

欧姆龙 HEM-7320 血压计说明书

欧姆龙 HEM-7320 血压计说明书

9528320-3EHEM-7320-BR Fabricante legal:OMRON HEALTHCARE Co., Ltd. 53, Kunotsubo, Terado-cho, Muko, Kyoto, 617-0002 JAPÃOImportado e distribuído no Brasil por:Omron Healthcare Brasil Indústria e Comércio de Produtos Médicos PJ: 10.345.462/0008-70Responsável técnico: Fernando Mascotte – CREA: Nº 5069525900Av Ain Ata (Lot M II P I Logístico), 370 - Lote 12 - Quadra BJardim Ermida I - Jundiaí/SP - CEP: 13.212-213Registro ANVISA n° 80757580013SAC da OMRON Healthcare Brasil Grande São Paulo e telefones móveis: (11) 2336-8044Demaisregiõesbrasileiras*******************************Fabricação: Vide 6 primeiros dígitos do número de série (Ano/Mês)Validade: INDETERMINADA© 2014 OMRON HEALTHCARE, INC.Fabricado na ChinaIM-HEM-7320-BR-04-08/2020ML 1014/01/16Monitor de Pressão Arterial Automático de Braço Modelo HEM-7320Manual de instruçõesObrigado por adquirir o Monitor de Pressão Arterial Automático de Braço OMRON HEM-7320.Seu novo monitor de pressão arterial usa o método oscilométrico de medição de pressão arterial. Isso significa que o monitor detecta o movimento do sangue pela artéria braquial e converte os movimentos em uma leitura digital. Os monitores oscilométricos não precisam de estetoscópio, assim, são fáceis de o pretendidoEste dispositivo é um monitor digital desenvolvido para medição da pressão arterial e dos batimentos cardíacos em pacientes adultos. O dispositivo detecta batimentos cardíacos irregulares durante a medição e mostra um aviso com o resultado da medição.9.Orientações e declaração do fabricante (29)Informações de segurança importantes......11.Conheça o seu dispositivo . (4)1.1Símbolos do Visor ..................................51.2Antes de medir a pressão......................62.Preparação (7)2.1Instalação das pilhas..............................72.2Como usar o adaptador CA...................82.3Como configurar a data e a o usar o dispositivo (10)3.1Como aplicar a braçadeira...................103.2Como sentar corretamente..................113.3Como realizar uma medição................123.4Como usar a função de memória.. (15)4.Mensagens de erro e solução deproblemas.................................................204.1Mensagens de erro..............................204.2Solução de problemas.........................225.Manutenção e armazenamento. (23)5.1Manutenção.........................................235.2Armazenamento..................................245.3Acessórios opcionais...........................256.Especificações........................................267.Garantia ..................................................278.Reciclagem e descarte do aparelhoe das pilhas (28)。

欧姆龙 电子血压计I手腕式 HEM-6230使用说明书

欧姆龙 电子血压计I手腕式 HEM-6230使用说明书

误动作提示图标 ( )如果测量过程中移动身体,将显示误动作提示图标( )。

请取下袖带,等待 2~3分钟。


注:当屏幕上显示 时,请关闭血压计电源,并取出所有电池。








设置日期和时间装入电池正确缠绕袖带(在左手缠绕时)本血压计最多可自动存储 90 个记忆值,而且可以根据 10 分钟内测得的最新 3 个记忆值计算出平均值。

读取记忆值查看内存中存储的记忆值 2 秒钟。

10 分钟内的记忆值(最多 3 次) 的平均量时的参考。

注: • 如果该时间段内只有 2 个记忆值, 则将根据这两个记忆值计算平均值。

• 如果该时间段内只有 1 个记忆值, 则直接显示为平均值。


在手腕和手掌交界之间空出1cm 2cm (约一根食指左右的宽度)的距离,避免覆盖到尺骨头部分(如图所示)。










以下讲解以测量表示单位为 mmHg 为例。



如果忘记关机,大约 2 分钟后血压计将会自动关闭。


OMRON 手表血压计用户手册说明书

OMRON 手表血压计用户手册说明书

®All for Healthcare ES P A ÑOL Brazalete pequeño con anillo en DHEM-CS24-B1. Introducción .....................................................................................................E32. Información importante de seguridad .............................................................E33. Instrucciones de uso .......................................................................................E44. Mantenimiento .................................................................................................E55. Especificaciones .............................................................................................E66. Garantía limitada .............................................................................................E7Gracias por comprar el brazalete pequeño con anillo en D (HEM-CS24-B) de OMRON.El brazalete para la parte superior del brazo está diseñado para un tamaño de circunferencia del brazo de 7" a 9" (17 a 22 cm).Instrucciones de seguridadEste manual de instrucciones le proporciona información importante sobre el brazalete pequeño con anillo en D (HEM-CS24-B) de OMRON.Para garantizar un uso seguro y adecuado de este brazalete de presión arterial, LEA y COMPRENDA todas estas instrucciones. Si no comprende estas instrucciones o si tiene alguna pregunta, llame al 1-800-634-4350 antes de intentar usar este monitor. Conserve estas instrucciones para referencias futuras.Recepción e inspecciónSaque el brazalete del paquete e inspecciónelo en busca de daños. Si está dañado, NO LO USE y llame al 1-800-634-4350.Glosario de símbolosPara obtener información sobre los símbolos, visite: /symbols-glossary• Para evitar un estrangulamiento, mantenga el tubo de aire alejado de infantes o niños.• Mantenga los componentes fuera del alcance de infantes o niños. Este producto contiene piezas pequeñas que podrían causar un peligro de asfixia si las traga un infante o un niño.• Use SOLAMENTE el monitor de presión arterial OMRON aprobado con este brazalete. Este brazalete funciona SOLAMENTE con los monitores de presión arterial de precisión avanzada de OMRON compatibles con el modelo de brazalete con anillo en D HEM-CS24-B, como se indica en la etiqueta adhesiva que se encuentra en la parte del brazalete que se conecta al monitor.• U se este modelo de brazalete EXCLUSIVAMENTE en los monitores de OMRON que muestren HEM-CS24-B junto al enchufe hembra de aire. NO use ningún otro tipo de brazalete.• Sáquese las prendas ajustadas o gruesas del brazo para tomarse la medición.• Use este brazalete EXCLUSIVAMENTE en personas cuya circunferencia de brazo se encuentre dentro del rango especificado del brazalete.• NO doble el brazalete ni el tubo de aire de manera excesiva.• NO doble ni enrosque el tubo de aire mientras toma una medición. Esto puede provocar una lesión al interrumpir el flujo sanguíneo.• Para desconectar el enchufe macho de aire de plástico, sáquelo jalando de la base del tubo, y no del tubo.El borde inferior del brazalete debe estar 1/2 pulgada (1-2 cm) por encima del lado interno del codo. El marcador (la flecha debajo del tubo de aire) debe centrarse en el medio del lado interno del brazo. El tubo de aire queda enel lado interno del brazo y alineado con el dedo medio.3. Asegúrese de que el tubo de aire esté ubicado en el ladointerno del brazo y de que el brazalete esté colocadofirmemente para que no se mueva alrededor del brazo.Mediciones en el brazo derechoEl tubo de aire debe bajar por la parte lateral del codo y la parteinferior del brazo. Tenga cuidado de no apoyar el brazo sobre eltubo de aire.Nota: La presión arterial puede diferir entre el brazo derecho y el brazo izquierdo, y las lecturas medidas de la presión arterial pueden ser diferentes. OMRON recomienda usar siempre el mismo brazo para realizar las mediciones. Si las lecturas entre ambos brazos difieren de forma considerable, consulte con su médico para determinar qué brazo debe utilizar para las mediciones.• No use limpiadores abrasivos ni limpiadores volátiles.• Para limpiar el brazalete, use un paño suave y seco, o un paño suave humedecido con detergente suave (neutro) y, luego, séquelo con un paño seco.• No lave el brazalete ni lo sumerja en agua.• No use productos derivados de la gasolina, diluyentes o solventes similares para limpiar el brazalete.• No almacene el brazalete en lugares expuestos a temperaturas extremas, humedad, luz solar directa, polvo o vapores corrosivos, como la lejía.Pictograma del productoSe garantiza que el brazalete para la parte superior del brazo HEM-CS24-B estará libre de defectos en materiales y mano de obra durante 1 año a partir de la fecha de compra, si se usa de acuerdo con las instrucciones que se suministran con este.La garantía a la que se hace referencia se extiende solo al comprador minorista original.A criterio de la empresa, se cambiará sin cargo alguno el brazalete que esté cubiertopor la garantía a la que se hace referencia más arriba. El reemplazo es nuestra única responsabilidad y su único recurso bajo la garantía provista. Para obtener servicio degarantía, llame a Servicio al Cliente al 1-800-634-4350 para obtener la dirección del centro de inspección y el costo de manejo y envío.LO QUE PRECEDE ES LA ÚNICA GARANTÍA PROVISTA POR OMRON EN RELACIÓN CON ESTE PRODUCTO, Y, POR LA PRESENTE, OMRON RENUNCIA A CUALQUIER OTRA GARANTÍA, EXPRESA O IMPLÍCITA, INCLUIDAS LAS GARANTÍAS IMPLÍCITAS DE COMERCIABILIDAD Y DE APTITUD PARA UN PROPÓSITO CONCRETO. LAS GARANTÍAS IMPLÍCITAS Y OTROS TÉRMINOS IMPUESTOS POR LA LEY, SI EXISTIERAN, SE LIMITAN AL PERIODO DE DURACIÓN DE LA GARANTÍA EXPRESA ARRIBA MENCIONADA. OMRON NO SE HARÁ RESPONSABLE POR LA PÉRDIDA DE USO O CUALQUIER OTRO COSTO, GASTO O DAÑO ESPECIAL, FORTUITO, CONSECUENTE O INDIRECTO.Esta garantía le proporciona derechos legales específicos y usted puede tener otros derechos que varíen por jurisdicción. Debido a requisitos locales especiales, es posible que algunas de las limitaciones y exclusiones antes mencionadas no apliquen en su caso.OMRON HEALTHCARE Co., Ltd.53, Kunotsubo, Terado-cho, Muko, Kyoto 617-0002 JAPÓNDistribuido por:OMRON HEALTHCARE, INC.1925 West Field Court, Lake Forest, IL 60045EE. UU.Sitio web: Línea telefónica gratuita: 1-800-634-4350© 2019 OMRON HEALTHCARE, INC. Hecho en China3144142-5A HEM-CS24-BZ。


















Omron HEM-670IT 手臂血压计操作指南说明书

Omron HEM-670IT 手臂血压计操作指南说明书
4.Haga clic en el nombre de
usuario y en [Graph
Screen/Pantalla de Gráfico].
5.Haga clic en el ícono [Blood
Pressure Monitor/Monitor de
presión arterial].
TRANSFERENCIA DE INFORMACIÓN A UNA PC 4.Haga clic en el ícono [Download Data/Descargar
11.Aparecerá la pantalla de
confirmación de la instalación.
Para continuar la instalación
haga clic en [Install/Instalar].
12.Aparecerá la pantalla del
asistente para instalación
destino de la instalación y haga clic en [Next >/Siguiente]. Para cambiar el destino de la
instalación, haga clic en
[Change.../Cambiar...] y elija
una carpeta para la instalación.
equipo ahora], y haga clic en
[Finish/Finalizar]. Su PC se
reiniciará. Luego de
reiniciarla, ejecute el CD-
ROM. (Consulte el Paso 1

莱茵 Omron HEM-711AC 自动血压监测器手臂带说明书

莱茵 Omron HEM-711AC 自动血压监测器手臂带说明书

OPERATING THE DEVICEpressure. Self-diagnosis and treatment using measured results may be dangerous. Follow the instructions of your physician or licensed healthcare provider.clean water. Contact a physician immediately.literature in the box before operating the unit.pulse rate in the adult population. Do not use this device on infants or persons who cannot express their intentions.To ensure a reliable reading follow these recommendations:1. Avoid eating, drinking alcohol, smoking, exercising, and bathing for 30 minutes before taking a measurement. Rest for at least 15 minutes before taking the measurement.2. Stress raises blood pressure. Avoid taking measurements during stressful times.3. Measurements should be taken in a quiet place.4. Remove tight-fitting clothing from your arm.5. Sit on a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Rest your arm ona table so that the cuff is at the same level as your heart.6. Remain still and do not talk during the measurement.7. Keep a record of your blood pressure and pulse readings for your physician. A single measurement does not provide an accurate indication of your true blood pressure. You need to take and record several readings over a period of time. Try to measure your blood pressure at about the same time each day for consistency.8. Wait 2-3 minutes between measurements. The wait time allows the arteries to return to the condition prior to taking the blood pressure measurement. You may need to increase the wait time depending on your individual physiological characteristics.Main Unit:Components:Air TubeArm CuffStorage CaseMemory SymbolIRREGULAR HEARTBEAT SYMBOL ()When the monitor detects an irregular rhythm two or more times during the measurement, the Irregular Heartbeat Symbol ()will appear on the display with the measurement values.An irregular heartbeat rhythm is definedas a rhythm that is more than 25% sloweror 25% faster than the average rhythmdetected while the monitor is measuringthe systolic blood pressure and thediastolic blood pressure.If the irregular heartbeat symbol ()displays with your measurement results,we recommend you consult your physician. Follow the directions of your doctor.MOVEMENT ERROR SYMBOL ()The Movement Error Symbol () is displayed if you move your body during the measurement. Please remove the arm cuff, wait 2-3 minutes,reapply the arm cuff, then take another measurement.A VERAGE V ALUE SYMBOL ()The Average Value Symbol () is displayed when you press the MEMORY button. The most recent average reading appears on thedisplay screen.Set the monitor to the current date and time before taking a measurement for the first time. If the date and time are not set correctly, the measurement values stored in the memory and the average values may not be correct.The Blood Pressure Monitor automatically stores up to 60 individual measurement values with the dates and times.The monitor can also calculate an average reading based on the three most recent measurements taken within 10 minutes of the last reading. NOTES:• If only two readings are stored in the memory for the 10-1.TO START THE SETTINGPress and hold the Date/Timeand time.The year flashes on the display.3.SETTING THE MONTHThe day flashes on the display.The hour flashes on the display.5.SETTING THE HOURThe time is set using AM or PM.Press the Date/Time Setting button to setthe current hour.The minute flashes on the display.6.SETTING THE MINUTEPress the MEMORY button to advance by increments of one minute. Press the Date/Time Setting button to set the minute setting.7.TO TURN THE MONITOR OFFPress the START/STOP button.NOTE:The monitor will automatically turn off after the minute hasbeen set after battery replacement.Your HEM-711AC IntelliSense®Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor, excluding the arm cuff, is warranted to be free from defects in materials and workmanship appearing within 5 years from the date of purchase, when used in accordance with the instructions provided with the monitor. The arm cuff is warranted to be free from defects in materials and workmanship appearing within one year from the date of purchase when the monitor is used in accordance with the instructions provided with the monitor. The above warranties extend only to theoriginal retail purchaser.We will, at our option, repair or replace without charge any monitor or arm cuff covered by the above warranties. Repair or replacement is our only responsibility and your only remedy under the above warranties.To obtain warranty service contact Omron Healthcare for the addressof the repair location. Shipping instructions and repair information is available by calling 1-800-634-4350or visit our website at . Enclose the Proof of Purchase. Include $5.00 for the return shipping and handling.Include a letter, with your name, address, phone number, and description of the specific problem. Pack the product carefully to prevent damage in transit. Because of possible loss in transit, we recommend insuring the product with return receipt requested.ALL IMPLIED W ARRANTIES,INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED W ARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR P ARTICULAR PURPOSE,ARE LIMITED TO THE DURATION OF THE APPLICABLE WRITTEN W ARRANTY ABOVE.Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you.OMRON SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR LOSS OF USE OR ANY OTHER INCIDENTAL,CONSEQUENTIAL OR INDIRECT COSTS,EXPENSES OR DAMAGES.Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above exclusions may not apply to you.This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which may vary from state to state.FOR CUSTOMER SERVICEVisit our web site at: Call toll free:1-800-634-4350Model:HEM-711ACDisplay:LCD Digital DisplayMeasurement Range:Pressure: 0 to 299 mmHg, Pulse: 40 to 180/min. Accuracy/Calibration:Pressure: ±3mmHg or 2% of readingPulse:±5% of readingInflation:Automatic by electric pumpDeflation: Automatic pressure release valveRapid Air Release:Automatic exhaust valvePressure Detection:Capacitive pressure sensorMeasurement Method:Oscillometric methodPulse Wave Detection:Capacitance type pressure sensorPower Source:120V 60Hz AC adapter or 4 “AA” batteriesBattery Life:Approx. 1500 uses when used 2 times a daywith 4 new alkaline batteriesOperating Temperature50ºF to 104ºF (10ºC to 40ºC) /30 to 85% RH/Humidity:Storage Temperature-4ºF to 140ºF (-20ºC to 60ºC) /10 to 95% RH/Humidity/Air Pressure:/700 - 1060 hPaMain Unit Weight:Approximately 12 1/2 oz. (355 g)not including batteriesMain Unit Dimensions:Approx. 6 3/32" (l) × 5 5/32" (w) ×3 5/16" (h)(155 mm ×131 mm ×84 mm)Cuff Size:Approx. 5 3/4" (w) ×17 1/2" (l) (146 mm ×446 mm)Cuff tube 23 5/8" (l) (600 mm)Cuff Circumference:Fits arm circumferences 9" to 13" (220 mm to 320 mm) Memory:Up to 60 readingsContents:Main Unit, Arm Cuff, AC Adapter, Instruction Manual,Storage Case and Warranty CardUPC Code:************NOTE:These specifications are subject to change without notice.Manufactured by OMRON HEALTHCARE Made in ChinaDistributed by:OMRON HEALTHCARE,INC.1200 Lakeside DriveBannockburn, Illinois 60015。

Omron HEM-629 腕带血压监测器说明书

Omron HEM-629 腕带血压监测器说明书

PORTABLE WRIST BLOOD PRESSURE MONITORModel HEM-629Introduction (3)Important Safety Notes (4)Know Your Unit (5)Battery Installation/Replacement (6)Suggestions Before Measuring Blood Pressure (7)How to Set Date and Time .............................................8-10 How To Apply The Wrist Cuff (11)How To Take A Measurement (12)How to Use the Memory Function (13)Error Indicators (14)FCC Statement (15)Care and Maintenance (16)Warranty Information (17)Specifications (18)Notes (19)Thank you for purchasing the Omron HEM-629 Portable Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor.The monitor is compact and easy-to-use at home, at work, and duringtravel. Perfect for people who frequently monitor their own blood pressure. The Omron HEM-629 digital blood pressure monitor uses the oscillometric method of blood pressure measurement. This means the monitor detects your blood’s movement through your brachial artery and converts the movements into a digital reading. An oscillometric monitor doesnot need a stethoscope so the monitor is simple to use.Clinical research has proven a direct relationship between blood pressure in the wrist and blood pressure in the arm. Changes in wrist blood pressure reflect changes in arm blood pressure because the arteries in the wrist and the arm are close to each other. Frequently measuring the blood pressure in your wrist will provide your physician with an accurate indicationof changes in your blood pressure.The Omron HEM-629 Portable Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor is intended for home use.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSTo assure the correct use of the product basic safety measures should always be followed including the precautions listed below:Consult your physician before measuring blood pressure at the wrist if you have any of the following conditions: severe hypertension,severe diabetes, severe arteriosclerosis, severe kidney disease,or vascular disease that may compromise circulation.Read all information in the instruction book and any other literature included in the box before using the unit.Contact your physician for specific information about your blood pressure. Follow the instructions of your healthcare provider.Operate the unit only as intended. Do not use for any other purpose. The unit is intended for use in measuring blood pressure and pulse rate in adult patient population. Do not use on infants.Do not use a cellular phone near the unit. It may result in operational failure.Changes or modifications not approved by the manufacturer will void the user warranty. Do not disassemble or attempt to repair the unit or components.1.Avoid eating, smoking, and exercising for 30 minutes beforetaking a measurement. Rest for at least 15 minutes beforetaking the measurement.2.Stress raises blood pressure. Avoid taking measurementsduring stressful times.3.The cuff can be applied to your left or right wrist.4.Measurements should be taken in a quiet place. You should bein a relaxed, seated position.5.Position the unit at heart level throughout the measurement.6.Remain still and do not talk during the measurement.7.Keep a record of your blood pressure and pulse readings for yourphysician. A single measurement does not provide an accurateindication of your true blood pressure. You need to take and record several readings over a period of time. Try to measure your blood pressure at the same time each day or consistency.8.Wait 2-3 minutes between measurements. The wait time allows thearteries to return to the condition prior to taking the blood pressuremeasurement. Y ou may need to increase the wait time depending on your individual physical characteristics.1.Press the SET button or the ADJUST button to display the clock. 2.Press and hold the SET button for more than1 second to display the year.3.TO SET THE YEAR increments by one year.to the current year faster.• The year can be set between 2001 and 2030.When the display reaches 2030 it will returnto the year 2001.• Press the SET button to set the current year.The Blood Pressure Monitor automatically stores up to 21 measurement values. The memory function stores the date and time with the measurement values.• Set the monitor to the current date and time before taking a measurement for the first time.• If the correct date and time is not set, a default date and time will display with the measurement values.• You cannot change the date and time during a measurement.The year flashes on the display.4.TO SET THE MONTH press the ADJUST button.• Each time you press the ADJUST button the display increments by one month.• Press and hold the ADJUST button to advance to the current month faster.• When the display reaches 12 it will return to 01.• Press the SET button to set the current month.5.TO SET THE DAYthe day by one day.• Press the ADJUST button to move the day backward by one day.• Once the display reaches 31,it will return to 1.T he day flashes on the display.T he hour flashes on the display.6.TO SET THE HOUR press the ADJUST button.• AM 12 indicates midnight and PM 12 indicates noon.• Each time you press the ADJUST button the displayincrements by one hour.• Press and hold the ADJUST button to advanceto the current hour faster.• Press the SET button to set the current hour.7. TO SET THE MINUTEincrements by one minute.• Press and hold the ADJUST button to advanceto the current minute faster.• When the display reaches 60 it will return to 00.• Press the SET button to set the current minute.8.TT he date and time is set.1.Press the START/STOP button. After all the characters on the display are turned on, the monitor startsinflating for measurement.2.Check the measured values. When themeasurement finishes, the deflation markflashes and the wrist cuff deflates.3.To stop measurement press theSTART/STOP button to turn off the power.• Even if you forget to press theSTART/STOP button, the power willturn itself off automatically in approximately 2 minutes.4.the measurement is complete. The HeartSymbol (♥) stops flashing and your bloodpressure and pulse rate display alternately.The Blood Pressure Monitor stores up to 21 measurement values with the date and time.1.Pulse Rate alternate on the display.2.Press the MEMORY button again to displayprevious measurement values. Blood Pressureand Pulse Rate alternate on the display foreach previous measurement.3.Press and hold the MEMORY button todisplay only Blood Pressure values. All valuescurrently stored in the memory will displaybeginning with the most recent value.4.Press the START/STOP button to turn the power off.How to delete the memory1.Press the MEMORY button to display thestored contents.To keep your digital blood pressure monitor in the best condition and protect the unit from damage follow the directions listed below:Clean the monitor with a soft dry cloth.Do not use any abrasive or volatile cleaners. Do not attempt to clean the cuff. Never immerse the monitor or any components in water.Store the monitor in a safe and dry location.Do not fold the cuff tightly. Do not subject the monitor to extreme hot or cold temperatures, humidity and direct sunlight.Avoid subjecting the monitor to strong shocks,such as dropping the unit on the floor.Remove the batteries if the unit will not be used for three months or longer. Always replace all the batteries with new ones at the same time. Use the unit consistent with the instruction provided in this manual. Use only authorized parts and accessories.LIMITED WARRANTIESY our Omron HEM-629 Portable Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor, excluding the monitor cuff, is warranted to be free from defects in materials and workmanship appearing within 5 years, when used in accordance with the instructions provided with the monitor. The monitor cuff is warranted to be free from defects in materials and workmanship appearing within one year, when the monitor is used in accordance with the instructions provided with the monitor. The above warranties extend only to the original retail purchaser.We will, at our option, repair or replace without charge any monitor or monitor cuff covered by the above warranties. Repair or replacement is our only responsibility and your only remedy under the above warranties.To obtain warranty service, ship the monitor and all of the components, together with proof of purchase and a note explaining the problem with $5.00 for return shipping and insurance to:Omron Healthcare, Inc.Attn: Repair Department300 Lakeview ParkwayVernon Hills, IL 60061Be sure to include the model number, your name and your phone number on the enclosed note and any other correspondence.ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE LIMITED TO THE DURATION OF THE APPLICABLE WRITTEN WARRANTY ABOVE.Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you.OMRON SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR LOSS OF USE OR ANY OTHER INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INDIRECT COSTS, EXPENSES OR DAMAGES.Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above exclusions may not apply to you.This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which may vary from state to state.FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE:Visit our website at:Model:Omron HEM-629Display:Digital DisplayMeasurement Range:Pressure: 0 to 299mmHgPulse: 40 to 180/minuteAccuracy/Calibration:Pressure: ±3mmHg or 2% of readingPulse: ±5% of readingInflation:Automatic by electric pumpDeflation:Automatic rapid deflationRapid Pressure Release:Automatic pressure release valvePressure Detection:Capacitive pressure sensorMeasurement Method:Oscillometric methodPulse Wave Detection:Capacitive pressure sensorPower Source: 2 "AAA" batteriesBattery Life:Approximately 300 times of measurement when usingalkaline batteries (when the monitor is used three timesa day inflating 170 mmHg at room temperature of 72ºF) Operating Temperature/Humidity:50°F to 104°F (10°C to 40°C)30 to 85% RH maximumStorage Temperature/Humidity:-4°F to 140°F (-20°C to 60°C)10 to 95% RH maximumConsole Weight:Approximately 4.8 oz. (136g) without batteriesOuter Dimensions:Approximately 3" (w) x 1 5/6" (h) x 2 4/5" (d)(76mm x 47mm x 71mm)Cuff Dimensions:Approximately 3" x 12" (76mm x 304mm)Wrist Circumference Range:Approximately 5 1/3" x 7 2/3" (135mm x 195mm) Contents:Storage Case, Instruction Manual, 2 "AAA" batteriesThese specifications are subject to change without notice for purposes of improvement.Manufactured by:OMRON HEALTHCARE, INC. 300 Lakeview ParkwayVernon Hills, Illinois 60061Copyright © 2003 Omron Healthcare, Inc. Made in ChinaHEM-629SMINST Rev A。



OMRON电子血压计使用说明书1 如何获得血压计的读数概要此款OMRON MX3 Plus电子血压计不适合去测量心脏跳动的频率。

















不要将OMRON MX3 Plus血压计摔落。

2 视图A 显示屏B 记忆按钮C 开始按钮D 开关按钮E 交流电源插口F 布袖口G 气管 H 气管插头 J 电池盒 K 气管插口3 准备工作⑴滑开电池盖。


注意!必须是四节相同的AA LR6 碱性电池!连接布袖口使布袖口缠绕好注意!当布袖口没有缠绕好手臂时,不要使布袖口膨胀!如上图,将H(气管插头)插入K(气管插口)⑴除去手臂上衣物注意!卷起袖子时,切勿压迫血液流动!⑵将布袖口一端穿过H(金属环)注意!不要将气管裹入⑶手臂穿过布袖口布袖口内!注意!如测量左臂,使气管与手臂、中指保持平行!如上图;如测量右臂,则将气管与右手的小手指保持平行!如左图。


注意!确信布袖口很好的裹住、粘好,否则不得膨胀布袖口压迫手臂!4 Operation操作过程控制程序 P低压数值(毫米汞柱)B记忆按钮 Q记忆显示:存储中的记录C开始按钮数据D开关按钮R脉搏:每分钟心跳次数测量屏幕S没电:电力太弱或耗尽M高压数值 T泄压:布袖口压力降低、(毫米汞柱) 测量完毕N心脏符号:U膨胀:布袖口膨胀、测闪烁-仪器测量量仪器启动长亮-测量完毕 V记忆位置:1至14注意!在连续两次测量中,应有最短三分钟的一个间隔!1坐在舒适的桌子 2放松你的手臂,并将旁,双脚平放在地手掌心朝上。


( 参照第21页)
本血压计可以用“mmHg”或“kPa” 来表示。 ※出厂时设定为“mmHg”。 要从“mmHg”切换为“kPa”表示
钮,切断电源。 ※同样,要切换为“mmHg”表示时,
也要按住「开始/停止」按钮5秒钟以 上。
动脉 血管壁
收缩 的压力增加
血管壁 静脉
舒张 的压力降低
世界卫生组织(WHO)、国际高血压学会(ISH)制订了如下图所示的血压分类。 此表以不同年龄、在医院坐在椅子上、测上臂血压为基准。 ※低血压还没有定义,一般认为高压值不满100mmHg的人为低血压。
Q 为什么袖带缠绕手臂会感到疼痛和麻木 ?
A 此为暂时性现象,不必担心
测量血压时,需要将袖带紧缩至动脉的血液流动暂时停止,因此可能会感到手臂 有些疼痛和麻木。当取下袖带后,稍事休息即可缓解。
Q 什么时候是测量血压的最佳时间 ?
A 测量血压的最佳时间为早晨起床后1小时之内*,或者晚上就寝之前
人体的血压在一天内会不断地发生变化,变化 的方式及幅度也因人而异。正常的情况下清晨 起床后血压渐渐升高,到中午达到最高,随后 渐渐下降,在傍晚时会再次升高后并再次下降, 深夜时会降至最低。 但是,血压的这种变化规律也会有所变化,也 会有清晨血压急剧上升的情况,这种情况被称 为「清晨高血压」并被人们所关注。 服用降压药的人请注意,早饭后服用降压药会 使血压降低,日间在医院测量血压时很可能得 到正常的血压测量结果。



Medidores monitores de presión arterial tensiómetros digitales HEM 7200 OMRON Manual Español Medidores monitores de presión arterial tensiómetros digitales HEM 7200 OMRON Manual Español
Medidores monitores de presión arterial tensiómetros digitales HEM 7200 OMRON Manual Español Medidores monitores de presión arterial tensiómetros digitales HEM 7200 OMRON Manual Español
Medidores monitores de presión arterial tensiómetros digitales HEM 7200 OMRON Manual Español Medidores monitores de presión arterial tensiómetros digitales HEM 7200 OMRON Manual Español
Medidores monitores de presión arterial tensiómetros digitales HEM 7200 OMRON Manual Español Medidores monitores de presión arterial tensiómetros digitales HEM 7200 OMRON Manual Español
Medidores monitores de presión arterial tensiómetros digitales HEM 7200 OMRON Manual Español Medidores monitores de presión arterial tensiómetros digitales HEM 7200 OMRON Manual Español

OMRON電子血壓計HEM-7070 说明书

OMRON電子血壓計HEM-7070 说明书

• 否則可能造成傷害。
• 以免因漏液、發熱、破裂等造成主機受損。

請遵照居住當地之相關行政單位的規定回收舊電池。 • 若誤將電池以可燃物方式處分時,可能導致電池爆炸引發火
◎也可僅使用電池作為電源。 l 即使以專用AC變壓器作為電源時,也請將電池裝入主機內。
裝入電池可確保時間的設定值維持不變。 若未裝入電池就直接使用時,一旦將專用AC變壓器從電源插座上拔下,時間功能將會 停止。(先前紀錄的所有測量值將被完全刪除。) l 若一併使用專用AC變壓器與電池時,將能減緩電池的消耗速度。

• 以免因漏液、發熱、破裂等造成主機受損。
อ 舊
請勿強行彎折壓脈帶或壓脈帶空氣管。 要拆下壓脈帶空氣管時,請以手部握住空氣管前端的空氣管接頭來將其拆下。 請勿以重力撞擊或是摔落主機。 手臂未捲好壓脈帶時,請勿加壓。 關閉主機外蓋時,請注意避免夾傷手指。
■ 主機側面
專用AC變 壓器用接 頭
■ 主機背面 電池蓋
於測量過程中使用者身體晃動 時顯示 ( 請參照第46頁)
於測量過程中進行減壓排氣時 顯示

Omron 小D环形腕围带血压计说明书

Omron 小D环形腕围带血压计说明书

®All for Healthcare EN G L I SH Small D-Ring CuffHEM-CS24-B1. Introduction (3)2. Important Safety Information (3)3. Instructions for use (4)4. Maintenance (5)5. Specifications (6)6. Limited Warranty (7)Thank you for purchasing the OMRON Small D-Ring Cuff (HEM-CS24-B).This upper arm cuff is designed for an upper arm circumference size of 7" to 9"(17 to 22 cm).Safety InstructionThis instruction manual provides you with important information about the OMRON Small D-Ring Cuff (HEM-CS24-B).To ensure the safe and proper use of this blood pressure cuff, READ and UNDERSTAND all of these instructions. If you do not understand these instructions or have any questions, contact 1-800-634-4350 before attempting to use this monitor. Please keep these instructions for future reference.Receiving and InspectionRemove this cuff from the packaging and inspect for damage. If this cuff is damaged, DO NOT USE and contact 1-800-634-4350.Symbols GlossaryFor symbol information, visit: /symbols-glossary• To help avoid strangulation, keep the air tube away from infants, toddlers or children.• Keep components out of the reach of infants, toddlers or children. This product contains small parts that may cause a choking hazard if swallowed by infants, toddlers or children.• ONLY use the approved OMRON Blood Pressure Monitor with this cuff. This cuff ONLY works with OMRON Advanced Accuracy blood pressure monitors compatible with theD-Ring Cuff style HEM-CS24-B, as noted on cuff sticker where the cuff plugs into the monitor.• O NLY use this arm cuff model on OMRON monitors with HEM-CS24-B displayed next to the air jack. DO NOT use any other type of arm cuff.• Remove tight-fitting and thick clothing from your arm while taking a measurement.• ONLY use the arm cuff on persons whose arm circumference is within the specified range of the cuff.• DO NOT crease the arm cuff or the air tube excessively.• DO NOT fold or kink the air tube while taking a measurement. This may cause an injury by interrupting blood flow.• To unplug the air plug, pull on the plastic air plug at the base of the tube, not the tube itself.2. Place your hand through the cuff loop. Pull the cuff until itreaches your upper left arm.The bottom edge of the arm cuff should be 0.5 inch (1 -2 cm) above the inside elbow. Marker (arrow under theair tube) is centered on the middle of your inner arm. Theair tube is on the inside of your arm and aligned with yourmiddle finger.3. Make sure that the air tube is positioned on the inside ofyour arm and wrap the cuff securely so it can not movearound your arm.Taking measurements on the right armThe air tube should run along the side of your elbow, along thebottom of your arm. Be careful not to rest your arm on the air tube.Note: The blood pressure can differ between the right arm and the left arm, and the measuredblood pressure readings can be different. OMRON recommends to always use the same arm for measurements. If the readings between both arms differ substantially, check withyour physician to determine which arm to use for your measurements.• Do not use any abrasive or volatile cleaners.• Use a soft dry cloth or a soft cloth moistened with mild (neutral) detergent to clean the arm cuff and then wipe it with a dry cloth.• Do not wash or immerse the arm cuff in water.• Do not use gasoline, thinners or similar solvents to clean the arm cuff.• Do not store the arm cuff in locations exposed to extreme temperatures, humidity, direct sunlight, dust or corrosive vapors such as bleach.Pictogram on the ProductYour HEM-CS24-B upper arm cuff is warranted to be free from defects in materials and workmanship appearing within 1 year from the date of purchase, when used in accordance with the instructions provided with this upper arm cuff.The above warranty extends only to the original retail purchaser.We will, at our option, replace without charge any arm cuff covered by the above warranty. Replacement is our only responsibility and your only remedy under the above warranty. To obtain warranty service, contact Customer Service by calling 1-800-634-4350 for the address of the inspection center, the return shipping and handling fee.THE FOREGOING IS THE SOLE WARRANTY PROVIDED BY OMRON IN CONNECTION WITH THIS PRODUCT, AND OMRON HEREBY DISCLAIMS ANY OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND OTHER TERMS THAT MAY BE IMPOSED BY LAW, IF ANY, ARE LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE PERIOD OF THE ABOVE EXPRESS WARRANTY.OMRON SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR LOSS OF USE OR ANY OTHER SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INDIRECT COSTS, EXPENSES OR DAMAGES.This warranty provides you with specific legal rights, and you may have other rights that vary by jurisdiction. Because of special local requirements, some of the above limitations and exclusions may not apply to you.OMRON HEALTHCARE Co., Ltd.53, Kunotsubo, Terado-cho, Muko, Kyoto 617-0002 JAPANDistributed by:OMRON HEALTHCARE, INC.1925 West Field Court, Lake Forest, IL 60045U.S.A.Web site: Toll free: 1-800-634-4350© 2019 OMRON HEALTHCARE, INC. Made in China4616608-0A HEM-CS24-BZ。

欧姆龙 健太郎 医用电子血压计 说明书

欧姆龙 健太郎 医用电子血压计 说明书



使用说明书进口产品标准号:YZB/JAP 0674-2007国食药监械(进)字2007第2211424号计量器具形式批准证书号:2007-F244WPP纸注意事项原则•根据著作权法,未经允许禁止转载本说明书中的部分或全部内容。




-1-使用前非常感谢购买使用欧姆龙健康医疗事业株式会社生产的医用电子血压计“ ADVANCE ”BP-203RVⅢ。


本书中的照片、插图等采用的是C 型血压计。

■BP-203 RV Ⅲ Type C (带打印机)■ BP-203 RV Ⅲ Type D(不带打印机)希望您能够仔细地阅读本说明书,在充分了解本机的使用方法、注意事项、性能及使用范围的基础上安全使用本血压计。
















2. 各部件名称和功能
主 机 【前面】 【侧面 / 背面】 空气管接口
变更 “小时” 闪烁 (24 小时显示) 确定 变更 确定
确定 变更
低压值 袖带缠绕正确时,铭板左下角袖 带佩戴自检提示灯呈绿色点亮。 脉搏 数 袖带缠绕过松时,铭板左下角袖带佩戴 自检提示灯不点亮,显示屏左下角袖带 佩戴自检图标点亮。请按开始 / 停止按 显示血压值水平 钮关闭电源后,重新正确缠绕袖带,再 (高压值与低压值 测量一次。 之间指示灯点亮) 显示表示测量过程中移动身 体, 可能导致不能正确测量。 请重新测量一次。
7. 正确的测量姿势
注意: · 请您坐在温度适宜的房间内测量血压,身体放松,坐姿自然。 · 请测量前预先去洗手间。 · 请勿在进食、饮酒、抽烟、运动和淋浴后立即测量,至少 等 30 分钟后才开始测量。 · 测量前请至少休息 15 分钟以上,连续测量时,请至少间 隔 2 分钟以上。 背部挺 直放松
使用专用电源适配器时 · 如果同时使用专用电源适配器和电池,将减缓电池的消耗。 · 请勿使用非专用的电源适配器。
3 向外拉袖带的尾端,
在切断电源状态下,长按 开始/停止按钮约 20 秒可 将显示单位切换为“mmHg” 或“kPa”。 ※ 出厂时设定为“mmHg”
当加压到大于预测最高值 40mmHg~50mmHg 3( 5.3kPa~6.7kPa)时,
1. 产品的组成
产品全部装在包装箱中。 请打开包装箱, 确认产品是否完整。 如果发现缺少任何一个物品,请拨打客户服务热线咨询。 1 主机 2 袖带(HEM-CR24) 3 电源适配器 及空气管 (60220HW5SW) (HEM-7136) (电源适配器内自 带保险丝 1 个, 如电源适配器损 坏的话,请更换 电源适配器)

OMRON HEM-7112 说明书

OMRON HEM-7112 说明书

2.1 安装 / 更换电池1. 产品的组成及各部件名称安全注意事项2. 使用前的准备臂肘侧。

注:• 请注意手臂不要压到空气管,否则会 阻碍空气流向臂带。

• 臂带应位于臂肘之上 1 cm ~ 2 cm 处。

注:如果希望中止测量,按下「开始 / 停止」按钮关闭血压计,臂带的 空气排出。

2.臂带: 在右手臂上测量适用臂周范围:22 cm ~ 32 cm (上臂中央部)I. 7 号干电池 4 节1.将本体翻过来。







3.安装或更换 4 节 7 号电池,电池的正(+)负(-)极与电池盒中标注的正负极要一致。




A.显示屏B.「开始 / 停止」 按钮C.AC 电源适配器接口(用于连接另售的 AC 电源适配器)D.电池盖E.空气管接口2.2 电池的寿命与更换3.2 测量血压如果显示屏上显示电池低电量图标更换 4 节新电池。

若已经知道您的高压值高于 140 mmHg (18.7 kPa),请按照如下方法进1.3.3 关于特殊情况的说明2.臂带开始充气时,按住「开始 / 停止」按钮,直到臂带的充气压力比预计高压高出 30 mmHg ~ 40 mmHg (4 kPa ~5.3 kPa) 为止。

3.当臂带加压至目标值时,松开「开始 / 停止」按钮。


注:臂带充气压力不能超过 299 mmHg (39.9 kPa)。

(如果臂带加压至 300 mmHg (40 kPa) 以上将出现错误。


请参照“3.2 测量血压”中的步骤 3 至 5。

Omron M6舒适型自动血压监测器说明书

Omron M6舒适型自动血压监测器说明书

• Instruction Manual• Mode d’emploi• Gebrauchsanweisung• Manuale di istruzioni• Manual de instrucciones• Gebruiksaanwijzing• РУКОВОДСТВОПОЭКСПЛУАТАЦИИEN FR DE IT ES NL RUContents Introduction (3)Important Safety Information (4)1.Overview (5)2.Preparation (7)2.1Installing/Replacing the Batteries (7)2.2Setting the Date and Time (8)ing the Unit (10)3.1How to Sit Correctly When Taking a Measurement (10)3.2Applying the Arm Cuff (12)3.3Taking a Reading (15)3.4Instructions for Special Conditions (18)3.5Using the Memory Function (19)4.Quick Reference Guide (21)5.Handling Errors and Problems (22)5.1Error Messages (22)5.2Troubleshooting (23)6.Maintenance and Storage (24)7.Optional Parts (25)8.Technical Data (26)9.Some Useful Information about Blood Pressure (28)IntroductionThe OMRON M6 Comfort is a compact, fully automatic bloodpressure monitor, operating on the oscillometric principle. Itmeasures your blood pressure and pulse rate simply andquickly. For comfortable controlled inflation without the need of pressure pre-setting or re-inflation the devices uses itsadvanced “IntelliSense” technology.The device also stores up to 90 measurements in memory and calculates an average value based on the last threemeasurements taken within 10 minutes. Each measurement is stored along with the date and time of measurement.Please read this instruction manual thoroughly beforeusing the unit. Please keep for future reference.For specific information about your own blood pressure,CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR.Important Safety Information•Blood pressure measurement is not suitable in cases ofserious arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).•The pulse display is not suitable for monitoring the frequencyof cardiac pacemakers.•Pregnant women should only measure their own bloodpressure in consultation with their doctor, since the readingscan be changed by pregnancy.•Do not use the monitor on babies, young children or personswho cannot express their consent.•Do not use the monitor for any purpose other than measuringblood pressure.•The battery liquid may leak and damage the monitor. Pleaseobserve the following points.-When you are not going to use the unit for a long period of time(approximately three months or more), take out the batteries.-Replace old batteries with new ones immediately.-Do not use old and new batteries together.-Do not insert the batteries with their polarities incorrectly aligned.•Please remember: Self-measurement is not the same asmedical treatment.•You should never change the dose of medicines prescribedby your doctor but you can help your doctor to optimize thetreatment by documenting the measured values. If there areunusual values, please inform your doctor immediately.•Never unplug the power cord with wet hands.•Use only the original AC adapter designed for this unit. Use ofunsupported adapters may damage the device.Read and follow the “Important information regarding ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC)” in the Technical Data Section.1.Overview EN1.OverviewMonitorA.Display B.C.Memory () buttons D.button E.Battery compartment F.Air jack G.AC adapter jack (for optional AC adapter)1.OverviewDisplayPackage contentsH.Systolic blood pressure I.Diastolic blood pressure J.Memory symbol K.Average value symbol L.Movement error symbol M.Irregular heartbeat symbol N.Battery low symbol O.Heartbeat symbol 1.Flashes during measurement 2.If flashing after measurement complete indicates blood pressure out of recommended range P .Pulse displayQ.Deflation symbol R.Date/Time displayS.Arm cuff (Arm circumference 22-42cm)T.Air plugV.Storage caseW.Four “AA” alkaline (LR6) batteries2.Preparation EN2.Preparation2.11.2.all four batteries at the same time.-When the battery low symbol () starts to blink, you will still be able to use the unit for a short while. You should replace the batteries with new ones ahead of time. Long-life alkaline batteries are recommended.-When the symbol () remains lit, the batteries areexhausted. You should replace the batteries with new ones at once. Turn the unit off before replacing the batteries.•Remove the batteries if the monitor will not be used for three months or more.•If the batteries are removed for 30 seconds or more, the Date/Time setting will need to be reset. See “Setting the Date and Time” for details.•Disposal of used batteries should be carried out in accordance2.Preparation2.2Setting the Date and TimeYour blood pressure monitor automatically stores up to 90measurements values in its memory and calculates an averagereading based on the measurements from the last threereadings taken within 10 minutes.•Set the monitor to the correct date and time before taking a1.2.3.ENing the Uniting the Unit3.1How to Sit Correctly When Taking a MeasurementYou can take a measurement on either your left or right arm.Notes:•Measurements should be taken in a quiet place and youshould be in a relaxed, seated position. Make sure that theroom is not too hot or cold.•Avoid eating, smoking, or exercising for at least 30 minutesbefore taking a measurement.•Do not move or talk during measurement.EN Notes:•Correct posture during measurement is necessary to get accurate results.•You should also try to measure your blood pressure at the same time each day. (Within 1 hour after waking up is recommended.)These situations could lead to higher blood pressure values due to strain or the arm cuff being lower than the heart.If the arm cuff is at a lower position than your heart use cushions etc., to adjust the height of your arm.3.2Applying the Arm CuffYou can wrap the cuff either on your right or left arm.1.Insert the air plug into the air jack (on the left side of the device).The cuff must be fully deflated when it is inserted into the air jack.2.Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor and place your armon a table so that the cuff will be at the same level as your heart.EN 3.Apply the cuff to your upper arm so that the blue strip is centred on the middle of your inner arm and points down the inside of the arm. The air tube should run down the inside of your forearm and be in line with your middle finger.The bottom of the cuff should be approximately 1 to 2cm above the elbow.4.When the cuff is positioned correctly,close the fabric fastener FIRMLY.Notes:•Make certain the cuff fits snugly around your arm.•The cuff should make good contact with your skin. You should be able to fit your index finger between the cuff and your arm easily, so you can pull the cuff off and on.•Make sure that there are no kinks in the air tubing.Taking measurements on the right armPlease note the following pointswhen applying the cuff to your rightarm. Apply the cuff so that the airtube is at the side of your elbow.Notes:•Be careful not to rest your arm onthe air tube, or otherwise restrictthe flow of air to the cuff.•Apply the arm cuff so that no partof the cuff is positioned over theelbow joint. The cuff should be 1 to2cm above the elbow.•If used 2 times per day, the cuff will last for 3 years.EN 3.31.As the cuff begins to inflate, the monitor automaticallydetermines your ideal inflation level. Remain still and do not talk until measurement is completed.Note:Do not inflate the cuff if it is not wrapped around yourarm.2.Inflation stops automaticallyand measurement is started.As the cuff slowly deflates,decreasing numbers appearon the display and theHeartbeat display flashes at every heartbeat.In rare circumstances, the monitor might re-inflate the cuff to continue with the measurement.3.•Wait 2-3 minutes before taking another blood pressuremeasurement. Waiting between readings allows the arteries to return to the condition prior to taking the blood pressure measurement.•If you move during measurement, the movement display( ) may appear. Repeat the measurement and remain still until the measurement is complete.•Your blood pressure monitor includes an irregular heartbeat feature. Irregular heartbeats can influence the results of the measurement. The irregular heartbeat algorithm automatically determines if the measurement is usable or needs to be repeated. If the irregular heartbeat display ( ) is shown after you have taken a measurement, repeat the measurement. If the irregular heartbeat display ( ) is shown frequently, please make your doctor aware of it.•If your systolic blood pressure is above135mmHg or your diastolic blood pressure isabove 85mmHg, the heartbeat symbol will blinkwhen the measurement result is displayed.Recent research suggests that the followingvalues can be used as a guide to high bloodpressure for measurements taken at home.This criteria is for home blood pressure measurement.For professional office blood pressure measurement criteria, please refer to Chapter 9 “Some Useful Information about Systolic Blood PressureAbove 135mmHg Diastolic Blood Pressure Above 85mmHgheart- or circulation-disease) a lower limit of blood pressure might be necessary and that it is recommended to consult the doctor in such cases.Important:•The monitor will not inflate above 300mmHg.•Do not apply more pressure than necessary.EN 3.5Using the Memory FunctionThis monitor has a memory capable of storing 90 sets of readings. Every time you complete the measurement, themonitor automatically stores blood pressure and pulse rate with the date and time. The monitor also calculates an average reading based on the measurements from the last three readings taken within 10 minutes.If there are three readings within 10 minutes of the last reading, the average of the three readings is displayed. (If there are only two readings in memory for that period, the average will be based on two readings. If there is only one reading in memory for that period, that reading will be displayed as the average value.)Note:When 90 sets of readings are stored in memory, the oldest set will be deleted to store a new set.1.2.Press the button repeatedly to cycle through theKeep the button pressed down to cycle rapidly through the previous values.To Delete All the Values Stored in MemoryCaution!You cannot delete the stored readings partially, all the reading4.Quick Reference Guide EN4.Quick Reference GuideTo help ensure a reliable reading, avoid eating, smoking, or exercising for at least 30 minutes before taking ameasurement.Note:Remove any tight-fitting clothing from your upper arm.1.Sit on a chair with your feet flat on the floor and place your armon a table so that the arm cuff will be at the same level as your heart.2.3.pressure measurement.•Please note that all measurement results are stored in the memory. If different people take measurements using the same device, make sure that you are aware of this fact.5.Handling Errors and Problems5.Handling Errors and Problems 5.1Error Messages5.Handling Errors and Problems 5.2TroubleshootingProblem Cause Remedy No display appearswhen the O/I STARTbutton is pressed.The batteries are empty.Replace the batteries.Cannot measure or readings are too high.Is the cuff wrapped firmlyaround the arm?Attach the arm cuffcorrectly.The cuff pressure doesnot rise although thepump motor can beheard.Check that the air plug isproperly connected to themonitor. Push the air plugfirmly into the air jack.The blood pressure is different each time. The reading is extremely low (or high).Blood pressure readings constantly vary with time of measurement and nervous condition. Take deep breaths to relax before taking a measurement.6.Maintenance and Storage6.Maintenance and StorageTo protect your monitor from damage, please observe the following:•Do not subject your monitor and cuff to extreme temperatures,humidity, moisture or direct sunlight.•Do not fold the cuff or tubing tightly.•Do not disassemble the monitor.•Do not carry out repairs of any kind yourself. If a defect occurs,consult the OMRON distributor or Customer Services asmentioned on the packaging, or seek the advice of your surgicalappliance stockist or pharmacist.•The OMRON M6 Comfort is a precision measuring device. It isimportant that the accuracy remains within the specifications. It isrecommended that you have the monitor inspected every twoyears to ensure it is accurate and functioning correctly. Consultthe OMRON distributor or Customer Services as mentioned onthe packaging for further details.•Do not subject the monitor to strong shocks or vibrations (forexample, dropping the monitor on the floor.)•Do not use volatile liquids to clean the monitor. THE MONITORSHOULD BE CLEANED WITH A SOFT, DRY CLOTH.damage the display.7.Optional Parts EN 7.Optional PartsUsing the Optional AC AdapterInsert batteries into the battery compartment even when using the AC adapter.Notes:•Never unplug the power cord with wet hands.•Use only the original AC adapter designed for this unit. Use of unsupported adapters may damage the unit.•When storing the optional AC adapter with the main unit, be careful not to damage the main unit or cuff.1.2.To disconnect the AC adapter, unplug the AC adapter from the electrical outlet first and then immediately remove the ACadapter plug from the main unit.Arm Cuff8.Technical Data8.Technical DataNote:Subject to technical modification without prior notice.This device fulfils the previsions of EC directive 93/42/EEC (Medical Device Directive). Product DescriptionDigital Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor ModelOMRON M6 Comfort (HEM-7000-E)DisplayLCD Digital Display Measurement Method Oscillometric method Measurement RangePressure: 0mmHg to 299mmHg Pulse: 40 to 180/min.AccuracyPressure: ±3mmHg Pulse: ± 5% of display reading InflationFuzzy-logic controlled by electric pump DeflationAutomatic pressure release valve Pressure DetectionCapacitive pressure sensor Memory90 Measurements with date and time Power Source4 “AA” batteries 1.5V or AC/ DC adapter (optional, 6V = 4W)Battery LifeCapacity of new alkaline batteries is approx. 1500 measurements Operating temperature/ Humidity+10°C to +40°C Maximum: 30 to 90% RH Storage temperature/ Humidity-20°C to +60°C Maximum: 10 to 95% RH Console WeightApproximately 350g without batteries Cuff WeightApproximately 240g Outer DimensionsApproximately 131 (l)mm × 155 (w)mm × 84(h)mm Cuff DimensionsApproximately 152mm × 600mm (Cuff: arm circumference 22 to 42cm)Package Content Cuff, instruction manual, storage case, battery set, guarantee card, blood pressure pass = Type B8.Technical DataThis marking shown on the product or its literature, indicates that itshould not be disposed with other household wastes at the end of itsworking life. To prevent possible harm to the environment or humanhealth from uncontrolled waste disposal, please separate this from other types of wastes and recycle it responsibly to promote thesustainable reuse of material resources.Household users should contact either the retailer where they purchased this product, or their local government office, for details of where and how they can take this item for environmentally safe recycling.Business users should contact their supplier and check the terms and conditions of the purchase contract. This product should not be mixed with other commercial wastes for disposal.This product does not contain any hazardous substances.Important information regarding Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC)With the increased number of electronic devices such as PC.s and mobile (cellular) telephones, medical devices in use may be susceptible to electromagnetic interference from other devices. Electromagnetic interference may result in incorrect operation of the medical device and create a potentially unsafe situation.Medical devices should also not interfere with other devices.In order to regulate the requirements for EMC (Electro Magnetic Compatibility) with the aim to prevent unsafe product situations, the IEC60601-1-2 standard has been implemented. This standard defines the levels of immunity to electromagnetic interferences as well as maximum levels of electromagnetic emissions for medical devices.This medical device manufactured by OMRON Healthcare conforms to this IEC60601-1-2:2001 standard for both immunity and emissions.Nevertheless, special precautions need to be observed:•Do not use mobile (cellular) telephones and other devices, which generate strong electrical or electromagnetic fields, near the medical device. This may result in incorrect operation of the unit and create a potentially unsafe situation. Recommendation is to keep a minimum distance of 7 m. Verify correct operation of the device in case the distance is shorter.Further documentation in accordance with IEC60601-1-2:2001 is available at OMRON Healthcare Europe at the address mentioned in this instruction manual.Documentation is also available at .Correct Disposal of This Product(Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment)9.Some Useful Information about Blood Pressure9.Some Useful Information about Blood PressureWhat is Blood Pressure?Blood pressure is a measure of the force of blood flowingagainst the walls of the arteries. Arterial blood pressure isconstantly changing during the course of the heart’s cycle.The highest pressure in the cycle is called the Systolic BloodPressure; the lowest is the Diastolic Blood Pressure.Both pressure readings, the Systolic and Diastolic, arenecessary to enable a doctor to evaluate the status of apatient’s blood pressure.Why is it a Good Thing to measure Blood Pressure atHome?Having your blood pressure measured by a doctor can causeanxiety which is itself a cause of high blood pressure. As avariety of conditions affect blood pressure, a singlemeasurement may not be sufficient for an accurate diagnosis.Many factors such as physical activity, anxiety, or the time ofday, can influence your blood pressure. Thus it is best to tryand measure your blood pressure at the same time each day,to get an accurate indication of any changes in blood pressure.Blood pressure is typically low in the morning and increasesfrom afternoon to evening. It is lower in the summer and higherin the winter.Blood pressure is measured in millimetres of mercury (mmHg)and measurements are written with the systolic pressurebefore the diastolic e.g. A blood pressure written as 140/90, isreferred to as 140 over 90mmHg.9.Some Useful Information about Blood PressureEN Classification of Blood Pressure by the World Health OrganizationThe World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Society of Hypertension (ISH) developed the Blood Pressure Classification shown in this figure.This classification is based on the blood pressure values measured on people in a sitting position in outpatient departments of hospitals.Note:There is no universally accepted definition ofhypotension. However, those having the systolicpressure below 100mmHg are assumed ashypotensive.9.Some Useful Information about Blood PressureSubsidiary OMRON HEALTHCARE UK LTD.Opal DriveFox Milne, Milton Keynes MK 15 0DG, United KingdomSubsidiary OMRON Medizintechnik Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H. Windeckstraße 81a, D-68163 Mannheim, Germany www.omron-medizintechnik.deSubsidiary OMRON SANTÉ FRANCE14, rue de Lisbonne, F-93561 Rosny-sous-Bois Cedex, FranceManufacturer OMRON HEALTHCARE CO., LTD.24, Yamanouchi Yamanoshita-cho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto, 615-0084 JapanEU-representative OMRON HEALTHCARE EUROPE BVKruisweg 577, 2132 NA Hoofddorp,The NetherlandsEC REP。

omron HEM-6051數位自動血壓計 说明书

omron HEM-6051數位自動血壓計 说明书

血壓計 HEM-6051 的使用流程如下。
๟௪ ཥ๕
( 第 11 頁)
ሜ዆ ࣛග
本血壓計會自動同時儲存測量 的結果與時間日期。使用前, 請務必調整時間和日期。
( 第 14 頁)
1 જၡ˓ഡᏀএ੭
( 第 23 頁)
2 ᆽႩ۶ැ݊щ͍ᆽ
( 第 27 頁)
3 ಻ඎАᏀ
( 第 29 頁)
安全須知 .....................................................3 檢查各項配件? ..........................................7
Դ ͜ ‫ۃ‬
各部名稱 .....................................................9
τΌ඲ٝ Դ ͜ ʘ ‫ۃ‬
੶Փ ੶Փ ੶Փ
͜ ʘ
1 主機
2 收藏盒
請使用指定的電池。 請勿同時使用新舊電池、或品名種類不同的電池。 • щ‫̙ۆ‬ঐிϓ೯ᆠ‫א‬ဍ૰eॎ൓ഃԴ͉᜗աՑฦ࢔dආϾኬߧաෆf
長時間﹙3 個月以上﹚未使用時,請將電池取出。 請立即取出使用過的電池,並更換新的電池。 • ˸еኬߧཥϫॎ൓Ͼෆʿɛ᜗f
不得強力拉扯或彎曲手腕壓脈帶。 在未捲緊手腕壓脈帶前,請勿加壓。 請勿以重力撞擊或是摔落主機。



Instruction Manual OriginalManuel d’instructions TraductionManual de instrucciones TraducciónManuale di Istruzioni Traduzione翻譯1WMPD4002949D致尊敬的顧客 (2)前言 (2)用前須知 (2)部件說明 (5)標識含意 (6)模式清單 (9)使用血壓計 (10)安裝/更換電池 (10)連接充氣管 (10)連接交流電轉接器 (11)為電池充電 (11)操作 (12)待機模式 (12)測量待機模式 (12)以設定的壓力測量您的血壓 (13)聽診設定 (14)聽診排氣速度變更 (14)調整內置的時鐘 (15)時鐘顯示設定 (16)電源自動OFF時間設定 (16)室溫單位變更 (17)血壓確認模式 (17)查詢儲存數據 (18)查詢儲存數據 (18)刪除所有儲存數據 (19)測量方法 (20)選擇適當的袖帶 (20)繞緊袖帶於上臂 (20)怎樣正確測量血壓 (21)聽診測量 (22)測量結束後 (23)注意正確的測量方法 (23)拔下交流電轉接器 (23)拔下電池 (24)什麼是心律不整 (25)故障檢修 (25)維修和保養 (26)技術資料 (28)感謝您購買最新型A&D血壓計,本產品是目前市面上最先進的血壓計,方便使用又準確。










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