄影术633.photographic adj.照相的634.perform v.履行;完成635.performer n.表演者636.motion n.运动;动作637.minor adj.较小的638.machinery n.机器,结构639.crystal n.水晶640.crystalline adj.水晶的641.canal n.运河;水道642.loose v.放松adj.宽松的643.profit n.利润,利益v.有益644.profitable adj.有利润的645.internal n.本质,本性646.inhabitant n.居民;居住者647.inhabit v.居住于,栖息648.ideal n.理想;典范649.chimpanzee n.黑猩猩650.feed v.喂养;放牧651.feedback n.反应;反馈652.expansion n.扩充;膨胀653.expand v.使膨胀;扩张654.solution n.解决,溶液655.portray v.描写;画656.parlor n.店657.merchant n.商人adj.商业的658.extreme n.极端,末端659.extremely adv.极端地,很660.dust n.灰尘,粉末661.distinct adj.清楚的;明显的662.distinctive adj.有特色的663.distinction n.区别;差别et n.彗星665.bead n.珠子;水珠666.basis n.基础667.tulip n.郁金香668.textile n.纺织品669.terrestrial adj.地球的,陆地的670.surge v.汹涌;蜂拥而至671.specialize v.专攻;专门从事672.specialization n.特长;专门化673.specially adv.特别地674.readily adv.容易地675.potential adj.有潜力的676.potentially adv.潜在地677.migration n.迁移678.migrate v.迁移679.migratory adj.迁移的680.immigration n.外来的移民681.mask n.遮蔽v.掩饰682.habitat n.栖息地,居留地683.fundamental n.基本原则684.cycle n.周期;循环v.循环685.cattle n.牛;牲口686.California n.加利福尼亚州687.brief adj.简短的688.avoid v.躲开,避开689.accurate adj.精确的690.vitamin n.维生素691.timberline n.树带界线692.timber n.木材693.pueblo n.印第安人村庄694.pollutant n.污染物质695.pollute v.污染,弄脏696.novel n.小说adj.新奇的697.novelist n.小说家698.novelty n.新颖699.mechanism n.机械,结构700.industrialization n.工业化701.industrialized adj.工业化的702.industrialism n.工业主义703.preindustrial adj.未工业化的704.independence n.独立705.independent adj.独立自主的706.immigrant n.移民707.former adj.从前的708.content n.内容709.bacteria n.细菌710.bacterial adj.细菌的711.violin n.小提琴712.vessel n.船;容器;血管713.tail n.尾巴;尾部714.tails n.尾巴;尾部715.ridge n.屋脊,山脊716.respond v.回答;响应717.corresponding adj.符合的718.respondent n.应答者719.principle n.原则;主义720.prehistoric adj.史前的721.isolate v.使隔离;使绝缘722.isolation n.隔绝;孤立723.constant adj.不变的724.constantly adv.不断地725.consequence n.结果;推论726.consequently adv.结果727.sequence n.序列,顺序mercial adj.商业的merce n.商业,贸易mercially adv.商业上731.chemical n.化学物质732.chemically adv.以化学方法733.belong v.属于734.accumulate v.积聚,累积735.accumulation n.堆积;积聚736.action n.动作737.status n.状态,地位738.ware n.制品,货物739.surround v.围绕740.represent v.描绘,表现741.pottery n.陶器742.potter n.陶工743.potash n.碳酸钾744.myth n.神话745.mythical adj.神话的746.immediately adv.立刻747.immediate adj.立即的748.highlight v.强调;使显著749.geological adj.地质学的750.geologist n.地质学者751.geologic adj.地质学的752.gar n.长嘴硬鳞鱼753.fragment n.碎片754.florida n.佛罗里达州755.exist v.存在756.existence n.存在757.destructive adj.破坏的;消极的758.destruction n.破坏;毁灭759.defense n.防御,防护760.defenseless adj.无防御的761.cretaceous adj.白垩的762.concept n.观念;概念763.conception n.构想764.capital n.资本;首府765.capitalist n.资本家ponent n.零件;构成要素767.appropriate adj.适当的768.inappropriate adj.不适当的769.apparently adv.显然地770.active adj.积极的771.Sumerian n.苏美尔人772.tropical adj.热带的773.tropic n.热带774.tissue n.(动植物的)组织775.strike n.打击v.打,攻击776.squirrel n.松鼠777.raw adj.生的;未加工的778.prove v.证明779.disprove v.证明...是虚假780.pole n.电极;极地781.personal adj.私人的782.personality n.个性783.permanently adv.永远地784.permanence n.永久785.vertebrate n.脊椎动物786.invertebrate n.无脊椎动物787.press n.报刊;新闻界788.tribe n.部落789.physic n.医学v.给...服药790.liquid n.液体adj.液体的791.item n.名词;项目792.import v.进口793.health n.健康794.groundwater n.地下水795.export v.出口n. 输出品796.explosion n.爆发;爆炸797.expect v.期待798.expectation n.期待799.electron n.电子800.electronic adj.电子的801.electronically adv.电子地802.document n.文件v.证明803.depict v.描述804.column n.专栏;圆柱805.civil adj.公民的806.civilization n.文明807.carve v.刻808.carved adj.有雕刻的809.atom n.原子810.aurora n.极光811.whereas conj.但是812.Venus n.金星813.vent n.出口v.发泄814.valuable adj.宝贵的815.universe n.宇宙816.universal adj.普遍的817.universality n.普遍性818.unique adj.独一无二的819.topic n.主题820.steel n.钢,钢铁821.rite n.仪式822.recognize v.认出,识别823.recognition n.认出,识别824.prior adj.在先的825.priority n.先,优先826.primitive n.原始人827.president n.总统;院长828.presidency n.总统职位829.presidential adj.总统的830.ordinary adj.平常的831.extraordinary adj.非常的832.mineral n.矿物adj.矿物的833.livestock n.家畜834.introductory adj.介绍性的835.financial adj.财政的836.employ v.雇用;使从事于837.employee n.职员838.employment n.雇用,工作839.employer n.老板840.ecological adj.生态的841.distribution n.配给物;分发842.distribute v.分发;分配843.cucumber n.黄瓜844.canopy n.帐篷845.conduct n.行为v.引导846.conductor n.领导者847.appeal v.要求n.请求848.academy n.学院849.academic n.学者adj.学院的850.thereby adv.因此851.stress v.强调n.压力852.sanctuary n.教堂853.retain v.保持854.restrict v.限制,限定855.regular adj.规则的856.irregular adj.不规则的857.reduction n.减少;削减858.reduce v.减少;降低859.raise n.加薪v.举起860.railroad n.铁路861.previously adv.事先862.previous adj.早先的863.pool n.水塘,水池864.nouveau adj.新近到达的865.mud n.泥866.muddy adj.泥泞的867.hypothesis n.假868.hypothetical adj.假设的869.hypothesize v.假设870.gap n.缝隙;缺口871.erode v.腐蚀872.ecologist n.生态学者873.crack n.裂缝v.爆裂874.corn n.小麦;玉米pound n.混合物monly adv.通常地877.branch n.树枝v.分支878.block n.街区v.阻塞879.availability n.有效;可利用性880.attack n.攻击v.抨击881.article n.物品;文章882.ancestor n.祖先;原型883.alder n.赤杨884.accelerate v.使加速;加快885.well n.井886.view n.视野,见解v.看887.upon prep.在...之上888.string n.弦889.silver n.银adj.银的890.silversmith n.银器匠891.sheet n.帆;薄板v.覆盖892.worksheet n.工作表893.responsible adj.有责任的894.responsibility n.责任,负担895.resistance n.抵抗,反抗896.resistant adj.抵抗的897.resist v.抵抗,抗898.remarkable adj.显著的899.psychodynamic n.精神力学900.proportion n.比例,部份901.disproportionate adj.不成比例的902.prevent v.防止;阻止903.perspective n.观点;角度904.oral adj.口头的905.hominid n.原始人类906.goal n.目标List 3 (第三天)908.extend v.延长,延伸909.enhance v.提高,增加910.edge n.边缘911.due to 因为,由于912.domestic adj.家庭的913.dissolve v.分解;使融化914.consciousness n.意识915.consciously adv.有意识地916.conscious adj.有意识的917.concentration n.集中;专心918.concentrated adj.集中的919.coast n.海岸920.coastal adj.海岸的921.coastline n.海岸线922.apprentice n.学徒923.acquire v.获得,取得924.watercolor n.水彩;水彩画925.temperate adj.温和的926.serve v.为...服务;供应927.representative n.代表,典型928.representation n.代表;表示929.portion n.部分930.pore n细孔931.porous adj.多孔的932.porosity n.多孔性933.peak n.山顶;最高点934.occasionally adv.偶尔935.occasional adj.偶然的936.occasion n.场合,机会937.threaten v.恐吓;威胁938.threat n.恐吓,威胁939.issue n.文章v.发行940.hind adj.后面的941.gill n.鳃942.generation n.一代;产生943.frontier n.边境944.fort n.堡垒,要塞945.federal adj.联邦的946.emit v.散发;发出947.emission n.散发;发射948.data n.数据(复数)949.cultivate v.培养;耕作950.cultivation n.耕作951.conventional adj.传统的952.convention n.大会;协定953.attempt n.尝试v.尝试954.assume v.以为;认为955.assumption n.设想,假定956.wing n.翅膀v.飞,飞行957.wealthy adj.富有的958.virtually adv.事实上959.trade n.贸易;商业960.survey n.调查v.调查961.surveyor n.检查员962.sufficient adj.充足的963.sufficiently adv.充分地964.insufficient adj.不够的965.suck v.吸966.storage n.保管967.spontaneous adj.不由自主的968.sophisticated adj.成熟的969.sophistication n.老于世故;复杂970.skull n.头盖骨971.shell n.贝壳972.eggshell n.蛋壳973.shellfish n.贝974.semiarid adj.半干旱的975.arid adj.干燥的976.script n.手稿,剧本977.plankton n.浮游生物978.participant n.参与者979.participate v.参加980.participation n.分享,参与981.naturally adv.自然地982.naturalist n.自然主义者983.naturalistic adj.自然主义的984.musician n.音乐家985.multiple n.倍数adj.复合的986.mantle n.遮盖物,斗篷987.inevitable adj.不可避免的988.historian n.历史学家989.fresh adj.新鲜的990.freshwater adj.淡水的991.refresh v.使清新992.favor n.赞成993.explore v.探测;探险994.explorer n.探险家995.exploration n.勘查996.exploratory adj.探险的997.dweller n.居民998.dwell v.居住999.drought n.干旱1000.divide v.分,划分1001.decay v.腐朽n.腐朽1002.copper n.铜1003.coppersmith n.铜匠plicated adj.复杂的1005.ceremony n.仪式1006.ceremonial adj.正式的1007.cast n.演员阵容v.投1008.brick n.砖1009.beneath adv.在...之下1010.accompany v.陪同;伴随1011.animation n.卡通制作,活泼1012.abundance n.丰富;充足1013.zone n.地域1014.volume n.量,册1015.visual adj.形象的,视觉的1016.tube n.管1017.tiny adj.很少的1018.stretch n.伸展v.延伸1019.sharp adj.锐利的1020.refer v.论及1021.realism n.现实性1022.predict v.预言;预报1023.unpredictable adj.不可预知的1024.predictable adj.可预言的1025.prediction n.预言1026.opposite adj.相对的1027.negative adj.否定的;负的1028.moral n.道德adj.道德的1029.modify v.更改,修饰1030.modification n.修改;缓和1031.Missouri n.密苏里1032.mississippi n.密西西比州1033.investigation n.调查;研究1034.investigator n.调查者,研究者1035.investigate v.调查,研究1036.inner adj.内部的1037.innermost adj.内心的1038.initial adj.开始的1039.graze v.放牧1040.overgrazing adj.过度放牧1041.giant adj.庞大的1042.generate v.产生,导致1043.derive v.得自;起源1044.Dakota n.达科他州1045.Critical adj.批评的1046.criticize v.批评;评价1047.criticism n.批评1048.creature n.人;生物1049.consume v.消耗;消灭;消费1050.consumption n.消费;消耗1051.consumer n.消费者1052.coarse adj.粗糙的1053.classical adj.古典的1054.barb n.倒钩v.装倒钩1055.Atlantic adj.大西洋的1056.apart adv.分别地1057.anthropologist n.人类学家1058.agrarian adj.耕地的1059.stage n.舞台;阶段1060.stagecoach n.公共马车1061.virtue n.德行;美德1062.theme n.主题1063.symbol n.符号,象征1064.symbolic adj.象征的1065.symbolism n.象征主义1066.signal v.向...发信号1067.series n.系列;连续1068.seek v.寻求,探索1069.sought (过去式)1070.saturate v.浸透1071.random adj.任意的1072.puzzle n.难题v.使迷惑1073.pure adj.纯的;纯净的1074.philosophy n.哲学;人生观1075.philosopher n.哲学家1076.propose v.计划,建议1077.Pennsylvania n.宾夕法尼亚州1078.Overcome v.克服;胜过1079.Ohio n.俄亥俄州1080.nutritional adj.营养的1081.nutrition n.营养1082.magnetic adj.有磁性的1083.magnetosphere n.磁力计1084.justify v.证明;证明合法1085.investment n.投资1086.investor n.投资人1087.invest v.投资1088.interpret v.解释,诠释1089.interpretation n.解释,翻译1090.impression n.印象1091.impressive adj.给人深刻印象的1092.impressionism n.印象主义1093.impressionist n.印象主义者1094.impress v.使有印象1095.imitate v.模仿1096.imitation n.模仿1097.imitative adj.模仿的1098.glaze n.釉;上光v.上光1099.geometric adj.几何学的1100.furniture n.家具1101.fail v.失败;不及格1102.failure n.失败1103.formal adj.正式的1104.formalize v.正式化;使形式化1105.extract v.摘录,吸取1106.extraction n.抽出1107.entrance n.入口;进入1108.entry n.登录;进入1109.enormous adj.巨大的1110.engage v.雇佣;预定;涉及1111.encourage v.鼓励1112.encouraging adj.令人鼓舞的1113.durable adj.持久的1114.crucial adj.决定性的1115.molecule n.分子1116.molecular adj.分子的1117.conclusion n.结论1118.conclude v.断定;推断1119.conclusive adj.决定性的1120.collectively adv.全体地1121.collection n.收藏;搜集品1122.collectible adj.可收集的1123.coal n.煤1124.charcoal n.木炭1125.boom v.激增;暴涨1126.band n.带;乐队1127.awareness n.察觉1128.aware adj.知道的1129.be aware of 知道~~~ 1130.ash n.灰1131.archaeopteryx n.始祖鸟1132.archaeology n.考古学1133.archaeologist n.考古学家1134.archaeological adj.考古学的1135.annual adj.每年的1136.annually adv.每年1137.Los Angeles n.洛杉矶1138.aesthetic adj.美学的1139.aesthetically adv.审美地1140.acid n.酸adj.酸的1141.acidic adj.酸性的1142.account n.帐单v.认为1143.union n.联盟1144.unfortunately adv.不幸地1145.ultimately adv.最后地1146.trap n.陷阱;阴谋v.阻止1147.stream n.溪v.流,流动1148.streamline v.使成流线型1149.subsequent adj.后来的1150.stove n.火炉1151.severe adj.严厉的,剧烈的1152.severely adv.严格地;激烈地1153.schedule n.时间表;计划1154.satire n.讽刺1155.roof n.屋顶1156.reject v.拒绝,抵制1157.rejection n.拒绝1158.progressively adv.前进地1159.portrait n.肖像1160.piano n.钢琴1161.pace n.速度;步调1162.nevertheless adv.但是;然而1163.nervous adj.神经紧张的1164..eolithic adj.新石器时代的1165.molt n.换毛v.脱毛1166.maria n.墨西哥街头乐队1167.leadership n.领导能力1168.height n.高度1169.heighten v.增高,加强1170.gain v.得到1171.fuel n.燃料v.加燃料1172.fluctuate v.变动,动摇1173.flood n.洪水v.淹没1174.fiction n.小说1175.fictional adj.虚构的1176.extra adj.额外的1177.drain n.排水沟v.排水1178.drainage n.排水1179.creative adj.创造性的1180.chain n.链v.束缚1181.category n.种类1182.attention n.注意1183.arrangement n.安排;约定1184.arrange v.整理;安排1185.adjacent adj.邻近的n.近邻1186.access n.接近v.接近1187.accessible adj.易接近的1188.inaccessible adj.难接近的1189.wheat n.小麦1190.wagon n.四轮马车1191.voyage n.航行v.航海1192.voyager n.航行者1193.transition n.转变1194.transit n.运输,运送1195.tract n.道1196.thrive v.繁荣;兴旺1197.squeeze v.榨取n.榨;压榨1198.scheme n.方案v.计划1199.revise v.修订;修改1200.respect v.尊敬n.敬重1201.repress v.压制;抑制1202.pterosaur n.翼龙1203.positive adj.肯定的n.正数1204.popularity n.名声,流行1205.moderate adj.适度的1206.Mississippians n.密西西比州l n.磨坊1208.Nerve n.神经;忧虑1209.Journeymen n.熟练工人1210.jet n.发动机;喷射器1211.handle v.解决n.把手1212.inspire v.启示;激发1213.inspiration n.灵感;妙计1214.hatch n.孵化v.孵化1215.gulf n.海湾;深渊1216.furthermore adv.此外1217.flat n.平面adj.平的1218.excavate v.挖掘1219.enlarge v.扩大1220.engrave v.雕刻1221.dutch n.荷兰人1222.distant adj.远的1223.debris n.碎片;残骸1224.crude adj.天然的,粗糙的1225.control n.控制v.控制;管理1226.confirm v.确定1227.cone n.圆锥体,球果1228.cognitive adj.认知的1229.clue n.线索,提示1230.classify v.分类1231.catastrophe n.大灾难1232.border n.边缘v.接近;毗邻1233.barrier n.栅栏1234.bare adj.赤裸的;极少的1235.award n.奖品v.赏给1236.assemble v.集合;装配1237.armat n.盔甲1238.antarctica n.南极洲1239.alternative n.选择adj.替代的1240.alter v.改变1241.absence of 缺乏1242.abandon v.放弃1243.wherever adv.无论哪里1244.whatever adj.无论怎样的1245.weapon n.武器1246.uniform n.制服adj.统一的1247.twig n.细枝1248.transfer v.转移,调任1249.terrain n.地带1250.terra n.土地1251.supplement n.增补v.补充1252.superior n.上司adj.上级的1253.superiority n.优越;上等1254.suit n.衣服;套v.适合1255.substantial adj.实质上的1256.struggle n.奋斗v.抗争;奋斗1257.stem n.茎v.起源于1258.spiral n.螺旋v.盘旋1259.speculation n.推测1260.speculate v.投机;推测1261.spear n.矛1262.specimen n.范例;样品1263.slope n.斜坡;倾斜1264.sink v.下沉;落下1265.sieve n.筛子1266.shrub n.灌木1267.selection n.选择1268.seal n.封条v.封,密封1269.sandstone n.沙岩1270.realist n.现实主义作家1271.realistic adj.现实的1272.psychological adj.心理学的1273.psychologist n.心理学家1274.primate n.灵长类的动物1275.precede v.在...之前1276.unprecedented adj.空前的1277.possess v.拥有1278.originate v.引起;发明1279.originator n.创作者1280.orchids(orchid n.兰花1281.orchestra n.管弦乐队1282.orchestral adj.管弦乐的1283.oppose v.反对1284.nutrient n.营养adj.营养的1285.nutritious adj.有营养成分的1286.nucleus n.原子核1287.molten adj.熔化的1288.moisture n.湿气1289.moist adj.潮湿的1290.miss v.迷失;想念1291.mirror n.镜子v.映出1292.Mesozoic adj.中生代的1293.mechanize v.使机械化1294.mechanization n.机械化1295.mechanical adj.机械性的1296.maximum adj.最高的1297.lip n.嘴唇1298.intrigue v.引起;激起1299.igneous adj.火的1300.hypothalamus n.丘脑下部1301.herd n.兽群;人群1302.hence adv.因此。
李笑来TOEFL核心词汇21天突破(EXCEL版,带大写字母)Unit单词释义1abandon v 扔弃(地位等),离弃(家园)2abhor v (-horred;-horring)憎恶,厌恶,嫌弃3abnormal a 反常的,变态的,不规则的4abroad 1 ad 到国外,在海外2 n 国外,海外5abrupt a 突然的,生硬的6absent a 不在的,缺席的7absorb v 吸收8abstract a&n 抽象(的)9absurd a 不合理的;荒谬的10abundant a 丰富的,大量的11abuse n&v 滥用,乱用12academy n 学会,研究院13accelerate v 加速;催促,促进14access 1 n 进路,入口2 v 接近15accident n 故障,事故,偶发事件;偶然16acclaim n 喝彩,欢呼17accommodate 1 v 适应,调节2 v 留宿,招待18accompany v 陪伴;伴奏19accomplish v 成就,完成;贯彻(计划等);达到(目的);实行20accord v 一致,与……符合(with)21account for证明,说明1accumulate v 积累,存储2accuse v 控告(告发)某人犯某罪(of);把谋事归罪于某人(for)3acid n 酸 a 酸性的;尖酸刻薄的4acoustic(al) a 听觉的;声学的5acquaint v 使熟悉,了解[多用被动语态]6acquire v 获得7acre 1 n 英亩2 n 地产,土地,耕地8acronym n 首字母缩略词11address v 应付,处理(问题)12adjacent a 毗邻的,邻近的13adjunct n 附属物,附件14administrate v 管理;支配15admire v 赞美,称赞;惊异(at)16admission 1 n 允许进入;许可入场(入学、入会)2 n 承认;首肯17admit 1 v 承认,容许2 v 收容,容纳18adobe n 砖坯19adolescent a 青年期的,青春期的 n 少年20adorn v 装饰,修饰,佩戴21advent n (季节、事件等的)到来,出现1adverse a 逆的,相反的,不利的,有害的2advocate n 拥护者,鼓吹者,提倡者v 拥护;鼓吹;提倡;主张;辩护3aesthetic(al) a 审美的;美的,艺术的4affair n 事情,事件;(常[pl])事务;事态5agent n 作用物;成分6aggregate a&n 聚集(的),集合(的),总计(的),共计(的)7aggressive a 好斗的,敢做敢为的,有进取心的,行动积极的8agitation n (民众的)骚动,兴奋9akin a 同样的,类似的(be akin to……)10alarm n 警报;恐慌11algae n [pl]藻;藻类([sing]alga)12alien a&n 外来(的);异己(的);不熟悉(的)13alkali n ([pl]alkali(e)s)碱;强碱14alligator n 短吻鳄,鳄(鱼)15alloy n 合金16allude v 暗指,暗示17alter v 变更;改变18alternate a 交替的,隔一的,间隔的19altitude n 高,高度;海拔(高度)20aluminum n 铝21amateur n 业余者,爱好者3amendment n 改正,修正;修正草案5ample a 丰富的,充足的,富裕的6analogy n 类比,相似7analyze v 分析8ancestor n 祖先;先祖,原种9angle n 角10anonymous a 匿名的;无名的11antagonize v 反抗,对抗;引起……的对抗12Antarctica n 南极洲13anthropology n 人类学14antibiotic n 抗生素15anticipate v 预期,预料,预测;指望,期待16antiquate v 使变旧;使过时17anxiety n 悬念,挂念,忧虑;切望,渴望18ape n 猿19apprentice n 学徒20approach 1 v 向……接近2 n 方法,手段21appropriate 1 a 适当的,合适的2 v 挪用,盗用1approve v 批准,认可;赞成,满意2approximately ad 近似,约计3aquatic a 水生的,水栖的4arbitrary a 任意的;强词夺理的5arch n 拱门;弓形门v 把……做成拱形;使弯做弓形6archaeology n 考古学,古物学7architecture n 建筑学;建筑(样式、风格);建筑物8arctic a&n 北极(的);寒带(的)([opp]antarctic)9arid a 干旱的;贫瘠的,荒芜的10arise v 出现;发生11armor n 甲胄,盔甲12array n 一大批,一大群,一连串13arrest 1 v 逮捕,拘捕2 v 阻止,抑制16articulate n 节体动物 a 有关节的;有节的;接合起来的 v 用关节连接17artifact n 人工制品;人为现象18artisan n 工匠,手工业工人19ascend v 上升,登高20asphalt n 沥青,柏油21aspiring a 有大志的,抱负不凡的;热望的1assemble 1 v 集合;聚集2 v 装配2assert v 主张,硬说;断言,声明3assess v 评定,估定4assign 1 v 指定,选定2 v 把……归因于5assume 1 v 假定,想象,设想;以……为先决条件2 v 承担,担任6asteroid a 星状的 n 小行星7astonishing a 令人惊讶的8astronomy n 天文学9astute a 机敏的,伶俐的,狡猾的10atheist n 无神论者;不信神的人11attach v 贴上,系上12attain v 达到,获得13attribute 1 v 把(某事)归因于……;认为……属于2 n 属性,特质14auditory a 耳的,听觉的15auger n 螺(丝)钻,钻孔器;钻孔机16authentic a 可信的;可靠的;真的,真正的17autobiography n 自传;自传文学18automated a 自动化的19autonomy n 自治;自治权20avant-garde a&n 先锋(的),先驱(的)21avenue n (南北向)街道(东西向称street)1avid a 渴望的;贪婪的2aware a [用作表语]知道,晓得,发觉,觉得3awkward a 有毛病的,难使用的;笨拙的,粗劣的6baboon n 狒狒7backbone n 脊骨,脊椎;骨干,主力8background n 后景,背景;基本情况;衬托音乐,伴音9backward a&ad 向后的(地),相反的(地)10bacteria n [pl]([sing]bacterium)细菌11balance n&v 平衡,均衡,对称12balcony n 露台,阳台,(剧场二楼)楼座13ballet n 芭蕾舞,舞剧14barb n 倒钩,倒刺15bare a 裸的,裸体的;仅有的,极少的16barge n 大平底船,驳船17bark n 树皮18barn n 仓,谷仓,库房19barrel n 桶,装满的桶,桶装20barren a&n (土地)荒芜(的)([opp]fertile)21barrier n 栅栏,障碍;壁垒1barter n 物物交换,换货,实物交易2basement n 建筑物的底部,[建筑]底层;地下室3basic a 基础的,基本的,根本的4basin n 脸盆,水盆;盆地,流域5battery n [电]电池(组)6battle n 战,战斗(行动),交战7bay n 湾,海湾,(山中的)凹地8beacon n (作为信号的)烽火,灯塔9beak n (猛禽等的)嘴,喙10beam n (光线的)束,道,柱;波束,射束11beast n 动物,牛马,家畜12beaver n 海狸,海獭13behave v 处身,行为,做人,举止,表现14belief n 信,信任;相信(in);信仰,信心15belong v 属,属(某人)所有,应归入(某)部类(to,among,in,under,with)16belt n 带,皮带;线条17bend v 弄弯,使弯曲18beneficial a 有利的,有益的(to)([opp]injurious)21bind v 捆,扎,绑;束1biography n 传,传记2biologist n 生物学者3bipedal a 两足动物的;两足的4bison n ([pl]bison)[动](欧洲种和美洲种)野牛5bite v 咬,叮,蛰;紧咬n 一小口(食物),少量(食物)6bizarre a 稀奇古怪的,不同寻常的7blade n (壳、草等的)叶片,叶身;刀片;刀口,刃8blast v 使爆炸,爆破,炸掉;摧毁9blazing a 炽烈燃烧的,灿烂的;明显的,显著的10bleak a 风吹雨打的,无遮蔽的11blend v 混合,搀合,混杂,掺杂12blossom n 花(特指果树花);群花,开花时期;(发育的)初期13blow 1 v (blew,blown)(风)吹;(汽笛等)叫,鸣2 v (blew,blown)(轮胎等)爆炸;[电](熔丝等)熔断,熔化14boast v 以有……而自豪,有……可以夸耀;包含;吹嘘15bodily a 躯体的,身体的,肉体的16boil v 沸腾,达到沸点,开,滚,煮滚;汽化17bond n 结合(物),结合力,黏合(剂),联结,束缚,羁绊18boom n (城市等的)急速发展;(物价等的)暴涨;(人口等的)激增19boost v 推,升,提,支援;增加,提高;促进20border n 边缘,边沿,框,边界,国界,国境21botanical a 植物(学)的1boulder n 圆石,卵石;冰砾2bounce v 弹起,反跳,弹回3boundary n 边界,疆界,限界4bow n 弓;弓形物,琴弓5boycott n 联合抵制;联合拒绝购买(使用、销售等)6brass n (主[pl])黄铜制品;铜管乐器7breach v (对法律、义务等的)破坏;违背,不履行8breakdown n 崩溃,倒塌;故障9breathe v 呼吸,活着,生存10breed v 繁殖;育种11breeze n 微风;柔风,和风14brilliance n 光彩,光辉,光泽,[光]亮度15brim n (杯、碗等容器的)缘,边16brittle a 易碎的,脆的;脆弱的;易损坏的17broadcast a 播散的;广泛散布的,播音的,广播的18bronzen 青铜,古铜19bubble n 泡,水泡;气泡;泡沫20buckle n 扣子,带扣;(衣,鞋等)扣形装饰品21bugle n 军号,喇叭;(狩猎时用的)号,角,笛1bulb 1 n 球根;鳞茎,球状物2 n 灯泡2bulk n 体积,容积,大小3bumblebee n 大黄蜂,土蜂,野峰4bunch n 球,束,朵,串5burden n 担子,负担,包袱6burgeon v 发芽,(突然)发展,急速成长7burial n 埋葬,葬礼,墓地8burrow v 打(地洞),掘(穴);掘成9burst v 破裂,迸裂,爆炸;爆发出,喷出10bust n 半身像,胸像11butterfly n 蝴蝶;蝶式,蝶形12cabinet 1 n 柜,箱2 n 陈列室;(矿物、生物、古钱币等)陈列品13cable n 粗索,巨缆;电缆14calcium n 钙15calendar n 日历16calorie n 卡(路里)(热量单位)17camel n 骆驼18camouflage n&v 伪装19camp n 野营,露营地20campaign n 战役;竞选运动21campus n 校园1can n 罐头 v 制罐头7can n 盖,罩子2canal n 运河;沟渠5canopy n (树)冠;冠层6canyon n 峡(谷)8capable 1 a 有技能的,有资格的(for)2 a 可以……的;能……的;易……的(of)9capture n&v 俘获,捕获10carbon n 碳11career n 职业;前途12cargo n (船上的)货;负荷13carnivore n 食肉动物([opp]herbivore)14carpenter n 木匠,木工(尤指粗木工)15carriage n 车;(四轮)马车16cart n (二轮运货)马车,大车;手推车17cartoon n (报刊上的)漫画;连环画18carve v 雕刻,刻19cast 1 v 浇铸,铸造2 v 丢弃,抛弃;脱掉(衣服);(蛇)脱(皮),(鸟)换(毛),(鹿)换(角);(树)落(叶);(马)脱落(铁掌)20caste n (昆虫的)职别(如工蜂等);等级(制度)21casual a 随便的,非正式的1casualty n 伤亡(人数);事故,横祸2category n 类型,种类3cater v 迎合,投合(to)4caterpillar n 鳞翅目幼虫,毛虫5cathedral n 大教堂6cautious a 谨慎的,小心的7cavity n 穴,腔,空腔8cease n&v 停,终止9cedar n [植]雪松;雪松木10ceiling n 天花板,顶板11celebrated a 驰名的,有名的,大名鼎鼎的12celestial a 天上的;天体的([opp]terrestrial)13cellar n 地窖,地下室14cellular a 细胞的,细胞质(状)的15cellulose n 细胞膜质,纤维质;纤维素18ceramics n 陶瓷学;陶瓷工艺,制陶术19ceremony n 典礼,仪式20challenge n 挑战21chamber n 穴,腔;室;箱1chance n 偶然;运气,命运2channel 1 n 水道,渠,沟2 v 为……开辟途径,引导3chaos n 混乱4chapel n (常附属于大教堂的)小教堂5charcoal n (木)炭6chest 1 n 箱,柜,匣2 n 胸部,胸腔7chief 1 a 主要的2 n 酋长8chill a&n 寒冷(的) v 使冷,变冷9chimpanzee n 黑猩猩10chip v 削,凿,刻11chisel n 凿子12chlorophyll n 叶绿素13chord 1 n 腱,带2 n (琴)弦;(心)弦14choreograph v 设计舞蹈动作(编舞)15chorus n 合唱;合唱队;合唱歌(曲)16chunk n 大块17circuit 1 n [电]电路,线路;回路2 n 巡回,周游18circular a 园的,圆(环)形的19circumstance n (常[pl])(周围的)情况,情形,环境20cite v 引用,举(例),列举21civic a 城市的,市民的1civilian n 市民,平民2classify v 把……分类3claw n (动物的)爪;(蟹等的)钳4clay n 黏土;泥土7cling v 缠住,绕住8clip n 剪去,剪短,修剪9clue n 线索10clumsy a 笨拙的;愚笨的11cluster n (一大)丛,群,片 v (使)成群;(使)群集12coach 1 n 轿式马车2 n 教练 v 训练13coarse a 粗糙的([opp]fine);粗鲁的,粗俗的14coat 1 v 包上,涂上,盖上2 n (动物的)毛皮;(植物的)表皮;(漆等的)涂层15cohesive a 凝聚性的;有结合力的16coil n (一)卷,(一)盘,(一)圈;[电]线圈v 卷,盘绕17coincide v 与……一致,相合,符合,相符,相巧合(with)18collaboration n 合作19collective a 集合的;共同的20collide v (车等)碰撞(with);(意志等)冲突,抵触(with)21colony 1 n 殖民地2 n [动](鸟、蚁、蜜蜂等的)集团,群2comedy n 喜剧3comet n 彗星4commerce n 商业;商务,贸易5commission n&v 委托6commodity n 日用品;商品7commonsense a&n 常识(的)8commute v 使用长期票经常旅行(来往),通勤来往(between)9compact 1 a 密集的;紧密的;(文体等)紧凑的,简洁的2 v 把……弄紧密,把……弄结实,压实10comparative a 相当的,还可以的11compass n 罗盘,指南针12compile v 汇集,编辑13complement n&v 补足(物);补全14complex n [化]络合物;复合物,综合体15complicated a 复杂的,错杂的16component n 部分,成分18comprehensive a 广泛的,全面的,完整的19compress v 压缩,浓缩20comprise v 包含,包括;由……组成(合成)21conceal v 隐藏,隐蔽1conceive v 怀(胎);想到,构想(计划等)2concerning prep 关于,论及3conclusive a 结论性的,确定性的;无争论余地的4concrete 1 n 混凝土2 a 具体的,实在的5condense v 压缩;使浓缩6condor n 秃鹰7conduct 1 v 实行;进行2 v 传导,传(热、电等)8cone n 圆锥;圆锥形火山;(松树的)球果9confederacy n 联盟,联邦10confer v 授予,颁予(称号、学位等)11configuration n 结构;外形12confine v 限制(to;within)13confirm v (进一步)证实(确定)14conflict n&v 冲突,矛盾15conform v 使一致;依照(习惯);使遵照(to)16confront v (困难等)横阻在……的面前17congestion n 拥挤;充斥;充血18congress n (美国)国会19conjunction n 结合,连接20connoisseur n 艺术(品)的鉴定家,行家,内行,权威(in,of)21conquer v 征服;攻克1consecutive a 连续的2consequence n 结果,重要(性);重大意义3conservation n 保存,维持(健康),保护(森林、河道、动物等)4conservative a 保守的,守旧的5consist v 有……组成(of);存在于(in);并存,并立(with)6consistent a 一致的,不矛盾的7constant1 a 稳定的,恒久的9constitute v 构成,组成10constitution n 宪法;政体11consume v 消费,消耗12contact n 接触;联系13contemporary a&n 同时代的(人);现代的(人)14content 1 a 满足的,甘心的2 n 容量,含量3 n [pl]内容,内含物;(一本书的)目次;目录15context n (事情等的)范围,场合,处境16continual a 不断的,连续的17continuous a 连续的,继续的18continuum n ([pl]-ua)[哲]连续(统一体)19contribute v 出力,做出贡献20controversy n 争论,辩论21convection n 对流,上升气流1convention 1 n 习俗,惯例2 n 会议2converge v 会聚,集中3converse 1 v 谈话2 a 倒转的,逆(转)的 n 逆转4convert v 转换,转化5convey v 表达(意义);输送;搬运6convict v 证明……有罪,宣告……有罪,定……的罪7convince v 使确信,说服,使承认8coordinate a 同等的,同位的9cope v 善于对付,克服(困难等)(with)10copper n 铜11coral n 珊瑚;珊瑚虫12cord n 绳子,索子13core n 果心;地核;中心14correlate n&v 互相关联,互相关系(with;to)15correspond v 与……一致,符合(to;with)16corridor n 走廊;通路17corrosion n 腐蚀,侵蚀20cotton n 棉,棉花;棉线21counterpart n 相对物,对应物1crab n 蟹2craft 1 n 技能,手艺;手工业2 v 熟练制作3 n 船舶;飞机,飞船3cranial a 颅的4crater n 火山口;(月球上的)环形山;(炸成的)弹坑;陨石坑5credit 1 v 归(功于某人)2 n 名誉,名望,声望6crisscross a&n&v 十字交叉(的)7critic n 批评家8critical 1 a (在某方面)有鉴定力的(in)2 a 决定性的,重大的10crouch n&v 蹲下;蜷着11crow n 鸦(包含raven,rook,jackdaw,chough)12crowd n&v 拥挤13crucial a 至关紧要的;决定性的14crude a 天然的,未加工的15crust n 外皮,壳;地壳16crystal a&n (结)晶体(的);水晶(制的)17cube n 立方体(形);三次幂18cue n 暗示,指示,线索19culminate v 达到极点,达最高潮;告终(in)20cure 1 n 治愈,痊愈;疗法2 v (鱼等用腌、熏、晒、烤等的)加工保藏(法)21curious a 稀奇的,古怪的;好奇的1curriculum n ([pl]curriculums,curricula)课程2curtain n 帘幕;窗帘,帘子3curve n 曲线 v 使弯曲,成曲线4cylinder n 圆筒;[数]柱(面),柱面;气缸5dairy n 牛奶场6dam n 水闸,坝,堰7damp n 湿气,潮湿 a 有湿气的,潮湿的 v 弄湿,打湿10dazzling a 晃眼睛的,灿烂的11dealer n 商人,……商12debate n&v 辩论;讨论13debris n 碎片,破片;岩屑14decay n&v 腐朽,腐烂;衰减,衰退15deceive v 欺,瞒16declare v 声称;宣布17decline n&v 下降;衰老18decompose v (使)分解,分析;(使)腐烂;衰变19decorate v 修饰,装饰,布置20dedicate v 献给,奉献;(把精力、时间等)专门用于某事(to)21defeat 1 v 打败(敌人);使受挫折2 n 战败,失败;挫折1defend v 保卫(国家等);防御,防守,保护……使免于(from,against)2deficient a 不足的,缺乏的 n 有缺陷的人(东西)3definite a 明确的;确定的4degrade v 降低;堕落;[生](使)退化;(使)剥蚀5deity n 神;神性;神的身份6deliberate a 深思熟虑的,盘算周到的7delicate a 精巧的,精致的;(仪器)灵敏的8delta n (河流的)三角洲;三角形物9democrat n (D-)(美国)民主党党员10demolish v 拆毁(建筑物等),毁坏,破坏(组织等)11dense a 密集的,(物质等)密度大的,(人口等)稠密的12depict v 画,刻画,描写;叙述13deposit 1 v 放置,安置;储蓄2 n&v 淤积,沉淀;附着14depress 1 v 压下,压低(声调等),放低([opp]raise)2 v 使沮丧;使萧条15deprive v 剥夺,使不能享受16derive v 得到,导出(from)17descend v 下降([opp]ascend);下斜;传下,遗传18deserve v 应受,该得,值得19designate v 指出,指明1detect v 发觉,发现;检定2deter v (-rred)防治,阻止3deteriorate v 弄坏,使恶化;堕落4determine v 决心,决意;测定5devastate v 蹂躏,破坏;使荒废6devoid a 无一的,缺……的(of)7devour v 狼吞虎咽地吃;挥霍8dictate v 口述,听写;命令,支配,摆布9differentiate v 使有差别,区别,划分,区分10diffuse v 扩散;渗出11dilemma n 窘境,困境,进退两难12dilute a&v 冲淡(的),搀淡(的),稀释(的)13dim a 微暗的,朦胧的 v (使)暗淡;(使)朦胧,(使)模糊14dime n (美、加)一角银币15dimension n 尺寸;[数]维(数);[pl]容积;面积;大小,规模,范围16dinosaur n 恐龙17dioxide n 二氧化物18disaster n 天灾,灾害;不幸,事故19discard v 放弃,抛弃20discern v 辨别,分清;看出,认出21discharge v 放出(水等);释放;[电]放(电)1discipline n 学科2discriminate v 区别,识别;分别对待,歧视,排斥3dismay n&v (使)灰心;(使)沮丧4disperse v 使疏散,使散开;驱散(云、雾等)5disposal n 处置,处理6dispute n&v 辩论,争论;争吵;争端7disrepute n 坏名声,声名狼藉8disseminate v 传播,散布,普及9dissolve v 使溶解;使分解,使分离10distant a 远的,远方的,远离的11distinct a 独特的;清楚的,明显的;明确的;显著的12distinguish v 区别;辨别,识别,判别13distort v 歪扭,弄歪;曲解16district n 区;管区;行政区17disturb v 扰乱;打扰18ditch n 水沟,渠19dive v 潜水;[泳]跳水;俯冲20divergent a 叉开的,分歧的;背道而驰的21diverse a 不同的;形形色色的,多种多样的1divert v 使转向,使转移(from,to);使消遣,使解闷,使娱乐2doctrine n (宗教、政治方面的)教旨,教条;教义3dogged a 顽固的,固执的4domain n 领土;(学问、活动等的)领域,范围5domestic a 家里的;国内的,本国的6dominate v 操纵,支配7dot v (-tt-)点缀8down n (装被、褥等用的)鸭绒,绒毛;(鸟的)绒羽;柔毛,汗毛,毳毛;(男孩脸上初生的)细软短须;(蒲公英等的)冠毛9draft 1 a (马等)拉车用的,供役使的2 v 起草,拟(方案);画(草图,轮廓),为……打样,设计a 正在起草的10drain v 排去(水等液体) n 排水渠11drama n 戏剧12dramatic a 戏剧性的,激动人心的,引人注目的13drift v 使漂流;漂移14drip n 水滴 v 滴下15droplet n 小滴16drought n 旱灾,干旱17dull a 单调的,枯燥的,无聊的,沉闷的18dumb a 哑的,不能说话的19dwarf n 矮小的(动)植物 v 使矮小,使相形见绌20dwell v [书]住,居住21dye n 染料,染液 v 染,染上,把……染色1dynamic a 动(态)的;有生气的2eager a 渴望的,极想的,热衷的(after;about;for)3earnest a&n 热心(的);诚挚(的),真挚(的),认真(的)4earthenware n 土器,陶器5eccentric a 异常的,反常的6echo n 回声,反响 v 共鸣9edge n 边缘,边界10edible a 适合食用的,可以吃的([opp]poisonous)11eject v 喷出,吐出(烟等);发射,喷射12elaborate 1 v 精心制作;详尽阐述2 a 精巧的,精细的,精益求精的;详尽的13electron n 电子14elegance n 雅致,风雅,优美,高尚15elevate v 举起,抬高(声音、炮口等)16elicit v 引出,探出(事实等);诱出(回答等)17eligible a 胜任的,合格的,适当的18eliminate v 除去,消灭,逐出,淘汰,排出(from)19elliptic(al) a 椭圆(形)的20eloquent a 雄辩的,善辩的,有口才的,有说服力的21elusive a 无从捉摸的,难懂的;容易忘记的1emanate v (光、气体等)发出,发散,发射(from)2embellish v 装饰,修饰,美化3embody v 包含,收录4embrace v 拥抱,抱;参加5embryo a&n ([pl]embryos)胚胎(的),胚(的)6emerge v 出现;发生7emit v (-tt-)出(声),发、放(光等),发射,放射(热等)8emphasize v 强调,着重9enclose v (用篱、墙等)围起,圈起,包围,围绕10encompass v 包含11encounter n 遇见,碰见 v 邂逅(友人等)12endangered a 濒临灭绝的13endeavor n&v 努力,尽力14endow v 捐赠15endure v 忍耐,忍受;容忍16energetic a 精力旺盛的,强健的17engage v [多用被动语态]使从事,使忙于(in)18engrave v (火山等)迸发,喷出,爆发19enhance v 提高;增强20enormous a 巨大的,庞大的2enterprise n 努力,进取3enthusiasm n 热心,热情;热烈4entity n 实体;统一体5entrance n 入口,大门6entrepreneur n 企业家;创业人7entry n 入口;门口;登录8enzyme n 酶9episode n (一系列事件中的)一个事件10epoch n 纪元,时代;时期11equator n 赤道12equilibrium n 平衡,均衡13equip v 配备,装备14equivalent a&n 相当(的),相同(的),同等的(物);等价的(物)15era n 纪元;年代,时代16erect v 使直立,树立17erode v 侵蚀,腐蚀19escape v 逃走,逃脱,逃逸;避免20essence n 本质([opp]phenomenon);精髓21estimate v 估计,估算1etch n&v 蚀刻,浸蚀2ethic n 伦理观,道德标准3evaporate v 蒸发,挥发4evenly a 一致的;均匀的5evoke v 唤起;引起,招致6evolve v 发展;进化7exaggerate v 夸张,夸大8excavate v 掘出,发掘9exclusive a 独有的,唯一的;专有的10execute v 执行;履行;贯彻,完成11exemplify v (-fied)举例证明(解释);示范;做……的范例12exempt a&v 被免除(的),被豁免(的)(from)13exert v 用(力),尽(努力等);发挥(威力等)14exhaustion n 疲惫,衰竭15exhibit n&v 陈列(品),展览(品)18exotic a 异国情调的;异乎寻常的;[口]奇异的;吸引人的19expertise n 专门技能,专门知识20explicit a 明白的,明确的([opp]implicit);直爽的,不隐讳的21explode v 使爆炸1exploit v 利用,开发2exponent 1 n 典型2 n [数]指数;幂3expose v 使暴露;使曝光4expressive a 富于表情的;意味深长的5extend v 扩充,扩大,扩展;发挥(力量);延续6extent n 程度;广度7external a 外部的,外面的([opp]interior);表面上的([opp]intrinsic)8extinct a (生物)已绝种的,已灭绝的9extol v (-ll-)赞美,称赞,颂扬;吹捧10extract v 分离出,提取11extraordinary a 非凡的,卓绝的12exuberant a (感情等)充溢的;(活力)充沛的,(精神)旺盛的13fabric 1 n 结构2 n 编织品,织物;纤维品14fa?ade n [建]正面;外表,外观;(掩饰真相的)门面15Fahrenheit a&n 华氏温度计(的)16faint a 稀薄的,暗淡的,模糊的17fair 1 n 定期集市,庙会2 a 公平的,合理的18fairly ad 适当地,相当地19faith n 信仰,信心20falcon n 隼,(猎鹰的)母鹰21fame n 名声,声望1fantasy n&v 空想,幻想2fascinate v 迷住,使神魂颠倒3fashion 1 v 制造2 n 风气,潮流;时新式样4fatal a 致命的;命中注定的5fatigue n 疲乏,劳累。
7天背会托福词汇1grade (mark 、score) 分数perfect grade 优异成绩low grade 低分high mark 高分passing grade 及格分failing grade 不及格分full marks 满分straight A’s 全Abe all A’s and B’s 全是A和BB plus B加A minus A减pass the exam with flying colors 以优异成绩通过考试graduate with honors 以荣誉毕业7天背会托福词汇2thesis/essay/dissertation 论文assignment 作业homework = coursework = schoolwork = studies 作业lab report 实验报告book report 读书报告presentation 发言term paper 学期论文project 作业broad (论文等)内容宽泛的narrow down (论文等)缩小范围7天背会托福词汇3professor 教授lecturer = instructor 讲师teaching assistant = TA 助教research assistant = RA 助研counselor, adviser 咨询者,顾问B.A. (Bachelor of Arts) 文学士M.A (degree of Master of Arts) 文学硕士M.S. (Master of Science) 理硕士M.D. (Doctor of Medicine) 医学博士Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) (哲学)博士president 大学校长teacher/faculty 教师student’s advisor 学生顾问physicist 物理学家mathematician 数学家chemist 化学家historian 历史学家statistician 统计学家7天背会托福词汇41. medical specialist 专科医生2. physician (internist) 内科医生3. surgeon 外科医生4. paediatrician 儿科医生5. ophthalmologist 眼科医生6. pharmacist 药剂师7. general practitioner 全科医师8. clinician 临床医师9. gynecologist 妇科医生10. plastic surgeon 整形外科医生11. dentist 牙医12. psychologist 心理医生13. therapist 理疗师14. cardiologist 心脏病科医师15. dermatologist 皮肤科医生16. podiatrist 足病医生17. allergist 过敏症专科医生18. obstetrician 产科医生19. ENT doctor 耳鼻喉科医生20. orthopedist 骨科医生21. veterinarian 兽医22. houseman 实习医生7天背会托福词汇5政治类Government监督 n. scrutiny监督 v. scrutinize/ monitor为……拨款 allocate money to sth./ be a patron of/ invest in/ fund/ dedicate money to sth.预算 n. budget政府开支 the government spending/ expenditure on sth.削减 v. curtail增加 v. augment废除(法律、制度等) vt. abolish实施 vt. implement使……合法化 vt. legalize首要任务 n. priority建立 vt. establish减轻、缓解 vt. alleviate =ease =relieve当局 the authorities禁止 vt. forbid/ prohibit立法 n. legislation税收 tax revenue民主的 adj. democratic高效率的 adj. efficient优化资源分配 optimize the distribution of res-ources稳定 n. stability解决 vt. Combat = tackle = resolve = address = grapple with 严厉的,严格的 adj. stringent短视的 adj. short-sighted支出,花费 n. expenditure社会保险 social security老百姓 n. citizens/ the citizenry规范,管理 v. regulate/ monitor/ oversee严禁 strictly prohibit/ ban altogether严格的法律 stringent laws/ legislation强制性的,按照法律或者规定必须做的adj. mandatory/ compulsory当务之急 n. priority失业 n. unemployment/ joblessness基础设施 n. infrastructure公共交通系统 public transportation/ transit system电网 power grid7天背会托福词汇6石油天然气管线 pipelines给排水系统 water supply and drainage system民主与开明的政府 a democratic and progressive government 临时的应急措施 a stopgap measure把……当作当务之急 give priority to sth.责任 n. duty/ responsibility/ obligation军备竞赛 n. arms race自卫 n. self-defense国土安全 national security/ homeland security 缺乏远见的政策 short-sighted policy扩张 n. expansion/ aggression谋求霸权 seek/ pursue hegemony恶性循环 a vicious circle地区不稳定因素 destabilizing factors规章制度 rules and regulations太空竞赛 space race武器 n. arms/ weapons/ armaments下岗工人 laid-off workers/ downsized workers 7天背会托福词汇7dermatology(皮科)ethnology(人种学)etymology(语源学)entomology(昆虫学)neurology(神经学)ophthalmology(眼科)entomology(昆虫学)neurology(神经学)ophthalmology(眼科)ornithology(鸟类学)obstetrics(产科学)pathology(病理学)petrology(岩石学)philology(语言学)prosody(诗体论)psephology(选举学)speleology(洞穴学)taxonomy(分类学)topography(地形学)gastronomy(美食法) astrology(占星术) homiletics(说教术) meteorology(气象学)。
List 5-6 *List 3-4 *List 5-6
List 7-8 *List 1-2 *List 5-6 *List 7-8
List 9-10 *List 3-4 *List 7-8 *List 9-10
List 11-12 *List 5-6 *List 9-10 *List 11-12 List 13-14 *List 7-8 *List 11-12 *List 13-14
37 44
*List 17-18
39 46
40 47
41 48
42 49
*List 13-14 *List 15-16
*List 19-20 *List 21-22 *List 23-24 *List 25-26
*List 31-32
*List 27-28 *List 29-30
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*List 13-14 *List 15-16 *List 15-16 *List 17-18
List 33-34 *List 5-6 *List 19-20 *List 27-28 *List 31-32 *List 33-34
List 29-30 List 31-32 *List 1-2 *List 3-4 *List 15-16 *List 17-18 *List 23-24 *List 25-26 *List 27-28 *List 29-30 *List 29-30 *List 31-32
托福TOEFL单词卡片 部分 红宝书 词根+联想 单词卡 背单词 词汇卡片
v o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co mabandon abandoned abandonment abbreviate abbreviationabideabidingabilityablaze abnormalaboard abolish abolition abolitionistabort abound abrasion abrasive abrupt absencev o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co mprep./ad. 在(船、飞机、车)上/上(船、飞机、车)vt.废除,取消n.废除,取消n.废奴主义者n.中止计划(任务)vi.充满;富于n.磨(擦)破;表面磨损a.研磨的a.突然的,意外的n.缺少;不在,缺席vt.抛弃;放弃n.放纵;沉溺a.被抛弃的,废置的n.抛弃;放弃vt.缩短;缩写n.缩写;缩写词vi.遵守vt.忍受a.持久的n.能力,才干a.着火的,燃烧的;闪耀的a.反常的,异常的;变态的v o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co mabsent absentee absenteeism absolute absolutelyabsorb absorption abstractabsurd abundanceabundant abundantlyabuseabut academic academician accelerate accelerated accelerating accelerationv o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co ma.丰富的,充裕的;大量的ad. 丰富地vt.滥用;虐待vi.邻接,毗邻a.学术的;学院的;理论的n.学会会员;院士;学者v.加快,加速a.加速的,迅速的a.加速的n.加速度a.缺少的;不在的,缺席的n.缺席者n.旷课;旷工a.完全的;绝对的ad. 完全地;绝对地vt.吸收(液体、知识)n.吸收a.抽象的n/vt. 摘要,提炼a.荒谬的,可笑的n.丰富,充裕v o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co maccess accessibility accessible accessoryaccident accidental accidentallyacclaim acclaimed accommodate accommodating accompaniment accompany accompanying accomplish accomplished accomplishment accordionaccount accountantv o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co ma.乐于助人的n.伴奏vt.陪伴,伴随;伴奏a.陪伴的,伴随的vt.完成,达到,实现a.精通的,熟练的n.成就n.手风琴n.说明,解释n.户头,账户vi.解释n.会计员,会计师n.接触,接近(的机会) n.入口,通道n.易接近;可达到a.可接近的,可接触的;可得到的n.附件,零件n.意外事件,事故a.意外的,偶然的ad. 意外地,偶然地n.赞誉,赞许vt.喝彩,欢呼;称赞a.受人欢迎的vt.为提供食宿;相符,与相适应v o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co maccountingaccredit accumulate accumulation accuracy accurate accusationaccuse accustomedachieve achievementacidacidicacidity acquaint acquaintance acquaintedacquire acquisition acronymv o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co mn.成就,功绩n.酸a.酸的;尖酸的,刻薄的a.酸的,酸性的n.酸度,酸性v.熟悉vt.使熟知,通知n.相识,熟人a.有知识的,知晓的vt.获得,学到n.获得n.首字母缩写词n.会计学vt.授权vi.堆积,积聚;积累n.积聚n.准确性,正确性a.准确的,正确的n.谴责;控告vt.指责,归咎a.通常的,习惯的vt.完成,实现v o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co mactivate activelyactual actually actuate acumen acupunctureacuteadapt adaptable adaptation adaptive addict addictive additional additive adept adequate adhere adhesivev o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co mn.改编,改写;适应环境a.适合的;适应的vt.使上瘾,使沉溺n.上瘾的人a.(使人)上瘾的a.另外的,附加的,额外的n.添加剂a.加法的a.熟练的,擅长的a.足够的,充实的vi.黏附,粘牢;追随,坚持n.粘着物a.粘着的vt.刺激,使活动ad. 活跃地,积极地a.实际的,现行的ad. 实际上,事实上vt.开动,促使n.敏锐,聪明n.针刺;针灸a.灵敏的,敏锐的;剧烈的;很严重的v.(使)适应,调整;改编a.能适应的,适应能力强的v o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co madjacentadjoin adjoiningadjunctadjust adjustment administer administration administrative administrator admiration admire admit admittedly adobe adolescent adopt adoption adorn adornmentv o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co mn.钦佩,赞美vt.钦佩,崇拜;欣赏vt.准许进入;承认ad. 公认地;诚然,无可否认地n.泥砖,土坯n.青少年vt.采用,采纳;收养n.采用vt.装饰n.装饰;装饰品a.毗连的,邻近的vt.毗连,邻近a.毗邻的n.附件,附属vt.调整;使适于n.调整vt.管理n.经营,管理n.当局,政府a.管理的;行政的n.管理者;行政官v o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co madvance advanced advancement advent adventure adventurer adventurousadverse adversely adversityadvocate aerodynamics aestheticaffectaffected affection affectionate affectiveaffiliateaffinityv o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co mn.提倡者,主张者,拥护者vi.上诉,申请n.空气动力学a.美学的,审美的v.影响;假装a.装模作样的n.友爱,挚爱,情爱a.亲爱的,挚爱的a.感情的,表达感情的vt.使隶属;接纳为成员n.紧密关系;吸引;喜爱vt.提高,发展;提升;提出vi.前进n.前进,进步;预先,提前(in advance)a.高级的;年老的;先进的n.进展;提升n.出现,到来n.冒险,冒险的经历n.冒险家a.喜欢冒险的,敢做敢为的a.负面的,不利的;敌对的,相反的ad. 相反地;不利地n.不幸,灾难v o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co maffirmafflict affliction affluentafford affordable agenda aggravate aggravating aggregateaggregation aggressive aggressivenessagileagilityagitation agreeable agricultureailmentaimv o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co mn.集合,群体a.强有力的,坚持己见的;好斗的,有敌意的n.侵略;争斗a.敏捷的,活泼轻快的n.敏捷,活泼n.焦虑,不安;煽动a.使人愉快的,合意的;容易相处的n.农业,农艺,农学n.疾病(尤指轻病、小病)n.目标,计划vi.针对;打算,意欲vt.断言;证实,确认vt.折磨;使苦恼n.痛苦,苦恼a.富有的,丰富的vt.付得起;冒险做;提供a.负担得起的,便宜的n.日程,议程vt.使恶化,使加重a.恼人的,讨厌的n.总数;聚集体v o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co mair airborne aircraft airsicknessajarakin alchemyalderalertalgaealien alignmentalikeall inclusive allegation allegory alliteration allocatealloyalludev o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co ma.相异的;陌生的n.排列;联合,联盟a.相同的,相似的无所不包的n.宣称,主张,断言n.寓言n.(诗歌的)头韵vt.分配n.合金vt.使成合金vi.暗指,影射,间接提到n.空气,空中vt.晾干,使通风air conditioner 空调a.空气传播的;空运的,空降的n.飞行器;飞机,飞艇air-cushion vehicle 气垫船n.晕机a.(门窗等)微开的a.同族的;类似的n.炼金术n.赤杨树a.机敏的vt.警报;使随时掌握、了解n.警戒,警报n.海藻v o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co mallyaloft alone aloofalter alteration alternate alternately alternation alternativealtitude aluminum amateuramaze amazement amazing ambience ambition ambitious ambivalencev o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co mn.高度n.铝n./a.业余爱好者(的);外行(的) vt.使吃惊,使惊叹n.惊愕,惊异a.令人惊异的n.周围环境,气氛n.雄心,抱负a.有雄心的,渴望成功的n.矛盾心理n.联盟;同盟者v.结盟ad. 在高处;在空中a./v.单独的(地)a.远离的;冷淡的,漠不关心的vt.改变,修改n.变更,改造a.交替的,轮流的;替代的vi.交替,轮流ad. 交替地,隔一个地n.交替,轮流a.另一可选的,另外的n.可选事物,另一种选择v o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co mambivalentamble amenableamend amendment Amendment amendment amenityamid amnesiaamountample amplification amplify an army of analogousanalogyanalysisanalyze anarchistv o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co mn.量,总合vi.总计;等于a.富足的,充足的n.扩大vt.放大;扩大;增强大群的,大量的a.类似的n.类比,类推;类此物n.分析;分析报告vt.分析,分解n.无政府主义者a.有矛盾情绪的,举棋不定的vi.漫步,缓行a.顺从的;应服从的vt.改正,修正n.改正,修正n.宪法修正案n.改善,改正n.pl.生活福利设施,文娱康乐场所n.(不可数)愉快,适意prep.在…中n.健忘症v o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co manatomy ancestor ancestral ancestry anecdotal anecdote anesthesia anesthetic angular animatedannex annihilate announce announcement announcerannoyannoyingannualannuallyanomalyv o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co mvt.兼并,吞并n.附属建筑物vt.消灭;消减vt.宣布,发表,通告n.宣告,发表n.广播员;报幕员vt.使恼怒;打扰a.恼人的,讨厌的;使人愤怒的a.年度的n.年鉴,年报;一年生植物ad. 一年一次,每年n.异常,不规则;异常的人或物n.解剖;解剖学n.祖先,祖宗a.祖先的,祖传的n.家系,血统a.轶闻的,多轶闻趣闻的n.短故事,轶事n.麻醉,麻木n.麻醉剂,麻药a. 麻醉的,无知觉的a.有角的,尖角的a.活生生的;活泼的,生动的v o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co manonymous antedateanthem anthology anthropology antibiotic anticipate anticipation antiquate antiquatedantique antiquity antiseptic anxious apart from apologize apology appeal appealing appetitev o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co mn.古董a.古时的,过时的n.古迹;古物;古代,古老n.防腐剂,杀菌剂a.渴望的;担忧的除…之外vi.道歉n.道歉,歉意n.吸引力vi.吸引a.动人的,媚人的n.胃口,食欲a.匿名的vt.写上较早日期n.圣歌,赞美诗n.诗集,文选n.人类学a.抗菌的,抗生的n. antibiotics 抗生素vt.预期,预料n.期望,预料vt.使古旧,废弃a.陈旧的,过时的v o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co mapplaud appliance applicant applicationapply appoint appointment apportion appraisal appreciableappreciate appreciation apprentice approach approaching appropriate appropriation approvalapprove approximatev o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co mvt.赏识;鉴赏;感激n.欣赏;口味,兴趣n.学徒n.方法vt.接近,靠近a.接近的,逼近的a.适当的,恰当的vt.拨款;占用n.拨款n.赞成,正式批准vt.批准vi.赞成,同意v.接近,近似a.大约的,估计的vi.喝彩,欢呼n.用具,器具n.申请人n.申请;施用,运用;作用,影响v.应用,适用vi.申请vt.任命,选派n.约会;指定vt.(按比例或计划)分配n.评价,估价a.(数量或变化)很大的,值得重视的v o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co mapproximatelyaptaptly aquamarine aquariumaquaticarbitraryarborealarc archaeological archaeology archipelago architect architectural architectureardent arduousarenaariaaridv o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co mn.考古学n.群岛n.建筑师a.建筑上的;建筑学的n.建筑;建筑学a.热烈投入的,极热心的a.费力的,艰难的n.竞技场,舞台n.独唱曲,咏叹调a.干旱的;贫瘠的ad. 近似地,大约a.恰当的,贴切的;易于…的ad. 适当地,得体地n.绿玉;碧绿色n.水族馆a.水生的,水栖的a.专横的,专制的,武断的a.树栖的;树的n.弧形,拱形a.考古学的v o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co marithmeticarmor armored armoryarmsaroma aromaticarouse arrange arrangementarrayarsenalarthritisarticlearticulateartificialartisanas a ruleas a rule of thumbas far asv o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co mn.展示;排列;盛装vt.排列;打扮n.兵工厂,军械库n.关节炎n.论文,文章;物品;条款vt.清楚地讲话,清晰地发音a.善于言辞的;表达清晰的a.人造的,人工的;虚假的,矫揉造作的n.手工业工人,手艺人通常,总的来说大概来说就...来说;远及n.算数n.装甲;装甲车a.披甲的,装甲的n.纹章;兵工厂,军械库n.武器,兵种n.香气,芬芳,芳香a.芬芳的vt.刺激,激起;唤醒vt.计划,准备;整理,摆放n.排列,安排v o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co mascend ascending ascent ascribe aspect aspiration aspiring assault assemblage assembleassembly assembly lineassertassess assessmentasset assignment assimilateassist assistancev o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co mn.集会;参加集会的人们;装配,安装装配线,流水线vt.声称,坚持vt.估计,分析,评估n.估价,评估n. assets 财产,资产n.优势;重要的品质n.任务,作业;分配vt.学习,吸收(知识);吃,吸收vt.援助,帮助n.协助,援助vt.(渐渐)上升,升高;攀登a.上升的,向上的n.攀登,上升vt.把…归于n.(问题的)方面;(事物的)一部分;观点,角度n.雄心,抱负a.有抱负的,有理想的,积极向上的n.(武力)袭击;(口头)攻击n.集合,组合vt.集合,装配vi.聚集v o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co mascend assistant assistantship associate association assorted assortment assume assumptionassureassuredly astonish astonished astonishing astound astounding astronomer astronomical astronomyastutev o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co mad. 确实地,确信地vt.使惊讶a.惊讶的a.惊人的,奇迹的vt.使惊异a.令人吃惊的n.天文学家a.天文学的n.天文学a.机敏的,精明的vt.(渐渐)上升,升高;攀登n.助手,助教a.辅助的,助理的n.研究生助教奖学金v.关联,联合n.伙伴a.准的/副的(比正职低一级)n.关联,联合;协会a.各式各样的,多样混合的n.各类物品的聚集,混合物vt.假定,设想;承担(责任);采用(形式或姿势)n.假设;就职vt.确保;向…保证,使确信v o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co masymmetrical at intervalsatheistathlete atmosphereatomatomic atomizationatrophyattachattached attachment attain attainment attempt attend attendance attendant attentionattirev o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co ma.附加的,附属的n.依恋,喜欢;附件,附加装置,配属vt.达到,获得n.成就n./vi.尝试vt.参加;入学;照顾n.出席,出席的人数n.侍者,护理人员a.伴随的n.注意,重视,关心n.穿着,服饰(正规服装的总称)a.不均匀的,不对称的不时;相隔一段距离n.无神论者n.运动员n.大气,大气层;(某地的)空气n.原子a.原子的;微小的n.原子化;雾化n.萎缩;萎缩症vt.系,缚v o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co mattorney attract attraction attractive attribute audible audienceaudit audition auditoriumaugeraugmentauroraauthentic authenticateauthorityauthorize autobiographical autobiographyautomatedv o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co mn.螺丝钻,钻孔机vt.增加,增大n.极光=auroral light (【参】欧若拉)a.真的;可靠的,确实的vt.证明…为真n.权力,权限;权威人士authorities 当局vt.授权,批准a.自传的,自传体的n.自传a.自动的n.代理人,辩护律师vt.吸引;引起注意n.吸引;吸引人的事物a.吸引人的,有魅力的n.属性,品质vi.把…归于,归因于a.听得见的n.观众vt.旁听;稽核,审查n.(对艺人的)面试(试演/试唱)n.大礼堂v o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co mautomatic automotive autonomous autonomy auxiliary available avalanche avant-gardeavenue averageaverse aversionavert aviation aviatoravid avocation avocational avoid avoidablev o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co ma.反对的,不愿意的n.厌恶,憎恨vt.转移;避免,规避n.航空;航空学n.飞行员,飞行家a.渴望的;热心的n.(个人)副业,业余爱好a.副业的,嗜好的vt.躲避,规避a.可避免的a.自动(化)的;无意识的,机械的a.汽车的,自动推进的a.自治的,独立的n.自治,自治权a.辅助的;补充的a.自由的,有空的;a.可利用的,可得到的n.雪崩n.先锋派(艺术流派);先锋,前卫n.林荫道,大街a.一般的,通常的;平庸的n.平均水平;平均数vt.平均为v o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co mavoidance awarenessawkward awkwardlyaxisbaboon baby boom baby-sitterbachelor back and forth backbone backdrop backpack baggage balance balancedbald bald eagle ballet balloonv o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co mn.骨干,支柱n.脊椎,中枢n.舞台背景;背景n.背包n.行李n.平衡vt.使平衡,使均衡a.均衡的;平稳的a.秃头的;光秃的秃头鹰(美国国鸟)n.芭蕾舞n.气球n.避免n.意识a.笨拙的,不灵活的ad. (见到生人)局促不安地,笨拙地n.轴;轴心n.狒狒生育高峰n.临时保姆,代人照顾婴儿者n.学士(学位);单身汉来来回回,来回地v o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co mballoonist balmybanband bandanna bandleader bandmasterbang banker bankrupt bankruptcybannerbarbarb barbecue barbed wire barberbarebarelybargev o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co mn.破产n.旗帜,标语,横幅n.酒吧snack bar 快餐店;条,棒;栅;律师业n.(鱼钩等的)倒钩;倒刺n.烤肉野餐带倒钩的铁丝(铁丝网)n.理发师a.无遮蔽的,赤裸的,光(秃)的;仅有的,勉强的ad. 仅仅;几乎不能n.驳船n.气球驾驶者a.芳香的;(空气)温和的vt.禁止,查禁n.乐队;队;(光或颜色的)带;带子vi.联合,集合n.大手帕n.乐队指挥n.乐队队长v.发出砰的一声,重击n.银行家a.破产了的v.(使)破产v o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co mbarkbarn baroque barrel barren barrenness barrier barter basement basin be characterized by be composed ofbeadbeadedbeakbeambeanbearbeardbeatv o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co m以…为特征,典型代表由…组成n.珠子;(液体)小滴a.以珠装饰的,珠状的n.鸟喙vi.微笑, 发光vt.播送, 发射, 用梁支撑n.桁条,光线, (光线的)束, (横)梁n.豆子vt.负担,支撑;生产,生育n.熊(polar bear 北极熊,grizzly bear 灰熊)n.胡须v.打击,敲击;打败a.疲倦的n.(音乐)拍子n.树皮n./vi.狗叫,咆哮n.谷仓;畜棚a.高度装饰的,过分雕琢的n.桶a.贫瘠的;荒凉的n.荒凉n.屏障,障碍;栅栏n./v.物品交换,易货贸易n.地下室n.盆;盆地v o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co mbedrock behalf behave behavior belie bellows below beneath beneficial benignbequest besides besiege bestow betray beveragebias bicameral bilateralbillv o c a b ul a ry.t ao b ao.co mn.遗产,遗赠ad. 除了…(还有)vt.围攻;困扰vt.给与,赐赠vt.出卖;背叛;(非故意地)暴露,显露n.(除水之外的)饮料n.偏见,偏好a.两院制的,有两个议院的a.有两面的,双边的n.账单,发票;(细长或扁平的)鸟嘴;议案,法案;钞票,纸币n.基础;基石n.代表…,作为…的代表vi.举止,表现n.举止,行为vt.给人错觉;掩饰n.风箱prep./ad. 在…下面prep./ad. 在…之下a.有益的,有利的a.(病)良性的;亲切和蔼的。
托福红宝书词汇-list版 全部
resource reward scrape series simmer specialized spur
tentacle tenuous twist ultraviolet urban
variation Unit 43
资源,财 力 奖赏 刮,擦掉 系列,连 续 充满 专门的 马刺,刺 激 物质,要 旨 符号,标 志 房客,承 租人 触角,触 须 细的 缠绕,扭 曲 紫外线的 城市的, 市内的 变化,变 动
abbreviate aerial annex
assistant bare battery beach
bunch bush cassette
clarify concrete confession
cosmic crisscross damp definitive deliver descriptive dive
frame gem girder glue hieroglyph
incubate insurance
ironicaal microbe microwave monument muscle
negotiation nerve-cell obstacle oratorio photograph
plump polygon ponderous predecessor
proportion puppet rational
saturate['sætʃəreit] abundant[ə'bʌndənt] meteoric[,mi:ti'ɔrik] circulate['sə:kjuleit] soak[səuk] stream[stri:m] pebble['pebl] consolidate[kən'sɔlideit] gravel['ɡrævəl] coarse[kɔ:s] laden['leidən] glacial['ɡleisjəl] outwash['aʊtwɒʃ] scale[skeil] fanwise['fænwaɪz] slope[sləup]spot[spɔt] overlie[əʊvə'laɪ] bury['beri]plug[plʌɡ] porous['pɔ:rəs] percolating['pə:kəleit] proportion[prə'pɔ:ʃən]crystalline['kristəlain] exception[ik'sepʃən] volcanic[vɔl'kænik] porosity[pɔ:'rɔsiti] permeability[,pə:miə'biliti] cavity['kævəti] crevice['krevis]drain[drein]cling[kliŋ]tension['tenʃən]pore[pɔ:]exist[iɡ'zist]firmly['fə:mli]rely[ri'lai]concrete[kən'kri:t] champion['tʃæmpiən] anthropologist[,ænθrə'pɔlədʒist] myth[miθ]ritual['ritjuəl] perceive[pə'si:v]refine[ri'fain] formalize['fɔ:məlaiz]rite[rait] representative[,repri'zentətiv]modify['mɔdifai]oral['ɔ:rəl] autonomous[ɔ:'tɔnəməs] thereafter[,ðεər'ɑ:ftə] efficacious[,efi'keiʃəs] propose[prəu'pəuz] fundamental[,fʌndə'mentəl] elaborate[i'læbərət] pantomime['pæntəmaim] narrator[nə'reitə] impersonation[im,pə:sə'neiʃən] rhythmical['riðmikəl] gymnastic[dʒim'næstik] virtuosity[,və:tju'ɔsəti] encounter[in'kauntə] antecedent[,ænti'si:dənt] anxiety[æŋ'zaiəti] confront[kən'frʌnt] penchant['pentʃənt] detach[di'tætʃ] deviation[,di:vi'eiʃən] retain[ri'tein]entire[in'taiə] transition[træn'siʒən]tundra['tʌndrə] dramatic[drə'mætik] timberline['tɪmbəlaɪn] herb[hə:b, ə:b] steppe[step] moisture['mɔistʃə] tropic['trɔpik] moist[mɔist] subtropics[sʌb'trɒpɪks] deciduous[di'sidjuəs] birch[bə:tʃ] broadleaf['brɔːdliːf] twist[twist] deform[di'fɔ:m] latitude['lætitju:d] ridge[ridʒ] duration[djuə'reiʃən] prone[prəun]frost[frɔst] universally[,ju:ni'və:səli] smother['smʌðə] avalanche['ævəlɑ:ntʃ] creep[kri:p] velocity[vi'lɔsəti]ultraviolet[,ʌltrə'vaiələt] elevation[,eli'veiʃən] browse[brauz]graze[ɡreiz]alpine['ælpain] adjacent[ə'dʒeisənt] moss[mɔs]lichen['laikən] prostrate['prɔstreit] cushion['kuʃən] microhabitat[,maikrəu'hæbitæt] snowdrift['snəudrift]rigor['riɡə] insulation[,insju'leiʃən] equatorial[,ekwə'tɔ:riəl] prevalently['prevələntli]cetacean[si'teiʃjən] porpoise['pɔ:pəs] dolphin dɔlfinmammal['mæməl]gill[gil]fluke[fluk]blowhole['bləʊhəʊl]disguise[dis'ɡaiz] affinity[ə'finəti] dwelling['dweliŋ]otter['ɔtə]seal[si:l]walrus['wɔ:lrəs,] envision[in'viʒən] extinct[ik'stiŋkt] marine[mə'ri:n]fossil['fɔsəl]gap[ɡæp] intermediate[intə'mi:djət] embed[im'bed] deposit[di'pɔzit] ancient['einʃənt]skull[skʌl] jawbone['dʒɔ:bəun] breed[bri:d] skeleton['skelitən] sediment['sedimənt] vestigial[ve'stidʒiəl] locomotion['ləukə'məuʃən] rear[riə] propulsion [prəu'pʌlʃən]occupy['ɔkjupai] approximately[ə'prɔksimitli] alarming[ə'lɑ:miŋ] desertification[,dezətifi'keiʃən] stabilize['steibilaiz] vegetation[,vedʒi'teiʃən] subsequent['sʌbsikwənt] erosion[i'rəuʒən]stony['stəuni] particle['pɑ:tikl] accumulate [ə'kju:mjuleit] substantial[səb'stænʃəl] penetration[,peni'treiʃən] absorption[əb'sɔ:pʃən] gradual['ɡrædʒuəl] diminish[di'miniʃ] progressive[prəu'ɡresiv] drier['draiə]aridity[ə'ridəti] semiarid[,sem(a)i'ærid] delicate['delikət] ecological[,i:kə'lɔdʒikəl] margin['mɑ:dʒin] overgraze[,əuvə'ɡreiz]firewood['faiəwud] irrigation[,iri'ɡeiʃən] density['densəti] necessitate[nɪ'sesɪteɪt] removal[ri'mu:vəl] devoid[di'vɔid] susceptible[sə'septəbl] livestock['laivstɔk]tramp[træmp] pulverization[,pʌlvərai'zeiʃən] shrub[ʃrʌb] substitute['sʌbstitju:t,] conditioner[kən'diʃənə] salinization[,sælinai'zeiʃən] drainage['dreinidʒ] evaporate[i'væpəreit] crustal['krʌstəl] tremendous[tri'mendəs] millennia[mi'leniə, niə] rigorously['rigərəsli] emerge[i'mə:dʒ] consumption[kən'sʌmpʃən] evolved[i'vɔlv] peepshow['pi:pʃəu]darken['dɑ:kən] parlor['pɑ:lə] arcade[ɑ:'keid] permit[pə'mit] proven['pru:vən] tube[tu:b] maximize['mæksmaiz] readily ['redili] device[di'vais] vaudeville['vəudəvil] legitimate[li'dʒitimeit] makeshift['meikʃift] storefront['stɔ:frʌnt] fairground['fεəɡraund] amusement[ə'mju:zmənt] ultimate['ʌltimət] spectacle['spektəkl] slide[slaid] spectator[spek'teitə] involvement[in'vɔlvmənt] ceremony ['seriməuni] exhibitor[ig'zibitə(r)] regularly['reɡjələli] prerecord[,pri:'ri'kɔ:d]participation[pɑ:tisi'peiʃən] marvel['mɑ:vəl] commonplace['kɔmənpleis] trick[trik] manipulation[mə,nipju'leiʃən] celluloid['seljulɔid] minuscule['minəskju:l] dimension[di'menʃən]organize['ɔ:ɡənaiz] enclose[in'kləuz] aspiration[,æspə'reiʃən] affect[ə'fekt, 'æfekt] dimensional[di'menʃənəl] utilize['ju:tilaiz] shelter['ʃeltə]texture['tekstʃə] construction[kən'strʌkʃən] complement['kɔmplimənt] client['klaiənt] feasible['fi:zəbl] mediocre[,mi:di'əukə] trace[treis] compression[kəm'preʃən]devise[di'vaiz] bend[bend]brick[brik] integral['intiɡrəl] comparable['kɔmpərəbl] separate['sepəreit] component[kəm'pəunənt] frame[freim] interior[in'tiəriə] organ['ɔ:ɡən]vital['vaitəl] plump[plʌmp]wire['waiə]igloo['iɡlu:] construct[kən'strʌkt] scheme[ski:m] pipeline['paip,lain] canal[kə'næl] obtain[əb'tein, ɔb-] tenfold['tenfəuld] inject[in'dʒekt] capillary[kə'piləri] genetic[dʒi'netik] partial['pɑ:ʃəl]resistant[ri'zistənt] community[kə'mju:niti] assemble[ə'sembl] climax['klaimæks] ecosystem['i:kəu,sistəm] cumulative['kju:mju,leitiv] ecologist[i:'kɔlədʒist] stable['steibl]pond[pɔnd] organism['ɔ:ɡənizəm] diversity[dai'və:səti] tolerate['tɔləreit] invasion[in'veiʒən] particular[pə'tikjulə] pest[pest] disturbance[di'stə:bəns] resilience[ri'ziliəns] tricycle[,traisikl] fragile['frædʒail] patchiness['pætʃiːnɪs] immigrant['imiɡrənt] intact[in'tækt] vacate[və'keit]TPO-1vt. 浸透,使湿透;使饱和 adj. 浸透的,饱和的adj. 丰富的;充裕的;盛产adj. 大气的;流星的;疾速的vi. 传播,流传;循环 vt. 使循环;使流通;使传播vt. 吸收,吸入;沉浸在; vi. 浸泡;渗透n. 溪流;流动;潮流;光线 vi. 流;涌进;飘扬n. 卵石;水晶透镜 vt. 用卵石铺vt. 巩固,使固定;联合 vi. 巩固,加强n. 碎石;砂砾 vt. 用碎石铺;使困惑adj. 粗糙的;粗俗的;下等的adj. 负载的;装满的;苦恼的adj. 冰的;冰冷的;冰河时代的n. [地质] 冰水沉积;消融,冲蚀n. 规模;比例;鳞;刻度;天平 vi. 衡量;攀登;adj. 呈扇形展开的 adv. 呈扇形展开地n. 斜坡;倾斜;斜率;扛枪姿势 vi. 倾斜;逃走n. 地点;斑点 vt. 认出;弄脏;用灯光照射vt. 躺在…上面;覆在…上面;压在vt. 埋葬;隐藏n. 插头;塞子;栓 vi. 塞住;用插头将与电源接通adj. 多孔渗水的;能渗透的;有气孔的vi. 过滤;渗出;浸透 vt. 使渗出;使过滤n. 比例;部分;面积;均衡 vt. 使成比例;使均衡adj. 透明的;水晶般的;水晶制的n. 例外;异议adj. 火山的;猛烈的;易突然发作的 n. 火山岩n. 有孔性,多孔性n. 渗透性;[物]透磁率,导磁系数;弥漫n. 腔;洞,凹处n. 裂缝;裂隙vi. 排水;流干 vt. 喝光,耗尽;使流出;排掉水vi. 坚持,墨守;紧贴;附着n. 张力,拉力;紧张, vt. 使紧张;使拉紧vi. 细想;凝视;熟读 n. 气孔;小孔vi. 存在;生存;生活;继续存在adv. 坚定地,坚决地;坚固地,稳固地vi. 依靠;信赖adj. 混凝土的;实在的; vt. 使凝固;用混凝土修筑n. 冠军;拥护者;战士 vt. 支持;拥护n. 人类学家;人类学者n. 神话;虚构的人,虚构的事n. 仪式;惯例;礼制 adj. 仪式的;例行的;vt. 察觉,感觉;理解; vi. 感到,感知;认识到vt. 精炼,提纯;改善;使…文雅vt. 使形式化;使正式;拘泥礼仪 vi. 拘泥于形式n. 仪式;惯例,习俗;典礼adj. 典型的,有代表性的;代议制的vt. 修改,修饰;更改 vi. 修改adj. 口头的,口述的 n. 口试adj. 自治的;自主的;[植]自发的adv. 其后;从那时以后adj. 有效的;灵验的vt. 建议;打算,计划;求婚 vi. 建议;求婚;打算adj. 基本的,根本的 n. 基本原理;基本原则adj. 精心制作的;煞费苦心的 vi. 详细描述;变复杂n. 哑剧;舞剧;手势 vi. 打手势;演哑剧n. 叙述者;解说员n. 扮演;模仿;装扮adj. 有节奏的;有韵律的adj. 体操的,体育的n. 精湛技巧;对艺术品的爱好;艺术爱好者vt. 遭遇,邂逅;遇到 n. 遭遇,偶然碰见n. 前情;先行词;祖先 adj. 先行的;前驱的;先前的n. 焦虑;渴望;挂念;令人焦虑的事vt. 面对;遭遇;比较n. 嗜好;倾向vt. 分离;派遣;使超然n. 偏差;误差;背离vt. 保持;雇;记住adj. 全部的,整个的;全体的n. 过渡;转变;转换;[音]变调n. 苔原;冻原;冻土地带adj. 戏剧的;引人注目的;激动人心的n. 树带界线n. 香草,药草n. 大草原,[地理] 干草原n. 水分;湿度;潮湿;降雨量n. 热带;回归线 adj. 热带的adj. 潮湿的;多雨的;含泪的n. [地理] 亚热带adj. 落叶性的,脱落性的;非永久性的n. 桦木;桦树;桦条 vt. 用桦条鞭打n. 阔叶树;阔叶烟草vt. 捻;拧;扭伤; n. 扭曲;拧;vi. 扭动;弯曲vt. 使变形;使成畸形 vi. 变形;变畸形n. 纬度;界限;活动范围n. 山脊;山脉;屋脊 vt. 使成脊状;作垄n. 持续adj. 俯卧的;有…倾向的,易于…的vt. 结霜于;冻坏 vi. 结霜;受冻adv. 普遍地;人人;到处vt. 使窒息;抑制;闷熄;忍住 n. 窒息状态n. 雪崩 vt. 雪崩 vi. 崩塌vi. 爬行;蔓延;起鸡皮疙瘩 n. 爬行;谄媚者n. 速率;迅速;周转率adj. 紫外的;紫外线的 n. 紫外线辐射,紫外光n. 高地;海拔;提高;崇高;正面图vt. 浏览;吃草 n. 浏览;吃草vt. 放牧;擦伤adj. 阿尔卑斯山的,高山的adj. 邻近的,毗连的n. 苔藓;泥沼 vt. 使长满苔藓n. 地衣;青苔 vt. 使长满地衣adj. 俯卧的;拜倒的;降伏的;沮丧的n. 垫子;起缓解作用之物;银行储蓄 vt. 给…安上垫子] n. [生态] 小环境n. 随风飘飞的雪;被风刮在一起的雪堆n. 严厉;精确;苛刻;僵硬n. 绝缘;隔离,孤立adj. 赤道的,近赤道的;中纬线的adv. 流行地,普遍地TPO-2adj. 鲸类的;鲸鱼的 n. 鲸鱼;鲸类动物n. 海豚;鼠海豚n. 海豚n. [脊椎] 哺乳动物n. 腮;菌褶 vi. 被刺网捕住n. 侥幸;意外的挫折 vt. 侥幸成功;意外受挫n. (鲸、海豚等的)喷水孔;(隧道等的)通风孔;vt. 掩饰;假装;隐瞒 n. 伪装;假装;n. 密切关系;吸引力;姻亲关系;类同n. 住处;寓所 v. 居住n. 水獭;水獭皮n. 密封;印章;海豹;封条;标志 vt. 密封;盖章n. 海象vt. 想象;预想adj. 灭绝的,绝种的;熄灭的 vt. 使熄灭adj.海生的;海运的 n. 海运业;舰队;水兵;海军n. 化石;顽固不化的人 adj. 陈腐的,守旧的n. 间隙;缺口;空白 vi. 裂开 vt. 使成缺口vi. 起媒介作用 adj. 中间的 n. 中间物;媒介vt. 栽种;使嵌入,使插入;使深留脑中n. 沉淀物 vt. 使沉积;存放 vt. 使沉积;存放adj. 古代的;古老的 n. 古代人;老人n. 头盖骨,脑壳n. 颚骨;信用;下颚骨 vt. 赊买vi. 繁殖;饲养; vt. 饲养;养育 n. 品种;种类n. 骨架,骨骼;纲要;adj. 骨骼的;骨瘦如柴的n. 沉积;沉淀物adj. 退化的;残余的;发育不全的n. 运动;移动;旅行vt. 培养;树立 vi. 暴跳;高耸 adv. 向后n. 推进;推进力vt. 占据,占领;居住;使忙碌adv. 大约,近似地;近于adj. 令人担忧的;使人惊恐的 v. 使惊恐n. (土壤)荒漠化;沙漠化vt. 使稳固,使安定 vi. 稳定,安定n. 植被;植物,草木;呆板单调的生活adj. 后来的,随后的n. 侵蚀,腐蚀adj. 无情的;多石的;石头的n. 颗粒;[物] 质点;极小量;小品词vi. 累积;积聚 vt. 积攒adj. 大量的;实质的; n. 本质;重要材料n. 渗透;突破;侵入;洞察力n. 吸收;全神贯注,专心致志adj. 逐渐的;平缓的 n. 弥撒升阶圣歌集vt. 使减少;使变小 vi. 减少,缩小;变小adj. 进步的;先进的 n. 改革论者;进步分子n. 干燥机;干燥剂;吹风机n. 干旱;乏味adj. 半干旱的;雨量非常少的adj. 微妙的;精美的,雅致的;柔和的;易碎的adj. 生态的,生态学的n. 边缘;利润,余裕 vt. 加边于;加旁注于vi. 过度放牧 vt. 在…上过度放牧n. 柴火;木柴n. 灌溉;[临床] 冲洗;冲洗法n. 密度vt. 使成为必需,需要;迫使n. 免职;移动;排除;搬迁adj. 缺乏的;全无的adj. 易受影响的;易感动的; n. 易得病的人n. 牲畜;家畜vi. 流浪;践踏,踩 vt. 践踏,踩;走过n. 粉碎;研碎;彻底摧毁n. 灌木;灌木丛n. 代用品;代替者 vi. 替代 vt. 代替n. 调节器;调节剂;调料槽n. 盐化作用,盐碱化n. 排水;排水系统;污水;排水面积vt. 使……蒸发;使……脱水;使……消失adj. 壳的;地壳的adj. 极大的,巨大的;惊人的n. 千年期(millennium的复数);一千年;千年庆典adv. 严厉地;残酷地vi. 浮现;摆脱;暴露n. 消费;消耗;肺痨vt. 发展,进化;进化;使逐步形成;推断出n. 西洋镜v. 弄暗,暗下来n. 客厅;会客室;业务室 adj. 客厅的n.游乐场;有拱廊的街道 vt. 使有拱廊vi. 许可;允许 vt. 允许;许可;v. 证明n. 管;隧道 n. 管;隧道 vt.使成管状;用管输送; v. 取...最大值,最佳化adv. 容易地;乐意地;无困难地n. 装置;策略;图案n. 杂耍;轻歌舞剧;歌舞杂耍表演adj.正统的;合理的 vt. 使合法;认为正当n. 临时措施 a. 临时的n. [贸易] 店面;店头n.露天市场;举行赛会的场所;游乐场n.消遣,娱乐;乐趣adj.极限的;根本的 n. 基本原则;终极;根本n. 景象,奇观;眼镜;引人羡慕的人n. 滑动;幻灯片 vi. 滑动;滑落n. 观众;旁观者n. 牵连;混乱;包含;财政困难n. 典礼,仪式;礼节,礼仪;客套,虚礼n. 展出者(参展厂商,提出人,电影放映者) adv. 有规律地;定期地;整齐地;匀称地vt. 事先录音n. 分享;参与;参股n. 奇迹 vi. 感到惊讶 vt. 对…感到惊异n. 司空见惯的事;普通的东西 adj. 平凡的;陈腐的n. 诡计;恶作剧;花招;骗局 adj. 特技的;欺诈的n. 操纵;操作;处理;篡改n. 赛璐珞电影(胶片)n. 小写字;草写小字 adj. 用草写小字写的;极小的n. 维;尺寸 vt. 标出尺寸TPO-3vt. 组织;使有系统化;给予生机;组织成立工会等vt. 围绕;装入;放入封套n. 渴望;抱负;呼气;吸引术vt. 影响;感染;感动;假装 vi. 倾向;喜欢adj. 空间的;尺寸的vt. 利用n. 庇护;避难所;遮盖物 vt. 保护;使掩蔽n. 质地;纹理;结构;本质,实质n. 建设;建筑物;解释;造句n. [文法]补语;[数]余角;补足物n. 客户;顾客;委托人adj. 可行的;可能的;可实行的adj. 普通的;平凡的;中等的vi. 追溯;沿路走 vt. 追踪,查探;n. 痕迹,踪迹n. 压缩,浓缩;压榨,压迫vt. 设计;想出;发明;图谋;遗赠给vt. 使弯曲;使屈服;使致力; vi. 弯曲;屈服;倾向n. 砖,砖块;砖形物;[口]心肠好的人adj. [数学]积分的;完整的,整体的adj. 可比较的;比得上的vt. 使分离;使分开;使分居 vi. 分开;隔开;分居adj. 组成的,构成的 n. 成分;组件;元件n. 框架;结构;画面 vt.设计;建造;陷害;使…适合n. 内部;本质 adj. 内部的;国内的;本质的n. 器官;机构;风琴;管风琴;嗓音adj. 至关重要的;生死攸关的;有活力的vt. 使丰满;使鼓起;突然放下 adv.沉重地;突然地n. 电线;金属丝;电报 vt. 拍电报;给…装电线n. 圆顶建筑vt. 建造,构造;创立 n. 构想,概念n. 计划;组合;体制;诡计 vi. 搞阴谋;拟订计划n. 管道;输油管;传递途径n. 运河;水道;管道;灌溉水渠 vt. 在…开凿运河vi. 获得;流行adj. 十倍的;十重的 adv. 十倍地;成十倍vt. 注入;注射n. 毛细管 adj. 毛细管的;毛状的adj. 遗传的;基因的;起源的adj. 局部的;[口]偏爱的;不公平的adj. 抵抗的,反抗的;顽固的 n. 抵抗者n. 社区;群落;共同体;团体vt. 集合,聚集;装配;收集n. 高潮;顶点;层进法;极点n. 生态系统adj. 累积的n. 生态学者n. 马厩;牛棚 adj. 稳定的;牢固的;坚定的vt. 筑成池塘 vi. 筑成池塘n. 有机体;生物体;微生物n. 多样性;差异vt. 忍受;默许;宽恕n. 入侵,侵略;侵袭;侵犯adj. 特别的;详细的;独有的;n. 详细说明;个别项目n. 害虫;有害之物;讨厌的人n. 干扰;骚乱;忧虑n. 恢复力;弹力;顺应力n. 三轮车adj. 脆的;易碎的n. 补缀的性质adj. 移民的;迁入的adj. 完整的;原封不动的;未受损伤的vi. 空出,辞职;休假 vt. 空出,搬出;取消;使撤退。
TOEFL词汇精选17天巧记Unit One The AbductionAn adage says that adversity is transient. The following allegory is an example.Long, long ago there were two couples that had no children. They adopt ed a boy named Terry. They were affable to Terry and Terry adore d them very much. They lived an amicable life and amass ed affluent affection s.One day two bad men came to the village. They found Terry and accost ed him: “Are your parents at home?” “No, they went to drink in the tavern.” terry replied. “Good!” allege d one of them, “I’ve heard of an anecdote saying that, there’s a bulk of ablaze antique treasure hidden somewhere near the apex of the mountain. Do you w ish to find it out with us?” Terry was a boy with agility. He was allured and acclaim ed: “Wonderful! I’ll affiliate you.”Consequently, Terry’s parents did find him when they came back. “Maybe you have alienate d Terry. He finds you acrimonious and left. ” The mother said in anguish. “I do not doubt his allegiance; He may have been abduct ed.” replied the father.Just then they received a mail with an annex amalgamate d with the text. In the appendix there was an abridged letter: “Your son is in our hands. We’ve abate d his diet and annull ed his sleep. We want $10,000 for absolv ing him. If you are amenable to our advisable request, send the money to the allocate d aperture of the sewer at the north of the village within two days; if you adjourn, you’ll never see him again!” the letter admonish ed without any annotation. The letter was not abstruse, but the abhorrent allusion drove them into agony. Quickly they called the police.Several policemen were allot ted to the case. They were adroit and adept in their job. Soon they rescued Terry and treated him with antiseptic s. The couple felt abash ed: “Thanks to the police, their affinity to spec ops amaze d us. We’ll abstain drinking and accentuate the agrarian work.”The criminal and his accomplice were accuse d for abduction but were acquit ted although proof was against them, because the avaricious judge adopt ed their bribery.Unit Two GreedThere were two archaic countries called Albania and Croatia long ago. Albania was arid and bleak while Croatia arable. The king of Albania was an autocrat with belligerent bent who begrudge d Croatia and belittle d her armament, and he decided to assail Croatia.Firstly, he sent an astute ambassador in bleach ed apparel to visit Croatia. The king of Croatia held a banquet and appoint ed him. He avow ed: “We Croatians are bestow ed by God the ardent aptitude s. We are ascetic as to have few asset s and bequest s. We’re also assiduous and keep austerity.” “Sure,” the messenger beguile d, “Your people have begotten(原形beget) great attainment s, and we want to barter with your country.”On hearing that, the Albania king said: “Good, nobody can balk us.” And he baste d Croatia with his army. They bereave d Croatia’s land and beset its capital. The Croatia king was astound ed and berate d: “You shit belie d your avid aspire for our land and blemish ed justice!” All Croatian officials were befuddle d and began to bicker with each other. Only one minister said: “Although situation is arduous, we shall not apprehend them. I’ve appraise d them and assert ed that their ardor won’t last long. Everything is auspicious and will get assuage d.”The Albania-forces’ general thought: “Our king is too bigoted. Ever since I passed his audition and became general, my allegiance has been bask ed in attrition. I’ve awe d him, but now filled with aversion. I’ll kill him and retire. I’m apt to study barometer.” So he asperse d: “Our king is avaricious and barbarous. We shouldn’t bend to his arrogance.” Then he sent an assassin and assassinate d the king.Unit Three Prisoners of WarThousands of war prisoners were kept in captivity in the bulky camp. They lived in clutter and had to deal with chore s. They must show categorical obedience or else receive caustic chiding. The guarding officers censure them very often, as well as clamor carnal punishments. Some captive s got bruise and clot s all over. Male prisoners lost their collateral s and female ones failedto keep chaste.They wear burnish ed canvas, and rested in circumscrib ed room with small capacity and caliber. They chafe each other and brawl ed frequently. They were chary of moving and can hardly budge. Their situations captivate d lots of reporters, who castigate d the government with cogent proof. However, the government gave bombastic data and brag ged about the conditions in the camps.After the calamity of war cease d, large numbers of captives were longing for the boon of brisk and free life. According to a clandestine bond between the two canny governments, a process of exchanging captives will soon commence. This is considered as opening a cleft in the clog ged wall between the two countries.Unit Four Laden’s EndAs Osama Ben Laden(奥萨马-本-拉登)’s forces failed contend ing with the Northern Confederate, he had to abandon the commodious capital city of Kabul and conceal his trail inside the contour of large mountains and cavern s. His career comprise s confidential conspiracy, conspicuous terrorist assault s, Islamic fundamentalist creed and contemptible crimes. But now, most of Laden ’s subordinates contemplate d and become contrite, while castigat ing him with their conscience.Three months ago, some conciliatory connoisseur s of international affairs from UN came to Afghanistan(阿富汗) with cordial compassion to the catastrophe occurring there, and consort ed Laden. They deem it contingent to arrive at a congruity if Laden would concede. However, Laden was credulous in his counsel’s words that the constellation shows fortune to them. He was covetous and contemptuous of his enemy. Confound ed by conceit, he crave d for uniting the entire nation. Thus he contemn ed the UN commission’s ad vice and convene d his troops for counterstrike.Soon US corroborate d that Laden was the person who contrive d the new attack method of impacting skyscrapers with planes, and person who conspire d the concerted serial assaults in New York. Laden cower ed and constrict ed his mouth. He controvert that he was consecrat ing some food with condiment to the God in order to confine the contagious disease in Afghanistan, and had no time to organize the attack. But US ignored his construing. They said that Laden’s story was concoct ed and his credential was counterfeit ed. Then they confiscat ed it and attacked his troops with bombs that contaminate d the whole country.Laden confide d his congenial officer with composure: “They won’t connive our terrorism, any more than condone us. We must consolidate the forces, equip them with the counterpart weapons of US army’s, and put compulsive death to those infidels.” “You’re s o composed! Let’s conceive something optimistic.” The officer commend ed.Unit Five Family betrayerMaria was a damsel in a noble family that had passed its culmination and fallen into decadence. She was little defective, for he knew decorum well and was deft at cuisine of dessert s. She followed her father’s decree and defer red marriage year after year, her best ages detain ed.One day, Maria’s father designate d her as a deputy to dispatch a deleterious man who denounce d her family and depict ed its defect s to others. After she saw the man, he declaim ed: “You’re delude d by your culpable father’s deceit. He’s a despicable person who despoil ed our property. He deride d us and denote d that we should work for him. I am the delegate of all deceive d people. We detest your father in cynical manners and demur to him before the deities. We live in dank cells and feel dazed frequently, but we’re dauntless. We’ll keep deprecat ing him until he deplore.”What the man delineate d struck Maria greatly. Her deference to father detract ed, she said in a deject ed mood: “I have despise d you poor people but now I’m deferential. You’re right in decry ing my father’s detriment to you all. He deform ed the truth and defraud ed me. I’ll curb my cursory task to put you into demise with this deterrent. Also, I’ll detach myself from my family.”After some curt compliment s, the man said: “Thanks, I’ll go around that declivity and dab the bell dangling on the ceiling as a signal for us to escape.”Unit Six The Arrogant ScholarAlder is a scholar with many devout disciple s. He has been disseminat ing doctrine s that is said to be not having the most diminutive drawback. He economize s his own life and become emaciated. When he came to our city last year, our domineering boss discern ed him and invited him to give us a discourse.Alder was eloquent and began dilat ing with elation: “What I want to elucidate today is a problem which is long distain ed and has dismay ed many people. It distract s them all the time and makes them downcast. That is: How to effectuate the discretion in edify ing yourdisposition? ……” He devise d lots of dispensable sentences while eluding the important things, thus digress ed the topic and the lecture sounded devoid of sense. What’s more, his dialect s greatly disarray ed the audience and dwindle d away the effectiveness of his speech.It was getting dusky and began to drizzle. We all became drowsy and our boss’s patience ebb ed. He was discreet and didn’t want to disfigure himself by forcing Alder to stop, but he really disparage his speech very much and cannot dissemble any more. Eventually, he said in a devious way: “Your topic is discernible, but it’s so dingy now. Let’s disband the meeting and I’ll disburse your plane ticket back home with discount s.”Alder became dismal at once. He replied: “Do not dissimulate or disclaim your real purpose. You divulge d that your patience have dissipated. Well, if any of you can disprove the topic of my discourse, you can displace me and I’ll go home keep dormant. I’m so ductile.”“Stop effus ing your words filled with discord,” shouted the boss angrily, “I’ve dissect ed your topic and it embodies nothing. Diversify its content, or I’ll efface them. We diverge too much and I have to let you leave, otherwise you’re doing nothing but embezzling our money.”Unit Seven Great Archaeological DiscoveryAn erratic instrument was exhume d from an excavation of ancient epoch. It looked like a pipe but was embroider ed exquisite pictures on it, and could still engender a euphonious sound. As nobody in the country can enunciate what it is, an archaeologist with special expertise skill was enlist ed from abroad.Following the envoy, the expert came to the expedient huts encompass ing the spot. During his expeditious esteeming, the expert was completely engross ed. He exclaim ed: “This is an exotic flute which is the oldest extant one, and all others have been exterminate d in ethnic migrations.”Then he gave an exemplary play with the pipe, followed by extemporaneous expounding to its structure. Eventually, he extoll ed the importance of this discovery, showing exorbitant etiquette.The enrapturing local official held a banquette on the archaeologist’s exodus. However, the instrument’s value entice d the expert and entail ed his greed. He emend ed his plan and wanted to encroach the flute. Thus he exerted his eloquence and equivocate d: “Sorry I’ve made a mistake maybe. According to an excerpt from a book enact ed by my teacher, this instrument is unworthy. Its value cannot emulate a common flute.”The official was exasperate d: “Nobody will endorse such nonsense excluding yourself. Your crime can be neither extenuate d nor exempt ed. Expedite your steps and eschew us, foolish exponent.”The archaeologist was enervate d and ran away as soon as possible.Unit Eight The Fox and the ChickenThe frigid winter and scarce food supply famish many animals, including a ferocious fox. He is almost forlorn because he has garnered little food when the land was fertile, and the flora is extraneous to his diet. He used to be fussy and extravagant with his food but now has to fetter his stomach and be frugal. “What a formidable winter!” he gabble s.Just then his eyes flicker due to a fortuitous discovery. After ferret ing about the whole grassland fraught of snow for fishy objects, he finally found a small finch with fuzzy feather and fragrant smell. A chicken! “Aha, facile prey!” the fox was exultant, “Hmm…She looks so fatuous and feeble. But I shall not go forthright, because the feud between foxes and chickens will fluster or fret her, and foment her escape. I must make her believe her foe through fraud s.”After fitful garnish ing, the fox comes up to the fluffy fowl with a genial smile on his face.He feign ed that he is a gentry with genteel speaking genre: “Hey, my fraternal friend! I’m coming to extricate you from a disaster. It’s not facetious. Your nest is too flimsy and frail to be a fixture for living. It cannot foil great gale s coming soon. However, I can help building a new nest with many forte s for you, which can forestall water exud ing. I just want to show my genuine feat and won’t extort money from you.”“Stop your futile fraudulent figment. It’s such gauche farce.” the chicken flout ed, “Look at the frowsy gash on your cheek. You’re the fickle figurehead of the fox clan who just failed in the factious fights.”The fox cannot gainsay the chicken’s word s and left in frenzy frustration.Unit Nine Generation GapTed made a fortune and hiked back his idyllic home in illustrious guise s. He wore a grand hat, a pair of gilded glossy shoes and a girdle with glazed tip. All neighbors in the gorge welcomed Ted with homage instead of grudging, and he was gleeful as well as haughty.Yet, Ted’s father, who used to be humane, criticized him bitterly: “How hideous you are! We used to be hardy and hectic. We’re gregarious and never guileless. Now you made a haphazard fortune and lost our virtues. Hearsay says that you get your money by harry ing passengers and hew ing trees. Somebody even impart ed me that you’ve committed immense homicide. If you’ve done those illicit things, It’s surely ignominious idiosyncrasy, and you’ll lose your imminent heirship if you go on like that.” He humiliate d Ted.Ted imbibe d some tea, grope d his match and ignit ed a cigar. “You’re too hackneyed and grumpy,” he grumble d in a grouchy voice, “I cannot gratify your obsolete ideology. You old people used to live like ignoble cattle and illegible grasses. You glean grain from fields and heavethem back in gratitude to the God. You gnaw dirty food everyday, ignorance of hygiene. All my wealth hinge s on my gripping many chances and it’s unreasonable for you to gibe me like that.”The hubbub of haggling attracted many neighbors who were heedless at first. Some of them approved the son’s grievance while others took it as heresy. The quarrel’s gist was generation gap.Unit Ten Diplomatic FrictionA newly inaugurated impervious US submarine with diesel impetus was taking an imperative task near an insular navy base in Japan. As it made its way across the intrinsic flows, an inconceivable fish boat suddenly emerged in front of them. The indolent captain was so imprudent and inert that he turned the steer too late. It was a big submarine with great inertia and the fish boat was in an inept position. It was stricken hard, and the influx of water into the boat’s interior space caused the boat to sink in impotence.The imposing accident incite d incisive diplomatic friction s after short interlude. Incense d local fishermen were indignant and impetuous. They incriminate d the US navy for insulting their nation. Some of them even instigate d local governors with inordinate incentive.A group was set up to inquire the accident. After some inquisitive inquiry, they impute d the matter to the fish boat and tried to act as the intermediary to intercede between the fishermen and the US navy. However, the local fishermen were insubordinate and intrepid. Although they’re indigent and make livings on indigenous products, they decided to indict the US navy. Their action gained impassioned support and incessant invocation from the mass people. They hoped the insolent US navy could pay the indemnity.The impassive governors, however, feared being implicate d in the trouble. They intimidate d the fishermen by instill ing that, the US navy had innate privileges, and insinuate d that their inflexible indictment was ineligible. But the fishermen were indomitable and inverte d the infusing. The lawsuit began eventually.All the crew of the submarine was interrogate d. Finally all the incredulity dissipated: the intrinsic fault lay in the captain’s incipient operation error. Although almost impeccable in thep ast, there’s no impunity for him. When the indented judgment text was announced, the fisherman improvise d an impromptu verse to mock the government’s improvident waste of time.Unit Eleven Story on the LawnAt 40°latitude, 110°longitude there was a large area of luxuriant lawn. A river meander ed through the grassland, manuring it with fresh water. A liberal girl lived there, whose merits was her matchless beauty and irreproachable ken. Her hair was lithe and her eyes limpid. Every morning she would wear her laurel and lash her sheep onto the lawn. The mediocre life elapsed in lull for many, many years.One day an itinerant nobleman came to the lawn. He was authorized by an irrevocable legislation to levy the place. He had malady in his leg and had to limp all the time, and all people jeer ed at his jolt ing languid muscle when he came. Some children’s malicious mimicry to his walking manner greatly irritated him.As he saw the girl, his eyes were filled with luster and his lust arose: “Aha, a menial meekgirl with fine malleable skin! She reminds me of my newly-marital life.”Full of malice, he kindled a cigar and accosted the girl: “You’re such a methodical girl with manifold talents. I’ve learned of a maxim saying that, phoenix cannot reside on a s mall tree, and I can liberate you from the leash of husbandry. You should lease your sheep to others and go with me to the maritime capital city whose prosperity is laud ed by all.”The girl was not at all irresolute. She replied in listless tone: “Look at the irreverent smile on your face and the ugly ledge on your leg. By meticulous observation, I loathe you. Your maneuver cannot jumble my mind and languish my alert.”“Maligning!” shouted the nobleman.After some liaison, many lusty malcontent s came to the girl and drove the nobleman away.Unit Twelve The General ElectionThe quadrennial US president election is once again muddling the multitude. Parade s with partisan motif fill the streets and obstruct the traffic.Nocturnal TV programs are monotonous due to the noxious orations. Both parties have gained tremendous patronage from the opulence of large businesses. It’s no wonder the greatest ordeal to those politicians.The Democratic Party’s candidate, Gore, is an outspoken and overbearing man with obstinate thoughts nurtured in a needy family. He gives an offhand comment that the Republic Party’s candidate, Bush, is a moron with morbid brain. He outwitted the public that, if he wins, he would modulate the policies, popularize obligatory education and mollify the current economic depression.Bush, although overdue for the election, is a munificent person with nimble style in his outfits. He obscure s his own flaws and evade s Gore’s onsets. Instead, he frequently mentioned the former president C linton’s obscene history. “I’m not the panacea for all problems, but I can be palatable small dish for you to nibble. Oust Gore from your tickets and support me please. Our serious security conditions can be mitigate d.” Bush paraphrase s his ideas.As Gore overlook s many chances and fails to mold his aspect successfully, his negligence finally causes Bush’s victory. According to the pact between them, Bush sets up his government and begins to nominate his minister s.Unit Thirteen Mahatma GandhiGandhi was the peerless precursor of India national independence movement as well as a provident politician with prodigious probity. Grown up in penury, he was a pious posterity of the Indian people and had no prodigal penchant s.Fighting for the perennial independence of India, Gandhi is propp ed by many followers. He told them to keep placid and proscribed violence which may pervert people, for he knew profoundly, if that prevails, their prestige would be profane d and the movement would fall in plight. As a result, he kept placating his followers by plotting petitions with percussion s and plead ed with the British colonists with propriety to accept their plausible proposal s. Local governors profess ed his process permissible, and his minions proliferate d.As Ga ndhi’s propensity to become independent protrude d and his profuse methods of struggle protracted, the colonists were prod ded and pensive. They fear that the poise would be broken and fights would pervade. So they prosecute d Gandhi for pilferage of poultries and plunge d the plaintiff into the penal jail. The jail keeper was prone to sympathy and made special food provision for Gandhi by peck ing the jail wall. Their precious proximity was not perpetuated. Soon the keeper was preclude d from touching Gandhi and Gandhi lost his preference.A prolific playwright wrote a play about Gandhi with pertinent topic recently. In the prelude of the play he premise d that Gandhi was still alive. When the play was on, it precipitate d and the perspective of the city’s profile became picturesque.Willing is not enough; we must do. Knowing is not enough; we must apply.--polymathUnit Fourteen The Lord and the HermitOnce upon a time there was a rapacious lord. He was relentless to his tenants and quell ed them by placing quotas to their living condition. Soon he collected quantitatively great revenue and lived in a radiate palace. He was also renowned for his queer clothes.One day the lord’s disease relapse d, so he rallied his subordinates for help. One of them said: “I’ve heard of a recluse who knows regimen well residing nearby. Why not visit his residence for help?” Another retort ed: “Be prudent, maybe it is only a rumor.” But the rash lord was filled with rapture and ratified the visiting plan.On the next Sunday, the lord purged himself, held a quaint rite and started for the hermit’s home. They passed rugged rustic passages full of paddle s and the lord almost recoil ed. Finally they arrived. The lord felt disappointed at the recluse’s reception, but he wouldn’t relinquish the chance and talked to the hermit with reverence.The hermit ruminate d and revert ed to the main topic in a pungent voice: “I’ve heard lots of your ravenous deeds. You retract the land you’ve distributed to the farmers and order them to redeem their land. You must redress your guilt and rehabilitate their freedom. Reimburse their respective debts and build refuge for them. You can retain the residue of your property.”The lord was reluctant to renounce his wealth and be rent from his palace. He rebuke d: “Your advice is too reckless. I’m resolute not to accept it.”“Why so repulsive? You cannot repudiate my words.” The hermit reiterate d his suggestion and its resonance echoed. “Remit their taxes with rebate s, or a riot is imminent.”The lord again refute d. At last he went back in remorse.Unit Fifteen Watching the ExecutionIt is reported that two seer criminals were to be executed in the town center today, and spontaneous spectators have gathered around the sedate square in sporadic groups fore fear of solitude. They skimmed the sardonic slogans pasted on the walls about those social slag s. The air was solemn and sensuous.Soon several policemen came from the stall as speculate d, shoving two criminals saddle d by shackle s. As they walked around the sloppy slope, people shun ned them because they’re thought to be sinister. Then the executioner began to scrutinize the criminals that had been kept in seclusion for days, his face steadfast and his rifle shine d with splendor.The first criminal was a murderer who had smother ed a boy. The police was not sluggish at all and pushed him forward without scruple. As the executioner drew his sword and it slump ed, the criminal’s neck snapp ed, and his head was sever ed from the body. Blood spouted from the gush and spray ed onto the ground. Some watchers’ clothes were smear ed and spew ed at the terrible scene. The executioner sheath ed his sword and shouted: “Next one.”The second was a sly cheater who obtained $100,000 through one solitary method. He solicit ed: “I fear the savor of sword. Kill me with a rifle, please.” “No, it squander s bullets.” Replied the executioner with sarcasm. “You’re too skimpy,” said the criminal in a satirical tone, “please satiate my last will.” After some squabbling he was satisfied.The executioner fired at the criminal’s spleen. Blood spurt ed out, like sprout ing flower. The criminal was still sober and felt sear ed. The bullet sing ed his body and killed him without much snag.Willing is not enough; we must do. Knowing is not enough; we must apply.--polymath The police then gave the spectators lots of sermon but nobody listened. I collected a bullet shell and scoop ed some blood sediment up from the ground as a souvenir, then returned home without sojourn.Unit Sixteen Misery of the Negro Slaves400 years ago, many European colonists with supple hair went to Africa and subvert ed the aboriginal empires. After the subjection, local residents succumb ed to the colonists. The conquerors found them stocky and submissive. They surmise d that those tangible traits made them suitable for strenuous work. So they shipped those Negroes to America in order to supersede animal labor.During the 1600s, from African plains to the summit s, millions of Negroes tally ing the requirements were tied together with strap. Their noses were transfix ed and their faces tint ed. Then they were jammed into stout ships teeming slaves thrust by sails and shipped to America. While in the ship, they fed on tepid tenuous porridge and stodgy corn. Stripp ed of all things, their head thump ed the deck and their noses tingle d while the ship waved. Such bad conditions were not tentative, so they became torpid and tranquil as well as susceptible.Surplus people were thrown into the sea and were submerge d by water. As the slavers kept tantaliz ing them, Even the most temperate man became sullen. Their touchy temperament caused much strife and many ships stray ed.After they finally surmount ed all the difficulties stunt ing them and subsist ed until they reached America, they found themselves suffusing the slaver’s farms to which they were subsidiary. Their stingy superintendent s stipulate d with them that, their job was temporal and would soon be supplant ed by more succinct work. It’s their tact however. Everyday they ate their sustenance when the bell toll ed. It was tacit in the synopsis of the contact that they can never be free. Their thrift and torment transcend ed all that in human history.When their deeds transpire d, the colonists’ reputation got tarnish ed. International organizations sublimate d the topic of fighting against slavery and began to tackle the problem.Unit Seventeen The Perilous JournalCommon tourists virtually never go upstream the Amazon River too far. I’ve been venerating those valiant adventurers as well as wistful and longing to become one, until last year, I joined a group of archaeologists who were trying to unearth archaic vestige s, such as wares polished withvarnish, from a site deep in the rainforests.Several trotting mules tugged our boat. Our leader, Jimmy, was an upright, witty man with unshaken will. He wield ed the steer warily and kept vigilant. The water trickling underneath our boat formed trifling waves. The uncanny scenes and unruly animals on the banks aroused our whim s.It was dawn and everything around was vague. Suddenly the boat was wag ged sharply and we woke up in turmoil. There was a huge whirlpool ahead, which generated vehement vibration. As we waddled toward Jimmy, he veer ed the boat with not a whit of hurry until we escaped the turbulent area.Still in trepidation, we got onto the bank and launched a campfire with twig s. We took off the wet clothes and wrung them out, then dried them on the fire through ventilation. I made a wry smile because I was wearing an unbecoming coat in vogue. We then composed a verse to praise Jimmy’s wit and valor.As the incident vex ed us, our faith waver ed and our courage wan ed. Somebody tried to wheedle Jimmy into aborting the adventure, but Jimmy veto ed the suggestion. “Unless unanimity, I won’t agree with such unseemly advice.” He vindicate d his decision.。
TOEFL单词 完整版单词表(Excl)
n.添加剂 agitation
a.加法的 agreeable a.另外的,附加的,
额外的 除..之外
a.熟练的,擅长的 ailment
a.荒谬的,可笑的 adequate
a.丰富的,充裕的; 大量的
a.足够的,充实的 aim vi.黏附,粘牢 vi.追随,坚持 air
anticipate anticipation antiquate antiquated antique
antiseptic anxious apart from
n.心理分析 n.无政府主义者 aptly
a.易于…的 av.适当地,得体地 associatio
anatomy ancestor ancestry ancestral anecdotal anecdote anesthesia anesthetic angular rectangular animated annex annihilate announce announcement announcer annoy annoying annual annually anomaly anonymous anthem anthology anthropology antibiotic
absurd abundant abundantly
vt.抛弃;放弃 accuracy n.准确性,正确性
n.放纵;沉溺 accuse
a.usatio naccustome d
vt.缩短;缩写 achieve
托福雅思考试词汇大纲EXCEL版-顺序版A.D.(缩)公元A.M.(缩)上午abandon vt. 抛弃;放弃abandonment n.放弃abasement n.滥用abbreviate v.缩写, 缩短, 简化, 简写成, 缩写为。
abbreviation n. 缩略语abet vt.教唆, 煽动, 帮助, 支持。
abeyance n.缓办,中止abide vi. (by)遵守,坚持;(abode)持续,住,逗留vt. 容忍,忍受;等候ability n. 能力;本领;才能,才干;专门技能,天资able a. 有(能力、时间、知识等)做某事,有本事的abnormal a. 变态的,反常的aboard ad./prep. 在船(飞机、车)上ad. 上船(飞机)abolish vt. 废除abolition n.废除,取消aboriginal adj.土著的, 原来的。
abort vi.异常中断, 中途失败, 夭折, 流产, 发育不全。
abortion n.流产abortive adj.无效果的,失败的abound vi.多, 大量存在, 富于, 充满。
about ad. 在周围;大约prep. 关于;在周围a. 准备above a. 上述的ad. 在上面prep. 在…之上,高于above-mentioned adj.上述的abrasion n.磨损abreast adv.并肩,并列abridge vt. (书等)删节abroad ad. 到国外,在国外;在传播,在流传abrogate v.取消,废除abrogation n.取消,废除abrupt a. 突然的;粗暴的abruptly adv.突然地absence n. 缺乏,不存在;缺席,不在;缺席的时间absent a. 缺席的;缺乏的,不存在的;心不在焉的absent-minded adj.心不在焉的absolute a. 绝对的,完全的;确实的,肯定的absolutely ad.完全地;绝对地absorb vt. 吸收;吸引…的注意,使全神贯注absorption n.吸收;专注abstract a. 抽象的;n. (书籍、演说等的)摘要abstraction n.抽象,提取absurd a. 荒谬的,可笑的absurdity n.荒唐(事)abundance n. 丰富abundant a. 大量(充足)的;(in)丰富(富裕)的abuse n./vt. 滥用;虐待;辱骂academic a. 学术的;学校的academy n. (高等)专科院校;学术社团,协会,研究院accede v.同意accelerate v. 加速,变快acceleration n.加速;加速度accelerator n.加速者, 加速器。
Oaf: n.畸形儿;白痴,笨蛋Obsidian: n.黑曜岩Obstetrician: n.产科医生Oculist: n.眼科医生Onomatopoeia: n.拟声词,象声词Optician: n.眼睛商Optometrist: n.验光师,配镜师Ordination: n.圣职之任命Orthography: n.正确拼写Ovoid: a.卵形的,卵形物Pachyderm: n.厚皮动物Palimpsest: n. 重写本Pallet: n.简陋的小床Paramour: n.情人Paraphernalia: n.行头,装备Passé: a.陈旧的,已呈老态的Patois: n.方言,土话Patriarch: n.家长,族长,元老Peon: n.劳工,散工Perdition: n.诅咒Peroration: n.结束语Perpetrate: v.犯罪,做坏事Pert: a.无礼的,冒失的Perversion: n.误解;颠倒Pharisaical: n. 形式主义Philanderer: n.调戏妇女之人Physiognomy: n.面貌,外貌Pinion: v束缚Plauditory: a.鼓掌的;赞同的Polity: n.政体,国体,国家制度Polygamist: n.重婚者Portent: n.凶兆,恶兆Portly: a.肥胖的Posthumous: a.死后的,父亲死后出生的Potion: n.(药)一服,一剂Poultice: n.膏药Prattle: v.闲扯,空谈Prefatory: a.序言的,开场白的Prelate: n.高级教士;修道院院长Primogeniture: n.长子身份;长子继承权Primordial: a.原始的;最初的Privy: a.私人的;秘密的Proclivity: n.倾向;脾气Proletarian: n.无产阶级者Promiscuous: a.杂乱的,乱交的Promontory: n.海角,岬Prophylactic: a.预防疾病的Propinquity: n.临近,接近;近亲关系Propound: v.提出计划使考虑Proscenium: n.舞台前部Prosody: n.韵律学;作诗法Proviso: n.限制性条款Proxy: n.代理人Psychopathic: a.精神变态错乱的Psychosis: n.精神病,精神异常Pterodactyl: n.翼手龙Pulmonary: a.肺的,有肺病的Punitive: a.惩罚的Purveyor: n.供应伙食者Quizzical: a.古怪的,开玩笑的Quorum: n.法定人数。
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n.专家, 威信
【The author presents two theories for a historic al phenomen on.】
(单复数同型) n.种类; 人类
【Some species of tuna have speciali zed grooves in their tongue. 】
107 activities-activity 106 mass
n.行动; 活动 n.块adj.大规模的
【There is little doubt, however, that desertif ication in most areas results primaril y from human activiti es rather than natural processe s.】 【The cinema did not emerge as a form of mass consumpt ion until its technolo gy evolved from the initial "peepsho w" format to the point where images were projecte d on a screen in a darkened theater. 】
167 increase 150 cause
136 regions-region 131 sentence
v.增加 v.导致 n.原因
n.区域 v.宣判n.句子
【To increase the society ’s prosperi ty】 【Wind velocity also increase s with altitude and may cause serious stress for trees, as is made evident by the deformed shapes at high altitude s.】 【It ranges from sea level in the Polar Regions to 4,500 meters in the dry subtropi cs and 3,5004,500 meters in the moist tropics. 】 【Where would the sentence best fit?】
40 artistic 117 design
6 designers-designer
adj.艺术的; 美术的 v.设计 n.设计者
【For example, some early societie s ceased to consider certain rites essentia l to their wellbeing and abandone d them, neverthe less, they retained as parts of their oral traditio n the myths that had grown up around
【 Pakicetu s is the oldest fossil whale yet to be found.】
4 theorized-theory
121 term 121 artists-artist
v.建立理论; 理论化
v.把...称为 n.学期 n.艺术家
【 Accordin g to psychody namic theory, the best ways to prevent harmful aggressi on may be to encourag e less harmful aggressi on.】 【During Jackson' s second term, his opponent s had graduall y come together to form the Whig party.】
129 population
124 study
124 fossils-fossil 9 fossilization 7 fossilized-fossilize
121 theory 11 theorists-theorist
v.研究 n.研究
n.化石 n.化石作用 v.使成化石 n.理论, ...论 n.理论家
adj.再生的; 复制的
【Tunas, mackerel s, and billfish es have made streamli ning into an art form .Their bodies are sleek and compact. 】
【Other mountain s may be raised by earthqua kes, which fracture the Earth's crust and can displace enough rock to produce block mountain s.】
n.来源, 根源 n.环境
【This unpreced ented developm ent of a finite groundwa ter resource with an almost negligib le natural recharge rate— that is, virtuall y no natural water source to replenis h the water supply— has caused water tables
3 reform
281 plants-plant 10 plantation 3 transplanted-transplant
v.改造 ; 改革 n.改良
n.植物, 工厂 v.种植 n.农园, 大农场 v.移居, 迁移
【Some mountain s were formed as a result of these plates crashing into each other and forcing up the rock at the plate margins. 】
5 periodically 107 society
adv.周期性地; 偶尔 n.社会
【In the long run, electric ity from large wind farms in remote areas might be used to make hydrogen gas from water during periods when there is less than peak demand for electric ity.】 【Some theories of theater developm ent focus on how theater was used by group leaders to group leaders govern other members of society. 】
274 century
274 author 11 authority
248 species 3 subspecies
Hale Waihona Puke n.世纪;百年 n.作者【Even though the fine arts in the twentiet h century often treat material s in new ways, the basic differen ce in attitude of artists in relation to their material s in the fine arts and the applied arts remains
226 art
191 produced-produce 69 production 53 products-product 25 reproduction 16 reproduce 10 productivity 6 productive
6 reproductive
v.生产 n.产品 n.生产 n.产品 n.生殖;复制 v.繁殖;翻拍;复制 n.生产力 adj.多产的
【Have populati ons that are unstable in response to climate conditio ns】 【It is conceiva ble that before going hunting the hunters would draw or study pictures of animals and imagine a successf ul hunt. 】
L i s t
390 states-state
56 statements-statement
311 form 5 deformed-deform
n.状况, 状态 v.陈述
n.形状 v.形成 v.使变形;变畸形
【In fact, various emotiona l states give rise to certain patterns of electric al activity in the facial muscles and in the brain.】
【 Architec ture is the art and science of designin g structur es that organize and enclose space for practica l and symbolic purposes .】
113 source 110 environment
105 since
105 emotions-emotion 35 emotional
conj.因为, 从...至今
n.情绪 adj.情绪的
【Since the raising of most crops necessit ates the prior removal of the natural vegetati on, crop failures leave extensiv e tracts of land devoid of a plant cover and suscepti ble to wind and water erosion. 】