
































二、股票的理论价格;债券的理论价格:债券价格=债券面额×(1+债券利率×期限) 1+银行利率×期限三、直接融资和间接融资;开放完善金融市场的前提和基础:金融资产多样化,国民储蓄基础。
















iii.信用货币的基本特征:央行代表国家发行的纸质本位货币,债务货币,强制性,通过银行调控d)电子货币二、货币的职能a)价值尺度b)流通手段c)贮藏手段d)支付手段e)世界货币第二节一、货币的本质a)货币是商品b)货币是一般等价物c)货币是固定充当一般等价物的商品d)货币是生产关系的反映二、现代信用货币的计量a)M0现钞=流通中现金b)M1狭义货币= M0+企业单位活期存款+农村存款+机关团体部分存款c)M2广义货币= M1+企业单位定期存款+自筹基本建设存款+个人储蓄存款+其他存款第三节一、货币制度的概念货币制度又称“币制”或“货币本位制”,是指一个国家或地区以法律形式确定的货币流通结构及其组织形式。




第二章 信用与现代经济 概念 1 信用: 信用又称信贷是以偿还本金和支付利息为条件的借贷行为, 是价值运动的特殊形式。 (次 贷危机,信用体系出现问题) (P3) 2 高利贷 : 即利率过高的信用关系,我国规定,高于银行同期贷款利率的 4 倍视为高利贷。 (正常 金融现象) (P6) 3 商业信用 商业信用是工商企业间以赊销或预付款等形式相互提供的信用。 (p8) 4 赊销 : 赊销是信用销售的俗称。赊销是以信用为基础的销售,卖方与买方签订购货协议后,卖 方让买方取走货物,而买方按照协议在规定日期付款或分期付款形式付清货款的他金融机构为媒介、 以货币为对象向其他单位或个人提供的信 用。 (P12) 6 商业票据 所谓商业票据是工商企业之间因信用关系而形成的短期无担保债务凭证的总称。 (P9 底) 商业票据分为期票和汇票两种, 商业信用的中介工具为商业票据, 商业票据分为期票和汇票, 其主要区别是汇票是委托付款人(p10) 。 思考题 1 国家信用与银行信用的关系(ppt s19)? (1)国家信用有时可以动员银行信用难以动员的资金。 (2)国债筹集的资金比较稳定,而银行存款的稳定性则较差。
②金块本位制:又称生金本位制。 ③金汇兑本位制又称虚金本位制。纸币仍规定一定的含金量,但国内不能兑换黄金,只能与 外汇兑换, 然后用外汇在外国兑换黄金。 实行这种制度的国家的货币同另一个实行金币或金 块本位制国家的货币保持固定汇率,同时储存黄金与外汇于该国,按固定价格买卖外汇,以 维持币值的稳定。 补充: 1 货币银行学重要的研究对象:是作为金融体系血液的货币和作为金融体系主动脉的银行。 2 货币的定义:在购买商品或劳务或在清偿债务过程中能被普遍接受的任何物品。该定义偏 重它的交换媒介职能。 补充: 所谓无限法偿,是指无论支付数额多大,无论属于任何形式的支付,对方都不能拒绝接 受。本位币一般都具有无限法偿能力。 所谓有限法偿,是指在一次支付中若超过规定的数额,收款人有权拒收。有限法偿主要 是针对辅币而言的。



⼴外货币银⾏学期末重点全英⽶什⾦考试题型以及分数分布:⼀、选择题:1’*20=20’⼆、名词解释:4’*5=20’三、简答题:8’*5=40’四、论述题:20’*1=20’重点制作思路:1.考虑到时间关系,抓⼤放⼩2.结合⽼师提及复习内容进⾏预测3.以理顺书本架构为主,看到⼀个知识点猜⼀下可能会出什么题The economics of money,banking and financial markets----by Kyle Chapter1:Why Study Money, Banking, and Financial Markets?(本章了解⼀下这个问题即可,最多考⼀下选择)Answer:To examine how financial markets such as bond and stock markets workTo examine how financial institutions such as banks workTo examine the role of money in the economyChapter2:An Overview of the Financial System1.Function of Financial MarketsPerform the essential function of channeling funds from economic players that have saved surplus funds to those that have a shortage of fundsDirect finance: borrowers borrow funds directly from lenders in financial markets by selling them securities.Promotes economic efficiency by producing an efficient allocation(分配)of capital(资⾦), which increases production Directly improve the well-being of consumers by allowing them to time purchases better 2.Structure of Financial Markets Debt and Equity (普通股)MarketsPrimary and Secondary MarketsExchanges and Over-the-Counter (OTC不通过交易所⽽直接售给顾客的) MarketsMoney and Capital Markets(货币和资本市场)3. Financial Market Instruments(要能举出例⼦,很可能考选择)Money markets deal in short-term debt instrumentsCapital markets deal in longer-term debt and equity instruments.4.Internationalization of Financial Markets(重点,选择、名词解释都有可能)Foreign Bonds & EurobondEurocurrencies & EurodollarsWorld Stock Markets5.Function of Financial Intermediaries: Indirect Finance(记⼀下⾦融中介机构的功能,交易成本很可能考名词解释)Lower transaction costs (time and money spent in carrying out financial transactions).Reduce the exposure of investors to riskDeal with asymmetric 不对称information problemsConclusion:Financial intermediaries allow “small” savers and borrowers to benefit from the existence of financial markets.6. Types of Financial Intermediaries(会分类即可)Depository institutionsContractual saving institutionsInvestment intermediaries7.Regulation of the Financial SystemTo increase the information available to investors:To ensure the soundness 健康稳固of financial intermediariesChapter3:What Is Money?1.Meaning of Money(即definition,必考名词解释!!)Money (or the “money supply”): anything that is generally accepted in payment for goods or services or in the repayment of debts.2.Functions of Money(重点)Medium of Exchange:A medium of exchange mustUnit of Account:Store 储藏of Value:3.Evolution of the Payments SystemCommodity 商品MoneyFiat 法定MoneyChecks ⽀票Electronic Payment (e.g. online bill pay).E-Money (electronic money):4.Measuring Money (重中之重,M1/M2都很有可能考名词解释)Construct monetary aggregates using the concept of liquidity:(构建货币总量使⽤流动性的概念)M1 (most liquid assets)= currency + traveler’s checks + demand deposits + other checkable deposits.M2 (adds to M1 other assets that are not so liquid) = M1 + small denomination time deposits + savings deposits and money market deposit accounts + money marketmutual fund shares.Chapter 4:Understanding Interest Rates1.measuring interest rates:Present Value(很可能考察名词解释)A dollar paid to you one year from now is less valuable than a dollar paid to you todaySimple Present Value:PV=CF/(1+i)n次⽅2.Four Types of Credit Market InstrumentsSimple LoanFixed Payment LoanCoupon Bond 附票债券Discount Bond 贴现债券3.Yield to Maturity(重点,很可能名词解释)The interest rate that equates the present value of cash flow payments received from a debt instrument with its value today 计算4种不同信⽤⼯具外加Consol or Perpetuity(⾦边债券或永久债券)的YM4. Yield on a Discount Basis(了解即可)Current Yield当期收益率Yield on a Discount Basis 折价收益率Rate of Return 收益率5.Rate of Return and Interest Rates(收益率与利息率的distinction)The return equals the yield to maturity only if the holding period equals the time to maturityA rise in interest rates is associated with a fall in bond prices, resulting in a capital loss if time to maturity is longer than the holding periodThe more distant a bond’s maturity, the greater the size o f the percentage price change associated with an interest-rate changeThe more distant a bond’s maturity, the lower the rate of return the occurs as a result of an increase in the interest rate Even if a bond has a substantial initial interest rate, its return can be negative if interest rates rise6.Interest-Rate RiskPrices and returns for long-term bonds are more volatile than those for shorter-term bondsThere is no interest-rate risk for any bond whose time to maturity matches the holding period7.Real and Nominal Interest Rates(重点,很可能考察简答题)Nominal interest rate makes no allowance for inflationReal interest rate is adjusted for changes in price level so it more accurately reflects the cost of borrowingEx ante real interest rate is adjusted for expected changes in the price levelEx post real interest rate is adjusted for actual changes in the price level8.Fisher Equation(重点考察)Chapter5:The Behavior of Interest Rates1.Determining the Quantity Demanded of an AssetWealth: the total resources owned by the individual, including all assetsExpected Return: the return expected over the next period on one asset relative to alternative assetsRisk: the degree of uncertainty associated with the return on one asset relative to alternative assetsLiquidity: the ease and speed with which an asset can be turned into cash relative to alternative assets(流动性很有可能考名词解释)2.Theory of Asset Demand(必考,死活都得背下来)Holding all other factors constant:1.The quantity demanded of an asset is positively related to wealth2.The quantity demanded of an asset is positively related to its expected returnrelative to alternative assets3.The quantity demanded of an asset is negatively related to the risk of its returnsrelative to alternative assets4.The quantity demanded of an asset is positively related to its liquidity relative toalternative assets3.Supply and Demand for Bonds(见到看⼀下图)Market Equilibrium4.Shifts in the Demand for BondsWealth: in an expansion with growing wealth, the demand curve for bonds shifts to the rightExpected Returns: higher expected interest rates in the future lower the expected return for long-term bonds, shifting the demand curve to the leftExpected Inflation: an increase in the expected rate of inflations lowers the expected return for bonds, causing the demand curve to shift to the leftRisk: an increase in the riskiness of bonds causes the demand curve to shift to the left Liquidity: increased liquidity of bonds results in the demand curve shifting right 5.Shifts in the Supply of BondsExpected profitability of investment opportunities: in an expansion, the supply curve shifts to the rightExpected inflation: an increase in expected inflation shifts the supply curve for bonds to the rightGovernment budget: increased budget deficits shift the supply curve to the right6.The Liquidity Preference Framework(重中之重)7.Demand for Money in the Liquidity Preference FrameworkAs the interest rate increases:–The opportunity cost of holding money increases…–The relative expected return of money decreases……and therefore the quantity demanded of money decreases.8.Shifts in the Demand for Money(都很重要)Income Effect:a higher level of income causes the demand for money at each interest rate to increase and the demand curve to shift to the rightPrice-Level Effect: a rise in the price level causes the demand for money at each interest rate to increase and the demand curve to shift to the rightLiquidity preference framework leads to the conclusion that an increase in the money supply will lower interest rates: the liquidity effect.Income effect finds interest rates rising because increasing the money supply is an expansionary influence on the economy (the demand curve shifts to the right). Chapter9:Banking1.The Bank Balance SheetLiabilities–Checkable deposits–Nontransaction deposits–Borrowings–Bank capitalAssets–Reserves(准备⾦)–Cash items in process of collection–Deposits at other banks–Securities–Loans–Other assets2.Basic Banking:Cash Deposit:Opening of a checking account leads to an increase in the bank’s reserves equal to the increase in checkable depositsCheck Deposit3.Inter-businessBank settlementFinance leaseFiduciary businessSafe deposit box4.Off-Balance-Sheet ActivitiesLoan sales (secondary loan participation)Generation of fee income. Examples:Chapter12:Central Banks and the Federal Reserve System(此章省略很多)1.Structure of the Fed(了解即可)12 FRBs(9⼈)Member BanksFOMC (7+1+4⼈)Federal Advisory Council (12⼈)2.Federal Reserve Bank(3+3+3⼈)Functions:Clear checksIssue new currencyWithdraw damaged currency from circulationAdminister and make discount loans to banks in their districtsEvaluate proposed mergers and applications for banks to expand their activitiesAct as liaisons between the business community and the Federal Reserve SystemExamine bank holding companies and state-chartered member banksCollect data on local business conditionsUse staffs of professional economists to research topics related to the conduct of monetary policyChapter13&14:The Money Supply Process:1.Players in the Money Supply ProcessCentral bank (Federal Reserve System)Banks (depository institutions; financial intermediaries)Depositors (individuals and institutions)2.Fed’s Balance Sheet4.Open Market PurchaseThe effect of an open market purchase on reserves depends on whether the seller of the bonds keeps the proceeds from the sale in currency or in depositsThe effect of an open market purchase on the monetary base always increases the monetary base by the amount of the purchaseOpen Market SaleReduces the monetary base by the amount of the saleReserves remain unchangedThe effect of open market operations on the monetary base is much more certain than the effect on reserves5.Fed’s Ability to Control the Monetary BaseSplit the monetary base into two components :MBn= MB - BRthe non-borrowed monetary base :MBnborrowed reserves:BR6.The Formula for Multiple Deposit Creation(很重要!必考,记住公式)7.Factors that Determine the Money SupplyChanges in the nonborrowed monetary base MBnChanges in borrowed reserves from the FedChanges in the required reserves ratioChanges in currency holdingsChanges in excess reserves8.The Money Multiplier(重点)Assume that the desired holdings of currency C and excess reserves ER grow proportionally with checkable deposits D. Then,c = {C/D} = currency ratioe = {ER/D} = excess reserves ratioThe monetary base MB equals currency (C) plus reserves (R):MB = C + R = C + (r x D) + ERM=m*MB=m*(MBn+BR)M=1+c/r+e+cChapter 15:Tools of Monetary Policy1. Tools of Monetary PolicyOpen market operationsChanges in borrowed reservesChanges in reserve requirementsFederal funds rate: the interest rate on overnight loans of reserves from one bank to another 2.Demand in the Market for ReservesSupply in the Market for Reserves3.Affecting the Federal Funds Rate4.Open Market Operations(超级重点)Advantages:The Fed has complete control over the volumeFlexible and preciseEasily reversedQuickly implemented5.Discount Policy(超级重点)Advantages:Used to perform role of lender of last resortdisadvantages:Cannot be controlled by the Fed; the decision maker is the bank6.Reserve Requirements(超级重点)Advantages:No longer binding for most banksdisadvantages:Can cause liquidity problemsIncreases uncertainty for banks7.Monetary Policy Tools of the European Central BankOpen market operationsLending to banksReserve RequirementsChapter16:The Conduct of Monetary Policy: Strategy and Tactics1. Goals of Monetary Policy(1)The Price Stability GoalLow and stable inflationInflationNominal anchor to contain inflation expectationsTime-inconsistency problem(2)Other Goals of Monetary PolicyHigh employmentEconomic growthStability of financial marketsInterest-rate stabilityForeign exchange market stability2.Monetary TargetingAdvantages–Almost immediate signals help fix inflation expectations and produce less inflation –Almost immediate accountability Disadvantages–Must be a strong and reliable relationship between the goal variable and the targeted monetary aggregat e3.Inflation TargetingPublic announcement of medium-term numerical target for inflationInstitutional commitment to price stability as the primary, long-run goal of monetary policy and a commitment to achieve the inflation goalInformation-inclusive approach in which many variables are used in making decisions AdvantagesDoes not rely on one variable to achieve targetEasily understoodReduces potential of falling in time-inconsistency trapStresses transparency and accountabilityDisadvantagesDelayed signalingToo much rigidityPotential for increased output fluctuationsLow economic growth during disinflation4.Monetary Policy with an Implicit Nominal AnchorThere is no explicit nominal anchor in the form of an overriding concern for the Fed.Forward looking behavior and periodic “preemptive strikes”The goal is to prevent inflation from getting started.Advantages–Uses many sources of information–Avoids time-inconsistency problemDisadvantages–Lack of transparency and accountability–Strong dependence on the preferences, skills, and trustworthiness of individuals in charge–Inconsistent with democratic principles5.Tactics: Choosing the Policy InstrumentTools–Open market operation–Reserve requirements–Discount ratePolicy instrument (operating instrument)–Reserve aggregates–Interest rates–May be linked to an intermediate targetInterest-rate and aggregate targets are incompatible (must chose one or the other).6.Linkages Between Central Bank Tools, Policy Instruments, Intermediate Targets, and Goals of Monetary Policy(中间⽬标是超级重点,死活都要背下来)Chapter19:The Demand for Money1.Velocity of Money and The Equation ofExchangeV=P*Y/MM*V=P*Y2.Quantity Theory of Money DemandSO: Demand for money is determined by:The level of transactions generated by the level of nominal income PYThe institutions in the economy that affect the way people conduct transactions and thus determine velocity and hence k 3.Keynes’s Liquidity Preference TheoryTransactions motivePrecautionary motiveSpeculative motiveVelocity is not constant:4.Friedman’s Modern Quantity Theory of Money(记住该公式及其含义)5.Differences between Keynes’s and Friedman’s Model (cont’d)Friedman–Includes alternative assets to money–Viewed money and goods as substitutes–The expected return on money is not constant; however, r b – r m does stay constant as interest rates rise–Interest rates have little effect on the demand for moneyFriedman (cont’d)–The demand for money is stable–velocity is predictable–Money is the primary determinant of aggregate spendingChapter23:Transmission Mechanisms of Monetary Policy: The Evidence1.Framework(1)Structural Modelwhether one variable affects anotherTransmission mechanism–The change in the money supply affects interest rates–Interest rates affect investment spending–Investment spending is a component of aggregate spending (output) Advantages and Disadvantages(2)Reduced-FormAnalyzes the effect of changes in money supply on aggregate output (spending) to see if there is a high correlation Advantages and Disadvantages2.Transmission Mechanisms of Monetary Policy(1)Asset Price EffectsTraditional interest rate effectsExchange rate effects on net exports...(2)Credit ViewChapter24:Money and Inflation1.meaning of inflation(死活背下来)extremely high for a sustained period of time, its rate of money supply growth is also extremely highMoney Growth–High money growth produces high inflationFiscal Policy–Persistent high inflation cannot be driven by fiscal policy aloneSupply Shocks–Supply-side phenomena cannot be the source of persistent high inflation ?Conclusion: always a monetary phenomenon 2.Origins of Inflationary Monetary PolicyCost-push inflation–Cannot occur without monetary authorities pursuing an accommodating policy ?Demand-pull inflationBudget deficits–Can be the source only if the deficit is persistent and is financed by creating money rather than by issuing bondsTwo underlying reasons–Adherence of policymakers to a high employment target–Presence of persistent government budget deficits3.The Discretionary (Activist)/ Nondiscretionary (Nonactivist) Policy Debate(1)Advocates of discretionary policy:regard the self-correcting mechanism as slowPolicy lags slow activist policy(2)Advocates of nondiscretionary policy:believe government should not get involvedDiscretionary policy produces volatility in both the price level and output。

















(米什金)货币的职能:三大职能交易媒介, 货币充当商品和劳务交易的媒体时的功能。

















































Part One:Overview of the Financial System This activity contains 14 questions. 1. Which of the following involves direct finance? A.A. A corporation takes out loans from a bank.B.B. An insurance company buys shares of common stock in the primarymarkets. C.C. People buy shares in a mutual fund.D.D. A money market mutual fund buys commercial paper in a secondarymarket.2.2. Which of the following involves indirect finance?A.A. You make a loan to your neighbor .B.B. A corporation buys shares of common stock issued by anothercorporation.C.C. You buy a U.S. Treasury bill from the U.S. Treasury.D.D. You make a deposit in a bank account.3.3. Which of the following statements about the characteristics of debt and equity is untrue? A.A. They both involve a claim on the issuer's income.B.B. They can both be short-term instruments.C.C. They can both be long-term instruments.D.D. They both enable a corporation to raise funds.E.E. None of the above.4.4. The capital market is the market in which A.A. previously issued securities can be resold. B.B. long-term debt and equity instruments are traded. C.C. new issues of a security are sold to the initial buyers. D.D. short-term debt and equity instruments are traded.5.5. A bond denominated in Japanese yen and sold in the United States is known as aA.A. eurobond.B.B. foreign bond.C.C. international bond.D.D. yenbond.6.6. When borrowers know more than lenders about the future prospects of a project to be undertaken with borrowed funds, the lender faces the problem of PDF PDF 文件使用文件使用文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建试用版本创建试用版本创建w A.A. free-riding.B.B. asymmetric information.C.C. default risk.D.D. moral hazard.7.7. If bad credit risks are the ones most actively seeking loans, then lenders are subject to the A.A. free-rider problem.B.B. principal-agent problem.C.C. adverse selection problem.D.D. asymmetric information problem.E.E. moral hazard problem.8.8. Commercial banks face the moral hazard problem because A.A. borrowers who face income shortfalls may default on loans. B.B. borrowers may turn to financial markets to get funds for high-riskprojects.C.C. borrowers may take on more risk after getting a loan.D.D. borrowers who are high risk will most aggressively seek to borrowfunds.9.9. Which of the following are investment intermediaries? A.A. mutual fundsB.B. life insurance companiesC.C. pension fundsD.D. state government retirement funds10.10. Which of the following is not a contractual savings institution? A.A. pension fundB.B. fire and casualty insurance companyC.C. life insurance companyD.D. savings and loan association11.11. Which of the following financial intermediaries acquires the bulk of its funds through deposits and uses them to fund business and consumer loans? A.A. finance companiesB.B. savings and loans associationsC.C. pension fundsD.D. commercial banks12.12. Which of the following are not subject to federal government regulation? A.A. insurance companiesPDF PDF 文件使用文件使用文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建试用版本创建试用版本创建w B.B. futures market exchangesC.C. state-chartered depository institutionsD.D. mutual savings banksE.E. savings and loans associations13.13. Which of the following is no longer used to ensure the soundness of financial intermediaries? A.A. restrictions on interest ratesB.B. restrictions on assets and activitiesC.C. deposit insuranceD.D. restrictions on entry14.14. Which of the following describes a conflict of interest? A.A. People who seek bank loans are more risky on average than people whodon't.B.B. John has an incentive to act in his own interest rather than in his bank'sinterest. C.C. People who seek bank loans are less risky on average than people who don't. D.D. John knows more than his bank about his personal financial situation.Answer: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B D B B A B C 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 CADDAABPDF PDF 文件使用文件使用文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建试用版本创建试用版本创建w Part Two: What is MoneyThis activity contains 16 questions.1) Economists find no completely satisfactory way to measure money because A) money supply statistics are a state secret.B) the Federal Reserve does not employ or report different measures of thesupply. money supply.C) the "moneyness" or liquidity of an asset is a matter of degree.D) economists find disagreement interesting and refuse to agree for ideologicalreasons.2) To an economist, ________ is anything that is generally accepted in payment for goods and services or in the repayment of debt. A) wealth B) income C) money D) credit3) Currency includes A) paper money and coins.B) paper money, coins, and checks.C) paper money and checks.D) paper money, coins, checks, and savings deposits.Answer:4) Of money's three functions, the one that distinguishes money from other assets is its function as a A) store of value.B) unit of account.C) standard of deferred payment.D) medium of exchange.5) When compared to exchange systems that rely on money, disadvantages of the barter system include: A) the requirement of a double coincidence of wants. B) lowering the cost of exchanging goods over time.C) lowering the cost of exchange to those who would specialize.D) encouraging specialization and the division of labor .6) When economists say that money promotes ________, they mean that money encourages specialization and the division of labor. A) bargainingPDF PDF 文件使用文件使用文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建试用版本创建试用版本创建w B) contracting C) efficiency D) greed7) Which of the following statements best explains how the use of money in an economy increases economic efficiency? A) Money increases economic efficiency because it is costless to produce.B) Money increases economic efficiency because it discourages specialization.C) Money increases economic efficiency because it decreases transactions costs.D) Money cannot have an effect on economic efficiency.8) For a commodity to function effectively as money it must be A) easily standardized, making it easy to ascertain its value.B) difficult to make change.C) deteriorate quickly so that its supply does not become too large.D) hard to carry around.9) Whatever a society uses as money, the distinguishing characteristic is that it must A) be completely inflation proof.B) be generally acceptable as payment for goods and services or in therepayment of debt.C) contain gold.D) be produced by the government.10) Compared to checks, paper currency and coins have the major drawbacks that they A) are easily stolen.B) are hard to counterfeit.C) are not the most liquid assets. D) must be backed by gold.11) As the payments system evolves from barter to a monetary system, A) commodity money is likely to precede the use of paper currency.B) transaction costs increase.C) the number of prices that need to be calculated increase rather dramatically.D) specialization decreases.12) Paper currency that has been declared legal tender but is not convertible into coins or precious metals is called ________ money. A) commodity fiat B) fiatC) electronicPDF PDF 文件使用文件使用文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建试用版本创建试用版本创建w D) funny13) When paper currency is decreed by governments as legal tender, legally it must be ________. A) paper currency backed by goldB) a precious metal such as gold or silverC) accepted as payment for debtsD) convertible into an electronic payment14) The evolution of the payments system from barter to precious metals, then to fiat money, then to checks can best be understood as a consequence of the fact that A) paper is more costly to produce than precious metals. B) precious metals were not generally acceptable.C) precious metals were difficult to carry and transport.D) paper money is less accepted than checks.15) Which of the following sequences accurately describes the evolution of the payments system? A) Barter , coins made of precious metals, paper currency, checks, electronic funds transfersB) Barter , coins made of precious metals, checks, paper currency, electronic funds transfers C) Barter , checks, paper currency, coins made of precious metals, electronic funds transfersD) Barter , checks, paper currency, electronic funds transfers16) The components of the U.S. M1 money supply are demand and checkable deposits plus A) currency.B) currency plus savings deposits.C) currency plus travelers checks.D) currency plus travelers checks plus money market deposits.PDF PDF 文件使用文件使用文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建试用版本创建试用版本创建w Answer: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C C A D A C C A 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 B AABCCACPDF PDF 文件使用文件使用文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建试用版本创建试用版本创建w Part 3: What Do Interest Rates Mean and What Is Their Role in Valuation?This activity contains 11 questions. 1. A credit market instrument that requires the borrower to make the same payment every period until the maturity date is known as a A. coupon bond.B. discount bond.C. simple loan.D. fixed-payment loan.2. A bond that is bought at a price below its face value and the face value is repaid at a maturity date is called a A. coupon bond. B. discount bond. C. simple loan. D. fixed-payment loan.3. Which of the following are true of simple loans? A. A simple loan requires the borrower to repay the principal and interestat the maturity date.B. Commercial loans to businesses are often of this type.C. The borrower repays the loan by making the same payment everymonth.D. Both (a) and (b) of the above.E. Both (b) and (c) of the above.4. Which of the following are true concerning the distinction between interest rates and return? A. The rate of return on a bond will not necessarily equal the interest rateon that bond. B. The return can b e be expressed as the sum of the current yield and the rate of capital gains.C. The rate of return will be greater than the interest rate when the price ofthe bond falls between time t and time t+1.D. All of the above are true.E. Only (a) and (b) of the above are true.5. Which of the following $1,000 face-value securities has the highest yield to maturity? A. 5 percent coupon bond with a price of $1,200B. 5 percent coupon bond with a price of $800PDF PDF 文件使用文件使用文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建试用版本创建试用版本创建w C. 5 percent coupon bond with a price of $900D. 5 percent coupon bond with a price of $1,000E. 5 percent coupon bond with a price of $1,1006. Determine whether the below statements are true or false. I. Bond prices are inversely related to interest rates. II. The smaller a bond's duration, the greater its interest-rate risk.A. Both are false.B. Both are true.C. I is true, II false.D. I is false, II true.7. Of the following measures of interest rates, which is considered by financial economists to be the most accurate? A. the current yield B. the coupon rateC. the rate of returnD. the yield to maturity8. With an interest rate of 4 percent, the present value of $100 next year is approximately A. $96. B. $92. C. $100. D. $104.9. If you expect the inflation rate to be 5 percent over the next year and a one-year bond has a yield to maturity of 7 percent, then the real interest rate on this bond is A. -2 percent.B. 2 percent.C. -12 percent.D. 12 percent.10. Determine whether the below statements are true or false. I. Prices and returns for short-term bonds are less volatile than those for long-term bonds. II. The prices of longer-maturity bonds respond more dramatically to changes in interest rates. A. I is true, II false.B. I is false, II true.C. Both are false.D. Both are true.PDF PDF 文件使用文件使用文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建试用版本创建试用版本创建w 11. A bond investor faces reinvestment risk if his or her holding period isA. longer than the maturity of the bond.B. shorter than the maturity of the bond.C. identical to the maturity of the bond.D. none of the above.Answer: 1 2 3 4 5 6 D B D E B C 7 8 9 10 11 D ABDAPDF PDF 文件使用文件使用文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建试用版本创建试用版本创建w Part 4: Why Do Interest Rates Change? This activity contains 12 questions. 1.1. Which of the following will not increase the demand for an asset?a)a) Wealth increases. b)b) The asset's liquidity rises relative to other assets. c)c) The asset's risk increases relative to other assets. d)d) The asset's expected return rises relative to other assets.2.2. Stock A has an expected return of 15% with a standard deviation of returns of 10%. Stock B has an expected return of 15% with a standard deviation of returns of 5%. Most investors are _____, which means they would prefer to invest in _____. a) risk averse; Stock A b) risk lovers; Stock B c) risk averse; Stock B d) risk lovers; Stock A 3.3. When people expect interest rates to rise in the future, the _____ curve for bonds shifts to the _____. a) supply; left b) demand; right c) supply; right d) demand; left4.4. An increase in the expected rate of inflation will _____ the expected return on bonds relative to that on _____ assets. a) reduce; financial b) reduce; realc) raise; financial d) raise; real5.5. An increase in the expected rate of inflation causes the demand for bonds to _____ and the supply of bonds to _____. a) fall; fall b) rise; fall c) fall; rise d) rise; rise6.6. During a business cycle expansion, the supply of bonds shifts to the _____ as businesses perceive more profitable investment opportunities, while the demand for bonds shifts to the _____ as a PDF PDF 文件使用文件使用文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建试用版本创建试用版本创建 4 4result of the increase in wealth generated by the economic expansion. a) left; rightb) left; left c) right; right d) right; left7.7. Government budget surpluses shift the bond ______ curve to the ______.a) supply; rightb) supply; left c) demand; right d) demand; left8.8. When stock prices become _____ volatile, the demand curve for bonds shifts to the _____ and the interest rate _____. a) less; left; falls b) more; left; fallsc) less; left; rises d) more; right; falls e) more; right; rises9.9. Liquidity refers to a) the amount of wealth a person has to invest.b) the ease with which an asset can be turned into cash.c) the size of an asset's expected return. d) the stability of an asset's expected return.10.10. The Fisher effect is the _____ relationship between _____ and _____.a) direct; expected inflation; interest rates b) inverse; expected inflation; interest ratesc) direct; interest rates; bond prices d)inverse; interest rates; bond prices11.11. Which of the following causes the interest rate to rise, ceteris paribus? a) a decrease in expected inflation b) an increase in investors' wealthc) a decrease in stock pricesd) an increase in the government budget deficit12.12. If the interest rate is below equilibrium, then there is excess _____ in the bond market and bond prices will _____.PDF PDF 文件使用文件使用文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建试用版本创建试用版本创建w a) supply; fall b) demand; fall c) demand; rise d) supply; riseAnswer: 1 2 3 4 5 6 c c d b c c 7 8 9 10 11 12 b dba 、ddaPDF PDF 文件使用文件使用文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建试用版本创建试用版本创建w Part 5: Structure of Central Banks and the Federal Reserve SystemThis activity contains 12 questions. 1.1. The Fed has instrument independence regarding monetary policy if it is free to set A.A. the discount rate.B.B. the exchange rate.C.C. the inflation rate.D.D. the nominal GDP growth rate.2.2. The first two experiments in central banking in the United States in the early 19th century, combined with financial panics in 1873, 1884, 1893, and 1907, convinced Americans that A.A. regulation of the banking system was too costly and ineffective.B.B. regional Federal Reserve banks needed to be created as a check on thepower possessed by the Board of Governors of the Federal ReserveSystem.C.C. the advantages of a central bank outweighed its disadvantages.D.D. all of the above.3.3. Which of the following are entities of the Federal Reserve System? A.A. Federal Reserve BanksB.B. the Federal Open Market CommitteeC.C. the Board of GovernorsD.D. All of the above are Federal Reserve entities.E.E. Only (a) and (b) of the above are Federal Reserve entities.4.4. The Fed's chief monetary policy making unit is A.A. the Board of Governors.B.B. the Federal Reserve Banks.C.C. the Federal Open Market Committee.D.D. the Federal Funds Rate Committee.5.5. Which of the following is not a function of the Federal Reserve Banks?A.A. economic researchB.B. bank examinationC.C. check clearingD.D. setting monetary policy for each Federal Reserve districtPDF PDF 文件使用文件使用文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建试用版本创建试用版本创建w 6.6. Factors that provide the Federal Reserve with a high degree of autonomy include A.A. 14-year terms for members of the Board of Governors.B.B. a source of revenue free from the appropriations process.C.C. a four-year term for the chairman of the Board of Governors that doesnot coincide with the president's four-year term. D.D. all of the above.E.E. only (a) and (b) of the above.7.7. Supporters of the current system of Fed independence believe that a less autonomous Fed would A. adopt a short-run bias toward policymaking.B. pursue overly expansionary monetary policies.C. be more likely to create a political business cycle.D. do all of the above.E. do only (b) and (c) of the above.8.8. When applied to the Fed, the theory of bureaucratic behavior helps to explain why the Fed A.A. resists so vigorously congressional attempts to limit the central bank'sautonomy. B.B. is secretive about the conduct of future monetary policy. C.C. sought less control over banks in the 1980s. D.D. only (a) and (b) of the above.9.9. Politicians in a democratic society may be shortsighted because of their desire to win reelection; thus, the political process can A.A. impart an inflationary bias to monetary policy. B.B. generate a political business cycle, in which just before an electionexpansionary policies are pursued to lower unemployment and interest rates. C.C. place too much pressure on the Fed to finance federal budget deficits.D.D. cause all of the above.E.E.cause only (a) and (b) of the above.10.10. The Fed may feel pressure to support the president's policies since the president can A.A. dismiss members of the Board of Governors appointed by previouspresidents. B.B. appoint a new chairman of the Board of Governors immediately aftertaking office. C.C. approve or veto legislation that might limit the Fed's discretionaryauthority and power . D.D. do all of the above.PDF PDF 文件使用文件使用文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建试用版本创建试用版本创建w E.E. do both (a) and (c) of the above.11.11. The case for Federal Reserve independence does not include the idea that A.A. the principal-agent problem is perhaps worse for the Fed than forpoliticians since the former does not answer to the voters on election day. B.B. policy is always performed better by an elite group such as the Fed. C.C. political pressure would impart an inflationary bias to monetary policy. D.D. both (a) and (b) of the above.12.12. The case for Federal Reserve independence includes the idea that A.A. a Federal Reserve under the control of Congress or the President mightmake the so-called political business cycle more pronounced.B.B. putting the Fed under the control of the President could lead to Treasurypressure on the Fed to finance large budget deficits. C.C. a politically insulated Fed would be more concerned with long-runobjectives and thus be a defender of a sound dollar and a stable price level. D.D. all of the above.Answer:1 2 3 4 5 6 A C D C D D 7 8 9 10 11 12 D DDCDDPDF PDF 文件使用文件使用文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建试用版本创建试用版本创建w Part 6: Banking and the Management of Financial Institutions This activity contains 14 questions. 1.1. Which of the following are reported as assets on a bank's balance sheet? A.A. bank capital B.B. loansC.C. borrowingsD.D. only (a) and (b) of the above2.2. Which of the following are reported as liabilities on a bank's balance sheet? A.A. nontransaction deposits B.B. loans C.C. securities D.D. reserves and cash items 3.3. On a bank's balance sheetA.A. liabilities are the bank's use of funds.B.B. assets are the bank's sources of funds.C.C. bank capital equals assets minus liabilities.D.D. all of the above.4.4. Which of the following statements is false? A.A. The expenses involved in servicing accounts (salaries, building rent, etc.)make up over half the costs of running a bank.B.B. Borrowings include discount loans from the Fed and federal funds.C.C. Demand deposits are checkable deposits that pay no interest.D.D. Transaction deposits are the primary source of bank funds. 5.5. Which of the following are nontransaction deposits? A.A. savings accountsB.B. small-denomination time depositsC.C. certificates of depositD.D. all of the aboveE.E. only (a) and (b) of the above 6.6. Banks acquire the funds they use to purchase income-earning assets from such sources as A.A. bank capital. B.B. cash items in the process of collection.PDF PDF 文件使用文件使用文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建试用版本创建试用版本创建w C.C. reserves.D.D. all of the above.E.E. only (a) and (b) of the above.7.7. When $1 million is deposited at a bank, the required reserve ratio is 20 percent, and the bank chooses not to hold any excess reserves but makes loans instead, then, in the bank's final balance sheet,A.A. the assets at the bank increase by $1,000,000.B.B. the liabilities of the bank increase by $1,000,000.C.C. reserves increase by $200,000.D.D. each of the above occurs.E.E. only (a) and (b) of the above occur. 8.8. Bank capital A.A. provides a cushion against a drop in the value of assets.B.B. serves to reassure uninsured depositors that the bank is sound.C.C. serves to reassure bank regulators that the bank is not likely to fail due toa few bad loans. D.D. does each of the above.E.E. does only (a) and (b) of the above.9.9. When a new depositor opens a checking account at the First National Bank, the bank's assets _____ and its liabilities _____. A.A. increase; decreaseB.B. decrease; decreaseC.C. increase; increaseD.D. decrease; increase10.10. Banks hold excess and secondary reserves to A.A. satisfy federal and state banking regulations. B.B. provide for deposit outflows. C.C. satisfy margin requirements. D.D. do only (a) and (b) of the above.11.11.Which of the following would a bank not hold as insurance against the highest cost of deposit outflow—bank failure? A.A. bank capitalB.B. secondary reservesC.C. mortgagesD.D. excess reserves12.12.Being able to meet deposit outflows is the objective of ______ management.PDF PDF 文件使用文件使用文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建试用版本创建试用版本创建w A.A. liquidityB.B. capitalC.C. assetD.D. liability13.13.As a result of changes in bank liability management practices over the past few decades, A.A. loans have declined as a proportion of total bank assets. B.B. bank liabilities have grown at a slower pace than bank assets. C.C. banks now view their liabilities as a fixed amount to which assets must beadjusted. D.D. negotiable certificates of deposit and borrowings have increased as aproportion of total bank liabilities.14.14. Dividing a bank's net income by its capital gives the bank'sA.A. net interest margin.B.B. equity multiplier .C.C. return on equity.D. return on assets.Answers: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B A C D D A D 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 D CBCADCPDF PDF 文件使用文件使用文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建试用版本创建试用版本创建w Part 7: multiple deposit creation and money supply process This activity contains 18 questions. 1) The four players in the money supply process include A) banks, depositors, borrowers, and the U.S. Treasury. B) banks, depositors, the central bank, and the U.S. Treasury. C) banks, depositors, the central bank, and borrowers. D) banks, borrowers, the central bank, and the U.S. Treasury. Answer: C2) Both ________ and ________ are Federal Reserve assets. A) currency in circulation; reservesB) currency in circulation; government securities C) government securities; discount loans D) government securities; reserves Answer: C3) The monetary liabilities of the Federal Reserve include A) government securities and discount loans. B) currency in circulation and reserves. C) government securities and reserves. D) currency in circulation and discount loans. Answer: B4) The monetary base consists ofA) currency in circulation and Federal Reserve notes.B) currency in circulation and the U.S. Treasury's monetary liabilities. C) currency in circulation and reserves. D) reserves and Federal Reserve Notes. Answer: C5) Total reserves minus bank deposits with the Fed equalsA) vault cash. B) excess reserves. C) required reserves. D) currency in circulation. Answer: A6) Total reserves are the sum of ________ and ________. A) excess reserves; borrowed reserves. B) required reserves; currency in circulationPDF PDF 文件使用文件使用文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建试用版本创建试用版本创建w C) vault cash; excess reservesD) excess reserves; required reserves Answer: D7) Excess reserves are equal toA) total reserves minus discount loans.B) vault cash plus deposits with Federal Reserve banks minus required reserves. C) vault cash minus required reserves.D) deposits with the Fed minus vault cash plus required reserves. Answer: B8) When the Federal Reserve sells a government bond to a bank, reserves in the banking system ________ and the monetary base ________, everything else held constant.A) increase; increases B) increase; decreases C) decrease; increases D) decrease; decreases Answer: D9) When a bank sells a government bond to the Federal Reserve, reserves in the banking system ________ and the monetary base ________, everything else held constant.A) increase; increases B) increase; decreases C) decrease; increases D) decrease; decreases Answer: A10) If a person selling bonds the to the Fed Fed cashes the Fed's check, then reserves ________ and currency in circulation ________, everything else held constant. A) remain unchanged; declines B) remain unchanged; increases C) decline; remains unchanged D) increase; remains unchanged Answer: B11) The effect of an open market purchase on reserves differs depending on how the seller of the bonds keeps the proceeds. If the proceeds are kept in ________, the open market purchase has no effect on reserves; if the proceeds are kept as ________, reserves increase by the amount of the open market purchase. A) deposits; deposits B) deposits; currency C) currency; depositsPDF PDF 文件使用文件使用文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建试用版本创建试用版本创建w 。



Chapter 1Financial marketsMarkets in which funds are transferred from people who have an excess of available funds to people who have a shortage.SecurityIs a claim on the issuer’s future income or assets.BondIs a debt security that promises to make payments periodically for a specified period of time.Interest rateIs the cost of borrowing or the price paid for the rental of funds.Common stock (stock)Represents a share of ownership in a corporation.●To raise funds to finance their activities.● A higher price for a firm’s shares means that it can raise a larger amount of funds, which canbe used to buy production facilities and equipment.The foreign exchange marketFor funds to be transferred from one country to another, they have to be converted from the currency in the country of origin(say, dollars) into the currency of the country they are going to (say, euros). The foreign exchange market is where this conversion takes place.The foreign exchange rateThe price of one country’s currency in terms of another’s.Financial intermediariesInstitutions that borrow funds from people who have saved and in turn make loans to others.BanksAre financial institutions that accept deposits and make loans.●Commercial banks●Saving and loan associations●Mutual saving banks●Credit unionsOther financial institutions●Insurance companies●Finance companies●Pension funds●Mutual funds●Investment banksTypes of financial intermediaries●Depository institutions存款机构Commercial banksSavings and loan associations and mutual savings banksCredit unions信用社●Contractual savings institutions契约型储蓄机构Life insurance companies人寿保险Fire and casualty insurance companies意外伤害险Pension funds and government retirement funds养老和政府退休资金●Investment intermediaries投资中介Finance companiesMutual fundsMoney market mutual fundsInvestment banksA budget deficit is the excess of government expenditures over tax revenues for a particular time period, typically a year, while a budget surplus arises when tax revenues exceed government expenditures.Chapter 2Financial markets perform the essential economic function of channeling funds from households, firms, and governments that have saved surplus funds by spending less than their income to those that have a shortage of funds because they wish to spend more than their income.Direct financeBorrowers borrow funds directly from lenders in financial markets by selling them securities, which are claims on the borrower’s future income or assets.●Advantages➢Borrower can communicate with investor➢Finance cost is lower as no middleman●Disadvantages➢Professional skill & knowledge (surplus units)➢High risk (surplus units)➢Threshold is high (deficit units)SecuritiesAre assets for the person who buys them but liabilities for the individual or firm that sells them.The process of indirect finance using financial intermediaries, called financial intermediation, is the primary route for moving funds from lenders to borrowers.Indirect financeThe process of indirect finance using financial intermediaries, called financial intermediation, is the primary route for moving funds from lenders to borrowers.●Advantages➢Transaction costsThe time and money spent in carrying out financial transactions, are a major problem for people who have excess funds to lend.Financial intermediaries can substantially reduce transaction costs because they have developed expertise in lowering them; and because their large size allows them to take advantage of economies of scale.➢Risk sharingRisk sharingThey create and sell assets with risk characteristics that people are comfortable with, and the intermediaries then use the funds they acquire by selling these assets to purchase other assets that may have far more risk.Low transaction costs allow financial intermediaries to share risk at low cost, enabling them to earn a profit on the spread between the returns they earn on risky assets and the payments they make on the assets they have sold. This process sometimes referred to as asset transformation, because in a sense, risky assets are turned into safer assets for investors.Diversification entails investing in a collection(portfolio) of assets whose returns do not always move together, with the result that overall risk is lower than for individual assets.●Disadvantages➢Asymmetric information: adverse selection and moral hazardAsymmetric informationIn financial markets, one party often does not know enough about the other party to make accurate decisions.Adverse selection is the problem created by asymmetric information before the transaction occurs.Moral hazard is the problem created by asymmetric information after the transaction occurs.Structure of financial markets●Debt and equity markets债务市场和债权市场➢Returns to buyersDebt: The borrower to pay the holder of the instrument fixed dollar amounts at regular intervals (interest and principal payments) until a specified date (the maturity date), when a final payment is made.Equities: Equities often make periodic payments (dividends) to their holders and are considered long-term securities because they have no maturity date.➢Decision makingEquities: Owning stock means that you own a portion of the firm and thus have the right to vote on issues important to the firm and to elect its directors.➢ClaimantEquities: The corporation must pay all its debt holders before it pays its equity holders.➢BenefitEquities: Equity holders benefit directly from any increases in the corporation’s profitability or asset value because equities confer ownership rights on the equity holders.Debt: Debt holders do not share in this benefit, because their dollar payments is fixed.●Primary and secondary markets一级市场和二级市场➢ A primary market is a financial market in which new issues of a security.➢ A secondary market is a financial market in which securities that have been previously issued can be resold.●Exchanges and over-the-counter markets场内交易市场和场外交易市场➢Exchanges, where buyers and sellers of securities meet in one central location to conduct trades.➢OCT market, in which dealers at different locations who have an inventory of securities stand ready to buy and sell securities ”over the counter”to anyone who comes to them and is willing to accept their prices.●Money and capital markets货币市场和资产市场➢The money market is a financial market in which only short-term debt instruments are traded. ➢The capital markets is the market in which longer-term debt and equity instruments are traded.Chapter 3MoneyAs anything that is generally accepted in payment for goods or services or in the repayment of debts.Currency vs. moneyMoney =currency+ deposits.Income is a flow of earnings per unit of time.Functions of money●Medium of exchangeIt is used to pay for goods and services.The use of money as a medium of exchange promotes economic efficiently by minimizing the time spent in exchanging goods and services.The time spent trying to exchange goods or services is called transaction cost. In a barter economy, transaction costs are high because people have to satisfy a “double coincidence of wants”.For a commodity to function effectively as money, it has to meet several criteria:(1)it must be easily standardized, making it simple to ascertain its value;(2)it must be widely accepted;(3)it must be divisible, so that it is easy to “make change”;(4)it must be easy to carry; and (5)it must not deteriorate quickly.●Unit of accountIt is used to measure value in the economy. We measure the value of goods and services in terms of money.Using money as a unit of account reduces transaction costs.●Store of valueIt is a repository of purchasing power over time.LiquidityThe relative ease and speed with which an asset can be converted into a medium of exchange.Money is the most liquid asset of all because it is the medium of exchange; it does not have to be converted into anything else to make purchases.Evolution of the payments system●Commodity money实物货币Money made up of precious metals or another valuable commodity.The problem with a payments system based exclusively on precious metals is that such a form of money is very heavy and is hard to transport one place to another.●Fiat money不兑现货币Paper currency decreed by governments as legal tender but not convertible in to coins or precious metal.●Checks支票Is an instruction from you to your bank to transfer money from your account to someone else’s account when she deposits the check.➢AdvantagesNo currency need be moved.Reduces the transportation costs.Improves economic efficiency.Can be written for any amount up to the balance in the account.➢DisadvantagesTakes time to get checks from one place to another.Takes several business days before a bank will allow you to make use of the fundsAll the paper shuffling required to process checks is costly.●Electronic payment电子支付●E-Money电子货币Measures of the monetary aggregatesM1=currency+traveler’s checks+demand deposits活期存款+other checkable deposits可开具支票的存款M2=M1+small-denomination time deposits小额定期存款+savings deposits and money market deposit accounts+money market mutual fund shares货币市场共同基金Chapter 4Simple interest单利-只在本金的基础上计算利息I=P*r*n/ S=P+ICompounded interest复利-包括利息一起计算利息S=P(I+r)nI=S-P[n=duration; r=interest rate; P=principle]Present valueA dollar paid to you one year from now is less valuable to you than a dollar paid to you today. Future valueFour types of credit market instruments● A simple loan普通贷款The lender provides the borrower with an amount of funds that must be repaid to the lender at the maturity date, along with an additional payment for the interest.● A fixed-payment loan固定回报贷款The lender provides the borrower with an amount of funds, which must be repaid by making the same payment every period, consisting of part of the principle and interest for a set number of years.● A coupon bond债券息票Pays the owner of the bond a fixed interest payment every year until the maturity date, whena specified final amount is repaid.● A discount bond贴现债券Is bought at a price below its face value, and the face value is repaid at the maturity date. Comparison1&4 make payments only at their maturity.2&3 have payments periodically until maturity.Yield to maturityThe interest rate that equates the present value of cash flow payments received from a debt instrument with its value today.从债务工具中获得的现金流的回报的现值与其今天的价值相等的利率● A simple loann i CF PV )1(+= [PV=present value; CF=future cash flow; i=interest rate; n=number of years]● A fixed-payment loanni FP i FP i FP LV )1()1(12++⋅⋅⋅++++= [LV=loan value; FP=fixed yearly payment; n=number of years until maturity]● A coupon bondnn i F i C i C C P )1()1()1(i 12++++⋅⋅⋅++++= [P=price of coupon bond; C=yearly coupon payment; F=face value of the bond; n=years to maturity date]● A discount bondPP F i -= [F=face value of the discount bond; P=current price of the discount bond]现金流终值rr A S n 1)1(-+= 现金流现值 年初:n r A r A r A A P )1()1()1(2++⋅⋅⋅+++++= 年尾:nn r A r A r A r r A P )1()1(1)1(12++⋅⋅⋅++++=+-=-Chapter 9Balance sheetA list of the bank ’s assets and liabilities.Total assets = total liabilities + capitalA bank balance sheet is also a list of its sources of bank funds (liabilities) and uses to which thefunds are put (assets).Liabilities●Checkable deposits支票存款Are bank accounts that allow the owner of the account to write checks to third parties.➢Non-interest-bearing checking accounts (demand deposit)不计息的支票存款(活期存款)➢Interest-bearing NOW (negotiable order of withdrawal) accounts计息可转让的提款通知账户➢Money market deposit accounts (MMDAs)货币市场存款账户MMADs are not subject to reserve requirements and are not included in the M1 definition of money.Checkable deposits and money market deposit accounts are payable on demand.●Nontransaction deposits非交易性存款Are the primary source of bank funds.Owners cannot write checks on nontransaction deposits, but the interest rates paid on these deposits are usually higher than those on checkable deposits.➢Savings accounts储蓄存款Funds can be added or from which funds can be withdrawn at any time, transactions andinterest payments are recorded in a monthly statement or in a passbook held by theowner of the account.➢Time deposits定期存款Have a fixed maturity lengthSmall-denomination time deposits (less than $100,000) are less liquid for the depositorthan passbook savings (saving accounts), earn higher interest rates, and are a morecostly source of funds for the banks.Large-denomination CDs are negotiable; like bonds, they can be resold in a secondarymarket before they mature.●Borrowings借款Banks also obtain funds by borrowing from the Federal Reserve System the Federal Home Loan banks, other banks, and corporations.➢Discount loans贴现贷款Borrowings from the Fed.➢Reserves overnight隔夜准备金Banks borrow funds overnight to have enough deposits at the Federal Reserve to meetthe amount required by the Fed.➢Repurchase agreements回购协议Other sources of borrowed funds are loans made to banks by their parent companies(bank holding companies), loan arrangements with corporations (such as repurchaseagreements), and borrowings of Eurodollars.●Bank capital银行资本Equals the difference between total assets and liabilities.Is a cushion against a drop in the value of its assets.Assets●Reserves准备金Are these deposits plus currency that is physically held by banks.➢Required reserves法定准备金Some reserves are held because of reserve requirements, the regulation that for everydollar of checkable deposits at a bank, a certain fraction must be kept as reserves. Thisfraction is called the required reserve ratio.➢Excess reserves超额准备金They are the most liquid of all bank assets and can be used by a bank to meet itsobligations when funds are withdrawn.●Cash items in process of collection应收现金项目(站在开户人的角度)Suppose that a check written on an account at another bank is deposited in your bank and the funds for this check have not yet been received from the other bank●Deposits at other banks银行同业存款Many small banks hold deposits in larger banks in exchange for a variety of services.●Securities证券A bank’s holdings of securities are an important income-earning asset.➢U.S. government and agency securities联邦政府证券➢State and local government securities州和地方证券➢Other securities其他证券The U.S. government and agency securities are the most liquid because they can be easily traded and converted into cash with low transaction costs. Because of their high liquidity, short-term U.S. government securities are called secondary reserves.State and local government and other securities both less marketable (less liquid) and riskier than U.S. government securities, primarily because of default risk.●Loans贷款Loans are typically less liquid than other assets.流动性较低Have a probability of default than other assets.违约性高Because of the lack of liquidity and higher default risk, the bank earns its highest return on loans.贷款回报率高●Other assets其他资产The physical capital (bank buildings, computers, and other equipment) owned by the banks is included in this category.General principles of bank management银行管理●Liquidity management and the role of reserves流动性管理The acquisition of sufficiently liquid assets to meet the bank’s obligations to depositors.➢To acquire reserves to meet a deposit outflow by borrowing them from other banks in the federal funds market or by borrowing from corporations.➢To sell some of its securities to help cover the deposit outflow.➢Meet a deposit out flow is to acquire reserves by borrowing from the Fed.➢Reducing its loans by the amount of the deposit outflow and then deposit it to the Fed.●Asset management资产管理The bank manager must pursue an acceptably low level of risk by acquiring assets that have a low rate of default and by diversifying asset holdings.Banks try to find borrowers who will pay high interest rates and are unlikely to default on their loans.Banks try to purchase securities with high returns and low risk.In managing their assets, banks must attempt to lower risk by diversifying.The bank must manage the liquidity of its assets so that it can satisfy its reserve requirements without bearing huge costs. (That means that it will hold liquid securities even if they earn a somewhat lower return than other assets.●Liability management负债管理To acquire funds at low cost.●Capital adequacy management (To prevent bank failure 资本充足率管理The manager must decide the amount of capital the bank should maintain and then acquire the needed capital.High capital bank vs. Low capital bank(ROA; ROE; EM; ER; ROE=ROA*EM(Given the return on assets, the lower the bank capital, the higher the return for the owners of the bank.Managing credit risk●Screening and monitoring●Specialization in lending●Monitoring and enforcement of restrictive covenants.●Long-term customer relationships●Loan commitments●Collateral and compensating balances●Credit rationingChapter 13The Fed’s balance sheet央行资产负债表Federal Reserve SystemAssets LiabilitiesGovernment securities Currency in circulationDiscount loans ReservesMonetary baseTreasury’s monetary liabilities(treasury currency in circulation, primary coins.Control of the monetary baseThe monetary base(also called high-powered moneyMB=C+R●Federal reserve open market operations公开市场业务A purchase of bonds by the Fed is called an open market purchase, and a sele of bonds by the Fed is called an open market sale.➢Open market purchase from a bankBanking system Federal reserve system Assets liabilities Assets Liabilities Securities -$100 securities +$100 Reserves +$100 Reserves +$100Because there has been no change of currency in circulation, the monetary base has also risen by $100.➢Open market purchase from the nonbank publicBanking system Federal reserve system Assets liabilities Assets liabilities Reserves +$100 checkable deposits +$100 securities +$100 Reserves +$100Because increase by the amount of the open market purchase, and the monetary base increase by the same amount.Nonbank public Federal reserve systemAssets Liabilities Assets Liabilities Securities -$100 securities +$100 Reserves +$100 Currency +$100The effect of an open market purchase on reserves depends on whether the seller of the bonds keeps the proceeds from the sale in currency or in deposits.The effect of an open market purchase on the monetary base, however, is always the same(the monetary base increases by the amount of the purchase) whether the seller of the bonds keeps the proceeds in deposits or in currency.➢Open market saleNonbank public Federal reserve systemAssets Liabilities Assets Liabilities Securities -$100 securities -$100 Reserves -$100 Currency +$100●Shifts from deposits into currency存款向通货的转换Such a shift will have no effect on the monetary base.●Discount loans贴现贷款The net effect on the monetary liabilities of the Fed, and hence on the monetary base.Multiple deposit creation: A simple model 多倍存款创造Multiple deposit creationWhen the Fed supplies the banking system with $1 of additional reserves, deposits increasse bu amultiple f this amount--a process.Bank AAssets LiabilitiesReserves +$100 Checkable deposits +$100Bank AAssets LiabilitiesReserves +$10 Checkable deposits +$100Loans +$90Bank BAssets LiabilitiesReserves +$90 Checkable deposits +$90Bank BAssets LiabilitiesReserves +$9 Checkable deposits +$90Loans +$81Bank AAssets LiabilitiesReserves +$10 Checkable deposits +$100Securities +$90Whether a bank chooses to use its excess reserves to make loans ot to purchase securities, the effect on deposit expansion is the same.Chapter 17Exchange rateThe price of one currency in terms of another.Transactions conducted in the foreign exchange market determine the rates at which currencies are exchanged, which in turn determine the cost of purchasing foreign goods and financial assets.Spot transactions即期汇率The predominant ones, involve the immediate( two-day)exchange of bank deposits.Forward transactions远期汇率Involve the exchange of bank deposits at some specified future date.AppreciationWhen a currency increases in value.DepreciationWhen it falls in value and it worth fewer U.S. Dollars.Exchange rate are important because they affect the relative price of domestic and foreign goods. When a country’s currency appreciates, the country’s goods abroad become more expensive andforeign goods in that country become cheaper(holding domestic prices constant in the two countries), Conversely, when a country’s currency depreciates, its goods abroad become cheaper and foreign foods in that country become more expensive.Exchange rate in the long run●Law of one priceIf two countries produce an identical good, and transportation costs and trade barriers are very low, the price of the good should be the same throughout the world no matter which country produces it.●Theory of purchasing power parityIt states that exchange rates between any two currencies will adjust to reflect changes in the price levels of the two countries. The theory of PPP is simply an application of the law of one price to national price level rather than to individual prices.Factors that affect exchange rates in the long run长期中影响汇率的因素●Relative price levelsIn the long run, a rise in a country’s price level(relative to the foreign price level) causes its currency to depreciate, and a fall in the country’s relative price level causes its currency to appreciate.●Trade barriersIncreasing trade barriers cause a country’s currency to appreciate in the long run.●Preferences for domestic versus foreign foods●ProductivityExchange rates in the short run●Comparing expected returns on domestic and foreign assets●Interest parity condition●Demand curve for domestic assetsExplaining changes in exchange ratesShift in the demand for domestic assets●Domestic interest rate, i DWhen the domestic interest rate on dollar assets i D rises, the return on dollar assets increases relative to foreign assets, so people will want to hold more dollar assets. The quantity of sollar assets demanded increases.●Foreign interest rate, i FWhen the foreign interest rate i F rises, the return on foreign assets rises relative to dollar assets. People want to hole fewer dollar assets, and the quantity demanded decreases.An increase in the foreign interest rate i shift the demand curve D to the left and causes the domestic currency to depreciate; a fall in the in the in the foreign interest rate i shifts the demand curve D to the right and causes the domestic currency to appreciate.●Changes in the expected future exchange rate, E e t+1A rise in the expected future exchange rate,E e t+1 ,shifts the demand curve to the right and causes an appreciation of the domestic currency, a fall in the expected future exchange rate,E e t+1 , shifts thedemand curve to the left and causes a depreciation of the currency.。





欧洲中长期贷款特点:签订贷款协议;利率确定灵活(浮动利率),通常以伦敦银行同业拆放利率(London Inter-Bank Offered Rate,简称LIBOR)为基础,再加上一个加息率(Margin 或Spread)确定;联合贷款,即银团贷款,有的贷款需要由借款方的官方机构或政府担保。

- 2 -货币银行学复习提纲2、欧洲债券市场的特点及其发行程序。











1.某银行接到一客户的要求,贴现一个月 后到期的面值为20万的零息票债券,贴现 率为8.4%(年息),请计算贴现利息和实 际贴现利率。
2.某国商业银行体系共持有准备金300亿 元,公众持有的通货数量为100亿元。中 央银行对活期存款和非个人定期存款规定 的法定准备金率分别15%和10%,据测算, 流通中的现金漏损率为25%,商业银行的 超额准备金率为5%,而非个人定期存款 比率为50%。试求:
1.假设在短期内浮存增加10亿元,财政存 款增加9亿元,央行持有的国库券减少6亿 元,这些变化对基础货币的净影响是什么?
2.假设央行向某银行购买了100万元的国 库券,准备率为10%,如果这一行动导致 存款扩张了800万元,此银行系统是否均 衡?为什么?
四章 商业银行
一、问答题 1.为什么信用证会成为使用最广泛的一种 国际结算方式? 2.混业经营有何利弊?你赞成在我国引入 混业经营吗? 3.解决业主代理人问题的方法有哪些?
4.如何理解赢利性、流动性和收益性的对 立统一?
5.请说明负债管理理论的核心思想,并阐 述购买理论和销售理论的主要内容。
8.在中央银行与政府的关系中,美国联邦 储备系统是独立性较大的模式的典范,试 从联储的结构及运行机制上对其独立性进 行讨论。
第七章 货币理论上
1.央行向券商购买国库券1亿元对货币供应量的 影响与向商业银行购买有什么不同?






































货币银行学复习资料一、名词解释金融部门(financial sector):金融市场和金融机构合称经济中的金融部门。

金融体系(financial system):金融工具、金融市场、金融机构和有关规则四个方面组成金融体系。

配臵效率(allocative efficiency):考察的是在对证券的风险和其他特性的差异进行调整后,资金被引导到的是否为承诺支付最高利息回报的部门。


运行效率(operational efficiency):考察资金转移是否在维系市场正常运行所需的最低可能成本下进行。


非中介化(disinter mediation):资金从中介金融市场转到私人金融市场,也叫脱媒。


初级证券(primary security):在金融市场上交易的,由最终的DSUS创造的证券,这种DSUS是的资金最终使用者,用来购买非金融的商品和服务。

次级证券(secondary security):由于许多初级证券缺乏 SSUS所需的特性,银行等金融机构将初级证券转换为适合SSUS特性的证券,即次级证券。




收益曲线(yield curve):不同年限的债券在相同时点的相应的市场到期收益率所连成的线,横轴表示的是各种未清偿债券从某一既定时点至到期日间的剩余年限,纵轴则表明各种债券在相同时点的相应的市场收益率。

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Chapter 1Financial marketsMarkets in which funds are transferred from people who have an excess of available funds to people who have a shortage.SecurityIs a claim on the issuer’s future income or assets.BondIs a debt security that promises to make payments periodically for a specified period of time.Interest rateIs the cost of borrowing or the price paid for the rental of funds.Common stock (stock)Represents a share of ownership in a corporation.●To raise funds to finance their activities.● A higher price for a firm’s shares means that it can raise a larger amount of funds, which canbe used to buy production facilities and equipment.The foreign exchange marketFor funds to be transferred from one country to another, they have to be converted from the currency in the country of origin(say, dollars) into the currency of the country they are going to (say, euros). The foreign exchange market is where this conversion takes place.The foreign exchange rateThe price of one country’s currency in terms of another’s.Financial intermediariesInstitutions that borrow funds from people who have saved and in turn make loans to others.BanksAre financial institutions that accept deposits and make loans.●Commercial banks●Saving and loan associations●Mutual saving banks●Credit unionsOther financial institutions●Insurance companies●Finance companies●Pension funds●Mutual funds●Investment banksTypes of financial intermediaries●Depository institutions存款机构Commercial banksSavings and loan associations and mutual savings banksCredit unions信用社●Contractual savings institutions契约型储蓄机构Life insurance companies人寿保险Fire and casualty insurance companies意外伤害险Pension funds and government retirement funds养老和政府退休资金●Investment intermediaries投资中介Finance companiesMutual fundsMoney market mutual fundsInvestment banksA budget deficit is the excess of government expenditures over tax revenues for a particular time period, typically a year, while a budget surplus arises when tax revenues exceed government expenditures.Chapter 2Financial markets perform the essential economic function of channeling funds from households, firms, and governments that have saved surplus funds by spending less than their income to those that have a shortage of funds because they wish to spend more than their income.Direct financeBorrowers borrow funds directly from lenders in financial markets by selling them securities, which are claims on the borrower’s future income or assets.●Advantages➢Borrower can communicate with investor➢Finance cost is lower as no middleman●Disadvantages➢Professional skill & knowledge (surplus units)➢High risk (surplus units)➢Threshold is high (deficit units)SecuritiesAre assets for the person who buys them but liabilities for the individual or firm that sells them.The process of indirect finance using financial intermediaries, called financial intermediation, is the primary route for moving funds from lenders to borrowers.Indirect financeThe process of indirect finance using financial intermediaries, called financial intermediation, is the primary route for moving funds from lenders to borrowers.●Advantages➢Transaction costsThe time and money spent in carrying out financial transactions, are a major problem for people who have excess funds to lend.Financial intermediaries can substantially reduce transaction costs because they have developed expertise in lowering them; and because their large size allows them to take advantage of economies of scale.➢Risk sharingRisk sharingThey create and sell assets with risk characteristics that people are comfortable with, and the intermediaries then use the funds they acquire by selling these assets to purchase other assets that may have far more risk.Low transaction costs allow financial intermediaries to share risk at low cost, enabling them to earn a profit on the spread between the returns they earn on risky assets and the payments they make on the assets they have sold. This process sometimes referred to as asset transformation, because in a sense, risky assets are turned into safer assets for investors.Diversification entails investing in a collection(portfolio) of assets whose returns do not always move together, with the result that overall risk is lower than for individual assets.●Disadvantages➢Asymmetric information: adverse selection and moral hazardAsymmetric informationIn financial markets, one party often does not know enough about the other party to make accurate decisions.Adverse selection is the problem created by asymmetric information before the transaction occurs.Moral hazard is the problem created by asymmetric information after the transaction occurs.Structure of financial markets●Debt and equity markets债务市场和债权市场➢Returns to buyersDebt: The borrower to pay the holder of the instrument fixed dollar amounts at regular intervals (interest and principal payments) until a specified date (the maturity date), when a final payment is made.Equities: Equities often make periodic payments (dividends) to their holders and are considered long-term securities because they have no maturity date.➢Decision makingEquities: Owning stock means that you own a portion of the firm and thus have the right to vote on issues important to the firm and to elect its directors.➢ClaimantEquities: The corporation must pay all its debt holders before it pays its equity holders.➢BenefitEquities: Equity holders benefit directly from any increases in the corporation’s profitability or asset value because equities confer ownership rights on the equity holders.Debt: Debt holders do not share in this benefit, because their dollar payments is fixed.●Primary and secondary markets一级市场和二级市场➢ A primary market is a financial market in which new issues of a security.➢ A secondary market is a financial market in which securities that have been previously issued can be resold.●Exchanges and over-the-counter markets场内交易市场和场外交易市场➢Exchanges, where buyers and sellers of securities meet in one central location to conduct trades.➢OCT market, in which dealers at different locations who have an inventory of securities stand ready to buy and sell securities ”over the counter”to anyone who comes to them and is willing to accept their prices.●Money and capital markets货币市场和资产市场➢The money market is a financial market in which only short-term debt instruments are traded. ➢The capital markets is the market in which longer-term debt and equity instruments are traded.Chapter 3MoneyAs anything that is generally accepted in payment for goods or services or in the repayment of debts.Currency vs. moneyMoney =currency+ deposits.Income is a flow of earnings per unit of time.Functions of money●Medium of exchangeIt is used to pay for goods and services.The use of money as a medium of exchange promotes economic efficiently by minimizing the time spent in exchanging goods and services.The time spent trying to exchange goods or services is called transaction cost. In a barter economy, transaction costs are high because people have to satisfy a “double coincidence of wants”.For a commodity to function effectively as money, it has to meet several criteria:(1)it must be easily standardized, making it simple to ascertain its value;(2)it must be widely accepted;(3)it must be divisible, so that it is easy to “make change”;(4)it must be easy to carry; and (5)it must not deteriorate quickly.●Unit of accountIt is used to measure value in the economy. We measure the value of goods and services in terms of money.Using money as a unit of account reduces transaction costs.●Store of valueIt is a repository of purchasing power over time.LiquidityThe relative ease and speed with which an asset can be converted into a medium of exchange.Money is the most liquid asset of all because it is the medium of exchange; it does not have to be converted into anything else to make purchases.Evolution of the payments system●Commodity money实物货币Money made up of precious metals or another valuable commodity.The problem with a payments system based exclusively on precious metals is that such a form of money is very heavy and is hard to transport one place to another.●Fiat money不兑现货币Paper currency decreed by governments as legal tender but not convertible in to coins or precious metal.●Checks支票Is an instruction from you to your bank to transfer money from your account to someone else’s account when she deposits the check.➢AdvantagesNo currency need be moved.Reduces the transportation costs.Improves economic efficiency.Can be written for any amount up to the balance in the account.➢DisadvantagesTakes time to get checks from one place to another.Takes several business days before a bank will allow you to make use of the fundsAll the paper shuffling required to process checks is costly.●Electronic payment电子支付●E-Money电子货币Measures of the monetary aggregatesM1=currency+traveler’s checks+demand deposits活期存款+other checkable deposits可开具支票的存款M2=M1+small-denomination time deposits小额定期存款+savings deposits and money market deposit accounts+money market mutual fund shares货币市场共同基金Chapter 4Simple interest单利-只在本金的基础上计算利息I=P*r*n/ S=P+ICompounded interest复利-包括利息一起计算利息S=P(I+r)nI=S-P[n=duration; r=interest rate; P=principle]Present valueA dollar paid to you one year from now is less valuable to you than a dollar paid to you today. Future valueFour types of credit market instruments● A simple loan普通贷款The lender provides the borrower with an amount of funds that must be repaid to the lender at the maturity date, along with an additional payment for the interest.● A fixed-payment loan固定回报贷款The lender provides the borrower with an amount of funds, which must be repaid by making the same payment every period, consisting of part of the principle and interest for a set number of years.● A coupon bond债券息票Pays the owner of the bond a fixed interest payment every year until the maturity date, whena specified final amount is repaid.● A discount bond贴现债券Is bought at a price below its face value, and the face value is repaid at the maturity date. Comparison1&4 make payments only at their maturity.2&3 have payments periodically until maturity.Yield to maturityThe interest rate that equates the present value of cash flow payments received from a debt instrument with its value today.从债务工具中获得的现金流的回报的现值与其今天的价值相等的利率● A simple loann i CF PV )1(+= [PV=present value; CF=future cash flow; i=interest rate; n=number of years]● A fixed-payment loanni FP i FP i FP LV )1()1(12++⋅⋅⋅++++= [LV=loan value; FP=fixed yearly payment; n=number of years until maturity]● A coupon bondnn i F i C i C C P )1()1()1(i 12++++⋅⋅⋅++++= [P=price of coupon bond; C=yearly coupon payment; F=face value of the bond; n=years to maturity date]● A discount bondPP F i -= [F=face value of the discount bond; P=current price of the discount bond]现金流终值rr A S n 1)1(-+= 现金流现值 年初:n r A r A r A A P )1()1()1(2++⋅⋅⋅+++++= 年尾:nn r A r A r A r r A P )1()1(1)1(12++⋅⋅⋅++++=+-=-Chapter 9Balance sheetA list of the bank ’s assets and liabilities.Total assets = total liabilities + capitalA bank balance sheet is also a list of its sources of bank funds (liabilities) and uses to which thefunds are put (assets).Liabilities●Checkable deposits支票存款Are bank accounts that allow the owner of the account to write checks to third parties.➢Non-interest-bearing checking accounts (demand deposit)不计息的支票存款(活期存款)➢Interest-bearing NOW (negotiable order of withdrawal) accounts计息可转让的提款通知账户➢Money market deposit accounts (MMDAs)货币市场存款账户MMADs are not subject to reserve requirements and are not included in the M1 definition of money.Checkable deposits and money market deposit accounts are payable on demand.●Nontransaction deposits非交易性存款Are the primary source of bank funds.Owners cannot write checks on nontransaction deposits, but the interest rates paid on these deposits are usually higher than those on checkable deposits.➢Savings accounts储蓄存款Funds can be added or from which funds can be withdrawn at any time, transactions andinterest payments are recorded in a monthly statement or in a passbook held by theowner of the account.➢Time deposits定期存款Have a fixed maturity lengthSmall-denomination time deposits (less than $100,000) are less liquid for the depositorthan passbook savings (saving accounts), earn higher interest rates, and are a morecostly source of funds for the banks.Large-denomination CDs are negotiable; like bonds, they can be resold in a secondarymarket before they mature.●Borrowings借款Banks also obtain funds by borrowing from the Federal Reserve System the Federal Home Loan banks, other banks, and corporations.➢Discount loans贴现贷款Borrowings from the Fed.➢Reserves overnight隔夜准备金Banks borrow funds overnight to have enough deposits at the Federal Reserve to meetthe amount required by the Fed.➢Repurchase agreements回购协议Other sources of borrowed funds are loans made to banks by their parent companies(bank holding companies), loan arrangements with corporations (such as repurchaseagreements), and borrowings of Eurodollars.●Bank capital银行资本Equals the difference between total assets and liabilities.Is a cushion against a drop in the value of its assets.Assets●Reserves准备金Are these deposits plus currency that is physically held by banks.➢Required reserves法定准备金Some reserves are held because of reserve requirements, the regulation that for everydollar of checkable deposits at a bank, a certain fraction must be kept as reserves. Thisfraction is called the required reserve ratio.➢Excess reserves超额准备金They are the most liquid of all bank assets and can be used by a bank to meet itsobligations when funds are withdrawn.●Cash items in process of collection应收现金项目(站在开户人的角度)Suppose that a check written on an account at another bank is deposited in your bank and the funds for this check have not yet been received from the other bank●Deposits at other banks银行同业存款Many small banks hold deposits in larger banks in exchange for a variety of services.●Securities证券A bank’s holdings of securities are an important income-earning asset.➢U.S. government and agency securities联邦政府证券➢State and local government securities州和地方证券➢Other securities其他证券The U.S. government and agency securities are the most liquid because they can be easily traded and converted into cash with low transaction costs. Because of their high liquidity, short-term U.S. government securities are called secondary reserves.State and local government and other securities both less marketable (less liquid) and riskier than U.S. government securities, primarily because of default risk.●Loans贷款Loans are typically less liquid than other assets.流动性较低Have a probability of default than other assets.违约性高Because of the lack of liquidity and higher default risk, the bank earns its highest return on loans.贷款回报率高●Other assets其他资产The physical capital (bank buildings, computers, and other equipment) owned by the banks is included in this category.General principles of bank management银行管理●Liquidity management and the role of reserves流动性管理The acquisition of sufficiently liquid assets to meet the bank’s obligations to depositors.➢To acquire reserves to meet a deposit outflow by borrowing them from other banks in the federal funds market or by borrowing from corporations.➢To sell some of its securities to help cover the deposit outflow.➢Meet a deposit out flow is to acquire reserves by borrowing from the Fed.➢Reducing its loans by the amount of the deposit outflow and then deposit it to the Fed.●Asset management资产管理The bank manager must pursue an acceptably low level of risk by acquiring assets that have a low rate of default and by diversifying asset holdings.Banks try to find borrowers who will pay high interest rates and are unlikely to default on their loans.Banks try to purchase securities with high returns and low risk.In managing their assets, banks must attempt to lower risk by diversifying.The bank must manage the liquidity of its assets so that it can satisfy its reserve requirements without bearing huge costs. (That means that it will hold liquid securities even if they earn a somewhat lower return than other assets.●Liability management负债管理To acquire funds at low cost.●Capital adequacy management (To prevent bank failure 资本充足率管理The manager must decide the amount of capital the bank should maintain and then acquire the needed capital.High capital bank vs. Low capital bank(ROA; ROE; EM; ER; ROE=ROA*EM(Given the return on assets, the lower the bank capital, the higher the return for the owners of the bank.Managing credit risk●Screening and monitoring●Specialization in lending●Monitoring and enforcement of restrictive covenants.●Long-term customer relationships●Loan commitments●Collateral and compensating balances●Credit rationingChapter 13The Fed’s balance sheet央行资产负债表Federal Reserve SystemAssets LiabilitiesGovernment securities Currency in circulationDiscount loans ReservesMonetary baseTreasury’s monetary liabilities(treasury currency in circulation, primary coins.Control of the monetary baseThe monetary base(also called high-powered moneyMB=C+R●Federal reserve open market operations公开市场业务A purchase of bonds by the Fed is called an open market purchase, and a sele of bonds by the Fed is called an open market sale.➢Open market purchase from a bankBanking system Federal reserve system Assets liabilities Assets Liabilities Securities -$100 securities +$100 Reserves +$100 Reserves +$100Because there has been no change of currency in circulation, the monetary base has also risen by $100.➢Open market purchase from the nonbank publicBanking system Federal reserve system Assets liabilities Assets liabilities Reserves +$100 checkable deposits +$100 securities +$100 Reserves +$100Because increase by the amount of the open market purchase, and the monetary base increase by the same amount.Nonbank public Federal reserve systemAssets Liabilities Assets Liabilities Securities -$100 securities +$100 Reserves +$100 Currency +$100The effect of an open market purchase on reserves depends on whether the seller of the bonds keeps the proceeds from the sale in currency or in deposits.The effect of an open market purchase on the monetary base, however, is always the same(the monetary base increases by the amount of the purchase) whether the seller of the bonds keeps the proceeds in deposits or in currency.➢Open market saleNonbank public Federal reserve systemAssets Liabilities Assets Liabilities Securities -$100 securities -$100 Reserves -$100 Currency +$100●Shifts from deposits into currency存款向通货的转换Such a shift will have no effect on the monetary base.●Discount loans贴现贷款The net effect on the monetary liabilities of the Fed, and hence on the monetary base.Multiple deposit creation: A simple model 多倍存款创造Multiple deposit creationWhen the Fed supplies the banking system with $1 of additional reserves, deposits increasse bu amultiple f this amount--a process.Bank AAssets LiabilitiesReserves +$100 Checkable deposits +$100Bank AAssets LiabilitiesReserves +$10 Checkable deposits +$100Loans +$90Bank BAssets LiabilitiesReserves +$90 Checkable deposits +$90Bank BAssets LiabilitiesReserves +$9 Checkable deposits +$90Loans +$81Bank AAssets LiabilitiesReserves +$10 Checkable deposits +$100Securities +$90Whether a bank chooses to use its excess reserves to make loans ot to purchase securities, the effect on deposit expansion is the same.Chapter 17Exchange rateThe price of one currency in terms of another.Transactions conducted in the foreign exchange market determine the rates at which currencies are exchanged, which in turn determine the cost of purchasing foreign goods and financial assets.Spot transactions即期汇率The predominant ones, involve the immediate( two-day)exchange of bank deposits.Forward transactions远期汇率Involve the exchange of bank deposits at some specified future date.AppreciationWhen a currency increases in value.DepreciationWhen it falls in value and it worth fewer U.S. Dollars.Exchange rate are important because they affect the relative price of domestic and foreign goods. When a country’s currency appreciates, the country’s goods abroad become more expensive andforeign goods in that country become cheaper(holding domestic prices constant in the two countries), Conversely, when a country’s currency depreciates, its goods abroad become cheaper and foreign foods in that country become more expensive.Exchange rate in the long run●Law of one priceIf two countries produce an identical good, and transportation costs and trade barriers are very low, the price of the good should be the same throughout the world no matter which country produces it.●Theory of purchasing power parityIt states that exchange rates between any two currencies will adjust to reflect changes in the price levels of the two countries. The theory of PPP is simply an application of the law of one price to national price level rather than to individual prices.Factors that affect exchange rates in the long run长期中影响汇率的因素●Relative price levelsIn the long run, a rise in a country’s price level(relative to the foreign price level) causes its currency to depreciate, and a fall in the country’s relative price level causes its currency to appreciate.●Trade barriersIncreasing trade barriers cause a country’s currency to appreciate in the long run.●Preferences for domestic versus foreign foods●ProductivityExchange rates in the short run●Comparing expected returns on domestic and foreign assets●Interest parity condition●Demand curve for domestic assetsExplaining changes in exchange ratesShift in the demand for domestic assets●Domestic interest rate, i DWhen the domestic interest rate on dollar assets i D rises, the return on dollar assets increases relative to foreign assets, so people will want to hold more dollar assets. The quantity of sollar assets demanded increases.●Foreign interest rate, i FWhen the foreign interest rate i F rises, the return on foreign assets rises relative to dollar assets. People want to hole fewer dollar assets, and the quantity demanded decreases.An increase in the foreign interest rate i shift the demand curve D to the left and causes the domestic currency to depreciate; a fall in the in the in the foreign interest rate i shifts the demand curve D to the right and causes the domestic currency to appreciate.●Changes in the expected future exchange rate, E e t+1A rise in the expected future exchange rate,E e t+1 ,shifts the demand curve to the right and causes an appreciation of the domestic currency, a fall in the expected future exchange rate,E e t+1 , shifts thedemand curve to the left and causes a depreciation of the currency.。
