



505调速器怎么样操作WOODWARD 505电子调速器在催化气压机的应用及仪表开工方法摘要:WOODWARD 505数字调速器是专门为蒸汽透平压缩机而设计的一种调速装置,它可以接收频率信号、模拟信号、接点信号等,还可以输出接点信号、模拟信号等。






关键词:WOODWARD,调速器,启动方式,额定转速,组态,RUNMODE,静态试验,GOVERNOR.内容:一、505调速器前面板的各键功能及作用1、1 LED显示器,能显示2行每行最多24个字符,供显示操作参数和故障信息等。

1、2 30个键(1) SCROOLL键,面板中间最大的一个键,按动左右箭头的移动可进入或退出PROGRAM和RUN方式下的内容,上下箭头的移动可显示进入PROGRAM和RUN方式下的上一项或下一项。

(2) SELECT这个键被用于选择505的最上层和最下层2种方式,@符号会随着SELECT的按动而切换。

(3) PRGM(Program)当505处于shutdown状态时按这个键可以进入编程方式,在505处于运行状态时按此键只能进入程序浏览状态,不能对程序进行修改。

(4) RUN 在汽轮机的初始状态下,按此键运行或启动汽轮机。

此键被按下之前,在LED上会有如下提示(CONTROLLING PARAMETER/PUSH RUN orPRGM)(5) STOP Shutdown状态下起动前的一次确认,STOP命令被按下后Service Mode方式无法进行。



最新505调速器操作规程汽轮机的505数字式调速器一、概述WOODWARD 505 是美国WOODWARD 公司专门为控制汽轮机研制生产的以微处理器为基础的数字式转速调节器。



其组态直接在WOODWARD 505面板上进行。



LED 显示器具有二行,每行显示24个字符,用于以英文显示运行参数和故障查寻参数。








只有当上、下行都为可调整变量(动态,阀门标定方式)时,SELECT 键和@符号才起作用。











WOODWARD PG 2P L 调速器的维护和调试严慧萍1,蒋湘佺2Maintenance and C ommissioning of W OODW ARD PG 2P L G overnorY an Hui 2ping 1,Jiang X iang 2quan 2(11兰州工业高等专科学校,甘肃省兰州市 730050;21兰化维达建筑安装工程公司,甘肃省兰州市 730060)摘 要:通过分析PG 2P L 机械液压式调速器结构和工作原理,提出日常维持保养方法及在线调试技术,为实践工作提供可行、实用、简单的方法。

关键词:调速器;离心力;在线调试中图分类号:TH13715 文献标识码:B 文章编号:100024858(2002)12200252031 引言调速器是调整与恒定汽轮机转速的部件,它对汽轮机组开停车及正常运行起着至关重要的作用。

其种类很多,常用的有德国某公司的SRI V 全液压调速器、美国某公司的PG 2P L 机械液压式调速器、W OOD 2W ARD505电子调速器等。

2 调速器结构分析211 调速器主要组成(1)汽轮机转速感应机构:用于检测汽轮机实际转速;(2)转速参考设定机构;(3)比较器:用于将汽轮机实际转速与转速参考设定点相比较;(4)执行机构:是与汽轮机的调节气阀相连的机构,用于控制汽轮机进气量。


图1 汽轮机转速闭环控制系统 收稿日期:2002207201 作者简介:严慧萍(1964—),女,副教授,硕士研究生,主要从事机械制造及自动化方面的工作。

(4)负载压力 液压缸出口油接比例溢流阀进口腔,负载压力通过AD7520完成D/A 数模转换及电液控制器控制比例溢流阀定压提供。





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WOODWARD 505数字式调节器使用操作方法

WOODWARD 505数字式调节器使用操作方法

WOODWARD 505数字式调节器使用操作方法Woodward 505是美国Woodward 公司生产的以微处理器为基础的数字式调节器。



图1 控制总图图1是驱动压缩机的汽轮机的控制回路。







2 面板介绍图-2 505面板及显示屏图2是505面板,由LED显示屏和30个按键组成。







ADJ▲ ADJ▼(调整):在运行方式中增大或减少某一可调参数PRGM(程序):按此键,停机时调节器由CONTROLLING PARAMETER PUSH RUN OR PRGM状态转入程序状态;运行时,进入菜单。



02035ALoadSharingModule0.5–4.5 Vdc Output9907-252Installation, Operation, and Calibration ManualManual 02035A!WARNINGRead this entire manual and all other publications pertaining to the work to be performed before installing, operating, or servicing this equipment. Practice all plant and safety instructions and precautions. Failure to follow instructions can cause personal injury and/or property damage.The engine, turbine, or other type of prime mover should be equipped with an overspeed (overtemperature, or overpressure, where applicable) shutdowndevice(s), that operates totally independently of the prime mover control device(s) to protect against runaway or damage to the engine, turbine, or other type of prime mover with possible personal injury or loss of life should the mechanical-hydraulic governor(s) or electric control(s), the actuator(s), fuel control(s), the driving mechanism(s), the linkage(s), or the controlled device(s) fail.!CAUTIONDo not attempt to service the unit beyond that described in the operating instructions. All other servicing should be referred to qualified service personnel.!CAUTIONTo prevent damage to a control system that uses an alternator or battery-charging device, make sure the charging device is turned off before disconnecting the battery from the system.!CAUTIONElectronic controls contain static-sensitive parts. Observe the following precautions to prevent damage to these parts.•Discharge body static before handling the control (with power to the control turned off, contact a grounded surface and maintain contact while handling the control).•Avoid all plastic, vinyl, and styrofoam (except antistatic versions) around printed circuit boards.•Do not touch the components or conductors on a printed circuit board with your hands or with conductive devices.!CAUTIONTo maintain compliance with CE marking requirements, the European Union Low Voltage Directive requires that the Load Sharing Module (LSM) be mounted in an IP43 enclosure as defined in EN60529. Access to the Load Sharing Module must be restricted to qualified personnel.!IMPORTANT DEFINITIONSWARNING—indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.CAUTION—indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in damage to equipment.NOTE—provides other helpful information that does not fall under the warning or caution categories.Woodward Governor Company reserves the right to update any portion of this publication at any time. Information provided by Woodward Governor Company is believed to be correct and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Woodward Governor Company unless otherwise expressly undertaken.© 1999 by Woodward Governor CompanyAll Rights ReservedManual 02035 Load Sharing ModuleContentsCHAPTER 1. GENERAL INFORMATION (1)Introduction (1)Description (1)CHAPTER 2. ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE AWARENESS (7)CHAPTER 3. INSTALLATION (9)Introduction (9)Unpacking (9)Location Considerations (9)General Wiring Requirements (10)Power Requirements (10)Shielded Wiring (11)Generator Connections (12)Current Transformers (12)Load Sharing Lines, Droop, and Auxiliary Contacts (12)Output to the Engine Speed Control (13)Synchronization Connections (13)Speed Trim Potentiometer (13)External 5 Vdc Reference (Optional) (13)CHAPTER 4. SETUP AND CALIBRATION (15)Introduction (15)Phasing Check (16)Phase Correction Procedure (17)Load Gain Adjustment (21)Droop Adjustment (22)Setting Droop for an Isolated Load (22)Setting Droop for an Infinite Bus (23)CHAPTER 5. THEORY OF OPERATION (25)Introduction (25)Power Supply (25)Power Sensor (25)Load Comparator Circuit (26)Speed Trim Circuit (26)Isochronous Load Sharing (26)Droop Operation (26)Auxiliary Equipment (27)0.5–4.5 Vdc Output (27)CHAPTER 6. TROUBLESHOOTING (29)Woodward iLoad Sharing Module Manual 02035ii WoodwardContentsCHAPTER 7. SERVICE OPTIONS (31)Product Service Options (31)Replacement/Exchange (31)Flat Rate Repair (32)Flat Rate Remanufacture (32)Returning Equipment for Repair (32)Packing a Control (33)Return Authorization Number (33)Replacement Parts (33)How to Contact Woodward (33)Additional Aftermarket Product Support Services (34)Technical Assistance (36)APPENDIX. LSM CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS................................................37 Declaration of Conformity.............................................................inside back coverIllustrations and Tables1-1. Typical System Using a Load Sharing Module (1)1-2. Outline Drawing of Load Sharing Module (2)1-4. Block Diagram of Load Sharing Module.................................................3 1-3. Plant Wiring Diagram of Load Sharing Module ...................................4/53-1. Preparation of Shielded Cables (11)4-1. Temporary CT Connections (18)4-2. Droop Adjustment (23)Manual 02035 Load Sharing ModuleChapter 1General InformationIntroductionThe Woodward Load Sharing Module is made for use with engines equippedwith speed controls that accept a 0–5 Vdc speed setting. The Load SharingModule allows use of Woodward power generation accessories and allows loadsharing between engines equipped with speed controls that are not manufacturedby Woodward and engines controlled with Woodward electronic controls, orcontrols using other Woodward load sharing modules.DescriptionThe Load Sharing Module provides isochronous and droop load-sharingcapability for engines in generator set applications. Additional equipment in thecontrol system can include the Woodward SPM-A Synchronizer, Import/ExportControl, Automatic Generator Loading Control, and Automatic Power Transferand Loading Control.Figure 1-1 shows a typical system using a Load Sharing Module.Figure 1-1. Typical System Using a Load Sharing ModuleWoodward 1Load Sharing Module Manual 02035Figure 1-2. Outline Drawing of Load Sharing Module2 WoodwardManual 02035 Load Sharing ModuleFigure 1-3. Block Diagram of Load Sharing ModuleWoodward 3Load Sharing Module Manual 020354 WoodwardManual 02035 Load Sharing ModuleFigure 1-4. Plant Wiring Diagram of Load Sharing ModuleWoodward 5Load Sharing Module Manual 020356 WoodwardChapter 2Electrostatic Discharge AwarenessAll electronic equipment is static-sensitive, some components more than others. To protect these components from static damage, you must take special precautions to minimize or eliminate electrostatic discharges.!CAUTIONTo prevent possible serious damage to the Load Sharing Module, do not attempt to service the unit beyond that described in the operating instructions. All other servicing should be referred to qualified service personnel.Follow these precautions when working with or near the Load Sharing Module.1. Before doing maintenance on the Load Sharing Module, discharge the staticelectricity on your body to ground by touching and holding a groundedmetal object (pipes, cabinets, equipment, etc.).2. Avoid the build-up of static electricity on your body by not wearingclothing made of synthetic materials. Wear cotton or cotton-blend materials as much as possible because these do not store static electric charges asmuch as synthetics.3. Keep plastic, vinyl, and styrofoam materials (such as plastic or styrofoamcups, cup holders, cigarette packages, cellophane wrappers, vinyl books or folders, plastic bottles, and plastic ash trays) away from the Load SharingModule, the modules, and the work area as much as possible.4. Do not remove the printed circuit board (PCB) from the electronic cabinetunless absolutely necessary, and then only after all input power has beenremoved from the unit. If you must remove the PCB from the electroniccabinet, follow these precautions:•Do not touch any part of the PCB except the edges.•Do not touch the electrical conductors, the connectors, or thecomponents with conductive devices or with your hands.•When replacing a PCB, keep the new PCB in the plastic antistatic protective bag it comes in until you are ready to install it. Immediatelyafter removing the old PCB from the electronic cabinet, place it in theantistatic protective bag.Chapter 3InstallationIntroductionThis section contains general installation instructions for the Load Sharing Module. Environmental precautions and location considerations are included to determine the best location for the Load Sharing Module. Additional information includes unpacking instructions, electrical connections, and an installation check-out procedure.UnpackingBefore handling the Load Sharing Module, read Chapter 2, Electrostatic Discharge Awareness. Be careful when unpacking the Load Sharing Module. Check the unit for signs of damage such as bent or dented panels, scratches, and loose or broken parts. Notify the shipper of any damage.Location ConsiderationsConsider these requirements when selecting the mounting location:• Adequate ventilation for cooling• Space for servicing and repair• Protection from direct exposure to water or to a condensation-prone environment• Protection from high-voltage or high-current devices, or devices which produce electromagnetic interference• Protection from excessive vibration• An ambient operating temperature range of –40 to +70 °C (–40 to +158 °F) Do not mount the Load Sharing Module on the engine.Figure 1-2 is an outline drawing of the Load Sharing Module. Install the unit as close as practical to the electronic engine control, but not on the engine itself. It may be installed in any position.To maintain compliance with CE marking requirements, the European Union Low Voltage Directive requires that the Load Sharing Module (LSM) be mounted in an IP43 enclosure as defined in EN60529. Access to the Load Sharing Module must be restricted to qualified personnel.General Wiring RequirementsThe circled ground symbol identifies the Protective Earth Terminal.This terminal must be connected directly to protective earth using agrounding conductor at least as large as those used on terminals 1through 9. The insulation of the grounding conductor must be ofgreen and yellow color.This symbol identifies functional or EMC earth. This terminal is tobe used for cable shield connections only. It is not to be used as aprotective earth terminal.External wiring connections and shielding requirements for a typical installation are shown in the plant wiring diagram, Figure 1-4. These wiring connections and shielding requirements are explained in more detail in this chapter.To maintain compliance with CE marking requirements, the Low Voltage Directive requires that the Load Sharing Module must only be connected to Class III equipment.Wiring for the Load Sharing Module must be suitable for at least 90 °C (194 °F) and also be suitable for the maximum installed operating temperature.The Load Sharing Module must be permanently connected and employ fuses or circuit breakers in each of the PT lines to limit current to the LSM PT inputs to no more than 5 A. In addition, a 2 A fast-acting fuse or circuit breaker must be provided in the 24 Vdc power supply line.All terminal block screws must be tightened to 0.56 to 0.79 N·m (5.0 to 7.0 lb-in).To maintain compliance with CE marking requirements, the EMC Directive requires that all shields be connected to the terminals provided per the plant wiring diagram, Figure 1-4.Power RequirementsThe Load Sharing Module is powered from a 24 Vdc source. The 24 Vdc source must be a minimum of 18 Vdc and a maximum of 32 Vdc continuous. If a battery is used for operating power, an alternator or other battery charging device is necessary to maintain a stable supply voltage.!CAUTIONTo prevent possible serious damage to the Load Sharing Module, make sure the alternator or other battery charging device is turned off or disconnected before disconnecting the battery from the unit.Shielded WiringAll shielded cable must be twisted conductors with either a foil or braided shield. Do not attempt to tin (put solder on) the braided shield. All signal lines should be shielded to prevent picking up stray signals from adjacent equipment. Connect the shields to the terminals indicated in the plant wiring diagram. Wire exposed beyond the shield must be as short as possible.The other end of the shields must be left open and insulated from any other conductor. Do not run shielded signal wires with other wires carrying large currents. See Application Note 50532, EMI Control for Electronic Governing Systems, for more information.Where shielded cable is required, cut the cable to the desired length and prepare the cable as instructed below and shown in Figure 3-1.Figure 3-1. Preparation of Shielded Cables1. Strip outer insulation from both ends, exposing the braided or spiral wrappedshield. Do not cut the shield on the end nearest to the Load Sharing Module.Cut off the shield on the end away from the unit.2. Use a sharp, pointed tool to carefully spread the strands of the shield.3. Pull the inner conductors out of the shield. Twist braided shields to preventfraying.4. Connect lugs to the shield and to the control wires. Number 6 slotted orround crimp-on terminals are used for most installations. Connect the wires to the appropriate terminals on the module.Installations with severe electromagnetic interference (EMI) may require shielded wire run in conduit, double shielded wire, or other precautions.Generator ConnectionsNOTEUse 1 mm² (18 AWG) or larger wire for all PT and CT connections.The spacing between the lugs on terminals 3 and 4 must be 6.5 mm(0.256 inch) or greater to comply with the European Union LowVoltage Directive (see Figure 1-4). The lugs must have insulatedsleeves.IMPORTANTConnections from the potential transformers and currenttransformers must be made correctly in regard to the three phasesfor the Load Sharing Module to operate correctly. Sorting out thethree phases at the module is tedious and requires numerousgenerator starts and stops. If at all possible, make sure that thewiring is correctly done at the time of installation and the phasescorrectly and permanently identified at the generator and at themodule.Connect the PT output from the A leg to terminal 1. Connect the PT output fromthe B leg to terminal 2. Connect the PT output from the C leg to terminal 3. Sizethe potential transformers to produce 100–240 Vac.Current TransformersPower source current transformers should be sized to produce 5 A secondarycurrent with maximum generator current (3–7 A secondary current at full load isacceptable). CT burden is 0.1 VA. To prevent lethal high voltage fromdeveloping on leads to the terminals, the Load Sharing Module contains internalburden which must be connected across the power source current transformerswhenever the unit is running. Ammeters may be installed on the leads from thecurrent transformers.Connect phase “A” CT to terminals 4 and 5. Connect phase “B” CT to terminals6 and 7. Connect Phase “C” CT to terminals 8 and 9. Observe correct phasing asshown in the plant wiring diagram, Figure 1-4.Load Sharing Lines, Droop, and Auxiliary ContactsThe droop contact for selecting droop or isochronous operation is wired in serieswith the circuit breaker auxiliary contact between terminals 13 and 14. Whenboth the droop contact and circuit breaker auxiliary contact are closed, the LoadSharing Module is in the isochronous load sharing mode. In this mode theinternal load-sharing-line relay is energized, the droop signal is disabled, and theload matching circuit is connected to the load-sharing lines, permittingisochronous load sharing.The Load Sharing Module is in the droop mode when EITHER the droop contact or the circuit breaker auxiliary contact is open. If the droop contact is open, the Load Sharing Module remains in the droop mode even when the circuit breaker auxiliary contact is closed. If droop is not desired when the auxiliary contact is open, turn the droop potentiometer fully counterclockwise.Use a single pole, single-throw switch with a 0.1 A minimum rating for the “open for droop” switch.Output to the Engine Speed ControlUse twisted 0.5 mm² (20 AWG) or larger shielded wire to connect the 0.5–4.5 Vdc output signal from terminals 19 (+/signal output), 20 (common), and 21 (optional, external 5 Vdc reference) to the control. Connect the shield to the closest chassis screw only. Do not connect the shield at the speed control end of the wiring.Synchronization ConnectionsIf an SPM-A synchronizer is used, connect twisted-pair 0.5 mm² (20 AWG) or larger shielded wire from the synchronizer to terminals 24(+) and 25(–). Tie the shield to the closest chassis screw. Do not connect the shield at the synchronizer end of the wiring.Speed Trim PotentiometerIf a speed-trim potentiometer is used, connect a 10 k 10-turn potentiometer to terminals 26 (CW), 27 (wiper), and 28 (CCW). Use 0.5 mm² (20 AWG) or larger shielded wire, and connect the shield to the closest chassis screw. Do not connect the potentiometer end of the shield.The potentiometer is used to move the speed setting when manually synchronizing the generator or to change load demand in droop mode.External 5 Vdc Reference (Optional)An external +5 Vdc reference voltage may be connected between terminal 21(+) and chassis ground (–). The reference voltage determines the zero bias output level, 0.50 x Vref, and the minimum and maximum output range, 0.1 x Vref and 0.9 x Vref. Connection to an external reference will automatically override the LSM internal 5 volt reference.When using a DDEC III or IV control, terminal 916 could be connected to terminal 21. Terminal 916 is a 5 Vdc reference from the DDEC control that is referenced to terminal 952 that is connected to terminal 20 of the LSM.Chapter 4Setup and CalibrationIntroductionUse this calibration procedure after a Load Sharing Module is installed on a generator set, to obtain the needed operating characteristics during load sharing.1. Check the input power on terminals 15(+) to 16(–) for 24 Vdc. Properpolarity must be maintained.2. Remove wires from load sharing line terminals 10 and 11, and from theSPM-A Synchronizer (if used) at terminals 24 and 25.3. Select isochronous operation by shorting terminals 13 and 14.4. If a speed setting potentiometer is used, set it to mid position (50%).!WARNINGTO PROTECT AGAINST POSSIBLE PERSONAL INJURY, LOSS OF LIFE, and/or PROPERTY DAMAGE EACH TIME you START the engine, turbine, or other type of prime mover, BE PREPARED TO MAKE AN EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN to protect against runaway or overspeed should the mechanical-hydraulic governor(s), or electric control(s), the actuator(s), fuel control(s), the driving mechanism(s), thelinkage(s), or the control devices fail.5. Start the engine according to the engine manufacturer’s instructions. Adjustthe engine for rated speed. Apply full load to the generator set.NOTEThe most accurate calibration is made at full load. However, if it isnot possible to run the generator set at full load, run it at less thanfull load, and reduce the voltage readings given in this calibrationprocedure proportionally. For example: run a 200 kW generator set at100 kW and divide all voltages given in this calibration procedure by2. If you reduce the load in this manner, be sure to reduce it by thesame amount throughout the calibration procedure.6. Set the LOAD GAIN potentiometer fully clockwise.7. Check the load signal voltage between terminals 22 and 23. Adjust theLOAD GAIN potentiometer for 6.0 Vdc signal. If this voltage is notobtainable, set the load signal as close as possible to 6 Vdc.8. Remove the load from the generator set.9. Check the voltage between terminals 22 and 23. This voltage should be 0.0± 0.25 Vdc. If this voltage is not correct, the Load Sharing Module is faulty or there may still be load on the generator.Phasing Check!WARNINGA high voltage across open CTs (current transformers) can cause death or serious injury. Do not disconnect a CT from the Load Sharing Module while the engine is running. The CTs can develop dangerously high voltages and may explode if open circuited while the engine is running.For this check, the generator set must be running isochronously, not paralleled, and with a power factor greater than 0.8.10. Check that the potential connections are made as follows and correct themif they are not.• Phase A to terminal 1• Phase B to Terminal 2• Phase C to Terminal 3NOTEThe most accurate calibration is made at full load. However, if it isnot possible to run the generator set at full load, run it at less thanfull load, and reduce the voltage readings given in this calibrationprocedure proportionally. For example: run a 200 kW generator set at100 kW and divide all voltages given in this calibration procedure by2. If you reduce the load in this manner, be sure to reduce it the sameamount throughout this calibration procedure.11. Start the engine and apply full load to the generator set.12. Using a dc voltmeter, measure the load signal at terminals 22 and 23. Adjustthe load gain potentiometer to give a 6 Vdc load signal. If 6 Vdc is notobtainable, set the load signal as close as possible to 6 Vdc. Record thisvoltage.13. Shut down the generator set.!WARNINGA high voltage across open CTs (current transformers) can cause death or serious injury. Do not disconnect a CT from the Load Sharing Module while the engine is running. The CTs can develop dangerously high voltages and may explode if open circuited while the engine is running.14. Disconnect the wire from terminal 5 that comes from the phase “A” CT andconnect both wires from this CT to terminal 4.15. Start the generator set and apply full load.16. Measure the load signal at terminals 22 and 23. If the phase “B” and “C”current transformers are connected correctly, this voltage will be 1/3 lower than the voltage recorded in step 13. For example: if the reading was 6 volts in step 13, the reading in this step should be approximately 4 volts.17. Shut down the generator set.18. Reconnect the phase “A” CT wire to terminal 5.19. If the reading in step 16 was correct, proceed to Load Gain Adjustment laterin this chapter. Otherwise, perform the following Phase CorrectionProcedure.Phase Correction ProcedureIf this procedure is followed, the correct connection of the current transformers is assured; the correct CT will be connected to the correct input on the Load Sharing Module with the correct polarity. Use this procedure only if the Phasing Check indicates that the phasing is incorrect.A CT for any phase (A, B, or C), will produce the most positive load signal voltage when it is connected, in the proper polarity, to the terminals on the Load Sharing Module which correspond to the same phase. Any other connections of this CT will produce a less positive load signal voltage. This procedure makes trial connections of the first CT to all three CT inputs on the Load Sharing Module, polarized both ways on each CT input. The load signal voltage is recorded for each connection, and the CT is then connected to the CT input terminals that produced the most positive load signal voltage and with the polarity that produced the most positive load signal voltage.In a like manner, the second CT is tried on each of the two remaining CT input terminals in each polarity, then connected, in the correct polarity, to the terminals which produced the most positive load signal voltage.The remaining CT is then connected to the remaining CT input and the load signal checked for each polarity. This CT is then connected to the CT input, polarized so that it produces the most positive load signal voltage.When the procedure is completed, all three CTs are connected to the proper CT inputs on the Load Sharing Module, with the correct polarity, and are now labeled with their correct designations.The procedure for correcting phase wiring requires that the generator set be shut down and the current transformers disconnected many times. For convenience during the phasing check, the temporary method of connecting the current transformers shown in Figure 4-1 is recommended. By connecting a burden resistor (a 0.5 , 20 W resistor), across each current transformer, that current transformer can be disconnected from the Load Sharing Module after removing all load. The connections between the terminal strip and the Load Sharing Module can be changed with the generator set running; however, remove all load before any changes in connections are made. Do not disconnect a wire from a current transformer with load on the system. After completion of the procedure remove the terminal strip and the resistors.Figure 4-1. Temporary CT Connections!WARNINGA high voltage across open CTs (current transformers) can cause death or serious injury. Do not disconnect a CT from the Load Sharing Module while the engine is running. The CTs can develop dangerously high voltages and may explode if open circuited while the engine is running.For this procedure, the generator set must be running isochronously, not paralleled, and with a power factor greater than 0.8.1. Start with the generator shut down.2. Label each CT wire with the phase and polarity that you think it should be.Even though this identification may prove to be wrong during thisprocedure, this step is necessary so that the individual wires may beidentified during the description of the procedure.3. Disconnect the phase “B” CT wires from terminals 6 and 7 and connectthese two wires together. Use a small screw and nut and tape theconnection.4. Disconnect the phase “C” CT wires from terminals 8 and 9 and connectthese two wires together. Use a small screw and nut and tape theconnection.5. Connect the two wires from the phase “A” CT to phase “A” input terminals4 and 5.!WARNINGTO PROTECT AGAINST POSSIBLE PERSONAL INJURY, LOSS OF LIFE, and/or PROPERTY DAMAGE EACH TIME you START the engine, turbine, or other type of prime mover, BE PREPARED TO MAKE AN EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN to protect against runaway or overspeed should the mechanical-hydraulic governor(s), or electric control(s), the actuator(s), fuel control(s), the driving mechanism(s), thelinkage(s), or the control devices fail.6. Start the engine and apply full load.7. Measure the load signal voltage between terminals 22 and 23 and recordthis voltage.8. Shut the generator set down and reverse the phase “A” wires on terminals 4and 5.9. Start the engine and apply full load.10. Measure the load signal voltage between terminals 22 and 23 and recordthis voltage.11. Shut the generator set down.12. Remove the phase “A” CT wires from terminal 4 and 5 and connect thephase “A” CT wires to the phase “B” input terminals 6 and 7.13. Start the engine and apply full load.14. Measure the load signal voltage between terminals 22 and 23 and recordthis voltage.15. Shut the generator set down and reverse the phase “A” CT wires onterminals 6 and 7.16. Start the engine and apply full load.17. Measure the load signal voltage between terminals 22 and 23 and recordthis voltage.18. Shut down the generator set.19. Remove the phase “A” CT wires from terminal 6 and 7 and connect thephase “A” CT wires to the phase “C” input terminals 8 and 9.。




WOODWARD 505是以微处理器为基础的汽轮机用数字式调节器,控制精度NEMA D级,响应时间:40ms。

WOODWARD 505是一种现场可组态且与操作人员控制屏为一体式的汽轮机调速器。









《操作员用户级别允许对汽轮机进行控制,前面板指令可用,更改设定值及停机操作,用户密码为wg1111服务用户级别,除操作员用户级别权限外,可以调整菜单参数,用户密码为wg1112;配置用户级别,除服务用户级别权限外,还可以更改程序参数,用户密码为wg1113;必要时用户可自行更改原有口令,口令修改方法见WOODWARD505说明书第2册“Change Password”一节说明。



• Digital signal processing makes the MSLC resistant to power line distortions and harmonics• Digital communications across the LON reduce susceptibility to noise on the load sharing lines• Three-phase true RMS power sensing makes the MSLC accurate even with unbalanced phase loading and voltage fluctuations• Local Area Network carries plant parameters for use in a distributed control systemOPERATING MODESSynchronizing—The MSLC controls all DSLC-equipped generators to match both frequency and voltage between the local bus and the main, and then closes the utility tie breaker when they are synchronized.Base Load—The MSLC talks over its LON to set all DSLC-equipped generators in isochronous load sharing to a chosen percentage of their individual rated loads and power factor.Import/Export Control—TheMSLC controls real load andreactive power across theutility tie. Real load (kW) iscontrolled by changing theload levels; reactive load(kVAR) is controlled bychanging the power factorreference on all DSLC-equipped system generatorswhich are in isochronous loadsharing.Process Control—TheMSLC control adjusts thereal load on the plantgenerators to maintain aprocess at a chosen level.ADJUSTMENTSThe Woodward Hand Held Programmer makes all adjustments quickly and easily through the control’s ten convenient menus. The control saves all set points in permanent memory, which does not require batteries or other power sources to retain data. The Hand Held Programmer prevents tampering with set points, yet allows entries to be changed at any time. The Hand Held Programmer displays in plain English, so there are no codes to look up or memorize.•Menu 1–Synchronizer•Menu 2–Load Control•Menu 3–Load Limits and Switches•Menu 4–Process Control•Menu 5–Configuration•Menu 6–Calibration•Menu 7–Electric Parameters•Menu 8–Control Status Monitor•Menu 9–Discrete Inputs/Outputs•Menu 0–DiagnosticsTypical Wiring ConnectionsSPECIFICATIONSEnvironmental SpecificationsOperating Temperature.....................................................–40 to +70 °C (–40 to +158 °F)Storage Temperature........................................................–55 to +105 °C (–67 to +221 °F) Humidity...............................................................................95% at 38 °CElectromagnetic Susceptibility.........................................ANSI/IEEE C37.90.2; ANSI C37.90.1-1989Mechanical MIL-STD 810C, Method 516.2, Procedures I, II, V MIL-STD 167, Type IElectrical SpecificationsControl Power Supply Input Operating.............................................................................8–32 Vdc continuous (as low as 10 Vdc, 1.8 A max, or as high as 77 Vdc for upto 5 min) Reverse................................................................................–56 Vdc continuous Burden..................................................................................18 W, 1 A maximumVoltage Sensing Inputs120 Vac Input (L-N) Wye PT Configuration....................65–150 Vac, terminals 4–5, 7–12, 9–12, and 11–12240 Vac Input (L-N) Wye PT Configuration....................150–300 Vac, terminals 3–5, 6–12, 8–12, and 10–12120 Vac Open Delta PT Configuration...........................65–150 Vac, terminals 3–5, 6–8, 8–10, and 10–6240 Vac Open Delta PT Configuration...........................150–300 Vac, terminals 3–5, 6–8, 8–10, and 10–6 Phases.................................................................................Three phase utility bus, single phase generator bus Frequency............................................................................45–66 Hz Burden..................................................................................Less than 0.1 VA per phase Accuracy...............................................................................0.1% of full scaleCurrent Transformer Inputs (CTs) Current..................................................................................0–5 Arms, 7 Arms max. Frequency............................................................................56 to 66 Hz Burden..................................................................................Less than 0.1 VA per phase Accuracy...............................................................................0.1% of full scale Phases.................................................................................Three phase utility busDiscrete Inputs ...................................................................18–40 Vdc @ 10 mAAnalog Inputs......................................................................4–20 mA @ 243 A or 1-5 Vdc @ 10 k AAnalog Outputs...................................................................Speed Bias: ±2.5 Vdc, 0.5–4.5 Vdc, 1–5 Vdc across 243 A, or 500 Hz PWMVoltage Bias: high in ±9 Vdc, low in ±3 Vdc, current 50 mARelay Driver Outputs..........................................................18–40 Vdc @ 200 mA sinkLocal Area Network ...........................................................Echelon® LonWorks™ Technology, Standard Protocol, 1.25 MBPS Calibration and Diagnostics Port ...................................RS-422ComplianceUL/cUL..................................................................................ListedMSLC PartVersion N umberWye, 120 or 240 Vac9907-004Open delta, 120 Vac9907-005Open delta, 240 Vac9907-006MSLC/DSLC Hand Held Programmer9907-205PO Box 15191000 East Drake Road Fort Collins CO, USA 80522-1519Ph: (1)(970) 482-5811 Fax: (1)(970) 498-3058 Plants & Subsidiaries Australia (New South Wales) Brazil (Campinas)China (Tianjin)Germany (Aken/Elbe)India (Haryana)Japan (Tomisato & Kobe) Netherlands (Hoofddorp & Rotterdam)SingaporeUK (Reading, England, & Prestwick, Scotland)US (Colorado, Illinois, Michigan, New York, South Carolina, Tennessee) Branch/Regional Offices China (Beijing)Czech Republic (Plzen) Germany (Tettnang)Korea (Pusan)Mexico (Mexico City)New Zealand (Christchurch) Poland (Warsaw)UAE (Abu Dhabi)UK (Dundee, Scotland)US (Alabama, California, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Texas, Washington) Distributors & Service Woodward has an international network of distributors and service facilities. For your nearest representative call(1)(800) 835-5182 or see the Worldwide Directory on our web site (). CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS Rockford IL, USAPh: (1)(815) 877-7441T his document is distributed for informational purposes only. It is not to be construed as creating or becoming part of any Woodward Governor Company contractual or warranty obligation unless expressly stated in a written sales contract.© Woodward Governor Company, 1993All Rights ReservedMSLC Outline DrawingDSLC™ Control in a Parallel Bus/Utility Parallel Application with an MSLC (Master Synchronizer and Load Control)For more information contact:99/7/F。



4–20 mA/1–5 Vdc Speed SetSpecial circuits provide high- and low-limit adjustments. These limits set the maximum and minimum speed that can be set by varying the speed-setting milliamp or voltage reference. The low limit can be set as high as rated speed, if desired, limiting the ability of the process or computer speed setting to reduce speed. If needed, the low-limit setting can be used to control engine operation on loss of the speed-reference signal.The start-fuel limit sets a maximum actuator position during the start sequence. It is biased out of the way when speed reaches the control set point. This feature can be used to limit excessive startup smoke, reduce cylinder wear caused by the washing action of excessive fuel, and help reduce startup time. An external switch connection is provided to disable the start-fuel limit, if desired, to prevent reverse-acting systems from reverting to the start-fuel position on loss of magnetic pickup.All 2301A controls feature an internal, isolated power supply for improved noise immunity and ground-loop protection. The control provides maximum protection from electromagnetic and radio-frequency interference.Outline Drawing of Remote Speed Reference 2301ASPECIFICATIONSSpeed Range An internal switch selects one of the following speed ranges:500 to 1500 Hz1000 to 3000 Hz2000 to 6000 Hz4000 to 12000 HzSpeed Sensing 1 to 30 Vac. Input Impedance is 1 k( at 1 kHz Externally Applied Speed Reference Proportional to 4–20 mA or 1–5 Vdc input. Speed reference isproportional to applicable input signal.SPM-A Synchronizer Input–5 t +5 Vdc for –3.3% to +3.3% or –1.5 to +1.5 Vdc for –1% to 1%speed change. Impedance is 100 k(.Minimum Fuel Opening the external minimum fuel switch will send a minimum-fuelsignal to the actuator. The minimum-fuel switch is an optionalmeans for a normal shutdown. Not to be used for emergencyshutdown.Droop Where droop is required, an external potentiometer is used to setthe desired percentage of droop. Use a 2 k( potentiometer for up to7.5% droop when 2/3 actuator travel is used for 0–100% load. Leavedroop potentiometer terminals open if only isochronous operation isdesired.Failed Speed Signal Override Close the external contact to override the failed speed protectivecircuit when required for start-up.Weight About 1.1 kg (2.5 pounds). May vary slightly depending on model. POWER SUPPLYHigh Voltage Model90 to 150 Vdc or 88 to 132 VacLow Voltage Model20 to 40 VdcADJUSTMENTSStart Fuel Limit Sets actuator current between 25% and 100% of specifiedmaximum actuator current during start-up. Actuate the Start FuelLimit Override when placing a reverse acting system on line.Level Sets speed set point demanded by minimum control signal input.Range Sets speed reference demanded by maximum control signal input.Low Limit Sets minimum speed reference that can be demanded by controlsignal. May be used to set rated speed in the absence of a controlsignal.High Limit Sets maximum speed reference that can be demanded by controlsignal. Prevents control signals in excess of normal from causingoverspeed.Droop Provides 0 to 10% reduction in speed set point reference betweenno load and full load. External potentiometer required.Gain, Reset, and Actuator Compensation Sets dynamic response. Adjustable to accommodate diesel, gas, orturbine engines.CONTROL CHARACTERISTICSSteady State Speed Band±1/4 of 1% of rated speedLoad Sharing Within ±5% of rated load with speed settings matched and theaddition of a Generator Load SensorOperating Temperature–40 to +85 °C (–40 to +185 °F)Storage Temperature–55 to +105 °C (–67 to +221 °F)Maximum Ambient Humidity95% at 38 °C (100 °F)Vibration and Shock Tests Vibration tested at 4 Gs between 5 and 500 Hz. Shock tested at 60Gs.Woodward/Controls IndustrialPO Box 1519Fort Collins CO, USA80522-1519 1000 East Drake Road。



1 适用范围适用于WOODWARD调速器505D、505E。

2 目的熟悉WOODWARD调速器的组态方法,通晓参数所包含的意义并能够修改参数;校验WOODWARD调速阀的阀门特性,使其精确工作。

3 人员资格、人员数量及职责分工3.1人员资格和数量3.1.1熟悉WOODWARD调速器的接线、调速器的组态方法、调速阀供油系统,会正确使用WOODWARD的操作界面,能正确修改参数。


3.2 职责分工3.2.1 车间技术组是本作业指导书的主管部门,负责对作业的技术指导、监督、检查。

3.2.2 各班组在作业过程中应严格执行操作技术要求及相应安全生产禁令。

4 工器具准备及要求4.1作业前准备一份空白的505调速器组态菜单。













7.2.1WOODWARD505调速器的组态菜单共有十三个大菜单,分别为:1、TURBINE START(透平启动)主要包含:启动方式、启动时速度斜率、IDLE设定点、冷启动与热启动的时间设定、冷启动与热启动的斜率设定、IDLE延迟时间、是否使用外部跳闸以及是否使用复位来清除跳闸输出等等。



WOODWARD飞机调速器构造原理及调试方法孙一【摘要】针对WOODWARD 210776\"C系列\"调速器的研究,该类调速器主要安装于TB系列飞机,对调速器构造及工作原理进行深入分析,并详细介绍了调试方法,可以帮助一线维修人员减少维修工时,提高效率,也有助于提高飞行教员和学员对飞机调速器的理论认识.【期刊名称】《技术与市场》【年(卷),期】2019(026)008【总页数】2页(P126-127)【关键词】调速器;调试【作者】孙一【作者单位】中国民用航空飞行学院飞机修理厂,四川德阳618300【正文语种】中文0 引言WOODWARD公司成立于美国,从电子机械和液压运动控制器制造商逐渐发展成为具有130多年发动机控制器设计和制造经验的大公司,在先进的飞行控制系统、集成式驾驶舱控制器、精确执行机构、运动控制和传感方面树立了航空和防御工业的全球标杆。


WOODWARD公司所制造的调速器型号众多如210776、210761、210681、210681等,本文主要针对WOODWARD 210776“C系列”调速器进行研究。

210776 C调速器主要安装于TB系列飞机,其作用是对螺旋桨变距滑油压力的控制,以实现变距角度的控制,不断地调整螺旋桨的角度使螺旋桨在一定范围内,都保持适中的迎角,使得螺旋桨具有较高的工作效率和发动机保持稳定的工作状态。

1 WOODWARD飞机调速器基本构成WOODWARD飞机调速器由头部组件、壳体组件、基座组件组成。



WOODWARD 2301D设置、操作手册

WOODWARD 2301D设置、操作手册

WOODWARD 2301D设置、操作手册26288 (Revision C)使用WOODW ARD 2301D进行柴油机无差速度调节控制,相关设置、操作如下:启动过程说明采用自动启动控制过程,由控制台控制全部过程,启动控制原理:通过识别柴油机由被动运转,转变到主动运转,实现启动过程自动控制,识别原理:风马达定速在点火速度以上,怠转速度以下,通过识别风马达达到点火速度后,柴油机会主动运转,并由调速器配合,控制到怠转速度,即认为启动成功,如果超时达不到怠转速度,认为启动失败。

硬件1. 开关输入控制1.1接线图WOODWARD 2301D 开关控制图1.2 启动控制描述1.2.1 系统通电,自检通过,符合启机条件1.2.2 28号端子同31号端子【停车】触点闭合1.2.3 28号端子同33号端子【怠转/额定】触点分开,其他控制触点分开1.2.4 启动风马达1.2.5 当转速达到点火转速后,柴油机点火主动运转1.2.6 当转速达到启动控制速度后,调速器开始调整油门,逐步控制到怠转1.2.7 当转速达到怠转速度后,关闭风马达,启动成功1.2.8 如果超时未达到怠转速度,则认为启动失败,执行停机过程1.3 运行控制描述1.3.1 闭合28号端子同33号端子【怠转/额定】触点(一直闭合), 调速器控制到额定转速1.3.2 28号端子同35号端子【升速】36号端子【降速】点动闭合,转速上升或下降1.4 停机控制描述1.4.1 打开28号端子同33号端子【怠转/额定】触点,等待发动机转速降到怠转速度后1.4.2 打开28号端子同31号端子【停车】触点,调速器控制到停车状态注意:不可将【停车】触点直接用于停车,因为可能在额定高转速下,直接切断油路,对发动机不利,所以必须在怠转低转速下,切断油路,使发动机熄火,达到停机目的。











SCROLL (翻页键): 键盘中央的大菱形键,菱形的四个角上各标有一个箭头。



SELECT(选择键): 用于505E显示器上行或下行变量的控制选择。



当显示器上只有一个可调整参数时,SELECT 键不能改变@符号的位置。

ADJ (调整键): 在运行模式下,▲增大可调参数,▼减小可调参数。

PRGM (编程键): 当调速器处于停机状态时,用该键可进入编程模式。



RUN(运行键): 当机组准备就绪后,按RUN键发出一个透平运行或启动的命令给505E。

STOP(停止键): 一旦给予确认,触发透平控制停机(运行模式下)。



在停机后按该键,还能使调速器返回到((Controlling Parameter / Push Run or Prgm)状态。

0/NO: 输入0/NO或退出。






带有负载分配的2301A调速器使用说明一、端子功能及接线负荷断开为U a U b U c I a I b I c分配屏蔽调速率12345678910111214当并车时631N400633407N400405N400406N400各10、11号接屏175 (PLT-500控制屏I a是404I b405I c406)端子并联使用蔽线24V DC断开为无效转怠速执行器转速速度相位测转速最小燃料速补偿额定屏蔽微调量同步装置屏蔽信号151617181920212223242526272829100171186184B C178179929091二、面板上各电位器名称及功能调速率负荷增益怠速执行器补偿增益额定转速起动燃料极限(10圈)过渡时间复位1、调速率未加负载转速满负荷转速调速率=未加负载转速100%当机器并网或并车时要使用调速率控制。

woodward TG13 TG17调速器使用手册

woodward TG13 TG17调速器使用手册









WOODWARD调速器公司 1984年保留所有权利目录第一章概述序言说明参考文献第二章安装序言接收贮存驱动轴转向连杆的连接输出油转速调整连杆热交换器的安装(任选)供油何时需要热交换器?第三章调速器的动行和调整序言首次运行转速不等率不等率的调整第四章作用原理序言运行说明油压和分配飞锤的作用导向阀的功能不等率调整杠杆的功能第五章故障排除外表检查定义摆动波动振荡第六章更换零件更换零件资料图示清单1-1 调速器的输出1-2 TG-13调速器2-1 泵壳组件2-2 泵壳组件2-3 油泵传动销的位置2-4 泵壳组件2-5 调速器驱动轴顺时针旋转的装配2-6 调速器驱动轴逆时针旋转的装配2-7a 螺钉转速调整,铸铁壳体TG-13和TG-17调速器的外形尺寸图2-7b 杠杆转速调整,铸铁壳体TG-13和TG-17调速器的外形尺寸图2-7c 杠杆转速调整,压模铸铝壳体TG-13和TG-17调速器的外形尺寸图2-7d 螺钉转速调整,压模铸铝壳体TG-13和TG-17调速器的外形尺寸图2-8 热交换器接口的位置2-9 热交换器的管路示意图3-1 不等率调整杠杆的移动4-1 TG-13和TG-17示意图(小)4-1 TG-13和TG-17示意图(大)6-1 铸铁壳体,螺钉转速调整TG-13和TG-17调速器的零件6-2 TG-13和TG-17顶盖组件的零件(杠杆转速调整)用于铸铁壳体的TG-13和TG-17 6-3 压模铸铝壳体、螺钉转速调整TG-13和TG-17调速器的零件6-4 压模铸铝壳体、螺钉转速调整,带加长驱动轴TG-13和TG-17调速器的零件6-5 TG-13和TG-17顶盖组件的零件(杠杆转速调整)用于铸铝壳体的TG-13和TG-17第一章概述序言本手册04042提供了有关WOODWARD TG-13和TG-17调速器安装、运行和调整、作用原理、故障排除和更换零件的一般说明。









第三步:双击桌面ACT快捷方式第四步:进入如下界面第五步:将下图相应方框选中第六步:点击下一步第七步:输入发动机的缸数和飞轮齿数第八步:选中本系统所使用的转速模式第九步:在下图方框中输入系统所需额定转速第十步:点击下一步第十一步:将所设参数载入控制器第十二步:参数设置完成第十一步:进入调试界面,输入相应的经验P、I、D值P I D调节方法:厂家的原始设置是比较好的开始调整的组合,调试时,先调P,然后是I,最后是D。
















Operation of the Low Signal Select (Inverse/Direct) Process Import/Export ControlThe Process Import/Export control compares the input signals to operator-set references. The difference between each input and the reference setting is sent to a circuit which selects the lower speed or power from the prime mover. The output of this circuit is sent, as an operating voltage, to a load or speed control. The load or speed control then changes or maintains the prime mover load or speed and, in turn, the input to the Process Import/Export Control.The Low Signal Select control offers a choice of three different modes of action:• Inverse Process Control:Controls a process where the sensed input signal decreases as the load or speed increases. (Example: where the sensed input is inlet pressure. Also used for import power control.)• Direct Process Control:Controls a process where the sensed input signal increases as the load or speed increases. (Example: where the sensed input is exhaust pressure. Also used for export power control. May be used forImport/Export control with a 4–20 mA transducer.) • Inverse and Direct Process Control:Uses both inverse and direct process inputs to control a process. The controlling action of the Process Control is determined by the sensed-input signal which requires the lowest prime-mover load or speed. (Examples: The Process Control acts as an Inverse Process Control when the controlling input is inlet pressure. The Process Control acts as a Direct Process Control when the controlling input is outlet pressure.)Differential Process ControlThe Differential Process Control subtracts the inverse process input from the direct process input and compares the difference to an operator-set reference. The Process Control output voltage is then sent to a load or speed control which changes or maintains the load or speed of the prime mover to maintain the required differential input to the Process Control.The Differential Process Control is capable of differential process control only. A differential control is required for Import/Export control of electrical generation when a –5 to + 5 Volt or –20 to +20 mA transducer is used.Process Import/Export Control Outline DrawingSPECIFICATIONSInputs from Controlled Parameter1–5 Vdc or 4–20 mAdc signal (0–10 Vdc may be used when using an external control point potentiometer.)±5 Vdc or ±20 mAdc transducer is used with differential unit for import/export control.Outputs:Compatible with most Woodward electronic speed controls and load-sharing controls.Output impedance determined by setting an internal switch.Selections include: High impedanceimpedanceLowLow signal selectHigh signal selectAmbient Temperature Range–40 to +71 °C (–40 to +160 °F)Power SupplyLow Voltage Model Compatible with 12, 24, or 32 Vdc power systems (10 Vdc minimum, 40 Vdcmaximum)High Voltage Model Compatible with 100 to 120 Vac, 45 to 440 Hz, or 125 Vdc (88 to 132 Vac or90 to 150 Vdc)AdjustmentsHigh Limit 0 to 8 Vdc (range)Low Limit –0.6 to high limit settingOptional External High Limit 0 to internal high limit settingInverse Control Point 0 to 5.5 Vdc or 0 to 22 mAdcDirect Control Point 0 to 5.5 Vdc or 0 to 22 mAdcDifferential Units Direct Control Point –5.5 Vdc to 5.5 Vdc (with inverse control point fully clockwise and 0 to 11Vdc external direct control point)Droop 0 to 7.5% with 1 to 5 Vdc or 4 to 20 mAdc input and 0 to 3 Vdc outputGain For setting process control system stability and response time ConstructionWeight: 1.0 kg (2.2 lb)—steel case with durable epoxy-based paint finishTO SPECIFY AN IMPORT/EXPORT CONTROLThe following text is suggested to describe a Process Import/Export control in a system specification:The Process Import/Export control will provide inverse and/or direct process control functions based on watt transducer or process transducer inputs. The Process Import/Export control will be available with either high voltage (88–132 Vac or 90–150 Vdc) or low voltage (10–45 Vdc) power supply inputs. The Process Import/Export control will be available with either Low Signal Select or Differential Process functions. The Process Import/Export control will have on board high limit, low limit, gain, and process set point adjustments. An external high limit potentiometer input will be standard on the Process Import/Export control. The Process Import/Export control will provide 12 or 24 Vdc isolated power supplies for use in providing power for the watt or process transducers. This power supply shall have a current output capacity of 50 mA dc for both 12 and 24 volt power supply outputs. The Process Import/Export control must be UL Listed and CSA Certified (Woodward Governor Company Process Import/Export control or equivalent).WoodwardIndustrialControls PO Box 1519Fort Collins CO, USA80522-1519 1000 East Drake Road Fort Collins CO 80525 Ph: +1 (970) 482-5811 Fax: +1 (970) 498-3058Distributors & Service Woodward has an international network of distributors and service facilities. For your nearest representative, call theFort Collins plant or see the Worldwide Directoryon our website.Corporate Headquarters Rockford IL, USAPh: +1 (815) 877-7441 T his document is distributed for informational purposes only. It is not to be construed as creating or becoming partof any Woodward Governor Company contractual or warranty obligation unless expressly stated in a written sales contract.© Woodward Governor Company, 1988All Rights ReservedTypical System Block DiagramsFor more information contact: 01/12/F。

Woodward 505 使 用 说 明 书

Woodward 505 使 用 说 明 书

Woodward 505 使用说明书1、概述WOODWARD 505是美国WOODWARD(伍德瓦特)公司日本分公司生产的,以微处理机为基础的数字式调节器。

采用16位CPU,每14ms 完成一次计算循环。












GAIN:在运行方式中,激活被显示动态比例增益设定(必须先按DYN 键,随后再依次作适当的动态校正)。

RST(reset):在运行方式中,激活被显示动态比例增益设定(必须先按RST 键,随后再依次作适当的动态校正)。

PRG(program):按此健,调节器由CONTROLLING PARAM/PUSH RUN OR PRG)状态转入程序方式。




When a magnetic material (usually a gear tooth driven by the prime mover) passes through the magnetic field at the end of the magnetic pickup, a voltage is developed. The frequency of this voltage is translated by the speed control into a signal which accurately depicts the speed of the prime mover.
© Woodward Governor Company, 1993 All Rights Reserved
For more information contact:
The MPU is usually mounted radially to the gear, either through the housing or on a rigid bracket. If the MPU must be mounted off the face of the gear, be sure to check for gear end play in addition to gear runout.
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P I D调节方法:厂家的原始设置是比较好的开始调整的组合,调试时,先调P,然后是I,最后是D。



























试工具(ACT),在“Monitor”菜单下的“Display Faults”选项中获取故障代码。





