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Guidance in defining critical process parameters


The criticality of a process parameter is an assessment of the probability that it can be consistently and reproducibly controlled within the proven acceptable range (PAR) during routine manufacturing.


This probability depends on


•t he robustness of the process parameter (the width of the PAR)


•t he ability to technically control the parameter (technical limitations)


•t he uncertainty of the measurement of the parameter (reflected by the standard deviation σ)


The robustness of a process parameter is reflected by the width of the proven acceptable range. The wider the range within which a parameter could be varied during process qualification without impacting product quality, the more robust it is.


The ability to technically control a parameter is a function of a combination of process properties and equipment capabilities. For example, a highly exothermic reaction might be well controlled in a small stainless steel vessel, but could prove impossible to control in a larger glass-lined vessel.


The uncertainty of a measurement (σ) is the combined uncertainty of the calibration of the probe, the variance of the probe itself, and the variance of the signal transmission from the probe to the distributed control system (DCS). If the measurement is normally distributed, 3.4 out of a million data points will be outside a range of +/- 4.5 standard deviations. This is the basis of the ‘six sigma’ theory. The difference of 1.5 between 4.5 and 6 is an empirical value chosen based on the observation that the mean of real processes tends to drift by this value over time. Based on the ‘6σ’-concept we define a parameter as ‘critical’ when the proven acceptable range is narrower than ± six standard deviations.


figure 1: critical parameter figure 2: non-critical parameter

set point set point

lower/upper edge of failure

lower/upper edge of failure

Whereas a proven acceptable range depends only on the process, the variance of a control system is equipment-specific. The variance of a control system for the same process parameter might be different in another operational environment, which could result in a different criticality assessment (e.g. a critical process parameter in one plant may be judged to be non-critical in another plant which has a control system with a lower variance).


The following table can be used for guidance to assess the criticality of a process parameter


1) The pH is typically much more difficult to be controlled than to be measured. Unless a system is in place which significantly reduces the control uncertainties (local pH, re-adjustment, etc.) a PAR of +/-1.0 pH units is recommended.
