


搜救机器人毕业实习报告解读目录引言 (1)1.搜救机器人研究的目的和意义 (1)1.1、搜救机器人研究的背景 (1)1.2、搜救器人研究的意义 (2)2.国内外研究现状 (2)2.1国外研究状况 (2)2.2国内研究现状 (4)3. 搜救机器人的行走机构 (5)3.1行走机构方案比较 (5)3.2腿式移动机构特点 (8)3.3.履带式搜救器人的发展趋势 (9)4.搜救机器人技术需求 (9)5.搜救机器人传感器 (12)5.1 红外传感器及模糊控制 (12)5.2光敏传感器与模糊算法的结合应用 (13)5.3灰度传感器及指南针 (14)5.4传感器融合 (14)6毕业设计初定方案 (15)7.实习小结 (15)8.参考文献 (16)第一章绪论1.1引言地震、火灾、矿难等灾难发生后,在废墟中搜寻幸存者.给予必要的医疗救助,并尽快救出被困者是救援人员面临的紧迫任务。

CAN(Controller Area Network)总线和多传感器信息融合技术的应用使得机器人具有高度的自主决策能力,可在人员不便到达或者远程遥控不起作用的环境中提供重要帮助。
关键词:可变形;模块化;智能控制;CAN总线;信息融合ABSTRACTIntelligent emergency rescue and disaster relief caterpillar robot is one kind has the variability of the robot platform caterpillar. It integrates mechanical engineering, electronic technology, intelligent control, computer science science field advanced research achievements, can be used in applications such as earthquake and fire disaster rescue, can provide real-time field commanders decision-making include video, the environment temperature and humidity and whether any sign of life and o ther information.This paper studies the purpose of the work is designed with high through the ability, carries a rescue equipment, has the variability of the crawler intelligent robot. The robot using modular design, facilitate according to different tasks adding different configuration, and easy to repair and maintenance. The design USES a earthquake-reduction design can double car body structure deformation crawler, improve the robot in the complex of the road by ability. CAN bus and the multi-sensor information fusion technology application makes robot are highly autonomous decision-making ability, CAN be in personnel arrive or inconvenience remote-guided doesn't work environment to provide important help.This thesis analyzes the classic design at home and abroad, from the movement principle, movement structure, intelligent control and functional analysis of several aspects. The design process of the robot is that,first use the mechanical engineering principle to design the robot move chassis, and then based on this through the CAN bus, using multi-sensor information fusion technology in the distribution of robot body sensors everywhere,realizing intelligent control.Keywords: variability; modular; intelligent control; CAN bus; information fusion目录摘要 (I)ABSTRACT (II)目录 ................................................................................................................................. I II 1.绪论 (1)1.1课题研究背景和意义 (1)1.1.1课题研究背景 (1)1.1.2 课题研究意义 (1)1.2国内外研究综述 (1)1.2.1 国内研究概况 (1)1.2.2 国外研究概况 (2)1. 3 本文主要研究内容 (4)2.智能履带式机器人的行走结构设计方案 (6)2.1典型行走机构分析 (6)2.2智能履带式机器人行走结构 (10)2.2.1 机器人运动原理 (10)2.2.2 机器人运动状态分析 (10)2.2.3 机器人性能指标分析 (11)3.机器人行走控制系统设计 (14)3.1总体设计方案 (14)3.1.1 行走结构控制设计 (14)3.1.2 机器人模块化控制系统 (17)3.2机器人传动系统设计 (26)3.2.1行走驱动方案设计 (26)3.2.2履带变形方案设计 (28)3.3 机器人驱动功率分析 (31)3.3.1 机器人行驶阻力计算 (31)3.3.2 机器人电机及其驱动模块 (32)4.智能移动机器人关键技术 (33)4.1 多传感器信息融合技术 (33)4.2 传感器技术 (39)4.3 无线技术 (42)4.4 智能移动机器人技术在本设计中的具体应用 (43)5.抢险救灾机器人功能分析 (44)5.1机器人在抢险救灾中的应用分析 (44)5.1.1机器人在抢险救灾中的应用研究 (44)5.1.2典型的机器人在抢救援中的具体应用分析 (48)5.2机器人搭载的抢险救灾仪器分析 (49)5.3 本设计搭载设备分析 (50)6.总结与展望 (51)6.1 总结 (51)6.2 展望 (51)致谢 (53)参考文献 (54)附录 (57)1.绪论1.1课题研究背景和意义1.1.1课题研究背景在世界各地,由于自然灾害、恐怖活动和各种突发事故等原因,灾难经常发生。

1. 结构设计:
2. 传感器设计:
3. 程序设计:
4. 发电机:

救援机器人的作文Rescue robots are becoming increasingly important in today's world. 救援机器人在当今世界变得日益重要。
They are designed to assist in search and rescue missions in hazardous environments where humans may not be able to safely access. 它们旨在在危险环境中协助搜索和救援任务,在那些人类可能无法安全进入的地方。
These robots are equipped with advanced technology that allows them to navigate through challenging terrains and locate victims in need of help. 这些机器人配备了先进技术,可以帮助它们在复杂的地形中导航,并找到需要帮助的受害者。
One of the key advantages of rescue robots is their ability to access areas that may be too dangerous for human rescuers. 救援机器人的一个关键优势是它们能够进入人类救援者可能过于危险的区域。
For example, in the aftermath of natural disasters such as earthquakes or hurricanes, rescue robots can be deployed to search for survivors in collapsed buildings or other hazardous environments. 例如,在地震或飓风等自然灾害后,救援机器人可以被用来搜寻倒塌建筑物或其他危险环境中的幸存者。
搬运机器人毕业设计 (含外文翻译)

1 前言众所周知随着社会的不断发展,各行各业的分工越来越明细,尤其是在现代化的大产业中,有的人每天就只管拧一批产品的同一个部位上的一个螺母,有的人整天就是接一个线头,人们感到自己在不断异化,各种职业病逐渐产生,于是人们强烈希望用某种机器代替自己工作,因此人们研制出了机器人,用以代替人们去完成那些单调、枯燥或是危险的工作。
随着工业自动化的发展,国内外的应用和需求越来越强烈,已经约有千台AGV 在使用,而且市场在逐渐扩大。
根据初步市场调查分析,今后5 年内,国内各行业对AGV 需求量可达数千台,年产值接近2 亿元,经济效益十分可观。
1.1 国内外的发展现状总结一下,我们认为,机器人有三个发展阶段,那么也就是说,我们习惯于把机器人分成三类,一种是第一代机器人,那么也叫示教再现型机器人,它是通过一个计算机,来控制一个多自由度的一个机械,通过示教存储程序和信息,工作时把信息读取出来,然后发出指令,这样的话机器人可以重复的根据人当时示教的结果,再现出这种动作,比方说汽车的点焊机器人,它只要把这个点焊的过程示教完以后,它总是重复这样一种工作,它对于外界的环境没有感知,这个操作力的大小,这个工件存在不存在,焊的好与坏,它并不知道,那么实际上这种第一代机器人,也就存在它这种缺陷。
关键词:智能机器人;控制系统;风扇;电压AbstractThis paper introduces a loaded dsp chip based on the university version of Smart car in the fire control system. The system uses the university version of Smart car MT-UROBOT as the hardware platform, because it is designed for University teaching, engineering training, technology innovation and research services in the new mobile intelligent robot, a functional strong CPU and a set of sensitive sensors, which can not only make a sharp response to the external environment, but also to communicate with you, good man-machine interface. Fire control car as a platform based on collaboration with the electronic switch to control the fan, with the ROBOT-X programming of a control system.The design of the car highlight the scalability, high-speed processing systems, making fire control system programs and a variety of ways, supporting the ROBOT-X programming software has a progressive approach to the flow chart, C Language 2 language features, addition Assembly language programming environment outside the university version of our important feature of intelligent robots. In this design, the hardware circuits of electronic switches to control the car in addition to the fan, but also can be common in many areas related to electronic circuits. The design also takes into account the car's own power supply shortage of fans, external independent power supply, and the existence of car control signal output voltage shortage, but also increase the voltage of the circuit is set so that car with the fan to normal operation.Keywords: smart car; control system; fan; voltage目录1绪论 (5) (5) (5) (5) (6)2总体设计方案 (7) (7) (7)3救援灭火机器人的组成 (8) (8)MT-UROBOT的电池 (8) (10)控制部分 (11) (12) (13) (14)4硬件连接与软件编程 (17) (17) (18) (18) (22)5机器人灭火 (23) (23) (25) (25) (26) (29) (30) (31) (33)6结论 (34)谢辞 (35)参考文献 (35)附录 (37)附录1:ROBOT-X编程软件函数库 (37)附录2:本设计小车相关控制器件与控制卡技术指标 (39)附录3相关传感器技术指标 (42)附录4传感器接线 (43)1绪论近年来,我国石化等基础工业有了飞速的发展,在生产过程中的易燃易爆和剧毒化学制品急剧增长,由于设备和管理方面的原因,导致化学危险品和放射性物质泄漏、燃烧爆炸的事故增多。

救援机器人的好处英语作文Rescue robots are incredibly beneficial in emergency situations. They can navigate through dangerous and hazardous environments that are inaccessible to humans, such as collapsed buildings or areas contaminated withtoxic substances. These robots are equipped with advanced sensors and cameras, allowing them to gather critical information and provide real-time updates to rescue teams. With their ability to withstand extreme conditions, rescue robots can save lives by locating survivors and guiding rescuers to them.In addition to their physical capabilities, rescue robots also offer psychological support to victims. The presence of a robot can provide comfort and reassurance to those trapped or injured in a disaster. The robot's non-human appearance can help alleviate fear and anxiety, as it is seen as a neutral and non-threatening entity. Furthermore, the robot can act as a companion, engaging in simple conversations or playing soothing music to help calmdistressed individuals.Rescue robots are not only useful in natural disasters but also in man-made emergencies, such as fires orterrorist attacks. These robots can enter dangerous areas and assess the situation without risking human lives. They can locate and extinguish fires, deactivate explosive devices, or provide valuable information to law enforcement agencies. By minimizing the exposure of humans to life-threatening situations, rescue robots play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and security of both victims and rescuers.The use of rescue robots also reduces the burden on human rescuers. In large-scale disasters, there is often a shortage of trained personnel and resources. Robots can assist in tasks such as carrying heavy equipment, clearing debris, or providing medical aid. This allows human rescuers to focus on more critical and complex tasks, maximizing their efficiency and effectiveness. Moreover, robots can work tirelessly without fatigue or the need for rest, ensuring continuous rescue operations even inprolonged emergency situations.Rescue robots are not limited to terrestrial operations; they can also be deployed in maritime or aerial rescues. Underwater robots can search for survivors in submerged vehicles or collapsed structures, while drones can provide aerial surveillance and deliver essential supplies. These versatile robots can adapt to various environments and provide invaluable assistance in a wide range of emergency scenarios.In conclusion, rescue robots offer numerous benefits in emergency situations. From their ability to navigate hazardous environments to their psychological support for victims, these robots play a vital role in saving lives and ensuring the safety of both victims and rescuers. Their presence reduces the risks faced by humans and enhances the efficiency of rescue operations. As technology continues to advance, the capabilities of rescue robots will only improve, further enhancing their effectiveness in emergency response.。

附录英文原文Scene recognition for mine rescue robotlocalization based on visionAbstract:A new scene recognition system was presented based on fuzzy logic and hidden Markov model(HMM) that can be applied in mine rescue robot localization during emergencies. The system uses monocular camera to acquire omni-directional images of the mine environment where the robot locates. By adopting center-surround difference method, the salient local image regions are extracted from the images as natural landmarks. These landmarks are organized by using HMM to represent the scene where the robot is, and fuzzy logic strategy is used to match the scene and landmark. By this way, the localization problem, which is the scene recognition problem in the system, can be converted into the evaluation problem of HMM. The contributions of these skills make the system have the ability to deal with changes in scale, 2D rotation and viewpoint. The results of experiments also prove that the system has higher ratio of recognition and localization in both static and dynamic mine environments.Key words: robot location; scene recognition; salient image; matching strategy; fuzzy logic; hidden Markov model1 IntroductionSearch and rescue in disaster area in the domain of robot is a burgeoning and challenging subject[1]. Mine rescue robot was developed to enter mines during emergencies to locate possible escape routes for those trapped inside and determine whether it is safe for human to enter or not. Localization is a fundamental problem in this field. Localization methods based on camera can be mainly classified into geometric, topological or hybrid ones[2]. With its feasibility and effectiveness, scene recognition becomes one of the important technologies of topological localization.Currently most scene recognition methods are based on global image features and have two distinct stages: training offline and matching online.During the training stage, robot collects the images of the environment where it works and processes the images to extract global features that represent the scene. Some approaches were used to analyze the data-set of image directly and some primary features were found, such as the PCA method [3]. However, the PCA method is not effective in distinguishing the classes of features. Another type of approach uses appearance features including color, texture and edge density to represent the image. For example, ZHOU et al[4] used multidimensional histograms to describe global appearance features. This method is simple but sensitive to scale and illumination changes. In fact, all kinds of global image features are suffered from the change of environment.LOWE [5] presented a SIFT method that uses similarity invariant descriptors formed by characteristic scale and orientation at interest points to obtain the features. The features are invariant to image scaling, translation, rotation and partially invariant to illumination changes. But SIFT may generate 1 000 or more interest points, which may slow down the processor dramatically.During the matching stage, nearest neighbor strategy(NN) is widely adopted for its facility and intelligibility[6]. But it cannot capture the contribution of individual feature for scene recognition. In experiments, the NN is not good enough to express the similarity between two patterns. Furthermore, the selected features can not represent the scene thoroughly according to the state-of-art pattern recognition, which makes recognition not reliable[7].So in this work a new recognition system is presented, which is more reliable and effective if it is used in a complex mine environment. In this system, we improve the invariance by extracting salient local image regions as landmarks to replace the whole image to deal with large changes in scale, 2D rotation and viewpoint. And the number of interest points is reduced effectively, which makes the processing easier. Fuzzy recognition strategy is designed to recognize the landmarks in place of NN, which can strengthen the contribution of individual feature for scene recognition. Because of its partial information resuming ability, hidden Markov model is adopted to organize those landmarks, which can capture the structure or relationship among them. So scene recognition can be transformed to the evaluation problem of HMM, which makes recognition robust.2 Salient local image regions detectionResearches on biological vision system indicate that organism (like drosophila) often pays attention to certain special regions in the scene for their behavioral relevance or local image cues while observing surroundings [8]. These regions can be taken as natural landmarks to effectively represent and distinguish different environments. Inspired by those, we use center-surround difference method to detect salient regions in multi-scale image spaces. The opponencies of color and texture are computed to create the saliency map.Follow-up, sub-image centered at the salient position in S is taken as the landmark region. The size of the landmark region can be decided adaptively according to the changes of gradient orientation of the local image [11].Mobile robot navigation requires that natural landmarks should be detected stably when environments change to some extent. To validate the repeatability on landmark detection of our approach, we have done some experiments on the cases of scale, 2D rotation and viewpoint changes etc. Fig.1 shows that the door is detected for its saliency when viewpoint changes. More detailed analysis and results about scale and rotation can be found in our previous works[12].3 Scene recognition and localizationDifferent from other scene recognition systems, our system doesn’t need training offline. In other words, our scenes are not classified in advance. When robot wanders, scenes captured at intervals of fixed time are used to build the vertex of a topological map, which represents the place where robot locates. Although the map’s geometric layout is ignored by the localization system, it is useful for visualization and debugging[13] and beneficial to path planning. So localization means searching the best match of current scene on the map. In this paper hidden Markov model is used to organize the extracted landmarks from current scene and create the vertex of topological map for its partial information resuming ability.Resembled by panoramic vision system, robot looks around to get omni-images. FromFig.1 Experiment on viewpoint changeseach image, salient local regions are detected and formed to be a sequence, named as landmark sequence whose order is the same as the image sequence. Then a hidden Markov model is created based on the landmark sequence involving k salientlocal image regions, which is taken as the description of the place where the robot locates. In our system EVI-D70 camera has a view field of ±170°. Considering the overlap effect, we sample environment every 45° to get 8 images.Let the 8 images as hidden state Si (1≤i≤8), the created HMM can be illustrated by Fig.2. The parameters of HMM, aij and bjk, are achieved by learning, using Baulm-Welch algorithm[14]. The threshold of convergence is set as 0.001.As for the edge of topological map, we assign it with distance information between two vertices. The distances can be computed according to odometry readings.Fig.2 HMM of environmentTo locate itself on the topological map, robot must run its ‘eye’ on environment and extract a landmark sequence L1′ − Lk′ , then search the map for the best matched vertex (scene). Different from traditional probabilistic localization[15], in our system localization problem can be converted to the evaluation problem of HMM. The vertex with the greatest evaluation value, which must also be greater than a threshold, is taken as the best matched vertex, which indicates the most possible place where the robot is.4 Match strategy based on fuzzy logicOne of the key issues in image match problem is to choose the most effective features or descriptors to represent the original image. Due to robot movement, those extracted landmark regions will change at pixel level. So, the descriptors or features chosen should be invariant to some extent according to the changes of scale, rotation and viewpoint etc. In this paper, we use 4 features commonly adopted in the community that are briefly described as follows.GO: Gradient orientation. It has been proved that illumination and rotationchanges are likely to have less influence on it[5].ASM and ENT: Angular second moment and entropy, which are two texture descriptors.H: Hue, which is used to describe the fundamental information of the image.Another key issue in match problem is to choose a good match strategy or algorithm. Usually nearest neighbor strategy (NN) is used to measure the similarity between two patterns. But we have found in the experiments that NN can’t adequately exhibit the individual descriptor or feature’s contribution to similarity measurement. As indicated in Fig.4, the input image Fig.4(a) comes from different view of Fig.4(b). But the distance between Figs.4(a) and (b) computed by Jefferey divergence is larger than Fig.4(c).To solve the problem, we design a new match algorithm based on fuzzy logic for exhibiting the subtle changes of each features. The algorithm is described as below.And the landmark in the database whose fused similarity degree is higher than any others is taken as the best match. The match results of Figs.2(b) and (c) are demonstrated by Fig.3. As indicated, this method can measure the similarity effectively between two patterns.Fig.3 Similarity computed using fuzzy strategy5 Experiments and analysisThe localization system has been implemented on a mobile robot, which is built by our laboratory. The vision system is composed of a CCD camera and a frame-grabber IVC-4200. The resolution of image is set to be 400×320 and the sample frequency is set to be 10 frames/s. The computer system is composed of 1 GHz processor and 512 M memory, which is carried by the robot. Presently the robot works in indoor environments.Because HMM is adopted to represent and recognize the scene, our system has the ability to capture the discrimination about distribution of salient local image regions and distinguish similar scenes effectively. Table 1 shows the recognition result of static environments including 5 laneways and a silo. 10 scenes are selected from each environment and HMMs are created for each scene. Then 20 scenes are collected when the robot enters each environment subsequently to match the 60 HMMs above.In the table, “truth” means that the scene to be localized matches with the right scene (the evaluation value of HMM is 30% greater than the second high evaluation). “Uncertainty” means that the ev aluation value of HMM is greater than the second high evaluation under 10%. “Error match” means that the scene to be localized matches with the wrong scene. In the table, the ratio of error match is 0. But it is possible that the scene to be localized can’t match any scenes and new vertexes are created. Furthermore, the “ratio of truth” about silo is lower because salient cues are fewer in this kind of environment.In the period of automatic exploring, similar scenes can be combined. The process can be summarized as: when localization succeeds, the current landmark sequence is added to the accompanying observation sequence of the matched vertex un-repeatedly according to their orientation (including the angle of the image from which the salient local region and the heading of the robot come). The parameters of HMM are learned again.Compared with the approaches using appearance features of the whole image (Method 2, M2), our system (M1) uses local salient regions to localize and map, which makes it have more tolerance of scale, viewpoint changes caused by robot’smovement and higher ratio of recognition and fewer amount of vertices on the topological map. So, our system has better performance in dynamic environment. These can be seen in Table 2. Laneways 1, 2, 4, 5 are in operation where some miners are working, which puzzle the robot.6 Conclusions1) Salient local image features are extracted to replace the whole image to participate in recognition, which improve the tolerance of changes in scale, 2D rotation and viewpoint of environment image.2) Fuzzy logic is used to recognize the local image, and emphasize the individual feature’s contribution to recognition, which improves the reliability of landmarks.3) HMM is used to capture the structure or relationship of those local images, which converts the scene recognition problem into the evaluation problem of HMM.4) The results from the above experiments demonstrate that the mine rescue robot scene recognition system has higher ratio of recognition and localization.Future work will be focused on using HMM to deal with the uncertainty of localization.中文翻译基于视觉的矿井救援机器人场景识别摘要:基于模糊逻辑和隐马尔可夫模型(HMM),论文提出了一个新的场景识别系统,可应用于紧急情况下矿山救援机器人的定位。

介绍救人机器人作文英文回答:Introduction:Rescue robots are advanced machines designed to assist in emergency situations where human lives are at risk. These robots are equipped with various sensors, cameras, and mechanical arms, enabling them to navigate through dangerous environments and perform life-saving tasks. In this essay, I will discuss the importance of rescue robots and how they have revolutionized emergency response.Body:1. Enhanced Speed and Efficiency:Rescue robots are capable of reaching disaster-stricken areas much faster than human responders. For instance, in the case of earthquakes or building collapses, time is ofthe essence. These robots can swiftly traverse rubble, debris, and other hazardous obstacles, saving valuable minutes or even hours. Their agility and mechanical capabilities allow them to access areas that may be inaccessible to humans, increasing the chances of finding survivors.2. Remote Sensing and Surveillance:Rescue robots are equipped with advanced sensors and cameras that provide real-time data to human operators. This remote sensing capability allows responders to assess the situation more accurately and make informed decisions. For example, in a fire incident, a robot can enter a burning building and transmit live video footage to firefighters outside, enabling them to strategize and plan their rescue operations effectively. This technology minimizes the risk to human lives by providing crucial information without endangering responders.3. Life-Saving Tasks:Rescue robots are designed to perform various life-saving tasks that are too dangerous or physically demanding for humans. These tasks include removing debris, providing medical assistance, and even extracting people trapped in collapsed structures. For instance, the use of a robot with mechanical arms can help extricate a person stuck under heavy wreckage without risking further injury. This capability not only saves lives but also reduces the physical strain on human responders, allowing them to focus on other critical tasks.4. Adaptability and Versatility:Rescue robots are designed to adapt to different emergency scenarios and perform a wide range of tasks. They can be programmed to operate in various environments, such as underwater, in extreme temperatures, or even in hazardous chemical spills. This versatility makes them invaluable assets in emergency response efforts. For instance, a robot equipped with water-resistantcapabilities can assist in rescue operations during floods or tsunamis, where human intervention may be limited orrisky.Conclusion:In conclusion, rescue robots have revolutionized emergency response by enhancing speed and efficiency, providing remote sensing and surveillance capabilities, performing life-saving tasks, and demonstrating adaptability and versatility. These machines have the potential to save countless lives and reduce the risks faced by human responders. As technology continues to advance, the development and deployment of rescue robots will play an increasingly crucial role in safeguarding human lives during emergencies.中文回答:引言:救援机器人是先进的机器,旨在在危急情况下协助拯救人类生命。

This design can wear a cave according to spreading the technique,machine of the feeling machine technique, intelligence control electricity integral whole to turn technique a nd robot to learn to develop 1, lead brook,the completion gives relief to "hostage”,and place safe passage etc. a series the intelligence dynamoelectric small car of the action。
T he thesis analyzed a small car essence, main control system,information feeling to know unit and drive unit etc. the theories argument,design of the mold piece with adjust to tr y process,andcombine to adjust analysis of trying the process physically,elaborated a small car in detail whole drive process in of the programming and the realization of sport parameter。

德州学院毕业论文(设计)中期检查表目录摘要及关键词 (1)1 引言 (1)1.1选题的背景和意义 (1)1.2 国内外的发展趋势和研究现状 (2)2 救援机器人的机械设计 (3)2.1机器人的移动机构设计 (3)2.2机器人运动分析 (5)2.3机器人的传动系统设计 (9)3 救援机器人的控制系统设计 (11)3.1硬件设计 (11)3.2智能机器人的软件设计 (15)4 结论 (17)参考文献: (19)谢辞 (20)救援机器人的设计摘要:本设计是一种可携带的履带式救援机器人,它集成了机械工程、电子技术、智能控制、计算机科学等多科领域先进研究成果,在救援中可用于环境勘探、破障、目标指示跟踪,可以为救援人员提供有效的信息以便做出最有效的措施。
关键词:可携带履带式机器人;虚拟仿真;复合移动1 引言1.1选题的背景和意义煤炭工业是我国国民经济的基础产业,煤炭在我国能源发展格局中的基础地位是稳固的前景是广阔的建国。

关键字:搜救机器人;复合移动机构;模块化设计;AbstractCoal mine disasters,especially gas and coal dust explosion, mine environment is very complex and wounded tolls mine face extremely dangerous conditions,be transferred as soon as possible and rescue.and rescue work extremely difficult and dangerous, often resulting in the rescue work in the ambulance casualties.R & D to replace or partially replace the ambulance personnel in a timely manner, quick in-depth environmental exploration and mine disaster relief robot search and rescue work is extremely important The purpose of this thesis is to design novel structure, its unique portable,shock intelligently tracked mobile robot, in order to be able to adapt to the harsh environment and the complicated road to work.Mobile systems loaded by different modules, search and rescue robots can be achieved using different functions, this study is important because other people's search and rescue robot designed to provide a basis for the dynamic platform to facilitate greater use of features can developsearch and rescue robots.This resoarch is moving search and rescue robot crawler.The program is modular in design, easy disassembly maintenance, can be complex adaptive sub-surface, active control can turn on both sides of flange module to adjust the robot pose changes, supporting climbing,obstacle and cross-channel.The design of the robot moving mechanism mainly consists of four components. Active wheel reducer drive mechanism, flange rotation institutions, adaptive road implementing agencies, sports organizations track and track wheels, part of the paper on the above programs were carried out feasibility studies, structural designcalculation, 3D modeling , and design a rescue robot prototype.Key words: search and rescue robots; composite mobile body; modular design目录前言 (1)1 绪论 (3)1.1 课题研究背景及意义 (3)1.1.1 课题研究背景 (3)1.1.2 课题研究意义 (3)1.2 国内外的研究概况 (5)1.2.1 国外研究现状 (5)2.2国内研究现状 (10)1.2.3 发展趋势 (11)2 搜救机器人的总体结构方案设计 (12)2.1 井下复杂环境对救灾机器人的要求 (12)2.2 典型移动机构方案论证分析 (13)2.2.1 轮式移动机构特点 (13)2.2.2 腿式移动机构特点 (14)2.2.3 履带式移动机构特点 (15)2.2.4 履、腿式移动机构特点 (16)2.2.5 轮、履、腿式移动机构性能比较 (17)2.3 本研究采用的行走机构 (17)2.4 救灾机器人性能指标与设计 (18)2.5 本章小结 (19)3矿用搜救机器人运动参数设计计算 (20)3.1机器人越障分析 (20)3.1.1机器人跨越台阶 (20)3.1.2跨越沟槽 (20)3.2斜坡运动分析 (20)3.3 本章小结 (20)4机器人移动平台机械设计 (21)4.1驱动电机的选则 (21)4.1.1基于平地的最大速度的电机功率计算 (21)4.1.2爬坡最大坡度的驱动电机功率计算 (22)4.2 本章小结 (23)5 驱动轮减速器设计 (24)5.1减速器方案分析 (24)5.1.1减速器应满足的要求 (24)5.1.2 减速器方案分析 (25)5.2 减速器的设计计算 (26)5.2.1减速器的传动方案分析 (26)5.2.2配齿计算 (26)5.2.3初步计算齿轮的主要参数 (27)5.2.4装配条件的计算 (32)5.2.5高速级齿轮强度的验算 (33)5.2.6 轴的设计及校核 (41)5.3 本章小结 (44)6移动机构履带及翼板部分设计 (44)6.1履带的选择 (44)6.1.1 确定带的型号和节距 (45)6.1.2确定主从动轮直径 (46)6.1.3确定节线长度和带宽 (46)6.2 翼板部分设计 (48)6.3 本章小结 (49)7机器人摇臂的设计 (49)7.1 摇臂作用概述 (49)7.2摇臂传动减速器设计 (51)7.3本章小结 (52)8 总结与展望 (53)致谢 (55)参考文献 (56)前言我国的煤炭资源十分丰富,是世界上最大的煤炭生产国和消费国。

救援机器人设计张瑞君;曹欢玲;陆涛;周剑飞;徐导勇;魏尧【摘要】This paper designs a rescue robot, which has the advantages of small volume, multiple functions and so on, and can adapt to the various needs of the search and rescue mission. Design content includes mechanism design of walking crawler, the design of four freedoms mechanical arm and gripper mechanism, and reciprocating saw broken barrier device and a bucket lifting mechanism design.%设计了一款救援机器人,具有体积小、多功能等特点,可适应救援任务的多种需求。
【期刊名称】《机电工程技术》【年(卷),期】2014(000)004【总页数】3页(P12-13,70)【关键词】救援;机器人;机械手;破障【作者】张瑞君;曹欢玲;陆涛;周剑飞;徐导勇;魏尧【作者单位】浙江农林大学工程学院,浙江临安311300;浙江农林大学工程学院,浙江临安 311300;浙江农林大学工程学院,浙江临安 311300;浙江农林大学工程学院,浙江临安 311300;浙江农林大学工程学院,浙江临安 311300;浙江农林大学工程学院,浙江临安 311300【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP242在自然界中,存在许多人类难以到达的地方和可能危及人类生命的特殊场合,如工地、地震救援等。
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索引词:聚合卡尔曼滤波器、信息融合、搜救机器人、嵌入式系统I. 介绍世界每年都遭受巨大的自然和人为灾害[1]。
为了确保运动系统有三个自由度,系统的雅可比矩阵的逆运动学矩阵必须满秩(等级= 3)。
图1 移动机器人的结构B.控制系统体系结构搜救机器人控制系统的内核是阿尔特拉公司的LPC2210和复杂可编程EPM7128SLC84芯片。
图二控制系统结构图III. 嵌入式控制系统硬件设计A.ARM微处理器的选择和分析嵌入式系统的硬件核心组件是微控制器。
C.电源电路设计在系统中,LPC2210需要3.3v直流稳定电压供应,一些其他的设备需要5.0v 直流稳定的电压供应,为了简化系统电源电路的设计,供应3.3 v和5.0 v高质量稳定的电压。
5.0 v电源在通讯电路中隔离在RS485 B0505LS隔离设备,使RS485电路等供电部分和地面分开,减少RS485时通信干扰,系统的电路如图3所示。
选AS1117为直流到直流电源转换器,可以完成5.0 v至3.3 v的转换,其特点是输出电流大、输出电压精度高、输出电压稳定。
图3 电源电路D. JTAG接口电路联合测试行动组织是一个国际标准测试准则,它主要用于芯片内部测试、系统仿真和调试。
JTAG接口标准是四线连接:TMS、TCK、TDI和TDO 分别是测试模式选择、测试时间、测试数据输入和测试数据输出。
它常被用来实现系统编程功能,例如对FLASH 等设备编程。
特殊的在线模拟器指针:TDI、TDO TCK和TMS可以用于LPC2210实现ARM7TDMI接口,它提供了一个完整的低成本的模拟调试方案。
IV. 控制系统软件设计A.ARM汇编语言程序结构通常情况下,子程序的调用是ARM汇编语言的BL指令实现的。
ARM架构支持C /C++和汇编语言混合编程。
在一个整体的程序设计中,主要的编程任务是用C / C++完成,只有初始化部分是由汇编语言完成的。
当执行程序时,初始化程序首先执行,然后跳转到C / C++程序代码,一般来说,在汇编语言和C / C++程序之间是没有数据的传输。
HEF4094和74HC595是串行输入并行输出的移动寄存器,显然,串口驱动可以应用,但S3C44BOX串口资源有限,这时需要与上位机通信,所以用并行I / O端口建模为一个串行端口的方法来解决上面的问题。