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一年一度的壮族民歌节唤醒了沉睡的山水,每年阴历三月(大约公历 4月)广西壮族自治区的首府南宁举办山歌节。比赛队伍由青年男女 歌手组成,胜负不仅取决于其歌唱水平,还要看他们妙趣横生即兴编 创歌词的能力。
ZHUANG SONG FESTIVAL Nanning·Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region The hills of Guangxi come alive with the sound of music during the annual Zhuang Song Festival. Staged in Nanning, the regional capital, the event takes place on the third day of the third lunar month (April in 1995). The competition features teams comprised of young male or female singers who are judged on both their singing proficiency and their ability to adlib clever lyrics.
三、删减 选个天清气朗的日子,饱览东方之珠数一数二的美景,您才不 枉此行。 Pick a clear day to enjoy some of the world’s best views. 在中国一提到孔子,上至白发苍苍的老人,下至天真幼稚的顽 童,无人不知,无人不晓,人们为了纪念他,在许多地方都建 有祭祀他的寺庙,天津也不例外。 Confucius is a household name in China. Temples in memory of him could be found everywhere in China and Tianjin is no exception. 贵重物品、现金请交服务台保管,否则后果自负。 Valuable articles such as cash and jewelry should be handed to General Service Desk for safekeeping.
萧山历史悠久,旅游资源丰富,名胜古迹颇多。境内有跨湖桥、 蜀山等新石器时代到商周时期的古文化遗址,建于东晋的地祗园 寺,建于南朝的江寺,岳飞抗金时行军驻足,渴饮而名的欢潭, 清代抗英名将葛云飞故居等遗址群和历史演义作家蔡东藩故居等。 市区西端的湘湖,形成于北宋,原有湖面3万亩,周长40公里,四 面环山,林木葱郁,风景秀丽,曾以“湘湖八景”闻名遐迩。萧 山是天下奇观钱江涌潮的观潮胜地,并以每年农历八月十八前后 最为壮观,现已建有集观潮、旅游、度假为一体的“钱江观潮度 假村”。 The history-long Xiaoshan is richly endowed with tourist resources and historic relics. While in Xiaoshan, you may find yourself surrounded with cultural remains dating back as far as to the Neolithic Age, temples built in different dynasties and houses of different styles and stories. Xiaoshan is also an ideal place to view Qianjiang bore, a natural wonder known the world over, which is most spectacular around August 18 (the Chinese lunar calendar). A tourist resort named “Qianjiang Bore Viewing Village ” has been specially built to that effect.
位于安徽省的黄山风景区犹如一幅长长的中国山水画画卷,如 果您想要体验一下中国山水的真正魅力,该风景区是必去之处。 10月是攀登黄山72峰的最佳时节,天气宜人,而且也没有夏季 时那样拥挤。 AUTUMN HIKING Huangshan Scenic Area ·Anhui Province This area is a must for those who want to experience the real beauty of China, often described as being like an endless Chinese landscape painting. And October is one of the best months for hiking Huangshan’s 72 peaks, as the weather is still good but most of the summer crowds have dissipated.
旅游宣传资料属“信息+宣传鼓动类”语篇,既具 有广告文字的特点,也具有报道文字和游记文字的 特色。 功能:提供旅游目的地吃、住、行的相关信息,帮 助游客了解景点文化,熟悉各景点的来历、特点、 历史沿革及有关轶闻传说,以助游兴。 目的:吸引外国游客,激发他们参观景点的兴趣或 选择入住某酒店宾馆等。 特点:信息性和诱导性 达意、达旨、达效
路左有一巨石,石上原有苏东坡手书“云外 流春”四个大字。 To its left is a rock formerly engraved with four big Chinese characters Yun Wai Liu Chun (Beyond clouds flows spring) hand-written by Su Dongpo (937-1101), the most versatile poet of the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127).
每个景点都有其迷人之处,令游客流连忘返。 Virtually every scenic spot has some memorable aspect inviting a return visit. 在跳蚤市场细心找寻,可能发现超值的稀有古物 也说不定。 At the flea market, you might unearth a collectible souvenir.
每年3月来自中国各地的书法大师云集杭州一展风采,杭州作 为中国古老文化城市之一,从公元7世纪就吸引着众多的书画 大师。除了游览闻名遐迩的西湖,可别忘了再去看看杭州众多 的丝绸厂。 CALLIGRAPHY FESTIVAL Hangzhou·Zhejiang Province Master calligraphers from all over China gather in Hangzhou each march to display their art. One of the country’s foremost cultural centers, the city has attracted prominent painters and calligraphers since the 7th century A.D. Besides the famous West Lake, be sure to visit one of Hangzhou’s silk weaving factories.
汉语宣传资料喜欢引经据典,突出景点的历史沉淀, 借此来提升景点价值。在语言表达上,讲究整齐对 偶、声韵和谐、辞藻华丽,大量使用排比对称、四 字结构、修饰性词语和烘托性语言。 英语宣传资料注重信息性和实质性的细节。语言强 调生动平实。 “从中文译为英文,其中最感困难者则为诗与骈体文。 盖这一类文字,每一个字眼含有一个意象焉。” ——林语堂《吾国与吾民》
旅客登记时,须凭足以证明本人身份的有效证件,并说明住宿原 因。 旅客必须遵守宾馆饭店的规章制度,服从工作人员的管理,爱护 饭店的公共财物。 对违反以上规定的旅客,饭店有权责成改正。 Please help us to speed up your check-in by presenting your ID. Our guests are kindly expected to heed the rules and regulations. Your coห้องสมุดไป่ตู้peration will be appreciated in making our services effective. In the unlikely event that something in the room is broken or damaged, please let the Floor Desk know immediately.
一、提供实质信息 海上画舫 Floating Restaurants 香港是一个璀璨而令人难忘的度假城市,地方虽小,却包罗万象。 There is so much to see and do in Hong Kong that it would take several visits to experience it all! Compact and accessible, you will find a host of attraction that will make your visit memorable. 如有需要,请向出租车司机出示此图。 Please show this address card for the hotel to your taxi driver in case of difficulty with communication.
四、改写 一年一度的陶瓷节于春暖花开之际在无锡举行,展出的精品大 都出自惠山陶瓷厂,该厂愿广交天下客。 The annual Pottery Festival is held each spring in Wuxi. Many of the best pieces are made at the well-known Hui Shan Clay Figures Factory, which is open to visitors. 除了国际大都会的繁华,香港还有很多不同的面貌,例如原居民 文化,殖民地建筑和露天市场等。走出市区,也可找到自然风光; 踏着绵软的沙滩,投入蓝天的怀抱;沿登山径,深入浓密的山林, 满目清新……初来乍到,您可能会惊异于香港拥有如此迷人的自 然美。 Hong Kong is a city of stunning contrasts where towering skyscrapers rub shoulders with ancient temples and historic monuments. It’s a living fusion of East and West that sees local people practicing age-old tai chi exercises in front of one of the world’s most stunning harbors.
二、增补相关信息 北京的腿,西安的嘴,桂林的山和水。 In Beijing, the tourist guide has to walk a lot because there are so many places to see; in Xi’an, he has to talk a lot because there are so many histories to tell; in Guilin, he doesn’t have to talk or walk a lot because the beautiful mountains and rivers are attractive enough for the travelers themselves to see and enjoy.