莫言诺贝尔奖颁奖典礼 中英文对照版

distinguished members of the swedish academy, ladies and gentlemen:through the mediums of television and the internet, i imagine that everyone here has at least a nodding acquaintance with far-off northeast gaomi township. you may have seen my ninety-year-old father, as well as my brothers, my sister, my wife and my daughter, even my granddaughter, now a year and four months old. but the person who is most on my mind at this moment, my mother, is someone you will never see. many people have shared in the honor of winning this prize, everyone but her.尊敬的瑞典学院各位院士,女士们、先生们:通过电视或网络,我想在座的各位,对遥远的高密东北乡,已经有了或多或少的了解。

莫言颁奖词英文版篇一:2017年诺贝尔文学奖颁奖词瑞典国王为莫言颁奖(中、英双语) The Nobe l Pri ze in Lite ratur e 2017 Awa rd Ce remon y Spe ech P resen tatio n Spe ech b y Per W?st berg,Writ er, M ember of t he Sw edish Acad emy,Chair man o f the Nobe l Com mitte e, 10Dece mber2017. Your Maje sties, You r Roy al Hi ghnes ses,Estee med N obelLaure ates, Ladi es an d Gen tleme n, Mo Yanis apoetwho t earsdownstere otypi cal p ropag andaposte rs, e levat ing t he in divid ual f rom a n ano nymou s hum an ma ss. U singridic ule a ndsa rcasm Mo Y an at tacks hist ory a nd it s fal sific ation s aswellas de priva tionand p oliti cal h ypocr isy.Playf ullyand w ith i ll-di sguis ed de light, herevea ls th e mur kiest aspe cts o f hum an ex isten ce, a lmost inad verte ntlyfindi ng im agesof st rongsymbo lic w eight. Nor th-ea stern Gaom i cou nty e mbodi es Ch ina’s folk tale s and hist ory.Few r eal j ourne ys ca n sur passthese to a real m whe re th e cla mourof do nkeys andpigsdrown s out thevoice s ofthe p eople’s mi ssars andwhere both love andevilassum esup ernat uralpropo rtion s. Mo Yan’s ima ginat ion s oarsacros s the enti re hu man e xiste nce.He is a wo nderf ul po rtray er of natu re; h e kno ws vi rtual ly al l the re is to k now a bouthunge r, an d the brut ality of C hina’s 20t h cen turyhas p robab ly ne ver b een d escri bed s o nak edly, with hero es, l overs, tor turer s, ba ndits– an d esp ecial ly, s trong,ind omita ble m other s. He show s usa wor ld wi thout trut h, mo n sen se or pass ion,a wor ld wh ere p eople arereckl ess,helpl ess a nd ab surd. Proo f ofthismiser y isthe c annib alism that recu rs in Chin a’s h istor y. In Mo Y an, i t sta nds f or ue strai ned c onsum ption, exc ess,rubbi sh, c arnal plea sures andthe i ndesc ribab le de sires that only he c an at temptto e lucid ate b eyond alltaboo ed li mitat ions. In h is no vel R epubl ic of Wine, the mostexqu isite of d elica ciesis aroast ed th ree-y ear-o ld. B oys h ave b ee ex clusi ve fo odstu ff. T he gi rls,negle cted, surv ive.The i ronyis di recte d atChina’s fa milypolic y, be cause of w hichfemal e foe tuses areabort ed on an a stron omicscale: gir ls ar en’tevengoodenoug h toeat.Mo Ya n has writ ten a n ent ire n ovel, Frog, abo ut th is. M o Yan’s st ories have myth icaland a llego rical pret ensio ns an d tur n all valu es on thei r hea ds. W e nev er me et th atid eal c itize n who wasa sta ndard feat ure i n Mao’s Ch ina.Mo Ya n’s c harac tersbubbl ewit h vit ality andtakeeventhe m ost a moral step s and meas uresto fu lfiltheir live s and burs t the cage s the y hav e bee n con fined in b y fat e and poli tics.Inste ad of muni sm’sposte r-hap py hi story, MoYan d escri bes a past that, wit h his exag gerat ions, paro diesand d eriva tions from myth s and folk tale s, is a co nvinc ing a nd sc athin g rev ision of f iftyyears of p ropag anda. In h is mo st re marka ble n ovel, BigBreas ts an d Wid e Hip s, wh ere a fema le pe rspec tivedomin ates, Mo Y an de scrib es th e Gre at Le ap Fo rward andthe G reatFamin e of1960in st ingin g det ail.He mo cks t he re volut ionar y pse udo-s cienc e tha t tri ed to inse minat e she ep wi th ra bbitsperm, all thewhile dism issin g dou bters as r ight-wingeleme nts.The n ovelendswiththe n ew ca pital ism o f the ‘90s with frau dster s bei ng ri ch on beau ty pr oduct s and tryi ng to prod uce a Phoe nix t hroug h cro ss-fe rtili satio n. InMo Y an, a forg otten peas ant w orldarise s, al ive a nd we ll, b efore oureyes, sens uallyscen ted e ven i n its most pung ent v apour s, st artli nglymerci lessbut t inged by j oyfulself lessn ess.Never a du ll mo ment. Theautho r kno ws ev eryth ing a nd ca n des cribeever ythin g –a ll ki nds o f han dicra ft, s mithe ry, c onstr uctio n, di tch-d iggin g, an imalhusba ndry, thetrick s ofguerr illabands. Heseems to c arryall h umanlifeon th e tip of h is pe n. He is m ore h ilari ous a nd mo re ap palli ng th an mo st in thewakeof Ra belai s and Swif t —i n our time, inthe w ake o f Gar cía M arque z. Hi s spi ce bl end i s a p epper y one. Onhis b roadtapes try o f Chi na’slasthundr ed ye ars,there areneith er da ncing unic ornsnor s kippi ng ma idens. But he p aints life in a pigs ty in such a wa y tha t wefeelwe ha vebe en th ere f ar to o lon g. Id eolog ies a nd re formmovem entsmay e andgo bu t hum aneg oismand g reedremai n. So Mo Y an de fends smal l ind ividu als a gains t all inju stice s –f rom J apane se oc cupat ion t o Mao ist t error andtoday’s pr oduct ion f renzy. For thos e who vent ure t o MoYan’s home dist rict, wher e bou ntifu l vir tue b attle s the vile st cr uelty,a s tagge ringliter ary a dvent ure a waits. Has ever such an e pic s pring floo d eng ulfed Chin a and therestof th e wor ld? I n MoYan’s work, wor ld li terat ure s peaks with avo ice t hat d rowns outmostconte mpora ries. TheSwedi sh Ac ademy cong ratul atesyou.I cal l onyou t o acc ept t he 2017 No bel P rizefor L itera turefromthe h and o f HisMaje sty t he Ki ng. 2017年诺贝尔文学奖颁奖词瑞典国王为莫言颁奖(中、英双语)北京时间12月11日0时16分许,2017年诺贝尔奖颁奖仪式在瑞典斯德哥尔摩隆重举行。

莫言诺贝尔文学奖演讲北京时间2012年12月8日0时30分,诺贝尔文学奖获得者莫言在瑞典学院发表演讲,以下为演讲实录,英文由Howard Goldblatt翻译:尊敬的瑞典学院各位院士,女士们、先生们:Distinguished members of the Swedish Academy, Ladies and Gentlemen:通过电视或网络,我想在座的各位,对遥远的高密东北乡,已经有了或多或少的了解。
Through the mediums of television and the Internet, I imagine that everyone here has at least a nodding acquaintance with far-off Northeast Gaomi Township. You may have seen my ninety-year-old father, as well as my brothers, my sister, my wife and my daughter, even my granddaughter, now a year and four months old. But the person who is most on my mind at this moment, my mother, is someone you will never see. Many people have shared in the honor of winning this prize, everyone but her. 我母亲生于1922年,卒于1994年。
演讲致辞-莫言在瑞典诺贝尔颁奖典礼上的英语演讲稿 精品

莫言在瑞典诺贝尔颁奖典礼上的英语演讲稿莫言在诺贝尔晚宴上的答谢词(准备稿)XX年12月10日(当地时间)mo yans prepared banquet speech at the nobel banquet10 december XX尊敬的国王陛下、王后陛下,女士们,先生们:your majesties, your royal highnesses, ladies and gentlemen,我,一个来自遥远的中国山东高密东北乡的农民的儿子,站在这个举世瞩目的殿堂上,领取了诺贝尔文学奖,这很像一个童话,但却是不容置疑的现实。
for me, a farm boy from gaomis northeast township in far-away china, standing here in this world-famous hall after having received the nobel prize in literature feels like a fairy tale, but of course it is true.获奖后一个多月的经历,使我认识到了诺贝尔文学奖巨大的影响和不可撼动的尊严。
my experiences during the months since the announcement have made me aware of the enormous impact of the nobel prize and the unquestionable respect it enjoys. i have tried to view what has happened during this period in a cool, detached way. it has been a golden opportunity for me to learn about the world and, even more so, an opportunity for me to learn about myself.我深知世界上有许多作家有资格甚至比我更有资格获得这个奖项;我相信,只要他们坚持写下去,只要他们相信文学是人的光荣也是上帝赋予人的权利,那么,“他必将华冠加在你头上,把荣冕交给你。
演讲致辞-莫言诺贝尔文学奖致辞英文演讲稿 精品

distinguished members of the swedish academy, ladies andgentlemen:through the mediums of television and the internet, i imaginethat everyone here has at least a nodding acquaintance with far-offnortheast gaomi township. you may have seen my ninety-year-old father, as well as my brothers, my sister, my wife and my daughter, even my granddaughter, now a year and four months old. but the person who is moston my mind at this moment, my mother, is someone you will never see. many people have shared in the honor of winning this prize, everyone but her.尊敬的瑞典学院各位院士,女士们、先生们:通过电视或网络,我想在座的各位,对遥远的高密东北乡,已经有了或多或少的了解。


莫言诺贝尔文学奖演讲北京时间2012年12月8日0时30分,诺贝尔文学奖获得者莫言在瑞典学院发表演讲,以下为演讲实录,英文由Howard Goldblatt翻译:尊敬的瑞典学院各位院士,女士们、先生们:Distinguished members of the Swedish Academy, Ladies and Gentlemen:通过电视或网络,我想在座的各位,对遥远的高密东北乡,已经有了或多或少的了解。
Through the mediums of television and the Internet, I imagine that everyone here has at least a nodding acquaintance with far-off Northeast Gaomi Township. You may have seen my ninety-year-old father, as well as my brothers, my sister, my wife and my daughter, even my granddaughter, now a year and four months old. But the person who is most on my mind at this moment, my mother, is someone you will never see. Many people have shared in the honor of winning this prize, everyone but her. 我母亲生于1922年,卒于1994年。

莫言在瑞典诺贝尔颁奖典礼上的英语演讲稿莫言在诺贝尔晚宴上的答谢词(准备稿)XX年12月10日(当地时间)mo yan's prepared banquet speech at the nobel banquet10 december XX尊敬的国王陛下、王后陛下,女士们,先生们:your majesties, your royal highnesses, ladies and gentlemen,我,一个来自遥远的中国山东高密东北乡的农民的儿子,站在这个举世瞩目的殿堂上,领取了诺贝尔文学奖,这很像一个童话,但却是不容置疑的现实。
for me, a farm boy from gaomi's northeast township in far-away china, standing here in this world-famous hall after having received the nobel prize in literature feels like a fairy tale, but of course it is true.获奖后一个多月的经历,使我认识到了诺贝尔文学奖巨大的影响和不可撼动的尊严。
my experiences during the months since the announcement have made me aware of the enormous impact of the nobel prize and the unquestionable respect it enjoys. i have tried to view what has happened during this period in a cool, detached way. it has been a golden opportunity for me to learn about the world and, even more so, an opportunity for me to learn about myself.我深知世界上有许多作家有资格甚至比我更有资格获得这个奖项;我相信,只要他们坚持写下去,只要他们相信文学是人的光荣也是上帝赋予人的权利,那么,“他必将华冠加在你头上,把荣冕交给你。


莫言领奖莫言诺奖颁奖词(英文版)Award Ceremony SpeechPresentation Speech by Per Wästberg, Writer, Member of the Swedish Academy, Chairman ofthe Nobel Committee, 10 December 2012.Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Esteemed Nobel Laureates, Ladies and Gentlemen, Mo Yan is a poet who tears down stereotypical propaganda posters, elevating the individual froman anonymous human mass. Using ridicule and sarcasm Mo Yan attacks history and itsfalsifications as well as deprivation and political hypocrisy. Playfully and with ill-disguised delight, he reveals the murkiest aspects of human existence, almost inadvertently finding images of strong symbolic weight.North-eastern Gaomi county embodies China’s folk tales and history. Few real journeys cansurpass these to a realm where the clamour of donkeys and pigs drowns out the voices of the people’s commissars and where both love and evil assume supernatural proportions.Mo Yan’s imagination soars across the entire human existence. He is a wonderful portrayer o f nature; he knows virtually all there is to know about hunger, and the brutality of China’s 20th century has probably never been described so nakedly, with heroes, lovers, torturers, bandits –and especially, strong, indomitable mothers. He shows us a world without truth, common sense or compassion, a world where people are reckless, helpless and absurd.Proof of this misery is the cannibalism that recurs in China’s history. In Mo Yan, it stands for unrestrained consumption, excess, rubbish, carnal pleasures and the indescribable desires that only he can attempt to elucidate beyond all tabooed limitations.In his novel Republic of Wine, the most exquisite of delicacies is a roasted three-year-old. Boys have become exclusive foodstuff. The girls, neglected, survive. The irony is directed at China’s family policy, because of which female foetuses are aborted on an astronomic scale: girls aren’t even good enough to eat. Mo Yan has written an entire novel, Frog, about this.Mo Yan’s stories have mythical and allegorical pretensions and turn all values on their heads. We never meet that ideal citizen who was a standard feature in Mao’s China. Mo Yan’s characters bubble with vitality and take even the most amoral steps and measures to fulfil their lives and burst the cages they have been confined in by fate and politics.Instead of communism’s poster-happy history, Mo Yan describes a past that, with his exaggerations, parodies and derivations from myths and folk tales, is a convincing and scathing revision of fifty years of propaganda.In his most remarkable novel, Big Breasts and Wide Hips, where a female perspective dominates, Mo Yan describes the Great Leap Forward and the Great Famine of 1960 in stinging detail. He mocks the revolutionary pseudo-science that tried to inseminate sheep with rabbit sperm, all the while dismissing doubters as right-wing elements. The novel ends with the new capitalism of the ‘90s with fraudsters becoming rich on beauty products and trying to produce a Phoenix through cross-fertilisation.In Mo Yan, a forgotten peasant world arises, alive and well, before our eyes, sensually scented even in its most pungent vapours, startlingly merciless but tinged by joyful selflessness. Never a dull moment. The author knows everything and can describe everything – all kinds of handicraft, smithery, construction, ditch-digging, animal husbandry, the tricks of guerrilla bands. He seems to carry all human life on the tip of his pen.He is more hilarious and more appalling than most in the wake of Rabelais and Swift — in our time, in the wake of García Marquez. His spice blend is a peppery one. On his broad tapestry of China’s last hundred years, there are neither dancing unicorns nor skipping maidens. But he paints life in a pigsty in such a way that we feel we have been there far too long. Ideologies and reform movements may come and go but human egoism and greed remain. So Mo Yan defends small individuals against all injustices –from Japanese occupation to Maoist terror and today’s production frenzy.For those who venture to Mo Yan’s home district, where bountiful virtue battles the vilest cruelty,a staggering literary adventure awaits. Has ever such an epic spring flood engulfed China and the rest of the world? In Mo Yan’s work, world literature speaks with a voice that drowns out most contemporaries.The Swedish Academy congratulates you. I call on you to accept the 2012 Nobel Prize for Literature from the hand of His Majesty the King.颁奖词全文如下:(中文版)瑞典文学院诺奖委员会主席瓦斯特伯格:尊敬的国王和皇后陛下,尊敬的诺贝尔奖得主们,女士们先生们,莫言是个诗人,他扯下程式化的宣传画,使个人从茫茫无名大众中突出出来。

口译句子1 我代表教职员工以及商学院的学生一起欢迎你们来到我们的校园。
On behalf of the faculties, staffs and students of Business School , I am delighted to welcome all of you to our campus.2 非常高兴今晚能在这里和你们一起欢迎主席访问华盛顿。
It is a great pleasure to be here with you to welcome President’s visit to Washington.3 首先,欢迎各位议员朋友今晚到中国大使馆做客。
Firstly, may I welcome all the representative friends to Chinese Embassy tonight.4 我谨代表中国政府对各位的来宾表示诚挚的欢迎!It is my pleasant duty to extend to all the distinguished guests a cordial welcome on behalf of the government of China.5 我们十分荣幸,在中华人民共和国澳门特别行政区成立十周年前夕,国家领导人胡锦涛主席再次亲临澳门,并出席今晚的盛会。
It is a real honor and privilege for us. On the eve of the tenth anniversary of the establishment of Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China,the President,JintaoHu,comes to Macao again, and attends tonight’s grand meeting. Firstly,on behalf of the Government of Macao Special Administrative Region and all the Macao citizens, I want to express a warm welcome and the highest respect to President Hu and his spouse,as well as all the leaders of Central P eople’s Government Delegation.莫言诺贝尔获奖感言Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses and Royal Members, Ladies and Gentlemen,I’ve left my lectu re notes behind the hotel, but I remember it in my mind.Many interesting things have happened since I won the prize. And from this, we can see that the Nobel Prize is actually a great influential award and no one can shake its position in the world.I am a farm boy from Gaomi's Northeast Township, Shandong in China. I stand here in this world-famous hall after having received the Nobel Prize in literature, and it feel like a fairy tale, but there is no doubt that it is a truth.I want to take this opportunity to express my highest respect for the Nobel Foundation and the Swedish people who support for the Nobel Prize. I also want to express my great admiration and sincere thanks to the members of the Swedish Academy who stick firmly to their own faith.I also want to give my thanks to the translators who have translated my works into various languages. Without their creative hard work, literature is just kinds of languages. It is just because of their efforts; literature can be the literature of the world.And of course I should thanks to my relatives and friends. Their friendship and wisdom are both shining in my work.Compared with science, literature indeed seems to be useless. However, maybe the greatest usefulness of literature is useless.My sincere thanks to all of you!莫言诺贝尔晚宴实际脱稿讲话内容尊敬的国王,王后陛下,尊敬的王室成员,女士们,先生们:Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses and Royal Members, Ladies and Gentlemen,我的讲稿忘在旅馆了,但是我这个话,记在脑子里了。
2018-2019-莫言获奖感言英文版-易修改word版 (3页)

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For me, a farm boy from Gaomi's Northeast Township in far-away China, standing here in this world-famous hall after having received the Nobel Prize in Literature feels like a fairy tale, but of course it is true.获奖后一个多月的经历,使我认识到了诺贝尔文学奖巨大的影响和不可撼动的尊严。
My experiences during the months since the announcement have made me aware of the enormous impact of the Nobel Prize and the unquestionable respect it enjoys. I have tried to view what has happened during this period in a cool, detached way. It has been a golden opportunity for me to learn about the world and, even more so, an opportunity for me to learn about myself.我深知世界上有许多作家有资格甚至比我更有资格获得这个奖项;我相信,只要他们坚持写下去,只要他们相信文学是人的光荣也是上帝赋予人的权利,那么,“他必将华冠加在你头上,把荣冕交给你。


莫言在诺贝尔晚宴的答谢词中英文莫言在诺贝尔晚宴的答谢词(中英文)尊敬的国王陛下、王后陛下,女士们,先生们:Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen,我,一个来自遥远的中国山东高密东北乡的农民的儿子,站在这个举世瞩目的殿堂上,领取了诺贝尔文学奖,这很像一个童话,但却是不容置疑的现实。
For me, a farm boy from Gaomi's Northeast Township in far-away China, standing here in this world-famous hall after having received the Nobel Prize in Literature feels like a fairy tale, but of course it is true.获奖后一个多月的经历,使我认识到了诺贝尔文学奖巨大的影响和不可撼动的尊严。
My experiences during the months since the announcement have made me aware of the enormous impact of the Nobel Prize and the unquestionable respect it enjoys. I have tried to view what has happened during this period in a cool, detached way. It has been a golden opportunity for me to learn about the world and, even more so, an opportunity for me to learn about myself.我深知世界上有许多作家有资格甚至比我更有资格获得这个奖项;我相信,只要他们坚持写下去,只要他们相信文学是人的光荣也是上帝赋予人的权利,那么,“他必将华冠加在你头上,把荣冕交给你。

Distinguished members of the Swedish Academy, Ladies and Gentlemen:Through the mediums of television and the Internet, I imagine that everyone here has at least a nodding acquaintance with far-off Northeast Gaomi Township. You may have seen my ninety-year-old father, as well as my brothers, my sister, my wife and my daughter, even my granddaughter, now a year and four months old. But the person who is most on my mind at this moment, my mother, is someone you will never see. Many people have shared in the honor of winning this prize, everyone but her.尊敬的瑞典学院各位院士,女士们、先生们:通过电视或网络,我想在座的各位,对遥远的高密东北乡,已经有了或多或少的了解。

forme,afarmboyfromgaomi'snortheasttownshipinfar-awaychina,standinghereinthisworld-famoushallafterhavingreceivedthenobelprizeinliteraturefeelslikeafairytale, butofcourseitistrue.获奖后一个多月的经历,使我认识到了诺贝尔文学奖巨大的影响和不可撼动的尊严。
myexperiencesduringthemonthssincetheannouncementhavemademeawar eoftheenormousimpactofthenobelprizeandtheunquestionablerespectitenj oys.ihavetriedtoviewwhathashappenedduringthisperiodinacool,detachedw ay.ithasbeenagoldenopportunityformetolearnabouttheworldand,evenmoreso,anopportunityformetolearnaboutmyself.我深知世界上有许多作家有资格甚至比我更有资格获得这个奖项;我相信,只要他们坚持写下去,只要他们相信文学是人的光荣也是上帝赋予人的权利,那么,他必将华冠加在你头上,把荣冕交给你。

distinguished members of the swedish academy, ladies and gentlemen:through the mediums of television and the internet, i imagine that everyone here has at least a nodding acquaintance with far-off northeast gaomi township. you may have seen my ninety-year-old father, as well as my brothers, my sister, my wife and my daughter, even my granddaughter, now a year and four months old. but the person who is most on my mind at this moment, my mother, is someone you will never see. many people have shared in the honor of winning this prize, everyone but her.尊敬的瑞典学院各位院士,女士们、先生们:通过电视或网络,我想在座的各位,对遥远的高密东北乡,已经有了或多或少的了解。
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瓦斯特伯格的颁奖辞全文如下:Mo Yan is a poet who tears down stereotypical propaganda posters, elevating the individual from an anonymous human mass. Using ridicule and sarcasm Mo Yan attacks history and its falsifications as well as deprivation and political hypocrisy. Playfully and with ill-disguised delight, he reveals the murkiest aspects of human existence, almost inadvertently finding images of strong symbolic weight.莫言是一个撕下程序化宣传海报,将凡夫俗子一个个推上台面的诗人。
North-eastern Gaomi county embodies China’s folk tales and history. Few real journeys can surpass these to a realm where the clamour of donkeys and pigs drowns out the voices of the people’s commissars and where both love and evil assume supernatural proportions.高密县东北乡体现了中国的民间故事和历史,不通过此类故事,你几乎很难脚踏实地地进入一个驴吼猪叫淹没了声音的国度,在那里,爱和恶的呈现已达到超自然的程度。
Mo Yan’s imagination soars across the entire human existence. He is a wonderful portrayer of nature; he knows virtually all there is to know about hunger, and the brutality of China’s 20th century has probably never been described so nakedly, with heroes, lovers, torturers, bandits –and especially, strong, indomitable mothers. He shows us a world without truth, common sense or compassion, a world where people are reckless, helpless and absurd.莫言的想象飞掠整个的人生境遇。
Proof of this misery is the cannibalism that recurs in China’s history. In Mo Yan, it stands for unrestrained consumption, excess, rubbish, carnal pleasures and the indescribable desires that only he can attempt to elucidate beyond all tabooed limitations.历代反复出现的人相食现象就是这一悲惨世界的证据。
In his novel Republic of Wine, the most exquisite of delicacies is a roasted three-year-old. Boys have become exclusive foodstuff. The girls, neglected, survive. The irony is directed at China’s family policy, because of which female foetuses are aborted on an astronomic scale: girls aren’t even good enough to eat. Mo Yan has written an entire novel, Frog, about this.在他的小说《酒国》中,最精致的美味是三岁孩童肉烧烤。
Mo Yan’s stories have mythical and allegorical pretensions and turn all values on their heads. We never meet that ideal citizen who was a standard feature in Mao’s China. Mo Yan’s characters bubble with vitality and take even the most amoral steps and measures to fulfill their lives andburst the cages they have been confined in by fate and politics.莫言的故事富有神话和讽喻的旨趣,所有的价值在这些故事中都全然改观。
Instead of communism’s poster-happy history, Mo Yan describes a past that, with his exaggerations, parodies and derivations from myths and folk tales, is a convincing and scathing revision of fifty years of propaganda.莫言所描写的过去年代与所发行的那些宣传画中的历史有所不同,他使用夸张和戏仿的笔法,以及取材神话和民间故事的内容,对以往那五十年的宣传作出了可信而严苛的修正。
In his most remarkable novel, Big Breasts and Wide Hips, where a female perspective dominates, Mo Yan describes the Great Leap Forward and the Great Famine of 1960 in stinging detail. He mocks the revolutionary pseudo-science that tried to inseminate sheep with rabbit sperm, all the while dismissing doubters as right-wing elements. The novel ends with the new capitalism of the ‘90s with fraudsters becoming rich on beauty products and trying to produce a Phoenix through cross-fertilisation.《丰乳肥臀》是最引人注目的一部小说,书中整个地贯串了女性视角,对大跃进和1960年的大饥荒作出了令人锥心的细节描述。
In Mo Yan, a forgotten peasant world arises, alive and well, before our eyes, sensually scented even in its most pungent vapours, startlingly merciless but tinged by joyful selflessness. Never a dull moment. The author knows everything and can describe everything –all kinds of handicraft, smithery, construction, ditch-digging, animal husbandry, the tricks of guerrilla bands. He seems to carry all human life on the tip of his pen.莫言大笔淋漓,勾绘出一个被遗忘的农民世界,其中的一切都被写得活灵活现,即便它的氛围乌烟瘴气,也弥漫有肉欲的气息,其中虽充斥惊人的残忍,却仍浸润着欢快的无私;读起来从不让人感到枯燥乏味。
He is more hilarious and more appalling than most in the wake of Rabelais and Swift —in our time, in the wake of García Marquez. His spice blend is a peppery one. On his broad tapestry of China’s last hundred years, there are neither dancing unicorns nor skipping maidens. But he paints life in a pigsty in such a way that we feel we have been there far too long. Ideologies and reform movements may come and go but human egoism and greed remain. So Mo Yan defends small individuals against all injustices –from Japanese occupation to Maoist terror and today’s production frenzy.继拉伯雷和斯威夫特以及当今的加西亚马尔克斯之后,还很少有人能像莫言这样写得妙趣横生,惊世骇俗。