剑桥雅思8听力解析test4---------------------------------------Section1Question 1答案waiter(s)听前预测:定位词为vacancies,提示词为for,此处应填名词(工作名称)。
题目解析:本题难度不大,题干中的vacancies 表示“空缺”的意思,同义词为openings。
Could you tell me what kind of staff you are looking for?(你们需要什么样的员工?)We’re looking for waiters at the moment.(我们正在招服务员。
)waiters 正是本题所需答案。
Question 2答案day off听前预测:定位词为two shifts、choose,the same each week,提示词为your,此处应填名词。
题目解析:本题有些难度,利用two different shifts(两班倒)可进行大致定位。
What about time off ?(具体什么时候休息?)You get one day off and I think you can negotiate which one you want, it’s more or less up to you. But it has to be the same one every week.(你有一天的休息时间,很大程度上,你可以决定哪一天休,但必须每周都固定下来。
)以上对话的主要内容是在谈论休息日确定的方式,即选择day off。
Question 3答案break听前预测:定位词为£5.50perhour,提示词为a,此处应填名词(单数)。
Question 4答案(free) meal听前预测:定位词为inthehotel,提示词为A,此处应填名词(单数)。
?名师解读剑9听力1. ??Bhatt?在问到can I take your name的时候,考生就需要做好书写的准备,根据考试常规来讲,复杂的名字后必然会给出相应的拼写,所以后面的Could you spell your name please?这句话之后,就要奋笔疾书跟上节奏了:B-H-A-double T。
2.? ?31 March?这类出生日期的填写一般没有太多障碍,考生一定要能够对月份熟练拼写,录音中听到了1972的年份,由于题目对字数的要求是one word and/or a number,所以要选择填写更重要的信息,即31st March.3. ??nursing?看到题目Course of study,考生应该能够预测出可能会听到what course do you study或者what course are you enrolled in这类提问,原文中问到的是what will you be studying,回答说I'm doing a course in nursing,答案为nursing。
4.? ?2?在问到how long would you want to stay in hall后,考生最先听到的数字是3 years,但是后面又接了一个词but,这类转折词对于定位答案至关重要,暗示之前听到的数字是无效答案,but后面听到的I'd only like to stay in hall for two 中的two才是真正的答案。
S e c t i o n1题目解析本节1~5题没有难度,根据“所听即所得”原则,答案很容易得出;6~10题所有核心词在原文中都做到了重现;只有第10题中的silvery paper在原文中是以动词词组形式出现的:but if you would reach out some silver paper to bring along to use in the sessions…注意本节中题目要求为NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS;题目答案:2.in/onTamer button department7.old clothes tops Worlds paperSection2题目解析:11~14题为填空题;11题注意替换原文中的regional和题干中的local;12题题干中的national在原文中重现,本题没有难度;13题出现混淆性信息,离站时间分为weekdays和weekends,题目中问的是each day during the week;14题核心词出现在答案之后,如果注意力不集中很容易错过答案;15~17题为表格填空;l5题的special出现后有答案;16题原文中强调了advance,之后提到的是题目中给出的至少提前6天;17题没有难度;18~20题对应一个题干,只要能听明白原文中的意思就能够判断除;C、D、G以外的信息均为混淆信息;火车站工作人员用这些地方和当地可看的景点进行比较;注意听题时反应要快;题目答案: Street hour/30 minutes17.seatreservations 18-20 CDGSection3题目解析本节所有的题目均为表格填空题;事实上表格填空题在雅思考试中是相对简单的题型,因为大量的信息在表格中都已经给出,需要做的是利用表格中的信息定位答案,题目答案一般按原文中的叙述顺序给出;21~30题基本没有难度;26题要注意大小写,其余题目都有核心词提示;题目答案:ues centre/center experienceof termSection4题目解析31~37题为选择题;选择题最大的难点在于读题时信息量比较大,因此读题时应只读题干,标出核心词;本部分题目必须建立在听懂原文的基础上;34题为难题,原文中提到了heard about,但考生做题时容易紧张,导致凭主观判断认为欧洲人借用了美国人的技术;35题容易误判断C为正确答案,但要注意这一部分原文中提到的始终是French;38~40题为完成句子;38题不难得到答案,但很容易出现拼写错误;39和40题没有难度,可以直接用核心词定位得到答案;题目答案:31-37 ABCAACA Train Robbery effects sound quality。
剑桥雅思17 test3 听力题目
剑桥雅思17 test3 听力题目标题:剑桥雅思17 Test3 听力题目解析引言概述:剑桥雅思17 Test3是雅思考试中的一套模拟试卷,其中的听力部分是考生们备考中需要重点关注的部分。
正文内容:1. 第一节:对话题目1.1 主题词理解:详细解析对话中出现的主题词,帮助考生们更好地理解对话内容。
1.2 人物角色辨析:分析对话中的人物角色,帮助考生们准确区分每个人物的身份和发言内容。
1.3 背景信息把握:解析对话中的背景信息,帮助考生们更好地理解对话的场景和背景故事。
2. 第二节:短文题目2.1 主旨概括:详细解析短文的主旨,帮助考生们准确理解短文的核心内容。
2.2 细节理解:分析短文中的细节信息,帮助考生们更好地理解短文的具体内容。
2.3 逻辑推理:解析短文中的逻辑关系,帮助考生们理解短文中的因果关系和推理过程。
3. 第三节:对话题目3.1 主题词理解:详细解析对话中出现的主题词,帮助考生们更好地理解对话内容。
3.2 人物角色辨析:分析对话中的人物角色,帮助考生们准确区分每个人物的身份和发言内容。
3.3 背景信息把握:解析对话中的背景信息,帮助考生们更好地理解对话的场景和背景故事。
4. 第四节:短文题目4.1 主旨概括:详细解析短文的主旨,帮助考生们准确理解短文的核心内容。
4.2 细节理解:分析短文中的细节信息,帮助考生们更好地理解短文的具体内容。
4.3 逻辑推理:解析短文中的逻辑关系,帮助考生们理解短文中的因果关系和推理过程。
5. 第五节:短文题目5.1 主旨概括:详细解析短文的主旨,帮助考生们准确理解短文的核心内容。
5.2 细节理解:分析短文中的细节信息,帮助考生们更好地理解短文的具体内容。
5.3 逻辑推理:解析短文中的逻辑关系,帮助考生们理解短文中的因果关系和推理过程。
总结:综上所述,剑桥雅思17 Test3的听力题目是雅思考试备考中需要重点关注的部分。
剑桥雅思 Test 听力Section答案+解析
剑桥雅思4T e s t3听力S e c t i o n1答案+解析谈话场景:租房场景。
谈话话题:交流租房信息,房源、客户要求、客户信息以及房租等问题交际与语言表达1. 租房场景是Section 1 的高频场景。
若住在当地人家里( host family),房租一般比学校便宜,而且可以深入到当地人生活中,深入沟通,感受文化;若选择和同学或朋友一起在外租房,大家可以在生活上互相照应,在学习上经常一起交流心得体会,了解不同的文化和思维方式。
2. “I was studying general English in Adelaide and now I’m doing Academic English, because I’m trying to get into Medicine next year.”我在阿德莱德的时候学的是通用英语,现在我学的是专业英语,因为明年我准备开始学医了。
有些攻读硕士学位并要更换专业的学生还需要读一些“bridge courses”( 衔接课程).3. “Would you like to live with a family or do you think that a single person would be better for you? Do you have any women living alone, retired women?”你喜欢和一个家庭一起住还是觉得一个人单独住更合适?你那儿有单独居住的退休女士吗?“single person”指“一个人”,“single”还有“单身”的意思,例如:Married people usually have a different view of life from single people. 已婚的人与单身的人通常有不同的人生观。
剑桥雅思真题9/Test 1听力解析Section 1:工作咨询(属于日常场景)必备词汇:1. vacant adj. 空缺的2. detail n. 细节3. arrange v. 安排4. interview n. 面试5. permit n. 允许6. branch n. 分支7. recruit v. 招募8. fringe adj. 附加的9. benefit n. 利益试题解析:1. answering the phone当听到what sort of work is it ?这句话时,就要做好答题准备,因为sort是题目中type的同意替换。
回答人用It’s answering the phone.这句,明确地给出了答案。
2. Hillsdunne Road 这道题难度不大。
由题目work inthe。
当听到we havetwo branches.这句时,本题答案也就接近了。
3. library 原文中对应的信号词是nearest。
而beside这个词正好是next to的同意替换,所以,紧跟其后的library就是答案。
4. 4.45 题目和原文一致的词是pay,当听到could I ask about the pay?这句话后,下一句便直接给出了答案。
只是大家要熟悉钱的读法fourpounds forty-five。
5. national holidays 此题和已经给出的a free dinner是并列的,所以凡是并列的内容,大部分都会有表示并列关系的词来引导。
当原文出现a free dinner后大家只需要去听哪个地方有表示并列关系的词,那句话便是此题的依据,恰好And we also offer extra pay for working on nationalholidays中的and和also都表示并列,而且此题几乎是原句,所以比较简单。
剑桥雅思7听力解析test3Section1Question 1 Business Studies考生听到问题:Are you a registered student?回答为:I’m doing a degree in Business Studies。
答案即为:Business Studies。
Question 2 third当考生听到问题“which year are you in?”时,就预示着第2题答案的出现。
学生的回答设计了一个小陷阱:他先说“I’ve been at university for four years”,但是后面紧跟着转折词but,然后学生再说“I’m in the Third Year”。
Question 3 Sports Centre在表格中,考生能看到“receptionist”做为定位词,当考生听到“here’s a job working at the reception desk”时,预示着第3题答案的出现,其后紧跟着“Sports Centre”,即此题的答案,且专有名词首字母大写。
Question 4 (a) cleaner在表格中,最能定位本题的是Child Care Centre。
但是,本题的正确答案是先于Child当考Care Centre 出现的。
当考生听到问… what about cleaning...,预示着第4题答案的出现,紧随其后就是正确答案a cleaner。
Question 5 Library录音中先出现了干扰信息Computer Lab,但接着进行了更正… no, it’s in the library,答案确定Library。
Question 6 International House当考生听到录音中出现问题… and your address,意识到第六题答案的即将出现,学生回答道... you know, International House ...,专有词汇,首字母需大写。
Section1Question 1 (a) taxi/ cab从试卷已给出的信息预测得知,此处填写的应该是和car hire, greyhound bus及airport shuttle并列的一个信息。
在录音中工作人员介绍完car hire服务后,乘客解释说I don’t really want to drive myself, so I’d like more information about public transport.接着工作人员In that case the quickest and most comfortable is a cab and of course …,可见此处答案为cab,也可写成taxi。
Question 2 City Centre/ Center从试卷已给出的信息分析,此处要填写的是个地点。
录音中乘客询问whereabouts does it stop in Milton ?工作人员回答说It goes directly from the airport here to the City Centre and …,可见此处答案为City Centre,英式拼写Centre、美式拼写Center均正确。
City Centre此处为专有名词,首字母大写(剑七录音原文p129上的City Centre是大写的)。
Question 3 wait从试卷已给出的信息分析,此处要填写的是个名词,被long所修饰。
当录音中工作人员说so you would have quite a wait — more than 4 hours。
Question 4 door-to-door从试卷已给出的信息分析,此处要填写的信息是要修饰service的,因此当录音中工作人员开始介绍the Airport Shuttle时,考生就要意识到第4题答案的即将出现,录音中工作人员接着介绍说It’s a door-to-door service …,考生即可准确定位此处答案为door-to-door。
Section1剑桥雅思5Test4听力Section 1答案+解析谈话场景:学生租房咨询中心。
交际与语言表达1. 本段对话是围绕一名想在英国租房的外国留学生展开的,重点在于如何填写相关租房表格,这些问题可能都是准备雅思考试的学生出国后将要面对的问题。
2. I understand you help fix up students with host families. 我听说你们帮助学生们安排住宿。
这句话里的understand 不能理解为“理解、了解”等意思,而是为了在交谈中展开对话而使用的交际常用语。
3. …are you interested in…? Yes…“您是否想了解…… ?”“是的……”在这段简短的对话中,双方都是只说了一半。
4. So when would be the best time to catch you? 那么最好是什么时候跟你联系呢? catch 这个词在这里不是“抓住、赶上”的意思,而是电话用语中的常用词汇,表示“与某人联系”。
如: Well, I catch you at last. 哎呀,我终于跟你联系上了。
5. I think I’ d like to say“ advanced” but my written work is below the level of my spoken, so I suppose it’ s intermediate. 我原想说是“高级的”,但是我的笔头功夫不如我的口语,所以我想应该是“中等”吧。
黑体标示的below 在这里的意思是not as good as,含有比较的意味。
S e c t i o n 1 剑桥雅思5Test3听力Section 1答案+解析谈话场景:售车中心购车咨询。
交际与语言表达1. 本篇文章主要讨论购车咨询过程中的细节问题,这也是雅思生活场景听力试题中经常涉及的内容之一,考生对一些常用的买车购车以及汽车的词汇和表达法要耳熟能详,并且还要了解填写顾客情况调查表时所涉及的一般常用问题。
2. 在售车中心,或者在一般性商场,工作人员或者是销售人员都会主动向顾客问好,并且通常会说: How canI help you? 或Can I help you, Sir/ Madam? 或者是Is there anything I can do for you? 考生在听到这一问题后,应首先反应到下面的对话应该是属于买家与卖家的对话。
3. Had you got any particular make in mind? 您心里是否已经有了特别钟意的( 汽车) 牌子了? 许多考生可能不知道、或者没有留意到make 这个词在这句话的实际意思,但该词直接影响到第一题的答案。
事实上,如果我们事先注意到题目的设置,我们就会知道make 在这里是指“汽车牌子”。
4. Any idea? 您有什么想法/ 意见吗? 该句是地道的口语表达,两个人在说话的时候都有针对前文的省略语,很多地方必须理解说话人上句话才能理解下一句,这在口语中很常见,所以考生一定要对这种省略语倍加注意。
这句话如果补充完整应该是: Do you have any idea of the engine size? 下文中a 1.4 should do 和I don’ t think I need a 1. 6 or anything 以及Mileage? Roughly? 都是如此。
5. I presume you’ d want a manual? …but I assume that’ d be OK? 这两个问句都是售车人员在征求顾客的意见,其中presume 和assume 都等于think,但售车人员在问这两句话时一般都是期望得到顾客肯定的答复。
剑桥雅思10听力题目解析及拓展-T2S1---------------------------------------剑桥雅思10听力题目解析及拓展-test 2 section 1Section 1Transport SurveyQ1, 题干出现name,预测答案信息会逐个字母进行拼写。
答案:Hardie, 注意字母h尾音/t?/和字母a/e?/之间会产生连读;字母r 的读音接近中文‘啊’的发音,不含儿化音。
Q2,题干出现address,参照剑桥10 test 1 section1 拓展,2/3数字+名称+街道,本文针对街道进行展开,常考街道类型lane巷子,road(Rd.)路,street (St.)街道,avenue林荫大道,(university)drive(大学)快车道。
答案:GT82LC拓展:题干出现如下信号词时,答案信息为数字+字母Postcode. 邮编(其中澳大利亚邮编为纯数字)Reference No. 参考号Contract No.合同号Driving license No.驾照号Plate No.车牌号Passport No.护照号Policy No.保险号Membership No.会员号Q4,题干出现occupation,译为职业。
当被问到what’s your job, what do you make a living by 类似信息时,紧跟答案句。
答案:Hairdresser拓展:听力中常考职业有:dentist,hairdresser,consultant, waiter/waitress, lawyer, accountant, charity worker, doctor, student, engineer.Q5,题干出现reason,预测答案句为表示原因的句子。
S e c t i o n1 Question1 answering (the) phone题干中的定位词type of work对应录音中男士的what sort of work,考生可据此在其附近的句子中寻找答案,其中washing up是干扰内容,针对what sort of work的提问,录音中女士给出了answering the phone的答案。
Question2 Hillsdunne Road录音中女士在说完公司的two branches之后强调了目前正在recruiting的branch在Hillsdunne Road,由此可知招聘工作的地点在Hillsdunne Road。
Question3 library考生要注意听与题干中的定位词nearest相邻的信息,录音中女士在说完the nearest one 之后提到了beside the library, beside对应题干中的next to,答案很显然是library。
Question4 4.45考生在听到定位词pay之后,可以听到four pounds forty-five这个数字,这里考生一定要区分在four pounds forty-five之后出现的干扰项three pounds ninety-five。
Question5 national holidays考生要注意听题干中的定位词extra pay附近的信息,在extra pay之后女士说working on national holidays,因此on后面的内容便是答案。
Question6 after 11(o’clock)录音中的drive you home对应题干中的定位词transport home, 由此可知道答案是drive you home附近的时间表达。
Question7. (a)clear voice考生在听到题干中的定位词qualities之后会听到we want a clear voice,很显然,(a)clear voice便是应聘的条件之一。
Section 11. Why was the woman visiting Cambridge? A. To take a walk along the River Cam B. To visit the Fitzwilliam Museum C. To see the Corpus Christi College Chapel Answer: C2. What did the woman like about the Corpus Christi College Chapel? A. The stained glass windows B. The wooden carvings C. The vaulted ceiling Answer: A3. What are the hours of the Fitzwilliam Museum? A. 10am-5pm, Tuesday-Sunday B. 11am-6pm, Monday-Saturday C. 12pm-7pm, Wednesday-Friday Answer: A4. What type of art does the Fitzwilliam Museum have? A. Ancient Egyptian artifacts B. Renaissance paintings C. Modern sculptures Answer: B5. What is the name of the woman’s friend? A. Sarah B. Jessica C. Emily Answer: ASection 26. What is the name of the company that the man works for? A. GreenTech B. EcoTech C. CleanTech Answer: A7. What is the name of the project that the man is working on? A. The Green Building Project B. The Sustainable Energy Project C. The Carbon Footprint Reduction Project Answer: A8. What is the purpose of the project? A. To design and construct a new office building that is environmentally friendly B. To retrofit an existing office building to make it more energy-efficient C. To develop new technologies for reducing carbon emissions Answer: A9. What are some of the features of the new office building? A. Solar panels, rainwater harvesting, and natural ventilation B. Geothermal heating and cooling, and LED lighting C. Double-glazed windows, and low-flow plumbing fixtures Answer: A10. When is the project expected to be completed? A. In 2023 B. In 2024 C. In 2025 Answer: BSection 311. What is the name of the woman who is giving the lecture? A. Dr. Sarah JonesB. Dr. Jessica SmithC. Dr. Emily Brown Answer: A12. What is the topic of the lecture? A. The history of the English language B. The structure of the English language C. The evolution of the English language Answer: C13. What are the three main periods in the history of the English language? A. Old English, Middle English, and Modern English B. Anglo-Saxon, Norman, and Middle English C. Old English, Norman, and Modern English Answer: A14. What are some of the features of Old English? A. It used a lot of Latin words B. It had a complex system of noun declensions C. It was spoken by the Anglo-Saxons Answer: C15. What are some of the features of Middle English? A. It was influenced by Norman French B. It was spoken by the Normans C. It used a lot of Old English words Answer: ASection 416. What is the name of the man who is giving the talk? A. Professor John SmithB. Professor David BrownC. Professor Michael Jones Answer: C17. What is the topic of the talk? A. The history of the computer B. The evolution of the computer C. The future of the computer Answer: C18. What were some of the early computers like? A. They were large and expensive B. They were slow and unreliable C. They used vacuum tubes Answer: C 19. What are some of the recent advances in computer technology? A. The development of microprocessors B. The invention of the internet C. The rise of artificial intelligence Answer: C20. What does the speaker predict the future of computers will be like? A. Computers will become smaller and more powerful B. Computers will become more integrated into our lives C. Computers will eventually become sentient Answer: B。
剑桥雅思14 Test 1 Section 4 听力解析:Marine Renewable Energy (Ocean Energy)section overview:This section is a lecture about the various forms of energy that can be obtained from the ocean, such as tidal energy, wave energy, and thermal energy. The lecturer discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each form of energy and how they can be harnessed.summary of key points:1. The ocean covers 70% of the Earth's surface and has a significant amount of energy.2. Tidal energy is harnessed by using the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun.3. Wave energy is more reliable than solar and wind energy because it is constant.4. Thermal energy involves using the temperature difference between the surface water and deep water.5. Ocean energy has several advantages, including being a clean and renewable energy source.6. However, there are also disadvantages, such as the high cost of installation and maintenance, and potential environmental impacts.7. Some of the challenges in harnessing ocean energy include the intermittent nature of some forms of energy and the need for efficientstorage methods.answer explanations:31. industry - The lecturer states that wave energy is more reliable than solar and wind energy because it is constant, which is important for providing a stable energy source for industries.32. constant -The lecturer mentions that the source of ocean energy is constant, referring to the consistent nature of tidal and wave energy.33. direction - The lecturer discusses how ocean waves can travel in every direction, which can be a problem because they are erratic and can be affected by the wind.34. floor -The lecturer explains that sand and other sediment on the ocean floor might be stopped from flowing normally, which can lead to environmental problems.35. predictable -The lecturer states that one major advantage of using the tide, rather than waves, as a source of energy is that it is more predictable.以上是剑桥雅思14 Test 1 Section 4 听力解析。
?名师解读剑9听力1. ??Bhatt?在问到can I take your name的时候,考生就需要做好书写的准备,根据考试常规来讲,复杂的名字后必然会给出相应的拼写,所以后面的Could you spell your name please?这句话之后,就要奋笔疾书跟上节奏了:B-H-A-double T。
2.? ?31 March?这类出生日期的填写一般没有太多障碍,考生一定要能够对月份熟练拼写,录音中听到了1972的年份,由于题目对字数的要求是one word and/or a number,所以要选择填写更重要的信息,即31st March.3. ??nursing?看到题目Course of study,考生应该能够预测出可能会听到what course do you study或者what course are you enrolled in这类提问,原文中问到的是what will you be studying,回答说I'm doing a course in nursing,答案为nursing。
4.? ?2?在问到how long would you want to stay in hall后,考生最先听到的数字是3 years,但是后面又接了一个词but,这类转折词对于定位答案至关重要,暗示之前听到的数字是无效答案,but后面听到的I'd only like to stay in hall for two中的two才是真正的答案。
剑桥雅思4Test4听力Section-1答案+解析---------------------------------------剑桥雅思4Test4 听力Sectio n-1答案+解析剑桥雅思4Test4听力Section 1 答案+解析Section 1 谈话场景:筹备告别会。
2. “1 think a hotel will probably work out rather expensive, and I 've been looking at the College Dining Room. ”我觉得去酒店太贵了,我一直在考虑学校的餐厅。
“work out ”表示“解决,解答,做出,制订出,消耗完”的意思。
例如:It will work out rather expensive.这样做成本很高。
“be looking at ”表示“留心,注意”。
3. “ We usually go round with an envelope during coffee break, don 't we? ”我们通常在喝咖啡的休息室带着信封顺便过去,不是吗?“Coffee Break”这个词早在1952年就出现在报刊上了,《咖啡的益处》中说:“只需清晨的一杯咖啡就足以使我们拥有顺利度过一天的好心情。
”管理者发现“Coffee Break ”作为一种办公室文化,不但可以激发员工的创意和灵感,提升工作的热情与专注,而且还是一种特殊的沟通方式。
现在公司开设的“Coffee Break ” 都是了解咖啡、互相沟通、提升公司形象的良好模式。
Section1剑桥雅思5 test1听力section1原文:Good afternoon, Dreamtime Travel, How can I helpyou?下午好,梦幻时光旅行社。
我能帮你做什么?Oh hello. I 'm interested in the holidays you offeralong the coast near here.你好,我对你们提供的海岸假期感兴趣。
Yes. We operate several tours up the coast.好的。
我们沿着海岸线经营几条旅程,Where in particular did you want to go?你想去哪一个?Well, I like the sound of the holiday that mentionedwhales. Was it ‘Whale Watching‘?我喜欢有一个关于鲸鱼的假期。
有一个“观看鲸鱼”的路线吗?Oh, that's our Whale Watch Experience.那是我们的观看鲸鱼之旅。
It's very popular and it's based in a lovely little town with nice beaches.它很受欢迎而且是在一个漂亮的小镇上,有着美丽的海滩。
Oh right, and how long does it last?好的,这趟旅行要多长时间?It's two days – that includes four hours ' travel time each way from here.两天时间,其中包括4个小时从这里启程的时间。
Good, I do not want to be away any longer than that.很好,我不想离开的时间比这个更久。
So is that by coach?那么是乘坐长途汽车去吗?Actually it's by minibus.事实上是坐小巴去。
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Section1Question1 answering (the) phone题干中的定位词type of work对应录音中男士的what sort of work,考生可据此在其附近的句子中寻找答案,其中washing up是干扰内容,针对what sort of work的提问,录音中女士给出了answering the phone的答案。
Question2 Hillsdunne Road录音中女士在说完公司的two branches之后强调了目前正在recruiting的branch在Hillsdunne Road,由此可知招聘工作的地点在Hillsdunne Road。
Question3 library考生要注意听与题干中的定位词nearest相邻的信息,录音中女士在说完the nearest one之后提到了beside the library,beside对应题干中的next to,答案很显然是library。
Question4 4.45考生在听到定位词pay之后,可以听到four pounds forty-five这个数字,这里考生一定要区分在four pounds forty-five之后出现的干扰项three pounds ninety-five。
Question5 national holidays考生要注意听题干中的定位词extra pay附近的信息,在extra pay之后女士说working on national holidays,因此on后面的内容便是答案。
Question6 after 11(o'clock)录音中的drive you home对应题干中的定位词transport home, 由此可知道答案是drive you home附近的时间表达。
Question7. (a)clear voice考生在听到题干中的定位词qualities之后会听到we want a clear voice,很显然,(a)clear voice便是应聘的条件之一。
Note: 冠词可以不写。
Question8. think quickly在题干中的定位词qualities附近除了a clear voice外的内容便是答案,录音中的be able to对应题干中的ability to,be able to之后的内容think quick便是答案。
Question9. 22 October考生在听到Thursday之后,紧接着会听到twenty second of October,所以正确答案是22 October.Note:这个地方写22nd October, October 22nd, October 22都可以。
但是现在比较通用的写法是直接写成22 October 或October 22.Question10. Manuja考生可利用题干中的定位词Samira,紧跟着Samira考生即可听到Manuja.Section2Question11. branch题干中的定位词international sports goods company对应录音中的a Danish sports goods company。
此外根据录音中的the company decided to open another branch即可确定答案为branchQuestion12. west根据题干中的located,考生便可知道空格处要填写的是与方位有关的名词,利用题干中的定位词Bmdcaster,找出录音中Bradcaster附近的方位词即可确定答案。
Question13. clothing题干中的定位词floors 1-3对应录音中的the first three floor,题干中and连接的并列结构对应as well as,排除题干中己知的equipment,,clothing即为答案。
Question14. 10考生可以听到与题干中的定位词within对应的in,此外空格后的days暗示了空格处应该填的是数字,据此便可得出in 就是答案ten days后面的.Question15. running考生可以听到与题干中的定位词specialises对应的particularly focus on,on后面的名词即为答案。
football,tennis,swimming是主要经营项目,并非专营项目Question16. bags考生可以听到与题干中的定位词justsdls对应的awholesectionofthethirdfloor is devoted to sports bags, to后面的名词sports bags即为答案,此外,考生需要注意的是这里的题目要求是ONE WORD,因此最终的答案为去掉修饰语sports的bags。
Question17. A考生根据己知的选项即可推测出答案不仅与时间有关,还与时间的长短紧密相连。
在定位词champion之后,考生可以听到staying around until about midday,据此可以确定答案是“上午”Question18. A考生在听到定位词first person,all the questions之后会听到gets a year's free membership of the Bradcaster Gym,因此正确答案是gym membership。
此外,根据录音中的All entrants will receive a special Sports calendar 即可排除CQuestion19. E考生在听到定位词fitness test之后会听到half price for this month only,此外,根据录音中提供的normally cost £ 30.00和half price for this month only可知其他月份的价格均高于这个月,与此信息相符的选项是E。
Question20. A考生另外可以听到only a limited number of places available for this,so to make a booking对应选项A中的reserve,可确定答案为A。
Section3Question21. B考生可以听到Spiros对自己marketing presentation的评价是I did quite a good job because my overall style was quite professional。
quite professional对应选项B中的good,由此可知答案为B(演讲风格很好)。
此外,录音中提到了I was still nervous,排除A。
C中的the best在录音中没有涉及。
Question22. C考生听到Hiroko在描述其他学生的演讲时用到了They didn't worry about their presentation style or keeping eye contact with their audience, keeping eye contact with their audience对应选项C中的look at the audience enough,由此可知答案为C(他们没有与观众进行足够多的眼神交流)。
Question23. B录音中的when I had finished对应题干中的after she gave her presentation,考生听到when I had finished之后紧接着会听到Hiroko说I didn't feel any real sense of satisfaction,didn't feel any real sense of satisfaction 对应选项B中的dissatisfied,由此可知答案为B。
Question24. A考生会听到Spiros在评价完自己对presentation的表现之后(although I was pleased with my presentation)说出了Iam not so pleased with my actual performance right now in the tutorials,由此可知Spiros对自己tutorial的评价是否定的,选项中包含否定含义的只有A。
Question25. C考生会听到they are very familiar with each other,so because they know each other's habits, very familiar witheach other对应选项C中的know each other well,由此可知答案为C(他们彼此很了解)。
Question26. B考生会听到trying to speak up more and I just jump in,总结一下这句话的内容就是B making more of a contribution。
Question27. A考生听到I couldn't understand what the lecturers were talking about之后Hiroko紧接着说I had to turn to the ,materialsreference 中的A对应选项journalsand books the consulted, 中的A对应选项toturn 。
journalsand books 由此可知答案为A。
此外录音中提到了made pages of notes,这里指的是Hiroko自己记笔记而并非C中所说的借别人的笔记。
Question28. B考生会听到My reading speed is still quite slow,这就意味着Spiros要花大量的时间来阅读,由此可知答案为B。
此外考生还可以利用排除法来解答这道题,选项A和B都是关于速度的,C则是与reading skill不相关的vocabulary。
Question29. C录音中有关课题名称的有environment, health, education和engineering。