软预算约束外文翻译中英文2020英文Determinants of soft budget constraints: How public debt affects hospital performancein AustriaMichael Berger, Margit Reichmann, Thomas Czypionka AbstractSoft budget constraints (SBCs) undermine reforms to increase hospital service efficiency when hospital management can count on being bailed out by (subnational) governments in case of deficits. Using cost accounting data on publicly financed, non-profit hospitals in Austria from 2002 to 2015, we analyse the association between SBCs and hospital efficiency change in a setting with negligible risk of hospital closure in a two-stage study design based on bias-corrected non-radial input-oriented data envelopment analysis and ordinary least squares regression. We find that the European debt crisis altered the pattern of hospital efficiency development: after the economic crisis, hospitals in low-debt states had a 1.1 percentage point lower annual efficiency change compared to hospitals in high-debt states. No such systematic difference is found before the economic crisis. The results suggest that sudden exogenous shocks to public finances can increase the budgetary pressure on publicly financed institutions, thereby counteracting a pre-existing SBC.Keywords: Data envelopment analysis, Soft budget constraints, Hospital efficiency, Bootstrapping, Public debt, Hospital budgets1. IntroductionIn their quest to safeguard the financial sustainability of health-care systems, policymakers in several countries have implemented reforms targeting the efficiency of health-care service provision in public hospitals. A prime example is the introduction of payments based on prospective diagnosis-related groups (DRGs) (see Dan (2013), Kittelsen et al. (2007), but also Wagstaff and Moreno-Serra (2009) for surveys). Yet the effectiveness of these reforms is undermined as long as public hospitals can expect to be bailed out in times of financial distress, typically by subnational governments. Indeed, public hospitals are often subject to a soft budgetconstrain t (SBC), i.e. ‘an ex ante behavioural regularity, which exerts an influence on the firm's decision’ (Kornai, 1979, 1986). Hospital bailouts are often the only politically viable option at hand when policymakers want to avoid snubbing their constituency.Brekke et al. (2015) and Shen and Eggleston (2009) use the inverse of the probability of a hospital closure as a measure of budgetary softness. In many cases, however, the probability of hospital closure converges towards zero, if the probability of bailout is virtually 100% in practice. Alternatively, the problem can be expressed via the federal governments' commitment not to bail out additional expenditure at the local level (see Bordignon and Turati (2009)). The central issue, however, remains unchanged: Why should hospital management care about efficiency and not simply act as a budget-maximizing bureaucrat, as outlined in Niskanen's model of bureaucracy (Niskanen (1968))? Most likely, there will be an implicit upper limit on the maximum deficit that is tolerated without the owners/financiers replacing the management. Hospital management hence faces the dilemma of maximizing hospital budget and avoiding being laid off. Using the probability of a bailout as a measure of the softness of budgetary constraints neglects this dimension.When hospital closures are unlikely, there is an additional caveat to the approach used by Brekke et al. (2015) and Shen and Eggleston (2009). If the probability of hospital closure converges towards zero for all hospitals, the budgetary constraint is equally soft for all hospitals and there should be no systematic differences in the efficiency changes between hospital groups. However, we propose that systematic differences in efficiency change can indeed be observed in countries with subnational autonomy like Austria. While the likelihood of hospital closure approaches zero, the debt burden of the states, which ultimately have to absorb any hospital deficits within the state, significantly influences the degree of budgetary softness, leading to systematic differences in state-level hospital efficiency changes. The financial crisis in 2009 and the subsequent European debt crisis constituted a strong exogenous shock to Austria's public finances. EU legislation, adopted as a consequence of the debt crisis, further exposed so-called ‘hidden debts’ in Austria, including the debt of publiclyowned hospitals. It is likely that revealing the ‘hidden debt’ of public hospitals further aggravated the problem of public debt, i.e. the compliance with the Maastricht criteria, in the political domain. A key hypothesis for the present analysis is that states with relatively high public debt were hit hardest by this development, which considerably limited the financial leeway of these state governments. The financial crisis, therefore, caused a rift in the budgetary constraints of hospitals in high-debt states, tilting the dilemma of hospital management towards higher budgetary discipline by making running deficits in the aftermath of the financial crisis more problematic.The empirical evidence from Austria is of interest for the following reasons: the Austrian DRG system does not cover the entire costs of publicly and privately owned non-profit hospitals providing publicly funded acute care (for simplicity referred to as ‘public hospitals’ henceforth). It only stipulates that at least 51% of hospital costs have to be financed out of market-like revenues (Bundesgesetzblatt, 2017b), thereby implementing a rather soft budget constraint. The 51%-rule was supposed to ensure that public hospitals could still be assigned to the private sector according to the European System of Accounts 1995) (ESA) (Bundesgesetzblatt, 2005). Any extra cost must be borne by regional authorities (state governments and municipalities) and the hospital owners (Bundesgesetzblatt, 2017a). In the past, publicly owned hospitals or hospital companies could count on the recovery of any extra cost, not least because of the high political pressure to ensure public hospital care. Since 2010, however, the ESA has deemed that any debt the state is held liable for must be assigned to the public sector. As a consequence, any deficits of public hospitals cause an increase in the ratio of government debt to gross domestic product (GDP) and thus endanger compliance with the Structural Pact 2012 (StP 2012) (Bundesgesetzblatt, 2013), which ratified the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union (2012). Federal, state and local governments agreed to sustainably comply with a system of multiple fiscal rules introduced in 2017 to increase budgetary discipline. Non-compliance triggers financial sanction mechanisms, representing a major innovation compared to the Maastricht criteria.The purpose of this paper is threefold: firstly, we investigate whether differentdegrees of SBC can arise even when hospital closure is not a politically viable option. As this is a scenario that may occur quite frequently for public hospitals, we adapt the approach for modelling SBC used in Brekke et al. (2015) and Shen and Eggleston (2009) to better account for such situations by using public debt as an indicator of budgetary softness. Secondly, we use the financial crisis in 2009 and the ensuing European debt crisis as an exogenous shoc k to the states’ financial situations in our study framework, which affects hospital efficiency changes via the SBC, even though the probability of hospital closure remains negligible. Due to some methodical challenges related to the data in this study, our study design does not allow a causal interpretation of the results. Our results should, therefore, be considered as explorative rather than as definitive empirical evidence. The literature further suggests that there is also an association between hospital ownership and efficiency (see, e.g. Chen et al. (2019) for a short overview of the relevant literature) or ownership and budget constraints (see, e.g. Eggleston (2008)). Against this background, we thirdly assess whether private owners respond differently to changes in the budgetary constraints compared to public owners. To serve our purposes we use a two-stage study design combining data envelopment analysis (DEA) with subsequent regression analysis.2. Literature reviewResearch into the SBC started with two seminal papers by Kornai (1979, 1986), who interpreted an SBC as a fiscal response of the government to avoid unemployment and secure public services in times of recession. Kornai, Maskin, and Roland (2003)broadened the range of SBC instruments, including tax concessions to foster certain producers, and administrative restrictions and import tariffs to hamper competitors. Theoretical models that attempt to predict the occurrence of an SBC are reviewed by Maskin (1996) who concludes that the centralization of credit allocation and production as well as public ownership of capital promote SBC.More recent contributions recognize that a budget constraint may be not only softened but also tightened. Bertero and Rondi (2000) show that public enterprises respond positively in terms of productivity to a shift from soft to hard budget constraints while Besfamille and Lockwood (2008) predict that in a federal country,hard budget constraints may cause regional governments to underprovide public goods in their attempt to maintain budget balance.Recently, several studies have linked SBC theory specifically to the behaviour and performance of hospitals. Brekke et al. (2015) note that an SBC not only covers a deficit but may also entail confiscation of profit. They predict a negative association between the probabilities of bailout and profit confiscation on the one hand and cost-containment efforts on the other. As regards cost efficiency, Wright (2016), considering the responses of both public hospital and government to an SBC, applies game theory to identify conditions that promote the bailout of public hospitals. He concludes that an SBC hurts welfare while competition by a private hospital may enhance it. Duggan (2000) examines the responses of three hospital types (for-profit, private non-profit, and public) to financial incentives created by the US government in favour of indigent patients. The author shows that private for-profit and non-profit hospitals fail to use the additional revenue to improve quality of treatment for the poor; public ones do not seem to act more altruistically, even though they benefit from an SBC. Shen and Eggleston (2009)find that hospitals facing an SBC show less aggressive cost control behaviour, are less likely to shut down safety nets, and have better mortality outcomes. Investigating five hospital closures, Capps et al. (2010) find that the cost savings offset losses in terms of patient welfare in the US aggregate, but not locally. Eggleston et al. (2009) employ panel data on Chinese hospitals to estimate their probability of being bailed out in response to low or negative operating margins in the previous year. The authors relate this indicator of an SBC to hospital performance, with inconclusive results. In a similar vein, Audibert et al. (2011) use the extent of subsidies as an indicator of SBC to analyse the effects of health insurance reform on the technical efficiency of Chinese rural hospitals. They conclude that a higher revenue share of subsidies is negatively related to technical efficiency. In an interesting theoretical development, Levaggi and Montefiori (2013)see the regulator's inability to observe the patient type and to assert hard budget constraints as a reason for patient selection.3. Methods, sample and data3.1. Theoretical backgroundFor analysing the effects of a shift from soft to hard budget constraints, we lean on the approach by Shen and Eggleston (2009), who measure the probability σ of the budget constraint being soft through the inverse of the probability of hospital closure. The probability of hospital closures in Austria is close to zero (although several hospital mergers took place, the individual locations very often continued to exist). We, therefore, link the probability σ of the budget constraint being soft with the budgetary situation of the state, measured as the ratio of financial debt to the state budget. Hospitals in states with a comfortable (critical) budgetary situation are considered to face a high (low) probability σ of the budget constraint being soft. The budgetary situation is critical and points to an impending tightening of budgetary constraints when the government debt ratio is above the average of all nine states. Conversely, the budgetary situation is comfortable if it is below the corresponding mean. This way, the SBC is endogenously determined. We use a time-invariant classification in two groups because we consider the debt ratio of one state relative to the debt ratios of other states to be more important than the (change in the) absolute debt ratio and to be a more conservative choice of estimating the effect of SBCs. For one thing, it is not clear how a unit change in the absolute debt ratio should be defined such that we can reasonably expect it to cause a change in the behaviour of states and hospitals. Additionally, it is unlikely that a change in the absolute debt ratio would have a uniform effect across the entire spectrum of debt ratios. The time-invariant classification circumvents this problem. The states’ debt ratios further cluster the states into two groups (high-debt states and low-debt states). Keeping the number of groups that are compared to each other low allows keeping the number of observations per group as high as possible, which is beneficial in situations with small samples. Lastly, the time-invariant classification is a safer choice, because the timing of any effects is unclear, particularly as some efficiency-enhancing measures may take time to unfold (e.g. when older employees are not laid off, but their position is rather left unfilled once they retire).The rationale behind linking the budgetary situation with the SBC and thehospital efficiency is as follows: the first relevant factor is the financial dependence of the state governments. State governments cannot levy taxes. They depend on the funds allocated based on negotiations with the federal government, creating a situation of vertical fiscal imbalance. A high debt ratio hence increases the dependence of the state government on the federal government, effectively reducing the space for political manoeuvring and the ability to handle costly bailouts. Accordingly, a high debt ratio also increases the credibility of the state government to commit to stricter budgetary rules and not to bail out hospital management.The second relevant factor is the behaviour of hospital management. A priori, we assume hospital managers want to keep their jobs, which could be jeopardized if a bailout is required. However, the blame could be passed to the state government (similar to the blame game in Norway in the 1990s (Tjerbo and Hagen, 2009)), claiming that deficits are due to insufficient funding rather than poor management decisions. This reasoning is easier when the state's resources are abound. The budgetary situation of the states thus increases the stakes associated with a bailout and requires both state governments and hospital management to adapt their behaviour.We implicitly assume in our framework that a reduction in inputs does not affect the quality of hospital care. This is a strong assumption, which is required by the missing availability of quality indicators for Austrian hospitals. Strict budgetary discipline may come at the expense of care quality and patients’ well-being. But high expenditure levels in most European health-care systems and professional ethos could offset this effect and prevent a substantial decline in quality of care when budgets tighten. Of course, hospitals could also reduce the quality of amenities, e.g. meals, which could affect patient satisfaction but not their well-being.Conversely, lower hospital efficiency may also just reflect higher quality of care. Overall, it is unclear, whether the relationship between hospital efficiency, budgetary discipline and quality of care is that close. Empirical evidence suggests that higher efficiency can be realised without curbing quality of care (Piacenza and Turati, 2014; Street et al., 2014).3.2. Sample and dataAustrian hospitals can be classified using various and partly overlapping structural features (Bundesgesetzblatt, 2017a), including, inter alia, the level of care (standard, extended, maximum, and specialized, the categorization depending on the number and combination of the minimum required medical specialties), type of financing (DRG-based, non-DRG-based), benefit status (non-profit, for-profit) and ownership (public or private). We confine our analysis to DRG-financed non-profit hospitals, because legal requirements, service level as well as cost accounting and performance data are unified for this group.In 2015, 120 hospitals were eligible for DRG financing through state health funds, accounting for approximately 71% of the nationwide bed capacity. Of these 120 hospitals, 65 provided standard care, 23 offered extended care, 7 maximum, and 25 specialized care. Only 29 hospitals were privately owned, 25 thereof by religious orders. The 120 hospitals had costs of around € 12.7 billion in 2015.The accounting data provided by the Ministry of Health cover the years 2002–2015. We only focus on the inpatient sector for three reasons: first, the documentation of outpatient services was reformed in 2014, making a structural break in outpatient coding likely. In addition, coding accuracy in outpatient departments before 2014 was not as high as in inpatient departments because the level of outpatient services provided had no impact on the level of funding. Lastly, distortions in outpatient data are likely following differences in the hospital structure and their mapping in terms of coding algorithms (Rous, 2015).The observation period is split into two subperiods (2002–2008, and 2009 to 2015) following a major revision of the DRG system, which came into force in 2009, resulting in substantially increased DRG credits per case and changes in the relative cost weights between the different DRG groups. With inputs stable, this would be reflected by sudden and artificial surges and drops in hospital efficiency within a DEA framework. Since the break in the time series coincides with the onset of the financial crisis, we exploit this circumstance to test whether there was a break in the pattern of hospital efficiency change associated with the timing of the financial crisis. By performing the DEA analyses separately for the two subperiods, we do not considerany efficiency changes from 2008 to 2009 that are likely to be skewed by the DRG re-weighting. In contrast to the immediate re-weighting implications, the impact of a budgetary constraint on the catch-up should be more gradual as hospital management requires some time to take action. A gradual effect following a change in case-mix towards more lucrative DRGs is unlikely, as DRG-funded public hospitals are obliged by law to admit any person in need of care so that patient selection is almost impossible. In addition, hospital management cannot freely decide on the beds per speciality, as these are subject to central planning by the state governments.Although DRG weights are set at the national level, the monetary value of a DRG point may differ between the states, since the ex-ante allocated funds per state are ex-post divided by the total number of DRG points of all hospitals in the respective state. In this regard, a hospitals' ability to generate additional revenue by increasing output (DRG points) are limited. This implies that extra funds are needed in case of overshooting costs. The states have the possibility of allocating funds beyond DRG funds to the different hospitals, not only to address a hospital's specific role in the state's health-care system, but also to cover occurring deficits. How generous this additional funding can be, therefore, depends crucially on the state's financial situation.3.3. Methods: data envelopment analysisWithin the DEA framework, we fall back on technical efficiency. We cannot compute economic efficiency, which secures a particular output level at the lowest cost, as the required data are not available.DEA is chosen over the alternative stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) (Aigner et al., 1997) as SFA requires the specification of a functional relationship between inputs and outputs, usually boiling down to the Cobb−Douglas variant in spite of its severe restriction of unitary elasticity of substitution (see, e.g. Varian (1992), Ch. 1.9). In addition, DEA can deal with multiple outputs without requiring their transformation into costs as a scalar exploiting the duality of output maximization and cost minimization (which holds only at the efficient point). By contrast, estimating a cost function applying SFA requires data on factor prices, information that is unavailablefor public Austrian hospitals.For the DEA, we use the input-oriented non-radial efficiency and super-efficiency models developed by Tone (2001, 2002) (see appendix). The input orientation is justified by noting that public hospital management has more discretionary power over inputs than outputs. The use of the non-radial model has the advantage of capturing input savings beyond their proportionate reduction as in the radial alternative.The bias-corrected catch-up is used as the dependent variable to form a panel data set to estimate the relationship between budget constraints and hospital efficiency change. As the catch-up is based on the bias-corrected estimator for the unobserved efficiency obtained in the first stage, we avoid the fallacy of ignoring the bias term owing to the inherent serial correlation in the estimated catch-up (Simar and Wilson, 2007).In the case of hospital mergers, we compute efficiency scores for the respective subperiod using virtual mergers between the merged hospitals in the years prior to the merger. In the case of mergers of hospitals operating at different care levels, the care level specification of the actual merger is used retrospectively for the virtual merger. Finally, in the case of zero inputs, the hospital is dropped from the sample for the relevant subperiod, including hospitals that ceased their operations during the subperiod.3.4. Methods: regression analysisIn the second stage of the analysis, we utilize the (semi-)time-invariant budgetary situation as a proxy for the softness of the budget constraint. Several factors hinder the implementation of an identification strategy that would allow a causal interpretation of the results: The (semi-)time-invariant variable, in combination with the volatility of the efficiency scores inhibits a difference-in-difference approach as the changing budgetary situation complicates the assignment to the treatment and control group, and the common-trend assumption between the two groups is violated. The small sample size and the lack of suitable data bars the use of an instrumental variable regression.Although unobserved state- and hospital-specific factors are likely to affect hospital efficiency over time, the (semi-)time-invariant SBC variable does not allow using a fixed-effects model. While this comes at the expense of the time dimension not being fully exploited, the specification is more robust to the unclear timing of the SBC effect. To consider unobserved state- and hospital-specific factors, we, therefore, include a set of time-variant and time-invariant hospital characteristics (Czypionka et al., 2014).中文软预算约束的决定因素:公共债务如何影响奥地利的医院绩效迈克尔·伯杰,玛吉特·里希曼,托马斯·齐皮翁卡摘要当医院管理可以依靠(地方)政府在出现赤字的情况下纾困时,软预算约束(SBC)会破坏提高医院服务效率的改革。
文 献 综 述
科 尔奈提 出 的软 预算 约 束概 念 在 经 济学 中到
了广泛应用 ,主要分为两大研究 领域 :软预算约束 的成 因分析 和 软预 算 约束 的 后果 分 析 。成 因分 析 概括 为两 类 :一 类 是外 生 性 解释 ,基 于 “ 爱 主 父 义 ” 政 治 目标 ” 政策性负担 ” 、“ 、“ 、产权 、寻租等 角度所 做 出的解释 ;另一类是 内生性 解释 ,特定信
在这一框架下 ,探 讨企业 R D软 预算 约束 的形成 & 机制 ,寻求导致 R D软预算 约 束的 原 因 ,进 而针 & 对各 种形 成原 因 ,采 取 行 之有 效 的硬 化 预算 约束
收 稿 日期 :2 1 0 0 0 1— 9— 8
用却不存在 ,如果 R D不是 高度 不确 定 的 ,投资 & 者应 选择 内部 融资 。H i o un 、C e ga g J a hu H ag hn gn z
X (9 8 u 19 )还研究 了在 R D投资风 险高度 不确定 &
作者简介 :韩鹏 (9 7 ,男,山东潍坊人 ,河 南理 工大学经济管理学 院教授 ,管理学博士 。研 究方向 : 16 一)
公 司金 融 。
基金项 目:国家社科基金项 目,项 目编号:lBY 7 ;河南省软科 学项 目,项 目编号:120 40 5 。 1 J0 7 0 40 52 0
中 图 分 类 号 :F 3 . 9 8052 文 献标 识 码 :B
20 0 9年国家财政科技支 出为 324 9亿 元 ,在 2 .
20 年 的基础 上 翻 了一番 ;财政 科 技支 出的增 长 05 速度 首次快 于 国 家财 政支 出 的增 长 速 度 。科 技 支
Fiscal Budget Soft Constraints,Ratchet Effects and Government Accounting Governance Efficiency 作者: 章贵桥[1,2];李增泉[1]
作者机构: [1]上海财经大学工商管理博士后流动站/会计学院,200433;[2]上海大学管理学院,200444
出版物刊名: 会计研究
页码: 41-47页
年卷期: 2018年 第12期
主题词: 棘轮效应;预算松弛;政府产权;外部性;政府会计治理
CO-OPERATIVE ECONOMY &SCIENCE《合作经济与科技》2009年6月号下(总第371期)识,让家电顺利下乡。
将两次监督检查产品质量安全性项目不合格以及故意违法的企业列入黑名单,报告当地政府,依法查处,吊销许可证或3C 认证证书,建议有关部门取消中标企业家电下乡产品资格。
预算软约束" 在学术文献中的解释1、预算软约束是指,向企业提供资金的机构(政府或银行)未能坚持原先的商业约定,使企业的资金运用超过了它的当期收益的范围2、广义的预算软约束是指当一个预算约束体的支出超过了它所能获得的收益时,预算约束体没有被清算而破产,而是被支持体救助得以继续存活下去3、长期以来,在传统经济体制环境下,国有企业处于一种所有者缺位的状态,国有企业经营者的利益与其所有者的利益处于一个不十分一致的状态,其受到约束相对较少,学术界称为“预算软约束”4、社会主义经济中的国有企业一旦发生亏损,政府常常要追加投资、增加贷款、减少税收,并提供财政补贴,这种现象被亚诺什·科尔奈(Kornai,1986)称为“预算软约束”5、这种现象被亚诺什·科尔奈(Kornai,1986)称为“预算软约束”.科尔奈把社会主义经济中的许多问题都归因于预算软约束的存在.为了取得国有企业改革和社会主义经济改革的成功,消除预算软约束刻不容缓科尔奈版本的预算软约束非常简单,说一个家里,有老子有儿子,老子自然是非常喜欢这个儿子,用他的原话就是“父爱主义”。
我对文献已经忘得差不多了,Eric Maskin的理论是认为,如果一个非常集中的金融体系,那么银行很可能被一个坏企业给套住。
Detailed budget content, improve budgeting accuracy. To measure as accurately as possible the estimated annual revenue at the same time, under the existing tax sharing system, to accurately calculate the available financial resources in the region, and scientific and rational way to determine the expenditure budget. To try to strengthen the integrity of the budget, to the government budget has not yet been incorporated into a variety of extra-budgetary funds into the budget preparation as much as possible, so that the budget fully and completely reflect the scope and direction of government activities, to enhance budget transparency and regulatory capacity. Actively promote the standardization of the "zero-based budgeting" to enhance the accuracy of the budget. Zero-based budgeting approach, is to strengthen the budget management, increase efficiency and effectiveness of financial resources and effective method is to establish a socialist market economic system, the objective requirements. Zero-based budgeting, is in the budget, the administrative costs for the determination of the cause, will not consider last year's expenditure base, but according to the units of organization, staffing situation, then the career development plans and tasks accordance with the provisions of the spending criteria determined every year from scratch.The implementation of zero-base budget, you can make the whole become more rational distribution of financial resources, help to improve overall efficiency in the use of financial resources to achieve financial macro-control goals. Preparation of departmental budgets, enhance the integrity of the budget. Departmental budget is generally adopted market economy budgeting, it is a public resource covering all the complete department budget, the government departments according to their functions and the need for unity and social development, the department prepared to reflect all income and expenditure the budget. Preparation of departmental budgets is to deepen the reform of China's socialist market economy and establish the basic requirements of public finance framework, which can make budgeting to further refine and improve transparency, help prevent the budget allocation and implementation of non-standard approach, the same time, there help strengthen the concept of the budget, improve budget management. Introduction of departmental budgets, the budget will further scientific, institutionalized and standardized. Implementation of the consolidated budget management thinking, to achieve revenue and expenditure management system, enhance the scientific nature of the budget. To achieve the purposes of the consolidated budget revenue and expenditure management system is a new situation to strengthen financial management of the inevitable choice, the government is to regulate the distribution, unified government financial, achieve financial stability and balance of important initiatives, which will help to broaden the financial field, increasing regulation of financial resources. Clear procedures for budget operations, enhanced budget management of the normative. Implementation of the standard cycle of budget management that"the budget preparation stage," "budget implementation and adjustment phase" and "accounts stage." Standard cycle of the budget system is a system, a complete system of systems, it covers the whole process of budget management. Implementation of the standard cycle of the budget system for the budgeting of the scientific and standardized to create the conditions.Strengthen expenditure factors, management, improve project management practices. One is to establish a scientific system of classification of budget accounts, the expenditure on the implementation of effective controls and management oversight. Second is the constituent units of the factors to categorize expenditures to develop effective management measures. The third is to further strengthen the financial management of funds, the adjustment of administrative, financial expenditure structure and institutions, standardize the range of expenditures. Improvement of administrative expenses under the control of the way, in accordance with the general principles of the socialist market economy, promote institutional reform in a comprehensive, based on a state law enforcement and supervision department, the scope should be included in administrative expenses, not to exercise the State management functions of various social groups, not all financial assistance for institutional reform has been to companies or industry associations, not by the administrative expenses, funding sources should be adjusted accordingly. Also, do not belong to the administrative nature of the project expenditures to be cleared up. Fourth, the implementation of the government procurement system, strengthen the management of large special expenditure. Fifth, strengthen financial management and control of unreasonable expenses. Sixth, in accordance with the socialist market economic system, transformation of government functions under the requirements, contact the financial practice, in line with the principles of efficiency, reasonable definition of the scope of government powers and financial scope of supply, cancellation and compression is incompatible with the market economic system in general expenditures, and establish a security focused, rational distribution standard, compression restraint strong, strict supervision and management, in line with market economy requires the expenditure of operating mechanism. Also, to strengthen strategic research expenditure, strengthen the financial expenditure is reasonable and scientific.Various departments in the reform of budget management responsibility, to carry heavy budgetary basis of surveys, data, audit summary and other basic work, their work will have a direct impact on the level of quality of budget preparation and budget execution results.Therefore, the first departments should further improve the internal financial institutions, unified by the financial institutions responsible for the preparation of the departmental budgets, enhance the overall budget and integrity; while avariety of funds from financial institutions should be under the centralized management, the separation of money and affairs for centralized scheduling and funding to strengthen the use of funds analysis and oversight. Department heads in accordance with the "Accounting Act" requirements, a true ideological importance of the sector financial management.Followed by the various departments to advance the development of the sector next year career development plan for budget accurately reflect the department when the business needs for capital work. Because the introduction of departmental budgets, the departmental budget by the National People's Congress approved a law must be strictly enforced. The general budget execution in no additional budget, and approval of the financial sector to all sectors of the budget down to the grass-roots units and specific projects shall not be adjusted. Thus requiring all departments and units of the business next year to make a full estimate, taking into account also the possibility of financial resources, not blindly setting up shops, vying for projects, to accurately grasp the department's focus. In doing project work on the basis of investigation and evaluation of the application of the funds for a reasonable sort of funding arrangement will be limited to the most urgent projects. Only do budget work closely with business to promote the successful completion of the work.Budget management is an important function of government, is essential for the healthy operation of the national economy. Budget is approved by the statutory procedures, the Government's basic financial year in a revenue and expenditure plan. Budget norms and arrangements with financial activities, directly reflects the government's policy intentions, the operation is directly related to social and economic good or bad, and therefore must make a careful pre-planning and planning. Thus the budget for scientific, standardized management is particularly important for the revitalization of finance, national economy, budget management is the modern state system of public finance the construction of the basic content, but also to measure a country's financial management is one important indicator of the level of modernization. According to the unified tax system reform, tax, fair tax burden, simplifying the tax system, a reasonable separation of powers to regulate the tax system and establish the tax requirements of market economy system. Its main contents are: 1, the implementation of value-added tax as the main body of the turnover tax system. After the reform of the turnover tax by the value added tax, consumption tax and business tax form, the uniform application to all types of businesses. The general VAT rate is set to 17% of value added, is also a 14% preferential tax rate. Incentive effects of fiscal revenue from the focus, value-added type of design choices of production-type VAT, that any purchase price of fixed assets no deductible. 2, a unified domestic corporate income tax. Simplify the consolidation of different economic sectors of the corporateincome tax rate. All domestic enterprises, including state-owned enterprises, collective enterprises, private enterprises and corporate and other forms of joint ventures, are unified corporate income tax. 3, unified personal income tax. Was the focus of reform is to implement the personal income tax, personal income tax adjustment, urban and rural individual industrial and commercial households income tax consolidation, the establishment of a unified personal income tax. Progressive personal income tax rate to take over the system.。
第4期(总第257期) 2005年4月财经问题研究Research on F i n anc i a l and Econo m i c IssuesNumber4(General Serial No1257)Ap ril,2005我国软预算约束的治理:理论与政策①廖国民1,袁仕陈2(11广东外语外贸大学国际经济贸易学院,广东 广州 510420;21湘潭大学商学院,湖南 湘潭 411000)摘 要:软预算约束对我国经济的危害甚大,探讨我国预算软约束的治理意义重大。
关键词:软预算约束;父爱主义;经济危机;经济周期;不良资产中图分类号:F81113 文献标识码:A 文章编号:10002176X(2005)0420016208 “软预算约束”(s oft budget constraints)这一概念最初是由亚诺什・科尔奈(Janos Kornai)于1980年在其著作《短缺经济学》中提出来的。
调控能力 , 为此 中央政府 一方面积极上收
财权 ,另一方 面采取 “ 甩包袱 ”的方式下
( )制度 激励和地方主政官 员的最优化 二
目标 政府作为一个 团体 ,是 由那些关注 自
放支 出责任 。在改革 之初 ,为了完成这一
早 在上 世纪 8 年 代 ,“ 0 软预算 约束 ” 目标 ,中央 下达 了指令 性很 强 的税 收计 为亦是 由这一群体 中具有关键性 影响的人 理论 就 引起 了高 度 关注 ,学者 们最初 将 划 , 地方政府 的对策 是采取同时夸大收入 或者小团体来决定 的。从我国的实 际情况 其 应用到 国有企 业融 资行 为 的分析 。 随 和支 出的方式来 “ 完成” 既定税 收收入 , 其 着财 政联 邦主 义理论 的兴起 , 软预 算约 结果 是 中央 的可 支配 收入 并没有 显 著增 来看 ,地方政府 的行为很大程度上取决于 “
【 内容 摘 要 】
19 4年 分 税 制 所 采取 的 集权 化 改 9 革 措 施 极 大 的改 变 了地 方 官 员的财 政 激 励 和 其 最优 化 选 择 。由于 面 l l 占的经 济 约 束 的 不 同 , 方政 府 的 融 资 渠道 更 加 趋 地 于 多元 化 ,也 更 具 隐 蔽性 ,致 使 法 定 的
1998年第10期“预算软约束”的新理论及其计量验证平新乔(清华大学经济管理学院 100084) 内容提要:Dewartripont与Maskin(1995年)模型揭示了,当资金沉没于“慢”的投资工程中之后,如再贷款会带来事后有效,则软预算型的再贷款便会发生。
Dew artripont与Tirole(1994年,1996年)的另一个模型在M oral Hazart的结构里深刻揭示了可证实的绩效信号门槛水平与不可证实的绩效信号之间的替代关系。
本文介绍了自己关于Devartripont与M askin模型理论假设的若干检验。
预算管理外文文献Abstract: Budget management plays a crucial role in the financial stability and success of modern organizations. This literature review examines key concepts, practices, and challenges associated with budget management. The study explores various scholarly perspectives on the importance of effective budgeting, the role of budgetary control, and the impact of budget management on organizational performance.【1】Introduction: The introduction provides an overview of the significance of budget management in today's dynamic business environment. It outlines the main objectives of the literature review, emphasizing the need for organizations to adopt sound budgeting practices to achieve financial goals and sustainability.【2】Theoretical Framework: This section delves into theoretical frameworks that underpin budget management. The review discusses traditional budgeting models, such as incremental budgeting, and contrasts them with contemporary approaches, including zero-based budgeting and activity-based budgeting. The analysis highlights the strengths and weaknesses of each model, providing a foundation for understanding the evolution of budget management theories.【3】Budgetary Control: Budgetary control is a critical aspect of effective budget management. This section explores the role of budgetary control mechanisms in monitoring and regulating organizational expenses. Itdiscusses variance analysis, benchmarking, and other tools used to assess actual performance against budgeted targets.【4】Challenges in Budget Management: Examining challenges in budget management is essential for understanding the complexities faced by organizations. This section addresses common issues such as budgetary slack, resistance to change, and the impact of external factors on budgeting. It also considers how technological advancements and global economic trends influence budget management practices.【5】Impact on Organizational Performance: The relationship between budget management and organizational performance is explored in this section. The review analyzes empirical studies and case examples to demonstrate how effective budgeting positively correlates with financial stability, profitability, and overall success in various industries.【6】Future Trends in Budget Management: As organizations evolve, so do budget management practices. This section discusses emerging trends in budgeting, including the integration of artificial intelligence, data analytics, and agile methodologies. It explores how these trends are reshaping traditional budget management approaches to meet the demands of the rapidly changing business landscape.【7】Conclusion: The conclusion summarizes key findings from the literature review, emphasizing the importance of adaptive budget management strategies for organizational success. It also suggests avenuesfor future research in the field of budget management.Keywords: budget management, budgetary control, organizational performance, budgeting models, challenges, future trends.。
Phase I: Executive Preparation 第一阶段:行政准备
Three sets of participants:三方参与: The President总统 The Office of Management & Budget 管理和预算办公室 Federal agencies联邦机构
What is a Government Budget? 什么是政府预算?
A government’s budget is an itemized summary of estimated or intended expenditures for a given period along with proposals for financing them 政府预算是特定时期内的预计开支或计划开支, 及提议为这些开支提供资金的分类科目。
President’s Budget Submitted to Congress in Three Formats 总统以三种形式向国会提交预算
Base Line基线预算 Agency–based机构预算 Functional Area功能区域预ine Budget 基线预算
The Four Stages of the Budget Cycle 预算周期的四个阶段
Phase 1: Executive Preparation第一阶段:行政准备 Phase 2: Congressional Consideration第二阶段:国会审议 Phase 3: Budget Execution第三阶段:预算执行 Execution Phase 4: Budget Audit/evaluation第四阶段:预算审计/ 评估
Buget managementIntroductionThe NHS reforms have had far reaching implications for clinicians of all grades and specialties . Among other changes , it has been deliberate government policy that senior clinicians should have more direct management and budgetary responsibility within their own clinical areas . Trust hospitals have developed a directorate based management structure and devolved budgets to clinical directors . A&E departments have either become directorates in their own right or associate directorates within larger directorates . A&E consultants who take on clinical directorship responsibilities will have more direct control of spending within their own department . At first this may seem intimidating , but the advantages of having control outweigh the disadvantages of more administrative activity .This article aims to give some guidelines to help make the task less daunting , as well as some tips based on personal experience . I do not intend to cover fund raising activity or the organization of postgraduate education and its funding . Brief mention will be made of …business planning ‟at the end . And we have outlined what management budgeting is and how it differs from traditional budgetary control systems in health authorities;considered what it aims to achieve ; and discussed the participation of clinicians in the management budgeting process and its likely impact on their methods of working.What is a budget?Traditional budgetary control systems are based primarily on a structure of what are normally termed functional or departmental budgets . In this structure budgets are held by those people responsible for providing a service.There is normally no participation of clinical staff in this budgetary control structure other than the possibility that the budget holders for pathology and radiology might be the consultants in charge . This seems strange given the considerable influence that clinicians have over the use of hospital resources .In any system of budgetary control a key principle is that individual budget holders should be held responsible only for those items of expenditure over which they can exert control . In health authorities this principle does not always apply . An extreme example of this concerns the pharmacy budget , where the pharmacist is often held responsible for drugs expenditure even though he has no direct control over the level of spending .Although a budget is a sum of money given to you to run your service ( including salaries and wages of all personnel ) it is important to realize it is essentially a paper exercise similar to running your own bank account and receiving a bank statement . You will never actually see the money and the nitty-gritty of manipulating the account is done by your management collcagues and the finance department . You role as clinical director is to keep a watching brief on it and to make executive decisions as to how it is spent . There are three broad categories of budget :1.Steady state-you are allocated the same amount of money each year with an allowance for inflation . Although it offers predictability for future planning it isinflexible and does not allow for surges in activity or unfunded government and trust lead initiative . The majority of A&E departments receive their funding in this way .2.Activity based-the amount of money provided reflects the work done . It is accurate , flexible , and is the basis of much purchaser/provider contract activity . It is generally not available until the work has been completed and will vary form year to year .3.Lump sum-the government , region ,or trust releases a lump sum of money for a specific purpose ( for example , to start triage or audit or to complete a waiting list initiative ) . This is unpredictable , often comes at short notice , and can rarely be used for long term planning .Although the majority of A&E budgeting falls into the first category , lump sum money is available from time to time . An average department seeing 50 000 patients a year may hadean annual budget of approximately one million pounds . When taking ona budget ask these questions :1.How big is it ? Who actually controls it ?2.Do you really have control of it or is it only theoretical , How often will youreceive a statement ? Who do you speak to make changes with the budget ? With whom and how do you negotiate within your institution ?3.Ask to be taken through a budget statement and have a clear explanation of allterms , etc . It is normally delivered monthly and although it may look complicated it is easy to master and is really little different from your own bank statement .4.Go through it carefully as mistakes are an occasional occurrence ( although theycan be rectified retrospective through the finance departmen) .5.The financial year runs from April to March . The theoretical aim is to make thebooks balance by the end of the financial year and not from month to month . Short term overspends or under spends are not important .6. A positive (+) sign means an overspend and a negative (-) sign means an underspend .7.Concentrate on the big numbers ; do not worry too much about little numbersalthough they do need to reanalyzed at some stage as savings can probably be made without affecting the quality of service .8.Devolve control of the nursing budget to your clinical nurse manager but beprepared to involve yourself in nursing activities ( for example , the development of nurse partitioning ) .9.Be prepared to negotiate with other directorate about certain items , similar issuesarise with funding for anesthetic agents and blood products .e creative accountancy . This is legitimate and will even receive the support ofyour financial colleagues .A key principle of management budgets is that all users of services should be informed of their costs . This is achieved by means of recharges made between those budget holders who supply services and those who use them . Considering domestic and cleaning services again , this would entail a recharge between that department‟s budget and those of other departments and facilities in the hospital . Cleaning costs would thenappeat on budget reports .In the case of , say , pathology services , consultant budget holders would be charged according to the number and type of tests that they request . Such recharges would be based on an agreed price list for tests rather than the actual cost of performing each individual one . This would have the effect of protecting the consultants who use pathology services from bearing the costs of any inefficiencies in the laboratories .It is beyond the scope of this article to describe in detail the revised procedures for setting budgets that would apply in a system of management budgeting . Two features of importance should , however , be noted .The first is that all budget holders , including clinicians : would be invited to discuss possible changes in their budgets . Such discussions would consider options for service developments if additional resources became available and options for retrenchment should this become necessary as a consequence of reductions in resources . Also included would bean assessment of alternative ways of using existing resources to achieve greater efficiency . These reallocations might be made within a specific budget or might mean the movement of resources from one budget to another .Linked to these discussions would be several financial incentives intended to encourage good budgetary control . Typically , these would permit budget holders to retain a proportion of any planned underpinnings to use in improving the services that they provide .Who Needs Budgets?Modern companies reject centralization , inflexible planning , and command and control . So why do they cling to a process that reinforces those things ? Budgeting , as most corporations practice it , should be abolished . That may sound like a radical proposition , but it would be merely the culmination of long-running efforts to transform organizations form centralized hierarchies into devolved networks that allow for nimble adjustments to market conditions . Most of the other building blocks are in place . Companies have invested huge sums in IT networks , process reengineering , and a range of management tools including EV A ( Economic Value Added) , balanced scorecards , and activity accounting . But they have been unable to establish a new order because the budget and the command and control culture that it supports remain predominant .In extreme cases , use of the budget to force performance improvements may lead to a breakdown in corporate ethics . People who worked at WorldCom , now bankrupt and under criminal investigation , said CEO Bernard Ebert‟s rigid demands were an overwhelming fact of life there . “You would have a budget , and he would mandate that you had to be 2% under budget ,”said a person who worked at WorldCom , according to an article in Financial Times last year . “Nothing else was acceptable .”WorldCom , Enron , Barings Bank , and other failed companies had tight budgetary control processes that funneled information only to those with a “ need to know . ”In short , the same companies that vow to stay close to the customer , so that they can respond quickly to precious intelligence about market shifts , cling tenaciously to budgeting—a process that disembowels the front line , discourages information sharing , and slows the response to market developments until it‟s too late .A number of companies have recognized the full extent of the damage done by budgeting . They have rejected the reliance on obsolete data and the protracted , rejected the foregone conclusions embedded in traditional budgets—conclusions that render pointless the interpretation and circulation of current market information , the stock-in-trade of the knowledge-based , networked company .Business planningThis is a new concept in the NHS but is well recognized in private industry .You will probably be asked to write on each year , a task which is not as tedious as it may sound . A good plan will help :1、Priorities future activity2、Predict financial needs3、Develop departmental team spirit4、Convince other of your “vision” and enlist their cooperation5、Give support in times of change and uncertainty .METHOD:The following is a useful structure for developing your plan :1、Identify all the activity of your department .2、Do you wish to stop any activity ?3、Do you wish to continue any activity unchanged ?4、Do you wish to continue any activity with minor change ?5、Is there anyting you wish to radically change ?6、Is there anything you wish to introduce which is considered radical or innovative ? TIPS :1、Involve your medical and nursing colleagues ; many heads contribute many ideas2、Use brainstorming3、Don‟t forget to involve your clerical staff-they will seething from a very differentangle and can contribute excellent ideas4、Include everything in the first draft ( it can be pruned later )5、If you think an innovative idea is worth pursuing try not to be put off by cautionkeep pursuing it6、The actual format of the plan should follow that used within your trust. SummaryThe NHS as a whole is constrained to operate with finite resources . Furthermore , each individual to it each year for the provision of services . These financial facts of life must be recognized by all those who use the service or work in it . Form the point of view of the district they lead to two apparently contradictory obligations-namely , to provide the pattern of services that best meets the changing needs of the community as a whole ; and to do so within a fixed financial allocation .The provision of services that meet the needs of the community requires constant appraisal of the way that resources are used . This may indicate that growth in a certain area of activity is required . Cash limits , however , imply that growth in one area can only be achieved either through contraction in another or by an overall improvement in efficiency . Management budgeting provides the means to examine and tackle these issues and thus can help to reconcile the conflicting demands that confront districts .Budgetary responsibility gives you more control .Take time to master the fine detail , ask questions of your management and finance colleagues about anything you do not understand ( you will not lose face ), and develop the skills of lateral thinking and creative accountancy .Even if your budget is repeatedly overspent do not take it personally , ensure that management are aware of it and have a goodnight‟s sleep . Do not worry about it .Source : Geoffrey Hughes , 2007 .”The Budget management”The hospital budget management . No. 10 .pp.156-166.。
国有企业预算软约束的成因:文献综述作者:周苗苗来源:《新经济》 2016年第2期周苗苗摘要:随着我国市场经济的深入发展,我国已经进入到经济发展转型时期。
由 Kornai ( 1979 、1980 、1986 ) 提出的软预算约束概念, 现在已经成为 经济学的常用概念之一。科尔奈最初是要用软预算约束概念解释社会主义经 济中普遍存在的短缺现象,这个概念在转轨经济学中也被频繁使用 , 已经成 为转轨经济学的中心概念。但是软预算约束并不局限于社会主义经济和转轨 经济,以私有产权为基础的资本主义经济也存在软预算约束现象 , 只是社会 主义经济和转轨经济的软预算约束更普遍 、 更严重一些 ( Dewatripont & Roland,2000 ; Maskin & Xu,2001 ; Kornal et al. ,2003 ) 。 可以概括地将软预算约束理论划分为两大研究领域 : 一是软预算约束的 成因分析; 二是软预算约束的后果分析①。 一般又把成因分析概括为两类: 一类是外生性解释; 另一类是内生性解释。前者主要是指那些基于 “父爱主
( 07BJL014 ) 资助。 谢作诗: 浙江财经学院经济与国际贸易学院; 地址: 浙江省杭州市下沙高教园区学源街 18 号, mail: zuoshixie@ hotmail. com。 邮编: 310018 ; 电话: 0571 - 86735808 ; E李善杰: 民政部紧急救援促进中心; 地址: 北京市复兴门内大街 45 号,邮编: 100801 ; 电话: 010 - 66094290 ; Email: pansheng@ yahoo. cn。
第 11 卷第 1 辑 2012 年 3 月
产业经济评论 Review of Industrial Economics
Vol. 11 No. 1 March 2012
软预算约束的原因与性质 : 综述及评论
推荐指数 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2014年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 高管薪酬 高管权力 锦标赛效应 软约束补助 转移支付 财政分权 薪酬差距 社会福利 投资冲动 地方债务 国有企业效率 制度环境 公共服务 bfi指数 推荐指数 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2012年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
科研热词 预算软约束 风险外部化 预算约束 非生产性牟利活动 跨国公司 行政性进入壁垒 行政垄断 英国政党 监管治理 政府资金 政府管制 投资补贴 投资措施 成本外部化 基本医疗服务 城乡二元结构 地方政府 地方党组织 公共项目 公共卫生服务 党政关系 企业 产能过剩 东道国 三方博弈 r&d
推荐指数 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2013年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
科研热词 财政分权 地方政府债务 预算软约束 转移支付 财税改革 融资平台 监管模式 泽国模式 有效性 新河模式 教育服务均等化 合法性 参与式预算 公共池
2008年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
科研热词 高校扩张 预算软约束 隐性财政风险 政府权力 政府干预 宪政 传导机制
推荐指数 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2009年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
科研热词 预算软约束 顺周期性财政政策 适应性调整 经济增长 环境破坏事件 环境监管 环保软约束 模糊产权 政府竞争 增长导向 城市土地市场 反周期性财政政策 剩余控制
Will Soft Budget Constraints really Reduce the Total Fiscal Efforts of Local Governments?
作者: 张蕊
作者机构: 兰州大学管理学院,甘肃兰州730000
出版物刊名: 当代财经
页码: 36-47页
年卷期: 2017年 第6期
主题词: 预算软约束 财政努力程度 地方财政 地方政府
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一、预算软约束的提出:预算软约束这一概念是由Kornai (1986)在其《短缺经济学》一书中最早提出的。
Kornai,Janos,1980.Economics of shortage,Amsterdam:Noerth-Holland.二、预算软约束成因:(一)外生性解释一是Kornai 的“父爱主义”( Paternalism )解释。
Kornai (1980)将社会主义国家的政府与企业之间的关系比作父母与子女。
Kornai,Janos,1980. Economics of shortage,Amsterdam:Noerth-Holland.继科尔奈之后,不少文献采用父爱主义来解释破产企业获得事后拯救这一类预算软约束的现象.Hillman等人(1980)探讨了政府满足企业要求追加投资的后果。
Hillman, Arye L, Katz Eliakim and Rosenberg Jacob.Workers as Insurance: Anticipated Government Assistance and Factor Demand [J].Oxf ord Economic Papers, Dec.1987, 39(4):813一820.Goldfeld和Quandt (1988, 1990)建立一套预算软约束模型,试图解释亏损企业所获补贴的多少取决于企业花费多少资源进行游说。
Goldfeld, Steven and Quandt, Richard. Output Targets the Soft Budget Constraint and the Firm Under Central Planning[J].Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. Oct. 1990, 14(2):205-222.Schaffer (1989)建立了一个博弈论模型,他认为预算软约束的产生是因为有父爱主义倾向的政府不能够向企业作出可置信承诺(a creditable commitment),即当企业破产时,它不会设法拯救。
Schaffer, Mark E. Do Firns in Transitional EconomiesHave Soft Budget Constraint? A Consi deration Concepts and Evidence[J].Journal of Comparative Economics, March 1998, 26(1):8 0-103.二是政治家们追求政治收益所导致的行为选择。
Shleifer A, Vishny R. Politicians and Firms [J]. Quarterly Journal of Economics,1994,109(4): 995-1025.(二)内生性解释主要是时间不一致性问题。
Dewatripond and Maskin (1995)以动态承诺的由时间非一致性问题视角对预算软约束进行分析,形成著名的D-M模型。
Dewatripond,Maskin Eric and Roland Gerard. Understanding the Soft Budget Constraint[R]. Working Paper, UC Berkeley,2002.三、预算软约束的后果Kornai ( 1980)在《Economics of shortage》一书中,把社会主义经济中的短缺现象看作是软预算约束所导致的最重要后果之一。
Kornai, J. Economics of shortage [J]. North-Holland, Amsterdam.1980.Qian(1994)进一步发展了Kornai的思想,他在D-M两期模型的基础上证明了社会主义经济中软预算约束的存在给社会施加了双重负担:软约束导致大量的坏项目也获得资金,从而导致资源配置的低效率;软约束导致资金的极度稀缺,使得融资成本以致产品价格提高,消费者遭受高价格从而导致社会福利损失。
Qian,Y. A theory of shortage in socialist economies based on the soft budget constraint[J]. American Economic Review84,1994.1045-1056.Shleifer & Vishny(1994)的研究认为,国有企业是政府获取政治资本的一种工具,如果国有企业因经营不善或亏损而被破产关闭,政府在国有企业中所积累的政治资本将会丧失。
Shleifer & Vishny(1994)认为,由于存在软预算约束的国有企业的生产率要低于有硬预算约束的非国有企业的生产率,并且随着时间的推移,这两类企业之间的生产率缺口会进一步拉大。
Shleifer,A.,Vishny,R.Politicians and Firms[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,November,1994,10 9(4):995-1025.软预算约束增加了商业银行的消极性(passivity),即商业银行知道政府将事后干预并解救商业银行,商业银行便可能产生对坏项目“复活的投机”(Mitchell,1997),它会坐等政府对坏项目进行解救而自己则不做积极处理。
而且,商业银行的软预算约束还导致借款者产生不履约的动机和大量的寻租行为,从而加剧借款人的道德风险,使违约风气盛行,破坏整个社会的信用基础(Dewatripont and Maskin,1995)。
Mitchell, J. Strategic Creditor Passivity, Regulation, and Bank Bailouts [J].The Davidson Institute Working Paper Series,NO.46.University of Michigan Business School,1997.Dewatripont, M., Maskin, E. Credit and efficiency in cen-tralized and decentralized economies [J].Review of Economics studies 62,1995.541-545.软预算约束还以政府对风险投资项目担保的形式出现,这使得经济体系中的风险项目大量积累。
各地方政府为实现经济发展目标,鼓励、诱使企业对诸多风险项目进行投资,政府则承诺给予风险投资项目不低于某一特定收益的补贴或税收优惠,这会使得企业普遍投资高风险项目(或资产),一旦经济出现问题,极易引发大范围的项目倒闭,从而拖累银行积聚起巨额的不良资产(Bai and Wang,1999)。
Chong-en Bai, Yingjiang Wang.The Myth of East Asian Miracle:The Macroeconomic Implication of Soft Budgets [J].America Economic Review,May,1999.432-437.四、预算软约束被引入财政分权理论框架Qian and Weingast (1997)提出,财政分权有助于形成一种称之为“市场保护型”的财政联邦制,在这种体制下,中央政府与地方政府明确划分彼此的责权利,并由地方政府承担发展本地经济的主要责任。
Qian,Yingyi and Barry R. Weingast, 1997, "Federalism as a Commitment to Preserving Ma rket Incentives", Journal of Economic Perspectives,11(4), 83-92.Goodspeed (2002)和Rodden (2006)认为,分权所产生的财政援助(bailout)问题,会极大地软化地方政府的预算约束。