



第一章汽车蓄电池及其检测维修一. 填空题1. 汽车蓄电池是一种以化学能形式储存电能的装置。

2. 蓄电池按照电解液性质不同可分为酸性蓄电池和碱性蓄电池两种。

3. 汽车上最常用的是_酸性蓄电池蓄电池。


5. 铅酸蓄电池正极板上活性物质是多孔性的二氧化铅,厚2.2mm。

铅酸蓄电池负极板上的活性物质是海绵状纯铅,厚1.8 mm。

6. 铅酸蓄电池的电解液是由蒸馏水和硫酸按一定比例配制而成。


7. 普通铅酸蓄电池是由正极板、负极板、隔板、电解液、外壳、联条和接线柱等主要部件组成。

8. 汽车铅酸蓄电池电解液温度降低时,其内阻将会增大。

9. 影响汽车铅酸蓄电池容量的因素有极板的构造、放电电流、电解液温度和电解液密度。

10. 12-QW-105型蓄电池的含义是12V 电源启动型免维护,容量为105Ah11. 从汽车上拆下蓄电池时,应先拆负极,后拆正极。

12. 汽车酸铅蓄电池的启动容量分为常温和低温容量两种。

二. 选择题1. 蓄电池是将(A )的装置。

A.化学能转化为电能B. 热能转化为化学能2. 免维护蓄电池汽车行驶( B )km无需添加蒸馏水。

A.800B. 800003. 如果需要更换汽车铅酸蓄电池时,应先拆除(B)。

A.蓄电池正极线B.蓄电池负极搭铁线4. 起动铅蓄电池各单格内电解液面高出极板( B )mm。

A.5~10B.10~155. 从免维护蓄电池上部的密度观察玻璃窗口观察,如果呈现( A )颜色,表示蓄电池的容量状况良好。

A. 绿色B.白色三、判断题1. 蓄电池极板组中负极板总是比正极板少一片。

(×)2. 配制电解液时应将硫酸徐徐倒入蒸馏水中。

(√)3. 干荷电蓄电池的主要特点是正极板具有较高的储电能力。

(×)四. 简答题1.简述蓄电池的作用答:起动时,向起动机提供200A~600A(汽油机)或1000A以上(柴油机)的起动电流,起动发动机;单独向用电设备供电;协助发电机向用电设备供电;可以被充电;起稳定汽车电网电压的作用。






4. 起动系统的作用是带动飞轮旋转使发动机曲轴达到必要的起动转速让发动机自行运转。

5. 点火系统的作用是将低压电(12V)转化为高压电(1万-2万伏),适时的让火花塞点燃气缸内的可燃混合气。









二、工作任务单答案检查汽车电气设备工作任务单班级:姓名:1.车辆信息记录品牌丰田整车型号TV7161GLD 生产年月2010.03 发动机型号1ZR 发动机排量 1.6 行驶里程125000 车辆识别码LFMAPE2CXA01758922.直流电压测量(使用万用表对指定元件进行测量)元件名称万用表档位标准值测量值判定5号电池直流电压档20V量程 1.5V 1.5V 异常□正常□√汽车蓄电池直流电压档20V量程12V 12.2V 异常□正常□√3.交流电压测量(使用万用表对指定元件进行测量)元件名称万用表档位标准值测量值判定墙面电源插座交流电压档500V里程220V 218V 异常□正常□√4.电阻测量(使用万用表对指定元件进行测量)元件名称万用表档位标准值测量值判定色环电阻电阻档20K量程15KΩ14.5KΩ异常□正常□√导线电阻档200量程小于1Ω无穷大异常□√正常□5.直流电流测量(使用万用表对指定元件进行测量)元件名称万用表档位标准值测量值判定汽车漏电电流直流电流200m档小于50mA 40mA 异常□正常□√6.继电器及熔断丝测量(使用万用表对指定元件进行测量)元件名称针脚电阻值加电后电阻判定元件名称电阻值判定项目二 电源系统 任务一 检修蓄电池一、学习任务单答案1. 蓄电池是一个化学电源,靠内部的化学反应在充电时将 电 能转变成 化学 能储存起来,在放电时将储存的 化学 能转变成 电 能供给用电设备。

汽车电子电气系统概述(ppt 62页)

汽车电子电气系统概述(ppt 62页)

图 单线制
各用电设备均采用并联, 汽车上的两个电源(蓄电 池与发电机)之间以及所 有用电设备之间,都是正 极接正极,负极接负极, 并联连接。
由于采用并联连接,所 以汽车在使用中,当某一 支路用电设备损坏时,并 不影响其他支路用电设备 的正常工作。
图 用电设备并联
采用单线制时,蓄电池一个电 极需接至车架或车身上,俗称 “搭铁”。蓄电池的负极接车 架或车身称之为负极搭铁;蓄 电池的正极接车架或车身称之 为正极搭铁。负极搭铁对车架 或车身金属的化学腐蚀较轻, 对无线电干扰小。我国标准规 定汽车线路统一采用负极搭铁。
用来为驾驶员和乘客提供良好的工作条件 和舒适的乘坐环境。主要包括挡风窗玻璃 及洗涤刮水器、电动车窗、电动座椅、后 视镜、空调装置、音响设备、卫星导航和 定位系统及防盗装置。
现代汽车电气线路主要包括中央控制盒、 保险装置、继电器、电线束及插接件、电路 开关等,电路构成一个统一的整体。
安全,环保,节能 传感器不断提高,数量增加 处理器升级换代 汽车系统升压 数据总线应用日益普及 智能汽车,智能交通ITS开始应用 嵌入式软件,硬件的设计开发 新技术在汽车电子产品的应用
1.2 汽车电气技术概述
现代电气设备种类及数量繁多,但总的来 说可以大致分为三大部分:电源、用电设备、 汽车电气线路。
(21世纪后)丰田普锐斯 电动轿车
(80年代)大众帕萨 特新领驭
蓄电池 电子电火

汽车电气设备与维修(第二版)(吴涛)1-5章 (4)

汽车电气设备与维修(第二版)(吴涛)1-5章 (4)

1.启动系统的组成 目前汽车上的启动系统一般由蓄电池、启动机和启动控 制电路组成,如图4.1所示。启动控制电路包括启动按钮或开 关、启动继电器、电磁开关等。 启动机是启动系统的核心部件。启动开关的作用是接通 启动机电磁开关电路,使电磁开关通电工作。汽油发动机的 启动开关与点火开关组合在一起,即点火开关设有启动挡。 一些汽车的启动机控制电路中装有启动继电器,由启动继电 器触点的开闭控制启动机电磁开关电路的通断,启动开关只 是控制启动继电器线圈电路的通断,减小了通过启动开关的 电流。
29 图4.8 电刷组件
4) 机壳 启动机的机壳是电动机的磁极和电枢的安装机体,大多 数一端有四个检查窗口,便于进行电刷和换向器的维护。机 壳中部有一个电流输入接线柱,并在内部与励磁绕组的一端 相连。启动机一般采用青铜石墨轴承或铁基含油滑动轴承。 减速启动机由于电枢的转速较高,采用滚柱轴承或滚珠轴承。 电刷装在前端盖内,后端盖上有拨叉座,盖口有凸缘和安装 螺孔,还有拧紧中间轴承板的螺钉孔。
M = Cm s
式中,Cm为电动机的转矩常数,取决于电动机的结构。Cm 与电动机磁极对数P、电枢绕组导线总根数Z及电枢绕组电路 的支路对数a有关,即Cm = PZ/(2 a)。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
2) 直流电动机转矩自动调节过程 根据上述原理分析可知,电枢在电磁转矩M作用下产生转 动。由于绕组在转动时切割磁力线而产生感应电动势,根据 右手规则判定其方向与电枢电流Is的方向相反,所以称为反 电动势Ef。反电动势Ef与磁极的磁通量Φ和电枢的转速n成正 比,即
1 项目四 启动系统的检修
任务1 启动机的检修 任务2 启动系统的故障诊断 拓展知识 项目小结



Chapter 6 Lighting and Signal System1. Various kinds of auto lights(1)Illuminating lights: These include:Headlight ( high beam and low beam ,or called main beam and dip beam)Side headlight (for four-headlight system only)Fog lightDomelight (or ceiling light)License light (or number plate light)Courtesy light (it turns on when a car door is open)Instrument light (or instrument-panel light)(2)Signal lights: These include:Direction indicator light (or turn indicator light or directional signal light or blinker)Hazard warning light(or emergency warning light. When operating the hazard or flasherswitch ,it causes all four direction indicator lights on and off.) Side lightRear light (or tail light)Brake light (or stop light)Parking lightBackup light ( or reverse light)Clearance lightVarious warning and indicator light2. Combination switch for lighting systemCombination switch is for controlling headlights, dimmer , turn signal, windscreen wiper and washer ( NISSAN MODEL D21 SERIES for example).“offFig. Combination switch of NISSAN MODEL D21 SERIES1—left control lever 2—steering wheel 3—right control lever(1)Left control leverLeft control lever is to control headlights ,dimmer , turn signal.●Lighting:Turn the switch to the first position: The side, tail, license plate and instrument panel lights will come on.Turn the switch to the second position: Headlights will come on and all the other lights remain on. To select the high beam, push the level forward. Pull it back to select the low beam.●Passing signal:Pulling the lever toward you will turn on the passing signal even when the headlight switch is “off”.●Turn signal:Move the lever up or down to signal to the turning direction. When the turn is completed, the turn signals cancel automatically.●Lane change signal:To indicate a lane change, move the lever up or down to the point where lights begin flashing.(2)Right control lever2—speed: “off”positionlow speed pull to washhigh speed2—speed with mist switch mist“off”positionlow speed pull to washhigh speed2—speed with intermittence “off”positionintermittentlow speed pull to washhigh speedTurn the ignition switch to “ACC” or “on” and move the lever down to operate the wiper.Move the lever up to wipe off a misty windscreen if this equipped. The wiper will operate only once.Pull the lever toward you to operate the washer.3. Relays and bulbs3.1 Relays(1)Function:Relays use a low control current to operate a solenoid, then the switch contacts can transmit very high working current.(2)Types of relaysThere are three basic types: normally-open (make)Normally-closed (break)Double-throw (changeover)88 86 85 88a 87 86 85 87a 87 86 85 88a 87aFig. Relays(3) Operation:A relay can be defined as an electromagnetic switch in which the contacts are actuated by asolenoid (an electromagnetic coil). The control current needed to operate the electromagnet is only 0.2 to 1 A, depending on the relay. However, the switch contacts can transmit very high working currents(up to 2000A for instance at the starting motor solenoid switch). It is advantageous to use a relay so that the high load between the electrical source and the consumer can be transmitted through a wire of generous cross-section and this can be kept short, whereas the control wire between the switch and the relay coil, which is subject to only very low loads, can be made as long as necessary.(3)Application:Relays are often used in horn, headlight, electric fuel pump, fog light and starting circuits.3.2 Light bulbs(1) Types of light bulbThere are two basic types according to the number of filament:Single-filament bulbDouble-filament bulbFor headlight bulbs, two types of common incandescent and halogen-wolfram bulbs can be of option.(3)Power selection of typical light bulbsBulb power should be selected according to the specifications. This is a example for Audi 100.Headlight 60 W/55 W (double filament for high beam and low beam,enclosed-type headlight)Side light 8 WStop light/tail light 21 W/5W (double filament)Direction indicator light 21 WReverse light 21 WLicense plate light 5 WFog light 55WParking light 4WDomelight 10WInstrument-panel light 2W4. Headlight4.1 Types of headlightThere two basic types of round and rectangular headlights according to the shape, and two types of semi-enclosed and enclosed (or vacuum) headlights according to the construction.The rectangular type has become increasingly popular in recent years. They fit the tapered front-end style of the modern cars.4.2 Headlight circuit:A typical headlight circuit is as shown below.dipswitchhigh beam leftlow beam lefthigh beam indicatorhigh beam rightlow beam rightside leftrear leftinstrument panelside rightrear rightlicense plate4.3 OperationRefer to the combination switch (left control lever).4.4 Headlight aimingAiming adjustment is made by turning screws in a spring-loaded holder. Top screw is for up-and-down adjustment. Side screw is for left-to-right adjustment.2Round type rectangular type1—Horizontal aim adjusting screw 2—Vertical aim adjusting screw4.5 Inspecting headlight circuitAccording to the different wiring circuit, checking procedures are different. Generally follow below.●Use public fuse: One bulb is not working. Check bulb or connection.Two or more bulbs are not working. Check fuse and switch.●Use separate fuse: One bulb is not working. Check fuse and bulbTwo or more bulbs are not working. Check switch or relay.5. Stop light (or brake light)Stoplight often uses double-filament bulbs, sharing with tail light. This is similar to those used in the headlights. The stop light must be brighter than tail light so that it can be seen in daylight.5.1 Stop light circuit:A typical stop light circuit is as shown below.5.2 OperationWhen depressing brake pedal, the stop light switch closes. Stop lights come on.5.3 Types of stop light switchThere are two basic types.Mechanical attached to brake pedalAttached to operating mechanismPressure-activated hydraulicPneumatic (for air pressure braking system)contactsspringterminalmechanical type pressure-activated typeFig. Schematic view5.4 Inspecting stop light circuit●One bulb is not working: check bulb or connection.●Two bulbs are not working: check fuse, then stop light switch. For checking stop lightswitch, you can directly connect two terminals and pinpoint whether the switch isoperative or not.6. Backup light (or reverse light)The backup lights come on when the shift lever is moved to“R”position. At the same time, the reverse alert device sounds.6.1 Backup light circuitA typical backup light circuit is as shown below.reverse lightFig. Simplified backup light circuit6.2 OperationWhen shifting into reverse, reverse switch is closed. Reverse light comes on. Meanwhile, current flows through horn and it sounds. At the same time, current also flows through coil L1 and coil L2. As two magnetic field directions are opposite, the resultant magnetic force is poor. Relay contacts remain closed. After the capacitor is charged, current and magnetic field in coil L2 disappears. The resultant field is strong enough to open the relay contacts. Horn stops sounding. Then the capacitor discharges through two coils. This resultant field keeps contacts still open until it discharges fully. Then relay contacts close again and horn resumes sounding. This cycle repeats while the reverse light switch is closed.6.3 Inspecting backup light circuit:●One bulb is not working: check the bulb or connection.●Two bulbs are not working: if it sounds, check the circuit.If it doesn’t sound, check fuse and switch.●Bulbs are on, but no sound: check the reverse alert device. (procedure: horn, contacts,capacitor, coils)7. Direction indicator lightThis is often called the flasher circuit. In this circuit, a flasher relay makes and breaks the current flow between 60 to 120 times every minute, so producing a flashing light.7.1 Direction indicator light circuitA typical direction indicator light circuit is as shown below.Front leftRear leftFig. Simplified direction indicator light circuit7.2 Types of flasher and operationThere are three types of flasher.(1)Hot wire type: It uses resistance wire. When current flows, it expends and contracts as itheats up or cools down, to operate contacts.(2)Capacitor type: It uses capacitor, charging and discharging. This activates the two coils tooperate the contacts. (Refer to backup light)(3)Electronic type: It uses capacitor, charging and discharging. This activates the triodes tooperate the circuit.When moving up or down the direction indicator switch, the flasher works and intermittently allows the current to flow. This will makes and breaks the right or left direction indicator light circuit to give a turn signal.7.3 Inspecting direction indicator light circuit●If one bulb is not working, check the bulb or connection.●If one-side bulbs are not working, check indicator switch.●If all bulbs are not working, check fuse, ignition switch, flasher unit.●If no flashing or kept on, check flasher unit.8. Electric hornMost horns are of the vibrating diaphragm type. To get a melodious sound, cars are often equipped with two horns of different tones. So it better to use horn relay to pass high current.8.1 Horn circuitA typical horn circuit is as shown below.8.2 OperationWhen depressing the horn button, horn relay is activated. Magnetic coil makes contact points close. Current flows from battery to horns through horn relay. The horns sound.8.3 Inspecting horn circuit●One horn loses sound: check horn or connection. Tune up horn if necessary.●Two horns lose sound: check fuse, horn button switch and relay.●Horn sound is low: check battery condition, relay contact points condition, and tune uphorns if necessary.8.4 Horn adjustment:●Tone adjustment: adjust the gap between iron core and iron armature in the horn.●Volume adjustment: adjust the pressure of contacts inside the horn by adjusting screw.9. Optical fiber lightingIn many cars, the instrument panel requires lights at many places to illuminate the speedometer, the indicating gauges, and the various controls. Because of the small spaces available, it becomes a problem to locate light bulbs where they are needed. To eliminate this problem, some cars use fiber-optic conductors. Theses conductors are made up of a very large number of extremely fine and flexible threads, or fibers , of pure glass which are bound together into a bundle, or cord. Each fiber has the property of being able to conduct light, even around bends or corners. As light starts down the fiber, it is reflected off the outer surface of the fiber. If the fiber is curved, the light keeps bouncing off the outer surfaces with little loss. By the time the light comes out the other end of the fiber, it is almost as strong as when it entered.Now, to utilize this effect, fiber bundles(each with many fibers) are run from a central light source to the various outlets on the instrument panel where light is needed. Therefore, only one light bulb is needed to provide light at many places. Installation and servicing problems are made easier to solve by the use of the fiber bundles. Only one light bulb needs to be replaced if a burnout occurs, the fiber bundles can be bent almost any way without damaging them.。



( )
,才能进行充电。( )
( )
三、问 答
第七节 新蓄电
( )
20℃。( )
( )
( ) 13.东风EQ1090装有两个6-Q-105型干封式铅蓄电池。( ) 14.铅蓄电池的串联目的是提高蓄电池的额定电压。( ) 三、问 答 题 1.铅蓄电池的联接有哪几种形式? 2.铅蓄电池的型号由哪五部分组成?写出每一部分的含义。 3.试解释解放牌CA1091汽车用的6-QA-100型铅蓄电池各部分的意义? 第三节 铅蓄电池的工作原理 二、判断题(正确的打“√”,错误的打“×”) 1.铅蓄电池的放电过程是化学能转变成电能的过程。( ) 2.在放电过程中,正负极板上的二氧化铅和纯铅都变成新的化合物稀硫酸。( ) 3.在放电过程中,电解液相对密度是逐渐升高的。( ) 三、问 答 题 1.为什么说充电终期充电电流不宜过大? 2.影响铅蓄电池寿命的因素主要有哪些? 3.怎样延长铅蓄电池的使用寿命? 第四节 铅蓄电池的特性 二、选择题(将正确答案的序号填在括号内) 1.铅蓄电池电动势的大小,取决于( )。 A.电解液的相对密度和温度;B.电解液中的硫酸和水;C.内电阻和端电压 2.铅蓄电池的内阻大小主要是( )。 A.极板的电阻;B.电解液的电阻;C.隔板的电阻 3.铅蓄电池放电时,端电压逐渐( )。 A.上升;B.平衡状态;C.下降 三、问 答 题 1.什么叫做电动势、端电压、内电阻? 2.铅蓄电池放电终了有什么特征? 3.铅蓄电池充满电时有什么特征? 4.解放牌汽车CA1091装有一个6-QA-100型干荷式铅蓄电池,试计算其总内阻多少?单格电池的内阻是多少? 第五节 铅蓄电池容量及影响因素 二、判断题(正确的打“√”,错误的打“×” 1.铅蓄电池的标准容量是在一定条件下,恒定放电电流与时间的乘积。( ) 2.常温起动容量是指电解液温度为30℃时的起动容量。( ) 3.低温起动容量是指电解液温度为0℃时的起动容量。( ) 4.放电电流越大端电压下降越快。( ) 三、问 答 题 1.什么叫额定容量、起动容量? 2.影响铅蓄电池容量的主要因素有哪些?





第2章蓄电池一、选择题1B 2A 3C 4B 5A 6A 7C 8B 9C 10C 11B 12A二、判断题1× 2× 3× 4√ 5√ 6√ 7× 8√ 9× 10√ 11√ 12√三、问答题1.答:单格电池内负极板比正极板多一片,这样正极板都处于负极板之间,使其两侧放电均匀,否则由于正极板的机械强度差,单面工作会使两侧活性物质体积变化不一致,而造成极板拱曲,活性物质脱落。












车道保持辅助系统 (LKA):帮助驾驶 员保持在车道内行驶, 避免偏离车道
盲点监测系统 (BSD):监测车 辆后方盲区,避免 变道时发生碰撞
汽车音响系统是汽车电器与电子设备的重要组 成部分,用于提供音乐、广播等娱乐功能。
汽车音响系统包括主机、扬声器、功放等设备, 可以提供高质量的音乐播放和音效调节。
汽车音响系统可以连接手机、MP3等设备, 方便用户播放自己喜欢的音乐。
汽车音响系统还可以与导航、倒车影像等设 备联动,提供更加便捷和安全的驾驶体验。
防抱死制动系统(ABS): 防止车轮抱死,提高制动
电子稳定程序(ESP): 防止车辆侧滑,提高行驶
安全气囊:在碰撞时保护 乘客,减少伤害
倒车雷达/影像:辅助倒 车,避免碰撞障碍物
盲点监测系统(BSD): 监测盲区,避免变道时发
自动紧急刹车系统 (AEB):在紧急情况下
导航系统:实时提供路线规划, 避免拥堵和绕路
自适应巡航控制:自动调整车速, 保持安全距离,减轻驾驶疲劳
车道保持辅助:自动修正方向, 避免偏离车道,提高行车安全
自动泊车系统:自动识别车位, 完成泊车操作,节省时间
















A.内B.外C.内、外正确答案:A14、单选蓄电池电解液面应高出极板()A.5-10mmB.10-15mmC.15-20mm 正确答案:B15、判断题硅整流发电机滑环厚度不得小于4mm。





Chapter 4 The Contact-Point(or Conventional) Ignition System1. Purpose of ignition systemThe ignition system supplies high-voltage surges as high as 15.000 volts (47.000 volts in some electronic system)-to spark plugs in the engine cylinders. These surges produce electric sparks across the spark plug gaps. The heat from the sparks ignites, or sets fire to the compressed air-fuel mixture in the combustion chambers. These sparks occur at exactly the right time according the firing order of cylinders.2. Classification of ignition systemTwo kinds of ignition systems are used on vehicles today.Contact-point ignition systemElectronic ignition systemIn the older system, movable contact points are used to make and break an electric circuit. This system is still used in some cars today. But most cars now have electronic ignition. In this system, the make-and-break of the electric circuit is done by an electronic device. The electronic system is much faster in action, and more accurate.3. Requirements to ignition systemThere are three requirements to ignition system(1)High breakdown voltage that can puncture the spark plug gaps.(2)Sufficient energy of sparks that can ignite the mixture of air and fuel.(3)Correct ignition time that can adapt to the changes of engine operation.3.1 Breakdown voltageInfluencing factors upon breakdown voltage:(1)Spark plug gapsGreater the gaps, higher the breakdown voltage.(2)Pressure and temperature of the mixture in cylindersHigher the pressure and lower the temperature, higher the breakdown voltage.(3)Temperature of spark plug electrodesHigher the temperature of electrodes, lower the breakdown voltage.(4)Engine operating statusThis includes engine speed, load, compression ratio, ingredients of mixture ,etc. For example, high speed needs low voltage and when starting and accelerating, it needs high voltage.3.2 Sufficient energy of sparksUsually to ensure the ignition, the ignition energy should be 50~80mJ. When starting, it needs up to 100mJ.3.3 Correct ignition time3.3.1 Firing orderThe ignition system gives sparks to the cylinders according to firing order. For example:4-cylinder in-line engine: 1―3―4―2 or 1―2―4―36- cylinder in-line engine: 1―5―3―6―2―4 or 1―4―2―6―3―53.3.2 Ignition advanceThe influencing factors of ignition advance include engine speed, load, starting and idle, octane value of gasoline, compression ratio , etc .speed↗, advance↗load↗, advance↘for starting and idle, advance↘octane value↗, advance ↗compression ratio↗, advance↘4. Composition and operating principle of ignition system4.1 Composition of ignition systemIt includes battery, ignition switch, ignition coil, distributor, condenser(or capacitor), spark plugs, and high tension cables , etc.As the distributor cam rotates, it causes contact points to open and close. When the contact points are closed, they connect the primary winding(W1)of the ignition coil with the battery. Current flows through the coil, causing a magnetic field to build up around it. Then, when the points are opened, this disconnects the primary winding from the battery. The magnetic field collapses, creating a short pulse of high voltage in the secondary winding(W2)of coil. The high voltage surge flows through the distributor cap and rotor to the spark plug in the cylinder that is ready to fire. This is the spark plug in the cylinder in which the piston is nearing the end of the compression stroke.5. Influencing factors of secondary(winding)voltageFactors that influence upon the secondary voltage include:(1)Engine speed and number of cylindersWith high engine speed and great number of cylinders, the closed time of contact points is short. This reduces the current of primary winding, and then decreases secondary voltage. (2)Carbon deposits of spark plugsCarbon deposits are often caused by excessive rich air-fuel mixture ,weak ignition and use of spark plugs of incorrect heat range. It seems a conductor with some resistance. This will cause electric leakage to decrease secondary voltage.(3)CondenserTheoretically smaller condenser helps to increase secondary voltage, since bigger condenser delays the charging and discharging time of circuit. But too small condenser will cause electric sparks at contact points. This loses some energy and decrease secondary voltage.Usually it is about 0.15~0.35μFFor distributed capacitance of the circuit, it is small about 47~70 pF.(4)Contact-point clearanceIf the contact-point clearance is too wide, the closed time of contact points is short .This will decreases secondary voltage.If the contact-point clearance is too small, contact-point sparks are easy to be produced.This will also decrease secondary voltage.(5)Temperature of ignition coilHigh temperature of ignition coil will increase the resistance of primary winding. This will reduce primary winding current and decrease secondary voltage.6. Main components in the ignition system6.1 Ignition coilThere are two types of ignition coils according to their different constructions of magnetic circuit:Open magnetic circuit—often used for contact-point ignition system.The ignition coil has two windings. One is the secondary winding, which consists of tens of thousands of turns of a very fine wire. The other is the primary winding, which consists of a few hundred turns of a relatively heavy wire. The primary winding is in the primary circuit. The secondary winging is in the secondary circuit.About ballast resistance (or calibrated resistance):●Function:(1)Prevent secondary circuit from fire missing and low voltage when engine speed is high.(2)Prevent primary circuit from overheating when engine speed is low.●Operation:The ballast resistance’s value can change(↗or↘) with its temperature ,and then controls primary current automatically.(1)At high speed, closed time of contact points↘,primary current↘,then ,ballast resistancebecomes cold, resistance↘,current↗.(2)At low speed, closed time of contact points↗,primary current↗,then ,ballast resistancebecomes hot, resistance↗,current↘.When starting engine, bypass or short the ballast resistance circuit through a cable from the solenoid switch of starting motor. This is to provide a high voltage to produce strong spark.6.2 DistributorThere are two separate circuits through the distributor. One is the primary circuit. The other is the secondary circuit. It also includes ignition advancer.(1)The primary circuit includes the battery, ignition switch, primary resistance, primarywinding, contact-points(or breaker), condenser, and primary wiring.(2)The secondary circuit includes secondary winding, central high tension cable, rotor,distributor cap, spark-plug high tension cables, spark plugs.(3)Ignition advancer includes centrifugal-advance and vacuum-advance mechanism.Note: The distributor shaft and cam rotate at the same speed as the engine camshaft. This is half the speed of the crankshaft.6.2.1 BreakerThe breaker consists of a pair of contact-points(stationary contact-point and moveable contact-point) and a cam.The contact-points open and close with the distributor cam rotating. The number of cam lobes are the same as there are cylinders in the engine.The distributor cap and rotor form a rotatory switch.When the coil secondary winding produces a high-voltage surge, it passes through central high tension cable to the center terminal of the cap. Then the high-voltage surge goes through the rotor blade and jumps to the outer terminal toward which the rotor blade is pointed. From there, it passes through the outer terminal and through the spark-plug high tension cable to the spark plug. The plug produces a spark which ignite the compressed mixture in the cylinder.6.2.3 Condenser(or capacitor)The condenser is in parallel connection with the contact points. It has two functions. One is to help the circuit to build up high breakdown voltage, the other is to protect the contact points from burning.6.2.4 Centrifugal advanceAs engine speed increases, the spark must occur in the combustion chamber earlier in the cycle. This will give enough time to ignite the mixture and initiate combustion.To produce the advance based on engine speed, the distributor has a mechanical centrifugal-advance mechanism. The action of the centrifugal-advance mechanism causes the cam assembly to move ahead and the contact points to open and close earlier.Main parts of centrifugal advance include advance weights, weight springs, cam assembly and main-shaft assembly.6.2.5 Vacuum advanceWhen the engine is operating at part throttle, less air-fuel mixture enters the engine cylinders on the intake strokes. There is less mixture to compress. With lower compression, the mixture doesn’t burn as fast when ignited.To produce an advance based on part-throttle operation, the distributor has a vacuum-advance mechanism driven by intake-manifold vacuum. The action of the vacuum-advance mechanism causes the moveable breaker plate to rotate so that the contact points open and close earlier.Main parts of vacuum advance include diaphragm, return spring, and diaphragm lever(or linkage),etc.6.3 Spark plug6.3.1 Construction:It consists of center electrode, side electrode ,and insulator, etc.The space between center electrode and side electrode forms spark-plug gap.6.3.2 Spark plug heat rangeThe heat range depends on the shape of the insulator in the spark plug. It also depends on how far the heat must travel from the center electrode to the much cooler cylinder head(or length of the insulator skirt).There are two types according the heat range:(1)Hot plug: Heat path is long. This is for small power, low compression ratio, low speedengine.(2)Cold plug: Heat path is short. This is for high power, high compression ratio, highspeed engine.7. Adjustment of ignition system7.1 Contact-point clearance adjustmentThe contact-point opening decreases gradually due to wear on the contact-arm rubbing block. The opening should be checked periodically and adjusted if necessary. There are two ways to do this, with a thickness gauge(or feeler gauge) or with a dwell(angle) meter. Dwell is the number of degrees of cam rotation that the points are closed. As the point opening is increased, the dwell angle decreases.Contact-point clearance can be adjusted by loosening a hold down screw and turning an eccentric screw. The standard clearance is about 0.35~0.45mm.7.2 Spark-plug gap adjustmentThe gap can be adjusted by bending the side electrode. (Note: Many mechanics recommend replacing spark plugs at periodic intervals, instead of cleaning and regapping them.) Usually the standard gap is about 0.7~0.8mm for contact-point ignition. For electronic ignition, the gap can be increased up to 1.0~1.2mm.7.3 Ignition timing adjustmentThe ignition system must be timed so that the sparks jump across the spark-plug gaps at exactly the right time. The ignition timing is normally set at idle, or at a speed specified by the engine manufacturers. Adjustment is made by turning the distributor in its mounting.To make the adjustment, loosen the clamp screw that holds the distributor in its mounting. Turning the distributor in the direction opposite to cam rotation advances the spark(or counterclockwise). Turning the distributor in the direction of cam rotation retard the spark(or clockwise).To time the ignition, a timing light can be used for modern cars.。

《汽车电气设备构造与维修》课件 项目七 汽车电路图

《汽车电气设备构造与维修》课件  项目七 汽车电路图
1)导线的截面积,导线AWG值和米制规格对照表 如表7-1-1所示。
2)导线的颜色 (1)中国车导线颜色见表7-1-2所示。 (2)美国车导线颜色见表7-1-3所示。 (3)日本车导线颜色见表7-1-4所示。
米制规格/mm2 0.5 0.8 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 8.0 13.0 19.0
表7-1-2 中国车导电线颜色对照表
中文 黑色 白色 红色 绿色 黄色 棕色 蓝色 灰色 紫色 橙色
英文 Black Blue Brown Clear Dark Green Dark Green Green Gray Light Blue Light Green Orange Pink Purple Red Tan Violet
四、识读电路图的基本要领及汽车 常见电路图
思路二:逆着电路电流的方向,由电源负极(搭铁) 开始,经过用电设备、开关、控制装置等回到电源正 极。
思路三:从用电设备开始,依次查找其控制开关、 连线、控制单元,到达电源正极和搭铁(或电源负极)。
实际应用时,可视具体电路选择不同思路,但有一 点值得注意,随着电子控制技术在汽车上的广泛应用 ,大多数电气设备电路同时具有主工作回路和控制回 路,读图时要兼顾两回路。
中文 黑色 蓝色 棕色 透明 深蓝色 深绿色 绿色 灰色 浅蓝色 浅绿色 橙色 粉红色 紫色 红色 褐色 粉紫色
表7-1-3 美国车导线颜色对照表



















自动防故障系统是线控转向系的重要模块, 它包括一系列的监控和实施算法, 针 对不同的故障形式和故障等级做出相应的处理, 以求最大限度地保持汽车的正常 行驶
电源系统承担着控制器、两个执行马达以及其它车用电器的供电任务, 其中仅前 轮转角执行马达的最大功率就有500- 800W, 加上汽车上的其它电子设备, 电源 的负担已经相当沉重
其它部件 泵系统
动力转 向系统
冷却 系统
空调 系统
制动 系统
低压供 电系统
结构合理化 的需要
取消发动机 的需要
为什么 要电动化
节能的 需要
提高性能 的需要
7.1 电动转向系统结构和工作原理 7.2 电动制动系统结构和工作原理 7.3 电动空调系统结构和工作原理


路 G2
T1 T2
T1 T
U d
电动式EPS中的电磁离合器主要是起到安全保护的作 用,当EPS系统发生故障、助力电机工作电流过大等 情况下.电磁离合器会及时切断,汽车仍可以以传 统的机械转向装置进行工作,从面保障整个系统和 行车的安全。为了不使电动机和电磁离台器的惯性 影响转向系的工作,离合器应及时分离,以切断辅 助动力




汽车电器设备的组成可以分为以下几个方面:一、动力系统电器设备:1. 发动机控制单元(ECU):负责监测和控制发动机的工作状态,包括点火、供油、排放等。

2. 点火系统:包括火花塞、点火线圈、点火模块等,用于提供点火能量,点燃混合气体。

3. 燃油系统:包括燃油泵、喷油嘴、燃油过滤器等,用于输送燃油到发动机,保证燃油供给。

4. 进气和排气系统:包括进气管、空气流量传感器、氧传感器、排气管等,用于控制进气和排气过程。

二、车身控制电器设备:1. 电动门窗系统:包括电动门窗开关、电动窗机构等,用于控制车辆的门窗开关。

2. 中央门锁系统:包括中央门锁开关、门锁驱动器等,用于实现车辆的远程集中锁车和解锁。

3. 防盗系统:包括车辆报警器、车辆防盗锁等,用于保护车辆免受盗窃。

4. 空调系统:包括压缩机、控制面板、温度传感器等,用于调节车内温度和湿度。

5. 车灯系统:包括前大灯、后尾灯、转向灯等,用于提供车辆照明和信号指示。

三、座椅和安全电器设备:1. 座椅调节系统:包括座椅电动调节开关、电动调节马达等,用于调节座椅的位置和角度。

2. 安全气囊系统:包括驾驶员和乘客安全气囊、碰撞传感器等,用于在碰撞时提供保护。

3. 安全带预紧器:包括安全带预紧器开关、预紧器机构等,用于在碰撞前迅速收紧安全带。

4. 倒车雷达系统:包括倒车雷达传感器、控制器等,用于辅助驾驶员进行倒车操作。

四、娱乐和通讯电器设备:1. 车载音响系统:包括收音机、音箱、功放器等,用于提供音乐和娱乐功能。

2. 车载导航系统:包括导航仪、GPS定位系统、显示屏等,用于提供导航和位置信息。

3. 蓝牙通讯系统:包括蓝牙耳机、蓝牙电话、蓝牙音乐播放器等,用于实现无线通讯和音频传输。

五、辅助驾驶电器设备:1. 自动泊车系统:包括泊车传感器、自动驾驶控制器等,用于辅助驾驶员进行泊车操作。

汽车电器设备构造与维修第5章 点火系统

汽车电器设备构造与维修第5章  点火系统

点火顺序1-2-4-3 或1-3-4-2

• (4)点火时刻 上止点前10°-15°
• 3.最佳点火提前角的影响因素
• (1)发动机转速 转速越高,点火提前角越大
• (2)发动机负荷 负荷越大,点火提前角越小
• (3)起动与怠速 点火提前角小或不提前
下图所示,初级电路为:蓄电池正极→点火开关→点 火线圈的初级绕组→断电器触点→搭铁回蓄电池负极。初 级电流在铁心中产生磁场。
下图所示,次级电路为:次级绕组→点火线圈“+”接 线柱→SW →蓄电池→搭铁→火花塞→分高压线→配电器 →总高压线→次级绕组。
5.3.1 电子点火系的分类 (一)按控制点火线圈初级电流的电子元件分类 (1)晶体管点火系统。 (2)可控硅点火系统。 (3)集成电路点火系统。 (二)按点火系统有无触点分类 (1)触点式电子点火系统,又称半导体管或晶体管辅助点火系统。 (2)无触点电子点火系统,又称全晶体管点火系统。 (三)按点火提前角的控制方式分类 (1)普通电子点火系统。 (2)微机控制电子点火系统。 (四)按点火能量的储存方式分类 (1)电感储能式电子点火系统,其储能元件是点火线圈。 (2)电容储能式电子点火系统,其储能元件是专用的电容器。
工作原理如右图所示:转动的分 电器根据发动机作功的需要,使 点火信号发生器产生某种形式的 电压信号(有模拟信号和数字信 号两种),该电压信号经电子点 火器大功率晶体管前置电路的放 大、整形等处理后,控制串联于 点火线圈初级回路的大功率晶体 管的导通和截止。大功率晶体管 导通时,点火线圈初级通路,点 火系统储能;大功率晶体管截止 时,点火线圈初级断路,次级绕 组便产生高压电。






一、汽车电器设备构造1. 发动机控制系统发动机控制系统是汽车电器设备中最重要的部分之一,它包括了发动机控制单元(ECU)、传感器、执行器等。




2. 车身控制系统车身控制系统包括了车辆稳定控制系统(VSC)、防抱死制动系统(ABS)、电子稳定程序(ESP)等。


ABS 可以防止车辆在紧急制动时发生打滑,从而提高了行车安全性。

ESP 可以根据车辆的行驶状态来调整车辆的悬挂系统,从而提高了车辆的操控性。

3. 车载娱乐系统车载娱乐系统包括了音响系统、导航系统、后视摄像头等。




4. 车载通信系统车载通信系统包括了蓝牙电话、车载Wi-Fi、车载电视等。




二、汽车电器设备维修1. 发动机控制系统维修发动机控制系统的故障主要表现为发动机无法启动、动力不足、怠速不稳等。



汽车电器设备教案一、教学目标1. 了解汽车电器设备的基本组成和功能。

2. 掌握汽车电器设备的主要部件及其工作原理。

3. 学会诊断和维修汽车电器设备常见故障。

二、教学内容1. 汽车电器设备的基本组成1.1 电源系统1.2 启动系统1.3 充电系统1.4 点火系统1.5 照明系统1.6 信号系统1.7 仪表系统1.8 防盗系统2. 汽车电器设备的主要部件及其工作原理2.1 电源系统的主要部件及其工作原理2.2 启动系统的主要部件及其工作原理2.3 充电系统的主要部件及其工作原理2.4 点火系统的主要部件及其工作原理2.5 照明系统的主要部件及其工作原理2.6 信号系统的主要部件及其工作原理2.7 仪表系统的主要部件及其工作原理2.8 防盗系统的主要部件及其工作原理三、教学方法1. 采用讲授法,讲解汽车电器设备的基本组成和功能。

2. 采用案例分析法,分析汽车电器设备的主要部件及其工作原理。

3. 采用实践操作法,让学生动手诊断和维修汽车电器设备常见故障。

四、教学准备1. 教室环境布置:挂图、实物展示等。

2. 教学设备:汽车电器设备模型、工具等。

五、教学评价1. 课堂问答:检查学生对汽车电器设备基本知识和原理的理解。

2. 实操考核:评估学生在实际操作中诊断和维修汽车电器设备的能力。

3. 课后作业:布置相关题目,巩固所学知识。

六、教学内容(续)4. 汽车电器设备的故障诊断与维修4.1 故障诊断方法4.1.1 目视检查4.1.2 试车检验4.1.3 仪器检测4.2 故障维修流程4.2.1 维修步骤4.2.2 维修注意事项4.3 常见故障案例分析4.3.1 电源系统故障案例4.3.2 启动系统故障案例4.3.3 充电系统故障案例4.3.4 点火系统故障案例4.3.5 照明系统故障案例七、教学方法(续)4. 实践操作法:让学生通过实际操作,学会使用专业工具进行汽车电器设备的故障诊断与维修。

5. 小组讨论法:分组讨论故障案例,培养学生团队协作和解决问题的能力。



汽车电器与电子技术课后习题答案2020.04第一章绪论1-1 简述汽车电器与电子控制系统的分类和特点。
















2-2.铅酸蓄电池的主要组成部件及其功用是什么?答:组成部件:1极板与极板组、2隔板、3电解液、 4外壳5蓄电池技术状态指示器功用:同上2-3.蓄电池的电动势如何建立?充电和放电时蓄电池极板及电解液有何变化?P15蓄电池电动势是由正及和负极板浸电解液时,负极极板有少量的铅容入电解液生成两价的铅离子Pb2+,并在极板上留下两个电子2e使极板带负电,此时,负极板相对与电解液的电位约为-0.1V ;在正极板处,少量PbO2溶入电解液,并于水(H2O)反应生成Pb(OH)4,再分离成四价Pb4+和氢氧根离子OH-,即铅离子沉附在正极板上使正极板相对于电解液的电位约+0.2V。



《汽车电器设备构造与维修》启动系试题答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 汽车启动系的电源一般是指(A)。

A. 蓄电池B. 发电机C. 燃油泵D. 喷油嘴答案:A2. 以下哪个部件不属于启动系(D)。

A. 启动机B. 电磁开关C. 启动继电器D. 空调压缩机答案:D3. 以下哪个部件的作用是减小启动机与飞轮之间的间隙(C)。

A. 启动离合器B. 启动电机C. 启动驱动齿轮D. 电磁开关答案:C4. 以下哪种类型的启动系故障会导致启动困难(B)。

A. 启动机损坏B. 启动继电器损坏C. 蓄电池电压过高D. 发电机输出电压过高答案:B5. 以下哪个部件的作用是将启动机与发动机飞轮连接(A)。

A. 启动驱动齿轮B. 电磁开关C. 启动离合器D. 启动继电器答案:A二、判断题(每题2分,共20分)1. 启动机的功率越大,启动性能越好。


2. 启动继电器的主要作用是控制启动机的工作电流。


3. 启动机的驱动齿轮与发动机飞轮间隙过小,会导致启动困难。


4. 蓄电池电压过低会导致启动机无法正常工作。


5. 发动机启动时,启动机的驱动齿轮与飞轮啮合过程中,会产生冲击噪声。


三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述启动系的工作原理。


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Chapter 3 The Starting System1. Operation and purposeThe battery sends current to the starting motor when the driver turns the ignition switch to START. This causes a pinion gear in the starting motor to mesh with teeth on the ring gear around the engine flywheel.The starting motor then rotates the engine crankshaft for starting,2. DC electric motorBasic principle of DC electric motorWhen current from the battery flows through the loops of motor rotor, a strong magnetic field is produced around the loops. This magnetic field opposes the magnetic field of the stationaryIt consists of :2.2.1Magnetic polesIt consists of : (magnetic)pole shoesmagnetic field windings (or stationary field windings)Usually there are 2 couples of magnetic poles ( or 4 poles). Heavy-duty motors have 3 couples of magnetic poles (or 6 poles).2.2.2 ArmatureIt consists of : laminated core (or lamination core)armature windings (or armature loops or armature conductors)The wiring connection of magnetic field windings and armature windings is often adopted in series connection. These are two basic ways of connection.21— magnetic field windings ; 2—armature windings2.2.3 Commutator assemblyIt consists of : commutator (on armature shaft)electric brushes , brush holders and springsCharacteristics of DC electric motor2.3.1 Properties of DC electric motor(1) Great starting torque.(2) High speed at low load and low speed at high load. This property ensures reliable startingof engine.2.3.2 Characteristic curves of DC electric motorDefinition:Characteristic curves of DC electric motor describe the relations of torque M, speed n, and power P with electric current I , or M=f(I), n=f(I), P=(I).I 0 racing 2max II max locked I(1) When just starting, n=0, I is max(lock current), M is max.for starting.(2) When no load existing, n is max., I is min., M is min.(3) At the middle point 2maxI , P is max.Parameters selecting of starting motor2.4.1 Power selecting9550n M Q Q P ≥(KW) n Q ―Min. engine-starting speed. for gasoline engine,50~70rpm. for diesel engine, 100~200rpm M Q ―S tarting resistant torque: including friction, compression lossand accessory mechanism lossTherefore, through testing ,the essential power for starting motor is :For gasoline engine: P=(0.18~0.22)L (KW) L ―E ngine displacementFor diesel engine: P=(0.74~1.1)L (KW) L ―E ngine displacement2.4.2 Gear ratio selectingZ Z n n S F F S i ==n s ―M otor speed ;n F ―C rankshaft speed for starting,n F =n QZ F ―T ooth number of ring gear of flywheelZ s ―T ooth number of drive pinion of motorWe can obtain the motor speed through matching with the Max.P from the characteristic curves. In fact, practical gear ratio is smaller than the optimum gear ratio because of Z F design problem. Generally, for gasoline engine, gear ratio is 13~17; for diesel engine, gear ratio is 8~102.4.3 Battery capacity selectingBattery capacity can be decided according to the rating power of starting motor. The empirical formula is:UP C )800~600( C ―battery capacity, Ah P ―rating power of starting motor, KWU ―rating voltage of starting motor, 12V3. Construction and control of starting motor3.1 Types of starting motorThere are two types of starting motors: inertia type and pre-engaged typeThe inertia type is a simple motor that the armature spindle carries an inertia-engaged drive arrangement consisting of a pinion mounted on a screwed sleeve.When the motor is operated, the sudden movement screws the pinion along the sleeve into mesh with the flywheel ring gear,when its movement is arrested by a strong buffer spring. As the engine starts and the driver releases the starter switch, the flywheel spins faster than the motor pinion, forcing it out of mesh.The pre-engaged type are almost always fitted to heavy diesel engines, and can be found on many modern cars. They differ from the inertia drive because the pinion is fully engaged with the flywheel before the starting motor starts to spin. This is achieved by mounting the solenoid switch on top of the motor and connecting it to a lever whose other end engages with the pinion. Activation of the switch draws in the solenoid, which pulls the lever and moves the pinion into mesh with the flywheel ring gear.In the last part of the lever movement the contacts are bridged that link the motor to the battery. Pre-engagement of the pinion greatly reduces the wear on the flywheel ring gear.3.2 Construction and control of starting motor(pre-engaged type)It consists of :(1) DC electric motor(2) Driving mechanismThis includes driving pinion,overrunning clutch,shift lever(or fork),clutch spring,etc.(3) Control equipmentThis includes two ways of control: mechanical control and electromagnetic control.3.2.1 Overrunning clutch(1) Types of overrunning clutchThere are three types: Roller type (most vehicles use)Spring typeFriction disk type(2)Function●Transmit cranking force to the engine flywheel.●Prevent the engine flywheel from driving the starting motor.(3)Construction and operation (roller type for example)It consists of outer shell and pinion, rollers, plungers and springs, cross block.In fact,the overrunning clutch is also called one-way clutch.●When starting engine:The rollers lock outer shell and cross block, outer shell andpinion drive flywheel to rotate.●After starting engine: The flywheel velocity is greater than starting motor velocity.The outer shell begins to rotate with flywheel. This action makes the overrunningclutch slip.3.2.2 Solenoid switch and control operationConstruction:It consists of: plunger(or moveable core), return spring, pull-in or winding, hold-in orControl operation:The solenoid switch has two windings, a pull-in winding(in series connection with the windings of DC electric motor )and a hold-in winding(in parallel connection with the windings of DC electric motor). They work together to pull the plunger in. This combination of windings (resultant magnetic force) provides sufficient magnetic strength to mesh the pinion and close the witch(this switch allows full motor current to flow). After the pinion is meshed and the switch is closed, less magnetism is required to hold the plunger in. Consequently, as the switch closes, the pull-in winding is shorted out, since it is connected between the two solenoid terminals. This makes a full current flow through the motor and the motor rotates at normal speed.4. Operating principle of starting motorOn starting motors with overrunning clutches, a solenoid switch is commonly used to produce the clutch-shifting action. The solenoid contains a pair of winding that are connected to the battery when the starting switch is closed. This produces a magnetic field that pulls a plunger in. The plunger movement causes a shift lever to move the overrunning clutch on the armature shaft. This shifts the overrunning-clutch pinion into mesh with the flywheel teeth. At the same time, the plunger movement forces a heavy switch to connect the starting motor directly to the battery. Now, cranking begins.5. Inspecting the starting motor unitsThis includes inspecting overrunning clutch, commutator, armature windings, magnetic field windings, brush and brush spring, solenoid switch,etc.6. Starting system troublesThere are two basic starting system troubles:(1)The starting motor does not crank the engine.(2)The staring motor cranks slowly, but the engine does not start.6.1Starting motor does not crank the engineThe most likely cause of this condition is a run-down battery. But there could be other causes. Turn on the headlights, and try cranking. There are five possibilities.(1)No cranking, no lightsThis is probably due to a completely dead battery. It could be caused by a bad connection at the battery or starting motor or an open fusible link(which indicates a short or ground in the system.(2)No cranking, but lights go out as you turn the key to START.This usually indicates a bad connection at the battery. It could also be due to a nearly dead(discharged) battery.Try wiggling the battery connections to see if this helps.(3)No cranking, and lights dim only slightly as you try to startThe trouble probably is in the starting motor. The pinion may not be engaging with the flywheel. If the starting-motor armature spins, the overrunning clutch is sleeping.(4)No cranking, and lights dim heavily as you try to startThis is most likely due to a run-down battery. It could be low temperature, too. The battery is much less efficient at low temperatures, and the engine oil is much thicker. This combination could prevent cranking, even though the battery is in fairly good condition. Also, the starting motor or engine could be jammed, or locked.(5)No cranking, and lights stay brightListen to hear if the magnetic solenoid is pulling the plunger in. you can hear this as a loud click. If nothing happens when you try to start , check the solenoid. Connect one end of a jumper wire to the solenoid battery terminal. Connect the other end to the small terminal on the solenoid that is connected to the ignition switch. If nothing happens, the trouble is in the solenoid. If the solenoid and starting motor work with the jumper wire connected, the trouble is in the ignition switch, or the wires connecting them.6.2Engine cranks slowly but does not startIt is very likely due to a run-down battery or defective battery. The battery is unable to spin the starting motor at normal speed. Low temperature could also be a factor here.It is also possible that the driver may have run the battery down trying to start. Some condition in the engine, or the fuel or ignition system, is preventing normal starting. The driver continued to try, however, until the battery ran down.7. Sliding-armature starting motorIt is used for heavy –duty diesel engine in particular.1―main winding 2―auxiliary winding 3―holding winding 4―solenoid switch5―stationary contact-point 6―tumbler bridge 7―release lever 8―locking paw9―return spring 10―release disk 11―armature 12―magnetic pole13―friction-disk clutchIn its rest position , the armature is displaced axially out of the field windings. The pinion is driven from the armature shaft by way of a multi-plate clutch(friction disk type). The starting motor has three field windings: the auxiliary winding, the holding winding(shunt-wound) and themain winding(series-wound). To permit the armature to move axially, it has extra-long bearings and a wide commutator. There is also a return spring, a control relay(or solenoid switch) with tumbler bridge and a locking paw with release disk.Engagement is in two stages. In stage 1, the armature is displaced by the magnetic field of the auxiliary and holding winding, so that the pinion engages with the flywheel ring gear, aided by the armature rotating slowly. In stage 2, the release disk on the commutator raises the release lever to switch on the second stage of the control relay. The main winding is then energized by way of the tumbler bridge in the control relay.A multi-plate clutch is installed between the armature and the pinion. It ensures that the drive is taken up smoothly between armature and pinion after the pinion has engaged with the flywheel ring gear. If the ring gear begins to drive the pinion after the engine has started, the clutch is freed and acts like a freewheel. This prevents dangerous acceleration forces from reaching the armature of the starting motor as the engine speeds up. If a given torque is exceeded at the pinion, the multi-plate clutch interrupts the power flow between armature and ring gear(overload protection). This minimizes loads on the starting motor,pinion and ring gear.8. Gear-reduction starting motorThis starting motor has a gear reduction which increases cranking torque. The shift lever(or fork)is enclosed. When it is actuated by the solenoid, it shifts the overrunning-clutch pinion into mesh with the flywheel. The gear ratio between the armature and flywheel, due to the extra gears(the gear ratio of this gear reduction is about 3~4), is 45 : 1 for example. The armature turns 45 times to turn the flywheel, and the engine crankshaft, once. This provides a high cranking torque for starting.There are three types of gear-reduction mechanism:Internal gearing typeExternal gearing typePlanetary gearing type9. Permanent magnet starting motorThis motor uses permanent magnet instead of magnetic field winding. It has some advantages such as simple construction, small volume and weight. But its power is low and the magnetism is reduced as time goes on.。
