






哈巴狗带串铃:充什么大牲口(比喻小人物装作大人物的样子) 哈巴狗上轿:不识抬举




















英语中有关动物的谚语 1.Bird (1) Kill two birds with one stone. 一箭双雕;一举两得。 (2) A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。 (3) Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚,人以群分。 (4) It’s an ill bird that fouls own nest. 家丑不可外扬。 (5) Fine feathers make fine birds. 人要衣装,马要鞍。 (6) A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk. 听音识鸟,闻言识人。 (7) Each bird loves to hear himself sing. 鸟儿都爱听自己唱。(自我欣赏) (8) You cannot catch old birds with chaff.(粗糠). 用粗糠捉不住老鸟。(有经验的人难骗。) (9) Birds in their little nests agree. 同巢之鸟心儿齐。 2. Cat (1) A cat has nine lives.猫有九条命;吉人天相。 (2) Cats hide their claws. 知人知面不知心。 (3) All cats are grey in the dark.. 黑暗之中猫都是灰色的。(人未出名时看起来都差不多。) (4) A gloved cat catches no mice. 戴手套的猫,老鼠抓不到。(不愿吃苦的人成不了大事业。) (5) When the weasel and the cat make a marriage, it is a very ill presage. 黄鼠狼和猫结亲,不是好事情。) (6) Who will bwll the cat? 谁去给猫系铃?(谁愿意为大家冒风险?) (7) The cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream. 帽偷吃奶油的时候总是闭着眼睛。(掩耳盗铃) (8) There are more ways of killing a cat than by choking it with butter. 杀猫的办法很多。(达到目的的途径很多。) (9) Care kill a cat. 忧虑愁死猫。 3. Chicken (1) Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched. 鸡蛋未孵出,先别数小鸡。(不要过早乐观。) 4. Crow (1) A crow is never the whiter for washing herself often. 江山易改,本性难移。 5. Dog (1) He who would hang his dog gives out first that it is mad. 欲加之罪,何患无词. (2) A staff is quickly found to beat a dog with. 欲加之罪,何患无词. (3) Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌. (4) Too much pudding will choke a dog. 布丁太多噎死狗。 (5) Every dog has his day. 人人皆有得意时。 (6) Barking dogs don’t (seldom) bite.爱叫的狗很少咬人。 (7) Let sleeping dogs lie. 勿惹事生非。 (8) Dead dogs bite not. 死狗不咬人。 (9) All are not thieves that dogs bark at. 狗见了叫的不一定都是贼。(不要以貌取人。)

与狗 猫 羊相关的英语谚语和短语

与狗相关的英语谚语和短语Dog Proverbs and Sayings He is a lucky dog. 他是个幸运儿。 lead a dog's life 过穷困潦倒的日子 not have a dog's chance 毫无机会 top dog 当权派;头儿 treat sb. like a dog 不把某人当人看 a hunting dog 猎犬 a lazy dog懒汉 a gay dog 一个快乐的人 a dirty dog 下流坯 dog-days n.[pl.]三伏天, 大热天; 无所作为的时期, 无精打彩的日子 A good dog deserves a good bone. [谚]好狗应该啃好骨头, 有功者受赏。 A living dog is better than a dead lion. [谚]死狮不如活狗。 A staff [stick] is quickly [soon] found to beat a dog with. [谚]欲加之罪, 何患无辞。 An old dog barks not in vain. [谚]老狗不乱吠; 老狗一吠, 就得小心。 An old dog will learn no new tricks. (=You cannot teach old dogs new tricks.) [谚]老狗学不了新把戏; 老年人很难适应新事物。 as [like] a dog with two tails 非常开心[高兴] Barking dogs seldom bite. [谚]爱叫的狗不咬人; 咬人的狗不露齿。 be (old) dog at (a thing) 对...有经验; 对...很内行


有关鱼类的谚语: The best fish swim near the bottom. 好鱼常在水底游. Never offer to teach fish to swim. 不要教鱼去游泳.(不要班门弄斧.) Go to the sea, if you would fish well. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子. There's as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it. 海里的好鱼多的是.(强中更有强中手.) It is a silly fish that is caught twice with the same bait. 笨鱼才会咬两次钩.(智者不上两次当.) If water is noisy, there are no fish in it. 咆哮的水中无鱼.(夸夸其谈的人没有真才识学.) 有关猫的谚语: A cat has nine lives. 猫有九命.(吉人自有天相.) Cats hide their claws. 猫总是藏起自己的爪子.(知人知面不知心.) All cats are grey in the dark.黑暗 处的猫都是灰色的.(人未出名时看起来都是差不多.) A gloved cat catches no mice. 戴手套的猫抓不到老鼠.(不愿吃苦的人成不了大事业.) When the weasel and the cat make a marriage, it is a very ill presage. 黄鼠狼和猫结亲没好事. Who will bell the cat? 谁去给猫系铃铛?(谁愿为大家冒风险?) The cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream. 猫偷吃奶油时总是闭着眼.(掩耳盗铃,自欺欺人.)


关于动物的英文谚语 1. A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk. 闻其歌知其鸟,听其言知其人。 2. A burnt child dreads the fire. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。 3. A cat has nine lives. 猫有九条命。 4. A good horse cannot be of a bad colour. 良马的毛色不会差。 5. A lamb is as dear to a poor man as an ox to the rich. 穷人的一只羔羊比富人的一头牛还要珍贵。 6. A lazy sheep thinks its wool heavy. 懒羊嫌毛重。 7. A lion at home, a mouse abroad. 在家凶如狮,在外却如鼠。 8. A living dog is better than a dead lion. 一条活狗胜过一头死狮。 9. All cats love fish but fear to wet their paws. 猫都爱吃鱼,却怕爪弄湿。 10.All's fish that comes to his net. 到了网中都是鱼。

11.A man is not a horse because he was born in a stable. 人其实不因为生在马厩里就成了马。 12.A man knows his companion in a long journey and a little inn. 路遥知马力,日久见人心。 13.An ass endures his burden but not more than his burden. 驴子能负重,但不堪超过力之所及。 14.An enemy's mouth seldom speaks well. 狗嘴里吐不出象牙。 15.An nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse. 对牛抚琴。 16.As worms are bred in a stagnant pool, so are evil thoughts in idleness. 虫蛆在死水中孵化,邪念在懒惰中养成。 17.A thief knows a thief as a wolf knows a wolf. 贼了解贼,正如狼了解狼。 18.Behind bad luck comes good luck. 塞翁失马,焉知非福。 19.Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion. 宁为犬首,不作狮尾。 20.Better half an egg than empty shell. 半只蛋也比空壳好。


趣味英文谚语:与狗(dog)有关 ★Barkingdogsseldombite. ★吠犬不咬人(意指:对于高声发出恐吓,或惯于大声吼叫的人,勿须当真)。★Everydoghashisday. ★凡人皆有得意日(意指:大家都有走运的一天)。 ★Dogdoesnoteatdog. ★同类不相残;同室不操戈。 ★acat-and-doglife ★争争吵吵的日子 ★Dogdoesnoteatdog. ★同类不相残,同时不操戈 ★Dumbdogsaredangerous. ★不叫的狗咬人

★Giveadogabadnameandhanghim. ★谗言可畏,欲加之罪,何患无辞 ★gotothedogs ★每况愈下 ★hang-doglook ★愁眉苦脸 ★Iftheolddogbarks,hegivethecounsel. ★老狗叫,是忠告。 ★Loveme,lovemydog. ★爱屋及乌 ★Heisaluckydog. ★他是个幸运儿。 ★leadadog'slife ★过穷困潦倒的日子 ★nothaveadog'schance

★毫无机会 ★topdog ★当权派;头儿 ★treatsb.likeadog ★不把某人当人看 ★ahuntingdog ★猎犬 ★alazydog ★懒汉 ★agaydog ★一个快乐的人 ★adirtydog ★下流坯 ★dog-daysn.[pl.] ★三伏天,大热天;无所作为的时期,无精打彩的日子

★Agooddogdeservesagoodbone. ★[谚]好狗应该啃好骨头,有功者受赏。 ★Alivingdogisbetterthanadeadlion. ★[谚]死狮不如活狗。 ★Astaff[stick]isquickly[soon]foundtobeatadogwith. ★[谚]欲加之罪,何患无辞。 ★Anolddogbarksnotinvain. ★[谚]老狗不乱吠;老狗一吠,就得小心。 ★Anolddogwilllearnnonewtricks.(=Youcannotteacholddogsnewtricks.) ★[谚]老狗学不了新把戏;老年人很难适应新事物。 ★as[like]adogwithtwotails ★非常开心[高兴] ★Barkingdogsseldombite. ★[谚]爱叫的狗不咬人;咬人的狗不露齿。 ★be(old)dogat(athing)


与动物有关的英文谚语 篇一:与动物有关的英语短语或谚语 与动物有关的英语短语或谚语 1. as busy as a bee.忙碌至极 2. as merry as a cricket/grig.非常高兴;非常快活。(cricket 蟋蟀) 3. as slippery as an eel.油滑;不可靠。(ell 是一种油滑的鱼类)鳝、鳗 4. at one fell swoop.一举;一下子;刹那之间。 5. beard the lion 捋虎须;奋勇还击;在太岁头上动土。 6. bell the cat.猫脖子拴铃铛;为了大家的利益承担风险。 7. bird of passage.漂泊不定的人。 8. birds of feather.一丘之貉。9. black sheep.败家子;害群之马;无用之辈。 10. dark horse.黑马;竞争中出人意料的获胜者。 11. break a butterfly on a wheel.小题大做;杀鸡用牛刀。 12. buy a pig in a poke 买下没有看的东西;隔山买老牛。 13. a pig in a poke 上当之货。14. by/on shanks’s mare. 骑两脚马----徒步,步行。mare 是 母马或母驴 15. cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’ ear.朽木不可雕也。坏材料做不出好东西。sow 大母猪 16. cannot say boo to a goose. 胆小如鼠。 17. cast peals before swine.明珠暗投;对牛弹琴。swine 是指猪或卑贱的人 18. cast sheep’s eyes 送秋波;抛媚眼;以目传情。 19. the cat among the pigeons. 猫在鸽群中---人为刀俎,我为鱼肉。pigeon 鸽子 20. cat’s paw. 被人当爪牙利用的人;受人愚弄的人。paw 爪子 21. a cock-and-bull story.无稽之谈;荒诞的故事。cock-and-bull adj.荒唐的 22. cock-a-hoop.(俚)得意扬扬;自鸣得意。hoop 铁环 23. cock of the walk. 称王称霸的人。 24. don’t count one’s chickens before they are hatched.不要过早乐观。 25. Don’t count your chickens!不要打如意算盘。 26. crocodile tears.假慈悲。 crocodile 鳄鱼 27. cry wolf.发假警报。 28. dog in the manger.自己不干也不让别人干;自己能享受也不让别人享受的人。 29. dog’s life.悲惨的景况。30. lead a dog’s life.过者悲惨的生活。 31. dog-tired.累极了;疲惫之至。32. donkey-work 沉重的苦活儿;呆板的例行工作。 33. donkey’s years 多年;很久。34. drink like a fish.大饮;牛饮;狂饮;酩酊大醉。 35. even a worm will turn.人急造反,狗急跳墙;人急了也会咬人。 1 / 11


1. A cat may look at a king. [字面意思]猫也可以看国王。 [解释]无名小卒也可以评论大人物。人皆可以为尧舜。不要因为别人的资格不够老,或经不如你多,就不让他发表意见。 2. A penny saved is a penny earned. [字面意思]节省一个便士就等于挣了一个便士。 [解释]省钱是明智的做法。省一分就是赚一分。不要因为钱的数目不大就不把它当一回事瞧不起小钱是不对的,要记住A penny saved is a penny earned这条经验。 3. A watched pot never boils. [字面意思]眼睛盯着看的壶永远不会开。 [解释]事情在进行中,不到时候就不会有结果,要水到渠成才行。心急锅不开。你着急,急也没用!用眼睛盯着它看也无济于事,事情不会因为你着急就会有较快的进展。 4. A word to the wise. [字面意思]送给智者的一句话。 [解释]给明智而愿意接受别人意见或建议的人提出忠告。我知道你能听进去话,所以我才跟你这么说。我说的是正确的,对你有好处,而且我知道你也会听取我的意见。 5. All is well that ends well. [字面意思]结尾好就意味着一切都好。

[解释]结局好,一切都好。出自莎士比亚剧本名。在开始或中间环节出现的一些小的差错或麻烦无关紧要,没什么大不了的,只要最终的结局令人满意,那就是好的。 6. Bad news travels fast. [字面意思]坏消息传得快。 [解释]好事不出门,坏事传千里。 7.Beauty is only skin deep. [字面意思]美貌只是肤浅的。 [解释]美貌只是表面现象而已。以貌取人靠不住。你不能只看到她有漂亮的面孔就向她求爱,你还应该考虑其它方面的因素。找结婚伴侣是要过日子,不是当海报招贴画来看的。我的忠告是两句话:Beauty is only skin-deep. True feelings are more important. 8. Beggars can't be choosers. [字面意思]乞丐不可能有选择。 [解释]你得到的不完全是你想得到的,可能条件或质量等方面差一些,但没有再选择的余地,只能接受不十分满意的事物。这就叫Beggars can't be choosers. 9. Better safe than sorry. [字面意思]安全比遗憾好 [解释]最好不要去冒险。即使不冒险你得多费些功夫,多做些枯燥无味的工作,这都值得。总比为了省事而冒险强。变体:Better to be safe than sorry.


1. as busy as a bee.忙碌至极 2. as merry as a cricket/grig.非常高兴;非常快活。(cricket蟋蟀) 3. as slippery as an eel.油滑;不可靠。(ell是一种油滑的鱼类) 4. at one fell swoop.一举;一下子;刹那之间。 5. beard the lion 捋虎须;奋勇还击;在太岁头上动土。 6. bell the cat.猫脖子拴铃铛;为了大家的利益承担风险。 7. bird of passage.漂泊不定的人。 8. birds of feather.一丘之貉。 9. black sheep.败家子;害群之马;无用之辈。 10. dark horse.黑马;竞争中出人意料的获胜者。 11. break a butterfly on a wheel.小题大做;杀鸡用牛刀。 12. buy a pig in a poke 买下没有看的东西;隔山买老牛。 13. a pig in a poke 上当之货。 14. by/on shanks’s mare. 骑两脚马----徒步,步行。mare是母马或母驴 15. cann ot make a silk purse out of a sow’ ear.朽木不可雕也。坏材料做不出好东西。sow大母猪 16. cannot say boo to a goose. 胆小如鼠。 17. cast peals before swine.明珠暗投;对牛弹琴。swine是指猪或卑贱的人 18. cast sheep’s eyes 送秋波;抛媚眼;以目传情。 19. the cat among the pigeons. 猫在鸽群中---人为刀俎,我为鱼肉。pigeon鸽子 20. cat’s paw. 被人当爪牙利用的人;受人愚弄的人。paw爪子 21. a cock-and-bull story.无稽之谈;荒诞的故事。cock-and-bull adj.荒唐的 22. cock-a-hoop.(俚)得意扬扬;自鸣得意。hoop铁环 23. cock of the walk. 称王称霸的人。 24. don’t count one’s chickens before they are hatched.不要过早乐观。 25. Don’t count your chickens!不要打如意算盘。 26. crocodile tears.假慈悲。crocodile[5krCkEdail]鳄鱼 27. cry wolf.发假警报。 28. dog in the manger.自己不干也不让别人干;自己能享受也不让别人享受的人。 29. dog’s life.悲惨的景况。 30. lead a dog’s life.过者悲惨的生活。 31. dog-tired.累极了;疲惫之至。 32. donkey-work 沉重的苦活儿;呆板的例行工作。 33. donkey’s years 多年;很久。 34. drink like a fish.大饮;牛饮;狂饮;酩酊大醉。 35. even a worm will turn.人急造反,狗急跳墙;人急了也会咬人。 36. an/one’s ewe lamb.唯一的宝贝;唯一的孩子;最珍贵的东西。 37. fine feathers make fine birds.人配衣裳,马配鞍;(讽刺)好的衣裳只能打扮出一个好的外表。 38. fish out of water.离水之鱼;不得其所;感到生疏,不适应。


关于狗的英语谚语 Barking dogs seldom bite. 吠犬不咬人(意指:对于高声发出恐吓,或惯于大声吼叫的人,勿须当真)。 Every dog has his day. 凡人皆有得意日(意指:大家都有走运的一天)。 Dog does not eat dog. 同类不相残;同室不操戈。 a cat-and-dog life 争争吵吵的日子 Dog does not eat dog. 同类不相残,同时不操戈 Dumb dogs are dangerous. 不叫的狗咬人 Give a dog a bad name and hang him. 谗言可畏,欲加之罪,何患无辞 go to the dogs 每况愈下 hang-dog look 愁眉苦脸 If the old dog barks, he give the counsel. 老狗叫,是忠告。 Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌 He is a lucky dog. 他是个幸运儿。 lead a dog's life 过穷困潦倒的日子 not have a dog's chance 毫无机会

top dog 当权派;头儿 treat sb. like a dog 不把某人当人看 a hunting dog 猎犬 a lazy dog 懒汉 a gay dog 一个快乐的人 a dirty dog 下流坯 dog-days n.[pl.] 三伏天, 大热天; 无所作为的时期, 无精打彩的日子 A good dog deserves a good bone. [谚]好狗应该啃好骨头, 有功者受赏。 A living dog is better than a dead lion. [谚]死狮不如活狗。 A staff [stick] is quickly [soon] found to beat a dog with. [谚]欲加之罪, 何患无辞。 An old dog barks not in vain. [谚]老狗不乱吠; 老狗一吠, 就得小心。 An old dog will learn no new tricks. (=Y ou cannot teach old dogs new tricks.) [谚]老狗学不了新把戏; 老年人很难适应新事物。 as [like] a dog with two tails 非常开心[高兴] Barking dogs seldom bite. [谚]爱叫的狗不咬人; 咬人的狗不露齿。 be (old) dog at (a thing) 对...有经验; 对...很内行


Unit 5 Why do you like pandas 英语中有关动物的谚语 1.Bird (1) Kill two birds with one stone. 一箭双雕;一举两得。 (2) A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。 (3) Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚,人以群分。 (4) It’s an ill bird that fouls own nest.家丑不可外扬。 (5) Fine feathers make fine birds. 人要衣装,马要鞍。 (6) A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk. 听音识鸟,闻言识人。 (7) Each bird loves to hear himself sing. 鸟儿都爱听自己唱。(自我欣赏) (8) You cannot catch old birds with chaff.(粗糠). 用粗糠捉不住老鸟。(有经验的人难骗。) (9) Birds in their little nests agree. 同巢之鸟心儿齐。 2. Cat (1) A cat has nine lives.猫有九条命;吉人天相。 (2) Cats hide their claws. 知人知面不知心。 (3) All cats are grey in the dark.. 黑暗之中猫都是灰色的。(人未出名时看起来都差不多。) (4) A gloved cat catches no mice. 戴手套的猫,老鼠抓不到。(不愿吃苦的人成不了大事业。) (5) When the weasel and the cat make a marriage, it is a very ill presage. 黄鼠狼和猫结亲,不是好事情。) (6) Who will bell the cat? 谁去给猫系铃?(谁愿意为大家冒风险?) (7) The cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream. 帽偷吃奶油的时候总是闭着眼睛。(掩耳盗铃) (8) There are more ways of killing a cat than by choking it with butter. 杀猫的办法很多。(达到目的的途径很多。) (9) Care kill a cat. 忧虑愁死猫。


关于猫和狗的英语谚语 导读:本文是关于关于猫和狗的英语谚语,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、狗吃青草,长着一副驴心肠。 Dogs eat grass and have donkey hearts. 2、狗口里吐不出象牙。 The dog can't spit out its ivory. 3、狗吃热肉,又爱又怕。 Dogs eat hot meat, love and fear. 4、嫁鸡随鸡,嫁狗随狗。 Marry a chicken with a chicken, and a dog with a dog. 5、狗摇尾巴,是为面包而来。 Dogs wag their tails for bread. 6、爱上的猴子也觉标致,看中的狗熊也漂亮。 The monkeys in love are also beautiful, and the bears in sight are beautiful. 7、骨头打狗狗不叫。 Dogs don't bark when they are hit by bones. 8、好狗不跳,好猫不叫。 A good dog does not jump, a good cat does not bark. 9、子不嫌母丑,狗不嫌家贫。

Dogs don't dislike their mother's ugliness or their family's poverty. 10、狗眼看人,咬穷不咬富。 Dogs look at people and bite the poor but not the rich. 11、人怕没理,狗怕夹尾。 People are afraid of ignorance and dogs are afraid of tail-clipping. 12、丢了家乡口,不如守家狗。 If you lose your home, you may as well be a housekeeper. 13、抱木偶打狗,把你不当人。 Puppet beating dogs makes you a mistake. 14、狗是人类最好的朋友。 Dogs are man's best friends. 15、狗仗人势,雪仗风势。 Dogs fight against people, snows fight against wind. 16、保甲长下了乡,吓得鸡飞狗跳墙。 Baojia went to the countryside and was frightened to jump out of the wall. 17、狗来财,猫来祸。 Dogs make money, cats make trouble. 18、来道是非者,便是是非人。 The right and wrong are the right and wrong.


和动物有关的英语谚语英语谚语和脑筋急转弯 英语脑筋急转弯题目让你领略英语和急转弯的风采!一起来体 验下吧。以下是为大家准备的英语谚语和脑筋急转弯,希望大家喜欢! Questions: 1.When can you have something and nothing at the same time in your pocket 什么时候你的口袋里既有东西又没有东西 2.What can run and whistle but can't walk or talk 什么东西能跑不能走,会吹哨不会说话 3.Why can't the world e to an end 世界为何不会末日临头 4.Where's the biggest city in the world

全世界最大的城市在哪儿 Keys: 1.When there's a hole in it. 当口袋里有个洞的时候. 2.A lootive. 火车头. 3.Because it's round. 因为它是圆的. 4.On the map. 在地图上. Notes:

2.lootive/'l+uk+ m+utiv/ n.火车头 3.The world is round地球是圆的,因此没有beginning(开始),也 没有end(结束). 1 A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 恶其始者必恶其终。 2 A bad bush is better than the open field. 有胜于无。 3 A bad promise is better than a good lawsuit. 吃亏的和解也比胜诉强。 4 A bad conscience is a snake in one''s heart. 做贼心虚。 5 A bad custom is like a good cake, better broken than kept. 坏习惯像鲜馅饼,分食要比保存好。 6 A bad padlock invites a picklock. 开门揖盗。 7 A bad penny always turns up.


关于狗的英语谚语 导读:本文是关于关于狗的英语谚语,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、大狗爬墙,小狗看样。 The big dog climbs the wall, the little dog looks like it. 2、棒丢狗咬人,猫走鼠伸腰。 The rod throws the dog to bite, the cat walks the mouse to stretch. 3、嫁鸡随鸡,嫁狗随狗。 Marry a chicken with a chicken, and a dog with a dog. 4、子不嫌母丑,狗不嫌家贫。 Dogs don't dislike their mother's ugliness or their family's poverty. 5、狗朝屁走,人朝势走。 Dogs go fart, people go at the trend. 6、狗摇尾巴,乃为面包,而非主人。 A dog wags its tail for bread, not for its master. 7、狗咬穿烂的,人舔穿好的。 Dogs bite and wear, people lick and wear. 8、出的牛马力,吃的猪狗食。 Out of the horsepower, eat pig and dog food.

9、狗咬人,有药治;人咬人,没药医。 Dogs bite, there is medicine; people bite, myrrh doctor. 10、布丁太多噎死狗。 Too much pudding chokes the dog. 11、狗口里吐不出象牙。 The dog can't spit out its ivory. 12、虎落平阳被犬欺。 The tiger falls to Pingyang and is bullied by the dog. 13、丢了家乡口,不如守家狗。 If you lose your home, you may as well be a housekeeper. 14、狗不嫌家贫,儿不嫌娘丑。 Dogs don't dislike poverty at home, children don't dislike ugliness at home. 15、狗眼看人,咬穷不咬富。 Dogs look at people and bite the poor but not the rich. 16、当你认为狗可信,狼已偷偷把羊圈进。 When you think the dog is trustworthy, the wolf has sneaked into the sheepfold. 17、不声不响的狗,比张牙舞爪的更危险。 Silent dogs are more dangerous than teeth and claws. 18、当家三年狗也嫌。 Dogs who have been in the house for three years are also


与动物有关的成语英语集锦 摘要:十二生肖,是中国传统文化的重要部分,由12种源于自然界的动物即鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪组成,用于记年,顺序排列为子鼠、丑牛、寅虎、卯兔、辰龙、巳蛇、午马、未羊、申猴、酉鸡、戌狗、亥猪,在中华文化圈内被广泛使用。有诸多描写十二生肖的文学作品,也有不少关于十二生肖的成语。2012年是龙年,当我们提到龙,我们就会想到“龙凤呈祥”、“生龙活虎”等成语,下面就介绍一些与动物有关的相关成语的英语翻译。 关键词:动物;成语;英语 一、与“龙”有关的 龙飞凤舞 lively and vigorous flourishes in calligraphy 龙盘虎踞 a forbidding strategic point 龙凤呈祥 excellent good fortune 龙蛇混杂 good and bad people mixed up 龙潭虎穴 a danger spot 龙腾虎跃 a scene of bustling activity 龙争虎斗 a fierce struggle between well-matched opponents 龙行虎步 majestic gait; imposing air 龙吟虎啸 dragons singing and tigers roaring 生龙活虎 full of vim and vigor 二、与“狗”有关的

狗胆包天 monstrous audacity 狗急跳墙 a corned beast will do something desperate 狗屁不通 unreadable rubbish 狗咬吕洞宾 to mistake a good man as a bad man 狗眼看人低 to be damned snobbish; to act as a snob 狗头军师 villainous adviser 狗皮膏药 quack medicine 狐群狗党 a pack of rogues 狗屁不如 worse than a cur or a swine 狗拿耗子 to poke one s nose into other people s business 三、与“虎”有关的 虎背熊腰 tough and stocky 虎口拔牙 dare the greatest danger 虎口余生 be snatched from the jaws of death 虎里虎气 (of a young man ) strong and vigorous 虎视眈眈 eye covetously or menacingly 虎头虎脑 (of a boy) looking strong and good-natured 虎头蛇尾 a fine start and a poor finish 虎尾春冰 in a precarious position 如虎添翼 with might redoubled 谈虎色变 turn pale at the mere mention of something terrifying


关于动物的英语谚语 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 谚语是人类智慧的结晶,是富于色彩的语言形式,它同文学作品、诗歌一样是语言的精华,一般具有生动形象、喻义明显、富于哲理的语言特征。在一定程度上,英语谚语反映了英语民族的文化特点。英语谚语源远流长,它既有民间流传的谚语,又有来自《圣经》的、来自莎士比亚作品的和来自《伊索寓言》的,还有很多外来谚语。英语谚语中有许多有关动物的谚语,本人收集了以下几条: 1。Bird (1) Kill two birds with one stone。一箭双雕;一举两得。 (2) A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush。双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。 (3) Birds of a feather flock together。

物以类聚,人以群分。 (4) It’s an ill bird that fouls own nest。家丑不可外扬。 (5) Fine feathers make fine birds。人要衣装,马要鞍。 (6) A bird is known by its note,and a man by his talk。听音识鸟,闻言识人。 (7) Each bird loves to hear himself sing。鸟儿都爱听自己唱。(自我欣赏) (8) You cannot catch old birds with chaff。(粗糠)。用粗糠捉不住老鸟。(有经验的人难骗。) (9) Birds in their little nests agree。同巢之鸟心儿齐。 2。Cat (1) A cat has nine lives。猫有九条命;吉人天相。 (2) Cats hide their claws。知人知面不知心。 (3) All cats are grey in the dark。。黑暗之中猫都是灰色的。(人未出名时看起来都差不多。)


与动物有关的英语短语或谚语 1. as busy as a bee 忙碌至极 2. as merry as a cricket/grig 非常高兴;非常快活。(cricket 蟋蟀) 3. as slippery as an ee油滑;不可靠。(ell是一种油滑的鱼类)鳝、鳗 4. at o ne fell swoop 一举;一下子;刹那之间。 5. beard the lion 捋虎须;奋勇还击;在太岁头上动土。 6. bell the cat猫脖子拴铃铛;为了大家的利益承担风险。 7. bird of passage漂泊不定的人。 8. birds of feather. 一丘之貉。9. black sheep.败家子;害群之马;无用之辈。 10. dark horse .黑马;竞争中出人意料的获胜者。 11. break a butterfly on a wheel 小、题大做;杀鸡用牛刀。 12. buy a pig in a poke 买下没有看的东西;隔山买老牛。 13. a pig in a poke上当之货。14. by/on shanks ' s r骑两脚马----徒步,步行。mare是母马或母驴 15. cannot make a silk purse out of a sow 朽木不可雕也。坏材料做不出好东西。sow大母猪 16. cannot say boo to a goose 胆小如鼠。 17. cast peals before swi ne明珠暗投;对牛弹琴。swi ne是指猪或卑贱的人 18. cast sheep ' s送y秋s波;抛媚眼;以目传情。 19. the cat among the pigeons猫在鸽群中---人为刀俎,我为鱼肉。pigeon鸽子 20. cat ' s paw人当爪牙利用的人;受人愚弄的人。paw爪子 21. a cock-a nd-bull story 无稽之谈;荒诞的故事。cock-a nd-bull adj.荒唐的 22. cock-a-hoop.(俚)得意扬扬;自鸣得意。hoop铁环 23. cock of the walk. 称王称霸的人。 24. don ' t count one ' s chickens before they are ffiS过早d乐观。 25. Don ' t count your chens不要打如意算盘。 26. crocodile tears. 假慈悲。crocodile 鳄鱼27. cry wolf. 发假警报。 28. dog in the mange咱己不干也不让别人干;自己能享受也不让别人享受的人。 29. dog ' s I悲惨的景况。30. lead a dog '过者悲惨的生活。 31. dog-tired. 累极了;疲惫之至。32. donkey-work 沉重的苦活儿;呆板的例行工作。 33. don key ' s ye多r年;很久。34. drink like a fish.大饮;牛饮;狂饮;酩酊大醉。 35. even a worm will turn.人急造反,狗急跳墙;人急了也会咬人。 36. an/one ' s ewe iam一.的宝贝;唯一的孩子;最珍贵的东西。[英][ju:]母羊 37. fine feathers make fine birds. 人配衣裳,马配鞍;(讽刺)好的衣裳只能打扮出一个好的外表。 38. fish out of water.离水之鱼;不得其所;感到生疏,不适应。 39. flog a dead horse徒劳;白费力气;事后再做无益的议论。 40. fly in the face of 公然违抗;悍然不顾。 41. fly in the ointment. 一粒老鼠屎坏了一锅汤;美中不足之处;使人扫兴的小事。软膏, 油膏 42. fly on the wheel.狂妄自大的人;盲目自大的人。43. get one ' s monke生气;发脾气。 44. get someone ' sg(俚t)触怒某人;惹某人发火;使某人失去自制力。 45. give someone the bird.喝倒彩。46. get the (big) bird.喝倒彩。 47. go to the dogs毁灭;失败;堕落;江河日下。 48. gone coon不可救药的人;没有希望的人。49. gone goose.(同上) 50. grin like a Cheshire cat咧嘴傻笑。51. white elephant.无用的而且累赘的赠品;沉重的负担。 52. wild-goose chase. 徒劳的搜索;无益的追求。 53. wild horse would/could not drag it from/out of some. 休想从某人那里探到口风;无论使用什么手段,不能从某人那里探听到虚实。 54. a wolf in sheep ' s cloth着羊皮的狼;口蜜腹剑的人。55. ugly ducking.丑小鸭。
