2020年考研北京外国语大学初试 611 基础英语回忆版
研究出版社,2008 年。 3、朱永涛、王立礼主编:《英语国家社会与文化入门》(澳大利亚部 分),北京:高等教育出版社,2005 年。
(06) 爱 尔 兰 研 究
1、梅仁毅主编:《英语国家社会与文化》(爱尔兰部分),外语教学 与研究出版社,2010 年。 2、朱永涛、王立礼主编:《英语国家社会与文化入门》(爱尔兰部分), 高等教育出版社,2000 年。3、王振华、陈志瑞、李靖堃:《列国志: 爱尔兰》,社会科学文献出版社,2012 年(第 2 版)。 4、陈恕主编:《爱尔兰文学名篇选注》,外语教学与研究出版社,2004 年。(准备学习爱尔兰文学子方向的考生可通读此书)
1、M. H. Abrams. The Norton Anthology of English Literature,W. W. Norton,
2、Nina Baym. The Norton Anthology of American Literature,W. W. Norton,
(88)英语笔译 (89)英语口译
翻译写作类 说明:以下书目旨在帮助考生掌握翻译的理念、方法、技巧,考题并不 从书中选取。其中的英文写作类书籍,提供汉译英时应当遵循的语言风 格。 1、Joan Pinkham 、姜桂华著:《中式英语之鉴》,外语教学与研究出 版社,2000 年。 2 、 Joseph M. Williams 著 : Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace (Eleventh Edition),Pearson 出版社,2014 年;或该书的历史版本:Style: towards Clarity and Grace; Style: Toward Clarity and Grace ; 以 及 Ten Lessons in Clarity and Grace。 3、李长栓著:《非文学翻译理论与实践》(第二版),中国对外翻译出 版公司,2012 年。或同一作者的《非文学翻译》(外研社,2009),《理 解与表达:汉英翻译案例讲评》(外文社,2012),《联合国文件翻译 教程》(中译公司,2014),《理解与表达:英汉口译案例讲评》(外 研社,2013) 或同一作者主编:《实用语篇翻译(英汉双向)》。中国宇航出版社, 2015 年。 4、庄绎传著:《英汉翻译简明教程》,外语教学与研究出版社,2002 年。 5、叶子南著:《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》(第三版),清华大学出版
2016年北京第二外国语学院611基础英语考研真题及详解Ⅰ. Grammar (15 points)Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1. She managed to save _____ she could out of her wages to help her brother.A. how little moneyB. so little moneyC. such little moneyD. what little money【答案】D【解析】句意:她节约下来她可以节约的每一分钱去帮助她的哥哥。
“She managed to save”后面缺失宾语,在选项中,只有what既可以作save的宾语又可以引导后面的从句,could 后面省略了save。
2. The three men tried many times to sneak across the border into the neighboring country, _____ by the police each time.A. had been capturedB. being always capturedC. only to be capturedD. unfortunately captured【答案】C【解析】句意:三个男人尝试了很多次偷渡到邻国,但每次都被警察抓住。
only to do sth.表达的意思与主观愿望相反的结果。
2006年北京第二外国语学院611基础英语考研真题及详解Ⅰ. Structure (20 points, l point each)Directions: In this section, there are 15 sentences each with one word or phrase missing Choose one of the four choices marked A. B. C. and D that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET by blackening it.1. I ought to _____ them about the new, but I forgot to do so.A. remember tellingB. remember having toldC. have remembered to tellD. have remembered telling【答案】C【解析】ought to have done表示对过去事情的虚拟,意为“本应该,而实际上并未做”。
remember to do sth.记得去做某事。
remember doing sth.记得做过某事。
2. On that rainy night, John told his father that the lock on the door _____ loose.A. was feltB. felt likeC. was feelingD. felt【答案】D【解析】感官动词feel,taste,sound,smell等无需用被动语态,后面直接加形容词。
3. _____ now, he prefers a quiet life.A. T o be all old manB. Being an old manC. Having been an old manD. Be an old man【答案】B【解析】根据句中的now可判断,空白处需填表示目前状况的短语,选项B现在分词短语做状语,表进行。
说明:本书精心搜集了市面上的历年真题,并整理了答案详解,备考价值尤为珍贵!若需要纸质内容,可以申请定制,详情咨询在线客服!•试看部分内容2003年北京第二外国语学院611基础英语考研真题及详解Ⅰ. GRAMMAR (20 points, 1 point each)Di re c ti o n s: In t h i s se cti o n, th e re a re20se n te n ce s e ach wi th o ne wo rd o r ph rase mi ssi n g. Ch oo se one o f the four choice s marke d A, B, C, and D th at be st comple te s th e se n te n ce. Th e n m ark th e co rre spo n di ng l e tte ron the ANSWER SHEET by blackening it.1. Th e re are m an y val u abl e se rvi ce s wh i ch th e p u b l i c are willing to p ay for, bu t which _____ bring a retu rn in money to the community.A. does noB. did notC. could notD. do not【答案】D查看答案【解析】句意:有很多公众可以出钱的有价值的服务,但是哪些会为社会回馈利益呢?很多中并不一定只有一个服务项目可赚钱回馈,所以应该用复数。
•试看部分内容2000年北京外国语大学611基础英语考研真题及详解I. Reading Comprehension.(32分)1. Re ad th e f o l lo wi n g arti cl e an d p arap h r ase th e u n de rlined parts:Th e twe n ty-f i r st ce n tu r y wi l l m ar k th e e r a o f te r ti a ry an d l i f e l o n g l e a rn i n g f o r e v e r y b o dy-o r al m o s t e ve r yb o dy. Th u s the We st Re p o rt f ro m Au stral i a,e cho in g a ke y t h e m e o f th e i m m e di a te l y p r e c e di n g D e a r i n g Re p o rt i n th e U K①(Nati o n al C o m mi tte e o f In qu i ry into Hi gh er Education [NCIHE], 1997).Th e n o ti o n o f l if e l o n g l e arn i n g h as p e r v ade d h i gh e r e ducation aroun d the world as gove rnmen ts h ave incre a si n gl y co m e to re co gn i ze a l i n k b e twe e n th e i r e du ca ti on sy ste ms an d nation al e con o mic p erf ormance. Ho we v er, poli cy rel ati ng to the actu al makin g of the lin k ne e ds de e pe r consi de ratio n. Th e de ve lo p me n t o f ke y ski l ls’has been seen in the UK as an important way in wh i ch hi ghe r e du cati on can contri b u te to e co no mi c de ve l o pm e n t, b u t i t can b e argu e d th at to fo cu s o n th ese ski l l s re pre se n ts a n arro w an d i n su f f i ci e n t resp o n se to wh a t e m p l o y e r s-an d th e wi de r i n te r e s t-re al l y n e e d (see Stephenso n’s [1998] argument for a ‘capability’appro ach to h igh e r e du cati o n an d, m o re b ro adl y, th e di scu ssio n i n part 2o f B arn e tt [1994].Howe ver th e c o n te s te d n a tu re o f th i s asp e c t o f h i gh e r e du ca ti o n m i gh t be re so l ve d, cu rre n t di scu s si o n s h ave l e f t re l ati ve l y u n ex plo re d the b ro ade r im plicati o n s fo r cu rricu l a②a nd, in particular, for fist-cy cle provi sion.In e a rl i e r ti m e s m an y to o k th e vi e w th a t a f i r st de gre e③ was a suffi ci ent basis for lifetime career. Th e accel erating pace of knowl edge de velopmen t h as u ndermine d th i s co n ce ptio n, an d i n cre asin g atte n ti o n i s n o w b e i n g gi ven to the p ro vi sio n of high e r degre e p rogram s an d o th e r o ppo rtun i tie s fo r p ro fe ssio n al de velo pme n t. Th i s rai se s a se ri o u s qu e sti o n: wh at f u n cti o n do e s th e first degree se rve in the context of lifelong learning? Logically, it makes no sense in today’s world to try t o pa c k f i rs t de gre e cu r ri cu l a wi t h al l th e kn o wl e dge, unde rstan din g and skill s n ee d f or the re st of a life tim e.T h e r e s i m p l y i s n o t t h e t i m e a v a i l a b l e,a n d a n y w a y cu rri cu lum-p acki ng run s th e ri sk o f su pe rf i ci al ity o f le ar n i n g.④ Af i r s t deg re e sh o u l d,i f th e y h av e n o t al re ady acqu i re d i t, de ve l o p i n stu de n ts th e ab i l i ty to le a rn how to le arn, as well as en han ce thei r subj ect-spe c i f i c e x p e rti se an d o th e r re l e van t s ki l l s. Th e o l d sayi n g i s v al i d h e re: gi vi n g i n d i vi du a l s e ach a f i sh m i gh t f e ed them for a day, bu t te achin g them the skill s o f fis hing could feed them for life.There is a need to think of the first de gree in terms of the quality, rather th an the quantity, of stu dents’learning, In today’s world the first degree becomes m ore of a foundation qualifi catio n, upon which gradu ate s will expect to build during their lives. Some might r eact b y sayin g that to make su ch a sh ift im pli es a dil u ti o n o f ac ade m i c s tan da rd s—bu t th e co u n te r i s th a t stan dards re l ate p rim aril y to th e qu ali ty, an d n ot the quan tity, of stu dents’le arnin g.⑤The re cons trued first de gre e n e e d be n o in te ll e ctu al p o o r rel ati o n: acade m i c ri go u r c an be b u i l t i n to cu r ri cu l a o f wi de l y di f f e ri n g f o cu s. Th e s t an d ar d s m ay we l l b e di f f e re n t, bu t th e y do have to be inferior.S o me re du ctio n i n th e vol u me o f di sci p li n e-speci f i c co nten t will re qui re an adjustmen t of thought⑥—i n particu l ar, o n th e p ar t o f e m pl o y e r s an d p ro f e s si o n al b o di e s. The pro fe ssi on al accre di tati on of som e f irst de gree program s is se en by some as an essen tial con dition. Ho we ve r, t h e re se e m s n o n e ce s s ar y re a so n f o r th i s to be the case-an d it might well be to the profe ssion s’longer-te rm advan tage if fi rst degree cu rri cul a were t o pay p arti cul ar atte n ti on to de ve l opin g in gradu ate s th e abili ty to le arn to le arn,⑦ l eavin g su bse que nt p rof essional and de velopmental acti v itie s to provide the ‘t opping-up’that would cohere with the profe ssional b odies’expectations.A strategi c visio n for highe r educatio n in the next mil lennium requires more th an a m utte ring o f the man tra o f l if el on g le arn i ng. M aki ng l ife l on g le arni n g ‘wo rk de m an ds a su st ai n e d co m mi tm en t to f i tti n g to ge th e r t he pieces of th e multidimen sio nal jigsaw who se compo n e n ts i n cl u de edu cati o n al pu rp o se s, v al u e s an d p racti c alitie s. Academi cs are among th e people who ought to relish this jigsaw’s challenge.Whippi er-sn app e r: an in sign ificant, e sp. yo ung, person who appears impertinent.【答案】①re pe ati n g th e m ai n su bj e ct of re ce n t De ari ng Re po rt in the UK②Di s cu s si o n o f th e p re se n t ti m e pay s n o a tte n ti o n to th e e x ami n ati on o f th e de e p e r i m pli e d me an i ng an d f u n cti o n o f co u rse s, n o m at te r h o w p e o p l e h a ve de al t with the probl em that higher education serve s as skil l training.③bachelor’s degree④To o m an y co urse s m ay le ad to th e re sul t th at stu de n ts o n l y ge t th e su rf ace m e an in g o f stu di e s in ste ad of exploring deep.⑤th e argu men t is th at stan dards sho ul d rathe r base o n the excellency of students’l earning than on the qu antity of course s they have attended to⑥Pe o ple ne e d to adju st the i r th ou gh t to de crease th e amount and content of courses.⑦i f co u r se s w e r e de s i gn e d t o t e a ch t h e g r a du a te s h o w to l e arn du rin g th e bach el o r’s de gre e stu dy, i t wo u l d be h el p fu l to th e pro f e ssion s f ro m th e lo ng-te rm perspe cti veII. Re ad th e fo l lowin g passage an d an swe r the foll owi ng questions:(28分)W h e n th at Gran d o l d M an of Vi cto ri an, W i l l i am Evart Gl a d sto n e, w as i n h i s 85t h y e a r,h e was ste e ri n g th e s econd home-rul e bill foe Irel an d throu gh a re calci tran t parl iamen t an d going home to tran sl ate th e odes of Ho race at ni gh t, When Ron al d Re agan re ache d the ten de r age of 73, he was f igh tin g his se cond p re si den ti al election campaign. Alan Green span, the world’s most su cce ssf ul cen tral ban ke r, i s al so 73. Poli tics an d e co n o m i c s a re pl ai n l y j o bs th at th e o l d can do w e l l. Th e y are not alone. The boardroom s of the world’s big c o m p an i e s a re f u l l o f n o n-e x e cu ti ve s age s, te l l i n g wh i p persn apper 40-somethings how to run their firms.①Why, then, are so few of the rich world’s older folk i n e mplo y m en t? Th e y l i ve lo n ge r an d e n jo y b ette r h e a l th th an th ei r pare n ts di d. Mo st j o b s h ave be co me le s s phy sically de manding; mo st people in late middle ag e a re w e l l se n si bl y, i s n o h a r d e r th an t r ai n i n g th e yo u n g. B u t th e f i gu re s sh o w an1960, m e n co u l d e x p e ct to spend 50 of their 68 years of life in paid work. T oday, the y are l i kel y to wo rk fo r o nl y 38 of th ei r 76 years. Fewer tha n two-thi rds of men in their late 50a and early 60s ate in the rich world’s labour f orce, bythe time the y celebrate thei r 55t h bi rth day, m ore th an h al f of Eu ro pe’s m e n h ave g o n e h om e to tran sl ate Horace.②For most, that is something to celebrate. Ne ver be fore have so m an y people been abl e to loo k forward to s o m an y y e a r s o f h e al th y l e i su r e. T wo-th i r ds o f p e o p l e say th at the y l ike b eing re tire d an d have no desire t o go back to work. There are grandchildren to enjoy, forei gn coun trie s to vi si t, boo ks to re ad and golf gam e s to pl a y.Th e p l e a su re s o f o l d age l e s s e x p e n si ve, a nd more widely available, th an ever before.③Silver-hai red liningThe bi g que sti o n is whe the r all of this reti rem ent i s v oluntary. It is worth askin g for its own sake; in a libe ral socie ty, the old, too, should be free to cho ose. Bu t, in addi tion, the stampe de to re tire has con sequen ce s n o t m e re l y f o r th e o l d th e m s e l v e s. An d i t i s o f te n being encourage d by perverse public policy.W i de spre ad an d e arl y re ti rem ent wi ll in cre asi n gl y aff e c t the lives of everyone else, for two reasons. The first i s a f am i l i ar on e: as th e sh are o f o l d f o l k in th e p o pu l ati o n ri se s, so wi ll th e bu rde n on th e yo ung o f p ayin g fo r thei r pension s and he alth care. Th e se con d is less discu ssed: the ri se of the grey-he aded l e isu red c lass h as con sequence s for e con omic growth, be cau se o f its impact on the supply of labour and of capital. Many go ve rnme nts, thei r eye s focuse d on the impact t h at f u tu re pen sio n s cl ai m s wi l l h ave o n p u bl i c f i n an ce s, h ave e m ba rke d o n re f o rm s bu t n o t al ways r e f o rm s th at fi ve pe nsio ners a free r ch oice.For the ir e ye s are al so trai n e d i n th e sh o rte r te r m, o n hi gh un em p l o ym e nt.④Go vernmen ts, e speci al ly in weste rn Euro pe, are p r essin g mo re pe ople to re ti re e arly, on the mi staken vi ew that thi s wil l provi de jobs f or the young, even as they try to trim pensioners’entitlements in order to re du ce th e bu rde n on pu b li c fin an ce s. Th i s i s u nf o rgi v ab l e f ro m a l i be ral p o i n t o f vi e w. I t i s al so f o o l i sh f r om the perspective of public policy.The she er si ze of the baby-boo m gene ration th at start s to te ach re ti re me n t age o ve r th e co min g decade m e ans th at there will be a simple, but huge imbalan ce: t oo few people in work, paying taxe s and pen si on cont ri bu ti o n s; to o m an y i n re ti re m e n t, drawi n g o n p e n si o n s an d ru n n i n g u p h e al th co sts.In th at case, t h e m ai na l t e r n a t i v e s w i l lb e t o r e n e ge o n t h e p e n s i o n s t h a t wo rke rs tho u gh t th e y h ad bee n pro mi se d, o r to rai se t a x e s.I t w o u l d b e f a r b e t t e r f o r t h e h e a l t h o f ec o n o mie s if m u ch ol de r peo pl e wen t on workin g i n ste ad.Q u i te sm al l r i se s i n th e age s at wh i ch p e o p l e re ti re h a ve l arge effe cts.⑤As long as older fol k stay in the jo b marke t, the y pay taxes (helpi ng one side of the fisc al bal an ce) and drawe i th e r n o p e n si o n, o r a sm al l e r one(helping the other).第1章全国院校英语专业基础英语考研真题分析对于绝大多数报考英语专业的考生而言,“基础英语”是全国各院校英语专业研究生入学考试必考的科目。
2006年北京第二外国语学院611基础英语考研真题及详解【圣才出品】2006年北京第二外国语学院611基础英语考研真题及详解Ⅰ. Structure (20 points, l point each)Directions: In this section, there are 15 sentences each with one word or phrase missing Choose one of the four choices marked A. B. C. and D that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET by blackening it.1. I ought to _____ them about the new, but I forgot to do so.A. remember tellingB. remember having toldC. have remembered to tellD. have remembered telling【答案】C【解析】ought to have done表示对过去事情的虚拟,意为“本应该,而实际上并未做”。
remember to do sth.记得去做某事。
remember doing sth.记得做过某事。
2. On that rainy night, John told his father that the lock on the door _____ loose.A. was feltB. felt likeC. was feelingD. felt【答案】D【解析】感官动词feel,taste,sound,smell等无需用被动语态,后面直接加形容词。
3. _____ now, he prefers a quiet life.A. T o be all old manB. Being an old manC. Having been an old manD. Be an old man【答案】B【解析】根据句中的now可判断,空白处需填表示目前状况的短语,选项B现在分词短语做状语,表进行。
北京外国语大学英语基础测试(技能)考研真题及详解(2013~2014)北京外国语大学2014年英语基础测试(技能)考研真题Part I GRAMMAR(30Points)Correct ErrorsThe passage contains ten errors.Each indicated line contains a maximum of one error.In each case,only ONE word is involved.You should proofread the passage and correct it in the following way:For a wrong word,copy the wrong word to your answer sheet and write the correct one after it.For a missing word,write∧on the answer sheet followed by the word after the missing word,and then write the word which you believe is missing.For an unnecessary word,copy the unnecessary word to your answer sheet and cross it with a slash/.In Hardy's fiction and poetry,letters are ready sources of excitement and suspense,harbingers of loss and disappointment.They go missing,fall to1.______ the wrong hands,or arrive too lately.Most famously,Tess's letter of 2.______ confession,hastily pushed not just under the door but under the carpet too,remains unread by the priggish Angel Clare,as Hardy delivers his mostpowerful attack of the Victorian sexual double standard. 3.______ Hardy's own letters were places for quite reflection and deepening 4.______ emotional ties,for occasional advice,details to visitors of the times of theWaterloo trains,and for public protests towards the iniquity of war 5.______ and against cruelty to animals.They ensured regular contact with their 6.______ friends and the publishing world,contained correctives to readings ofhis work.More than any other form,letters make insight into Hardy's7.______ many—sidedness.Writing in1907to the poet Elspeth Grahame,he expressed admiration,and not little surprise,that she had written8.______ verses on the top of an omnibus.Commiserating with one of his American admirers,Rebekah Owen,for having to get in a plumber,he suggestedthat she took up plumbing herself.Such solid practical advice exists9.______ alongside Hardy the natural modernist,wrote to tell Arthur Symons that10.______ he liked his poem“Haschisch”(the world is“the phantom of a haschisch dream”),discussing timeless reality and the nature of matter at the drop ofa hat.【答案与解析】1.to→into(fall into固定词组,意思为“陷入、落入”。
样题如下:I. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases that express the meanings incontext. Pay strict attention to grammar, syntaxand diction.(60%).Relations between people are very personalized in the Arab culture. Friendships start and develop quickly. But the Arab concept of friendship is quite different from that in the West.Westerners, especially Americans, tend to think of a friend as someone whose company they enjoy. A friend can be asked for a favor or for help if necessary, but it is considered a _______________ to cultivate a friendship primarily for what can be gained from that person or his or her position. Among Arabs, also, a friend is someone whose company one enjoys. However, equally important to the relationship is the duty of______________________.Differences in expectations can lead to misunderstanding and, for both parties, a feeling of being let down. The Westerner feels “set up〞to do favors, and the Arab concludes that no Westerner can be a “true friend.〞______________________, we must bear in mind what is meant by both sides when one person calls another “___________.〞Reciprocity is taken as one general feature of friendship, but how different cultures understand reciprocal favors can be different. For an Arab, good manners require that one never openly refuse a _________ from a friend. This does not mean that the favor must actually be done, but rather that the response must not be stated as a direct no. If a friend asks you for a favor, do it if you can—this keeps the friendship flourishing. If it is unreasonable, illegal, or too difficult, the _______form is to listen carefully and suggest that while you are doubtful about the outcome, you will at least try to help. Later you express your regrets and offer to do something else in the future instead.…参考答案:Relations between people are very personalized in the Arab culture. Friendships start and develop quickly. But the Arab concept of friendship is quite different from that in the West.Westerners, especially Americans, tend to think of a friend as someone whose company they enjoy. A friend can be asked for a favor or for help if necessary, but it is considered a _poor form_to cultivate a friendship primarily for what can be gained from that person or his or her position. Among Arabs, also, a friend is someone whose company one enjoys. However, equally important to the relationship is the duty of a friend to give help and do favors to the best of his or her ability.Differences in expectations can lead to misunderstanding and, for both parties, a feeling of being let down. The Westerner feels “set up〞to do favors, and the Arab concludes that no Westerner can be a “true friend.〞_In order to avoid such feelings__, we must bear in mind what is meant by both sides when one person calls another “friend_.〞Reciprocity is taken as one general feature of friendship, but how different cultures understand reciprocal favors can be different. For an Arab, good manners require that one never openly refuse a __request_ from a friend. This does not mean that the favor must actually be done, but rather that the response must not be stated as a direct no. If a friend asks you for a favor, do it if you can----this keeps the friendship flourishing. If it is unreasonable, illegal, or too difficult, the _appropriate form is to listen carefully and suggest that while you are doubtful about the outcome, you will at least try to help. Later you express your regrets and offer to do something else in the future instead.二、第二题为诗歌赏析题,考查学生的阅读和写作程度,答案不得是诗歌体裁,要求150字摆布,理解和语言质量均为考查重点。
一、2020 年翻译硕士 MTI 考研真题及考研笔记(2020 年考研状元整理)
二、2021 年翻译硕士 MTI 考研复习技巧及名师指导:词汇、翻译技巧、汉百与写作
三、2021 年全国 150 所翻译硕士 MTI 院校考研参考书、报名人数、复试线、报录比及参考书
参考书: 1.《中式英语之鉴》,Joan Pinkham 、姜桂华,外语教学与研究出版社,2000 2.《英汉翻译简明教程》 ,庄绎传, 外语教学与研究出版社, 2002 3.《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》, 叶子南,清华大学出版社,2001 4.《非文学翻译理论与实践》,罗进德,中国对外翻译出版公司,2004 5.《非文学翻译理论与实践》,李长栓,中译出版社,2012 6.《汉语写作与百科知识》,李国正,首都师范大学出版社,2019 7. 《翻译硕士 MTI 常考词汇》,李国正,首都师范大学出版社,2020
[1]熟悉不少于英语专业八级(如 GRE)要求的词汇量,具有大学英语四级[CET-4]至大学英语六级 翻
[CET-6](4000-5000)的积极词汇,较为熟练掌握这些词汇的用法,具体可以参考《翻译硕士 MTI 常考词 译
汇》(首都师范大学出版社,2020 年版); 硕
[2]熟悉政治、经济、文化、法律领域的一般概念及其英语表达。 士
科 总体要求
作文40,用linguistic device分析两段excerpts,讨论forms in creative writing,350-400字
名词解释6*5(racism,cardinal vowel,自由间接引语,infix,maxim of quantity,)
简答10*5(determiner的分类和顺序;萨丕尔伍尔夫;描述i:和a;写一个词里的phonological rule;competence和langue的区别,distinctive features和CA的异同,phonetics和phonology的区别,写出一个句子里的修辞手法,free root和bound root的区别,)
可编辑修改精选全文完整版北京外国语大学翻译硕士考研真题汇总与答案解析一、英语翻译基础英汉短语互译:Bogor GoalsFTAAPzero-sum gameALSNASAgenomic variationozone depletionsinologybitcoinUNCEDpaparazziamino aciddigital divideexistentialismsilver-spoon kids十八届四中全会亚太经合组织互联互通量化宽松公使衔参赞埃博拉病毒自闭症防空识别区负面清单房产税专利技术和而不同地沟油真人秀逆袭二、篇章翻译今年篇章翻译由以前的四篇改为了两篇,我也破天荒第一次翻译前打了草稿。
特别申明,以下信息绝对准确,凯程就是王牌的北京外国语大学翻译硕士考研机构!五、北京外国语大学翻译硕士考研初试参考书是什么北京外国语大学翻译硕士参考书很多人都不清楚,这里凯程北京外国语大学翻译硕士王牌老师给大家整理出来了,以供参考:英语方向:1、Bassnett,Susan.《翻译研究》Translation Studies,外教社,2004.2、Gentzler,Edwin.《当代翻译理论(第二版修订本)》Contemporary Translation Theories,外教社,2004.3、马会娟、苗菊编.《当代西方翻译理论选读》,外语教学与研究出版社,2009年。
2020年北京外国语大学研究生入学考试英语翻译基础真题第一部分:术语翻译(英译汉,每个1分,共15分)1. ARPU2. DTP3. ERP4. ETA5. NDA6. Alzheimer’s disease7. departure lounge8. financial leverage9. general ledger10. initial public offering11. internal rate of return12. Internal Revenue Service13. pediatrics14. pentathlon15. rheumatoid arthritis第二部分:术语翻译(汉译英,每个1分,共15分)1. 融媒体2. 氨基酸3. 真人秀4. 狗仔队5. 农药残留6. 非洲猪瘟7. 文化事业8. 民族地区9. 精准扶贫10. 中央政治局11. 报复性关税12. 供给侧改革13. 非公有制经济14. 总碳水化合物15. 共有产权住房第三部分:篇章翻译(英译汉,共50分)Constantine and ChristianityThe cultural and religious crisis through which the Roman Empire was passing in the fourth century is>The person who was chiefly responsible for the many changes in the empire was Constantine the Great. During his reign, Christianity stepped for the first time>The conversion of nations or states to Christianity has usually taken place during the early stage of their historical existence when the past has created no firmly-established traditions, but merely some crude and primitive customs and forms of government. In such cases the conversion has caused no great crisis in the life of the people. But this was not characteristic of the Roman Empire in the fourth century. It already possessed an old world culture and had developed forms of government perfect for that time. It had a great past and an extensive body of ideas which had been assimilated by the population. This empire, changing in the fourth century into a Christian state, entered upon an era during which its past was contradicted, at times completely denied; this was bound to lead to an extremely acute and difficult crisis.第四部分:篇章翻译(汉译英,共70分)仁程颢伦理学的最重要特点强调“识仁”。
西安外国语大学611英语专业基础历年考研真题2009年西安外国语大学601英语专业基础考研真题及详解PART ONEⅠ.Grammatical Structure (20 points)Directions: There are 20 sentences in this part. Complete each of the sentences by selecting the best one from A. B. C. andD provided. Indicate your answers on the Answer Sheet.1. Environmental groups want more passenger and freight traffic __________ off the roads and onto trains.A. movedB. moveC. movingD. be moving2. If you attend __________ college outside __________ state in which you reside, you must pay out-of-state fees.A. ×; theB. the; theC. a; aD. ×; a3. Even though the two sisters seemed to care deeply for each other, they cannot be together long __________ they began to wrangle.A. sinceB. beforeC. afterD. when4. Well, children, __________ the count of three, I’d like you all to stand up.A. onB. byC. atD. with5. Sorry, I can’t lend you any money. All __________ I’ve a pound.A. whatB. itC. whichD. that6. I waited ages for you—you __________ have said that you weren’t coming!A. mustB. mayC. couldD. would7. With the hospitality __________ characteristic of these people, they opened their house to over fifty guests.A. suchB. likeC. soD. as8. __________ forced the mountain climbers to give up the climb before they reached the pinnacle.A. Low record temperaturesB. Temperatures record lowC. Low temperatures recordD. Record low temperatures9. Crimes of violence appear to be quite senseless, __________ psychologists can usually find a motive hidden away in thecriminal’s childhood.A. andB. butC. soD. for10. I’ve been very busy recently. __________ last week, I had meetings on four evenings.A. TakingB. TakenC. To takeD. Take11. The Internet has become a major instrument of communication __________ us to keep in touch with each other frequently.A. to permitB. permittingC. to have permittedD. permitted12. It was the consensus of the party __________ its candidate could easily win the election.A. whenB. thatC. howD. where13. In the cliffside you can see the layers of geological deposits dating from when the earth as __________ today was still being created.A. we knowB. to be knownC. we know itD. being known14. After the piece of scandal the doctor was __________ the register.A. struck offB. cut offC. ruled outD. laid off15. When the man __________ to the police-station by two burly policemen, he managed to escape by punching them both violently and running away.A. escortedB. being escortedC. had been escortedD. was being escorted16. I would appreciate __________ if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will be coming.A. thatB. soC. itD. such17. She won’t mind your being late—__________, it’s hardly your fault.A. furthermoreB. in factC. besidesD. instead18. Unfortunately, I had to leave just as the speaker __________ to his theme.A. had warmedB. was warmingC. was warmedD. was to warm19. __________ I would like to help you. I’m afraid I’m simply too busy at the moment.A. Much asB. As muchC. Though muchD. Much though20. John hardly ever washes the dishes and he rarely, __________, does any cleaning.A. if everB. as neverC. as everD. never everⅡ.Cloze Test (20 points)Directions: Read the following passage and learn the main idea. And then, complete the passage by selecting the best one from A, B, C, and D for questions 41 to 60. Indicate your answers on the Answer Sheet.Anxiety becomes a disorder when fears, ideas, and impulses are 21 or unrealistic.A person suffering from anxiety disorder often has such physical 22 as sweating, shaking, shortness of breath, and a fast heartbeat. Phobias, the most common 23 of anxiety disorder, are continuing unrealistic 24 that interfere with normal living. For instance, instead of fearing only threatening animals, a 25 person may fear all animals, even the 26 and friendly ones.Eating problems are 27 form of anxiety disorder. One eating disorder, anorexia nervosa, generally begins when young girls grow anxious about becoming overweight. Although they 28want to eat, they eventually completely lose the desire for food. They29 continually, even when they are so 30 that their lives are threatened. The sight of food makes them 31 . In a related disorder, bulimia, the person goes on eating32 and then uses laxatives or vomits to 33 herself. Bulimia is believed to be most common among college-age women.There are also obsessive-compulsive anxiety disorders. Obsessions are 34 ideas or impulses that 35 people’s minds against their will and cannot be gotten rid of by36 . One common obsession is an 37 fear of germs. Someone with this obsession refuses to shake hands or 38 come into contact with others. Obsessions often lead to 39 . Feeling they are never clean, for instance, people obsessed with fear of40 may become compulsive about band-washing.21. A. exaggerated B. uncontrolled C. irregular D. unbalanced22. A. complex B. breakdowns C. phenomenon D. symptoms23. A. way B. explanation C. form D. factor24. A. behavior B. beliefs C. practice D. fears25. A. persistent B. phobic C. scared D. worried26. A. docile B. composed C. relaxed D. inactive27. A. the other B. another C. a typical D. definite28. A. initially B. naturally C. normally D. frequently29. A. debase B. deny C. diet D. backslide30. A. ill B. weak C. underweight D. lanky31. A. nauseated B. picky C. timid D. nervous32. A. routines B. binges C. disorders D. habits33. A. banish B. discard C. purge D. dismantle34. A. transitory B. persistent C. irrational D. dominant35. A. judge B. take C. occupy D. invade36. A. treatment B. reasoning C. supervision D. convictions37. A. imaginary B. illusionary C. intense D. anxious38. A. otherwise B. cautiously C. unlikely D. specifically39. A. abnormality B. eccentricities C. fetishism D. compulsions40. A. containment B. infection C. immunity D. contaminationⅢ.Reading Comprehension (20 points)Directions: Read the following passage and then answer questions 41 to 60 by selecting the best one from A, B, C and D. Indicate your answers on the Answer Sheet.It was on the 28th of July, which I believe was a Wednesday, that I visited my father for the first time during his illness and for the last time in his life. The moment that I saw him I knew why I had put off this visit so long. I had told my mother that I did not want to see him because I hated him. But this was not true. It was only that I had hated him and I wanted to hold on to this hatred.I did not want to look on him as a ruin: it was not a ruin I had hated. I imagine that one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, that they will be forced to deal with pain.We traveled out to him, his older sister and myself, to what seemed to be the very end of a very Long Island. It was hot and dusty and we wrangled, my aunt and I, all the way out, over the fact that I had recently begun to smoke and, as she said, to give myself airs. But I knew that she wrangled with me because she could not bear to face the fact of her brother’s dying. Neither could I endure the reality of her despair, her unstated bafflement as to what had happened to her brother’s life, and her own. So we wrangled and I smoked and from time to time she fell into a heavy reverie. Covertly, I watched her face, which was the face ofan old woman; it had fallen in. the eyes were sunken and lightless: soon she would be dying, too.In my childhood—it had not been so long ago—I had thought her beautiful. She had been quick-witted and quick-moving and very generous with all the children and each of her visits had been an event. At one time one of my brothers and myself had thought of running away to live with her. Now she could no longer produce out of her handbag some unexpected and yetfamiliar delight. She made me feel pity and revulsion and fear. It was awful to realize that she no longer caused me to feel affection. The closer we came to the hospital the more querulous she became and at the same time, naturally, grew more dependent on me. Between pity and guilt and fear I began to feel that there was another me trapped in my skull like a jack-in-the-box who might escape my control at any moment and fill the air with screaming.She began to cry the moment we entered the room and she saw him lying there, all shriveled and still, like a little black monkey. The great, gleaming apparatus which fed him and would have compelled him to be still even if he had been able to move brought to mind, not beneficence, but torture; the tubes entering his arm made me think of pictures I had seen when a child, of Gulliver, tied down by the pygmies on that island. My aunt wept and, wept, there was a whistling sound in my father’s throat; nothing was said: he could not speak. I wanted to take his hand, to say something. But I do not know what I could have said, even if he could have heard me. He was not really in that room with us, he bad at last really embarked on his journey; and though my aunt told me that he said he was going to meet Jesus. I did nothear anything except that whistling in his throat. The doctor came back and we left into that unbearable train again, and home. In the morning came the telegram saving that he was dead. Then the house was suddenly full of relatives, friends, hysteria, and confusion and I quickly left my mother and the children to the care of those impressive women, who, in Negro communities at least, automatically appear at times of bereavement armed with lotions proverbs and patience and an ability to cook. I went downtown. By the time I returned later the same day, my mother had been carried to the hospital and the baby had been born.41.ruinA. damageB. decayC. wreck42.wrangledA. arguedB. talkedC. thought43.endureA. understandB. preventC. bear44.bafflementA. hindranceB. confusionC. satisfaction45.reverieA. thoughtlessnessB. daydreamC. stupor46.covertlyA. cowardlyB. defiantlyC. secretly47.revulsionA. bitternessB. shameC. disgust48.querulousA. complainingB. questioningC. seeking49.embarkedA. boardedB. departedC. engaged50.bereavementA. lonelinessB. dispositionC. mourning51.The selection is mainly about __________.A. how the narrator’s father diedB. the inner feelings of the narrator as he visits his dying fatherC. the narrator’s childhood memories of his fatherD. the narrator’s relationship with his aunt52. According to the selection, why are people slow to stop hating?A. The painful reality of the issue must then be faced.B. It is easier to hate than to love.C. It is embarrassing to admit that the hating is unnecessary.D. Most people are too stubborn to admit they are wrong.53. What did the aunt mean when she said the narrator had begun “to give himself air”?A. He had recently started doing deep-breathing exercises.B. His smoking polluted the air around him.C. He was trying to act sophisticated beyond his years.D. He was not showing proper grief his father’s illness.54. According to the third parag raph the narrator’s feelings for his aunt had changed from __________.A. love to pityB. pity to loveC. love to hateD. hate to love55. What did the aunt feel toward the narrator’s father?A. fearB. hateC. loveD. indifference56. You know the narrator understood his aunt’s feelings because __________.A. he had invited her to accompany him to see his fatherB. he could see she was getting oldC. be had once loved herD. he knew she quarreled with him to cover her feelings57. What were the aunt’s emotions as described in the fourth paragraph?A. Sadness and despairB. Guilt and remorseC. Fear and revulsionD. Indifference and callousness58. In contrast to his aunt’s feelings, the narrator felt __________.A. sadB. indifferentC. frustratedD. relieved59. How did the narrator and his aunt travel to see his father?A. By car.B. By bus.C. By ship.D. By train.60. The day after the narrator’s father died, new life came into the family when__________.A. the narrator returned home to liveB. the neighbors came in to assist with the funeralC. The narrator’s mother had a new babyD. the narrator’s aunt moved in with themⅣ.Proofreading (15 points)Directions: The following text contains some errors. Read it, detect the errors, and then correct the errors. Please use the proper correction codes: To add a word—(^), to delete a word —(\), to change a word—(______), to show a line is correct—(√). Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.The age of requiring retirement in companies should be raised, and so 61. _________ should the age to begin Social Security. First of all, old workers who 62. _________remain healthy are valuable workers. Although they may lose some mental 63. _________ speed, their accumulate, experiencemore than compensates for the 64. _________lost of quickness. In fact, compared with youngsters, older persons may 65. _________ take long to make a decision, but it is usually a better one. Many studies 66. _________ have shown that quality of job performance improves with age. Furthermore, 67._________raising the retirement age would prevent from some of the dire economic 68. _________ consequences what senior workers face when they are forced to retire before 69._________they need to Nearly 60 percent of worker in the private sector should 70. _________be allowed to continue working with economic reasons. Fortunately, these 71. _________ people don’t have to furnish a home, raise children, and pay for educational 72._________expenses. Similarly, raising the age that retirement begins could also mean 73. _________ raising the age that Social Security payments begins. As a result, the cost of 74._________one of our country’s biggest financial burdens will go under.75. _________PART TWOⅠ. Translate the following text into C hinese (15 points). Write your translation on the Answer Sheet.Nothing could be more obvious than the evidence supporting Riesman. Scofflaws abound in amazing variety. The graffiti-prone turn public surfaces into visual rubbish. Bicyclists often ride as though two-wheeled vehicles are exempt from a traffic laws Litterbugs convert their communities into trashdumps. Widespread flurries of ordinances have failed to clear public place of high-decibel portable radios, just as earlier laws failed to wipe out the beer-soaked hooliganism that plagues many parks. Tobacco addicts remain hopelessly blind to signs that say NO SMOKING. Respectably dressed pot smokers no longer bother to duck out of public sight to pass around a joint. The flagrant of cocaine is a festering scandal on middle and upper-class life. And then there are (hello, everybody!) the jaywalkers.Ⅱ. Translate the following text into English (10 points). Write your translation on the Answer Sheet.春天没有语言,只有淅飒和低吟。
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1. 英语改错30分难度系数中等,个人感觉很注重考察短语搭配,还有连词介词的使用。
2.四篇阅读前两篇为单项选择第三篇T and F第四篇六选五阅读文章应该是来自经济学人等报刊,幸运的是今年的第三篇阅读是我考前刚刚读过的,考场上有点小开心,把原文附上:Masters of the universeForget Gordon Gekko. Computers increasingly call the shots in financial marketsThe job of capital markets is to process information so that savings flow to the best projects and firms. That makes high finance sound simple; in reality it is dynamic and intoxicating. It reflects a changing world. Today’s markets, for instance, are grappling with a trade war and low interest rates. But it also reflects changes within finance, which constantly reinvents itself in a perpetual struggle to gain a competitive edge. As our Briefing reports, the latest revolution is in full swing. Machines are taking control of investing—not just the humdrum buying and selling of securities, but also the commanding heights of monitoring the economy and allocating capital.Funds run by computers that follow rules set by humans account for 35% of America’s stock market, 60% of institutional equity assets and 60% of trading activity. New artificial-intelligence programs are also writing their own investing rules, in ways their human masters only partly understand. Industries from pizza-delivery to Hollywood are being changed by technology, but finance is unique because it can exert voting power over firms, redistribute wealth and cause mayhem in the economy.Because it deals in huge sums, finance has always had the cash to adopt breakthroughs early. The first transatlantic cable, completed in 1866, carried cotton prices between Liverpool and New York. Wall Street analysts were early devotees of spreadsheet software, such as Excel, in the 1980s. Since then, computers have conquered swathes of the financial industry. First to go w as the chore of “executing” buy and sell orders. Visit a trading floor today and you will hear the hum of servers, not the roar of traders. High-frequency trading exploits tiny differences in the prices of similar securities, using a barrage of transactions. In the past decade computers have graduated to running portfolios. Exchange-traded funds (ETFS) and mutual funds automatically track in dices of shares and bonds. Last month these vehicles had $4.3trn invested in American equities, exceeding the sums actively run by humans for the first time. A strategy known as smart-beta isolates a statistical characteristic —volatility, say—and loads up on securities that exhibit it. An elite of quantitative hedge funds, most of them on America’s east coast, uses comp lex black-box mathematics to invest some $1trn. As machines prove themselves in equities and derivatives, they are growing in debt markets, too.All the while, computers are gaining autonomy. Software programs using AI devise their own strategies without needing human guidance. Some hedge funders are skeptical about AI but, as processing power grows, so do its abilities. And consider the flow of information, the lifeblood of markets. Human fund managers read reports and meet firms under strict insider-trading and disclosure laws. These are designed to control what is in the publicdomain and ensure everyone has equal access to it. Now an almost infinite supply of new data and processing power is creating novel ways to assess investments. For example, some fu nds try to use satellites to track retailers’ car parks, and scrape inflation data from e-commerce sites. Eventually they could have fresher information about firms than even their boards do.Until now the rise of computers has democratized finance by cutting costs. A typical ETF charges 0.1% a year, compared with perhaps 1% for an active fund. You can buy ETFS on your phone. An ongoing price war means the cost of trading has collapsed, and markets are usually more liquid than ever before. Especially when the returns on most investments are as low as today’s, it all adds up. Yet the emerging era of machine-dominated finance raises worries, any of which could imperil these benefits.One is financial stability. Seasoned investors complain that computers can distort asset prices, as lots of algorithms chase securities with a given characteristic and then suddenly ditch them. Regulators worry that liquidity evaporates as markets fall. These claims can be overdone—humans are perfectly capable of causing carnage on their own, and computers can help manage risk. Nonetheless, a series of “flash-crashes” and spooky incidents have occurred, including a disruption in ETF prices in 2010, a crash in sterling in October 2016 and a slump in debt prices in December last year. These dislocations might become more severe and frequent as computers become more powerful.Another worry is how computerized finance could concentrate wealth. Because performance rests more on processing power and data, those with clout could make a disproportionate amount of money. Quant investors argue that any edge they have is soon competed away. However, some funds are paying to secure exclusive rights to data. Imagine, for example, if Amazon (whose boss, Jeff Bezos, used to work for a quant fund) started trading using its proprietary information on e-commerce, or JP Morgan Chase used its internal data on credit-card flows to trade the Treasury bond market. These kinds of hypothetical conflicts could soon become real.A final concern is corporate governance. For decades company boards have been voted in and out of office by fund managers on behalf of their clients. What if those shares are run by computers that are agnostic, or worse, have been programmed to pursue a narrow objective such as getting firms to pay a dividend at all costs? Of course humans could override this. For example, Black Rock, the biggest ETF firm, gives firms guidance on strategy and environmental policy. But that raises its own problem: if assets flow to a few big fund managers with economies of scale, they will have disproportionate voting power over the economy.The greatest innovations in finance are unstoppable, but often lead to crises as they find their feet. In the 18th century the joint-stock company created bubbles, before going on to make large- scale business possible in the 19th century. Securitisation caused the subprime debacle, but is today an important tool for laying off risk. The broad principles of market regulation are eternal: equal treatment of all customers, equal access to information and the promotion of competition. However, the computing revolution looks as if it will make today’s rules look horribly out of date. Human investors are about to discover that they are no longer the smartest guys in the room.High finance:financial transactions involving large amounts of money.Intoxicate: (of alcoholic drink or a drug) cause (someone) to lose control of their faculties or behavior.perpetual:continuing for a long period of time without interruptionIn full swing:在热烈进行中;处于兴盛阶段Humdrum: boring and always the samesecurity(证券)Commanding heights:制高点Equity:资产Mayhem:慌乱,骚乱Devotee:狂热崇拜者Spreadsheet 电子表格Swathes of 一大片的A barrage of 接二连三的ETFS交易所交易基金;Portfolios:有价证券组合quantitative hedge: 对冲基金Volatility 反复性,挥发性Black box是世界上第一台移动式的虚拟化数据中心,外观上是一个被漆成黑色的集装箱,方便进行海运和陆运。