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剑桥考级系列PET 写作模板小作文A Short Text

PET 小作文模板

PET 小作文的要求是写一篇词数在35-45之间的便条(notes)、明信片(postcards)或是电子邮件(emails)。PET 小作文的写作所考察的是考生书写简短的实用性非正式短文本的能力。要求考生掌握生活中常用的语言功能,包括:


2.感谢(expressing gratitude)

3.建议和邀请(making suggestions and invitations)

4.请求(make requests)

5.提醒(reminding someone)


7.说明原因(explaining why)

PET 小作文分值介绍



剑桥 PET 满分小作文注意事项








剑桥 PET 小作文必考语言功能

1.道歉 apologizing


I’m sorry for …

I’m sorry

that/but … I

apologize for …

应用示例 1

You and your friend, Jerry, have tickets for a football match at the weekend, but now you cannot go.

Write a note to Jerry. In your note, you should

•apologise to Jerry

I’m sorry for not being able to go to the football match at the weekend. I’m so sorry that I can’t go to the football match at the weekend.

I’m really sorry but I can’t go to the football match at the weekend with you.


You arranged to play tennis with your friend, George, this weekend, but now you can’t.

Write an email to George. In your email, you should

•apologise for the change of plan

I apologize for not being able to play tennis with you this weekend. I can’t play tennis with you this weekend. I have to

apologize for the change of plan.

2.感谢 Expressing Gratitude


Thank you for …

Thanks for …

应用示例 1

You recently did a homework project about life in Britain, and your penfriend Judy helped you by sending some information.

Write an email to Judy. In your email, you should

•thank her for her help

Thank you for helping me do my homework project.

Thank you for your help with my homework project.

Thank you for sending me the information for my homework project.应用示例2

You have just had a wonderful holiday staying with some English-speaking friends in the countryside.

Write an email to your friends. In your email, you should

•thank them for your stay

Thanks for letting me stay with you guys in the countryside. Thanks for the wonderful holiday during which we stayed together in the countryside.

Thanks for having me stay with you guys for the wonderful holiday. 应用示例 3

Richard, your English friend, has sent you some birthday money for you to buy a new DVD.

Write an email to Richard. In your email, you should

•thank him for the present

Thank you for the money that you sent me for my birthday present. Thanks a lot for sending me the birthday money.
