behringer B-CONTROL XDEEJAY BCD2000 说明书
使用说明书B -C O N T R O LD E E J A Y B C D 2000版本 1.0 2005年十二月重要的安全说明注意∶机内无用户可用备件!为了防止触电、切勿自行拆开机盖!必要时需由专业人士维修!警告:为防止发生火灾或触电危险、本机切勿受雨淋或受潮!该符号警告用户---禁止推移在最顶端装放有机器而又无保护措施的可移动机架、谨防最顶端的机器跌落给您带来不必要的人身伤害。
为保护您的利益, 请使用由该制造厂商所生产或推荐的可移动机架、三角架、脚架、固定架、控制台等配件。
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O请遵守所有的警告与注意事项为了您能更加安全地使用这台机器、 请遵守在设备上和说明书中所有的警告与注意事项。
Bayer 产品目录及性能
Changing the worldwith great care.BayerEngineeringPolymersThermoplastics andPolyurethanesBayer Polymers ProductInformation is available online at:/polymers-usa41-800-622-6004.2*Novodur ABS grades are produced by Bayer AG in Europe.a As with any product, use of a particular resin in a given application must be tested (including field testing, etc.) in advance by the user to determine suitability.b Please refer to Bayer Corporation guidelines for medical application of Bayer products on pages 4-5.c Makroblend UT 408 resin (natural color) can be used for food-contact applications except for those in which the temperature exceeds 250°F and the food containsmore than 50% alcohol. Since color possibilities for food-contact applications are limited, please contact your Bayer representative for information on available colorsand their limitations.2A2Ba As with any product, use of a particular resin in a given application must be tested (including field testing, etc.)in advance by the user to determine suitability.b Please refer to Bayer Corporation guidelines listed below for medical application of Bayer products.Bayer Corporation Guidelines for Medical Application of Bayer Products1.All Bayer resins, films, etc. [hereinafter “Product(s)”] designated as “medical-grade” have met therequirements of the FDA-Modified ISO 10993, Part I “Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices” testswith human tissue contact time of 30 days or less. ONLY THESE PRODUCTS MAY BE CONSIDEREDCANDIDATES FOR APPLICATIONS REQUIRING BIOCOMPATIBILITY. No “medical-grade” Product willbe available for sale until successful completion of testing.2.Regrind resins must not be used in medical applications requiring biocompatibility.3.It is the responsibility of the medical device, biological product or pharmaceutical manufacturer(“Manufacturer”) to determine the suitability of all component parts and raw materials, including anyBayer Product, used in its final product in order to ensure safety and compliance with FDA requirements.This determination must include, as applicable, testing for suitability as an implant device and suitabilityas to contact with and/or storage of human tissue and liquids including, without limitation, medication,blood or other bodily fluids.4.Under no circumstances may any Bayer Product be used in any cosmetic, reconstructive or reproductiveimplant applications. Nor may any Bayer Product be used in any other bodily implant applications, or anyapplications involving contact with or storage of human tissue, blood or other bodily fluids, for greaterthan 30 days, based on the FDA-Modified ISO 10993 tests. Furthermore, for aromatic grades of Texinresins, such longer-term uses are not permissible also because possible hydrolysis of solid polyurethanemay produce aromatic amines, such as methylene dianiline (MDA).3c Grades 31 and 21 of Lustran SAN meet USP 23 Class VI testing requirements but have not been evaluated according to ISO 10993 testing guidelines.5.The suitability of a Bayer product in a given end-use environment is dependent upon various conditions including, without limitation, chemical compatibility, temperature, part design, sterilization method, residual stresses or external loads. It is the responsibility of the Manufacturer to evaluate its final product under actual end-use requirements and to adequately advise and warn purchasers and users thereof.6.Single-use medical devices made from a Bayer product are not suitable for multiple uses. If the medical device is designed for multiple uses, it is the responsibility of the Manufacturer to determine the appropriate number of permissible uses by evaluating the device under actual sterilization and end-use conditions and to adequately advise and warn purchasers and users thereof.7.The sterilization method and the number of sterilization cycles a medical device made from a Bayer product can withstand will vary depending upon type/grade of product, part design, processing parameters, sterilization temperature and chemical environment. Therefore, the Manufacturer must evaluate each device to determine the sterilization method and the number of permissible sterilization cycles appropriate for actual end-use requirements and must adequately advise and warn purchasers and users thereof.8.Parts molded or extruded from Texin resins are sterilizable using ethylene oxide, radiation or dry heat. Parts made of Texin resins must not be sterilized using steam autoclaving or boiling water techniques. Furthermore, these sterilization methods must not be used with aromatic grades of Texin resins because possible hydrolysisof solid polyurethane may produce aromatic amines, such as methylene dianiline (MDA).3A3B*These items are provided as general information only. They are approximate values and are not part of the product specifications.CAMPUS processing conditions used for test specimens.**For information on using melt flow as a quality control procedure, see Bayer processing literature.†Flammability results are based on small-scale laboratory tests for purposes of relative comparison and are not intended to reflect the hazardspresented by this or any other material under actual fire conditions.#Type and quantity of pigment can affect mechanical properties, especially toughness.a Relative temperature index is reported at 0.236 thickness.d Natural and black colors.b Clear tint.e Natural, black and gray colors.c Gray color.f Rating at 0.236-in (6.0-mm) thickness.44A4B*These items are provided as general information only. They are approximate values and are not part of the product specifications.CAMPUS processing guidelines used for test specimens.**For information on using melt flow as a quality control procedure, see Bayer processing literature.†Flammability results are based on small-scale laboratory tests for purposes of relative comparison and are not intended to reflect the hazards presented by this or any other material under actual fire conditions.•Value measured at 0.1-in Thickness#Type and quantity of pigment can affect mechanical properties, especially toughness.a Transmittance values apply to the market-specific clear tint and deviate for transparent colors.b Dielectric strength properties are reported at 0.062-in. thickness for grades of Makrolon polycarbonate and at 0.125-in. thickness for grades of Apec high-heat polycarbonate.c Transmittance values apply to the market-specific transparent tint.*These items are provided as general information only. They are approximate values and are not part of the product specifications.CAMPUS processing guidelines used for test specimens.**For information on using melt flow as a quality control procedure, see Bayer processing literature.†Flammability results are based on small-scale laboratory tests for purposes of relative comparison and are not intended to reflect the hazards presented by this or any other material under actual fire conditions.•Value measured at 0.1-in Thickness#Type and quantity of pigment can affect mechanical properties, especially toughness.c formerly DP9-9331d formerly DP9-9341e formerly DP9-9340R.1745 is a medical grade with release.f formerly DP9-9351g formerly DP9-9353. 1803 is a UV-stabilized lens grade used for automotive as well as general lighting applications.h formerly DP9-9371*These items are provided as general information only. They are approximate values and are not part of the product specifications.†Flammability results are based on small-scale laboratory tests for purposes of relative comparison and are not intended to reflect the hazards presented by this or any other material under actual fire conditions.a Flame-retardant additive is antimony/bromine/chlorine-free.b Properties tested in transverse direction (worst case) on 125-mil extruded sheet specimens with less than 10% orientation.c0.125-in thickness, 0.5-in dart, 3-in clamp, 15 mph.d0.250-in thickness, 0.5-in dart, 3-in clamp, 2.5 mph.e0.100-in thickness, 0.5-in dart, 1.6-in clamp, 7.6 mph.f0.125-in thickness, 0.5-in dart, 1.5-in clamp, 7.6 mph.g Relative temperature index is reported at 0.118-in (3.0-mm) thickness.h Bayer provisional value.i Rating at 0.087-in (2.2-mm) thickness.k Rating at 0.094-in (2.4-mm) thickness.m 5VA rating is for gray color.n Material is also rated V-0/5VA at 0.177-in (4.5-mm) thickness.p Rating at 0.062-in (1.57-mm) thickness.q Rating at 0.122-in (3.09-mm) thickness.r Rating at 0.066-in (1.67-mm) thickness.s Rating at 0.130-in (3.30-mm) thickness.tRating at 0.058-in (1.47-mm) thickness.*These items are provided as general information only. They are approximate values and are not part of the product specifications.**For information on using melt flow as a quality control procedure for Makroblend resin, see Bayer processing literature.***Value measured at 0.1-in Thickness.†Flammability results are based on small-scale laboratory tests for purposes of relative comparison and are not intended to reflect the hazards presented by this or any other material under actual fire conditions.‡Values apply to natural (transparent) and clear tints.a Makroblend UT 408 resin (natural color) can be used for food-contact applications except for those in which the temperature exceeds 250°F and the food contains more than 50% alcohol.b Properties tested in transverse direction (worst case) on 125-mil extruded sheet specimens with less than 10% orientation unless otherwise noted.Makroblend®Polycarbonate/Polyester Blend (cont.)e0.125-in thickness, 0.5-in dart,3-in clamp, 7.6 mph.f Black color.g Rating at 0.062-in (1.57-mm) thickness.h Rating at 0.125-in (3.18-mm) thickness.i Natural and black colors.k Gray color.n Rating at 0.062-in (1.57-mm) thickness for white color.p Rating at 0.125-in (3.18-mm) thickness for white color.q A Bayer Corporation provisional value.NoteDry as Molded/Extruded: refers to a moisture content less than 0.2% by weight. Conditioned: refers to an equilibrium moisture content in a standard laboratory atmosphereTriax®ArrayABS/Polyamide Blend8*These items are provided as general information only. They are approximate values and are not part of the product specifications.†Flammability results are based on small-scale laboratory tests for purposes of relative comparison and are not intended to reflect the hazards presented by this or any other material under actual fire conditions.aRating at 0.059-in (1.5-mm) thickness.bRating at 0.126-in (3.2-mm) thickness.cRating at 0.057-in (1.47-mm) thickness.dRating at 0.118-in (3.0-mm) thickness.eRating at 0.130-in (3.3-mm) thickness.fRating at 0.120-in (3.05-mm) thickness.Cadon ®SMALustran ®ABS8A8B9*These items are provided as general information only. They are approximate values and are not part of the product specifications.†Flammability results are based on small-scale laboratory tests for purposes of relative comparison and are not intended to reflect the hazards presented by this or any other material under actual fire conditions.a Properties are for natural color resins unless otherwise noted.b Properties tested in transverse direction (worst case) on 125-mil extruded sheet specimens with less than 10% orientation unless otherwise noted.c Measured at 0.100-in thickness for molding grades and at 0.125-in thickness for extrusion grades of Centrex resin.d Tested on injection-molded specimen.e Rating at 0.057-in (1.47-mm) thickness.f Rating at 0.057-in (1.47-mm) thickness in natural and black colors.g Natural and black colors.Lustran ®ABS (continued)9ALustran ®SANCentrex ®ASA,AES and ASA/AES Weatherable Polymersh Rating at 0.062-in (1.57-mm) thickness.i Natural color.k Rating at 0.126-in (3.2-mm) thickness in natural color.m Rating at 0.120-in (3.05-mm) thickness.n Clear color.p Rating at 0.062-in (1.57-mm) thickness in clear color.q Rating at 0.125-in (3.18-mm) thickness.r Rating at 0.056-in (1.43-mm) thickness.s Rating at 0.132-in (3.35-mm) thickness.t Rating at 0.130-in (3.3-mm) thickness.uRating at 0.039-in (1.0-mm) thickness in white color.Centrex®ArrayASA,AES and ASA/AES Weatherable Polymers (cont.)9B*These items are provided as general information only. They are approximate values and are not part of the product specifications.†Flammability results are based on small-scale laboratory tests for purposes of relative comparison and are not intended to reflect the hazards presented by this or any other material under actual fire conditions.#Bayer value pending UL recognition.a Relative temperature index is reported at 0.030-in (0.75-mm) thickness.b Natural color.NotesDry as Molded: refers to a moisture content less than 0.2% by weight.Conditioned: refers to an equilibrium moisture content in a standard laboratory atmosphere of 73°F and 50% relative humidity.Glass-Reinforced: refers to reinforcement with glass fibers except in the case of BG 30 X, which is reinforced with glass fibers and glass beads.N.B.: No break.1010AFilm grades of Durethan polyamide 6and copolyamide are available.10B11*These items are provided as general information only. They are approximate values and are not part of the product specifications.†Flammability results are based on small-scale laboratory tests for purposes of relative comparison and are not intended to reflect the hazards presented by this or any other material under actual fire conditions.a Relative temperature index is reported at 0.030-in (0.75-mm) thickness.b Natural color.NotesDry as Molded: refers to a moisture content less than 0.2% by weight.Conditioned: refers to an equilibrium moisture content in a standard laboratory atmosphere of 73°F and 50% relative humidity.Glass-Reinforced: refers to reinforcement with glass fibers except in the case of BG 30 X, which is reinforced with glass fibers and glass beads.Polyamide 6 (continued)11A11BDurethan ®Polyamide 6 (continued)Film grades of Durethan polyamide 6and copolyamide are available.Amorphous Polyamide12*These items are provided as general information only. They are approximate values and are not part of the product specifications.**Postcured 16 hrs. at 230°F (110°C).#DMA: Dynamic Mechanical Analysis.†Flammability results are based on small-scale laboratory tests for purposes of relative comparison and are not intended to reflect the hazards presented by this or any other material under actual fire conditions.a These grades are in chemical compliance with 21 CFR 177.1680 (Polyurethane resins) and 177.2600 (Rubber articles intended for repeated use) subject to the limitations of this regulation and any other applicable regulations.b These grades are listed under NSF Standard 61 for use in potable water applications.c Polyether urea-based grade.d Natural color.eNatural and black colors.Desmopan ®Thermoplastic PolyurethaneTexin ®Thermoplastic Polyurethane12A12BAll grades of Texin and Desmopan resinslisted here are aromatic unless otherwise noted. Other aliphatic grades are available in addition to those listed here.Developmental products (noted as such or designated by the letters DP ,KU or KL in the grade name) are not considered part of the Bayer Corporation line of standard commercial products. Complete commercialization and continued supply are not assured. The purchaser/user agrees that Bayer Corporation reserves the right to discontinue supply at any time.Some of the end uses of the products described in this bulletin must comply with applicable regulations,such as the FDA,NSF,USDA,and CPSC. If you have any questions on the regulatory status of these products,contact your Bayerrepresentative or Bayer’s Regulatory Affairs Manager in Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania.Appropriate literature has been assembled which provides information concerning the health and safety precautions that must be observed when handling Bayerproducts mentioned in this publication. Before working with any of these products,you must read and become familiar with the available information on their hazards,proper use,and handling. This cannot be overemphasized. Information is available in several forms,e.g.,material safety data sheets and product labels. Consult your Bayer representative or contact Bayer’s Product Safety and Regulatory Affairs Department in Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania.DEVELOPMENTAL PRODUCT INFORMATIONREGULATORY COMPLIANCE INFORMATIONHEALTH AND SAFETY INFORMATIONBayer Corporation • 100 Bayer Road • Pittsburgh,PA 15205-9741 • /polymers-usa Sales Offices:California:17320 Redhill Avenue, Suite 175, Irvine, CA 92614-56601-949-833-2351 • Fax:1-949-752-1306Michigan:2401 Walton Boulevard, Auburn Hills, MI 48326-19571-248-475-7700 • Fax:1-248-475-7701New Jersey:1000 Route 9 North, Suite 103, Woodbridge, NJ 07095-1200 1-732-726-8988 • Fax:1-732-726-1672Illinois:One Westbrook Corporate Center, Suite 710, Westchester, IL 60154-5704 1-708-492-1600 • Fax:1-708-492-1031Canadian Affiliate:Bayer Inc.Ontario:77 Belfield Road, Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada M9W 1G61-416-248-0771 • Fax:1-416-248-6762Quebec:7600 T rans Canada Highway, Pointe Claire, Quebec, Canada H9R 1C81-514-697-5550 • Fax:1-514-697-5334Note:The information contained in this bulletin is current as of May 2000. Please contact Bayer Corporation to determine whether this publication has been revised.The conditions of your use and application of our products, technical assistance and information (whether verbal, written or by way of production evaluations), including any suggested formulations and recommendations, are beyond our control.Therefore, it is imperative that you test our products, technical assistance and information to determine to your own satisfaction whether they are suitable for your intended uses and applications.This application-specific analysis at least must include testing to determine suitability from a technical as well as health, safety, and environmental standpoint.Such testing has not necessarily been done by Bayer Corporation.All information is given without warranty or guarantee.lt is expressly understood and agreed that the customer assumes and hereby expressly releases Bayer from all liability, in tort, contract or otherwise, incurred in connection with the use of our products, technical assistance and information.Any statement or recommendation not contained herein is unauthorized and shall not bind Bayer.Nothing herein shall be construed as a recommendation to use any product in conflict with patents covering any material or its use.No license is implied or in fact granted under the claims of any patent.520(25M)5/00 Copyright ©2000 Bayer Corporation Printed in U.S.A.KU-GE051。
CMOS Omnipolar High Sensitivity Micropower Hall Switch
Micropower consumption for battery powered applications Omnipolar, output switches with absolute value of North or South pole from magnet Operation down to 2.5V High sensitivity for direct reed switch replacement applications
Operating Average
IOUT=1mA Operating Operating
Magnetic Characteristics
Output Voltage(V)
PARAMETER Operating Point Release Point Hysteresis
CMOS Omnipolar High Sensitivity Micropower Hall Switch
Type +/-35 +/-21
DC Electrical Characteristics
环孢素软胶 囊*
软胶囊 新山地明 剂(胶 丸)
100mg×5 粒 ×10
铝箔及纸 盒
高 价
注射用环磷 酰胺 *
200mg×1 支
高 价
Baxter Oncology GmbH(德国百特
己酮可可碱 缓释片
缓释片 剂
中 400mg×20 片 盒 45.82 低 GMP 价 德国通益国际制药有限责任公司
中 20 片 盒 铝塑包装 43.3 低 GMP 价 德国礼达大药厂
环孢素软胶 囊
软胶囊 剂
10mg×10 粒×6 板
中 盒 铝箔 0 低 GMP 价
诺华德国制药有限公司 (R.P.Scherer GmbH & Co.KG,Germany)
环孢素软胶 囊
软胶囊 剂
25mg×5 粒×10 板
中 盒 双铝 0 低 GMP 价
诺华德国制药有限公司 (R.P.Scherer GmbH & Co.KG,Germany)
阴道片 剂
500mg×1 片×1 板
铝塑含投 药器
中 0 低 GMP 价 德国拜耳(Bayer AG)
克霉唑阴道 片
500mg×1 片
纸盒铝塑 板
中 39.65 低 GMP 价 Bayer AG(德国拜耳)
70mg/瓶×5 瓶 盒
一次性无 菌注射器
中 442 低 GMP 价 德国凯龙-贝林公司
Every ounce of Triton is Backed by Bayer.And that means our team of professionalsAll of ourTriton TM is here. Turf disease, on the other hand is leaving.Unmatched benefits when used in combination with a ™ program like Chipco Signature:• Advanced performance and efficacy • Excellent disease control • Enhanced turf quality• Reduced phytotoxicity, even in extreme summer heatThe highly anticipated Chipco ®Triton TM fungicide, from Bayer Environmental Science, is now available. Triton is the newestgeneration of demethylation inhibitor (DMI) class of chemistry and offers the lowest use rates of any DMI fungicide on the market. It provides excellent control of anthracnose, dollar spot and brown patch, as well as other key diseases.Even better , when you combine Triton with other Bayer products containing TM like Chipco ®Signature, you get unbeatable protection against the stress your golf course faces, even in the summer heat.Introducing TritonTMfungicideNow you can get exceptional disease control and season-long turf quality.Exceptional Turf Recovery from T ake-All PatchOutstanding on AnthracnoseApplication Rates/TimingThis new fungicide has delivered exceptional results in trials conducted at universities and golf courses,on both residential and commercial turf.Broad spectrum disease control:Curative: Apply higher rates of Triton for curative applications and/or during periods of heavy pressure. Use between 0.225 and 0.6oz. per 1,000 ft.2Use Triton in combination with Chipco ®Signature for enhanced turf quality and superior stress management.See product label for rates and application timing by disease.Preventive: Apply lower rates of Triton for preventive applications and/or periods of light to moderate pressure. Use between 0.15 and 0.3 oz. per 1,000 ft.2Make preventive applications in 14 to 28-day intervals, depending on disease identification and disease pressure.Resistance ManagementBayer encourages resistance management to ensure long-term control of fungal diseases. Y ou should rotate and/or tank mix using products with different modes of action.Superior Turf QualityT est results show that Triton provides superior turf disease control of stress-related diseases like anthracnose.FormulationChipco ®Triton TM 70 WDG is a water dispersible granule containing the active ingredient triticonazole. Triton is available in a 32 oz. bottle with a case size of 6 x 2 lb.How it works for youThe active ingredient in Triton is triticonazole, a sterol inhibitor from the DMI class of chemistry. Triticonazole is systemic and absorbed quickly by roots, crowns or shoots,and moves from the base toward the apex in the grass plant.T argeting fungal ergosterols, it disrupts membrane function and disease growth.• Anthracnose • Dollar Spot • Brown Patch • Summer Patch• Large Brown Patch • Red Leaf Spot• T ake-All Patch • Pink Snow Mold • Gray Snow Mold • Red Thread • Rust• Algae Suppression。
24现代农药第18卷第5期2.3 线性关系的测定采用已知含量的双环磺草酮和毗/磺隆标样分别配制5个已知浓度的梯度混合标样溶液,以双环磺草酮、毗/磺隆的质量浓度为横坐标,峰面积为纵坐标,分别绘制线性关系曲线(图3、图4)。
双环磺草酮线性回归方程为!=2.416 7"+38.971, #2=0.999 &毗/磺隆线性回归方程为y =5.265 1 x -37.565,#2=0.997 5。
5 5 4 4 3 330!=2.416 7x +38.971#=0.999 81 500 1 600 1 700 1 800 1 900 2 000 2 100 2 200质量浓度/(mg ・LT)图3双环磺草酮的线性关系图0072o o o oOo o o o O 5 3 19 72 2 2 1 1 (s .n v m )、霍M 逾300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 480质量浓度/(mg ・LT)图4毗3磺隆的线性关系图2.4 准确度的测定依据《农药产品分析方法确认指南》,按照制剂配方比例要求,将除原药以外的所有助剂按照制剂相同比例混匀,作为制剂空172W量的制剂空双环磺草酮标样、毗/磺隆标样,合5个28%双环磺草酮 草 毗/磺隆 剂相 的模拟试样,作为样品溶液,在上述色谱 件确度 。
,双环磺草酮的 I回为99.35%,系为0.76%;毗/磺隆的回 为99.22%, 系为0.55%,合《农药产品分析方法确认指南》的要求, 确度2。
表2准确度测定结果有效成分序号理论值/mg值/mg 回 /%平均回 /%变异系数/%187.686.798.97289.389.8100.56双环磺草酮390.189.499.2299.350.76490.489.198.56590.289.799.45119.219.098.96220.020.0100.00./磺隆321.120.999.0599.220.55420.220.199.50521.2 20.99&583结论的液相色谱分析方法同有 >分28%双环磺草酮草毗/磺隆 剂有分双环磺草酮和毗/磺隆, 含量。
7. Pinning
3 Name No.
1 2 3
Power Supply Output Ground
1 2
VDD Out Gnd
©2009-2012 Innosen Technology Co., Ltd.
CMOS Omnipolar High Sensitivity Micropower Hall Switch
Operating Parameters: TA = 25℃, VDD=2.75VDC Parameter
ESD Voltage
Symbol Min
Unit Max
4 kV
13. Unique Features
CMOS Hall IC Technology The chopper stabilized amplifier uses switched capacitor techniques to eliminate the amplifier offset voltage, which, in bipolar devices, is a major source of temperature sensitive drift. CMOS makes this advanced technique possible. The CMOS chip is also much smaller than a bipolar chip, allowing very sophisticated circuitry to be placed in less space. The small chip size also contributes to lower physical stress and less power consumption. Installation Comments Consider temperature coefficients of Hall IC and magnetics , as well as air gap and life time variations. Observe temperature limits during wave soldering. Typical IR solder-reflow profile: No Rapid Heating and Cooling. Recommended Preheating for max. 2minutes at 150° C Recommended Reflowing for max. 5seconds at 240° C
iRobot_braava_jet_240_CN.pdf 用户手册说明书
Braava jet™ 用户手册i常规安全说明• 保留安全和操作说明,以备日后参考。
• 请阅读所有安全和操作说明,然后操作您的机器人。
• 注意您的机器人、电池、电池充电器和用户指南中的所有警告信息。
• 请遵循所有操作和使用说明。
• 请注意,使用 Braava jet 湿洗后的地面可能较为湿滑。
• Braava jet在工作时安静无噪音。
• 将所有非常规维修工作交由 iRobot 处理。
使用限制• 您的机器人只能在室内硬面地板上使用。
• 您的机器人不是玩具。
• Braava jet包含电子部件。
• 请勿使用该设备吸起任何燃烧或冒烟的物品。
• 请勿使用该设备吸起大的碎屑、漂白剂、油漆或其他化学品,或任何潮湿物品。
• 在使用Braava jet前,请先移走起清洁区域内的易碎物品,包括摆放在家具上的、在推动或撞击家具时可能会摔落的物品。
• 收拾好清洁区域的电源线以及百叶窗或窗帘的拉绳,以便减少物品被拉倒的风险。
为减少伤害或损坏风险,请在设置、使用和维护您的机器人时牢记以下安全注意事项:ii如需更多信息,请访问 /braavajet200产品或其包装上的符号代表以下涵义:请不要将电器作为未分类的城市垃圾进行处置,而应使用独立的回收设施。
国内外粉末涂料助剂粉末涂料助剂生产企业及其主要产品一、国外企业(按企业名称的英文字母排列)Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.(美国气体产品和化学公司)消泡剂 Surfynol 104S固化剂 Amicure CG325G,Amicure CG1200G,Amicure CG-NA固化剂和固化促进剂 Amicure HAPI,Ancamine 2014ASAnderson Co(美国安德生公司)纯聚酯消光固化剂Almatax PD7690(GMA)BASF Chemical Ltd(德国巴斯夫化学公司)流平剂 Acronal 4F(液态)流平剂环氧母粒 GT2874Bayer AG(德国拜耳公司)聚氨酯固化剂 Crelan V1,Crelan V2,Car GILL2400,Car GILL2450BYK Additives and Instruments (德国毕克助剂及仪器公司)流平剂 BYK360P, BYK361N改善缩孔剂 BYK3900P, BYK3931P消泡剂Ceraflour 961, Ceraflour962纯聚酯消光剂 Ceraflour 920, Ceraflour 970美术助剂 Ceraflour967, Ceraflour969抗划伤剂 Ceraflour961, Ceraflour968,Ceraflour980Ciba-Geigy(瑞士汽巴嘉吉公司)光固化剂 Irgacure184,Irgacure651,Irgacure2959抗氧剂 Irganox B900Clariant Chemicals Ltd(瑞士科莱恩化学公司)消泡剂3910FCognis Co(德国科宁公司)增电剂Texaquat 900,Texaquat3226Cytec Co(美国氰特公司)流平剂ModaflowⅢ, Modaflow2000, Modaflow6000流平剂母粒Additol P820(羧基);Additol P824,Additol P896(均为羟基)聚氨酯固化剂Additol P932(户外),Additol P965(户内)催化剂母粒P964聚酯固化剂Powderlink1174增电剂Cyostat LC增电剂母粒Additol P950纯聚酯消光固化剂Synthacryl 700 ,Synthacryl 710(均为GMA)Dow Chemical Co.(美国陶氏化学公司)固化剂DHE40,DHE41,XD5566酚类固化剂DHE80, DHE81, DHE82, DHE84, DHE85 DHE87, DHE90Dupont Chemical(美国杜邦化学公司)消光剂 Teflon丙烯酸树脂固化剂DDAEastman Chemical Company(美国伊士曼化学公司)美术助剂 CAB-551-0.01,CAB-551-0.2Elementis Speciality Chemical(英国海名斯特殊化学)原Deuchem(德谦)流平剂 AU896P固化剂和固化促进剂 PW-176, PW-178, PW-179, PW-181, PW-182,PW-187纯聚酯固化剂 PW-184, PW-185消泡剂 PW-188,MA7020增电剂 PW-180,PW-189美术助剂 MF5780S,MW-613,TF-20,PW-186,TX-502,TX-520微粉蜡 MW-631,MW-635,MW-636EMS AG(瑞士爱姆斯公司)纯聚酯固化剂 Primid XL552,Primid QM1260, Primid SF4510(均为HAA)Estron Chemical,Inc(美国埃斯特纶化学公司)流平剂 Resiflow P-67,Resiflow PL-200,ResiflowPF67,Resiflow PV-88,Resiflow PV-60消泡剂 Oxymelt A-2,Oxymelt A-4,Oxymelt A-6,Oxymelt A-6AG消光剂 Epomatt 151,Epomatt 152纯聚酯消光固化剂 Isocryl EP-550,Isocryl EP-560,Isocryl EP-570(均为GMA型) 固化剂GMA252,GMA300固化剂和助反应剂G一91、G一92;GMA一300改性蜡 SBS-1200,SBS-1215催化剂 OctaflowST-70, ButaflowBT-71, Escat50, Escat110, Escat320,Escat22Evonik Degussa Industries(德国赢创德固赛公司)消光固化剂 Vestagon B55,Vestagon B68固化剂和固化促进剂 Vestagon B31,Hyhand100S聚氨酯固化剂Vestagon B1065,Vestagon B1530,Vestagon B1540增电剂 Aeroxide Alu C, Aeroxide Alu C805纯聚酯固化剂 Vestagon HA320(HAA)疏松剂Sipernat 22增稠剂Sipernat 22LSHenkel(德国汉高公司)流平剂Perenal-3增电剂Texaquart 9000Huntsman(美国亨斯曼公司)固化剂和固化促进剂HT838,HT2831,HT2833,HT2844,HT3086,DT3126,XB2622,XB2632, XB2731,LMB1521酚类固化剂 Aradur 3082消光剂 DT3357,DT3360纯聚酯消光固化剂 DT3329-1纯聚酯固化剂PT710,PT810(均为TGIC);PT910 ,PT912(均为GBP)ICI Chemical(英国帝国化学公司)消光剂FluonJohnson and Johnson Co(美国强生公司)消光剂 Joncry SCX848Kscnt Co.,Ltd,KS Chemical Co.,Ltd,(韩国凯胜化学公司)流平剂 Rheoflow PLP-100,Rheoflow PLP-150,Rheoflow PLP-350,Rheoflow PLP-800,Rheoflow PLP850,Rheoflow RLP-111, Rheoflow LP-4000, Rheoflow LP-5000, Rheoflow LP-8000, Rheoflow APA-001, RheoflowPDS-4050 消光剂或消光固化剂React HMA-680, React PSA-301, React PSA-302NS美术助剂ReactTAW-010,React TAW-011,ReactTAW-012,React TAW-013,React TAW-014,React TAW-015,React TAW-017, React CAB Micro纯聚酯消光固化剂React PMA-501(GMA)纯聚酯固化剂React PCH-201(HAA)Kyowa Hakko Chemical Co., Ltd (日本协和酶化学公司)羟基聚酯固化剂DEGA,DEGANLubrizol Specialty Chemical Co., Ltd (美国路博润特种化工公司)抗静电剂Lancostat 308美术助剂LancoTF1620,LancoTF1750,LancoTF1820,LancoTF1890消泡剂Lanco wax PP 1362D消光剂Lanco wax D25,Lanco wax A1601,Lanco wax A1602Micro Powder Co (美国微粉公司)消光剂 Propylmatte 31,Micropro 400,Micromatte 2000,Micromatte9083Nissan Chemical Industry Co.(日本日产化学工业公司)纯聚酯固化剂 TEPIC-G,TEPIC-P,TEPIC-S, TEPIC-SP(均为TGIC)纯聚酯固化剂 MT239(MTGIC)Shamrock(美国三叶公司)消光剂PTFE SST,S-361,S-381 N1,S-381 N5美术助剂 Flouro- Tex-61Shell Oil campany(英国壳牌石油公司)固化剂 Epikure 107FF,Epikure 108FF流平剂环氧母粒 Epikote 3003-4F-1,Epikote1055Shikoku Chemical Industry Co.(日本四国化成工业公司)固化剂 Curezol 2MZ-A,Curezol 2MZ-CN,Curezol 2MZ-CNS固化剂和固化促进剂 Curezol 2PZ-CN,Curezol 2PZ-CNSSIR—Cheson Iternationl Ltd(意大利西尔化学与矿产公司)纯聚酯固化剂 Prosid H, Prosid 411, Prosid H30A, Prosid H50A (均为HAA)Thomas Swan & Co(英国托玛斯天鹅公司)固化剂和固化促进剂 Casamid 710,Casamid 780,Casamid 790消光剂 Casamid 1457纯聚酯消光固化剂 Casamid2228Troy Chemical Co(美国特洛依化学公司)流平剂 Powdermate 486CFL, Powdermate 505PFL, Powdermate EX570消泡剂 Powdermate 542DG,Troykyd D126美术助剂 Powdermate 508TEXVeba Chemical(德国费巴化学公司)固化剂和固化促进剂 V208,V209,PMDA二、国内主要粉末涂料助剂生产企业(企业名称的英文或汉语拼音排序)浙江昌明(Chengming)化学制品有限公司流平剂 CM501,CM503,CM504,CM505,CM506润湿剂 CM701消光固化剂 CM68,CM98固化剂和固化促进剂 CM31消泡剂 CM500美术助剂 CM208肇庆市东源(Do r gyuan)化工有限公司流平剂DY-88,503润湿剂701消光剂和消光固化剂D68,DY-601,DY-601A,DY-601B纯聚酯消光剂和消光固化剂 DY-608,DY-608A,DY-608B固化促进剂D31纯聚酯固化剂DY-552(HAA)美术助剂DY-008台湾优缔(Eumate)股份有限公司消光剂和消光固化剂 Eumate700,Eumate800,Eumate900,固化剂和固化促进剂 Eumate200纯聚酯固化剂Eumate350(HAA)湖北来斯(HBNICE)化工新材料有限公司美术助剂 812,815,845,K50,T30增电剂 EDI,DSA,N308,711消泡剂 YPZ,404,4430蜡状微粉 210, 230,240,1442流平剂 H98,H48,H35固化催化剂 382,317,303,305B黄山华惠(Huahui)精细化工有限公司纯聚酯固化剂 HT-702,HT-708(均为TGIC);HT-105,HH8080(HAA)消光剂HH-A,HH-A3黄山华美(Huamei)精细化工有限公司消光固化剂 M68固化剂和固化促进剂 FS31六安市捷通达(Jietonda)化工有限责任公司固化剂 SA32,SA2831固化剂和固化促进剂 SA241,SA316纯聚酯固化剂 SA3120(HAA)消光剂 SA2061,SA2061A, SA2065, SA2065F, SA2165, SA2065A耐候消光剂 SA206,SA206A,SA2061D,SA2066,SA2167耐候消光固化剂 SA2068;SA525, SA700(GMA)美术助剂 SA207;SA2071;SA208常熟佳发(Jifa)化学有限责任公司固化剂和固化促进剂 JECP-01,JECP-02,JECP-03,JH1020,T31,TD陕西金辰(Jinchen)化工有限公司固化剂 V205,V209,V801,V802,V803固化促进剂 2-二甲基咪唑,A-601酚类固化剂 V206,V208合肥科泰(Ketai)化工有限公司消光剂和消光固化剂 KT55,KT68,KT100,KT103S,KT105,KT106,KT107,KT108 纯聚酯消光剂 KT109,KT109S固化剂和固化促进剂 KT248纯聚酯固化剂 KT320消泡剂 KT408,KT910,KT961增电剂 KT308美术助剂 KT507肇庆科威(Kewei)化工有限公司流平剂 KV503,KV506,KV509润湿剂 K V701,KV209消泡剂 KV203消光剂和消光固化剂 KVB68,KV509增电剂 KV801美术助剂 KV3362,KV3363高要联大(Lianda)涂装材料有限公司流平剂 503,505润湿剂 701消光剂 L68固化剂 L32常州牛塘(Niutang)化工厂有限公司消光固化剂 NT68纯聚酯固化剂(TGIC),NT552(HAA)辽宁润德(Runde)精细化工有限公司纯聚酯固化剂 RD101,RD101J(TGIC);RD105,RD105M(HAA)黄山市润科(Runke)粉体材料有限公司流平剂 RB503,RB505,RB506,RB788润湿剂 RB701消泡剂 RB500,RB501,RB502消光剂和消光固化剂 RB330,RB3328;RB55,RB68纯聚酯消光剂 RB3326,RB3329固化剂和固化促进剂RB31美术助剂 RB100,RB101,RB103, RB120增电剂 RB350,RB351纯聚酯固化剂 RB810(TGIC);RB301(HAA)扬州三得利(Sandele)化工有限公司纯聚酯固化剂呔哔克(TGIC);SDL-552,SDL553(HAA)宁波南海(South Sea)化学有限公司流平剂 BLP402(液态),GLP503,GLP504,GLP505, GLP388, GLP588, GLP788 润湿剂 BLC701, BLC701B消泡剂安息香,W-1,消光剂和消光固化剂 XG603-1A,XG603-2A,XG603-5A,XG611,XG620纯聚酯消光剂和消光固化剂 XG605W,XG628,XG660,XG665固化剂和固化促进剂JG803A纯聚酯固化剂 T105,T105M(均为HAA)美术助剂 BBM,BBWK,XG605-1A,XG608,XG618增电剂 TB-1,TB-2,TB-3,DH101上海索是(Suoshi)化工有限公司(东莞中添装饰材料公司)流平剂 T-988,T-91润湿剂 T-701消泡剂 TP,T-502,T-902,T-961消光剂和消光固化剂 T-68,T-303,T-315,T-323A, T-335纯聚酯消光剂和消光固化剂 T-301,T-302C,T-306,T-308固化剂和固化促进剂 MICY,T-31,32-18A,T-60,T-61,T-62,T-311 美术助剂 MCB,MCC,MCD,T-55,T-101,T-102,T-103,T-106,T-108,T-2071 增电剂 T-30,T-50,T-95广州天珑(Tianlong)高分子材料科技有限公司流平剂 TL88,TL200,TL505,TS109增电剂 ZY90C, ZY90,T308润湿剂TS301,CF402A固化剂 CF12消光剂 CF128美术助剂 CF8B,TL250无锡万利(Wanli)涂料设备有限公司流平剂 BLJ900,BLJ921,BLJ923润湿剂 BLJ701消光固化剂 XG-W55,XG-W68奉化祥瑞(Xiangrui)涂料助剂有限公司流平剂 R38,R88消泡剂 R400,R401,XPR,R4004,R4010美术助剂 ZR30,ZR40,R508,R8005,R8015,R8025,R8056黄山新仁凯(Xinrenkai)科技有限公司纯聚酯消光剂优奈-109,优奈-109P纯聚酯固化剂优奈-333,优奈-333M(HAA)上海央吉(Yanggi)化工有限公司流平剂 LF-222固化剂 LH-1 30G、LH-140G、LH-160G、LH-425固化促进剂 LA-2208消光剂 YG-329消泡剂 YG-391、YG-391E、YG-393美术助剂 LM-316A、LM-316D、LM-319、YG-801抗老、抗黄变剂 LA-102、LA-108、LA-109、LA-931微粉蜡类助剂 YG-920、YG-961F、YG-963、YG-965、YG-965A武汉银彩(Yincai)科技有限公司流平剂 L88, L788消泡剂 L307,L307A,L307B消光剂和消光固化剂 L203纯聚酯消光剂和消光固化剂 L201,L201C,L202,L208固化剂和固化促进剂L206,L207美术助剂 L101,L102,L103,L104,L105,L107增电剂 B308,L501,L509启东市宇林(Yulin)化工厂固化剂 HT-10,HT-11,HT-18广州泽和(Zehe)化工材料研究开发有限公司消光剂和消光固化剂 Matte X5, Matte X6,Matte X8,Mild- Matte 3218(S), Mild- Matte S 3382,,Mild- Matte 3390纯聚酯消光剂和消光固化剂 Mild-Matte 3333,Mild-MatteA-9,Mild- Matte 3333LX,Gmatt 911/912消泡剂 Bensub 2008, Bensub 2901, Bensub 2908, Bensub 2998, Bensub 2999 增电剂 Ang Per 2350象山志华(Zhihua)化学有限公司流平剂 SF-2,SF-688,PV99润湿剂增光剂消光剂和消光固化剂 D68纯聚酯消光固化剂 AR607固化剂和固化促进剂 D31纯聚酯固化剂 TGIC;F125,F125B(HAA)弋阳县中大(Zhongda)化学有限责任公司消泡剂安息香杭州中顺(Zhongshun)化工工贸有限公司流平剂 ZS-502-1,ZS-502-3,ZS-502-5,ZS-801润湿剂 ZS-206,ZS-906消光剂和消光固化剂 ZS-H06K, ZS-H08W,ZS-H313, ZS-H537,ZS-H577纯聚酯消光剂, ZS-C10W, ZS-C30L, ZS-C60, ZS-C80, ZS-C662, ZS-C666美术助剂 ZS-007,ZS-107,ZS-207, ZS-503,ZS-507, ZS-507S,ZS-702,ZS-703消泡剂 ZS-601,ZS-603,ZS-605增电剂 ZS-701,ZS-705,ZS-7082013-8-26。
德国拜耳TPU-DESMOPAN 481-CN-CN物质安全资料表
质 资料 076930/06-CN-CN DESMOPAN 481 1 /5 行 2004年3 51. 物品与厂商资料物品名称:热塑性聚氨脂(thermoplastic polyurethane)物品编号: DESMOPAN 481应用:制造商 / 供货商名称:拜耳(中国)有限公司电话:(86) 21-5834-8282上海聚合物科研开发中心地址:中国上海浦东金桥出口加工区秦桥路33号,传真:(86) 21-5899-7697邮编:201206紧急联络电话/传真码:如遇紧急情况,请拨 (86) 0532-388-9090 或(886) 933-303-1932. 成分辨识资料热塑性聚氨脂 (thermoplastic polyurethane )3. 危害辨识资料根据EU标准,此产品对健康或环境没有危害。
4. 急救措施与热熔化物接触:立即用大量水冷却。
5. 灭火措施适用灭火剂:二氧化碳、泡沫、化学干粉或水。
6. 泄漏处理方法颗粒:易滑倒!机械化清理;防止形成灰尘。
7. 安全处置与储存方法处置:当打开新鲜鼓形圆桶,干燥颗粒和加工材料时,须在工作场所提供足够的通风和有效的排气设备。
提供良好的通风和/或排气设备,第8节引用的极限值质 资料 076930/06-CN-CN DESMOPAN 481 2 /5行 2004年3 5不能超过。
VCI储存等级:11(VCI- 德国化学工业协会)8. 暴露预防措施当加工此产品,特别是在合成此产品的温度加高时必须遵守下列法规。
规格(片) 1片
2片 3片 4片 5片 6片 7片 8片 9片 10片
终端零售价 48
89 133 168 200 248 268 288 308 345
终端供货价 22
40 60 78 90 108 122 130 140 156
凡被授权人超出授权区域将产品流入其它非授权区域进行销售,不 论是直接销售还是多次周转,该行为即为窜货
(一)西地那非 万艾可 辉瑞公司 (二)他达那非 希爱力 礼来公司 (三)伐地那非 艾力达 德国拜耳 优缺点: 艾力达:起效快,相当于药到病除(德国人的味道) 万爱可:强度大,时间4h 力度大,力哥名字特别契合 希爱力:28-36 h,缓慢释放、维持时间长 国内申报情况:南京白敬宇已申报他达那非 西地那非规格: 规格 适合人群 25mg 25Y 50mg 100mg 50Y 50mg 65Y
NO=一氧化氮 NANC=非肾上腺素能非胆碱能神经元 PDE5=5型磷酸二酯酶
• 口服18-24小时后,力哥已可基本排出1、 • 效果持久 激发性潜能 力哥治疗性或者混合性ED效果都非常好, 性活动前1小时按需服用,起效更快更安全,效 果更强更持久,让你“硬”对自如
• 副作用更小更经济 对大多数患者,国际推荐剂量是50mg (力哥1粒),按推荐剂量服用,副作用更小, 更经济。 •成分一样,价格锐减6成 金恒的成分经国家药监部门严格的一致性评价 审批,与进口枸橼酸西地那非品质一致,单次 用药金额同比下降超过60%。
由于已知的本品对一氧化氮/cGMP途径的作用(见【药理毒理】),西地那 非可增强硝酸酯的降压作用。故服用一氧化氮供体(例如任何形式的有机硝 酸酯类或有机亚硝酸酯类)的患者,无论是规律服用或间断服用,均为禁忌 症。 禁止PDE5 抑制剂(包括西地那非)与鸟苷酸环化酶激动剂(例如利奥西呱) 合用,因为这样可能会引起症状性低血压。 患者服用西地那非后,何时可以安全地服用硝酸酯类药物(如需要)目前尚 不清楚。根据健康志愿者药代动力学资料,单剂口服100mg,24小时后血浆 西地那非浓度约为2ng/ml(峰值血药浓度约为440 ng/ml )(见【药代动 力学】)。以下患者服药24小时后血浆西地那非浓度较健康志愿者高3~8倍: 年龄65岁以上、肝损害(如肝硬化)、严重肾损害(肌酐清除率30ml/min 以下)、同时服用细胞色素P4503A4的强抑制剂如红霉素等。尽管服药24小 时后的西地那非血药浓度远远低于峰浓度,但尚不了解此时是否可以安全地 服用硝酸酯类药物。 已知非中国市场分析
1. 把变送器固定到适当的轨道或面板上。 2. 把热套管安装到管道或工艺容器的壁上。在加压之前,应安装并拧紧热套管。 3. 连接必要的加长接嘴和适配器。使用硅胶带密封接嘴和适配器螺纹。 4. 把传感器拧入热套管中。如果出于恶劣环境的考虑或为了满足规范要求,可安装排放密
封件。 5. 把连接头拧到传感器上。 6. 把传感器引线连接到连接头的端子上。 7. 把附加的传感器引线从连接头连接到变送器上。 8. 安装并拧紧连接头盖。壳盖必须完全结合紧密,以满足防爆要求。 9. 把传感器引线和电源线连接到变送器上。应避免接触引线和端子。
00825-0106-4825, DB 版 2011 年 2 月
罗斯蒙特 248
第 2 步 (续 ...)
轨道安装型变送器 螺纹式传感器连接头 螺纹式传感器
标准加长件 螺纹式热电偶套管
第 3 步:软件安装 (仅适用于 248C)
1. 安装 248C 软件 • 把 248C 的 CD-ROM 放入光驱中 • 从 Windows NT、 2000 或 XP 运行 setup.exe
第 4 步:接线
• 接线图在变送器的顶部标签上。 • 变送器需要外部电源才能工作。 • 变送器电源端子间所需的电压是 12 到 42.4 Vdc (电源端子的额定电压是 42.4 Vdc)。
1, 3, 4, 3
1, 3, 4
1, 3, 3
诊断与检修 滤波 50/60 Hz 硬件版本
1, 2 1, 3, 5, 1 1, 4, 1
Hart 输出 间断性检测
1, 3, 3, 3 1, 3, 5, 4
回路测试 LRV (范围下限值) LSL (传感器下限值) 测量滤波
农思它通用名称(口恶)草酮(oxadiazon)商品名称农思它(Ronstar)化学名称 5-特丁基-3-(2,4-二氯-5-异丙氧苯基)-1,3, 4-(口恶)二唑-2(3H)-酮理化性质原药为白色无气味不吸水结晶,熔点约90℃,蒸气压133.3×10-6Pa(20℃)。
制剂为褐色澄清液体,有强的溶剂气味, 25%乳油比重0.98(20℃),闪点32℃;12%乳油比重0.92(20℃),闪点45~50℃,常温贮存稳定期为2年。
对水生动物,(鱼工)鳟鱼接触(96小时)TLm大于9毫克/升,鲤鱼(48小时) TLm大于3.2毫克/升,龙虾接触TLm大于15.4毫克/升。
制剂 12%农思它乳油,25%农思它乳油作用特点农思它是用于水稻田和一些旱田作物做土壤处理的一种环状亚胺类选择性触杀型芽期除草剂,主要在杂草出苗前后,通过稗等敏感杂草的幼芽或幼苗接触吸收而起作用。
国内外主要粉末涂料助剂明细★★国内外粉末涂料助剂粉末涂料助剂生产企业及其主要产品一、国外企业(按企业名称的英文字母排列)Air ProductsandChemicals, Inc.(美国气体产品和化学公司)消泡剂 Surfynol 104S固化剂Amicure CG325G,AmicureCG1200G,Amicure CG-NA固化剂和固化促进剂 AmicureHAPI,Ancamine 2014ASAnderson Co(美国安德生公司)纯聚酯消光固化剂Almatax PD7690(GMA)BASF Chemical Ltd(德国巴斯夫化学公司)流平剂 Acronal 4F(液态)流平剂环氧母粒 GT2874Bayer AG(德国拜耳公司)聚氨酯固化剂Crelan V1,Crelan V2,CarGILL2400,Car GILL2450BYK Additives and Instruments (德国毕克助剂及仪器公司)流平剂 BYK360P, BYK361N改善缩孔剂 BYK3900P, BYK3931P消泡剂Ceraflour 961, Ceraflour962纯聚酯消光剂 Ceraflour920, Ceraflour 970美术助剂 Ceraflour967,Ceraflour969抗划伤剂 Ceraflour961,Ceraflour968,Ceraflour980Ciba-Geigy(瑞士汽巴嘉吉公司)光固化剂Irgacure184,Irgacure651,Irgacure2959抗氧剂Irganox B900Clariant Chemicals Ltd(瑞士科莱恩化学公司)消泡剂3910FCognis Co(德国科宁公司)增电剂T exaquat 900,Texaquat3226Cytec Co(美国氰特公司)流平剂ModaflowⅢ,Modaflow2000, Modaflow6000流平剂母粒Additol P820(羧基);Additol P824,Additol P896(均为羟基)聚氨酯固化剂Additol P932(户外),Additol P965(户内)催化剂母粒P964聚酯固化剂Powderlink1174增电剂Cyostat LC增电剂母粒Additol P950纯聚酯消光固化剂Synthacryl700 ,Synthacryl 710(均为GMA)Dow Chemical Co.(美国陶氏化学公司)固化剂DHE40,DHE41,XD5566酚类固化剂DHE80,DHE81, DHE82, DHE84, DHE85 DHE87,DHE90Dupont Chemical(美国杜邦化学公司)消光剂T eflon丙烯酸树脂固化剂DDAEastman Chemical Company(美国伊士曼化学公司)美术助剂CAB-551-0.01,CAB-551-0.2Elementis Speciality Chemical(英国海名斯特殊化学)原Deuchem(德谦)流平剂 AU896P固化剂和固化促进剂 PW-176, PW-178, PW-179, PW-181,PW-182,PW-187纯聚酯固化剂 PW-184, PW-185消泡剂 PW-188,MA7020增电剂PW-180,PW-189美术助剂MF5780S,MW-613,TF-20,PW-186,TX-502,TX-520微粉蜡MW-631,MW-635,MW-636EMS AG(瑞士爱姆斯公司)纯聚酯固化剂Primid XL552,Primid QM1260,Primid SF4510(均为HAA)EstronChemical,Inc(美国埃斯特纶化学公司)流平剂ResiflowP-67,Resiflow PL-200,ResiflowPF67,ResiflowPV-88,Resiflow PV-60消泡剂OxymeltA-2,Oxymelt A-4,Oxymelt A-6,Oxymelt A-6AG消光剂 Epomatt 151,Epomatt152纯聚酯消光固化剂IsocrylEP-550,Isocryl EP-560,Isocryl EP-570(均为GMA型)固化剂GMA252,GMA300固化剂和助反应剂G一91、G一92;GMA一300改性蜡 SBS-1200,SBS-1215催化剂OctaflowST-70,ButaflowBT-71, Escat50, Escat110, Escat320, Escat22Evonik Degussa Industries(德国赢创德固赛公司)消光固化剂 Vestagon B55,Vestagon B68固化剂和固化促进剂 Vestagon B31,Hyhand100S聚氨酯固化剂Vestagon B1065,Vestagon B1530,VestagonB1540增电剂 Aeroxide Alu C, Aeroxide Alu C805纯聚酯固化剂 Vestagon HA320(HAA)疏松剂Sipernat22增稠剂Sipernat 22LSHenkel(德国汉高公司)流平剂Perenal-3增电剂T exaquart 9000Huntsman(美国亨斯曼公司)固化剂和固化促进剂HT838,HT2831,HT2833,HT2844,HT3086,DT3126, XB2622,XB2632, XB2731,LMB1521 酚类固化剂 Aradur 3082消光剂 DT3357,DT3360纯聚酯消光固化剂 DT3329-1纯聚酯固化剂PT710,PT810(均为TGIC);PT910 ,PT912(均为GBP)ICI Chemical(英国帝国化学公司)消光剂FluonJohnson and Johnson Co(美国强生公司)消光剂 Joncry SCX848Kscnt Co.,Ltd,KS Chemical Co.,Ltd,(韩国凯胜化学公司)流平剂Rheoflow PLP-100,Rheoflow PLP-150,Rheoflow PLP-350,Rheoflow PLP-800,Rheoflow PLP850,Rheoflow RLP-111, Rheoflow LP-4000, Rheoflow LP-5000, Rheoflow LP-8000, Rheoflow APA-001, RheoflowPDS-4050消光剂或消光固化剂ReactHMA-680, React PSA-301,ReactPSA-302NS美术助剂ReactTAW-010,ReactTAW-011,ReactTAW-012,React TAW-013,React TAW-014,React TAW-015,React TAW-017,React CAB Micro纯聚酯消光固化剂ReactPMA-501(GMA)纯聚酯固化剂ReactPCH-201(HAA)Kyowa Hakko ChemicalCo., Ltd(日本协和酶化学公司)羟基聚酯固化剂DEGA,DEGANLubrizol SpecialtyChemicalCo., Ltd(美国路博润特种化工公司)抗静电剂Lancostat 308美术助剂LancoTF1620,LancoTF1750,LancoTF1820,LancoTF1890消泡剂Lanco wax PP 1362D消光剂Lanco wax D25,Lanco wax A1601,Lancowax A1602Micro Powder Co (美国微粉公司)消光剂 Propylmatte 31,Micropro 400,Micromatte 2000,Micromatte9083Nissan Chemical IndustryCo.(日本日产化学工业公司)纯聚酯固化剂TEPIC-G,TEPIC-P,TEPIC-S,TEPIC-SP(均为TGIC)纯聚酯固化剂 MT239(MTGIC)Shamrock(美国三叶公司)消光剂PTFE SST,S-361,S-381 N1,S-381 N5美术助剂 Flouro- Tex-61Shell Oil campany(英国壳牌石油公司)固化剂 Epikure 107FF,Epikure108FF流平剂环氧母粒 Epikote 3003-4F-1,Epikote1055ShikokuChemical IndustryCo.(日本四国化成工业公司)固化剂 Curezol 2MZ-A,Curezol2MZ-CN,Curezol 2MZ-CNS 固化剂和固化促进剂Curezol 2PZ-CN,Curezol 2PZ-CNSSIR—Cheson Iternationl Ltd(意大利西尔化学与矿产公司)纯聚酯固化剂Prosid H,Prosid411,Prosid H30A,Prosid H50A(均为HAA)Thomas Swan & Co(英国托玛斯天鹅公司)固化剂和固化促进剂Casamid 710,Casamid 780,Casamid790消光剂 Casamid 1457纯聚酯消光固化剂 Casamid2228Troy Chemical Co(美国特洛依化学公司)流平剂Powdermate 486CFL, Powdermate505PFL, Powdermate EX570消泡剂 Powdermate 542DG,TroykydD126美术助剂 Powdermate 508TEXVeba Chemical(德国费巴化学公司)固化剂和固化促进剂 V208,V209,PMDA二、国内主要粉末涂料助剂生产企业(企业名称的英文或汉语拼音排序)浙江昌明(Chengming)化学制品有限公司流平剂 CM501,CM503,CM504,CM505,CM506润湿剂 CM701消光固化剂 CM68,CM98固化剂和固化促进剂 CM31消泡剂 CM500美术助剂 CM208肇庆市东源(Dorgyuan)化工有限公司流平剂DY-88,503润湿剂701消光剂和消光固化剂D68,DY-601,DY-601A,DY-601B纯聚酯消光剂和消光固化剂 DY-608,DY-608A,DY-608B固化促进剂D31纯聚酯固化剂DY-552(HAA)美术助剂DY-008台湾优缔(Eumate)股份有限公司消光剂和消光固化剂Eumate700,Eumate800,Eumate900,固化剂和固化促进剂 Eumate200纯聚酯固化剂Eumate350(HAA)湖北来斯(HBNICE)化工新材料有限公司美术助剂 812,815,845,K50,T30增电剂 EDI,DSA,N308,711消泡剂 YPZ,404,4430蜡状微粉 210, 230,240,1442流平剂 H98,H48,H35固化催化剂 382,317,303,305B黄山华惠(Huahui)精细化工有限公司纯聚酯固化剂HT-702,HT-708(均为TGIC);HT-105,HH8080(HAA)消光剂HH-A,HH-A3黄山华美(Huamei)精细化工有限公司消光固化剂 M68固化剂和固化促进剂 FS31六安市捷通达(Jietonda)化工有限责任公司固化剂 SA32,SA2831固化剂和固化促进剂 SA241,SA316纯聚酯固化剂 SA3120(HAA)消光剂 SA2061,SA2061A, SA2065, SA2065F, SA2165,SA2065A耐候消光剂 SA206,SA206A,SA2061D,SA2066,SA2167 耐候消光固化剂 SA2068;SA525, SA700(GMA)美术助剂 SA207;SA2071;SA208常熟佳发(Jifa)化学有限责任公司固化剂和固化促进剂JECP-01,JECP-02,JECP-03,JH1020,T31,TD陕西金辰(Jinchen)化工有限公司固化剂 V205,V209,V801,V802,V803固化促进剂 2-二甲基咪唑,A-601酚类固化剂 V206,V208合肥科泰(Ketai)化工有限公司消光剂和消光固化剂KT55,KT68,KT100,KT103S,KT105,KT106,KT107,KT108 纯聚酯消光剂 KT109,KT109S固化剂和固化促进剂 KT248纯聚酯固化剂 KT320消泡剂 KT408,KT910,KT961增电剂 KT308美术助剂 KT507肇庆科威(Kewei)化工有限公司流平剂 KV503,KV506,KV509润湿剂 K V701,KV209消泡剂 KV203消光剂和消光固化剂 KVB68,KV509增电剂 KV801美术助剂 KV3362,KV3363高要联大(Lianda)涂装材料有限公司流平剂 503,505润湿剂 701消光剂 L68固化剂 L32常州牛塘(Niutang)化工厂有限公司消光固化剂 NT68纯聚酯固化剂(TGIC),NT552(HAA)辽宁润德(Runde)精细化工有限公司纯聚酯固化剂RD101,RD101J(TGIC);RD105,RD105M (HAA)黄山市润科(Runke)粉体材料有限公司流平剂 RB503,RB505,RB506,RB788润湿剂 RB701消泡剂 RB500,RB501,RB502消光剂和消光固化剂 RB330,RB3328;RB55,RB68纯聚酯消光剂 RB3326,RB3329固化剂和固化促进剂RB31美术助剂 RB100,RB101,RB103, RB120增电剂 RB350,RB351纯聚酯固化剂 RB810(TGIC);RB301(HAA)扬州三得利(Sandele)化工有限公司纯聚酯固化剂呔哔克(TGIC);SDL-552,SDL553(HAA)宁波南海(SouthSea)化学有限公司流平剂BLP402(液态),GLP503,GLP504,GLP505,GLP388, GLP588, GLP788润湿剂 BLC701, BLC701B消泡剂安息香,W-1,消光剂和消光固化剂XG603-1A,XG603-2A,XG603-5A,XG611,XG620纯聚酯消光剂和消光固化剂XG605W,XG628,XG660,XG665固化剂和固化促进剂JG803A纯聚酯固化剂 T105,T105M(均为HAA)美术助剂 BBM,BBWK,XG605-1A,XG608,XG618增电剂 TB-1,TB-2,TB-3,DH101上海索是(Suoshi)化工有限公司(东莞中添装饰材料公司)流平剂 T-988,T-91润湿剂 T-701消泡剂 TP,T-502,T-902,T-961消光剂和消光固化剂 T-68,T-303,T-315,T-323A, T-335纯聚酯消光剂和消光固化剂 T-301,T-302C,T-306,T-308固化剂和固化促进剂MICY,T-31,32-18A,T-60,T-61,T-62,T-311美术助剂MCB,MCC,MCD,T-55,T-101,T-102,T-103,T-106,T-108,T-2071增电剂 T-30,T-50,T-95广州天珑(Tianlong)高分子材料科技有限公司流平剂 TL88,TL200,TL505,TS109增电剂 ZY90C, ZY90,T308润湿剂TS301,CF402A固化剂 CF12消光剂 CF128美术助剂 CF8B,TL250无锡万利(Wanli)涂料设备有限公司流平剂 BLJ900,BLJ921,BLJ923润湿剂 BLJ701消光固化剂 XG-W55,XG-W68奉化祥瑞(Xiangrui)涂料助剂有限公司流平剂 R38,R88消泡剂 R400,R401,XPR,R4004,R4010美术助剂ZR30,ZR40,R508,R8005,R8015,R8025,R8056黄山新仁凯(Xinrenkai)科技有限公司纯聚酯消光剂优奈-109,优奈-109P纯聚酯固化剂优奈-333,优奈-333M(HAA)上海央吉(Yanggi)化工有限公司流平剂 LF-222固化剂 LH-1 30G、LH-140G、LH-160G、LH-425固化促进剂 LA-2208消光剂 YG-329消泡剂 YG-391、YG-391E、YG-393美术助剂 LM-316A、LM-316D、LM-319、YG-801抗老、抗黄变剂 LA-102、LA-108、LA-109、LA-931微粉蜡类助剂YG-920、YG-961F、YG-963、YG-965、YG-965A武汉银彩(Yincai)科技有限公司流平剂 L88, L788消泡剂 L307,L307A,L307B消光剂和消光固化剂 L203纯聚酯消光剂和消光固化剂 L201,L201C,L202,L208固化剂和固化促进剂L206,L207美术助剂 L101,L102,L103,L104,L105,L107增电剂 B308,L501,L509启东市宇林(Yulin)化工厂固化剂 HT-10,HT-11,HT-18广州泽和(Zehe)化工材料研究开发有限公司消光剂和消光固化剂Matte X5,MatteX6,Matte X8,Mild- Matte 3218(S), Mild- Matte S 3382,,Mild- Matte 3390 纯聚酯消光剂和消光固化剂Mild-Matte 3333,Mild-MatteA-9,Mild-Matte 3333LX,Gmatt 911/912消泡剂Bensub 2008, Bensub 2901, Bensub2908, Bensub 2998, Bensub 2999增电剂 Ang Per 2350象山志华(Zhihua)化学有限公司流平剂 SF-2,SF-688,PV99润湿剂增光剂消光剂和消光固化剂 D68纯聚酯消光固化剂 AR607固化剂和固化促进剂 D31纯聚酯固化剂 TGIC;F125,F125B(HAA)弋阳县中大(Zhongda)化学有限责任公司消泡剂安息香杭州中顺(Zhongshun)化工工贸有限公司流平剂 ZS-502-1,ZS-502-3,ZS-502-5,ZS-801润湿剂 ZS-206,ZS-906消光剂和消光固化剂ZS-H06K, ZS-H08W,ZS-H313, ZS-H537,ZS-H577纯聚酯消光剂, ZS-C10W, ZS-C30L, ZS-C60,ZS-C80, ZS-C662, ZS-C666美术助剂 ZS-007,ZS-107,ZS-207,ZS-503,ZS-507, ZS-507S,ZS-702,ZS-703消泡剂 ZS-601,ZS-603,ZS-605增电剂 ZS-701,ZS-705,ZS-7082016-3-18。
认识到了贫困户贫困的根本原因,才 能开始 对症下 药,然 后药到 病除。 近年来 国家对 扶贫工 作高度 重视, 已经展 开了“ 精准扶 贫”项 目
第九章 聚氨酯弹性纤维
物,大多数扩链剂选用二胺、二醇、肼等。 二胺扩链剂有间苯二胺、乙二胺、1,2 -二氨基丙烷
线密度低:为22~4778dtex,最细的可达11dtex; 强度高:湿态为0.35~0.88dN/tex,干态为0.5~ 0.9dN/tex,是橡胶丝的2~4倍。
认识到了贫困户贫困的根本原因,才 能开始 对症下 药,然 后药到 病除。 近年来 国家对 扶贫工 作高度 重视, 已经展 开了“ 精准扶 贫”项 目
认识到了贫困户贫困的根本原因,才 能开始 对症下 药,然 后药到 病除。 近年来 国家对 扶贫工 作高度 重视, 已经展 开了“ 精准扶 贫”项 目
第九章 聚氨酯弹性纤维
(二)聚醚二醇的合成 聚醚二醇是软链段之一,其相对分子质量越大聚合
物的极性越小,分子链越柔软,一般相对分子质量控制 在1500~3500。常用聚醚二醇有:聚四氢呋喃醚二醇 (又称聚四亚甲基醚二醇)、聚氧乙烯醚二醇、聚氧丙 烯醚二醇等。
第九章 聚氨酯弹性纤维
Physical description
2.5 Dimensions in mm (excl power supply)
W 386
D 380 H 371 mm
2.6 Minimum space required for the analyser, to Allow additional 75 mm at rear and sides. allow for air circulation and operator access for maintenance
Analyte pO2 mmHg
pO2 kPa
Na+ mmol/L K+ mmol/L Ca++ mmol/L
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3
MHRA Blood Gas Analyser Survey 2004
Information supplied by the manufacturer
Rapidlab™ 348
1. Manufacturer/supplier details Manufacturer/Supplier details
2. Description of the analytical system
Product history
2.1 World-wide product launch date
扑海因 SC==========================================================>
Presentation • 2020年3月6日星期五 • Slide 9
扑海因/施佳乐 SC (交替使用)====== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =>
Presentation • 2020年3月6日星期五 • Slide 12
安泰生WP (刚发病或刚发病前) =========> 霉多克WP ========================================> 普力克 ® ==========================================> (苗床泼浇或大田喷雾)
炭疽病 ® 好力克 SC ===================================================================>
安泰生 (刚发病或刚发病前)====================================>
霉多克 WP和普力克 AS (中等至重病害压力)==========================================> 普力克 AS (苗床处理)==>
散黑穗病 ®
Oct/Nov Dec Presentation • 2020年3月6日星期五 • Slide 4