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The kneeling of anAntelope

This is a heard Tibetan story. The story happened in quite a number of years ago, but every time I drive through the land I always can't help thinking about the hero of the story –a kneeling antelope.

At that time, people in Tibet could often see a hairy man with a big bushy beard.It should be said that the day was his lucky day. Early in the morning, he came out from the tent, stretching, ready to drink a bowl of butter tea. Suddenly, he sawa strong fat antelope standing two steps away opposite him. His eyes lit up, a good fortune was at his door! With no hesitation, he turned back to the tent and reached for his gun. He held up his gun and began to aim at the antelope. Strangely enough,the fat antelope did not escape, but with begging eyes looking at him. Then, it stepped forward a bit. With two front legs kneeling down, and at the same time, two drops of tears in her eyes fell. The old hunter’s hand couldn’t help but loose a bit, However, he was a hunter. Eyes closed, he fired. With the gunshot, the antelope lay on the ground.It was still lying in a kneeling position, with two lines of bright and clear tears in its eyes.

That day, with the picture of the kneeling antelope lingering in his mind, the old hunter didn’tskin it as usual. Hewas lying on the floor spending a sleepless night, hands trembling all the time.

The next day, the old hunter skinned the antelope with his trembling hands. When the knife reached to its stomach, he screamed out in a surprise, and the knife fell on the ground with a crash.Unexpectedly, in the womb(子宫) of the antelope, quietly slepta baby

antelope, whichwas dead of course. At this time, the old hunter began to understand why the antelope was so strong and fat, it was also understandable why she had got down to her knees. It was a begging for the life of her baby!

Each loving mother‘s kneeling, including animals, is sacred(神圣的).

The old hunterstopped halfway.

That day, he did not go hunting. In the hillside, he dug a hole, in which the antelope and her baby were buried, together with his gun...

From then on, the old hunter disappeared and nobody knew where he was.
