第一讲 中西翻译理论史
![第一讲 中西翻译理论史](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2586d9a7284ac850ad02424d.png)
译文: 因为距离远,交通工具缺乏,使农村社会与 外界隔绝。这种隔绝,又由于通讯工具不足, 而变得更加严重。
Definition: Foreignization: If the translator’s preference is placed on preserving the language and cultural difference of the source text, we call this kind of approach or its translation foreignizing or foreignization.
译文1:(董秋斯) 我 爱 我 的 爱 人 为 了 一 个 “ E”, 因 为 她 是 Enticing ( 迷 人 的 ) ; 我 恨 我 的 爱 人 为 了 一 个”E”, 因为她是Engaged (订了婚的);我用 我的爱人象征Exquisite (美妙),我劝我的爱 人从事Elopement (私奔),她的名字是Emily (爱弥丽),她的住处在East (东方)。
Domestication: Conversely, the method or practice of adapting the translation to the norms and values of the target language and culture is called domesticating or domestication.
第六次翻译高潮表现在第二次世界大战 结束以来的翻译活动。主要特点:首先,翻 译范围的扩大,科技、商业领域也成为翻译 领域。其次,翻译规模扩大,出现经过专门 训练的专业队伍从事翻译。另外,翻译的作 用为以往所不可企及。最后,翻译事业发展 的形式有很大变化和进步。其中包括兴办高 等翻译教育,成立翻译组织,发展机器翻译。
There are three basic translation processes: (a) the interpretation and analysis of the SL text; (b) the translation procedures, which may be direct, or on the basis of SL and TL corresponding syntactic structures, or through an underlying logical ‘interlanguage’; (c) the reformulation of the text in relation to the writer’s intention, the readers’ expectation, the appropriate norms of the TL, etc. The processes are to a small degree paralleled by translation as a science, a skill and an art. (英)纽马克(Newmark, P. )著. 《翻译问题探讨》 上海: 上海外语教育出版社,2001 P144 Peter Newmark. Approaches to Translation Pergamon Press Ltd., 1982
When we are translating, we translate with four levels more or less consciously in mind: (1) the SL text level, the level of language, where we begin and which we continually (but not continuously) go back to; (2) the referential level, the level of objects and events, real or imaginary, which we progressively have to visualize and build up, and which is an essential part, first of the comprehension, then of the reproduction process; (3) the cohesive level, which is more general, and grammatical, which traces the train of thought, the feeling tone (positive or negative) and the various presuppositions of the SL text. This level encompasses both comprehension and reproduction: it presents an overall picture, to which we may have to adjust the language level; (4) the level of naturalness, of common language appropriate to the writer or the speaker in a certain situation. Again, this is a generalized level, which constitutes a band within which the translator works, unless he is translating an authoritative text, in which case he sees the level of naturalness as a point of reference to determine the deviation-if anybetween the author’s level he is pursuing and the natural level. This level of naturalness is concerned only with reproduction. Finally, there is the revision procedure, which may be concerned or staggered according to the situation. This procedure constitutes at least half of the complete process. Newmark, P. A Textbook of Translation Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001 (p.19)
英汉翻译教程张培基第一讲翻译原则简介一、教学目的:了解基本的翻译原则和翻译研究的问题二、教学过程:1.翻译的定义和内涵:(Definition and Connotation)Translation is an art/ science/craf2.中国几位翻译家的理论(influential translation principles)严复:信达雅-—- faithfulness/expressiveness/elegance。
The “three character guide" is regarded as a plumb—line of long standing to measure the professional level of translating.傅雷:神似--—spiritual conformity。
Emphasizing the reproduction of the spirit of the flavor of the original。
钱钟书:化境--—sublimed adaptation. Focus on the translator’s smooth and idiomatic Chinese version for the sake of the Chinese reader.刘重德:信、达、切-——faithfulness/expressiveness/closeness.3.中国翻译史上的论争:鲁迅:宁信而不顺-—-rather to be faithful than smooth。
目的:引入英文句式的表达法梁实秋、赵景深:宁顺而不信--—rather to be smooth than faithful 目的:可读性强,便于交流.4.直译与意译:直译—--literal translation意译:free translation直译的例子:crocodile tears鳄鱼的眼泪; armed to the teeth武装到牙齿; chain reaction连锁反应;gentlemen's agreement君子协定; one country, two systems 一国两制;The three religions and the nine schools of thought 三教九流;paper tiger 纸老虎; Breath one’s last——-断气; go to one’s external rest——-安息; the long sleep——-长眠;see Marx 见马克思; Go west 上西天; go to heaven 上天堂; blow out the candles 吹灯拔蜡kick the bucket 蹬腿:直译不等于死译(dead translation):街道妇女应动员起来打扫卫生:Women in the street should be called on to do some cleaning.“In the street" should be replaced by “in the community”.她一大早起床,进城,见到了她的公爹:She got up early, went to the town and saw her public father。
英汉互译课件 第一讲:翻译标准
![英汉互译课件 第一讲:翻译标准](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/466333fa4693daef5ef73dd6.png)
【例11】We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills… 【译文】我们将坚持到最后,我们将在法国国土上作战,将在各 处海洋上作战,我们的空中力量将越战越有信心,越战越 强;我们将在滩头作战,在敌人登陆地作战,在乡村田 野、城市街头作战,我们将在群山中作战……
【例 3】 He Who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl. 【译文1】 近朱者赤,近墨者黑。 【译文2】 与狼做伴,就要学会狼嚎。
【例 4】The time will come when the diesel engine will go out of use and the nuclear engine will be substituted for it. 【译文1】 柴油引擎被淘汰,使用核引擎的时候即将来临。 【译文2】 总有一天,柴油机会受到淘汰,而代之以核发动机。 【例 5】The Agreement is executed in Chinese. If necessary, it may be translated into English. 【译文1】 本协议以中文签署。需要时,可译成英文。 【译文2】 本协议签署的文本是中文文本。需要时,可译成英 文。
第一讲 翻译的基本概念和问题
![第一讲 翻译的基本概念和问题](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2317d9237375a417866f8f35.png)
通顺: 译文语言通顺易懂,自然流畅,符合译文语言表达习惯, 没有文理不通、晦涩难懂等现象。
例1:Darkness released him from his last restraints. 原译:黑暗把他从最后的顾忌中解放出来。 改译:在黑暗中,他就再也没有什么顾忌了。 例2:语言这个东西,不是随便可以学好的,非下苦功不 可。 原译:Language is something difficult to learn well and to learn it well one has to study very hard. 改译:The mastery of language is not easy and requires painstaking effort.
例2:What is done by night appears by day. 原译:夜晚做的事白天就看见了。 改译:要想人不知,除非己莫为。
例3:从小儿三灾八难,花的银子也照样打出你这么 个银人儿来了。(《红楼梦》) 原译:You‟ve had three mishaps and eight disasters since you were a boy, the money we‟ve spent on you would make a person made of silver. 改译:You‟ve had one trouble after another since you were a boy, the money we‟ve spent on you would make a silver statue bigger than you.
E. A. Nida(尤金· 奈达)提出的翻译标准(1964) 1. true to the original 2. vivid 3. smooth and natural 4. equivalent of response (忠实于原文、传神、语言顺畅自然、同等效应) “Readers of TL must have the same response to the text with that of readers of SL despite of different means of expressions.” (尽管语言表达形式不同,译文读者读译文取得的 心理反应要和原文读者读原文的心理反应基本相 同。) Dynamic Equivalence 动态对等 →Functional Equivalence 功能对等(p.8-9)
第一讲 翻译理论与实践--翻译史简介
![第一讲 翻译理论与实践--翻译史简介](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/54f5f80879563c1ec5da7155.png)
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1. 各类文体翻译研究回顾 进入80年代,我国翻译结束了经验式的封闭性的翻译理论研究,开始对各种 文体翻译的研究,进一步加强了文学翻译,大量的国外名著被翻译介绍到国 内,相继出现了法律翻译、新闻翻译、社科翻译、应用文翻译、科技翻译和 经贸翻译等各相关学科的专门翻译的研究。口译翻译研究也得到进一步的发 展。现代文体翻译具有以下特征:1. 题材和体裁丰富;2. 实用性、针对性强; 3. 文体特征研究细致。文学翻译在诗歌方面,英诗汉译以卞之琳为代表,既 译神也译形,提出了格律移植宽严有度,“以顿(汉语中口语的基本节奏单 位)代步(指英诗的音步)”的主张。江枫进一步提出“以形传神,立形存 神”的观点。汉诗英译方面翁显良有独到见解,以意象和节奏为本色,以不 切为切,浅中见深。许渊冲提出用:一(identification)、艺(re-creation)、 异(innovation)、依(imitation)、怡(recreation)、易(rendition)六个 字概述了译诗的目的论、认识论、方法论和常道与变道。高健和刘炳善对散 文翻译颇有研究,提出“意之所到,风格随之”,巧劲来自真功夫。许国璋 主张学术翻译要“切译”,自成一体。程镇球对政论性文稿的翻译以严谨著 称,陈忠诚译法律以精确驰名。刘先刚提出建立企业翻译学的构想,使科技 翻译研究得到进一步的发展。另外公文、合同、广告、招标文件等应用性文 体的翻译研究也得到了一定的发展。口译研究也得到了发展。
• 第五个时期从鸦片战争到五四运动前。清末的严复翻译了许多 西方政治经济学说,如赫胥黎的《天演论》(Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays)、亚当•斯密的《原富》(An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations)、孟德斯鸠 的《法意》(L’esprit des Lois)、斯宾塞尔的《群学肆言》 (The Study of Sociology)、约翰•穆勒的《群己权界论》(On The Sociology • On Liberty)、甄克思的《社会通诠》(A History of Politics Liberty A Politics)等。 他提出了“信、达、雅”作为翻译的标准对我们的翻译具有指 导意义。第六个时期从五四运动到中华人民共和国成立。我国 近代翻译史的先驱鲁迅和瞿秋白等开始介绍马列主义经典著作 和无产阶级文学作品。鲁迅对翻译标准的主要观点是:“凡是 翻译,必须兼顾着两面,一当然力求其易解,一则保存着原文 的丰姿。”第七个时期从新中国成立至今。
❖ 1 中国古代文本结构论 ❖ 中国古代有过两种文本结构论:一种是“言象意”
论,另一种是“粗精”论。《周易•系辞上》中记载 有:“书不尽言,言不尽意。”和“圣人立象以尽意, 设卦以尽情伪,系辞焉以尽其言。”的观点,初步 涉及到文本的言、象、意三要素。庄子在《外物》 中提出了“得意忘言”的观点:“言者所以在意,得 意而忘言。”三国时的王弼在《周易略例》中将前 人的“言意”论做了进一步的扩展与阐发:“夫象者, 出意者也。言者,明象者也。尽意莫若象,尽象 莫若言。言出于象,故可寻言以观象;象先于意, 故可寻象已观意。意以象尽,象以言著。” 在王 弼看来,“言”、“象”、“意”构成了表情达意逐层深 入的层次结构。
❖ 在西方,“文学”(literature)一词是在十四 世纪从拉丁文litteratura和 litteralis引进的, 意思是“著作”或者“书本知识”,是与政治、历 史、哲学、伦理学、神学等一样的文化产品, 并无特殊的或专有的性质。直到十八世纪, 文学才从作为一般的文化产品中独立出来, 用以特指具有美的形式和能产生情感作用的 文学作品。
The Eagle (Alfred Tennyson ) ❖ He clasps the crag with crooked
hands; ❖ Close to the sun in lonely lands, ❖ Ringed with the azure world, he
stands. ❖ The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls; ❖ He watches from his mountain walls, ❖ And like a thunderbolt he falls.
第一讲 汉译英的特点和步骤
![第一讲 汉译英的特点和步骤](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a15e74c32e3f5727a5e962f2.png)
大概:about, roughly,approximately
Some people like fat meat, whereas others hate it.
and........as well.....;
表示目的:in order to.......;
in order that........;
so as to........;
转折:but conj, however, yet(把这三个词都忘掉),nevertheless adv./, nonetheless adv./, whereas conj.
Ⅱ. Nature and Scope of Translation 翻译的性质和范围
语言 native foreign、 foreign native 工作方式 口译(interpretation)、笔译(translation)、机器翻 译(MT) 口译:连续传译(consecutive interpretation)、同声 传译(simultaneously interpretation) 文体 应用文体、科技文体、论述文体、新闻文体、艺 术文体
处理方式 全译、节译、摘译、编译、译述(综述和述评)
Ⅲ. Principles or Criteria of Translation 翻译的原则和标准
严复:信,达,雅(faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance) 鲁迅:易解、保持原作的风姿 林语堂:忠实、通顺、美 傅雷:神似说(spiritual conformity) 钱钟书:化境说 (sublimed adaptation) 许渊冲:三美说(意美、音美、形美) 泰特勒Tytler :翻译三原则 费道罗夫等:等值论 (translation equivalence) 奈达:读者反应论 (dynamic equivalence)
Ⅱ. Nature and Scope of Translation 翻译的性质和范围
Translation is not a word for word activity
1、她现在非常红. *She is very red now. (She is very popular now.) 2、你给我站住!*You Give Me Stop!! (Stand!) 3、蠢蠢欲動。 *Stupid stupid want to move . (Be ready to do sth.(bad)) 4、寒暄 *coldly talk for a while (to exchange greetings and make small talk ) 5、跳伞处 *"Site of jumping umbrella" (paragliding site) 6、请爱护花草* "Cherishing Flowers and Trees" (keep off the grass.)
直译不等于死译(dead translation): 例:街道妇女应动员起来打扫卫生。
Women in the street should be called on to do some cleaning.
“In the street” should be replaced by “in the community”. 例:她一大早起床,进城,见到了她的公爹。
2. 增译法 (amplification)
词量增加(The methods of increasing the words number) 词量增加可称为“增词法”或“补足语意法”,亦可叫作
“增补法”,说的都是由一种语言译成另一种语言时增加一些 词。 目的: ①为了使原文的语法概念在译文中表达得明确。 ②为了使译文句子结构更加完整和合乎习惯。 ③为了使词汇概念或范畴更清楚。 ④为了使专业内容表达得更具体。 原则: ①增补语义上、修辞上需要的词。 ②增补原文中的省略成分。 ③增补原文中的内含语义。
1. It’ s a Smoke Free Area. 直译:它是个自由吸烟区。 意译:它是个无烟区。
2. Shakespeare put his hometown on the map. 直译:莎士比亚把他的家乡放在了地图上。 意译:莎土比亚使他的家乡声名远扬。
3. John would not come out of his shell and talk to others at the
4. 归化 (domestication)
归化以目的语文化为归宿(target language culture oriented)。主张恪守目的语文化的语言传统,使用地道的 目的语表达,遵从目的语的文化习惯。归化翻译有着积极 的意义,它使得译文读起来通俗易懂,不存在艰涩拗口的 现象。在这一原则的指导下,译者会最大限度地力求功能 对等(equivalence),在目的语中找出源语的对等语 (equivalent)。 如果在目的语中找不到对等语,就“用目的 语文化替代源语文化”,即把在目的语中找不到对等语的 外语词汇改头换面,或套用目的语中与之相似的现成的表 达法,把它们变成读者熟悉的目的语文化形象。
《 英汉互译(一)》第1课教案
![《 英汉互译(一)》第1课教案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c6e6da707fd5360cba1adb4c.png)
广西师范学院《英汉互译(一)》课程教案编号: 15-1 开课单位:外语系授课教研室:翻译写作课程名称:《英汉互译(一)》授课教师:唐旭光教材:《新编英汉互译教程》,授课对象:06级英语专业2、3、5班《英汉互译(一)》第一讲翻译简论与主要翻译方法(A Brief Discussion of Translation and Major Translation Approaches)1. IntroductionTranslation studies started along with translation practice. Translation theories developed flourishingly in the 20th century, especially in the second half of the last century.In fact, translation, which is a very complex phenomenon, is related to different disciplines, such as linguistics, psychology, sociology, cultural anthropology, communication theory, literary criticism, aesthetics, and semiotics. As translation study is a cross-discipline and cross-culture subject involving many aspects of human knowledge, the lack of a fully acceptable theory of translation should not come as a surprise. Meanwhile, quite a number of translation approaches and strategies have become universally acceptable and widely applicable. They are, of course, the fruits of many translation theorists and translation practitioners at home and abroad.2.The Origin of TranslationLanguage makes it possible for people to communicate with one another freely so as to complete important tasks in human life. Translation makes it possible for people from different languages to communicate with one another so as to complete important tasks in their life.Theodore Savory points out, “Translation is almost as old as original authorship and has a history as honorable and as complex as that of any other branch of literature”(申雨平, 2002:4).In Zhou Dynasty there were different forms of address for translators in different places. “Translators are called Ji in the east, Xiang in the south, Didi in the west, andYi in the north(东方曰寄,南方曰象,西方曰狄鞮,北方曰译)”(陈福康, 2000:3).3. Function of TranslationIt has helped people to better communicate with one another, and in the mean time it has facilitated the development of culture and civilization of all nations, such as the Sutra translation (佛经翻译)in China and the Bible translation in Western countries.Actually, translation, as a means to bridge different cultures, has been playing a very important role in promoting global economic and cultural development, and China in particular benefits a great deal from translation, which is obvious to all.4. Nature of translationOne school of theorists maintain that any interpretation is translation. Translation thus defined includes intra-lingual rewording(语言内的重新措辞), inter-lingual (语言之间的翻译或语际翻译)translation and inter-semiotic transmutation(符号转换).But most scholars who are interested in translation maintain that translation is a communicative activity which entails a most adequate or identical reproduction in a target language of a written message or text in a source language.5. Definition of translation in our textbook as follows: Translation or translating is a communicative activity or dynamic process in which the translator makes great effort to thoroughly comprehend a written message or text in the source language and works very hard to achieve an adequate or an almost identical reproduction in the target language version of the written source language message or text. In terms of its nature or character, translation is both an art and a science as well, since it calls for a good command of at least two languages, a flexible application of their rules, and some knowledge of at least two cultures, as well as a good grasp of the necessary translation theories.6. Other scholars’ viewpoints about the translation1). The traditional viewpoint about the nature of translation is that translation is an art only. This viewpoint is still maintained by Xu Yuanchong(许渊冲), a well-known professor at Beijing University, and a few other scholars.2). Professor Liu Zhongde vigorously advocates that translation is a science as well as an art mainly because of the following reasons:Firstly, like any other art and science, translation requires a good grasp and a flexible use of the necessary specialized knowledge and skills.Secondly, like any other art and science, translation calls for independent, honest and creative effort.Thirdly, just like any other art and science, translation demands that the translator be very careful about and highly responsible for his or her work.7. Principle for translationThe 13 statements on page 81). A translation must reproduce the words of the SLT(Source Language Text).2). A translation must reproduce the ideas (meaning) of the SLT.3). A translation should read like an original work.4). A translation should read like a translation.5). A translation should reflect the style of the original.6). A translation should possess the style of the translator.7). A translation should retain the historical stylistic dimension of the SLT.8). A translation should read as a contemporary piece of literature.9). A translation may add to or omit from the original.10). A translation may never add to or omit from the original.11). A translation should let the readers of the SLT and the target language text (TLT) have essentially the same response.12). A translation should convey what the SLT author intends to convey.13). A translation should satisfy the need of the client.Evidently, though each of the above statements is right in a certain sense, yet it is not adequate or comprehensive enough to serve as a translation principle. Some of the principles proposed by various translation theorists can find their expression in the statements given above. Interlinear translation is an illustration of the first statement. Yan Fu’s three-character principle can be a combination of statements 2, 3 and 6. Nida’s functional equivalence is best express ed in statement 11.8. Yan Fu’s Considerations for translation?Strictly speaking, a translation theory in its true sense in China originated from Yan Fu(严复). He proposed the famous triple principle for translation, namely, faithfulness(信), expressiveness(达) and elegance(雅).1). His faithfulness means that the translated text should be faithful to the original text, ie, the version should keep the content or ideas of the original.2). His expressiveness means that the translated text should be expressive and coherent without anything awkward. In other words, his expressiveness requires that the version should be fluid, smooth, and easy to read and understand.3). His elegance demands that the translated text should be exquisite and that its style ought to be very graceful.9. Professor Liu Zhongde argues against “elegance” as a principle for translation of the original styleHe argued eloquently against “elegance” as a principle for translation of the original style. We all know that not all works are characterized by the elegant style. Different writers display different styles. For instance, Lenin wrote in a bold style, and Hemingway wrote in a simple, symbolic style. Even the same writer shows different styles on different occasions for different purposes. Naturally, different works demonstrate different styles. Thus, it is impossible & absolutely wrong to achieve the effect of elegance in the translated text if the style of the original is not elegant.10. The compiler of the textbook in favor of “closeness”1). We are in favor of Professor Liu’s triple translation principle. He changed Yan Fu’s “elegance” into “closeness”, which represents his contribution to the translation theory. His “closeness” is central in meaning. It is suitable for translation of all types of texts with different styles.2). If the original text is characterized by the elegant style, the translator should do his utmost to render it into a graceful text in the target language whose style is close to the original elegant style.If the original style is highly technical with a wealth of technical terms, thetranslator ought to employ plenty of corresponding technical terms in the target language and make the translated style as close to the original technical style as possible.3). If the original style is colloquial with a lot of informal words and colloquial sentences, the translator should translate it into a text with an informal style as close as possible to the original one by using many colloquial words and informal sentences.If the original style is ornate, the translator should follow suit and make effort to render the translated style as close to the original as possible.If the original text contains some vulgar words and sentences, the translator is not entitled to replace them with elegant words or sentences, and he should reproduce the original by using some corresponding vulgar words and sentences in the receptor language. Translators are duty-bound to do so, for the simple reason that they are translators.4). As we know, Yan Fu’s triple translation principle is highly concise and well rhymed and quite easy to learn by heart, which is one of the reasons why it is still very popular in China today.Professor Liu’s triple principle is similar to Yan Fu’s in that it is equally concise and easy to remember.Though Professor Liu’s triple principle is n ot rhymed, yet it is very forceful and impressive, for the Chinese character “切” is uttered in the falling tone, carrying the implication that faithfully conveying the original style or rendering the translated style as close to the original as possible is absolutely necessary and worth the translator’s great effort.11. Nida’s principle for translationEugene A. Nida and Taber stated emphatically (1969:12): “Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalence of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style”.His dynamic equivalence is defined as a translation principle, according to which the translator seeks to translate the meaning of the original in such a way that the target language text wording will produce the same impact on the target text audience as the original wording does upon the source text audience. Later on, Nida changed “dynamic equivalence” into “functional equivalence”, because it seemed much more satisfactory to use the expression “functional equivalence” in describing the degree of adequacy of a translation.12. The literal translation approachProfessor Liu Zhongde (1994: 172) defines literal translation as follows: “In the process of translation, literal translation treats sentences as basic units and at the same time takes the whole passage into consideration; a translator who attaches great importance to literal translation does his or her best to reproduce the ideas and writing style of the original work, retaining in the version as many rhetorical devices and sentence structures of the original as possible.”ExamplesHe is said to be a rough diamond.人们说他是一块浑金璞玉。
He that plunders a wealthy neighbour gains as much as he takes away, and may improve his own condition in the same proportion as he impairs another's; but he that blasts a flourishing reputation, must be content with a small dividend of additional fame, so small as can afford very little consolation to balance the guilt by which it is obtained.
佛经翻译的第二阶段: 释道安,俗姓卫,常山扶柳(今河北省衡水县西南)人 出身士族.主张直译. 鸠摩罗什,主张意译.是中国翻译史上主张全面意译 第一人. 真谛,西印度人. 佛经翻译的第三个阶段 玄奘,通称“三藏法师”,姓陈,名(示韦), 洛 州 缑(gou)氏(今河南省偃师县)人,世家出 身. “既须求真,又须喻俗.”
(三)打破传统方式,发展机器翻译。 目前,西方翻译事业仍处于第六次高 潮之中;今后向何处发展,第六次高潮会 持续多久,眼下尚难预测。
西方翻译史上的第一位理论家 —— 西塞罗
古罗马著名翻译家、演说家、政治家、哲学家和修辞学家 翻译过荷马的《奥德赛》、柏拉图的《蒂迈欧篇》和《普 罗塔哥拉斯》等希腊名作 对翻译理论的阐述,主要见于《论优秀的演说家》和《论 善与恶之定义》 对‚解释员‛式翻译与‚演说家‛式翻译进行区分,成为 西方翻译理论起源的标志性语言 翻译理论大致有以下要点
翻译理论 第一讲
![翻译理论 第一讲](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6790e8057cd184254b353597.png)
第一讲翻译的性质、标准、过程和要求1.1 What is translation?1)翻译是把一种语言文字所表达的思维内容用另一种语言表达出来的双语转换过程或结果。
2) 翻译是跨语言(cross-linguistic),跨文化(cross-cultural),跨社会(cross-social)的交际活动。
3) 翻译是一种语言文化承载的意义转换到另一种语言文化中的跨语言,跨文化的交际活动。
1.2 翻译一般分为三类:口译(interpretation),笔译(translation)和机器翻译(machine translation)。
1.3 翻译的性质对翻译的性质,有过许多描述,其中奈达(Eugene.A.Nida)的论述是:“翻译是指从语义到文体在译语中用最切近而又最自然的对等语再现原文的信息。
”Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor/target language, the closet natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning, and secondly in terms of style.[1]再现原文的信息(message),而不是保持原文的形式结构[2]closest, natural[3] equivalence 对等;对等≠同一[4] meaning first[5] style is also important翻译不是一种语言中的词语和语句结构和另一种语言的词语和语句结构的简单转换,也不是在另一种语言中寻找与一种语言中对等的词语和语句结构然后将其串接成句的过程。
通过对经典翻译案例的分析,学生可以学习到一些成功的翻译方法和技巧,了解不同语言和文化之间 的差异,提高对翻译的理解和把握能力。
教师可以选取一些经典的翻译案例,如文学名著、国际会议、商务合同等,让学生进行分析和讨论。 学生可以学习到如何处理文化差异、如何进行语言的转换和调整等方面的技巧,从而更好地掌握翻译 的精髓。
机器翻译是利用计算机技术自动将一 种语言的文本转换为另一种语言的文 本,但需要人工校对和修正。
笔译是将书面文字从一种语言转换为 另一种语言的过程,通常用于文学、 法律、医学等领域的文件翻译。
翻译的首要标准是准确传达原 文的含义,确保译文与原文在
不同文化背景下,人们对于同一事物的认知和表达方式可 能存在差异。因此,在进行翻译时,需要充分了解两种文 化背景,尊重目标语言的表达习惯和文化传统。对于具有 特定文化含义的词汇和表达方式,需要进行适当的解释和 调整,以确保译文的准确性和可理解性。同时,要注意避 免使用带有贬义或褒义的词汇,以免产生不必要的文化冲 突。
活动。随着 历史的发展,翻译逐渐成为不同 文化间交流的重要手段。
随着全球化进程的加速,翻译的 需求越来越大,翻译技术也不断 发展,如机器翻译、语音翻译等 。
忠实、准确、流畅。忠实是指译文要忠实于原文,准确传达原文的意义和风格; 准确是指译文要用词准确,表达清晰;流畅是指译文要通顺流畅,易于理解。
第一讲 汉译英翻译过程及意义对等
![第一讲 汉译英翻译过程及意义对等](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/dfe20010cc7931b765ce1599.png)
能翻译相当于我国《人民日报》 能翻译相当于我国《人民日报》等报刊上各种文 章 题材包括: 1)日常生活记叙 2)一般政治、经济、文化方面的文章 3)文学作品 翻译速度为每小时250~300汉字 翻译速度为每小时250~300汉字 能运用汉译英的理论和技巧,翻译我国报刊杂志 上的论述文和国情介绍,以及一般文学作品的节 录 翻译速度为每小时250~300词 翻译速度为每小时250~300词
符号三角理论( the Semiotic Triangle) 符号三角理论( Triangle)
Thought or Reference (思想或所指关系)概念 Symbol 间接的联系 Referent (符号) (所指) 语言 客观世界
句法学(研究言内意义)研究符号与符号之间的关系 语义学(研究指称意义)研究符号与所指事物之间的关系 语用学(研究语用意义)研究符号与符号使用(者)之间 的关系 六、三类符号学意义 言内意义 词语成分之间、句子成分之间和篇章成分之间的 关系所反映的意义。它在语音、词汇、句子和篇章等层次 均有体现 指称意义(概念意义)词语、句子和篇章反映的客观世界 语用意义(蕴涵、联想、象征意义)语言符号与使用者的 关系,是语言符号对人产生的影响
表征意义:话语中揭示发讯人身份及其地理、历史和阶级 背景、年龄、在交际中的态度等等的成份。 表达意义:语言符号的情感内容及其表达发讯人个性或个 人创造性的成份。 联想意义:语言符号唤起的联想以及它所暗示的、或者作 为它一部分的概念和印象。 祈使意义:发讯人企图改变收讯人行为或心态的意向,具 体表现为命令、敦促、说服或乞求。 社交意义:又叫“情境意义” 社交意义:又叫“情境意义”、“人际意义”,是语言符 人际意义” 号同建立、保持某种社会关系有关的方面。
2 程序论中的分析
• 2-3 文本—次文本层:指整个待译篇章,分析的 目的是(1)为整体性理解所必需的意义把握; (2)为个别文句难点的理解提供整体的参照; (3)为文本潜在意义的把握提供“非潜在”的 意义依据,即次文本分析(sub-text or co-text)。 主要目的在于把握原作者在整个篇章所寄予的潜 在和非潜在的意义和意向,非潜在意义即字面意 义,潜在意义即意向或隐含意义,此所谓“隐义 以藏用”(用就是“功用”或“功效”)。
4 语法结构是翻译运作的语言依据
• 4-3 四个结构须整体把握:除了语法结构和语义 结构,语言中的文化结构和审美结构在一定程度 上反映语言文化的特征,特别是思维方式和风格, 以及表现法的种种文化心理特征。这两个结构与 语法结构、语义结构的关系是密不可分的,翻译 程序论中语言结构把握,指的是一种“整体把握” (grasp it as a whole),切忌顾此失彼。 • 试析、试译下列句子:
6 翻译过程:辨析词义
• 6-2 辨析词义:在翻译中,通常要做大量的词义辨析工 作,这是很重要的基础分析工作。这里首先跟大家介绍 意义的七种基本类型: • A 理性意义:关于逻辑、认知、外延的意义。 • B 内涵意义:通过语言所指事物来传递的意义。 • C 社会意义:关于语言运用的社会环境的意义。 • D 情感意义:关于言者/作者感情、态度的意义。 • E 反映意义:通过与词语另一意义的联想而传 递的意义。 • F 搭配意义:通过常规共现词的联想而传递的意义。 • G 主题意义:组织信息的方式(语序、强调手段、信息 焦点等)所传递的意义。
6 翻译过程
• 实际上,翻译的全过程可以分为理解和表达两个 阶段。将原语的一个句子翻译成目的语的典型过 程可以分为以下六个步骤: • 在理解阶段包括4个步骤: • (1)紧缩主干 • (2)辨析词义 • (3)分析句型 • (4)弄清脉络; • 在表达阶段包括2个步骤: • (5)调整搭配 • (6)润饰词语
Multi-point Perspective
汉英思维方式与语言差异(thinking patterns and language differences)
1.整体与个体(macrocosm vs. individuality) 2.悟性与理性(comprehension vs. rationality :汉语的模糊性(词性模糊、 语义模糊、语言单位模糊) 3.具象与抽象(concreteness vs. abstractness) 4.直觉与逻辑(intuition vs. logic)
(1)忠实:“忠实”指译文要忠实原文,准确表达其 思想,意义和文体风格。 例1:我的成功一半要归功于他。 译文1:Half of my success belonged to him. 译文2:I owed half of my success to him. 例2: 这台发动机出了毛病。 译文1:The generator has got some problems. 译文2:There is something wrong with the generator. 例3:啊!我不是诗人,我永远道不出我的爱,一种像 由音乐与图画所引起的爱。 译文1: Alas, I am not a poet! I shall never express my love, a love which is caused by music and painting. 译文2:Alas, I am not a poet! I shall never be able to express my love--- the kind of love as inspired by music and painting.
• 4.She became a poor third in the English-speaking contest. • [译文]她在演讲比赛中获得了第三名,成 绩比第二名差了很多。 • [评析]原文乍看简单,但“poor third”值 得琢磨。译文增加“成绩比第二名差了很 多”不失为成功的手笔。
• 四、增加语气词,通过译文再现原文语气 • 1.The pretty girl on the cover of the periodical is just a sales gimmick. • [译文]画报的封面上印上美女只不过是吸 引顾客的一种噱头而已。 • [评析]汉语的语气需要靠语气词本身来体 现。译文通过增加语气词“不过……而已” 体现了原文本要表达的内在含义。
• 一、增加词语使译文句法完整 • 1.Tourism benefits not only airlines, hotels,restaurants,and taxi drivers, among others,but also many commercial establishments and even the manufacturers of tourist commodities. • (译文)旅游业不仅有利于航空公司、酒店、餐 饮、出租车等行业,而且还有利于许多商业机构, 甚至有利于生产旅游商品的制造业。 • [评析]原文中谓语动词“benefit”后跟了若干个 名词做宾语,若照搬同样结构,译文会显得生硬, 重复“有利于”使译文句法完整,行文紧凑。
• 2. I could have skinned Rupert in front of the whole audience. • [译文]我真恨不得当着观众的面剥了鲁伯 特的皮。 • [评析]英语中的语气常常通过情态动词得 以体现。译文通过增加“真恨不得”惟妙 惟肖地对应了原文情态动词“could have skinned”所内含的语气色彩。
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2 程序论中的分析
• 2-2 分句—句子层:是对原语整个结构分层分析 工作的关键,因为句子是逻辑思维表达的基本结 构单位。分析目标是:把握各语言成分的线性配 列式(语序),弄清楚核心句基本构造 (SV/SVO/SV· DO/SVA/SVOA/SVC/SVOC) IO· 及其扩展式;抓住句子联接标记,弄清楚各分局 的联接形式及分布状况;进而进行“分句—句子” 层语义结构模态判断。试析下列句子: • Tom is easy to teach. • Tom is eager to teach.
5 翻译思维
• 5-1 翻译是科学,注重逻辑分析。在这里,概念、判断 和推理是思维的主要形式,必须反对两种倾向:其一是 自由主义,其二是机械主义; • 5-2 翻译是一项高智能的思维科学形式和艺术再创造活 动。翻译者需要努力提高自己的智能和素质,主要包括 5个方面(1)思维的敏捷性,(2)思维的灵活性,(3) 思维的深刻性,(4)思维的创造性,(5)思维的批判 性。 • 5-3 翻译思维从主体上说属于逻辑思维,因而必须注重 逻辑分析,但绝不意味着形象思维对翻译来说是无关紧 要的 • 本课程的主要目的就是通过翻译理论知识(主要是翻译 程序论和翻译方法论)和实践技能的把握,让大家养成 一定的个性化翻译思维,掌握一定的翻译技巧,提高一 定的翻译水平。
6 翻译过程
• 实际上,翻译的全过程可以分为理解和表达两个 阶段。将原语的一个句子翻译成目的语的典型过 程可以分为以下六个步骤: • 在理解阶段包括4个步骤: • (1)紧缩主干 • (2)辨析词义 • (3)分析句型 • (4)弄清脉络; • 在表达阶段包括2个步骤: • (5)调整搭配 • (6)润饰词语
• 请同学们试译下列句子: • After the fall of France, Germany was incomparably stronger than England on the ground, about equally matched in the air, and gravely inferior at sea. (教材第23页例句1) • [原译] 法国崩溃之后,德国陆军大大超过英国, 空军力量旗鼓相当,海军则严重处于弱势。 • [改译] 法国败落/溃败之后,德国比起英国来,陆 军强大无比,空军旗鼓相当,海军力量悬殊。
4 语法结构是翻译运作的语言依据
• 4-2 意义和启示:为了准确把握意义,译者必须 紧紧抓住语法结构,进行深透的语法分析;只有 抓住语法结构,才能析出寓于其中的语义结构, 然后赋形于目的语的最佳对应式语义—语法结构, 最终完成意义的双语转换:从句坯到定式。 • 由于汉语语法呈隐性,英语语法呈显性,因此英 汉双语转换中的语法分析必须注意以下至关重要 的两点: • (1)主谓定位(SV Placement), 即析出主语和 谓语动词,并在转换中恰当选择; • (2)分辩两种性质不同的句型:主谓型(SV Pattern) 和话题型 (TC Pattern)。
3 程序论中的综合
• (4)生成构句过程(sentence constructing),即 在加工梳理原语语义结构模态的前提下,实现转 换迁移,将译者头脑中的目的语内部言语形式赋 形为目的语“句坯”(base) • (5)修辞优化过程(sentence refining),即将 “句坯”进行修琢,排除原语的“负干扰”,炼 词、炼句,提高目的语的可读性,确定文体风格 对应体式。 • 遵循以上程序,就可以保证双语转换的质量。其 中,从第一步到第三步,思维的主要活动形式是 分析;在第四、第五步中,思维的主要活动形式 是综合。这个程序是由信息加工原理所论证的。
6 翻译过程:紧缩主干
• 6-1 紧缩主干:亦即析出原语核心句组合关系 中的主干成分:主语、谓语、宾语以及次要成 分定语、状语和补语等。 • 汉译英时须首先析出原句中有没有主语或什么 是主语以及什么是谓语,然后选择和确定目的 语中恰当的主语和谓语,这就是所谓的“主谓 定位法” 。汉译英时主语的选定很重要,因为 英语是形态语言,“SV”的提挈作用很强,当主 语确定下来,谓语的选择及其时态、语态、语 气、人称和数的一致性等形态标记也就基本确 定了。试析、试译下句:
4 语法结构是翻译运作的语言依据
• …; this nation, under God, shall have new birth of freedom; and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth (Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln). • [原译] 我们这个国家在上帝的保佑下,要争得自 由的新生;这个民有、民治、民享的政府一定要 永远在地球上存在下去。 • [改译]我们这个国家要在上帝的导引下让自由获 得新生;让这个民有、民治、民享的政府与世长 存
4 语法结构是翻译运作的语言依据
• 4-1 概述:语言(句子级以上)中一般存在四个结构, 即语法结构、语义结构、文化结构和审美结构。其中语 法结构是基础,类似房屋的框架,是探求意义的语言依 据,是程序论中分析和综合的关键。这是因为: • (1)语法结构具有语义性选择限制功能; • (2)语法结构是语义结构的依据; • (3)意义寓于语法结构之中,要掌握语义系统,就必 须把握语法结构; • (4)根据语法结构衍生的语义结构,常常带有原语的表 述特征,因此必须根据译语的惯用法(约定俗成),以 可读性为原则进行目的语的行为调整。
4 语法结构是翻译运作的语言依据
• 4-3 四个结构须整体把握:除了语法结构和语义 结构,语言中的文化结构和审美结构在一定程度 上反映语言文化的特征,特别是思维方式和风格, 以及表现法的种种文化心理特征。这两个结构与 语法结构、语义结构的关系是密不可分的,翻译 程序论中语言结构把握,指的是一种“整体把握” (grasp it as a whole),切忌顾此失彼。 • 试析、试译下列句子:
6 翻译过程:辨析词义
• 6-2 辨析词义:在翻译中,通常要做大量的词义辨析工 作,这是很重要的基础分析工作。这里首先跟大家介绍 意义的七种基本类型: • A 理性意义:关于逻辑、认知、外延的意义。 • B 内涵意义:通过语言所指事物来传递的意义。 • C 社会意义:关于语言运用的社会环境的意义。 • D 情感意义:关于言者/作者感情、态度的意义。 • E 反映意义:通过与词语另一意义的联想而传 递的意义。 • F 搭配意义:通过常规共现词的联想而传递的意义。 • G 主题意义:组织信息的方式(语序、强调手段、信息 焦点等)所传递的意义。
2 程序论中的分析
• 2-4 小结:以上三项六个层次的结构分析包括 三个方面:意义、修辞和逻辑,三者缺一不可, 要进行“周密的扫描分析”,这是翻译成功的 关键。分析要紧紧抓住原语的层次结构,通过 对整体层次结构的把握而掌握原语的语义结构, 并落实到语义结构构成模态的微观组织上,因 为对原语语义结构的组织模态进行微观分解是 程序论中“分析”的基本目的,达此目的后, 语际转换即进入程序论中的“综合”阶段。
3 程序论中的综合
• 3-1 概述:综合,主要是指对目的语(Target Language)的语义结构模态进行宏观的调节、整 理和定型,其特点是思维活动的连贯性和反复性。 最终目标是对原语语义系统进行整合。综合阶段 的语际转换活动主要表现为以下两个方面: • (1)将层次分析所得进行归纳,对原语语义模 态进行加工整理;以原语语义结构为依据,以原 语核心句基本构架为模型,进行双语语际转换, 并最后落实到目的语上。 • (2)按目的语语法规范,对转换迁移后的目的 语语义模态表现式“句坯”(base)进行优化调 整与修饰,目的在于保证目的语的可读性和社会 功能,最终确定整合形式
6 翻译过程:紧缩主干
• 吃饭吃面他都无所谓。 • 译文1:Noodles or rice doesn‟t make any difference to him. • 译文2:He doesn‟t mind (about) eating noodles or rice. • 译文3:There is no difference to him whether to eat noodles or rice. • 由此可见,确定主语是紧缩主干的第一步,也是 最重要的一步。主语一旦确定,即可按照原语语 义及目的语的表达习惯搭配谓语并确定句式。
2 程序论中的分析
• 2-1 词—短语层:翻译分层分解活动的基础,正 确把握句子意义的前提。分析目标是:抓住并解 析词语的形态关系系统,从词语的形态判断其词 性;从词性判断其在句中的成分;从词语的形态 及联立关系判断其搭配形式(Pattern of collocation),如介词短语等,进而判断其在句中 的成分;在形态关系系统充分显现的基础上进行 “词—短语层”语义结构模态。试析下列短语: • 1.His nursing mother 2.The nursing profession • 两个短语中的nursing词性不同,前者是形容词, 短语的意思是“他的养母”,后者是名词,短语 的意思是“护理业”。
3 程序论中的综合
• 3-2 双语转换的典型化程序: • (1) 形态—词法分析过程(lexical analyzing), 即解析原语词语形态关系系统,判断词语词性 以及词语在句中的语法成分和搭配形式; • (2)句法结构分析过程(syntactic analyzing) 即解析原语语法层次,弄清核心句基本构架及其 扩展式、分句及句子层次、重心的分布形式,析 出语句风格化特征; • (3)情景—语义分析过程(semantic analyzing) 即在解析结构系统的前提下,析出原语的语义结 构模态,充分考虑到原语涉及的社会情景与文化 背景。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
6 翻译过程:紧缩主干
• 在英译汉中,紧缩主干的程序论意义在长句翻译 中就显得特别突出,十分重要,因为英语的长句 结构呈现“葡萄串型”或“树型”,具有“随举 随释”的行文特征。试析下句: • In that same village and in one of these very houses, which, to tell the precise truth, was sadly time-worn and weather-beaten, there lived many years since, while the country was yet a province of Great Britain, a simple goodnatured fellow, of the name of Rip Van Winkle.