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第36卷第2期电网技术Vol. 36 No. 2 2012年2月Power System Technology Feb. 2012 文章编号:1000-3673(2012)02-0029-06 中图分类号:TM 91 文献标志码:A 学科代码:470·40





2.东南大学电气工程学院,江苏省南京市 210096)

A Brand-New Approach of Connecting Electrical Vehicles With Smart Grid From

Vehicle-to-Grid Mode to Battery-to-Grid Mode

XUE Fei1, LEI Xianzhang1, ZHANG Yebiao1, LIU Hongchao1, GAO Ciwei2

(1. China Electric Power Technology and Equipment Co., Ltd., Haidian District, Beijing 100085, China;

2. School of Electrical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, Jiangsu Province, China)

ABSTRACT: Most researches on electric vehicles (EVs) regard EVs and their power batteries as a whole, so the attributes of EVs such as their mobility, distributed charging and decision-making are regarded as the attributes of batteries, thus the conception of vehicle to grid (V2G) comes into being and many related challenges appear during the implementation of V2G. By means of decoupling the assets relation of power batteries from EVs and then through the dual decoupling of power service for EVs from charging/discharging of power batteries with/to power grid, it is possible to construct large-scale concentrated energy storage charging station. On this basis, the conception of V2G is expanded to the conception of batteries to grid (V2G), therefore the essence of energy interaction between power batteries and power grid is revealed. The necessity and advancement of the transition from V2G to B2G are expounded, and the challenges in the operation, management and technology that will be faced with during the implementation of B2G as well as possible solution for them are discussed. Finally, the good prospect of adopting B2G technology for smart grids is revealed.

KEY WORDS: electric vehicle; vehicle to grid (V2G); batteries to grid (V2G); smart grid

摘要:有关电动汽车的多数研究中,均将电动汽车与其动力电池一体化看待,因此将电动汽车的移动、分散和分布式决策等属性等同于电池的属性,因而诞生了V2G的概念及其诸多的复杂问题。通过将电动汽车与动力电池进行资产关系解耦,进而实现电动汽车动力服务与电池向电网充放电的时间地点的双重解耦,使建设大型集中储能充电站成为可能。在此基础上,V2G的概念被扩展为B2G,从而揭示了电池与电网交互能量的本质。论述了从V2G向B2G发展的必要性和先进性,同时也探讨了实现B2G所面临的运营、管理和技术等方面的挑战及其可能的解决方法,展示了发展B2G 技术对于智能电网的美好前景。




