











1.手机cell phone/ mobile phone/ handset2.刷新freshen up/alter/change/refresh3.人与人之间的关系human relations/4.会议室meeting room/conference room5.门口on the door of6.贴着paste/stick7.通告notice8.与会者participants/audience members/attendees9.关闭手机shut off/switch off/turn off the cell phone/keep your cellphone power-off /10.w hich reads”Please shut off your handset /Please keep your cellphone off “11.响成一片ring here and there./ resound throughtout the room/ fill/fill up the conference room12.普通人common people/ordinary13.铃声ringtone14.没有多少/have few/ don’t have many/15.不会轻易关掉will not shut off easily16.象征着reflect/signify/symbolize与这个世界的联系a connection between us and the outside World17.社交饥渴症thirst /hunger /craving for socialization/18.最为常见的It is the most common/familiar scene /we are familiarwith the scene19.在路上走着走着,Walk in/on the street,20.忽然停下来and suddenly stop21.发短信to edit and send short messages22.盯着手机屏幕1)with eyes glued to/fastened to/riveted on the cellphone screen//2)staring/gazing at the screen23.不在乎does not care/mind whether he stops in the middle of thestreet or beside a restroom。

第八讲 引申翻译法

第八讲    引申翻译法

The bottle is boiling. 壶里的水开了。 That man is always chasing after skirts. 那个男子总在用代表抽象概念或属性的 词来表示一种具体事物时,用具体化的事物来 表达,还其本来面目,使读者一目了然,如: The car in front of me stalled and I missed the green. 我前头的那辆车停住了,我错过了绿灯。

Television, the most pervasive and persuasive of modern technologies, marked by rapid change and growth, is moving into a new era, an era of extraordinary sophistication and versatility, which promises to reshape our lives and our world. 电视,这种从迅速变化和成长为标志的最普及 和最有影响力的现代技术,正在步入一个新时 代,一个极为成熟和多样化的时代,这将重塑 我们的生活和世界。

2、从句法层面来看,引申可分为: ---根据逻辑需要进行的引申 ---根据语用需要而进行的引申 ---根据修辞而进行的引申

New York has the poorest millionaires, the smallest great men, the haughtiest beggars, the plainest beauties, the lowest skyscrapers, the dolefulest pleasures of any town I ever saw.

unit 8 翻译技巧

unit 8 翻译技巧

由于汉英思维方式的不同,英汉语言的表达习惯 也不尽相同。口译中,有时正译难以措辞或者效 果欠佳。这种情况下,一般要反其道而译之, 在 词义、句式、肯定与否定、主动与被动、先后顺 序等方面采用正反变通方法来处理。这就是反译。 某些特定的词汇和句式采用反译法语言更生动流 畅, 更能表达原意。
因此,一个越来越重要的问题就是,如果要使学生充分 利用他们(上大学)的机会, 就得为他们提供大量关于课程 的更为详尽的信息, 作更多的指导。
Frankly speaking, ideas and goods will travel around the globe with or without our help. 坦率地讲,思想和商品将会在全球流通,不管有没有我 们的帮助。 It has been 20 years since I first came to Shanghai on my first visit to China when I stayed in Jinjiang Hotel. 20 年前,我第一次来上海,那是我首次访华,当时住在 锦江饭店。
This is the last thing we wish to see.
Several times she wanted to tell him what had happened, but her courage failed her. 好几次她都想告诉他事情的真相,但是她没 有勇气。
反译 增减法 断句 重复 转换
在翻译过程中,我们往往要遵循一条原则:按照 原语句子的顺序口译,不轻易改变句子顺序。这 样做的好处就在于:我们可以把更多的精力放在 句子意思的口译上。不过,在句子语序不调整的 情况下,我们还是要注意句子衔接的问题,所以 有的时候要添加一些信息也是在所难免的。

最新unit8 课文翻译知识分享

最新unit8 课文翻译知识分享

Unit8 课文翻译课文AReflections of a Chinese mother in the West一位西方华裔母亲的思考1.很多人想了解中国父母是如何培养出如此成功的孩子的。











如果孩子得了B 回家,一些西方父母尽管十分不情愿,仍然会表扬孩子。







Unit 8 翻译技巧--分译法和合译法

Unit 8 翻译技巧--分译法和合译法

Teaching Contents:
一、分译法 (一)单词的分译 (二)短语的分译 (三)句子的分译 二、合译法 (一)单句的合译 (二)主从复合句的合译 (三)并列复合句的合译

英译汉中,一般是把一个英语句子译成一个汉 语句子。但是,由于英汉两种语言的句子结构、 修辞手段和表达习惯不同,翻译时不能一律把 每一个英文句子都译成一个汉语句子,否则就 可能出现句子臃肿,层次不清或语气不畅等弊 病。 因此必要时可以把一个英语简单句译成一个汉 语的复合句或两个甚至两个以上的汉语简单句; 有时又可以把一个英语复合句或两个甚至两个 以上的英语简单句译成一个汉语简单句。这种 增减句量的翻译方法称为分译法和合译法。

合译法是把两个或两个以上单句合译成一个单 句,或把主从复合句及并列复合句合译成一个 单句。 合译法可省掉一些重复的词语或句子成分,使 译文更加紧凑、明确,更加符合汉语习惯。 但合译时可能会失去原文的强调意义,容易发 生漏译,因此,翻译时必须仔细推敲,从译文 的整体上加以考虑,灵活处理。
(三)复句的分译 1. The light speed being known, it would be possible to decide the distance from the earth to the moon provided that a single light beam could be sent to the moon and made to return to the earth’s receiving station. 因为光速是已知的,所以只要能将一束光束送上 月球并使它返回地球接收站,就有可能测定从地 球到月球的距离。



Ⅱ. Nature and Scope of Translation 翻译的性质和范围
语言 native foreign、 foreign native 工作方式 口译(interpretation)、笔译(translation)、机器翻 译(MT) 口译:连续传译(consecutive interpretation)、同声 传译(simultaneously interpretation) 文体 应用文体、科技文体、论述文体、新闻文体、艺 术文体
处理方式 全译、节译、摘译、编译、译述(综述和述评)
Ⅲ. Principles or Criteria of Translation 翻译的原则和标准

严复:信,达,雅(faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance) 鲁迅:易解、保持原作的风姿 林语堂:忠实、通顺、美 傅雷:神似说(spiritual conformity) 钱钟书:化境说 (sublimed adaptation) 许渊冲:三美说(意美、音美、形美) 泰特勒Tytler :翻译三原则 费道罗夫等:等值论 (translation equivalence) 奈达:读者反应论 (dynamic equivalence)

Ⅱ. Nature and Scope of Translation 翻译的性质和范围
Translation is not a word for word activity
1、她现在非常红. *She is very red now. (She is very popular now.) 2、你给我站住!*You Give Me Stop!! (Stand!) 3、蠢蠢欲動。 *Stupid stupid want to move . (Be ready to do sth.(bad)) 4、寒暄 *coldly talk for a while (to exchange greetings and make small talk ) 5、跳伞处 *"Site of jumping umbrella" (paragliding site) 6、请爱护花草* "Cherishing Flowers and Trees" (keep off the grass.)



• His period in office was marked by a steep rise in Iran‟s oil revenues and the beginning of a social-political crisis brought on by widescale misuse滥用 of the 22 billion a year earnings from oil.
• He was about to give up the question , when suddenly he found the answer. • 当他忽然找到答案的时候,他刚要放弃回 答这个问题。? • (这时) • =at which time
Meaning difference caused by number marking, e.g. custom 习惯 customs 海关/关税 economy 节约 economies 节约措施 damage 损坏 damages 赔偿费 ground 场地 grounds 理由 export 出口 exports 出口货物 sand 沙子 sands 沙漠 mean 平均数 means 手段;财产 liability 责任 liabilities 债务
• 斯坦福大学重新调整了课程体系,并要求学生在 第一学年结束时选择专业方向,其目的之一便是 为了吸引想要细化专业、确定职业的学生。
5. 对比原则
• 在叙述对照的关系时,汉语一般是铺叙在前,主 旨在后,少数时候也遵从主旨在前,铺垫在后。 比如: • Intellectually emancipated at a time when women of good family were not encouraged to do anything more ambitious than dabble in the arts, she became the editor of a review entitled Correspondence des Familles in which she was bold enough to publish essays by the revolutionary socialist Julles Valles.



Unit 8 汉英对比与翻译(一)课时:2H教学目的要求:掌握句子翻译中的基本元素的翻译,主要掌握主语和谓语的正确确立。



教学内容:正确确立单句的主干:(一)主语的确立:英语主语的严格性,只能由名词(或)代词,例如We can solvethe problem. This problem can be solved in many ways.)或具有名词语法功能的语言单位(如动词不定式、动名词、名词性从句>一般指主语从句,例如To solve this problem needs patience. Working ingeniously >adj.有独创性的,具有创造才能的adv. working ingeniously有才能地,巧干> may help you learn English well. It is not known yet whether they will return today.)来充当。

试找出下列句子英译的恰当主语,并进行翻译?●>>直接用原文的主语1) 如果不适当地处理,锅炉及机动车辆排出的废气就会造成城市空气污染。

Exhaust from boilers and vehicles, unless properly treated, causes air pollution in cities.2) 如果说,词汇是语言的“建筑材料”,那么,句子便是文章的“基本部件”。

If vocabulary is the “building materials” for language, sentences are the “fundamental parts” of writings.●>>替换主语以符合英语表达1) 鲁迅的骨头是最硬的,他没有丝毫的奴颜和媚骨,这是殖民地半殖民地人民最可宝贵的性格。



• 四、语篇词语的翻译 们同样有着辉煌悠久的历史,我们同样有着崇尚壮 辉煌悠久的历史 们同样有着辉煌悠鼓舞飞扬, 的英雄主义;在那遥远的大地,鼓舞飞扬,号
第七届亚洲艺术节开幕式《美的之夜》文艺晚会主持词) 第七届亚洲艺术节开幕式《美的之夜》文艺晚会主持词)
• Stele Commemorating the Shula Consul Grove(方案 ) (方案1) • This stele was erected at the beginning of 2009, the Chinese Year of the Ox, when Zhuhai was designated by the State to be shaped into the core city along the west bank of the Pearl River Estuary, to commemorate the establishment of the Consul Grove by the foreign consular officials in Guangzhou and the representatives of the undernamed in Haibin Park, a park in the coastal park city of Zhuhai which overlooks the Pearl River joining the South China Sea.
• • •

• 赏析 455 - 6 的翻译技巧。 赏析P 的翻译技巧。 学会灵活变化,破译四字词组,组句化零为整。 学会灵活变化,破译四字词组,组句化零为整。 提示:用that带出宾语从句后,再which带出连串定 提示: 带出宾语从句后, 带出连串定 带出宾语从句后 语从句翻译(参考P 语从句翻译(参考 277例5,变通表达)。 例 ,变通表达)。 He went on (indulging in) wishful thinking that ) chicken would breed more chickens, selling which would bring him money, with which he could buy cows, which would breed too and selling oxen would make for him more money, with which he could become a money lender, which, a succession of steps for getting rich, of course, had nothing to do with production. 体会which灵活而规范的应用,带出的须是完整句子。 灵活而规范的应用, 体会 灵活而规范的应用 带出的须是完整句子。



英汉互译第8-10课第一篇:英汉互译第8-10课Lecture 8 Sentence TranslationOmission一、教学目的:要求熟练理解句子的翻译技巧,从而在英汉翻译时做到通顺、准确。

二、教学过程: 1.增译法省译法词类转换正说反译、反说正译法重译法语态变换法词序调整法拆译法Omission(省译法)1)A book is useful.书(是)有用(的)。

2)The earth goes around the sun.地球绕太阳转。

3)On Sundays we have no school.礼拜天我们不上课。









如:1)He was thin and haggard and he looked miserable.他身体消瘦,面容憔悴,看上去一副可怜相。

• Cf:Like his friends he had many wonderful ideas, but he only put a few into practice.• 他象他的朋友一样,虽然头脑里有许多美妙的想法,却只有少数付诸实施。

2)We live and learn.活到老,学到老。

3)Everywhere you can find new types of men and objects in new Campus.新校区处处可以看到新人、新事物。

实用英汉互译教程8 Division

实用英汉互译教程8 Division

Chinese to English Translation

对我来说,我的水族箱(Aquarium )就像我自 己的一个小王国。我就是里面的国王。 To me my aquarium is like my own little kingdom where I am the king. 中国是个大国,百分之八十的人口从事农业。 China is a large country with four-fiiculture.


The recruitment of Chinese labor was not universally accepted in racially conscious (种 族意识强烈) 19th century America and some white workers were unsettled(不安的) by their appearance in large numbers. 在种族意识十分强的19世纪的美国,招募中国 劳工的做法并非普遍为人接受。由于工地上大 批出现中国劳工,某些白人工人感到心绪不宁。
分译法的使用 A.单词的分译 单词分译是指把原文中的一个单词拆译成一个 小句或者句子。 采用单词分译主要有两个目的:一是为了句法 上的需要。由于一些单词在搭配、词义等方面的 特点,直译会使句子生硬晦涩,翻译腔十足,而 把某个单词分译却能使句子通顺,且不损伤原意。 二是为了修饰上的需要,如加强语气,突出重点 等。英语中的名词、动词、形容词和副词等都可 分译。
Chinese to English Translation

You Try:

The ancients tried unsuccessfully to explain how a rainbow is formed. 古人曾试图说明彩虹是怎样产生的,但没有成 功。


The students 学生们 Modern weapons 各种现代武器 Workers of all industries 各工业部门的工人 the mountains 群山 The flowers 朵朵鲜花
“要想富,少生孩子多种树。” 译文: To get rich, you must have fewer children and plant more trees. 改译: To get rich for a better living, you must have fewer children to follow the one-child-for-onecouple national policy and plant more trees for more wood.
“生在苏州,穿在杭州,吃在广州,死在 柳州。”
译文:Being born in Suzhou, dressing in Hangzhou, eating in Guangzhou, dying in Liuzhou.
改译:It is a great luck for anyone to be born in Suzhou with the most promising living environment, to dress himself in Hangzhou with the most beautiful silk clothes, to dine in Guangzhou with the most delicious food, and to die in Liuzhou with the most elaborate funeral.
Unit 5 Omission







例1:在得病以前,我受父母宠爱,在家中横行霸道…(2003真题)Before I fell ill, I had been the bully under our roofs owing to my doting parents.分析:“横行霸道”在此并无“任意欺凌他人”之意,而是“为所欲为,想干什么就干什么,不受限制”,可用get everything in my own way 或get all things my own way或be the bully表达。

例2:钓鱼可分为三个阶段…(2001真题)There are three states for fishing…分析:根据上下文,“三个阶段”指的是钓鱼的三种境界,不是钓鱼具体的步骤,不能按字面意思译为three stages,应根据内涵译为three states。


(1998真题)What kind of attitude the cross-century young generation will have to meet the new century that promises so much hope is the question we must answer.It is the question we must answer that what kind of attitude the cross-century young generation will have to meet the new century with so much hope.分析:“姿态”在这里是抽象含义,即“态度”,因此应译为attitude,而不是gesture或pose等表示具体动作的词。


例1. 同时,市场自身的弱点和消极方面也会反映到人们的
Meanwhile, the weak point and negative factors
involved in market operation will find expression in
people’s cultural life.
改译:We don’t think that environmental protection in this area is satisfactory. 例2. 人们来到武当山,其目的可不都是一样的。
原译:People come to Mount Wudang not with one and the same purpose.
改译:People do not come to Mount Wudang with one and the same purpose.
第十一页,编辑于星期五:十八点 四十一分。
2、汉语和英语在同一意思的表达上使用的词语或方式往往不 对应。必须把汉语的表达用词或方式变为英语的用词或方式, 不然就会译成“中式英语”。
can concentrate upon reading the wise of all times and all lands so as to absorb their brilliant ideas and extend your horizon. Or you
can do what ever you are interested in — such as finding
例1:王先生的家临近他的办公地点,要是下个雪什么 的,他上下班可就方便多了。
The vicinity of Mr. Wang’s home to his office building is an advantage in bad weather.
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一般而言,在翻译长句可以 使用顺译法(cutting)。
• As the century developed, the increasing magnitude 量级 and complexity of the problems to be solved and the growing interconnections of different disciplines made it impossible, in many cases, for the individual scientist to deal with the huge mass of new data, techniques, and equipment that were required for carrying out research accurately and efficiently. • 随着本世纪向前发展,有待解决的问题的数量越来越多, 越来越复杂,学科之间的联系也越来越紧密。因此,科学 家已不可能单独地处理大量的数据、使用大量的技术和设 备,而这些工作恰恰是进行准确和有效的研究所不可或缺 的。
• to take French leave(不辞而别),源于 18世纪法国参加宴会的客人不向主人告辞 而自行离去的习俗; • Italian hand是“干涉干预、狡诈”的意思; • Spanish athlete是“胡说八道的人”; • Irish bull表示“荒诞可笑的说法”等等。 • Shanghai欺骗,欺诈
The seven principles
• 但是,在一些运用顺译法不能很好 地解决问题的时候,我们必须考虑 下面七条原则。

汉语在叙述一系列事件时,一般遵从“先 发生的先说,后发生的后说”的原则。 The boy, who was crying as if his heart would break, said, when I spoke to him, that he was very hungry, because he had not had food for two days. 那孩子哭得心都仿佛碎了,我问他,他说, 他已经两天没吃饭,实在饿极了。
• He was about to give up the question , when suddenly he found the answer. • 当他忽然找到答案的时候,他刚要放弃回 答这个问题。? • (这时) • =at which time
Meaning difference caused by number marking, e.g. custom 习惯 customs 海关/关税 economy 节约 economies 节约措施 damage 损坏 damages 赔偿费 ground 场地 grounds 理由 export 出口 exports 出口货物 sand 沙子 sands 沙漠 mean 平均数 means 手段;财产 liability 责任 liabilities 债务
• My shock and embarrassment at finding mother in tears on Wednesday was a perfect index of how little I understood the pressure on her. • 星期三我看到母亲流泪了,我非常震惊和 尴尬。这说明,我对她身上的压力知之太 少了。
方 法 与 原 则
• Semantics:The study of meaning • That‟s Greek to me! • 由于历史的原因,在英语中最受歧视的恐怕是荷兰 人,英国和荷兰在17世纪的时候经常打仗,使 Dutch一词在许多用法中都带了贬义。例如 • double Dutch(莫名其妙的话) • to get one’s Dutch up(发火) • Dutch courage(酒后之勇) • Dutch uncle(严厉的批评者), • Dutch treat (各自付费的聚餐) • I’m a Dutchman if…(我要是…就不是人)。

sweet milk horseplay 加糖牛奶(?) →新鲜牛奶 马戏(?) →胡闹 good sailor 好水手( ?) → 不晕船的人 a hundred and one一百零一(?) →很多
I dare say
busybody dog-eared
我敢说 (?) → 大概
• • 汉语在表述空间关系时,一般按照由近及远,由此及彼, 由大及小的顺序,少数时候也遵从由远及近,由彼及此, 由小及大。比如: The deserted mining villages, protruding突出的 pitheads 矿坑入口及其周围场地 overgrown with tall grass and rusting refineries冶炼厂 behind crumbling walls situated in valleys, were surrounded by thick wooded mountain slopes, hot springs gushing out here and there. 这些荒芜的矿村位于山谷之中,突兀的矿井口上长着深深 的野草,破败的屋墙后是锈迹斑斑的冶炼设备。山谷周围 群山环抱,山上树林密布,温热的泉水随处涌出。
• All was cleared up some time later when news came from a distant place that an earthquake was felt the very day the little copper fell. • 过了一段时间,远方传来了消息:在小球 坠地的当天人们感觉到了地震。这一切都 得到了证实。
忙人(?) →多管闲事的人 狗耳的(?) →(书)卷角的
bus boy公交男乘务员 (?) →餐馆的服务员
vegetable oil 菜油(?) →植物油(菜油rapeseed oil)
Compare: dry goods 谷物;织物 free-living 沉溺于吃喝玩乐 sweet water 淡水 industrial relations 劳资关系 familiar behavior 亲昵行为 to pull one’s socks 鼓起勇气 outstanding issues 悬而未决的事 outstanding check 未兑现的支票 to send somebody to the chair 处以电(椅)刑