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小学六年级牛津英语下册小升初冲刺试卷及答案二_六年级试卷 考试时间:120分钟 考试总分:100分

一、选出画线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词。(5%)( )1.A .name B .grade C .have D .plane( )2.A .see B .meet C .green D .eraser( )3.A .know B .now C .flower D .how( )4.A .bike B .fine C .behind D .different( )5.A .these B .there C .three D .that 二、选择填空。(15%)( )1.Mr. Wang and his students a lesson now . A .are having B .had C .have D .are have( )2.— Yang Ling like football? Yes ,she . A .Does ;does B .Do ;do C .Do ;does D .Does ;do( )3.—What under the bed? 一There are some footballs . A .are B .is C ./D .were( )4.Look ,the boy can . A .skating B .skate C .skates D .is skating( )5.—Do you like chess? —Yes ,I do . A .playing B .plays C .play D .played( )6.The man a book in his hand is my uncle . A .and B .of C .with D .for( )7.Who ’s the lady blue? A .in B .on C .at D .with( )8.We usually stay home Saturday afternoon . A .at ;in B .at ;on C .in ;at D .on ;on( )9. your new sweater me ,please . A .Show ;to B .Give ;forC .Have ;for D .Shows ;to( )10.How long does it you to go to work by car? A .taking B .takes C .to takes D .take( )11.All my to my birthday party last night . A .friends came B .friend cameC .friends come D .friend come( )12.The Walkman is in Su Hai ’s pocket . A .the B ./ C .a D .that( )13.—Here ’s

姓名:________________ 班级:________________ 学号:________________ --------------------密----------------------------------封 ----------------------------------------------线----------------------

a card for you. Happy birthday! —. A.Thanks B.No, thank

you C.Yes,please D.OK( )14.—What day is it today? 一 A

.It’s February 10. B.It’s a Wednesday C.It’s fine.D.Friday .( )15.“Keep off the grass”means . A.we shouldn’t

make any noise on the grass B.we shouldn’t walk on the grass C

.we shouldn’t eat or drink on the grassD.we shouldn’t smoke on

the grass三、用所给词的正确形式填空。(15%)1.The boys like to listen

to music when they do (they)homework.2.My mother’s work is (make)our city safe.3.One day,Mr. Green asked Mrs. Green

(go)shopping for him.4.We would brush our (tooth)twice a day.5.This book is the lightest and (thin)of all the books.6.—Did he (fly)the kite? —Yes,he did.7.The Greens (stay)at home next Friday.8.Tom (not sing)very well.9.There are five basketball (play)in every team.10.September 10th is (teacher)Day.四、连

词成句。(5%)1.your,father,what,do,does(?) 2.what’s,favourite,your,food(?) 3.

tall,young,and,is,the,boy(.) 4.old

,how,are,you(?) 5.you,what,would,like,to,eat(?) 五、给下列动词加s

或es.(6%) 1.swim 2.watch 3.do 4.ride 5.photo 6.tomato 六、从Ⅱ栏中选出能与l中句子相对应的

答语。(15%) Ⅰ Ⅱ( )1.Do you have

any problems with your homework? A.I get up at six thirty.( )2.

What time do you get up? B.I’m sorry.The traffic was heavy .( )3.How about going out for a walk around the lake? C.I’m

good at Chinese.( )4.Can you jump higher than Ben?D.Yes,there are.( )5.What’s the matter? E.Yes,she is.( )6.Is your

mother good at driving a car? F.That’s a good idea.( )7.Are

there any butterflies? G.I have some problems with English.( )8.You’re late.H.Liu Tao’s.( )9.What are you good at? I.Yes

,I can.( )10.Whose school bag is heavier? J.No,I don’t.七、
