





山西农业大学资源环境学院2020年11月30日Shanxi Agricultural UniversityStudents Status CertificateThis is to certify that xxx, female, born on xxx in xxx, has been enrolled as an undergraduate student majoring in the program of xxx in School of xxx, Shanxi Agricultural University. It is a full-time, four-year programleading to a Bachelor’s Degree. Her student number is xxx. She is expected to graduate in July, 201School of resources and environmentShanxi Agricultural UniversityDate: November 30, 2020篇二:《官方中英文在读证明模板》*** 大学教务处在读证明***,男/女,学号***,身份证号***,为***学院2009级***专业本科(1)班学生,该生若能完成学院规定的课程,并达到学院的毕业要求和授予学位的条件,按照正常情况,将于2020年6月毕业,并可授予学士学位。

学院审核人学院盖章教务处审核人教务处盖章201 年月日**** UniversityCertificate of Full Time StudentThis is to certify that Liu **(female),born on 16/06/1990, Student No.: ******, ID no.:************** is a junior majoring in *********** in School of ********, **** University.She/He is expected to graduate from our university in June/July, 201*, and being granted a Bachelor’s degree if she/he can complete the required curriculum, reach the requirements of the graduation and qualify for the degree.School/ College (stamp) Academic Affairs Office (stamp) Signature:_______________ Signature: ______________11/09/2020**** University--2篇三:《在读证明模板_中英文对照》在读证明兹证明佘梓焜,男,广东省汕头人,中山火炬职业技术学院,管理工程系,市场营销专业121班学生,学生证号120803013该生于2020年录取,已在我院完成三个学期学业,拟毕业时间2020年6月。



在读证明英文版五篇范文第一篇:在读证明英文版CertificationThis is to certify thatXX(学生姓名), born in XX City, XX Province, ID Card No.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, is a full-time registered student majoring in Translation English in School of English Language and Culture, Zhejiang International Studies University.School of English language and cultureJan.2nd, 2014 第二篇:英文在读证明Studying CertificateThis is to certify that Wu Tianbai, male, has enrolled into Longpan College of Jinling Institute of Technology in September 2011.Now he is a student of XXXXXin our college.ID card No.XXXXXX, Student No.XXXXXX.The length of schooling is four years.It is hereby to certify.Longpan College of Jinling Institute of TechnologyAugust 25, 2013第三篇:在读证明英文CertificateName: xxxGender: FemaleBackground: UndergraduateMajor: Software EngineeringDepartment: Computer Science and EngineeringSchool: xxx UniversityWe hereby certify that xxx is the undergraduate enrolled in xxx University in 2008-09,the expected date for the graduation would be in 2012-06.xxx University is a full-time accredited school for higher education approved by the Education Ministryof the People's Republic of puter Science and Engineering FacultySep 27th,2011第四篇:在读证明英文School CertificateHere after is to certify that San Zhang, male, born on January 1th , 1991, who took part in the National College Entrance Examination in June, 2009 and was matriculated by School of Literature, Lanzhou University.He is currently studying in School of Literature, Lanzhou University and majors in Chinese Language and Literature.The length of course is four years.According to the policy of Lanzhou University, He will graduate in June, 2013.On the condition that all his grades are qualified, he will obtain the Bachelor’s Degree of Art in June 2013.Students’ Affairs Division Lanzhou UniversityOctober 17th , 2012第五篇:ACCA在读证明英文CertificateThis is to certify that student Jiang Lixian(Famale , born inMay 1993), took part in the unified national college and university Entrance Examination in 2011.She enrolled into the Major of Financial management four-year undergraduate program on full-time basis at School of Accountancy offered by our university.She is a current student and her student I.D No.is 2011020012.Here by to prove above.School of Accountancy Shangdong University of Financeand Economics9/1/2013。

2019年在读证明 英文版-word范文模板 (2页)

2019年在读证明 英文版-word范文模板 (2页)

2019年在读证明英文版-word范文模板本文部分内容来自网络,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将予以删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可随意编辑修改! ==在读证明英文版在读证明英文版【1】Certificationis a student in classgrade in School .He will travel to Australia from to 201X with his parents. According to the schedule, they will stay in there for almost days. All the expenses including the transportation, the accommodation, the meals and the health insurance will be furnished by his parents.Best RegardsSchoolDecember 10, 201XRemark:School headmaster :Tel:在读证明英文版【2】Certificate This is to certify that 姓名 is a student of Accounting 班级in our college. Our school’s vocation is during XX 年 XX 月 XX 日 to XX 年 XX 月 XX 日,We know that 姓名 will visit the Canda during the vocation. Your help to the visa will be appreciated. All the above is。



官方中英文在读证明5篇范文第一篇:官方中英文在读证明*** 大学教务处在读证明***,男/女,学号***,身份证号***,为***学院2009级***专业本科(1)班学生,该生若能完成学院规定的课程,并达到学院的毕业要求和授予学位的条件,按照正常情况,将于2013年6月毕业,并可授予学士学位。

学院审核人:学院盖章教务处审核人:教务处盖章201年月日****UniversityCertificate of Full Time StudentThis is to certify that Liu **(female),born on 16/06/1990, Student No.: ******, ID no.:************** is a junior majoring in *********** in School of ********,**** University.She/He is expected to graduate from our university in June/July, 201*, and being granted a Bachelor’s degree if she/he can complete the required curriculum, reach the requirements of the graduation and qualify for the degree.School/ College(stamp)Academic Affairs Office(stamp)Signature:_______________Signature: ______________11/09/2012**** University-- 2第二篇:重庆大学在读证明官方版本(中英文)填写说明1.在读证明格式应严格按以上格式填写,本人信息必须准确无误。




Wuhan 430070, P. R. China, Tel:86 27 87281542 Fax:86 27 87282023在读证明Registration Certificate兹证明XXX (姓名),性别:X ,学号: XXX ,身份证号码:XXX ,于XXXX 年XX 月经全国普通高等学校入学考试录取进入我校XXXX 学院XXXX 专业学习,学制X 年,现为本科X 年级学生。

若按时修满学校规定学分并达到的毕业要求和学位授予条件,将于XXXX 年6月毕业,并可授予学士学位。

This is to certify that XXX (name),X (sex),Student Registration Number :XXX ,ID Number :XXX , passed the National College Entrance Examination and was Enrolled into Huazhong Agricultural University (HZAU) in September ,XXXX .The Period of study is X years .Now ,he (she) is in his (her) XXX year study ,majoring in XXXX ,at the XXXX ,HZAU .He (she) will be awarded a bachelor degree in July XXXX if he (she) obtains all the required credits and satisfies HZAU’S requirements for graduation and degree conferring.教务处Office of Undergraduate Academic AffairsHuazhong Agricultural UniversityXX (month). XX (date). XXXX(year)。

学生在读证明 英文版模板

学生在读证明 英文版模板
Signature and Seal:(请学校负责人亲笔签名,请用中文签名,加盖学校公章,并将姓名打印在旁边)
Occupation of Signature:(签字人的职务,请用英文打印)
School Name:(请用英文填写学校名称)
School Address:(请用英文填写学校地址)
Visa Section
(申请签证国家英文名称)Consulate General in Shanghai
(本人姓名的拼音)is a student of our school. The school vacation is from(学校准假的具体开始日期,年份仍然用阿拉伯数字)to(学校准假的具体结束日期,年份仍然用阿拉伯数字). During this time(本人姓名的拼音)will visit(申请签证国家英文名称)and other European Countries(如果不去其他欧洲国家请将and other European Countries删除)for(请根据外网显示的具体旅行天数填写)days with his/her mother/father/parents. All the expenses during the travel will be borne by his/her mother/father/parents.
He/She will still study in our school after he/she comes back.
Date of birth:(本人出生年月)
Passports No.:(护照号码)



DATE:(日期以阿拉伯数字根据日/月/年的格式填写)Visa Secti on(申请签证国家英文名称)Consulate General in Shanghai(本人姓名的拼音)is a student of our school. The school vacation is from (学校准假的具体开始日期,年份仍然用阿拉伯数字)to (学校准假的具体结束日期,年份仍然用阿拉伯数字).During this time (本人姓名的拼音)will visit (申请签证国家英文名称)and other European Countries (如果不去其他欧洲国家请将and other European Countries 删除)for (请根据外网显示的具体旅行天数填写)days with his/her mother/father/pare nts. All theexpe nses duri ng the travel will be borne by his/her mother/father/pare nts.He/She will still study in our school after he/she comes back.Name(本人姓名的拼音)Date of birth :(本人出生年月)Passports No.:(护照号码)Grade (就读学校的年级,可以使用阿拉伯数字)Class (就读学校的班级,可以使用阿拉伯数字)Best regards.Sig nature and Seal:(请学校负责人亲笔签名,请用中文签名,加盖学校公章,并将姓名打印在旁边)Occupation of Sig nature: (签字人的职务,请用英文打印)School Name: (请用英文填写学校名称)School Address: (请用英文填写学校地址)Tel:(学校电话)Fax:(学校传真)。

在读证明 英文模板

在读证明 英文模板



大学名称:[University Name]
证明人(标题):[Title of Certifying Authority]
证明人(姓名):[Name of Certifying Authority]
证明人(职位):[Position of Certifying Authority]
证明日期:[Date of Certification]
致:[To whom it may concern]
我是证明人(姓名),在[University Name]就读,担任[Position of Certifying Authority]的职务。

我在此证明,[Student Name]
是本校的在读学生,目前正在修读[Major]专业,就读于[Grade Level]年级。

他/她的学术表现一直优秀,通过他/她在学业上的不懈努力,已经获得了[Honors, Awards, or Scholarships]等荣誉。

本证明仅用于[Specific Purpose]目的,可随时联系我确认证明内容的真实性。

- 1 -。



幼儿园在读证明中英文版幼儿园在读证明的英文版通常称为 "Proof of Enrollment in Kindergarten"。


Proof of Enrollment in Kindergarten.To Whom It May Concern,。

This is to certify that [Child's Full Name], born on [Child's Date of Birth], is currently enrolled as a student at [Name of Kindergarten].[Child's Full Name] started attending our kindergarten on [Date of Enrollment] and is expected to complete the current academic year on [Expected Date of Completion].During their time at our kindergarten, [Child's Full Name] has been actively participating in various learning activities and has shown positive progress in their academic, social, and emotional development.If you require any further information or have any specific inquiries, please feel free to contact us at the address and phone number provided below.Sincerely,。



大学在读证明,中英对照(优秀范文5篇)第一篇:大学在读证明,中英对照在读证明兹证明XXX,XXXX年 XX月 XX日出生,自 XXXX 年9月开始就读于XXXX大学XXX专业,该生学号为XXXXXXXXX。

按照学校学位授予条例,该生在规定时间内通过所有规定课程和论文答辩后, 她将在XXXX年 XX月获得本校授予的本科毕业证书及学士学位证书。

特此证明!XXXXX大学XXXX年XX月XX日Schooling CertificateThis is to certify that student XXX, born on XX XX, 19XX, has been studying at XX School of XX University with the major of XX since Sept.20XX.Her student No.is XXXXXXXXX.In accordance with the Academic Degree Regulation, she will be granted the Bachelor and Graduation Certificate in June 20XX, after she successfully completes all the courses and dissertation as requested.Hereby it is certified.XXXXXX UniversityMM/DD/YYYY第二篇:在读证明中英对照版在读证明Certificate of Full-time Student 姓名:xx,性别:xx,该生于xxxx年x月考入长春师范大学国际商学院国际经济于贸易专业(全日制四年普通本科),现在国贸x班学习,将于x年x月毕业。

This is to certify that xx(name), xx(gender), was admitted to the International Business School of Changchun Normal University to major in the International Economics and Trade(the ordinary full-time four-year undergraduate)in x(month)xxxx(year).xx(name)has been studying at theInternational Trade Class x, and will graduate in x(month)x(year).特此证明。





在读证明英⽂翻译篇(⼀) 兹证明:学⽣##现就读于##⼤学四年制本科。




##⼤学教务处 Education Certificate This is to certify that Ms ## is now studying in the four-year undergraduate program at ## University .She has been enrolled in the Department of##,majoring in ## from September 2003 to present. Ms # will get the Bachelor’s degree in July 2007 if she passes the examinations in the required courses. ## University is a full-time accredited school for higher education approved by the Education Ministry of the People's Republic of China. Study Status Certificate This is to certify that □□, female, wrote the entrance examination of University in 20□, was enrolled at □□ University of □□. The student specializes in □ in the school of □□, Grade: □, Class: □, Reg. No: □□□, length of schooling: 4 □Years. □□University of□□(seal) Sept. □. 20□ 在读证明英⽂翻译篇(⼆) 兹证明XX(学号XXXX )与2002年被录取于XXXX⼤学服装学院服装设计与贸易专业学习,现是XXXX⼤学XXX系四年级本科⽣,拟毕业时间2008年7⽉。



在读证明兹有我校学院__ 专业级学生,性别,身份证号, __ _年_____月_____日出生,_____ 年_____月入学,学制 _____ 年,学习形式:普通全日制,现为班在读学生,学号为 __ ___ 。


某某大学教务处年月日Certification of EnrollmentThis is to certify that _____, Gender _____, ID number___ _ _ , born on(出生日期:如:May 4th 1990)He/She is currently enrolled into the 4-year undergraduate programme in(入学年月,如:Sep. 2017), majoring in___(专业)in the School of __ _ __(所在学院). His/ Her Length of schooling is _____ years, the form of study is ordinary full-time. Student ID: ___ __.He/She is now in_ (First/…..)_Grade. When he/she has completed the study of required courses and earned enough credits to meet the requirement of undergraduate education, He/she will be granted the College Graduate & Diploma Certificate of Bachelor’s degree in___(月)_ ___(年).某UniversityOffice of Academic AffairsDATE:(如:Jun.18th 2021)。




以下是由关于大学在读证明的内容,希望大家喜欢!大学在读证明(中英文对照)证明兹证明张三(学号123456)与xx年被录取于XXXX大学XXX系XX 专业学习,现是XXXX大学XXX系四年级本科生,拟毕业时间xx年7月。


XXX大学XXX系XX年XX月XX日(该处加盖公章)CertificateItistocertifythatLISi,studentNo.123456,hasbeenstudyinginthe DepartmentofXXXXinXXXXUniversity,Chinasincexx.HismajorisXXX X.NowheisasenioroftheDepartmentofXXXX,Thetimeofgraduatingwi llbeJuly,xx.Weherebycertify.Dept.ofXXXXXXXUniversity(date)(该处加盖公章)姓名、性别、出身年月:XXXX年XX月XX日。


华中科技大学教务处二00三年五月十一日Certificatename,se-x,borninmonth,year,wasenrolledinXXXXdepartment(scho ol)ofxx-xx,HuazhongUniversityofScience&TechnologyinSeptembe r,1999,majoringinxx-xx.Thelengthofschoolingisfouryears.Nowh eisasenior.AcademicAffairsOfficeHuazhongUniversityofScience&Technology DateofCertification:May11,xx--Lookatthelargepicture,ignorea lltheannoyingdetails.IfIrepeatedlyworryabouttheun-important details,itisverybadformyfutureresearch!________(学生姓名),_______(性别),生于____年___月____日,_____年_____月考入我校_______________学院学习,系全日制博士研究生/提前攻博生/直博生/硕博连读生/在读硕士生/应届硕士生/应届本科生(请选择),主修________________专业,校内学号为__________,学制_____年,预计于______年____月结束学业。




以下是由关于大学在读证明的内容,希望大家喜欢!大学在读证明(中英文对照)证明兹证明张三(学号123456)与xx年被录取于XXXX大学XXX系XX 专业学习,现是XXXX大学XXX系四年级本科生,拟毕业时间xx年7月。


XXX大学XXX系XX年XX月XX日(该处加盖公章)CertificateItistocertifythatLISi,studentNo.123456,hasbeenstudyinginthe DepartmentofXXXXinXXXXUniversity,Chinasincexx.HismajorisXXX X.NowheisasenioroftheDepartmentofXXXX,Thetimeofgraduatingwi llbeJuly,xx.Weherebycertify.Dept.ofXXXXXXXUniversity(date)(该处加盖公章)姓名、性别、出身年月:XXXX年XX月XX日。


华中科技大学教务处二00三年五月十一日Certificatename,se-x,borninmonth,year,wasenrolledinXXXXdepartment(scho ol)ofxx-xx,HuazhongUniversityofScience&TechnologyinSeptembe r,1999,majoringinxx-xx.Thelengthofschoolingisfouryears.Nowh eisasenior.AcademicAffairsOfficeHuazhongUniversityofScience&Technology DateofCertification:May11,xx--Lookatthelargepicture,ignorea lltheannoyingdetails.IfIrepeatedlyworryabouttheun-important details,itisverybadformyfutureresearch!________(学生姓名),_______(性别),生于____年___月____日,_____年_____月考入我校_______________学院学习,系全日制博士研究生/提前攻博生/直博生/硕博连读生/在读硕士生/应届硕士生/应届本科生(请选择),主修________________专业,校内学号为__________,学制_____年,预计于______年____月结束学业。



在读证明中英文模板篇一:在读证明(英文版)CERTIFATIONThis is to certify that , ID Card No., Student No., has been studying the graduate program for Master Degree onin , Ocean University of China from Sept.to nowGraduate SchoolOcean University of ChinaDate:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------CERTIFATIONThis is to certify that , ID Card No., Student No., has been studying the graduate program for Master Degree onin , Ocean University of China from Sept.to nowGraduate SchoolOcean University of ChinaDate:篇二:在读证明中英文模板广西医科大学在读证明王丽(女,198年6月22日出生),于2021年1月被广西医科大学继续教育学院录取,主修护理学,函授本科,学制三年,该生学号为2021500428,身份证号码是…, 预计于20年12月毕业。


广西医科大学2021年5月7日Guangi Medal UniversityStudying CertifateThis is to certify that Wang Li, female, born on June 22,1986, was admitted into the Continuing Education School, Guangi Medal Universityin January, 2021.She majors in nursing.It is a part-time, three-year study.Her student number is 2021500428 and her ID number is ….(填身份证号).She is epected to graduate in December, 20.It is hereby to certify.Guangzhou Medal CollegeDate of Issue: May 7, 2021买学校的信封,将在读证明放进信封去,在封口处盖章注意红色部分数据的确认篇三:中英文在读证明北京林业大学教务处在读证明×××(男或女,××××年×月×日出生),于××××年6月参加全国统一高考,被我校经济管理学院工商管理(物业管理方向)专业录取,普通全日制本科,学制四年,该生学号为×××,已完成大学一年级第一学期全部课程,预计于××××年7月毕业。

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