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课题: 期中复习3





1. Chinese scientists _________ praising because they have made great progress in their study of

DNA and have gained international recognition.

A. need

B. examine

C. deserve

D. measure

2. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him ________.

A. not to

B. not to do

C. not do it

D. do not to

3. Within a fortnight, the country girl turned out to be a super star, ____ the attention of the whole


A. turning

B. paying

C. drawing

D. bringing

4.The medicine, if _______ according to the doctor’s instructions, will work on him before lon g.

A. taken

B. taking

C. being taken

D. to be taken

5. To our shock, this terrible, violent crime was ______ by some young boys under the age of 1


A. committed

B. confirmed

C. considered

D. conducted

6. Be sure to ask him for help _______. He is very kind and helpful, and is always ready to help


A. if not

B. if so

C. if necessary

D. if only

7. ________ surprised me most was that such a little boy of seven could play the piano so well.

A. It

B. What

C. How

D. That

8. He is the person who _____ into prison because there wasn’t enough evidence to prove him


A. escaped putting

B. escaped to put

C. escaped being put

D. has escaped to be put

9. ________ , Mother will wait for him to have dinner together.

A. However late is he

B. However he is late

C. However is he late

D. However late he is

10. — I heard Amy was nearly killed by a car once. When was that exactly?

— It was in 2006, ______ she was riding her bike to school.

A. what

B. that

C. when

D. which

11. Only in a few countries in the world _______ a reasonable standard of living.

A. enjoyed people have

B. people have enjoyed

C. people can enjoy

D. can people enjoy

12. Not until he told me yesterday _______ what had happened.

A. I did know

B. I know

C. didn’t I know

D. did I know

13. Was it in 1969 ____ the American astronaut succeeded___ landing on the moon?

A. when; on

B. that; on

C. when; in

D. that; in

14. —How often do you eat out? — ________ ,but usually once a week.

A. Have no idea

B. It depends

C. As usual

D. Generally speaking

15. ---___________? ---Sorry, I have no idea.

A. Do you think what will his father offer

B. Do you think what his father will offer

C. What do you think will his father offer

D. What do you think his father will offer

16. This experiment turned out to be ______ failure, but, as we know, success often comes after

________ failure.

A. a, a

B. /, /

C. a, /

D. /, a

17. ____ is known to all that technology is being developed ____ a high pace.

A. It; at

B. As; at

C. That; with

D. What; at

18. Rose is going camping with _________ girls this Saturday.

A. two other little

B. other two little

C. two little other

D. little two other

19. An old friend of hers is _________ a trip _________ the U.S.

A. for; to

B. on; to

C. on; for

D. in ; to

20. This money ________ education, job-training assistance, childcare and other programs.

A. used to provide

B. used to providing

C. is used to provide

D. get used to providing



1. He has to i_____________ (即兴表演) on the speech as it is out of his expectation.

2. I don’t like r_____________(背诵) in public.

3. He was d__________(绝望的) when he lost all his money.

4. She took the wrong a_________(方法) in her dealing with them.

5. H________(保持)yourself still.

6. They tried to persuade her to go to the party, but in v_______(徒劳无益地).

7. He is a man of h_________(低下的) birth.

8. We must r_________(依靠) on our own efforts. Don’t ask others for help.

9. He is a k___________(热心的) student of politics.

10. The man was h________(处绞刑)for murder.


1. 我刚坐下他就走了进来。(hardly…when,倒装)


2. 据我所知,乔丹(Jordan)是20世纪90年代世界最著名的运动员。(as far as I’m concerned)


3. 他被认为是一个体贴周到的朋友。(be considered as)
