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The Name and Nature of Comparative Literature





本文广征博引,运用词典编纂学和历史语义学的方法,研究了comparative、literature以及comparative literature三个词在西方主要国家的历史演变始末,并对:literature、Comparative Literature、Universal Literature、international literature、general literature、及world literature等术语进行了深入的研究和辨析,从而系统清晰地论述了比较文学这门学科的名称、实质及其在欧洲文论史上的沿革经纬,思路明晰,论证有力,令人信服。此外,本篇中作者引用了诸多文学史上比较和比较文学等词汇术语的第一实据,比如第一位使用比较这个词的作家,第一个将之用作书名的著作,第一个使用比较文学术语的学者,第一个对其做出理论阐述的原话,以及开设这门课程的第一位教授等。这使其论述能理据结合并极富逻辑论证力,这既是作者对比较文学研究的突出贡献所在,同时也反映了作者极为扎实的学术功底和极为渊博的学识修养。






The term "comparative literature"has given rise to so much discussion,has been interpreted so differently and

examine its history and to Only then can we hope to semantics,"will be our should lead to conclusions of a controversial discipline and There seem no “Comparative"occurs in It is used by Shakespeare,comparative,rascalliest,uses the term in the caption the Greek,Latin and seventeenth-and Comparative Discourse of Animals in 1765.Its author,and Faculties of Man with Robert Lowth in his Latin formulated the ideal of their eyes [i.e.the ancient endeavor as much as possible must act as the Astronomers comparative who,in order to different parts,conceive universe,migrating from inhabitants of each.''[ ]In his announced in the Preface to survey of the poetry of other nations.''[ ]George Ellis,in his Specimens of Early English Poets (1790)3,speaks of antiquaries whose "ingenuity has often been successful in detecting and extracting by comparative criticism many particulars respecting the state of society and the progress of arts and manners"from medieval chronicles.[ ]In 1800Charles Dibdin published,in five volumes,A Complete History of the English Stage,Introduced by a Comparative and Comprehensive Review of the Asiatic,the Grecian,the German,the French and Other the combination "comparative in a letter by Matthew Arnold in attention to the comparative any one of it,that England is in was a private letter not more than "comparable."In 1

