



基于单片机的多路温度采集系统软件设计(附程序,元件清单)编辑:Nancy 来源: 作者:Team 指数:28 编号:544020120419 共2页: 上一页12下一页基于单片机的多路温度采集系统软件设计(附程序,元件清单)(任务书,开题报告,外文翻译,毕业论文9000字)摘要:随着现代信息技术的飞速发展〖资料来源:毕业设计(论文)网 〗温度测量控制系统在工业、农业及人们的日常生活中扮演着一个越来越重要的角色,它对人们的生活具有很大的影响温度采集在林业,农业,化工甚至是军工领域都有广泛的应用,因此能否对这些地区的环境温度实现有效的监测。












. 〖资料来源:毕业设计(论文)网 〗关键词:温度传感器单片机软件software design base on SCM multi-channel temperature gathering system Abstract:With the rapid development of modern information technology,In temperature measurement control system of industrial, agricultural and People's Daily life playsa more and more important role in people's life, and it has very important effect,Temperature gathering in the forestry, agriculture, chemical and even military domain has a wide range of applications,So effective monitor the environment temperatureof these regions Is an important task to solve. A temperature sensor constitute electronic monitoring device is a better solution, so use Mcs - 51 SCM series designa temperature gathering system.the digital multi-channel temperature gathering system by the master control regulator, the temperature gathering electric circuit, the temperature display circuit, reports to the police the control circuit and the keyboard entry control circuit is composed .It makes the control and the data processor, intelligent temperature sensor DS18B20 using monolithic integrated circuit AT89C51 makes the temperature detector, the LED numerical code display tube makes the temperature demonstration output unit. Achieve more monitoring stations in the temperature gathering. And display, alarm functions. Can be used in the general environment temperature acquisition environment.〖资料来源:毕业设计(论文)网 〗The software design use assembly language,The design tool adopt keil, Program mainlyby the keypad scanning subroutine, the temperature conversion subroutine, read temperature subroutine, the calculation of temperature subroutine, display datarefresh subroutines, alarm control subroutines composition.The advantage of the assembly language is high efficiency, and fit for the circuit which simple but require expert . This paper is mainly uses assembler languageKeyword: temperature ensor monolithic integrated circuit software毕业设计(论文)使用的原始资料(数据)及设计技术要求:基于单片机的多路温度采集系统主要用于采集多个监测点的温度,当某个监测点的温度超过一定的范围时进行报警。



Design of the Temperature Control System Based on AT89C51ABSTRACTThe principle and functions of the temperature control system based on micro controller AT89C51 are studied, and the temperature measurement unit consists of the 1-Wire bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20. The system can be expected to detect the preset temperature, display time and save monitoring data. An alarm will be given by system if the temperature exceeds the upper and lower limit value of the temperature which can be set discretionarily and then automatic control is achieved, thus the temperature is achieved monitoring intelligently within a certain range. Basing on principle of the system, it is easy to make a variety of other non-linear control systems so long as the software design is reasonably changed. The system has been proved to be accurate, reliable and satisfied through field practice.KEYWORDS: AT89C51; micro controller; DS18B20; temperature1 INTRODUCTIONTemperature is a very important parameter in human life. In the modern society, temperature control (TC) is not only used in industrial production, but also widely used in other fields. With the improvement of the life quality, we can find the TC appliance in hotels, factories and home as well. And the trend that TC will better serve the whole society, so it is of great significance to measure and control the temperature. Based on the AT89C51 and temperature sensor DS18B20, this system controls the condition temperature intelligently. The temperature can be set discretionarily within a certain range. The system can show the time on LCD, and save monitoring data; and automatically control the temperature when the condition temperature exceeds the upper and lower limit value. By doing so it is to keep the temperature unchanged. The system is of high anti-jamming, high control precision and flexible design; it also fits the rugged environment. It is mainly used in people's life to improve the quality of the work and life. It is also versatile, so that it can beconvenient to extend the use of the system. So the design is of profound importance. The general design, hardware design and software design of the system are covered.1.1 IntroductionThe 8-bit AT89C51 CHMOS microcontrollers are designed to handle high-speed calculations and fast input/output operations. MCS 51 microcontrollers are typically used for high-speed event control systems. Commercial applications include modems, motor-control systems, printers, photocopiers, air conditioner control systems, disk drives, and medical instruments. The automotive industry use MCS 51 microcontrollers in engine-control systems, airbags, suspension systems, and antilock braking systems (ABS). The AT89C51 is especially well suited to applications that benefit from its processing speed and enhanced on-chip peripheral functions set, such as automotive power-train control, vehicle dynamic suspension, antilock braking, and stability control applications. Because of these critical applications, the market requires a reliable cost-effective controller with a low interrupt latency response, ability to service the high number of time and event driven integrated peripherals needed in real time applications, and a CPU with above average processing power in a single package. The financial and legal risk of having devices that operate unpredictably is very high. Once in the market, particularly in mission critical applications such as an autopilot or anti-lock braking system, mistakes are financially prohibitive. Redesign costs can run as high as a $500K, much more if the fix means 2 back annotating it across a product family that share the same core and/or peripheral design flaw. In addition, field replacements of components is extremely expensive, as the devices are typically sealed in modules with a total value several times that of the component. To mitigate these problems, it is essential that comprehensive testing of the controllers be carried out at both the component level and system level under worst case environmental and voltage conditions. This complete and thorough validation necessitates not only a well-defined process but also a proper environment and tools to facilitate and execute the mission successfully. Intel Chandler Platform Engineering group provides post silicon system validation (SV)of various micro-controllers and processors. The system validation process can be broken into three major parts. The type of the device and its application requirements determine which types of testing are performed on the device.1.2 The AT89C51 provides the following standard features4Kbytes of Flash, 128 bytes of RAM, 32 I/O lines, two 16-bittimer/counters, a five vector two-level interrupt architecture, a full duple ser-ial port, on-chip oscillator and clock circuitry. In addition, the AT89C51 is designed with static logic for operation down to zero frequency and supports two software selectable power saving modes. The Idle Mode stops the CPU while allowing the RAM, timer/counters, serial port and interrupt sys -tem to continue functioning. The Power-down Mode saves the RAM contents but freezes the oscil–lator disabling all other chip functions until the next hardware reset.1.3Pin DescriptionVCC Supply voltage.GND Ground.Port 0:Port 0 is an 8-bit open-drain bi-directional I/O port. As an output port, each pin can sink eight TTL inputs. When 1s are written to port 0 pins, the pins can be used as high impedance inputs. Port 0 may also be configured to be the multiplexed low order address/data bus during accesses to external program and data memory. In this mode P0 has internal pull ups. Port 0 also receives the code bytes during Flash programming, and outputs the code bytes during program verification. External pull ups are required during program verification.Port 1:Port 1 is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pull ups. The Port 1 output buffers can sink/so -urce four TTL inputs. When 1s are written to Port 1 pins they are pulled high by the internal pull ups and can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 1 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IIL) because of the internal pullups. Port 1 also receives the low-order address bytes during Flash programming and verification.Port 2:Port 2 is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pullups. The Port 2 output buffers can sink/source four TTL inputs. When 1s are written to Port 2 pins they are pulled high by the internal pull ups and can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 2 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IIL) because of the internal pull ups. Port 2 emits the high-order address byte during fetches from external program memory and during accesses to Port 2 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IIL) because of the internal pull ups. Port 2 emits the high-order address byte during fetches from external program memory and during accesses to external data memory that use 16-bit addresses (MOVX@DPTR). In this application, it uses strong internal pull-ups when emitting 1s. During accesses to external data memory that use 8-bit addresses (MOVX @ RI), Port 2 emits the contents of the P2 Special Function Register. Port 2 also receives the high-order address bits and some control signals durin Flash programming and verification.Port 3:Port 3 is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pull ups. The Port 3 output buffers can sink/sou -rce four TTL inputs. When 1s are written to Port 3 pins they are pulled high by the internal pull ups and can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 3 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IIL) because of the pull ups.Port 3 also serves the functions of various special features of the AT89C51 as listed below:RST:Reset input. A high on this pin for two machine cycles while the oscillator is running resets the device.ALE/PROG:Address Latch Enable output pulse for latching the low byte of the address during accesses to external memory. This pin is also the program pulse input (PROG) during Flash programming. In normal operation ALE is emitted at a constant rate of 1/6 the oscillator frequency, and may be used for external timing or clocking purposes. Note, however, that one ALE pulse is skipped duri-ng each access to external Data Memory. If desired, ALE operation can be disabled by setting bit 0 of SFR location 8EH. With the bit set, ALE is active only during a MOVX or MOVC instruction. Otherwise, the pin is weakly pulled high. Setting the ALE-disable bit has no effect if the microcontroller is in external execution mode.PSEN:Program Store Enable is the read strobe to external programmemory. When theAT89C51 is executing code from external program memory, PSEN is activated twice each machine cycle, except that two PSEN activations are skipped during each access to external data memory.EA/VPP:External Access Enable. EA must be strapped to GND in order to enable the device to fetch code from external program memory locations starting at 0000H up to FFFFH. Note, however, that if lock bit 1 is programmed, EA will be internally latched on reset. EA should be strapped to VCC for internal program executions. This pin alsreceives the 12-volt programming enable voltage (VPP) during Flash programming, for parts that require 12-volt VPP.XTAL1:Input to the inverting oscillator amplifier and input to the internal clock operating circuit.XTAL2 :Output from the inverting oscillator amplifier. Oscillator CharacteristicsXTAL1 and XTAL2 are the input and output, respectively, of an inverting amplifier which can be configured for use as an on-chip oscillator, as shown in Figure 1. Either a quartz crystal or ceramic resonator may be used. To drive the device from an external clock source, XTAL2 should be left unconnected while XTAL1 is driven as shown in Figure 2.There are no requirements on the duty cycle of the external clock signal, since the input to the internal clocking circuitry is through a divide-by-two flip-flop, but minimum and maximum voltage high and low time specifications must be observed. Idle Mode In idle mode, the CPU puts itself to sleep while all the on chip peripherals remain active. The mode is invoked by software. The content of the on-chip RAM and all the special functions registers remain unchanged during this mode. The idle mode can be terminated by any enabled interrupt or by a hardware reset. It should be noted that when idle is terminated by a hard ware reset, the device normally resumes program execution, from where it left off, up to two machine cycles before the internal reset algorithm takes control. On-chip hardware inhibits access to internal RAM in this event, but access to the port pins is not inhibited. To eliminate the possibility of an unexpected write to a port pin when Idle is terminated by reset, the instruction following the one that invokes Idle should not be one that writes to a port pin or to external memory.Power-down ModeIn the power-down mode, the oscillator is stopped, and the instruction that invokes power-down is the last instruction executed. The on-chip RAM and Special Function Registers retain their values until the power-down mode is terminated. The only exit from power-down is a hardware reset. Reset redefines the SFRS but does not change the on-chip RAM. The reset should not be activated before VCC is restored to its normal operating level and must be held active long enough to allow the oscillator to restart and stabilize. The AT89C51 code memory array is programmed byte-by byte in either programming mode. To program any nonblank byte in the on-chip Flash Memory, the entire memory must be erased using the Chip Erase Mode.2 Programming AlgorithmBefore programming the AT89C51, the address, data and control signals should be set up according to the Flash programming mode table and Figure 3 and Figure 4. To program the AT89C51, take the following steps.1. Input the desired memory location on the address lines.2. Input the appropriate data byte on the data lines. 3. Activate the correct combination of control signals. 4. Raise EA/VPP to 12V for the high-voltage programming mode.5. Pulse ALE/PROG once to program a byte in the Flash array or the lock bits. The byte-write cycle is self-timed and typically takes no more than 1.5 ms. Repeat steps 1 through 5, changing the address and data for the entire array or until the end of the object file is reached. Data Polling: The AT89C51 features Data Polling to indicate the end of a write cycle. During a write cycle, an attempted read of the last byte written will result in the complement of the written datum on PO.7. Once the write cycle has been completed, true data are valid on all outputs, and the next cycle may begin. Data Polling may begin any time after a write cycle has been initiated.2.1Ready/Busy:The progress of byte programming can also be monitored by the RDY/BSY output signal. P3.4 is pulled low after ALE goes high during programming to indicate BUSY. P3.4 is pulled high again when programming is done toindicate READY.Program Verify:If lock bits LB1 and LB2 have not been programmed, the programmed code data can be read back via the address and data lines for verification. The lock bits cannot be verified directly. Verification of the lock bits is achieved by observing that their features are enabled.2.2 Chip Erase:The entire Flash array is erased electrically by using the proper combination of control signals and by holding ALE/PROG low for 10 ms. The code array is written with all “1”s. The chip erase operation must be executed before the code memory can be re-programmed.2.3 Reading the Signature Bytes:The signature bytes are read by the same procedure as a normal verification of locations 030H, 031H, and 032H, except that P3.6 and P3.7 must be pulled to a logic low. The values returned areas follows.(030H) = 1EH indicates manufactured by Atmel(031H) = 51H indicates 89C51(032H) = FFH indicates 12V programming(032H) = 05H indicates 5V programming2.4 Programming InterfaceEvery code byte in the Flash array can be written and the entire array can be erased by using the appropriate combination of control signals. The write operation cycle is self timed and once initiated, will automatically time itself to completion. A microcomputer interface converts information between two forms. Outside the microcomputer the information handled by an electronic system exists as a physical signal, but within the program, it is represented numerically. The function of any interface can be broken down into a number of operations which modify the data in some way, so that the process of conversion between the external and internal forms is carried out in a number of steps. An analog-to-digital converter(ADC) is used to convert a continuously variable signal to a corresponding digital form which can take any one of a fixed number of possible binary values. If the output of thetransducer does not vary continuously, no ADC is necessary. In this case the signal conditioning section must convert the incoming signal to a form which can be connected directly to the next part of the interface, the input/output section of the microcomputer itself. Output interfaces take a similar form, the obvious difference being that here the flow of information is in the opposite direction; it is passed from the program to the outside world. In this case the program may call an output subroutine which supervises the operation of the interface and performs the scaling numbers which may be needed for digital-to-analog converter(DAC). This subroutine passes information in turn to an output device which produces a corresponding electrical signal, which could be converted into analog form using a DAC. Finally the signal is conditioned(usually amplified) to a form suitable for operating an actuator. The signals used within microcomputer circuits are almost always too small to be connected directly to the outside world” and some kind of interface must be used to translate them to a more appropriate form. The design of section of interface circuits is one of the most important tasks facing the engineer wishing to apply microcomputers. We have seen that in microcomputers information is represented as discrete patterns of bits; this digital form is most useful when the microcomputer is to be connected to equipment which can only be switched on or off, where each bit might represent the state of a switch or actuator. To solve real-world problems, a microcontroller must have more than just a CPU, a program, and a data memory. In addition, it must contain hardware allowing the CPU to access information from the outside world. Once the CPU gathers information and processes the data, it must also be able to effect change on some portion of the outside world. These hardware devices, called peripherals, are the CPU’s window to the outside.The most basic form of peripheral available on microcontrollers is the general purpose I70 port. Each of the I/O pins can be used as either an input or an output. The function of each pin is determined by setting or clearing corresponding bits in a corresponding data direction register during the initialization stage of a program. Each output pin may be driven to either a logic one or a logic zero by using CPU instructions to pinmay be viewed (or read.) by the CPU using program instructions. Some type of serial unit is included on microcontrollers to allow the CPU to communicate bit-serially with external devices. Using a bit serial format instead of bit-parallel format requires fewer I/O pins to perform the communication function, which makes it less expensive, but slower. Serial transmissions are performed either synchronously or asynchronously.3 SYSTEM GENERAL DESIGNThe hardware block diagram of the TC is shown in Fig. 1. The system hardware includes the micro controller, temperature detection circuit, keyboard control circuit, clock circuit, Display, alarm, drive circuit and external RAM. Based on the AT89C51, the DS18B20 will transfer the temperature signal detected to digital signal. And the signal is sent to the micro controller for processing. At last the temperature value is showed on the LCD 12232F. These steps are used to achieve the temperature detection. Using the keyboard interface chip HD7279 to set the temperature value, using the micro controller to keep a certain temperature, and using the LCD to show the preset value for controlling the temperature. In addition, the clock chip DS1302 is used to show time and the external RAM 6264 is used to save the monitoring data. An alarm will be given by buzzer in time if the temperature exceeds the upper and lower limit value of the temperature.3.1 HARDWARE DESIGNA. Micro controllerThe AT89C51 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit micro controller with 4K bytes of in-system programmable Flash memory. The device is manufactured using At mel’s high-density nonvolatile memory technology and is compatible with the industry-standard 80C51 instruction set and pin out. The on-chip Flash allows the program memory to be reprogrammed in-system or by a conventional nonvolatile memory programmer. By combining a versatile 8-bit CPU with in-system programmable Flash on a monolithic chip, the At mel AT89C51 is a powerful micro controller which provides a highly-flexible and cost-effective solution to many embedded control applications. Minimum system of the micro controller is shown inFig. 2. In order to save monitoring data, the 6264 is used as an external RAM. It is a static RAM chip, low-power with 8K bytes memory.B. Temperature Detection CircuitThe temperature sensor is the key part in the system. The Dallas DS18B20 is used, which supports the 1-Wire bus interface, and the ON-BOARD Patented is used internally. All the sensor parts and the converting circuit are integrated in integrated circuit like a transistor [1]. Its measure range is -55℃~125 ℃, and the precision between -10℃~85℃is ±0.5℃[2 ,3]. The temperature collected by the DS18B20 is transmitted in the 1-Wire bus way, and this highly raises the system anti-jamming and makes it fit in situ temperature measurement of the rugged environment [4]. There are two power supply ways for the DS18B20. The first is external power supply: the first pin of the DS18B20 is connected to the ground; the second pin serves as signal wire and the third is connected to the power. The second way is parasite power supply [5]. As the parasite power supply will lead to the complexity of the hardware circuit, the difficulty of the software control and the performance degradation of the chip, etc. But the DS18B20(s) can be connected to the I/O port of the micro controller in the external power supply way and it is more popular. Therefore the external power supply is used and the second pin is connected to the pin P1.3 of the AT89S51. Actually, if there are multipoint to be detected, the DS18B20(s) can be connected to the 1-Wire bus. But when the number is over 8, there is a concern to the driving and the more complex software design as well as the length of the 1-Wire bus. Normally it is no more than 50m. To achieve distant control, the system can be designed in to a wireless one to breakthe length limit of the 1-Wire bus [6].C. LCD CircuitThe LCD 12232F is used, which can be used to show characters, temperature value and time, and supply a friendly display interface. The 12232F is a LCD with 8192 128×32 pixels Chinese character database and 128 16×8 pixels ASCII character set graphics. It mainly consists of row drive/column drive and 128×32 full lattice LCD with the function of displaying graphics as well as 7.5×2 Chinese characters. It is in aparallel or serial mode to connect to external CPU [7]. In order to economize the hardware resource, the 12232F should be connected to the AT89S51 in serial mode with only 4 output ports used. The LCD grayscale can be changed by adjusting the variable resistor connected the pin Vlcd of the LCD. CLK is used to transmit serial communication clock. SID is used to transmit serial data. CS is used to enable control the LCD. L+ is used to control the LCD backlight power.D. Clock CircuitThe Dallas DS18B20 is used, which is a high performance, low-power and real-time clock chip with RAM. The DS18B20 serves in the system with calendar clock and is used to monitor the time. The time data is read and processed by the AT89C51 and then displayed by the LCD. Also the time can be adjusted by the keyboard. The DS18B20 crystal oscillator is set at 32768Hz, and the recommended compensation capacitance is 6pF. The oscillator frequency is lower, so it might be possible not to connect the capacitor, and this would not make a big difference to the time precision. The backup power supply can be connected to a 3.6V rechargeable battery.E. Keyboard Control CircuitThe keyboard interface in the system is driven by the HD7279A which has a +5V single power supply and which is connected to the keyboard and display without using any active-device. According to the basic requirements and functions of the system, only 6 buttons are needed. The system's functions are set by the AT89C51 receiving the entered data. In order to save the external resistor, the 1×6 keyboard is used, and the keyboard codes are defined as: 07H, 0FH, 17H, 1FH, 27H, 2FH. The order can be read out by reading the code instruction. HD7279A is connected to the AT89S51 in serial mode and only 4 ports are need. As shown in Fig. 6, DIG0~DIG5 and DP are respectively the column lines and row line ports of the six keys which achieve keyboard monitoring, decoding and key codes identification.F. Alarm CircuitIn order to simplify the circuit and convenient debugging, a 5V automatic buzzer is used in the alarm circuit [8]. And this make the software programming simplified. As shown in Fig. 7, it is controlled bythe PNP transistor 9012 whose base is connected to the pin P2.5 of the AT89C51. When the temperature exceeds the upper and lower limit value, the P2.5 output low level which makes the transistor be on and then an alarm is given by the buzzer.G. Drive CircuitA step motor is used as the drive device to control the temperature. The four-phase and eight-beat pulse distribution mode is used to drive motor and the simple delay program is used to handle the time interval between the pulses to obtain different rotational speed. There are two output states for the step motor. One: when the temperature is over the upper value, the motor rotates reversely (to low the temperature), while when lower than the lower limit value, the motor rotates normally (to raise the temperature); besides not equals the preset value. Two: when the temperature is at somewhere between the two ends and equals the preset value, the motor stops. These steps are used to achieve the temperature control. In addition, the motor speed can also be adjusted by relative buttons. As shown in Fig. 8, the code data is input through ports A11~A8 (be P2.3~P2.0) of the AT89C51 and inverted output by the inverter 74LS04. Finally it is amplified by the power amplifier 2803A to power the motor.3.2 SOFTWARE DESIGNAccording to the general design requirement and hardware circuit principle of the system, as well as the improvement of the program readability, transferability and the convenient debugging, the software design is modularized. The system flow mainly includes the following 8 steps: POST (Power-on self-test), system initiation, temperature detection, alarm handling, temperature control, clock chip DS18B20 operation, LCD and keyboard operation. The main program flow is shown in Fig. 9. Give a little analysis to the above 8 tasks, it is easy to find out that the last five tasks require the real time operation. But to the temperature detection it can be achieved with timer0 timing 1 second, that is to say temperature detection occurs per second. The system initiation includes global variable definition, RAM initiation, special function register initiation and peripheral equipment initiation. Global variable definition mainly finishes the interface definition of external interfacechip connected to the AT89C51, and special definition of some memory units. RAM initiation mainly refers to RAM processing. For example when the system is electrified the time code will be stored in the internal unit address or the scintillation flag will be cleared. The special function register initiation includes loading the initial value of timer and opening the interrupt. For example, when the system is electrified the timer is initialized. The peripheral equipment initiation refers to set the initial value of peripheral equipment. For example, when the system is electrified, the LCD should be initialized, the start-up display should be called, the temperature conversion command should be issued firstly and the clock chip DS18B20 should also be initialized. The alarm handling is mainly the lowering and the raising of temperature to make the temperature remain with the preset range. When the temperature is between the upper and the lower limit value, it goes to temperature control handling, that is to say the temperature need to be raised or lowered according to the preset value. By doing so make the condition temperature equal to the preset value and hence to reach the temperature target.4 CONCLUSIONThe temperature control system has the advantages of friendly human-computer interaction interface, simple hardware, low cost, high temperature control precision (error in the range of ±1 ℃), convenience and versatility, etc. It can be widely used in the occasions with -55℃to 125℃range, and there is a certain practical value.。




基于单片机的毕业论文题目一:1、基于单片机的压电加速度传感器低频信号采集系统的设计2、基于单片机的超声测距系统3、基于C8051F005单片机的两相混合式直线步进电机驱动系统的设计4、基于单片机的工业在线数字图像检测系统研究与实现5、基于FPGA的8051单片机IP核设计及应用6、基于单片机的军需仓库温湿度测控系统研究7、单片机多主机通信模式在粮库温湿度监控系统中的应用8、基于单片机的中小水电站闸门控制系统9、基于单片机的正弦逆变电源研制10、单片机实验教学仿真系统的设计与开发11、基于单片机的温湿度检测系统的设计12、基于单片机的蓝牙接口设计及数据传输的实现13、基于单片机的多功能温度检测系统的设计与研究14、基于单片机的温度控制系统的研究15、行为导向教学策略在职校单片机课程教学中的应用研究16、逻辑电路与单片机的虚拟实验系统设计与实现17、基于单片机的LED显示系统18、基于单片机的校园安防系统19、基于MSP430单片机的红外甲烷检测仪设计及实现20、基于高性能单片机的无线LED彩灯控制系统的设计与实现21、基于AVR单片机教学实验板的设计22、基于单片机的阀岛控制系统的研究23、基于AT89S51单片机实验开发系统设计24、基于单片机和GPRS数据传输技术的研究25、基于HCS12单片机的智能车底层控制系统研究26、单片机GPRS智能终端及远程工业监控技术研究27、基于单片机的MODBUS总线协议实现技术研究28、基于单片机的室内智能通风控制系统研究29、基于单片机的通用控制器设计与实现30、基于单片机控制的PTCR阻温特性测试系统的设计与实现31、Proteus在单片机教学中的应用32、基于单片机的变频变压电源设计33、基于单片机的监控系统控制部分的设计34、基于单片机的葡萄园防盗报警系统设计35、基于单片机的温度智能控制系统的设计与实现36、基于单片机的远程抄表系统的设计与研究37、基于单片机的温度测控系统在温室大棚中的设计与实现38、基于单片机的高精度随钻测斜仪系统开发39、基于16位单片机MC9S12DG128B智能车系统的设计基于单片机的毕业论文题目二:40、基于单片机的压力/液位控制系统的设计研究41、单片机与Internet网络的通信应用研究42、基于单片机控制的温室环境测控装置研究43、具有新型接口的MCS-51单片机实验系统设计44、基于单片机控制的直流恒流源的设计45、基于单片机的模糊控制方法及应用研究46、基于AT89S52单片机的煤矿瓦斯监测系统的研制47、基于AT89C51单片机的脉象信号采集系统研究48、基于DTMF技术的单片机远程通信系统研究49、基于单片机的GPRS无线数据采集与传输系统的设计50、基于单片机控制的柴油机喷油泵数据采集系统的设计与实现51、基于谐振技术及MK单片机的多路升压器研究设计52、基于单片机的数据串口通信53、基于单片机的智能寻迹系统设计54、压电式阀门定位器与单片机实验装置研制55、基于单片机的微型电子琴研究与实现56、基于单片机的恒温恒湿孵化器系统设计57、基于16位单片机MC9S12XS128的两轮自平衡智能车的系统研究与开发58、基于单片机的简易餐饮管理系统的设计与实现59、基于单片机的抛物槽式太阳能集热器跟踪系统设计60、基于单片机的大棚温湿度监测报警装置的研究与开发61、基于MSP430单片机的远传智能水表的设计与实现62、采用PIC单片机的真空断路器控制器设计研究63、基于IAP15F2K61S2的移动式多功能迷你单片机开发板64、基于单片机的空调红外线编解码系统的设计和实现65、基于单片机的图形化编程平台的设计与实现66、基于PIC单片机的图像数据采集系统的设计与实现67、基于单片机的仓库温湿度智能测控系统的设计与实现68、基于单片机的助爬器控制器的设计与实现69、手机和单片机控制系统的理论与应用研究70、基于FPGA的HOST与多单片机的串行通信71、基于单片机的机车试验设备数据采集器的研究72、MCS-51单片机芯片反向解剖以及正向设计的研究73、单片机自动微灌控制器的研究、设计与应用74、基于MSP430系列单片机的微机外围电路的通用化平台研究与设计75、基于CPLD的单片机结构设计研究76、单片机模糊控制晶闸管直流调压系统的研究77、模糊控制的单片机实现研究78、单片机嵌入式TCP/IP协议的研究与实现79、基于80C196KC单片机的舞蹈机器人控制系统80、基于PC+单片机的环境风洞风速控制系统的研究基于单片机的毕业论文题目三:81、单片机嵌入TCP/IP的研究与实现82、单片机系统仿真83、基于单片机的烘炉温度自动检测系统的研究与设计84、基于智能卡的预付费煤气表应用系统85、8XC196单片机集成开发环境的研制86、基于SPCE061A单片机的语音识别系统的研究87、基于嵌入式实时操作系统和TCP/IP协议的单片机测控系统88、基于单片机的电涡流式微位移传感器测量系统的研究89、基于AVR单片机的太阳光辐照测量装置研究90、基于单片机的野外信息检测记录系统的设计91、基于单片机的数据采集和无线数据传输系统设计92、基于Motorola MC68HC08系列单片机演示系统的设计与实现93、基于GSM技术的超远程无线设备监控系统研究94、微机与单片机实验平台的设计与开发95、基于单片机的TCP/IP技术研究及应用96、电渣炉单片机控制系统研究与设计97、单片机控制多功能信号发生器98、基于EDA技术的兼容MCS-51单片机IP核设计99、基于单片机的嵌入式USB主机研究与实现100、基于AVR单片机的应用设计实践101、模糊Smith智能控制方法的研究及其单片机实现102、基于单片机的直接数字频率合成(DDS)技术的应用研究103、基于单片机的机电产品控制系统开发104、基于增强型51系列单片机的TCP/IP协议栈的实现105、基于单片机的粮库温度监控系统设计106、基于VB的单片机虚拟实验软件的研究与开发107、基于单片机ATmega128的嵌入式工业控制器设计108、基于单片机控制的智能型金属探测器的设计109、基于多机通信的AVR单片机高级用户板的设计与开发110、基于单片机的数字磁通门传感器111、基于单片机的光纤光栅解调仪的研制112、MCS-51单片机构建机器人的实践研究113、基于VC的单片机软件式开发平台114、八位单片机以太网接入研究与实现115、基于单片机与Internet的数控机床远程监控系统的研发116、96系列单片机仿真器研究与设计117、单片机在中、小水电站闸门监控系统中的应用118、基于单片机大棚温湿度远程监控的设计与实现119、基于单片机和GPRS实验室安全报警监控系统研究120、基于STM32单片机的高精度超声波测距系统的设计基于单片机的毕业论文题目四:121、基于单片机的语音编码系统实现122、基于单片机的温湿度控制系统的研究与应用123、基于单片机的室内环境监测系统设计124、基于51单片机的教学实验系统的设计与开发125、基于单片机的智能控制器研究与设计126、基于8051单片机的温度控制系统127、基于单片机的超低功耗智能遥控车位锁的设计与实现128、基于单片机的智能玩具电动车的设计与实现129、基于单片机电锅炉恒温控制系统的电路设计130、基于单片机控制的离子水去污消毒装置的研究与开发131、以STM8S208单片机为主控的编程器的设计与实现132、基于单片机的温室大棚环境参数自动控制系统133、基于单片机的温室数据采集系统的研究134、基于单片机的太阳能干燥温湿度检测系统的研究135、基于单片机和FPGA的高精度智能测时仪的设计136、基于PC机和单片机主从式测控系统的设计137、基于神经元芯片和单片机双处理器结构LON节点的研究138、单片机实训课程的创新设计探讨139、AT89S52单片机实验系统的开发与应用140、基于单片机的模糊控制在节水灌溉控制系统中的实现141、基于ATmega128单片机的运动控制系统的设计与实现142、基于FPGA和单片机的CCD数据采集与处理143、基于MCS_51单片机安防系统监控主机的设计与实现144、基于单片机的超声测距仪研究与开发145、基于STC89单片机的实验教学系统146、单片机系统应用研究147、单片机在太阳能中央热水系统中的应用148、AVR单片机在试验机设备开发中的应用149、基于单片机的二维运动控制系统的研究150、基于LabVIEW和单片机的切削温度虚拟仪器的研究151、单片机编程仿真实验系统的设计与实现152、基于单片机的卫星天线自动定位控制系统开发与研究153、MC9S12系列单片机程序下载系统的设计与实现154、基于单片机控制的电动机保护器设计155、基于MSP430单片机的多路信号采集与无线传输系统的设计156、基于C51系列单片机LED驱动电源设计157、基于Synopsys的8051单片机IP核的设计158、基于单片机的大棚温湿度远程监测系统的设计159、基于单片机的室内无线环境监测系统设计与应用160、单片机控制的步进电机文检系统基于单片机的毕业论文题目五:161、基于飞思卡尔单片机的智能车及其调试系统设计162、基于单片机控制的金属探测器设计163、基于单片机的场地分类仪设计164、基于单片机的温湿度控制系统的设计165、基于AVR单片机的教学实验系统的设计与开发166、单片机温度测量和控制系统的设计与实现167、基于LabVIEW和单片机的太阳自动跟踪监控系统168、基于AVR高速单片机的以太网络终端设计169、基于AT89C52单片机温度控制系统的设计170、基于PC机与单片机的分布式禽舍环境监控系统研究171、基于单片机的昆虫加热板温度测控系统设计172、基于单片机平台下的语音识别技术应用方式研究173、基于单片机的家庭智能防火防盗系统174、基于AVR单片机的空气净化器控制系统的硬件设计与实现175、基于单片机的语音识别系统设计及实现176、基于单片机的智能物料搬运控制系统研究177、基于单片机和PC串口通信的温度采集系统设计178、基于单片机的智能家居系统的研究179、基于“教师主导-学生主体”教学模式下的单片机教学策略研究180、单片机模糊PID控制双闭环直流调速系统研究181、基于PROTEUS的单片机仿真实验系统研究及应用182、停车场引导系统的研究与实践183、基于单片机的温度检测系统的研究与实现184、基于IAP15F2K61S2单片机实验系统的设计185、基于AT89C51单片机的LED点阵显示系统设计186、基于ATmega128单片机的空气净化器控制系统设计与研究187、基于AT89C52单片机的智能微喷灌控制系统设计188、基于单片机的蔬菜大棚温度控制系统189、基于单片机的轮式机器人设计190、基于单片机的LED显示屏系统设计与PROTEUS仿真191、基于STC单片机的智能温湿度控制器的设计与实现192、基于Simulink与AVR单片机的多接口音频系统的仿真与构建193、基于单片机的定时温控系统设计与研究194、基于单片机的100kV高压直流电源的研制195、基于单片机的LED智能照明驱动及控制系统196、基于虚拟仪器的单片机实验平台开发197、基于行动导向的中职机电专业《单片机》课程教学研究198、USB接口打印机的单片机控制系统开发199、基于多核心板互换的单片机实训教学系统的设计200、基于单片机的传感器综合电路的设计。



东华理工大学毕业设计题目:基于单片机的温度控制系统的研究英文题目:Design of Temperature Control SystemBased on SCM作者: XXXXXXX摘要单片微型计算机是随着超大规模集成电路技术的发展而诞生的,由于它具有体积小、功能强、性价比高等特点,把单片机应用于温度控制中,采用单片机做主控单元,无触点控制,可完成对温度的采集和控制的要求。








关键词:单片机;热处理温度控制;模糊 PID。

AbstractThe single slice of microcomputers emerges with development of very large scale integration technology, because it has small , the function is strong , high characteristic of cost performance, applies the one-chip computer to temperature control, adopt the one-chip computer to do the top management unit, control contactlessly , can finish the requisition for collection and control of temperature . So apply to such a great deal of fields as electronic instrument , household appliances , energy-conservation fitting , the robot , industrial control ,etc. extensively, make the products miniaturized , intelligented , has already improved the function and quality of the products, have lower costs again, has simplified and designed. This text introduces the application of the one-chip computer in the temperature control of heat-treatment furnace mainly, composition and selecting to introduce the detailed one with device mainly of the temperature control module . And has written the suitable software procedure originally designed according to the concrete demand this text.Temperature in heat treatment craft is very important. Control precision effect directly the quality of the product. The electric stove is a kind pure great inertia system, and the traditional heat control system is based on some certain model, so is hard to satisfy the technological requirement.This paper will adopt fuzzy control algorithm to build a intelligent fuzzy control system.Keyword:SCM;Temperature control;Fuzzy PID.目录第1章绪论 (1)1.1 引言 (1)1.2 控制器发展现状 (1)1.2.1 PID 控制器的发展现状 (1)1.2.2 模糊 PID 控制 (2)1.2.3 模糊自整定 PID 控制 (2)1.3 电炉采用模糊自整定 PID 控制的可行性 (3)第2章方案简介 (4)2.1 课题背景与意义 (4)2.2 系统方案概述 (5)2.3 系统设计方案 (6)第3章系统硬件和电路设计 (7)3.1引言 (7)3.2 系统的总体结构 (7)3.3 温度检测电路 (8)3.3.1 温度传感器 (8)3.3.2 测量放大器的组成 (8)3.3.3 热电偶冷端温度补偿方法 (9)3.4 多路开关的选择 (9)3.5 A/D转换器的选择及连接 (10)3.6 单片机系统的扩展 (11)3.6.1 系统扩展概述 (11)3.6.2 常用扩展器件简介 (12)3.7 存储器的扩展 (13)3.7.1 程序存储器的扩展 (13)只读存储器简介 (13) EPROM2764简介 (13)3.7.2 数据存储器的扩展 (15)数据存储器概述 (15)静态RAM6264简介 (15)数据存储器扩展举例 (15)3.8 单片机I/O口的扩展(8155扩展芯片) (16)3.8.1 8155的结构和引脚 (16)3.8.2 8155的控制字的及其工作方式 (17)3.8.3 8155与8031的连接 (18)3.9 看门狗、报警、复位和时钟电路的设计 (19)3.9.1看门狗电路的设计 (19)3.9.2报警电路的设计 (20)3.9.3复位电路的设计 (20)3.9.4 时钟电路的设计 (21)3.10 键盘与显示电路的设计 (22)3.10.1 LED数码显示器的接口电路 (22)3.10.2键盘接口电路 (23)3.11 DAC7521数模转换接口 (24)3.12 隔离放大器的设计 (25)3.13 可控硅调功控温 (26)3.13.1过零触发调功器的组成 (25)3.13.2主要电路介绍 (27)3.14 单片机开关稳压电源设计 (28)第4章系统软件设计 (30)4.1 主要程序的框图 (30)4.1.1主程序框图 (30)4.1.2显示子程序 (31)4.1.3键盘中断服务子程序 (32)4.1.4恒温及升温测控子程序 (33)4.1.5降温测控子程序 (34)4.2 模糊自整定 PID 控制算法 (35)参考文献 (38)设计总结 (38)致谢 (40)附录 (41)第1章 绪论1.1 引言工业生产中使用的热处理设备种类繁多,如窖炉、鼓风炉、烘炉、退火炉、锅炉等。




基于单片机的毕业论文题目一:1、基于单片机的压电加速度传感器低频信号采集系统的设计2、基于单片机的超声测距系统13、基于C8051F005单片机的两相混合式直线步进电机驱动系统的设计4、基于单片机的工业在线数字图像检测系统研究与实现5、基于FPGA的8051单片机IP核设计及应用6、基于单片机的军需仓库温湿度测控系统研究7、单片机多主机通信模式在粮库温湿度监控系统中的应用8、基于单片机的中小水电站闸门控制系统9、基于单片机的正弦逆变电源研制10、单片机实验教学仿真系统的设计与开发11、基于单片机的温湿度检测系统的设计12、基于单片机的蓝牙接口设计及数据传输的实现13、基于单片机的多功能温度检测系统的设计与研究14、基于单片机的温度控制系统的研究15、行为导向教学策略在职校单片机课程教学中的应用研究16、逻辑电路与单片机的虚拟实验系统设计与实现17、基于单片机的LED显示系统18、基于单片机的校园安防系统219、基于MSP430单片机的红外甲烷检测仪设计及实现20、基于高性能单片机的无线LED彩灯控制系统的设计与实现21、基于AVR单片机教学实验板的设计22、基于单片机的阀岛控制系统的研究23、基于AT89S51单片机实验开发系统设计24、基于单片机和GPRS数据传输技术的研究25、基于HCS12单片机的智能车底层控制系统研究26、单片机GPRS智能终端及远程工业监控技术研究27、基于单片机的MODBUS总线协议实现技术研究28、基于单片机的室内智能通风控制系统研究29、基于单片机的通用控制器设计与实现30、基于单片机控制的PTCR阻温特性测试系统的设计与实现31、Proteus在单片机教学中的应用32、基于单片机的变频变压电源设计33、基于单片机的监控系统控制部分的设计34、基于单片机的葡萄园防盗报警系统设计335、基于单片机的温度智能控制系统的设计与实现36、基于单片机的远程抄表系统的设计与研究37、基于单片机的温度测控系统在温室大棚中的设计与实现38、基于单片机的高精度随钻测斜仪系统开发39、基于16位单片机MC9S12DG128B智能车系统的设计基于单片机的毕业论文题目二:40、基于单片机的压力/液位控制系统的设计研究41、单片机与Internet网络的通信应用研究42、基于单片机控制的温室环境测控装置研究43、具有新型接口的MCS-51单片机实验系统设计44、基于单片机控制的直流恒流源的设计45、基于单片机的模糊控制方法及应用研究46、基于AT89S52单片机的煤矿瓦斯监测系统的研制47、基于AT89C51单片机的脉象信号采集系统研究448、基于DTMF技术的单片机远程通信系统研究49、基于单片机的GPRS无线数据采集与传输系统的设计50、基于单片机控制的柴油机喷油泵数据采集系统的设计与实现51、基于谐振技术及MK单片机的多路升压器研究设计52、基于单片机的数据串口通信53、基于单片机的智能寻迹系统设计54、压电式阀门定位器与单片机实验装置研制55、基于单片机的微型电子琴研究与实现56、基于单片机的恒温恒湿孵化器系统设计57、基于16位单片机MC9S12XS128的两轮自平衡智能车的系统研究与开发58、基于单片机的简易餐饮管理系统的设计与实现59、基于单片机的抛物槽式太阳能集热器跟踪系统设计60、基于单片机的大棚温湿度监测报警装置的研究与开发61、基于MSP430单片机的远传智能水表的设计与实现62、采用PIC单片机的真空断路器控制器设计研究63、基于IAP15F2K61S2的移动式多功能迷你单片机开发板564、基于单片机的空调红外线编解码系统的设计和实现65、基于单片机的图形化编程平台的设计与实现66、基于PIC单片机的图像数据采集系统的设计与实现67、基于单片机的仓库温湿度智能测控系统的设计与实现68、基于单片机的助爬器控制器的设计与实现69、手机和单片机控制系统的理论与应用研究70、基于FPGA的HOST与多单片机的串行通信71、基于单片机的机车试验设备数据采集器的研究72、MCS-51单片机芯片反向解剖以及正向设计的研究73、单片机自动微灌控制器的研究、设计与应用74、基于MSP430系列单片机的微机外围电路的通用化平台研究与设计75、基于CPLD的单片机结构设计研究76、单片机模糊控制晶闸管直流调压系统的研究77、模糊控制的单片机实现研究78、单片机嵌入式TCP/IP协议的研究与实现79、基于80C196KC单片机的舞蹈机器人控制系统680、基于PC+单片机的环境风洞风速控制系统的研究基于单片机的毕业论文题目三:81、单片机嵌入TCP/IP的研究与实现82、单片机系统仿真83、基于单片机的烘炉温度自动检测系统的研究与设计84、基于智能卡的预付费煤气表应用系统85、8XC196单片机集成开发环境的研制86、基于SPCE061A单片机的语音识别系统的研究87、基于嵌入式实时操作系统和TCP/IP协议的单片机测控系统88、基于单片机的电涡流式微位移传感器测量系统的研究89、基于AVR单片机的太阳光辐照测量装置研究90、基于单片机的野外信息检测记录系统的设计91、基于单片机的数据采集和无线数据传输系统设计92、基于Motorola MC68HC08系列单片机演示系统的设计与实现793、基于GSM技术的超远程无线设备监控系统研究94、微机与单片机实验平台的设计与开发95、基于单片机的TCP/IP技术研究及应用96、电渣炉单片机控制系统研究与设计97、单片机控制多功能信号发生器98、基于EDA技术的兼容MCS-51单片机IP核设计99、基于单片机的嵌入式USB主机研究与实现100、基于AVR单片机的应用设计实践101、模糊Smith智能控制方法的研究及其单片机实现102、基于单片机的直接数字频率合成(DDS)技术的应用研究103、基于单片机的机电产品控制系统开发104、基于增强型51系列单片机的TCP/IP协议栈的实现105、基于单片机的粮库温度监控系统设计106、基于VB的单片机虚拟实验软件的研究与开发107、基于单片机ATmega128的嵌入式工业控制器设计108、基于单片机控制的智能型金属探测器的设计8109、基于多机通信的AVR单片机高级用户板的设计与开发110、基于单片机的数字磁通门传感器111、基于单片机的光纤光栅解调仪的研制112、MCS-51单片机构建机器人的实践研究113、基于VC的单片机软件式开发平台114、八位单片机以太网接入研究与实现115、基于单片机与Internet的数控机床远程监控系统的研发116、96系列单片机仿真器研究与设计117、单片机在中、小水电站闸门监控系统中的应用118、基于单片机大棚温湿度远程监控的设计与实现119、基于单片机和GPRS实验室安全报警监控系统研究120、基于STM32单片机的高精度超声波测距系统的设计基于单片机的毕业论文题目四:121、基于单片机的语音编码系统实现9122、基于单片机的温湿度控制系统的研究与应用123、基于单片机的室内环境监测系统设计124、基于51单片机的教学实验系统的设计与开发125、基于单片机的智能控制器研究与设计126、基于8051单片机的温度控制系统127、基于单片机的超低功耗智能遥控车位锁的设计与实现128、基于单片机的智能玩具电动车的设计与实现129、基于单片机电锅炉恒温控制系统的电路设计130、基于单片机控制的离子水去污消毒装置的研究与开发131、以STM8S208单片机为主控的编程器的设计与实现132、基于单片机的温室大棚环境参数自动控制系统133、基于单片机的温室数据采集系统的研究134、基于单片机的太阳能干燥温湿度检测系统的研究135、基于单片机和FPGA的高精度智能测时仪的设计136、基于PC机和单片机主从式测控系统的设计137、基于神经元芯片和单片机双处理器结构LON节点的研究10138、单片机实训课程的创新设计探讨139、AT89S52单片机实验系统的开发与应用140、基于单片机的模糊控制在节水灌溉控制系统中的实现141、基于ATmega128单片机的运动控制系统的设计与实现142、基于FPGA和单片机的CCD数据采集与处理143、基于MCS_51单片机安防系统监控主机的设计与实现144、基于单片机的超声测距仪研究与开发145、基于STC89单片机的实验教学系统146、单片机系统应用研究147、单片机在太阳能中央热水系统中的应用148、AVR单片机在试验机设备开发中的应用149、基于单片机的二维运动控制系统的研究150、基于LabVIEW和单片机的切削温度虚拟仪器的研究151、单片机编程仿真实验系统的设计与实现152、基于单片机的卫星天线自动定位控制系统开发与研究153、MC9S12系列单片机程序下载系统的设计与实现11154、基于单片机控制的电动机保护器设计155、基于MSP430单片机的多路信号采集与无线传输系统的设计156、基于C51系列单片机LED驱动电源设计157、基于Synopsys的8051单片机IP核的设计158、基于单片机的大棚温湿度远程监测系统的设计159、基于单片机的室内无线环境监测系统设计与应用160、单片机控制的步进电机文检系统基于单片机的毕业论文题目五:161、基于飞思卡尔单片机的智能车及其调试系统设计162、基于单片机控制的金属探测器设计163、基于单片机的场地分类仪设计164、基于单片机的温湿度控制系统的设计165、基于AVR单片机的教学实验系统的设计与开发166、单片机温度测量和控制系统的设计与实现12167、基于LabVIEW和单片机的太阳自动跟踪监控系统168、基于AVR高速单片机的以太网络终端设计169、基于AT89C52单片机温度控制系统的设计170、基于PC机与单片机的分布式禽舍环境监控系统研究171、基于单片机的昆虫加热板温度测控系统设计172、基于单片机平台下的语音识别技术应用方式研究173、基于单片机的家庭智能防火防盗系统174、基于AVR单片机的空气净化器控制系统的硬件设计与实现175、基于单片机的语音识别系统设计及实现176、基于单片机的智能物料搬运控制系统研究177、基于单片机和PC串口通信的温度采集系统设计178、基于单片机的智能家居系统的研究179、基于“教师主导-学生主体”教学模式下的单片机教学策略研究180、单片机模糊PID控制双闭环直流调速系统研究181、基于PROTEUS的单片机仿真实验系统研究及应用182、停车场引导系统的研究与实践13183、基于单片机的温度检测系统的研究与实现184、基于IAP15F2K61S2单片机实验系统的设计185、基于AT89C51单片机的LED点阵显示系统设计186、基于ATmega128单片机的空气净化器控制系统设计与研究187、基于AT89C52单片机的智能微喷灌控制系统设计188、基于单片机的蔬菜大棚温度控制系统189、基于单片机的轮式机器人设计190、基于单片机的LED显示屏系统设计与PROTEUS仿真191、基于STC单片机的智能温湿度控制器的设计与实现192、基于Simulink与AVR单片机的多接口音频系统的仿真与构建193、基于单片机的定时温控系统设计与研究194、基于单片机的100kV高压直流电源的研制195、基于单片机的LED智能照明驱动及控制系统196、基于虚拟仪器的单片机实验平台开发197、基于行动导向的中职机电专业《单片机》课程教学研究198、USB接口打印机的单片机控制系统开发14199、基于多核心板互换的单片机实训教学系统的设计200、基于单片机的传感器综合电路的设计15。




利用18B20温度传感器获取温度信号,将需要测量的温度信号自动转化为数字信号,利用单总线和单片机交换数据,最终单片机将信号转换成LCD 可以识别的信息显示输出。









单片机C 语言课题设计报告语言课题设计报告电动世界,气定乾坤2目录一、设计功能一、设计功能................................. ................................. 3 二、系统设计二、系统设计................................. .................................3 三、器件选择三、器件选择................................. .................................3 3.1温度信号采集模块 (3)3.1.1 DS18B20 3.1.1 DS18B20 数字式温度传感器数字式温度传感器..................... 4 3.1.2 DS18B20特性 .................................. 4 3.1.3 DS18B20结构 .................................. 5 3.1.4 DS18B20测温原理 .............................. 6 3.1.5 DS18B20的读写功能 ............................ 6 3.2 3.2 液晶显示器液晶显示器1602LCD................................. 9 3.2.1引脚功能说明 ................................. 10 3.2.2 1602LCD 的指令说明及时序 ..................... 10 3.2.3 1602LCD 的一般初始化过程 (10)四、软件设计四、软件设计................................ ................................11 4.1 1602LCD 程序设计流程图 ........................... 11 4.2 DS18B20程序设计流程图 ............................ 12 4.3 4.3 主程序设计流程图主程序设计流程图................................. 13 五、设计总结五、设计总结................................. ................................. 2 六、参考文献六、参考文献................................. ................................. 2 七、硬件原理图及仿真七、硬件原理图及仿真......................... .........................3 7.1系统硬件原理图 ..................................... 3 7.2开机滚动显示界面 ................................... 4 7.3临界温度设置界面 ................................... 4 7.4传感器异常警告界面 (4)电气系2011级通信技术一班级通信技术一班通才达识,信手拈来通才达识,信手拈来3温度温度DS18B20 LCD 显示显示过温函数功能模块能模块传感器异常函数功能模块数功能模块D0D1D2D3D4D5D6D7XT XTAL2AL218XT XTAL1AL119ALE 30EA31PSEN29RST 9P0.0/AD039P0.1/AD138P0.2/AD237P0.3/AD336P0.4/AD435P0.5/AD534P0.6/AD633P0.7/AD732P2.7/A1528P2.0/A821P2.1/A922P2.2/A1023P2.3/A1124P2.4/A1225P2.5/A1326P2.6/A1427P1.01P1.12P1.23P1.34P1.45P1.56P1.67P1.78P3.0/RXD 10P3.1/TXD11P3.2/INT012P3.3/INT113P3.4/T014P3.7/RD17P3.6/WR 16P3.5/T115U180C51X1CRYST CRYSTAL ALC122pFC222pFGNDR110kC31uFVCCGND234567891RP1RESPACK-8VCC0.0DQ 2VCC 3GND 1U2DS18B20R24.7K LCD1LM016LLS2SOUNDERMUC八、程序清单八、程序清单................................. .................................5 一、设计功能·由单片机、温度传感器以及液晶显示器等构成高精度温度监测系统。



Design of the Temperature Control System Based on AT89C51ABSTRACTThe principle and functions of the temperature control system based on micro controller AT89C51 are studied, and the temperature measurement unit consists of the 1-Wire bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20. The system can be expected to detect the preset temperature, display time and save monitoring data. An alarm will be given by system if the temperature exceeds the upper and lower limit value of the temperature which can be set discretionarily and then automatic control is achieved, thus the temperature is achieved monitoring intelligently within a certain range. Basing on principle of the system, it is easy to make a variety of other non-linear control systems so long as the software design is reasonably changed. The system has been proved to be accurate, reliable and satisfied through field practice. KEYWORDS: AT89C51; micro controller; DS18B20; temperature1 INTRODUCTIONTemperature is a very important parameter in human life. In the modern society, temperature control (TC) is not only used in industrial production, but also widely used in other fields. With the improvement of the life quality, we can find the TC appliance in hotels, factories and home as well. And the trend that TC will better serve the whole society, so it is of great significance to measure and control the temperature. Based on the AT89C51 and temperature sensor DS18B20, this system controls the condition temperature intelligently. The temperature can be set discretionarily within a certain range. The system can show the time on LCD, and save monitoring data; and automatically control the temperature when the condition temperature exceeds the upper and lower limit value. By doing so it is to keep the temperature unchanged. The system is of high anti-jamming, high control precision and flexible design; it also fits the rugged environment. It is mainly used in people's life to improve the quality of the work and life. It is also versatile, so that it can be convenient to extend the use of the system. So the design is of profound importance. The general design, hardware design and software design of the system are covered.1.1 IntroductionThe 8-bit AT89C51 CHMOS microcontrollers are designed to handle high-speed calculations and fast input/output operations. MCS 51 microcontrollers are typically used for high-speed event control systems. Commercial applications include modems, motor-control systems, printers, photocopiers, air conditioner control systems, disk drives, and medical instruments. The automotive industry use MCS 51 microcontrollers in engine-control systems, airbags, suspension systems, and antilock braking systems (ABS). The AT89C51 is especially well suited to applications that benefit from its processing speed and enhanced on-chip peripheral functions set, such as automotive power-train control, vehicle dynamic suspension, antilock braking, and stability control applications. Because of these critical applications, the market requires a reliable cost-effective controller with a low interrupt latency response, ability to service the high number of time and event driven integrated peripherals needed in real time applications, and a CPU with above average processing power in a single package. The financial and legal risk of having devices that operate unpredictably is very high. Once in the market, particularly in mission critical applications such as an autopilot or anti-lock braking system, mistakes are financially prohibitive. Redesign costs can run as high as a $500K, much more if the fix means 2 back annotating it across a product family that share the same core and/or peripheral design flaw. In addition, field replacements of components is extremely expensive, as the devices are typically sealed in modules with a total value several times that of the component. To mitigate these problems, it is essential that comprehensive testing of the controllers be carried out at both the component level and system level under worst case environmental and voltage conditions. This complete and thorough validation necessitates not only a well-defined process but also a proper environment and tools to facilitate and execute the mission successfully. Intel Chandler Platform Engineering group provides post silicon system validation (SV) of various micro-controllers and processors. The system validation process can be broken into three major parts. The type of the device and its application requirements determine which types of testing are performed on the device.1.2 The AT89C51 provides the following standard features4Kbytes of Flash, 128 bytes of RAM, 32 I/O lines, two 16-bittimer/counters, a five vector two-level interrupt architecture, a full duple ser-ial port, on-chip oscillatorand clock circuitry. In addition, the AT89C51 is designed with static logic for operation down to zero frequency and supports two software selectable power saving modes. The Idle Mode stops the CPU while allowing the RAM, timer/counters, serial port and interrupt sys -tem to continue functioning. The Power-down Mode saves the RAM contents but freezes the oscil–lator disabling all other chip functions until the next hardware reset.1.3Pin DescriptionVCC Supply voltage.GND Ground.Port 0:Port 0 is an 8-bit open-drain bi-directional I/O port. As an output port, each pin can sink eight TTL inputs. When 1s are written to port 0 pins, the pins can be used as high impedance inputs. Port 0 may also be configured to be the multiplexed low order address/data bus during accesses to external program and data memory. In this mode P0 has internal pull ups. Port 0 also receives the code bytes during Flash programming, and outputs the code bytes during program verification. External pull ups are required during program verification.Port 1:Port 1 is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pull ups. The Port 1 output buffers can sink/so -urce four TTL inputs. When 1s are written to Port 1 pins they are pulled high by the internal pull ups and can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 1 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IIL) because of the internal pullups. Port 1 also receives the low-order address bytes during Flash programming and verification.Port 2:Port 2 is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pull ups. The Port 2 output buffers can sink/source four TTL inputs. When 1s are written to Port 2 pins they are pulled high by the internal pull ups and can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 2 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IIL) because of the internal pull ups. Port 2 emits the high-order address byte during fetches from external program memory and during accesses to Port 2 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IIL) because of the internal pull ups. Port 2 emits the high-order address byte during fetches from external program memory and during accesses to external data memory that use 16-bit addresses (MOVX@DPTR). In this application, it uses strong internal pull-ups when emitting 1s. During accesses to external data memory that use 8-bit addresses (MOVX @ RI), Port 2 emits the contents of the P2 Special Function Register. Port 2 also receives the high-orderaddress bits and some control signals durin Flash programming and verification.Port 3:Port 3 is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pull ups. The Port 3 output buffers can sink/sou -rce four TTL inputs. When 1s are written to Port 3 pins they are pulled high by the internal pull ups and can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 3 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IIL) because of the pull ups.Port 3 also serves the functions of various special features of the AT89C51 as listed below:RST:Reset input. A high on this pin for two machine cycles while the oscillator is running resets the device.ALE/PROG:Address Latch Enable output pulse for latching the low byte of the address during accesses to external memory. This pin is also the program pulse input (PROG) during Flash programming. In normal operation ALE is emitted at a constant rate of 1/6 the oscillator frequency, and may be used for external timing or clocking purposes. Note, however, that one ALE pulse is skipped duri-ng each access to external Data Memory. If desired, ALE operation can be disabled by setting bit 0 of SFR location 8EH. With the bit set, ALE is active only during a MOVX or MOVC instruction. Otherwise, the pin is weakly pulled high. Setting the ALE-disable bit has no effect if the microcontroller is in external execution mode.PSEN:Program Store Enable is the read strobe to external program memory. When theAT89C51 is executing code from external program memory, PSEN is activated twice each machine cycle, except that two PSEN activations are skipped during each access to external data memory.EA/VPP:External Access Enable. EA must be strapped to GND in order to enable the device to fetch code from external program memory locations starting at 0000H up to FFFFH. Note, however, that if lock bit 1 is programmed, EA will be internally latched on reset. EA should be strapped to VCC for internal program executions. This pin alsreceives the 12-volt programming enable voltage (VPP) during Flash programming, for parts that require 12-volt VPP.XTAL1:Input to the inverting oscillator amplifier and input to the internal clock operating circuit.XTAL2 :Output from the inverting oscillator amplifier. Oscillator CharacteristicsXTAL1 and XTAL2 are the input and output, respectively, of an inverting amplifier which can be configured for use as an on-chip oscillator, as shownin Figure 1. Either a quartz crystal or ceramic resonator may be used. To drive the device from an external clock source, XTAL2 should be left unconnected while XTAL1 is driven as shown in Figure 2.There are no requirements on the duty cycle of the external clock signal, since the input to the internal clocking circuitry is through a divide-by-two flip-flop, but minimum and maximum voltage high and low time specifications must be observed. Idle Mode In idle mode, the CPU puts itself to sleep while all the on chip peripherals remain active. The mode is invoked by software. The content of the on-chip RAM and all the special functions registers remain unchanged during this mode. The idle mode can be terminated by any enabled interrupt or by a hardware reset. It should be noted that when idle is terminated by a hard ware reset, the device normally resumes program execution, from where it left off, up to two machine cycles before the internal reset algorithm takes control. On-chip hardware inhibits access to internal RAM in this event, but access to the port pins is not inhibited. To eliminate the possibility of an unexpected write to a port pin when Idle is terminated by reset, the instruction following the one that invokes Idle should not be one that writes to a port pin or to external memory.Power-down ModeIn the power-down mode, the oscillator is stopped, and the instruction that invokes power-down is the last instruction executed. The on-chip RAM and Special Function Registers retain their values until the power-down mode is terminated. The only exit from power-down is a hardware reset. Reset redefines the SFRS but does not change the on-chip RAM. The reset should not be activated before VCC is restored to its normal operating level and must be held active long enough to allow the oscillator to restart and stabilize. The AT89C51 code memory array is programmed byte-by byte in either programming mode. To program any nonblank byte in the on-chip Flash Memory, the entire memory must be erased using the Chip Erase Mode.2 Programming AlgorithmBefore programming the AT89C51, the address, data and control signals should be set up according to the Flash programming mode table and Figure 3 and Figure 4. To program the AT89C51, take the following steps.1. Input the desired memory location on the address lines.2. Input the appropriate data byte on the data lines. 3. Activate the correct combination of control signals. 4. Raise EA/VPP to 12V for the high-voltage programming mode. 5. Pulse ALE/PROG once to program a byte in the Flash array or the lock bits. The byte-write cycle is self-timed and typically takes nomore than 1.5 ms. Repeat steps 1 through 5, changing the address and data for the entire array or until the end of the object file is reached. Data Polling: The AT89C51 features Data Polling to indicate the end of a write cycle. During a write cycle, an attempted read of the last byte written will result in the complement of the written datum on PO.7. Once the write cycle has been completed, true data are valid on all outputs, and the next cycle may begin. Data Polling may begin any time after a write cycle has been initiated.2.1Ready/Busy:The progress of byte programming can also be monitored by the RDY/BSY output signal. P3.4 is pulled low after ALE goes high during programming to indicate BUSY. P3.4 is pulled high again when programming is done to indicate READY.Program Verify:If lock bits LB1 and LB2 have not been programmed, the programmed code data can be read back via the address and data lines for verification. The lock bits cannot be verified directly. Verification of the lock bits is achieved by observing that their features are enabled.2.2 Chip Erase:The entire Flash array is erased electrically by using the proper combination of control signals and by holding ALE/PROG low for 10 ms. The code array is written with all “1”s. The chip erase operation must be executed before the code memory can be re-programmed.2.3 Reading the Signature Bytes:The signature bytes are read by the same procedure as a normal verification of locations 030H, 031H, and 032H, except that P3.6 and P3.7 must be pulled to a logic low. The values returned areas follows.(030H) = 1EH indicates manufactured by Atmel(031H) = 51H indicates 89C51(032H) = FFH indicates 12V programming(032H) = 05H indicates 5V programming2.4 Programming InterfaceEvery code byte in the Flash array can be written and the entire array can be erased by using the appropriate combination of control signals. The write operationcycle is self timed and once initiated, will automatically time itself to completion. A microcomputer interface converts information between two forms. Outside the microcomputer the information handled by an electronic system exists as a physical signal, but within the program, it is represented numerically. The function of any interface can be broken down into a number of operations which modify the data in some way, so that the process of conversion between the external and internal forms is carried out in a number of steps. An analog-to-digital converter(ADC) is used to convert a continuously variable signal to a corresponding digital form which can take any one of a fixed number of possible binary values. If the output of the transducer does not vary continuously, no ADC is necessary. In this case the signal conditioning section must convert the incoming signal to a form which can be connected directly to the next part of the interface, the input/output section of the microcomputer itself. Output interfaces take a similar form, the obvious difference being that here the flow of information is in the opposite direction; it is passed from the program to the outside world. In this case the program may call an output subroutine which supervises the operation of the interface and performs the scaling numbers which may be needed for digital-to-analog converter(DAC). This subroutine passes information in turn to an output device which produces a corresponding electrical signal, which could be converted into analog form using a DAC. Finally the signal is conditioned(usually amplified) to a form suitable for operating an actuator. The signals used within microcomputer circuits are almost always too small to be connected directly to the outside world”and some kind of interface must be used to translate them to a more appropriate form. The design of section of interface circuits is one of the most important tasks facing the engineer wishing to apply microcomputers. We have seen that in microcomputers information is represented as discrete patterns of bits; this digital form is most useful when the microcomputer is to be connected to equipment which can only be switched on or off, where each bit might represent the state of a switch or actuator. To solve real-world problems, a microcontroller must have more than just a CPU, a program, and a data memory. In addition, it must contain hardware allowing the CPU to access information from the outside world. Once the CPU gathers information and processes the data, it must also be able to effect change on some portion of the outside world. These hardware devices, called peripherals, are the CPU’s window to the outside.The most basic form of peripheral available on microcontrollers is the generalpurpose I70 port. Each of the I/O pins can be used as either an input or an output. The function of each pin is determined by setting or clearing corresponding bits in a corresponding data direction register during the initialization stage of a program. Each output pin may be driven to either a logic one or a logic zero by using CPU instructions to pin may be viewed (or read.) by the CPU using program instructions. Some type of serial unit is included on microcontrollers to allow the CPU to communicate bit-serially with external devices. Using a bit serial format instead of bit-parallel format requires fewer I/O pins to perform the communication function, which makes it less expensive, but slower. Serial transmissions are performed either synchronously or asynchronously.3 SYSTEM GENERAL DESIGNThe hardware block diagram of the TC is shown in Fig. 1. The system hardware includes the micro controller, temperature detection circuit, keyboard control circuit, clock circuit, Display, alarm, drive circuit and external RAM. Based on the AT89C51, the DS18B20 will transfer the temperature signal detected to digital signal. And the signal is sent to the micro controller for processing. At last the temperature value is showed on the LCD 12232F. These steps are used to achieve the temperature detection. Using the keyboard interface chip HD7279 to set the temperature value, using the micro controller to keep a certain temperature, and using the LCD to show the preset value for controlling the temperature. In addition, the clock chip DS1302 is used to show time and the external RAM 6264 is used to save the monitoring data. An alarm will be given by buzzer in time if the temperature exceeds the upper and lower limit value of the temperature.3.1 HARDWARE DESIGNA. Micro controllerThe AT89C51 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit micro controller with 4K bytes of in-system programmable Flash memory. The device is manufactured using At mel’s high-density nonvolatile memory technology and is compatible with the industry-standard 80C51 instruction set and pin out. The on-chip Flash allows the program memory to be reprogrammed in-system or by a conventional nonvolatile memory programmer. By combining a versatile 8-bit CPU with in-system programmable Flash on a monolithic chip, the At mel AT89C51 is a powerful micro controller which provides a highly-flexible and cost-effective solution to manyembedded control applications. Minimum system of the micro controller is shown in Fig. 2. In order to save monitoring data, the 6264 is used as an external RAM. It is a static RAM chip, low-power with 8K bytes memory.B. Temperature Detection CircuitThe temperature sensor is the key part in the system. The Dallas DS18B20 is used, which supports the 1-Wire bus interface, and the ON-BOARD Patented is used internally. All the sensor parts and the converting circuit are integrated in integrated circuit like a transistor [1]. Its measure range is -55℃~125 ℃, and the precision between -10℃~85℃is ±0.5℃[2 ,3]. The temperature collected by the DS18B20 is transmitted in the 1-Wire bus way, and this highly raises the system anti-jamming and makes it fit in situ temperature measurement of the rugged environment [4]. There are two power supply ways for the DS18B20. The first is external power supply: the first pin of the DS18B20 is connected to the ground; the second pin serves as signal wire and the third is connected to the power. The second way is parasite power supply [5]. As the parasite power supply will lead to the complexity of the hardware circuit, the difficulty of the software control and the performance degradation of the chip, etc. But the DS18B20(s) can be connected to the I/O port of the micro controller in the external power supply way and it is more popular. Therefore the external power supply is used and the second pin is connected to the pin P1.3 of the AT89S51. Actually, if there are multipoint to be detected, the DS18B20(s) can be connected to the 1-Wire bus. But when the number is over 8, there is a concern to the driving and the more complex software design as well as the length of the 1-Wire bus. Normally it is no more than 50m. To achieve distant control, the system can be designed in to a wireless one to breakthe length limit of the 1-Wire bus [6].C. LCD CircuitThe LCD 12232F is used, which can be used to show characters, temperature value and time, and supply a friendly display interface. The 12232F is a LCD with 8192 128×32 pixels Chinese character database and 128 16×8 pixels ASCII character set graphics. It mainly consists of row drive/column drive and 128×32 full lattice LCD with the function of displaying graphics as well as 7.5×2 Chinese characters. It is in a parallel or serial mode to connect to external CPU [7]. In order to economize the hardware resource, the 12232F should be connected to the AT89S51 in serial mode with only 4 output ports used. The LCD grayscale can be changed by adjustingthe variable resistor connected the pin Vlcd of the LCD. CLK is used to transmit serial communication clock. SID is used to transmit serial data. CS is used to enable control the LCD. L+ is used to control the LCD backlight power.D. Clock CircuitThe Dallas DS18B20 is used, which is a high performance, low-power and real-time clock chip with RAM. The DS18B20 serves in the system with calendar clock and is used to monitor the time. The time data is read and processed by the AT89C51 and then displayed by the LCD. Also the time can be adjusted by the keyboard. The DS18B20 crystal oscillator is set at 32768Hz, and the recommended compensation capacitance is 6pF. The oscillator frequency is lower, so it might be possible not to connect the capacitor, and this would not make a big difference to the time precision. The backup power supply can be connected to a 3.6V rechargeable battery.E. Keyboard Control CircuitThe keyboard interface in the system is driven by the HD7279A which has a +5V single power supply and which is connected to the keyboard and display without using any active-device. According to the basic requirements and functions of the system, only 6 buttons are needed. The system's functions are set by the AT89C51 receiving the entered data. In order to save the external resistor, the 1×6 keyboard is used, and the keyboard codes are defined as: 07H, 0FH, 17H, 1FH, 27H, 2FH. The order can be read out by reading the code instruction. HD7279A is connected to the AT89S51 in serial mode and only 4 ports are need. As shown in Fig. 6, DIG0~DIG5 and DP are respectively the column lines and row line ports of the six keys which achieve keyboard monitoring, decoding and key codes identification.F. Alarm CircuitIn order to simplify the circuit and convenient debugging, a 5V automatic buzzer is used in the alarm circuit [8]. And this make the software programming simplified. As shown in Fig. 7, it is controlled by the PNP transistor 9012 whose base is connected to the pin P2.5 of the AT89C51. When the temperature exceeds the upper and lower limit value, the P2.5 output low level which makes the transistor be on and then an alarm is given by the buzzer.G. Drive CircuitA step motor is used as the drive device to control the temperature. The four-phase and eight-beat pulse distribution mode is used to drive motor and thesimple delay program is used to handle the time interval between the pulses to obtain different rotational speed. There are two output states for the step motor. One: when the temperature is over the upper value, the motor rotates reversely (to low the temperature), while when lower than the lower limit value, the motor rotates normally (to raise the temperature); besides not equals the preset value. Two: when the temperature is at somewhere between the two ends and equals the preset value, the motor stops. These steps are used to achieve the temperature control. In addition, the motor speed can also be adjusted by relative buttons. As shown in Fig. 8, the code data is input through ports A11~A8 (be P2.3~P2.0) of the AT89C51 and inverted output by the inverter 74LS04. Finally it is amplified by the power amplifier 2803A to power the motor.3.2 SOFTW ARE DESIGNAccording to the general design requirement and hardware circuit principle of the system, as well as the improvement of the program readability, transferability and the convenient debugging, the software design is modularized. The system flow mainly includes the following 8 steps: POST (Power-on self-test), system initiation, temperature detection, alarm handling, temperature control, clock chip DS18B20 operation, LCD and keyboard operation. The main program flow is shown in Fig. 9. Give a little analysis to the above 8 tasks, it is easy to find out that the last five tasks require the real time operation. But to the temperature detection it can be achieved with timer0 timing 1 second, that is to say temperature detection occurs per second. The system initiation includes global variable definition, RAM initiation, special function register initiation and peripheral equipment initiation. Global variable definition mainly finishes the interface definition of external interface chip connected to the AT89C51, and special definition of some memory units. RAM initiation mainly refers to RAM processing. For example when the system is electrified the time code will be stored in the internal unit address or the scintillation flag will be cleared. The special function register initiation includes loading the initial value of timer and opening the interrupt. For example, when the system is electrified the timer is initialized. The peripheral equipment initiation refers to set the initial value of peripheral equipment. For example, when the system is electrified, the LCD should be initialized, the start-up display should be called, the temperature conversion command should be issued firstly and the clock chip DS18B20 should also be initialized. The alarm handling is mainly the lowering and the raising of temperature to make thetemperature remain with the preset range. When the temperature is between the upper and the lower limit value, it goes to temperature control handling, that is to say the temperature need to be raised or lowered according to the preset value. By doing so make the condition temperature equal to the preset value and hence to reach the temperature target.4 CONCLUSIONThe temperature control system has the advantages of friendly human-computer interaction interface, simple hardware, low cost, high temperature control precision (error in the range of ±1 ℃), convenience and versatility, etc. It can be widely used in the occasions with -55℃to 125℃range, and there is a certain practical value.。









为了满足系统的实时性和稳定性要求,本系统选择了常用的S T M32系列单片机作为控制器。







用户可以通过L CD显示屏上的菜单操作,查看温度数值和设置相关参数,同时系统还具备温度报警功能。










基于单片机的毕业论文题目一:1、基于单片机的压电加速度传感器低频信号采集系统的设计2、基于单片机的超声测距系统3、基于C8051F005单片机的两相混合式直线步进电机驱动系统的设计4、基于单片机的工业在线数字图像检测系统研究与实现5、基于FPGA的8051单片机IP核设计及应用6、基于单片机的军需仓库温湿度测控系统研究7、单片机多主机通信模式在粮库温湿度监控系统中的应用8、基于单片机的中小水电站闸门控制系统9、基于单片机的正弦逆变电源研制10、单片机实验教学仿真系统的设计与开发11、基于单片机的温湿度检测系统的设计12、基于单片机的蓝牙接口设计及数据传输的实现13、基于单片机的多功能温度检测系统的设计与研究14、基于单片机的温度控制系统的研究15、行为导向教学策略在职校单片机课程教学中的应用研究16、逻辑电路与单片机的虚拟实验系统设计与实现17、基于单片机的LED显示系统18、基于单片机的校园安防系统19、基于MSP430单片机的红外甲烷检测仪设计及实现20、基于高性能单片机的无线LED彩灯控制系统的设计与实现21、基于AVR单片机教学实验板的设计22、基于单片机的阀岛控制系统的研究23、基于AT89S51单片机实验开发系统设计24、基于单片机和GPRS数据传输技术的研究25、基于HCS12单片机的智能车底层控制系统研究26、单片机GPRS智能终端及远程工业监控技术研究27、基于单片机的MODBUS总线协议实现技术研究28、基于单片机的室内智能通风控制系统研究29、基于单片机的通用控制器设计与实现30、基于单片机控制的PTCR阻温特性测试系统的设计与实现31、Proteus在单片机教学中的应用32、基于单片机的变频变压电源设计33、基于单片机的监控系统控制部分的设计34、基于单片机的葡萄园防盗报警系统设计35、基于单片机的温度智能控制系统的设计与实现36、基于单片机的远程抄表系统的设计与研究37、基于单片机的温度测控系统在温室大棚中的设计与实现38、基于单片机的高精度随钻测斜仪系统开发39、基于16位单片机MC9S12DG128B智能车系统的设计基于单片机的毕业论文题目二:40、基于单片机的压力/液位控制系统的设计研究41、单片机与Internet网络的通信应用研究42、基于单片机控制的温室环境测控装置研究43、具有新型接口的MCS-51单片机实验系统设计44、基于单片机控制的直流恒流源的设计45、基于单片机的模糊控制方法及应用研究46、基于AT89S52单片机的煤矿瓦斯监测系统的研制47、基于AT89C51单片机的脉象信号采集系统研究48、基于DTMF技术的单片机远程通信系统研究49、基于单片机的GPRS无线数据采集与传输系统的设计50、基于单片机控制的柴油机喷油泵数据采集系统的设计与实现51、基于谐振技术及MK单片机的多路升压器研究设计52、基于单片机的数据串口通信53、基于单片机的智能寻迹系统设计54、压电式阀门定位器与单片机实验装置研制55、基于单片机的微型电子琴研究与实现56、基于单片机的恒温恒湿孵化器系统设计57、基于16位单片机MC9S12XS128的两轮自平衡智能车的系统研究与开发58、基于单片机的简易餐饮管理系统的设计与实现59、基于单片机的抛物槽式太阳能集热器跟踪系统设计60、基于单片机的大棚温湿度监测报警装置的研究与开发61、基于MSP430单片机的远传智能水表的设计与实现62、采用PIC单片机的真空断路器控制器设计研究63、基于IAP15F2K61S2的移动式多功能迷你单片机开发板64、基于单片机的空调红外线编解码系统的设计和实现65、基于单片机的图形化编程平台的设计与实现66、基于PIC单片机的图像数据采集系统的设计与实现67、基于单片机的仓库温湿度智能测控系统的设计与实现68、基于单片机的助爬器控制器的设计与实现69、手机和单片机控制系统的理论与应用研究70、基于FPGA的HOST与多单片机的串行通信71、基于单片机的机车试验设备数据采集器的研究72、MCS-51单片机芯片反向解剖以及正向设计的研究73、单片机自动微灌控制器的研究、设计与应用74、基于MSP430系列单片机的微机外围电路的通用化平台研究与设计75、基于CPLD的单片机结构设计研究76、单片机模糊控制晶闸管直流调压系统的研究77、模糊控制的单片机实现研究78、单片机嵌入式TCP/IP协议的研究与实现79、基于80C196KC单片机的舞蹈机器人控制系统80、基于PC+单片机的环境风洞风速控制系统的研究基于单片机的毕业论文题目三:81、单片机嵌入TCP/IP的研究与实现82、单片机系统仿真83、基于单片机的烘炉温度自动检测系统的研究与设计84、基于智能卡的预付费煤气表应用系统85、8XC196单片机集成开发环境的研制86、基于SPCE061A单片机的语音识别系统的研究87、基于嵌入式实时操作系统和TCP/IP协议的单片机测控系统88、基于单片机的电涡流式微位移传感器测量系统的研究89、基于AVR单片机的太阳光辐照测量装置研究90、基于单片机的野外信息检测记录系统的设计91、基于单片机的数据采集和无线数据传输系统设计92、基于Motorola MC68HC08系列单片机演示系统的设计与实现93、基于GSM技术的超远程无线设备监控系统研究94、微机与单片机实验平台的设计与开发95、基于单片机的TCP/IP技术研究及应用96、电渣炉单片机控制系统研究与设计97、单片机控制多功能信号发生器98、基于EDA技术的兼容MCS-51单片机IP核设计99、基于单片机的嵌入式USB主机研究与实现100、基于AVR单片机的应用设计实践101、模糊Smith智能控制方法的研究及其单片机实现102、基于单片机的直接数字频率合成(DDS)技术的应用研究103、基于单片机的机电产品控制系统开发104、基于增强型51系列单片机的TCP/IP协议栈的实现105、基于单片机的粮库温度监控系统设计106、基于VB的单片机虚拟实验软件的研究与开发107、基于单片机ATmega128的嵌入式工业控制器设计108、基于单片机控制的智能型金属探测器的设计109、基于多机通信的AVR单片机高级用户板的设计与开发110、基于单片机的数字磁通门传感器111、基于单片机的光纤光栅解调仪的研制112、MCS-51单片机构建机器人的实践研究113、基于VC的单片机软件式开发平台114、八位单片机以太网接入研究与实现115、基于单片机与Internet的数控机床远程监控系统的研发116、96系列单片机仿真器研究与设计117、单片机在中、小水电站闸门监控系统中的应用118、基于单片机大棚温湿度远程监控的设计与实现119、基于单片机和GPRS实验室安全报警监控系统研究120、基于STM32单片机的高精度超声波测距系统的设计基于单片机的毕业论文题目四:121、基于单片机的语音编码系统实现122、基于单片机的温湿度控制系统的研究与应用123、基于单片机的室内环境监测系统设计124、基于51单片机的教学实验系统的设计与开发125、基于单片机的智能控制器研究与设计126、基于8051单片机的温度控制系统127、基于单片机的超低功耗智能遥控车位锁的设计与实现128、基于单片机的智能玩具电动车的设计与实现129、基于单片机电锅炉恒温控制系统的电路设计130、基于单片机控制的离子水去污消毒装置的研究与开发131、以STM8S208单片机为主控的编程器的设计与实现132、基于单片机的温室大棚环境参数自动控制系统133、基于单片机的温室数据采集系统的研究134、基于单片机的太阳能干燥温湿度检测系统的研究135、基于单片机和FPGA的高精度智能测时仪的设计136、基于PC机和单片机主从式测控系统的设计137、基于神经元芯片和单片机双处理器结构LON节点的研究138、单片机实训课程的创新设计探讨139、AT89S52单片机实验系统的开发与应用140、基于单片机的模糊控制在节水灌溉控制系统中的实现141、基于ATmega128单片机的运动控制系统的设计与实现142、基于FPGA和单片机的CCD数据采集与处理143、基于MCS_51单片机安防系统监控主机的设计与实现144、基于单片机的超声测距仪研究与开发145、基于STC89单片机的实验教学系统146、单片机系统应用研究147、单片机在太阳能中央热水系统中的应用148、AVR单片机在试验机设备开发中的应用149、基于单片机的二维运动控制系统的研究150、基于LabVIEW和单片机的切削温度虚拟仪器的研究151、单片机编程仿真实验系统的设计与实现152、基于单片机的卫星天线自动定位控制系统开发与研究153、MC9S12系列单片机程序下载系统的设计与实现154、基于单片机控制的电动机保护器设计155、基于MSP430单片机的多路信号采集与无线传输系统的设计156、基于C51系列单片机LED驱动电源设计157、基于Synopsys的8051单片机IP核的设计158、基于单片机的大棚温湿度远程监测系统的设计159、基于单片机的室内无线环境监测系统设计与应用160、单片机控制的步进电机文检系统基于单片机的毕业论文题目五:161、基于飞思卡尔单片机的智能车及其调试系统设计162、基于单片机控制的金属探测器设计163、基于单片机的场地分类仪设计164、基于单片机的温湿度控制系统的设计165、基于AVR单片机的教学实验系统的设计与开发166、单片机温度测量和控制系统的设计与实现167、基于LabVIEW和单片机的太阳自动跟踪监控系统168、基于AVR高速单片机的以太网络终端设计169、基于AT89C52单片机温度控制系统的设计170、基于PC机与单片机的分布式禽舍环境监控系统研究171、基于单片机的昆虫加热板温度测控系统设计172、基于单片机平台下的语音识别技术应用方式研究173、基于单片机的家庭智能防火防盗系统174、基于AVR单片机的空气净化器控制系统的硬件设计与实现175、基于单片机的语音识别系统设计及实现176、基于单片机的智能物料搬运控制系统研究177、基于单片机和PC串口通信的温度采集系统设计178、基于单片机的智能家居系统的研究179、基于“教师主导-学生主体”教学模式下的单片机教学策略研究180、单片机模糊PID控制双闭环直流调速系统研究181、基于PROTEUS的单片机仿真实验系统研究及应用182、停车场引导系统的研究与实践183、基于单片机的温度检测系统的研究与实现184、基于IAP15F2K61S2单片机实验系统的设计185、基于AT89C51单片机的LED点阵显示系统设计186、基于ATmega128单片机的空气净化器控制系统设计与研究187、基于AT89C52单片机的智能微喷灌控制系统设计188、基于单片机的蔬菜大棚温度控制系统189、基于单片机的轮式机器人设计190、基于单片机的LED显示屏系统设计与PROTEUS仿真191、基于STC单片机的智能温湿度控制器的设计与实现192、基于Simulink与AVR单片机的多接口音频系统的仿真与构建193、基于单片机的定时温控系统设计与研究194、基于单片机的100kV高压直流电源的研制195、基于单片机的LED智能照明驱动及控制系统196、基于虚拟仪器的单片机实验平台开发197、基于行动导向的中职机电专业《单片机》课程教学研究198、USB接口打印机的单片机控制系统开发199、基于多核心板互换的单片机实训教学系统的设计200、基于单片机的传感器综合电路的设计。



外文翻译--基于51单片机温度报警器的设计(适用于毕业论文外文翻译+中英文对照)XXX: Design of a Temperature Alarm Based on 51 MCUDepartment: n EngineeringMajor: Measurement and Control Technology and nClass:Student ID:Name:Supervisor:Date:A microcontroller。

also known as a single-chip computer system。

XXX its ns being integrated on a small chip。

it has most of the components needed for a complete computer system。

such as CPU。


internal and external bus systems。

and mostof them also have external storage。

At the same time。

it integrates XXX interfaces。


real-time clocks。


The most XXX integrate sound。



and complex input-output systems on a single chip.XXX used in the industrial control field。

Microcontrollers XXX CPUs inside the chip。

The original design concept was to integrate a large number of peripheral devices and CPUs on a chip to make the computer system XXX's Z80 was the first processor designed according to this concept。














中文3925字毕业设计(论文)外文参考资料及译文译文题目:基于单片机的油浸式变压器温度监测系统的设计学生姓名:学号:专业:通信工程所在学院:指导教师:职称:2010年12月28日Design of Temperature Monitoring Systemfor Oil-immersed Power Ransformers Based on MCUSuxiang Qian Hongsheng HuDepartment of Mechanical and Electrical, University of Zhejiang Province, ChinaE-mail:jjqsx@Abstract:¨C With the expansion of electric capacity and large-scale extension of power grid, electric equipment is playing a significant role in modern life. At present, the technology of condition monitoring and fault diagnosing of power transformer has been made some improvement, yet its real-time performance and reliability still can't meet the requirement of safe production. Due to different thermal effects led by the natural or factitious fault, its temperature of oil-immersed power transformers is easy to change abnormally. An on-line measuring and controlling system based on MCU is discussed in this paper. In order to satisfy the requirement of state monitoring and fault diagnosis of power transformer on real-time and reliability, a kind of intelligent on-line monitoring instrument is designed. Each of its part is explained in this paper, including temperature signal collecting and data processing system. The simulation result showed the designed system was good in its real-time, reliability and running cost. Therefore, the designed state monitoring system for temperature and fault diagnosis of power transformer can be widely used in engineering and is expected to bring a bright future. Key words ¨C Oil-immersed Power Transformer, Temperature, Data processing, MCUI. INTRODUCTIONsituation. There are several methods to measure the hotspot temperature. A simple method is that the With the continuous development of economy, the temperature sensor can be used to convert temperature power industry in our country has entered into a new signal into the electric signal and then the sampling data stage of development. Power transformer has been one of can be collected by theinstrument. In this paper, a the most important equipments in electric power system. real-time temperature monitoring system for And its safety running plays a great important role in oil-immersed power transformers is designed. The order to ensure the electric power system's reliability. At designed monitoring system can effectively monitor present, the o il gas value and the signal of local discharge some key area's temperature variation: such as the box are often selected as the monitoring objects in the body, the transformer winding, the iron core, and so on, monitoring system of power transformer. The and it plays a significant role in supervisory control to the characteristic gases dissolved in oil can be monitored in operation situation of transformers. real time, which can help monitoring power transformer's running station. But, it cannot satisfyinspection's requirement of power transformer. Besides, the signal of local discharge can be used to judge some A. Overall plan of the developed system fault's location, yet its real-time performance is weak.Based on the temperature field information of power transformers, this research supported by NSFC explores a new condition monitoring and fault diagnosis way for it. An on-line temperature monitoring system of oil-immersed power transformers based on MCU is designed in this paper. Its variation of temperature in power transformer often keeps a fixed orderliness when it is running normally. In most situations, its variation of temperature in power transformer has a close relationship with different fault types.The interior fault patterns of oil-immersed transformer are referring to mechanism, heating and electricity, and mainly the latter two. The machinery malfunction often is presented in the form of thermal or electricity. According to the investigation result presented in the table 1, the malfunction ways for the running oil-immersed transformers include mainly the overheating malfunction and discharging malfunction of high energy.The temperature rising will occur in some locations when overheat malfunction or high energy discharging malfunction occurs. Furthermore, an obviou emperature rising will occur for some power transformers before the malfunction are formed. Oncondition that the real-time monitoring to the correct areas can be realized, apreventive maintenance would alter the present maintenance and inspection mode, an d be able to reduce the Maintenance Cost. Therefore, it is very important to keep the power transformers in the best situation. There are several methods to measure the hotspot temperature. A simple method is that the temperature sensor can be used to convert temperature signal into the electric signal and then the sampling data can be collected by the instrument. In this paper, a real-time temperature monitoring system for oil-immersed power transformers is designed. The designed monitoring system can effectively monitor some key area's temperature variation: such as the box body, the transformer winding, the iron core, and so on and it plays a significant role in supervisory control to the operation situation of transformers.II. HARDWARE DESIGNA. Overall plan of the developed systemIts function of the designed hardware mainly includes two parts: data collecting and transferring Besides, the controlling circuit can be further expandedin order to control some protectors by using the relay switch. The designed principles are explained as follows: the monitored physical quantities must be firstly sampled by the temperature sensor (PT100, electric thermo-couple, optical fiber sensor etc) and converted into the voltage signal, then the sampled voltage signals can be adjusted by regulative signal circuit to the standard signal's range, and are converted into digital signal, after general line transmission to MCU for storage and processing, simulation/digital converting rate can be controlled by MCU. The takeover data queen may exist temporarily in the extended RAM, or transfer to the computer by USB. At the same time, MCU connect keyboard and LCD for the purpose of man-machine exchange [2]. The systematic block diagram of hardware system is showed in Fig.1.1) Chips Selection:A/D module selection--MAX125In order to avoid additional phase difference in the process of the data collecting, the synchronism collecting technology must be guaranteed for different signals. A synchronize data sampling chip MAX125 the MAXIM company produces is selected and used in the designed circuit. MAX125 is 2¡Á4 channel, high-speed and 14 digit data collect chip [3]. USB interfaces chipchoose --PDIUSBD12 PDIUSBD12 hereinafter referred to"D12" , supporting multiplexing, non-multiplexing and DMA transfer, is one kind of parallel interface chip designed by Philips company .It fully conforms to the USB specification Rev.1.1(basic speed). It is also designed to be compliant with different types of transmission. The data collecting parts block diagrams of hardware system see Fig.2.B. Design of the Signal Conditioning CircuitThe Signal Conditioning Circuit is composed of sensor, signal amplification and attenuation circuit, isolation circuit, wave filtering circuit, sample holding circuit, etc. Due to MAX125 AD chip with multiplexer and Sample-Hold Circuit itself, Signal Conditioning Circuit is made up with thermocouple, isolating amplifier circuit and anti-aliasing filter. The thermocouple produced by Anhui Tiankang incorporated company, Model for the WRC, Indexing for T, is a special one for power station application. Its outputting voltage range is ¡À5V and its measuring temp ranges from 50 to 200 . The AD204 is a general-purpose used industry standard isolationFig.1 Block Diagram of hardwarecircuit system Fig.2 Cireuit block diagram of data acquisition Fig.3 Schematic diagram of isclationampliication cireuit Fig.4 Resisting alissing filteramplifier, with two-port, transformer-coupled isolation. Besides, it can offer a completely isolation function, including signal and power isolation, yet its pack age is easily compated. Figure 3 is its principle of the designed isolated enlarge circuit. In the actual running scene, the circuit must draw near the signal source in order to avoid the signal affected by ambient noise and enhance the signal-to-noise ratio.Wave filtering circuit adopt resist aliasing filter, the circuit designed is shows as Figure 4. Due to the conditionality of choosing capacitance, the numerical value of capacitance is taken into account firstly. The filter designing software FilterLab of Microchip corp [6] is used in this paper. Using the software, the scope frequency response and phase frequency response can be expediently found, and the design parameter can be easily adjusted.C. Design of data collectingIn order to construct an 8-channel-synchronism A/D convert, there are two pieces of MAX125 in the designed data collecting circuit. The low 8 output digital from MAX125 through AD0 ~ AD7 are respectively jo ined with P0.0 ~ P0.7 of W77E58. And high six figures amount A8 ~ A13 is respectively linked with P2.0 ~ P2.5 of W77E58. ALE pin of W77E58 holds CLK of MAX125, and P3.3 pin, P3.6 pin and P3.7 pin perform a control function on MAX125 component.Fig.5 MCU control cireuitFig.6 USB interfaces cireuitD.Design of MCU control circuitThe control system based on MCU is shown as Fig.6. Because the USB agreement frame is comparatively big, W77E58 chip with 32 KB Flash EPROM is selected as MCU. W77E58 is that one is 8 bit, especially speedy and much better performance CPU. What's more, it is able to pay a visit to low speed or fleetness outside RAM. Compared with other processing chips such as 8052 processor, W77E58 can work with higher speed even if under the same clock frequency and work under low clock frequency. Its power sourceconsumption is greatly reduced under the same instruction handling capacity since the entire static state CMOS design is adopted. There are four I/O ports with 8 bit and an additional 4 I/O port in W77E58.These characteristics W77E58 possess can make it work better, such as directly transferring data with MAX125 using different speed, delivering data between the computer and MCU based on USB using high speed, etc. And it isvery useful to expand the outside memory for system using other I/O ports.There are two connection types between W77E58 and D12, including independent address data bus mode and multiplex address data bus mode. The analogue signal can be converted into digital signal by A/D sampling circuit, and then the converted digital signal be transferred to PC by USB interface transference. E. USB interface circuit desigt USB interface circuit is shown as Fig.5. When the peripheral equipments are connected with concentrator by D12, concentrator can check the connection state of peripheral equipment and report it to the host computer. Once the equipment connection information is found, thehost computer is asked to send a series of request to concentrator, and then a communicating channel between host computer and equipment would be established by concentrator. Further, the host computerbegins to list equipments, and sets up the peripheral equipments after they are successfully listed and the correlative allocation information is acquired by the host computer.The peripheral equipment recognized by host computer can be arranged to communicate with it.III. SOFTWARE DESIGNA. Data collecting programmingAccording to the controlling time sequence of MAX125, the flow of data collecting task is shown as Fig.7.B. USB drive design1) Firmware programming:There are generally three parts between USB and MCU firmware:(a) Initialize MCU and all periphery circuit (include PDIUSBD12);(b) Main cycle part: this part is to be interrupted;(c) Interrupt serv ice routine, can carry out immediately. The communication between MCU and PDIUSBD12 is mainly referenced to send orders and data to PDIUSBD12 by MCU. There are three kinds of order characters for PDIUSBD12,including theinitialization order character, the data stream order character and the universal order character. PDIUSBD12 has shown the various imperative code and address. TheMCU firstly sends orders into th e order address of PDIUSBD12, resend or read different data according to different imperative call. Therefore, it is convenience to convert per kind order into function and use function to finish each order by directly calling these functions.2) Drive programming:Although, there are many standard interface functions provided in the system, driver programming is still one of the most difficult tasks for USB exploitation. Windows DDK is often adopted to realize drive programming. At present, third party software firms have provided a lot of generating tools for drive programming, such as driver works of Compuware, Driver Wizard waits of Blue Waters. These tools are able to produce a high quality USB driving program within several minutes. When checking USB equipment, UsbView program can be used to detect equipment whether or not to be enumerated and allocated by Windows. If successful, the device description, allocation description and endpoint description may be check whether or not correctly. And a generally-purpose program can be made by Driver Wizard. Once Windows are also exploited and debugged with the debugging USB device sends clues to install the driving program, the driving program produced by Driver Wizard would be selected.In fact, it is only an application program produced byDriver Wizard for Windows controlling table. It is able to call the universal USB drive program installed in system when assembling Driver Wizard for a specific task. Its working condition of devices, including transferring data whether or not correctly and controlling the transmission speed, can be measured by the drive program. If it cannot meet the application demands, a new drive program can be write down. Besides, the software for host computer.IV. APPLICATION RESEARCH OF TEMPERATURE MONITORING SYSTEM FOR POWER TRANSFORMERSBecause of the limit of testing condition, the designed temperature monitoringsystem for transformers has no way to be checked under normal working conditions for transformer. Yet, a suit of temperature rising simulation experiment platform for transformer is designed and developed for this research purpose. In the experiment, transformer oil is storied in the inner of the actual transformer box body, a heater was used to simulate winding's temperature rising variation, and electric thermo-couple is used to measure winding's temperature rising value. Besides, PT100 measures different location's temperature rising value, the infrared thermometer measures the temperature rising of box body, and the mercurial thermometer measures th e top oil temperature. The output wires of sensor are connected with the monitoring system, and the data can be shown on PC screen in the real time. The line connection and the experiment result are respectively showed as Fig.8 and Fig.9.In the experiment, the thermometer, infrared thermometer, electric thermo-couple and thermal resistance are all adopted, compared and verified. For example, a thermometer was made use of to test the top oil temperature, and electric thermo-couple for the winding temperature rising, and thermal resistance and infrared radiation thermometer for the oil temperature at different locations. It can be seen from Fig.8 and Fig.9 that the highest temperature is always on the "winding", the temperature of mild transformer oil and box body reflects grad change and has a step-by-step rise, and the temperature change of transformer bottom oil is comparatively slow. The experiment result is basically agreed with the simulation calculation value in ANSYS. According to the experimental results, there are some characters for the designed temperature monitoringsystem of power transformers:(a) Real-time acquisition, real time transferring by USB bus. It can also transfer the data to PC by USB after data collecting;(b) There are a keyboard to control its workingand LCD to display data. Besides, it can work under the condition of isolated from the PC;(c) The parallel collecting mode can be set and adopted randomly for 1~ 8 channel;(d) Increasing the different circuits to provide the various interfaces linking for the various different type of sensor. (e.g. PT100, electric thermo-couple, the optical fiber temperature sensor and so on);(e) Measuring range: -50 ~ + 200 ;(f) Working in oil for a long period of time.V. CONCLUSIONSIn this paper, its mechanism of the temperature monitoring technology for transformers is introduced firstly. Classification and analysis of different types of malfunction for transformers is processed. The hardware circuit of monitoring system has been explored, including regulative signal circuit, wave filtering circuit, data collecting circuit, MCU controlling circuit, USB interface circuit, etc. Besides, the software flow of data collecting and the USB driver program are also exploited. The designed monitoring system has been applied into the temperature rising simulation experiment for power transformers. And the experiment result is basically agreed with the numerical simulation results using ANSYS software.ACKNOWLEDGMENTThe research work is supported by the national natural science foundation of China (50575095).REFERENCES:[1] Sun Caixin. On-line Gas in oil monitoring and fault diagnosistechnology of electric equipment[M]. Beijing: Science Press, 2003, 58 66[2] MAXIM corp. MAXIM product data corpora [CD]. 2004[3] Zhou Ligong. PDIUSBD12 USB firmware programming anddriver design [M]. Beiing: Beijing university of aviation andspaceflight press, 2003, 11 112[4] AD2O2 204, Databook, Analog Devices [CD]. 2001[5] A filter primer, Maxim Application Notes [CD]. 2001[6] Wright.Nick, Judd.Bob. Using USB as a data acquisition interface[J]. Evaluation Engineering, v43, n6, 2004. 6, 20 26[7] Wang Zhiqiang, Sun Shuying, Sun Shiyu. Research of development technology of USB apparatus drivers [J]. Control & Automation, 2005.9, 23 27基于单片机的油浸式变压器温度监测系统的设计钱苏香,胡宏升(中国,大学浙江省嘉兴市,机电系)电子邮箱:jjqsx@摘要-针对变压器检测系统在实时性,可靠性方面的要求以及油浸式变压器发生故障时会产生不同的热效应,从而产生相应位置的异常温升的问题,讨论了基于嵌入式技术的大型变压器温度检测和故障诊断系统,详细的介绍了基于单片机控制的油浸式变压器温度采集电路的硬件电路设计。



1 概述在人类的生活环境中,温度扮演着极其重要的角色。






本文采用内部集成了A/D 转换器、电路结构简单的数字化温度传感器DS18B20,与单片机技术相结合实现智能温度检测控制系统的设计。

系统只需要占用单片机的一个I/O 口,就能够实现实时温度检测,这使得系统具有很强的扩展性,并且应用前景广泛、实用价值高。

2 系统总体设计本系统设计的基于单片机的智能温度检测控制系统,总体设计框图如图1所示,主要包括单片机最小系统、温度采集电路、实时时钟电路、独立式按键电路、显示电路、报警电路、加热电路和散热电路,其中主控芯片采用功耗低、性能高的单片机STC89C52,温度采集电路采用数字温度传感器DS18B20,显示电路采用LCD1602液晶显示器,报警电路采用蜂鸣器、一个LED 指示灯设计实现声光报警,独立式按键用来设置当前实时时间(年、月、日、时、分、秒)和设定不同时间段温度报警的上下限阈值。

当实测环境温度值大于设定时间段的温度上限值时,系统自动进入散热模式,直流电机运转带动风扇工作,同时蜂鸣器响、LED 指示灯点亮;若低于设定时间段的温度下限阈值,系统自动进入加热模式,继电器控制加热设备工作,同时蜂鸣器响、LED 指示灯点亮;若当前温度处于设定时间段的温度上下限阈值之间时,关闭散热、加热及报警,从而使温度控制在设定的范围内。



Temperature Control Using aMicrocontroller:An Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Engineering Design ProjectJames S.McDonaldDepartment ofEngineering ScienceTrinityUniversitySan Antonio,TX78212Abstract:This paperdescribes an interdisciplinary design project which was done under theauthor’s supervisionby a group of four senior studentsinthe Department ofEngineeringScience at Trinity University.The objective of the projectwas to develop a temperature control system for an air-filledchamber. The system was to allow entryof a desired chamber temperature in a prescribed range and to exhibit overshoot andsteady-statetemperature error of lessthan1degree Kelvin inthe actual chambertemperature step response.Thedetails of the design developed by this groupof students, basedon a Motorola MC68HC05 familymicrocontroller,are described. The pedagogical value of theproblem is also discussed througha description of some of the key stepsin the designprocess.It isshown that the solutionrequires broad knowledgedrawn from several engineering disciplines includingelectrical, mechanical,and control systems engineering.1 IntroductionThe design project which isthe subjectof this paper originatedfrom areal-world application. A prototypeofamicroscope slide dryer had been developed aroundanOmegaTMmodel CN-390 temperature controller, and the objectivewas todevelopa customtemperature control system toreplace the Omega system.The motivationwas that a custom controllertargeted specifically forthe appli cation should beabletoachieve thesame functionality atamuch lo wercost,as the Omegasystem is unnecessarily versatileandequipped to handlea wide variety of applications.Themechanical layoutof theslide dryer prototype is shown inFigure1.Themain element ofthe dryer is a large,insulated, air-filled chamberin which microscope slides,eachwith a tissue sampleencased inparaffin, canbeset oncaddies. In order that the paraffi nmaintain the properconsistency,the temperature in the slide chamber must be maintained atadesired (constant) temperature.A second cham ber (the electronics enclosure) houses a resistive heaterand the temperaturecontroller, and a fanmounted onthe endof the dry er blowsairacross the heater, carrying heat into theslidechambe r.Thisdesign projectwas carriedout during academic year 1996–97by four studentsunder the author’ssupervision as a Senior De signprojectinthe Department of Engineering Science at Trinity University. The purpose of this paperisto describethe problem andthe students’solutioninsome detail,andto discuss some ofthe pedagogical opportunities offered by aninterdisciplinarydesign project of this type. Thestudents’ownrepor twas presentedatthe 1997National Conferenceon Undergraduat eResearch [1].Section2gives a more detailed statementofthe problem, including performance specifications, and Section3describes the students’ design. Section 4 makes up the bulk of the paper,and discusses insomedetailseveralaspects ofthe designprocess which offer uniquepedagogical opportunities. Finally,Section 5offers some conclusions.2Problem StatementThe basic idea of the project is to replace the relevant parts of the functio nality ofan Omega CN-390temperature controller using acustom-designed system. Theapplication dictates that temperature settings are usuallykept constant for longperiods of time, butit’s nonethelessimportantthat step changesbe trackedin a “reasonable” manner. Thus the mainrequirementsboil down to·allowingachamber temperatureset-point to beentered, ·displaying both set-point and actual temperatures, and·tracking stepchanges inset-pointtemperaturewith accepta ble risetime,steady-state error, and overshoot.Althoughnotexplicitly a part of thespecifications in Table 1,itwas clearthat the customerdesireddigital displaysof set-point andactual temperatures, and that set-pointtemperature entry should be digital as well (as opposed to,say, through a potentiometer setting).3 SystemDesignThe requirements fordigital temperaturedisplaysand setpoint entryalone are enough to dictate thatamicrocontrollerbased design is likely themost appropriate.Figure 2 showsablock diagram ofthe students’ design.The microcontroller,a MotorolaMC68HC705B16(6805for short), is the heart ofthe system. It acceptsinputs from asimple four-key keypad whichallow specificationof the set-pointtemperature, and it displays both set-pointand measured chambertemperatures usingtwo-digitseven-segment LEDdisplayscontrolledby a displaydriver. All these inputs and outputs are accommodatedby parallel ports on the 6805. Chamber temperature is sensed usinga pre-calibrated ther mistor and inputvia oneof the 6805’s analog-to-digital inputs. Finally, a pulse-width modulation (PWM) outputon the 6805is usedto drive are lay which switches line power to theresistiveheater offand on.Figure 3 shows a more detailed schematic of the electronics and their interfacing tothe6805.Thekeypad,a Storm 3K041103, has f our keys which are interfaced to pins PA0{PA3 of Port A,configured as inputs.One key functions as a mode switch.Two modes are supported:set modeand runmode. In set mode two of the other keysare used to specifytheset-pointtemperature:one incrementsit and one decrements.Thefourthkeyis unusedatpresent. The LED displaysare driven by a Harris SemiconductorICM7212 displaydriverinterfaced topins PB0{PB6 of Port B,configuredas outputs. Thetempe rature-sensingthermistor drives,through avoltage divider, pin AN0 (one of eight analog inputs).Finally, pin PLMA (oneoftwoPWM outputs)drives the heaterrelay.Softwareonthe6805 implementsthe temperature control algorit hm, maintains the temperature displays,andalters the set-pointin responsetokeypad inputs. Because it is not complete at this writing, software will notbe discussed in detailin this paper. The control algorithm inparticular hasnot been determined,but it islikelyto b ea simple proportional controller andcertainly notmorecomplex than a PID. Some control design issueswillbediscussed in Section4, however.4 The Design ProcessAlthough essentially the project is justtobuild a thermostat,itpresents many nice pedagogical opportunities.Theknowledge andexperiencebaseof a senior engineering undergraduate arejust enoughto bring him or her to thebrink of a solution tovarious aspects of theproblem. Yet,ineach case,realworld considerationscomplicate thesituation significantly.Fortunately these complications arenot insurmountable, and the result isa very beneficial designexperience.Theremainderof thissection looksat a few aspectsoftheproblem which present the type of learningopportunity just described. Section 4.1 discusses some of thefeatu res of asimplified mathematical model ofthethermalpropertiesof the systemand how itcan be easilyvalidatedexperimentally. Section 4.2describes how realistic controlalgorithm designs can be arrived at using introductory concepts in controldesign. Section 4.3 pointsou tsomeimportant deficiencies of such asimplifiedmodeling/control desi gn process and how they can be overcomethroughsimulation. Finally, Section4.4gives an overview of someof the microcontroller-relateddesignissueswhicharise andlearningopportunities offered.4.1MathematicalModelLumped-element thermal systems are described in almost any introductory linear control systems text,andjust this sortof model is applicabletothe slide dryer problem.Figure4 showsasecond-order lumped-elementthermal modelofthe slide dryer. The statevariables arethe temperatures Taoftheair in theboxand Tb of the box itself. The inputsto thesystem are the power output q(t)of theheater and theambienttemperature T¥.maand mb arethe masses of theair and the box, respectively, andCa and Cb their specificheats. μ1andμ2 areheat transfer coefficientsfrom the air to the box and from the box to theexternal world, respectively.It’snot hard to showthat the(linearized) stateequationscorresponding to Figure 4 areTaking Laplace transformsof (1)and (2) and solvingforTa(s),whichis theoutput of interest, gives the following open-loopmodel o fthethermalsystem:where Kis a constant and D(s)is a second-order polynomial.K, tz, and the coefficientsofD(s) are functions of the variousparametersapp earing in(1)and(2).Of course thevarious parameters in(1) and(2) are completely unknown,but it’s not hard to show that, regardlessof their values, D(s) has two real zeros. Thereforethemain transferfunction ofinterest (whichisthe one fromQ(s), since we’ll assume constant ambient temperature)can bewrittenMoreover,it’snottoo hard to show that1=tp1<1=tz<1=tp2, i.e.,that thezero liesbetween the twopoles. Bothof these are excellentexercises for thestudent,and the resultis the openloop pole-zero diagram of Figure5.Obtaining a complete thermal model, then, is reduced toidentifyingt he constant K and the three unknowntime constants in (3).Fourunknow nparametersisquite a few, but simpleexperimentsshowthat 1=tp1 _ 1=tz;1=tp2so that tz;tp2_0 aregoodapproximations.Thustheopen-loop system is essentially first-order and can thereforebe written(where the subscriptp1hasbeendropped).Simple open-loop stepresponse experiments show that,for a wide ran geof initialtemperatures and heat inputs, K _0:14_=W and t _295 s.14.2ControlSystemDesignUsing the first-order model of (4)for the open-loop transfer functionGaq(s) and assuming for the moment thatlinear control of the heaterpoweroutput q(t) is possible,the block diagramofFigure 6 represents the closed-loop system. Td(s)isthe desired, orset-point,temperatu re,C(s) is thecompensator transferfunction,and Q(s) is the heateroutput in watts.Giventhis simple situation, introductory linear control design toolssuch as therootlocus methodcanbe used to arrive at a C(s) which meets the stepresponse requirements onrise time, steady-state error, and overshoot specified in Table1.The upshot,of course, isthat a proportional controller withsufficient gain can meet allspecifications.Overshoot is impossible, andincreasing gains decreases both s teady-state errorand rise time.Unfortunately,sufficient gain to meet the specifications mayrequire larger heatoutputs thanthe heater is capable of producing. This wasindeed the case forthis system,and the result isthat the risetime specification cannotbemet.It is quite revealing to thestudenthow usefulsuch anoversimplified model, carefully arrived at, can bein determining overall performance limitations.4.3 Simulation ModelGross performance andits limitationscan bedeterminedusing the simplifiedmodel of Figure6, butthere are a number ofother aspectsof the closed-loop systemwhose effects on performance are not sosi mplymodeled. Chiefamongtheseare·quantizationerror inanalog-to-digitalconversionof the meas uredtemperature and· the use of PWM tocontrol the heater.Both of these are nonlinearandtime-varyingeffects, and the only pr acticalwayto study them is through simulation (or experiment,ofcou rse).Figure7shows a SimulinkTMblock diagram of the closed-loopsystem which incorporates theseeffects. A/D converterquantizationandsaturation aremodeled usingstandardSimulink quantizer and satu rationblocks. ModelingPWM is more complicated and requires a customS-functionto represent it.Thissimulationmodelhas provenparticularly usefulin ga uging the effects of varyingthe basicPWM parametersand hence selecting them appropriately. (I.e., thelonger the period, the larger the te mperatureerror PWM introduces. Ontheother hand, a long period isdesirableto avoid excessive relay“chatter,” amongother things.)PWM is often difficultfor students tograsp, and thesimulation model allows an explorationofitsoperationand effects whichis quite revealing.4.4The MicrocontrollerSimpleclosed-loop control, keypad reading, anddisplay control are someoftheclassic applicationsof microcontrollers,and this projecti ncorporates all three. Itistherefore an excellent all-around exercise in microcontrollerapplications.Inaddition, because the projectis t oproduce an actualpackagedprototype,it won’t dotouse a simple evaluation board withtheI/Opins jumpered to the target system.Instead,it’s necessary todevelop acomplete embeddedapplication. This entailsthechoice ofan appropriate partfrom the broadrange offered in atypical microcontroller family and learning to use a fairlysophisticateddevelopment environment. Finally, a custom printed-circuit board for the microcontroller and peripherals must be desi gnedand fabricated.Microcontroller Selection. Inviewof existinglocal expertise,theMotorola line ofmicrocontrollers was chosen for this project. Still, this doesnot narrow the choice down much. A fairly disciplinedstudy ofsystemrequirements isnecessary to specifywhichmicrocontroller, outof scores of variants, is required forthejob. This is difficult for students,as theygenerally lackthe experience and intuition needed aswell astheperseveranceto wade through manufacturers’ selection guides.Part of theproblemisin choosingmethods for interfacing the various p eripherals (e.g.,what kind of displaydriver should be used?). Astud yof relevant Motorolaapplication notes[2,3, 4] provedvery helpful inunderstandingwhatbasicapproaches are available,and whatmicrocontroller/peripheral combinations should be considered.TheMC68HC705B16 wasfinallychosenon the basis ofitsavailableA/D inputs and PWMoutputsas wellas 24 digitalI/O lines.In retrospect this is probablyoverkill, as only one A/D channel,one PWM channel,and11 I/O pins are actually required (see Figure3). The de cision wasmade to err on the safe sidebecause a completedevelopment system specifictothe chosenpart was necessary, andthe projectbudget did not permita second suchsystemto bepurchasedshould th efirstprove inadequate.Microcontroller Application Development. Breadboardingof the peripheral hardware,development of microcontroller software,and final debuggingand testing ofacustom printed-circuit board for the microcontrollerand peripheralsallrequire adevelopmentenvironmentof some kind.The choice of a development environment, likethat of the microcontroller itself, canbebewildering andrequires some facultye xpertise.Motorola makes threegradesof development environmentrangingfrom simple evaluationboards (at around $100) to full-blownreal-time in-circuit emulators(at morelike$7500). The middle optionwas chosen for this project: theMMEVS,whichconsistsof _a platformboard(whichsupports all 6805-familyparts), _ anemulator module(specific to B-series parts),and _ a cable and target head adapter(package-specific). Overall, thesystemcosts about$900 and provides,with somelimitations, in-circuit emulation capability.It also comes with the simplebut sufficient softwaredevelopmentenvironment RAPID[5].Studentsfindlearningto use this type of system challenging,butthe experience they gain inreal-world microcontroller application development greatly exceeds the typical first-course experience using simple evaluation boards.Printed-Circuit Board. The layoutof a simple (though definitely nottrivial)printed-circuitboard isanotherpractical learningopportunity presentedby this project.The finalboard layout, with package outlines,isshown(at50% ofactualsize)in Figur e8. Therelative simplicity ofthe circuit makesmanualplacementand routingpractical—in fact, it likely gives better results than automaticinan applicationlikethis—and the student is therefore exposed to fundamental issues of printed-circuit layoutandbasic design rules.The layout software used was the very nice package pcb,2and the boardwas fabricated in-house withthe aid of our staffelectronics technician.中文翻译:单片机温度控制:一个跨学科的本科生工程设计项目JamesS.McDonald工程科学系三一大学德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥市78212摘要:本文所描述的是作者领导由四个三一大学高年级学生组成的团队进行的一个跨学科工程项目的设计。

























集成电路课程设计课题:基于AT89C51单片机的多点温度测量系统设计姓名:韩颖班级:测控12-1学号:指导老师:汪玉坤日期:目录一、绪论二、总体方案设计三、硬件系统设计1主控制器2 显示模块3温度采集模块(1)DS18B20的内部结构(2)高速暂存存储器(3)DS18B20的测温功能及原理(4)DS18B20温度传感器与单片机的连接(5)单片机最小系统总体电路图四、系统软件设计五、系统仿真六、设计总结七、参考文献八、附源程序代码一、绪论在现代工业控制中和智能化仪表中,对于温度的控制,恒温等有较高的要求,如对食品的管理,冰箱的恒温控制,而且现在越来越多的地方用到多点温度测量,比如冰箱的保鲜层和冷冻层是不同的温度这就需要多点的测量和显示可以让用户直观的看到温度值,并根据需要调节冰箱的温。



本设计采用DALLAS最新单线数字温度传感器DS18B20 简介新的"一线器件"体积更小、适用电压更宽、更经济DALLAS 半导体公司的数字化温度传感器DS18B20是世界上第一片支持"一线总线",测量温度范围为-55°C~+125°C,在-10~+85°C范围内,精度为±0.5°二、设计过程及工艺要求1、基本功能(1)检测两点温度(2)两秒间隔循环显示温度2、主要技术参数测温范围:-30℃到+99℃测量精度:0.0625℃显示精度:0.1℃显示方法:LCD循环显示3、系统设计系统使用AT89C51单片机对两个DS18B20进行数据采集,并通过1602LCD液晶显示器显示所采集的温度。











三、硬件设计1. 温度传感器:选择合适的温度传感器进行温度采集。


2. 单片机:选择适合的单片机进行数据处理和控制。


3. 报警器:选择适合的报警器进行声音或光信号发出。


4. 显示器:选择适合的显示器进行温度数据的显示。


四、软件设计1. 温度采集:通过单片机的AD转换功能,将模拟温度信号转换为数字信号进行处理。


2. 温度比较:将采集到的温度值与设定的阈值进行比较。


3. 报警控制:当温度超过阈值时,单片机控制报警器发出声音或光信号,提醒用户温度异常。

4. 数据显示:单片机将采集到的温度数据显示在显示器上,方便用户实时了解环境温度情况。



毕业设计论文 基于单片机的温度测量系统

毕业设计论文 基于单片机的温度测量系统







关键词:AT89C2051 单片机DS18B20 温度测量AbstractWith the socio-economic development, modern agricultural production can not be separated from environmental control, this article in the greenhouse at home and abroad to conduct in-depth analysis of intelligent control based on the existence of intelligent control for greenhouse many factors, the intelligent sensor monitoring and single-chip control by combining single-chip based on the temperature detection system design.The system uses a hierarchical, modular design, the entire system by the data acquisition system, single-chip control system, computer monitoring system. System to single-chip microcomputer as the core to a number of temperature and humidity sensor as a measurement component, through the single-chip smart sensor and connected to the storage collection of intelligent sensor measurement data. In single-chip system, but also the realization of the extended stored procedures, data, real-time display, alarm and data overrun voice auxiliary storage. Single-chip computer as a monitor connected with the center of intelligent sensors.The design made the following main aspects: First, the overall design of the system, including its functional design; design principles; the composition and working principle; Second, an intelligent sensor hardware circuit design; including hardware and measurement circuit principle; the choice of temperature sensor; SCM choice; input and output channel design; Third, we carried out the testing and simulation, including hardware simulation and software simulation.Keywords:AT89C2051 Single-Chip Microcomputer DS18B20 Temperature Measurement;目录摘要 (ii)Abstract (iii)1 绪论 (1)1.1 单片机温度测量系统的选题背景 (1)1.2 单片机温度测量系统选题的现实意义 (2)1.3 国内外研究现状及其发展 (3)1.3.1 国外温室环境控制 (3)1.3.2 国内温室控制技术 (3)1.3.3 温室环境控制技术的三个发展阶段 (3)1.3.4 温室控制存在的问题 (4)1.4 单片机温度测量系统主要研究的内容 (5)2 单片机温度测量系统总体设计 (6)2.1 单片机温度测量系统的功能设计 (6)2.2 单片机温度测量系统的设计的原则 (6)2.3 单片机温度测量系统的组成与工作原理 (7)3 系统硬件电路的设计 (9)3.1 系统硬件电路构成及测量原理 (9)3.1.1 系统硬件电路构成 (9)3.1.2 系统工作原理 (10)3.1.3 系统主要技术指标 (13)3.2 温度传感器的选择 (13)3.2.1 DS18B20的介绍 (14)3.2.2 DS18B20的性能特点 (14)3.2.3 DS18B20的控制方法 (15)3.2.4 DS18B20的测温原理 (16)3.3 单片机的选择 (16)3.3.1 单片机的概述 (16)3.3.2 AT89C2051芯片的主要性能 (17)3.3.3 AT89C2051芯片的内部结构框图 (17)3.4 输入通道的设计 (18)3.4.1 Pt100温度传感器 (18)3.4.2 A/D转换 (20)3.5 输出通道设计 (22)3.5.1 温控箱的功率调节方式 (22)3.5.2可控硅输出电路 (23)4 系统调试 (25)4.1 TKS仿真器与集成开发环境KEIL (25)4.1.1 TKS仿真器 (25)4.1.2 集成开发环境KEIL (26)4.1.3 利用KEIL开发系统软件流程 (28)4.2 系统硬件调试 (28)4.3 系统软件调试 (29)结论 (31)参考文献 (32)致谢 ............................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

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基于单片机的多功能温度检测系统设计1 引言随着社会的发展和技术的进步,人们越来越注重温度检测与显示的重要性。




2 系统方案本系统采用 AT89S52 作为该系统的单片机。

系统整体硬件电路包括,电源电路,传感器电路,温度显示电路,上下限报警电路等如图1 所示。


温度控制的基本原理为:当DSl8B20 采集到温度信号后,将温度信号送至AT89S52 中处理,同时将温度送到LCD 液晶屏显示,单片机根据初始化设置的温度上下限进行判断处理,即如果温度大于所设的最高温度就启动风扇降温;如果温度小于所设定的最低温度就启动报警装置。

温度控制器的原理图3 系统硬件设计(1)单片机AT89S52 的介绍AT89S52 是一种低功耗、高性能CMOS8 位微控制器,具有8K 可编Flash 存储器。

使用Atmel 公司高密度非易失性存储器技术制造,与工业80C51 产品指令和引脚完全兼容。

片上Flash 允许程序存储器在系统编程,亦适于常规编程器。

在单芯片上,拥有灵巧的8 位CPU和在系统可编程Flash,使AT89S52 为众多嵌入式控制应用系统提供高灵活、超有效的解决方案[5]。

AT89S52 具有以下标准功能: 8k 字节Flash,256 字节RAM,32 位I/O 口线,看门狗定时器,2 个数据指针,三个16 位定时器/计数器,一个6 向量2 级中断结构,全双工串行口,片内晶振及时钟电路。

另外,AT89S52 可降至0Hz 静态逻辑操作,支持2 种软件可选择节电模式。

空闲模式下,CPU 停止工作,允许RAM、定时器/计数器、串口、中断继续工作。

掉电保护方式下,RAM 内容被保存,振荡器被冻结,单片机一切工作停止,直到下一个中断或硬件复位为止。

(2) DS18B20 传感器的介绍在传统的模拟信号远距离温度测量系统中,需要很好的解决引线误差补偿问题、多点测量切换误差问题和放大电路零点漂移误差问题等技术问题,才能够达到较高的测量精度。


因此,在温度测量系统中,采用抗干扰能力强的新型数字温度传感器是解决这些问题的最有效方案,与其它温度传感器相比DSl820 具有以下特点:(1)独特的单线接口方式。

DSl820 在与微处理器连接时仅需要一条接口线即可实现微处理器与DSl820 的双向通讯。


(3)DSl820 在使用中无需任何外围元件。

(4)可用数据线供电,电压范围从3.0V 到5.5V。

(5)可测量的温度范围从-55℃到+125℃,增量值0. 5℃;华氏温度范围从-67 到+257,增量值0.9。


多个DS1820 可以并接在同一条总线上,实现多点测温。

(7)9 位的温度分辨率。

测量结果以9 位数字量方式串行传送。



① DSl8B20的工作原理DS18B20 的内部结构DSl8B20 的测温原理框图如图3.2 所示。



所产生的信号作为计数器2 的脉冲输入。

计数器1、计数器2 和温度寄存器被预置在-55℃所对应的一个基数值。

计数器l 对低温度系数晶振产生的脉冲信号进行减法计数,当计数器1 的预置值减到O 时,温度计数器的值将加l,计数器l 的预置值将被重新装人,计数器l 重新开始对低温度系数晶振产生的脉冲信号进行计数,如此循环直到计数器2 计数到O 时,停止温度寄存器的累加,此时温度寄存器中的数值即为所测温度。

图3.2 中的斜率累加器用于补偿和修正测温过程中的非线性,其输出小于修正计数器l 的预置值。

② DS18B20 与AT89S52 的接口方式DS18B20 与单片机的连接方式有两种:即寄生电源方式和外部电源方式。

寄生电源方式:在寄生电源供电方式下,DS18B20 从单线信号线上汲取能量:在信号线DQ 处于高电平期间把能量储存在内部电容里,在信号线处于低电平期间消耗电容上的电能工作,直到高电平到来再给寄生电源(电容)充电。

寄生电源方式有三个好处: 1)进行远距离测温时,无需本地电源。


3)电路更加简洁,仅用一根I/O 口实现测温。

要想使DS18B20 进行精确的温度转换,I/O 线必须保证在温度转换期间提供足够的能量,由于每个DS18B20 在温度转换期间工作电流达到1mA,当几个温度传感器挂在同一根I/O 线上进行多点测温时,只靠4.7K 上拉电阻就无法提供足够的能量,会造成无法转换温度或温度误差极大。

外部电源供电方式:在外部电源供电方式下,DS18B20 工作电源由VDD 引脚接入,此时I/O 线不需要强上拉,不存在电源电流不足的问题,可以保证转换精度,同时在总线上理论可以挂接任意多个DS18B20 传感器,组成多点测温系统。


连接方法即DS18B20 的1 脚接地,2 脚(DQ 引脚)与AT89S52 的一根I/O 口线相连,3 脚接+5V。

在A89S52 的I/O 口线与+5V 之间连接一4.7K 的上拉电阻,以保证数据采集的正常进行。

若要组成多点温度检测系统,可在单片机的同一根I/O 口线上,以相同的连接方法并联多片DS18B20 芯片。

(3) LCD1602 液晶屏1602 液晶显示模块可以和单片机AT89S52 直接接口。

(4)蜂鸣器驱动电路由于蜂鸣器的工作电流一般比较大,以致于单片机的I/O 口是无法直接驱动的,所以要利用放大电路来驱动,一般使用三极管来放大电流就可以了。

当所测的温度低于6 摄氏度时,报警。

(5)风扇电路当所测的温度高于80 摄氏度时,启动风扇电路。


当温度高于80℃时,给单片机一个命令,单片机P2.6 引脚输出高电平,三极管导通,风扇电路接通,电风扇开始转动,从而起到降温作用。

4 系统的软件设计本系统采用AT89S52 作为核心处理器件,把经过DSl8B20 现场实时采集到的温度数据,存入AT89S52 的内部数据存储器,送液晶显示,并与预先设定值进行比较,然后由单片机输出信号去控制风扇电路和报警电路。

多功能温度检测显示系统软件主要包括:函数声明、延迟时间函数、DS18B20 初始化函数、读出DS18B20 当前的温度、温度数据转化成液晶字符显示等程序。

5 小结随着工业的不断发展,对温度测量的要求来越高,而且测量范围也越来越广,因此对温度检测技术的要求也越来越高。

本文介绍了以DSl8B20 新型数字温度传感器、AT89S52 单片机、LCD1602 液晶显示模块为主体构建的温度检测显示系统。


本系统采用的是DALLAS 公司推出的数字式温度传感器DS18B20,无需外加A/D 即可输出数字量,把温度信号直接转换成串行数字信号供微机处理。




Based on SCM multi-functional temperature testingsystem design1 prefaceWith the development of society and the technological progress, people pay more and more attention to the importance of temperature detection and display. Temperature detection and status display technology and equipment has been widely applied in industries, products on the market emerge in endlessly. Temperature testing and also gradually adopt the automatic control technology to realize the monitor. This topic is a temperature testing and status of the monitoring system.2 System solutionsThis system USES the monolithic integrated circuit AT89S52 as this system. The whole system, the hardware circuit including power supply circuit, sensor, the temperature display circuit circuit, upper alarm circuit such as shown in figure 1. Figure in the alarming circuit can be measured in upper temperature range, screaming voice alarm. The basic principle for the temperature control DSl8B20: when the temperature signal acquisition to after temperature signal sent to handle, AT89S52 temperature to LCD screen, SCM according to initialize the upper temperature setting, namely, if the judgement of temperature than the highest temperature cooling fan is started, If the temperature is less than the lowest temperature setting on alarm device. Temperature controller diagram3 The system hardware design(1)AT89S52 SCM are introducedAT89S52 devices is a low power consumption, high CMOS8 bit micro-controller, 8K programmable Flash memory. Use Atmel company high-density nonvolatile storage technology, and industrial 80C51 product instruction and pin fully compatible. The Flash memory chips allows programs in system programming, also suitable for conventional programming. In a single chip, have clever 8 bits CPU and programmable Flash in the system, for many embedded control AT89S52 applicationsystem provides a highly flexible, efficient solutions [5]. AT89S52 has the following functions: the standard 256 bytes, 8k byte Flash RAM, 32 I/O port, the watchdog timer, 2 data, three pointer 16 timer/counter, a 6 vector level 2 interrupt structure, full-duplex serial, timely clock circuit within crystals. In addition, 0Hz AT89S52 can drop to the static logic operation, support two software can choose power saving mode. Idle mode, the CPU to stop working, and allows the RAM, timer/counters, serial, continue to work. Protection mode, RAM by MCU, oscillator is frozen, all the work to stop until the next interruption or hardware reset.(2)The sensor DS18B20In the traditional analog signal distance temperature measuring system, need good solve lead error compensation, multi-point measurement error and amplifying circuit switching technologies such as zero drift error problem, can achieve high measuring accuracy. Another general monitoring site of the electromagnetic environment is very bad, all kinds of jamming signal is stronger, the simulated temperature signal interference and vulnerable to produce measurement error and measuring precision [5]. Therefore, in temperature measuring system, the strong anti-jamming capability of the new digital temperature sensor is the most effective to solve these problems, compared with other temperature sensor DSl820 has the following features:(1) the unique singleline interface way. DSl820 in connection with the microprocessor only need one interface to implement line DSl820 microprocessors and two-way communication. (2) more function simplifies distributed temperature detection application. (3) DSl820 in use without any peripheral devices. (4) power, voltage range data available from 3.0 V to 5.5 V. (5) can measure temperature range from - 55 degrees c + + to 125, incremental value 0. 5 ° c, Fahrenheit temperature range from - 67 to + 257, incremental value 0.9. (6) support multi-point network function. Multiple DS1820 can pick on the same bus and, more temperature measurement. (7) 9 temperature resolution. Measuring results in nine serial transmission way the digital quantity. (8) user can set temperature alarm threshold. (9) have super temperature search function.①DSl8B20 principle of workThe internal structure of DS18B20 DSl8B20 temperature measurement principle diagram shown in figure 3.2. Low temperature coefficient graph oscillation frequency vibration product temperature is used to produce with fixed frequency, pulse signal to counter l. High temperature coefficient crystals temperature-dependent its oscillation frequency change significantly. The signal generated as the counter 2 input pulses. Counter 1, 2 and temperature registers are counter in - 55 degrees preset corresponding a base value. Counter l to low temperature coefficient of the pulse signal generated crystals, when the counter for subtraction counting the preset value reduced to 1, when the temperature counter O value will add l, counter the preset value will be l man again, to counter the l start low temperature coefficient of crystal oscillator pulse signal, so cycle count until the counter 2, stop counting to O accumulative temperature, temperature of the register for the register is measured values. Figure 3.2 accumulative used for the slope compensation and fixed temperature measurement, the output of the process of nonlinear correction is less than the preset value counter l.②AT89S52 interface mode and DS18B20Chip DS18B20 and the connection has two kinds: namely parasitic power and external power supply mode.Parasitic power way: in the parasitic power supply mode, the signal from the single chip DS18B20 in line drawing energy during the high level in the DQ energy stored in the internal capacitance, low level in signal in the energy consumed during the capacitance on working until high-level coming again to parasitic power (battery). Parasitic power mode has three advantages: 1) distance measuring temperature, without the local power supply. 2) no conventional power in the condition reads the ROM. 3) circuit, with only one more concise root I/O realize temperature measurement. Want to make precise temperature conversion chip DS18B20, I/O line must ensure that the temperature conversion period, due to provide enough energy conversion in temperature during each DS18B20, when the current 1mA to work a few temperature sensor in the same root hanging on the I/O multi-point temperaturemeasurement, only by 4.7 K and resistance will not be able to provide enough energy, which cannot be switchover temperature or errors.The external power source supply way: in the external power supply modes, DS18B20 work power by VDD pin, I/O access line does not need strong pull up, there is no shortage of electricity power, can ensure accuracy and conversion in the bus theory can be articulated multiple sensor DS18B20, multipoint temperature measuring system.This system USES the external power source. Connection method is one foot grounding and DS18B20 2 feet (DQ) and AT89S52 foot an I/O port, 3 feet line up + 5V. A89S52 in the I/O port and + 5V connection between a 4.7 K pull-up resistors, to ensure the normal operation of the data collection. If you want to test system, composed multi-point temperature in the same root chip I/O port in the same line, and the method of connecting the parallel more pieces of DS18B20 chip.(3)LCD1602 LCD1602 LCD module can and monolithic integrated circuit AT89S52 directly interface.(4)Buzzer driver circuitDue to the working current buzzer is compared commonly big, so I/O microcontroller is not directly driven by amplifying circuit, so it is generally used to drive, to enlarge current transistor. When the temperature is below six degrees Celsius, alarm.(5)Fan circuitWhen the temperature is higher than 80 ° c, start fan circuit. Because the job is great, so use current amplifier circuit to drive, to enlarge current transistor. When the temperature is above 80 ° c, give a command, P2.6 single-chip microcontroller foot output level, triode conduction, fans, electric circuit, which began to turn it down.4 The design of the software systemThis system USES AT89S52 devices as the core, with DSl8B20 after the collected data, and the temperature inside the data storage AT89S52 deposit, LCDdisplay, and compared with the prior value, and then the output signal by MCU control circuit and alarm circuit fan. Multi-functional temperature testing system software mainly include: function declarations, time delay function and DS18B20 initialization function, read the temperature, temperature DS18B20 data into a liquid crystal display characters such programs.5 SummaryWith the continuous development of industry of temperature measurement, the higher requirement, and more and more wide measuring range, so are the requirements for temperature detection technology more and more is also high.DSl8B20 introduced new digital temperature sensor and AT89S52 SCM, LCD1602 LCD module for constructing the temperature testing system. The hardware circuit and main program and system design of each module subroutines. This system USES the DALLAS is the digital temperature sensor DS18B20, plus A/D can output the digital quantity, the temperature signal directly convert serial digital signal processing for microcomputer. Accordingly. This system has the hardware circuit structure is simple, high precision, and shows the result conversion clear stability, low cost and significant advantages. In temperature measurement, such as grain of intelligent building, central air conditioning of the occasion to temperature testing has good application prospects.。
