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The functions of language 1) Phatic (寒暄)2) Directive (指示)3) informative (信息)4) interrogative (提问)5) expressive (表达)6) evocative (煽 情)7) performative (执行) What is linguistics? Linguistics is the scientific study of the general principles upon which all languages are constructed and operate as systems of communication in the societies in which they are used The scope of linguistics: 1. The core of linguistics (major branches of general lignuistics): 1) phonetics 2) phonology 3) morphology 4) syntax 5) semantics 6) pragmatics 2. Interdisciplinary branches of linguistic study. 1) Sociolinguistics (language &. Society) 2) Psycholinguistics (language acquisition) 3) Stylistic Linguistics (language &.Literature) 4) Applied Linguistics (language teaching) 5) other anthropological linguistic study Six important distinctions in linguistics 1. Prescriptive vs. descriptive 2. Synchronic vs. diachronic 3. Speech vs. writing 4. Langue vs. parole 5. Competence vs. performance 6. Traditional grammar vs. modern linguistics Design features of language: 1. Arbitrariness No intrinsic connection between symbols and what it stands for. language
ep: The murmurous haunt of flies on summer eves.
Someone eating crisps. GROWL A light being switched on. POP A fierce dog. CRUNCH A small bell being rung. CLICK Phonetics The study of the phonic medium of language; It is concerned with all the sounds that occur in the world’s languages 3 branches of phonetics Articulatory phonetics ( 发声语音学 )Auditory phonetics (听觉语音学)Acoustic phonetics (声学语音学) Organs of speech The pharyngeal cavity 咽腔 The oral cavity 口腔 The nasal cavity 鼻腔 Orthographic representation of speech sounds IPA---(International Phonetic Alphabet) 国际音标 Broad transcriptions (only letter symbols) Narrow transcriptions (letter symbols + diacritics) Classification of English speech sounds Consonants: (obstruction of air stream) ---manner of articulation ---place of articulation Vowels: Front vowels Central vowels Back vowels ---the place of tongue ---the openness of mouth ---the shape of lips ---the length of sound ---the tension of larynx How do phonetics and phonology differ in their focus of study? Phonetics ---general nature of sounds in all languages (the focus is the difference between sounds) Phonology ---patterns of sound distribution in a
particular language (the focus is the similarity between sounds)
In terms of manner of articulation, English consonants can be classified as: Stops ( 爆 破 音 )Fricatives ( 摩 擦 音 )Affricatives ( 破 擦 音)Liquids/ Lateral (滑音)Nasals (鼻音)Glides (半元音) In terms of place of articulation consonants can be typed as: Bilabial ( 双 唇 音 )Labio-dental ( 唇 齿 音 )Dental ( 舌齿音 )Alveolar ( 舌齿龈音 )Palatal ( 硬颚 音)Velar (软颚音)Glottal (声门音) Phonology Phonology is the scientific study of the sound system (or pattern) of all human languages or of a particular language. What are phone, phoneme, allophones? Phoneme (音位) ---the minimal segments of language systems (distinguishing meaning) (abstract unit /p/, /b/, /e/…) Phone (音子) ---phonetic unit or segment (can ([b] in ban & [p] pan) or can not ([p] in peak & [ph] in speak) distinguish meaning) (particular phonetic unit) Allophones(音位变体)---the different phones that can represent a phoneme in different phonetic
Байду номын сангаас
(onomatopoeia 拟声) 2. Duality Sound level – lower level (limited number, meaningless) Word/sentence level- higher level (unlimited number, meaningful) 3. Productivity E.g. He bought a book which was written by a teacher who taught in a school which was known for its graduates who… Human language has the property of produce and understand unlimited number of sentences composed by limited number of sounds and rules. 4. Displacement We can talk about things which are present or not present, real or imagined matters in the past, present, or future, or in far-away places. This feature enables human to generalize and extract things from the complex phenomena. 5. Cultural transmission Human is born with the (potential) ability to acquire language, but the details (rules, associated social and cultural aspects) of any language system are not genetically transmitted, but instead have to be taught and learned.
contexts ([p], [ph]) (particular phonetic unit) What are sequential rule, the assimilation rule, and deletion rule? Examples. Sequential rule (patterning of sounds) Assimilation rule (copying a feature of the following consonant) impossible illegal Deletion rule (a certain sound may be deleted) sign design resign How do the three suprasegmental features of English differ meaning? ---distinguishing meaning (involving above the level of the segments: syllable, word, sentence) Stress (重音)---word stress (syllable) ---sentence stress (n. v. adj. adv. Numbers, pron.) Tone ( 声调 )---pitch variations (tone language: Chinese) Intonation (语调)---pitch, stress and sound length in sentences (nucleus)
Phonetics &. Phonology 1. Match the following sentences to the onomatopoeia that describes them. A plate being dropped on the floor. TINKLE A balloon being burst. BANG A gun being shot. SMASH