菜单菜肴名称1.Appetizer - 开胃菜2.Soup - 汤3.Salad - 沙拉4.Main course - 主菜5.Dessert - 甜点6.Beverages - 饮料点菜及了解口味1.May I take your order? - 请问您要点餐吗?2.What would you like to drink? - 您要喝点什么?3.I’m a vegetarian. Do you have any vegetarianoptions? - 我是素食者,有素食选项吗?4.Could you recommend a dish? - 能给我推荐一道菜吗?5.How spicy is this dish? - 这道菜有多辣?用餐礼仪1.Place the napkin on your lap. - 将餐巾放在膝盖上。
2.Wait for everyone to be served before starting. -等待所有人上菜后再开始用餐。
e the correct utensils for each course. - 用餐时使用正确的餐具。
结账及服务1.Could we have the check, please? - 请给我们一下账单,好吗?2.Is service charge included? - 服务费包含在内吗?3.Thank you for the excellent service. - 感谢提供优质的服务。
餐饮业、住宿业场所和机构名称英文译法示例表A.1.餐饮业场所和机构名称英文译法示例1.餐馆;饭店;食府>> Restaurant2.餐饮广场;美食城>> Food Court 或Food Plaza3.美食街>> Food Street4.火锅店>> Hot Pot Restaurant 〔Restaurant 可以省略〕5.烧烤店>> Grill House 或Barbecue Restaurant 〔Restaurant 可省略〕6.清真餐馆>> Halal Restaurant 或Halal Food 〔Halal 也可译作Muslim〕7.快餐店>> Snack Bar 或Fast Food Restaurant 〔Restaurant 可以省略〕8.连锁快餐店>> Fast Food Chain9.饮食店;餐饮店;小饭馆>> Eatery10.食品店>> Food Store11.面馆>> Noodle Restaurant 或Noodles 〔用于Restaurant 省略时〕12.小吃店>> Snack Bar 或Snacks13.西餐馆>> Western Food Restaurant 〔Restaurant 可以省略〕14.酒吧>> Bar 或Pub15.小酒吧>> Mini-Bar16.咖啡馆;咖啡厅>> Coffee Shop 或Cafe17.茶馆>> Teahouse18.茶室>> Tearoom19.面包房>> Bakery20.西饼屋>> Pastry Store 〔Store 可以省略〕或Bakery 表A.2.住宿业场所和机构名称英文译法示例1.宾馆;酒店;旅馆>> Hotel2.连锁酒店>> Chain Hotel3.招待所>> Guesthouse4.客栈>> Inn5.快捷酒店>> Budget Hotel6.青年旅社>> Youth Hostel 餐饮业服务信息英文译法示例表B.1.功能设施信息英文译法示例(服务设施)1.前台;总台;接待迎宾>> Front Desk 或Reception2.订餐处>> Reservation3.开发票处>> Invoice and Receipt Issuance(大厅、包间)4.大堂;大厅>> Lobby5.宴会厅>> Banquet Hall6.餐厅>> Dining Room 〔Room 也可译作Hall〕或Cafeteria7.贵宾餐厅>> VIP Dining Room8.自助餐厅>> Buffet 或Cafeteria9.包间;包房>> Private Room(功能区域)10.点菜区>> Food Ordering Area11.候餐区>> Waiting Area12.禁烟区;无烟区>> Non-Smoking Area13.吸烟区>> Smoking Area(餐具)14.餐具>> Tableware15.餐巾;餐巾纸>> Napkin16.叉>> Fork17.刀>> Knife18.碟>> Plate19.杯碟>> Saucer20.杯垫>> Coaster21.筷子>> Chopsticks22.汤匙>> Spoon23.碗>> Bowl24.烟缸>> Ashtray(调味品、辅料)25.调味品>> Condiments 或Spices26.辅料>> Ingredients27.奶酪>> Cheese28.花椒>> Sichuan Pepper29.糖>> Sugar30.醋>> Vinegar31.胡椒粉>> Pepper32.椒盐粉>> Peppered Salt33.盐>> Salt34.黄油>> Butter35.酱油>> Soy Sauce36.果酱>> Jam37.色拉酱>> Salad Dressings38.蜂蜜>> Honey39.鲜奶>> Milk(菜单)40.菜单>> Menu41.酒水单>> Wine List〔酒类〕; Beverage Menu〔饮料类〕42.套餐菜单>> Set Menu表B.2.警示警告信息英文译法示例1.注意髙温〔炉灶〕>> CAUTION//Hot Surface 或CAUTION//Hot2.注意髙温〔热菜〕>> CAUTION//Very Hot Dishes3.正在加热,当心烫伤>> CAUTION//Hot Surface4.注意,不可食用>> Not Edible表B.3.限令禁止信息英文译法示例1.本柜恕不接受VIP卡>> VIP Cards Not Accepted2.谢绝外带食物;外来食品请勿入内>> Outside Food Not Allowed 或No Outside Food3.文明用餐,请勿喧哗>> Please Help Maintain a Quiet Atmosphere4.适量取食,请勿浪费>> Take Only What You Need //Do Not Waste Food5.切勿暴饮暴食>> Eat Light, Eat Right6.切勿酒后驾车>> Do Not Drink and Drive表B.4.指示指令信息英文译法示例1.请照看好您的小孩>> Please Do Not Leave Your Child Unattended2.请依次取餐>> Please Wait in Line3.请加热后食用>> Heat Before Eating 或Heat Before You Eat4.请不要遗忘个人物品>> Please Do Not Leave Your Belongings Behind表B.5.说明提示信息英文译法示例1.免费泊车>> Free Parking2.代客泊车>> Valet Parking3.提供酒后代驾服务>> Designated Driver Service Available 〔Available 可以省略〕4.订餐;订座>> Table Reservation5.已预订;预留>> Reserved6.招牌菜>> Specialty Dish 或Signature Dish7.风味食品>> Special Delicacies8.风味小吃>> Local Snacks 或Local Delicacies 或Local Food9.餐厅服务员>> Waiter 〔男〕; Waitress 〔女〕10.厨师>> Chef11.厨师长>> Head Chef12.调酒师>> Bartender表B.6.其他餐饮信息英文译法示例(餐类)1.中餐>> Chinese Food 或Chinese Cuisine2.西餐>> Western Food 或Western Cuisine3.快餐>> Fast Food4.中式快餐>> Chinese Fast Food5.自助餐>> Buffet(菜类)6.凉菜>> Cold Dishes7.热菜;热炒>> Hot Dishes8.荤菜>> Meat Dishes9.素菜>> Vegetable Dishes10.汤>> Soup11.水果>> Fruits(中国菜系)12.鲁菜〔山东菜〕>> Shandong Cuisine13.川菜〔四川菜〕>> Sichuan Cuisine14.粤菜〔广东菜〕>> Guangdong Cuisine15.淮扬菜>> Huaiyang Cuisine16.闽菜〔福建菜〕>> Fujian Cuisine17.浙菜〔浙江菜〕>> Zhejiang Cuisine18.湘菜〔湖南菜〕>> Hunan Cuisine19.徽菜〔安徽菜〕>> Anhui Cuisine20.清真菜>> Halal Food 或Muslim Food21.斋菜>> Buddhist Food(原材料)22.素食菜>> Vegetarian Food23.肉类>> Meat24.猪肉>> Pork25.牛肉>> Beef26.牛排>> Steak27.羊肉>> Mutton28.羊肉串>> Mutton Shashlik29.羊排>> Lamb Chop 或Mutton Chop30.鸡肉>> Chicken31.鸭肉>> Duck32.鱼类>> Fish33.海鲜>> Seafood34.虾类>> Prawn 或Shrimp35.蟹类>> Crab36.豆制品>> Bean Products37.豆腐>> Doufu 或Bean Curd38.蔬菜>> Vegetables(烹饪方法)39.火锅>> Hot Pot40.砂锅>> Casseroles41.麻辣烫>> Spicy Hot Pot42.药膳>> Tonic Diet 或Herbal Cuisine43.烧烤>> Grill 〔在平底锅里烤〕Barbecue 〔直接在火上烤〕(口味)44.酸>> Sour45.甜>> Sweet46.辣>> Hot 或Spicy47.三分熟>> Rare48.五分熟>> Medium49.七分熟>> Medium Well 50.十分熟〔全熟〕>> Well Done(主食)51.米饭>> Rice52.面条>> Noodles53.拉面>> Lamian Noodles54.刀削面>> Daoxiao Noodles55.米线>> Rice Noodles56.馄饨>> Huntun 或Wonton57.馅饼>> Pie58.熟食>> Delicatessen 〔也可简作Deli〕或Cooked Food59.糕点>> Cakes and Pastries60.月饼>> Moon Cake61.面包>> Bread(西餐菜类)62.开胃菜>> Appetizer63.主菜>> Main Course 或Entree64.配菜>> Side Dish65.色拉>> Salad66.比萨>> Pizza67.三明治>> Sandwich68.热狗>> Hot Dog69.甜点>> Dessert(酒水)70.国酒;国产酒>> Chinese Liquors and Wines71.白酒>> Liquor and Spirits72.黄酒>> Yellow Rice Wine 或Shaoxing Wine73.米酒>> Rice Wine74.啤酒>> Beer75.洋酒>> Imported Wines and Liquors76.红葡萄酒>> Red Wine77.白葡萄酒>> White Wine78.果酒>> Fruit Wine79.开胃酒>> Aperitifs80.饮料>> Beverages 或Drinks81.饮用水>> Drinking Water82.碳酸饮料>> Carbonate Beverages 或Sodas83.罐装饮料>> Canned Drinks84.鲜榨果汁>> Fresh Juice85.不含酒精类饮料>> Non-Alcoholic Beverages86.茶>> Tea87.咖啡>> Coffee住宿业服务信息英文译法示例表C.1.住宿业服务功能设施信息英文译法示例(服务设施)1.前台;总台>> Front Desk 或Reception2.行李房>> Baggage Room3.手推车>> Cart4.存行李处>> Locker 〔自助〕; Left Baggage 〔有人服务〕5.取行李处>> Baggage Claim6.出租车候车处>> Taxi Stand7.失物招领处>> Lost and Found8.礼宾部>> Concierge Office9.礼品商店>> Gift Shop 或Souvenirs10.工艺商品店>> Crafts Shop11.小卖部>> Shop12.擦鞋机>> Shoe Shiner 或Automatic Shoe Polisher13.自动售货机>> Vending Machine14.留言栏>> Bulletin Board 或Message Board15.经理>> Manager16.大堂经理>> Lobby Manager17.大堂副理>> Assistant Lobby Manager18.行李员>> Porter19.客房服务员>> Room Attendant20.宾馆修理工>> Maintenance Worker21.商店营业员>> Shop Assistant 或Clerk(休闲、健身、娱乐设施)22.更衣室>> Locker Room23.衣帽寄存处;存衣处>> Cloakroom24.休息室;休息厅>> Lounge25.俱乐部>> Club26.健身房>> Fitness Room 27.游泳池>> Swimming Pool28.卡拉OK厅>> Karaoke 或KTV29.舞厅;歌舞厅>> Ballroom 或Dance Hall30.棋牌室>> Chess and Cards Room 〔Room 可以省略〕31.按摩室>> Massotherapy Room 或Massage Room 〔Room 均可省略〕32.足疗室;足浴室>> Foot Massage Room 〔Room 可以省略〕33.桑拿房>> Sauna Room 〔Room 可以省略〕34.水疗美容部>> Spa35.美容护理部>> Beauty Care(商务、会议设施)36.商务中心>> Business Center37.行政酒廊>> Executive Lounge38.报告厅>> Conference Hall39.多功能厅>> Function Hall40.会议室>> Conference Room 或Meeting Room(酒店基础设施)41.门厅;前厅;大堂>> Lobby42.过道>> Passage43.楼梯栏杆>> Handrail44.楼梯>> Stairs 或Stairway45.上楼楼梯>> Stairway Up 〔Stairway 可以省略〕46.下楼楼梯>> Stairway Down 〔Stairway 可以省略〕47.电梯>> Elevator 或Lift48.自动扶梯>> Escalator49.客房电梯>> Guest Elevator50.观光电梯>> Sightseeing Elevator 或Observation Elevator 或Glass Elevator51.员工电梯>> Staff Elevator 或Staff Only52.货梯>> Freight Elevator 或Cargo Elevator53.主廊>> Main Corridor54.走廊>> Corridor55.屋顶花园>> Roof Garden56.地下室>> Basement57.地下车库>> Underground Parking58.专属停车位>> Reserved Parking59.火灾疏散示意图>> Emergency Exit Route 或FireEscape Route60.电子监控>> Electronic Surveillance(客房设施)61.客房>> Guest Room62.标准客房>> Twin Room 或Standard Room 或Double Room63.豪华套房>> Deluxe Suite64.无障碍客房>> Accessible Room65.单人房间>> Single Room66.双人间〔两张单人床〕>> Twin Room67.双人间〔一张双人床〕>> Double Room68.套房;套间>> Suite69.行政套房>> Executive Suite70.客房部>> Housekeeping Department71.布草间>> Linen Room(客房用品)72.房卡>> Room Card73.客房钥匙>> Room Key74.有线电视>> Cable TV75.电视节目单>> TV Listings 或TV Channel Directory76.电视机遥控器>> TV Remote Control77.空调>> Air Conditioner78.空调遥控器>> Air Conditioner Remote Control79.中央空调>> Central Air-Conditioning80.中央空调温控面板>> Temperature Control Panel81.暖气>> Heating82.电热水壶;电水壶>> Electric Kettle83.咖啡机>> Coffee Maker84.吹风机>> Hair Dryer85.电话机>> Telephone86.电话簿>> Telephone Directory87.服务指南>> Service Directory 或Service Information88.保险柜>> Safe Box 或Safe89.冰箱>> Refrigerator90.密封盒>> Airtight Box91.吊灯>> Ceiling Lamp92.吸顶灯>> Ceiling Light 93.镜前灯>> Mirror Light94.落地灯>> Floor Lamp95.浴室灯>> Bathroom Light96.阅读灯>> Reading Light97.筒灯>> Downlight 或Can Light98.夜灯>> Night Light99.毛巾>> Towel100.香皂>> Toilet Soap101.沐浴乳>> Body Shampoo 或Shower Lotion 102.洗护发用品>> Shampoo and Conditioner103.洗发水>> Shampoo104.护发素>> Hair Conditioner105.衣柜>> Closet 或Wardrobe106.衣架>> Coat Hanger107.洗衣袋>> Laundry Bag108.毯子>> Blanket109.被子>> Quilt110.羽绒被>> Duvet111.枕头>> Pillow112.毛毯袋>> Blanket Bag113.婴儿床>> Crib114.婴儿食品>> Baby Food115.儿童高脚椅>> Baby High Chair116.加床>> Cot117.窗帘>> Curtains表C.2.警示警告信息英文译法示例1.注意,此处设有视频监控>> This Area Is Under Video Surveillance2.只允许剃须刀充电〔用于插座上〕>> Shavers Only 表C.3.限令禁止信息英文译法示例1.请勿卧床吸烟>> Do Not Smoke in Bed2.当心火险>> Fire Hazard3.如遇火脊,请勿使用电梯>> Do Not Use Elevator in Case of Fire4.请勿打扰>> Please Do Not Disturb5.请勿影响其他客人休息>> Please Do Not Disturb Other Guests6.严禁赌博>> Gambling Is Forbidden by Law7.请勿让孩子独自搭乘电梯>> Children Must Be Accompanied by an Adult8.请勿推门>> Do Not Push9.不准泊车>> No Parking10.不准停放自行车>> No Bicycle Parking11.顾客止步>> Staff Only12.限紧急情况下使用>> Emergency Use Only表C.4.指示指令信息英文译法示例1.访客请登记>> All Visitors Must Register2.请在此处先刷房卡,再按目的楼层〔电梯内〕>> Please Swipe Your Room Card Here Before Pressing the Number of Your Floor3.乘此梯至地下停车场>> Elevator to Underground Parking4.请留意退房时间>> Our checkout time is__ O'clock 或Check-Out Time:__ O'clock5.请保持整洁>> Please Keep This Area Clean6.请即打扫>> Please Make up My Room7.请将您的自行车锁好>> Please Lock Your Bicycle8.请将您需要清洁的皮鞋放置在此,我们将乐于为您服务。
饭店英语交流用语·销售用语1、What kind of rooms(foods) would you like to have? 您需要什么样的房间(吃什么样的菜)?2、Here is a brochure of our hotel and tariff.这是介绍我们饭店的小册子和价目表。
3、We'll give you a 10%(ten percent ) discount.我们给您九折优惠。
4、We'll offer tour guides plimentary breakfasts.我们给陪同提供早餐。
5、We aept your terms.我们承受您的条件。
6、May I introduce myself?让我介绍我自己。
7、May I present you a litter souvenir?请承受我们的一点小纪念品。
8、Let's drink to our friendship!为我们的友谊干杯!9、Let me propose a toast to the health of our guests! 建议为在座客人的安康干杯!10、Cheers!(Bottoms!)干杯!11、How do you like Chinese food?您喜欢中国菜吗?12、What do you think of our service?您对我们的效劳有什么意见?13、Thank you for your ments(pliment, suggestions). 谢谢您给我们提的意见(赞扬、建议)。
14、I'm afraid it's against the hotel's regulations. 这是违反饭店规章制度的。
15、In our hotel we don't aept tips.我们饭店是不收小费的。
It's our pleasure to serve our guests well.我们为能为客人效劳好而感到快乐。
饭店英语礼貌用语这里有一些常用的饭店英语礼貌用语:1.Please, can I have the menu? 请给我菜单。
2.What would you recommend? 你推荐什么?3.Can I have some more bread? 可以再给我一些面包吗?4.Can you bring me the check please? 请给我带来账单。
5.Excuse me, can you call the waiter/waitress please? 请叫餐饮服务员来。
6.Is everything okay? 一切正常吗?7.Can you please bring me a glass of red/white wine? 请给我一杯红酒/白葡萄酒。
8.Can you please bring me some water? 请给我一些水。
9.Can you please bring me some coffee/tea? 请给我一杯咖啡/茶。
10.Can you please bring me the bill? 请给我带来账单。
11.Keep the change please. 请保留找零。
12.Thank you for the meal. 谢谢这餐。
13.Thank you, it was delicious. 谢谢,非常美味。
14.Please call me a taxi. 请叫一辆出租车。
15.Cheers! 乾杯!16.欢迎光临(Welcome)17.请问您有预订吗?(Do you have a reservation?)18.请跟我来(Follow me, please)19.这边坐,请(Please have a seat here)20.我们的菜单在这里(Here is our menu)21.您想点什么?(What would you like to order?)22.需要帮忙介绍菜品吗?(Would you like me to recommend any dishes?)23.菜还好吗?(How is everything? / How are the dishes?)24.是否需要加餐或换餐?(Would you like to add or change anything else?)25.请慢用,祝您用餐愉快。
1.称呼:Mr. xxx Mrs. xxx Miss sir madam gentlemen ladies ladies and gentlemen2.打招呼:Good morning, sir/madam. Good afternoon, sir/madam. Good evening, sir/madam.How are you today, sir? (Mr. xxx, Mrs. xxx…)3.欢迎:Welcome to our hotel/ Geneva hotel . Welcome to our restaurant.Glad to see you again.对话:A: Good afternoon, sir.B: Good afternoon.A: Welcome to Geneva Hotel.B: Thank you.4.表示祝愿:Have a pleasant stay at our hotel, sir/madam.Have a nice day/ evening.Enjoy your stay/day.Happy New year.Merry Christmas.5.感谢:Thank you . Thank you for telling us/ coming/ calling/ waiting/ being so understanding.6.回答感谢:You are welcome. With pleasure. My pleasure. Glad to be of service. 对话:A: Good morning, madam. May I help you?B: Y es, could you tell me where the business center is?A: It’s at the other end of the lobby. B: Thank you very much.A: My pleasure, madam.7.道歉或歉意:I’m terribly sorry, sir.I’m sorry for the delay/ inconvenience/ mistake.I do apologize.Excuse me.Excuse me for interrupting.Sorry to disturb/bother you.Sorry to kept you waiting, sir.对话:A: Waiter! B: Yes, sir.A: May steak is overdone. I ask for it rare, and the prawns are not fresh.B: I’m terribly sorry, sir. I’ll talk to the chef. Would you like something else?8.对道歉或歉意的回答:That’s all right. It doesn’t matter.9.表示高兴:I’m glad to hear that.I’m happy everything was to your satisfaction.10.表示同情:I’m sorry to hear that. It’s a great pity.11.表示理解:Yes, I see./ I see.12.不懂时:Could you speak slowly?Pardon?Sorry, I didn’t catch you.Could you say it again?Could you repeat?I’m sorry, I don’t quite understand. Should/Shall I get the manager? 13.告别:Good night.Good-bye, and have a nice trip. Thank you for coming。
饭店工作常用英语180句欢迎和问候语1. Good morning (afternoon,evening),sir(madam).早上(下午,晚上)好,先生(夫人)。
2. How do you do? 您好!(初次见面)How do you do? 您好!Glad to meet you.很高兴见到您!3. How are you? 您好吗?Fine,thanks.And you? 好的。
您呢?4. Welcome to our hotel(restaurant,shop). 欢迎到我们宾馆(餐厅,商店)来。
5. I hope you will have a most pleasant stay in/at our hotel. 愿你在我们宾馆过得愉快。
6. I hope you will enjoy your stay with us. 希望您在我们宾馆过愉快(客人刚入店时)。
I hope you enjoy your stay with us. 希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快(客人在饭店逗留期间)。
I hope you have enjoyed your stay with us. 希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快(客人离店时)。
7. Have a good time!祝您过得愉快!电话用语8. Good morning.This is …… (岗位),……(姓名)is speaking.May I help you?早上好,这是……部门,我是……。
我能帮您什么吗?9. Sorry,I've dialed the wrong number.对不起,我拨错号了。
10. May I speak to your General Manager? 能和你们总经理说话吗?11. Sorry,he is not in at the moment.对不起,他现在不在。
12. Would you like to leave a message? 你要留口信吗?13. Pardon? I beg your pardon? 对不起,请再说一遍,好吗?祝贺语14. Congratulations! 祝贺您!15. Happy birthday! 生日快乐!16. Happy New Year! 新年快乐!17. Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!18. Have a nice holiday! 生日快乐!19. Wish you every success! 祝你成功!20. Drink to your health! (success,victory).为了你的健康(成功,胜利)干杯!感谢和答应语21. Thank you(Very much).谢谢您(非常感谢)22. Thank you for your advice/information/help.感谢您的忠告(信息,帮助)23. It's very kind of you.谢谢,您真客气。
饭店点餐用语饮食一.常见的饮食词汇:1. fast food 快餐2. take-away food外卖3. restaurant 餐馆4. menu 菜单5. waiter 服务生6. waitress 女服务生7.order the food 点菜8. serve the dish 上菜9. McDonald’s 麦当劳10. make a toast 举杯/干杯二.迎接客人常见的句子:1. This way, please 请这边.2. How many persons, please? 总共有几位?3. I’ll show you to your table. 我来为你领位吧.4. Where would you prefer to sit? 你喜欢坐在哪里?5. How about this table? 这张桌子怎么样/可以吗?6. Do you have a reservation? 请问你有预定吗?7. I’m afraid this table is reserved. 不好意思这张桌子已经有人定了.8. Could you wait for another five minutes, please? 你可不可以再等五分钟呢?9. We can seat you very soon. 我们很快就会安排你入座的.10. I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. 很抱歉让你久等了.11. Would you like a high chair for your child? 要不要给你的孩子拿一张高椅呢?三.点菜时服务生的话:1. May I take your order now, Sir? 我能给你下单了吗?先生.2. It’s tender and tasty. 这道菜又鲜又嫩.3. Which flavor would you prefer,sweet or chili? 你喜欢哪一种口味, 是甜的还是辣的?4. Maybe Cantonese cuisine will suit you. 或许粤菜很适合你的口味.5. Would you like to try our House Specialty ?你想尝尝我们的招牌菜吗?6. What would you like to drink? 请问你想喝什么饮料?7. It’s very popular with our guests. 它很受客人的欢迎.8. It looks good, smells good and tastes good. 这道菜色,香,味俱全.9. It’s a well-known delicacy in Chinese cuisine. 这是一道有名的中餐.四.客人说的话:1. What is today’s special? 今天有什么特色菜?2. Good, I’ll take it. 哦,我这要这道菜就好了.3. I’d like to have some fried rice. 我想要一些炒饭.4. Ok, I’ll take that. Thank you.好的,我试试这道菜吧,谢谢你.五.席间服务生说的话:1. Here is your hot towel. 这是你的热毛巾.2. May I serve it to you? 我可以上菜了吗?3.Your steak, salad, and red wine, sir. 先生,这是你的牛排,色拉和红酒.4. Please enjoy it. 请慢用.5. Excuse me, May I take your plate? 打扰一下,我可以把盘子收走吗?6. This is very hot. Please be careful. 这道菜很烫,请你们小心.7. Would you like some dessert? 你还要点甜点吗?8.May I show you the dessert menu? 你要不要看一下甜点菜单吗?9. This food best eaten while hot.这道菜趁热吃最好.10. May I portion this fish for you? 我替你把鱼分一下吧?11. Here is your food. Please enjoy it. 这是你点的菜. 请慢慢用.12.Shall I change this plate with a smaller one?我可以给你换成小的碟子吗?13. May I clear the table for you? 我可以为你收拾桌子了吗?六.席间客人说的话:1. Please serve the food now all the guests have arrived.客人都到齐了,请上菜吧.2. Please hold the food, we still have one friend coming.请稍后上菜,我们还有一位朋友没到呢.3. Would you please separate the fish for us? 麻烦你把鱼分一下可以吗?七.抱怨与称赞:(一)服务员的话。
饭店英语礼貌用语600字In a restaurant, good manners and polite language are critical. As an employee, you should use appropriate expressions and behavior to make your guests feel at ease and comfortable. Here are some restaurant English etiquette phrases that you can use to enhance your dining experience:Greeting the guests:• Good evening, sir/madam. Welcome to [restaurant's name]. • Hello, and thank you for choosing [restaurant's name].• Good afternoon! May I take your coat?• How are you all doing today? W elcome to [restaurant's name]! • Hello, and a warm welcome to our restaurant.Introducing yourself:• Hi, my name is [your name], and I'll be your server this evening.• Welcome to [restaurant's name], my name is [your name]. I'll be taking care of you all today.• My name is [your name], and I'm here to assist you with your dining requirements.Offering assistance:• How may I assist you?• Do you have any questions about the menu?• Is there anything I can recommend for you?• Would you like me t o explain the specials for today?• Can I assist you with anything else?Ordering:• Are you ready to place your order?• May I take your order, please?• Please let me know what I can get you.• Are you sure you're ready to order, or would you like t o hear some more about our dishes first?• Would you like to try our special of the day?Serving food:• Here is your appetizer/main course/dessert, enjoy.• Can I get you anything else while you eat?• Enjoy your food, please let me know if you need an ything else. • Please let me know if you need anything while you eat.• Would you like some more water/ bread / wine?Checking on the guests:• Is everything okay with your meal?• How is everything?• Is your meal to your liking?• Is there anything I can do to make your meal better?• Is there anything else I can offer?Presenting the bill:• Would you like me to bring the bill to your table?• May I present your check now?• Here's your bill, please take your time.• How would you like to mak e payment, sir/madam?• Would you like me to split the bill?Farewells:• Thank you for visiting us today, have a great day!• It was a pleasure serving you, have a lovely evening.• Thank you for choosing [restaurant's name], have a safe journey. • W e hope to see you again soon, have a wonderful day!• Thank you for coming, have a pleasant day!In conclusion, utilizing these courteous expressions and manners demonstrates respect for the guests, and it enhances the dining encounter for both parties. The above phrases are examples that can be custom-made to suit various situations in a restaurant. By using these etiquette, the guest is encouraged to return, and it sets the establishment apart from competitors.Sure, here is another piece on restaurant English etiquette phrases:As a server in a restaurant, it's essential to make guests feel comfortable and welcome. Using polite language, respectful behavior, and appropriate expressions can greatly enhance their dining experience. Here are some courteous phrases that can help you achieve this:Greeting guests:• Good evening! Welcome to [restaurant's name], how may I assist you?• Hi, how are you all doing today? Welcome to [restaurant's name]!• Welcome to [restaurant's name], my name is [your name]. M ay I take your coat?Introducing yourself:• Hello, I'm [your name], and I'll be your server this evening.• I'm [your name], and I'm here to assist you with your dining needs.• Good afternoon, my name is [your name], and I'll be taking careof you all today.Offering assistance:• How can I assist you today?• Do you have any questions about the menu?• Is there anything I can recommend for you to try?• Would you like me to explain the specials for today?• How can I make your dining experience more co mfortable? Ordering:• Are you ready to place your order?• Can I take your order, please?• Would you like to hear more about our dishes before you order?• How about trying our special of the day?• What would you like to order?Serving food:• Here's your appetizer/main course/dessert, enjoy.• Would you like anything else while you eat?• Please let me know if you need anything else while you eat.• How's everything tasting?• Can I get you some more water/bread/wine?Checking on guests:• Is everyth ing alright with your meal?• How are you enjoying your food?• Is there anything else you need?• Can I assist you with anything before you leave?• How can I make your dining experience better?Presenting the bill:• Would you like me to bring your bill to the table?• Here's your check, take your time.• How would you like to make payment, cash or card?• Can I take your payment now?• Do you need any assistance with the payment process? Farewells:• Thank you for coming to [restaurant's name], have a great day! • It was a pleasure serving you, have a wonderful evening.• We hope to see you again soon, have a safe journey.• Thank you for choosing [restaurant's name], come back soon!• Until we meet again, have a great day!In conclusion, using these courteous phrases can make a significant difference in a guest's dining experience. It shows respect for guests and sets the restaurant apart from competitors. These expressions can be modified to suit various situations and ensure that guests feel welcome every time they visit.Sure, here is another article on the topic of restaurant etiquette:As a server, one of the most important aspects of your job is providing great customer service. This means not only taking orders and serving food but also creating a warm and welcoming environment for customers to enjoy their dining experience. There are certain etiquette rules that should be followed when working ina restaurant, and here are some tips to remember:1. Greet customers warmlyAs soon as customers arrive, greet them with a smile and a friendlywelcome. This sets the tone for their entire dining experience, and they will appreciate your hospitality.2. Be attentive to customers' needsPay attention to your customers' needs and try to anticipate anything they might need before they ask. For example, if they're running low on water, refill their glasses without them having to ask.3. Use proper tableware placement and silverwareEnsure that table settings are organized and clean. Silverware should be placed in the proper order, including salad forks, dinner forks, knives, and spoons. Water glasses should be to the right of the plate, and wine glasses to the left.4. Offer menu recommendationsCustomers will appreciate your opinion on menu items, so have a good understanding of the dishes and be prepared to offer recommendations. Additionally, inform them of any specials or promotions currently offered.5. Don't interrupt conversationsAvoid interrupting customers while they're in the middle of a conversation, especially when they're eating. Make eye contact to let them know you're available, but wait until they're ready to make their requests before approaching their table.6. Keep an optimistic attitudeMaintaining a positive attitude can make all the difference in your interactions with customers. If you're having a bad day, don't let itshow in your interactions with customers, as it can create an unpleasant experience for them.7. Thank customers and offer to returnThank customers for coming to the restaurant as they leave, and invite them to return. This helps create a fond memory and encourages repeat business.8. Be prompt with billsOnce customers are ready to pay, promptly bring the bill to the table, and offer any assistance needed. If paying with a card, ensure it's collected and processed efficiently.In conclusion, proper etiquette can go a long way in ensuring customers have an enjoyable dining experience. These tips can help establish a welcoming environment, put customers at ease and make them want to return to your restaurant. By following these rules, you'll not only produce satisfied customers, but you'll also assist in setting your restaurant apart from the competitors.Sure, here is another article on the topic of restaurant etiquette:Working in a restaurant requires a specific set of etiquette rules to ensure customers have an enjoyable dining experience. As a server, you play an essential role in making sure customers feel welcomed and attended to throughout their meal. Here are some tips for maintaining excellent restaurant etiquette:1. Start with a friendly greetingGreet all customers with a warm, enthusiastic welcome as soon as they walk into the restaurant. A friendly greeting sets the tone forthe whole dining experience and lets customers know that you're there to assist them in any way possible.2. Keep a tidy appearanceMake sure that your uniform is clean and pressed, your hair is neatly styled, and your nails are clean and trimmed. A well-groomed appearance helps create a professional atmosphere and shows customers that you take pride in your job.3. Actively listen to customersWhen taking orders, actively listen to customers' requests and do your best to accommodate their needs. If a mistake is made, apologize sincerely and rectify the situation as quickly as possible. This shows customers that their satisfaction is a top priority.4. Use proper serving techniquesUse proper serving techniques when handling food and drinks. Avoid touching the rim of glasses and the tops of plates when serving; instead, use the bottom or side of the dish. Also, make sure to serve dishes to female diners first, followed by male diners.5. Know the menuHave a good understanding of the menu and the restaurant's features, specials, and promotions. Provide recommendations to customers based on their dietary needs or preferences if asked. 6. Respect customers' personal spaceRespect customers' personal space when serving. Avoid leaning over their table or standing too close when taking orders or serving food.7. Keep tables cleanAlways keep tables clean and free of clutter. Remove any dirty dishes or glasses as soon as possible and be sure to wipe down the table after each use.8. Be attentiveBe attentive to customers throughout their meal. Check on them regularly to see if they need anything and refill their drinks promptly.9. Thank customers and invite them to returnThank customers for coming to the restaurant when they leave, and invite them to return soon. A sincere thank you makes customers feel appreciated and encouraged to come back.In conclusion, excellent restaurant etiquette is vital for ensuring customers have an enjoyable dining experience. By following these rules, servers can make customers feel welcomed, appreciated, and satisfied. Remembering these tips will help create a professional and polished image for the restaurant, leading to repeat business and increased customer satisfaction.Thank you, anything else I can assist you with?。
饭店英语交流用语·前厅和客房部用语1、Have you a reservation?您预定过了吗?2、May I know your name and room number?您能告诉我您的名字与房间号吗?3、Here is your room key.给您房间钥匙。
4、Please pay at the cashier's desk over there.请去那边帐台付款。
5、Are these your baggage?这些是您的行李吗?May I take them for you?我来帮您拿好吗?6、Housekeeping, may I e in?客房效劳员,我可以进来吗?7、Leave your laundry in the laundry in the laundry bag behind the bathroom door.请把要洗的东西放在浴室门后的洗衣袋中。
8、I hope I'm not disturbing you.我希望没有打搅您。
9、One moment, madam. I'll bring them to you right away. 等一会儿,夫人。
10、I'll send for an electrician( doctor...)我给您请电工(大夫……)。
餐饮部:11、Sit down, please. Here is the menu.请坐,给您菜单,先生。
May I take your order, sir?您要点菜吗?12、What would you like to have, coffee or tea?您要喝咖啡还是茶?13、Would you like to have any wine with you dinner? 您用餐时要喝点酒吗?14、Service hours are:(餐厅)供给时间是:7:00a.m.to 9:00a.m.for breakfast.早餐7点到9点。
Waiter / Waitress:服务员,也可以用Waiter / Waitress表示女性服务员。
Table settings:餐具摆放,指的是用餐时餐具的整体摆放。
Maitre dhtel:餐厅经理,指在餐厅或宾馆提供服务的专业人员。
Take Out:外卖,指由餐厅提供的外卖服务。
Eating Out:外出用餐,指在外面就餐的活动。
Food Court:美食广场,指一个汇集着各种美食摊位的广场或建筑块。
除了上面的词汇,我们可以进一步了解全世界的饮食文化,比如德国的布鲁支(Bruschetta)、意大利的披萨(Pizza)、法国的法式巧克力(French Chocolate)、日本的寿司(Sushi)、中国的饺子(Dumplings)等等,这些都是来自不同国家和地区的美食文化,可以让我们在异国他乡更好地发挥自身的优势,并使自己更好地了解全世界的饮食文化。
常用餐饮服务英语100句预览说明:预览图片所展示的格式为文档的源格式展示,下载源文件没有水印,内容可编辑和复制常用餐饮服务英语99句1.Welcome to our hotel. 欢迎到我们的酒店来!2.Good night. 晚安(晚间告别用)3.have a good rest. 祝您休息好!See you later (tomorrow). 以后(明天)见!Hope to see you again soon. 希望不久再见到您!Have a good time. 祝您过得愉快!We wish you a pleasant stay in our hotel.愿您在我们饭店过得愉快!Plea se don’t leave anything behind.请不要遗忘你的东西。
Watch your step! 请走好!We wish you a pleasant journey. 祝您旅途愉快!Have a nice trip! 一路平安!All the best! 万事如意。
Take care! 多保重!Good luck! 祝您好运!Thank you for coming. 谢谢您的光临。
I’m very grateful to you. 非常感谢您。
It’s very kind of you. 谢谢,您真客气。
You are (most) welcome. 不用谢,不用客气。
Not at all. 不用谢。
My pleasure.(or with pleasure) 很高兴能为您服务。
Glad to be of service. 很高兴为您服务。
At your service .乐意为您效劳。
I’m sorry. 很抱歉。
Excuse me. 对不起。
I’m terribly sorry. It’s my fault.非常抱歉,那是我的过错。
I’m awfully sorry for my carelessness.对于我的粗心大意我非常抱歉。
English for Hotel1.早上好/下午好/晚上好/晚安。
Good morning/ afternoon/evening/night.2.欢迎光临我们饭店/餐厅。
Welcome to our hotel/restaurant.3.您好吗?How are you?(用于比较熟悉的情况下,不一定需要别人回答)4.很高兴见到你。
Glad to see you; Nice to meet you.5.抱歉, 打扰一下, 这个是您的吗? Excuse me, is this yours?6.看这边。
Look here.7.过来这边。
Come over here.8.早上好,李太太。
Good morning, Mrs. Lee.9.下午好,唐小姐。
Good afternoon, Miss Tang.10.先生,请慢走。
Watch your step, sir.11.您先请/这边请。
After you; This way, please12.请跟我来。
Please follow me.13.那边走。
That way.14.就在那。
Over there.15.从这向左/右转。
Turn left/ right here.16.我来为您带路。
I’ll show you the way.17.请保管好您的随身行李。
Please take good care of your carry-on luggage.18.您要上楼还是下楼?Are you going upstairs / downstairs?19.电梯在那边。
The elevator is over there.20.我们到了。
Here we are.21.有什么可以帮忙的吗?May I help you?22.还需要些什么?What else can I do for you?23.如果你有什么需要请和我们联系。
If you have any needs, please don’t hesitateto let us know.24.-谢谢. –不客气. -Thank you. – You are welcome; Not at all; My pleasure25.很乐意为您效劳. I’m always at your service.26.再见/回头见。
饭店英语基本礼貌用语Basic English for Polite Use in Hotel 一.直接称谓语先生:Gentleman / Sir女士:Lady / MadamXX先生:Mr. XXXX夫人,太太:Mrs. XXXX小姐:Miss XX二.间接称谓语那位先生:that gentleman那位女士:that lady您的先生:your husband您的夫人:your wife三.欢迎语欢迎您入住我们饭店:Welcome to stay in our hotel.欢迎您到我们餐厅用餐:Welcome to have your meals here.希望您住店愉快:Hope you enjoy your stay in our hotel.四.问候语您好:How do you do?早上好:Good morning.下午好:Good afternoon晚上好:Good evening晚安:Good night您好吗?How are you?见到您很高兴:Nice to meet you!再次见到您非常高兴:Glad to see you again.五.祝贺语恭喜:Congratulations!祝您节日快乐:I wish you a happy holiday.祝您新年愉快:Happy new year.祝您生日快乐:Happy birthday.祝您一切顺利:Wish you every success祝您生意兴隆:Wish you good business六.告别语再见:Good bye明天再见:See you tomorrow欢迎您再来:Welcome you to come next time.希望下次见到您:Hope to see you again soon.祝您旅途愉快:Wish you had a good trip.七.征询语我可以帮助您吗:How can I help you?/May I help you?我能为您做些什么:What can I do for you?需要我帮您做些什么呢:Is there anything I can do for you?还有什么别的我可以帮忙的吗?Is there anything else I can do for you?这会打扰您吗?Will it trouble you?您喜欢…..吗?Would you like…?您能够…..吗? Could you….?如果您不介意,我可以….吗?Would you mind if I …..?您可以讲慢点吗?Would you please to speak a little bit slowly?八.应答语不必客气:You are welcome.没关系:It doesn’t matter.这是我应该做的:It’s my pleasure.照顾不周的地方,请您多多关照:If we have any shortcomings, please point it out.我明白了:I see好的:All right.非常感谢:Thank you very much.谢谢您的好意:Thanks for your kindness.九.道歉语实在对不起:I am awfully sorry.请原谅:Excuse me打扰您了:I am sorry to disturb you.对不起,这完全是我们的过错:I am sorry, it’s our fault.感谢您的提醒:Thank you for your reminding.我们立即采取措施,使您满意:We’ll try our best to take some measures, so thatyou can be satisfied.请不要介意:Please forget it.十.婉言推托语很遗憾,不能帮您的忙:I am sorry I can’t help you.承蒙您的好意,但是….: it’s very kind of you, but…没有听说:I’ve never heard of that.十一. 接听电话用语您好,这是:Good morning, this is…我的名字是:This is xx speaking对不起,您拨错电话号码了:Sorry, you’ve dialed a wrong number.请拨电话…谢谢:Please dial number…, thanks.谢谢您的来电:Thank you for your call.1. Greetings见面招呼:Good morning, Sir/MadamGood afternoon, Sir/MadamGood evening, Sir/MadamMay I help you?2. Key words for polite use能讨人喜欢的谈吐Please, thank you, excuse me, pardon me.3. A guest’s name is music to his ears.客人喜欢听你称呼他的姓氏Mr. Chen, Mrs Chen, Ms Liu, Miss liuSir/MadamLadies & Gentlemen4. Exchange of Greetings.见面时的寒喧How are you today, Mr. Chen?How the things going on with you?Do you enjoy your stay here?5. Answering a guest’s call应答客人呼唤的语句Yes, Sir/MadamWhat can I do for you?I will be with you in a moment.Sorry to have kept you waiting.6. When guest asks for something, which you can provide可以供应客人之要求时Certainly, Sir/MadamI’ll go and get it right away.Please wait a moment; I will get it for you.7. When guest asks for something, which you cannot provide.不能供应客人之要求时I’m sorry, we have already run of it.I am terribly sorry, we don’t have it.。
(完整版)餐厅常用英语口语100句- 您好!请问您预订了吗?(Hello! Do you have a reservation?)- 请问您想要用餐的人数是多少?(How many people are dining with you?)2. 点菜 (Ordering)- 请给我们一些时间看看菜单。
(Please give us some time to look at the menu.)- 我们要点的第一道菜是... (The first dish we would like to order is...)- 我想试试你们的特色菜。
(I would like to try your specialty dish.) - 请给我们来一份这道菜。
(Please bring us a portion of this dish.)3. 服务与需求 (Service and Requests)- 我们需要一些餐巾纸。
(We need some napkins.)- 请问这道菜辣吗?(Is this dish spicy?)- 我们需要一些餐具。
(We need some cutlery.)- 等待时间有点长,请加快速度。
(The wait is a bit long, please speed up.)- 请给我们上一些饮料。
(Please bring us some drinks.)- 这道菜的口味不太符合我的期望。
(This dish doesn't meet my expectations in terms of taste.)- 服务员,我们等了太久了。
(Waiter, we have been waiting for too long.)- 这份菜单上的价格和实际不符。
(The prices on this menu don't match the actual prices.)- 这道菜上有个异物。
下面是一些在西餐厅中经常用到的英语词汇和句子:菜单相关•Menu:菜单•Appetizer:开胃菜•Main course:主菜•Dessert:甜点•Beverages:饮料•Specials of the day:今日特色菜•Recommendations:推荐菜点餐•I’d like to order:我想点餐•Could you recommend a dish for me?:你能为我推荐一道菜吗?•What do you recommend?:你推荐什么菜?•I am allergic to:我对…过敏•Can I have the bill, please?:请给我账单食品和口味•Rare:半生的•Medium:五分熟的•Well-done:全熟的•Spicy:辣的•Mild:不辣的•Sweet:甜的•Salty:咸的•Bitter:苦的•Sour:酸的服务•Is everything all right with your meal?:您的餐点还好吗?•How is the food?:食物怎么样?•Can I get you anything else?:您还需要什么吗?•Please enjoy your meal:请慢慢享用结账•The check, please:请结账•Can I pay by credit card?:我可以用信用卡支付吗?•Do you accept cash?:可以支付现金吗?•Tip:小费希望以上常用的西餐厅英语词汇和句子可以帮助你在西餐厅用餐时顺利沟通,享受美食。
餐饮服务常用英语口语和翻译大全一、点菜时常用的英语口语和翻译1. 点菜时•英语口语:Can I take your order? 翻译:我可以为您点菜吗?•英语口语:What would you like to have? 翻译:您想要点什么?2. 询问菜单•英语口语:Do you have a menu? 翻译:你们有菜单吗?•英语口语:Can I see the menu? 翻译:可以给我看看菜单吗?3. 询问特色菜•英语口语:What are your specialties? 翻译:你们的特色菜是什么?•英语口语:What do you recommend? 翻译:你推荐什么菜?二、服务时常用的英语口语和翻译1. 问候客人•英语口语:Welcome to our restaurant! 翻译:欢迎光临我们的餐厅!•英语口语:Good evening, sir/madam! 翻译:晚上好,先生/女士!2. 为客人服务•英语口语:How is everything? 翻译:一切都还好吗?•英语口语:Is everything to your satisfaction? 翻译:一切都符合您的要求吗?3. 结账时•英语口语:Here is your bill, sir/madam. 翻译:这是您的账单,先生/女士。
•英语口语:Would you like to pay together or separately? 翻译:您是一起付还是分开付?三、常见餐饮场合用语和翻译1. 餐厅用语•英语口语:Table for two, please. 翻译:请给我们安排一个两个人的桌子。
•英语口语:Do you take reservations? 翻译:可以预定吗?2. 自助餐厅用语•英语口语:Help yourself to the buffet. 翻译:自己去打自助餐。
•英语口语:The drinks are self-service. 翻译:饮料是自助的。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
欢迎和问候语:1、Good morning(afternoon , evening) , sir(madam) 早上(下午、晚上)好,先生(夫人)。
2、How do you do?您好!(初次见面)Glad to meet you .很高兴见到您。
3、How are you?您好吗?Fine , Thanks . And you ?很好,谢谢。
您好吗?4、Welcome to our hotel (restaurant , shop).欢迎到我们宾馆(餐厅、商店)来。
5、Wish you a most pleasant stay in our hotel . 愿您在我们宾馆过得愉快。
6、I hope you will enjoy your stay with us. 希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。
(客人刚入店时)I hope you are enjoying your stay with us.希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。
(客人在饭店逗留期间)I hope you have enjoyed your stay with us.希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。
(客人离店时)7、Have a good time!祝您过得愉快!电话用语:8、**hotel , front desk . Can I help you? **饭店,前厅。
您找谁?9、Sorry , I’ve dialed the wrong number . 对不起,我拨错号了。
10、May I speak to your general manager?能和你们总经理说话吗?Speaking.我就是。
11、Sorry , he is not in at the moment . 对不起,他现在不在。
Would you like to leave a message ?您要留口信吗?12、Pardon.对不起,请再说一遍,好吗?I beg your pardon.对不起,请再说一遍,好吗?祝贺语:13、Congratulations!祝贺您!14、Happy birthday!生日快乐!15、Happy new year!新年快乐!16、Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐!17、Have a nice holiday!假日快乐!18、Wish you every success!祝您成功!答谢和答应语:19、Thank you (very much) .谢谢您(非常感谢)。
20、Thank you for your advice (information , help) 感谢您的忠告(信息、帮助)。
21、It’s very kind of you .谢谢,您真客气。
22、You are welcome .不用谢。
23、Not at all.不用谢。
Don’t mention it .不用谢。
24、It’s my pleasure .非常高兴为您服务。
(With pleasure.)(My pleasure.)25、I am at your service .乐意为您效劳。
26、Thank you for staying in our hotel. 感谢您在我们酒店下榻。
27、I’m sorry .很抱歉。
28、Excuse me .对不起。
29、I’m sorry ,It’s my fault.很抱歉。
30、Sorry to have kept you waiting .对不起,让您久等了。
31、Sorry to interrupt you .对不起,打扰您了。
32、I’m sorry about this.对此表示抱歉。
33、I apologize for this.我为此道歉。
34、That’s all right.没关系。
35、Let’s forget it.算了吧。
征询语:36、Can(May)I help you?我能帮您什么吗?Yes, please.好的。
37、What can I do for you .我能为您干点什么?38、Is there anything I can do for you ? 有什么能为您效劳的吗?39、Just a moment , please.请稍等一下。
40、May I use your phone?我能借用您的电话吗?Certainly.当然可以。
Yes, of course .当然可以。
指路用语:41、Go upstairs/downstairs.上楼/下楼。
42、It’s on the second (third) floor .在二(三)楼。
43、Excuse me.对不起。
Where is the washroom (restroom, elevator)?请问盥洗室(休息室、电梯)在哪儿?This way ,please.请这边走Turn left /right.往左转/右转。
45、It’s in the lobby near the main entrance. 在大厅靠近大门。
46、It’s in the basement at the end of the corrid or.在地下室走廊尽头。
提醒用语:47、Mind/(Watch)your step.请走好。
48、Please be careful.请当心。
49、Please don’t leave anything behind. 请别遗忘您的东西。
50、Don’t worry.别担心。
51、Take it easy.放心好了。
52、Please don’t smoke here.请不要在这边抽烟。
54、See you late.再见。
55、Good night .晚安。
56、See you tomorrow.明天见。
57、Goodbye and thank you for coming.再见,谢谢您的光临。
58、Goodbye and hope to see you again.再见,希望再见到您。
59、Have a nice trip!一路平安!60、Wish you a pleasant journey! Good luck!祝您旅途愉快!祝您好运!前厅:1、Have you a reservation?您预定过了吗?2、May I know your name and room number?您能告诉我您的名字与房间号吗?3、Here is your room key.给您房间钥匙。
4、Please pay at the cashier’s desk over there. 请去那边帐台付款。
5、Are these your baggage?这些是您的行李吗?May I take them for you?我来帮您拿好吗?客房部6、Housekeeping .May I come in?客房服务员,我可以进来吗?7、Leave your laundry in the laundry in the laundr y bag behind the bathroom door.请把要洗的东西放在浴室门后的洗衣袋中。
8、I hope I’m not disturbing you.我希望没有打扰您。
9、One moment ,madam. I’ll bring them to you righ t away .等一会儿,夫人。
10、I’ll send for an electrician( doctor , ……)我给您请电工(大夫……)。
餐饮部:11、Sit down , please .Here is the menu.请坐,给您菜单,先生。
May I take your order ,sir?您要点菜吗?12、What would you like to have ,coffee or tea?您要喝咖啡还是茶?13、Would you like to have any wine with you dinne r?您用餐时要喝点酒吗?14、Service hours are:(餐厅)供应时间是:7:00a.m.to 9:00a.m.for breakfast.早餐7点到9点。
11:30a.m.to1: 30p.m.for lunch.午餐11点半到1点半。
6:30p.m.to 8:30p.m.for dinner.晚餐6点半到8点半。
15、Here is the bill. Please sign it.这是您的帐单,请签字。
销售用语:1、What kind of rooms(foods) would you like to hav e?您需要什么样的房间(吃什么样的菜)?2、Here is a brochure of our hotel and tariff. 这是介绍我们饭店的小册子和价目表。
3、We’ll give you a 10%(ten percent ) discount. 我们给您九折优惠。
4、We’ll offer tour guides complimentary breakfasts .我们给陪同提供免费早餐。
5、We accept your terms.我们接受您的条件。
公关用语:6、May I introduce myself?让我介绍我自己。
7、May I present you a litter souvenir?请接受我们的一点小纪念品。
8、Let’s drink to our friendship!为我们的友谊干杯!9、Let me propose a toast to the health of our g uests!建议为在座客人的健康干杯!10、Cheers!干杯!(Bottoms!)征求意见用语:11、How do you like Chinese food?您喜欢中国菜吗?12、What do you think of our service ?您对我们的服务有什么意见?13、Thank you for your comments(compliment, suggestio ns).谢谢您给我们提的意见(赞扬、建议)。
14、I’m afraid it’s against the hotel’s regulation s.这是违反饭店规章制度的。
15、In our hotel we don’t accept tips.我们饭店是不收小费的。
It’s our pleasure to serve our guests well.我们为能为客人服务好而感到高兴。