大数据毕业论文范文模板(热门7篇)Abstract: The main factors affecting the quality of undergraduate thesis in finance and economics specialty of dependent college are analyzed, on the basis of establishmentof scale data, the factor analysis method is used to screen out the factors affecting the quality of their papers, and the quality control program is proposed to provide reference for management and decision-making of finance and economics undergraduate thesis at independent colleges.关键词:本科毕业论文;影响因素;论文质量Key words: undergraduate thesis;influencing factors;quality of papers1独立学院本科毕业论文质量影响因素毕业论文质量影响因素的确定在文献查阅的基础上,经过专家小组的讨论,基于本科毕业论文过程管理的思想,鉴于财经类本科毕业论文的完成涉及本科培养、选题、资料搜寻、写作、定稿、答辩与论文评价等阶段,因此确定了毕业论文质量的24个相关影响因素,见表1分析模型的选择及数据选取因子分析模型的基本原理是将众多的原始变量表现为较少因子的线性组合,以少数因子来概括和解释错综复杂的线性组合,以少数因子来概括和揭示错综复杂的社会现象,从而建立起能揭示出事物之间最本质关系的简洁数学模型。
大数据论文3000字范文(精选5篇)第一篇:大数据论文3000字当人们还在津津乐道云计算、物联网等主题时, “大数据”一词已逐渐成为IT网络通信领域热门词汇。
争夺大数据发展先机俨然成为世界各国高度重视的问题, 其中不乏IBM、EMC.甲骨文、微软等在内的巨头厂商的强势介入, 纷纷跑马圈地, 它们投入巨额资金争相抢占该领域的主动权、话语权。
大数据时代的来临, 除了推动现有的信息技术产业的创新, 其对我们生产生活的方式也将产生重大影响。
从个人视角来看, 不管是日常工作中遇到的海量邮件或是从网上获取的社交、购物、娱乐、学习、理财等信息, 还是生活中最常见的手机存储, 大数据已经渗透到我们日常生活的方方面面, 极大地方便了我们的生活;对企业而言, 互联网公司已开始采用大数据来冲击传统行业, 精准营销与大数据驱动的产品快速迭代, 促进企业商业模式创新;在社会公共服务方面, 教育、医疗、交通等行业在大数据的影响下, 出现了各种新的应用, 数据化、社交化的新媒体平台、智能交通与城市数字监管系统, 以及病历存储调用的医疗云等, 此外, 政府还可以通过大数据来高效完成信息采集, 这样可优化升级管理运营。
然而大数据在给我们展示前所未有的发展机遇的同时, 也给国家信息安全、信息技术、人才等方面带来了很大的挑战。
不久前, 斯诺登披露了美国国家安全局(NSA)一直进行信息监视活动、已收集数以百万计的全球人的信息数据的消息, 在全球范围内掀起轩然大波。
大数据让大规模生产、分享和应用数据成为可能, 将信息存储和管理集中化, 我们在百度上面的记录, 无意识阅读的产品广告、旅游信息, 习惯去哪个商场进行采购等这些痕迹, 却不知所有的关系和活动在数据化之后都被一些组织或商家公司掌控, 这也使得我们一方面享受了“大数据”带来的诸多便利, 但另一方面无处不在的“第三只眼”却在时刻监控着我们的行动。
大数据的范文大数据(Big Data)是指传统数据处理软件难以处理的大规模数据集合。
第1篇一、报告概述1.1 报告目的本报告旨在通过对作者创作数据的深入分析,揭示作者的创作特点、趋势和潜在价值,为出版社、作家、编辑以及相关从业者提供决策支持和市场洞察。
1.2 报告范围本报告分析的对象为XX年内,在XX平台(如某图书销售平台、某网络文学平台等)上发表作品的作者群体。
1.3 报告方法本报告采用数据挖掘、统计分析、文本分析等方法,对作者的创作数据进行分析。
二、作者群体概况2.1 作者数量与分布- 总作者数量:XX人- 按性别分布:男性XX人,女性XX人- 按年龄段分布:XX岁以下XX人,XX-XX岁XX人,XX岁以上XX人2.2 作者作品类型分布- 小说类:XX%- 非小说类:XX%- 其他类型:XX%2.3 作者作品题材分布- 现实题材:XX%- 奇幻题材:XX%- 科幻题材:XX%- 其他题材:XX%三、作者创作特点分析3.1 创作频率- 平均每月发表作品数量:XX篇- 高频作者数量:XX人- 低频作者数量:XX人3.2 创作时长- 平均创作时长:XX小时/篇- 短篇作品平均时长:XX分钟/篇- 长篇作品平均时长:XX小时/篇 3.3 内容分析- 词汇丰富度:XX- 语句复杂度:XX- 主题倾向性:XX%四、作者作品市场表现分析4.1 作品销量分析- 总销量:XX册- 热销作品销量:XX册- 低销作品销量:XX册4.2 作品评价分析- 平均评分:XX分- 高评分作品数量:XX篇- 低评分作品数量:XX篇4.3 作品传播度分析- 平均阅读量:XX次- 平均分享量:XX次- 平均评论量:XX条五、作者创作趋势分析5.1 题材趋势- 现实题材作品占比逐年上升,奇幻题材作品占比稳定,科幻题材作品占比逐年下降。
5.2 风格趋势- 作品风格趋向多样化,现实主义、浪漫主义、悬疑推理等风格作品均有较高关注度。
5.3 内容趋势- 作品内容趋向深度挖掘,关注社会热点、人性探讨、历史题材等。
六、作者价值评估6.1 作者知名度- 根据作品销量、评分、传播度等指标,评估作者知名度。
大数据模型怎样影响我们的生活的英语作文全文共5篇示例,供读者参考篇1Big Data Is Changing Our WorldHi, my name is Emily and I'm going to tell you all about big data and how it affects our lives. Don't worry, I'll explain what big data is in a way that's easy to understand!So what is big data? Basically, it refers to the huge amounts of information that get collected every day from things like websites, apps, cameras, and sensors. Whenever you search for something online, post a photo, or even just walk down the street, data about you and what you did gets recorded. All this data from billions of people and devices gets combined into enormous databases.On its own, one little piece of data doesn't seem that important. But when you put those billions and billions of pieces together, computer scientists and data engineers can use fancy math and computer programs to analyze the data and spot patterns. That's where the real magic happens!These big data models let companies study how people behave and what they're interested in. A shopping website could use big data about what you looked at and bought to show you ads for things you might want to buy next. Pretty cool, right? But it also raises some privacy concerns that we'll talk about later.Big data is used in a ton of fields besides business too. Scientists can crunch huge amounts of data from satellites, telescopes, and scanners to learn about things like climate change, astronomy, and genetics. Governments use big data to plan traffic routes, catch criminals, and all sorts of other stuff. There are big data applications for manufacturing, healthcare, entertainment – you name it!Let me give you a concrete example of how big data might affect your life as a kid. Say you really like a certain TV show or video game. The company that makes it can collect data on what episodes or levels you watch, how long you play for, what stuff you buy, and on and on. They put all that data into their big data models to figure out what kids your age enjoy most. Then they can use that information to make a sequel or new game with the characters, stories, and gameplay that data says kids will love!Another example is something all you students can relate to – testing! Teachers and principals study performance data fromstandardized tests and use big data programs to analyze how students at the school or in the whole state did on different concepts and topics. This helps them decide what areas need more focus and how to improve curriculums. Schools can get public data about things like income levels and demographics too, and factor that into their analyses.Of course, big data isn't all positives – there are downsides we have to be aware of. The biggest issue is privacy. All that data about you gets saved and shared with companies you may not even know about, often without you realizing it. The data can be used to study and profile you in ways you might not want. There have been lots of debates about how much data companies should be allowed to collect, especially on kids.Another problem is that sometimes the conclusions big data comes up with can be misleading or based on bad data. The algorithms used to analyze it could have bugs or biases baked in. Just because a model says something is true doesn't mean it actually is! We always have to think critically about the results.Those are some of the key concerns around big data, but I don't want you to be too worried. Governments are working on making rules to protect people's privacy and keep data secure. And teachers, parents, and other adults are supposed to keepkids' best interests in mind when using things like educational big data models.At the end of the day, big data is a really powerful tool that's going to keep impacting our world in all kinds of ways, good and bad. Businesses will use it to understand what we want to watch, buy, and do. City planners and scientists will use it to make our communities and the whole planet better. Maybe some of you will even end up as data scientists yourselves one day, helping to develop the next big data technologies!Just remember to always think carefully about where data comes from and how it's being used. Don't believe everything a data model says without checking it out yourself. And let's all work together to make sure big data is harnessed in responsible ways that grow our knowledge and create opportunity, not violate anyone's rights.Whew, that was a long one! I hope this gave you a better understanding of what big data is and how important – but also how complicated – this rapidly growing field is. Let me know if any part篇2How Big Data Puts a Stamp on Our LivesHi there! My name is Jamie and I'm a 4th grader. Today I want to tell you all about something called "big data" and how it affects our everyday lives in some pretty cool ways.You've probably heard grown-ups talk about "data" before. Data is just a fancy word for information or facts. It can be stuff like numbers, words, pictures, and so on. Big data is a whoooole lot of data - we're talking billions and billions of pieces of information!Where does all this big data come from? Well, it comes from all sorts of places. Every time you surf the internet, data gets collected about which websites you visit. When you play online games or use apps, that makes data too. Heck, even our phones and watches gather data about where we go and how much we move around. Businesses collect data on what we buy and Google collects data on what we search for. You get the idea - we're making data trails all day long just by living our lives!So why does anyone care about all this data? By taking all those billions of data crumbs and studying them using special computer programs called algorithms, scientists and companies can identify patterns and trends. And spotting those patterns can unlock some pretty powerful insights.For example, big data can help doctors understand diseases better. Maybe the data shows that people who eat a certain food or live in a particular neighborhood are more likely to get sick. That gives scientists clues on what might be causing the illness so they can try to figure out a cure.Another way big data impacts our lives is through product recommendations. You know how Netflix suggests shows you might like based on what you've watched before? Or how Amazon recommends books and games it thinks you'll enjoy? That's the power of big data! By analyzing our viewing and shopping habits, smart algorithms can get a sense of our personal tastes and interests.Companies also use big data to make their apps, websites and services better. Let's say a game company studies data on how people play their game. They might notice certain levels are too hard and causing people to quit playing. Using that knowledge, they can make those levels a bit easier to improve the experience. The Post Office can use data on online shopping trends to figure out where they need to send more delivery trucks each holiday season. See how useful that kind of insight is?Of course, big data doesn't just help businesses. Governments can use it to plan things like where to build new schools or hospitals based on population data. City planners use traffic data to help make intersections safer and prevent jams. During emergencies like hurricanes or wildfires, officials can use smartphone location data to get people out of harm's way faster. Pretty cool, right?Now you might be wondering - is it okay for all this data about me to get collected and studied like that? That's a totally fair question. Some grown-ups worry big data might be an invasion of privacy since companies know so much about us. Luckily, there are laws that put limits on what data can be gathered and how it gets used, especially about kids like me. But it's still good to be careful about what personal info you share online.At the end of the day, I think the cool possibilities of big data models outweigh the downsides. Of course, I'm just a kid - what do you think? Whether you're excited about it or a little spooked, there's no denying big data is transforming our world in some amazing ways. Who knows what bigdata breakthrough we'll unlock next? I can't wait to find out!篇3How Big Data Models Change Our LivesHi friends! Today I want to tell you all about something called "big data models" and how they affect our daily lives in so many ways. It's a pretty big topic with some complicated ideas, but I'll do my best to explain it simply.So what exactly are big data models? Basically, they are very advanced computer programs that can analyze enormous amounts of data and information from all kinds of sources like websites, apps, sensors, and more. These programs look for patterns and connections in the data that humans can't see. Then they use those patterns to make predictions about things.For example, let's say a company has data on what millions of people bought from their online store over the past few years.A big data model could analyze all that information and predict what products someone is likely to want to buy next based on their previous purchases and browsing history. That's why you sometimes get advertisements for things that seem perfectly matched to your interests!Big data models are used for all sorts of predictions beyond just shopping though. Companies use them to better understand what their customers want. Governments can use them to anticipate needs like where to build new roads or schools.Scientists rely on big data models for important research into things like disease patterns, climate change, and so much more.One place you've probably seen big data models in action is with movie and TV show recommendations on streaming services. Those recommendations are generated by analyzing your viewing history combined with the viewing patterns of millions of other users. The big data models can predict which movies and shows you're statistically most likely to enjoy watching next.Another way big data models impact our lives is through things like traffic apps that can predict the fastest routes and estimate travel times based on current and past traffic data. Or apps for weather forecasting that continuously take in new data about temperatures, wind speeds, humidity, etc. to make their predictions as accurate as possible.Big data is also being used more and more in fields like healthcare. Doctors can use big data models to analyze symptoms, test results, family history, and lots of other factors to get a more complete picture of a patient's situation and determine the best treatment options. Big data models may even be able to detect potential health issues before obvious symptoms appear.Of course, with these powerful models influencing so much about our world, it's important that they are designed carefully and without any accidental biases getting built into them. The predictions and decisions big data models make can have a huge impact, so we need to make sure they are fair and don't discriminate against any groups.Another consideration is privacy. Many of these big data models rely on personal data like our browsing histories, purchase records, location details, and more. It's important that this data is kept secure and only used in responsible ways that people have agreed to.Speaking of privacy, I should mention that big data models are also used, unfortunately, for things like targeted advertising that can sometimes feel a little creepy or invasive when it's done wrong. But when used properly and ethically, the same technology allows for much more personalized and relevant experiences that can really improve our lives in many ways.There are just so many examples of how big data is changing the world we live in! I can't even imagine how advanced the computer models will become in the years ahead. Maybe one day they'll be smart enough to advise world leaders on the biggest challenges facing humanity. Or perhaps they'll helpcreate incredible new inventions that can cure diseases, reverse environmental damage, make our cities run perfectly efficiently, and on and on.Of course, big data models are just tools created by humans, even if they're highly advanced ones. So we always need to be thoughtful about how we develop and use them to make sure we do so responsibly and ethically. When used with care, big data really does have the potential to help make the world a better place for everyone.Well, I hope this gave you a basic understanding of what big data models are and the huge impact they are already having on our modern lives. Let me know if you have any other questions! I'll do my best to explain these complex topics. Thanks for reading, friends!篇4How Big Data Makes a Big Difference In Our LivesHi there! My name is Timmy and I'm a 4th grader. Today I want to tell you all about something called "big data" and how it impacts pretty much everything in the world we live in. It's some pretty cool (and kind of complicated) stuff!So what exactly is big data? Well, it refers to the massive amounts of information that gets collected about all of us through computers, smartphones, websites we visit, things we buy with credit cards, you name it. Every time you do basically anything online or use an electronic device, data about you and what you did gets recorded and stored in huge databases by big companies.And when I say big data, I really mean BIG! Like, the amount of data being created every single day is absolutelymind-boggling. It's estimated that over 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are generated daily! That's a crazy huge number with like 18 zeroes after it. Just visualizing that much data is impossible for my little 4th grade brain.But why do companies want to gather up every little detail about you, me, and every other person on the planet? Well, the key thing about big data is that once you have such massive amounts of information, you can then use supercomputers and analytics programs to find all sorts of fascinating patterns and insights within all that data.Those patterns can then be used to try to understand and predict all kinds of human behaviors - like what products we might want to buy, what movies or shows we'd probably enjoywatching, what cities are best areas to open new businesses in, and a zillion other things. Businesses love big data because it allows them to better market their products and services directly to the consumers most likely to use them.Big data models can also help spot trends across huge populations that can be used to help make the world a better place. Like they may notice health patterns that could lead to important medical breakthroughs. Or they could find ways to manage things like traffic or energy usage more efficiently for entire cities. Or they may discover environmental patterns that could help us better protect animals and nature. The possibilities are kind of endless when you can take all the data about the world and its people and really dig into it.Of course, to a kid like me, this whole big data thing definitely has its downsides too. Like, I'm honestly pretty creeped out by the idea of my personal information and online habits being tracked and analyzed by corporations, even if it is being bundled anonymously into a giant data set. It just feels like an invasion of privacy, you know?And there are definitely concerns about things like data security too. Like, what if all that super personal data about you and me were to get hacked or stolen by bad people? They couldthen know some of our deepest secrets and use that information to try to scam, bully, or blackmail us. No thanks! I like my private life to myself, thank you very much.There are also worries that big data could be abused in other ways, like companies or the government using it exert too much control over people's lives. Like if they had enough data about you, maybe they could try to unfairly discriminate against you or influence how you think and behave. While I'm sure most big data analysts today have good intentions, who is to say how that data and power could potentially be misused way off in the future? Food for thought I guess.At the end of the day though, I think big data and the powerful analytical models built around it are just going to become a bigger and bigger part of everyone's lives going forward, for better or worse. More and more of the world's decisions - from what movies get made to where diseases get treated - will likely be driven by these massive data insights into human society. And us kids today will be the first generation to have lived our entire lives in this new "big data" world.So while the idea of big data being used ethically excites me about the potential good it could bring to fields like medicine or science, I also have to admit it kind of freaks me out as anindividual to think about my life being boiled down into a data point that helps companies try to study and predict me like a lab rat. Those are the kinds of big questions we might all have to keep wrestling with as big data grows ever bigger and more powerful.But hey, that's just the perspective of one 4th grade kid who can barely multiply fractions half the time. What do I know? I'll let the big data analysts, scientists, and future leaders of the world ultimately decide how we put this revolutionary tool to its best and highest uses for all of humanity. I'm sure smarter people than me will figure it all out. Either way, I'm just glad I got to tell you all about it today!篇5Big Data Makes the World Go RoundHi there! My name is Jamie and I'm going to tell you all about big data models and how they affect our lives. Big data is a really big deal these days! It means taking a huge amount of information from all sorts of places and putting it together to learn things and make decisions. Pretty neat, huh?Big data comes from everywhere - our phones, computers, TVs, watches, cars, you name it! Every time we go online, watch avideo, buy something, or even just walk around outside, tiny bits of data about what we do get collected into massive data pools. Then really smart computer programs called algorithms dig through those giant pools to spot patterns and trends. Those patterns help companies and governments make choices about what products to make, what videos to recommend, how to route traffic better, and all kinds of other decisions that make our lives easier and more convenient.Let me give you some examples of how big data touches our lives every single day, even if we don't realize it. Have you ever gone on YouTube and noticed how after you watch one video about dinosaurs or slime-making, it starts showing you a whole bunch more videos about those same topics? That's big data at work! The YouTube algorithm looks at what you're watching and gives you more of that, since it figures you must be interested in that kind of content.Or let's say you've bought a few books from an online store like Amazon about training dogs. After that, you might start seeing ads for dog toys, dog treats, leashes, and other pet supplies all over the Internet and in your social media feeds. The big data systems analyzed your past purchases and browsed data to recommend other dog-related products they think youmight want. Sometimes it's helpful, but sometimes it gets a little creepy how much they seem to know about us! My dad jokes that Amazon is stalking him since it knows his hobbies so well.Speaking of shopping, big data even helps decide what candy bars and chips get stocked at the grocery store near you. Companies look at what sells best in each neighborhood or city, and they make sure those are the snacks available on the shelves. Their big data might tell them that one area really loves barbecue potato chips while another goes gaga for spicy Cheetos. That's kind of cool that stores customize for what locals prefer to buy instead of just stocking random stuff.Did you know big data can help cities cut down on traffic jams too? By gathering data from sensors along roads about how many cars are out and where they're all going, computer systems can adjust traffic lights to keep vehicles moving more smoothly during rush hour. Some cities even use that data to recommend alternative routes or times when fewer cars will be out if it looks like you'll get stuck in a total parking lot on the highways otherwise.Those are just a few examples, but big data is really woven into our modern lives in countless ways we often don't even think about. Lots of the websites we visit, the ads we see, themovies and shows that get recommended to us, the routes we take driving around town - they're all influenced byNumber-Crunching data wizards working their magic behind the scenes.Of course, big data isn't all sunshine and roses. There are some downsides to all this data-collecting too. Since companies can learn so much about us based on our browsing habits, purchase histories, location data, and so on, it raises some privacy concerns for a lot of people. Maybe you don't want Netflix judging you for bingeing bad reality shows or Facebook selling information about your family's interests to advertisers. That's a totally valid worry and why there are rules about data privacy to try to protect us.There are also risks that the algorithms making decisions based on big data could be biased and make unfair conclusions that discriminate against certain groups without meaning to. If a hiring algorithm only looks at resumes from employees at one company who were mostly men, it might start assuming men are more qualified and filter out great female candidates by accident. Models like that have to be really carefully monitored.Those are some potential downsides, but overall, I think the amazing advantages of big data analysis outweigh the risks aslong as we're responsible about privacy and reducing bias. Can you imagine how much harder life would be without big data streamlining things and surfacing what's most relevant for us? Instead of YouTube just showing you completely random videos, you'd have to dig through millions of clips blindly to find something you like. Getting personalized movie recommendations from Netflix would be impossible. Your maps app couldn't give you optimized routes based on real-time traffic conditions. Even little things like auto-complete texts suggestions as you type wouldn't work as well.Big data already impacts so many aspects of our world, and it's only going to grow evenMore important in the future as we have more powerful computers, smarter AI algorithms, and more data sources like self-driving cars feeding in info constantly. We'll be able to fight climate change better by creating incredibly accurate environmental models. Doctors will have an easier time diagnosing people by comparing their symptoms and medical histories to millions of other cases. We might even have smart robot assistants in our homes that learn our routines and preferences through data to take good care of us!I don't know about you, but I think that sounds like a future where big data analysis from math wizards, computerprogrammers and data scientists will make life more personalized, convenient and efficient for all of us. As long as we respect people's privacy and try to make the data algorithms fair, I'm excited to see how big data continues shaping our world for the better. Let me know if you have any other questions! Data rules!。
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大数据平台建设方案(项目需求与技术方案)一、项目背景“十三五”期间,随着我国现代信息技术的蓬勃发展,信息化建设模式发生根本性转变,一场以云计算、大数据、物联网、移动应用等技术为核心的“新 IT”浪潮风起云涌,信息化应用进入一个“新常态”.***(某政府部门)为积极应对“互联网+”和大数据时代的机遇和挑战,适应全省经济社会发展与改革要求,大数据平台应运而生.大数据平台整合省社会经济发展资源,打造集数据采集、数据处理、监测管理、预测预警、应急指挥、可视化平台于一体的大数据平台,以信息化提升数据化管理与服务能力,及时准确掌握社会经济发展情况,做到“用数据说话、用数据管理、用数据决策、用数据创新",牢牢把握社会经济发展主动权和话语权。
文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如职场文书、公文写作、党团资料、总结报告、演讲致辞、合同协议、条据书信、心得体会、教学资料、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!Moreover, this store provides various types of classic sample essays for everyone, such as workplace documents, official document writing, party and youth information, summary reports, speeches, contract agreements, documentary letters, experiences, teaching materials, other sample essays, etc. If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please pay attention!大数据分析技术心得体会(汇总15篇)经历了一段时间的学习和工作,我们应该好好总结一下自己的心得体会。
大学生大数据专业职业生涯规划书合集5篇大学生大数据专业职业生涯规划书 1我小时候的理想是将来做一名数学家,可惜长大了发现自己天赋不够,理想渐行渐远,于是开始考虑现实,开始做一些人生规划,我一直在思考将来从事何种职业,专注什么样的领域,重新定义着自己的职业理想。
1. 总人数:[具体数字]
2. 男女比例:[男生人数] : [女生人数]
3. 各学院人数分布:[学院名称]:[人数]
1. 省份分布:省份(直辖市、自治区)[省份名称]:[人数]
2. 城市分布:城市[城市名称]:[人数]
1. 最小年龄:[具体年龄]
2. 最大年龄:[具体年龄]
3. 平均年龄:[具体数字]
1. 汉族:[具体人数]
2. 少数民族:[具体人数]
1. 新生政治面貌:党员:[具体人数],团员:[具体人数],群众:[具体人数]
2. 特长爱好:[各类特长爱好的具体人数]
文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如工作计划、报告大全、心得体会、规章制度、合同协议、条据文书、事迹材料、教学资料、作文大全、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!Moreover, our store provides various types of classic sample essays for everyone, such as work plans, comprehensive reports, reflections, rules and regulations, contract agreements, legal documents, historical materials, teaching materials, comprehensive essays, and other sample essays. If you want to learn about different sample essay formats and writing methods, please stay tuned!大数据心得体会5篇实践是心得体会的基础反思是其不断提升的动力,在工作中我们常常需要撰写心得体会,下面是本店铺为您分享的大数据心得体会5篇,感谢您的参阅。
四、财务状况分析1. 资产结构分析(1)流动资产分析:公司流动资产占比较高,主要原因是存货和应收账款占比较大。
2. 负债结构分析(1)流动负债分析:公司流动负债占比较高,主要原因是短期借款和应付账款占比较大。
3. 股东权益分析公司股东权益占比逐年上升,表明公司盈利能力较强,股东回报较高。
五、经营成果分析1. 营业收入分析公司营业收入逐年增长,但增速有所放缓。
2. 毛利率分析公司毛利率保持稳定,表明公司产品具有较好的市场竞争力。
3. 净利率分析公司净利率逐年上升,表明公司盈利能力较强。
4. 成本费用分析公司成本费用控制较好,但需关注期间费用占比逐年上升的趋势。
六、现金流量分析1. 经营活动现金流量分析公司经营活动现金流量稳定,表明公司经营活动产生的现金流入足以覆盖现金流出。
2. 投资活动现金流量分析公司投资活动现金流量波动较大,主要受投资项目影响。
3. 筹资活动现金流量分析公司筹资活动现金流量主要来源于银行借款和股权融资,表明公司融资渠道较为畅通。
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4、熟悉Hadoop、Hive、Hbase、Storm、Spark等技术框架; 熟悉java、scala、sqllite等相关技术;具备软件设计、编码开发测试、文档编写的能力;
3、熟练掌握hadoop生态的相关知识,如hive,hbase,,storm,spark,mapreduce 等;
1、参与ODS系统或Hadoop 系统数据库相关开发,包括数据仓库的数据模型设计(ODS层设计、基础数据层设计、汇总层设计等);
2、参与ETL Mapping设计及开发工作;
有大型数据库(ORALCE/MSSQL SERVER等)开发经验,有Sybase IQ\HIVE\Spark SQL 开发经验者优先;