



法律英语重点专业词汇解析1. 法律英语概述法律英语是法学专业中的重要分支之一,涉及到法律文件、合同、法律案例等与法律相关的各种文字材料。


2. 法律英语重点专业词汇在法律英语中,有许多准确而专业的词汇需要掌握。

以下是一些常见的法律英语专业词汇的解析:- Act: 法案,指一项通过国会或议会法律程序,成为法律的法案。

- Arbitration: 仲裁,指由第三方解决争议的法律程序。

- Defendant: 被告,指在法庭上被控告的一方。

- Injunction: 禁令,指法院颁发的禁止某些行为的命令。

- Jurisdiction: 管辖权,指法院有权处理某一特定案件的权力。

- Litigation: 诉讼,指通过法律程序解决争议的过程。

- Patent: 专利,指一项新的发明或发现的独特技术。

- Plaintiff: 原告,指在法庭上提起诉讼的一方。

- Tort: 侵权行为,指侵犯他人权益的非法行为。

- Waiver: 放弃,指明确放弃某种合法权利的行为。

3. 法律英语研究方法了解法律英语的专业词汇是研究法律英语的基础。

以下是一些研究法律英语的方法:- 积累词汇:通过背诵和记忆法律英语的专业词汇,增加词汇量和理解能力。

- 阅读法律文本:阅读法律文件、合同和案例,提高对法律英语的理解和应用能力。

- 借助工具:使用法律英语词典、翻译软件等工具,提供准确、专业的词汇解释和翻译。

4. 结论法律英语的专业词汇对于学习和理解法律文本具有至关重要的意义。
























事实上,制定法尝试了以下两个方面:1. 在不损害公共利益的前提下通过实际可行的分配系统分配被继承人的财产;2. 按照最接近于被继承人内心真实、正式的意思表示这种方式分配遗产。




法律基础- 法律(Law)- 律师(Lawyer)- 法官(Judge)- 法院(Court)- 法案(Bill)- 判决(Judgment)- 起诉(Prosecute)- 案件(Case)- 证据(Evidence)- 合同(Contract)- 法律责任(Legal liability)- 无罪(Not guilty)- 诉讼(Litigation)- 法规(Regulation)- 法治(Rule of law)- 法律程序(Legal procedure)民事法律- 民事诉讼(Civil litigation)- 侵权(Infringement)- 合同纠纷(Contract dispute)- 财产权(Property rights)- 婚姻法(Marriage law)- 遗产继承(Inheritance)- 知识产权(Intellectual property rights)- 商标(Trademark)- 版权(Copyright)- 专利(Patent)- 产权转让(Assignment of property rights)刑事法律- 刑法(Criminal law)- 罪犯(Criminal)- 枪支(Firearm)- 毒品(Drug)- 盗窃(Theft)- 谋杀(Murder)- 诈骗(Fraud)- 强奸(Rape)- 应诉(Pleading)- 刑罚(Punishment)- 被告(Defendant)- 自卫(Self-defense)- 黑社会(Organized crime)国际法- 国际公约(International convention)- 条约(Treaty)- 领土争端(Territorial dispute)- 外交(Diplomacy)- 联合国(United Nations)- 人权(Human rights)- 战争罪(War crime)- 国际裁决(International arbitration)- 国际仲裁(International arbitration)公司法- 股份(Share)- 董事会(Board of Directors)- 股东(Shareholder)- 董事(Director)- 监事会(Supervisory Board)- 风险投资(Venture capital)- 并购(Mergers and acquisitions)- 破产(Bankruptcy)- 合伙企业(Partnership)- 企业法务(Corporate counsel)法律文书- 律师函(Lawyer's letter)- 上诉状(Appeal)- 合同书(Contract document)- 法院判决书(Court judgment)- 法律文件(Legal document)- 法律协议(Legal agreement)- 法律声明(Legal statement)- 法律顾问意见书(Legal opinion)以上仅是法律英语重点专业词汇的一部分,希望能对学习者的法律英语学习有所帮助。



法律英语常用词汇和句型总结常用术语总结一、基本概念及用法债权人:obligee债务人:obligor一方:one party对方\相对人:the other party;善意相对人:the other party in good faith债权:creditor’s right; right to performance; right债务/义务: obligation标的物:subject matter责任:liability要约:offer;承诺:acceptance;要约邀请:invitation to offer;要约人:offeror受要约人:offeree收件人:recipient代理人:agent被代理人/本人:principle行为人:person performing (such) act代理权:agency authority应当:shall可以:may不能:may not不正当:improperly有权做. . .:may; is entitled to do履行义务:perform obligation, render performance订立合同:enter into a contract; conclude a contract; form acontract带来损失:cause loss to . . .损害利益:harm somebody’s interest赔偿损失:indemnify the other party for its loss由某人承担费用:expenses shall be borne by sb.承担损害赔偿责任:be liable for damages各自承担相应的责任:bear their respective liabilities accordingly要求承担违约责任:hold . . . liable for breach of contract享有权利、承担义务:assume right and obligation二、各个条文中的术语合同订立采取. . .方式: a contract is concluded by the exchange of. . .(e.g. by the exchange of an offer and an acceptance; by the exchange of electronic messages). . .的意思表示:manifestation of intention to do something 做出表示:manifest his intention (to do)接受履行:accept the performance订立合同时:in the course of concluding/ negotiating a contract; at the time of its conclusion 符合...规定:meet the requirement of . . .承诺的撤回:withdrawal of acceptance书面形式:in writing合同书形式:memorandum of contract具有本法. . .条规定的情形:fall into any of the circumstances set forth in Article. . .撤回:withdraw; 撤销:cancel拒绝追认:decline; 拒绝履行:reject受约束:be bound;is binding upon somebody表明:indicate价目表:price list拍卖公告:announcement of auction招标公告:call for tender招股说明书:prospectus商业广告:commercial advertisement数据电文:electronic message指定特定系统:designate a specific system快速通讯方式:instantaneous communication device国家指令性任务或国家订货任务:state mandatory plan or state purchase order根据需要/要求:in light of its requirement格式条款:standard terms条款:provision提请注意义务:duty to call attention应. . .要求,做. . .:do something upon the request of . . .与对方协商:negotiate with the other party预先拟定:prepare in advance重复使用:repeated use提供格式条款一方:the party supplying standard terms免除或限制责任:exclude or limit liability加重对方责任:increase the liabilities of the other party排除对方主要权利:deprive the other party of material rights 合理的方式:in a reasonable manner对格式条款的理解:construction of standard term通常理解:common sense不一致:discrepancy between… and …解释:interpret缔约过失责任:pre-contract liabilities恶意磋商:negotiate in bad faith以. . .名义:under the pretext of隐瞒与. . .有关的重要事实:conceal material facts relating to . . .提供虚假情况:supply false information商业秘密:trade secret泄露或不正当使用商业秘密:disclose or improperly use trade secret在订立合同的过程中获悉:become aware of in the course of negotiating a contract生效条件:conditions precedent解除条件:conditions subsequent阻止/促成条件成立:impair/facility satisfaction of a condition对合同的效力约定附条件:prescribe that the effectiveness of a contract be subject to certain conditions附生效/解除条件的合同:a contract subject to condition precedent/subsequent条件成立:condition is satisfied附期限的合同:contract term生效/失效期限:a time of commencement/expiration限制民事行为能力人:a person with limited capacity for civil act法定代理人:legal agent追认:ratify纯获利益的合同:a contract from which such person accrues benefits only与其年龄、智力、精神健康状况相适应:be appropriate for his age, intelligence, mental health催告法定代理人在一个月内予以追认:demand legal agent to ratify the contract within one month视为拒绝追认:is deemed to decline ratify the contract撤销的权利:somebody is entitled to cancel. . .以通知的方式做出:be effected by notification以. . .的名义:on one’s behalf没有代理权:lack agency authority超越代理权:act beyond his agency authority代理权终止:agency authority is extinguished请求人民法院或仲裁机构变更或撤销:petition the People’s court or an arbitration institution for amendment or cancellation 重大误解:material mistake显失公平:grossly unconscionable欺诈:fraud胁迫:duress乘人之危:take advantage of the other party’s hardship真实意思:true intention受损害方:aggrieved party合同无效、被撤销或者终止:invalidity, cancellation or discharge of a contract不影响. . .条款的效力:not impair the validity of the contract provision concerning. . .争议解决方法:the method of dispute resolution返还财产:make restitution of property过错方:the party at fault折价补偿:allowance be made in money based on the value of the property在合同约定的交付期间:during the prescribed period of delivery交付时的价格:price of delivery迟延交付标的物/提取标的物/付款:delay in delivering the subject matter; delay in taking delivery; delay in making payment 同时履行: simultaneous performance互负债务:owe performance toward each other没有先后履行顺序:there is no order of performance履行不符合约定:render non-conforming performance拒绝其相应的履行要求: reject its corresponding requirement for performance部分履行:partial performance债务人部分履行给债权人增加的费用:additional expenses incurred by obligee due to obligor’s partial performance 代位权:subrogation怠于行使到期债权:delay in exercising its creditor’s right that was due专属于. . .人本身:exclusively personal to somebody转让债权:assign a right受让人取得与债权有关的从权利:assignee assumes any incidental right associated with the obligee’s right让与人与受让人:assignor, assignee接到. . . 通知:upon receipt of notice of assignment债务人可以向受让人主张抵销:the obligor may avail itself of any set-off against the assignee对某人享有债权:have right to performance by/against somebody合并/分立:a party has effected combination/division合并/分立后的法人:legal person resulting from combination/division行使合同权利,履行合同义务:assume the rights and obligations享有连带债权,承担连带债务:jointly and severally assume the rights and obligations合同解除:terminate合同终止:discharge债务互相抵销:obligations were set off against each other将标的物提存:place the subject matter in escrow免除债务:release the obligor from performance毁损、灭失的风险:the risk of damage or loss孳息:fruits of subject matter违约责任:liabilities for breach of contract履行合同义务:perform obligations under a contract符合约定的履行合同义务:perform obligations in accordance with the contract; render conforming performance继续履行:specific performance采取补救措施:cure of non-conforming performance赔偿损失:payment of damages预期违约:anticipatory breach明确表示:expressly state行为表明:indicate by conduct违约金:liquidated damage一定数额:a certain sum/amount of …根据违约情况:in the light of degree of breach因违约产生的损失赔偿额的计算方法:a method for calculation of damages for the loss resulting from a party’s breach.适当减少:decrease the amount as appropriate公平原则:the principle of fairness诚实信用原则:the principle of good faith三、“效力”的词汇. . .的效力:effectiveness/validity of . . .e.g. effectiveness of contract/offer生效:become effective失效:extinguish有效:valid无效:invalid四、时间的词汇到达时间:time of arrival承诺期限:the period for acceptance信件载明的日期或电报交发之日:date shown on the letter or the date on which the telegram is handed in for dispatch 邮戳日期:the posting date stamped on the envelop超过承诺期间:after expiration of the period for acceptance 履行期限:time of performance. . .期间自…开始计算:the period for. . . commences on the date when. . ./once . . .五、常用句型:●A符合B情况的,视为C:A is deemed as C, if B.●表示假设,用”where” or ”if”●如果是个长句子,内容为:在一个大前提A下,又有几个不同的条件(B、C),每个条件下的结果(D是B的结果,E是C的结果)都不同。



Lesson One:Legal System 法律制度英属殖民地时期(the Period of the English Colonies)和美利坚合众国时期(the Period of the United States)。

公诉制度(public prosecution) 美国属于普通法系(Common Law Legal System)分散制(decentralization)为原则;以判例法(case law)为主体。

"零散的无系统"(fragmental no system)。

成文法(written law)或制定法(statutory law),遵从前例”(stare decisisPart OneThe United States is at once a very new nation and a very old nation。

It is a new nation compared with many other countries, and it is new, too, in the sense that it is constantly being renewed by the addition of new elements of population and of new States. But in other senses it is old. It is the oldest of the "new” nations--the first one to be made out of an Old World colony. It has the oldest written constitution, the oldest continuous federal system, and the oldest practice of self government of any nation.美国既是一个非常新的国家也是一个非常老的国家。



第一课PART one美国是一个即年轻又古老的国家,一个与很多国家相比很年轻的国家.同时,它因新人口的成份和新州的加入而持续更新,在此意义上,它也是新国家.但另一方面它是最古老的年轻国家——第一个从旧大陆殖民中脱胎而生的国家,它有最古老的成文法规、最古老的持续的联邦体系、最古老的自治政府惯例。











PART TWO美国法律体系,像英国一样,从方法论上讲主要是判例法体系.私法的大多数领域主要包括判例法,以及广泛的不断增加的成文法。









1. The National People’s Congress is the highest organ of state power. 全国人民代表大会是最高国家权力机关。

2. The judicial organs of China consist of people’s courts,people’s procurator and the public security departments. 我国的司法机关由人民法院人民检查院和公安部门组成。

3. In the application of the law all citizens are deemed as equals. 一切公民在适用法律上一律平等。

4. The criminal law is one of the basic laws of our country. 刑法是我国基本法之一。

5. Criminal responsibility shall be borne for intentional crimes. 故意犯罪应当负刑事责任6. In China,the principal penalties are p ublic surveillance,detention,fixed-time imprisonment,life imprisonment and death. 我国的主要刑罚是管制,拘役,有期徒刑,无期徒刑和死刑7. The court’s job is administering justice and upholding the law. 法院的任务是执行法律和维护法律。

8. The accused was declared innocent. 被告人被宣布为无罪。

9. The court acquitted him of a crime. 法院宣判他无罪。

10. The court pronounced the accused not guilty. 法院宣判被告无罪。



法律英语汉译英(专业词汇部分)Unit One第一课美国联邦下的法律1.成文法 statutory law★2.普通法 common law3.判例法 case law4.立法机构 legislature5.法院 court6.宪法 Constitution7.立法权 law-making power8.私法 private law9.合同法 contract law10.侵权法 tort law11.商法 business law12.公司法 corporate governance law13.专利和版权 patent and copyright14.合同/契约争议 contractual disputes15.刑事案件 criminal case16.民事案件 civil case17.民事侵权诉讼 civil tort actions18.家庭法 family law19.法律选择 choice of law20.多个司法管辖区 multi-jurisdiction21.诉讼 litigation/lawsui t/suit/action★22.实体权 substantive right23.准据法/适用法 applicable/governing/proper law★24.签订 conclude25.证券欺诈案件 a case include claims of securities fraud26.履行 perform27.履行地 performance28.受理/处理案件 to hear the case★29.原告 plaintiff★30.被告defendant★31.与合同最密切联系most involved with the contract32.选择法庭 choice of forum第二课双重法院体系1.司法的 judicial2.初审法庭 trial court3.终审法院 court of last resort★4.上诉法院 court of appeals5.上诉,申诉 appeal…to6.证人 witness7.证据 evidence8.陪审团 jury9.查明事实的人,事实发现者 fact-finder10.上诉的,有权受理上诉的 appellate11.遗嘱 probate12.小额诉讼法院 small claims court13.律师 attorney14.程序 procedure15.提出(申请) file★16.申请小额索赔 file claims for small sums of money17.定罪 conviction★18.仲裁人,公断人,裁决人 arbiter19.最高法院 the Supreme Court20.先例 procedureUnit Two第一课抗辩制1.上诉人 appellant2.被上诉人 appellee3.诉由,案由 cause of action★4.向某人提起诉讼,到法院告某人 to bring an action/lawsuit against sb.5.第三那人被告 third-party defendant6.庭审程序 trial procedure★7.英美法系国家的司法程序 Anglo-American judicial procedure8.认定事实 find the fact9.证据 submission10.抗辩制 adversary system11.提起诉讼 begin suit12.界定争议 shape the issues13.出示证据 produce evidence14.争议当事人 parties to the controversy15.纠问的 inquisitorial16.庭前调查 pre-trial investigation17.大陆法传统 civil law tradition18.庭辩风格 style of presentation and argument19.有利害关系的当事人 interested parties第二课开启一个诉讼1.起诉 sue2.诉讼当事人 litigant3.司法救济,救济;减轻,缓解 relief4.提供法律救助 to furnish a relief5.纠正,补偿 redress6.诉诸法院 bring to court★7.和解 settlement★8.仲裁 arbitration9.自力救济 self-help10.搁置纠纷 let matters rest11.损害赔偿 damages★12.实际履行 specific performance13.对事管辖权 jurisdiction over the subject matter14.对人管辖权 jurisdiction over the parties15.管辖权 jurisdiction16.违约之诉 damages for breach of contract17.法庭 forum18.最低限度联系 minimum contacts19.实体公正 substantial justice20.审判地 venue21.规定(援引法条) provide/read第三课诉状和对抗诉状的动议1.诉状 pleading2.起诉状 complaint3.向法院提交诉讼状或答辩状/办理立案 to file a pleading/lawsuit with the court4.陈述,阐明 to set forth5.书记员 clerk6.传票 summons7.出具传票 to issue a summons8.向某人送达传票、起诉书、法律文书to serve a summons, complaint, legaldocument on sb.9.通知 notify10.同意出庭 an entry of appearance11.指控,声称 allegation12.成为争议问题 put in issue13.积极抗辩 affirmative defense14.反诉 counterclaim15.(用辩解)减轻 extenuate16.未到庭,未履行义务 to be in default17.驳回 dismiss18.传票送达 service of process/service of summons19.法律上的充分性 legal sufficiency20. 提出异议,反对 challenge第四课调查取证1.庭前取证,调查 pre-trial discovery2.录取证词,宣誓证明 depose3.证词笔录,书证 deposition4.宣誓 under oath5.书面质询 written interrogatories6.人身伤害案件 personal injury case7.保持中立 take no part8.意外因素 surprise element9.争议 controversy10.律师 counsel11.庭前会议 pretrial conference12.即决判决,简易判决 summary judgment13.书证,书面陈述 affidavit14.提出请求即决判决的动议 make a motion for summary judgment15.(证据)允许提出的,可采纳的 admissible16.扰乱对方 harassment of an opponent17.要求对争议进行庭审的申请 notice of trial/issue第五课庭审1.主张…..权利 assert the right to2.将……列入陪审员名单 impanel3.组成陪审团 to impanel the jury4.绝对异议权 peremptory challenge★5.候选陪审员 prospective juror6.以明确的理由对陪审员候选人提出异议 to challenge a prospective juror forcause7.发誓 swear8.开案陈词 make opening statements9.询问证人 examine the witness10.出示文书 produce the document11.证据,物证 exhibit12.直接质证 direct examination13.交叉质证 cross examination14.不允许出示的证据 inadmissible evidence15.举证完毕 rest16.指令裁定(法官指令陪审团作出的裁定) directed verdict17.否决,驳回 overrule18.(法官)对陪审团的指导 jury instruction/jury charge/charge to the jury19.结案辩论 final argument20.判决某人胜诉 to enter a judgment for sb.21.判决某人败诉 to enter a judgment against sb.22.举证责任 burden of proof23.有分量的证据,占优势的证据 preponderance of the evidence24.退庭 retire25.(陪审团)未能达到足够多数人赞同的,未能做出决定的 hung26.法官推翻陪审团才定的判决 judgment notwithstanding the verdict(judgmentn.o.v)27.达成裁定 reach verdict第六课上诉和执行1.执行 enforcement2.复审 review3.中级法院 intermediate court4.初审法院 trial court5.下级法院 lower court6.斟酌,自由裁量 discretion7.由……斟酌决定,由…..自由裁量 at the discretion of8.推翻原判,逆转 reverse9.维持原判,确认,确信 affirm10.认定事实 determination in question11.上诉担保书 appeal bond12.抄本,复本,文字记录 transcript13.命令 decree14.(不服下级法官判决)进行上诉 to appeal from (a decision of a lower court)15.口头辩论 oral argument16.判决(意见)书 opinion17.败诉方 losing party18.债权人 creditor19.重新审理 rehear20.执行令 writ of execution21.行政司法长官,县治安官 sheriff22.发回重审 remand23.动产 personal property24.判决债务人 judgment debtor25.收益 proceeds26.不动产 real estate/real property27.未清偿判决债务由司法行政官主持的拍卖 judicial sale28.留置权,扣留权 lien29.对…..有司法留置权 to have a judicial lien on30.留置,扣押(动词) garnish31.留置,扣押(名词) garnishment32.扣押(动词) attach33.扣押(名词) attachment。



Part One Contract and Contract Law合同与合同法1.1、当我们使用“合同”一词得时候,通常就是说它就是一份存在于两方或三方之间得契约。















A Resolution for Voluntary 自动清盘决议Abatement 减免或减轻abduction 拐带abortion 堕胎absconding 弃保潜逃Absolute assignment 绝对转让absolute discharge 无条件释放absolute liability 绝对法律责任acquit 无罪释放Act of God 天灾、神力行为Act 作为Action 诉讼adjourn 休庭、延期聆讯Adult 成人、成年人Affidavit 誓章age of consent 同意年龄Agent 代理人aiding & abetting 、煽动犯罪Arbitration 仲裁arrest 拘捕、逮捕Arrestable Offence 可逮捕的罪行arrestable offence 可逮捕罪行arson 纵火Articles of Association 公司章程assault 殴打Assignment 转让契据asymmetric cryptosystem 非对称密码系统Auditor 核数师Authorized share capital 法定股本Authorized signature 经授权之签名Available act of Bankruptcy 可用的破产作为Bailiff 执达主任bankruptcy debt 破产债项Bearer 持票人beneficiary 受益人Bilingual Laws Advisory Committee 双语法例谘询委员会Board of directors 董事会British Dependent Territories citizen 英国属土公民British Overseas citizen 英国海外公民Building Authority 建筑事务监视Business Registration 商业登记Buyer 买方Certificate of Compliance 满意纸Certificate of Origin 产地来源证certificate 证书certification practice statement 核证作业准那么Chairman of the board of directors 董事会主席Charge 扺押Charge 抵押Chattel 货物或实产Chief Justice 首席大法官Co-owners 联名业主commissioner 监誓员Committed For Trial 交付审判Common Law 普通法Company directors 公司董事Company Secretary 公司秘书Company 公司Condition precedent 先决条件Conditions of Exchange 换地条款Conditions of Grant 批地条款Conditions of Sale 卖地条款Conditions 批地条款Consideration 代价Consul 领事Consular Officer 领事馆官员Contract for service 服务合约Contract of Sale 售卖合约Conversion 侵占copyright notice 通知Cost, insurance, freight CIF Counter-offer 反要约Court of Final Appeal 终审法院Creditor 债权人Creditor's Ordinary Resolution 债权人普通决议Creditor's Special Resolution 债权人会议特别决议creditors' committee 债权人委员会creditors' meeting 债权人的会议Creditors' Voluntary Winding 债权人自动清盘damage 损害damages 损害赔偿Debenture 债权证debt provable in bankruptcy or provable debt 可证债权或可证债项Debt Provable in Bankruptcy 可证债项debtor 债务人Deed of Mutual Covenant 大厦公契deed 契据digital signature 数码签署discharge 解除dispute resolution 和调解纠纷dividend 股息Document of Title to Goods 货品的所有权文件dormant 匿名或不活动drawee 受票人drawer 发票人Easement 地役权economic rights 经济权electronic record 电子纪录electronic signature 电子签署Equal Opportunity Commission 平等机会委员会Equitable Charge 公义式扺押Equitable Mortgage 公义式按揭Export 输出、出口Fault 错失Forfeiture 没收租权Freehold 永久业权Future goods 期货Gazette 宪报Government Chemist 政府化验师Government Land Resumption Ordinance 收回官地条例Government Lease 官地租契Group of Companies 公司集团hash function 杂凑函数Import 输入、进口Incumbrance 负累权益information system 资讯系统intellectual property rights 知识产权interim order 临时命令Intermeddling 干预死者的遗产International court of justice 国际法院Joint Tenants 共有权益Judge of the Court of Final Appeal 终审法院大法官Judge 大法官Judgment Creditor 判定债权人Judgment Debtor 判定债务人Judgment 判决Justice, Justice of the peace 太平绅士key pair 配对密码匙land 土地Lands Tribunal 土地审裁处Law Reform Commission 法律改革委员会Law 法律、法例、法Leasehold 租用业权Legal Charge 法定式扺押Legal Mortgage 法定式按揭licensing agreement 许可合同Listed Company 上市公司Medical Practitioner 医生Members' Voluntary Winding Up 成员自动清盘moral rights 精神权利Mortgage 按揭New Territories 新界nominee 代名人Nominee's Report 代名人报告notary 公证人Oath 誓言Offence 罪、罪行、罪项、犯法行为Official Receiver 破产管理署署长Order in Council 枢密院颁令ordinary resolution 普通决议Original court 原讼法院parallel import 平行进口patent 专利Payable at sight 见票即付Payee 受款人Personal Representative 遗产代理人Plaintiff 原告人Police officer 警务人员Power 权、权力Prevailing Market Rent 市值租金Principal Tenant 主租客Prison 狱、监狱Private Company 私人公司private key 私人密码匙Privy Council 枢密院Profit A Prendre 取利权property 财产Property 产权proposal 建议Prospectus 招股章程public key 公开密码匙Quality of Goods 货、货品Quality of Goods 货品品质record 纪录registered design registration 注册外观设计Registered Medical Practitioner 注册医生Registrar of the Supreme Court 最高法院司法常务官Regulations 规例Repeal 废除Restrictive Covenant 限制性的约言Reversionary Title 归属主权Right Of Way 过路权或取道权Sale 售卖Secretary for Justice 律政司司长secured creditor 有抵押债权人Sell 卖、售卖、出售Seller 卖方Share 股﹑股份short term patent 短期专利Sign 签名、签署special resolution 特别决议Specific Goods 特定货品Statutory Declaration 法定声明Subsidiary Legislation 附属法例Summary conviction 简易程序定罪Tenants-in-common 共享权益Tenement 物业单位Term 土地租期Territorial Waters 领海The Office of the Commissioner of Insurance 保险业监理处Title 业权Town Planning Board 城市规划委员会Trade Mark Ordinance 商标条例Trade Mark Registry 商标注册处trade mark relating to goods 货品商标trade mark relating to services 服务商标Trade mark 商标Triable Summarily 可循简易程序审讯Trustee of Bankruptcy 破产受托人trustee 受托人trustworthy system 稳当系统United Kingdom 联合王国Unlisted Company 非上市公司verify a digital signature 核实数码签署voluntary arrangement 个人自愿安排Warranty 保证条款Will 遗嘱years of age 岁、年岁1. 按照出资比例:in proportion to one's respective contributions to the investment2. 按照确定的份额分担义务:assume obligations in proportion to his proper share of the debt3. 按照确定的份额分享权力:be entitled to rights in proportion to his proper share of the credit4. 办理注销登记:cancel the registration5. 被代理人:the principal6. 本人名义:in one's name7. 财产关系和人身关系:property relationships and personal relationships8. 财产继承权:the right of inheritance9. 采用书面形式:in writing10. 查封、扣押、冻结、没收:seize, encroach upon, privately divide,destroy or illegally seal up, distrain, freeze or confiscate11. 超越代理权:beyond the scope of one's power of agency12. 承当连带责任:undertake joint liability for13. 承当民事责任:bear civil liability for14. 承当责任:be held responsible15. 诚实信用:honesty and credibility16. 乘人之危:take advantage of one's unfavorable position17. 村民委员会:the village committee18. 代理民事活动:be represented in civil activities by19. 代理权终止:the expiration of one's power of agency20. 等价有偿:making compensation for equal value21. 恶意串通:conspire maliciously22. 法定代理:statutory agency23. 法定代理人: agent ad litem24. 法律另有规定:otherwise stipulated by law25. 法人: legal person26. 法人组织章程:the articles of association of the legal person27. 负有连带义务的每个债务人:each of the joint debtors28. 附条件的民事法律行为:conditional civil juristic acts29. 个人合伙:individual partnership30. 个体工商户:individual businesses31. 给付定金:leave a deposit with the other party32. 工商行政管理机关:the administrative agency for industry and commerce33. 合伙人:partnerss34. 核准登记的经营围:within the range approved and registered35. 户籍所在地:the place where his residence is registered36. 集体所有制企业:an enterprise under collective ownership37. 监护人:guardian38. 将合同的权利、义务全部或局部转让给第三人:transfer all or part of its contractual rights or obligations to a third party39. 经常居住地:habitual residence40. 经济实体:economic entity41. 经主管机关核准登记:approved and registered by the competent authority42. 居民委员会:the neighborhood committee43. 具有法律约束力:be legally binding44. 履行监护职责:fulfill duty of guardianship45. 埋藏物、隐藏物:buried or concealed object46. 买卖、出租、抵押、转让:be sold, leased, mortgaged or transferred47. 民法通那么: General Principles of the Civil Law48. 民事权利能力:the capacity for civil rights49. 民事权益:civil rights and interests50. 民政部门:the civil affairs department51. 农村承包经营户:leaseholding farm households52. 平等主体:civil subjects with equal status53. 企业法人被撤销:the dissolution of an enterprise as legal person54. 企业法人分立、合并:the division and merger of an enterprise as legal person55. 企业法人解散:disbanding of an enterprise as legal person56. 请求人民法院或者仲裁机关予以变更:request a people's court or an arbitration agency to alter57. 取得不当得利:profits acquired improperly and without a lawful basis58. 取得法人资格:be qualified as a legal person59. 全民所有制企业:an enterprise owned by the whole people60. 权利和义务:rights and obligations61. 擅自变更或者解除〔民事法律行为〕:alter or rescind one's act arbitrarily62. 设立、变更、终止民事关系:establish, change or terminate civil relationship63. 社会团体:social organization64. 事业单位:institution65. 适用中国法律:be governed by the law of PRC 〔The law of PRC shall apply to〕66. 双倍返还定金:repay the deposit in double67. 提供一定的财产作为抵押物:offer a specific property as a pledge68. 完全民事权利能力:full capacity for civil conduct69. 委托代理:entrusted agency70. 委托代理人:an entrusted agent71. 无国籍人:stateless persons72. 无民事行为能力人:a person having no capacity for civil conduct73. 无因管理:act as manager or provide services in order to protect another person's interests when he is not legally or contractually obligated to do so74. 下落不明 one's whereabouts have been unknown75. 限制民事行为能力人:a person with limited capacity for civil conduct76. 享有连带权利的每个债权人:each of the joint creditors77. 行使代理权:exercise the power of agency78. 宣告为无〔限制〕民事行为能力人:declare … to be a person to be without or with limited capacity for civil conduct79. 遗失物、漂流物:lost-and-found objects, flotsam80. 以抵押物折价或者以变卖抵押物的价款优先得到偿还:to keep the pledge to offset the debt or have priority in satisfying his claim out of the proceeds from the sale of the pledge81. 以合法形式掩盖非法目的:perform under the guise of legitimate acts which conceal illegitimate purposes82. 以欺诈、胁迫的手段:as a result of cheating or coercion83. 意思表示真实:the intention expressed is genuine84. 优先购置的权利:a right of pre-emption85. 有过错的一方:the erring party86. 有权向债务人追偿:have the right to claim repayment from the debtor87. 造成财产损失:cause any property loss88. 占有人有权留置该财产:the possessor shall have a lien on the property89. 指定代理:appointed agency90. 主要办事机构:the main administrative office91. 住所:domicile92. 追偿:claim compensation from。



11、获得的成功越大,就越令人高兴 。野心 是使人 勤奋的 原因, 节制使 人枯萎 。 12、不问收获,只问耕耘。如同种树 ,先有 根茎, 再有枝 叶,尔 后花实 ,好好 劳动, 不要想 太多, 那样只 会使人 胆孝懒 惰,因 为不实 践,甚 至不接 触社会 ,难道 你是野 人。(名 言网) 13、不怕,不悔(虽然只有四个字,但 常看常 新。 14、我在心里默默地为每一个人祝福 。我爱 自己, 我用清 洁与节 制来珍 惜我的 身体, 我用智 慧和知 识充实 我的头 脑。 15、这世上的一切都借希望而完成。 农夫不 会播下 一粒玉 米,如 果他不 曾希望 它长成 种籽; 单身汉 不会娶 妻,如 果他不 曾希望 有小孩 ;商人 或手艺 人不会 工作, 如果他 不曾希 望因此 而有收 益。-- 马钉路 德。
6、最大的骄傲于最大的自卑都表示心灵的最软弱无力。——斯宾诺莎 7、自知之明是最难得的知识。——西班牙 8、勇气通往天堂,怯懦通往地狱。——塞内加 9、有时候读书是一种巧妙地避开思考的方法。——赫尔普斯 10、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。——笛卡儿

法律英语参考译文 完整版Lesson1-16

法律英语参考译文 完整版Lesson1-16

咦它包括了大量不成文法而著称,反映了几个世纪以来,来源于法律工作者的判 决的判例。
(普通法)这一术语有三个重要的涵义。第一层涵义用以区别颁布具体法律 的权力:例如在美国,“法”通常由立法机关制定,“规章”由行政机关根据立法 机关规定的立法授权来颁布,而“普通法”的判决则是由讨论和判定法和规章间 细微差异的法院(或行政机构内的准司法法庭)作出。
因此,罗马法并没有控制整个欧洲,它是一种只有在当地习俗和法律于特定 问题缺乏恰当规定的时候才被适用的辅助性资源。然而,当地规则主要是一句罗 马法来诠释的,这导致罗马法仍然是主导法律。
超出罗马法这一基础的范围的第二大特征就是对已被采纳的罗马法的延伸 编纂,即把它纳入市民法典。作为对自然法和启蒙思想两者的表达,法典编纂的 观念在 17 到 18 世纪发展尤为迅速。那个世纪的政治思想被表达为民族观念。对 财产的保护和法治。那种理想需要通过法律的记录、法律的统一来形成法律的确 定行,因此,上述的罗马法和习惯的当地的法律的融合不存在了,而法律编纂的 前景可观,这对达成上述的政治理想的目的有促进作用。
法律是一个动态的过程。它是流动的、不断变化的并且持续扩展的。在一定 程度上,法律与语言近似。它包含规则并有一种模式,但是法律随着其使用超过 一段时间而改变。理解法律最好的方法是将法律体系视为一种过程——汇集社会 的需要和目标、并将其转化为行为公平和合理的一种方式。法庭通过司法判例来 反映控制力和重要的社会、经济、政治目标以及它们在运行过程中社会的需求。
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 参考译文 免费共享 ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Lesson 1 law(法律)
每个政府都是它的人民的代表。法律也一样。一个社会的法律和法律体系反 映了人们的价值观。一个国家法律的公正以及它法律制度恰当地规定的法律范围 的正当,是人民开明、仁爱(人性)和文明程度的衡量标准。



法律英语常用短句双语翻译1.divine‘s punishments,though slow,are always sure.天网恢恢,疏而不漏。

2.an act is not a crime unless the law says it is one.法无明文规定者不为罪。

3.this contract is made of one original and two duplicate originals,all of which are of the same effect.本合同一式三份,具有同等效力。

4. the law does not concern itself about family trifles.法律难断家务事。

5.this document is legally binding.该文件具有法律约束力。

6. this law is in abeyance.此法暂缓执行。

7. this law has become a dead letter.此法已成为一纸空文。

8. this law will go into effect on the day of its promulgation.本法自公布之日起施行。

9 the court dismissed the action.法院驳回诉讼。

10. the court ordered the case to be retried.法院命令重审此案……11.giving the killer what he deserves.予杀人者以应得之罪。

12. hate the sin but not the sinner.可恨的是罪行而非罪人。

13.everyone has the right to freedom of expression.每个人都享有言论自由。

14. everyone is equal before the law.法律面前人人平等。



♦fiduciary duty 诚信责任

♦forthwith 立即
法律书信经常用的副词,是立即的意思,例:the outstanding sum should be settled forthwith. 应该立即清还所欠的款项。


♦frivolous 琐屑无聊
民事诉讼中原告的申索理由,或者被告的抗辩理据,如果是frivolous 琐屑无聊,对方可以根据高等法院规则向法庭申请,将该申索或抗辩剔除,并索取诉讼费。

♦garnishee 第三债务


♦guarantee 保证

保证一般都会以书面并以契约形式订立,称为deed of guarantee。


Unit 9.Law of Tort 法律英语

Unit  9.Law of Tort 法律英语



•Even societies that do not permit private ownership of wealth to the degree that ours does are likely to recognize the personal rights of individuals to be free from certain kinds of conduct …•即使是那些对财产私有权的许可没有达到我们这种程度的社会,也会承认个人的人身权利不受某种行为的侵犯。

Infliction of physical injuryOther interferences with freedom or dignity•给人造成身体伤害•其他对个人自由或尊严的侵犯Ownership of property•Include the right to use and consume the thing owned•所有权包括对属于自己的物品使用和耗费的权利•be more to the advantage of the owner to transfer the right of the ownership to some other person in exchange for something else of value•有时所有者以所有权与其他人交换有价值的东西可能更有利•Agreements for exchange are the means by which some resources are assembled and put to productive use.•交换的契约是将一些资源组合起来,使之得到有效利用的手段。

•Some agreement for exchange call for the immediate and simultaneous exchange of money for goods and services.•有效交换契约要求现金与货物、服务的立即和同时交换。



•Even societies that do not permit private ownership of wealth to the degree that ours does are likely to recognize the personal rights of individuals to be free from certain kinds of conduct …•即使是那些对财产私有权的许可没有达到我们这种程度的社会,也会承认个人的人身权利不受某种行为的侵犯。

Infliction of physical injuryOther interferences with freedom or dignity•给人造成身体伤害•其他对个人自由或尊严的侵犯Ownership of property•Include the right to use and consume the thing owned•所有权包括对属于自己的物品使用和耗费的权利•be more to the advantage of the owner to transfer the right of the ownership to some other person in exchange for something else of value•有时所有者以所有权与其他人交换有价值的东西可能更有利•Agreements for exchange are the means by which some resources are assembled and put to productive use.•交换的契约是将一些资源组合起来,使之得到有效利用的手段。

•Some agreement for exchange call for the immediate and simultaneous exchange of money for goods and services.•有效交换契约要求现金与货物、服务的立即和同时交换。

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•Even societies that do not permit private ownership of wealth to the degree that ours does are likely to recognize the personal rights of individuals to be free from certain kinds of conduct …•即使是那些对财产私有权的许可没有达到我们这种程度的社会,也会承认个人的人身权利不受某种行为的侵犯。

Infliction of physical injuryOther interferences with freedom or dignity•给人造成身体伤害•其他对个人自由或尊严的侵犯Ownership of property•Include the right to use and consume the thing owned•所有权包括对属于自己的物品使用和耗费的权利•be more to the advantage of the owner to transfer the right of the ownership to some other person in exchange for something else of value•有时所有者以所有权与其他人交换有价值的东西可能更有利•Agreements for exchange are the means by which some resources are assembled and put to productive use.•交换的契约是将一些资源组合起来,使之得到有效利用的手段。

•Some agreement for exchange call for the immediate and simultaneous exchange of money for goods and services.•有效交换契约要求现金与货物、服务的立即和同时交换。

Exchange of significant size涉及到大额交易时•Both the planning and performance to be spread over a considerable period of time•交易的计划和履行都要经历相当长的时间。

The law of contracts•Legal mechanism for protecting the expectations that arise from the making of agreements for the future exchange of various types of performance.•合同法是保护预期的法律机制,该预期产生于就未来交易各类履行而制定的契约。

•Legal problems do not always fit neatly into the pigeonholes that legal theorists have created.•法律问题不可能总是与法理学家所创立的分类完全相符。

•Frequently they raise issues involving more than one body of law.•法律问题往往涉及到不止一部法律。

The web of the law•May not be quite seamless•法律之网可能并非结实无缝•They are not ironclad and unchanging•法律并非打不破和不可改变。

•Judge-made law•法官定法•Rules distilled from a composite of court decisions in prior cases.•从以前案件的各种法官判决意见中抽取出来的规则Judicial system of decision-making 司法决策体制•Stare decisis 遵从前例–adherence to past decisions (Precedents)• A prior decision with facts sufficiently similar to the case “subjudice”, that the court feels obliged to follow it and to render a similar decision.•以前案例的事实与尚未判决的案件事实非常相似,法院认为有义务按照前例做出类似的判决。

从两个方面证明以判例法为主要依据的法律制度的合法性• 1. Offers a high degree of predictability of decision …•提高了判决的可预见性程度……• 2. Puts a rein on the nature proclivity of judges to decide cases on the basis of prejudice, personal emotion, or other improper factors.•限制法官在案件判决时以偏见、个人情感或其他不恰当因素为基础的自然癖好。

The characteristic of a system•Which may sometimes be a virtue, sometimes a defect, of being static and conservative, generally oriented toward preservation of the status quo.•遵从前例的制度的特征是静止和守旧,总体上趋向于保持现状,这有时是优点,有时是缺点。

Blind adherence•When a common law judge concludes that blind adherence to precedent would produce an unjust result in the case presented for decision.•普通法法官盲目坚持判例,也会导致对当前案例判决的不公正结果。

• A precedent is considered to be “binding” on a court only if it was decided by that same court or by an appellate court of higher rank in the same jurisdiction.•避免的方法•同一个管辖区的相同法院或其上级巡回法院作出的先例判决才有约束力。

•Other precedents are be “ persuasive”.–其他判例只具有劝导性。

•If a precedent of the latter type is in fact unpersuasive, the judge is free to disregard it.•如果后一种类型的判例实际上没有劝导性,法官可以忽视该判例。

•If the precedent is not merely persuasive, but binding, it cannot simply be ignored. It may, however, be avoided.•如果判例不仅有劝导性而且有约束力,那么该判例不能简单地被忽视,但却可以被回避。

•If the facts of the present case do not include a fact that appears to have been necessary (“material”) to the earlier decision, the court may “distinguish” the precedent, render a different decision.•如果以前判决不包含对当前案例有实质必要影响的事实,那么法院可以“区别”前例,提出不同的判决。

•If the earlier precedent is indeed binding, but is difficult or impossible to distinguish, there is one other way to avoid its effect.•如果比较早的判例确实有约束力,但是难以或无法区别,有一个其他方法避免其效力。

•If the court of decision is the one that created the precedent (or is a higher court), it can simply “overrule” the early decision.•如果判决的法院与作出先例的法院相同,或者比作出先例的法院等级高,它可以“推翻”以前的判决。

Overruling –relatively drastic action•Is usually reserved for instances in which the court feels that the rule established by the earlier precedent was ill conceived at the outset or it has been outmoded by the later developments.•推翻前例是个比较激烈的行为,一般在法院觉得以前的判例一开始就设计错误时或者随着以后的发展该判例不合时宜时才采用。

•Historically, as common law普通法•Rather than statute 制定法•Exception : “statute of frauds”•“欺诈条例”是个例外Requires certain contracts to be evidenced by a signed writing该条例要求某些合同是书面合同。

•The statute of frauds has itself become so overlaid by court decisions that it has more of quality of common law than of a modern statute.•该欺诈条例本身已添加了如此多的法官判决意见,以至于它具有的普通法的品质已经超过其现代制定法的品质。

Contract law•Essentially a common law system, except be affected by a remarkable modern statute, the Uniform Commercial Code.•除非受到著名的现代制定法——统一商法典的影响,合同法至今还保留着普通法体系。
