美国ACS TQIP TBI管理实践指南




1.2011~2012版美国波多里奇卓越绩效评价准则的新变化 [J], 吕青;侯进锋
2.2007年美国波多里奇卓越绩效准则变化说明 [J], 吕青
3.2007年美国波多里奇卓越绩效准则变化说明(二) [J], 吕青
4.2007年美国波多里奇卓越绩效准则变化说明(三) [J], 吕青
5.2007年美国波多里奇卓越绩效准则变化说明(四) [J], 吕青



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P. 26 2007-7-19
Qingdao Tianjin
XI’an Chengdu
Suzhou Nanjing
P. 21 2007-7-19
艾默生公司简介 - 中国
● 七十年代末开始发展中国业务 ● 中国是Emerson在亚洲的最大商业伙伴
- 自 ’02 年销售额仅次于美国 ● 基本建设:
- 29 家工厂在14个地点
- 8 家合资公司
● 超过3万名员工
P. 23 2007-7-19
P. 10
Emerson 管 理 精 粹 受全球青睐
Performance Without Compromise
How Emerson Consistently Achieves Winning Results
作者:C. F. Knight 和 D. Dyer
“Performance Without Compromise” 是对在一次又一 次的挑战面前获得成功的管理流程和价值体系的一 个令人信服的考察。该书为要在全球市场上一展身 手的经理们提供了清晰和中肯的见地。
P. 2 2007-7-19
● 多元化全球生产及技术企业,为世界各地的工商业及消 费者市场服务
● 上市公司(美国纽约证券交易所代码:EMR) ● 总部设于美国密苏里州圣路易斯市 ● 以卓越管理、长期财政业绩及持久力见称 ● 生产及/或销售遍及150多个国家 ● 1890 年成立 – 业务经营达116年


ICT/ATE Fixture
3。1.1NPI:New Product Introduction。(新产品导入).
3。1.2DVT:Design Validation Stage(验证设计试产阶段,即DVT试产)。
维护及Ray不良品之协助分析及对策并出具X-Ray Coverage WI
(内含盲点清单-Untested list),并将盲点清单提供给IE & ME,
3。2.7 PE:测试设备清单之提供给MFG&OQA,测试站别之架设,

美国ACS TQIP TBI管理实践指南

美国ACS TQIP TBI管理实践指南

美国ACS TQIP TBI管理实践指南简介颅脑外伤(TBI)往往给公共卫生和社会经济带来严重后果。


据估计,TBI 每年对美国经济造成的负担超过760亿美元,且花费在残疾及劳动力丧失保障方面的费用要远高于急救治疗费用。




















美国静脉输液实践指南 2024

美国静脉输液实践指南 2024

美国静脉输液实践指南 2024 下载温馨提示:该文档是我店铺精心编制而成,希望大家下载以后,能够帮助大家解决实际的问题。

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美国石油学会(API)标准规范系列号标准代码描述1 API RP 500 1级1类和2类区域石油设施电气安装区域划分的推荐做法2 API RP 500B 陆上及海上固定与移动平台钻井与采油设施的电气安装区域划分的推荐做法3 API RP 505 1级0区、1区和2区石油设施电气安装区域划分的推荐做法4 API RP 520 artI 炼油厂压力释放设备的尺寸计算、选型和安装第1部分- 尺寸计算和选型5 API RP 520 artII 炼油厂压力释放设备的尺寸计算、选型和安装第2部分- 安装6 API RP 521 压力释放和泄压指南7 API STD 526 法兰钢压力释放阀8 API RP 550 炼油厂仪表和控制系统安装手册9 API RP 551 过程测量仪表10 API RP 576 压力释放设备的检查11 API STD 616 为石油、化工和气体工业服务的燃气透平12 API STD 617 为石油、化工和气体工业服务的离心压缩机13 API STD 620 大的、焊接式的低压储罐的设计和建造14 API RP 750 石油和炼油工艺危险管理15 API RP 752 与加工厂房相关的危险管理16 API RP 1104 管线和相关设施的焊接17 API RP 1111 海上碳氢管线设计、建造、操作和维护18 API STD 2000 冷冻和非冷冻低压储罐的放空19 API STD 2003 防止静电火化、闪电和漂移电流的保护措施20 API RP 14A ISO10432 井下安全阀设备规范21 API 14C 海洋石油生产平台基本表面安全系统的分析、设计、安装和试验22 API 14E 海洋石油生产平台管线系统设计和安装的推荐做法23 API 14F 非1级1类和2类区域固定和浮式海洋石油设施电气系统设计和安装的推荐做法24 API 14G 开式海洋石油生产平台防火和消防控制的推荐做法25 API 14J 海洋石油生产设施设计和安全分析的推荐做法26 API RP 2A LRFD 海上固定平台规划、设计和建造的推荐作法27 API RP 2A WSD 海上固定平台规划、设计和建造的推荐作法28 API 2G 海洋结构物上生产设施的推荐作法29 API 2I 浮式钻井单元停泊服务检测30 API 2L 海上固定平台直升机场规划、设计和建造的推荐作法31 API 2N 北极条件结构和管线规划和设计的推荐作法32 API 2X 海上结构制造超声波检查和技术员资质33 API 2Z 海上结构钢板预制资质34 API 5L8 新的绳管检测的推荐做法35 API SPEC 2B 结构钢管建造规范36 API SPEC 2C 海上吊机规范37 API SPEC 2F 系泊链条规范38 API SPEC 2H 海上平台管状节点锰钢规范39 API SPEC 2W 经过热处理的海洋结构钢板40 API SPEC 2Y 海上结构钢钢板淬火和冷却规范41 API SPEC 5L 软管规范42 API SPEC 6A 井口和管汇设备规范43 API SPEC 6D 管线阀门规范44 API SPEC 11P 石油和天然气生产服务往复压缩机规范45 API SPEC 11P 石油和天然气生产服务往复压缩机规范46 API SPEC 12B 螺栓生产液体储罐规范47 API SPEC 12D 现场焊接储液灌规范48 API SPEC 12F 运输船焊接储液灌规范49 API SPEC 12G 乙二醇气体脱水单元规范50 API SPEC 12J 石油和天然气分离器规范51 API SPEC 12K 间接型油田加热器规范52 API SPEC 12L 立式和卧式处理器规范53 API SPEC 12P 玻纤加固塑料罐规范54 API MPMS 4.1 石油计量标准手册 - 第4章校对系统第1部分 -- 介绍55 API MPMS 4.2 石油计量标准手册 - 第4章校对系统第2节 -- 管线校准试验装置56 API MPMS 4.3 石油计量标准手册 - 第4章校对系统第3节 -- 小容积计量装置57 API MPMS 4.4 石油计量标准手册 - 第4章校对系统第3节 -- 罐计量装置58 API MPMS 4.5 石油计量标准手册 - 第4章校对系统第3节 -- 主计量装置59 API MPMS 4.6 石油计量标准手册 - 第4章校对系统第3节 -- 脉冲计量60 API MPMS 4.7 石油计量标准手册 - 第4章校对系统第3节 -- 现场标准测试计量61 API MPMS 4.8 石油计量标准手册 - 第4章校对系统第3节 -- 计量系统操作62 API MPMS 5.1 石油计量标准手册 - 第5章计量第1节 -- 一般表记考量63 API MPMS 5.2 石油计量标准手册 - 第5章液体计量第2节 -- 用位移表来计量碳氢液体64 API MPMS 5.3 石油计量标准手册 - 第5章液体计量第3节 -- 用涡轮表来计量碳氢液体65 API MPMS 5.4 石油计量标准手册 - 第5章液体计量第4节 -- 用附属设备来计量液体66 API MPMS 5.5 石油计量标准手册 - 第5章液体计量第5节 -- 脉冲流量计量数据发射系统的保真度和安全性67 API MPMS 6.1 石油计量标准手册 - 第6章计量附件第1节 -- 租用自动密闭输送系统68 API MPMS 6.2 石油计量标准手册 - 第6章计量附件第2节 -- 安装架和车载非液化石油气产品计量69 API MPMS 6.5 石油计量标准手册 - 第6章计量附件第5节 -- 装卸海运散装船计量系统70 API MPMS 6.6 石油计量标准手册 - 第6章计量附件第6节 -- 管线计量系统71 API MPMS 8.1 石油计量标准手册 - 第8章采样第2节 -- 液体石油和石油产品自动采样的标准做法72 API MPMS 8.2 石油计量标准手册 - 第8章采样第2节 -- 液体石油和石油产品液体采样的混合和处理73 API MPMS 9.1 石油计量标准手册 - 第9章密度测定第1节 -- 原油和石油产品密度、相对密度(比重)或API比重的测量方法74 API MPMS 10.3 石油计量标准手册 - 第10章沉淀物和水第3节 -- 水和被离心分离过(实验室程序)的原油沉淀物的测定75 API MPMS 10.4 石油计量标准手册-第10章沉淀物和水第4节-水和/或被离心分离过(现场程序)的原油沉淀物的测定76 API MPMS 12.3 石油计量标准手册 - 第12章石油量化计算第2节 -- 来自带有原油和轻碳氢混合物的容积收缩原因77 API MPMS 14.1 石油计量标准手册 - 第14章天然气流动性测量第1节 -- 密闭传输中的天然气收集和处理78 API MPMS 14.3.1 石油计量标准手册 - 第14章天然气流动性测量第3节 -- 同心圆缺孔板计量第1部分 - 一般公式和无常指南79 API MPMS 14..3.2 石油计量标准手册 - 第14章天然气流动性测量第3节 -- 同心圆缺孔板计量第2部分 - 安装要求规范80 API MPMS 14..3.4 油计量标准手册 - 第14章天然气流动性测量第3节 -- 同心圆缺孔板计量第3部分 - 天然气应用81 API MPMS 14..3.4 石油计量标准手册 - 第14章天然气流动性测量第3节 -- 同心圆缺孔板计量第4部分 - 背景,开发,执行程序和子程序文件82 API MPMS 14..4 石油计量标准手册 - 第14章天然气流动性测量第4节 -- 天然气液体和蒸汽到同等容积的液体的质量转换83 API MPMS 14..5 来自成分分析的天然气混合物总热值、相对密度和压缩系数的计算84 API MPMS 14..6 石油计量标准手册 - 第14章天然气流动性测量第6节 -- 连续性密度测量85 API MPMS 14..7 天然气液体质量测量标准86 API MPMS 21.1 石油计量标准手册 - 第21章用于电动计量系统的流量测量第1节 --电动气体测量87 API UBL 761 勘探和生产设施的风险模型设计88 API UBL 1130 计算机管线监控89 API UBL 1149 管线参数不定性和泄露检测结果。



DCG Partnership 1, Ltd. 4170A South Main Street, Pearland, TX 77581IntroductionIn today’s natural gas industry, it is imperative that the standards used to calibrate are made to the utmost quality. Calibration standards are mixtures of known concentrations of components used to confirm or determine concentrations in samples. Calibration standards are needed for quality assurance/quality control, measurement and balance, quantitative sample analysis, and custody transfer. Preparation, blending, and final analysis are all crucial factors which will determine the integrity of the calibration standard. Several guidelines, such as ISO, GPA, and API must be followed in order to produce a calibration standard that is accurate and consistent.PreparationAll manufacturers should have a written quality assurance protocol for cylinder preparation and blending methods. DCG evacuates all cylinders prior to filling using a DCG proprietary protocol developed and validated that removes trace residual components. Due to the many different calibration standards manufactured, the specific protocol for evacuation can be from a basic vacuum purge to a complex, internal cleaning.Figure 1. Vacuum station BlendingAccording to the American Petroleum Institute (API), calibration standards must be, at a minimum, gravimetrically prepared and traceable by weight to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), or equivalent party. NIST Traceability validates the link between the calibration weights. In addition, any raw materials used in the blending process must be analyzed for impurities which must be considered in the making and analysis of the standard.All balances used in the production of calibration standards must be calibrated and monitored daily and linearities verified weekly. In addition, bi-yearly evaluation by an outside metrological laboratory meeting ISO Guide 25 and ANSI/NCSL Z540-1 is required. Weights should be kept in protective cases and handled in such a manner to avoid soiling from dirt and oils which may provide a false calibration.Figure 2. Balances and masses used to gravimetrically prepare calibration standardsCertificationAfter the blend is mixed thoroughly it is time to certify that the blend has met all the method specifications or requirements. Our mixtures are analyzed and compared to our seven-point calibration curve. These analyzed values are compared to the gravimetric values and are used to confirm the gravimetric values. These blends are also checked for repeatability and reproducibility in accordance with any requirements.DCG Partnership 1, Ltd. 4170A South Main Street, Pearland, TX 77581Figure 3. Gas Chromatograph set up for the certification processMaintenanceTo maintain the integrity of the calibration standard, proper maintenance is key. Calibration standards represent a significant investment of time and money. Exposing calibration standards to temperatures below their hydrocarbon dew point may cause stratification, causing the heavier components to settle to the bottom of the cylinder, while the lighter components collect near the top. Opening the cylinder valve in this condition will release the lighter components, altering the composition of the calibration standard. When this occurs, the quality of the standard is compromised and each component’s actual concentration is changed. This results in erroneous analytical data and a ruined calibration standard. API 14.1 defines how calibration standard maintenance via heating the standard is done. It is recommended that the calibration standard be heated for at least 4 hours after the cylinder has reached a temperature of 30°F (17°C) above the expected hydrocarbon dew point of the calibration standard. Used properly, heat blankets will prevent the above from happening by heating the cylinder to the desired temperature.The sample lines from the calibration standard to the gas chromatograph and any regulators being used in the sampling process must also be maintained at a temperature of at least 30°F (17°C) above the hydrocarbon dew point. This can be accomplished with heat trace tubing; heat trace tubing assists in maintaining the integrity of the standard during sampling. When drawing a sample, if the ambient temperature is below the hydrocarbon dew point, condensation of the standard within the sampling system lines may occur. Electrical heat trace tubing is used to heat the sampling system lines to avoid this. Heating the regulator offsets the reduction in temperature associated with pressure regulation.Figure 4. Heat blanketConclusionIn an industry where business is based on the quality of the final product, a calibration standard that is prepared to the highest caliber is critical. This imparts confidence to companies that the calibration standards they have purchased are accurate and precise and will fulfill their contractual obligations. An incorrect or lesser grade standard will result in the imbalance of the purchasing plant or pipeline. However, it does not end there. To preserve the reliability of the calibration standard and guarantee the maximum shelf life, proper care andmaintenance is a must.。



2. 现代西方经济学工资理论(企业工资决定理论)
(5)效率工资理论 效率工资理论认为:组织支付高于市场工资率 的工资,可能有助于组织实现更高的效率。 这一效应可能通过两种方式实现: 一是在目前的员工中激发出更高的努力水平(激励 效应); 二是在一开始就吸引来更高素质或者更加尽职的员 工(分选效应)。
4. 期望理论
期望理论最早是由托马斯(美,K.W.Thomas)和列文 (美,K.Lewin)在1932年提出的,后由美国心理学家弗罗 姆(V.H.Vroom)将之应用于管理学中。 期望理论认为,激励是一个人某一行动的期望价值和那 个人认为将会达到其目标的概率的乘积,用公式可以表示为: P = V· E 其中:P为激励强度;V为效价;E为期望值。
1. 早期的工资理论(古典经济学派的工资理论)
思想核心:员工工资最好维持在其基本生活费用的水平。 (1)配第、魁奈最低工资理论 (2)穆勒工资基金理论 (3)斯密工资差别理论
满意或不满意的 来源 表现出来的需要
满意因素与不满意因素比较 使员工非常不满的因素 使员工非常满意的因素 成就 认可 工作自身 责任感 发展 成长 企业政策 监督 与主管的关系 工作条件 薪酬 与同事的关系 地位 安全 50% 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50%

产品所含化学物质 管理指南

产品所含化学物质 管理指南
考规格...................................................................... 4 3. 术语的定义 ..................................................................................................... 5 4. 产品所含化学物质管理的基本思路 ........................................................................ 8
5. 用于产品所含化学物质管理的实施项目 ................................................................ 16
5.1 组织状况 ....................................................................................................... 16 5.1.1 理解组织及其状况 ...................................................................................... 16 5.1.2 理解利益相关方的需求和期望 ........................................................................ 17 5.1.3 决定产品所含化学物质管理的适用范围 ............................................................ 17 5.1.4 实施产品所含化学物质管理 ........................................................................... 17 5.2 领导 ............................................................................................................. 18 5.2.1 领导和承诺 ............................................................................................... 18 5.2.2 方针 ....................................................................................................... 18 5.2.3 组织角色、职责和权限 ................................................................................ 18 5.3 策划 ............................................................................................................. 19 5.3.1 应对风险和机遇的措施 ................................................................................ 19 5.3.2 目标及其实现策划 ...................................................................................... 19 5.4 支持 ............................................................................................................. 19 5.4.1 资源 ....................................................................................................... 19 5.4.2 能力 ....................................................................................................... 20


Key words: long-distance oil & gas pipeline; safety management; integrity management; standard;
measurement; information 作者简介:蔡婷 (1983-) ,女,新疆乌鲁木齐人,工程师,本科,现主要从事油气管道节能与能 源管理工作。
中图分类号:TE832 文献标识码:A DOI:10.13726/ki.11-2706/tq.2017.08.004.05
Research on the Supervision Law and Standard System of Oil & Gas Pipeline in USA
CAI Ting1, CAI Liang2, YAO Bin3, LI Xin-yan4 (1. PETROCHINA WEST PIPELINE COMPANY. Urumqi 830011, China; 2. China National Aviation Fuel TSN-PEK Pipeline Transportation Corporation, Tianjin 300300, China; 3. The Forth Project Manage Department of Petrochina Pipeline Company, Langfang 065001, China; 4. Pipeline Jinan Oil Transportation Sub-company, Jinan 250000, China)
Abstract: It was the important political value to guarantee oil & gas pipeline transportation safety.

Process Maintenance Program User Guide

Process Maintenance Program User Guide

PROCESSMAINTENANCEPROGRAMUSER GUIDEBellingham + Stanley Ltd.I NSTRUCTION M ANUAL: I SSUE 8.0 J ANUARY 2004S OFTWARE C ODE: 27-310This manual is applicable to Disk Set 27-310 version 8.0 and above© Copyright BELLINGHAM & STANLEY Ltd. 2004All efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of thecontents of this manual. However, Bellingham & Stanley Ltd.can assume no responsibility for any errors contained in themanual or their consequences.Printed in the United KingdomB+S Process InstrumentsLongfield Road, North Farm Industrial Estate, TUNBRIDGE WELLS, United Kingdom TN2 3EY Telephone: +44 (0) 1892 500400Fax: +44 (0) 1892 543115 Bellingham & Stanley Inc. 1000 Hurricane Shoals Rd, Suit 300, LAWRENCEVILLE, USA GA30043 Telephone: 770 822 6898Fax: 770 822 9165Contents Overview (1)Program installation (1)Hardware Installation (1)Starting the Program (1)Process Maintenance Program Window (2)Process Communication Settings (3)Set up the program (3)Change the poll address (3)Process Sensor Configuration (4)Upload current Refractometer parameters (4)Alter the parameters (4)Download altered Refractometer parameters (4)Exporting configuration data (4)Importing configuration data (4)Configuration summary (5)Process Functions and Status (5)Get a reading (5)Zero the Refractometer (5)Span the Refractometer (5)Closing the Program (5)Close the program (5)AppendicesProcess Maintenance Program Window (6)Configuration Parameter Description (7)Process Maintenance ProgramOverviewThe ‘Process Maintenance Program’, code number 27-310 has been designed to allow easy access to the Process Refractometer’s calibration and configuration parameters. The program allows these settings to be viewed, archived and altered. The program is written for use with Windows 95, 98 or Windows NT 4.0This manual covers Process Maintenance Program version 8.0 and above. When available, upgrade versions of this program are freely available on the B+S website at Program InstallationThe installation program will copy all the necessary files on to the computer. The installation program will also give the user a number of installation options, such as which directory the program is installed to. Before running the installation program make sure that no other programs are running.Place the CD-ROM disk supplied in the CD drive• Place the disk provided in the CD drive of the PC.• The disk should after a few seconds auto-start the installation program.• The installation program will now start copying some temporary files. From now on follow the on screen prompts.The installation program will create two new short cuts in the Windows Start button, one for the program, and one for the user guide.Hardware InstallationIf the ‘Process Maintenance Program’ was installed onto a computer already connected to a Process Refractometer system then no further hardware installation will be necessary. Alternatively connect the computer to the Refractometer using a PC Interface 27-J21 or 27-J22. Refer to the Refractometer Manual for installation details.Starting the ProgramIn order to use the program follow the instruction below. Note that if a version of the ‘Process Data Capture Software’ is running it should be closed prior to starting the ‘Process Maintenance Program’. This is necessary because both programs cannot share the same serial port.Run the program• Find the program’s shortcut in the location specified when installing. By default this will be in a folder in the ‘Programs’ section of the Window Start button menu.• Click on the ‘Process Maintenance Program’ shortcut.• After a short wait the ‘Process Maintenance Program’ window will appear.Process Maintenance Program WindowThe window is split into three sections: Process Communication Settings, Process Sensor Configuration, Process Functions and Status. For more detail see Appendix A.• Process Communication Settings covers Refractometer identity and the link between the program and the hardware• Process Sensor Configuration deals with the operational set-up of the Refractometer. Parameters covering the mode, scale, range, etc of the instrument may altered and archived from here• Process Functions and Status gives access to calibration controls and an area for displaying reading data/status information sent from the RefractometerWhen the program is running it must be set-up to operate the hardware installation. There are two aspects to this process: firstly, the program needs to know which serial port the PC Interface is connected to and secondly, the identity or ‘poll address’ of the Refractometer you wish to work with. The poll address is a number in the range of 32 to 127, and uniquely identifies a Refractometer in a system.Set up the program• Click on the ‘Comm Port’ selection arrow and pick from the serial port that the PC Interface is connected to.Alternatively delete the existing value in the box and type in the appropriate value. Serial ports on PC’s areoften referred to as ‘Com ports’ and are identified by a number, for example, Com1.• Enter the instrument’s poll address into the box labelled ‘Poll Address’. The default poll address may be found in the back of the Refractometer Manual.Note: All B+S Process Refractometers respond to a Poll Address of’ ‘0’ as shown in the figure above. Using an address of ‘0’ is permissible if working with only one instrument. When working with two or more refractometers on a network the ‘0’ address must not be used.The ‘Change…’ button enables the user to change the poll address of a Refractometer to prevent addressing conflicts with other Refractometers in a system.Change the poll address• Enter the instrument’s current poll address into the box labelled ‘Poll Address’• Click on ‘Change’• Enter the new address as prompted and click on ‘OK’• For future reference note the change of address in the back of the Refractometer ManualNote also that at this stage the boxes labelled as ‘Serial No.’ and ‘Type / Software’ will remain blank. Their use is described in the following section.The method of changing the operational configuration of the Refractometer is a simple procedure of three steps: Upload the current parameters, alter the parameters and Download the updated parameters.Upload current Refractometer parameters• Click on the ‘Upload’ button. The ‘Serial No.’ and ‘Type / Software’ boxes (shown under in the previous section) will now indicate the Refractometer’s serial number and software code.Alter the parameters• Click on the parameter within the list that is to be altered, for example ‘Reading Limits – Lower’.• The current setting for that parameter will now be displayed in the ‘Setting’ box.• Alter the setting value in the ‘Setting’ box. (See Appendix B)Download altered Refractometer parameters• Click on the ‘Download’ button• Confirm the action when promptedFunctions are also available that enable the user to keep and manage backup copies of Refractometer configurations on disk. The ‘Export’ button saves the currently uploaded data to a PCF file (process configuration file). The ‘Import’ button allows the user to read data from disk for reference or to download to a Refractometer. Using the import function presents the user with a choice of either a PCF file (as exported) or a USC (user scale constants) file. Note that the import/export functions only work when a Refractometer is connected to the system and has had its data ‘uploaded’. Clicking on the ‘Summary’ button provides a detailed list of the current configuration from where it may be printed.Exporting configuration data• Click on ‘Upload’ to read the current Refractometer configuration.• Now click on ‘Export’. The program will then display a window allowing the location and the file’s name to be changed. By default the file will be placed in the working directory, with the Refractometer serial number as the filename.• When the file location and name are set click on ‘Save’. The program will finally display a window to indicate that the export has been completed.• Click on ‘OK’.Importing configuration data• Click on the ‘Import’ button. The program will now display a window verifying that you want to overwrite the current parameters.• Click on the button labelled ‘Yes’. The program will then display a window allowing you to select a PCF or USC file. Make sure the ‘File of Type’ box is set correctly.• Click on the file and then on ‘Open’. The program will then show a window to indicate that the import has been completed.• Click on ‘OK’. The new configuration will now be set in the program. To transfer the data from the program to the Refractometer click on ‘Download’.Configuration summary• Click on ‘Summary’• Click on ‘Print’ if a paper copy is required• Click on ‘OK’ to exitThe program also provides access, via password security, to an extended parameter list that includes ‘service variables’ via the ‘Show Service Vars.’ button. The use of these additional parameters is to configure a Refractometer from new and their function is not described in this manual. Altering any of these service variables on an unauthorised basis could result in unpredictable performance or complete failure of the Refractometer and should only be altered by a qualified B+S Engineer or an approved service agent.Process Functions and StatusThis area enables the user to calibrate the Refractometer and get reading data.Get a reading• Click on ‘Read’, after a brief period reading data will be displayed in the ‘Status’ area.Zero the Refractometer• Place the zero sample on the prism and allow approximately 20 seconds for the temperature to stabilise.• Make sure that the aim value for the zero function is correct. The aim value should be in the units that the Refractometer measurements are displayed. For example, if set to display brix readings, a distilled watersample would have an aim value of 0, should it be set to refractive index the value will be 1.33299.• Click on the ‘Zero’ button. The program will then display a window to verify that you want to zero the instrument. To confirm the operation click on the ‘Yes’ button. The program will now inform theRefractometer to carry out a zero operation. After a few seconds the zero calibration will be complete.Span the Refractometer• Place the span sample on the prism and allow approximately 20 seconds for the temperature to stabilise.• Verify that the aim value for the span function is correct. The aim value should be in the units that the Refractometer measurements are displayed. For example, if set to display brix readings, a 50% sucrose sample would have an aim value of 50, should it be set to refractive index the value would be 1.42006.• Click on the ‘Span’ button. The program will then display a window to verify that you want to span the instrument. Click on ‘Yes’ to initiate the span. The program will now inform the Refractometer to carry out a span operation. After a few seconds the span calibration will be complete.Closing the ProgramWhen use of the Process Maintenance Program is complete it must be closed.Close the program• Click on the window close button (labelled with a small ‘x’) at the very top right hand corner of the window.Process Maintenance Program WindowConfiguration Parameter DescriptionThe ‘Process Maintenance Program’ permits configuration parameters to be altered. Below is a table showing all the available parameters and their use. Note that ‘Service variables’ are excluded.Name Setting DescriptionAlternate Reading Display Number Value that determines whether an alternate value will be displayed on the 7 Segment display, as well as the measurement.0 = Concentration only5 = Concentration and product temperature9 = Concentration and quality figureAnalogue Output – Concentrationto give 4ma (scale dependent)Number The reading at which the analogue output will be 4ma.Analogue Output – Concentrationto give 20ma(scale dependent)Number The reading at which the analogue output will be 20ma.Communication Delay Period *1Number Specifies the number of milliseconds the refractometer waits between receiving data and responding.Humidity Limit Not implemented in this versionOperation Mode Options The reading mode of the instrument. Selectable as either Continuous or Polled. Polled is primarily used for service diagnostic work. ‘Continuous’ should always be selected for operational use.Reading Display Resolution Options Set the resolution mode for the measurement output. Selectable as High, medium or low. Higher resolutions are inhibited on low accuracy RefractometersReading Limits – Hysteresis *1 / 2Number An additional limit offset added to the low limit and subtracted from the high limit, used to stop alarm chattering when the reading fluctuates about a limit.Reading Limits – Lower Number Value that will activate the low alarm.Reading Limits – Switch Options Enables or disables the limits alarm facility. Also selects whether concentration, quality or temperature drives the alarm.Reading Limits – Upper Number Value that will activate the high alarm.Selected Scale Options Select the measurement scale units, Refractive Index, Brix or User Defined ScaleTemperature Compensation Options Specifies which temperature compensation equation is used to calculate the measurement. The user may select Off, Sugar Compensation or User Compensation.UDTC Constant Number The constant used when the User Compensation is selected. Expressed in RI/ºC UDTC Reference Temperature *2 / 3Number The reference temperature used when User Compensation is selected, in ºC. User Defined Scale - 1st ID ByteUser Defined Scale – 2nd ID ByteNot implemented in this versionUser Defined Scale - Const AUser Defined Scale - Const BUser Defined Scale - Const CUser Defined Scale - Const DUser Defined Scale - Const EUser Defined Scale - Const FNumber The 6 user defined scale polynomial constants.Notes*1 – only instruments fitted with 27-612-04 and 27-613-04 or greater*2 – only instruments fitted with 27-602-09 and 27-603-09 or greater*3 – only instruments fitted with 27-612-03 and 27-613-03 or greater。



1.《世界绿色建筑政策法规及评价体系2014》简介 [J], 杨榕;宋凌;马欣伯;宫玮
2.日本绿色建筑政策法规及评价体系 [J], 马欣伯;李宏军;宋凌;朱颖心
3.英国绿色建筑政策法规及评价体系 [J], 林文诗;程志军;任霏霏
4.香港台湾地区绿色建筑政策法规及评价体系 [J], 方东平;杨杰
5.新加坡绿色建筑政策法规及评价体系 [J], 郭韬;张蔚;刘燕辉

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美国ACS TQIP TBI管理实践指南简介颅脑外伤(TBI)往往给公共卫生和社会经济带来严重后果。


据估计,TBI 每年对美国经济造成的负担超过760亿美元,且花费在残疾及劳动力丧失保障方面的费用要远高于急救治疗费用。






















表1. 格拉斯哥昏迷评分。


















表2. 治疗目标。






⑥ICP监测的优选方法为脑室外引流(external ventricular drain,EVD),因其既可以用于诊断(测量ICP),又可以用于治疗(可以引流CSF)。









两组结果比较虽然未见差异,但并不支持在TBI的治疗中终止ICP监测;相反,其结果证实了通过有创ICP 监测或通过反复的临床查体和影像学检查来识别颅内压增高的重要性。


目前被接受的颅内压警戒值为20mmHg,并将可以接受的20-25mmHg 范围作为颅内高压治疗的临界值。
















颅内压的三层管理流程:第一层(TIER1):a. 床头抬高30度(反Trendelenburg体位可改善脑静脉回流);b. 推荐给予气管插管患者短效的镇静镇痛药物(比如,异丙酚、芬太尼、咪达唑仑);c. 脑室外引流管只能间断性开放,除非进行附加的颅内压监测,并不推荐持续性脑室外引流,因为当引流处于开放状态,并不能反应实际的颅内压;d. 有必要反复得进行CT检查和神经系统检查,用以排除挫伤血肿的进展和指导治疗。


第二层(TIER2):a. 有脑实质颅内压监测的患者,应考虑行脑室外引流术,间断性进行脑脊液引流。

b. ICP升高的情况下,可间断性给予高渗性治疗(译者注:甘露醇、高渗盐等),不得作为常规治疗长期使用。

