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Unit 7


Word Bank

outrageous: very shocking and unacceptable.令人震惊的/ 难以接受的; electric shock触电(terror->terrible->horror->horrible) abhor: v. to hate very much憎恶,讨厌; normal->abnormal [dress: (1)n. 连衣裙/ 长裙; (2) vt. dress<->undress->) address (discuss): v. to deal with处理(pathy=feeling) (a-: away) apathy (=indifference->indifferent冷漠的): n. lack of interest冷淡,无兴趣

assign (->assignment=homework): v. to give as a share or duty分派,指派

biology (->biological): n. the science that studies living organisms生物学

board(->to ~ a plane/ a ship/ a bus; boarding card登机卡; ->boarder董事/房客->boarding school寄宿学校): n. an official body that has responsibility for a particular organization or activity 理事会,董事会

(sequence: n.顺序->sequent: adj. 按序排列的) consequence: n. sth. that follows from an action or set of conditions; result后果,结果

credit: n. a complete unit of a student's work that forms part of a course, esp. at a university学分/ 信用

enlighten: v. t o cause to understand deeply and clearly启蒙,启发

holler: v. to shout out呼喊

[ID card= identity (card): n. 身份->identify: vt.) identical: adj. similar or the same相同的

[machine机器-> machinery机械->mechanic机修工->mechanism机理/ 机制] mechanics: n. the ways in which sth. works, produces results, etc.方法,技巧

mentor: n. a person who gives advice to another over a period of time, esp. to help them in their working, life导师

pedagogy: n. the practice of teaching or the study of teaching methods教学法

[perfect: (1)adj. 完美无缺的; (2)vt. =improve] perfectionist: n. a person who is not satisfied with anything that is not completely perfect完美主义者

(plagiarism剽窃现象->) plagiarize: v. to take (words, ideas, etc.) from others' work (著作) and use them in one's own work without giving proper credit to the original author抄袭,剽窃police (policeman<->policewoman): (1)n.警察; (2)vt. to keep a watch on; control监督,控制routine: (1)adj. regular (regulate: vt. 调控); according to what is always habitually done惯常的,例行的; (2)n. 常规; routiner墨守成规者

thrill (->thriller悬念片/ 恐怖片->action movie武打片): v. to have a sudden, strong feeling of excitement感到一阵激动

Phrases and Expressions

come up with: to think of ; to produce想出,提出

deprive sb. of sth.: to take sth. away from somebody剥夺(权利等)

feel (be) obliged to: to feel it necessary to do觉得必要做

prohibit sb. from doing sth.: to prevent somebody from doing sth.禁止; 阻止某人做某事take one's side: to support sb.; to agree with sb.站在……一边

turn in (=hand in<->hand out发给学生作业的->handout 讲义): to hand in上交,交给

Reading Comprehension

Choose the best for each of the following.

1. In Para. 1 "had been plagiarized" probably means ( D )

A. had cheated

B. had copied term papers from the Internet websites

C. had been copied by others

D. had been identified as cheating in term papers

2. In Para. 4, "teacher apathy the norm" means ( C )

A. teachers take interest in students' cheating

B. teachers show sympathy for students' cheating

C. teachers give a blind eye to students' cheating

D. teachers mind students' cheating

3. The word "hit" in Para. 11 means ( C )

A. attack

B. strike

C. popular routine

D. beat

4. The tone in Para. 13 is ( A )

A. jocular

B. sarcastic

C. encouraging

D. discouraging

5. Who are responsible for plagiarism at school, according to the passage? ( A )

A. Professors.

B. The Internet websites.

C. Students themselves.

D. Parents on their children's side.

II. Complete the following summary of the text by filling in the blanks with words. The initial letter of each word has been given to you.

Plagiarism is not a new thing. But with the development of the Internet technology, it has become more and more common. Where should the (1) penalty be placed (put), on the (2) cheaters, on the professors, or on the Internet? The answer is not as clear as (3) crystal (->crystallize). Beyond any (4) doubt, plagiarists ought to be punished. They need to do their own job and, at the same time, respect others. This is the basic (5) discipline (纪律) which they need to develop.

What about the professors who show (6) apathy to cheating? They are (7) partly (partially部分地) (hold->) held responsible for the popularity (普及

duty of passing knowledge (知识) to students, but also have the duty of cultivating the mentality (intelligence/ morality道德) of their students. If they were (8) apologists when (they are) dealing with students who plagiarize, how could plagiarism be controlled?

The Internet websites seem to be to (9) blame, because the copied papers are mostly from the website (10) sources (来源->resources资源). But the purpose and function of websites are not to provide (convenient->) convenience (方便) for plagiarism. Instead (On the contrary), they are to make information much more easily accessible for people who can make proper use of (=use/ utilize使用) it. What's more, in the battle against plagiarism, haven't the websites played their role? Vocabulary

I. Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.
