



❖ 鲎的图片
鲎的长相既像虾又像蟹,人称之为“马蹄蟹”,是一类与三叶虫(现在只有化 石)一样古老的动物。
鲎的血液中含有铜离子,它的血液是蓝色的。这种蓝色血液的提取物——“鲎试 剂”,可以准确、快速地检测人体内部组织是否因细菌感染而致病;在制药和食品 工业中,可用它对毒素污染进行监测。
毒素。用于标定细菌内毒素工作标准品的效价、复核、仲裁鲎试剂灵 敏度。
❖ ②细菌内毒素工作标准品(CSE):系以细菌内毒素国家标准品为基 准进行标定,确定其质量的相当效价。1ng工作标准品效价应不小于 2EU,不大于50EU。用于鲎试剂灵敏度的复核、干扰试验及设置的 各种阳性对照。
在不超过此稀释倍数的浓度下进行内毒素限值的测定。 MVD=CL/入。
c=1.0ml/ml;当L以EU/mg或EU/u表示时, c的单位为mg/ml或
Vml C最大有效 L×m/v=L×c样≥入,c样≥入/L
❖ (2)实验准备
❖ A、除去干扰:试验所用器皿需经处理,以除去可能存在的外源性内 毒素,常用的方法是250℃干烤至少1小时,也可用其它确证不干扰 细菌内毒素的适宜方法。若使用塑料器械,如微孔板和微量加样器配 套的吸头等,应选用标明无内毒素并且对试验无干扰的器械。试验操 作过程应防止微生物的污染。
❖ B、鲎试剂的规格:是指每支鲎试剂的装量,如:0.1ml、0.5ml。一 般来说,规格是多少就用多少细菌内毒素检查用水复溶。如:0.1ml 就用0.1ml细菌内毒素检查用水复溶。



利用鲎试剂与内毒素结合后加热,通 过凝胶形成或浊度变化来检测内毒素 的含量。该方法适用于注射剂、输液 等样品。
利用高效液相色谱技术分离内毒素, 通过紫外吸收或荧光检测器来检测内 毒素的含量。该方法适用于生物制品 、血液制品等样品。
实验后产生的废液应按照实验室规定进行处理, 不得随意倾倒或排放。
实验后产生的垃圾应按照实验室规定进行分类和 处理。
实验后应对使用的仪器进行清洗和维护,以确保 其性能和精度。
实验人员应穿戴个人防护装备,如实验服、手套 、口罩等,以降低交叉污染和感染的风险。
细菌内毒素检查的注意事 项
将多种细菌内毒素相关分子同时纳入检测范围,实现多组分的同 时检测,提高检测效率和准确性。
利用新型免疫学技术,如单克隆抗体、免疫磁珠等,提高检测的特 异性和灵敏度。
利用生物信息学手段,对细菌内毒素相关基因和蛋白质进行高通量 筛选和鉴定,为新型检测方法的开发提供有力支持。



BACTERIAL ENDOTOXINS TEST <85> USP35Portions of this general chapter have been harmonized with the corresponding texts ofthe European Pharmacopoeia and/or the Japanese Pharmacopoeia. Those portions that are not harmonized are marked with symbols () to specify this fact.这一章节已经和欧洲药典(EP)与日本药典(JP)统一。


The Bacterial Endotoxins Test (BET) is a test to detect or quantify endotoxins from Gram-negative bacteria using amoebocyte lysate from the horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus or Tachypleus tridentatus).细菌内毒素检查法(BET)是通过鲎的阿米巴细胞溶解产物来检测或定量来自革兰氏阴性菌的内毒素。

There are three techniques for this test: the gel-clot technique, which is based on gel formation; the turbidimetric technique, based on the development of turbidity after cleavage of an endogenous substrate; and the chromogenic technique, based on the development of color after cleavage of a synthetic peptide-chromogen complex. Proceed by any of the three techniques for the test. In the event of doubt or dispute, the final decision is made based upon the gel-clot technique unless otherwise indicated in the monograph for the product being tested. The test is carried out in a manner that avoids endotoxin contamination.细菌内毒素检查法有3种:凝胶法,基于凝胶的形成;浊度法,BACTERIAL ENDOTOXINS TEST USP32Portions of this general chapter have been harmonized with the corresponding texts of the European Pharmacopeia and/or the Japanese Pharmacopeia. Those portions that are notharmonized are marked with symbols () to specify this fact.This chapter provides a test to detect or quantify bacterial endotoxins that may be present in or on the sample of the article(s) to which the test is applied. It uses Limulus Amebocyte Lysate (LAL) obtained from the aqueous extracts of circulating amebocytes of horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus or Tachypleus tridentatus) which has been prepared and characterized for use as anLAL Reagent.1There are two types of techniques for this test: the gel-clot techniques, which are based on gel formation, and the photometric techniques. The latter include a turbidimetric method, which is based on the development of turbidity after cleavage of an endogenous substrate, and a chromogenic method, which is based on the development of color after cleavage of a synthetic peptide-chromogen complex. Proceed by any one of these techniques, unless otherwise indicated in the monograph. In case of dispute, the final decision is based on the gel-clot techniques, unless otherwise indicated in the monograph.In the gel-clot techniques, the reaction endpoint is determined from dilutions of the material under test in direct comparison with parallel dilutions of a reference endotoxin, and quantities of endotoxin are expressed in USP Endotoxin Units (USP-EU).[NOTE—One USP-EU is equal to one IU of endotoxin.]Because LAL Reagents have been formulated to be used also for turbidimetric or colorimetric tests, such tests may be used to comply with the requirements. These tests require the establishment of a standard regression curve; the endotoxin content of the test material is determined by interpolation from the curve. The procedures include incubation for a preselected time of reacting endotoxin and control solutions with LAL Reagent and reading of the spectrophotometric light absorbance at suitable wavelengths. In the endpoint turbidimetric procedure the reading is made immediately at the end of the incubation period. In the endpoint colorimetric procedure the reaction is arrested at the end of the preselected time by the addition of an enzyme reaction-terminating agent prior to the readings. In the turbidimetric and colorimetric kinetic assays the absorbance is measured throughout the reaction period and rate values are determined from those readings.APPARATUS AND GLASSWAREDepyrogenate all glassware and other heat-stable materials in a hot-air oven using a validatedprocess.2Commonly used minimum time and temperature settings are 30 minutes at 250. If employing plastic apparatus, such as microplates and pipet tips for automatic pipetters, useonly that which has been shown to be free of detectable endotoxin and not to interfere with the test.[NOTE—In this chapter, the term “tube” includes any other receptacle such as a micro-titer well.]PREPARATION OF THE STANDARD ENDOTOXIN STOCK SOLUTION AND STANDARD SOLUTIONS The USP Endotoxin RS has a defined potency of 10,000 USP Endotoxin Units (EU) per vial. Constitute the entire contents of 1 vial of the RSE with 5 mL of LAL Reagent Water3, mixintermittently for 30 minutes, using a vortex mixer, and use this concentrate for making appropriate serial dilutions. Preserve the concentrate in a refrigerator for making subsequent dilutions for not more than 14 days. Mix vigorously, using a vortex mixer, for not less than 3 minutes before use. Mix each dilution for not less than 30 seconds before proceeding to make the next dilution. Do not store dilutions, because of loss of activity by adsorption, in the absence of supporting data to the contrary.Preparatory TestingUse an LAL Reagent of confirmed label sensitivity.The validity of test results for bacterial endotoxins requires an adequate demonstration that specimens of the article or of solutions, washings, or extracts thereof to which the test is to be applied do not of themselves inhibit or enhance the reaction or otherwise interfere with the test. Validation is accomplished by performing the inhibition or enhancement test described under each of the three techniques indicated. Appropriate negative controls are included. Validation must be repeated if the LAL Reagent source or the method of manufacture or formulation of the article is changed.Preparation of Sample SolutionsPrepare sample solutions by dissolving or diluting drugs or extracting medical devices using LAL Reagent Water. Some substances or preparations may be more appropriately dissolved, diluted, or extracted in other aqueous solutions. If necessary, adjust the pH of the solution (or dilution thereof) to be examined so that the pH of the mixture of the LAL Reagent and sample falls within the pH range specified by the LAL Reagent manufacturer. This usually applies to a product with a pH in the range of 6.0 to 8.0. The pH may be adjusted using an acid, base, or suitable buffer as recommended by the LAL Reagent manufacturer. Acids and bases may be prepared from concentrates or solids with LAL Reagent Water in containers free of detectable endotoxin. Buffers must be validated to be free of detectable endotoxin and interfering factors.DETERMINATION OF MAXIMUM VALID DILUTION (MVD)The Maximum Valid Dilution is the maximum allowable dilution of a specimen at which the endotoxin limit can be determined. It applies to injections or to solutions for parenteral administration in the form constituted or diluted for administration, or, where applicable, to theamount of drug by weight if the volume of the dosage form for administration could be varied. The general equation to determine MVD is:MVD = (Endotoxin limit × Concentration of sample solution)/()where the concentration of sample solution and are as defined below. Where the endotoxin limit concentration is specified in the individual monograph in terms of volume (in EU per mL), divide the limit by, which is the labeled sensitivity (in EU per mL) of the LAL Reagent, to obtainthe MVD factor. Where the endotoxin limit concentration is specified in the individual monograph in terms of weight or Units of active drug (in EU per mg or in EU per Unit), multiply the limit by the concentration (in mg per mL or in Units per mL) of the drug in the solution tested or of the drug constituted according to the label instructions, whichever is applicable, and dividethe product of the multiplication by, to obtain the MVD factor. The MVD factor so obtained is the limit dilution factor for the preparation for the test to be valid.ESTABLISHMENT OF ENDOTOXIN LIMITSThe endotoxin limit for parenteral drugs, defined on the basis of dose, is equal to K/M,4where K is the threshold human pyrogenic dose of endotoxin per kg of body weight, and M isequal to the maximum recommended human dose of product per kg of body weight in a single hour period.The endotoxin limit for parenteral drugs is specified in individual monographs in units such as EU/mL, EU/mg, or EU/Unit of biological activity.GEL-CLOT TECHNIQUESThe gel-clot techniques detect or quantify endotoxins based on clotting of the LAL Reagent in the presence of endotoxin. The concentration of endotoxin required to cause the lysate to clot under standard conditions is the labeled sensitivity of the LAL Reagent. To ensure both the precision and validity of the test, tests for confirming the labeled LAL Reagent sensitivity and for interfering factors are described under Preparatory Testing for the Gel-Clot Techniques.Preparatory Testing for the Gel-Clot TechniquesTest for Confirmation of Labeled LAL Reagent Sensitivity—Confirm the labeled sensitivity using at least 1 vial of the LAL Reagent lot. Prepare a series of two-fold dilutions of the USP EndotoxinRS in LAL Reagent Water to give concentrations of 2,, 0.5, and 0.25, where is as defined above. Perform the test on the four standard concentrations in quadruplicate and。


查法GB/T14233.2-93 2.3生物材料和医疗器材的细菌内毒素检查法 (卫生部药政局1997年药发[1997]第81号 )
医用输液、输血、注射器细菌内毒素检查法 生物材料和医疗器械的细菌内毒素检查法 与中国药典2005 年版的比较
法规 医用输液、输血 生物材料和 中国药典
▪ 4.4 细菌内毒素检查用水的要求提高,内毒 素含量降到了0.015EU/ml,光度测定法用 细菌内毒素检查用水的内毒素含量小于 0.005EU/ml。
▪ 4.5增加了供试品溶液的制备这一项,明确 了供试品溶液的PH 值在6.0~8.0范围内, 配制酸、碱及缓冲盐的容器应去除内毒素, 水用细菌内毒素检查用水。
1885年美国的W.H.Howell发表了一篇有关鲎血的化学 组成和凝集方面的研究成果,这可以说是鲎试验历史的开 端。1956年,美国动物学家F.Bang发表论文《鲎的一种 细菌性疾病》,阐明了细菌内毒素使鲎血凝固的现象。19 64年F.Bang和J.Levin提出了鲎血凝集的初步机理,1968 年正式建立鲎试验(Limulus test,LT)方法。
▪ 细菌内毒素工作品分为冻干品和液体两种 剂型,均可用于鲎试剂复核、干扰试验和 实验中的阳性对照。本品为一次性使用。
▪ 2.9细菌内毒素检查用水 2005年版中国药典规定细菌内毒素检查用 水系指与灵敏度0.015EU/ml或更高灵敏度 的鲎试剂24h不产生凝集反应的灭菌注射用 水。
阳性结果浓度 λc=lg-1(Σx/4)
的对数值。 λ在


λc=lg-1(ΣX/4) 式中X为反应终点浓度的对数值(lg)。 (反应终点浓度是指系列递减的内毒素浓度中最后 一个呈阳性结果的浓度。)
内毒素浓度 2λ
● ● 鲎试剂 平行管 ●
0.5λ 0.25λ
阴性对 照
●○ ○

●○ ○

●● ○
●●● ○
如果供试品为注射用无菌粉末或原料药,则MVD 取1,计算供试品的最小有效稀释浓度c=λ/L ;
适用于供试品为固体的情况。计算得到的最小有 效稀释浓度即为MVD下的该供试品的浓度。
例:注射用阿莫西林钠 计算限值为0.15EU/mg,使用灵敏度为0.125EU/ml
的鲎试剂进行检验。 最小有效稀释浓度 c =0.125 EU/ml÷0.15EU/mg=0.833mg/ml
热原是否就是内毒素? 在学术上仍有争议,热原不仅是细菌内
毒素。但在药检的范畴,细菌内毒素是 主要的热原物质,可以说无内毒素就无 热原,控制内毒素就是控制热原。
鲎(horseshoe crab)是一类与三叶虫 (现在 只有化石)一样古老的动物。鲎的祖先出 现在地质历史时期古生代的泥盆纪,当 时恐龙尚未崛起,原始鱼类刚刚问世, 随着时间的推移,与它同时代的动物或 者进化、或者灭绝,而惟独只有鲎从4 亿 多年前问世至今仍保留其原始而古老的 相貌,所以鲎有“活化石”之称。又具 有很高的药用价值。
进行检验。 需先称取一定重量的注射用阿莫西林钠,在已除去外源性


(2)蒸馏,折流系统和地心引力阻止大分子量的LPS转变为蒸汽状态逸 出
(3)反渗透 (4) 超滤 (5)活性炭吸附
(1) 酸/碱水解 (2)氧化
-- H2O2 (3)干热
-- 250℃,>30分钟的干烤
-- 具有极性的内毒素分子在水中呈现不均匀分布
-- 根据鲎的种类分类 美洲鲎试剂(LAL) 中国鲎试剂或东方鲎试剂(TAL)
-- 根据检查方法分类 凝胶法鲎试剂 光度法鲎试剂
-- 根据鲎试剂的反应特异性分类 普通鲎试剂 特异型鲎试剂
-- 注射用的头孢曲松钠舒巴坦钠,成人最大剂量为1500mg/次
1500 mg/(60kg·h)
-- 注射用人头孢孟多酯钠,成人每日剂量为2.0至8.0g,分3至4次给
细菌内毒素检查技术 讲义
北京毕特博生物技术有限责任公司 2007年9月
一、细菌内毒素检查的基础理论-------------3 二、 BET试验前的准备------------------------24 三、细菌内毒素检查的实验技术-------------28 1,鲎试剂灵敏度复核-------------------------33 2,干扰初筛试验------------------------------40 3,干扰试验------------------------------------49 4,检查法---------------------------------------62 四、细菌内毒素检测技术的发展



细菌内毒素通常通过细菌 细胞膜上的通道或出芽方 式分泌到细胞外。
细菌内毒素的分泌受到多 种因素的影响,包括细胞 内的pH值、离子浓度、能 量供应等。
细菌内毒素的分泌过程需 要经过多个步骤,包括内 毒素在细胞内的合成、转 运和分泌到细胞外等。
细菌内毒素的生物合成与分泌 机制
细菌内毒素的生物合成需要特定 的氨基酸和脂质作为原料。
细菌内毒素的合成涉及一系列酶促 反应,这些酶由细菌基因编码。
细菌内毒素的生物合成过程包括初 级代谢和次级代谢,其中初级代谢 涉及细胞生长和繁殖,次级代谢则 与内毒素的合成有关。
内毒素能够抑制抗原提呈细胞对细菌抗原的提呈 ,降低抗原刺激T细胞的效率。
内毒素能够诱导免疫抑制细胞因子的产生,如转 化生长因子、白细胞介素10等,从而抑制免疫细 胞的活化和功能。
目前常用的细菌内毒素检测方法有鲎试剂法、免疫学检测法 和生物芯片技术等。这些方法具有灵敏度高、特异性强的特 点,能够快速准确地检测出细菌内毒素的含量。
细菌内毒素广泛分布于自然界,主要存在于革兰氏阴性细菌中,如大肠杆菌、 沙门氏菌、志贺氏菌等。
细菌内毒素在医学、生物工程、制药等领域具有广泛的应用价值,如用于制备 诊断试剂、疫苗和药物等。
细菌内毒素的化学结构是由多个糖链组成的脂多糖,具有特定的化学组成和排列顺 序。


31、别人笑我太疯癫,我笑他人看不 穿。(名 言网) 32、我不想听失意者的哭泣,抱怨者 的牢骚 ,这是 羊群中 的瘟疫 ,我不 能被它 传染。 我要尽 量避免 绝望, 辛勤耕 耘,忍 受苦楚 。我一 试再试 ,争取 每天的 成功, 避免以 失败收 常在别 人停滞 不前时 ,我继 续拼搏 。
Байду номын сангаас
56、书不仅是生活,而且是现在、过 去和未 来文化 生活的 源泉。 ——库 法耶夫 57、生命不可能有两次,但许多人连一 次也不 善于度 过。— —吕凯 特 58、问渠哪得清如许,为有源头活水来 。—— 朱熹 59、我的努力求学没有得到别的好处, 只不过 是愈来 愈发觉 自己的 无知。 ——笛 卡儿

60、生活的道路一旦选定,就要勇敢地 走到底 ,决不 回头。 ——左
33、如果惧怕前面跌宕的山岩,生命 就永远 只能是 死水一 潭。 34、当你眼泪忍不住要流出来的时候 ,睁大 眼睛, 千万别 眨眼!你会看到 世界由 清晰变 模糊的 全过程 ,心会 在你泪 水落下 的那一 刻变得 清澈明 晰。盐 。注定 要融化 的,也 许是用 眼泪的 方式。
35、不要以为自己成功一次就可以了 ,也不 要以为 过去的 光荣可 以被永 远肯定 。



细菌内毒素USPBACTERIAL ENDOTOXINS TEST <85> USP35Portions of this general chapter have been harmonized with the corresponding texts ofthe European Pharmacopoeia and/or the Japanese Pharmacopoeia、Those portions that are not harmonized are marked with symbols () to specify this fact、这一章节已经与欧洲药典(EP)与日本药典(JP)统一。


The Bacterial Endotoxins Test (BET) is a test to detect or quantify endotoxins from Gram-negative bacteria using amoebocyte lysate from the horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus or Tachypleus tridentatus)、细菌内毒素检查法(BET)就是通过鲎的阿米巴细胞溶解产物来检测或定量来自革兰氏阴性菌的内毒素。

There are three techniques for this test: the gel-clot technique, which is based on gel formation; the turbidimetric technique, based on the development of turbidity after cleavage of an endogenous substrate; and the chromogenic technique, based on the development of color after cleavage of a synthetic peptide-chromogen complex、Proceed by any of the three techniques for the test、In the event of doubt or dispute, the final decision is made based upon the gel-clot technique unless otherwise indicated in the monograph for the product being tested、The test is carried out in a manner that avoids endotoxin contamination、细菌内毒素检查法有3种:凝胶法,基于凝胶的形成;浊度法,BACTERIAL ENDOTOXINS TEST USP32Portions of this general chapter have been harmonized withthe corresponding texts of the European Pharmacopeia and/or the Japanese Pharmacopeia、Those portions that are not harmonized are marked with symbols () to specify this fact、This chapter provides a test to detect or quantify bacterial endotoxins that may be present in or on the sample of the article(s) to which the test is applied、It uses Limulus Amebocyte Lysate (LAL) obtained from the aqueous extracts of circulating amebocytes of horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus or Tachypleus tridentatus) which has been prepared and characterized for use as anLAL Reagent、1There are two types of techniques for this test: the gel-clot techniques, which are based on gel formation, and the photometric techniques、The latter include a turbidimetric method, which is based on the development of turbidity after cleavage of an endogenous substrate, and a chromogenic method, which is based on the development of color after cleavage of a synthetic peptide-chromogen complex、Proceed by any one of these techniques, unless otherwise indicated in the monograph、In case of dispute, the final decision is based on the gel-clot techniques, unless otherwise indicated in the monograph、In the gel-clot techniques, the reaction endpoint is determined from dilutions of the material under test in direct comparison with parallel dilutions of a reference endotoxin, and quantities of endotoxin are expressed in USP Endotoxin Units (USP-EU)、[NOTE—One USP-EU is equal to one IU of endotoxin、]Because LAL Reagents have been formulated to be used also for turbidimetric or colorimetric tests, such tests may be used tocomply with the requirements、These tests require the establishment of a standard regression curve; the endotoxin content of the test material is determined by interpolation from the curve、The procedures include incubation for a preselected time of reacting endotoxin and control solutions with LAL Reagent and reading ofthe spectrophotometric light absorbance at suitable wavelengths、In the endpoint turbidimetric procedure the reading is made immediately at the end of the incubation period、In the endpoint colorimetric procedure the reaction is arrested at the end of the preselected time by the addition of an enzyme reaction-terminating agent prior to the readings、In the turbidimetric and colorimetric kinetic assays the absorbance is measured throughout the reaction period and rate values are determined from those readings、APPARATUS AND GLASSWAREDepyrogenate all glassware and other heat-stable materials in a hot-air oven using a validatedprocess、2Commonly used minimum time and temperature settings are 30 minutes at 250、If employing plastic apparatus, such as microplates and pipet tips for automatic pipetters, use only that which has been shown to be free of detectable endotoxin and not to interfere with the test、[NOTE—In this chapter, the term “tube” includes any other receptacle such as a micro-titer well、]PREPARATION OF THE STANDARD ENDOTOXIN STOCK SOLUTION AND STANDARD SOLUTIONS The USP Endotoxin RS has a defined potency of 10,000 USP Endotoxin Units (EU) per vial、Constitute the entire contents of 1 vial of the RSE with 5 mL of LAL Reagent Water3, mixintermittently for 30 minutes, using a vortex mixer, and use this concentrate for making appropriate serial dilutions、Preserve the concentrate in a refrigerator for making subsequent dilutions for not more than 14 days、Mix vigorously, using a vortex mixer, for not less than 3 minutes before use、Mix each dilution for not less than 30 seconds before proceeding to make the next dilution、Do not store dilutions, because of loss of activity by adsorption, in the absence of supporting data to the contrary、Preparatory TestingUse an LAL Reagent of confirmed label sensitivity、The validity of test results for bacterial endotoxins requires an adequate demonstration that specimens of the article or of solutions, washings, or extracts thereof to which the test is to be applied do not of themselves inhibit or enhance the reaction or otherwise interfere with the test、Validation is accomplished by performing the inhibition or enhancement test described under each of the three techniques indicated、Appropriate negative controls are included、Validation must be repeated if the LAL Reagent source or the method of manufacture or formulation of the article is changed、Preparation of Sample SolutionsPrepare sample solutions by dissolving or diluting drugs or extracting medical devices using LAL Reagent Water、Some substances or preparations may be more appropriately dissolved, diluted, or extracted in other aqueous solutions、If necessary, adjust the pH of the solution (or dilution thereof) to be examined so that the pH of the mixture of the LAL Reagent and sample falls within the pH range specified by the LAL Reagent manufacturer、This usually applies to a product with a pH in the range of 6、0to 8、0、The pH may be adjusted using an acid, base, or suitable buffer as recommended by the LAL Reagent manufacturer、Acids and bases may be prepared from concentrates or solids with LAL Reagent Water in containers free of detectable endotoxin、Buffers must be validated to be free of detectable endotoxin and interfering factors、DETERMINATION OF MAXIMUM VALID DILUTION (MVD)The Maximum Valid Dilution is the maximum allowable dilution of a specimen at which the endotoxin limit can be determined、It applies to injections or to solutions for parenteral administration in the form constituted or diluted for administration, or, where applicable, to the amount of drug by weight if the volume of the dosage form for administration could be varied、The general equation to determine MVD is:。


2)、PH值对反应速度的影响 相
对 活
鲎试剂与内毒素反应的最适宜 力
pH在6.5-8.0;pH ≤3 或≥10
影响酶原的激活; 影响酶分子的构象,过高过低的PH会改变 酶的活性中心的构象,或甚至改变整个酶分 子的机构使其变性失活。
保温时间 保温温度 1)、
将细菌内毒素工作标准品用细菌内毒素 检查用水稀释成2λ,进行鲎试验,然后分 别放置于25、28、31、34、37、41、43、 46、49℃水浴保温。实验中观察到凝胶形 成的速度随着温度的升高而加快,但到达 49℃保温90min也未出现凝胶。
➢由于凝集反应是不可逆的,所以在反应 过程中及观察结果时应注意不要使试管 受到振动,以免使凝胶破碎产生假阴性 结果。 ➢进行干扰实验时,标准对照系列和含内 毒素的供试品溶液系列应同时进行,并 使用同一支细菌内毒素标准品。
➢在进行鲎试剂灵敏度复核、干扰实验和 供试品细菌内毒素检查时,各个实验中 要求的对照应同时进行,并在实验有效 的情况才能进行计算和判断。 ➢在进行鲎试剂灵敏度复核、干扰实验和 供试品细菌内毒素检查时,各个实验中 要求的对照应同时进行,并在实验有效 的情况才能进行计算和判断。



根据实验结果得出结论,对样品中是 否存在内毒素进行评估,并提出建议 和改进措施。
某药品细菌内毒素检查报告,通过采用鲎试剂法进行实验,得出阴性结果,证明 该药品中不存在内毒素。
某注射用水细菌内毒素检查报告,通过采用鲎试剂法进行实验,得出阳性结果, 证明该注射用水中存在内毒素,可能对使用者产生毒性作用。
内毒素可刺激机体产生炎症反 应,导致发热、白细胞反应和 组织损伤等。
内毒素还可诱导机体产生细胞 因子、补体成分和急性期蛋白 等生物活性物质。
细菌内毒素检测基于鲎试剂与内 毒素的凝集反应,通过检测凝集 反应的产物来反映内毒素的浓度

鲎试剂是一种天然的生物试剂, 具有灵敏度高、特异性强、操作
检测原理基于鲎试剂与内毒素反 应后产生的凝固酶,通过比浊法 或显色法测定其浓度,从而推算
细菌内毒素检查法实验操作流 程
将采集的样品进行稀释、离心、过滤等处理,以去除杂质和 干扰物质。
具有灵敏度高、特异性好、操作 简便、快速等特点,是国际上普 遍采用的检测方法。
细菌内毒素检查法自20世纪初开始 研究,经过近百年的发展,已经成为 一种成熟的检测技术。
随着科学技术的发展,细菌内毒素检 查法不断改进和完善,检测灵敏度和 特异性不断提高。
在生物制品领域,细菌内毒素检查可以用于检测疫苗 、抗体、细胞培养物等生物制品中是否存在细菌内毒 素,确保产品的安全性和有效性。


61、辍学如磨刀之石,不见其损,日 有所亏 。 62、奇文共欣赞,疑义相与析。
63、暧暧远人村,依依墟里烟,狗吠 深巷中 ,鸡鸣 桑树颠 。 64、一生复能几,倏如流电惊。 65、少无适俗韵,性本爱丘山。

21、要知道对好事的称颂过于夸大,也会招来人们的反感轻蔑和嫉妒。——培根 22、业精于勤,荒于嬉;行成于思,毁于随。——韩愈
23、一切节省,归根到底都归结为时间的节省。——马克思 24、意志命运往往背道而驰,决心到最后会全部推倒。——莎士比亚
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BACTERIAL ENDOTOXINS TEST <85USP35*Porti ons of this gen eral chapter have bee n harm oni zed with the corresp onding texts ofthe European Pharmacopoeia and/or the Japanese Pharmacopoeia. Those portions that are not harmonized are marked with symbols ( **) to specify this fact. +这一章节已经和欧洲药典(EP)与日本药典(JP)统一。


The Bacterial En dotox ins Test (BET) is a test to detect or qua ntify en dotox ins from Gram-n egative bacteria using amoebocyte lysate from the horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus or Tachypleus tride ntatus).细菌内毒素检查法(BET)是通过鲎的阿米巴细胞溶解产物来检测或定量来自革兰氏阴性菌的内毒素。

There are three tech niq ues for this test: the gel-clot tech niq ue, which is based on gel formati on; the turbidimetric tech niq ue, based on the developme nt of turbidity after cleavage of an en doge nous substrate; and the chromoge nic tech niq ue, based on the developme nt of color after cleavage of a syn thetic peptide-chromoge n complex. Proceed by any of the three tech niq ues for the test. In the eve nt of doubt or dispute, the final decisi on is made based upon the gel-clot tech nique uni ess otherwise in dicated in the mono graph for the product being tested. The test is carried out in a manner that avoids en dotox in con tam in ati on.细菌内毒素检查法有3种:凝胶法,基于凝胶的形成;浊度法,BACTERIAL ENDOTOXINS TESTUSP32^Portions of this gen eral chapter have bee n harm oni zed with the corresp onding texts of the Europea n Pharmacopeia an d/or the Japa nese Pharmacopeia. Those portions that are not harm oni zed are marked with symbols (*■♦■) to specify this fact. +This chapter provides a test to detect or qua ntify bacterial en dotox ins that may be prese nt in or on the sample of the article(s) to which the test is applied. It uses Limulus Amebocyte Lysate (LAL) obta ined from the aqueous extracts of circulati ng amebocytes of horseshoe crab ( Limulus polyphemus or Tachypleus tridentatus ) which has been prepared and characterized for use as an LAL Reage nt 余1+There are two types of tech niq ues for this test: the gel-clot tech niq ues, which are based on gel formation, and the photometric techniques. The latter include a turbidimetric method, which is based on the developme nt of turbidity after cleavage of an en doge nous substrate, and a chromoge nic method, which is based on the developme nt of color after cleavage of a syn thetic peptide-chromoge n complex. Proceed by any one of these tech niq ues, uni ess otherwise in dicated in the mono graph. In case of dispute, the final decisi on is based on the gel-clot tech niq ues, uni ess otherwise in dicated in the mono graph.In the gel-clot tech niq ues, the react ion en dpo int is determ ined from diluti ons of the material un der test i n direct comparis on with parallel diluti ons of a reference en dotox in, and qua ntities of endotoxin are expressed in USP Endotoxin Units (USP-EU). [NOTE—One USP-EU is equal to one IU of en dotox in.]Because LAL Reage nts have bee n formulated to be used also for turbidimetric or colorimetric tests, such tests may be used to comply with the requireme nts. These tests require the establishme nt of a sta ndard regressi on curve; the en dotox in content of the test material is determ ined by in terpolati on from the curve. The procedures in clude in cubati on for a preselected time of react ing en dotox in and con trol soluti ons with LAL Reage nt and readi ng of the spectrophotometric light absorba nee at suitable wavele ngths. In the en dpo int turbidimetric procedure the reading is made immediately at the end of the incubation period. In the endpoint colorimetric procedure the react ion is arrested at the end of the preselected time by the additi on of an en zyme react ion-term in at ing age nt prior to the readi ngs. In the turbidimetric and colorimetric kin etic assays the absorba nee is measured throughout the react ion period and rate values are determ ined from those read in gs.APPARATUS AND GLASSWAREDepyrogenate all glassware and other heat-stable materials in a hot-air oven using a validated * 口process. 稣Commonly used minimum time and temperature settings are 30 minutes at 250 .If employing plastic apparatus, such as microplates and pipet tips for automatic pipetters, use only that which has bee n show n to be free of detectable en dotox in and not to in terfere with thetest. [NOTE—In this chapter, the term f Ube ” in eludes any other receptacle such as a micro-titer well.]PREPARATION OF THE STANDARD ENDOTOXIN STOCK SOLUTION AND STANDARD SOLUTONS The USP Endotoxin RShas a defined potency of 10,000 USP Endotoxin Units (EU) per vial.Con stitute the en tire contents of 1 vial of the RSE with 5 mL of LAL Reage nt Water , mix intermittently for 30 minutes, using a vortex mixer, and use this concentrate for making appropriateserial diluti ons. Preserve the concen trate in a refrigerator for making subseque nt dilutions for notmore than 14 days. Mix vigorously, using a vortex mixer, for not less than 3 minutes before use. Mixeach dilution for not less than 30 seconds before proceeding to make the n ext diluti on. Do not storediluti ons, because of loss of activity by adsorpti on, in the abse nee of support ing data to the contrary.Preparatory Test ingUse an LAL Reage nt of con firmed label sen sitivity.The validity of test results for bacterial en dotox ins requires an adequate dem on strati on that specimens of the article or of solutions, washings, or extracts thereof to which the test is to be applieddo not of themselves in hibit or enhance the react ion or otherwise in terfere with the test. Validati onis accomplished by perform ing the in hibiti on or enhan ceme nt test described un der each of thethree techniques indicated. Appropriate negative controls are included. Validation must be repeated ifthe LAL Reage nt source or the method of manufacture or formulatio n of the article is cha nged.Preparatio n of Sample Soluti onsPrepare sample solutions by dissolving or diluting drugs or extracting medical devices using LALReage nt Water. Some substa nces or preparatio ns may be more appropriately dissolved, diluted, or extracted in other aqueous soluti on s. If n ecessary, adjust the pH of the soluti on (or dilutio nthereof) to be exam ined so that the pH of the mixture of the LAL Reage nt and sample falls within thepH range specified by the LAL Reage nt manu facturer. This usually applies to a product with a pH inthe range of 6.0 to 8.0. The pH may be adjusted using an acid, base, or suitable buffer as recommended by the LAL Reage nt manu facturer. Acids and bases may be prepared from concen trates orsolids with LAL Reage nt Water in containers free of detectable en dotox in.Buffers must be validated to be free of detectable en dotox in and in terferi ng factors.DETERMINATION OF MAXIMUM VALID DILUTION (MVD)The Maximum Valid Dilution is the maximum allowable dilution of a specimen at which the en dotoxin limit can be determ in ed. It applies to injectio ns or to soluti ons for pare nteral admi nistrati on inthe form con stituted or diluted for adm ini strati on, or, where applicable, to the amount of drug byweight if the volume of the dosage form for adm ini strati on could be varied. The general equation to determine MVD is:MVD = (En dotox in limit x Concen trati on of sample solutio n)/( k )where the concen trati on of sample solutio n and 二are as defi ned below. Where the en dotox in limit concen trati on is specified in the in dividual mono graph in terms of volume (in EU per mL), divide the limit by 九,which is the labeled sen sitivity (in EU per mL) of the LAL Reage nt, to obta in the MVD factor. Where the en dotox in limit concen trati on is specified in the in dividual mono graph in terms of weight or Un its of active drug (in EU per mg or in EU per Un it), multiply the limit by the concen trati on (in mg per mL or in Un its per mL) of the drug in the soluti on tested or of the drug con stituted accord ing to the label in struct ions, whichever is applicable, and divide the product of the multiplication by 入,to obtain the MVD factor. The MVD factor so obtained is the limit dilution factor for the preparation for the test to be valid.ESTABLISHMENT OF ENDOTOXIN LIMITSThe en dotox in limit for paren teral drugs, defi ned on the basis of dose, is equal to K/M,*4* where K is the threshold huma n pyroge nic dose of en dotox in per kg of body weight, and M isequal to the maximum recomme nded huma n dose of product per kg of body weight in a sin gle hour period.The en dotox in limit for pare nteral drugs is specified in in dividual mono graphs in un its such asEU/mL, EU/mg, or EU/Unit of biological activity.GEL-CLOT TECHNIQUESThe gel-clot tech niq ues detect or qua ntify en dotox ins based on clotti ng of the LAL Reage nt in the prese nee of en dotox in. The concen trati on of en dotox in required to cause the lysate to clot un der sta ndard con diti ons is the labeled sen sitivity of the LAL Reage nt. To en sure both the precisi on and validity of the test, tests for confirming the labeled LAL Reage nt sen sitivity and for in terferi ng factors are described un der Preparatory Testi ng for the Gel-Clot Tech niq ues.Preparatory Test ing for the Gel-Clot Tech niq uesTest for Con firmati on of Labeled LAL Reage nt Sen sitivity —— Confirm the labeled sen sitivity using at least 1 vial of the LAL Reage nt lot. Prepare a series of two-fold diluti ons of the USP En dotox in RSin LAL Reage nt Water to give concen tratio ns of 2 入,》,0. 5^ ,and 0.25入,where 入is as defi ned above. Perform the test on the four sta ndard concen trati ons in quadruplicate and include negative controls. The test for confirmation of lysate sensitivity is to be carried out when a new batch of LAL Reage nt is used or whe n there is any cha nge in the experime ntal con diti ons that may affect the outcome of the test.Mix a volume of the LAL Reage nt with an equal volume (such as 0.1-mL aliquots) of one of the standard soluti ons in each test tube. When sin gle test vials or ampuls containing lyophilized LAL Reage nt are used, add soluti ons directly to the vial or ampul. I ncubate the react ion mixture for a□con sta nt period accord ing to direct ions of the LAL Reage nt manu facturer (usually at 37 ±1 for60 ±2 minutes), avoiding vibration. To test the integrity of the gel, take each tube in turn directly□from the in cubator and in vert it through about 180 in one smooth moti on. If a firm gel hasformed that rema ins in place upon inversion, record the result as positive. A result is n egative if an in tact gel is not formed. The test is not valid uni ess the lowest concen trati on of the sta ndard soluti ons shows a n egative result in all replicate tests.The en dpo int is the last positive test in the series of decreas ing concen trati ons of en dotox in. Calculate the mean value of the logarithms of the endpoint concentration and then the antilogarithm of the mean value using the following equation:Geometric Mean Endpoint Concentration = antilog (S e / f)where Se is the sum of the log endpoint concentrations of the dilution series used, and f is the nu mber of replicate test tubes. The geometric mean en dpo int concen trati on is the measured sen sitivity of the LAL Reage nt (i n EU/mL). If this is not less tha n 0.5 and not more tha n 2 入,the labeled sen sitivity is con firmed and is used in tests performed with this lysate.In terferi ng Factors Test for the Gel-Clot Tech niq ues ——Prepare soluti ons A, B, C, and D as show n in Table 1, and perform the inhibition/enhancement test on the sample solutions at a dilution less tha n the MVD, not containing any detectable en dotox ins, followi ng the procedure in the Test for Con firmatio n of Labeled LAL Reage nt Sen sitivity above. The geometric mea n en dpo int concen trati ons of soluti ons B and C are determ ined using the equatio n in that test.Table 1. Preparati on of Soluti ons for the In hibiti on/Enhan ceme nt Test for Gel-Clot Tech niq uesThis test must be repeated whe n any con diti on that is likely to in flue nee the test results cha nges. The test is not valid uni ess Soluti ons A and D show no react ion and the result of Soluti on C con firms the labeled sen sitivity.If the sensitivity of the lysate determined in the presence of the sample solution under test of Solution B is not less than 0.5 丸and not greater than 2 九,the sample solution does not contain factors which in terfere un der the experime ntal con diti ons used. Otherwise, the sample soluti on to be exam ined in terferes with the test.资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除只供学习与交流If the sample under test does not comply with the test at a dilution less than the MVD, repeat the test using a greater diluti on, not exceedi ng the MVD. The use of a more sen sitive lysate permits a greater diluti on of the sample to be exam ined and this may con tribute to the elim in ati on of in terfere nee.Interferenee may be overcome by suitable treatment, such as filtration, neutralization, dialysis, or heati ng. To establish that the chose n treatme nt effectively elimi nates in terfere nee without loss of en dotox ins, perform the assay described below using the preparati on to be exam ined to which USP En dotox in RShas bee n added and which has bee n subjected to the selected treatme nt.Gel-Clot Limit TestThis test is used whe n a mono graph contains a requireme nt for en dotox in limits.Procedure —Prepare Solutions A, B, C, and D as shown in Table 2, and perform the test on these soluti ons follow ing the procedure in the Test for Con firmati on of Labeled LAL Reage nt Sensitivity under Preparatory Testing for the Gel-Clot Techniques.Table 2. Preparation of Solutions for the Gel-Clot Limit TestIn terpretatio n — The test is not valid uni ess both replicates of positive con trol Soluti ons B and C are positive and those of n egative con trol Soluti on D are n egative. The preparati on un der test complies with the test whe n a n egative result is found for both tubes containing Soluti on A. The preparatio n un der test does not comply with the test whe n a positive result is found for both tubes containing Soluti on A.Repeat the test when a positive result is found for 1 tube containing Solution A and a negative result for the other one. The preparati on un der test complies with the test whe n a n egative result is found for both tubes containing Solutio n A in the repeat result. If the test is positive for the preparati on un der test at a diluti on less tha n the MVD, the test may be repeated at a diluti on not greater than the MVD.Gel-Clot AssayThis assay qua ntifies bacterial en dotox ins in sample soluti ons by titrati on to an en dpo int.Procedure — Prepare Solutions A, B, C, and D as shown in Table 3, and test these solutions by follow ing the procedure in the Test for Con firmati on of Labeled LAL Reage ntSensitivity under Preparatory Testing for the Gel-Clot Techniques.Table 3. Preparati on of Solutio ns for the Gel-Clot AssayCalculatio n and In terpretati on —The test is n ot valid uni ess the followi ng con diti ons are met: (1) both replicates of n egative con trol Soluti on D are n egative; (2) both replicates of positive product control Solution B are positive; and (3) the geometric mean endpoint concentration of Solution Cis in the range of 0.5 几to 2几.To determ ine the en dotox in concen trati on of Soluti on A, calculate the en dpo int concen trati on for each replicate series of dilutions by multiplying each endpoint dilution factor by 入.The en dotox in concen trati on in the sample is the geometric mean en dpo int concen trati on of the replicates (see the formula give n in the Test for Con firmatio n of Labeled LAL Reage nt Sen sitivity un der Preparatory Testi ng for the Gel-Clot Tech niq ues ). If the test is con ducted with a diluted samplesoluti on, calculate the concen trati on of en dotox in in the origi nal sample soluti on by multiplying by the dilution factor. If none of the dilutions of the sample solution is positive in a valid assay, report the en dotox in concen trati on as less tha nA (if the diluted sample was tested, less than 入times the lowest dilution factor of the sample.) If all dilutions are positive, the en dotox in concen trati on is reported as equal to or greater tha n the greatest diluti on factor multiplied by 入(e.g., initial dilution factor times 8 times ' in Table 3).The article meets the requireme nts of the test if the concen trati on of en dotox in is less tha n that specified in the in dividual mono graph.PHOTOMETRIC TECHNIQUESThe turbidimetric method measures in creases in turbidity. Depe nding on the test prin ciple used, this technique is classified as either endpoint-turbidimetric or kinetic-turbidimetric. The en dpo in t-turbidimetric tech nique is based on the qua ntitative relati on ship betwee n the concen tratio n of en dotox ins and the turbidity (absorba nee or tran smissi on) of the reacti on mixture at the end of an incubation period. The kinetic-turbidimetric technique is a method to measure either the on set time n eeded to reach a predeterm ined absorba nee of the react ion mixture or the rate of turbidity developme nt.The chromoge nic method measures the chromophore released from a suitable chromoge nic peptide by the reacti on of en dotox ins with the LAL Reage nt. Depe nding on the test prin ciple employed, this tech nique is classified as either en dpo in t-chromoge nic or ki netic-chromoge nic. The en dpo in t-chromoge nic tech nique is based on the qua ntitative relati on ship betwee n the concen tratio n of en dotox ins and the release of chromophore at the end of an in cubati on period. The kin etic-chromoge nic tech nique is a method to measure either the on set time n eeded to reach a predeterm ined absorba nee of the react ion mixture or the rate of color developme nt.All photometric tests are carried out at the in cubati on temperature recomme nded by the LAL Reage nt manu facturer, which is usually 37 ±1 .Preparatory Test ing for the Photometric Tech niq uesTo assure the precisi on or validity of the turbidimetric and chromoge nic tech niq ues, preparatory tests are con ducted to verify that the criteria for the sta ndard curve are valid and that the sample soluti on does not in hibit or enhance the react ion. Revalidati on for the test method is required whe n con diti ons that are likely to in flue nee the test result cha nge.Verificati on of Criteria for the Stan dard Curve —Usi ng the Stan dard En dotox in Solutio n, prepare at least three en dotox in concen trati ons to gen erate the sta ndard curve. Perform the test using at least three replicates of each sta ndard en dotox in concen trati on accord ing to the manu facturer's in struct ions for the LAL Reage nt (with regard to volume ratios, in cubatio n time, temperature, pH, etc.). If the desired range in the kin etic methods is greater tha n two logs, additi onal sta ndards should be in cluded to bracket each log in crease withi n the range of the sta ndard curve. Theabsolute value of the correlati on coefficie nt, | r|, must be greater tha n or equal to 0.980 for the range of en dotox in concen trati ons in dicated by the manu facturer of the LAL Reage nt.In terferi ng Factors Test for the Photometric Tech niq ues —— Select an en dotox in concen trati on at or n ear the middle of the en dotox in sta ndard curve. Prepare Soluti ons A, B, C, and D as show n in Table 4. Perform the test on Solutions A, B, C, and D at least in duplicate following the in struct ions for the LAL Reage nt used (with regard to volume of sample and LAL Reage nt, volume ratio of sample to LAL Reage nt, in cubati on time, etc.).Table 4. Preparati on of Soluti ons for the In hibiti on/Enhan ceme nt Test for PhotometricTech niq uesen dotox in at a concen tratio n equal to or n ear the middle of the sta ndard curve.c Soluti on C: the sta ndard en dotox in at the concen trati ons used in the validati on of themethod described in Verificati on of Criteria for the Stan dard Curve un der PreparatoryTesti ng for the Photometric Tech niq ues (positive con trol series).d Solution D: LAL Reage nt Water (n egative con trol).Calculate the mean recovery of the added en dotox in by subtract ing the mean en dotox in concen trati on in the soluti on (if any) from that containing the added en dotox in. In order to be con sidered free of in terferi ng factors un der the con diti ons of the test, the measured concen tratio n of the en dotox in added to the sample soluti on must be within 50% to 200% of the known added en dotox in concen trati on after subtract ion of any en dotox in detected in the soluti on without added en dotox in.When the en dotox in recovery is out of the specified ran ges, the in terferi ng factors must be removed as described in the Interfering Factors Test for the Gel-ClotTechniques under Preparatory Testing for the Gel-Clot Techniques. Repeating the Interfering Factors Test for the Gel-Clot Techniques validates the treatment.Procedure for the Photometric Tech niq uesFollow the procedure described in the In terferi ng Factors Test for the PhotometricTechniques under Preparatory Testing for the Photometric Techniques.Calculati on for the Photometric Tech niq uesCalculate the en dotox in concen trati on of each of the replicates of test Soluti on A using the sta ndard curve gen erated by positive con trol series C. The test is not valid uni ess the follow ing con diti ons are met: (1) the results of con trol series C comply with the requireme nts for validati on defi ned un der Verificatio n of Criteria for the Stan dard Curve un der Preparatory Testi ng for the Photometric Tech niq ues; (2) the en dotox in recovery, calculated from the concen trati on found in Soluti on B after subtract ing the en dotox in concen trati on found in Soluti on A is within 50 to 200%; and (3) the result of negative control series D does not exceed the limit of the blank value required in the descriptio n of the LAL Reage nt used.In terpretati on of Results from the Photometric Tech niq uesIn photometric assays, the preparati on un der test complies with the test if the mean en dotox in concen trati on of the replicates of Soluti on A, after correct ion for diluti on and concen trati on, is less tha n the en dotox in limit for the product.1LAL Reage nt reacts with some P -gluca ns in additi on to en dotox ins. Some preparati onsthat are treated will not react with 0 -glucans and must be used for samples that contain glucans. * 2For a validity test of the procedure for in activati ng en dotox ins, see Dry-Heat Sterilization under Sterilization and Sterility Assuranee of Compendial Articles 〈1211). Use an LAL Reage nt havi ng a sen sitivity of not less tha n 0.15 En dotox in Unit per mL. *3Sterile Water for Injectio n or other water that shows no react ion with the specific LALReage nt with which it is to be used, at the limit of sen sitivity of such reage nt. *K is 5 USP-EU/kg for any route of admi nistratio n other tha n in trathecal (for which K is 0.2 USP-EU/kg body weight). For radiopharmaceutical products n ot admi nistered in trathecally the 资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除只供学习与交流en dotox in limit is calculated as 175/ V, where V is the maximum recomme nded dose in mL. For in trathecally admi nistered radiopharmaceuticals, the en dotox in limit is obta ined by the formula 14/V. For formulations (usually anticancer products) administered on a per square meter of body surface, the formula is K/M, where K = 5 EU/kg and M is the (maximum dose/m 2/hour X1.80m2)/70 Kg. ♦。
