GAAP_Revenue Recognition Principle 一般公认会计原则




gaap名词解释GAAP - Generally Accepted Accounting Principles,是指一套被广泛认可和遵循的会计准则,用于规范和指导财务报表的编制,目的是保证财务报告的准确和可比性。

1. The company is required to follow GAAP when preparing its financial statements.财务报表的编制必须遵循GAAP。

2. GAAP ensures that all companies follow the same standards when reporting their financial information.GAAP确保所有公司在报告财务信息时遵循相同的标准。

3. Auditors review the financial statements to ensure compliance with GAAP.审计师审查财务报表,以确保符合GAAP的要求。

4. GAAP provides guidelines on how to recognize revenue from sales transactions.GAAP提供了关于如何确认销售交易收入的准则。

5. Companies that go public are required to present their financial statements in accordance with GAAP.上市公司需要按照GAAP的规定呈现财务报表。

6. GAAP requires companies to disclose all significant accounting policies.GAAP要求公司披露所有重要的会计政策。

7. Financial statements prepared in accordance with GAAP are more reliable and comparable.按照GAAP编制的财务报表更可靠且可比性更强。

美国 GAAP 下的企业税务筹划与企业税务审计

美国 GAAP 下的企业税务筹划与企业税务审计

美国 GAAP 下的企业税务筹划与企业税务审计美国GAAP(Generally Accepted Accounting Principles,通用会计准则)是美国财务报告的标准,它的实施对于企业税务筹划和企业税务审计都具有重要的影响。

















美国 GAAP 下的公允价值计量及应用

美国 GAAP 下的公允价值计量及应用

美国 GAAP 下的公允价值计量及应用美国通用公认会计原则(Generally Accepted Accounting Principles,简称GAAP)是美国企业会计准则的综合规范,对企业的会计记录和报告提出了具体规定。

其中,公平价值计量(fair value measurement)是GAAP中重要的会计原则之一。




根据美国GAAP,公允价值计量应遵循以下原则:1. 市场参与者的观点:公允价值计量需要基于市场参与者的角度进行,即考虑所有相关市场参与者对于资产或负债价值的看法。

2. 市场信息的有效性:公允价值计量依赖于充分且有效的市场信息,例如交易价格、报价、利率等,以确定资产或负债的公允价值。

3. 全面性与准确性:公允价值计量需要全面且准确地评估资产或负债的价值,包括考虑到未来现金流量、风险特征、市场波动等因素。

二、公允价值计量在美国GAAP中的应用范围美国GAAP要求企业根据市场价值对特定项目或金融工具进行公允价值计量,涵盖的范围主要包括以下方面:1. 金融工具:如股票、债券、衍生品等。


2. 投资性房地产:企业根据市场价格或专业估值来计量投资性房地产的公允价值,以反映其在市场上的价值动态。

3. 商誉(Goodwill):商誉通常是企业通过收购或合并产生的资产,其公允价值的计量需要基于市场信息和相关的预测模型。

4. 长期股权投资(Long-term equity investments):企业对于其持有的长期股权投资,应按照公允价值进行计量,以准确反映企业的权益。

名词解释 gaap

名词解释 gaap

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GAAP是“Generally Accepted Accounting Principles”的缩写,翻译为“普遍公认的会计原则”。













19版会计学原理怀尔德答案Chapter 1

19版会计学原理怀尔德答案Chapter 1

Chaper 1 Accounting in BusinessMultiple Choice Quiz1-c; 2-b; 3-d; 4-a; 5-aQuick StudyQS 1-1a-E; b-E; c-I; d-E; e-E; f-I; g-E; h-E; i-E; j-E; k-I; l-EQS 1-2GAAP: Generally Accepted Accounting PrinciplesImportance: GAAP are the rules that specify acceptable accounting practices.SEC: Securities and Exchange CommissionImportance: The SEC is charged by Congress to set accounting and reporting rules for organizations that sell ownership shares to the public. The SEC delegates part of this responsibility to the FASB.FASB: Financial Accounting Standards BoardImportance: FASB is an independent group of full-time members who are responsible for setting accounting and reporting rules.IASB: International Accounting Standards BoardImportance: Its purpose is to issue standards that identify preferred practices in the desire of harmonizing accounting practices across different countries. The vast majority of countries and financial exchanges support its activities and objectives.QS 1-3Accounting professionals practice in at least four main areas. These four areas, along with a listing of some work opportunities in each, are:1. Financial accountingPreparation; Analysis; Auditing (external); Consulting; Investigation2. Managerial accountingCost accounting; Budgeting; Auditing (internal); Consulting3. Tax accountingPreparation; Planning; Regulatory; Consulting; Investigation4. Accounting-relatedLending; Consulting; Analyst; Investigator; AppraiserQS 1-4Internal controls serve several purposes:They involve monitoring an organization’s activities to promote efficiency and to prevent wrongful use of its resources.They help ensure the validity and credibility of accounting reports.They are crucial for effective operations and reliable reporting.More generally, the absence of internal controls can adversely affect the effectiveness of domestic and global financial markets.QS 1-5a. Revenue recognition principleb. Cost principle (also called historical cost)c. Business entity principleQS 1-6The choice of an accounting method when more than one alternative method is acceptable often has ethical implications. This is because accounting information can have major impacts on individuals’ (and firms’) well-being.To illustrate, many companies base compensation of managers on the amount of reported income. When the choice of an accounting method affects the amount of reported income, the amount of compensation is also affected. Similarly, if workers in a division receive bonuses based on the d ivision’s income, its computation has direct financial implications for these individuals.QS 1-7a=125,000b=250,000c=125,000QS 1-8QS 1-9(a) Examples of business transactions that are measurable include:Selling products and services.Collecting funds from dues, taxes, contributions, or investments.Borrowing money.Purchasing products and services.(b) E xamples of business events that are measurable include:Decreases in the value of securities (assets).Bankruptcy of a customer owing money.Technological advances rendering patents (or other assets) worthless.An “act of God” (casualty) that destroys assets.QS 1-10a-B; b-I; c-B; d-CF; e-I; f-B; g-B; h-CF; i-OEExcisesExcise 1-1External users and some questions they seek to answer with accounting information include:1. Shareholders (investors), who seek answers to questions such as:a. Are resources owned by a business adequate to carry out plans?b. Are the debts owed excessive in amount?c. What is the current level of income (and its components)?2. Creditors, who seek answers for questions such as:a. Does the business have the ability to repay its debts?b. Can the business take on additional debt?c. Are resources sufficient to cover current amounts owed?3. Employees, who seek answers to questions such as:a. Is the business financially stable?b. Can the business afford to pay higher salaries?c. What are growth prospects for the organization?Excise 1-21. C 5. B2. C 6. A3. A 7. B4. A 8. BExcise 1-3a. Auditing professionals with competing audit clients are likely to learn valuable information about each client that the other clients would benefit from knowing. In this situation the auditor must take care to maintain the confidential nature of information about each client.b. Accounting professionals who prepare tax returns can face situations where clients wish to claim deductions they cannot substantiate. Also, clients sometimes exert pressure to use methods not allowed or questionable under the law. Issues of confidentiality also arise when these professionals have access to clients’ personal records.c. Managers face several situations demanding ethical decision making in their dealings with employees. Examples include fairness in performance evaluations, salary adjustments, and promotion recommendations. They can also include avoiding any perceived or real harassment of employees by the manager or any other employees. It can also include issues of confidentiality regarding personal information known to managers.d. Situations involving ethical decision making in coursework include performing independentwork on examinations and individually completing assignments/projects. It can also extend to promptly returning reference materials so others can enjoy them, and to properly preparing for class to efficiently use the time and question period to not detract from others’ instructional benefits.Excise 1-41-E; 2-G; 3-A; 4-C; 5-D; 6-B; 7-F; 8-HExcise 1-5a-S; b-C; c-S; d-C; e-C; f-P; g-SExcise 1-6a=180,000b=51,000c=139,000Excise 1-71-D; 2-G; 3-B; 4-F; 5-AExcise 1-8a-27,000b-221,607c. beginning balance is 73,000; ending balance is 149,000Excise 1-9a. Business purchases equipment (or some other asset) on credit.b. Business signs a note payable to extend the due date on an account payable.c. Business pays an account payable (or some other liability) with cash (or some other asset).d. Business purchases office supplies (or some other asset) for cash (or some other asset).e. Business incurs an expense that is not yet paid (for example, when employees earn wages that are not yet paid).f. Owner invests cash (or some other asset) in the business; OR, the business earns revenue and accepts cash (or another asset).g. Cash withdrawals (or some other asset) paid to the owner of the business; OR, the business incurs an expense paid in cash.Exercise 1-10Real AnswersIncome StatementFor Month Ended October 31Exercise 1-11Real AnswersStatement of Owner ’s Equity Exercise 1-12Real Answers Balance Sheet October 31AssetsCash $ 11 500 Account receivable 12 000 Office supplies 24 437 Land 46 000 Office equipment 18 000 Total assets $ 111 937LiabilitiesAccount payables $ 25 037 Total liabilities 25 037Owner ’s EquityKeisha King, Capital 86 900 Total liabilities and equity $ 111 937Exercise 1-13Real Answers Cash Flow Statement For Month Ended October 31Excise 1-141-O; 2-O; 3-F; 4-O; 5-O; 6-O; 7-F; 8-IProblem 1-1AProblem 1-2Aa. Cash 67,000Equipment 11,000I. Lopez, Capital 78,000Owner’s investmentb. Building 144,000Cash 15,000Notes Payable 129,000 Purchased building on cash and note payable c. Equipment 12,000Cash 12,000Purchased equipment on cashd. Supplies 1,000Equipment 1,700Account Payable 2,700Purchased supplies and equipment on credite. Advertising Expense 460Cash 460Paid announcement of opening on newspaper f. Account Receivable 2,400Revenue 2,400To record revenue for service provided on account g. Cash 4,000Revenue 4,000Received revenue on cashh. I. Lopez, Withdrawals 3,025Cash 3,025Cash withdrawal by owneri. Cash 1,800Account Receivables 1,800Partially received account receivablej. Account Payables 500Cash 500Partially paid account payablesk. Wages Expense 1,800Cash 1,800Paid wages of secretary’s。






二、財務報表(financial statement)及財務報導(financial reporting)1.會計的兩大支派----財務會計與管理會計*財務會計之意義:研究如何提供有用資訊以幫助企業外部使用人做決策者,稱為財務會計。



財務報表包括資產負債表、損益表、現金流量表、業主權益變動表及財務報表附註,附註為財務報表不可分割(integral part)的一部份。

3.財務報表加上補充附表(supplementary schedules)及其他報導方式(如管理當局的討論及分析、財務預測、致股東函、公開說明書)合稱財務報導。




初級市場(發行市場) 股票資本市場投資人次級市場(交易市場) 公司債公司向外吸收資金貸款金融市場發行票券債權人賒帳2.資本分配過程四、財務會計所面臨之問題及挑戰1.挑戰(1)非財務指標(2)預期資訊(3)軟體資產(4)時效性2.為克服上述之挑戰,美國會計師協會特殊問題委員會建議未來財務報表應包括下列資訊:(1)財務資料與非財務資料*財務報表與其相關策路。



GAAP_RevenueRecognitionPrinciple一般公认会计原则GAAP – Revenue Recognition PrincipleThis discussion focuses on the objectives, description and application of this principle. Examples will be given to strengthen the understanding and capability to apply this principle at real situation.Objective:To set forth the criteria for recognizing and recording revenue in the accounting period.Description:According to the revenue recognition principle, revenue must be reported when it is realized and earned, not necessarily when the actual cash is received. In addition, the following four criteria or conditions must also be met for revenue to be recognized:1. Delivery has occurred or services have been rendered2. Persuasive evidence of an arrangement for customer payment exists3. Price is fixed or determinable4. Collection is reasonably assuredApplication:Revenue is an item that investors and analysts always pay attention to. In order to avoid misrepresentation (overstatement and understatement) of revenue, GAAP has provided additional guidance for revenue reporting for different situations.For the traditional retail business, goods are delivered to the customers at the same time cash is received, and revenue will be recognized at the time of sales. However in other case that cash could be collected before or after goods or services are delivered,the timing of cash receipts from customers does not dictate when businesses report revenues.Instead, revenue will usually be recognized when the title, risks, and rewards of ownership have transferred to the customers. Depending on the situations, revenue may be recognized at different point of time.Example #1 (cash received at the same period goods/services delivered):The newspaper stand sells Macao Daily News to a customer who pays $4 cash and takes away the newspaper immediately.Entries:Dr. Cash…………… $4Cr. Revenue…………..$4Since cash is received at the same time the newspaper is delivered and all the four criteria are met, revenue will be recognized right away:Example #2 (cash received before goods/services delivered): On Jan 1, the Fortune Magazine has received a subscription form and $120 from an IFT student for subscribing 12 issues of Fortune Magazine ($10/issue). The student will receive 1 issue of the magazine on the last day of each month for 12 consecutive months. Entries:Jan 1 (cash received):Dr. Cash………………$120Cr. Unearned revenue …..... $120Jan 31 (and last day of every month):Dr. Un earned revenue… $10Cr. Revenue ………………..$10When the company received the $120 annual subscription fee for the magazine, criteria #1 has not been met and revenuecould not be recognized at that point of time. The cash received represented obligations to provide future magazine issues to the students which will be booked to the “Unearned Revenue” account temporarily.By definition, “Unearned Revenue” is the collection of cash from customers or clients before goods or services are delivered. Since the goods or services have not been delivered yet, the revenue cannot be considered as “earned”, these cash receipts are considered future obligations to the customers and will be booked to “Unearned Revenue” as a liability account. Only when the goods or services are partial ly or fully delivered, the n the related amount will be unwound from the “Unearned Revenue” account and finally be recognized as “Revenue” earned.In the above example, by the end of each month when the company deliveries the magazine to the student, it earns and records the revenue and reduces the liability account or “Unearned Revenue” account balance.Example #3 (cash received after goods/services delivered): An old customer filled in the cleaning form and dropped off his jacket for cleaning at Dave’s Dry Cleaning on June 30, listed price for cleaning such jacket is $30. Dave cleans the jacket on July 1, but customers do not claim and pay for the jacket until August 1. Entries:June 30 (Customer requests service):No Journal EntryJuly 1 (Service performed):Dr. Accounts Receivable …$30Cr. Revenue……………………..$30August 1 (Cash Received):Dr. Cash………………… $30Cr. Accounts Receivable ….…$30Under the revenue recognition principle, Dave’s earns revenue on July 1, rather than August 1 when cash is received, since it performed the service and met all the four criteria for revenue recognition. On July 1, Dave’s would report a receivable on its balance sheet and revenue in its income statement for the service performed.Final Comment:The following chart summarized the revenue recognition timing for different scenarios as illustrated in the above examples.SCENARIOS 1:Cash received same period goods/services are delivered --> Eg. Sale of product for cash --> Revenue Recognition at date of sale (date of delivery)SCENARIOS 2:Cash received before goods/services are delivered --> Eg. Revenue from subscriptions --> Revenue Recognition as time passes or upon consumptionsSCENARIOS 3:Cash received after goods/services are delivered --> Eg. Sale of service on credit --> Revenue Recognition when services performed and billable。







其次,⼤多数企业的⽣产经营具有连续性,即企业所赚得的收⼊,是经由⼀系列的获利过程(earning process)⽽产⽣的;此⼀过程包括:规划、投资、购⼊、⽣产、储存、销售及收现等⼀连串的联合作业,在理论上每推进步,应可获得⼀部份收⼊;换⾔之,此⼀过程的任⼀时点都承认收⼊,然⽽在实务上,产品未出售前,⾦额难以确定,⽽且更缺乏客观的标准,将收⼊合理分配于每⼀步骤(获利过程)。




美国 GAAP 下的收入确认原则及应用

美国 GAAP 下的收入确认原则及应用

美国 GAAP 下的收入确认原则及应用在美国财务会计领域,通用会计准则(GAAP)是一种被广泛采纳的会计准则体系,包括了多个方面的规定,其中之一是关于收入确认的原则与应用。

本文将探讨美国 GAAP 下的收入确认原则及其应用,以帮助读者更好地了解这一准则。


根据美国 GAAP,收入确认需要满足以下基本原则:1. 收入实现原则(Revenue Recognition Principle):收入应当在企业在正常经营活动中赚取并实现时确认。


2. 可度量性(Measurability):收入金额应当可以可靠地确定,能够表现交易的可度量性。


3. 实质超过形式(Substance over Form):交易的实质应当重于交易的形式。


4. 客观证据(Objective Evidence):对于收入金额的确定,需要有充足的客观证据来支持。


二、特殊收入确认情况在特定情况下,美国 GAAP 对于收入确认有一些特殊的规定,需要根据具体情况进行处理。

以下是一些常见的特殊情况:1. 多元素合同(Multiple-Element Arrangements):当一笔交易中包含多个元素,例如服务和产品的组合,需要按照各元素所对应的公允价值进行分配收入。


2. 销售回购协议(Sales with Buyback Agreements):在销售回购协议中,企业将产品出售给客户,并在后续约定期限内回购。




GAAP通用会计准则GAAP求助编辑百科名片Generally Accepted Accounting Principles是一般公认会计原则,1937年美国会计程序委员会(CAP)发表第一号会计研究公告,开创了由政府机关或行业组织颁布“一般通用会计”的先河。



一般可以分为国际性和区域性的,如美国的叫US GAAP 中国的就是2006年新颁布的会计准则,一般由专门的会计准则委员会制定。













制造业小企业会计准则英文回答:Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) for Small Manufacturing Businesses.Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) are a common set of accounting rules, standards, and procedures issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). These principles are used to ensure that financialreporting is transparent and consistent across companies, allowing investors and other stakeholders to make informed decisions.For small manufacturing businesses, adhering to GAAP is crucial for several reasons. First, it enhances the credibility and reliability of financial statements, which is essential for attracting investors and securing loans. Second, it helps businesses comply with regulatory requirements and avoid potential legal issues. Third, itenables businesses to benchmark their performance against industry peers and identify areas for improvement.Key GAAP principles applicable to small manufacturing businesses include:Accrual Accounting: Transactions are recorded when they occur, regardless of when cash is received or paid.Going Concern: The business is assumed to continue operating in the foreseeable future.Consistency: Same accounting methods are used from period to period to ensure comparability.Materiality: Only significant transactions and events are disclosed in financial statements.Conservatism: Assets and revenues are not overstated, while liabilities and expenses are not understated.In addition to the core GAAP principles, smallmanufacturing businesses should also consider industry-specific accounting requirements. For instance, they may need to account for inventory valuation, depreciation of manufacturing equipment, and cost of goods sold.中文回答:小规模制造业企业会计准则。

美国 GAAP 与国际财务报告准则的差异及影响

美国 GAAP 与国际财务报告准则的差异及影响

美国 GAAP 与国际财务报告准则的差异及影响美国 GAAP(Generally Accepted Accounting Principles,一般公认会计原则)和国际财务报告准则(International Financial Reporting Standards,IFRS)在全球的会计领域都有着重要的地位,但它们之间存在着不少差异,这些差异给企业和财务工作者带来了各种影响。


美国 GAAP 对于资产减值的转回限制比较严格,可 IFRS 相对来说就宽松一些。

比如说,一家企业拥有一批存货,按照美国 GAAP,如果这批存货减值了,后来市场情况又变好了,想把减值转回,那可不容易。

但要是按照 IFRS 的规定,就有更大的可能性把减值转回。


美国 GAAP 强调的是风险和报酬的转移,而IFRS 更注重控制权的转移。



在美国 GAAP 下,得等到零售商把这批玩具卖得差不多了,玩具公司才能确认收入。

可要是按照 IFRS,只要零售商拿到这批玩具,控制权转移了,玩具公司就能确认收入。



美国 GAAP 把租赁分为经营租赁和融资租赁,而 IFRS 现在基本上都要求按照“使用权模型”来处理租赁业务。


比如说租一个办公室,如果按照美国 GAAP 被认定为经营租赁,那么相关的资产和负债可能就不会在承租方的报表中体现。

但要是按照 IFRS 的要求,可能就得在报表中反映出来。






会计准则ias,gaap会计准则IAS(International Accounting Standards,国际会计准则)和GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles,普遍公认会计准则)是两种国际通用的会计准则体系。



第一部分:IAS的定义和特点1. IAS是什么?IAS是由国际会计准则委员会(International Accounting Standards Board,IASB)制定和发布的一系列国际会计准则。

2. IAS的特点是什么?- 统一标准:IAS旨在建立统一的会计准则,以确保各国的财务报告具有可比性和一致性。

- 全球适用性:IAS被广泛应用于全球的财务报告,加强了全球市场之间的交流和比较能力。

- 原则导向:IAS强调使报表反映经济实质和真实性,而不仅仅是法律形式,强调运用专业判断和估计。

第二部分:GAAP的定义和特点1. GAAP是什么?GAAP是由各国的会计准则委员会或资本市场监管机构制定和颁布的财务报告准则。

2. GAAP的特点是什么?- 地区性差异:GAAP的内容和要求在不同国家或地区之间存在一定的差异,以适应当地的法律、经济和文化环境。

- 法规导向:GAAP着重考虑当地法律法规的要求,强调符合当地的法律规定和会计准则。

- 柔性应用:GAAP允许灵活的解释和经常的修改,以适应不同企业的需求和变化。

第三部分:IAS和GAAP的应用范围1. IAS的应用范围- IAS适用于在全球范围内上市的公司,或受到国家或地区会计准则要求的公司。

- IAS强调透明度和真实性,有助于提高全球投资者对公司财务信息的理解和对比能力。

2. GAAP的应用范围- GAAP适用于各国的国内上市公司,或要求按照当地法规准则编制财务报告的公司。

美国 GAAP 对企业绩效评估的影响研究

美国 GAAP 对企业绩效评估的影响研究

美国 GAAP 对企业绩效评估的影响研究美国 GAAP(Generally Accepted Accounting Principles,一般公认会计原则)对于企业绩效评估的影响,那可真是个值得好好琢磨的事儿。

咱先来说说啥是美国 GAAP 哈。





在没有深入了解美国 GAAP 之前,他们的绩效评估简直是一团乱麻。

就拿库存估值来说吧,按照他们原来的方法,根本不符合美国 GAAP 的要求。


美国 GAAP 对成本核算的规定那也是相当严格。





在资产折旧方面,美国 GAAP 也有自己的一套讲究。


但一旦要按照美国 GAAP 来,那可就不一样了。


可按照美国 GAAP 一调整,利润一下子就被拉下来不少,这对绩效评估的影响可不是一星半点。


美国 GAAP 要求在满足一定条件时才能确认收入,可不是企业自己想啥时候确认就啥时候确认。


但美国 GAAP 可不答应,这一调整,公司的绩效指标瞬间就没那么漂亮了。


像资产负债率、毛利率这些常见的比率,在美国 GAAP 下的计算方法可能和企业原来的习惯不一样。



圖1-1 直接金融與間接金融的程序
企業內部之組織形態 鴻海組織圖
董事會 稽核經理 執行長 總裁 生產部門 會計部
財 務 會 計 成 本 會 計 稅 務 會 計 資 料 處 理 信 用 管 理 營 運 資 金
2. 目標之特性
良好的企業目標應具備下列基本特性: 目標與期限明確:模糊的目標會因不同 的人而有不一樣的決策。 具有確切與及時的衡量標準:讓管理者 可立即檢驗執行的成效。
不增加他人之成本:增加社會的有形及無 形成本,未來反而對公司不利。
3. 股價極大化之問題


表1-1 簡化的資產負債表格式
表1-1 簡化 來 源

投資學:風險、報酬的折衷藝術 投資 以現時投入以期能在未來換取較原先投入更多的回報 風險 確知或可估計某些特定狀況下,最終結果的不穩定性 投資的應用 各種實質面和金融面的投資行為及程序 「投資程序」,亦即投資決策的形成過程,則包括投資 政策的規劃、證券分析及投資組合管理三類課題
估計成本的缺失:「一般公認會計原則 (GAAP)」重視歷史成本,會使損益產生明顯 的差異。 窗飾:經理人會採取一些人為方式來美化財 務報表,造成報表上的利潤失真。
財務管理的目標 ~股東財富極大化
~極大化每股普通股的目前價值 ;意即追求股東權益市值之極大化



收入确认原则英文解释收入确认原则(Revenue Recognition Principle)的英文解释is the guiding principle that companies follow to determine when and how to record revenue in their financial statements. This principle ensures that revenue is recognized in a timely, accurate, and consistent manner, reflecting the underlying economic transactions that have occurred. Here are the key points of the revenue recognition principle:1.Economic Performance: Revenue should be recognized when thecompany has performed its obligations under the terms of thecontract or agreement with the customer, and the customer hasreceived the benefits promised.2.Measurability: The amount of revenue recognized should bemeasurable and reliably estimated. This means that there shouldbe sufficient evidence to support the amount of revenue beingrecognized.3.Probability of Collection: There should be a reasonable assurancethat the revenue will be collected in the future. If there issignificant doubt about collectability, the revenue should not berecognized.4.Timing: Revenue should be recognized at the appropriate time,which typically corresponds to the period in which the economic performance occurs.By following these principles, companies can ensure that their financial statements accurately reflect the economic reality of their operations and provide useful information to decision-makers.。



美国GAAP和IFRS的主要区别Generally Accepted Accounting Principles是一般公认会计原则,1937年美国会计程序委员会(CAP)发表第一号会计研究公告,开创了由政府机关或行业组织颁布"一般通用会计"的先河。


US GAAP规定基于公允价值。


US GAAP规定通常是资产未来处置时预期收入的折现值。



US GAAP规定报告单位——业务分部或组织内的更低一个层次。


US GAAP规定两步法:比较报告单位的公允价值和其包括商誉在内的账面价值;如果公允价值大于账面价值﹐没有减值(不需要进行第二步);比较商誉的`内含公允价值和其账面价值。


US GAAP规定商誉包括在现金产出单元中﹐其他不可确定使用年限的无形资产则作单独测试。


US GAAP规定减值损失不可转回。


US GAAP规定清算债务可能发生数的较低值﹐某些准备不需要折现。

美国 GAAP 下的企业财务报表分析与投资决策

美国 GAAP 下的企业财务报表分析与投资决策

美国 GAAP 下的企业财务报表分析与投资决策美国 GAAP(Generally Accepted Accounting Principles,一般公认会计原则)是美国财务会计领域的规范准则。


本文将以美国 GAAP 下的企业财务报表为基础,探讨企业财务报表的分析以及对投资决策的影响。

一、财务报表的种类与基本结构根据美国 GAAP,企业财务报表主要包括资产负债表、利润表、现金流量表和股东权益变动表。



1. 资产负债表(Balance Sheet)资产负债表显示了企业在特定日期的资产、负债和股东权益。




2. 利润表(Income Statement)利润表显示了企业在特定会计期间的收入、成本和利润。




3. 现金流量表(Cash Flow Statement)现金流量表展示了企业特定会计期间的现金流入和流出情况。



4. 股东权益变动表(Statement of Shareholders' Equity)股东权益变动表显示了企业特定会计期间内股东权益的变动情况。

gaap会计准则 英文版

gaap会计准则 英文版

gaap会计准则英文版GAAP Accounting PrinciplesGenerally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) are a set of accounting standards and guidelines that are used universally to prepare and present financial statements. These principles ensure consistency in financial reporting and provide a standardized framework for organizations to communicate their financial information.GAAP includes various principles and concepts that govern different aspects of accounting. Some of the key principles include:1. Entity Concept: According to this principle, a business is considered a separate entity from its owners or shareholders. This means that the business's financial transactions and records should be separated from personal transactions.2. Going Concern Concept: This principle assumes that a business will continue to operate indefinitely. Therefore, financial statements should be prepared under the assumption that the business will continue its operations in the foreseeable future.3. Historical Cost Principle: According to this principle, assets and liabilities should be recorded at their original cost at the time of acquisition. This principle ensures that financial statements provide a reliable and objective representation of a company's financial position.4. Revenue Recognition Principle: Revenue should be recognizedwhen it is earned and realized or realizable. This means that revenue should be recognized when a company has fulfilled its obligations to customers, and the payment is reasonably assured.5. Matching Principle: This principle states that expenses should be recognized in the same period as the revenues they help to generate. This principle ensures that expenses are associated with the revenues they help to generate, providing a more accurate picture of a company's financial performance.6. Full Disclosure Principle: This principle requires companies to provide all necessary information in financial statements and accompanying footnotes. This helps users of financial statements make informed decisions by providing them with complete and transparent information.GAAP accounting standards are continually updated and revisedby standard-setting bodies, such as the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) in the United States. These standards are used by companies when preparing their financial statements and are subject to scrutiny by auditors and regulatory bodies.。



GAAP和Non-GAAP区别GAAP:Generally Accepted Accounting Principles是一般公认会计原则,1937年美国会计程序委员会(CAP)发表第一号会计研究公告,开创了由政府机关或行业组织颁布“一般通用会计”的先河。

US GAAP:指美国的现行会计准则。




为了解决这个“问题”,这些高新技术公司往往会在财报中单列出意向调整后的利润(Non- GAAP净利润),美名其曰“数据修正”,其本质就是利用股权激励“调节利润”。




2004年,美国财务会计标准委员会(FASB)修订了股票薪酬会计准则《SFAS No.123(2004年修订):以股份为基础的支付》,规定采用公允价值法计量股权激励成本并进行费用化处理。



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GAAP – Revenue Recognition PrincipleThis discussion focuses on the objectives, description and application of this principle. Examples will be given to strengthen the understanding and capability to apply this principle at real situation.Objective:To set forth the criteria for recognizing and recording revenue in the accounting period.Description:According to the revenue recognition principle, revenue must be reported when it is realized and earned, not necessarily when the actual cash is received. In addition, the following four criteria or conditions must also be met for revenue to be recognized:1. Delivery has occurred or services have been rendered2. Persuasive evidence of an arrangement for customer payment exists3. Price is fixed or determinable4. Collection is reasonably assuredApplication:Revenue is an item that investors and analysts always pay attention to. In order to avoid misrepresentation (overstatement and understatement) of revenue, GAAP has provided additional guidance for revenue reporting for different situations.For the traditional retail business, goods are delivered to the customers at the same time cash is received, and revenue will be recognized at the time of sales. However in other case that cash could be collected before or after goods or services are delivered, the timing of cash receipts from customers does not dictate when businesses report revenues.Instead, revenue will usually be recognized when the title, risks, and rewards of ownership have transferred to the customers. Depending on the situations, revenue may be recognized at different point of time.Example #1 (cash received at the same period goods/services delivered):The newspaper stand sells Macao Daily News to a customer who pays $4 cash and takes away the newspaper immediately.Entries:Dr. Cash…………… $4Cr. Revenue…………..$4Since cash is received at the same time the newspaper is delivered and all the four criteria are met, revenue will be recognized right away:Example #2 (cash received before goods/services delivered):On Jan 1, the Fortune Magazine has received a subscription form and $120 from an IFT student for subscribing 12 issues of Fortune Magazine ($10/issue). The student will receive 1 issue of the magazine on the last day of each month for 12 consecutive months. Entries:Jan 1 (cash received):Dr. Cash………………$120Cr. Unearned revenue …..... $120Jan 31 (and last day of every month):Dr. Unearned revenue… $10Cr. Revenue ………………..$10When the company received the $120 annual subscription fee for the magazine, criteria #1 has not been met and revenue could not be recognized at that point of time. The cash received represented obligations to provide future magazine issues to the students which will be booked to the “Unearned Revenue” account temporarily.By definition, “Unearned Revenue” is the collection of cash from customers or clients before goods or services are delivered. Since the goods or services have not been delivered yet, the revenue cannot be considered as “earned”, these cash receipts are considered future obligations to the customers and will be booked to “Unearned Revenue” as a liability account. Only when the goods or services are partial ly or fully delivered, the n the related amount will be unwound from the “Unearned Revenue” account and finally be recognized as “Revenue” earned.In the above example, by the end of each month when the company deliveries the magazine to the student, it earns and records the revenue and reduces the liability account or “Unearned Revenue” account balance.Example #3 (cash received after goods/services delivered):An old customer filled in the cleaning form and dropped off his jacket for cleaning at Dave’s Dry Cleaning on June 30, listed price for cleaning such jacket is $30. Dave cleans the jacket on July 1, but customers do not claim and pay for the jacket until August 1. Entries:June 30 (Customer requests service):No Journal EntryJuly 1 (Service performed):Dr. Accounts Receivable …$30Cr. Revenue……………………..$30August 1 (Cash Received):Dr. Cash………………… $30Cr. Accounts Receivable ….…$30Under the revenue recognition principle, Dave’s earns revenue on July 1, rather than August 1 when cash is received, since it performed the service and met all the four criteria for revenue recognition. On July 1, Dave’s would report a receivable on its balance sheet and revenue in its income statement for the service performed.Final Comment:The following chart summarized the revenue recognition timing for different scenarios as illustrated in the above examples.SCENARIOS 1:Cash received same period goods/services are delivered --> Eg. Sale of product for cash --> Revenue Recognition at date of sale (date of delivery)SCENARIOS 2:Cash received before goods/services are delivered --> Eg. Revenue from subscriptions --> Revenue Recognition as time passes or upon consumptionsSCENARIOS 3:Cash received after goods/services are delivered --> Eg. Sale of service on credit --> Revenue Recognition when services performed and billable。
