






感兴趣的TX请点击这个链接:/bbs/thread-c-64-11220655-1.html#p id209805105声明:由于本人拍摄照片有限,为了更好地说明整个安装过程,本帖部分照片来源于淘宝网和汽车之家网站,此类照片版权属原创作者所有。


若原创作者有异议,请联系本人,本人将在第一时间将相关照片删除!闲话少说,切入主题!一、需要的工具:a,一字和十字螺丝刀各一把,b,万用表一个(找倒车灯线用,看完本贴你也可以不用它), c,接线剪一把(也可用普通剪刀),d,透明胶和电工胶布各一卷。









Personal Addresses......................... 52 Entering a PIN............................. 52
Entering Personal Addresses..... 53 Updating a Personal Address..... 57 Selecting a Personal Address As
Selecting by Today's Destinations......... 39 Adding Destinations To The List......39 Selecting Destinations From the List...... 40 Editing the List............................ 41
Alphabetical Index User Agreement
Refer to 2002 TL Owner's Manual for more information.
Introduction........................................ 2 Important Safety Information...... 3
Traveling To Your Destination...... 42 The Map Screen .......................... 46 Save Current Location ................ 47 Landmark Icons........................... 49 Going Off the Route.................... 49 Modifying the Route................... 50



GPS12使用手册首先感谢您选择了GARMIN GPS12,这是一款使用简单,携带方便的GPS导航仪。



在开始使用GARMIN GPS12之前,请仔细检查以下的几个地方:如有缺失任何部件,请立即与经销商联络。

标准配件:GARMIN GPS12;使用说明书;腕带;快速使用手册。

经销商应提供的配件有:GARMIN GPS12包;旋转接头;外接天线;电源/数据线。









它已经过测试,符合所有必要的FCC标准(FCC:全称美国联邦通讯委员会Federal Communications Commission)。



VIAVI ATB-7300NG 导航测试仪用户手册说明书

VIAVI ATB-7300NG 导航测试仪用户手册说明书

手册VIAVIATB-7300NG航空电子导航设备台式测试仪ATB-7300NG导航测试仪基于新的 VIAVI AXIe航空电子测试平台 (ATB)。

ATB平台是一款功能强大的前沿设计,专为从 OEM到维修厂的最终用户量身定做,可用于航空电子产品生命周期的所有阶段:产品开发、设计验证和确认、认证、制造、返修,以及服务/校准。

标准功能甚高频信号发生器 - 提供对调制频率、调制深度(最多 3 个信号源)、选呼 (SELCAL) 音调、频率和音调序列的控制ILS 航向道 (LOC) 信号发生器 - 提供对 90Hz 和 150Hz 音调频率、调制深度、左/右 DDM 和包括莫尔斯电码在内的识别码 (IDENT) 设置值的控制ILS 下滑道 (G/S) 信号发生器 - 提供对 90Hz 和 150Hz 音调频率、调制深度、上/下 DDM 的控制甚高频全向信标 (VOR) 信号发生器 - 提供对 30Hz 可变/基准和 9960Hz 音调频率、调制深度、9960Hz 频偏、VOR 方位、向/背台和识别码 (IDENT)设置值的控制自动定向机 (ADF) 信号发生器 - 提供对调制频率、调制深度和识别码 (IDENT) 设置值的控制指点信标 (Marker Beacon) 信号发生器 - 可选择外指点、中指点和内指点信标音调,而且可以控制音调频率、调制深度和识别码 (IDENT) 设置用户界面y基本图形用户界面 (GUI) 允许访问各项测试功能y ATB 提供以太网远程控制接口y针对以下传统产品的命令集提供兼容性:-NAV-2000R-Collins479S-6A-ATB-7300• 使用客户提供的显示器显示 ATB-7300NG。

联系我们 +13165224981 avcomm.sales@要联系离您最近的 VIAVI 办事处,请访问 /contact。

© 2022 VIAVI Solutions Inc.本文档中的产品规格和描述如有更改,恕不另行通知。

Stryker 导航系统操作指南说明书

Stryker 导航系统操作指南说明书

jkJCFG (6x)D (2x)IHABE• Read and understand this information, file it in your maintenance records. Fa -miliarization with the Stryker navigation system prior to its use is important. Refer to the instructions for use of the naviga-tion system.• The instrument should only be used inaccordance with the instructions for usecontained in this manual.• Prior to each use, inspect the instrument.Breakage of glass, loose components,fogged or wet glass on the inside of theLEDs may lead to compromised function -ality of the instrument. Do not use if anyof these conditions exist. Contact yourStryker Navigation sales representativein such case.• Prior to each use, the instruments should be operated with the Stryker navigation system to ensure they are functioning properly.• The healthcare provider performing any procedure is responsible for determin -ing the appropriateness of the instru-ment and the specific technique for eachpatient. Stryker, as a manufacturer, does not recommend a specific surgical proce -dure.• Performing procedures with instruments other than those specified in these in -structions or outside of their intended use will compromise the navigation accuracy.• U se only Stryker approved components and accessories, unless otherwise speci -fied. Other accessories may result inincreased electromagnetic emissions ordecreased electromagnetic immunity ofthe system. Do not modify any compo-nent or accessory. Failure to comply mayresult in patient and/or health care staffinjury.• In case of the presence of EM distur-bance, degradation of the performanceof this equipment could result.User/Patient Safety WARNINGIntended Use The Instrument Tracker is intended for usewith the Stryker navigation system - Hip Modules.The Instrument Tracker is used for instru-ment tracking and is intended to be mount -ed to multiple surgical instruments having been modified for navigation. Moreover, the Instrument Tracker may be used to control the navigation system software and, in addition, to validate pointers.Contraindications None er Group Healthcare professionals (surgeon/resi -dent, nurse/professional caregiver) edu -cated in computer-assisted surgery and thoroughly familiar with the instructions for use and with the operation of this product. To request an additional in-service instruc -tion, contact Stryker.NOTE:The following conventions are used in this document:The signal word WARNING highlights a safety-related issue. Comply with this information to prevent patient and medical staff injury.The signal word CAUTION highlights a product reliability issue. Comply with this information to prevent product damage.service is required, contact your Stryker Navigation sales representative.• Prior to proceeding, verify that the Instru-ment Tracker is firmly attached to the instrument as instructed. If the tracker moves relative to the instrument, naviga -tion is inaccurate.• Navigated instruments contain multiple infrared LEDs, a transmit LED and a receiver. All of the LEDs must be in view of the camera for the navigation system to function properly.CAUTION• Do not apply any physical impact to the navigated instrument, such as with a mallet or a similar tool. Any impact will cause product damage or operational failure due to battery movement.• To avoid malfunction, do not scratch or damage the LEDs in any way.• For increasing the longevity of the Instru -ment Tracker, we recommend that you remove the Instrument Tracker from the instrument if you have to apply heavy impacts on the instrument, for example when fixing a cup.NOTE:The user and/or patient should report any serious product-related incident to both the manufacturer and the national competent authority where the user and/or patient is established.• Use of this equipment adjacent to or stacked with other equipment should be avoided because it could result inimproper operation. If such use is neces-sary, this equipment and the other equip -ment should be observed to verify that they are operating normally.• Portable RF communication equipment(including peripherals such as antenna cables and external antennas) should be used not closer than 30 cm (or 12 inch -es) to the Instrument Tracker. Otherwise, degradation of the performance of this equipment could result.• Use Instrument BatteryREF 6000-006-000 only. Load a new battery before first and every use as instructed in this manual.• During surgery, always keep a sterile re -placement Instrument Battery available.• R emove the Instrument Battery as in-structed in this manual before cleaning or sterilizing the navigated instrument.• Do not sterilize Instrument Batteries; they are supplied sterile and must not be resterilized.• Clean and sterilize the instrument before first and every use. Refer to the Guide for Cleaning, Disinfection and Steam-Based Sterilization (TD6000005750).• This equipment is not suitable for use inthe presence of flammable anestheticmixtures with air, oxygen or nitrous ox-ide.• During surgery, if fluids such as saline solutions enter the battery holder, the electronics can fail and communication -with the system will cease.• During surgery, keep the LEDs clean andout of contact with liquids at all times.Failure to comply may compromise navi -gation accuracy.• E xcessive infrared radiation from exter-nal sources can influence localization ofthe instrument by the navigation system.Refer to the Navigation System CameraInstructions for Use .• Do not service the instrument. It does notcontain any parts the user can service. IfFunction and FeaturesRefer to figure j on page 2.SELECT Button (A)• Press to initialize the instrument.• After initialization, press to select soft-ware interface functions displayed on the navigation system monitor.• After initialization, turn clockwise to move forward through the software or highlight an item below, in a list of menu select-able items.• After initialization, turn counterclockwise to move backward through the software or highlight an item above, in a list of menu selectable items.Release Button (B) and Tracker Interface (C)• These features allow the tracker to be secured to and detached from the navi-gated instrument.Validation Disks (D)• Used as reference points, touch the disk cross-hairs with the instrument tip to vali-date the instrument.Green Status Light (E)• During instrument initialization, the light flashes rapidly.• During normal operation, the light flashes every few seconds.• The light illuminates continuously, if in-strument power is low.Battery Holder with Sleeve (F)Infrared LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) (G), Transmit LED (H) and Receiver (I)• Emit and receive infrared light signals that are used to provide a wireless com-munication link to the navigation sys-tem's camera.Instructions1 Instrument BatteryWARNINGOnly use a new, sterile Instrument Battery REF 6000-006-000.1.1 Remove the battery from the sterilepackage.1.2 Open the battery housing by slidingdown the battery sleeve.1.3 Press the negative end of the batteryinto the battery holder and against thespring.1.4 Close the battery holder by sliding thesleeve back in position.1.5 Observe the green status lightilluminate for three seconds to indicate that the device is functioning properly.1.6 To remove the battery, gently pressdown on the positive end of thebattery and pull it away from thebattery holder.NOTE:After changing the battery during opera-tion, press the SELECT button until the instrument is initialized again.2 Initialize InstrumentNOTE:Ensure the line of sight between the in-strument and the camera is not blocked, and that the instrument's infrared LEDs, transmit LED and receiver directly face the camera.4.2 Proceed with instrument validation.With pointer and Instrument Tracker aligned with the camera, touch theinstrument's validation point with thepointer’s tip and press the SELECT button.5Detach Instrument TrackerFor instrument detachment, press the release button and slide the Instrument Tracker from the instrument interface. The release button will remain pressed untilthe tracker will be fixed on the instrumentinterface again.Cleaning and Inspection InstructionsCleaning Group IV.Refer to the Guide for Cleaning, Disin-fection and Steam-Based Sterilization(TD6000005750) for cleaning safety andcaution notes, cleaning equipment and de-tailed cleaning and inspection instructions intended for instruments with electronics.Sterilization InstructionsRefer to the Guide for Cleaning, Disin-fection and Steam-Based Sterilization (TD6000005750) for detailed sterilizationinstructions and caution notes.2.1 Wait for the navigation system to prompt for the initialization before initializing the instrument.2.2 Once in the system setup mode, and prompted by the software interface, press the SELECT button until the device is initialized.2.3 Observe the green status light flashrapidly during initialization.2.4 Once initialized, observe the green status light flash slowly and a system message appear on the monitor indicating instrument recognition.3 Mount Instrument Tracker WARNING Ensure the tracker snaps into position. The tracker must be rigidly fixated on the in -strument during surgery. Failure to comply may lead to navigation inaccuracy.3.1 Align tracker and instrument as shown in figure k . 3.2 Slide quickly the Instrument Tracker over the instrument interface (J) of the instrument intended for navigation until the tracker snaps into position.The right position is reached if therelease button jumps ahead.3.3 To verify that the tracker is firmlyattached, try to move and rotate the tracker. The tracker must not move in any direction.4 Validate InstrumentPrior to instrument validation, the pointer must be validated. Refer to step 4.1. Ifpointer validation is already performed,proceed to step Precisely place the pointer’s tipinto the center of the validation diskplaced on the left or right side ofthe Instrument Tracker. Refer to theinstructions for use supplied withthe pointers REF 6007-011-000,REF 6003-012-000, orREF 6007-012-000.DisposalProducts and batteries that have been in contact with material of human origin may be infectious. Safely remove the batteries from the device with the necessary pre-cautionary measures. Contact your local distributor for disposal information.To comply with European Directive2012/19/EU on Waste Electrical and Elec-tronic Equipment (WEEE), products and batteries must be collected separately for recycling. Do not dispose of as unsorted municipal waste. Ensure infected products are decontaminated prior to recycling. For Use WithWARNINGUse only Stryker-approved devices unless otherwise specified.For information related to compatible soft-ware applications, refer to the user manual of the software application.Technical Specifications* REF 6007-008-000 Instrument Tracker Size:125.85 mm [4.95 in] height,67.0 mm [2.63 in] width,115.0 mm [4.25 in] length Weight1: 420 g [14.81 oz.]1Values without Instrument Battery.Material:Aluminum (housing); PPSU (battery hous-ing); stainless steel (interface)Power supply:3 V , internally powered (lithium battery CR 2)Enclosure protection:IPX0 Ordinary EquipmentApprovals:CSA International cCSAusEN / IEC 60601-1EN / IEC 60601-1-2ANSI/AAMI ES60601–1CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60601-1 Operation:Storage and Transportation:10°C30°C25%85%70kPa106kPa -20°C40°C10%75%50kPa106kPa* Specifications listed are approximate and may vary slightly from unit to unit.Troubleshooting Guidelines Navigated instrument fails to power upwhen battery is installed:• Battery is installed improperly. Reinstall battery.• Battery power is low. Replace battery.• Navigated instrument is damaged. Re-turn navigated instrument for service.Navigated instrument cannot be initial-ized:• Battery is installed improperly. Reinstall battery.• Battery power is low. Replace battery.• Transmit LED or receiver are damaged. Return navigated instrument for service.• SELECT button is stiff or defective. Re-turn navigated instrument for service.Range of movement is limited:• One or more of the LEDs are dirty or do not function properly. Clean surface of the LEDs. If cleaning does not improve the function, return the instrument for service.Green status light illuminates continuously:• Battery power is low. Replace battery.Communication with the system fails after Navigation software is restarted: • Remove and reinsert battery. Re-initialize instrument.Line of sight between navigated instrument and camera is interrupted: • Navigated instrument is not visible. Re-move obstruction and system will resume communication.Tracker cannot be mounted to instrument:• Instrument interface or tracker interface is damaged. Return for service.• Tracker's orientation on instrument is not correct. Verify and correct orientation if necessary. See figure k for correct ori-entation.• Release button is not in pressed posi-tion. Press release button until it remains pressed and mount the tracker on instru-ment again.Definition of SymbolsThe following table defines the symbols used in this document, on the product and on the product label.EN ISO 7010 Graphical symbols – Safety colors and safety signs – Registered safety signsSymbol/NumberName: DefinitionW001General warning sign: To signify a general warning.M002Refer to instruction manual/booklet: To signify that the instruction manual/booklet must be read.EN ISO 15223-1 Medical devices – Symbols to be used with medical device labels, labelling and information to be supplied – Part 1: General requirementsSymbol/NumberName: Definition5.1.1Manufacturer: Indicates the medical device manufacturer as defined in the European Union harmonization legislation.5.1.3Date of manufacture: Indicates the date when the medical device was manufactured.LOT 5.1.5Batch code: Indicates the manufacturer's batch code so that the batch or lot can be identified.REF 5.1.6Catalog number: Indicates the manufacturer’s catalog number so that the medical device can be identified.SN 5.1.7Serial number: Indicates the manufacturer’s serial number so that a specific medical device can be identified.NON STERILE5.2.7Non-sterile: Indicates a medical device that has not been subjected to a sterilization process.5.3.7Temperature limit: Indicates the temperature limits to which the medi-cal device can be safely exposed.5.3.8Humidity limitation: Indicates the range of humidity to which the medi-cal device can be safely exposed.<Stryker Leibinger GmbH & Co. KG Bötzinger Straße 4179111 Freiburg (Germany)t: +49 761 4512 0 (Germany)t: +1 269 323 7700 (USA)T r a n s l a t e d E q u i v a l e n t : T D 6007008713U.S. Patents: /patents Stryker Corporation or its divisions or other affiliated entities own, use or have applied for the following trademarks or service marks: Leibinger, Stryker. All other trade -marks are trademarks of their respective owners or holders.Copyright © 2019 Stryker。



车载导航仪的安装说明车载导航仪安装说明一、准备工作在开始安装车载导航仪之前,请确保您已经阅读了用户手册,并准备好以下工具和材料:1. 车载导航仪主机2. 支架和吸盘3. 电源线4. 车辆电源适配器5. 电池(如果需要)6. 电缆夹7. 螺丝刀二、安装导航仪主机1. 将支架固定在车辆仪表盘上,确保支架牢固而稳定。

2. 将导航仪主机放置在支架上,确保其与车辆仪表盘平齐。

3. 使用螺丝刀将导航仪主机与支架固定,确保主机不会晃动或掉落。

三、连接电源线1. 将一端插入导航仪主机的电源接口。

2. 另一端插入车辆电源适配器的电源口。

3. 确保电源线连接牢固,并没有松动。

四、安装导航仪电源1. 根据车辆的电源类型(12V或24V),选择合适的电池。

2. 使用电缆夹将电池连接到导航仪主机的电池接口上。

3. 注意电池极性的正确连接,以免发生短路或其他安全问题。

五、调试导航仪1. 开始导航前,请确保车辆已经启动,并处于安全停车的状态。

2. 打开导航仪主机的电源按钮,等待片刻直到主机完全启动。

3. 根据用户手册中的操作指南,配置导航设置、GPS定位、语言偏好等选项。

4. 测试导航功能,选择目的地并观察导航系统的反应。

5. 确保导航指示清晰可见,并且语音导航功能正常工作。



七、安全注意事项1. 在驾驶过程中使用导航功能时,请将视线集中在道路上,并合理使用语音导航提示。

2. 如果导航指示与道路情况不一致,应以实际情况为准,遵守交通规则。

3. 导航仪主机应安装在不会妨碍驾驶视线的位置,并且不会影响驾驶操控。

4. 定期检查和维护导航仪系统,包括更新地图、软件升级等。

八、安装维护对于车载导航仪的安装和维护,建议遵循以下原则:1. 如果需要更换车辆或重新安装导航仪,务必仔细拆卸和安装,确保每个步骤的正确性。



智能后视镜说明书警告驾驶者不得在行驶中操作本产品!由于驾驶者在驾驶时违规操作而造成的一切后果,均与本公司无关!驾驶者严禁在加油站使用本产品,包含收音/蓝牙/影像等应用操作!非合法授权资质工程师进行本机的安装、拆卸以及自行拆开主机而造成的任何后果,本公司均不承担任何责任!目录注意事项 ........................................................................................................................... 1;2一、产品概览 (3)(一)基本功能 (3)(二)硬件接口、按键 (3)(三)快速指南 (4)二、行车录影(DVR) (6)三、导航 (8)四、蓝牙电话 (9)五、调频(FM)发射 (10)六、多媒体娱乐 (10)七、语音指令 (11)八、设置 (12)九、远程记录仪 (14)十、安装说明 (17)注意事项1,GPS要在户外才能正常接收到卫星信号并用于导航,在开阔地带,系统正常运行时,通常约1分钟左右可以搜星并定位。







Leadtek LR9553D GPS Bluetooth数据记录器接收器说明书

Leadtek LR9553D GPS Bluetooth数据记录器接收器说明书

LR9553DLEADTEK GPS BLUETOOTHDATA LOGGERRECEIVERLR9553DSpecifications SheetALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF LEADTEK RESEARCH AND CANNOT BE DISSEMINATED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF LEADTEK RESEARCH.LR9553D Specifications Sheet Rev. 0.2 IntroductionThe Leadtek LR9553D, based on cutting edge SiRFStar III technology, is a high performance, low power, 20-channel GPS data logger and receiver with wireless capability. As such it is a highly compatible Bluetooth solution with extraordinary configurability and sensitivity. Its battery life-of most concern to customers- has also been greatly improved thanks to the SiRFStar III LP (Low Power) chipset’s outstanding power saving capability in providing fast time-to-first-fix. Not to forget its appealing ergonomics—slim, compact and lightweight. The innovative switch-mode design not only makes for easy activation but also enables more power saving when LR9553D is used as a pure data logger which records your tracking data from the received GPS signals. It provides users enough space to store their tracking data including the altitude, GPS position, date and time- up to 240 hrs in the continuous mode. It is not necessary to export the data until the memory is full. LR9553D also comes equipped with mini USB interface both for easy charging and for users to be able to export their recorded points to Google earth and Google Maps without a hitch.Hardware and Software•Based on the high performance features of the SiRFStar III LP chipset •Compliant with Bluetooth v1.2, class 2•Serial Port Profile (SPP) supported•Built-in Ceramic Patch Antenna•Rechargeable Li-ion battery•Operation time: 12 hours, in continuous mode•Three LEDs to display the status of Bluetooth, GPS and power•Data logger function, provides users the tracking data including the altitude, position, date and time (NMEA Format)© 2007 Leadtek Research Inc. All rights reserved. Page 2/10LR9553D Specifications Sheet Rev. 0.2Performance•Cold/Warm/Hot Start Time: 42/35/1 sec.•Reacquisition Time: 0.1 second.•RF Metal Shield for best performance in noisy environments.•Multi-path Mitigation Hardware.Interface•USB-RDD for GPS communications interface•Protocol: NMEA-0183/SiRF Binary (Default NMEA).•Baud Rate: Default 38400 bps.© 2007 Leadtek Research Inc. All rights reserved. Page 3/10© 2007 Leadtek Research Inc. All rights reserved.Page 4/10LR9553D Specifications Sheet Rev. 0.2SpecificationsTechnical PerformanceFeatureItemDescriptionChipset GSW3 SiRFStarIII LP technology Frequency L1, 1575.42 MHz C/A code 1.023 MHz chip rate GeneralChannels2010 meters, 2-D RMS5 meters 2-D RMS, WAAS corrected Position<5meters, 2-D RMS, DGPS correctedVelocity 0.1 meters/secondAccuracy Time1 microsecond synchronized to GPS time DatumDefault WGS-84 Reacquisition 0.1 sec., averageHot start 1 sec., average typical TTFF Warm start 35 sec., average typical TTFF Time to First Fix (TTFF) (Open Sky & Stationary Requirements) Cold start42 sec., average typical TTFF Switch mode ON/OFF; Navi & Log; Log only Flash Memory 4MBRecording Interval Every 15 sec. (User can configure settings) Waypoints 60,000 points (Position, Date, Time & Altitude)Data LogDuration240 hrs (continuous usage) Altitude 18,000 meters (60,000 feet) max. Velocity 515 meters/second (1000 knots) max. Dynamic Conditions Acceleration 4g, max.Main power input 5±5%(10%)V DC inputPowerPower consumption ≈300 mW (continuous mode)LR9553D Specifications Sheet Rev. 0.2 InterfaceInterface SpecificationsItems DescriptionPower Recharge Mini-USB connectorBluetoothFrequency 2.4GHz ISM BandCompliant Bluetooth Specification v 1.2Compliant Profile Series Port Profile (SPP)Bluetooth Operation Range 10 MElectricalMain power input 5±5%(10%)V DC inputPower consumption ***********(FullPower)Backup Power 1.5±10%V DC inputOperation Time 12 hours (750mAh Li-Ion battery)© 2007 Leadtek Research Inc. All rights reserved. Page 5/10LR9553D Specifications Sheet Rev. 0.2Battery ElectricalBattery Cell Li-ion (750mA)Output Voltage 3.2V~4.2V ±0.025VLEDLED 1 (GPS)-GreenState Always on Quick blinking Slowly blinking Description Memory full to stop 3D fixed GPS signal acquisition LED 2 (Bluetooth)-BlueState Quick blinking Slowly blinking NoDescription BT on, but not connected yet BT connected BT offLED 3 (Power)-RedState Always on Quick blinking NoDescription Battery is charging Low power Battery is fully charged Environmental CharacteristicsItems DescriptionOperating temperature range -10 deg. C to +50deg. CStorage temperature range -20 deg. C to +65 deg. C© 2007 Leadtek Research Inc. All rights reserved. Page 6/10LR9553D Specifications Sheet Rev. 0.2 Physical CharacteristicsItems DescriptionLength 60.2 mm (2.37 in)Width 33.0 mm (1.30 in)Height 17.8 mm (0.70 in)Weight 48 g (including rechargeable battery)© 2007 Leadtek Research Inc. All rights reserved. Page 7/10LR9553D Specifications Sheet Rev. 0.2 Block Diagram© 2007 Leadtek Research Inc. All rights reserved. Page 8/10LR9553D Specifications Sheet Rev. 0.2 Photo Image© 2007 Leadtek Research Inc. All rights reserved. Page 9/10© 2007 Leadtek Research Inc. All rights reserved.Page 10/10Preliminary Confidential - Information is subject to change without prior notice.LR9553D Specifications Sheet Rev. 0.2Packing listCD-ROM USB Cable Car ChargerNeck eyelet strap Quick GuideLR9553D。



GPS导航仪使用说明书目录声明 (1)注意事项 (1)第一章配件及使用说明书信息 (2)1.1 产品包装 (2)1.2 说明书的使用 (2)第二章外观组件及基本使用说明 (3)2.1 产品外观 (3)2.2 基本使用 (3)2.3 导航仪供电、充电 (4)2.4 开机主界面及主要功能介绍 (8)第三章导航操作使用说明 (8)第四章媒体播放器使用说明 (8)4.1 MP3播放器 (8)4.2 视频播放器 (9)4.3 图片浏览器 (10)4.4 常用工具 (10)4.5 系统设置 (11)声明欢迎使用本公司GPS导航仪(以下简称导航仪)!本导航仪以GPS导航功能为主,支持音频播放、视频播放、图片浏览、电子书阅读等功能,是您出行休闲的好伴侣。

本导航仪采用当前最流行的ARM920T 内核的三星处理器,低功耗,性能优越。

















Table of ContentsIntroduction (2)Important Safety Information (3)System Controls (4)Screen (4)MENU button (5)MAP/GUIDE button (5)A/C button (5)CANCEL button (5)ZOOM button (5)SETUP icon (5)JOYSTICK (5)System Start-up (6)Main Menu (7)Address (7)Intersection (7)Phone No. (POI) (7)Places (7)Map Imput (7)Personal Addresses (8)Previous Destination (8)Today's Destinations (8)Selecting By Address (9)Change State (9)Selecting the City (11)Selecting the Street Address...... 13Selecting By Intersection. (15)Change State (15)Selecting the City (16)Selecting the Street (18)Selecting By Phone No. (POI) (21)Selecting By Places (22)Name (22)Category (25)Place Name (27)Sort by Distance to Travel (28)a City Vicinity (29)Selecting by Previous Destination.. 32Selecting By Map Input (33)Current Position (33)A City (34)State (36)Continental USA (38)Selecting By Today'sDestinations (39)Adding Destinations To The List (39)Selecting Destinations From theList (40)Editing the List (41)Traveling To Your Destination (42)The Map Screen (46)Save Current Location (47)Landmark Icons (49)Going Off the Route (49)Modifying the Route (50)Personal Addresses (52)Entering a PIN (52)Entering Personal Addresses (53)Updating a Personal Address (57)Selecting a Personal Address Asa Destination (58)System Setup (60)Bright (60)Volume (60)Display (60)Reroute (61)Address (61)Location Correction (62)Personal PIN (63)Clock (63)Information (64)Show Icon on Map (64)System Security (65)System Limitations (66)Customer Assistance (68)DVD Removal (69)Map Coverage (70)Climate Control System (76)Navigation SystemUse these links (and links throughout this manual) to navigate through this reference.For a printed owner's manual, click on authorized manuals or go to .Refer to2000 TL Owner's Manual for more information.User AgreementAlpha Index。

用户手册-tomtom go 740 live 导航器说明书

用户手册-tomtom go 740 live 导航器说明书
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Navigator GPS导航系统说明书

Navigator GPS导航系统说明书

AAccessing the Address Book List (75)Add to Today’s Destinations......40, 44 Adding Destinations to the List.. (40)Address..............................21, 22, 76 Address Book .....................21, 41, 75 Address Book PIN.. (79)Advanced (33)Auto Daylight Saving Time (92)Auto Service (32)Auto Time Zone by GPS (93)Avoid Streets (63)BBack to Current Route (64)Banking (32)Basic Settings (91)Breadcrumbs.......................18, 58, 89 Brightness.. (72)By Address (22)By Address Book (41)By Go Home (42)By Intersection (26)By Map Input (36)By Places (31)By Previous Destinations (39)By Today’s Destinations (40)C Calculator (70)Calendar.................................. 17, 68CANCEL button (10)Cancel Current Route (64)Category.................................. 31, 77CD Voice Commands (128)Change Method (45)Change Routing Method........... 45, 63Change State............................ 22, 27Changing the DVD (102)Changing the Route (61)Changing the Routing Method (45)Changing Your Destination (64)City................................... 22, 27, 37City Vicinity (34)Climate Control Commands (126)Clock Adjustment (92)Color (93)Community (32)Continental USA (38)Contrast (74)Convert(Unit) (70)Correct Vehicle Position (90)Coverage Areas (103)Current Location...................... 19, 59Current Position....................... 36, 76Current Street (6)Customer Assistance (100)DDatabase Limitations (99)Delete Previous Destination (80)Deleting Waypoints (63)Destination ........................ 21, 44, 50Destination Icon (54)Destination Map (46)Detailed Coverage Areas ...... 103, 107Detour (63)Direct Route (45)Direction List (50)Display (73)Driving to Your Destination (44)EEasy Route (45)Edit Avoid Area (86)Edit Waypoint Search Area (88)Edit/Delete Address (78)Editing Today’s Destination List (40)Emergency (32)Entering a Destination (21)Entering Address Book (76)Entering the Security Code (95)132Entering the Street Number (26)Entering Your Schedule (69)Error Message (119)Exit Info (51)FFind Place Commands (125)Frequently Asked Questions (112)GGetting Started (10)Global Commands (123)Glossary (120)Go Home..................................21, 42 Go Home PIN...........................42, 80 Going Off the Route (58)GPS Initialization (96)Guidance Mode (89)Guidance Prompts.....................47, 74 Guidance Screen .. (49)HHome Address (78)Hotel/Motel (Lodging) (32)IIcon Bar (56)INFO button ............................ 10, 66 Information (66)Information Screen Voice Commands (128)Intersection.............................. 21, 26J Joystick (11)KKey to Zagat Ratings (71)Keyboard Layout (91)LLandmark Icons (54)Leisure (32)Lodging (Hotel/Motel) (32)MMap Color (93)Map Coverage (103)Map Input................................ 21, 36Map Legend....................... 18, 48, 68Map Matching (96)Map Orientation (53)Map Scale (52)Map Screen........................ 18, 46, 48MAP/GUIDE button................. 10, 49Maximize Freeways (45)MENU button .......................... 10, 21Menu Color (94)Message (69)Microphone (12)Minimize Freeways (45)Minimize Toll Roads (45)NName ................................ 31, 35, 76NAVI BACK button (12)NAVI Talk button (12)Navigation Display Commands (124)Navigation General Commands (123)OOff-road Tracking .................... 58, 89On-Screen Commands (130)On-Screen Commands Assist (130)On-Screen Keyboard (15)133PPC Card (102)Personal Information (75)Phone Number....................31, 35, 77 PIN Number.. (79)Place Name ..............................33, 35 Place Name by Keyword.. (33)Places.................................21, 31, 77 Previous Destinations....21, 39, 77, 80RRadio Voice Commands (127)Read List..................................32, 68 Recalculation. (81)Reporting Errors (100)Rerouting (81)Restaurant (32)Route ...........................44, 46, 58, 61 Routing & Guidance (81)Routing Method (45)SSave Current (59)Schedule (69)Schedule List (69)Screen............................................11Search Waypoint on Route.. (61)Security Code (95)Selecting the City..................... 22, 27Selecting the State or Province.. 22, 27Selecting the Street................... 24, 29SET UP button (11)Setup Screen (first) Commands (129)Shopping (33)Show Icons on the Map (54)Sort by Distance to Travel (33)Split Screen Guidance (51)State.................................. 22, 27, 37 Street....................................... 24, 29System Controls (10)System Function Diagram (20)System Information (91)System Initialization (95)System Limitations (97)System Set-up (72)System Start-up (16)TTemperature Voice Commands (127)Time Adjustment (93)Title (69)Today’s Destination List (40)Today’s Destinations................ 21, 40 Travel.. (33)Trip Computer (66)Troubleshooting (119)UUnit Conversion (70)Units (mile or km) (91)Unverified Area Routing........... 82, 83Unverified streets (7)Update DVD (101)User Name (80)Using the Voice Control System (13)VVehicle (89)Verified streets (7)View Routes (45)Voice (91)Voice Command Help (67)Voice Command Index (123)Voice Control Basics (12)Voice Recognition Feedback (91)Voice Recognition, Improving (13)Volume (72)WWaypoints ............................... 61, 88134ZZOOM buttons (11)135。



目录第一章产品概述 (1)1.产品简介 (1)2.产品功能 (1)2.1 系统主界面 (1)2.2功能介绍 (2)第二章基本功能 (3)1.GPS导航 (3)2.音乐 (6)3.电子书 (9)4.图片浏览 (10)5.电影播放 (12)6.倒车后视 (13)第三章蓝牙功能 (14)1.蓝牙设置 (14)2.蓝牙通行码 (15)3.蓝牙连接 (16)4.拨号界面 (17)5.通话界面 (18)6.蓝牙音乐控制器 (19)第四章系统设置 (21)1.GPS设置 (21)2.音量控制 (21)3.GPS监视 (22)4.触摸校准 (23)5.通用设置 (24)6.系统信息 (25)7.LOGO设置 (25)8.屏幕调整 (26)9.亮度控制 (26)10.蓝牙设置 (27)附录:导航板技术规格 (1)1.接口引脚定义 (1)2.引脚功能描述 (3)3.技术规格 (5)第一章产品概述1.产品简介本产品是集导航、娱乐于一体的车载多媒体导航系统。


2.产品功能2.1 系统主界面主界面为左右移动界面,包含两个界面,如图:2.2功能介绍导航支持实时GPS导航蓝牙支持与蓝牙手机连接进行免提通话音乐支持WMA、MP3等格式的音频文件电子书支持TXT格式文本阅读图片支持JPG、GIF、BMP、PNG等格式图片的浏览电影支持WMV、AVI、MP4等文件格式的视频文件设置包含导航设置、音量控制、背景光、系统信息、触摸屏校准、LOGO设置、屏幕调整、蓝牙设置等功能。


第二章基本功能1. GPS导航设备开启后,首次进入导航软件,必须先对导航软件的路径进行相关设置。



Stryker 导航系统用户手册说明书

Stryker 导航系统用户手册说明书

Patient Tracker, GreenREF 6007-005-000 Patient Tracker, BlueREF 6007-010-000 Tibial/Pelvic TrackerREF 6003-005-000Femoral TrackerREF 6003-010-000Instructions for UseRx OnlyCD F B G (5x)HEIBA DB FAHIG (6x)CREF 6007-005-000 / REF 6007-010-000REF 6003-005-000 / REF 6003-010-000Ej k• Read and understand this information, file it in your maintenance records. Fa -miliarization with the Stryker navigationsystem prior to its use is important. Refer to the instructions for use of the naviga-tion system.• The instrument should only be used in accordance with the instructions for usecontained in this manual.• Prior to each use, inspect the instrument. Breakage of glass, loose components, fogged or wet glass on the inside of the LEDs may lead to compromised function -ality of the instrument. Do not use if any of these conditions exist. Contact your Stryker Navigation sales representative in such case.• Prior to each use, the instruments should be operated with the Stryker navigationsystem to ensure they are functioningproperly.• The healthcare provider performing anyprocedure is responsible for determin -ing the appropriateness of the instru-ment and the specific technique for eachpatient. Stryker, as a manufacturer, doesnot recommend a specific surgical proce -dure.• Performing procedures with instruments other than those specified in these in -structions or outside of their intended use will compromise the navigation accuracy.• Use only Stryker approved componentsand accessories, unless otherwise speci -fied. Other accessories may result in increased electromagnetic emissions or decreased electromagnetic immunity of the system. Do not modify any compo-nent or accessory. Failure to comply may result in patient and/or health care staff injury.• In case of the presence of EM distur-bance, degradation of the performance of this equipment could result.User/Patient Safety WARNING Intended Use The trackers are intended for patient track-ing and for use with the Stryker navigationsystem. The trackers emit signals which are received by the camera. The system uses the signals to calculate the spatial relationship between the patient and the surgical instrument. The position of the instrument in relationship to the patient's anatomy is displayed on the monitor. Moreover, each patient tracker may beused to validate a pointer or navigated instrument.The Patient Tracker, Blue REF 6007‑010‑000 and the Patient Track -er, Green REF 6007‑005‑000 are intended to be used with the Stryker navigation system ‑ Hip Modules. The Tibial / Pelvic Tracker REF 6003‑005‑000 and the Femoral Tracker REF 6003‑010‑000 are intended to be used with the Stryker navigation sys -tem ‑ Knee Modules.Contraindications None er Group Healthcare professionals (surgeon/resi -dent, nurse/professional caregiver) edu -cated in computer-assisted surgery and thoroughly familiar with the instructions for use and with the operation of this product. To request an additional in‑service instruc -tion, contact Stryker.NOTE:The following conventions are used in this document:The signal word WARNING highlights a safety‑related issue. Comply with this information to prevent patient and medical staff injury.The signal word CAUTION highlights a product reliability issue. Comply with this information to prevent product damage.the instrument by the navigation system. Refer to the Navigation System Camera Instructions for Use . • Do not service the instrument. It does not contain any parts the user can service. If service is required, contact your StrykerNavigation sales representative.• Prior to and during the surgical proce -dure, regularly verify that the instrument is firmly attached to the anchoring de -vice. If the tracker moves relative to the patient, the navigation is inaccurate. • Use this manual with the instructions for use supplied with the anchoring device for further warning or caution notes and detailed anchoring instructions.• Location and movement of the instru-ment as it relates to the patient tracking system is displayed on the navigationsystem monitor.After patient registration, any change in the position of the patient tracking sys-tem in relationship to the patient com -promises navigation accuracy. Upon any suspected movement of the trackers, perform a landmark check using verifi -cation points or movement checkpoints to ensure accuracy, depending on your software application. If the navigation ac -curacy is compromised, the patient must be re‑registered. CAUTION• Do not apply any physical impact to thenavigated instrument, such as with amallet or a similar tool. Any impact will cause product damage or operational failure due to battery movement.• To avoid malfunction, do not scratch or damage the LEDs in any way.• During resection or while hammering components in place, remove the track -ers from their pins of the anchoringsystem used, as the registration can be -come compromised. Additionally, there is no need to track the bone while perform -ing cuts.• Use of this equipment adjacent to or stacked with other equipment should be avoided because it could result in improper operation. If such use is neces-sary, this equipment and the other equip -ment should be observed to verify that they are operating normally.• Portable RF communication equipment(including peripherals such as antenna cables and external antennas) should be used not closer than 30 cm (or 12 inch -es) to the tracker. Otherwise, degrada -tion of the performance of this equipment could result.• Use Instrument Battery REF 6000‑006‑000 only. Load a new battery before first and every use as instructed in this manual.• During surgery, always keep a sterile re -placement Instrument Battery available.• R emove the Instrument Battery as in-structed in this manual before cleaning or sterilizing the navigated instrument.• Do not sterilize Instrument Batteries; they are supplied sterile and must not be resterilized.• Clean and sterilize the instrument before first and every use. Refer to the Guide for Cleaning, Disinfection and Steam-Based Sterilization (TD6000005750).• Navigated instruments contain multiple infrared LEDs, a transmit LED and areceiver. All of the LEDs must be in viewof the camera for the navigation system to function properly.• This equipment is not suitable for use in the presence of flammable anesthetic mixtures with air, oxygen or nitrous ox-ide.• During surgery, if fluids such as saline solutions enter the battery holder, theelectronics can fail and communication with the system will cease.• During surgery, keep the LEDs clean and out of contact with liquids at all times. Failure to comply may compromise navi -gation accuracy.• E xcessive infrared radiation from exter-nal sources can influence localization ofNOTE:The user and/or patient should report any serious product‑related incident to both the manufacturer and the national competent authority where the user and/or patient is established.Function and FeaturesRefer to figures j and k.Color Coding• Blue identifies the Tibial/Pelvic Tracker and the Patient Tracker, Blue.Green identifies the Femoral Tracker and the Patient Tracker, Green.SELECT Button (A)• Press to initialize the instrument.• After initialization, press to select soft-ware interface functions displayed on the navigation system monitor.Validation Disks (B)• Used as reference points, touch the disk cross‑hairs with the instrument tip to vali-date the instrument.Release Button (C) and Interface (D)• These features allow the tracker to be secured to and detached from the navi-gated instrument.Green Status Light (E)• During instrument initialization, the light flashes rapidly.• During normal operation, the light flashes every few seconds.• The light illuminates continuously, if in-strument power is low.Battery Holder (F)Infrared LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) (G), Transmit LED (H) and Receiver (I)• Emit and receive infrared light signals that are used to provide a wireless com-munication link to the navigation sys-tem's camera.2 Initialize Instrument NOTE:Ensure the line of sight between the in -strument and the camera is not blocked, and that the instrument's infrared LEDs,transmit LED and receiver directly face thecamera.2.1 Wait for the navigation system toprompt for the initialization before initializing the instrument.2.2 Once in the system setup mode, andprompted by the software interface, press the SELECT button until thedevice is initialized.2.3 Observe the green status light flashrapidly during initialization.2.4 Once initialized, observe the greenstatus light flash slowly and a systemmessage appear on the monitorindicating instrument recognition.3 Mount Instrument 3.1 Ensure that the anchoring system isrigidly fixated on the patient. Referto the instructions for use suppliedwith the respective devices for further details.3.2 To fixate the tracker, press thetracker's release button and mount the tracker's interface on the pin of theanchoring system.Instructions1 Instrument Battery WARNING Use only a new, sterile Instrument Battery REF 6000‑006‑000. 1.1 Remove the battery from the sterile package.1.2 (Patient trackers only) Open the battery housing by sliding down the battery sleeve.1.3 Press the negative end of the battery into the battery holder and against the spring.1.4 (Patient trackers only) Close the battery holder by sliding the sleeve back in position.1.5 Observe the green status light illuminate for three seconds to indicate that the device is functioning properly.1.6 To remove the battery, gently press down on the positive end of thebattery and pull it away from thebattery holder.NOTE:After changing the battery during opera -tion, press the SELECT button until theinstrument is initialized again.WARNINGEnsure that the tracker snaps into posi-tion and is correctly assembled with the transverse bolt of the interface pin (J) as shown below. Failure to comply may lead to navigation inaccuracy.JJ3.3 Ensure the tracker is aligned with thecamera during surgery (also duringfemoral preparation with luxated leg)and will not obstruct the surgical field.4 DrapingWARNINGIf draping is required, use a thin, transpar-ent draping material that is neither milky, striated, nor textured.NOTE:• For information about suitable draping material, contact your Stryker Navigation sales representative.4.1 During draping, cover the tracker withonly one layer of drape. To ensure thetracker will function properly, do notallow folds or wrinkles on or near thetracker‘s infrared LEDs, transmit LEDand receiver. 5 Validate Navigated Instrument 5.1 Initialize both the tracker and theinstrument with the system. Press theSELECT button on each component.5.2 Aim the instrument‘s LEDs at thecamera and place the tip of theinstrument into the center of thetracker‘s validation disks cross‑hairs.5.3 Press the navigated instrument'sSELECT button. The system validatesthe instrument data.6 Detach TrackerFor tracker detachment, press the release button and remove the tracker from the pin of the anchoring system.For Use With WARNING Use only Stryker‑approved products un -less otherwise specified.For information related to compatible soft -ware applications, refer to the user manual of the software application.Cleaning and Inspection Instructions Cleaning Group IV.Refer to the Guide for Cleaning, Disin-fection and Steam-Based Sterilization (TD6000005750) for cleaning safety andcaution notes, cleaning equipment and de-tailed cleaning and inspection instructions intended for instruments with electronics.Sterilization InstructionsRefer to the Guide for Cleaning, Disin-fection and Steam-Based Sterilization(TD6000005750) for detailed sterilizationinstructions and caution notes.DisposalProducts and batteries that have been incontact with material of human origin maybe infectious. Safely remove the batteriesfrom the device with the necessary pre-cautionary measures. Contact your localdistributor for disposal information.To comply with European Directive2012/19/EU on Waste Electrical and Elec -tronic Equipment (WEEE), products andbatteries must be collected separately forrecycling. Do not dispose of as unsortedmunicipal waste. Ensure infected productsare decontaminated prior to recycling.Technical Specifications*Material: Aluminum (housing); PPSU (battery hous -ing); stainless steel (interface)Power supply: 3 V , internally powered (lithium batteryCR 2) Enclosure protection: IPX0 Ordinary Equipment Approvals:CSA International cCSAus EN / IEC 60601‑1EN / IEC 60601‑1‑2ANSI/AAMI ES60601–1CAN/CSA‑C22.2 No. 60601‑1Operation:Storage and Transportation:10°C 30°C 25%85%70kPa106kPa -20°C 40°C10%75%50kPa106kPa* Specifications listed are approximate and may vary slightly from unit to unit.1 Weight without instrument battery.Model:REF 6007-005-000 Patient Tracker, Green Size: 81.5 mm [3.21 in] height, 48.5 mm [1.91 in] width,85.2 mm [3.35 in] lengthWeight 1: 185 g [6.52 oz.]Model:REF 6007-010-000 Patient Tracker, Blue Size: 81.5 mm [3.21 in] height,48.5 mm [1.91 in] width,85.2 mm [3.35 in] length Weight 1: 185 g [6.52 oz.]Model:REF 6003-005-000 Tibial/Pelvic Tracker Size: 71 mm [2.8 in] height,55 mm [2.75 in] width,113 mm [4.4 in] lengthWeight 1: 78 g [2.56 oz.]Model:REF 6003-010-000 Femoral Tracker Size: 71 mm [2.8 in] height,55 mm [2.75 in] width,113 mm [4.4 in] lengthWeight 1: 78 g [2.56 oz.]Troubleshooting Guidelines Tracker will not lock into place:• Interface between tracker and pin of the anchoring system used is not properly aligned. Rotate tracker until it snaps into place on the pin of the anchoring system used.• Release button is stuck or damaged. Return instrument for service.Navigated instrument fails to power up when battery is installed:• Battery is installed improperly. Reinstall battery.• Battery power is low. Replace battery.• Navigated instrument is damaged. Re-turn navigated instrument for service.Navigated instrument cannot be initialized:• Battery is installed improperly. Reinstall battery.• Battery power is low. Replace battery.• Transmit LED or receiver are damaged. Return navigated instrument for service.• SELECT button is stiff or defective. Re-turn navigated instrument for service.Tracker is unable to validate instrument:• Instrument may have a bent tip. Return instrument for service.Range of movement is limited:• One or more of the LEDs are dirty or do not function properly. Clean surface of the LEDs. If cleaning does not improve the function, return the instrument for service.Green status light illuminates continuously:• Battery power is low. Replace munication with the system fails after Navigation software is restarted: • Remove and reinsert battery. Re‑initialize instrument.Tracker cannot be mounted to anchoring device or instrument:• Interface is damaged. Return for service.• Positioning on anchoring device or instrument is not correct. Try to rotate tracker on interface until it snaps into position.Line of sight between navigated instrument and camera is interrupted: • Navigated instrument is not visible. Re-move obstruction and system will resume communication.Tracker is no longer visible on screen:• Battery dislodged during surgical proce-dures. Reactivate tracker.Definition of SymbolsThe following table defines the symbols used in this document, on the product and on the product label.EN ISO 7010 Graphical symbols – Safety colors and safety signs – Registered safety signsSymbol/NumberName: DefinitionW001General warning sign: To signify a general warning.M002Refer to instruction manual/booklet: To signify that the instruction manual/booklet must be read.EN ISO 15223-1 Medical devices – Symbols to be used with medical device labels, labelling and information to be supplied – Part 1: General requirementsSymbol/NumberName: Definition5.1.1Manufacturer: Indicates the medical device manufacturer as defined in the European Union harmonization legislation.5.1.3Date of manufacture: Indicates the date when the medical device was manufactured.LOT 5.1.5Batch code: Indicates the manufacturer's batch code so that the batch or lot can be identified.REF 5.1.6Catalog number: Indicates the manufacturer’s catalog number so that the medical device can be identified.SN 5.1.7Serial number: Indicates the manufacturer’s serial number so that a specific medical device can be identified.NON STERILE5.2.7Non-sterile: Indicates a medical device that has not been subjected to a sterilization process.5.3.7Temperature limit: Indicates the temperature limits to which the medi-cal device can be safely exposed.5.3.8Humidity limitation: Indicates the range of humidity to which the medi-cal device can be safely exposed.T r a n s l a t e d E q u i v a l e n t : T D 6003005713Stryker Leibinger GmbH & Co. KG Bötzinger Straße 4179111 Freiburg (Germany)t: +49 761 4512 0 (Germany)t: +1 269 323 7700 (USA)U.S. Patents: /patents Stryker Corporation or its divisions or other affiliated entities own, use or have applied for the following trademarks or service marks: Leibinger, Stryker. All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners or holders.Copyright © 2019 Stryker。


a Destination............................ 58 System Setup.................................... 60
Bright............................................ 60 Volume.......................................... 60 Display.......................................... 60 Reroute......................................... 61 Address......................................... 61 Location Correction..................... 62 Personal PIN ................................ 63 Clock............................................. 63 Information................................... 64 Show Icon on Map....................... 64 Track Off-road Position.............. 64 System Security............................... 65 System Limitations.......................... 66 Customer Assistance....................... 68 DVD Removal.............................. 69 Map Coverage.............................. 70 Climate Control and Trip Computer System........................ 76


� � � AM/FM电台播放 5波段30预置电台 当前频点显示; (显示当前播放的收音频率及波段,若有 PS,则显示 PS)Βιβλιοθήκη 凯越电子有限公司� �
波段切换; (可在 FM1/FM2/FM3/AM1/AM2 共 5 个波段中进行切换) 自动搜索电台; (从当前播放频点开始,自动搜索全 FM 波段以及 AM 波段,并将其中信号最强的 30 个电台存入预设电台中)
方向盘控制 12. 12.方向盘控制
� �
支持电阻阵列式方向盘控制 8虚拟按键设置
控制 13.CAN 13.CAN控制
� 内置CAN解码
倒车视频 14. 14.倒车视频
� � 倒车档时自动启动 支持镜像
语音功能 15. 15.语音功能
� � 支持导航语音输入(基于网络) 支持语音操作主机(基于网络)。
K4B2G1646C-HCH9 或兼容芯片 SDIN5C2-4G 或兼容芯片
GPS RF front-end CSR TriG-Lite CSR3000 combo BLUETOOTH CORE CSR8311A08 Wi-Fi modem DVD 解码 TFT Driver MCU ASP POWER CSR6030 SUNPLUS 8202VGQ T132AV STM32F100VB TDA7419 MP2482(5A DC-DC)

通话过程中支持: � � � � � 挂断(停止通话) 取消蓝牙免提(改为使用手机设备进行通话) 话筒静音 开启数字键盘 重拨




1.前言欢迎您使用E 路航GPS导航仪。


z采用SiRF Atlas-Ⅳ 双核处理器:高性能、低功耗;z友好的用户界面:简单、易操作;z电源管理:确保产品更稳定、持久地工作;z数据传输:通过Mini USB与计算机通讯;z优质的收讯:精确定位,为您提供称心如意的导航服务;z娱乐休闲好伴侣:音频/视频/娱乐功能,减轻您的疲劳。


















路特仕导航仪说明书专车专用DVD影音导航产品简介品牌:路特仕屏幕:英寸型号:RTS-68139F 媒体格式支持:DVD光盘格式支持:DVD-ROM导航功能:内置导航输出功率:4x45W光盘放入方式:吸入式信噪比:45dBA失真度:%频率响应:10-240HzDVD,导航(正版高清凯立德2C21JOC ,地图免费升级)MP3、MP4,蓝牙免提功能,支持倒车可视,收音机,可插SD卡及U盘,数字高清显示800×480分辨率超清晰画质发烧级音质超乎想象的使用体验(凯越电子——打造汽车影音行业的苹果)(地址:广州市永福路35号永福中心一楼)基本功能:DVD播放/ 收音机/ SD卡/ USB / 蓝牙/ 倒车后视(选配)/ GPS /AV输入/ 方控设置/(CMMB /CDC / IPOD选配)特色功能:一、发烧级音质效果(源自美国ST公司芯片)二、数字高清视频效果(YUV,逐行高清扫描)三、动感界面,非凡用户体验四、SDHC(兼容16G以上高容量SD卡)五、USB:(支持160G以上大部分移动硬盘和USB MTP协议的媒体播放机)六、多点触摸,随意滑动、触摸(加速滑动和快速停止)七、内置海量壁纸,随意个性定制(108张分类壁纸)八、兼容一机多图(支持国内和国外的地图)九、导航和音乐同步(高端车才配备的功能)十、MP4支持格式:MPEG1/2 MPEG 4 AVI DIVX XVID MP4十一、蓝牙支持电话本同步浏览,音乐播放,咪头静音(对方听不到车内谈话)娱乐功能:1.空当接龙2.拼图3.五子棋4.连连看5.弹珠游戏实用工具:1.万年历2.计算器3.行车记事本4.电话归属地查询5.车牌归属地查询凯越电子独创行业逐行高清扫描的先河:1.专业解码芯片,发烧级音质效果2.全声道专业输出,尊享环绕视听感受3.多种音效模式,聆听不同风格自由定义,感受最真的发烧级音质1.专业解码芯片,发烧级音质效果2.全声道专业输出,尊享环绕视听感受3.多种音效模式,聆听不同风格自由定义,感受最真的直觉化,流畅的使用体验,源于三大设计理念1.自由定义,个性界面2.快捷沟通,操作更轻松,更便捷3.超乎想象的使用体验。

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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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型号:RTS-68139F 媒体格式支持:DVD
DVD,导航(正版高清凯立德2C21JOC ,地图免费升级)MP3、MP4,蓝牙免提功能,支持倒车可视,
DVD播放/ 收音机/ SD卡/ USB / 蓝牙/ 倒车后视(选配)/ GPS /AV输入/ 方控设置/
五、USB:(支持160G以上大部分移动硬盘和USB MTP协议的媒体播放机)
