美国文化介绍(英语 ) ppt
Of all the symbols of thanksgiving , the turkey is the most familiar and widespread . Though there is no evidence that turkey was available to the pilgrims , has a legend that it was served in the first Thanksgiving Dinner .
Fashion Noble Classy
Shops selling large number of different flavors of ice-cream are very common in America .
It is usual to have a salad with your meal , and a separate plate is provided for this purpose.
⊙ immigrant dietary culture ⊙ The local Indians culture ⊙ local products
History and Development of American dietary culture
the United States is an immigrant nation
development of American dietary culture
Western-style food
corn as theAmerdiecvaenlodpiemtaernytcoufllltoivucirnaelgInhdabiaints main crop
• 西班牙和葡萄牙占据了中、南美洲大部分地区,而英国则在北美建立了13个殖民地,称为“北美13洲联合 殖民地”。
• 在这些殖民地区,特别是在东北部,资本主义经济迅速发展,但却受到宗主国百般限制和压迫,因此英国 政府和殖民地的矛盾日益激化。
1607年4月,三艘装有102名移民的船横渡大西 洋
由五月花号上的英国清教徒在马萨诸塞海滨兴建的 普茨茅斯定居点
詹姆士敦是1607年英国人在北美弗吉尼亚建立的 第一个永久性居留地
• 印第安人是美国大陆最古老的居民。15世纪末,北美的印第安人约有100万,分别属于不同语言、不同文 化和习俗的部族与部落。美国每个州都有印第安人,南达科他州、俄克拉何马州、亚利桑那州和阿拉斯加 州等州的印第安人在这些州的人口比例超过5%,新墨西哥州印第安人占该州总人口的8%。
• 国徽是一个国家的主要象征之一。只有特定的国家重要文件才 能盖上国徽大印,正式生效。
• 美国国徽的图案是:外围为两个同心圆,内有一只美国秃鹰雄 踞中央,双翼展开,右爪握一束橄榄枝,左爪握13支利箭,尖 嘴中叼着一条飘带,上书“合众为一”。秃鹰的胸前是一枚盾 形纹章,纹章上部是蓝色横纹,下部是红白相间的竖纹,象征 美国国旗。秃鹰的上方是蓝色天空中13颗星,四周光芒万道, 环绕着云朵组成的图案。
• 西班牙和葡萄牙占据了中、南美洲大部分地区,而英国则在北美建立了13个殖民地,称为“北美13洲联合 殖民地”。
• 在这些殖民地区,特别是在东北部,资本主义经济迅速发展,但却受到宗主国百般限制和压迫,因此英国 政府和殖民地的矛盾日益激化。
1607年4月,三艘装有102名移民的船横渡大西 洋
由五月花号上的英国清教徒在马萨诸塞海滨兴建的 普茨茅斯定居点
詹姆士敦是1607年英国人在北美弗吉尼亚建立的 第一个永久性居留地
• 印第安人是美国大陆最古老的居民。15世纪末,北美的印第安人约有100万,分别属于不同语言、不同文 化和习俗的部族与部落。美国每个州都有印第安人,南达科他州、俄克拉何马州、亚利桑那州和阿拉斯加 州等州的印第安人在这些州的人口比例超过5%,新墨西哥州印第安人占该州总人口的8%。
• 国徽是一个国家的主要象征之一。只有特定的国家重要文件才 能盖上国徽大印,正式生效。
• 美国国徽的图案是:外围为两个同心圆,内有一只美国秃鹰雄 踞中央,双翼展开,右爪握一束橄榄枝,左爪握13支利箭,尖 嘴中叼着一条飘带,上书“合众为一”。秃鹰的胸前是一枚盾 形纹章,纹章上部是蓝色横纹,下部是红白相间的竖纹,象征 美国国旗。秃鹰的上方是蓝色天空中13颗星,四周光芒万道, 环绕着云朵组成的图案。
NASA 美国宇航局
Nobel Prize was founded in 1901, it is based on the Swedish chemist, Nobel ‘s legacy as the fund ,including gold medal, certificate and prize checks, then referred to as the " Nobel Prize " of the fund , is held in Stockholm, Sweden in December 10th, awarded by the king of Sweden.
World Trade Center
The United States is a democratic country
The U.S. presidential election reflects the culture of democracy in the United States
成立于1901年,是以阿尔弗雷德· 贝内特伯 恩哈德· 诺贝尔遗产的一部分作为基金创建 的。包括金牌,证书和奖金支票。简称为“ 诺贝尔奖”的基金。每年在12月10日于瑞 典斯德哥尔摩举行,由瑞典国王亲自颁发
Statue of liberty is made of huge copper and a height of 305 feet (93 m).
Golden Gate Bridge
San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge span is impressive, it is representative of the American architectural culture
Through the NBA, the world just know, basketball can play this way
Phelps surprised the world with the strength of American sports culture
Football makes the president go crazy.
There are amazing technology
At the same time, science and technology in the United States also formed a kind of magical culture
The United States is the Nobel prize winning number of the absolute leader, which is sufficient to prove that the leading science and technology culture
A statuette is a reflection of the status quo of film culture
Imagination is the feature of American film culture.
The miracle of the Silicon Valley in the birth of Microsoft
The Empire State Building is the pride of New York
The Statue of Liberty represents “American dream”
Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, which is a representative of the American architectural culture.
礼。如果主人请你就座,你为 了表示客气而不马上坐下,
• 在美国人家就餐时,如果对吃西餐的礼节不熟悉,那 么最好的办法是注意女主人的动作,照她的样子做不会错。 在餐桌上,女主人是无形中的首脑人物。上菜之后,客人 一般要待女主人动手吃后才开始吃。饭后。也应由女主人 领头离席客人才离席。
• 美利坚合众国的国旗旗面由13道红 白相间的宽条构成,左上角还有一 个包含了50颗白色小五角星的蓝色 长方形。50颗小星代表了美国的50 个州,而13条间纹则象征着美国最 早建国时的13块殖民地。红色象征 勇气,白色象征真理,蓝色则象征
正义。这面旗帜俗称“星条 旗”(Stars and Stripes),正式名称 “合众国旗”(The Flag of the United States)。它在正式成为美国 国旗后曾经过28次修改。国旗是美 国宪法以及权利法案所保障的所有
在美国,社会竞争意识强烈, 成功的尺度就是财富功名, 社会鼓励、赞赏工作狂,人 们崇尚用一决雌雄的方式来
解决组织中的冲突问题,其 文化强调公平、竞争,注重 工作绩效,信奉的是“人生是 短暂的,应当快马加鞭,多 出成果”,对生活的看法则是 “活着是为了工作”
• 美利坚合众国(United States of America)是一个由五十个州 和一个联邦直辖特区组成的宪 政联邦共和制国家。美国国土 面积超过962万平方公里,位居 全球第三,次于俄罗斯和加拿 大;其人口总量也超过三亿人, 少于中国和印度。1776年7月4 日,大陆会议在费城正式通过 《独立宣言》,宣告美国诞生。 自1870年代以来,美国国民经 济就高居全球第一。今天的美 国则是联合国安理会五个常任 理事国之一,其在全球的政治、 经济、军事、娱乐等众多领域 的庞大影响力更是其他国家所 无法匹敌的。
路易斯· 阿姆斯特朗,美国音乐家、歌唱家、小号手、电影演员。 半个多世纪以来,一直是世界首席爵士音乐演奏家之一。 1930年他成立自己的爵士乐队,他曾多次带领他的乐队出国访问, 进行世界性的巡回演出,从而得到了非官方的“美国亲善大使”的称 他在银幕上的小号表演,热情亲切的笑容受到广大爵士乐爱好者和银 主要作品有《What A Wonderful World》《Summertime》等。
President the mountain is US heroism culture best manifesting
Styles of American Music
Jazz R&B Rock Hip hop/ rap Pop Country music
Part 5
Hip Hop
Part 3
Country music
Country music is a kind of contemporary pop music, originated in the southern United States and Appalachia mountains. Country music is rooted in the 1920s from the traditional folk music, integrated with Gospel music福音音乐, Celtic music and classical music. The melody of country music is generally very smooth, beautiful and the phrasing structure also is simple.
Here always does not lack the star
And barbie dolls have been sold to more than 150 countries in the word ,whose total sales is up to one billion dollars . What’s more, it is made a series of movies and also adapted to(改编) a lot of games.
Height : 93 Meters Weight: 229 Tons Left Hand: Holding a torch Right Hand: Holding "The Declaration of Independence"
The Statue of Liberty represents freedom and breaking the constraints of tyranny(挣 脱暴政的约束) In 1984, the Statue of Liberty was named as a World Heritage
The paintings on American traditional coins are mainly previous presidents.
Uncle Sam
Uncle Sam was created in 1917 as a recruiting poster (征兵海报) for the U.S. Army. At that time, the US was in need of more troops to help fight World War I.
Buffalo Nickle
美国文化介绍(全英文) PPT
![美国文化介绍(全英文) PPT](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6d115426561252d381eb6e40.png)
Let’s see what American culture is.
The Bald Eagle is the national bird of the United States of America, and it has become the national emblem of the country
Through the NBA, the world just know, basketball can play this way
Phelps surprised the world with the strength of American sports culture
Football makes the president go crazy.
Disney park for more young generation began to like the United States
There's never been a laeam factory" is the symbol of American entertainment culture
The status of the American Symphony has become more and more important. It is a kind of music culture.
Chinese culture has been a good integration of the United States
A statuette is a reflection of the status quo of film culture
Imagination is the feature of American film culture.
The Bald Eagle is the national bird of the United States of America, and it has become the national emblem of the country
Through the NBA, the world just know, basketball can play this way
Phelps surprised the world with the strength of American sports culture
Football makes the president go crazy.
Disney park for more young generation began to like the United States
There's never been a laeam factory" is the symbol of American entertainment culture
The status of the American Symphony has become more and more important. It is a kind of music culture.
Chinese culture has been a good integration of the United States
A statuette is a reflection of the status quo of film culture
Imagination is the feature of American film culture.
In the process of design,Fraser can’t find buffalo in pampa,so he only sketched it in the zoo.Two years later this buffalo was sell at 100 dollars and was killed as the art work.
Thank you!
But it was very contentious when it showed to people. Praise or satire? The relationship between this two people?
Uncle Sam
Image from Brother Jonathan who is the character in caricature Honest Strong The patriotic
And Babala is the most famous person who known the name but unknown the face in the world
America Gothic
By Grant Wood
It showes the strong spirit of American farmer
The symbol of American culture
1.Statue of liberty 2.Buffalo nickel 3. America Gothic 4. Uncle Sam 5. Barbie
Statue Of Liberty
By Bartholdi from France
To celebrate the independence of Ameri The face is from his mother and the arm is from his wife The book is the Declaration of Independence
In some big cities such as San Francisco, Las Vegas, will be fireworks.
At midnight, the national church bells rang, and the band played the retro song "Auld Lang Syne."
3 American table manners
The feature of America food culture
American food is not particular about detail
The pursuit of fast and convenient
It is relative popular and three meals a day are very casual
1 The feature of American food culture
2 The habits of three meals a day
3 American table manners
The habits of three meals a day
------bread、milk、 eggs、fruit juice、 coffee、and sauage
You must arrive on time and not be late.
3 American Festival
tThe most famous is the large-scare reciprocal of times squares in New York,which is packed with thousands of young people every year.
America美国 国家文化英语ppt
![America美国 国家文化英语ppt](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/689ebd2d482fb4daa58d4bd7.png)
• Pottawatomie County Sheriff Mike Booth also said that six people who lived in the mobile home park were injured. Between 30 and 35 homes had significant damage, and number of frame homes in the neighborhood also sustained damage
• SHAWNEE, Okla. — Authorities say a tornado that severely damaged a mobile home park southeast of Oklahoma City killed a 79-year-old man whose body was found in an open area of the neighborhood.
• Stroll down this gateway to Disneyland park, where turn-of-thecentury architecture and transportation bring the small-town Middle America of the early 1900s to life.Welcome to Main Street, U.S.A. — home, sweet home in the park!
• With so many attractions throughout Philadelphia and The Countryside, it might seem a bit challenging to pick what places you absolutely have to visit. That’s where our itineraries come in. • Excellent resources for your trip-planning, you can use the itineraries as a general overview and starting point or follow them step by step. We cover a wide range of themes, so no matter what you’re looking for, we’ve got you covered
• SHAWNEE, Okla. — Authorities say a tornado that severely damaged a mobile home park southeast of Oklahoma City killed a 79-year-old man whose body was found in an open area of the neighborhood.
• Stroll down this gateway to Disneyland park, where turn-of-thecentury architecture and transportation bring the small-town Middle America of the early 1900s to life.Welcome to Main Street, U.S.A. — home, sweet home in the park!
• With so many attractions throughout Philadelphia and The Countryside, it might seem a bit challenging to pick what places you absolutely have to visit. That’s where our itineraries come in. • Excellent resources for your trip-planning, you can use the itineraries as a general overview and starting point or follow them step by step. We cover a wide range of themes, so no matter what you’re looking for, we’ve got you covered
National Flag
One of our great symbols is the American flag,13 red and white stripes corresponding to the number of original stats on a rectangular piece of color, one corner blue with 50 white stars for 50 states.
As we all know , USA is a country with many features , most of us may be curious about that . Then let us learn about USA together. We will introduce it as follows。
Do not forget the World Trade Center, it used to be the representative of the U.S. economy and culture .
The White House
The United States is a democratic country
The U.S. presidential election reflects the culture of democracy in the United States
Obama won the election.
We all expect what he will do in the future!!!
1National mark 2Buliding 3Presidential election
World Trade Center
美国大选反映了美国的民主 文化
The United States is a democratic country
NBA League is composed of American" National Basketball Association (NBA )" founder of the game, the fierce competition. Degree and level of high is recognized as the most in the world
Silicon Valley
People are the traditional title of the Silicon Valley in the United States of California, San Francisco via the Santa Clara to San Jose nearly 50 kilometers of a narrow strip of the United States, is an important base for the electronics industry, is also the world 's most well-known electronics industry concentration. It is with the nineteen sixties since metaphase, microelectronic technology high speed development and gradually form, Cisco, Intel, HP and has, Lucent, apples and other large companies, science, technology, production as a whole.
美国大选反映了美国的民主 文化
The United States is a democratic country
NBA League is composed of American" National Basketball Association (NBA )" founder of the game, the fierce competition. Degree and level of high is recognized as the most in the world
Silicon Valley
People are the traditional title of the Silicon Valley in the United States of California, San Francisco via the Santa Clara to San Jose nearly 50 kilometers of a narrow strip of the United States, is an important base for the electronics industry, is also the world 's most well-known electronics industry concentration. It is with the nineteen sixties since metaphase, microelectronic technology high speed development and gradually form, Cisco, Intel, HP and has, Lucent, apples and other large companies, science, technology, production as a whole.
6. How many states are there in the USA?
A. 45
B. 52 C. 34 D. 50
7. Which state is the largest one in the
USA? A. New York B. Texas C. California D. Florida 8. ____ has the largest population in the USA. A. California B. Alaska C. Washington D. Texas
• • • • •
再富裕,都要有自己的一份工作。 对工作很敬业,工作效率很高。 认为浪费时间、闲着不干事是有罪的。 工作时间和娱乐时间泾渭分明。 喜欢谈论“工作尊严”,工作是人的能力、 人的 价值观念的体现。 • 公司的老总等一类的领导随时都可能参加体 力劳动,会得到别人的尊重而不是看轻。
Statue of Liberty
Golden Gate Bridge
旧金山的金门大桥其跨度令人赞叹,它是美国建筑文 化的代表
New York Times Square
The White House monument
World Trade Center
美国大选反映了美国的民主 文化
The United States is a democratic country
NBA League is composed of American" National Basketball Association (NBA )" founder of the game, the fierce competition. Degree and level of high is recognized as the most in the world
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After graduating from high school, Ernest Hemingway, in the southwest of the star, Kansas as the nine months of practice reporter. The newspaper requirements method and news reports. Hemingway in the star had good training.
let the rock music began as a tornado general swept across the world music.
• Americans in the silent film era, the first film as a kind of art forms. Since then, the film becomes a for ten million people around the world to provide the best entertainment. From the silent film era begins, film actor is a straight is international celebrity, and Charlie Chaplin is the first one of the most famous movie star
family on July 21, 1899, and his father loved hunting, fishing outdoor activities, his mother like literature, all this to Hemingway in the future life and creation a lot of influence.
Elvis Aron Presley
In the 1950 s, elvis Presley's music began to popular. His music beyond race and the
boundaries of culture, music, music and rural Bruce mountain rock music mastery, forming a unique style of distinct personality, strong shock at that time of pop music, and
Emma burial.
One Million Pounds(百万英镑)
Square No Tom Sawyer(汤姆索亚历险记)
•The Old Man and the Sea
•For Whom the Bell Tolls
•The Sun Also Rபைடு நூலகம்ses
Hemingway Hemingway was born in writing works in the United States outside Chicago, Illinois oak park, a doctor's
famous people, who used to be thought of as "American literary giant", good at writing satirical novel. The friends is very extensive, Disney, WeiWeiDe, nicola tesla, Helen Keller, Henry Roger men, all for his friends. He used to be called the Lincoln literature history.
American culture
•film •music •sculpture
• Mark Twain • Hemingway • William Faulkner
Although Mark Twain's wealth is not much, but nondestructive his soaring humor and wit and fame, known as one of America's most
• 美国音乐囊括了hiphop+rap(嘻哈饶舌说唱 ) 、R&B+soul(节奏布卢斯和灵魂乐) 、 pop(前卫流行) 、rock&roll(摇滚乐) 、 American country music (乡村音乐)、 Latin music (拉丁乐)、Disco jockey ( DJ电子混音舞曲 归在hiphop里)、punk ( 朋克乐 归在rock里)、Funk Music(放荡杰 克音乐)、CRunk & B(旷课乐)、Gothic (歌特音乐),home(舞曲),jazz(爵 士),metal(金属乐),alternative(另类 ),raggae(雷鬼),classical(古典)等 等多元化美国本土以及欧美混合音乐元素。
Helen Keller once said: "I like Mark Twain-who don't like him? Even if is god, will also loves him, give its wisdom, and in its heart out love and faith a painting of the rainbow. William Faulkner said he is "the first real American writer, we are inheriting him". In 1910 he died on April 21,, at the age of seventy-five, and in New York,
let the rock music began as a tornado general swept across the world music.
• Americans in the silent film era, the first film as a kind of art forms. Since then, the film becomes a for ten million people around the world to provide the best entertainment. From the silent film era begins, film actor is a straight is international celebrity, and Charlie Chaplin is the first one of the most famous movie star
family on July 21, 1899, and his father loved hunting, fishing outdoor activities, his mother like literature, all this to Hemingway in the future life and creation a lot of influence.
Elvis Aron Presley
In the 1950 s, elvis Presley's music began to popular. His music beyond race and the
boundaries of culture, music, music and rural Bruce mountain rock music mastery, forming a unique style of distinct personality, strong shock at that time of pop music, and
Emma burial.
One Million Pounds(百万英镑)
Square No Tom Sawyer(汤姆索亚历险记)
•The Old Man and the Sea
•For Whom the Bell Tolls
•The Sun Also Rபைடு நூலகம்ses
Hemingway Hemingway was born in writing works in the United States outside Chicago, Illinois oak park, a doctor's
famous people, who used to be thought of as "American literary giant", good at writing satirical novel. The friends is very extensive, Disney, WeiWeiDe, nicola tesla, Helen Keller, Henry Roger men, all for his friends. He used to be called the Lincoln literature history.
American culture
•film •music •sculpture
• Mark Twain • Hemingway • William Faulkner
Although Mark Twain's wealth is not much, but nondestructive his soaring humor and wit and fame, known as one of America's most
• 美国音乐囊括了hiphop+rap(嘻哈饶舌说唱 ) 、R&B+soul(节奏布卢斯和灵魂乐) 、 pop(前卫流行) 、rock&roll(摇滚乐) 、 American country music (乡村音乐)、 Latin music (拉丁乐)、Disco jockey ( DJ电子混音舞曲 归在hiphop里)、punk ( 朋克乐 归在rock里)、Funk Music(放荡杰 克音乐)、CRunk & B(旷课乐)、Gothic (歌特音乐),home(舞曲),jazz(爵 士),metal(金属乐),alternative(另类 ),raggae(雷鬼),classical(古典)等 等多元化美国本土以及欧美混合音乐元素。
Helen Keller once said: "I like Mark Twain-who don't like him? Even if is god, will also loves him, give its wisdom, and in its heart out love and faith a painting of the rainbow. William Faulkner said he is "the first real American writer, we are inheriting him". In 1910 he died on April 21,, at the age of seventy-five, and in New York,