在西方对于结婚纪念日十分重视,每年 都要庆祝并有不同的称谓。第一年是纸婚 ( Paper Wedding, 意思是由一张纸印的 结婚证订下了婚姻关系),第二年是棉婚 (Cotton Wedding,加厚了一点),第三 年为皮革婚( Leather Wedding,有韧性), 第四年为毅婚( Silk Wedding,缠紧), 第五年称木婚( Wood Wedding,硬了 心)。
婚宴(wedding banquet)
中西方的婚宴也有很大不同。中国人一般都在 婚宴所在地举办结婚典礼。中式婚宴的酒席很大 一部分的内容是亲朋好友热闹地聚在一起进餐,另 外还设有一些余兴节目。 在西方国家,婚宴通常是在教堂的结婚典礼结束 之后举行。婚宴中通常伴随着舞会,婚宴舞会可能 会有一些特别的模式。宴会会在互相敬酒与庆祝 中进行,一直到新人们坐上车子离去为止。新人会 在家人朋友的欢送下开始蜜月旅程。
第六年称铁婚或糖婚( Iron or Sugar Candy Wedding夫妻关系更牢更甜),第 七年叫铜婚( Copper Wedding,关系坚不 可摧),第八年叫陶器婚(Pottery Wedding ),第九年为柳婚(Willow Wedding ),第十年是锡婚(Tin Wedding ),以后是钢婚(Steel Wedding) 、亚麻婚(Linen Wedding )、 花边婚(Lace Wedding) 、象牙婚(Ivory Wedding )、水晶婚(Crystal Wedding )。
送交新娘是宗教婚礼仪式上的一个重 要项目。新娘的父亲护送女儿走向教堂圣 坛的台阶,在送交仪式上,新娘父亲将女 儿的右手递给牧师,牧师再将新娘的手递 给新郎。如果新娘的父亲已去世,就由一 位男性亲属来代替。
briditional wedding, the bride usually wear red Luo Yi, head Dafeng Guan, above there is a red scarf. While the groom wore a red gown jacket, wearing a red brimmed hat
To the church wedding ceremony is the most important aspects of the wedding. First of all, with the rhythm of the wedding march, the bride of her father's harness hands before the groom came from her father that she personally handed the hands of the bridegroom. pastor will ask the bride and groom to make a lifetime commitment to each other, and this the climax of the wedding. and then they will be priests and to the people's blessing, exchange of marriage rings and kiss each other.
China’s wedding is difference from the west , the whole wedding of red is the mass-tone attune, this is the representative of the traditional Chinese auspicious color too
Minister(神父) Usher (引宾员)
① Bride wears white gown & white veil (stands for purity). The bride should also have: something new something old something borrowed something blue
The red letter date will be picked by the groom's parents. Both the bride and the groom's house will be decorated in red in advance.
The groom's family will send out a procession of servants, entertainers and a carriage which is carried by four servants to the bride's family to bring the bride back. The bride and the groom will worship the heaven and the earth, the groom's ancestors and they will also serve tea to all their superiors in the family. After the meal, the new couple will return to the bridal room and some naughty friends may tag-along (follow closely) and play tricks on the groom. )
中西方婚姻观差异英文 ppt课件
![中西方婚姻观差异英文 ppt课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4ba42d50ec3a87c24128c47a.png)
• 在西方,妻子和丈夫均可在外谋职,共同承担家 庭的经济责任。对于纷繁的家务琐事,夫妻也共 同承担 如果去西方人家里做客,便不难发现,男 士下厨房是常有的事儿,他们的手艺可能比妻子 还要好。对于照顾孩子的责任,双方也要共同分 担 要子元需为照顾孩子而放弃自己的职业角色, 丈夫也需承担抚养教育孩子的责任,夫妇同时承 担双亲身份,不再有父、母在与子女关系中角色 的分担和隔离。
新郎要去新娘家迎娶新娘Fra bibliotek拜堂整个婚礼由司仪主持,在他的指挥下, 新郎新娘一拜天地,下拜高堂,然后夫 妻对拜
• 中国的婚礼就不同于 西方,整个婚礼的主色 调是红色,这也是中国 的传统的代表喜气的 颜色。这也就使婚礼 变的喜气洋洋
• 在传统婚礼中,新娘一 般穿着红色罗衣,头戴 凤冠,上面还有一块红 色丝巾.而新郎就穿着 红色的长衫马褂,头戴 红色大沿帽。新娘乘 着大红花轿在后,新郎 骑着马在前,随着红娘 和迎亲队伍到新郎家 中拜堂.
• 改革开放以后,人们的经济条件较以往有 很大的提高,不少要子回到家中做全职主 妇,完全由丈夫供养。对于这些全职太太
们,人们总是投以羡慕的目光,称赞她们 有福气;但对于社会中出现的极为个别的 全职丈夫的情况,大家总是投以鄙视的目 光,认为男人围着锅台转是很役骨气的。
• 双方家长坐在上堂,而 新郎新娘在下堂成婚. 整个婚礼由司仪主持, 在他的指挥下,新郎新 娘一拜天地,下拜高堂, 然后夫妻对拜,送入洞 房
• 闹洞房是婚礼的高潮, 新娘先回洞房等待新 郎,而新郎就在外招待 客人,酒足饭饱后,新郎 在一大堆人的簇拥下 来到洞房.众人就开始 闹洞房了,新郎新娘在 大家的起哄下做各种 游戏……这样整个婚 礼就在一片笑声中结 束了。
新郎要去新娘家迎娶新娘Fra bibliotek拜堂整个婚礼由司仪主持,在他的指挥下, 新郎新娘一拜天地,下拜高堂,然后夫 妻对拜
• 中国的婚礼就不同于 西方,整个婚礼的主色 调是红色,这也是中国 的传统的代表喜气的 颜色。这也就使婚礼 变的喜气洋洋
• 在传统婚礼中,新娘一 般穿着红色罗衣,头戴 凤冠,上面还有一块红 色丝巾.而新郎就穿着 红色的长衫马褂,头戴 红色大沿帽。新娘乘 着大红花轿在后,新郎 骑着马在前,随着红娘 和迎亲队伍到新郎家 中拜堂.
• 改革开放以后,人们的经济条件较以往有 很大的提高,不少要子回到家中做全职主 妇,完全由丈夫供养。对于这些全职太太
们,人们总是投以羡慕的目光,称赞她们 有福气;但对于社会中出现的极为个别的 全职丈夫的情况,大家总是投以鄙视的目 光,认为男人围着锅台转是很役骨气的。
• 双方家长坐在上堂,而 新郎新娘在下堂成婚. 整个婚礼由司仪主持, 在他的指挥下,新郎新 娘一拜天地,下拜高堂, 然后夫妻对拜,送入洞 房
• 闹洞房是婚礼的高潮, 新娘先回洞房等待新 郎,而新郎就在外招待 客人,酒足饭饱后,新郎 在一大堆人的簇拥下 来到洞房.众人就开始 闹洞房了,新郎新娘在 大家的起哄下做各种 游戏……这样整个婚 礼就在一片笑声中结 束了。
东西方婚礼的差异 18页PPT文档
![东西方婚礼的差异 18页PPT文档](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/34da505e8e9951e79b8927d4.png)
• 中国结婚喜欢热闹,喜庆, 主色调以红色为主 。
• China’s wedding is different from the west ,the whole wedding is red is the mass-tone attune ,this is the representative of the traditional Chinese auspicious color ,too.
• 西方庄重而典 雅,主色调以 白色为主 。
• 步骤: • 1来宾入席。 • 2奏结婚进行曲。亲友点上蜡烛,牧师领唱诗班进
场,宣布婚礼开始.伴郎伴娘和新郎陆续进场,女方 家长陪新娘进场全体起立. • 3女方家长入席。新娘挽着父亲的手,步入大堂, 伴娘和花童一同进入会场,全体来宾起立,父亲郑重 的把女儿交给新郎,女方家长就坐,全体来宾就坐。 • 4牧师证婚。新人进行结婚宣誓,宣告愿意结为夫 妻。
Chinese wedding banquet
Western wedding banquet
The end
• 5新郎新娘互戴婚戒,宣誓。 • 6献诗。来宾在唱诗班的带领下,唱祝福歌。 • 7礼成。奏乐,新郎站右边,新娘站左边,两人一起
走出教堂,伴郎伴娘随后,家属以及来宾随后退场。 • 8茶会或晚宴。
• 西方新娘以白色为主 调,象征纯洁,辅之 以蓝,新娘的一些小 饰物或花束用蓝色, 意味着新娘的纯洁与 贞洁。在西方的天主 教传统里,白色代表 着快乐,一般情况下 新郎都是穿黑色的礼 服,使整Leabharlann 婚礼显得 庄严。中西方婚礼差异
Difference between Chinese and western wedding
What do you know about wedding?
Bow to the heaven and earth
Bow to their parents
Bow to each other
To tease the new coup
he high tide of the wedding that the bride's father give s daughter's hand to the ridegroom.
Western wedding's main colours are white.In Western weddings, the bride usually wear white wedding, representing the holy and faithful.
Fetch the bride
批注本地保存成功开tween Chinese And Western Wedding
Ever since the ancient times,there has been a saying that the three most delightful moments in one's life come with in the examination, marriage and the Birth of a son,To women,a wedding is usually the highlight of their lives.
But different area have different marriage customs. Do you know any differences between weddings in China and those in the West?
Bow to the heaven and earth
Bow to their parents
Bow to each other
To tease the new coup
he high tide of the wedding that the bride's father give s daughter's hand to the ridegroom.
Western wedding's main colours are white.In Western weddings, the bride usually wear white wedding, representing the holy and faithful.
Fetch the bride
批注本地保存成功开tween Chinese And Western Wedding
Ever since the ancient times,there has been a saying that the three most delightful moments in one's life come with in the examination, marriage and the Birth of a son,To women,a wedding is usually the highlight of their lives.
But different area have different marriage customs. Do you know any differences between weddings in China and those in the West?
fetch the bride(迎亲)
wedding process
• music and firecrackers(鞭炮、爆竹).
Wedding Ceremony
• 一拜天地 1 bow to the heaven and earth . • 二拜高堂 2 bow to their parents • 夫妻对拜 3 bow to each other
Chinese wedding western wedding
• • • • 1.wedding location(婚礼地点) 2.the dress(礼服) 3. wedding ceremony(婚礼仪式) 4.wedding party(婚宴)
Wedding Location
To the Chinese people , wedding must grand and lively , usually they would invite a lot relatives and friends . So the wedding location always choose the hotel which is convenient of traffic and capacious of space .
闹洞房: To teasraditional Chinese wedding feast pay more attention to gaudy . We always think that more people come to the wedding , the greater the face . So perhaps the guests care little about the food , but enjoy the process of ceremony .
• In Fiji it is traditional for a young man to ask the girl’s father for her hand. It is also customary for the young man to present the bride’s father with a gift.
• The wedding ceremony is usually
presided warmly ,and the wedding ceremony very often ends with a very extravagant banquet. Toasts are made to wish the new couple long life, eternal love and happiness, early birth of a healthy baby and so on.
• In Korea it is traditional for a fortune-teller, known as a kung-hap, to look into the couple’s future before they are married in order to see if they will live harmoniously together.
• IIId. The Wedding Banquet
• IVa. The Bride Returning Home after 3 Days
• IV. Post Wedding Activities
Nowadays in certain regions, this rule is still being followed where the bride will return to the family with gifts. However, in some regions, this custom is being simplified so the bride will return home on the same day if distance allows. Otherwise, some brides will leave the door, and then return to the house again and count that as 'returning home'.
最后希望我 们班的四个 男生 都是 富豪,给你 们的女孩一 场梦中的婚 礼。
婚礼地点 Wedding Location
For us Chinese ,wedding to do was lively ,invited many relatives and friends,so the wedding locations are generally chosen in traffic convenience ,a spacious (宽 敞的)courtyard or hotel.
The wedding ceremony hold in a church or outdoor in a western couedding ceremony
Fetch the bride (迎亲)
Carriage wedding 马车婚礼
中西方送礼 差异
Chinese wedding is mainly to send money
Most western is given priority to with gifts
Most western is given priority to with gifts
我希望在场的每个女孩儿都能拥有一场自己想 要的婚礼,找个富豪,一场中式,一场西式。
Wedding Dress
Chinese wedding's main colours are red, this is Chinese traditional representative festival color, generally wear red gowns bride.
3.Conjugal Relationship
01 China
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ02
In the traditional Chinese marriage, the husband is often in a dominant position, while the wife is in a subordinate position.The husband is the pillar of the family, takes the main economic responsibility,while his wife's mission is to manage the housework, take care of her husband and children.
The West
2.Standard of Spouse Selection
The standard of spouse selection is complicated.They will focus on the family background, economic conditions and education levels of ually, it is hoped that the various conditions of husband is better than his wife.
The West
In the west,the most main standard is the happiness between the couples,the two people have a fit to pursuit and common interests. The rest of the conditions, such as the family background, education degrees, can be not considered.
婚礼 中西方异同 wedding 英语课件
![婚礼 中西方异同 wedding 英语课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/da75173c580216fc700afdfe.png)
• From the pictures we know that western wedding is pure romantic, and China is happy wedding; Western wedding is feeling valued, and China values the ceremony.
Pastor will ask the bride and groom on the other side to make a lifetime commitment, this is the climax of the whole wedding.
• Then they will be priests and the blessing of everyone, exchanged marriage rings and kiss each other. The bride spent the hands of the ball were not ordinary furnishings.
In the traditional wedding, the bride wearing red Luoyi general, wearing Fengguan, still above a red scarf. While the groom wearing red long gown mandarin jacket, wearing a red cap along.
western culture
Happy Ending!
Thanks for listening!
At the end of the wedding, the bride would throw the female guests arrived at the scene, who received curd, who is a married person, which makes the entire ceremony be heard laughing in the end.
The West
In the west,the most main standard is the happiness between the couples,the two people have a fit to pursuit and common interests. The rest of the conditions, such as the family background, education degrees, can be not considered.
The West
The lovers hope for a full results in a relationship.They look for members of life partner for a long time so that the physiological needs can be met.Marriage is the combination of two individuals. The marriage is based on love .A marriage without love is immoral marriage, low quality of marriage .
The West
Husband and wife should be equal partners.Wife and husband all can objest, take family economic responsibility together. They share the responsibility of housework and taking care of the children.
The West
In the west,the most main standard is the happiness between the couples,the two people have a fit to pursuit and common interests. The rest of the conditions, such as the family background, education degrees, can be not considered.
The West
The lovers hope for a full results in a relationship.They look for members of life partner for a long time so that the physiological needs can be met.Marriage is the combination of two individuals. The marriage is based on love .A marriage without love is immoral marriage, low quality of marriage .
The West
Husband and wife should be equal partners.Wife and husband all can objest, take family economic responsibility together. They share the responsibility of housework and taking care of the children.
Chinese wedding needs Baitang . Bow to heaven and earth Bow to their parents(when the new couple bow to the parents and serve tea to the parents would give the couple red packets with money or something valuable.) Bow to each other
Chinese Wedding
& Western Wedding
Chinese Western
Chinese wedding wearing a red cheongsam. Western wear is a white wedding dress
Marriage in China is a happy event, so inform relatives and friends that they will print big happy words on the wedding invitations. Usually, the name of the inviter on the invitation is the parents of the newcomer.
Wedding rn
Chinese wedding is lively ,moved. Lively scene can fully take care of both frie nds and relatives to the bride and groom and personal feelings, reflect the traditional Chinese cultural significance.
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Differents Between Chinese And Western Wedding
Ever since the ancient times,there has been a saying that the three most delightful moments in one's life come with in the examination, marriage and the Birth of a son,To women,a wedding is usually the highlight of their lives.
,the couple exchange the rings. ,22 ,accept good wishes from their latives and friends.
The westerners prefer church or other places which are quiet.The wedding is in perfect order but nor so lively as chinese.
The westerners'wedding are more simple, they just invite some of their relatives and friends.The feast is a outdoor party.
Western wedding's main colours are white.In Western weddings, the bride usually wear white wedding, representing the holy and faithful.
Fetch the bride
In the tradional Chinese wedding,the bride was dressed in red and wore a FengGuan,also had a piece of red veil, While the bridegroom wore a red gown MaGa, a red hat,The bride sat in the sedan,and the bridegroom rode a horse in the former.But today due to internationalization, Chinese people also accept west wedding.
Bow to the heaven and earth
Bow to their parents
Bow to each other
To tease the new coup
he high tide of the wedding that the bride's father give s daughter's hand to the ridegroom.
relatives and friends.So the wedding locationalways choose the hotel which is convenient for traffic and capacious of space.
But different area have different marriage customs. Do you know any differences between weddings in China and those in the West?
Weddings must grand and
Ever since the ancient times,there has been a saying that the three most delightful moments in one's life come with in the examination, marriage and the Birth of a son,To women,a wedding is usually the highlight of their lives.
,the couple exchange the rings. ,22 ,accept good wishes from their latives and friends.
The westerners prefer church or other places which are quiet.The wedding is in perfect order but nor so lively as chinese.
The westerners'wedding are more simple, they just invite some of their relatives and friends.The feast is a outdoor party.
Western wedding's main colours are white.In Western weddings, the bride usually wear white wedding, representing the holy and faithful.
Fetch the bride
In the tradional Chinese wedding,the bride was dressed in red and wore a FengGuan,also had a piece of red veil, While the bridegroom wore a red gown MaGa, a red hat,The bride sat in the sedan,and the bridegroom rode a horse in the former.But today due to internationalization, Chinese people also accept west wedding.
Bow to the heaven and earth
Bow to their parents
Bow to each other
To tease the new coup
he high tide of the wedding that the bride's father give s daughter's hand to the ridegroom.
relatives and friends.So the wedding locationalways choose the hotel which is convenient for traffic and capacious of space.
But different area have different marriage customs. Do you know any differences between weddings in China and those in the West?
Weddings must grand and