


1. he____________

2. foot _________

3. mouse ______

4. sheep _____

5. candy________

6. wolf _________

7. fox

__________ 8. child _______ 9. peach________ 10. am/ is _____


()1. How are you ?A. It’s Saturday.

()2. I’m from China.B. It’s sunny.

()3. What’s your name?C. I can write.

() 4. What day is today?D. Come in, please.

()5. How’s the weather?E. That’s Ok.

() 6. What can you do?F. Welcome to the USA.

()7. May I come in?G. My name’s Cloudy.

()8. I’m sorry.H. Fine, thank you.

()9. Can I help you?I. No, I can’t.

() 10. Can you go swimming?J. Yes, please. 三、把下列单词分类,每空一词。

rabbit laugh Tuesday cloudy sky panda Monday moon rainy parrot star cry Thursday snowy zebra shout work sunny Wednesday sun

1.天气: __________________________






()1. Summer, eat ____ ice cream, please.

How yummy! I love it. Thank you.

A. a

B. an

C. some

()2. Ting Ting, have ____ coke, please.

Oh! How yucky!

A. a

B. an

C. some

()3.May I come in ?_______

A. Come in, please.

B. Go away.

C. This way, please.

()4.How many __________?

A. rabbit

B. child

C. geese

()5.So many ____________ !

A. sheep

B. bee

C. balloon

()6. An elephant. How ________ !

A. tall

B. long

C. short

()7.Jake, Tom and I _______ from America.

A. is

B. am

C. are

()8.Class, let’s ____________.

A. play game

B. play a game

C. play the game

()9. ______ is he?He is nine.

A. Where

B. When

C. How old

()10. What’s the second(第二)day of a week(星期)?It’s ___________

A. Tuesday

B. Monday

C. Saturday

()11. What _____ this? It’s ______ wolf.

A. is, a

B. are, an

C. is, an

()12. Who _____ they?

They _____ Mr Brown and Peter.

A. is, is

B. am, am

C. are, are

()13. Where _____ Peter from?

He ______ from the USA.

A. is, come

B. is, is

C. are, comes

()14.Today is Sunday, what day is tomorrow?

It’s ____________

A. Sunday

B. Monday

C. Tuesday

()15.How’s the weather in spring?

It’s ____________.

A. warm

B. cool

C. cold

()16.Do you have a crayon?__________

A. No, I can’t

B. No, I don’t.

C. No, we aren’t.

()17. There _____many animals ______ the farm?

A. is, in

B. are, on

C. am, under

()18. _______ is the white dog?

It’s between the black dog _____ the gray dog.

A. What, or

B. How, but

C. Where , and

()19. My mother ______ a beautiful dress.

A. is

B. has

C. have

()20. A is ______ apple.

A. of

B. from

C. for


() 1. Sorry, I don’t know.A. 你的英语真好。

()2. It’s raining cats and dogs.B. 那是什么?

()3. Your English is good.C. 雨下得大。

()4. Who is it?D. 你是谁?

()5. What’s that?E. 对不起,我不知道。六、根据提示补全对话。

Glad , friend , morning , fine, go, Good, This,

meet ,kite, is

Summer: Good morning, Sunny.

Sunny: Good ______, Summer.

Summer: How are you?

Sunny:I’m ______, thank you.

Summer: Who is he?

Sunny: _____ is my ______, Le Le, this ____ Summer. Summer: Glad to meet you.

Le Le: ______ to ______ you, too.

Summer: Let’s fly a ____.OK?

Sunny and Le Le: ______ idea. Let’s _______.


1. is,That,mummy, my ( . )


2.can, go, the, to, you, park ( ? )


3. an, grandpa, old, what (!)


4. there, a, ant, is, small, the, grass, in ( . )_____________________________________

5. is, Liu Dehua, from, Hong kong ( . )



()1. Teacher’s Day.A. March 8th

()2. Women’s Day.B. June 1st

()3. Children’s Day.C. September 10th

() 4. National Day.D. December 25th

() 5. Christmas Day.E. October 1st 九、读短文,选择准确的答案。

A:Let’s play a game, Summer, can you swim?

B:No, I can fly. Because I’m a bird.

A: What can you do, Tingting?

C: I can climb.

A: Why?

C:Because I’m a monkey.

B: Who can run?

A: I can.

B: Yes. Lele, you are a horse.

A: Who can jump?

D:I’m Linlin. I can. Because I’m a kangaroo.

()1. How many characters(人物) in the game?

A. 4

B. 2

C. 3

()2. Tingting can ______.

A. swim

B. run

C. climb

()3. Summer can _____.

A. jump

B. fly

C. run

()4. Who can run?

A. Summer

B. Tingting

C. Le le ()5. Who can jump?

A. Summer

B. Tingting

C. Linlin
