
口语大赛主持词(精选4篇)口语大赛篇1:1: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.2: Good morning, my honored teachers.3: Good morning, fellow students.4: Good morning, my dear parents.3: Today we are very happy and excited, because we are here,holding the First Huangyan Primary School English speaking competition.4:今天我们相聚在这里,快乐又激动。
2:English is such a beautiful language. We can use it to travel around the world.1:英语是一门美丽的语言,用英语我们可以周游世界。
4: By learning English we can know the people in the other side of the world. What are they like? What are they talking? What are they thinking?3:有了英语,我们可以认识全世界不同的国家,地球那端的人,他们是怎么样的,他们在想什么,讨论什么?1: In today's show, there are 41 contestants. They come from different classes of different schools. But they have the same aim, that is to practice English.2:今天的比赛总共有41名,他们来自不同学校不同的班级,但是大家都有一个共同的目标,那就是学好英语。

英语单词竞赛主持发言稿范文Good evening, everyone! Welcome to the English Word Competition! It's an evening filled with excitement, intelligence, and a celebration of the beauty and power of the English language. As your host for this evening, it's my pleasure to guide you through a journey of words and wits, where competitors from various backgrounds will test their knowledge and love for English vocabulary.Words are the building blocks of language, and the English language, in particular, is rich and diverse, offering a vast lexicon of terms and expressions. Tonight, we have gathered here to celebrate this richness and to honor those who have mastered the art of wordsmithing.Before we delve into the competition, I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our sponsors, without whose support this event would not be possible. We are also grateful to our judges, who have taken the time to evaluate and critique the participants fairly and thoroughly.And now, let's meet our contestants. Each of them is a walking dictionary, armed with an extensive vocabulary anda passion for English. They have come prepared to show us their mastery of the language and to compete for the titleof the Word Master.As the competition progresses, we will be testing the contestants' knowledge of English vocabulary through aseries of rounds. These rounds will range from simple word associations to complex definitions and synonyms. The contestants will need to think quickly and accurately to come out tops.But the competition is not just about winning. It'salso about learning and having fun. So, even if you're nota contestant, I encourage you to participate actively by testing your own vocabulary knowledge and enjoying the ride.And now, without further ado, let's dive into the first round of the competition!(Host introduces the first round, which could be a simple word association game where the contestants need to quickly provide related words or phrases.)。

以下是主持词频道整理的《英语⼝语⼤赛主持⼈词》希望⼤家喜欢!【篇⼀】 【开场⽩】 B: Attention please! Our English talent competition is around the corner, please set your cell phone in a silent mode, thank you! A:即将开始,请把您的⼿机设置成静⾳或振动模式。
谢谢! B: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, and honorable judges! Welcome to Zhejiang Gongshang University English talent competition. A:尊敬的评委、亲爱的观众朋友,⼤家下午好,欢迎来到由主办的2011浙江⼯商⼤学复赛的⽐赛现场。
B: This competition enjoys a wide-spread participation among all college students in our school. And also, we are so honored to have such a splendid judging panel. So, please let us introduce you our distinguished judges today. They are …… A:现在,请允许我为⼤家介绍我们本次⽐赛的评委,他们是: B: Welcome! 【⽐赛规则】 B: Now, let’s introduce the rules of the competition for you. The competition is divided into 2 parts. The first part is team show. Every team will present their only own style show, such as English drama, English poetry recitation, English voice work or other creative show. In this part, the time is limited in 5 minutes, but drama show will get 6 minutes. A:本次⽐赛由两个环节组成。

M:Boys and girls.T:Ladies and gentlemen.合:Good morning. 大家早上好!M:Today is a special day.T:Why?M:Because we’ll hold the fourth English speaking contest of our school.T:Wow!因为我们学校将举行第四届英语口语大赛。
That’s fantastic! M:It means we can speak English bravely and fluently.T:是呀!这意味着我们孩子们可以大胆流利说英语。
合:让我们预祝本次大赛圆满成功!M:Fi rstly, let’s welcome our headmaster Mr Hu give us the opening speech.T:首先,让我们热烈欢迎胡校长为我们致开幕词。
胡校长做开幕词!M:Next, let’s introduce our judges.T:接下来,让我们介绍本次大赛的评委。
他们是:我们用最热烈的掌声欢迎他们的`到来!M:Ok, let me introduce the contest rules. 现在由我来介绍本次大赛规则:本次大赛分为两大组:小学组和初中组大赛由三个环节组成,每个环节十分小学组参赛规则是:1.认读单词(10个),背课文2.课外知识展示(唱英文歌,说歌谣,诗歌,故事等等)3.自我介绍并与主持人英语问答交流(五个问题)初中组参赛规则:1. 背课文2. 课外知识展示(唱英文歌,说歌谣,诗歌,故事等等)3.自我介绍并与主持人问答交流(五个问题)T:Now , the contest begins.M:现在比赛正式开始,Let’s welcome the NO. 1 contestant . welcome!学生比赛结束T:现在有请我们的袁校长为本次大赛做总结。

小学英语口语比赛中文主持稿范文Good morning, everyone! Welcome to our annual primary school English speaking competition. My name is [Host's Name] and I am honored to be your host for today's event.This competition aims to showcase the English speaking talents of our primary school students and to encourage them to improve their language skills. We have students from different grades participating in various categories, including poetry recitation, storytelling, and impromptu speaking.Today, our contestants will have the opportunity to demonstrate their language proficiency, creativity, and confidence in front of our esteemed panel of judges. We have carefully selected our judges based on their expertise in English language teaching and their dedication to promoting language learning among young learners.I would like to take this opportunity to thank our sponsors for their generous support in making this event possible. Without their contribution, we would not be able to provide our students with such a valuable learning experience.I would also like to thank all the teachers and parents who have dedicated their time and effort to helping our studentsprepare for this competition. Your guidance and support have been instrumental in helping our students reach their full potential.As we begin the competition, I would like to remind our contestants to speak clearly, confidently, and most importantly, to have fun. Remember, the most important thing is not winning, but rather, the learning experience and the opportunity to showcase your skills.I wish all the contestants the best of luck, and I am confident that each and every one of you will shine on stage today. So without further ado, let the competition begin!Thank you and enjoy the show!。

英语口语比赛主持人主持词(通用3篇)英语口语比赛主持人篇11.Good afternoon,distinguished judges, ladies and gentlemen,boys and girls!2.尊敬的各位领导,3.各位来宾,4.亲爱的老师同学们,齐:大家下午好!1. Welcome to the contest of ````Middle School English Speaking Contest. It’s our great honor to be here!2. 欢迎大家来到离石廷亮中学首届英语口语大赛比赛现场。
今天能够邀请到这么多的评委和嘉宾到场我们感到非常的荣幸!3. That’s right!Well, we have succeeded in inviting so many excellent judges and guests. And now, let’s meet our honorabl e judges and guests。
4. 首先,请允许我介绍今天到场的嘉宾及评委,他们分别是:1. I’m glad to see you,a lot of you all came a long way to take part in the competition. I really appreciate it. Thank you for being here!2. 由衷的感谢所有的嘉宾和评委从百忙之中抽时间出席本次的大赛。
让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来.3. Ladies and gentlemen, now I declare that the English speaking contest start.4. 现在我宣布````中学英语口语大赛正式开始。
1. Ladies and gentlemen, we have 6 parts for this contest.The first part is Talent Show.The second part is Challenge Your Listening .The third part is Walking Dictionary .The fourth part is Making a Passage .The fifth part is English for Funthe last part is Magic Voice .2.下面我来介绍一下今晚的比赛环节.今晚的比赛分为6个环节第一环节:Talent Show 秀出我风采 30分第二环节 Challenge Your Listening 挑战听力10分(主持宣布分数) 第三环节Walking Dictionary 行走的字典10分,每题2分,共5题(主持人宣布分数)第四环节Making a Passage 妙语连珠第五环节 English for Fun 等你来挑战10分(主持宣布分数)第六环节 Magic Voice 百变魔音秀4.我们的评委将会以“公平, 公正,公开”为原则,为今天的所有参赛选手进行评分。

小学英语口语比赛中文主持稿范文Good morning everyone! Welcome to the annual Elementary School English Speaking Competition. My name is Sarah and I will be your host for today's event.First of all, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all the teachers, parents, and students who have gathered here today to support our young talented speakers. We have some amazing contestants here who have worked really hard to prepare for this competition, and I am sure we are in for a treat.The purpose of this competition is to provide a platform for our young students to showcase their English speaking skills and gain confidence in public speaking. It is truly inspiring to see these young minds express themselves in a language that is not their mother tongue.We have two categories in today's competition – the individual speech category and the group conversation category. The individual speech category allows each contestant to deliver a prepared speech on a topic of their choice, while the group conversation category involves a group of students engaging in a conversation on a given topic.Our judges for today's competition are a panel of English teachers who have carefully evaluated the contestants based on their content, delivery, and overall presentation. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our esteemed panel of judges for their time and effort in selecting the winners.I would also like to thank our sponsors for their generous support in making this event possible. Your contributions have helped us provide our students with this wonderful opportunity to showcase their English speaking skills.Without further ado, let's get started with the competition. I invite our first contestant to come up on stage and deliver their speech. Let's give them a big round of applause! Thank you.。

英语口语竞赛主持词一.开场白A:Good afternoon ,everyone!B:各位领导,老师们,同学们,下午好!A :There is a great contest to be held in the sunny day! That is our English Oral contest of Guan Ting school.B :在这个晴朗的日子里,我们官亭学校迎来了英语口语交际比赛。
A:This is our exciting and happy day!B:这是一个令人振奋的日子,更是一个属于我们的日子。
A:It means we can speak English bravely and fluently.B:这意味着我们的孩子们也能大胆流利的说英语了。
A:So we should thank our English teachers ! They pay high attention to our English learning.B:在这里,我们要对我们的英语老师说声谢谢!感谢她们对我们英语学习的高度重视。
A:Wish this contest crowned success!B:预祝本次比赛圆满成功!A:Now the contest begins.B:现在比赛正式开始。
首先让我们有请七年级三班的同学为我们表演The city mouse and country mouse城市老鼠与乡村老鼠。
Thanks for Class____ Grade____ wonderful performance.感谢同学们带给我们的精彩表演。
\How interesting it is!多有趣的表演啊!上一个节目的得分为----。

Good [gʊd] - adj.(形容词) morning ['mɔ:rnɪŋ] - n.(名词), dear [dɪr] - adj.(形容词) teachers ['ti:tʃəz] - n.(名词,复数) and [ænd] - conj.(连词) students ['stju:dnts] - n.(名词,复数). Welcome ['welkəm] - v.(动词) to our English vocabulary [vəʊ'kæbjələri] - n.(名词)competition [ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃn] - n.(名词).二、介绍评委。
Now, let me introduce [ˌɪntrəˈdju:s] - v.(动词) our honorable ['ɒnərəbl] - adj.(形容词) judges [dʒʌdʒɪz] - n.(名词,复数). We have Mr. Smith, who is an experienced [ɪkˈspɪəriənst] - adj.(形容词)English teacher. 'experienced' is pronounced as [ɪkˈspɪəriənst], andit's an adjective which means having knowledge or skill in a particular area.And Miss Green, she is a very professional [prəˈfeʃənl] - adj.(形容词) linguist ['lɪŋɡwɪst] - n.(名词). 'professional' is pronouncedas [prəˈfeʃənl], an adjective meaning relating to or belonging to a profession.三、比赛规则介绍。

英语口语大赛主持词Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the English Speaking Contest! Tonight, we have gathered here to witness the remarkable talent and fluency in English of our talented participants. Throughout this evening, we will be mesmerized by their captivating speeches, inspiring stories, and exceptional communication skills.Firstly, let me introduce myself. My name is [Your Name], and I am honored to be your host for this prestigious event. As a language enthusiast, I understand the power and beauty of effective communication, and I am thrilled to be part of this celebration of English language proficiency.Tonight, we have ten outstanding finalists who have made it through a rigorous selection process, proving their ability to express themselves articulately in English. These participants have put their hearts and souls into preparing their speeches, and I am certain we will be amazed by their eloquence and passion.Our contestants come from diverse backgrounds and experiences, each with a unique story to tell. It is through sharing these stories that we can gain a deeper understanding of different cultures, perspectives, and ideas. Furthermore, tonight's contest is an opportunity for all of us to recognize the importance of effective communication skills in a globalized world.As we proceed with the contest, the participants will address a variety of thought-provoking and relevant topics, ranging from personal experiences to global issues. They will showcase theirmastery of English grammar and vocabulary, as well as their ability to engage the audience with their charisma and confidence.I encourage all of you to actively listen and engage with our contestants. Your support and encouragement will undoubtedly motivate them to give their best performances. Remember, your applause could be the source of their inspiration!In the end, our distinguished panel of judges, consisting of English language experts, will have the difficult task of determining the winners. They will assess the participants based on their content, delivery, language proficiency, and overall impact on the audience.Before we start, I would like to express our gratitude to all the participants, their families, and teachers who have supported them on this incredible journey. Your dedication and hard work have brought us to this moment of celebration.Without further ado, let the English Speaking Contest begin! Sit back, relax, and prepare to be captivated by the remarkable English-speaking talents of our finalists. Thank you and enjoy the evening!。

小学英语口语比赛中文主持稿范文Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to our annual Primary School English Speaking Contest! I am honored to be your host for today's event. My name is [Your Name], and I am delighted to see so many talented young speakers here with us today.Now, let's kick off the contest with our first participant. Please welcome [Participant's Name] from [School Name] who will be presenting a short speech on the topic of "My Favorite Hobby". Let's give her a round of applause as she takes the stage.[Participant 1 gives her speech]Thank you, [Participant's Name], for that wonderful speech. Next up, we have [Participant's Name] from [School Name] who will be sharing her thoughts on the topic of "The Importance of Reading". Let's give her a big round of applause as she makes her way to the stage.[Participant 2 gives her speech]Bravo, [Participant's Name]! That was truly inspiring. Our next contestant is [Participant's Name] from [School Name] whowill be talking about "How Technology Has Changed Our Lives". Let's give him a warm welcome as he comes up to the stage.[Participant 3 gives his speech]Fantastic job, [Participant's Name]! Each of our contestants has done an amazing job so far, and I am truly impressed by their confidence and eloquence. Before we move on to the next part of our contest, let's take a moment to thank our judges for their time and dedication to this event.Now, it's time for our impromptu speaking round. Each participant will be given a random topic to speak about for one minute. Let's see how our contestants handle this challenge![Participants each give their impromptu speeches]Incredible job, everyone! I am blown away by the talent and creativity that we have seen today. Before we announce the winners, I want to thank all the teachers, parents, and students who have supported our contestants throughout this journey.And now, the moment we have all been waiting for. The judges have made their decision, and it is time to announce the winners of this year's Primary School English Speaking Contest. In third place, we have [Participant's Name] from [School Name]. In second place, we have [Participant's Name] from [SchoolName]. And finally, in first place, our champion is [Participant's Name] from [School Name]! Congratulations to all the winners and participants for a job well done.Thank you to everyone who has joined us today. We look forward to seeing you again at our next English Speaking Contest. Have a wonderful day!。

英语单词竞赛主持发言稿范文英文回答:Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our English word competition. I am thrilled to be your host for tonight's event. Are you all ready to put your vocabulary skills to the test? I hope so, because we have some challenging words lined up for you.Let's kick things off with our first word: "serendipity." Serendipity is a wonderful word that describes the act of finding something valuable or delightful when you are not looking for it. For example, have you ever stumbled upon a great book while browsing in a bookstore? That's serendipity in action.Now, let's move on to our next word: "ephemeral." Ephemeral refers to something that is short-lived or fleeting. A beautiful sunset, a shooting star, or a blooming flower are all examples of ephemeral moments inlife. It's important to cherish these fleeting moments because they are often the most precious.As we continue with our competition, I encourage youall to stay focused and keep your wits about you. Remember, it's not just about knowing the definitions of these words, but also about using them in context and understandingtheir nuances.And now, without further ado, let's move on to ourfinal word of the evening: "ubiquitous." Ubiquitous means being present everywhere or seeming to be everywhere at the same time. Think about something that is so common that you see it everywhere you go. That thing is ubiquitous.I hope you all had a great time testing your vocabulary skills tonight. Remember, learning new words is not just about expanding your knowledge, but also about enriching your communication skills and expressing yourself more effectively. Keep reading, keep learning, and keep exploring the beauty of the English language.中文回答:大家晚上好!欢迎来到我们的英语单词竞赛。

大学区第三届英语口语大赛主持词第一篇:大学区第三届英语口语大赛主持词第三届英语口语大赛主持词男:Ladies and Gentlemen 女:My dear teachers.男;My dear friends.合:Good afternoon.男:Now you are watching The Third English Speaking Contest.女:We are happy to stand here to be the hosts today.I 'm Vivian.男:I'm Bill.男:尊敬的各位领导,亲爱的老师和同学们,大家下午好,欢迎来到西电实验小学。
女:In today's contest,there are nine contestants.男:They are from different grades in 3 different schools.女:First,Let's warmly welcome the principal DingYalin from XiDian Experimental primary School to give us an opening speech.男:首先,让我们以热烈的掌声有请西电实验小学大学区学区长丁亚琳校长讲话。

英语单词竞赛主持发言稿范文英文回答:Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and dear participants,。
Welcome to the grand English vocabulary contest. Today, we gather here to witness the brilliance of young minds as they showcase their mastery of the English lexicon.As the host of this prestigious event, I am honored to guide you through this journey of linguistic exploration. The contestants have spent countless hours honing their vocabulary skills, and I am confident that they willdeliver exceptional performances.The contest will consist of several rounds, each designed to test a different aspect of the contestants' vocabulary. From synonyms and antonyms to idioms and phrases, the contestants will navigate the complexities ofthe English language with ease.As we progress through the rounds, I will be providing commentary and insights to help you understand the nuancesof each word and its usage. I encourage you to actively participate in this learning experience and expand your own vocabulary along the way.Remember that this contest is not just about memorizing words but also about understanding their meanings and applying them effectively in communication. The ability to express oneself with precision and clarity is a testamentto a well-rounded education and a valuable skill in the professional world.I extend my sincere gratitude to the organizers, judges, and volunteers for their unwavering dedication to the success of this event. And to our contestants, I wish youall the best as you showcase your linguistic prowess.Let the contest begin!中文回答:女士们、先生们、尊敬的嘉宾和亲爱的参赛者们:欢迎参加盛大的英语词汇竞赛。
主持词 最新英语口语比赛主持词

最新英语口语比赛主持词篇1各位老师各位同学,下午好!Good afternoon everyone!在这个晴朗的日子里,我们二年二班迎来了首届小学生英语口语大赛。
There is a great contest to be held in the sunny day! That is our first English contest of class one gread two这是一个令人振奋的日子,更是一个属于我们的日子。
This is our exciting day and happin day!意味着我们也能大胆流畅的说英语了。
It means we can speak English,bravely ,easily.在这里,我们要大声对我们的英语老师说声谢谢!感谢她们对我们英语学习的高度重视,So we say thanks a louder for our English teachers !They have a high regard to our English learning.预祝本次比赛圆满成功!And wish this contest enjoy success!我们的评委老师是,The judges are Miss , Miss , Miss现在比赛正式开始Now the contest begins.第一环节:有请第一组。
The first step: IPlease the first group.谢谢,有请第二组。
Thank you. Please the second group.谢谢,请大家欢迎第三组。
Thanks, lets welcome the third group.谢谢,请大家欢迎第四组。
Thanks, lets welcome the fourth group.。

口语单词比赛主持词Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the exciting and thrilling Spoken English Vocabulary Contest! I am delighted to be your host for this event, where our talented participants will showcase their mastery of the English language.Throughout this competition, our contestants will be put to the test as they demonstrate their fluency, accuracy, and command of a wide range of vocabulary. They will face various challenges, including quick-fire rounds, word association games, and sentence completion tasks.The objective of this contest is not only to determine who has the highest vocabulary but also to celebrate the beauty and diversity of the English language. So, let's not waste any more time and get this verbal adventure started!I will introduce each round, provide the instructions, and guide our contestants through the competition. After each challenge, our esteemed judges will evaluate the participants' performance based on their usage of the words, precision, and overall creativity.Of course, our audience also has a crucial role to play! Your cheers, applause, and support will not only motivate our participants but also add an extra layer of excitement to this event. So, don't hesitate to show your enthusiasm throughout the competition!Without further ado, let's meet our talented participants who are ready to conquer the stage and impress us with their linguistic prowess. May the best wordsmith win!。

英语⼝语主持⼈优秀稿⼦ 以下是店铺收集整理关于英语⼝语⼤赛主持稿优秀范⽂,希望对你有所帮助! 英语⼝语⼤赛主持稿范⽂⼀: M:Boys and girls. T: Ladies and gentlemen. 合:Good morning. ⼤家早上好! M: Today is a special day. T: Why? M: Because we’ll hold the fourth English speaking contest of our school. T: Wow!因为我们学校将举⾏第四届英语⼝语⼤赛。
That’s fantastic! M: It means we can speak English bravely and fluently. T: 是呀!这意味着我们孩⼦们可以⼤胆流利说英语。
合:让我们预祝本次⼤赛圆满成功! M: Firstly, let’s welcome our headmaster Mr Hu give us the opening speech. T: ⾸先,让我们热烈欢迎胡校长为我们致开幕词。
胡校长做开幕词! M:Next, let’s introduce our judges. T: 接下来,让我们介绍本次⼤赛的评委。
他们是:我们⽤最热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来! M:Ok, let me introduce the contest rules. 现在由我来介绍本次⼤赛规则: 本次⼤赛分为两⼤组:⼩学组和初中组 ⼤赛由三个环节组成,每个环节⼗分⼩学组参赛规则是: 1.认读单词(10个),背课⽂ 2.课外知识展⽰ (唱英⽂歌,说歌谣,诗歌,故事等等) 3.⾃我介绍并与主持⼈英语问答交流(五个问题) 初中组参赛规则: 1. 背课⽂ 2. 课外知识展⽰(唱英⽂歌,说歌谣,诗歌,故事等等) 3.⾃我介绍并与主持⼈问答交流(五个问题) T:Now , the contest begins. M: 现在⽐赛正式开始, Let’s welcome the NO. 1 contestant ______ . welcome! 学⽣⽐赛结束 T:现在有请我们的袁校长为本次⼤赛做总结。
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口语单词比赛主持词开场白:Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.Good afternoon, fellow students.Today we are very happy and excited, because we are here, holding the First Duduler School English speaking competition.今天我们相聚在这里,快乐又激动。
English is such a beautiful language. We can use it to travel around the world.英语是一门美丽的语言,用英语我们可以周游世界。
By learning English we can know the people in the other side of the world. What are they like? What are they talking? What are they thinking? 学好了英语口语,我们可以认识全世界不同国家的人,他们是怎么样的,他们在想什么,讨论什么?In todays show, there are 43 contestants. They come from different classes of different schools. But they have the same aim, that is to practice English.今天的比赛总共有43名选手,他们来自不同学校不同的班级,但是大家都有一个共同的目标,那就是学好英语。
Next,let me introduce our judges. 接下来,让我来介绍我们的评委老师, They are...... Welcome!让我们用最热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来。
My friends, Its time for our players to have their performance. 亲爱的家长朋友们,下面我们将正式进入今天的决赛。
Now,lets warmly welcome contestant No.1...现在,让我们用热烈的掌声有请一号选手______Number 2 get ready ,please.请选手二号做好准备。
Excellent! These 43 contestants give us a wonderful show.太棒了!感谢这43位选手给我们带来的精彩表演。
At last, I just want to express my sincere thanks to all of you, to all the contestants for their wonderful performances. To all the judges and all the teachers all the parents for their hard work,最后,感谢所有选手的精彩表演,感谢评委和工作老师以及各位家长的辛勤劳动。
Thank you so much.今天多多乐首届英语口语比赛到此告一段落,感谢大家的到来,希望孩子们能取得更大的进步。
第二篇:英语口语比赛主持词第一部分一、开场问候: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! Good afternoon, my dear students!Today we are very happy and excited, because we are here,holding the first Oral English Competition of Kuangqu No.1 Primary School . (今天我们相聚在这里,快乐又激动。
)二、比赛性质:Thiscompetion is a good opportunity for all the English learners to show themselves. (本次英语比赛为同学们提供了展示自己英语水平的机会。
)In today’s show, there are 21 contestants. They come fromdifferent classes of Grade 5. While they have the same goal, that is to practice our oral English. (今天的参赛选手共有21名,他们来自五年级不同的班级,但是大家都有一个共同的目标,那就是学会运用英语表达与交流。
)三、比赛规则:Now let me introduce the rules of the competition for you. In today’s competition, we have 3 Parts,including Word-Part, Sentence-Part and Utterance. For every part,you will solve 3-4 questions, pay attention, you have only 20 seconds to give the answer. May you good luck! (现在我来给大家介绍一下本次比赛的规则。
祝大家好运!)四、祝愿语:At last, I would like to take this opportunity to wish this OralEnglish Competition be perfectly successful. (在此,我预祝这次的小学生英语口语比赛圆满成功。
) 1:Next,let me introduce our judges. They are ________.Welcome!第二部分一、比赛过程:Boys and girls,now it’s your tim e to show.(孩子们,该你们上场了)1、单词环节*Let’s beginning from Part 1, Word-part. Let’s welcomecontestant No.1. No.2, get ready please. (我们从第一部分-单词篇开始,请1号选手上场,2号做准备)*评委亮分Good!Now all the judges, please show your points for contestant No.1. *It’s time for No. 2, please ! The next one will be No.3.... ... (2号选手请上场,3号做准备。
)2、句意部分Excellent. All the contestants give us a wonderful show.Let’sgo on to the second Part,Sentence-part.... ... (太好了!所有的选手表现的都非常精彩。
)3、话语部分Excellent! All the contestants give us a wonderful show. Let’s go on to the third Part,Utterance. (太好了!所有的选手表现的都非常精彩。
)二、才艺展示(3-5分钟统计名次)三、公布名次四、结束语Now,let’s invide our headmaster Mr.___ to give us some suggestion. Welcome! (现在欢迎我们的杨校长给本次大赛做精彩点评!) ... ...At last, I just want to express my sincere appreciation to all the contestants for their wonderful performance,to all the judges and all the teachers for their hard work. (太棒了!感谢这21位选手给我们带来的精彩表演。
)合:Thank you so much. Bye,bye!第三篇:双语口语比赛主持词“热爱伟大祖国,建设美好家园”幼儿双语口语比赛主持词一、开场白:尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾、亲爱的同学和小朋友们,大家下午好!语言是大家学习、工作和社会交往的工具。