【美语漫游记】-The buck stops here

第一集我们那时候正坐在商店里\N有个人进来We were in a store and a guy in that store...就叫我们去参军...told us to put our uniforms on.“你到底在说什么?”"what the hell are you talking about?"他说:“美国与日本开战了”He says, "The USA is in a war with Japan."我们压根儿就不敢相信We couldn't believe it.我们的国家被攻击了Well, our country was attacked.这是不同的It's different.这与朝鲜战争或越南战争不同It wasn't like Korea or Vietnam.我们被攻击了We were attacked.你知道,这种感觉…And, you know, it was a feeling that... 或许我们是乡下老实人...maybe, we're just dumb country people but...但我们很多人都自愿参军...where I come from a lot of us volunteered.“谁要自愿加入坦克部队?”"Who would like to volunteer for the Tank Corps?“谁要自愿加入空军?”"Who would like to volunteer for the Air Force?“谁要自愿加入海军?”"Who would like to volunteer for the Navy?" or whatever.他们又说And then, they said:“谁愿意加入空降师?”"Who would like to volunteer for the Airborne?"什么是“空降”啊?Somebody says, "What the hell's the Airborne?"根本没有人听过Nobody ever heard of it.我们来自一个很小的城镇We came from a small, small town.镇上有三个人因为体检不合格而自杀And three fellows in that town that were 4F...因为他们不能从军mitted suicide because they couldn't go.真是个不同的年代A different time.我们做了些事I did things.不是为了勋章或荣誉I didn't do them for medals.我们做那些事只因那是必须做的事I didn't do them for accolades. I did 'em because it's what had to be done.各位,当你跳出飞机The guy says, "would you jump out of airplanes?你带着所有陆军给你的配备"You know, you got all your army equipment...跳出飞机,准备与敌人作战"...and you jump out of airplanes, to fight the enemy."我们说“去死吧”These guys, they said, "Go to hell."没有人举起手Nobody put up their hands.我不知道是谁提起的And then, I don't know what it was brought it up...但有个人演讲提到...but the guy giving the speech was saying:你一个月可以多赚50块钱"But you get paid $50 a month more."所以那就是100块So, that made it a hundred bucks.{\1c&H80FFFF&\i1}片名:兄弟连{\1c&H80FFFF&\i1}第一集:葛拉锡(新兵营)“1944年6月4日,英国,尤波泰瑞”…我真想来块鸡肉馅饼I want a whiff of chicken pie.弟兄们,把装备都收好Okay, boys, let's get this gear stowed.F连,我们五分钟内出发Fox Company...we go in five. 以圣父圣子之名"In the name of the Father..."第一排准备好轻型火力1st Platoon, draw small arms.你需要帮忙吗,中尉?\N敌人到了再准备就晚了Do you need a hand, Lieutenant?E连注意!整装!Easy Company! Listen up!朝我靠拢集合Gather up around me.动作快,大家快点。
高中英语 VOA美国习惯用语讲座(文本) 第382讲 pass the buck素材

高中英语 VOA美国习惯用语讲座(文本)第382讲 pass thebuck素材音频地址:Sound/lesson382.mp3内容:我们上次讲了几个来自扑克牌桌的习惯用语。
第一个是:pass the buck。
也就是pass the buck,意思是把发牌的责任交给他了。
如今习惯用语pass the buck意义有了发展,不再指牌桌规矩。
例句-1: When I asked my secretary Miss Brown why she hadn't mailed outthese very important letters to customers, she passed the buck to our officeboy for not having enough stamps ready. 他问秘书Brown小姐为什么还不把那些至关重要的信件寄给顾客,而秘书却怪办公室的勤杂员没备足邮票。
所以习惯用语pass the buck意思是"推卸责任。
" ****** 美国总统杜鲁门非常爱打扑克,他在白宫的办公桌上贴着这样一条标语:the buck stops here。
刚才说过习惯用语pass the buck意思是推卸责任。
从pass the buck我们可以推测习惯用语the buck stops here是什么意思。
电影《2012》世界末日 完整 中英文对白

Welcome,my friend. 欢迎,我的朋友。
Great to see you. 很高兴看到你。
Yeah,glad you made it. 很高兴你来了。
英文对白 2009)Remember my brother,Gurdeep?He's a student now. 记得我弟弟格帝吗?他现在是学生。
Namaste,Dr.Helmsley,sir. 你好,赫尔姆斯得博士。
Adrian,It's just Adrian. 艾德里安,叫我艾德里安。
Just don't pour too much,huh? 别一次倒太多,好吧? How do you work in this heat?你怎么能在这么热的地方工作? You've come on a good day,my friend. 今天算不错了,朋友。
Sometimes it can hit 120 degrees. 有时候温度会高达华氏 120 度(约 49 摄氏度)。
You have to come and meet Dr.Lokesh……a Fellow of quantum physics at the university in Chennai. 你得见见洛克西博士,他是钦奈大学的量子物理专家。
Dr.Helmsley. 赫尔姆斯利博士。
So,what are we looking at? 好了,你要给我看什么?These are neutrinos acting normally. 这些是正常的中微子。
Minuscule mass,no electrical charge. 没有质量,不带电荷。
They pass through ordinary matter almost (NAGA DENG COPPER MINE,INDIA 2009 年Hey,hey,watch out.Watch out.This can't be Ajit.He's a little man already. 那是阿吉特吧?他都长这么大了。

136 Pan out 结果是;取得成功She hopes that the future life her husband claimed will pan out—becomes better and better.她希望未来的生活正如她丈夫所宣称的那样——越来越好。
历史典故19世纪,詹姆斯·马歇尔(James Marshan)在加州发现金子,于是那儿就成了人们的淘金圣地。
对话Kevin:Kentucky Fried Chicken is such a success.肯德基办得真成功。
Rose: Right. Harland David Sanders started this company from scratch.没错。
Kevin:So he never thought it would pan out like this?所以他从没想过会这么成功吗?Rose: Yeah. The taste and his marketing philosophy are doomed to be successful.对啊,但食物的口味和他的营销理念注定这家店会成功。
137 Pandora's box 罪恶、麻烦的根源Power can bring you satisfaction, but sometimes it's a Pandora's box.权力能给你满足感,但有时也是罪恶之源。

杰克·布里克豪斯(1916~1998)美国著名棒球解说员雕像,他长期解说芝加哥小熊队的比赛,他的解说激情四溢,口头禅是“Hey, Heeeey!”。

摩登家庭-第2季第1集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语Honey, do you need me to move the car? 亲爱的要我把车开出去吗No, it's nothing. I'm alright 不不用我能行Oh no! Iron cross, she's going down 不铁十字给我力量它要栽了Oh no! Iron cross, she's going down [铁十字纳粹德军勋章]Oh god! Phil... 当心菲尔- You okay? - Yes. I am. -你没事吧 -没事I am okay. 我没事Honey, why do we keep this car? 亲爱的我们为什么要留着这辆车It's a classic! 这车老经典了No, it just sits here. 不它只是空占地方And the seatbelts don't work. 安全带也坏了The doors stick. It leaks fluids. 门也卡还漏油We haven't put fluids in it in 10 years. 我们也十年没给它加过油了Well, I'm gonna fix all that anyway. 我会把这些毛病都修好And then, uh, it's gonna be Haley's car. 然后送给海莉Oh, we're not giving this car to Haley. 我才不要给海莉It's way too easy to fit a mattress in the back. 车后座都宽得可以放床垫了Remember? 当年这车可是我们的洞房啊Oh, no. We're selling it. 要命了这车必须卖What?! 什么Unless you don't think you can. 除非你觉得你卖不出- Really? - Yeah. -此话当真 -是的- Seriously? - You can't. -确定当真 -绝对当真You honestly think that's gonna work? 你确定我卖不掉You can't sell it. 就是卖不掉You know what? 话说You can insult a lot of things about me... 你怎么羞辱我都可以My hair, my voice, my balance-board exercises... 发型啊声音啊平衡板游戏啥的But don't insult my selling. 就是不要羞辱我强大的销售能力That crosses a line. 过分了哈What line? Oh, you don't see it? 过在哪里你瞧不见?That's 'cause I just sold it. 因为我以光速给它卖了That's 'cause I just sold it. 《摩登家庭》第二季第一集While the spray-tanned starlet claims 当这个美黑小星星声称to be six weeks sober, sources down under say: 自己有六个星期没嗑药时知情者爆料道She has been bar-hopping 她就像一个嗑药过量的袋鼠一样like a coked-up kangaroo." 蹦啊跳啊混迹于酒吧Ah, what's daddy reading to you? 爹地给你读什么呢If I have to read "the very hungry caterpillar" 如果还要我再读一次One more time, I will snap. 《饥肠辘辘的毛毛虫》我会抓狂的- oh, it's not that bad. - I will snap! -哪有那么差劲啊 -别逼人家So, um, I laid the toolbox outside, 那啥我把工具箱拿到外面了And all the supplies are ready, 所有的材料也都准备好了And I think we are good to go! 可以开工了Terrific. 好极了Aren't you gonna change into a working man's outfit? 你不打算换身工人套装吗No, I'm good, 不用了And I don't think workmen really call them "outfits." 况且我不觉得工人管它叫"套装" We are building a princess castle for Lily. 我们要给莉莉建一座公主城堡Uh, it's something every father wants to be able to do for his daughter.这是每个父亲都想给他女儿建的You know, and I fancy myself 并且我把自己幻想成as a bit of a castle designer. 这个城堡的设计师I have done a few sketches. 我画了一些草图Which we have archived so we can use the kit. 那些以备后用这样我们就能用组装套件- Mm, yeah. - The kit. -对 -套件Uh, the kit. Which, uh, we're gonna do together. 套件我们夫妇一条心一起做I am petrified to do this with Mitchell. 要跟米奇尔一起做这个还不如杀了我He built a couple of theater sets in college or something,他大学的时候做过几个戏剧的布景什么的And now he thinks he knows everything about building. 就以为自己是建筑帝了Well, he doesn't. 但他根本不搭边Every home-improvement project that we've undertaken. 每次我们家要做改造Has been a near-death experience. 都让人好想死好想死Make the appetizers. And then we'll be... 做开胃菜然后...If an accident does happen, I hope he kills me... 如果真出了啥意外我希望他一下解决了我Because I don't think I would be a very inspiring disabled person.因为我觉得我不会是个乐观向上的残障人士Honey, relax. 亲爱滴放亲松She's not here yet. 她还没来You might want to play it a little cooler. 你最好蛋定一下别猴急猴急的You don't want to scare off your girlfriend. 要不会把你女朋友吓跑的She's not my girlfriend! 她才不是我女朋友She's just coming over to study the life cycle of silkworms.她只是过来跟我一起研究蚕的生命周期Oh. She's here. 嗷她到了She's here! okay, how's my hair? 她到了那啥我头发不乱吧I thought it was just a friend. 是谁说只是朋友来着I heard that. 我可听到了I wasn't whispering. 我故意的Manny, open the door. Make her feel welcome. 曼尼去开门让她感受什么叫宾至如归Kelly! Good morning. 凯莉早上好Uh, I'm glad you're here. 欢迎你来我家Um, this is my Mom. 这是我妈Nice to meet you! 很高兴认识你哦In my culture, 在我们的文化里mothers are very clingy to their sons. 母亲都灰常粘儿子In fact, the leading cause of death among Colombian women 其实呢哥伦比亚妇女死亡的首要原因is when their sons get married. 就是她们的儿子要结婚But I'm not like that. 但是我不会这样I just want my Manny to be happy. 我只要曼尼高兴就好哩Manny, why don't you give your friend Kelly an empanada? 曼尼叫你的朋友凯莉吃肉卷馅饼Oh, no, thank you. 不了谢谢I try to stay away from trans fats. 我尽量避免摄入反式脂肪Oh, I'm sure one won't make a difference. 哎呀呀就吃一个没啥滴啦They're Manny's favorite! 这是曼尼的最爱哟I... think I'm going to stop eating trans fats, too. 我我也不要吃反式脂肪了Mom? When was this from? 妈这是在哪拍的Oh... That's the year your dad and I went to the rose bowl.这是我跟你爸去看玫瑰杯的时候拍的Oh... That's the year your dad and I went to the rose bowl. [玫瑰杯于加州举行的美式足球赛] - Incredible game. - Yeah. -那场老精彩了 -是啊Mom, you look really pretty. 妈你看起来真美Thank you, sweetheart. 谢谢你宝贝儿So, what happened? 那后来怎么回事Well, Lukey, everyone gets older. 小卢克人人都会变老嘛Just 'cause parts of your mom aren't what they used to be, 即便你妈的风采不再it doesn't meam... 也不代表...I mean, what happened in the game? 我是想问比赛后来怎么样了We got our butts kicked by Penn state. 我们输给了宾州队The parade was awesome, though. 但是游行非常棒Angela Lansbury was the grand marshal. 是安吉拉·兰斯伯里担任司仪Angela Lansbury was the grand marshal. [著名女演员] "Good time," she wrote. "美好的记忆" 她写道Okay, come on, guys. Let's get back to it. 行了继续收拾No one's gonna buy this heap looking this way. 堆着这么多东西没人会买的Hey, mom, which one is the garbage can? 恶妈妈垃圾丢哪边Um, it... 丢...Honey, you can't throw that away. 乖乖这个不能丢It's blankety. 这是小毯毯It's disgusting. 可它有够恶心No, sweetie, you loved blankety. 怎么会亲爱的你以前可喜欢它了You wouldn't go anywhere without him. 你上哪儿都要带着它Yeah, until Luke threw up on it. 哈直到卢克吐在上面Yeah. 哈哈I used to throw up all the time. 我年轻的时候老吐Remember buckety? 还记得呕吐桶桶吗Oh, look at this. 看这个What is that? 这是什么We went to the beach one day, 那天咱们去海边and Luke had such a good time. 卢克玩得很开心That he wanted to being home a jar of sunshine. 所以他要带一罐阳光回家So he could always remember it. 这样他就能永远记着了Do you remember, honey? 还记得吗亲爱的Oh, no... no, no, don't... don't open it. 不不不别别打开You really think you trapped sunshine in there? 你真以为你把阳光收进罐子里了I'm just letting you know now, 我现在通知你们I'm not taking care of him when you guys die. 你们死了之后我绝对不会管他的Stop. It's sweet. 别说了这样做很可爱的Still feels hot. 还热热的好吧Hey! It's that guy who came by earlier. 刚看车那家伙来电话了He was really interested. 貌似很想买What was his name? Shoot! 他叫啥来着快告诉我Well, you can't be in sales and not remember people's names. 做销售千万不能忘记客户姓名That's why I like to use what they call "minimonic" devices. 所以我用"迷你联想"来帮助记忆They're little tricks to help you remember. 这是帮助记忆的小诀窍Um, like the other day, I met this guy named Carl. 就像那天我认识了个家伙叫卡尔Now, I might forget that name, 现在我或许忘了他的名字But he was wearing a Grateful Dead T-shirt. 但我记得她穿着一件Grateful Dead的汗衫But he was wearing a Grateful Dead T-shirt. [Grateful Dead 美国摇滚乐队]What's a band like the Grateful Dead? 有什么乐队像Grateful DeadPhish. Where do fish live? Phish 鱼生活在哪里[跟"鱼"读音相近] Phish[同为美国摇滚乐队]The ocean. 海洋What else lives in the ocean? 什么东西生长在海洋Coral. 珊瑚Hello, "Coral". 你好卡罗[他本想卖弄却记错了] [Coral 意译珊瑚音译卡罗与卡尔音似]I think it's "mnemonic". 我记得这是"助记口诀"I... I think I'd remember. 啊… 我觉得我没记错Okay. 行吧You can do it, dad. 老爸你一定行的Okay. 好吧He looked like the drummer from foreigner. 他看起来像是个外国鼓手Now, foreigner's from France. 这个外国人来自法国France rhymes with "ants." 法国和蚂蚁押韵[英文单词读音]Ants ruin a picnic. 蚂蚁破坏了野餐What's up, Nick? 哈啰 Nick[和野餐后缀音同]Really? 是吗Really? 真的吗Well, that's great. 那太好了Yeah, no, swing by anytime. We're here all day. 随时欢迎我们一整天都在Thanks. 谢谢Guess what? 你猜怎么着You said I couldn't sell this? 谁说哥卖不出去Well, you're gonna be eating a humble pie. 你自打嘴巴了吧Stuffed with crow and a big side of sorry, 高兴不起来了吧真对不住了嘿'cause I just did. 我给它卖了In your face, girl with the negative tattoo! 当你的面卖出去了叫你老否定咱爷们Honey... 亲爱的Wait. 等等No! 不Whoa. Someone doesn't like to lose. 有人输不起了Honey. 宝贝Honey! 宝贝儿I'm sorry. 对不起I'm sorry. 对不起When I woke up this morning, I hated that car, 今早一睁眼我还很烦那辆车and even thinking about it made me mad. 就连想起它都让我抓狂But then when we were going through it, 但是我们一起经历了这么多and blankety... 还有那个可爱的小毯毯…all that stuff... I just... 所有这一切我只是The thought of that whole part of our life driving away...一想到那些美丽的日子就这样随车而逝了We can keep blankety. 我们可以留着小毯毯嘛I don't want... 但我不想...Look at them. 看看他们Come on. A minute ago, they were babies. 好像昨天他们还都只是小宝宝And now they're driving. 今天呢连车都会开了And soon we'll all be dead. 然后我们也不久于人世了Whoa! You're leaving out a few great minutes there. 打住你咋能忽略掉死前的美好时光呢Retirement, old age... 退休啊颐养天年啊Cool chair that goes up the stairs. 超级酷的爬楼梯自动椅子啊Yeah. I'm sorry. 是啊对不起I'm... being ridiculous. 我不该胡思乱想Don't apologize. I love you when you're human. 不用道歉我就喜欢你充满着人情味Listen. 听着Hey! listen! 听我说We don't have to sell the car. 车不卖了Oh, sweetie, of course we do. 亲爱的当然要卖It doesn't make any sense to keep it. 没理由要留着它Well, what can I do to make you feel better? 那我该怎么做才能让你感觉好点Nothing. 什么也不用做Unless you can build me a time machine. 除非你给我造一台时光机Honey... 亲爱的Until someone can figure out how to keep a wormhole 除非有人能想办法Until someone can figure out how to keep a wormhole [虫洞宇宙时间和空间壁上的洞] from collapsing in on itself. 阻止虫洞的倒塌That's just a pipe dream. 否则就是痴人说梦Sure. 是啊Phil! come on back, phil. 菲尔想都别想菲尔Well, I found the... 我找到了...I found the nail gun. 我找到了射钉枪Oh. Yay. 噢太好了The weirdest thing... it was wrapped in an old towel 奇怪的是它给裹在一条旧毛巾里stuffed in a box on the top shelf of the closet. 塞在盒子里在壁橱最顶上Well, just set it down on the counter. 赶紧把它放在柜台上Heads up! 小心Oh, dad, what are you doing here? 老爸你来这干嘛I'm, uh, just, uh, returning that crockpot that Gloria borrowed. 我只是来还歌洛莉亚借的电锅Oh, yeah, I forgot you had that crockpot, Jay. 我都忘了这码事了杰Well, we're just getting ready to build Lily a princess castle我们正准备给莉莉建造一座公主城堡if you... 如果你...- Want to help? - Yeah, sure. -想帮忙 -当然没问题Oh. Well, if it's okay with you, Mitchell. 只要你不介意的话米奇尔Oh, yeah! oh, no, dad. 好啊我没问题老爸Oh, remember how much fun we had 还记得当初我们一起做书架的时候吗when we built that bookshelf together? 多美好的回忆呀That was my vietnam. 那简直就像打了场越战And I was in vietnam. 我确实参加过越战Oh! Look at us! 看看我们哦Three construction dudes! 我们就是工匠三兄弟Dad, I'm gonna get you some workman gloves. 老爸我去给你拿几副专用手套I have a blue and camel. 我有蓝色的和驼色的What's your preference? 你喜欢哪个颜色的Surprise me. 你懂的Wouldn't it be easier 如果我们把东西都整理到同一个笔记本上if we had all our stuff in the same notebook? 那不就轻松多了You think? 你这么觉得I mean, we're always going back and forth. 这样我们就省的总是来回翻了I'll just put my things in your notebook. 我把我的笔记夹到你的本子上okay. 好的Who wants chocolate milk? 谁想喝巧克力奶呀Sure, mom. 我要妈妈- So how is it going? - Great! -进度如何呀 -好极了Kelly's moving her stuff 凯莉在把她的笔记into my notebook. 都搬到我的本子上This is sudden. 速度还真快啊It just felt right. 应该的Oh, you know what you should do? 你应该这样Put a pinch of salt in the chocolate milk. 在巧克力奶里放一撮盐It really brings out the flavor. 提味得多Salt is for the popcorn. 吃爆米花才用盐呢That sounds good. 听起来对味You wouldn't like it. 你不会喜欢的Maybe we should let Manny decide. 也许我们该让曼尼自己决定Okay. 好滴Here's the salt. 给你盐We'll see what he likes. 我们看他选哪个Wow! 天啊That's really good! 好喝翻了Try it, mom! 妈妈你试试I don't care for it. 老娘对这无爱It was delicious. 其实很好喝I finally got Lily down for a nap. 终于把莉莉哄睡了Where is Mitchell? 米奇尔在哪里He's not supposed to be unsupervised! 怎么能没人看着他呢Don't worry. 没事I got him in the garage putting flags on the spires. 我让他去车库给塔顶插旗子Okay, perfect. 哦那就好It's better that way. Nobody gets hurt. 这样最好省的有人受伤了We don't have to put flags on the spires. 插旗子这事儿也省了Yeah. 是啊All right, let's get this roof on. 好了我们来盖上屋顶It's supposed to snap right into place. 应该咔嚓就扣上了Hey! 嘿Whatcha got going on over there, Jigsaw? 你干的怎么样了电锯哥[电锯惊魂里的杀人狂] Well, I thought that I would get started 我觉得我得从吊桥开工on the, uh, drawbridge while you guys worked on the roof, so... 屋顶就归你们了所以... You all done with the flags?! 你的旗子都插好了吗Yeah! 当然Yeah, it took me like 15 minutes. 十五分钟就搞定了It was a lot easier than you made it out to be. 哪里像你说的那么麻烦Do something, Jay. 杰怎么办Uh, Mitch?! 米奇Yeah. 干嘛How about you make us some sandwiches? 你去弄点三明治吧No. No, we're in the middle of this. 不成不成我们还没完工呢No, I think what Jay's saying is, 不是杰的意思是说why don't you go sort some bolts? 你为什么不挑点螺栓来No, I sorted the bolts. 不用我已经挑好了- All of 'em? - There were six. -全部吗 -一共就六个W... what's going on with you two? 你们俩不对劲啊Are you... are you trying to get rid of me? 难道是想把我甩开不成Uh..., Mitch. 呃米奇Oh, my god. You are. 天你们真是闲我碍事You're... you're, like, in cahoots. 你们居然狼狈为奸Mitchell, I get scared, when you're around tools, 米奇尔你一碰工具我就害怕Honey, it's dangerous... 亲爱的这太危险了For me, for you, 对你对我for... our roses. 对我们的花花都是威胁Works better this way, kid. 孩子他说得对I mean, castle goes right up, 我是指顺利建好城堡Nobody gets sliced in half. 没人给一切两半Do you know how insulting this is? I was... 你们也太小看人了吧我可是…I was an intern at the songbird summer playhouse. 我可是在歌鸟夏季剧院实习过的Do you think that the town of Brigadoon 你们以为南海仙境那出戏just magically appeared? 就嗖一下变出来了吗Well, in the play, it did, but...the set... 当然戏里看着是这么回事但是那个布景the set was built with these two hands! 那个布景是我用这双手搭的Mitchell. Mitchell... 米奇尔米奇尔The Von Trapp mansion, Evita's balcony... 还有范特普庄园艾维塔的阳台Okay. Okay. 算了算了Oh, where are you going? 你这是要去哪I'm going on a walk, 我要暴走了and, oh, yeah, I can still do that by myself. 哈没错我还能自己走Watch. Oh, I hope I don't get hurt. 看着嘿哦好害怕会摔倒哦Oh, god, who put that doorjamb there? 哦妈呀谁这么缺德放个门柱在这儿I didn't see it. 害我没看见I ran right into it. 直接撞上去了Oh, no, I tripped! Walking is so hard! 哎呀糟糕绊着了走路好难的说That one didn't look like it was on purpose. 刚才那下可不像是故意的It was! 就是故意的Just a few more steps. 还有几步路Oh, sorry! 对不起!Step! Step! Sorry! 有台阶有台阶对不起- Phil?! - Sorry, sorry. -菲尔 -对不起对不起It's gonna be worth it. 这一跤绝对值No, it's not. 绝对不值Don't listen to her. 别听她瞎说And... 开...- Ow. Ow. Ow! - Sorry. Don't struggle. -嗷嗷嗷 -对不起不要乱动Stop struggling. 不要乱动Great. It's our car. 好惊喜啊我们的车Not a car. Kids? 不只是车哦孩子们"ti... " what? "时" 什么Tonight, Claire Dunphy, we are turning back the clock 今天晚上克莱尔·邓菲我们把时钟拨回to a simpler time... 那纯真年代...when families piled into their station wagons, 当年那个咱一家挤在旅行车里picked up some burgers, 捎上一些汉堡and went on a picnic up to granger point. 去郊外野餐的日子Honey, we don't have to do this. 亲爱的没必要吧Listen to her. 她说得对No, it's gonna be great. I talked to... 不啊会很好玩的我跟那个France, ants, picnic... 法国蚂蚁野餐%¥%@&*...Nick, and he's not picking up the car till tomorrow. 尼克说了他明天才来取车We have one more night of family fun! 我们还能来一次家庭大聚会What's gonna be fun about it? 能有啥意思Listen to him 谁说不是- Only everything. - Only nothing. -啥都有意思 -啥也没意思Okay, kids, you know what? 好了小朋友们Your father is trying to do something nice, 你们老爹要做好人好事so I would appreciate it if you would stop your whining 你们少抱怨点儿多好and just get in the car. 赶紧上车Still does it! 屡试不爽Oh, my! 啊哈Come on, get in, get in! 快点快点进去I'm just saying, the kid's gotta learn to let things go. 我不得不说他得学会释怀Well, this is a touchy subject for Mitchell. 这对米奇尔是个敏感话题He wants to feel like a regular joe, like you and I. 他就想体现男子汉的一面就像咱俩Oh, pardonnez-moi. 哦不好意思I prefer the champagne Dijon to the standard yellow. 比起普通香槟我更倾向于第戎香槟You know, there are a few areas that define us as men, 要证明自己是纯爷们方法很多你懂的like sports and construction. 比如运动健身还有木工啥的Mitchell just wants to feel like he's... 米奇尔只是想证明自个是part of the man club. 爷们俱乐部中的一员Isn't that where you guys met? 你俩不就那地儿认识的I know you're making a joke because you're uncomfortable,我知道你这开玩笑是因为基佬氛围让你不适so I'll let it slide. 我当没听见and we met at an orgy. 我们在性派对上认识的Come on. 淡定I just think it's crazy, that's all. 我就觉得那啥太疯狂了仅此而已So what if he can't swing a hammer? 他拿不稳锤子又怎么着Look at all he has done. 要看他好的一面啊Law school, great career, providing for his family. 法律学校出身事业蒸蒸日上还能养家糊口That's manly, too, isn't it? 未必还不够爷们I mean, the classical sense. 传统意义上很不错了Well, yes, I mean, I think it also takes a big man 对是同样我觉得to quit his career as a music teacher 辞去音乐老师的工作回家养孩子and raise a child. 也是爷们所为You're a man, too, Cam. 你也很爷们小卡Thank you, Jay. 谢谢杰Wait. Garnish. We're men... 等等忘了装饰再爷们not cavemen. 也要讲究啦My great-great-grandfather 我爷爷的爷爷的爷爷helped build the Brooklyn bridge. 参与过建造布鲁克林大桥And I heard that, until the day he died, 我听说在他有生之年里every time he passed it, he was filled with such pride. 每每经过大桥一股自豪感便油然而生He'd say, "there's a little bit of me in that bridge." 他会说这桥有我一份功劳I know that I'm not the handiest guy, 我知道自己不手巧but I'm still a man, 但我是男人嘛and I want to be able to look out into my yard and say... 我只希望能望向自家后院深情道出…"there's a little bit of me in that princess castle." 这公主城堡有我一份功劳Oh, no. No. No, no, no. No. 哦不不要啊No. Oh, no. 不要啊Hey, mom. 嘿妈妈Kelly's parents are on their way. 凯莉的父母马上就要来了She invited me to go out to dinner and a movie with them. 她邀请我和他们一起吃饭看电影Is that okay? 你批准吗Oh, but... 哦可是...I thought that you and I were going to the movies tonight. 不是说好咱俩去看电影吗You know, to see that one with Shia Labeouf. 就是希亚·拉博夫演的那个呀You know, to see that one with Shia Labeouf. [《变形金刚》男主角]Well, maybe we can go to the movie another night. 我们可以改天晚上去看呀W... what's wrong? 怎么了Oh, nothing. 没事啦Just my heart. 小心脏好难受Okay, sue me. 好呀告我去呀I am a Colombian mother. 我就是一个哥伦比亚妈妈I'm not gonna let him make a mistake 我才不会让他犯错误that is gonna affect him for the rest of my life! 影响我滴一生His life! 他滴一生Manny, 曼尼I think we should talk about this Kelly girl. 我觉得是时候谈谈凯莉的问题了Isn't she great? 她是不是巨好I think she really likes me. 我觉得她对我有意思Why wouldn't she like you, baby? Of course. 她怎么可能会对你没意思呢当然啦Go. Have fun. 去吧玩开心呀I'm gonna wear my burgundy dinner jacket. 我决定穿那件酒红色西装Of course you are. 穿去吧I say we apologize 我觉得应该先道歉and just finish the castle together like he wanted. 然后按照他的意思一起把城堡修好- Did you hide the nail gun? - Absolutely. -你有把射钉枪藏好吧 -必须的'cause, I mean, you said that before. 问题是上回你也这么说来着No, I... 不是我...Oh, my gosh. It's finished. 哦天啊已经盖好了What the hell? Mitchell did that? 什么情况米奇尔干的吗Yes. Yes, Mitchell did it. 对啊对啊就是米奇尔干的Who's the bitch now, bitches? 傻眼了吧贱人们Honey, it looks beautiful! 亲爱的真漂亮Well, yeah, because when you two were inside 当然啦你们两个在里面enjoying your little tea party, I was out here... 搞家家酒的时候我一人在这里out here getting stuff done. 辛苦干活I'm sorry. 我错了We shouldn't have underestimated you. 我们不该小看你You know he's stuck in there, right? 看出来他被困在里面了吧Oh, yeah. 太明显了Uh, hey, kid, Cam and I are gonna go crack a couple cold ones. 嘿儿子我和小卡要去喝点冰啤酒You want to join us? 你要不要一起啊No, no, you know what? 不用了I'm just gonna stay here and get some stuff done, 我就留下把剩下的活做完but you... you two ladies enjoy your light beers. 你们两位小姐进去喝点淡啤吧How do you know we're having light beers? 你怎么知道我们要喝淡啤We only have light beers. 家里只有淡啤So, well, listen. 听着- Here is a hammer. - I don't need it. I don't need it, though. -锤子在这里 -放这儿干嘛我又不用- And this is a screwdriver. - But I'm not gonna use it. -这个是螺丝刀 -我又用不着And you just come on in whenever you want to. 你想喝酒就进来I'll be in at... yeah. 马上就… 来You sure we shouldn't get him out of there? 你确定不用把他弄出来No. He would never forgive us. 不用否则他永远不会原谅我们的He's a very proud man, your son. 你儿子自尊心强着呢Bird! Bird! 鸟鸟Bird! ah, oh, my god! oh, my god! 有鸟天啊啊啊Yeah, I'm pretty proud of myself right now. 我现在可自豪的很啊Ohh! oh, my god! 我的妈呀Calm down. 淡定Luke, honey, slow down. 卢克宝贝慢点吃No one's gonna take your food away. 没人跟你抢Wow, this place has really changed. 这地方变化可真大啊Time marches on, huh? 光阴荏苒啊See that Starbucks down there? 看到下面那家星巴克了吗You know what that used to be? 你们知道那儿原来是什么吗An orange grove? 橘子园吗No, a Burger King. 不对是汉堡王You can still see some of the architecture. 还能看到当时的建筑风格Thank you... for this. 谢谢你做这些I really do feel better already. 我真的感觉好多了You can go home again, Claire. 克莱尔美丽的日子一直都在Oh, sweetie. 亲爱的My stomach hurts. 我胃疼Luke, honey, I told you not to eat so fast. 卢克宝贝叫你别吃那么快Just sit back, relax. You're gonna be fine. 坐回去休息一下就没事的- Ew! Spider! - Haley! -有蜘蛛 -海莉-Haley! - Haley, honey, -海莉 -海莉宝贝you're standing on the back of daddy's seatbelt! 你踩住你爸的安全带了Oh, soft cheeses, I can breathe again. 偶滴神啊又能呼吸了Wait. Where'd the spider go? 等等蜘蛛到哪儿去了I really need some air. 我得透透气Okay, Alex, lower your window. 好吧艾丽克斯把车窗摇下来I can't. It's stuck. 我摇不动它卡住了I forgot about that. 我把这事给忘了Don't you throw up on me. 不准吐我身上Ohh. Don't point him at me! 别把他推给我Here, I'll turn on the... Haley!! 在这儿我把这个打开… 海莉Oh! Oh, honey, I think that's the heat. 亲爱的我想这应该是暖气。

【原文】1. The pop singer made a wonderful performance and won a round of applause.
【原文】W: Here, put the fruit in this bag.
M: Are you sure?
W: Yes, I am. Why do you ask?
M: It doesn’t look very strong.
Question: How does the man feel about the bag?
【原文】M: Who ordered the large iced tea?
W: That was me.
M: Here you go. Would you like a straw?
W: No, thank you.
Question: What is the man doing?
2. Having dinner alone could also bring a lot of fun.
3. Benny, how could you leave your room in such a mess?
4. You two have been doing really badly at school lately.
Titanic 英文台词(去时间轴版)

Titanic距离公尺应该看得见了Thirteen meters. You should see it.越过船头的栏杆Okay, take her up and over the bow rail.和平二号我们要到船头了跟好Okay, Mir-, we're going over the bow. Stay with us.好了安静我们开始录影了Okay, quiet. We're rolling.看她像鬼船一样地出现Seeing her coming out of the darkness like a ghost ship...每次都让我胆颤心惊still gets me every time.看到这艘巨轮长眠海底To see the sad ruin of the great ship, sitting here...一九一二年四月十五日凌晨两点半where she landed at in the morning of April , ...她从海面上after her long fall...缓缓堕入海底from the world above.老板你太夸张了吧You're so full of shit, boss.我们Dive six.第六次来到泰坦尼克号甲板Here we are again on the deck of Titanic. 水深两里半Two and a half miles down.就是三千八百二十一公尺, meters.每方寸水压达到三吨半The pressure outside is three and a half tons per square inch.这窗户九寸厚万一玻璃破裂These windows are nine inches thick and if they go...我们就瞬间莎约拉拉了it's sayonara in two microseconds.好了狗屁放够了All right, enough of that bullshit.将潜艇降在干部舱的顶上Just put her down on the roof of the officers' quarters like yesterday.好Sure.和平二号我们要降在大梯上方了Okay, Mir-, we're landing right over the Grand Staircase.你们准备好了没?You guys set to launch?机器人出动好查理Yeah, Brock, launching Dunkin now. Go, Charlie.-放出缆绳-放出缆绳-All right, tether out. -Tether out.布洛克沿船舱往下放Okay, Brock, we're dropping down along the hull.知道了沿着一等舱登船口下去Yeah, roger that. Okay, drop down, and go into the first-class gangway door.看看D层接待大厅和餐厅I want you guys working the D deck reception area and the dining saloon.知道了Copy that.-放出缆绳-放出缆绳-Tether out. -Tether out.往左边往左边Okay, now left. Now left. Left, left.小侦探出动沿着楼梯往下Snoop Dog is on the move. We're headed down the stairwell.下到B层路易斯Okay, Lewis, drop down to B deck.A层A deck.-缆绳放长一点-B层到里头去-Give me some rope, Captain. -B deck. Get in there.-小心门框小心-我看见了-Watch the door frame. Watch it. -I see it. I got it.没事啦放轻松点老板We're good. Just chill, boss.好转弯Okay, make your turn.-收绳子-转弯小心墙-Cable out, Captain. -Make your turn. Watch the wall. 布洛克我们看到钢琴了听到没? Brock, we're at the piano. You copy?知道了Copy that.就在那里就在那里Right there.-就是那道房门-看见了-That's it. That's the bedroom door. -I see it.到了到了找到了We're in. We're in, baby. We're there.这张床就是姓霍的那个王八蛋睡的That's Hockley's bed. That's where the son of a bitch slept.有人忘了关水龙头Oops. Somebody left the water running.等一下回到右边Hold it. Just a second. Go back to the right.衣柜的门靠近点That wardrobe door. Get closer.-有什么发现吗老板? -我想看看底下-You're smelling something, boss. -I want to see what's under it.让我操作手臂Give me my hands, man.好极了All right.-轻点不然可能会散掉-好的-Take it easy. It might come apart. -Okay.好掀开翻过来Okay, go. Flip it over. Go. Turn over.继续继续Keep going. Go.好放下Okay, drop it.宝贝你看到没有老板?Oh, baby. Are you seeing this, boss?兄弟们今天发薪水It's payday, boys.安逸Cha-ching!-鲍比我们找到了-我们找到了-We did it, Bobby. -We brought it back.哥们好样的Oh, yeah! You the man!谁最行啊? 说啊说啊Who's the best, baby? Say it.是你路易斯You are, Lewis.-鲍比雪茄拿来-这儿-Bobby, my cigar. -Right here.把它敲开Okay, crack her open.绕一圈看看Let me get around. Hang on.-拿到了没-到手了-You getting it? -Got it.日Shit.没有钻石?No diamond.以前也有这种鸟事发生过You know, boss, this same thing happened to Geraldo...当事人搞得一蹶不振and his career never recovered.把摄影机关掉Turn the camera off.合伙人想知道现在的情况Brock. The partners would like to know how it's going.戴夫巴瑞不在保险箱里Hey, Dave. Barry, hi. Look, it wasn't in the safe.但别担心可能在其他地方Don't worry about it. There are still plenty of places it could be.是的地狱里Hell, yes.地板上他母亲的房间里The floor debris in the suite, the mother's room...-船上的保险柜里-或是在百慕达三角-The purser's safe on C deck. -Jimmy Hoffa's briefcase.还有很多地方要找A dozen other places.兄弟们对我的直觉多少有点信心嘛Guys, look, you just got to trust my instincts. I know we're close.要一个一个排除我相信快找到了We just got to go through a little process of elimination.等一下Hang on a second.-让我看看-可能有发现了-Let me see that. -We might have something here, guys.-项链的照片呢? -回头再跟你说-Where's the photograph of the necklace? -We'll call you right back. "一九一二年四月十四日"有这种事I'll be goddamned.布洛克·罗威特以从事海地寻宝闻名Treasure hunter Brock Lovett is best known for finding Spanish gold.好的回头说It's okay, I'll feed you in a minute.他利用俄国潜艇探索最有名的沉船He has chartered Russian subs to reach the most famous shipwreck of all...泰坦尼克号the Titanic.他在北大西洋的船上通过卫星He's with us live via satellite, from the research ship Keldysh...与我们连线in the North Atlantic.-哈啰布洛克-哈啰崔西-Hello, Brock. -Hello, Tracy. 泰坦尼克号的事是家喻户晓的Of course, everyone knows the familiar stories ofTitanic.船上的贵族尽责的乐队等等You know, the nobility of the band playing to the very end and all that.我想发掘的是那些不为人知的故事But what I'm interested in are the untold stories...深锁在残骸中的秘密the secrets locked deep inside the hull ofTitanic.没人像我们如此深入探测And we're out here using robot technology to go further into the wreck...此事引起许多争议than anybody has ever done before.像打捞权和道德问题Your expedition is at the center of a storm...诸如此类等等等等of controversy over salvage rights, and even ethics.很多人批评你是在发死人财Many are calling you a grave-robber.这个问题仁者见仁智者见智Nobody ever called the recovery of the artifacts from King Tut's tomb...-什么事? -把电视调大声点-What is it? -Turn that up, dear.我们请了很多专家I have museum-trained experts sent out here making sure...所有发现的物品都会被妥善保存that these relics are preserved and catalogued properly.看我们今天发现的这幅画Take a look at this drawing that we found just today.它在海底已经八十四年了A piece of paper that's been underwater for years...我们却能加以保存and my team are able to preserve it intact.难道这应该永远留在海底?Should this have remained unseen at the bottom of the ocean for eternity?我们发现We can see it and...有这种事?I'll be goddamned.布洛克找你的卫星电话Brock, there's a satellite call for you.鲍比我们要下海了看到潜艇没有? Bobby, we're launching. See these submersibles going in the water?相信我不接你会后悔Trust me, buddy, you want to take this call.最好别骗我This better be good.-你得大声点她年纪很大了-好极了-You got to speak up. She's kind of old. -Great.我是罗威特请问题有何指教?This is Brock Lovett. How can I help you, Mrs...萝丝·卡维特太太Calvert. Rose Calvert.卡维特太太Mrs. Calvert?我想知道"海洋之心"你们找到没有?I was just wondering if you had found the Heart of the Ocean yet, Mr. Lovett.我说吧Told you you wanted to take the call.好的萝丝我洗耳恭听All right, you have my attention, Rose. 你能告诉我们画中那女人是谁吗?Can you tell us who the woman in the picture is?当然那画中的女人就是我Oh, yes. The woman in the picture is me.她是个老千不是想捞钱就是想出名She's a goddamn liar! Some nutcase seeking money or publicity.就像"真假公主"的故事一样God only knows why! Like that Russian babe, Anesthesia.他们找到了They're inbound!萝丝十七岁就死于沉船事故了Rose Dewitt Bukater died on the Titanic when she was , right?对That's right.如果还活着不是有一百多岁If she had lived, she'd be over by now.下个月满一百零一岁next month.好的她是个"老老千"Okay, so she's a very old goddamn liar.我查过她的底细Look, I've already done the background on this woman...她在年代是个演员all the way back to the 's, when she was working as an actress.演员你看吧An actress. There's your first clue, Sherlock.她当时叫萝丝·道森后来她嫁给卡维特先生Her name was Rose Dawson back then. Then she marries this guy named Calvert.般到柏湍镇生了两个小孩They move to Cedar Rapids and she punches out a couple of kids.她老公死了柏湍镇也没落了Now Calvert's dead, and from what I hear, Cedar Rapids is dead.知道钻石的人全都死光了And everybody who knows about the diamond...但她却知道is supposed to be dead or on this boat, but she knows. 她的行李可真不少Doesn't exactly travel light, does she?快去搭个手Hurry up, give him a hand!卡维特太太我是罗威特欢迎登上凯尔迪希号Mrs. Calvert, I'm Brock Lovett. Welcome to the Keldysh.送她进去Okay, let's get her inside there.-卡维特小姐您好-好-Hi, Miss Calvert. -Hi.-欢迎登船-谢谢-Welcome to the Keldysh. -Thanks.怎么Yes?-房间还舒适吗? -很舒适-Are your staterooms all right? -Oh, yes, very nice.见过我孙女莉西没有? 都是她在照顾我Have you met my granddaughter, Lizzy? She takes care of me.我们刚才见过了在甲板上记得吗?We met just a few minutes ago. Remember, Nana, up on deck?哦对了Oh, yeah...这样就对了我出门都一定带着照片There. That's nice. Have to have my pictures when I travel.请问您还需不需要什么?Can I get you anything? Is there anything you'd like?有Yes.我想看看我的画像I would like to see my drawing.路易十六世有颗"王冠碧钻"Louis XVI wore a fabulous stone called the Blue Diamond of the Crown.在一七九二年时不见了It disappeared in .差不多就是在他上断头台那年About the same time old Louis lost everything from the neck up.有人说钻石被分割了The theory goes that the crown diamond was chopped, too.重新切割成心形叫"海洋之心"Recut into a heart-like shape that became known as the Heart of the Ocean.如今它的价值可远超过"希望之钻" Today, it would be worth more than the Hope Diamond.那东西重得不得了我只戴过一次It was a dreadful, heavy thing. I only wore it this once.奶奶你真的认为这是你吗?You actually think this is you, Nana?这当然是我亲爱的It is me, dear. 我那时很美吧?Wasn't I a dish?我翻遍保险资料I tracked it down through insurance records.理赔条件是要绝对保密An old claim that was settled under terms of absolute secrecy.获理赔的人是谁?Can you tell me who the claimant was, Rose?我想应该是个姓霍克理的人I should imagine someone named Hockley.对奈森·霍克理匹兹堡钢铁大亨Nathan Hockley. That's right. Pittsburgh steel tycoon.他掉了一条钻石项链是他儿子买给未婚妻你的The claim was for a diamond necklace his son, Caledon, bought his fiance, you.那是上船之前一星期时买的A week before he sailed on Titanic.沉船后就马上办理赔了It was filed right after the sinking.因此项链一定跟着船沉入海底了So the diamond had to have gone down with the ship.看到日期没有?You see the date?一九一二年四月十四日"April , ."如果你祖母就是那女的Which means if your grandmother is who she says she is...泰坦尼克沉没时她就戴着那条项链she was wearing the diamond the day the Titanic sank.这也就使你成为我的新好友And that makes you my new best friend.这是从船上找到的These are some of the things we recovered from your stateroom.这是我的This was mine.真不可思议How extraordinary!跟我最后一次看到它时一模一样And it looks the same as it did the last time I saw it.我倒是变了一点The reflection has changed a bit.要不要重返泰坦尼克号?Are you ready to go back to Titanic?是这样的船的右舷撞到冰山Here we go. She hits the 'berg on the starboard side.船身在吃水线以下破了一排的洞She kind of bumps along, punching holes like Morse code along the side...很大的洞below the water line.前舱便开始进水Then the forward compartments start to flood. 水位上升越过防水隔板Now, as the water level rises, it spills over the watertight bulkheads...因为隔板最高只到E层which, unfortunately, don't go any higher than E deck.船首下沉船尾就翅起速度由慢变快So now, as the bow goes down, the stern rises up, slow at first...越来越快到最后整个船尾朝着天空then faster and faster, until finally, she's got her whole ass sticking in the air.船尾重达二三万吨And that's a big ass. We're talking ,, , tons.船身承受不了Okay? And the hull's not designed to deal with that pressure.结果船身从中间裂开So what happens? She splits, right down to the keel...船尾掉回海面and the stern falls back level.船首下沉时就把船尾拉直了两截终于脱离Then as the bow sinks, it pulls the stern vertical and then finally detaches.船尾浮了几分钟后Now the stern section kind of bobs there like a cork for a couple of minutes...在凌晨两点二十分沉没floods, and finally goes under about a. M...离出事两小时四十分钟后two hours and minutes after the collision.船的前半部往前滑在半里之外The bow section planes away, landing about a half a mile away...以二三十里时速着地going , knots when it hits the ocean floor.很酷吧?Pretty cool, huh?谢谢你这番精致的分析Thank you for that fine forensic analysis, Mr. Bodine.当然亲身体验Of course, the experience of it...是有些不同的was somewhat different.说来听听好吗?Will you share it with us?-我带你去休息-不要-I'm taking her to rest. -No.-走吧-不要-Come on, Nana. -No!把录音机递我Give me the tape recorder.告诉我们萝丝Tell us, Rose.已经八十四年了It's been years.没关系记得的就说什么都可以It's okay. Just try to remember anything, anything at all.你到底要不要听罗威特先生Do you want to hear this or not, Mr. Lovett?已经八十四年了It's been years...我彷佛还闻得到油漆的味道and I can still smell the fresh paint.船上的磁器都是新的The china had never been used.床单也没人用过The sheets had never been slept in.泰坦尼克号被称为"梦幻之船"Titanic was called the ship of dreams.名副其实And it was.果然名副其实It really was.三等舱旅客请这边走All third-class passengers with a forward berth...这边这边排好队this way, please! This queue! Right here... -你看这船-是大轮船-It's a big boat, huh? -Daddy, it's a ship.你说得对You're right.没什么大不了的嘛I don't see what all the fuss is about.不会大过茅利塔尼亚号It doesn't look any bigger than the Mauretania.绝对不能小看泰坦尼克号You can be blase about some things, Rose, but not about Titanic.她比茅利塔尼亚长一百尺而且豪华得多It's over feet longer than Mauretania, and far more luxurious.你女儿真是挑剔啊露诗Your daughter is far too difficult to impress, Ruth.人家说她是不沉之船?So this is the ship they say is unsinkable.没错绝对不会沉It is unsinkable. God himself could not sink this ship.先生请到主通道尽头检查行李Sir, you have to check your baggage through the main terminal.就在那边先生It's round that way, sir.拜托你了我要照顾女士I put my faith in you, good sir. Now, kindly see my man.我的荣幸请随时吩咐Yes, sir. It's my pleasure, sir. If I can do anything at all...好的Yes, right. 那部车上全部的箱子这部车的十二箱All the trunks from that car there. Twelve from here.还有保险箱送到宫殿套房B到号And the safe, to the parlor suite, rooms B-, , .小姐们快点Ladies, we better hurry. Come along.-我的外套-在我这儿-My coat? -I have it, miss.头等舱旅客这边请Queue here for health inspection.三等舱的乘客请在这排队接受健康检查All third-class passengers queue here for health inspection.-欢迎登上泰坦尼克号-欢迎登上泰坦尼克号-Welcome aboard, ma'am. -Welcome to Titanic.对别人来说她是艘梦幻之船It was the ship of dreams to everyone else.对我而言她像是艘奴隶船To me, it was a slave ship...要把我押回去美国taking me back to America in chains.表面看来我无异于别的大家闺秀Outwardly, I was everything a well brought up girl should be.内心里我却在呐咸Inside, I was screaming.杰克我们只剩这些钱了Jack, you are pazzo. You bet everything we have.没钱就没烦恼白痴连船票也拿来赌When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose.史文?Sven?好关键时刻All right.有人一生即将改变Moment of truth. Somebody's life is about to change.法布里吉欧?Brizio?-没有-没有-Niente. -Niente.欧拉夫?Olaf?没有Nothing.史文?Sven?两个对子Two pair.抱歉法布里吉欧I'm sorry, Fabrizio.抱歉?钱都输光了Che sorry, ma vaffanculo! Did you bet all our money?抱歉得跟你妈说再见了I'm sorry, you're not going to see your mom again for a long time.因为我们要去美国了我是胡芦'Cause we're going to America. Full house, boys.快走Come on.我要回家了I'm going home!-我回家了-我要去美国了-I'm going home. -I go to America!不No, mate.泰坦尼克号要去美国剩五分钟开船Titanic go to America, in five minutes.快走Shit, Fabri. Come on. Come on, here.这下可风光了我们要上船跟富人一起了We're riding in high style now. We're a couple of regular swells.是吗?可是差点输个精光We're practically goddamn royalty, ragazzo mio.我的使命You see? Is my destino.很高兴告诉你去美国当个百万富翁Like I told you, I go to America to be millionaire.-你真是混蛋-没错但票赢到手了-You are pazzo. -Maybe, but I've got the tickets.-你慢点-让路-I thought you were fast. -Aspetta!等一下Wait! Hey, wait!我们是乘客We're passengers! Passengers!你们通关了没有?Have you been through the inspection queue?当然有Of course.我们没有虱子我们两个都是美国人Anyway, we don't have any lice. We're Americans, both of us.好上船Right. Come aboard.你真是个大混蛋知道不We're the luckiest sons of bitches in the world. You know that?再见Goodbye!-有认识的人吗? -没这有什么关系?-You know somebody? -Of course not. That's not the point.-再见我会想你的-再见-Goodbye. I'll miss you. -Goodbye!-再见-我永远不会忘记你的-Goodbye. -I will never forget you!亲爱的跟上我Come with me, darling. Let's go. 号G-.对不起Excuse me, ma'am.在那边Right here.你好我是杰克幸会How you doing? Jack. Nice to meet you. 杰克·道森幸会你好Jack Dawson. Nice to meet you. How are you doing?谁说你能睡上铺的?Who says you get top bunk?这里专供你们使用先生This is your private promenade deck, sir. 有别的吩咐吗? 告退Would you be requiring anything? Excuse me.-这一幅? -不对-This one? -No.是好多张脸那幅It had a lot of faces on it.就是这幅This is the one.全都拿出来吗?Would you like all of them out, miss?对这房间需要些颜色Yes, we need a little color in this room.放到衣橱里Put it in there. In the wardrobe.又要挂那些画?God, not those finger-paintings again.真是浪费钱They certainly were a waste of money.这是我们不同之处The difference between Cal's taste in art and mine is that I have some.我觉得很棒They're fascinating...像在梦里一般like being inside a dream or something.真实却不合逻辑There's truth, but no logic.-画家叫什么名字? -叫毕加索的无名氏-What's the artist's name? -Something Picasso.反正是个无名氏他混不出名堂的我保证Something Picasso. He won't amount to a thing. He won't, trust me.-狄加的画挂在卧室-还好很便宜-Put the Degas in the bedroom. -At least they were cheap.放进衣柜Put it in the wardrobe.在雪堡有个太太上船名叫玛格丽·布朗At Cherbourg, a woman came aboard named Margaret Brown.我们都叫他莫莉We all called her Molly.她就是"永远的莫莉·布朗"History would call her the Unsinkable Molly Brown. 别叫我等半天I wasn't about to wait all day for you, sonny.来提得动吗?Here, if you think you can manage.她丈夫在西部发现金矿Her husband had struck gold, someplace out west.母亲说她是"新贵族"And she was what mother called "new money."第二天下午我们向西航行By the next afternoon, we were steaming west...从爱尔兰出发from the coast of Ireland...前面什么都没有只是一片汪洋大海with nothing out ahead of us but ocean.穆先生带她出海施展一下吧Take her to sea, Mr. Murdoch. Let's stretch her legs.是长官Yes, sir.-全速前进-遵命先生-All ahead full, Mr. Moody. -Very good, sir.全速前进All ahead full.全速前进All ahead full!小的们开工了Come on, lads, step lively.读数What's the reading?咱们起航了全速前进All right! Let's stoke her right up! We go full ahead!动起来干活去Come on, right back to work.时速二十一里长官knots, sir.快看Hey, look!看到没See it?又来一只看到没?There's another one. See him?看它要跳了Look at that one! Look at him jump!我已经可以看见自由女神像了I can see the Statue of Liberty already.当然还很小啦Very small, of course.我是天下第一I'm the king of the world!她是史上最大的交通工具She's the largest moving object ever made by the hand of man in all history.完全是由安德鲁先生设计的And our master shipbuilder, Mr. Andrews, here, designed her from the keel plates up.我只是负责造船但这是伊士美先生的构思I may have knocked her together, but the idea was Mr. Ismay's.他要造最大He envisioned a steamer so grand in scale...最豪华的邮轮而且要空前绝后and so luxurious in its appointments that its supremacy would never be challenged.而她就在这儿理想成真And here she is, willed into solid reality.说得好Hear, hear.鲑鱼The salmon.你明知道我不喜欢你这样You know I don't like that, Rose.她知道的She knows.我们俩要羊排三分熟一点点薄荷酱We'll both have the lamb. Rare, with very little mint sauce.你喜欢羊排吧?You like lamb, right, sweet pea?是香肠Sausage.卡尔你要帮她切肉吗?You gonna cut her meat for her, too, there, Cal?船名是谁取的?Hey, who thought of the name Titanic? -是你吗布鲁斯? -是的-Was it you, Bruce? -Yes, actually.取它"硕大无比"的意思I wanted to convey sheer size.大表示可靠豪华And size means stability, luxury...特别是力量and above all, strength.你听过佛洛伊德吗伊士美先生?Do you know of Dr. Freud, Mr. Ismay?他研究男性对尺寸的重视His ideas about the male preoccupation with size...你可能会有兴趣might be of particular interest to you. 你是怎么啦?What's gotten into you?失陪Excuse me.真是失礼I do apologize.她好呛希望你能应付得来She's a pistol, Cal. Hope you can handle her.我得开始注意她看的书I may have to start minding what she reads from now on...是不布朗夫人won't I, Mrs. Brown?佛洛伊德?他是乘客吗?Freud, who is he? Is he a passenger?这艘船很棒吧?The ship is nice?对啊是爱尔兰制造的Yeah, it's an Irish ship.是英国的吧?Is English, no?不是的她是由一万五千名爱尔兰人所制造的No, it was built in Ireland. , Irishmen built this ship.非常的坚固爱尔兰人造出来的Solid as a rock. Big Irish hands.又有头等舱的客人Well, that's typical.带狗到这儿来拉屎了First-class dogs come down here to take a shit.好让我们知道自己是啥身份啊Lets us know where we rank in the scheme of things.难道我们会忘记吗?Like we could forget.我叫汤米·雷恩I'm Tommy Ryan.-杰克·道森-你好-Jack Dawson. -Hello.-法布里吉欧-好-Fabrizio. -Hi.你的画能赚钱吗?Do you make any money with your drawings?老弟甭想啦Forget it, boyo.你连接近的机会都没有You'd as like have angels fly out of your arse...别那样好吗?as get next to the likes of her.我当时觉得自己的生活了无生趣I saw my whole life as if I'd already lived it.不是餐会就是舞会An endless parade of parties and cotillions...游艇赛马球赛yachts and polo matches.老是跟同一批思想狭隘的人永远言不及义Always the same narrow people, the same mindless chatter.我彷佛站在悬崖上I felt like I was standing at a great precipice...没人要拉我一把with no one to pull me back.没人关心或No one who cared...注意到我or even noticed.别跳Don't do it. 退回去Stay back.别靠近Don't come any closer.手伸出来我拉你Come on. Just give me your hand, I'll pull you back over.不你别过来No! Stay where you are.我是认真的I mean it.我会松手的I'll let go.不你不会的No, you won't.你什么意思?What do you mean, no I won't?你凭什么说我会不会去做什么? 你又不认识我Don't presume to tell me what I will and will not do. You don't know me.要跳早就跳了Well, you would have done it already.你让我分心走开You're distracting me. Go away.不行我已经介入了I can't. I'm involved now.你若跳下去的话我也只好跟着跳了You let go, and I'm going to have to jump in there after you.别胡说八道了Don't be absurd.-你会死掉-我是游泳好手-You'll be killed. -I'm a good swimmer.你会摔死The fall alone will kill you.我承认会很痛It would hurt. I'm not saying it wouldn't.说真的我比较担心的To tell you the truth, I'm a lot more concerned...是水很冷about that water being so cold.有多冷?How cold?非常冷可能接近零度Freezing. Maybe a couple of degrees over.你去过威斯康辛州吗?You ever... You ever been to Wisconsin? 什么?What?那里冬天很冷They have some of the coldest winters around.我在那里长大的I grew up there, near Chippewa Falls.我小时候跟父亲到威苏塔湖I remember, when I was a kid, me and my father...在冰上钓鱼we went ice fishing out on Lake Wissota. -冰上钓鱼就是-我知道冰上钓鱼是什么啦-Ice fishing is, you know, where you... -I know what ice fishing is.抱歉Sorry.你看来比较少到户外You just seem like, you know, kind of an indoor girl.总而言之Anyway, I...冰层太薄我掉进湖里I fell through some thin ice.我跟你说啊And I'm telling you...掉进那么冷的水里water that cold...比如下面的like right down there...有如被千刀万剐一样it hits you like a thousand knives stabbing you all over your body.你没法呼吸没法思考You can't breathe. You can't think.只能感觉得到痛苦Least, not about anything but the pain.所以我不是很希望跟着你跳下去Which is why I'm not looking forward to jumping in there after you.但我说过了Like I said...我没有什么选择I don't have a choice.所以我希望你下来I guess I'm kind of hoping you'll come back over the rail...别让我为难and get me off the hook here.你疯了You're crazy.大家都这么说但是That's what everybody says...说了你别生气but with all due respect, miss...现在挂在船尾想做傻事的人可不是我I'm not the one hanging off the back of a ship here.下来吧Come on.手伸过来Give me your hand.跳下去可不好You don't want to do this.我是杰克·道森I'm Jack Dawson.萝丝·狄威特·布克特Rose Dewitt Bukater.你可能得写下来给我看才行I'll have to get you to write that one down.来吧Come on. 我抓住你了I got you. Come on.上来Come on!救救我Help, please!-求你救救我-听我说我抓住你了-Please, help me! -Listen to me. I've got you.我不会放手的I won't let go.你得爬上来快Now pull yourself up. Come on!来这就对了Come on. That's right.你做得到的You can do it.安全了I got you.这是怎么回事?What's all this?你退后不要动You stand back! And don't move an inch!去叫纠察长Fetch the master-at-arms.怎么可以这样?This is completely unacceptable.是谁允许你碰我未婚妻的?What made you think you could put your hands on my fiancee?看着我你这下流的东西Look at me, you filth!-卡尔-你们干了什么好事?-Cal. -What do you think you were doing?卡尔别这样那是个意外Cal, stop. It was an accident.意外?An accident?对啊It was.真是难为情Stupid, really.我趴在栏杆上结果滑倒了I was leaning over and I slipped.我趴在栏杆上想看想看I was leaning far over to see the...-推进器吗? -对结果我滑倒了-Propellers? -Propellers, and I slipped.我差点掉下去是道森先生救了我And I would have gone overboard, but Mr. Dawson here saved me.他也差点掉下去And almost went over himself.她想看推进器She wanted to see the propellers.我说嘛女人碰上机器就完了Like I said, women and machinery do not mix.事情是这样的吗?Was that the way of it? 对差不多Yeah, that was pretty much it.这孩子英雄救美好极了孩子Well, the boy's a hero, then. Good for you, son. Well done.没事回去喝酒吧So, it's all's well and back to our brandy?看你一定冻坏了快进去吧Look at you. You must be freezing. Let's get you inside.该给点奖赏吧?Perhaps a little something for the boy?应该的Of course.赖福杰先生Mr. Lovejoy...二十元够吧?I think $ should do it.你爱的女人就只值块钱?Is that the going rate for saving the woman you love?萝丝不满意Rose is displeased.该怎么办呢?What to do?有了I know.就请你明晚跟我们一起用餐吧Perhaps you could join us for dinner tomorrow evening.还可以向我们叙述你英勇救人的故事To regale our group with your heroic tale.好啊没问题Sure. Count me in.好就这么说定了Good. It's settled then.有好戏看了This should be interesting.来根烟好吗?Can I bum a smoke?你鞋带松了You'll want to tie those.怎么小姐突然间滑倒It's interesting. The young lady slipped so suddenly...你却有时间脱大衣跟鞋子?and you still had time to remove your jacket and your shoes.我知道你心情不好I know you've been melancholy.我也不会假装知道原因I don't pretend to know why.原本想等到I intended to save this...下星期的订婚宴会才拿出来until the engagement gala next week.但我觉得今天晚上But I thought, tonight. 我的天啊Good gracious!让你知道我对你的真心Perhaps as a reminder of my feelings for you.-这是? -对是钻石-Is it a... -Diamond? Yes.五十六克拉carats to be exact.原属于路易十六世It was worn by Louis XVI.他们称它为"海洋之星"And they called it Le Coeur de la Mer. -"海洋之星" -是的"海洋之星"-The Heart of the Ocean. -The Heart of the Ocean. Yes.好贵重It's overwhelming.这是为皇室做的It's for royalty.我们就是皇室We are royalty, Rose.我什么都能给你You know, there is nothing I couldn't give you.我什么都愿意给你There is nothing I'd deny you...只要你接受我if you would not deny me.。

美国狙击手该死热得跟蒸笼一样It's a fucking hot box.该死的全是灰味道跟狗屎一样Man, the fucking dirt here tastes like dog shit.你吃过你当然知道Oh, well, you'd know, wouldn't you?闭嘴Shut the fuck up.破门Breacher up!发现一名达到兵役年龄的男性I got a military-age male...正看着护卫队在打电♥话♥ 结束that's on a cell phone, watching the convoy. Over.如果他在报告队伍的动向If he's reporting troop movement...可以开枪你决定结束you have a green light. Your call. Over.也许他只是在给他母亲打电♥话♥Maybe he's just calling his old lady.他下去了He stepped off.等等 180米外发现一名女子和一个小孩Hold on, I got a woman and a kid 200 yards out,正朝护卫队走去moving towards the convoy.她双手放在身前怀里揣着东西Her arms aren't swinging. She's carrying something.她拿着一颗手榴弹She's got a grenade.她拿着俄♥罗♥斯♥RKG手榴弹递给了小孩She got a RKG Russian grenade she just handed to the kid.一名女子和一个小孩A woman and a kid?你能看见吗能确认吗You got eyes on this? Can you confirm?不能你知道交战规则由你决定Negative. You know the R.O.E. Your call.你要是判断错了他们会给你行电刑They fry you if you're wrong.把你送到莱文沃斯[著名监狱]去They send your ass to Leavenworth.射中了You got him.回来Now get back here.永远不要把枪扔下You don't ever leave your rifle in the dirt.是长官Yes, sir.这一枪打得漂亮儿子It was a hell of a shot, son.你很有天赋You got a gift.总有一天你会成为一个好猎手的You're gonna make a fine hunter someday.在《使徒行传》[新约圣经第五卷]中Here in the Book of Acts...有好几次保罗为了他的信仰several times, Paul stands in judgment...为人所批判for what he believes.有时我们都得那么做At times, we all have to do that.我们无法通过他的双眼来看这世界I mean, we don't see with his eyes...所以我们不知道他的想法有多伟大so we don't know the glory of his plan.我们的生活如镜子中Our lives unfold before us like令人迷惑的反光般puzzling reflections in a mirror.圣经-你干什么呢 -我们升入天堂之时- What are you doing? - But on the day we rise, 我们将清楚地看到we will see with clarity...并理解其中的神秘之处and understand the mystery of his ways.让我们祈祷吧Let us pray.圣经这世上有三种人There are three types of people in this world.羊狼和牧羊犬Sheep, wolves and Sheepdogs.有的人相信Now, some people prefer to邪恶并不存于世believe that evil doesn't exist in the world.哪怕它找上门来And if it ever darkened their doorstep,他们也不知道如何保护自己they wouldn't know how to protect themselves. 这种人就是羊Those are the sheep.接着就是肉食动物And then you got predators.他们动用暴♥力♥掠夺弱者They use violence to prey on the weak.他们是狼They're the wolves.杰夫揍他Come on, Jeff, punch him.还有这么一群人And then there are those有着进攻的天赋who've been blessed with the gift of aggression... 以及保护羊群的使命and the overpowering need to protect the flock. 这些人是稀有的物种These men are a rare breed...是为了对抗狼群而生that live to confront the wolf.他们就是牧羊犬They are the sheepdog.我们家可不想养出羊Now, we're not raising any sheep in this family. 你们要是变成了狼我也会狠狠地抽你们I will whup your ass if you turn into a wolf.韦恩Wayne.但我们要保护我们自己But we protect our own.如果有人想要打你If someone tries to fight you...或是欺负你弟弟or tries to bully your little brother,我准你去打败他you have my permission to finish it.那家伙是故意找杰夫茬的The guy was picking on Jeff.是吗Is that true?是的长官他是故意的Yes, sir. Yes, he was.你打败了他妈Did you finish it?这样你就知道你是哪种人Then you know who you are.知道你的目的You know your purpose.克里斯·凯尔Chris Kyle draws今晚拉出了"大家伙"the horse Big Business here this evening.我没事的I'm doing all right.很好That's good.所以今晚他需要挑战八十六秒的记录So tonight he needs to beat the leading score of 86. 喝彩越响亮他就能骑得越久The louder you cheer, the longer he'll ride!加油Come on! Yeah!我觉得他可撑不住I don't think-- He'll walk it off.杰夫看来你哥哥又成功了Jeff, looks like your brother did it again!女士们先生们克里斯·凯尔All right, ladies and gentlemen, Chris Kyle!老兄看的人还不少你把皮带扣拿走了Man, wasn't nobody there, and you come out with a belt buckle. 你拿它干什么What are you supposed to with it?用它上♥床♥Supposed to get laid with it.我会戴上它看会不会让萨拉有性趣I'll wear it, see if it puts Sarah in the mood.随便刮个大风都会让萨拉有性致Shit, a strong wind'll put Sarah in the mood.-他们是这么说的吗 -你知道他们高中时- Is that what they say? - You know what they called her...-管她叫什么 -别说出来- in high school - Don't say it.-公交车萨拉 -听不懂吗- Sarah Sucks-a-Lotta- - What I say?!该死克里斯Shit, Chris.他妈的Goddamn it.皮带扣小兔子那有俩姑娘Oh, buckle bunny, those are two girls.-不 -所以他才...他一直看着- No... - That's why...he kept looking.他一直盯着她He had his eyes on her,所以最后一次才...and that's why the last time...你等着看这东西的效果再走Wait till you see what this does.上场咯Let's see him go!宝贝想上牛仔竞技明星吗我♥操♥Baby, who wants to fuck a rodeo sta--? What the fuck?!你不是说你明天才回来的吗You said you wasn't coming home until tomorrow.-我说什么 -别碰他他什么也没做- I said what? - Leave him alone. He didn't do anything!-别激动我什么都不知道伙计 -出来- Easy! I didn't know shit, man. - Come out here!克里斯别碰他该死的Chris, leave him alone! Fucking Chris,别碰他该死的leave him alone! Goddamn it!-你什么毛病他不知道 -他不知道- What's wrong with you? He didn't know, all right?! - He didn't know. -你不知道什么 -我不知道把帽子给我- What didn't you know? - I didn't know. Just give me my hat.-他不知道 -把他帽子拿来宝贝- He didn't know. - Get his hat, babe.那些枪你以为是谁的Whose rifles did you think those were?那些男人的衣服难道是她的么Them men's clothes were hers?你不知道你个狗♥娘♥养♥的You didn't know, you fucking son of bitch?你♥他♥妈♥有什么毛病克里斯What the fuck is wrong with you, Chris?你不要谁都打好不好You don't have to fucking punch everyone!把帽子戴上给我滚出去Put that fucking hat on and get the fuck out.你♥他♥妈♥有什么毛病What the fuck is wrong with you?-滚 -你知道吗- Get out. - You know what...我都不知道你想要我做什么I don't know what you expect from me.你就把我拖到这里来You just drag me out here and then然后每个周末跟你弟弟出去鬼混you run off with your brother every damn weekend.不然我为什么要这么做Why do you think I did this, huh?我这么做就是想让你注意我你不明白吗I do this to get attention, don't you get that?拿上你的东西滚吧Get your stuff and get out.好操♥你♥妈♥ 我走Fine. You know what? Fuck you. Fine.你以为你玩个竞技表演就是牛仔了You think you're a cowboy because you rodeo.你才不是牛仔你只是个差劲的牧场工人You're not a cowboy. You're just a lousy ranch hand.你♥他♥妈♥垃圾得跟屎一样And you're a shitty fucking lay!别说了Don't say it.婚礼是什么时候When's the wedding?我知道你的意思...I understand what you're saying...我们能游遍全国but, you know, we get to travel over the whole state.每周末到一个不同的城市Different city every weekend.骑马开车Broncs and steers.我不知道也许她是对的I don't know, maybe she's right, though."她是对的""She's right"?对什么了克里斯Right about what, Chris?她是错的我们是牛仔我们为梦想而活She's not right, man. We're cowboys, we're living the dream.以下是特别报道This is a special report.位于坦桑尼亚达累斯萨拉姆和肯尼亚内罗毕的Those explosions set to go off at the U.S. Embassies...美国大使♥馆♥所遭遇的爆♥炸♥袭击in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Nairobi, Kenya...显然是were clearly a part有人对美国的宣战of someone's war against the United States.在两起爆♥炸♥中More than 80 dead...超过八十人身亡一千七百人受伤more than 1700 injured in two bomb blasts today...杰夫杰夫Hey, Jeff. Jeff.仅仅相隔数分钟七千公里which exploded just minutes and 450 miles apart.看这个Look at this.敌人是谁仍然未知It is still unclear who our enemy is.尽管袭击目标显然是美国大使Although the embassies were obviously the targets... 看他们都对我们做了什么Look what they did to us.但绝大多数伤亡者并非美国人most of the dead and injured are not Americans.八名美国人包括一名儿童死亡Still, eight Americans, including one child, are dead 五人失踪and five are still missing.-所以你是德州人 -是的长官- So you're from Texas. - Yes, sir.-你是爱国主义者 -是的长官- And you're a patriot. - Yes, sir.而你很愤怒And you're pissed off.我希望参军I'm looking to be of service.-你喜欢战斗吗 -是的长官- Do you like to fight? - Yes, sir.你喜欢战斗好吧You like to fight. Okay, well,我想让你见识见识精英战士I want you to meet the warrior elite.海豹突击队Seals.没错海陆空全能Yup. Sea, Air and Land.我不太会水长官Well, I'm not much for the water, sir.不会好吧这也不是给弱者准备的No? Well, this ain't for the faint-a-heart.大多数人到时候都会累得放弃了Most men, they wash out, they quit.我不是大多数人长官我不会放弃的Well, I'm not most men, sir. I don't quit.-娱乐时间结束了 -忍♥住姑娘们- This is where the fun stops! - Take it, girls.从现在起只会越来越艰难It's gonna get harder from here on out.忍♥住忍♥住忍♥住只有一开始会疼That's it. Take it. Take it. Only hurts the first time.这儿有个懒家伙你要放弃吗小子What we got here? You a quitter, boy?明白不要罗尔指导员Hooyah, no, Instructor Rolle.放屁这一看Bullshit! Your ass is fleet meat...你这一身都是赘肉if I ever did see it!别把头扭过去小子Don't turn away from me, son.看着我好好忍♥着You look at me and you take this shit.明白是Hooyah, yes!你这一把年纪了加入海军You old as fuck! You join the Navy是想要上诺亚方舟吗because you had such a good goddamn time on Noah's ark? 你多大了小子How old are you, boy?-三十岁 -三十- Hooyah, 30! - 30?!你这蠢货都能给这里一半的小子们当爹了Your fart dust could've fathered half these boys!我们要剔除那些逃兵We gonna weed through the quitters.我们今天要找到一两个真正的战士Yeah, we gonna find us a goddamn warrior or two today. 道布尔你确定你是康涅狄格的吗Dauber, you sure you from Connecticut?我在哈特福德还从没见过你这样的乡巴佬I ain't never met no hick from Hartford before.明白弗莱迪指导员国家这么大Hooyah, Instructor Friday. Country's countrywide.我是来杀恐♥怖♥分♥子♥的I came here to kill terrorists.谁他妈准你笑的Who the fuck told your ass to giggle?明白没有人罗尔指导员Hooyah, no one, Instructor Rolle!我有要你张嘴吗Did I ask you to open up your mouth?明白没有罗尔指导员Hooyah, no, Instructor Rolle.看你这一身肥肉还敢笑Look at your fat, pasty, giggly ass.该死小子Damn, son.一看你就是天天吃奇多喝胡椒博士You a big Dr. Pepper, Cheeto-eating motherfucker!没错我就是这个意思Yeah! That's what I'm talking about.比格斯以后你就叫这个Biggles! That's your name from now on, sunshine.那是你回家的车票And that's your ticket home.下等人你为什么还"D"! What are you still死皮赖脸地待在我的小队里doing in my line trying to make this team?大家都知道黑人不会游泳Everybody knows black guys don't swim.没事长官我不是黑人It's all right, sir. I'm not black!-不是 -不是我是新新黑人- No? - No, I'm the new black.我们跑得慢跳得低能游泳穿盖普We run slow, we jump low, we swim good and we shop at Gap. 我上那些白人的老婆时他们还挺骄傲And I make the white folk proud when I hose down their ladies. 我♥操♥翻她们I dick them down!小子们Chicken!就在那儿There it is.那就是逃兵That is a quitter.你说再见我说谢天谢地You say goodbye, I say good riddance.他在这里当逃兵在战场上也一样He quits on you here, he gonna quit in the field of battle.局势一糟糕他可不敢上前When shit gets hairy, he won't step up.你中了枪他可不会拉你一把Your ass gets shot, he won't pull you out.-六 -我要的是战士- Six. - I'm looking for warriors!-七 -继续数- Seven. - Keep counting!-八 -我听不见- Eight! - I can't hear you!九Nine!要我打电♥话♥给你老妈吗Want me to call your mama?也许她能来顶替你Maybe she can come and take your place!这还是前戏This is foreplay!我要放一首马文·盖亚的歌♥然后狠狠地插♥进♥去I'm about to turn on some Marvin Gaye and get in that ass!就这意思没错That's what I'm talking about!松鼠松鼠小松鼠你的坚果去哪了Squirrel, Squirrel, Squirrel, where the fuck are your nuts?他们永远地走了他们躲回家去了Oh, they're gone for good, sir. They crawled back up inside.但他们很温暖But they are warm!小家伙说大话Big talk from a little man!你Now, you.你呢老家伙How about you, old man? Huh?感觉如何How you feeling?明白危险感觉很危险Hooyah! Dangerous. Feeling dangerous.明白凯尔感觉很危险Hooyah! Kyle's feeling dangerous!前进Move!坐下Take seats!五十六度的海浪如此清新如此干净Yeah! 56 degrees! So fresh, so clean!-来了 -大自然母亲的馈赠- Here she comes! - Mother Nature's got something for you! 再过几个小时你们就是海军海豹突击队员了Only a few more hours and you're Navy SEALs!注油枪战术刀在我身侧Grease gun, dive knife by my side这些工具都能杀死人These are the tools that'll make a man die.这些工具都能杀死人These are the tools that'll make a man die.-只有我命中过靶心 -好吧- I'm the only one who's hit one, so... - Yeah.克里斯该你了Chris, your turn, man.-你再来一次 -我再来一次好吧- You got one more. - I got one more? All right.好吧再来一次我要扔了All right. One more. Here we go. Here we go.我们想要个小点的靶用你的手臂吧Hey, we want a smaller target we'll use your arm, man.你好吗How you doing?挺好的谢谢Good. Thank you.我能请你喝一杯吗Can I get you a drink?买♥♥杯酒就能让你Will a drink make you身高1米8 还魅力四射吗six inches taller and charming?能让你变成单身吗Will it make you not married?我没...I'm not ma--得了吧我刚看到你把戒指摘下来Yeah, I just watched you take your ring off, okay?别这么混♥蛋♥ 回家吧Don't be a scumbag. Go home.天呐Oh, my God.可能是皮裤的原因It may have been the leather pants.是吗Oh, yeah?那女孩穿哪种裤子不会被人搭讪What kind of pants does a girl have to wear to be left alone? 灯芯绒裤吧Well, maybe corduroy.你们男人都这副德行吗I mean, is that how it is with you guys?三瓶啤酒下肚就变单身了You're suddenly single after three beers?不不不喝了三瓶之后Oh, no, after three beers我脑子里只想着再喝一瓶all I know is to get a fourth.好极了好极了That's great. That's great.不愧是乡巴佬Real redneck.我不是乡巴佬我是得州人I'm not a redneck, I'm from Texas.这有什么区别What's the difference?我们只会骑马Well, we ride horses...他们骑的可是自家表亲and they ride their cousins.你是干什么的肯定是军人吧What do you do for work? You're obviously military.我负责清洗被圈养的海豚I polish dolphins. They're in captivity.也就是刮掉些甲壳虫...What I do is just sort of scrape off the crustaceans--我看着很好骗吗Do I look stupid to you?没有说实话你看着有些悲伤No, honestly, you look a little sad.我的身高够不够请你喝杯酒呢Am I tall enough to buy you a drink?除非你告诉我你到底是干什么的Not until you tell me what you do.好吧那这样吧格雷格给我两杯酒Okay, how about this. Hey, Greg? Get two shots?一个问题一杯酒怎么样How about we do a shot for a question.你每问一个问题我再回答你你就喝一杯Every time you ask me a question that I answer, do a shot. -我问就我喝 -那就开始吧- Same, vice versa. - Game on.把整瓶留给我们吧You can leave the bottle too.好了问吧Okay, shoot.好吧All right.你肯定是军人哪支部队的You're obviously military. What branch?我刚结束了基本水中爆破训练I just finished BUD/S,准备去狙击手学校了heading to sniper school.不是吧你是海豹突击队队员Are you kidding me? You're a SEAL?是的女士Yes, ma'am.你问了两个问题了That's two questions.该死Shit.不是吧Really?你没必要真的喝完啊I didn't really mean you had to do that.好吧该死Okay. Shit.我对你们了如指掌I know all about you guys.我姐刚和一位海豹队员订了婚My sister was engaged to a SEAL.-是吗 -是的- Oh, was she? - Yeah.等等你说你对我们了如指掌是什么意思Hold on, how you know all about us? What do you mean?就是说你们是一群狂妄自大What I mean is, you're a bunch of arrogant,以自我为中心的混♥蛋♥self-centered pricks...以为自己可以撒谎欺骗为所欲为who think you can lie and cheat and do whatever the fuck you want. 我永远不会和海豹队员约会I'd never date a SEAL.等等为什么说我是以自我为中心Wait, why would you say I'm self-centered?我愿意为我的国家牺牲I'd lay down my life for my country.为什么Why?因为它是最伟大的国家It's the greatest country on Earth.我会不惜一切保护它I'd do everything I can to protect it.我对你姐的遭遇表示遗憾Look, I'm sorry what happened to your sister,但我不是那样的人but that's not me.很高兴见到你It's nice to meet you.你要去哪Where you going?直接回家了I'll just gonna go home因为你说你不跟海豹队员约会because you said you wouldn't date a SEAL, so...我是说我永远不会和他们结婚I said I'd never marry one.好吧那就...Okay. Well, then, maybe,你好很高兴见到你hello. Nice to meet you.-你叫什么 -塔娅- What's your name? - Taya.塔娅Taya.克里斯我叫克里斯·凯尔Chris. I'm Chris Kyle.很高兴见到你Nice to meet you.非常荣幸Pleasure.我是说你自以为能保护I mean, it's pretty egotistical of所有人的想法还是太过自负了吧克里斯you to think you can protect us all. Isn't it, Chris?我们的训练指挥官说有三...Well, our BUD/S office commander said that it's three-- 行吧OK.他说有三件事是我们要担心的He said there's three things we gotta worry about:自己美酒女人ego, booze and women.看来你现在遇上大♥麻♥烦了It sounds like you're under attack.你真漂亮You're pretty.还很可人You're so cute.我帮你I got you.我不会跟你回家的想都别想I'm not going home with you, so don't even think about it. 感受你全身每个细胞的呼吸Feel breath filling every cell in your body.这是我们的宗旨This is our ritual.控制自己的呼吸控制自己的思想We master our breath, we master our mind.扣动扳机会成为你下意识的动作Pulling the trigger will become an unconscious effort.你会意识到你开了枪但别去控制它You will be aware of it, but not directing it.在你呼气的时候找到呼吸的自然节奏And as you exhale, find your natural respiratory pause...还有心跳的间隙and the space between heartbeats.我是塔娅暂时无法接电♥话♥Hey, this is Taya. Can't get to the phone.-请留言我会回电的 -又是我- Leave a message. I'll call you back. - Hey, it's me again.被你吐得满鞋都是的那个家伙That guy whose shoes you puked on.我在想你可能没收到上一条留言So, yeah, I was thinking maybe you didn't get that last message? 上一条还是再上一条来着The last message I left or the one before that?-所以我在想... -你想了什么- So I figured that-- - You figured what?你好呀最近好吗Hey. How are you? How you been?挺好的Good.那就好你在忙什么呢Good. Wow, what are you up to?没怎么忙你呢Not a lot. You?不忙就只是想打电♥话♥给你No, just excited to talk to you.准心越小偏差越小Aim small, miss small.如果你瞄准一颗衬衫纽扣If you aim for a shirt button,可能就偏差5厘米you might miss by two inches.如果瞄准的是衬衫If you aim for a shirt,可能就偏差60厘米you might miss by two feet.射击点最好集中在一起凯尔You better close those groupings, Kyle.好的长官Yes, sir.加油Come on.还不错Not bad.-能拿哪些奖品 -顶层的- What do we get for that? - Top shelf.我喜欢棕色的那只I like that one. The brown one.-给你 -太好了- Here you go. - Great.-谢谢 -谢谢你祝今天愉快- Thank you. - Thank you, sir. Have a good day. 你好呀Hello.不错看着和你很配Good. That looks good on you.你一直想要当一名士兵吗So did you always want to be a soldier?不是我以前想当牛仔但是...No, I wanted to be a cowboy, but...怎么说呢以前想过I don't know. I did that.感觉自己还应该做些什么事I thought I was meant for something more.所以你就在酒吧里拯救女生了吗So you started rescuing girls from bars?我觉得是从你这救下了那间酒吧I think I rescued that bar from you.你喜欢听乡村音乐吗You like country music?只有情绪低落的时候才听Only when I'm depressed.那小孩呢你想要小孩吗How about kids. You want kids?想总有一天吧Yeah, someday.我妈说我眼光太差找不到什么好男人My mom says I have a nose for picking the wrong men. 这样说女孩子真是太不好了Well, that's a shitty thing to say to a girl.但我也证明了她说的没错Well, I've proven her right.因为选错过人才会有Them wrong picks put you here...现在的你made you who you are.我喜欢现在的你I like who you are.你有没有想过You ever think about what happens枪口前是活生生的人时会怎么样吗when there's a real person on the end of that gun?不知道但愿这天真到来时I don't know. I just hope I can do my job我能做好我的本职工作when that day comes.我们看的是同一块靶吗Are we looking at the same target?你是在扬灰玩吧You're spitting dust.别担心不会射击的人And don't worry. We can always use也还是能去当医务兵的corpsmen for the guys who can't shoot.我♥操♥Oh, fuck.你在发抖You're trembling.我知道I know it.-也不是非得做 -不我想做- We don't have to do this. - No, I want to. I do.只是感觉太真实了我有点害怕You just feel real and it scares me.你闭上眼睛开的枪吗You got your off-eye shut?我要是闭上眼睛就看不到那边了Well, if I close my off-eye then I can't see what's out there.那边什么都没有只有靶There's nothing out there but the target.不长官那边还有别的Negative, sir. There is something out there.射它Punch it.做俯卧撑能帮你射中吗Will pushups help?做五十个凯尔我说清楚了吗Give me 50, Kyle. Clear and safe.我更擅长打活的I'm better when it's breathing.天呐克里斯Oh, my God. Chris.-怎么了 -不- What's wrong? - No!以下是现场录像Here's the tape.第一架飞机似乎是从东边飞过来的You see the first plane coming in from what looks like the east side. 冒着烟撞进了大楼And it goes into the building with the flames...浓烟从双子塔另一侧翻滚而出and the smoke billowing out the other side of the tower.很难分辨清楚It's hard for me to tell exactly哪边是南哪边是北which is the north side and which is the south side.浓烟是从北边冒出的It appears it's coming out of the north side.这段可怕的画面就发生在几分钟前And then, moments ago, these incredible images.我相信这是第一座I believe that's the first one.这是南侧塔楼倒塌的画面That's the south tower collapsing.看上去就像是It almost looks like one of进行大楼爆破一样those implosions of buildings that you see...唯一的区别就在于except there is nothing这次无人控场这是一场灾难controlled about this. This is devastation.你几乎不了解我You hardly even know me.我了解得够多了爱上你就爱上了你的全部I know enough. You are a package deal, babe.你在害怕什么What are you so afraid of?没什么Nothing.害怕一切我不知道Everything, I don't know.如果最终还是得分开呢What if it doesn't work out?我们会结婚会组建家庭We're gonna get married and then we're gonna start a family. 你全都计划好了对吧You got it all planned out, don't you?对I'm done.我爱你I love you.如果你想说这些话得先有枚戒指You're gonna need a ring if you wanna talk all tough like that. 好吧Okay.女士们先生们克里斯·凯尔夫妇Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. And Mrs. Chris Kyle!你脖子上是什么玩意儿What the hell is on your neck?你脖子上全都是绿漆Your neck. You got, like, green paint all over you.你会相信我吗如果我告诉你Would you believe me, babe, if I told you...我刚打了针两小时之前我全身都绿that I had an IV and I was all green about two hours ago? 你...什么What are you... what?爱上你就爱上了你的全部宝贝It's a package deal, babe.天呐Oh, my God.来亲亲Come here, you.为他们干杯Cheers to that.怎么了长官What's the word, chief?刚接到消息Just got the call, boys.准备出击It's on!明白Hooyah!干杯Shots!-就六周宝贝 -我好害怕- I'll go only six weeks, baby. - I'm so afraid, baby.那都是谣传根本没什么好怕的That's what they say. You got nothing to be afraid of.-这都是计划的一部分 -你说什...- It's all part of the plan. - What are you...你心跳跳得太快了Your heart is beating out of your chest.那是因为我不是That's just because I'm not唯一一个上战场的仅此而已the only one who's going to war, that's all.第一次派遣欢迎来到费卢杰旧中东的新西部Welcome to Fallujah. The new Wild West of the old Middle East. 基♥地♥组♥织♥悬赏你们的人头AQI put a price on your heads,现在全球的极端分子and now extremists from around the globe...都涌进边境想取你们的人头are flooding the borders to collect on it.你们狙击手You snipers,将会和一支海军搭档他们会掩护你们you're gonna be paired with a Marine to watch your back... 并将你们安插到主道路边and inserted along the main road为海军第一师逐户搜查作掩护to do oven/vatch for 1st Marines going door to door.你们的任务就是不惜一切保护他们Your job is to protect those Marines at all costs.城市已经被疏散一空了The city has been evacuated.所有留在这符合服兵役年龄的男性Any military-age male who is still here...都是来杀你们的is here to kill you.保证海军们的安全活着回家Let's bring these boys in safe and get our asses back home. 快下车快点Out of my truck! Out, out, out!要是我就会低下头特克斯I'd keep that head down, Tex."圣♥战♥者"也有狙击手Muj got snipers, too, you know.狙击手可不会瞄准你的头A sniper won't aim for your head.他们有一名狙击手Man, they got this one sniper曾经在将近四百五十米外一枪爆头that's been hitting headshots from 500 yards out.他们叫他穆斯塔法They call him Mustafa.他参加过奥♥运♥会He's in the Olympics.现在狙击也是奥♥运♥会项目了They got sniping in the Olympics now?等等 180米外发现一名女子和Hold on, I got a woman and a kid,一个小孩正朝护卫队走去200 yards out, moving towards the convoy.她双手放在身前怀里揣着东西Her arms aren't swinging. She's carrying something.她拿着一颗手榴弹She's got a grenade.她拿着俄♥罗♥斯♥RKG手榴弹递给了小孩She got a RKG Russian grenade she just handed to the kid.一名女子和一个小孩You say a woman and a kid?你能看见吗能确认吗You got eyes on this? Can you confirm?不能你知道交战规则由你决定Negative. You know the R.O.E. Your call.你要是判断错了他们会给你行电刑Man, they fry you if you're wrong.把你送到莱文沃斯去They send your ass to Leavenworth.操太狠了Fuck, that was gnarly.这操蛋的老婆子Fucking evil bitch.打得漂亮判断得很正确Nice shooting. Hell of a call.收到好眼力大兵Roger. Good looking out, Navy.-你听到了吗哥们 -别碰我- Fuck, you hear that, man? - Get the fuck off me.-大家都去哪儿了 -在外面玩呢- Where is everybody? - We're just picking our dicks.我们在训练那些伊♥斯♥兰♥士兵We're training those fucking Haji soldiers.那你为什么不在外面Hey, why aren't you out there?我有些破事Well, I have the shits.什么...What...看图画书吗from reading a comic book?这可是本漫画小说哥们It's a fucking graphic novel, man.两者区别很大的It's a big difference.我听说你在战场上火力全开I heard you were on fucking fire out there.。
【美语漫游记】-It’s just double Dutch to you

【美语漫游记】-It’s just double Dutch to youIt’s just double Dutch to you.这个对你来说犹如天书。
这位同事看了几分钟后对Jenny花说:”It’s just doubleDutch to you. There are lots of generic terms about communication technology. Don’t lose heart.” Jenny花听后一副很茫然的表情,心想:”两个荷兰,什么意思呢?”于是问道:”Double Dutch? Aren’t the fax relatedto Dutch?”〖英文小剧场〗May: Gucci, I don’t understand this passage. Could you do me a favor?阿美:古奇,这篇文章我看不懂,你能帮帮我吗?Gucci: It’s just double Dutch to you. There are lots of ge neric terms about communication technology. Don’t lose heart.古奇:这个对你来说犹如天书,这里面有很多通信技术方面的专业词汇,别灰心。
小编心语:Double Dutch不是荷兰人发明的,它最初源于美国。
另一种说法是源于17世纪的Anglo-Dutch Wars,那时在英语中,很多怪异的事物都被称之为Dutch。
由此,double Dutch由最初的”花式跳绳”延伸至日常生活中的”不知所云”。
It’s just double Dutch to you.的意思也就是”这个对你来说犹如天书”。
高中英语 第一部分 VOA慢速英语《美国万花筒》第8课(文本)素材

高中英语第一部分 VOA慢速英语《美国万花筒》第8课英语翻议讲解:1. slavery n. 奴隶身份;奴隶制度Its people were thus reduced to slavery.就这样它的人民都沦为奴隶了。
He struck a blow against slavery.他反对奴隶制度。
2. rebel n. 反政府的人; 反叛者; 造反者Few people knew exactly what the rebels planned to do.没有人知道叛军究竟打算做什么。
3. headstone n. 墓石,基石Even if ML's bones were not at Old Beaverdam, he was in his place with the simple granite headst one and now the ring I had returned to his family. 虽然曼梯·里的遗骸并不在这个墓地里,但他也可说是叶落归根并和这块朴素的花岗岩墓碑以及现在我交还给他家的这枚戒指安眠在一起了。
4. injustice n. 不公平; 非正义They complained of injustice in the way they had been treated.他们抱怨受到不公平的对待。
5. small pox 天花6. pastime n. 消遣, 娱乐Play-ing chess is his favourite pastime.下棋是他最喜爱的消遣。
7. curator n. 管理者, 管理人, 图书馆馆长8. memento n. 纪念品, 令人回忆的东西He keeps a lock of her hair as a memento. 他保留著她的一束头发作纪念。
9. souvenir n. 纪念品The local shopkeepers sell souvenirs to the tourists.当地的店主向旅游者出售纪念品。

这是个真实的故事...英国泽西岛 1879你们是谁Who are you?你们在做什么What are you doing?我们将把这建成高尔夫球场There's a golf Iinks going in here.高尔夫球是什么东西What's golf?高尔夫球是绅士们玩的比赛Golf is a game played by gentlemen.不是你这样的人玩的Not for the Iikes of you.快走开孩子Now, run along, boy.布鲁克莱恩马萨诸塞州 1900在这儿先生Here it is, sir.快点我们走Come on! Let's go!就是这样坐直莎拉That's it. Sit up straight, Sarah.轻轻拉缰绳Lightly on the reins. There.这就是我们要做的弗朗西斯This is how we do it, Francis.我们努力工作把钱拿回家We work hard, and we bring home the money. 努力工作把钱拿回家Work hard. Bring home the money.-吉尔勒莫 -是- Guillermo! - Yes, sir!快点Come on!弗朗西斯你究竟在做什么Francis, what in the world are you doin'?已经后半夜了It's after midnight!你会吵醒你弟弟的上♥床♥去You're keepin' your brother up. Go to bed.雷德蒙上♥床♥睡觉不许说话Raymond, go to sleep. No talkin'.我的意思是不要发出声音No noises. I mean it.你在干吗弗朗西斯What have you got there, Francis? Hmm?弗朗西斯Francis.我能去看他吗爸爸Can I see him, Father? PIease?他在说什么看谁What's he talking about? See who?哈利·瓦顿Harry Vardon.打这种比赛的绅士Any gentleman who plays this game没有一个是你的朋友is not a friend to you.我知道I know.但他是目前最出色的But he's the greatest ever.-亚瑟我想这没有什么坏处 -不要说了- Arthur, I don't see the harm in... - Not another word. 他今天得去学校The boy goes to school today.就谈到这儿That's the end of it.达西小姐帮我照顾下小孩Mrs. Darcy, mind the Iittle one!他会去爬楼梯的He'II try to climb those stairs.弗朗西斯放下书Francis, Ieave your books.我要去买♥♥东西你跟我一起去I've got shoppin' to do. You come with me now.爸爸说我得去学校Father said I had to go to school.你一天不去学校没有关系You can miss school for one day.而且我需要人帮提包走吧Besides, I need help with me packages. Come along. 是什么事情引起这么大的骚动What could be causing such a fuss?去吧我会去找你Go on. I'II find ya.谢谢女士们先生们Thank you, Iadies and gentlemen.我希望你们能帮忙I'II now presume upon your goodwill我需要个志愿者and request the services of a volunteer.谁愿意上来Anyone?你好你叫什么名字Hello. What's your name?-弗朗西斯 -你好弗朗西斯先生- Francis. - Hello, Mr. Francis.你知道这是什么吗Now, do you know what this is?高尔夫球杆A brassie.是的打一杆吧So it is. Have a bash.继续Go on.不错弗朗西斯即使在最灰暗的日子That's all right, Francis. Even in our darkest hour, 我们也得时刻记住我们永不绝望we must always remember, you never despair.你有没有把一只小鸟握在手上过Have you held a Iive bird in your hands?握的时候不能太用力否则会伤到它Not too hard to hurt her.只要不让它飞走就可以了Just firm enough to stop it from flying away.再试试Try it again.你看到了吗Did you see that?欢迎常胜将军Hail the conquering hero!达尔文先生Mr. Darwin.-是不是如同我所想的一样 -我不确定哈利- Is this what I think it is? - I'm not sure, Harry.我跟你一样I received a summons from Lord Northcliffe,-得到了诺斯克利夫爵士的召唤 -不用找了- just as you did. - Keep the change, mate.-他正在里面等着 -今天是特别的一天- He's waiting inside. - Today's the day.但是哈利从没有一个非职业选手But, Harry, no professional has ever been asked加入过绅士们的高尔夫俱乐部to join a gentlemen's golf club as a member.任何事都会有个开始伯纳德First time for everything, Bernard.-是的 -瞧瞧这个地方- Yes. - Look at this place.他们为什么会让你过来Why else would they want you here?他不信任我我只是为他工作He doesn't confide in me. I only work for him.十年前我还是个修剪篱笆的Ten years ago, I was clippin' hedges.不可思议Marvelous.干得太漂亮了哈利Brilliantly done, Harry.谢谢你先生Thank you, sir.如果你们这些绅士愿意把它加入到你们的战利品I'd be honored if you gentlemen would consider-我将感到很荣幸 -一个闪闪发光的奖杯- adding it to your trophy case. - A glittering addition.我们很高兴为你保留这个是吧奈维尔We'd be pleased to keep it for you. Wouldn't we, Neville? 你很大方Handsome.不过你要想再拿回去恐怕就不是那么容易了But you might not get it back without a tussle.我也没想过能轻松的把它拿回来Don't plan on handing it back myself without a fight. 哈利进入正题吧Harry, I'II come to the point.我们俱乐部有个公开赛We've had an opening at our club.这位是布洛克爵士俱乐部委员会主席Lord Bullock chairs the membership committee.你父亲是做什么的What does your father do?先生他是泽西岛上的一个园丁Uh, he's a gardener on Jersey, sir.我听说你是信奉罗马天主教的I'm told you're Church of Rome.-你母亲是法国人吗 -是的- Mother's French? - Yes, sir.我想我们可以暂时不管这个I believe we can work around it.就这么决定了你是我们想找的人It's decided, then. You're just the man for us.嗯我都不知道说什么了先生Well, I don't know what to say, sir.好了就说好吧Well, say yes.我们希望你替我们工作有相当好的收入We want you to work for us. Decent wage.你可以经营自己的店You can run your own shop.当然还可以开班上课收取你想要的费用Lessons, of course. Charge what you Iike for those. 你是唯一一个能帮我解决问题的人You're the only man who can set me right.你得停止你的工作You'II have your work cut out.我想到处都是酒I think it's drinks all around.我说过你替我们工作I'm told you'll work for us...高尔夫球是绅士们打的比赛Golf is a game played by gentlemen.不是你这样的人玩的绅士们打的比赛Not for the likes of you. Played by gentlemen.可以经营你自己的商店有相当好的收入Run your own shop. Decent wage.快走开小孩Run along, boy.弗朗西斯已经下半夜了Francis. It's after midnight.妈妈最后一个球Just one more, Mother.黑斯廷斯先生Mr. Hastings!-啊弗朗西斯大♥师♥ -先生- Ah, Master Francis. - Sir.我们现在需要一个实战We now Iack but one essential来完成我们的既定目标to complete the swift appointment of our round:-你的俱乐部赛 -我的俱乐部赛吗先生- Your clubs. - My clubs, sir?球童是不能打全程的如果坎贝尔先生发现我在Caddies aren't allowed on the course. If Mr. Campbell sees me out there... 我来帮你考虑坎贝尔的事你快去挥动那些球棒You Iet me worry about Campbell. Go. Get those clubs.快去孩子挥动那些球棒You go, boy. Get those clubs.-挥杆不错伙计 -谢谢先生- Well struck, Iad. - Thank you, sir.你用了多少杆What did you shoot?81杆先生Uh, an 81, sir.第15洞你用了多少杆What did you take on 1 5?9杆先生A nine, sir.第一次在新英格兰最难的场地So you shot an 81 first time around打完全程用了81杆on the toughest golf course in New England?-其中有个洞还用了9杆 -嗯我我想我- With a nine? - Well, I... I think I...我看到你站在那儿知道球童是不允许打I saw you standing there, knowing caddies aren't supposed to play... 继续说Go on.我我想我有些紧张先生I... I think I got a Iittle nervous, sir.我们得看看你是如何控制自己的We needed to see how you handled yourself.控制我自己Handled myself?下个月有全国业余锦标赛National Amateur Championship's here next month.你是说我可以Are you saying that I can...我该做什么What do I have to do?-你得去跟那些有资格的人比赛 -很容易的- You have to play in the qualifier. - That's the easy part.你要让竞赛委员同意你参赛You have to be approved by the executive committee.你是这儿的球童吗You're a caddie here?是的做了10年Yes, sir. For ten years.为了成为业余选手最近已经不作了I recently resigned to preserve my status as an amateur.什么没有计划做职业选手吗What, no plans to turn professional?没有我准备从商Uh, no, sir. I plan to have a career in business.-哦做生意 -是的- Oh, business? - Yes.什么样的生意What sort of business?霍华德我们得Howard, we need...对不起你们继续吧Sorry. Carry on.你的主俱乐部在哪儿这上面没写What's your home club? I don't see it here.他们得赞助你They have to sponsor you.我的主俱乐部My home club?-我正在多个俱乐部之间选择 -哦听好了- I'm between clubs at the moment. - Look, see here.你可能有资格做一个选手you may have qualified as a player,但这不是球童做的事情but this just isn't the sort of thing that caddies do.你是个球童You're a caddie?是的先生我曾经是Yes, sir, I was.球童不能进行业余选手比赛你不能参加这比赛Caddies don't play in the Amateur. It's not for your kind.只有会员才可以参加Members only.我们场地委员会要讨论公开赛的问题了We need to discuss the opening on the greens committee.对不起但是总可以让那些I'm sorry. But there must be a way非会员的人也来参加比赛吧for somebody who's not a member to compete.今年不行Not this year.如果他能支付50美元的入场费As if he could afford the $50 entrance fee.对不起先生Excuse me. Sir...如果我能支付50美元的话...if I were to pay the $50,是不是我就可以加入俱乐部了would I need to belong to a club?理论上不可以Technically, no.你仍然需要一个有名望的俱乐部成员来担♥保♥ 而且You would still need a club member in good standing to sponsor you, and... 而且由我来担♥保♥And... that would be me.打高尔夫球要50美元Fifty dollars to play golf.我会把挣的钱全部拿回家的I'II pay back every penny from my earnings.我对你很失望弗朗西斯这就是你从我这儿学到的吗Is this how I failed you? Is that all you've Iearned from me?不是的先生但这只是场比赛No, sir. But it's just a game.比赛A game?比赛不能让一个男人过活不能让他养家A game doesn't give a man what he needs to make a Iife, feed his family. 你说的对但是如果我赢了就会有伟大的事情发生If I win, great things could happen.什么也不会发生Nothing will happen.他们会按他们的喜好来利用你They'II use you for their own amusement.我能成功的这是我所擅长的I can do this. This is something I'm good at.如果是你你会怎么做What if you do?你怎么来获得那50美元What will you get for your $50?我也有过梦想弗朗西斯I had dreams too, Francis.无论你做什么No matter what you do,他们都不会让你通过那条街的they'II never Iet you cross that street.我想要的就是个机会AII I want is a chance.好的OK.我们打个赌吧OK, we make a bargain.你发誓如果你输了就不再打高尔夫球You promise me if you Iose, no more golf.你得放弃那愚蠢的比赛You give up this fool's game.去完成你的学业你得学贸易You finish your schooling, you Iearn a trade,把你靠诚实劳动获得的钱拿回家and you bring home an honest wage.是说我不合格吗If I don't qualify?好的我答应你Yes, I promise.这是英文版的这儿都没有出版It's the English edition. It's not even in print here yet.哈利·瓦顿Harry Vardon.谢谢Thank you.好好学习吧Read it, study it.你必须打到78杆才有资格You'II need a 78 to qualify.艰苦的竞赛Stiffer competition.他们是这个国家最好的业余选手These are the best amateurs in the country.你认为我能行吗Do you think I'm ready?我不知道只有你参加了后你才能知道I don't know, and neither will you until you're in it.只是高尔夫球比赛是冠军杯There's golf, and there's championship golf.帮我保管一下我要去参加舞会Keep it for me. I'm going to the party.他们说邀请所有的选手参加They said all the players are invited.舞会是什么样的What's it Iike in there?我也不知道我不能进去I couldn't tell you. I'm not allowed inside.能帮我一下吗Do me a favor, would you?嘿这个男孩我以前见过在去学校的时候他在后面追我Hi. This boy I used to see before I Ieft for college is after me. -假装你要请我跳舞 -你在这啊小甜心- Pretend you asked me to dance. - There you are, you peach. 你不能整晚都躲我You know, you can't avoid me all evening.我说过要跳一支舞菲利普I... I said a dance, Phillip.但不是这支Not this one.-我答应这位 -弗朗西斯·奥密特- I promised this one to... - Francis Ouimet.-我知道你家族吗 -不清楚- Do I know your family? - I don't know.-菲利普·韦恩赖特 -韦恩赖特- Phillip Wainwright? - Wainwright?啊是的韦恩赖特家族很好的人Oh, yes. Wainwrights, good people.韦恩赖特家族Wainwrights.好了时间还早她会和你跳舞的Well, the evening's young. She'II catch up with you.你真是个好伙伴帮了我大忙You're a real sport for helping.又没有什么麻烦It's no trouble.我今天疯了I had the craziest day.我从费城坐火车来我把包丢在巴尔的摩了I take a train from Philadelphia, my bags end up in Baltimore. 我的晚礼服也给落在巴尔的摩了My tux is in the bags in Baltimore.我现在穿的是男仆的衣服I'm wearing the houseman's suit.不过你看起来不错I think you Iook just fine.你也是You too.他走了吗Is he gone?没有他还在看着No, he's still watching.我们跳支舞好吗Shall we dance?你刚才说你要去上大学是吗You said you were going to college?史密斯学院第一个学期Smith. First semester.哦Oh.你呢Where are you going?读哪所大学To college?我要花一年时间考虑一下我的选择I'm taking the year off to consider my options.我想这是明智之举I think that's so wise.可能你会去欧洲Perhaps you'II go to Europe.可能吧因为我的家在法国Perhaps I will. 'Cause I have family in France.对不起你能不能再说一次你的名字I'm sorry. What did you say your name was again? 弗朗西斯·奥密特Francis. Ouimet.哦瞧那是我哥哥Oh, Iook! There's my brother!-弗雷迪来认识一下弗朗西斯 -弗雷迪- Freddie, you must know Francis. - Freddie.球童Caddie Boy.弗雷迪你真会开玩笑Freddie, you're such a kidder.爸妈这是弗朗西斯·奥密特Dad, Mother, this is Francis Ouimet.你好How do you do?衣服很漂亮That's a beautiful dress.弗朗西斯是个比赛选手Francis is playing in the tournament.是的我知道Yes, yes, I know.你们男人谈吧我和妈妈一会过来Well, you boys chat. Mother and I will be right back. 你女儿很漂亮Swell girl, your daughter.年轻人你可以被邀请过来Young man, you may have been invited,但是你别指望你能属于这but don't get the idea that you belong here.有两类选手There are only two types of player:一类是绷着神经要赢比赛Those who keep their nerves in control and win championships, 另一类却相反and those who do not.最多只能用5杆你就能进入下一轮了Five or Iess, and you make the cut.第18洞我闭着眼睛都只用5杆Eighteen? I can make five here in my sleep.搞定That's the one.祝贺你Congratulations.太糟糕了球童That's too bad, Caddie Boy.你可以在比赛中当我的球童You could caddie for me in the tournament.你还是有用的不是吗You're available, right?祝贺你儿子打得不错Congratulations, son. Well played.要组建帝国哈利Empire, Harry.否则阳光永远不会照到我们一群废物The sun never sets on us, all that rubbish.说到荣耀希腊的亚历山大是最伟大的Consider the glory that was Greece of AIexander the Great.现在你在地图上都找不到Now you can't even find it on a map.希腊将体育运动传播给世界Greece introduced sport to the world,纯粹地表达他们的优越感pure expression of their superiority.我们应该走他们的路We've trodden that same road.足球板球橄榄球高尔夫球Football, cricket, rugby, golf.让英国能举办所有重要的锦标赛AII the major championships remain in British hands. 得一分Save one.你有什么打算What are you proposing?美国公开赛The U.S. Open.你以前赢过的You won it before.我要你对美国人展开I want you to mount a new campaign一场新的战役to do to the Americans就像亚历山大对波斯人做的那样what AIexander did to the Persians.让他们都变成废物Lay waste to 'em.我的书会占领所有市场My papers get exclusive coverage.伯纳德会在一旁把你的胜利记录在册Bernard here comes along to chronicle your conquest. 这是我们的比赛It's our game, man.从他们的公开赛上把奖杯拿回来Win their Open and bring back that trophy.当然奖金归你You pocket your winnings, of course.-不用出路费吗先生 -所有的费用都不用- Wouldn't pay for the crossing, sir. - AII expenses paid. 正好搞个展览巡游主办方安排一切As part of an exhibition tour, all sponsors arranged.有兴趣吗Does that cover it?好的那就做吧Yep. That'd do it.我还听到一些关于And I hear there's talk俱乐部成员荣誉的谈论of an honorary membership at the club.也能够一起解决This would clinch it.我料想国王会对英格兰最伟大的运动员And I daresay His Majesty might want to show his gratitude 表示谢意的to England's greatest sportsman.哈利·瓦顿大英帝国Harry Vardon, Order of the British Empire.会给你带上一枚漂亮的戒指Has a nice ring to it.我需要一个合作伙伴能和我分享的伙伴I'II need a partner. Somebody to share the workload with.这正是我所想的My thoughts exactly.威尔弗雷德跟你去他是大不列颠业余比赛冠军Wilfred here is your man. Top amateur in the British Isles.太荣幸了Delighted, old chap.高兴得合不拢嘴了是吧Jolly good wheeze, what?给那些美♥国♥佬♥一个沉重的打击Giving the Yanks a thorough thrashing.我有人选了I had someone else in mind.特德·雷Ted Ray?天哪他是西哥特人Christ, he's a Visigoth.不他是泽西人No, he's a Jerseyman.借过'Scuse me.下注结束AII bets off!-快点 -快点- Come on! - Come on!-特德 -哈利- Ted! - Harry!嘿瞧瞧Hey! Look at you!这就是你手下的大♥师♥What's this, another night out with your ruling class masters?这是特德·雷这位是诺斯克利夫爵士Ted Ray, Lord Northcliffe.诺斯克利夫爵士非常荣幸Lord Northcliffe? The honor is entirely mine.你怎么过来了哈利What brings you down this way, Harry?你好你好Hello, hello停止你的游戏吧Stop your little games不要以为这就是适合你的路Don't you think your ways you ought to mend你相信吗他们把公开赛推迟了三个月Can you believe they moved the Open back three months 就是为了让一个家伙参赛just so one guy can play in it?啊他可是哈利·瓦顿Well, he's Harry Vardon,设计师灰狗[哈利·瓦顿的绰号♥]The Stylist, The Greyhound.如果他住在月球上我就不关心I don't care if he's the man in the moon.他们不可能为一个美国人这么做的They wouldn't do that for an American.问问弗朗西斯他以前参加过Ask Francis. He used to play.-你参加过 -不没有- You did? - No, not really.哈他这是谦虚Ah, he's being modest.他过去很优秀的不过他放弃了He used to be good before he gave it up为了做生意是这样的吗弗朗西斯for the glamour of retail. Isn't that right, Francis?弗朗西斯Francis!弗朗西斯Francis!凯西要与金发碧眼的姑娘跳华尔兹Casey would waltz with the strawberry blonde乐队一直在演奏And the band played on他与心爱的姑娘在地上轻轻的移♥动♥ He'd glide 'cross the floor with the girl he adored乐队一直在演奏And the band played on他的脑袋紧张欲裂His brain was so loaded it nearly exploded可怜的姑娘被惊慌摇晃The poor girl would shake with alarm他永远不会离开He 'd ne 'er leave the girl这个有草莓卷一样秀发的姑娘With the strawberry curl乐队一直在演奏And the band played on意大利语演唱哦太动听了Oh, well. It was glorious.-是不是很动听 -是的- Wasn't it glorious? - Yes, it was.你以前听过这样的声音吗Have you ever heard such a voice?就像音乐就像从某个地方发出来It was Iike the... the music was coming through her 穿透她的身体一样from someplace else.这就是我的感受我常常想That's the feeling I've always wanted...弗朗西斯想什么Francis, for what? Hmm?他在那儿弗朗西斯过来一下There he is. Francis! Come here.过来见一下罗伯特·沃森Meet Robert Watson,美国高尔夫球协会会长president of the United States Golf Association.弗朗西斯很高兴见到你Francis, pleasure.很高兴见到您Well, the pleasure's mine, sir.嗯我找个售货员来给你介绍一下我们的产品Uh, Iet me have a salesman show you our equipment.-这是波士顿最好的商店 -他不是来买♥♥球棍的- It's the best selection in Boston. - He's not here to buy clubs. 我听说你住在布鲁克林离国家俱乐部不远I hear you Iive in Brookline, not far from the country club.就在街对面Right across the street.我们将在那儿举♥行♥公开赛为期2个星期We're holding our Open Championship there in two weeks. -你被提名了 -提名先生- Your name came up. - My name, sir?我们准备让当地的一名业余选手参加I'm Iooking to add a Iocal amateur to the field.哈利·瓦顿也来参赛了还有特德·雷Harry Vardon's playing. And Ted Ray.沃森先生很感谢但是我不能接受Mr. Watson, thank you, but I can't accept.-为什么不 -这儿的工作很忙- Why not? - I'm awfully busy here.嗯我不再打高尔夫了And, uh, I don't play golf anymore.-你多大了弗朗西斯 -20了先生- How old are you, Francis? - I'm 20, sir.这个年龄放弃梦想太年轻了不是吗Awfully young to be giving up on your dreams, aren't you?我只是有特殊的原因就是这样I just have different ones now, that's all.对不起黑斯廷斯先生I'm sorry, Mr. Hastings.没有必要解释弗朗西斯There's no need to explain, Francis.祝你好运AII the best.这个挥杆好熟悉啊That swing Iooks familiar.你来这儿做什么What are you doing here?我父亲带我出来走走Father's taking me out for our annual round.我哥哥说你在这儿工作My brother said that you were working here.你哥哥我在这儿见过他几次Your brother. I've seen him in here a couple times.我希望你能卖♥♥给我些装备I was hoping you could sell me some equipment.我实际上不是个销♥售♥人员I'm not actually the salesman.还在思考你的选择吗Still considering your options?是的Yeah.我去帮你找个销♥售♥员来I'II go get you a salesman.好的AII right.哈利·瓦顿Harry Vardon.设计师[哈利·瓦顿的绰号♥]正在进行练习赛The Stylist. Practice round.我们期待有大量的观众所以邀请名人很重要We're expecting a big turnout, so it's important we have marshals here... 沃森先生弗朗西斯·奥密特Mr. Watson. Francis Ouimet.-我能和你谈一下吗先生 -什么事- Can I speak to you, sir? - What is it?如果出价合适的话我愿意为你参加比赛If that offer is still good, I'd Iove to take you up on it.现在很忙我们得考虑一下We have to think about that.-我不要钱 -你能给我们些时间吗弗朗西斯- I'm not asking for favors... - Can you give us a moment?格罗夫大街怎么样What about Grove Street?明天一大早来这儿见我Meet me here, sunup.你有些工作要做You've got some work to do.1913 美国公开赛资格赛比利我们在哪儿Billy, where do we stand?抽到76号♥签Cut Iine's 76.用4杆完成6号♥洞Six holes to make up four shots.怎么啦有什么问题吗What is it? What's wrong?-你刚才在6号♥洞打出了小鸟球 -真的吗- You just made six straight birdies. - I did?祝贺你小伙子你进入公开赛了Congratulations, Iad. You're in the Open.先生们Gentlemen?不管是职业选手还是业余选手I want to welcome you all, professionals and amateurs alike,欢迎来参加第八届美国公开赛to the 1 8th United States Open Championship.在接下来的两天有4轮高尔夫球赛Four rounds of golf to be played over the next two days通过比赛选出世界上最好的选手to identify the best player in the world.让我们欢迎Let's give a special welcome大不列颠业余比赛冠军威尔弗雷德·里德to the British Amateur Champion, Mr. Wilfred Reid...还有著名的职业选手...and our famous professional visitors,哈利·瓦顿和特德·雷Harry Vardon and Ted Ray.我们防守方的冠军I'II yield the floor to our defending champion,欢迎来自费城的职业选手约翰·麦克德莫特a professional from Philadelphia, John McDermott.如果你看报纸的话上面有很多消息If you read the papers, there's a Iot of talk关于伟大英国冠军远渡来到这参加我们的公开赛的消息about the great English champions sailing over here to play in our Open. 关于只有美国人能赢得这个奖杯的消息As the only born American to win this cup,我想说欢迎你们I'd Iike to say to you boys, welcome.-我们对你们的到来感到很高兴 -听听- We're happy to have you. - Hear, hear.我们都知道哈利·瓦顿赢过这个比赛We know Harry Vardon was winning Opens那是很久以前了当我们还在呀呀学语时back when most of us were Iearning our ABC's.在这项运动的历史上他是个天才He's a genius in the history of our game.瓦顿先生我知道你在这项赛事成立的早期赢得过比赛Mr. Vardon, I know you won this baby once before.我在这里看到过你的名字I see your name here.但是看起来那是很久以前的事了It's a Iong time ago, by the Iook of it.我们希望你们能在波士顿过得愉快Well, we hope you boys have a nice time here in Boston.我个人认为那不可能Personally, I don't think you will.我不关心在以后的六个星期你们是否会大胜我们I don't care if you whupped us the Iast six weeks.我讨厌人们谈的都是你能赢比赛的消息I'm tired of people saying all you have to do to win is show up!这次你♥他♥妈♥的不可能把这个杯给捧回去了This time you're not taking our damn cup back!真想把那家伙给干掉Might just have to kill that one.-祝你好运先生 -谢谢你先生- Good Iuck, sir. - Thank you, sir.比利Billy.明天早上见面如何See you first thing tomorrow morning?-不行 -为什么- I can't. - Well, why not?这个英国人出了20美元如果他赢了的话This English fella offered me 20 bucks,会给我50美元50 if he wins.我无法支付那样的价格Well, I can't give you anything Iike that.对不起弗朗西斯我得回家照顾两个孩子I'm sorry, Francis. I've got two kids at home.坎贝尔先生我的球童走了Mr. Campbell? I just Iost my caddie.你认识别的球童吗Do you know somebody?-对不起所有的都被雇完了 -那我该怎么办- Sorry, all the Iads are taken. - What am I supposed to do?自己解决问题你认为瓦顿和雷Hitch up your knickers. You think Vardon and Ray会因为你自己背装备而同情你吗will take pity because you carry your own bag?这是公开赛每个人只为自己This is the Open. Every man for himself.我该怎么办What am I doing here?嘿弗朗西斯Hey, Francis!杰克你来这儿做什么Jack! What are you doin' here?我和埃迪翘课过来看看练习赛Me and Eddie hooked school to come watch the practice round. 你还在富兰克林公园做球童吗Are you still caddying out at Franklin Park?-是的 -你能不能- That's right. - Any chance you can明天帮我当球童carry for me tomorrow?-在公开赛上吗 -是的- In the Open? - Yeah.你原来的那个球童怎么啦Well, what happened to your guy?他找到了个更好的雇主He got a better offer.说明那个家伙是个大肥猪对吗Then that guy's a big, fat jerk! What?杰克如果你愿意的话Jack, if you're gonna do this,明天早上7:30之前到这儿来you gotta be here tomorrow at 7':30 sharp.快答应Do it!埃迪能来吗Can Eddie come too?杰克我不能改变规则Jack, I can't change the rules.只允许你一个人背包You're only allowed one man on the bag.也许他能和我们一起帮记记分数Maybe he could walk with us and keep score.我们会解决的We'II figure it out.-可以吗 -好的- Is that OK with you? - Sure.弗朗西斯成交Francis, you got yourself a deal.太好了杰克太好了That's great, Jack. That's great.再见埃迪I'II see ya, Eddie.我来开门亨利I'II get it, Henry!你来做什么And what do you want?我想和莎拉说句话她在吗I was hopin' to speak to Sarah. Is she here?她去上学了She Ieft for college.-什么时候今天吗 -是的- When, today? - Yeah.帮我给她带个口信Give her a message for me.是谁弗雷迪Who was that, Freddie?是没什么人只是个小贩Ah, it was... it was no one. It was a peddler.你听说过球童参加公开赛的事情吗Did you hear about the caddie playing in the Open?这种事从未发生过各方面都异常关心It should never have happened. Reflects badly on all concerned. 照我说没有什么比I say, if he wants to go out and play让他比赛丢丑更好的了and make a fool of himself again, so much the better.-你们在谈论谁 -是俱乐部的事情- Who are you talking about? - It's a club matter.。

当幸福来敲门The Pursuit of Happiness 中英文剧本Time to get up, man. 该起床了-All right, Dad. -Come on. - 好的,老爸- 快点Should be here soon. 马上来了-I think I should make a list. -What do mean? - 我想我该列个表- 干嘛?-For your birthday gifts? -Yeah. - 想要的生日礼物?- 对呀You know you're only getting a couple of things, right? 你知道只能要几个礼物,对吧?Yeah, I know. Just to look at and study so I can choose better. 知道啊,我只想列出来看看研究一下,好好选选Okay, well, that's smart. Yeah, make a list. 哦,很聪明,那就列吧Can you spell everything you're thinking of? 想要的礼物你都会写吗?-I think so. -All right. That's good. - 应该吧- 哦,很好-How you doing in here, man? -Okay. - 小伙子,你还好吧?- 还好Can we go to the park today, after? 我们今天能去公园吗... 在上完幼儿园后?No, I gotta go to Oakland. Well, maybe, we'll see. 呃...我还得去奥克兰或许...再说吧Give me a kiss. 亲亲I'll talk to you later. 晚点再说Excuse me. 借过Oh, excuse me... 对不起...呃......when is somebody gonna clean this off? 什么时候会找人清洗一下?我不会说英文...And the Y? The Y. We talked about this. 我提过的,幸福的“幸”写错了It's an I in "happiness." There's no Y in "happiness." It's an l. 这里写成了辛苦的“辛”我不是说过,我不会说英文...I'm Chris Gardner. 我是克里斯·迦纳I met my father for the first time when I was 28 years old.我第一次见到我父亲时,已经28岁了And I made up my mind as a young kid... 我儿时就决定,将来我有了孩子...that when I had children......my children were gonna know who their father was. 我的孩子一定得知道他们的父亲是谁This is part of my life story. 这里讲述的是我人生故事的一部分This part is called "Riding the Bus. " 这部分叫做...“搭公车”[旧金山,1981年]What's that? 那是什么?It's a time machine, isn't it? 是架时光机,对吧?Seems like a time machine. 看起来是时光机That seems like a time machine. It's a time machine. Take me with you.像是时光机,是时光机,能带上我吗?This machine... 这仪器......this machine on my lap-- 我膝盖上的这台仪器...This guy, he has a time machine. 这伙计,他有架时光机He travels in the past with this machine and.... 他...他...他...用时光机穿梭到过去--it is not a time machine. 这不是...时光机It's a portable bone-density scanner. 而是,手提式骨质密度扫描仪A medical device I sell for a living. 是医疗器材,我就靠卖这个过活Thank you for the opportunity to discuss it with you. 谢谢您给我这个机会,向您推介这仪器-I appreciate it. -We just don't need it, Chris. - 我不胜感激- 我们真的不需要,克里斯It's unnecessary and expensive. 没多大用处而且还很贵-Well, maybe next-- -Thank you. - 哦,或许下次... - 谢谢It gave a slightly denser picture than an x-ray for twice the money.它比X光机显像更精确一点点但却贵了一倍-Hey. -Hey, baby. - 嘿- 嘿,宝贝-What happened? -No, nothing. - 怎么啦?- 没...没事儿Look, I can't get Christopher today. 只是...我今天不能去接儿子Oh, no, you don't, Chris. I'm back on at 7. 你得去,我七点还要上班I know. I have got to go to Oakland. 我知道,但我一定要去奥克兰So I gotta get Christopher home, feed him, bathe him...所以我得先接他回家,做饭,给他洗澡......get him in bed, and be back here by 7? 哄他睡觉,然后七点前回到这儿?-Yes. -And we got the tax-bill notice today. - 对- 今天收到了税单-What are you gonna do about that? -Look, this is what we gotta do.- 你说怎么办?- 听着,就这么办You see that car? The one with the pretty yellow shoe on it?看到那车了吗?那辆穿着漂亮黄鞋子的车That's mine. 那是我的车There's no parking near hospitals. 医院附近不准停车That's what happens when you're always in a rush. 赶时间的结果就是这样Thanks anyway. Very much. 还是非常谢谢你-Maybe next quarter. -It's possible. - 或许下个季度- 可能哦I needed to sell at least two scanners a month for rent and daycare.我每个月至少得卖两台才够付房租和幼儿园费I'd have to sell one more... 还得再卖一台......to pay off all of those tickets under my windshield wiper. 才够付车窗上的那些罚单The problem is... 问题是......I haven't sold any for a while. 我很久没卖出一台了Since when do you not like macaroni and cheese? 你什么时候开始不喜欢通心粉加奶酪的?Since birth? 从...我出生开始?-What's that? -What? - 这是什么?- 呃?-What is this? -It's a gift for Christopher. - 这是什么东西?- 克里斯托弗的礼物-From who? -Cynthia from work. - 谁给的?- 我同事欣西雅It's for adults. Chris can't use it. She didn't know. 她不知道这是给大人玩的,克里斯托弗还小What are you supposed to do with it? 要怎么玩?Make every side the same color. 把每一面都弄成同一颜色Did you pay the taxes? 你付税了吗?No, I'm gonna have to file an extension. 没,我要申请延后缴-You already filed an extension. -Yeah, well, I gotta file another one. - 你已经申请过延期了- 是,我还要再延期一次That's-- It's $650. I'll have it in the next month. 一共是640美元,我下个月就有了That means interest, right? - 是加上利息,还有罚金的总额吧- 嗯,不是很多啦-And a penalty? -Yeah, a little bit.Look, why don't you let me do this? All right, just relax. Okay? 让我处理就好你就别操心了,好吗?-Come here. Calm down. -I have to go back to work. - 来,别烦了- 我得回去工作了Let's get ready for bed. Hey, put your plate in the sink. 准备上床了嗨,把盘子放水池里去A few days ago I was presented with a report I'd asked for.几天前他们递交了一份我要求的... ...a comprehensive audit, if you will, of our economic condition. 全面的经济现况评估报告You won't like it. I didn't like it. 你们不会喜欢的,我也不喜欢But we have to face the truth... 但我们必须面对现实...and then go to work to turn things around. 然后去努力扭转情势And make no mistake about it, we can turn them around. 决不能犯错,我们一定能做到The federal budget is out of control. 联邦预算已经失去控制And we face runaway deficits of almost $80 billion... 今年9月30日结束的预算年度...for this budget year that ends September 30th. 我们将有高达800亿的赤字That deficit is larger than the entire federal budget in 1 957.这个赤字比1957年整年联邦预算还高And so is the almost $80 billion... 今年还得支付这800亿...... we will pay in interest this year on the national debt. ...衍生的利息国债Twenty years ago, in 1 960... 20年前,1960年...our federal government payroll was less than $ 1 3 billion. 联邦政府的总薪资支出不到130亿Today it is 75 billion. 而如今则是750亿During these 20 years, our population has only increased by 23. 3 percent....20年来人口才增长了23.3%...Man, I got two questions for you: 哇,老兄,请教你两个问题What do you do? And how do you do it? 你是干什么?你是怎么干的?-I'm a stockbroker. -Stockbroker. Oh, goodness. - 我是股票经纪人- 股票经纪人,哦,天哪Had to go to college to be a stockbroker, huh? 得上大学才能做股票经纪人,对吧?You don't have to. Have to be good with numbers and good with people. 不用,只需要精通数字,会做人处世-That's it. -Hey, you take care. - 就这么简单- 嘿,保重I'll let you hang on to my car for the weekend. 周末我这车就借你了-But I need it back for Monday. -Feed the meter. - 不过星期一得还我哦- 付停车费去吧I still remember that moment. 我还记得那一刻They all looked so damn happy to me. 他们全都看起来超幸福的样子Why couldn't I look like that? 为什么我不能也满脸幸福?I'm gonna try to get home by 6. 我尽量在六点前回来I'm gonna stop by a brokerage firm after work. 下班后要去一下证券行-For what? -I wanna see about a job there. - 干嘛?- 看看那里有没有工作Yeah? What job? 哦,什么样的工作?You know, when l-- 你知道,我...When I was a kid, I could go through a math book in a week. 我小时候,一星期就能把算数课本念完So I'm gonna go see about what job they got down there. 所以我想去看看,有什么工作可做What job? 什么工作?Stockbroker. 股票经纪人-Stockbroker? -Yeah. - 股票经纪人?- 嗯Not an astronaut? 不是宇航员?Don't talk to me like that, Linda. 别用这种口气对我说话,琳达I'm gonna go down and see about this, and I'm gonna do it during the day. 我去看看情况,利用白天的时间You should probably do your sales calls. 嗯,你该打电话推销才对I don't need you to tell me about my sales calls, Linda. 还要你来告诉我,琳达I got three of them before the damn office is even open.人家办公室开门前,我就打了三通电话了Do you remember that rent is due next week?还记得下星期就要付房租吗?Probably not. 大概不记得了吧?We're already two months behind. 我们已经两个月没付Next week we'll owe three months. 下星期就欠三个月了I've been pulling double shifts for four months now, Chris. 我已经上双份班四个月了!Just sell what's in your contract. Get us out of that business.就...赶快把合约规定的数额卖完咱们好脱身吧Linda, that is what I am trying to do. 琳达,我不是正努力那么做嘛!This is what I'm trying to do for my family... 努力来改善这个家...for you and for Christopher. 为你,为儿子What's the matter with you? 你到底是怎么了?Linda. 琳达Linda. 琳达[迪安.维特.雷诺斯公司,经纪人实习培训] 现在接受申请This part of my life is called "Being Stupid. " 我人生的这部分叫做...“冒傻气”Can I ask you a favor, miss? 能帮个忙吗,小姐Do you mind if I leave this here with you just for five minutes? 帮我看下这个行吗,就5分钟I have a meeting in there and I don't wanna carry that... 我在那儿有个会带这个进去看上去很不正式...Iooking smalltime.Here is a dollar and I'll give you more money when I come back out. 先给你1块钱一会我出来再多给你点Okay? It's not valuable. You can't sell it anywhere. 好吗?这玩意不值钱,你也卖不出去I can't even sell it, and it's my job. All right? 我是干这个的都卖不掉,好吗?-Chris? Tim Brophy, Resources. -Yes. How are you? - 克里斯吗?我是提姆·布鲁菲,人事部的- 是我,你好吗?-Come with me. -Yes, sir. - 跟我来- 好的,先生Let me see if I can find you an application for our internship. 我看看能不能帮你找份实习申请表I'm afraid that's all we can do for you. See, this is a satellite office. 我能做的也只有这个了这里只是分公司Jay Twistle in the main office, he oversees Witter Resources.总部的杰·托斯特尔是全面负责人事工作的I mean, I'm-- You know, I'm just this office. 我的意思是,我只负责这里As you can see, we got a hell of lot of applications here, so.... 你看,已经有一大堆人申请了...所以...Normally I have a resume sheet, but I can't seem to find it anywhere. 我这应该还有履历表的但是现在找不到了-We.... -Thank you very much. - 我们... - 非常感谢I need to go. 我得走了I'll bring this back. 我...我...我会把这个交过来的-Thank you. -Okay. - 谢谢- 好的Trusting a hippie girl with my scanner. Why did I do that? 把扫描仪托付给一个嬉皮女孩?为什么我会这么做?Excuse me. Excuse me. 借过,借过Like I said, this part of my life is called "Being Stupid. " 就像我刚说的,我人生的这部分叫做“冒傻气”Hey!. Hey!. Hey!. Don't move!. Don't move!. Stay--!. 嘿,嘿!别动!呆着别动!别...Stop!. Stop!. 停下!停下!Don't move!. Stop this--!. Stop the train! 别走!停下!停下这地铁!Stop! Stop! 停!停下来!The program took just 20 people every six months. 这个培训每半年才招20人One got the job. 最后只有1人受雇There were three blank lines after "high school" to list more education. 申请表上“高中”之后还有3行线用来填写接受过的其他教育I didn't need that many lines. 对我来说,根本就是多余T ry and sleep. It's late. 快睡觉,不早了It's a puzzle measuring just 3 inches by 3 inches on each side... 这种魔方每面都是3英寸x3英寸...made up of multiple colors that you twist and turn... 由多种颜色组成玩法就是通过旋转</ ...and try to get to a solid color on each side. 最终使每面呈现同一颜色This little cube is the gift sensation of 1 98 1. 这小玩意是1981年的送礼佳品Don't expect to solve it easily. 但是想把它玩好可没那么容易Although we did encounter one math professor at USF... 尽管我们确实碰到一位旧金山大学的数学教授... who took just 30 minutes on his. 只花了30分钟就拼好This is as far as I've gotten on mine. 这个是我尽最大努力拼的了As you can see, I still have a long way to go. 大家可以看到离完成还早着呢This is Jim Finnerty reporting for KJSF in Richmond. 这里是吉米·芬尼迪从KJSF里士满发回的报道Hey, wake up. 嘿,醒醒Eat. 快吃-Bye, Mom. -Bye, baby. - 妈,再见- 再见,宝贝-Come back without that, please. -Oh, yeah, I'm going to. - 那玩意儿卖了再回来- 噢,我正有此意So go ahead, say goodbye to it, because I'm coming back without it. 快点和它道个别回来可就看不到它了Goodbye and good riddance. 再见,“可喜的摆脱”You ain't had to add the "good riddance" part. 后面那部分没必要说的Bye, Mom. 再见,妈妈!Bye. 再见It's written as P-P-Y, but it's supposed to be an I in "happiness." 那里写的是“辛”但是实际上应该是“幸”-ls it an adjective? -No, actually it's a noun. - 是形容词吗?- 不是,是个名词But it's not spelled right. 但是字写错了-ls "fuck" spelled right? -Yeah, that's spelled right. - “操”写对了吗?- 对,那个写的对But that's not part of the motto, so you're not supposed to learn that. 但是标语里没这词所以别学That's an adult word to show anger and other things. 那词是大人用来表达他们愤怒之类的-But just don't use that one, okay? -Okay. - 别用那词,好吗?- 好的What's that say on the back of your bag? 你书包背后写的是什么?My nickname. 我的绰号We pick nicknames. 我们选了绰号-Oh, yeah? What's it say? -"Hot Rod." - 噢,你选的是什么?- “改装高速车”-Did you have a nickname? -Yep. - 你有绰号吗?- 有啊-What? -"Ten-Gallon Head." - 是什么?- 无-敌-大-头-What's that? -I grew up in Louisiana, near Texas.- 什么意思?- 我在德克萨斯州附近的路易斯安那长大Everybody wears cowboy hats. And a ten-gallon's a big hat. 那儿的人都戴牛仔帽那种“10加仑”牛仔帽(宽边软顶牛仔帽,因分量重而得名)I was smart back then, so they called me Ten-Gallon Head. 我小时候很聪明所以大家都叫我“无-敌-大-头”-Hoss wears that hat. -Hoss? - 霍斯也戴那种牛仔帽- 霍斯?Hoss Cartwright on Bonanza. 霍斯·卡特赖特“伯南扎的牛仔”里面的牛仔-How do you know Bonanza? -We watch it at Mrs. Chu's.- 你从哪知道“伯南扎的牛仔”的?- 在朱太太家看的-You watch Bonanza at daycare? -Yeah. - 你在幼儿园看“伯南扎的牛仔”?- 是啊When? When do you watch it? 是什么时候看的?-After snack? After your nap? -After Love Boat. - 午餐后还是午觉后?- 看完“爱之船”之后看的I made my list for my birthday. 我生日礼物列好了-Yeah, what'd you put on there? -A basketball or an ant farm. - 你都写了什么?- 篮球,或者“蚂蚁农场”(“蚂蚁农场”为一种智趣游戏)-He says he's been watching TV. -Oh, little TV for history. - 他说他一直在看电视- 是啊,是看了些电视,都是历史片-Love Boat? -For history. Navy. - “爱之船”也是吗?- 是啊,是关于海军历史的That's not the Navy. 那可不是海军历史片I mean, he could watch television at home. 我的意思是,他可以在家看电视We're paying you $1 50 a month. If he's gonna be sitting around... 我们每月付150块给你要是他就坐在这儿......watching TV all day, we're taking him out of here. 一直看电视的话,我们就带他走Go pay more at other daycare if you don't like Navy TV. 你要是不喜欢海军片的话就多花钱去别家幼儿园好了You late pay anyway. You complain. I complain. 反正你总是晚付钱你抱怨,我还抱怨呢Can you at least put the dog upstairs in your room or something? 那能不能把狗带到楼上去?关到你房间或什么地方Bye. 再见I was waiting for Witter Resource head Jay Twistle... 我在等维特公司人事部主管杰·托斯特尔...whose name sounded so delightful, like he'd give me a job and a hug.他的名字听起来很可爱就好像他会给我份工作,外加一个拥抱I just had to show him I was good with numbers and good with people. 而我所要做的,就是让他知道我精通数字,而且懂得待人之道-Morning, Mr. Twistle. -Good morning. - 早上好,托斯特尔先生- 早上好-Mr. Twistle, Chris Gardner. -Hi. - 托斯特尔先生,我是克里斯·迦纳- 你好I wanted to drop this off personally and make your acquaintance. 我得在你进去之前亲自把这个交给您和您认识一下I thought I'd catch you on the way in. I'd love the opportunity to discuss... 希望有机会能和您坐下聊聊...what may seem like weaknesses on my application. 我申请表上看起来比较薄弱的几点We'll start with this, and we'll call you if we wanna sit down. 好的,我们要先看下你的申请表,克里斯需要面试的话会通知你的-Yes, sir. You have a great day. -You too. - 好的,先生,祝您愉快- 你也是Hey, yeah, how you doing? 嗨,你好This is Chris Gardner calling for Dr. Delsey. 我是克里斯·迦纳找戴尔斯医生Yeah, I'm running a little late for a sales call. 我要晚一点才能来推销I was wondering if-- Yeah, Osteo National. 能不能...对,国立阿斯提公司Right. We can still--? Half an hour? 对,我们能不能...半小时后?Yes. Beautiful. Beautiful. Thank you, thank you. 太好了,没问题,谢谢Hey! Hey! 嘿!嘿!Hey! 嘿!This part of my life... 我人生的这部分-Wait! -...this part here... 眼前的这部分...it's called "Running. " 叫做“追赶”Hey! Hey! 嘿!嘿!Wait! 等一下!Hey! Wait! 嘿!等一下!That was my stolen machine. 那是我被偷的仪器Unless she was with a guy who sold them too. 除非跟她在一起的那家伙也是做这行的Which was unlikely... 不过可能性不大...because I was the only one selling them in the Bay Area. 因为旧金山海湾地区销售此仪器的仅我一家I spent our entire life savings on these things. 我把所有的积蓄都押在这上面了It was such a revolutionary machine. 押在这个革命性的仪器上了-Can you feel it, baby? -Oh, yeah. - 亲爱的,你感觉到了吗?- 当然了You got me doing all the work. 你在叫我一个人忙活What I didn't know is that doctors and hospitals... 但是我没想到,医院的医生们...would consider them unnecessary luxuries. 会认为它是没用的奢侈品I even asked the landlord to take a picture. 我甚至请房东给我们照了相So if I lost one, it was like losing a month's groceries. 所以丢了一台仪器就意味着损失了一个月的伙食Hey, hey! Wait! Wait! 嘿!嘿!等一下,等一下!Hey, get back here! 嘿!回来!Hey, man, l-- 嘿,老兄,我...-Who's he? -He's that guy.... - 他是谁?- 就是那个...-Did you forget? -Forget what? - 你忘了吗?- 忘了什么?You're not supposed to have any of those. 你不该带这东西回家的-Yeah, I know. -You have two now. - 是的,我知道- 但你现在却有2台Hey. 嘿Hey, Mom. 嘿,妈One, two, three! 1,2,3-That's a basketball! -Hey, hey. What do you mean? - 是个篮球!- 嗨,什么意思?You don't know that that's a basketball. 谁说这是篮球啊?This could be an ant farm. This could be a microscope or anything. 有可能是“蚂蚁农场”也可能是显微镜或别的什么-No, it's not. -There, there. - 不,不是的- 拿不到了吧All right, come on. Open him up. Open him up. 好吧,快打开吧-That paper's a little heavy, huh? -Yeah, but I got it. - 纸有点厚,是吗?- 是的,但是我能打开You should've seen me out there today. 你今天真应该在场的Somebody stole a scanner. I had to run the old girl down—有个女孩偷了我的扫描仪我就一直追她...Whatever. 随便吧-What? -Whatever, Chris. - 什么?- 随便怎么着吧,克里斯What the hell you got attitude about? 你这是什么态度?-"Whatever" what? -Every day's got some damn story. - 随便什么?- 每天都他妈的有逸闻Hey, Roy. Roy! 嘿!罗伊!罗伊!Can you beat your little rug when nobody's out here? 能不能没人的时候再拍毯子?There's dust and shit all over. 尘土飞扬的-I'm trying to keep a clean house. -Hey, wait a second. - 我只是在打扫房间... - 嗨,等一下Look, Linda, relax. 听我说,琳达,放松We're gonna come out of this. Everything is gonna be fine, all right? 我们会渡过难关的一切都会好起来的,好吗?You said that before, when I got pregnant. "lt'll be fine." 你以前就这么说过,我怀孕的时候你就说:“一切都会好起来的”-So you don't trust me now? -Whatever. I don't care. - 这么说你不再相信我了?- 随便,我不在乎-Taxi! -Mr. Twistle. - 出租!- 托斯特尔先生-Yeah, hi. -Hi. Chris Gardner. - 是的- 你好,我是克里斯·迦纳Yeah, hi. Listen. What can I do for you? 你好,有什么事吗?I submitted an application for the intern program about a month ago... 我一个月前交了份实习申请表...and I would just love to sit with you briefly-- 我想找机会和您坐下来简单谈谈...Listen, I'm going to Noe Valley, Chris. 听着,我要赶去诺亚谷,克里斯-Take care of yourself. -Mr. Twistle. - 你保重- 托斯特尔先生Actually, I'm on my way to Noe V alley also. 我正好也要去诺亚谷How about we share a ride? 我搭个车怎么样?-All right, get in. -All right. - 好吧,上车吧- 好的So when I was in the Navy, I worked for a doctor... 我在海军服役时为一个医生工作...who loved to play golf, hours every day... 他很喜欢高尔夫每天都要花很多时间在那上面...and I would actually perform medical procedures... 我还得替他处理医疗事务...when he'd leave me in the office. 当他不在的时候So I'm used to being in a position where I have to make decisions and....我习惯于做出抉择,而且...Mr. Twistle, listen. This is a very important-- 托斯特尔先生,听我说,这很重要I'm sorry. I'm sorry. This thing's impossible. 对不起,对不起这东西不可能拼出来的-I can do it. -No, you can't. No one can. - 我可以- 你不行,没人可以的-That's bullshit. -No, I'm pretty sure I can do it. - 不可能的- 我确定我能行的-No, you can't. -Let me see it. - 你不行- 让我看看Give it here. 给我Oh, yeah. Oh, wow, you really messed it up. 哦,你真是拼的一团糟啊Sorry. 不好意思It looks like it works around a swivel, so the center pieces never move. 看起来这些是围绕一个轴心转动中间的这部分保持不动So if it's yellow in the center, that's the yellow side. 所以说如果中间那片是黄色这面就应该是黄色的If it's red in the center, that's the red side. 如果中间那片是红色那么这面就应该是红色的-Okay. -So.... You can slow down. - 好的- 开慢点吧Listen, we can drive around all day. I don't believe you can do this. 我们可以就这么一直开下去我就不信你能拼出来-Yeah, I can. -No, you can't. - 我可以的- 不,你不成-Yes, I can. -No, you can't. - 我可以的- 不,你不成I'm telling you, no one can. 不,你不行,没人可以的See? That's all I ever do. 看到没?我就只能到这步了You almost have this side. 那面快拼出来了Holy cow. 哦,你拼出来了-You almost had that one. -I'm gonna get it. - 哦,那面也快拼出来了- 我能全部拼出来的Look at that. 真厉害啊You're almost there. 快好了-1 7.1 0. -This is me. - 17块1毛- 我到了Good job. 拼得不错-Goodbye. -Yeah. I'll see you soon. - 再见- 回头见Where are you going, sir? 先生,你要去哪里?Excuse me, sir. Where are you going, please? 对不起,先生?你要去哪里?Two-- A couple of blocks. 呃...2个...几个街区就到-Just flip around. -Okay. - 调下头- 好的Hey! Stop it! Hey! 嘿,停下!-Where are you going? Come here! -No! - 你到哪儿去?回来!-不!-No, no, no! -You asshole, give me my money! - 不,不,不!- 你这缺德鬼,给我钱-Give me my money. -Please stop. - 给我钱!- 别,别这样!-Please, please, please! -Son of a bitch. - 别这样!- 混蛋!Please! He should've paid you! 他应该付钱,他应该给你钱的!-Come here! -I'm sorry. - 别跑- 对不起,抱歉-I'm so sorry. -I'll kick your ass! - 对不起- 我会教训你的!-I'm sorry! -ldiot. - 对不起- 混蛋!I'll get you! 我会逮到你的!I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you! 我要宰了你!我要宰了你!Hey! 嘿!Stop it, you son of a bitch! 停下!你这个王八蛋!Stop him! 停下...Stop him! 停下...The doors are closing. 车门即将关闭Please stand clear of the doors. 请远离车门No! No! No! 不,不,不!No! 不!-Hello? -Hey, yeah. - 喂- 嗨Sorry I couldn't make it home on time. 对不起,我没能及时赶回家-Chris, I missed my shift. -Yeah, I know. I'm sorry about that. - 克里斯,我误了班- 是,我知道,对不起Look, I'm on my way right now. Are you all right with Christopher? 我现在就在回家路上你陪着克里斯托弗行吗?I'm leaving. Chris, I'm leaving. 我要走了,克里斯,我要离开这个家-What? -Did you hear what I said? - 什么?- 你听到我说的了吗?I have my things together, and I'm taking our son... 我已经收拾好东西我要带上儿子...and we're gonna leave now. 我们现在就走I'm gonna put the phone down. 我要把电话挂了-Linda, wait a minute. Hold it, hold-- -I'm going to leave. We are leaving. - 琳达,等下- 我们要走了,我们走了It was right then that I started thinking about Thomas Jefferson... 那一刻,我想起了托马斯·杰斐逊...the Declaration of Independence... 想起了"独立宣言"...and the part about our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 想起了其中对生存权,自由权以及追求幸福权利的描写And I remember thinking: 我一直在想How did he know to put the "pursuit" part in there? 他是怎么知道要把"追求幸福" 那部分放进去的?That maybe happiness is something that we can only pursue. 也许幸福是只能去追求And maybe we can actually never have it... 但是却永远也追求不到...no matter what. 无论如何也追求不到的How did he know that? 他究竟是怎么知道的?Linda. Linda. 琳达,琳达-Hello? -Chris. - 喂?- 克里斯吗?-Who is this? -Jay Twistle. - 哪位?- 杰·托斯特尔-Hey. -Dean Witter. - 嘿- 迪安·维特公司的Yeah, of course. How are you? 对...你好吗?I'm fine. Listen, do you still wanna come in and talk? 我很好,听着,你还想过来聊聊吗?Yes, sir. Absolutely. 是的,先生,当然了I'll tell you what. Come on by day after tomorrow, in the morning. 好的,你后天早上来一下We're interviewing for the internships. You got a pen and paper? 我们要面试实习生,你有纸笔吗?Yes. Yes, I do. 我有,呃...-Hold on one second. -All right. - 稍等下- 好的Hello? 喂-Chris? -Go ahead. I have one. - 克里斯?- 说吧,我找到了Write this number down so you can call my secretary, Janice. 记下这个号码,打给我秘书贾尼斯-She can give you all the specifics. -Yep. - 她会告诉你具体事宜的- 好的-Okay, 41 5. -41 5. - 415 - 415-864. -864. - 864 - 864-0256. -0256. - 0256 - 0256-Yeah, extension 4796. -4796. - 对,转4796 - 4796-Right. Call her tomorrow. -Yes, sir. 41 5-864-0256. - 对,明天就打吧- 好的,先生,415-846-0256-Okay, buddy. -All right, yes. - 对,兄弟- 好的,记住了-Thank you very much. -We'll see you soon. - 太感谢你了- 回头见864-0256. 864-02564796. Janice. 4796,贾尼斯-Chris. -Hey. - 克里斯- 嗨Did you--? Have you seen Linda and Christopher? 看到琳达和克里斯托弗了吗?-No. You catch the game last night? -No, no. - 没有,昨晚那场比赛看了没?- 没,没看You didn't see that, 1 1 8, 1 --? 你没看?118,1..Excuse me, did Linda and Christopher come in here? 问一下,琳达和克里斯托弗来过吗?-No, I haven't see them. -1 1 9-1 20. Double overtime. - 没有,我没看到他们- 119比120,双加时赛Moons hits a three-pointer at 1 7 seconds left. 在还有17秒结束时,投了个三分Wayne, Wayne, Wayne. 韦恩,韦恩,韦恩Can't talk to you about numbers right now. 现在不能和你谈数字-What's your problem with numbers? -864-2.... - 为什么?- 864-2...-And you owe me money. -Yeah. - 你欠我钱- 没错You owe me $1 4. 欠我14块I'm gonna get that to you. 我会给你的I need my money. I need my money. 给我钱,我需要!Fourteen's a number. 14也是数字啊Hey, don't you ever take my son away from me again. 嘿,别再把我儿子从我身边带走了!-You hear me? -Leave me alone! - 你听到没?- 离我远点!Don't take my son away from me again. 别再把我儿子从我身边带走!Do you understand what I'm saying to you? 你听到我的话了吗?Don't you walk away from me when I'm talking to you. Do you hear me? 别就这么走开!我在和你说话呢!听到我的话了吗?-Do you wanna leave? -Yeah. - 你想离开吗?- 没错-You wanna leave? -Yes, I want to leave! - 你想离开吗?- 是的!我想离开!Get the hell out of here, then, Linda. 那就快走吧,琳达Get the hell out of here. Christopher's staying with me. 快滚吧!克里斯托弗和我在一起!You're the one that dragged us down. You hear me? 是你把我们搞成这样的,你听到了没?-You are so weak. -No. I am not happy anymore. - 你太不坚强了!- 不,我不再幸福-I'm just not happy! -Then go get happy, Linda! - 不再觉得幸福了!- 那就去找幸福啊,琳达!Just go get happy. 去找幸福吧!But Christopher's living with me. 但是克里斯托弗要跟我过!-Stop! -Did you hear what I said? - 闭嘴- 听到了吗?Christopher's living with me! 克里斯托弗和我在一起!Hey. Come on, let's go. 嘿,来,我们走了-How you doing, Mrs. Chu? -Hi. - 你好,朱太太- 你好-Where's Mom? -Look, just get your stuff. - 妈妈呢?- 去拿你的东西But she told me she was coming to pick me up today. 她说今天要来接我的Yeah, I know. 是,我知道I talked to Mom earlier. Everything's fine, okay? 我之前和妈妈谈过了没事的,好吗?Where do I sleep tonight? 我今晚睡哪儿?Let me ask you something. Are you happy? 问你个问题你快乐吗?-Yeah. -All right. Because I'm happy. - 嗯- 因为我很快乐And if you're happy and I'm happy, then that's a good thing, right?如果你快乐,我也快乐这就是好事,对吗?-Yeah. -All right. - 是的- 那好You're sleeping with me. 你今晚和我一起睡You're staying at home, where you belong, all right? 你待在家里你本来就该待那儿,好吗?Christopher. 克里斯托弗Hey, listen. I need the rent. 嘿,听着,你得交房租I can't wait anymore. 不能再拖下去了Yeah, I'm good for that, Charlie. I'm gonna get it. 我会的,查理,我会...Why don't you go two blocks over at the Mission lnn motel?你为什么不搬到2个街区外的祢申汽车旅馆住?It's half what you pay here. 那比这便宜一半Listen, Chris. I need you out of here in the morning. 听着,克里斯我要你明天早上就从这搬走The hell am I supposed to be out of here tomorrow? 明天就搬走,这怎么可能呢?I got painters coming in. 油漆工明天要来-All right, look. I need more time. -No. - 好吧,但是再给我点时间- 不行All right, I'll paint it myself. 屋子我来刷,好吗?All right, but I just-- I gotta have some more time-- I got my son up in here.再给我点时间,我儿子还在这All right. One week. And you paint it. 好吧,再给你1周的时间而且你要粉刷房间[克里斯,你糟透了]。

一些美国人都会“读错”的英文地名今日早点(视频干货)由于历史的原因英国有些地名或人名部分保留了外来语的读音我们翻译成中文总是“出错”就连初来乍到的美国人也逃不掉今天咱们就来说说那些发音诡异的“地名和人名”1)莫名消失的音--/h/1.Bucking ham Palace 白金汉宫· Bucking ham Palace /ˌbʌkɪŋəmˈpæləs/(1)字母-h am中的 h 是不发音的(2)字母-am读 /əm/✍也就是说根本不存在“汉”这个音,根据英语的实际发音,中文或许该译为“白金嗯宫”2.Beckham /ˈbekəm / 贝克汉姆•字母-ham中的 h 不发音;根据英语的实际发音,“贝克汉姆”其实是“贝肯姆”3.Gree nwi ch /ˈgre nɪtʃ/ 格林尼治•地名中-wick或者-wich中的w 统统不发音✍正确的应该是“尼”而不是“威”,所以是“格林尼治时间”而不是“格林威治时间”哦~2)诡异增加的音Edin burgh /ˈedɪn bərə/ 爱丁堡•Edinburgh中的burgh非常特殊,不是读成“堡”,而是/bərə/!✍如果说第一个/ə/还能理解为是字母 u 发出的话,那第二个/ə/就只能说是“从天而降”了,不符合现代英语中的任何拼读规则。
所以同学们要特殊记忆哦3)无规律的变音1.D er by /ˈdɑːbi/ 德比✍体育竞技中的“德比”大战就是出自英国这个叫Derby的地方。
但er并不是发/ɜː/,而是/ɑː/!所谓的“德比”,其实应该是“达比”!2.T h a mes /t e mz/ 泰晤士(河)•T h ames中的h不发音•字母 a 的发音既不是/ɑː/,也不是/æ/或/aɪ/,而是让人跌破眼镜的/e/✍所以,Thames的正确读音是/temz/!中文习惯说“泰晤士河”之后,这个词就很可能读错3.L ei ce ster Square /ˈl e stə skweə/莱斯特广场•字母组合ce整个都是不发音的!•字母组合ei不是发/eɪ/,而是/e/!的完整读音是/ˈlestə/,相当于Lester /ˈlestə/去伦敦的Leicester Square下,步行可到4.R ea ding /ˈr e dɪŋ/雷丁•R ea ding中的ea不是发/i:/,而是/e/;同read作过去式或过去分词时ea的发音!本期作业作业:请一口气读出下列名字。

在开始签名之前Before I start signing these,我要感谢一位今晚到场的嘉宾I need to thank somebody who's here tonight.当我拥有她时这样说有点不恰当When I had her at State... That didn't sound right.托斯卡尼艳阳下我从来就没有拥有过她我想拥有她却未能如愿I never had her. I wanted her, but never had her.我想要说的是上她的课时What I meant was when I took her class.我患上了一种最可怕的病能阻断我的作家梦I had the worst case of writer's block in the world.我满脑子都是些可怕的念头我讨厌那些东西All I had were terrible ideas. I hated them all.我差点儿就休学了I was just about to drop the class当她对我说了些话这些话改变了一切when she said something to me that changed everything.她说可怕的念头就像是运动场上的替罪羊She said, "Terrible ideas are like playground scapegoats.如果有适当的鼓励他们就会成为天才Given the right encouragement, they grow up to be geniuses." 她让我选出其中的一个念头并且围绕它继续写下去She told me to take one, and work on it.于是我成功了Well, I did.弗朗西斯·梅丝一个喜欢可怕念头的女人Frances Mayes, who loves terrible ideas,我现在可以跟你来一个法国式的热吻吗may I please French kiss you now?上啊小伙子Go for it, Willie boy!对不起威廉我已经结婚了Married, William. Sorry.为我感到骄傲吗Proud of me?当然Ridiculously.弗朗西斯这些做得太好吃了你是怎样做的呢Frances, these are amazing. What did you do?巧克力的火候要掌握好Chocolate is timing, my friend.-剩下的就像变魔术一样 -教授-The rest is magic. -Hey, Professor.-葡萄酒在哪儿 -那边-Where is the wine? -Over there.汤姆真是一个幸运的家伙Tom is one lucky bastard.有一个会做核仁巧克力饼的作家老婆A literary wife who makes brownies.我发誓如果你告诉我你在做饭时是一♥丝♥不♥挂♥的I swear, if you tell me you cook in the nude,我回到家就自杀I'll go home and kill myself.我决不会一♥丝♥不♥挂♥ 我总是要系一条皮带的Never in the nude. Always in a thong.事实上如果你了解弗朗西斯Actually, if you knew Frances,你就会知道说这些是没用的you'd know these are avoidance.谢谢Thanks.-小说写得怎样了 -不算好-How's the novel going? -Not so well.但是已经打不起精神继续了But the procrastination is coming along fabulously.很快的那种可怜的自厌情绪也会产生Soon it will breed abject self-Ioathing,然后我就变成了一部写作机器and then I'll just become a writing machine.汤姆怎么样了他的书写得还顺利吧What about Tom? How's his book going?挺顺利的他现在正在家里写着Fine. He's home writing right now.你认识汤姆You know Tom?我们是前几天偶然认识的I met him recently, sort of by coincidence.还有一件偶然的事就是你给我的一本书写了书评The other coincidence is that you reviewed a book of mine.我给你写书评我喜欢那本书吗I did? Did I like it?你不喜欢You didn't.我很抱歉Well, I'm sorry.我相信有一大帮评论家喜欢那本书的I'm sure there were a lot of other critics who loved it.而我真心的希望你不要带入个人感情And I really hope you didn't take it personally.你称我的主角是不切实际的You called my lead character "unrealistic."我认为那些糟糕的书评应该被忘掉I think bad reviews should just be forgotten.给他来块核仁巧克力饼Give him a brownie.我希望送给你这个能平息这场战争I would like to give you this. It comes in peace.你说你对于那种主角You said you just couldn't get interested in a novel整天沉浸在他青春期幻想的where the protagonist was a guy小说从来不感兴趣who spent all of his time living out his horny teenage fantasies. 我从中看到的只有讽刺I just find that ironic.讽刺为什么Ironic. Why?问你的丈夫去Ask your husband.他刚才说了什么What did he just say?弗朗西斯Frances?弗朗西斯Frances?我有一些不幸的消息要告诉你I've got some unfortunate news for you.我刚刚接到电♥话♥ 是你丈夫的律师I just got off the phone with your husband's attorney,还是关于赡养费的事and they're going to pursue alimony.在我自己吃饭都困难的时候How can we be talking about alimony我们怎么能提起赡养费的事when I hardly make enough money?但是在你们结婚期间一直是你负担一切But you supported him during the marriage.是的Yes.那是因为他当时正在写他的新书But while he was researching and writing his book,而我却在工作他提出I worked while he pretended to be...不幸的是这只是个数学问题Unfortunately, this is just about the math.他在搞婚外恋He was having an affair.加利福尼亚州并不支持你的这个理由California's a no-fault state.他的律师暗示你丈夫His attorney indicated your husband可能会提出一次性支付would prefer an alimony buy-out.从你们节俭的生活来看Since you two were living rather modestly,我觉得数目不会太大I don't think the number should be too bad.他们提出的金额可能是二万美元They're probably talking about something like $200,000. 我没有那笔钱I don't have that money.很不幸你有Unfortunately, you do.是指房♥子The house?自从你买♥♥了后它的价值就扶摇直上Its value went through the roof since you bought it.我还用我妈的钱重新装♥修♥过And renovated it with my mother's money.现在它是你们的夫妻共同财产了Well, it's all community property now.那么他得到了半所房♥子和赡养费So he gets half the house and alimony.还有一点余地我们可以围绕这个讨价还价There's leeway, and we'll make all the arguments we can.有一个筹码就是他想要那房♥子But there is a bargaining chip. He wants the house.-他想继续住在那儿 -是的-He wants to keep living there? -Yeah.如果你把房♥子让给他And if you let him have it,你还能得到一大笔钱you could end up with a lot of money in your pocket.我知道他非常想要那所房♥子I understand he wants it pretty badly.对不起这太超出我的想象了I'm sorry. This is so surreal.他怎么会弄钱来买♥♥我那半所房♥子呢How would he even find the money to buy me out of my half? 显而易见的她喜欢那里Apparently, she likes the place.那儿附近有好学校It's near the right schools.学校Schools?她She's...你会摆脱这件事的You're gonna get over this.你会的弗朗西斯You will, Frances.总有一天你会重新快乐起来的Someday, you're gonna be happy again.你说的对Right.桌子呢And the desk?桌子搬走The desk goes.不桌子留下No, the desk can stay.-沙发呢 -搬走-The couch? -Yes, please.(西班牙语)等一下沙发留下Wait a minute. No, the sofas can stay.(西班牙语)那些椅子呢How about the chairs?都留下They stay, too.其实除了那些盒子以外都留下Actually, everything's going to stay except those boxes. 就是那些装了书的盒子Those boxes with the books in them.希望你们不要介意If you don't mind.你确定You're sure?是的Yeah.卧室呢The bedroom?不用了Nope.-厨房♥呢 -不用了-Kitchen? -No.(西班牙语)那么我们完工了So then we're done.完工了We're done.你离婚了You getting a divorce?在我脸上写了吗It shows?这是一间带家具的短期公♥寓♥These are furnished, short-term apartments.就是租给你这样的人的That's who we get.住在你隔壁2-B的是个律师Your neighbor in 2-B. He's an attorney.他的离婚案已经拖了三年His divorce has been dragging on for three years.是个不错的家伙Nice guy.他给其他的房♥客提供免费的法律咨♥询♥ Gives free legal advice to the other tenants.如果他的哭声吵着你了就敲下墙If his crying gets on your nerves, just bang on the wall.-他就会停下来 -对不起-He'll stop. -Sorry.住在你楼上的是个医生他喜欢发放安♥眠♥药♥ Guy above you is a doctor. He hands out the sleeping pills.-你是做什么的 -我是个作家-What do you do? -I'm a writer.那么你可以给其他房♥客写遗书So you can help the others with their suicide notes.你是个有趣的房♥东You're one of those funny landlords.过奖了Not really.这是你的钥匙Well, here's your keys.过得愉快Have a good stay.谢谢Thanks.到家了Home.你的婚姻是从蛋糕和香槟开始的You start a marriage with cake and champagne.也要以它们结束Finish it that way, too.开始和结束都应当高兴高兴再高兴The beginning and the end should be fun, fun, fun.进入中年后这实在是太糟了Too bad about those years in the middle.-对不起 -许个愿吧-Sorry. -Make a wish.医院里简直是疯狂了Things got crazy at the hospital.嗨你总是在干杯的时候赶到Hi. You made it in time for the toast.这样好啊还只是持续了一年而已Bravo. And it only took a year.-为了自♥由♥ -为了自♥由♥ -To freedom. -To freedom.谢谢Thanks.你没有喝你没有喝You're not drinking. You're not drinking.第五次出现奇迹了Fifth time was a charm.上帝Oh, my God!帕蒂什么时候生Patti! When are you due?-五月 -五月-May. -May!上帝Oh, my God!我就要成为姨妈了I'm going to be an auntie!我就要成为姨妈了是的I'm going to be an auntie. Yes.我们的计划有了一点变化It changes our plans a bit.当然Well, of course.我们准备去托斯卡尼过十日浪漫游We were about to take a 10-day tour to romantic Tuscany. 但是我不希望帕蒂坐飞机去But I don't want Patti flying.只好作出一点牺牲Small sacrifice.我们决定把我们的长途汽车票We decided to change our coach tickets换成一张飞机票送给你into an upgraded ticket for you.这真是太好了This is amazing.实在是太慷慨了Really generous.谢谢你们但是我不需要Thank you, but no.你怎么能对托斯卡尼说不呢How can you say no to Tuscany?不去就是不去No. Like that.你是太消沉了That's your depression speaking.那里不说意大利语说的是法语It doesn't speak Italian. It speaks high-school French.另外我一点也不消沉Besides, I'm not depressed anymore.那你为什么还要跟那些婚姻失败者住在一起Then what are you still doing living with those losers?-那些是跟我一样的人 -那儿不是你住的地方-Those are my people. -That's not a place you live.伙计算了吧Guys, come on.非常的感谢你们Thank you so much.但是我没法参加托斯卡尼的浪漫游But there is no way I can go on a romantic tour of Tuscany.-我还没准备好接触其他人 -你不会碰上其他人的-I'm not ready to meet anyone. -You won't.我们可以担♥保♥We can assure you.那是一个同性恋的托斯卡尼浪漫游It's a gay tour of romantic Tuscany.所以能让你充分的放松So it would be very relaxing for you.那儿大多数都是成对的You know, mostly couples.没人会对你造成伤害No one would be there to hit on you.而你可以集中精力去倾听内心的声音And you could concentrate and listen to your own inner voice. 我内心的声音My inner voice?我的内心肯定会说My inner voice that would be saying,我居然会参加一个同性恋的托斯卡尼浪漫游"What am I doing on a gay tour of Tuscany?"弗朗西斯那是在意大利意大利Frances, it's Italy! Italy.再说了你可以利用这段时间重新开始写作Plus, you could use it as a time to start writing.我很忙我必须给很多书写评论Well, I'm busy. I have to review all those books.放下那些工作写写自己的书吧Instead of working on your own book.那是你真正的想法还是一时兴起Are you being mean or just hormonal?好了在我回来前不要相互残杀Okay. Don't kill each other until I get back.我们可以谈谈宝宝的事吗Can we please just talk about the baby?我很为你担忧I think you're in danger.哪方面Of?你会永远恢复不了Of never recovering.当你碰上了一个只有躯壳的人时You know when you come across one of those empty-shell people? 你会想这究竟是怎么了And you think, "What the hell happened to you?"那是因为他们Well, there came a time in each one of those lives正站在人生的十字路口where they were at a crossroads.十字路口上帝说得也太神奇了Crossroads. God, that is so "Oprah."有时他们必须作出向左还是向右的决定Someplace where they had to decide to turn left or right.现在没有时间去做那些琐碎的事情弗朗西斯This is no time to be a chickenshit, Frances.我可不是在做琐碎的事情I'm not being a chickenshit.我没有I'm not.好吧答应我好好考虑一下那件事Okay, promise me you'll think about it.我会考虑的I'll think about it.好了吧Okay.我知道你想做什么I got a feeling about you.-你是不是在找地方住 -是的我想是的-Are you looking for a place? -Yeah, I guess.-你离婚了 -什么-You getting a divorce? -What?我们这里有短期公♥寓♥出租We got short-term apartments.不过不用担心有些人已经租了几年了But don't worry. Some stay for years.这里住的有作家还有医生We got a writer. We got a doctor.医生还可以帮你改变不良的生活习惯The doctor could help you straighten out your life.对不起Sorry.好了It's okay.-你想过来吗 -不-Do you want to come over? -No!也许待会儿会Maybe later.也许待会儿会Maybe later. Oh!喂Hello?帕蒂我什么时候出发Patti, when do I leave?嗨我叫大卫Hi, I'm David.这是你们的司机埃德瓦多This is your driver, Eduardo.而你们是同性恋和离家出走者And you are "Gay & Away"!欢迎你们加入托斯卡尼浪漫游And welcome to your first day of a romantic tour of Tuscany.我相信大家在飞机上已经都认识了Now, I saw most of you getting to know each other on the plane. 但我还是想让大家都认识一下弗朗西斯But I wanted to make sure you've all met Frances.弗朗西斯WOHey, Frances.-弗朗西斯是个异性恋者 - 可怜的姑娘-Now, Frances is straight. -Oh, poor girl.而且她刚刚遭遇了一场可怕的离婚And she just survived a terrible divorce.根据她的朋友帕蒂推断她很需要帮助And according to her friend Patti, she needs our support. 那么弗朗西斯你为什么不站起来So, Frances, why don't you stand up,让大家都认识一下and let everyone say hello?不要快点儿No. Come on.嗨Hi!你可是个单身贵族弗朗西斯高兴点儿You're the bachelor, Frances. Have some fun!那好请大家跟着花走Okay, everyone, follow the flower.太好了我简直不敢相信是在下雨Good God, I cannot believe it is raining.太好了大家看我们已经到了太好了Okay, everyone, we're here! Yeah! Okay!对不起Oops. Sorry.你喝完了还要再来一点儿吗You're empty. You need a little more?你想要点儿葡萄酒Whoo! You want more wine?-来一点儿酒吗 -对不起-Little more vino? -Excuse me.-一个黑人女孩可以喝酒吗 -是的她可以-Can a black gal get a drink? -Yes, she can.弗朗西斯再来一点儿Frances, little more?你已经完全的放松了甜心You've got to loosen up, honey.我们正在举♥行♥一个晚会We having a party!你好Buongiorno.(意大利语)什么What?(意大利语)非常漂亮是不是Pretty awesome, isn't it?我想你说得对Yes, I think you could say that.非常漂亮Pretty awesome.天哪我怎么才能写完这么多卡God, how am I gonna get through all of these?我的意思是你不知如何去描述所有的这一切I mean, how do you begin to describe all of this?有笔的话我能帮你写If you have a pen, I could write it for you.你是个好作家吗Are you a good writer?曾经是I used to be.好吧All right.开始吧Well, have a go.给我妈妈的To my mom.亲爱的妈妈Dear Mom.亲爱的妈妈Dear Mom.在科尔托纳今天是集市日It's market day in Cortona.在广场上正在举♥行♥一个集♥会♥ 任何人都可以参加The piazza is an ongoing party, and everyone is invited.各种老套的东西聚集在这个世界中心Clichés converge at this navel of the world.你忍♥不住想要笑You almost want to laugh, but you can't help feeling这些意大利人比我们都会享受生活these Italians know more about having fun than we do.我吃了颗市场里卖♥♥的甜葡萄I eat a hot grape from the market,在我嘴里留下了紫罗兰式的香and the violet sweetness breaks open in my mouth.闻起来似乎都是紫色的It even smells purple.我想多待会儿可钟声提醒我该走了I wish I could stay longer, but the bell reminds me of time.钟敲的是叮-当-咚而不是叮-咚"Ding-dang-dong," the bell says, instead of "ding-dong."-我多希望你能在这儿 -爱你的-I wish you were here. -Love...罗德尼Rodney.谢谢Thanks.闻起来似乎都是紫色的"It even smells like purple"?我妈妈从不会相信我会这么写My mom will never believe I wrote this.你拿着吧钟响着叮-当-咚Keep it. "Ding-dang-dong goes the bell."对不起I'm sorry.思慕太阳Bramasole.思慕太阳(意大利语)"Bramasole."这是座不错的小别♥墅♥ 就是有点儿破但是可以修好It's a nice little villa. Rather run-down, but redeemable.你准备买♥♥吗Are you going to buy it?不不是的No, no, no.我只是个旅客只在这儿待几天I'm just a tourist here for the day.是吗So?谁不想在托斯卡尼买♥♥座小别♥墅♥呢Well, who wouldn't want to buy a villa in Tuscany?但是这对于我现在的生活来说是个可怕的想法But the way my life's been going that would be a terrible idea.太可怕了A terrible idea.难道你不喜欢这些吗Don't you just love those?对不起是意外停车Sorry, everybody. Unscheduled stop.看看那些羊天哪Look at the sheep. Oh, my gosh.停车Stop the bus!停车Stop the bus!有人吗Hello?有人吗Hello?妈的Shit.天哪不好意思Oh, excuse me.对不起Oh, I'm sorry.能为你效劳吗夫人Can I help you, signora?是的我还以为这所房♥子在出♥售♥Yes, I thought the house was for sale.这房♥子确实正要出♥售♥Oh, no. The house is for sale.但是不巧的是已有人买♥♥了But, unfortunately, someone's already buying it.我们太喜欢这所房♥子了今天我们就可以买♥♥下We like it very much, and we'll buy it today.很好请稍等Very good. One moment please.对不起Excuse me.他们想买♥♥下他们也同意出那个价They want it. They agree on the price.这么快看来我们要价太低了So soon? Then we asked too little.至少应该要比2000万里拉多些Ask for 20 million lire more, at least.对不起I'm sorry.对不起I'm sorry.我想在价格方面要有所变动I'm afraid that there has been a change in the price. 现在要比2000万里拉多一些It is now 20 million lire more expensive.为什么五分钟前还没要这么多呢WOWhy? It didn't get more valuable in five minutes. 因为你们同意购买♥♥了The contessa feels she has asked too little所以伯爵夫人认为要价太低since you agreed to buy it.简直是荒谬That logic is absurd.对不起Excuse me?价格是多少What is the price?你要跟我们竞价吗Are you bidding against us?等一下我们接受新价格Wait. We accept the new price.不这是座漂亮的房♥子No, this is a beautiful house.想得到它的人必须付出双倍价格And whoever wants it has to pay double.伯爵夫人是这么说的The contessa says that因为你们对这所房♥子很感兴趣since there is so much interest in the house,所以现在价格要翻翻the price is now double.是刚刚决定的Since the last 10 seconds?这很正常Normale.你们这群贪婪的美国人你们认为你们才具资格You greedy Americans. You think you're so entitled.你们破坏一切You ruin everything.我们大多数人都不会那样做的A lot of us feel really badly about that.我们走我们去普罗旺斯看看We're going. We'll look in Provence.法♥西♥斯♥Fascists!她呢她能出多少And her? How much will she pay?我们要谈谈We'll see.真的是两倍价格了Is it really double the price?(意大利语)我出不起两倍的价格I can't pay double the price.但是请你转告伯爵夫人But please tell the contessa这是我刚刚卖♥♥♥房♥♥子得到的钱是美元that this is what I got for my house recently in dollars.(意大利语)减去重新装♥修♥需要的钱Minus the work on the place.榔头铲子Hammers, buckets.雇的男人Men.巧克力Chocolate.然后把租来的车子开出悬崖And a rental car to drive off a cliff当所有的这一切被证实只是一个错when this all turns out to have been a terrible mistake.那就是我能支付的That's what I can pay.夫人Signora.你甚至还没有看过房♥子You've not even seen the house.我Well, I...我不能回旧金山去I can't go back to San Francisco.不能No.不能No.对不起夫人I'm sorry, signora.伯爵夫人的家人在这生活了几代了The contessa's family lived here for generations,可以理解的是对她来说要出♥售♥这所房♥子太为难了so understandably it is very difficult for her to sell.钱并不是唯一的问题她需要的是Money is not the only issue. She needs...(意大利语)预兆A sign.我也相信预兆I understand. I believe in signs, too.谢谢谢谢Well, thank you. Thank you.对不起Please.(意大利语)她说什么What did she say?在意大利这是个很好的预兆In Italy, what happened to you is a very good sign.-是吗 -是的-It is? -Yes.现在你想看看♥房♥♥子吗And now... would you like to see the house?首先我们开个户头然后你就转钱First, we open an account. Then you transfer the money.这是法律文件两头牛两天Here is the legal description. "Two oxen, two days."-不明白 -这是一种古老的说法-I'm sorry. -It's old-fashioned.土地是由牛耕种它所花时间来测算的The land is measured by how long it would take two oxen这可以说得通Oh. Oh, that makes sense.那样就行了Just like that?钱还没有转过去就可以了吗Before the money's been transferred?这是所房♥子不是辆摩托车It's a house, not a Vespa.你想做什么去偷What are you going to do, steal it?另外马提尼先生喜欢你Besides, Signor Martini likes you.好的剩下的我们以后再说Okay. We'll take care of the rest later.这很正常Normale.这很正常Normale?正常Normale.正常Normale.我在国外买♥♥了所房♥子I have bought a house in a foreign country.房♥子所占面♥积♥需要两头牛花两天时间来耕种A house and the land it takes two o xen two days to plow.不是只用一个犁也不单单用一头牛Not having a plow or an o x,我不得不用他们的语言来描述这一切I'll have to take their word on that.在那些新近买♥♥♥房♥♥的人中间Buyer's remorse is a very common affliction购买♥♥者都会有些后悔这是个普遍的现象among new homeowners.只是因为你突然有哭的冲动Just because you have a sudden urge to weep,但并不是说你犯了错that doesn't mean you've made a mistake.谁都知道老房♥子都会有奇怪的事发生Everybody knows old houses have their quirks.特别是已有300年历史的房♥子Especially 300-year-old houses.我继承了1♥0♥0♥0♥0♥个空葡萄酒瓶和一颗葡萄I have inherited 10, 000 empty wine bottles, one grape,1958年出版的所有的民族报every issue of "La Nazione" printed in 1958,以及各种各样的房♥客and assorted previous tenants.克服买♥♥♥房♥♥者的后悔情绪的方法就是制定一个计划The trick to overcoming buyer's remorse is to have a plan.挑一间房♥作你的卧室Pick one room and make it yours.穿过房♥子时走慢些Go slowly through the house.礼貌些做一下自我介绍Be polite, introduce yourself,这样的话它也会向你介绍自己的so it can introduce itself to you.你做了什么You did what?弗朗西斯在托斯卡尼买♥♥了所房♥子Frances bought a house in Tuscany!你要一个人在那生活And you're gonna live there alone?我不会是一个人的还有小甲虫陪我Well, I'm not there alone. I'm there with bugs.-小宝宝怎样 -正在长大-How's the belly? -It's growing.我没法相信你会这么做你已经签约了I can't believe you did this. Did you already sign?是的Yes.为什么什么你认为我不应该吗Why? What? You think I shouldn't have?你是说我犯了个错Are you telling me I made a mistake?-我不知道你呢 -我不知道-I don't know. Did you? -Well, I don't know.你说我是没有灵魂的人的You're the one who made the "empty-shell person" speech.是的是我说的Oh, yeah. That was me.那好Okay. Wow!你在托斯卡尼买♥♥了栋别♥墅♥You bought a villa in Tuscany!-是个什么样的房♥子 -只需一点装♥修♥的房♥子-So, what's the place like? -It needs a little work.-谁来装♥修♥房♥子 -我-Well, who's gonna do it? -I am.你You are?我从不知道你的手这么巧I never realized you were so handy.我能做许多事记得吗我修那条排水沟I can do things. Remember, I fixed that drain?你厨房♥的那个排水沟不那是我修的The drain in your kitchen? No, that was me.我给你递了橡胶I handed you the rubber thingy.是活塞吗那是汤姆做的The plunger? That was Tom.我无法相信为什么你要提他的名字I can't believe it. Why did you just say his name?对不起我忘了对不起I'm sorry. I forgot. I'm sorry.我能做这项工作你知道吗I can make this work. You know?当然我并不会自己做所有的事Of course I didn't mean I was gonna do all the work myself.我会雇几个罗马人的后代I can hire the descendents of Roman gods来做沉重的搬运工作to do the heavy lifting.那是只是监督他们告诉他们去做什么Then, just supervise, tell them what to do.对了你遇到他了So, have you met him yet?-谁 -一个你应该遇到的小伙-Who? -The guy you're gonna meet.帕蒂告诉我Patti, please.你知道些什么You know what?这儿开始下雨了小雨It's starting to rain here a little bit.-好了我得挂了 -等一下弗朗-So I think I have to go now. -Wait, Fran. 替我亲亲宝宝I want you to kiss the belly for me.-弗朗 -再见-Fran. -Bye-bye.你知道去意大利的飞机Star-69吗Can you Star-69 Italy?不知道No.我要试试I'm gonna try.喂Hello?好了Okay.一个一千One 1,000,两个Tw0.上帝Jesus!好了Okay.停下来Stop it.停下来Stop it.我的天Oh, my God.我的天Oh, my God.你会没事的在这儿很安全You're gonna be okay. You're safe here. 只是不要到处飞好吗你会把我吓坏的Just don't fly around, okay? You'll freak me out.我的天Oh, God.夫人Signora?梅丝夫人吗Signora Mayes?你好Buongiorno.你躲过了那场暴风雨I see you have survived the storm.我很好但是洗衣机坏了I'm alive. But the washing machine is dead.是的它被雷击坏了Yes. It was electrocuted.很高兴看到你没事I'm happy to see that you were not.你是来看我的吗You came to check on me?你今天要跟雇的人见面我是过来帮你的You're meeting the contractors today, and I came to help you. 他们有个人已经来了I believe one of them is here.在这Here?在楼下Downstairs.是的他在这儿Oh, yeah. He's here.我想把这面墙推倒I was hoping to take this wall down把这两间小房♥合成一个大房♥子and return these two small rooms into one big room.很好Oh, wonderful.你应该是个建筑师You should have been an architect.你的品味应该不错You have excellent taste.那你觉得这样做可行吗So, do you think it can be done?埋管子要一个星期Hidden pipes, a week.装♥修♥浴室要3天时间The bathrooms, 3 days.夫人给我这所房♥子的钥匙Signora, give me the keys of this place,一个月内我会还你钥匙和一个宫殿式的房♥子and in one month, I will give you the keys to your palace. 只是Just...把它留给我吧Just leave it to me.(意大利语)(意大利语)他说多年前他自己修过He says he fixed it himself many years ago.真的Really?你们想看看♥房♥♥子的其他的部分吗Oh. You want to see the rest of the house?好的当然当然Okay. Yes, yes.(意大利语)他建议重修这面墙He suggest that he rebuild the wall.(意大利语)花♥园♥的结构很重要It is important for the structure of the garden.他有一支专家队伍He has a team of experts.你们好Buongiorno.你好小姐Hello, miss.我们不是意大利人我们是波兰移♥民♥ We are not Italian. We are from Polonia.波兰你们都讲英语吗Poland. Oh. Do you all speak English?只有我会会一点点Only me. And only a little.我叫帕瓦。
B1 Unit 7 Text 1 英汉对照(原Unit9)

Text OneThe Call of the Wildby Jack London1.Buck, a large dog, used to live in the south. But this was 1897, when men and dogs were hurrying to north-west Canada to look for gold. Buck was stolen and taken to the north, which was entirely new to him, being so close to the dangerous wilderness. How did Buck manage to adapt himself to the new life? Please read the following selection from Jack London's famous novel simplified by Nick Bullard.2.Buck lived in Mr. Miller's big house in the sunny Santa Clara valley. There were large gardens and fields of fruit trees around the house, and a river nearby. In a big place like this, of course, there were many dogs. There were house dogs and farm dogs, but they were not important. Buck was chief dog; he was born here, and this was his place. He was four years old and weighed sixty kilos. He went swimming with Mr. Miller's sons, and walking with his daughters. He carried the grandchildren on his back, and he sat at Mr. Miller's feet in front of the fire in winter.3.But this was 1897, and Buck did not know that men and dogs were hurrying to north-west Canada to look for gold. And he did 课文一野性的呼唤杰克·伦敦1.巴克是一条大狗,过去生活在南方。

- Hello, Meeber. - Morning, Tom.我想买♥♥去芝加哥的票。
I wanna buy a ticket to Chicago.-你要去芝加哥吗? - 不是我。
- You going to Chicago? - Not me. Another one of my girls.- 往返? -不行- Round trip? - No. One-way.妈妈再见Goodbye, Mama.-再见,爸爸。
- Goodbye, Papa. - Goodbye, Carrie.-跟姐姐嘉莉说再见。
- Say goodbye to sister Carrie. - Bye, Carrie.再见,Maudie。
Goodbye, Maudie. Remember the things we said.都上了。
All aboard.让我帮你。
Let me help you with that.- 谢谢。
- 欢迎。
- Thank you. - Welcome.您是在哥伦比亚市参观吗?Were you visiting in Columbia City?-我住在那里。
- 不。
- I live there. - No.为什么,您看起来像刚走出密歇根大道就行了。
Why, you look like you just stepped right off Michigan Boulevard. 他们有没有告诉你不要和陌生人说话?Did they tell you not to talk to strangers?在遇到他们之前,每个人都是一个陌生人。
Everybody's a stranger till you meet them.快要跑过去了,不是吗?Almost got run over, didn't you?请允许我介绍一下自己。

What secrets do you hold?
Where is that magnifying glass?
I could have sworn it was...
Snowy, you haven't seen the...
I think you do.
This ship was stolen from my apartment less than an hour ago.
I'm afraid you're mistaken, Mr Tintin.
There's no mistake. It belongs to me.
If you want to buy it, you'll have to talk to the kid.
I see.
Well, let the "kid" name his price.
"Name his price"?
Ten years I've been flogging bric-a-brac
Well, well, well.
It seems we've caught our thief.
Welcome to Marlinspike Hall.
I see you let yourself in.
I came to retrieve my property.
I'm sorry, I'm not sure I follow you.
Not bad!
What do you think, Snowy?

【走遍美国精讲笔记】第1课:林登大街46号 ACT 1 - 1难度:容易作者:沪江英语来源:沪江英语评论:23 划词:已启用收藏收藏喜欢的文章,日后复习吧!哎呀,可惜你是未注册用户!ACT 1-1 “我可以给您和您的小男孩拍张照吗?”【故事梗概】自由摄影艺术家Ric hard Stewart,正在为编出自己的影集《走遍美国》到处拍照。
今天他在由纽约市曼哈顿区到斯塔滕岛的渡船上工作,回程中遇到了来自加州的一位黑人妇女M artha V ann和她的小儿子Gerald。
Ric hard想要给他们拍照。
请先听下面的音频:Ric hard: E xc use me. M y name is Ric hard Stewart. I'm a photographer. M ay I take a pic ture of you and your little boy? M rs.Vann: What's it for?Ric hard: It's for a book.M rs.Vann: Y ou're writing a book?Ric hard: It's a book of pic tures. I c all it Family A lbum, U.S.A.M rs.Vann: O h, that's a nic e idea. Well, it's fine if you take our picture. I'm M artha Vann.Ric hard: Thank you. I appreciate your help. I'm Ric hard. What's your name?Gerald: Gerald.Ric hard: How old are you, Gerald?Gerald: Five.Ric hard: A nd where do you live?M rs.Vann: We live in C alifornia.Ric hard: Well, welc ome to N ew Y ork. OK, just a sec ond. I'm almost ready here.【语言点精讲】1. Excuse me. My name is Richard Stewart. I'm a photographer.这是Ric hard在与陌生人搭讪并介绍自己。
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【美语漫游记】-The buck stops here
The buck stops here. 一人做事一人当。
经理听完Bush孟的解释后,对Bush孟说:”The buck stops here.” Bush孟有点困惑,心想:我承认错误与雄鹿有什么关系啊?经理是不是搞错了呀?于是他回答:”You’re off the beam. There is no relation between me and buck.”
Benjamin: What’s your attitude when you do wrong things at work?
Terry: The buck stops here.
发完牌的人就把猎刀传给下一个发牌人,也就是pass the buck,意思是把发牌的责任交给他了。
从pass the buck我们可以推测the buck stops here是什么意思。