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姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________


一、情景交际 (共10题;共90分)

1. (6分)应答配对

⑴Is there a sheep?________ A. There are ten sheep.

⑵Are there any sheep?________ B. They are on the farm.

⑶What's on the farm?________ C. Yes,I like sheep very much.

⑷How many sheep are there?________ D. Yes,there is a sheep.

⑸Do you like sheep?________ E. There are some sheep.

⑹Where are the sheep?________ F. No,there aren't any sheep.

2. (5分)选出正确的应答语。

⑴Have you got Chinese dragon kites ?________A、No ,she can't .

⑵What's your hobby ?________

B、There are 193 .

⑶Can you speak English ?________

C、Yes ,he really likes dancing .

⑷Tell me more about Thanksgiving Day ?________D、Yes ,we have .

⑸How big is New York ?________

E、Taking photos .

⑹How many member states are there in the UN ?________F、Yes ,I can .

⑺Pleased to meet you . ________ G 、It's got more than eight million people .

⑻Can Laura speak Chinese ?________ H、It's

a train .

⑼Does he like dancing ?________

I、We have special meals .

⑽What is it ?________

J、Pleased to meet you ,too .

3. (5分) What's this?

4. (4分) A:I can play ping pong. What can you do?

B: ________.

5. (25分)我会选出正确的答语

A. Great.

B. Thank you.

C. Sure.

D. It's rainy.

(1) Can I try it on?________

(2) How's t he weather today?________

(3) Let's go shopping.________

(4) Here you are.________

6. (5分)—________

—He was a doctor.

7. (25分)选出正确的答语。

⑴What are you going to eat tonight?________ A. Yes,she does.

⑵Do you like hamburgers?________ B. I'm going to eat rice.

⑶What did she have?________ C. She had some apples.

(4)Does Mary like the blue dress?________ D. Yes,I do.

⑸Who is going to work?________ E. Her father.

8. (5分)读一读,选出正确的应答语。

⑴What can Kitty do?________ A. Good evening,May.

⑵Goodbye,Kitty.________ B. She can swim.

⑶Good evening,Kitty.________ C. I can swim.

⑷How are you,Kitty?________ D. I am fine,thank you.

⑸How old are you,Kitty?________ E. I am seven years old.

⑹What can you do Ki tty?________ F. Goodbye,Helen.

9. (5分)选出问句的正确答语。

⑴How far is it from your home?________ A. For two days.

⑵How did you go there?________ B. About twenty.

⑶How many people are there here?________ C. Ten dollars.

⑷How long are you going to stay there?________ D. By bike.

⑸How much is the T-shirt?________ E. 300 meters.

10. (5分)选择适当的答语。

⑴Does Su Nan have a headache? ________ A. I'm sorry to hear that.

⑵How does Tom feel? ________ B. She has a high fever.

⑶Where is the hospital? ________ C. Yes,he does.

⑷What's wrong with her? ________ D. He feels well.

⑸Tim doesn't feel well. ________ E. It's next to the cinema.
