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1. 人类有史以来不断改变自然环境,以改善自己的
Since time immemorial, via techniques and tools mankind has bee n en dlessly morphi ng the n atural en vir onment into what can fit its lifestyles, and due to which great changes have taken place on earth ' s Ian dscapes. In 20 cen tury, rapid developme nt of in dustrial econ omy brought about a highly-developed material civilizati on, while at the same
time ------ environmental problems too which
amid coun tless crises, developed from the local to the regional and even global level. Now let ' s acquaint ourselves with the top ten global environmental problems, which together with the rest of the problems are posing great threats to humanbeings. It ' s a matter of whether we can continue our livi ng on earth and a matter of susta ined developme nt which we can n either dodge nor let go unchecked or deal with hastily. Lumberi ng is facing in creas in gly significant restrictions and fishermen are gett ing
more concerned with local environment while fishing. More and more
eco-comm un ities spri ng up; thermal power gen erati on is becom ing more and more adva need, en ergy tech no logies more and more
en vir onmen tal-frie ndly; solar power is
getting ubiquitous. Mankind and mankind only can find its own way out.
2. 冰糖葫芦是中国传统美食,由山楂作主料蘸上熬
Tak ing on a sour-sweet flavour, can died
haws are a traditi onal Chin ese sn ack which,
using haws as its main ingredient by skeweri ng them on a bamboo stick, syrup-coated,
embodies happ in ess and reunion. Compared
to the traditional ones which only take haws as the raw
material, today' s ‘ can died haws' are not only no vel but diverse as any kind of fruits and eve n vegetables, such as strawberries 、
tangerines 、grapes、kiwi fruits 、yams and tomatoes, can be produced into them. Today' s workshop
will teach you how to make can died hawL the ‘Cuis ine of Win ter ' . If you have any other fruits and vegetables at hand, you can repeat the sameprocedure. So let ' s do it!
3. 在泉州流传着这样一个故事,一个学者偶然到泉