致病菌毒力因子分析-VFDB 2012 update
刘珊,蒋杨丹,颜佶沙,等. 蜡样芽孢杆菌GW-01全基因组测序及生物学特性分析[J]. 食品工业科技,2024,45(7):167−176. doi:10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023060031LIU Shan, JIANG Yangdan, YAN Jisha, et al. Whole Genome Sequencing and Biological Characterization of Bacillus cereus GW-01[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2024, 45(7): 167−176. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023060031· 生物工程 ·蜡样芽孢杆菌GW-01全基因组测序及生物学特性分析刘 珊1,2,蒋杨丹1,2,颜佶沙1,2,谢宇宣1,2,赵思佳1,2,何启田3,赵甲元1,2,*(1.西南土地资源评价与监测教育部重点实验室(四川师范大学),四川成都 610101;2.四川师范大学生命科学学院,四川成都 610101;3.浙江大学生物系统工程与食品工程学院,浙江杭州 310000)摘 要:目的:通过全基因组测序和生物信息学,研究前期筛选可降解高效氯氰菊酯(β-CY )蜡样芽孢杆菌GW-01的基因组序列信息和生物学特性,为其安全性评估提供参考。
方法:利用HPLC 验证了GW-01降解β-CY 的能力。
GW-01的整个基因组基于二代Illumina NovaSeq 与三代PacBio Sequel 测序平台相结合的测序技术,对菌株GW-01进行全基因组测序,并对测序数据进行基因组组装、基因预测与功能注释、碳水化合物活性酶预测、毒力因子和抗生素抗性分析,此外,还基于gyrA 基因序列对菌株GW-01构建系统发育树。
下面是几个实例:1. 欧氏肺炎克雷伯杆菌毒力因子欧氏肺炎克雷伯杆菌是肺炎的主要病原菌之一。
2. 疟原虫毒力因子疟原虫是引起疟疾的主要病原体。
3. 沙门氏菌毒力因子沙门氏菌是一种通过食物或水传播的病原菌。
例如,大肠杆菌的毒力因子可以使人体发生急性肠炎,金黄色葡萄球菌的毒力因子可以引发皮肤热 swollen skin 和人类食物中毒。
1. 病原菌毒力因子的类型病原菌的毒力因子指的是能够对宿主产生损伤的病原菌产物或分泌物,包括外毒素、内毒素、表面蛋白等。
2. 感染过程中毒力因子的作用病原菌的毒力因子在感染过程中发挥重要作用。
3. 毒力基因的研究方法分子生物学的发展为毒力机制揭示提供了强有力的手段。
4. 毒力基因研究的意义毒力基因研究对于揭示病原菌毒力机制的作用方式、发现病原菌与宿主相互作用机制,以及开发抗病原菌药物等方面具有重要意义。
此外,近年来还涌现出一种新型研究手段,即单细胞记录技术 (SCR)。
致病菌毒⼒因⼦分析-VFDB2012updateVFDB 2012update:toward the genetic diversity and molecular evolution of bacterial virulence factorsLihong Chen,Zhaohui Xiong,Lilian Sun,Jian Yang*and Qi Jin*State Key Laboratory for Molecular Virology and Genetic Engineering,Institute of Pathogen Biology,Chinese Academy Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College,Beijing 100176,China Received September 15,2011;Accepted October 17,2011ABSTRACTThe virulence factor database (VFDB,http://www /doc/721c89b19b6648d7c0c746a7.html /VFs/)has served as a comprehensive repository of bacterial virulence factors (VFs)for>7years.Bacterial virulence is an exciting and dynamic field,due to the availability of complete se-quences of bacterial genomes and increasing sophisticated technologies for manipulating bacteria and bacterial genomes.The intricacy of virulence mechanisms offers a challenge,and there exists a clear need to decipher the ‘language’used by VFs more effectively.In this article,we present the recent major updates of VFDB in an attempt to summarize some of the most important virulence mechanisms by comparing different compositions and organiza-tions of VFs from various bacterial pathogens,iden-tifying core components and phylogenetic clades and shedding new light on the forces that shape the evolutionary history of bacterial pathogenesis.In addition,the 2012release of VFDB provides an improved user interface.INTRODUCTIONBacterial virulence factors (VFs)are fascinating for a number of reasons.First,the ability of successful patho-gens to establish infections,produce disease and survive in a hostile environment is provided by a large armamentar-ium of virulence mechanisms.Elucidating the molecular mechanisms of VFs can improve understanding of the cellular and molecular basis of pathogenesis.Second,many important virulence factors interact with host cells and modulate their functions.Investigating the complex and ?nely balanced interactions between hosts and patho-gens can uncover useful tools for studying normal host cellular processes.Third,a much deeper understandingof the mechanisms of action of VFs will inform new avenues for identifying promising approaches to disease prevention and therapy.Fueled by recent technological innovations in the life sciences,the ? eld of microbial viru-lence has expanded rapidly over the past decade.Since its inception in 2004,the virulence factor database (VFDB,/doc/721c89b19b6648d7c0c746a7.html /VFs/)has provided the broadest and most comprehensive up-to-date information regarding experimentally validated bacterial virulence factors (e.g.extracellular products,such as enzymes and toxins and secreted effectors or cell-associated products,such as capsular polysaccharides and outer membrane proteins),and has further explored plasticity in the reper-toire of VFs on an intra-genera level since its second release (1,2).To summarize the common themes in bac-terial virulence and to re?ect the diversity of genomic encoding,structural architecture and functional original-ity,we recently updated VFDB with an enhanced user interface and new contents dedicated to inter-genera com-parative analysis of VFs involved in host cell attachment and invasion,bacterial secretion systems and effectors,toxins,and iron-acquisition systems (Table 1).DATABASE UPDATES Data sources and processingThe core dataset of VFDB only covers experimentally demonstrated VFs from 24genera of medically important bacterial pathogens.Several predicted VFs from complete genomes were also included for comparative analyses in the second release (2),but this information is still far from suf?cient for a comprehensive study of the genetic diver-sity and molecular evolution of VFs.Many VFs found in human pathogens have homologues present in animal or plant pathogens,and,sometimes,even in non-pathogens.Additionally,the genomic sequences encoding most func-tionally validated VFs are fragmentary,rather than complete genomes in the public domain.Therefore,via exhaustive literature screening and expert review,the*To whom correspondence should be addressed.Tel:+861067877732;Fax:+861067877736;Email:zdsys@/doc/721c89b19b6648d7c0c746a7.htmlCorrespondence may also be addressed to Jian Yang.Tel:+861067877735;Fax:+861067877736;Email:yangj@/doc/721c89b19b6648d7c0c746a7.html The authors wish it to be known that,in their opinion,the ?rst two authors should be regarded as joint First Authors.Published online 8November 2011Nucleic Acids Research,2012,Vol.40,Database issue D641–D645doi:10.1093/nar/gkr989The Author(s)2011.Published by Oxford University Press.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (/doc/721c89b19b6648d7c0c746a7.html /licenses/by-nc/3.0),which permits unrestricted non-commercial use,distribution,and reproduction in any medium,provided the original work is properly cited.basic information on >1200VFs was collected from over 1100original research papers (Table 1).These collected VFs,derived from 75genera of bacteria,were organized into four super-families and31subclasses in VFDB (Table 1).Nevertheless,we do not intend to discuss the biological diversity of certain VFs;therefore,only experi-mentally veri?ed VFs were included.In addition,if more than one sequence was available for an individual species,only the representative one was collected into the database for the sake of brevity.The nucleotide and amino-acid sequences of VF-encoding genes and related annotation information were extracted from individual GenBank (3)records using ad hoc BioPerl scripts.The conserved domain(s)of each protein were recognized by local Pfam (4)search using the HMMER3program (/doc/721c89b19b6648d7c0c746a7.html /),and the related protein structure information was available from the PDB database (5)via batch BLAST search followed by manual curation.Homologue groups were determined by reciprocal BLAST on individual datasets of each subclass,and the results were further curated based on conserved synteny.Next,the MatGAT program (6)and DaliLite server (7)were used to calculate pairwise sequence and structure (if itexists)similarities,respectively,among each group.The T–coffee package (8)was employed to generate multiple alignment for each homologue group.For highly divergent proteins,the segments of respective conserved domain(s)were used instead of full sequences for producing reliable align-ments.The ESPript web server (9)was used to render structure information on multiple alignments.The MEGA software (10)was used to build phylogenetic trees based on the multiple alignment of the core compo-nent/domain of each subclass of VFs.The overall data-processing procedure is shown in Figure 1.Data presentation and web interfaceThe effective presentation of data is one of the key criteria for any good database to provide users with the most in-tuitive and easy-to-understand results.The VFDB offers four main styles to visualize the comparative results of each subclass of VFs during different analysis stages (Figure 1).The information gleaned from literature is pre-sented in a concise table (exempli?ed in the right panel of Figure2A),which covers the basic data for each VF,such as organism name,taxonomic class,VF name/family,known/proposed function,key component(s)and a direct link to the original literature available in PubMed (11).The linear graphic view is used to display unambiguouslythe diversity of VFs in terms of genetic composition or genomic organization (Figure 2B).The manually curated multiple alignments (Figure 2C)and phylogenetic tree built from the corecomponent/domain (Figure 2D)are also available to enable users to further analyze the sequence/structure diversity and molecular evolutionary relationships of homologous VFs from various pathogens.For the 2012release of the VFDB,we built a more responsive and intuitive user interface with high-performance grids,expandable trees,collapsible menus and tabbed panels using ExtJS (/doc/721c89b19b6648d7c0c746a7.html /),which is a cross-browser JavaScript library for building rich internet applications.This library provides users with the look and feel of a desktop application rather than a traditional web page.For example,the aforemen-tioned tables are fully sortable and ?lterable by a single click on the column title,and each column is also movable and scalable (or hidden)by dragging and dropping on the title.These features that were previously available only in standalone applications will undoubtedly provide the database users with better experiences than before.The main web interface is vertically divided into two panels:a collapsible menu panel on the left and a tabbed content panel on the right (for example,see Figure 2A).The menu panel provides a tree-like organiza-tion of all subclasses of VFs with direct links to each in-dividual page for easy navigation.To maximize the visible region of the content panel,the menu is collapsed into a clickable vertical bar automatically upon page load (for example see Figure 2D).The bottom tool bar of the content panel provides several convenient functional buttons on the left side for easy manipulation of theTable 1.Data summary of newly released contents for the diversity and evolution analyses of VFs (as of September 2011)VF super-family Number of subclasses Number of VFs Number of genera involved Number ofVFs-related genes Number ofrelated references Adhesion and invasion 10429472016387Secretion systems 6217482879483Toxin1248742564218Iron acquisition 3723055169Total3112057559551133Figure 1.The overall method of data processing and presentation.D642Nucleic Acids Research,2012,Vol.40,Database issueFigure 2.The updated VFDB web interface.(A )Menu panel (left)and tabular view of basic data sets (right).(B )Graphic view for multiple-component VFs,color-coded by homologue groups.(C )Structure-based multiple alignment of homologous VFs.(D )Deduced phylo-genetic tree based on key component/domain (the menu panel is collapsed as a vertical bar in the left).(E )Color-shaded matrix of pairwise sequence similarities.(F )Popup window with detailed gene information along with a graphic illustration of conserved domains and a 3D structure preview.Nucleic Acids Research,2012,Vol.40,Database issue D643tables and for saving the web contents as a local?le(Excel table,PNG?gure or FASTA sequences).In addition, there are icon buttons on the right side of the tool bar for rapid switching between the aforementioned different data presentation styles.Genetic diversity of VFsThe diversity of genetic composition or genomic organiza-tion of homologous VFs from different pathogens may re?ect the evolutionary relationships of the bacteria in terms of virulence.To facilitate future studies on the di-versity of VFs,the composition and organization of VFs are highlighted in the graphic view for easy comparison. For single-gene-encoded VFs,domain architectures are shown as colored bars with a direct link to the respective protein family information.As for multiple-component VFs,all genes are depicted as clickable arrows in the linear map and are color-coded by homologue groups (Figure2B).Therefore,it becomes straightforward to ?nd out whether those VF-related genes are clustered or scattered on the genomes of various pathogens.For example,the genes encoding synthesis of type IVa pili are generally dispersed throughout the bacterial genome while those of type IVb pili are arranged in a contiguous cluster.We endeavor herein to provide a framework for further investigations into whether these genes were acquired separately or whether all genes were previously in a single cluster that was disrupted by genomic rearrangements.Detailed information on each gene,including genomic location,coding strand,scienti?c name,product and se-quences,as well as a graphic illustration of conserved domains and a preview of3D structure(s)(if they exist) are available from a popup window upon clicking on the linear map(Figure2F).By default,the linear maps are ordered on the basis of the phylogenetic tree(see below)to emphasize potential correlations between genetic vari-ations and molecular evolution of VFs.In addition,the linear maps of each VF are also organized in a highly scalable grid,which enables users to sort and?lter the VFs easily to construct customized graphic comparisons. Sequence/structure variations and phylogenetic analysis We explore the sequence and structure similarity of each homologue group in order to provide insight into how VFs may have evolved from common ancestors or may have exploited different mechanisms to arrive at similar biological activities.The multiple-alignment of homolo-gous VFs is displayed by superimposing the crystal struc-ture of the representative protein,and secondary structural elements are highlighted on top of the alignment (Figure2C).It will be helpful to disclose possible similar structures deduced from homologous sequences.Color-shaded matrices summarizing the pairwise sequence/struc-ture similarities among each homologue group are also provided in an attempt to illustrate sequence variations within each group and reveal potential protein pairs that share low sequence similarities but produce highly similar 3D structures.For example,within the a-hemolysin sub-family of b-barrel pore-forming toxins,the overall sequence identities of the core leukocidin domain from Vibrio cholerae cytolysin(VCC)and most of other members are<30%(Figure2E),but their structure com-parison scores are notably high,indicating clear similarities at the structural level.However,it should be noted that protein pairs displaying signi?cant sequence homology and similar enzymatic activities might still differ in host cell targets,thereby playing different roles in bacterial pathogenesis,such as Escherichia coli SopE and SopE2,Pseudomonas ExoS and ExoT,and the Shigella IpaH proteins.The growing diversity of VFs has prompted numerous efforts to develop classi?cation schemas and unravel the evolutionary origins of VFs.For example,six major ?mbrial clades of chaperone/usher systems and seven dif-ferent families of T3SS are already well-established (12,13).Therefore,we performed extensive phylogenetic analysis of subclass or subfamily in the VFDB. Phylogenetic trees are labeled by species and color-coded by bacterial taxonomy(for example,see Figure2D).This analysis may not only provide insights into the evolution-ary history of VFs but may also facilitate future classi?-cation of newly identi?ed VFs using the existing schemas. As a preliminary result,we found aerolysin-like toxin family and a-hemolysin family each might be further divided into twogroups(Figure2D),though additional investigations are needed.DISCUSSIONBacterial pathogenicity is one of the most important sub-jects in microbiology.The pathogenicity of bacteria depends on the ability to employ virulence factors, which are localized to the cell surface,released into the extracellular milieu or injected directly into host cells.Obviously,much is yet to be learned from the sophisticated virulence strategies posed by bacterial pathogens.There is an increasing need to review the entire?eld and perform bioinformatic mining of the ex-plosively growing data regarding bacterial VFs.VFDB is dedicated to meeting these demands by providing up-to-date,thought-provoking information and various analytical tools.Nevertheless,we acknowledge that our work represents only a preliminary characterization of VFs.The increasingly rapid expansion of knowledge con-cerning the multifaceted aspects of VFs will continue to challenge our capacity to compile the latest and most relevant information for the scienti?c community. FUNDINGNational Basic Research Program from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China(grants2009CB522603 and2011CB504904to J.Y.and Q.J.,respectively);Beijing Nova Program(grant2009A67to J.Y.).Funding for open access charge:Beijing Nova Program.Con?ict of interest statement.None declared.D644Nucleic Acids Research,2012,Vol.40,Database issueREFERENCES1.Chen,L.,Yang,J.,Yu,J.,Yao,Z.,Sun,L.,Shen,Y.and Jin,Q.(2005)VFDB:a reference database for bacterial virulence factors.Nucleic Acids Res.,33,D325–D328.2.Yang,J.,Chen,L.,Sun,L.,Yu,J.and Jin,Q.(2008)VFDB2008release:an enhanced web-based resource for comparativepathogenomics.Nucleic Acids Res.,36,D539–D542.3.Benson,D.A.,Karsch-Mizrachi,I.,Lipman,D.J.,Ostell,J.andSayers,E.W.(2011)GenBank.Nucleic Acids Res.,39,D32–D37. 4.Finn,R.D.,Mistry,J.,Tate,J.,Coggill,P.,Heger,A.,Pollington,J.E.,Gavin,O.L.,Gunasekaran,P.,Ceric,G.,Forslund,K.et al.(2010) The Pfam protein families database.Nucleic Acids Res.,38,D211–D222.5.Rose,P.W.,Beran,B.,Bi,C.,Bluhm,W.F.,Dimitropoulos,D.,Goodsell,D.S.,Prlic,A.,Quesada,M.,Quinn,G.B.,Westbrook,J.D.et al.(2011)The RCSB Protein Data Bank:redesigned web site and web services.Nucleic Acids Res.,39,D392–D401.6.Campanella,J.J.,Bitincka,L.and Smalley,J.(2003)MatGAT:an application that generates similarity/identity matrices usingprotein or DNA sequences.BMC Bioinformatics,4,29.7.Holm,L.and Park,J.(2000)DaliLite workbench for proteinstructure comparison.Bioinformatics,16,566–567.8.Di Tommaso,P.,Moretti,S.,Xenarios,I.,Orobitg,M.,Montanyola,A.,Chang,J.M.,Taly,J.F.and Notredame,C.(2011)T-Coffee:a web server for the multiple sequence alignment ofprotein and RNA sequences using structural information andhomology extension.Nucleic Acids Res.,39,W13–W17.9.Gouet,P.,Robert,X.and Courcelle,E.(2003)ESPript/ENDscript:extracting and rendering sequence and3D informationfrom atomic structures of proteins.Nucleic Acids Res.,31,3320–3323.10.Tamura,K.,Dudley,J.,Nei,M.and Kumar,S.(2007)MEGA4:Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis(MEGA)softwareversion4.0.Mol.Biol.Evol.,24,1596–1599.11.Sayers,E.W.,Barrett,T.,Benson,D.A.,Bolton,E.,Bryant,S.H.,Canese,K.,Chetvernin,V.,Church,D.M.,DiCuccio,M.,Federhen,S.et al.(2011)Database resources of the NationalCenter for Biotechnology Information.Nucleic Acids Res.,39,D38–D51.12.Nuccio,S.P.and Baumler,A.J.(2007)Evolution of the chaperone/usher assembly pathway:?mbrial classi?cation goes Greek.Microbiol.Mol.Biol.Rev.,71,551–575.13.Troisfontaines,P.and Cornelis,G.R.(2005)Type III secretion:more systems than you think.Physiology,20,326–339.Nucleic Acids Research,2012,Vol.40,Database issue D645。
、\QF6$( $#==,6WX ) 、T]5E EFG 0Z[[./( \Q$ J 9/.. )
糖、 乳糖、 蔗糖、 枸橼酸盐等微量生化培养管均为杭
基金项目: 江苏省自然科学基金 ( 01$%%2%3#) 作者简介: 朱善元 (&’2" 4 ) , 男, 江苏泰州人, 副教授, 南京农业大学在职博士研究生, 主要从事病原微生物学研究。 5.6: 327#$87222"2&2; 9:;:327#$8722283%3; <7=:>6:?@+AA@BC &$2 D *,= 收稿日期: 接受日期: 修回日期: $%%"7%&7&&; $%%"7%$7$#; $%%"7%27&&
[’] 配制。葡萄糖、 麦芽糖、 甘露 铁琼脂等均根据文献
其 中 9& 菌 毛 最 为 多 肠杆菌主要有 9& 和 E 菌 毛, 见 。近年来, 在许多病原菌中发现了毒力岛的存 ( P>QP 在, 并 可 能 与 其 毒 力 进 化 有 关; 例 如 KEL 是最早发现于耶尔森菌属的强毒 R:+P,Q.S>*>+B >@6:ST) 但在人源、 猪源、 牛源、 兔源大肠杆菌中也广 力岛 , 泛存在
朱善元等:禽源大肠杆菌的分离及其毒力因子的检测 = W 微生物学报 (#**’) ($) )’
!"#$%&’’ 株、 !"#"(&’’ 株均可扩增到约为 )#*+, 的 片段, 与期望的长度大小相当 (图 ") , 而从 -" 大肠
病原菌毒力因子的作用主要包括以下几个方面:1. 促进病原菌侵入宿主细胞:毒因子可以改变宿主细胞的生物活性,使宿主细胞对病原菌产生亲和力和黏附力,为病原菌的侵入提供条件。
2. 破坏宿主细胞膜结构:毒因子可以破坏宿主细胞的生物膜结构,使细胞内部的重要物质外漏,导致细胞死亡。
3. 减弱宿主免疫系统:毒因子能够抑制宿主免疫系统的正常功能,使宿主对细菌的抵抗力降低,从而加重细菌感染的严重程度。
下面介绍一下常见病原菌的毒力因子:1. 猪链球菌的毒力因子包括M蛋白、Streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin和Streptolysin O等,可以引起急性喉炎、败血症等疾病。
2. 病毒性肝炎病毒的毒力因子主要是病毒的表面蛋白,能够诱导宿主的免疫系统产生病毒抗体,导致肝脏炎症。
3. 大肠杆菌的毒力因子包括肠毒素和贴附因子等,可以引起腹泻等疾病。
4. 沙门氏菌的毒力因子主要包括肠毒素和菌体纤毛等,可以引起食物中毒和肠道感染。
三、那么,病原菌毒力因子到底是如何被分离和分析的呢?其实,这个过程主要包括以下几个步骤:1. 病原菌种植。
2. 准备细胞滤液。
1. 细菌毒力因子增强菌体附着能力一些细菌毒力因子能够增强菌体附着能力,使得细菌可以更紧密地与宿主的细胞表面结合。
例如,金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)能够分泌一种叫做生物胶的分子。
2. 细菌毒力因子影响宿主细胞的信号通路一些细菌毒力因子可以干扰宿主细胞的信号转导通路,从而影响宿主细胞的功能。
针对耐药性病原菌,研发新型抗菌药物,提高临床治 疗效果。
医院应根据患者的病情和传染性进行合理的隔离,采取相应的防护措施,如使用口罩、手套、隔离衣 等。同时,应加强患者和医护人员的防护意识,提高防护措施的依从性。
利用全基因组测序等技术 在医院感染病原菌的基因 组层面揭示毒力因子的作 用机制。
如霍乱弧菌的霍乱毒素、大肠杆 菌的志贺毒素等,能够破坏宿主 细胞的正常生理功能。
使细菌粘附到宿主细胞表面,如 肺炎链球菌的荚膜和流感嗜血杆 菌的菌毛等。
如溶血素、胶原酶等,能够破坏 宿主细胞的细胞膜和组织结构, 使细菌更容易侵入细胞内。
由患者自身携带的病原体引起的感染 ,如皮肤黏膜表面的细菌、肠道和泌 尿生殖道的细菌等。
由外界病原体侵入人体引起的感染, 如通过接触、呼吸道、消化道等途径 传播的病原体。
医院感染可导致患者病情加重, 甚至死亡。
医院感染需要更多的医疗资源和时 间进行治疗和管理,增加了医疗费 用。
• 64 •中国病原生物学杂志2021年1月第16卷第1期Journal o f Pathogen Biology J a n.2021. V o l.16.N o.1D()I:10. 13350/j.cjpb.210113•论著•ST6型金黄色葡萄球菌食物中毒菌株的毒力因子分析王多陶晓霞王文周:,王铜孟凡亮张建中、高鸿霞卜’,闰笑梅'(1.北华大学医学技术学院,吉林吉林132013;2.传染病预防控制国家重:点实验室,感染性疾病诊治协同创新中心,中国疾病预防控制中心传染病预防控制所;3.深圳市妇幼保健院)【摘要】________目的检测f t物中毒优势别S T6咽菌株的尚力坫W特征,为食品安令风险评佔、食源性病原蔺的监测和致病性研究提供依椐。
方法选取深圳地K 7次食物中海收*的32株S T6咽蘭株进行全基W组测序,利用V F D B数据库 进行毒力因子分析,并通过序列比对进行S K A亚型分析。
结果第1一4起食物中毒S T6菌株携带的毒力因子谱完 全相同;第5—7起食物中毒中,同一起ft物中毒的暴发賭株携带的毒力W子一致•而非暴发菌株与暴发菌株携带的毒力 因子不完全一致。
在32株S T6型菌中粘附、酶和\1哦分泌系统相关的海力基因具有较高的携带率,cr溶血素(A/y./— )、|3-溶血尜a//))、S-溶血素)、y-溶血素基因(/以A、/7/#、/如r)、肠毐素A基闪(.SM)和表皮剥脱靡素A基闪 (心)的携带率均为100%,双组分白细胞毐素L u k D E基W(/M D和/M E)的携带率为96.8%。
所有菌株携带的肠毒素 A均为S E A1亚塑。
结论32株S T6咽食物中毒相关阐株携带多个莓力闪子基因,以〇如、廳、心、/M D、/M£:毒力 基因携带率较高,编码的毒力因子可能对S T6型菌株的致病性产生影响。
金黄色葡佝球菌;毒力因子;组分析【关键词】【中图分类号】R378. 11【文献标识码】A【文章编号】1673-5234(2021)01-0064-07[^Journal o f Pathogen B io lo g y. 202\J a n; 16( 1) :64 — 70, 75.]Virulence factors of sequence type (ST) 6 Sfflp/zy/oc.oc(.M S aw/T M s in food poisoning outbreaksWANG Duo1’,TA() Xiao-xia2, WANG Wen-zhou , WANG Tong^,M EN G Fan-liang_ , ZHANG Jian~zh〇ng i G A()Hong-xia1»Y A N Xia〇_m ei~ (1.College o f M edical Technology Beihua U niversity *J ilin * J il i n132013 ^ China ; 2. State K e y Laboratory o f Infectious Disease Prevention a n d C o n tro l, Collaborative Innovation Center f o r Diagnosis u n d T reatm ent o f Infectious Diseases ^ N ational Institute for Com niunicabLe Disease Control a7id Prevention ^Chinese Center f o r Disease Control and Prevention; 3. A f f i l i a t e d Shenzhen M a te m ity S'-C h i/J HealthcareH o sp ita l - Southern M edical U niversity)I Abstract]Objective T o d e t e r m i n e the characteristics of the virulence gen e s of the d o m i n a n t Staphylococcus aureuss e q uence type (S T) 6 strains causing food poisoning in order to provide a basis for risk a s s e s s m e n t of food safety, m o n i t oring of f o o d b o r n e pathogens, a n d research o n pathogenicity. M e t h o d s^'hirty-two S. aureus S T6strains f r o m7 food poisoning o utbreaks in S h e n z h e n w e r e selected for w h o l e-g e n o m e sequencing, virulence factors w e r e analyzed using the V F D B database, cind S K A s u b t y p e analysis w a s p e r f o r m e d using s e q uence alignment. Results T h e virulence factors profiles of S. aureus S T6strains f r o m food poisoning outbreaks 1 to 4 w e r e identical. T h e virulence factors of strains causing outbr e a k s 5 to 7 m a t c h e d,but the virulence factors of strains not causing o utbreaks a n d those causing outbreaks differed. Virulence factors associated with adhesion, e n z y m e s,a n d a type \1 vSecretion s y s t e m w e r e highly prevalent a- m o n g the 32 S. aureus S T6 strains. T h e prevalence of a-he m o l y s i n gen e s U il y/h l a ), a p-h e m o l y s i n g e n e(h lb) • a 8-he- m o l y s i n g e n e(h i d)*y-h e m o l y s i n g e n e s U i/^A,h l g B.h l^('),a n entcrotoxin A g e n e(se a)^a n d a n epidermal detoxification toxin A g e n e ieta )w a s100%.a n d the prevalence of t w o c o m p o n e n t leukotoxin L u k D E ge n e s(l u k D a n d l u k E) w a s 96. 8 %.T h e entcrotoxin S E A l s u b t y p e w a s identified in all strains. Conclusion T h e32 S. aureus S T6strains caUvSing food poisoning carried multiple \irulcnce factors, cna ,sea .eta ,lukD*a n d lu k E w e r e relatively prevalent. T his m a y affect the pathogenicity of S. aureus S T6strains.Staphylococcus;virulence factor;w h o l e g e n o m e sequencing金黄色葡萄球菌是w••致食源性疾病的常见致病菌 之一,由其引起的食源性疾病使全球公共ii生面临着 持续挑战1。
菌株YU237缺失Dot/Icm T4BSS分泌系统,其余参考菌株都具有分泌系统的4种毒力因子,临床分离的LP1携带的T4BSS效应蛋白毒力因子数量为31~35个,其它参考菌株3~5个。
【摘要】综述鉴定致病菌毒力因子的分子生物学和遗传分析方法 ,如签名标记法、简并引物 PCR、体内表达技术、差减杂交法、随机引物 PCR、差异显示技术、酵母双杂交系统和噬菌体显示系统等。
1.牙周致病菌主要毒力因子脂多糖受体TLR4与牙周炎关系的研究进展 [J], 许丽华;许尧生
2.临床常见腹泻致病菌的快速鉴定方法研究进展 [J], 齐伟;黄文芳
3.猪链球菌毒力因子和鉴定方法的研究进展 [J], 赵华梅;潘秀珍;唐家琪
4.慢性牙周炎优势致病菌相关毒力因子研究进展 [J], 徐娟; 陈晓涛
5.无公害畜禽肉和水产品中常见致病菌及其毒力因子 [J], 吴清平;杨小鹃;张菊梅
Comamonas kerstersii细菌致病性的基因组分析
Comamonas kerstersii细菌致病性的基因组分析王慧;明德松;王明席【期刊名称】《华侨大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2024(45)3【摘要】为了更好地管理Comamonas kerstersii(C.kerstersii)感染,通过分析C.kerstersii菌株121606基因组中的毒力因子基因(VFGs)来了解其毒力和致病性。
对已经完成测序的C.kerstersii 121606基因组,通过BLAST搜索VFDB数据库来预测其VFGs。
【总页数】23页(P394-416)【作者】王慧;明德松;王明席【作者单位】华侨大学医学院;福建医科大学附属泉州第一医院【正文语种】中文【中图分类】Q939.48;R378【相关文献】1.影响固定化纯种氨氧化细菌Comamonas aquatic LNL3短程硝化过程因素动力学分析2.学校周边环境空气中细菌种类的调查分析与细菌致病性分析3.一株河鲈源致病性虫草菌Cordyceps confragosa CHL02菌株的全基因组测序及比较基因组分析4.基于细菌全基因组的大口黑鲈源维氏气单胞菌AV040株致病性与耐药性解析5.一株多药耐药Comamonas kerstersii细菌的基因组分析因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
幽门螺杆菌不同感染阶段的相关毒力因子及其致病性陈莫耶;袁媛【期刊名称】《世界华人消化杂志》【年(卷),期】2012(20)30【摘要】幽门螺杆菌(Helicobacter pylori,H.pylori)感染可以诱发浅表性胃炎、消化性溃疡、胃黏膜相关淋巴瘤,甚至胃癌等多种疾病.其毒力因子的差异是导致不同临床结局发生的重要因素之一.H.pylori致病过程主要分为3个阶段:(1)稳定定植于胃黏膜上皮细胞;(2)逃避宿主免疫系统攻击;(3)释放毒素损伤胃黏膜.本文对H.pylori参与的致病过程中,不同阶段的重要毒力因子,包括黏附定植相关因子、免疫逃逸相关因子、黏膜效应相关因子等与疾病的相关性及其可能致病机制予以综述.【总页数】7页(P2937-2943)【关键词】幽门螺杆菌;毒力因子;胃十二指肠疾病;致病机制【作者】陈莫耶;袁媛【作者单位】中国医科大学附属第一医院肿瘤研究所暨普通外科研究所肿瘤病因与筛查研究室辽宁省高校肿瘤病因与预防重点实验室【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R573.1【相关文献】1.嗜水气单胞菌毒力因子检测及不同毒力基因型菌株对剑尾鱼的致病性研究 [J], 任燕;孙承文;石存斌;潘厚军;陶家发;吴淑勤2.细胞毒素相关蛋白毒力型幽门螺杆菌感染与冠心病患者血清炎性因子及同型半胱氨酸水平的相关性研究 [J], 沈云峰;胡远贵;张洪波3.老年患者医院感染的肠外致病性大肠埃希菌毒力因子检测及SNP分析 [J], 曹阳;刘双庆;魏殿军;陈薇4.猪肺源致病性大肠杆菌和化脓隐秘杆菌混合感染病原的分离鉴定及主要毒力因子的检测 [J], 蔡瑶; 周雪珂; 江朝源; 曾喻兵; 徐志文; 朱玲5.太原地区不同临床型胃疾患与幽门螺杆菌感染及其毒力相关基因cagA关系的探讨 [J], 高瑞红;王海滨;景亚武;郝素珍因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
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VFDB 2012update:toward the genetic diversity and molecular evolution of bacterial virulence factorsLihong Chen,Zhaohui Xiong,Lilian Sun,Jian Yang*and Qi Jin*State Key Laboratory for Molecular Virology and Genetic Engineering,Institute of Pathogen Biology,Chinese Academy Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College,Beijing 100176,ChinaReceived September 15,2011;Accepted October 17,2011ABSTRACTThe virulence factor database (VFDB,http://www /VFs/)has served as a comprehensive repository of bacterial virulence factors (VFs)for >7years.Bacterial virulence is an exciting and dynamic field,due to the availability of complete se-quences of bacterial genomes and increasing sophisticated technologies for manipulating bacteria and bacterial genomes.The intricacy of virulence mechanisms offers a challenge,and there exists a clear need to decipher the ‘language’used by VFs more effectively.In this article,we present the recent major updates of VFDB in an attempt to summarize some of the most important virulence mechanisms by comparing different compositions and organiza-tions of VFs from various bacterial pathogens,iden-tifying core components and phylogenetic clades and shedding new light on the forces that shape the evolutionary history of bacterial pathogenesis.In addition,the 2012release of VFDB provides an improved user interface.INTRODUCTIONBacterial virulence factors (VFs)are fascinating for a number of reasons.First,the ability of successful patho-gens to establish infections,produce disease and survive in a hostile environment is provided by a large armamentar-ium of virulence mechanisms.Elucidating the molecular mechanisms of VFs can improve understanding of the cellular and molecular basis of pathogenesis.Second,many important virulence factors interact with host cells and modulate their functions.Investigating the complex and finely balanced interactions between hosts and patho-gens can uncover useful tools for studying normal host cellular processes.Third,a much deeper understandingof the mechanisms of action of VFs will inform new avenues for identifying promising approaches to disease prevention and therapy.Fueled by recent technological innovations in the life sciences,the field of microbial viru-lence has expanded rapidly over the past decade.Since its inception in 2004,the virulence factor database (VFDB,/VFs/)has provided the broadest and most comprehensive up-to-date information regarding experimentally validated bacterial virulence factors (e.g.extracellular products,such as enzymes and toxins and secreted effectors or cell-associated products,such as capsular polysaccharides and outer membrane proteins),and has further explored plasticity in the reper-toire of VFs on an intra-genera level since its second release (1,2).To summarize the common themes in bac-terial virulence and to reflect the diversity of genomic encoding,structural architecture and functional original-ity,we recently updated VFDB with an enhanced user interface and new contents dedicated to inter-genera com-parative analysis of VFs involved in host cell attachment and invasion,bacterial secretion systems and effectors,toxins,and iron-acquisition systems (Table 1).DATABASE UPDATES Data sources and processingThe core dataset of VFDB only covers experimentally demonstrated VFs from 24genera of medically important bacterial pathogens.Several predicted VFs from complete genomes were also included for comparative analyses in the second release (2),but this information is still far from sufficient for a comprehensive study of the genetic diver-sity and molecular evolution of VFs.Many VFs found in human pathogens have homologues present in animal or plant pathogens,and,sometimes,even in non-pathogens.Additionally,the genomic sequences encoding most func-tionally validated VFs are fragmentary,rather than complete genomes in the public domain.Therefore,via exhaustive literature screening and expert review,the*To whom correspondence should be addressed.Tel:+861067877732;Fax:+861067877736;Email:zdsys@Correspondence may also be addressed to Jian Yang.Tel:+861067877735;Fax:+861067877736;Email:yangj@ The authors wish it to be known that,in their opinion,the first two authors should be regarded as joint First Authors.Published online 8November 2011Nucleic Acids Research,2012,Vol.40,Database issue D641–D645doi:10.1093/nar/gkr989ßThe Author(s)2011.Published by Oxford University Press.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (/licenses/by-nc/3.0),which permits unrestricted non-commercial use,distribution,and reproduction in any medium,provided the original work is properly cited.basic information on >1200VFs was collected from over 1100original research papers (Table 1).These collected VFs,derived from 75genera of bacteria,were organized into four super-families and 31subclasses in VFDB (Table 1).Nevertheless,we do not intend to discuss the biological diversity of certain VFs;therefore,only experi-mentally verified VFs were included.In addition,if more than one sequence was available for an individual species,only the representative one was collected into the database for the sake of brevity.The nucleotide and amino-acid sequences of VF-encoding genes and related annotation information were extracted from individual GenBank (3)records using ad hoc BioPerl scripts.The conserved domain(s)of each protein were recognized by local Pfam (4)search using the HMMER3program (/),and the related protein structure information was available from the PDB database (5)via batch BLAST search followed by manual curation.Homologue groups were determined by reciprocal BLAST on individual datasets of each subclass,and the results were further curated based on conserved synteny.Next,the MatGAT program (6)and DaliLite server (7)were used to calculate pairwise sequence and structure (if it exists)similarities,respectively,among each group.The T–coffee package (8)was employed to generate multiple alignment for each homologue group.For highly divergent proteins,the segments of respective conserved domain(s)were used instead of full sequences for producing reliable align-ments.The ESPript web server (9)was used to render structure information on multiple alignments.The MEGA software (10)was used to build phylogenetic trees based on the multiple alignment of the core compo-nent/domain of each subclass of VFs.The overall data-processing procedure is shown in Figure 1.Data presentation and web interfaceThe effective presentation of data is one of the key criteria for any good database to provide users with the most in-tuitive and easy-to-understand results.The VFDB offers four main styles to visualize the comparative results of each subclass of VFs during different analysis stages (Figure 1).The information gleaned from literature is pre-sented in a concise table (exemplified in the right panel of Figure 2A),which covers the basic data for each VF,such as organism name,taxonomic class,VF name/family,known/proposed function,key component(s)and a direct link to the original literature available in PubMed (11).The linear graphic view is used to display unambiguouslythe diversity of VFs in terms of genetic composition or genomic organization (Figure 2B).The manually curated multiple alignments (Figure 2C)and phylogenetic tree built from the core component/domain (Figure 2D)are also available to enable users to further analyze the sequence/structure diversity and molecular evolutionary relationships of homologous VFs from various pathogens.For the 2012release of the VFDB,we built a more responsive and intuitive user interface with high-performance grids,expandable trees,collapsible menus and tabbed panels using ExtJS (/),which is a cross-browser JavaScript library for building rich internet applications.This library provides users with the look and feel of a desktop application rather than a traditional web page.For example,the aforemen-tioned tables are fully sortable and filterable by a single click on the column title,and each column is also movable and scalable (or hidden)by dragging and dropping on the title.These features that were previously available only in standalone applications will undoubtedly provide the database users with better experiences than before.The main web interface is vertically divided into two panels:a collapsible menu panel on the left and a tabbed content panel on the right (for example,see Figure 2A).The menu panel provides a tree-like organiza-tion of all subclasses of VFs with direct links to each in-dividual page for easy navigation.To maximize the visible region of the content panel,the menu is collapsed into a clickable vertical bar automatically upon page load (for example see Figure 2D).The bottom tool bar of the content panel provides several convenient functional buttons on the left side for easy manipulation of theTable 1.Data summary of newly released contents for the diversity and evolution analyses of VFs (as of September 2011)VF super-family Number of subclasses Number of VFs Number of genera involved Number ofVFs-related genes Number ofrelated references Adhesion and invasion 10429472016387Secretion systems 6217482879483Toxin1248742564218Iron acquisition 3723055169Total3112057559551133Figure 1.The overall method of data processing and presentation.D642Nucleic Acids Research,2012,Vol.40,Database issueFigure 2.The updated VFDB web interface.(A )Menu panel (left)and tabular view of basic data sets (right).(B )Graphic view for multiple-component VFs,color-coded by homologue groups.(C )Structure-based multiple alignment of homologous VFs.(D )Deduced phylo-genetic tree based on key component/domain (the menu panel is collapsed as a vertical bar in the left).(E )Color-shaded matrix of pairwise sequence similarities.(F )Popup window with detailed gene information along with a graphic illustration of conserved domains and a 3D structure preview.Nucleic Acids Research,2012,Vol.40,Database issue D643tables and for saving the web contents as a localfile(Excel table,PNGfigure or FASTA sequences).In addition, there are icon buttons on the right side of the tool bar for rapid switching between the aforementioned different data presentation styles.Genetic diversity of VFsThe diversity of genetic composition or genomic organiza-tion of homologous VFs from different pathogens may reflect the evolutionary relationships of the bacteria in terms of virulence.To facilitate future studies on the di-versity of VFs,the composition and organization of VFs are highlighted in the graphic view for easy comparison. For single-gene-encoded VFs,domain architectures are shown as colored bars with a direct link to the respective protein family information.As for multiple-component VFs,all genes are depicted as clickable arrows in the linear map and are color-coded by homologue groups (Figure2B).Therefore,it becomes straightforward to find out whether those VF-related genes are clustered or scattered on the genomes of various pathogens.For example,the genes encoding synthesis of type IVa pili are generally dispersed throughout the bacterial genome while those of type IVb pili are arranged in a contiguous cluster.We endeavor herein to provide a framework for further investigations into whether these genes were acquired separately or whether all genes were previously in a single cluster that was disrupted by genomic rearrangements.Detailed information on each gene,including genomic location,coding strand,scientific name,product and se-quences,as well as a graphic illustration of conserved domains and a preview of3D structure(s)(if they exist) are available from a popup window upon clicking on the linear map(Figure2F).By default,the linear maps are ordered on the basis of the phylogenetic tree(see below)to emphasize potential correlations between genetic vari-ations and molecular evolution of VFs.In addition,the linear maps of each VF are also organized in a highly scalable grid,which enables users to sort andfilter the VFs easily to construct customized graphic comparisons. Sequence/structure variations and phylogenetic analysis We explore the sequence and structure similarity of each homologue group in order to provide insight into how VFs may have evolved from common ancestors or may have exploited different mechanisms to arrive at similar biological activities.The multiple-alignment of homolo-gous VFs is displayed by superimposing the crystal struc-ture of the representative protein,and secondary structural elements are highlighted on top of the alignment (Figure2C).It will be helpful to disclose possible similar structures deduced from homologous sequences.Color-shaded matrices summarizing the pairwise sequence/struc-ture similarities among each homologue group are also provided in an attempt to illustrate sequence variations within each group and reveal potential protein pairs that share low sequence similarities but produce highly similar 3D structures.For example,within the a-hemolysin sub-family of b-barrel pore-forming toxins,the overall sequence identities of the core leukocidin domain from Vibrio cholerae cytolysin(VCC)and most of other members are<30%(Figure2E),but their structure com-parison scores are notably high,indicating clear similarities at the structural level.However,it should be noted that protein pairs displaying significant sequence homology and similar enzymatic activities might still differ in host cell targets,thereby playing different roles in bacterial pathogenesis,such as Escherichia coli SopE and SopE2,Pseudomonas ExoS and ExoT,and the Shigella IpaH proteins.The growing diversity of VFs has prompted numerous efforts to develop classification schemas and unravel the evolutionary origins of VFs.For example,six major fimbrial clades of chaperone/usher systems and seven dif-ferent families of T3SS are already well-established (12,13).Therefore,we performed extensive phylogenetic analysis of subclass or subfamily in the VFDB. Phylogenetic trees are labeled by species and color-coded by bacterial taxonomy(for example,see Figure2D).This analysis may not only provide insights into the evolution-ary history of VFs but may also facilitate future classifi-cation of newly identified VFs using the existing schemas. As a preliminary result,we found aerolysin-like toxin family and a-hemolysin family each might be further divided into two groups(Figure2D),though additional investigations are needed.DISCUSSIONBacterial pathogenicity is one of the most important sub-jects in microbiology.The pathogenicity of bacteria depends on the ability to employ virulence factors, which are localized to the cell surface,released into the extracellular milieu or injected directly into host cells.Obviously,much is yet to be learned from the sophisticated virulence strategies posed by bacterial pathogens.There is an increasing need to review the entirefield and perform bioinformatic mining of the ex-plosively growing data regarding bacterial VFs.VFDB is dedicated to meeting these demands by providing up-to-date,thought-provoking information and various analytical tools.Nevertheless,we acknowledge that our work represents only a preliminary characterization of VFs.The increasingly rapid expansion of knowledge con-cerning the multifaceted aspects of VFs will continue to challenge our capacity to compile the latest and most relevant information for the scientific community. FUNDINGNational Basic Research Program from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China(grants2009CB522603 and2011CB504904to J.Y.and Q.J.,respectively);Beijing Nova Program(grant2009A67to J.Y.).Funding for open access charge:Beijing Nova Program.Conflict of interest statement.None declared.D644Nucleic Acids Research,2012,Vol.40,Database issueREFERENCES1.Chen,L.,Yang,J.,Yu,J.,Yao,Z.,Sun,L.,Shen,Y.and Jin,Q.(2005)VFDB:a reference database for bacterial virulence factors.Nucleic Acids Res.,33,D325–D328.2.Yang,J.,Chen,L.,Sun,L.,Yu,J.and Jin,Q.(2008)VFDB2008release:an enhanced web-based resource for comparativepathogenomics.Nucleic Acids Res.,36,D539–D542.3.Benson,D.A.,Karsch-Mizrachi,I.,Lipman,D.J.,Ostell,J.andSayers,E.W.(2011)GenBank.Nucleic Acids Res.,39,D32–D37. 4.Finn,R.D.,Mistry,J.,Tate,J.,Coggill,P.,Heger,A.,Pollington,J.E.,Gavin,O.L.,Gunasekaran,P.,Ceric,G.,Forslund,K.et al.(2010) The Pfam protein families database.Nucleic Acids Res.,38,D211–D222.5.Rose,P.W.,Beran,B.,Bi,C.,Bluhm,W.F.,Dimitropoulos,D.,Goodsell,D.S.,Prlic,A.,Quesada,M.,Quinn,G.B.,Westbrook,J.D.et al.(2011)The RCSB Protein Data Bank:redesigned web site and web services.Nucleic Acids Res.,39,D392–D401.6.Campanella,J.J.,Bitincka,L.and Smalley,J.(2003)MatGAT:an application that generates similarity/identity matrices usingprotein or DNA sequences.BMC Bioinformatics,4,29.7.Holm,L.and Park,J.(2000)DaliLite workbench for proteinstructure comparison.Bioinformatics,16,566–567.8.Di Tommaso,P.,Moretti,S.,Xenarios,I.,Orobitg,M.,Montanyola,A.,Chang,J.M.,Taly,J.F.and Notredame,C.(2011)T-Coffee:a web server for the multiple sequence alignment ofprotein and RNA sequences using structural information andhomology extension.Nucleic Acids Res.,39,W13–W17.9.Gouet,P.,Robert,X.and Courcelle,E.(2003)ESPript/ENDscript:extracting and rendering sequence and3D informationfrom atomic structures of proteins.Nucleic Acids Res.,31,3320–3323.10.Tamura,K.,Dudley,J.,Nei,M.and Kumar,S.(2007)MEGA4:Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis(MEGA)softwareversion4.0.Mol.Biol.Evol.,24,1596–1599.11.Sayers,E.W.,Barrett,T.,Benson,D.A.,Bolton,E.,Bryant,S.H.,Canese,K.,Chetvernin,V.,Church,D.M.,DiCuccio,M.,Federhen,S.et al.(2011)Database resources of the NationalCenter for Biotechnology Information.Nucleic Acids Res.,39,D38–D51.12.Nuccio,S.P.and Baumler,A.J.(2007)Evolution of the chaperone/usher assembly pathway:fimbrial classification goes Greek.Microbiol.Mol.Biol.Rev.,71,551–575.13.Troisfontaines,P.and Cornelis,G.R.(2005)Type III secretion:more systems than you think.Physiology,20,326–339.Nucleic Acids Research,2012,Vol.40,Database issue D645。