
Leopard 300 CTP用户手册

Leopard 300 CTP用户手册
1-1-6 左/右侧墙板组件 墙板主要是承载各个直流电机及伺服电机,具体包括:头版夹上版直流电机、头版
夹卸版直流电机、尾版夹直流电机、左/右推动平衡块直流电机、旋转编码器、伺服电机。 通过这些电机动作的配合,完成版材自动上/下版。 1-1-7 辊筒组件
打开盖板就可以看到辊筒组件。辊筒组件主要是由辊筒、固定版夹、活动版夹、动 平衡块等组成。辊筒是用于固定承载印版,进行曝光制版的关键高精度部件,用户在按 说明书的有关章节进行清洁润滑时要格外小心仔细。用户不得擅自调整或拆卸有关的部 件、器件。下图为辊筒动平衡块法兰盘示意图,头版夹下方的螺丝为第一齿,沿辊筒旋 转方向,齿数逐渐增大,以该方向的第一针为每个块的读数针,共 100 齿。
ON/OFF 开关:
此设备可通过总电源开关来接通或断开主电源,在安装、维护保养设备时,必须切 断总电源开关,为彻底切断机器电源,可拔掉机器后面的总电源插头。需要注意如下几 点:
1. 禁止用湿手插拔电源线和接触插头。损坏的电源线可能产生漏电和引起电击,因 此必须保护电源线避免损坏。
2. 请勿将重物放置电源线上,也不允许电源线处于相互缠绕的混乱状态。
本说明书包含 Leopard300 CTP 热敏计算机直接制版机(以下简称 Leopard 300)的 使用操作、维护保养和故障排除等用户必须掌握的相关内容,还包含了部分安装调试事 项,以方便用户更加全面了解该设备。使用设备前务必详细阅读本用户手册,并掌握、 理解相关内容。
声明: 由于产品的改进,本手册记载的内容如有变更,恕不另行通告,敬请谅解!
Leopard 300 工作环境温度必须在 21-27℃范围内,ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้过该范围,可

InterRanger DPS 300 产品说明书

InterRanger DPS 300 产品说明书

InterRanger DPS 300是一个基于微处理器的污泥层厚度检测系统,可检测两个水和/或废水的初级、次级澄清池中的泥位。

用1或2个非接触的Echomax XCT -12超声波传感器和先进的回波处理技术可靠、连续的监视污泥层的厚度,可以显著提高生产效率,增加产出量和降低污泥处理的费用。

通过RS-232/RS-485或双极性的电流环路通讯,和隔离的mA 输出,提供了中央控制系统集成的可能性。

对于圆形或长方形的澄清池,DPS300的有效测量范围是1m~30m 。


对水和污水处理厂来说InterRanger DPS300是有投资效益的系统,始终如一的污泥物位监视数据能直接改善出水的质量。

产品特点y 双频率精确检测监测器y 可提供铝制安装支架装配y 4个可编程的报警/控制继电器y Dolphin Plus 和SmartLinx®兼容技术规格供电• 100/115/200/230 Vac ±15%,50/60 Hz, 31VA 环境条件• 位置: 室内/户外• 环境温度: -20~50℃• 相对湿度: 适合于户外使用(Type 4X/NEMA 4X/IP65外壳)• 安装种类: II • 污染等级: 4扫描点数• 2点/DPS 300精度• 编程量程的1%或2cm, 取其较大者分辨率• 编程量程*的1%或2cm, 取其较大者存储器• 非易失性的电可擦除只读存储器EEPROM ,无需后备电池编程• 通过手持编程器或Dolphin Plus 选件显示器• 51×127mm 常规的带背光图形液晶显示器LCD 外壳• Type 4X/NEMA 4X/IP65聚碳酸酯材料温度补偿• -50~150℃• 内置的温度传感器,最多2个TS-3温度传感器,可编程固定温度• 温度误差:带温度补偿:量程的0.1%• 固定温度:与编程温度每偏差1℃误差为0.22%超声波传感器• 兼容型号: Echomax® XCT-12(量程1~30m )电缆• 同轴电缆采用低电容的RG62-A/U• mA 输出信号线采用2-3芯铜线绞合,金属箔屏蔽电缆,和接地线,300V0.5~0.75mm 2(22~18AWG )• 继电器/电源线采用满足250V, 5A 触点要求的铜导线输出超声波传感器驱动• 150~315V 峰值继电器• 4个报警/控制继电器• 每个继电器带1组“C”型SPDT (单刀双掷)触点,额定容量为5A, 250Vac 无感mA• 2路输出,分辨率0.1%,• 0/4~20mA ,可标定,• 最大负载750Ω,隔离,30V rms 重量• 2.7Kg (6 Ibs.)选项温度传感器• TS-3通讯• SmartLinx: 指定协议的模块用于与通用工业通讯系统接口• Dolphin Plus: 妙声力Windows 兼容的接口和红外转换器• BIC-Ⅱ:DPS300双极性通讯电流环到远程的RS-232或RS-422接口撇渣机保护罩• 2种模式—A 型(20cm(8”))或B 型(40cm(16”))• 温度:-40~80℃(-40~176℉)• 结构:有铰链带保护罩的不锈钢导管和有铰链的氯丁橡胶保护套筒• 连接:±90°于垂直方向• 重量:A 型—1.4Kg ,B 型—2.1Kg 安装配件• 栏杆,一般为直径等于或小于50mm (2”)管子,2导轨中心间距为432mm ~610mm • 温度:-40~80℃• 构造:环氧涂覆的铝,不锈钢紧固件• 重量:6.5Kg 认证• CE**, CSA NRTL/C FM (正在申请),*编程量程是指空仓到超声波传感器表面的距离加上量程延伸。

美国电驱动技术公司Eaton NEMA电机控制与保护产品培训手册说明书

美国电驱动技术公司Eaton NEMA电机控制与保护产品培训手册说明书

Eaton NEMA motor control & protection product trainingFreedom NEMA offeringAN19/16 starter seriesC440 overload relay seriesAccessoriesStarter overview•As the name implies, starters “start” motors. They can also stop them, reverse them, accelerate them, and protect them.•Motor starters offer some additional capabilities not available in a manual starter, most importantly, remote and automatic operation.•Starters are made from two building blocks, contactors and overloads:•Contactors control the electric current to the motor. Their function is to repeatedly establish and interrupt an electrical power circuit.•Overloads protect motors from drawing too much current and overheating, from literally “burning out.”Contactor overview•Contactors operate electromechanically, and use a small control current to open and close the circuit.•Contactors are used by electrical equipment that is frequently turned off and on (opening and closing the circuit), such as lights, heaters, and motors.•The E-Frame, when energized by the coil, becomes an electromagnet.•The armature is connected to a set of contacts. The armature is moveable but is held by a spring.•When the coil is energized, the moveable contacts are pulled toward the stationary contacts, because the armature is pulled toward the E-frame. Once the two sets of contacts meet, power can flow throughthe contactor to the load.•When the coil is de-energized, the magnetic field is broken, and the spring forces the two sets of contacts apart.Overload relay overview•Overload relays protect motors from drawing too much current and overheating, from literally “burning out.”• A motor, when off requires no current because the circuit is open. When the circuit is closed –the motor draws a large amount of inrush current, as much as 6-8 times the running current, which if not protectedagainst can produce enough head to burn up the motor.•Consist of:• A current sensing unit (connected in the line to the motor)• A mechanism to break the circuit, either directly or indirectly•To meet motor protection needs, overload relays have a time delay to allow harmless temporary overloads without breaking the circuit. They also have a trip capability to open the control circuit if mildly dangerous currents (that could result in motor damage) continue over a period of time. All overload relays also have some means of resetting the circuit once the overload is removed.AvailabilityCompact footprintReliabilityEasy maintenanceMotor protectionUp-to-date certifications What do customers require for NEMA power control applications?ApplicationsGeneral Application/Installation Types •Control of motors and pumps•Industrial equipment•Material handling•Control of fans•Compressor applications•MRO applicationsTarget Markets •Commercial construction •Machine building •Mining and mineral •Oil & gas•Pulp & paper •Industrial •Manufacturing •Water/WastewaterFreedom NEMA catalog numbering systemFreedom NEMA productsCN15Contactor C440 ElectronicOverload RelayCN15Contactor C306 BimetallicOverload RelayFreedom NEMA starters •NEMA sizes 00-5•Available with bimetallic & solid-state overloads •Compact offering sizes 1-4•Variety of control voltages•Range of accessories•Non-Reversing, Reversing, Speed, Part Winding Starters. Non-Reversing and ReversingContactors•3, 4 and 5 pole contactors Freedom contactorw/ bimetallicoverload & heaterpacksRecommendedfor MROapplications onlyAN16 starterFreedom contactorwith C440 solid stateoverloadLead NEMA starterAN19 starterFreedom NEMA startersAvailable as:•Open component & MRO•Enclosed Control•Motor Control CentersFreedom key value propositions•Heavy duty•Mechanical life up to 20M operations•AC-3 Electrical life ratings up to 5M operations•AC-4 Electrical life ratings up to 200k operations•Combination SCCR ratings up to 65KA•Component high-fault ratings up to 100KA•Versatile•Capable of Vertical and Horizontal panel mounting•Wide range of FLA settings in overload protection•Used in open applications, panels, enclosed control units, and MCC •Easy to maintain•Top located coil terminals for ease of inspection or change•Conveniently located contacts for ease of inspection or change•Screw type power terminals with captive, backed-out self-lifting pressureplates to reduce wiring timeFreedom NEMA: C440 electronic overload relay •Ratings•FLA range: 0.33–175A (up to 1500FLA with external CT)•Selectable trip class (10A, 10, 20, 30)•Protections•Thermal overload•Phase loss•Selectable (ON/OFF) phase unbalance•Selectable (ON/OFF) ground fault•Features•Network Communications options•Remote reset (120Vac/24Vac/24Vdc)•Tamper-proof cover•Voltage loss restart provides automatic revival afteroutages•Remote monitoring capabilitiesFLA dial:5:1 adjustmentAdjustable trip classes:IEC: 10A NEMA: 10, 20, 30(GF Version has 10 & 20 only)Selectable (ON/OFF) phase and ground fault protection Electronic remote reset 24 vdc, 24 vac, or 120 vac inputTrip/test buttonManual reset buttonIsolated 1 NO / 1 NC Aux contactsTrip flagFreedom NEMA: C440 electronic overload relayFreedom NEMA: AN19 starter stocking benefitsAccessories•Top or side mount auxiliary contacts (Up to 8 total)•Top mounted fuse block•Mechanical interlock kit•Solid state and pneumatic timers•IP20 finger protection shields•Overload relay locking cover•Competitor adaptor plates•DC/AC interface•DC magnet coils•Phase monitor relayFreedom NEMA competitive retrofit kit•Packaged Solution for simple competitive replacement•Use existing hole patterns, no drilling required•Available for NEMA Size 1-5 with 120VAC Coils•Competitively Priced•Upgrade bimetallic starters with solid state overload technology Approved for UL 508A ApplicationsKey notes•SCCR capabilities:•Combination ratings up to 65KA•Component high-fault ratings up to 100KA •Avoid downtime:•Freedom products have high mechanical andelectrical life values, lending to a reduction indowntime•Industry standards:•The Freedom series products are tested to meetand exceed all industry standards•See compliances, slide 15•Monitoring:•Freedom AN19 starters can be utilized to analyzeenergy consumption in real time and spotirregularities •Ease of installation and maintenance:•Top located coil terminals for ease of inspection orchange•Conveniently located contacts for ease ofinspection or change•Screw type power terminals with captive, backed-out self-lifting pressure plates to reduce wiring time •Starter communication capabilities:•Modbus•DeviceNet•PROFIBUS•Ethernet/IP•Modbus TCPCompliances•Standard: designed to meet or exceed UL, NEMA, IEC, and CSA•UL listed: UL File #E1491, NLDX -Magnetic Motor Controllers•UL 508/UL 60947-4-1•CSA Certified: CSA File #LR353, Class #3211-04 -Magnetic Motor Controllers •CSA C22.2 no.14/CSA 60947-4-1•IEC Self-Certified to IEC/EN 60947-4-1Freedom NEMA: questions to ask •What is the motor voltage (V, single-phase or three-phase)?•What type of starter is needed for application (full voltage reversing or non-reversing)?•What is the control voltage being used (coil voltage)?•What type of overload protection is needed (bimetallic, solid state, advanced monitoring)?•What is the “horsepower” or “full load amps (FLA)” of the motor/pump?•Do you need any additional “auxiliary contacts”?•Eaton starters come standard with 1 NOFreedom NEMA recommended stocking list AN19 starters w/ C440 electronic overloadAN19AN0A5E005SZ 00 AN19 FVNR STR STD W/ C440 (1-5A) OL & 120 VAC COILAN19BN0A5E020SZ 0 AN19 FVNR STR STD W/ C440 (4-20A) OL & 120 VAC COILAN19DN0A5E020SZ 1 AN19 FVNR STR STD W/ C440 (4-20A) OL & 120 VAC COILAN19GN0A5E045SZ 2 AN19 FVNR STR STD W/ C440 (9-45A) OL & 120 VAC COILAN19KN0A5E100SZ 3 AN19 FVNR STR STD W/ C440 OL (20-100A) OL & 120 VAC COILC440 electronic overloadC440A1A020SAX C440 OL (4-20A) NEMA STAND ALONE STANDARDC440A1A045SAX C440 OL (9-45A) NEMA STAND ALONE STANDARDHeater packs (For bimetallic overloads)H2012B-3FREEDOM HEATER COIL PACK (14A -22.8A)H2010B-3FREEDOM HEATER COIL PACK (6.75A -11A)H2008B-3FREEDOM HEATER COIL PACK (3.25A -5.23A)Enclosed Freedom starterECN05A1AAA SZ 00 ENCL NEMA FVNR 120 VAC COILECN0501AAA SZ 0 ENCL NEMA FVNR 120 VAC COILECN0511AAA SZ 1 ENCL NEMA FVNR 120 VAC COILECN0521AAA SZ 2 ENCL NEMA FVNR 120 VAC COILECN0531AAA SZ 3 ENCL NEMA FVNR 120 VAC COILNEMA power control: Freedom AN19 starter Offering•Contactors and Starters: NEMA size 00-5•Variety of control voltage options•Solid-state overload protection•UL listed and CSA certified•Non-reversing, reversing, 2 speed, part winding•3, 4 and 5 pole contactorsPoints of difference•Proven technology with nearly 30 years of marketperformance•Highest AC3 electrical life in industry•Type 2 protection @ 100k with fuses•UL listed for group motor installation•Full line of snap-on accessories•Straight-through wiring design•IP20 finger safe protection shield option•Easy-access coil terminals on top Customer value •Wide (5:1) FLA range and DIP switch selectable trip class (10A, 10, 20, 30) reduce required SKU’s by up to 20X •Superior motor protection including thermal overload, ground fault, and phase imbalance without additional modules •Flexible communications options including Modbus RTU, DeviceNet, PROFIBUS, Modbus TCP , and EtherNet/IP optionsPull-through products•Replacement/renewal parts•Contact kits•Coils•Lug kits•Enclosed Controls•NEMA AN19 Starter Universal Replacement kit •Overload Relays•C440 Electronic Overload Relay•C441 Motor Insight•C445 Power XpertResources: Freedom•Product Aids•PA035003EN•PA037005EN•NEMA Freedom Slide Rule•Eaton’s Product Catalog•Volume 5, Tab 2: NEMA Contactors and Starters •Catalog Supplement•CA04210001E & CA08100006E •Website:•/freedom•Eaton’s Technical Resource Center•1-877-ETN-CARE, Option 2, Option 1•*************Resources: C440•Catalogs•CA08100006E –Volume 5, Tab 5: Motor Controland Protection•CA08100006E –Volume 5, Tab 2: NEMAContactors and Starters•Brochures/Product Aids•PA042003EN –C400 Series•BR04210001E –C440, Reliable and AccurateIntelligence•IL04210001E –C440 NEMA Electronic Overload •Website:•/c440。



AP1000技术手册目录第一部分美国先进非能动反应堆AP1000 简介 (9)1. 引言 (9)2. 厂房布置 (9)2.1. 总平面布置 (9)2.2. 核岛 (9)2.2.1. 反应堆厂房 (10)2.2.2. 屏蔽厂房 (10)2.2.3. 辅助厂房 (11)2.2.4. 燃料厂房 (12)2.2.5. 附属厂房 (12)2.2.6. 柴油发电机厂房 (13)2.2.7. 放射性废物厂房 (13)2.3. 汽轮机厂房 (13)3. 系统描述 (15)3.1. AP1000系统清单 (15)3.2. 反应堆和反应堆冷却系统 (15)3.2.1. 压力容器和堆内构件 (15)3.2.2. 堆芯和燃料 (15)3.2.3. 反应性控制和控制棒驱动系统 (15)3.2.4. 反应堆冷却系统(RCS) (15)3.2.5. 蒸汽发生器系统 (15)3.2.6. 安全壳和安全壳隔离系统(CNS) (15)3.3. 反应堆辅助系统 (15)3.3.1. 化容控制系统 (15)3.3.2. 正常停堆余热去除系统 (15)3.3.3. 主采样系统 (15)3.3.4. 反应堆关闭冷却系统 (15)3.3.5. 启动给水系统 (15)3.3.6. 蒸汽发生器排放系统(BDS) (15)3.4. 设备冷却水系统、生活服务水系统、冷冻水系统、乏燃料池冷却系统 (15)3.4.1. 设备冷却水系统(CCS) (15)3.4.2. 生活服务水系统(SWS) (15)3.4.3. 冷冻水系统(VWS) (15)3.4.4. 乏燃料池冷却系统 (15)3.5. 燃料换料和机械搬运系统 (15)3.5.1. 燃料和换料系统 (15)3.5.2. 材料搬运系统 (15)3.6. 现场支持系统 (15)3.6.1. 防火保护系统 (15)3.6.2. 去污系统(设施) (15)3.6.3. 压缩空气 (15)3.6.4. 加热、通风和空调系统(HVAC) (15)3.6.5. 饮用水系统 (15)3.6.6. 软化水转运和储存系统 (15)3.6.7. 卫生下水系统 (15)3.7. 放射废物处理系统 (15)3.7.1. 设备和地面排放和废水系统 (15)3.7.2. 放射性废物排放系统(WRS) (15)3.7.3. 废水系统(核岛) (15)3.7.4. 液体废物系统 (15)3.7.5. 硼酸再循环系统 (15)3.7.6. 气体放射性系统 (15)3.7.7. 固体废物系统 (15)3.8. 现场动力系统和相关系统 (15)3.8.1. 主交流电系统(ECS) (15)3.8.2. 1E 级直流和UPS 系统(IDS) (15)3.8.3. 非1E级直流和UPS 系统(EDS) (15)3.8.4. 现场备用电系统(ZOS) (15)3.8.5. 通讯系统(EFS, TVS) (15)3.8.6. 电站照明(ELS) (15)3.8.7. 接地和防雷保护系统– EGS (15)3.8.8. 电气系统杂项– EHS, EQS, 控制棒驱动电动发电机装置 (15)3.8.9. 安全壳贯穿件,通道和电缆 (15)3.8.10. 电机 (15)3.8.11. 维修动力供应 (15)3.9. 仪表和控制 (15)3.10. 反应堆保护系统及其它系统 (15)3.11. 安全系统 (15)3.11.1. 应急堆芯冷却系统 (15)3.11.2. 非能动余热去除 (15)3.11.3. 非能动安全壳冷却系统 (15)3.11.4. 非能动反应堆压力壳防熔穿系统 (15)3.11.5. 主控室适留系统(VES) (15)3.11.6. 安全壳氢气控制系统 (15)3.11.7. 安全壳隔离 (15)3.11.8. 长期事故的减缓 (15)3.11.9. 严重事故(超设计基准事故) (15)第二部分AP1000的设计特点 (15)1. 模块化建造设计 (15)1.1. 模块化建造图示 (15)1.2. 设计理念 (15)1.3. 模块类型及数量 (15)1.4. 参照的规范、标准和参考 (15)2. 非能动性安全系统 (15)第三部分建造施工的技术特点 (15)1. 钢制安全壳预制、组装和安装 (15)1.1. 钢制安全壳概述 (15)1.2. 安全壳预制、组装和安装所需的技术文件 (15)1.2.1. 制造图纸 (15)1.2.2. 工具图纸 (15)1.2.3. 材料采购技术规格书 (15)1.2.4. 预制程序 (15)1.2.5. 检查和测试程序 (15)1.2.6. 组装程序 (15)1.3. 安全壳板的预制 (15)1.4. 安全壳板的组装 (15)1.4.1. 安全壳组装前的准备工作 (15)1.4.2. 安全壳的组装顺序 (15)1.4.3. 下封头组装和安装流程 (15)1.4.4. 安全壳第一环组装和安装流程 (15)1.4.5. 安全壳第二环组装和安装流程 (15)1.4.6. 安全壳第三环组装和安装流程 (15)1.4.7. 上封头组装和安装流程 (15)1.4.8. 安全壳上贯穿安装 (15)1.4.9. 焊接工艺 (15)1.4.10. 热处理工艺 (15)1.4.11. 喷砂与油漆工艺 (15)1.4.12. 安全壳安装要求及记录 (15)1.5. 安全壳组装和安装的主要设施 (15)1.6. 安全壳预制、组装、安装工艺特点与难点 (15)1.6.1. 板成形特点 (15)1.6.2. 焊接与热处理特点与难点 (15)1.6.3. 运输与吊装特点与难点 (15)2. 模块预制、运输和组装、安装 (15)2.1. 模块的制造要求 (15)2.1.1. 对于模块及其内部结构的吹扫和油漆要求 (15)2.1.2. 保温 (15)2.1.3. 测试 (15)2.1.4. 记录 (15)2.2. 模块的预制 (15)2.3. 模块的运输 (15)2.4. 模块的吊装 (15)3. 主设备安装 (15)3.1. 工作范围 (15)3.1.1. 反应堆设备安装 (15)3.1.2. 主回路设备安装 (15)3.2. 工艺流程 (15)3.3. 安装工序 (15)3.3.1. 压力容器安装 (15)3.3.2. 堆内构件安装 (15)3.3.3. 堆顶部件安装 (15)3.3.5. 稳压器安装 (15)3.3.6. 主泵安装 (15)3.3.7. 主管道安装 (15)3.4. 压力容器安装 (15)3.4.1. 工作区的初始条件 (15)3.4.2. 施工工艺 (15)3.5. 堆内构件安装 (15)3.5.1. 工作区的初始条件 (15)3.5.2. 施工工艺 (15) 下部堆内构件的安装 (15) 上部堆内构件的安装 (15)3.6. 堆顶设备安装 (15)3.6.1. 工作区的初始条件 (15)3.6.2. 施工工艺 (15) 控制棒驱动机构的安装 (15) 抗震支承装置的安装 (15) 通风罩组件的安装 (15) 电缆托架及电缆桥组件安装 (15) 控制棒驱动机构位置指示器组件安装 (15)3.7. 蒸汽发生器安装 (15)3.7.1. 工作区的初始条件 (15)3.7.2. 施工工艺 (15) 蒸汽发生器支撑的初装 (15)1)垂直支撑的初装 (15)2)中部横向支承初装 (15)3)下部横向支承初装 (15) 蒸汽发生器吊装 (15) 蒸发器的安装 (15)1)垂直支撑与蒸发器的连接 (15)2)下部横向支承与蒸汽发生器连接 (15)3)中部横向支承与蒸汽发生器连接 (15) 在环路焊接之后,横向支承的安装 (15)1)下部横向支承第三次安装 (15)2)中部横向支承第三次安装 (15)3)阻尼器锚固件二次预埋件的安装 (15)4)阻尼器的安装 (15) 安装完成 (15)3.8. 稳压器安装 (15)3.8.1. 工作区的初始条件 (15)3.8.2. 施工工艺 (15) 垂直支撑基座的安装 (15) 垂直支撑的安装 (15) 上部横向支承初装 (15) 稳压器的安装 (15) 上部横向支承的第二次安装 (15) 热态调试时间隙测量、垫片加工、安装及间隙调整 (15) 安装完成 (15)3.9. 主泵安装 (15)3.9.1. 工作区的初始条件 (15)3.9.2. 施工工艺 (15) 设备运入反应堆厂房 (15) 吸入口环的安装 (15) 电机组件的组装 (15) 叶轮的安装 (15) 电机组件与泵壳的对接 (15) 主法兰螺栓的安装 (15) 定子下端盖的安装 (15) 主法兰螺栓的拉伸 (15) 附件与管线的安装 (15) 安装完成 (15)3.10. 主管道安装 (15)3.10.1. 工作区的初始条件 (15)3.10.2. 施工工艺 (15) 主管道的移入 (15) 压力容器、蒸发器吊装就位 (15) 管段坡口的加工 (15) 冷段焊口的组对 (15) 冷段一端焊口的焊接 (15) 热段焊口的组对 (15) 冷段另一端焊口的组对点焊 (15) 热段及冷段另一端焊口的焊接 (15) 焊接检验 (15) 安装完成 (15)4. 空气导流板安装 (15)4.1. U型支架安装 (15)4.2. 导流板单板制作 (15)4.3. 运输与吊装 (15)4.4. 导流部件安装 (15)4.5. 导流板安装 (15)4.6. 检查与最终记录 (15)5. 压力容器保温工艺 (15)5.1. 编制依据 (15)5.2. RV主要保温工艺性能 (15)5.3. RV保温材料特点 (15)5.4. RV保温施工方案 (15)5.4.1. RV下部保温 (15)5.4.3. 保温板块的检查 (15)5.4.4. 底部圆弧部分 (15)5.4.5. 底部筒体部分 (15)5.4.6. 接管部分 (15)5.4.7. RV顶盖保温 (15)5.4.8. RV顶盖圆周保温 (15)5.4.9. RV顶盖中心圆板保温 (15)5.4.10. 安装结束检查 (15)第四部分建造工作包及分工 (15)第五部分AP1000项目索引...................................................................错误!未定义书签。

burster8201H压力传感器 技术手册

burster8201H压力传感器 技术手册

Order Information
High precision pressure transducer, measuring range 0 ... 200 bar, integrated amplifier for 0 ... 5 V
Combined error consisting of non-linearity, hysteresis and variation: < ± 0.1 % F.S Kin of measurement: measurement against atmosphere Dead volume: 5.8 cm3 Volume change: negligibly small Overload: measuring range ≤ 0 ... 300 bar 50 % over capacity measuring range ≥ 0 ... 500 bar 25 % over capacity Burst pressure: >100 % over capacity Dynamic performance: recommended 50 % of capacity maximum 70 % of capacity Design: Diaphragm pressure transducer with hermetically sealed measuring chamber (without internal sealing elements). Material: stainless steel, 1.4548.9 Pressure port: internal thread M 16 x 1.5 Sealing: Sealing of the transducer is ensured by the thrust and O-ring which is included in scope of delivery. For critical applications there is also a Teflon-coated Viton® O-ring with thrust ring available, see accessories. Mounting torque: max. 3 Nm Electrical connection: 6 pin bayonet model connector Souriau 851 07A 10 - 6 P Wiring code: pins A + B excitation voltage positive pins C + D excitation voltage negative pins E signal output negative pins F signal output positive Dimensions: refer to dimensional drawing Weight: approx. 420 g ... 650 g Protection class: acc. to EN 60529 IP65 Mating plug: model 9945 Souriau 851-06E-C-10-6S or Amphenol 62-GB-16F-10-6S included in scope of deel 8201 H



















目录前言 (5)安全部分安全标识 (7)一般危险知识 (11)烫伤预防 (14)防火及防爆 (14)防刮及防碰 (16)安装与拆卸 (16)启动发动机前的准备 (17)发动机启动 (17)发动机停车 (18)电子系统 (18)产品参数部分产品模型 (19)产品铭牌 (24)操作部分发动机的起吊及存放 (29)仪器及仪表 (31)发动机的特点和控制 (35)发动机启动 (88)发动机运转 (97)发动机停车 (99)冬天作业 (103)设备保养章节扭矩参数 (106)润滑油规范 (110)燃料规格 (121)冷却装置规格 (124)供油范围 (139)保养期限 (141)阶段性维修保养计划(备用发电机组发动机) (144)参考信息部分发动机额定参数 (238)客户服务 (242)参考资料 (244)前言说明该手册包括安全、操作说明、润滑和保养要求,应保存在现场资料员手中或资料室。

新一代福特 Everest 技术手册说明书

新一代福特 Everest 技术手册说明书

N EWS/ford/fordNext-Gen Everest Built for the Adventurous, Providing Amazing Capability When the Road Runs Out• Up to six selectable drive modes i ensure next-gen Everest is comfortable andcapable on- or off-road• 50mm longer wheelbase and wider track has enhanced stability on- and off-road,and improved approach and departure angles• Two 4x4 systems were developed for next-gen Everest, while towing capability hasbeen improved with a raft of new features as well as an improved maximum brakedtowing capacity of 3500 kg iiPRETORIA, South Africa, August 26, 2022 – Whether you’r e scrambling up the side of a mountain or towing a trailer, next-generation Everest is filled with cutting-edge technologies to get you there and back again. From Everest’s Selectable Drive Modes which optimise vehicle performance to suit a range of different conditions - to its sophisticated surround view cameras and rear differential lock, off-road adventures are even more achievable.“The Everest has always been very good off the beaten track, and we wanted to build on the confidence customers have when travelling off-road ,” said Ian Foston, chief platform engineer , Ford Everest. “So we focused on giving customers a vehicle that is versatile and sure footed on any surface by fitting it with a raft of technologies that combine to make it the most capable Everest yet .”With the twist of a dial or push of a button, next-gen Everest customers can choose from up to six drive modes designed to improve on- and off-road comfort and capability. Depending on the market and variant, these drive modes are: •Normal – Intended for everyday use and can be used on- and off-road in general driving conditions. •(New) Eco – This mode maximises fuel economy by reducing throttle sensitivity and upshifting gears earlier and adds a more economical cruise control tune. •(New) Tow/Haul – This mode is designed to be used when towing or carrying a heavy load and optimises gear shift timing to maintain power delivery and engine braking in hilly terrain, it also increases steering weight for improved control. •Slippery – For use on firm but slippery surfaces, like wet grass. The engine and transmission is optimised to reduce wheel spin with a faster acting traction control setting for enhanced grip and control. •(New) Mud/Ruts – For use only off-road in soft, muddy, rutted or waterlogged tracks, this mode is designed to help maintain vehicle momentum but still allow for some wheel slip to assist in clearing mud from the tyre tread. • Sand – Another off-road only mode designed to be used on both sand and deep snowand optimises power delivery, gear shifts and stability control to maintain vehicle momentum.The selectable drive modes dovetail into the raft of other technologies designed to enhance capability, like the electronic rear differential lock which can be activated via the dedicated SYNC off-road screen, or hill descent control, or front camera view (where fitted) with steering overlays which displays on the large-format infotainment screen.“We’re particularly pleased with the front camera view on next-gen Everest and we think owners who regularly venture off-road will love it,” said Rob Hugo, vehicle experience manager, Ford Everest. “Offering predictive steering overlays means you can inch your way around or between obstacles with confidence –it’s like having a built-in spotter.”Tested in more than 10 countries, from the harsh Australian outback, to the jungles of Thailand, the frozen snow-capped mountains of New Zealand and the searing desert sands of Dubai, next-gen Everest’s technologies o ffer capability with confidence.“Customers can have confidence in the technology we’ve added into next-gen Everest, because we torture tested it almost to destruction - both in the simulated world and real-word – to ensure it was capable, strong, safe, and durable enough to meet the demands of off-road adventurers,” said John Willems, chief program engineer, Ford Everest.These new technologies dovetail into a strong and purpose-built chassis that’s 50mm longer than before. The track has increased by 50mm, too. These two elements have combined to improve on- and off-road ride stability and enhanced capability thanks to shorter front and rear overhangs, improving approach (up to 30-degrees) and departure (up to 30-degrees) angles. The maximum braked towing capacity has been raised from 3200kg to 3500kg ii with features like trailer light check and towing checklist making next-gen Everest an outstanding towing platform that customers can have confidence in. For added peace of mind, Everest’s Blind Spot Information System (BLIS®i) driver assistance technology allows drivers to program the size of their trailer for added coverage of vehicle blind spots.The changes don’t end there with next-gen Everest offering two four-wheel drive systems. Depending on the market and model the Everest is either available with a traditional part-time 4x4 system with a two-speed electronic shift-on-the-fly transfer case offering 2H, 4H and 4L, or an advanced, permanent four-wheel drive system that uses an electronically controlled on-demand two-speed electromechanical transfer case (EMTC) offering 2H, 4H, 4L and 4A. The default setting in Normal drive mode is 2H with the part-time 4x4 system, which is intended for general driving on-road. Then, when you leave the bitumen behind, 4H sees all four wheels receive drive improving grip and control. For steep or rocky tracks and deep sand 4L provides increased torque multiplication for enhanced low-speed control. If equipped with the full-time 4WD system, 4A can be used on- and off-road and constantly adjusts the flow of drive between the front and rear axles for enhanced traction in all road conditions for peace of mind. The default setting in Normal drive mode is 4A with the full-time 4WD system.“We really wanted to build on the things people liked about the current Everest but go the extra mile when it came to capability. Customers can confidently go from the city to the mountains and back again knowing they’ve got a suite of technologies that can enhance the novice and flatter the experienced off-roader, all underpinned by a robust chassis and suspension that enhances both comfort and safety,” said Ian Foston, chief platform engineer, Ford Everest.A video link to view next-gen Everest in action can be found here.# # #Notesi Driver-assist features are supplemental and do not replace the driver’s attention, judgement and need to control the vehicle. May not operate at certain speeds, or in certain driving, road or weather conditions. See Owner’s Manual for details and limitations.ii Maximum towing capacity-braked using a Genuine Ford tow pack. Subject to State and Territory regulations (optional as part of a pack at additional cost). To comply with these limits, occupants and/or luggage may need to be restricted to not exceed the GCM and GVM limits. For further details regarding the passenger and luggage restrictions, please consult your authorised Ford Dealer and/or refer to the Owner’s Manual.# # #About Ford Motor CompanyFord Motor Company (NYSE: F) is a global company based in Dearborn, Michigan, that is committed to helping build a better world, where every person is free to move and pursue their dreams. The company’s Ford+ plan for growth and value creation combines exi sting strengths, new capabilities and always-on relationships with customers to enrich experiences for and deepen the loyalty of those customers. Ford develops and delivers innovative, must-have Ford trucks, sport utility vehicles, commercial vans and cars and Lincoln luxury vehicles, as well as connected services. Additionally, Ford is establishing leadership positions in mobility solutions, including self-driving technology, and provides financial services through Ford Motor Credit Company. Ford employs about 182,000 people worldwide. More information about the company, its products and Ford Credit is available at or - follow us at /FordSouthAfrica , /FordSouthAfrica , /FordSouthAfrica or/FordSouthAfricaContact: Felix SebataFord South Africa+27 12 842 2534****************。

PP 钢瓶秤技术手册

PP 钢瓶秤技术手册

图二 电子衡器工作原理
4 产品型号及规格系列
4.1 产 品 型 号
SC S -
4.2 产 品 编 号
P P --
平 台 秤 (可 省 略) 钢瓶专用 最 大 称 量 (t)- 数 字 电 阻 应 变 传 感 器, 数字显示电子地上衡
产 品 配 置 代 号(空 缺-标 准 配 置, “F”-非 标 配 置)
1-框 架 式 秤 台
2-装 运 夹
3-钢 瓶 支 架
4-吊 环 螺 钉
5-稳 压 电 源(选购 件) 6-框 架 式 底 座 7-称 重 显 示 仪 表 8-信 号 电 缆
9-大 屏 幕 显 示 器 (选 购 件)
10-打 印 机 (选 购 件)
3.2 工 作 原 理
图一 系 统 框 图
图三 安装简图 图四 信号电缆保护管及走线简图 8
图五 仪表固定示意图
6.3 称 重 显 示 仪 表 连 接 6.3.1 显 示 仪 表 安 放 位 置 由 用 户 自 定 , 仪 表 离 开 秤 台 的 距 离 受 信 号
电缆长度的影响,信号电缆标准配置为5米,超过5米,用户 在订货时应事先说明。 6.3.2 秤 体 安 装 就 位 后 , 将 七 芯 信 号 电 缆 带 9 芯 D 型 插 头 的 一 端 ( 另 一 端 接 在 接 线 盒 内 ) 接 入 仪 表 ,即 可 使 用。 6.3.3 信 号 电 缆 一 端 进 入 接 线 盒 (出 厂 前 已 接 好 ), 信 号 电 缆 为 七 芯 电 缆,在电缆上套着一只塑料接头与一只橡胶密封接头,在接 线时将电缆通过穿线孔穿入接线盒,并将塑料接头拧紧,在 接线盒内印制板上按电缆色标与接线板上的英文标识接线, 见 图 六 。 电 缆 另 一 端 连 接 显 示 仪 表 的 J3 接 口, 一 旦 损 坏, 可 参 见 图六 重 新 连 接 。



1 概述Jaguar为本公司最新推出的高档称重显示仪,它可以满足你目前在称重控制方面的需要,同时它具有非常灵活的扩展升级性能,使你能在称重控制领域一直保持领先地位。

1.1 Jaguar主要特点易安装性:全球电源系统-Jaguar的电源为开关电源,适应全球的需要。







功能键可以实现多种功能.键盘面板采用耐用树酯材料,抗物理和化学损伤.灵活性: PC结构-Jaguar的设计采用PC式结构,并且使用成熟的计算机硬件和软件。



Jaguar使用ARCnet和IPX/SPX 标准工业网络通讯协议。








Parker Hannifin 防御系统技术手册说明书

Parker Hannifin 防御系统技术手册说明书

Defense Systemsfrom Parker Hannifin CorporationParker’s industry-leading engineers draw on the corporation’s enormous breadth of technologies to create system solutions addressing the most challenging needs and optimizing platforms for weight, cost, power, and reliability.Collaborating with our customers, Parker designs advanced components and technologies more quickly and efficiently compared to other global organizations. At Parker, we engineer your success.Pumps and MotorsEfficient and powerful hydraulic pumps and motors to ensure your systems work at their peak for years to come • Piston • Gear • Vane • Screw• Hydrostatic • Bent axis • Power unitsValvesPrecisely and easily control hydraulic or pneumatic systems • Hydraulic or pneumatic • Manual or powered • Manifolds • Cartridge • Needle• Air brake controlsActuatorsA complete offering of robust actuators designed to withstand the rigors of defense use• Hydraulic or pneumatic cylinders • Electrohydraulic • Electromechanical • Linear or rotary• Global shield corrosion coatingHydraulic System AccessoriesComplete offering of all components needed for a turn-key and reliable hydraulic system • PTO• Accumulators • Coolers• Reservoir componentsElectricalSimplified control of electronics and world-leading hybrid drive solutions• Hybrid drive motors/ generators - 1kw to 1MW- Industry-leading power density - Gear boxes • Displays • Sensors • Joysticks • Controllers • Cameras• System health monitoring • Diagnostics and calibrationAEROSPACE ENGINEERED MATERIALS FILTRATION FLU FiltrationEnsure the continued and safe operation of equipment anywhere in the globe • Air and gas • Fuel - Filters - Pumps- On engine or transfer • Oil- On engine - Hydraulic• Water purification - Desalination - Portable or fixed- 140 to 100,000 gallons per dayFluid ConnectorsFlexible, reliable, and lightweight solutions for all platforms of fluid conveyance • Rubber hose • Industrial hose• Thermoplastic hose and tubing • Fittings and adapters • Quick disconnectsSeals and ElastomersReliable and engineered sealing systems ensure leak-free and trouble-free operation • O-rings• Static, dynamic, linear and rotary designs • Doors • Hatches • Turrets• CBRN wash down• Amphibious applications • Track pads/road wheelsEMI ShieldingComplete EMI protection for vehicles and equipment • Environmental seals • Thermal coatings • Heat shrink • Vents• Window film • Paint additives• Grease and adhesives• Molded plastic enclosuresSystemsProven systems engineered for ease of use and safety of the warfighterWater purification systems• Portable or fixed systems- Fresh water jerrican-sized solution produces 900 GPD - Rugged platoon-sized portable desalination system • Desalination or fresh waterCentral tire inflation system• Two-times faster deflation speeds• Independent wheel control and pressures down to 0 psi • Optional automatic terrain detectionQuick oil change system• Reduced maintenance and vehicle down timeAmphibious swim drives• Proven hydrostatic swim drive • Hydraulic power for an extremely power dense and robust solutionWinch systems• Lightweight and powerful solutions • 18k-100k lb sizes• Lightweight synthetic rope• Higher line pull strength availableArmored door assist systems• Thousands of fielded systems across many platforms • Damper, passive speed control with locking mechanism, configurable for speeds and loads• Egress damper system, damper system plus emergency egress power actuation for a simple and effective solution• Pneumatic door assist system, lightweight active system powered by vehicle pneumatics • Electrohydraulic actuator door assist system, self-contained active system with the easy hookup of electronics and power density of hydraulics • Helac, a robust rotary hydraulic actuator that replaces the existing hingeUID CONNECTORS INSTRUMENTATIONMOTION SYSTEMSSteering systems• Linear or rotary systems• Redundant design for added safetyFan drive systems• Hydraulic or electromechanical solutions • Improved cooling at lower engine RPMsAutomated trailer hitch• Three-axis articulating hitch• Operator protection while connecting or disconnecting trailerSystems EngineeringUtilizing our global engineering expertise to ensure that systems work right every time • Design• Troubleshooting• TrainingIndiLok™ quick-disconnect (QD) couplings• Provide reliable performance in cooling, fuel, hydraulic, and pneumatic systems across a wide range of temperatures and pressuresMedium- and high-pressure PTFE hoses• Reliable fuel, oil, and hydraulic fluid conveyance • Most hose assemblies are available with FAA, TSO, c53a, C75, AS, and ABS approvalsSlide-Lok™ couplings• Quick connect/disconnect action• Self-sealing action and superior performance during operation and maintenance of fluid systems • Push-to-connect, pull-to-disconnect styleJavelin control actuation systemMissile pitch, roll, and yaw control • Integrated control electronics • Independent fin controlBlack Hawk main rotor flight control actuatorsMain rotor pitch and roll control • Ballistic tolerant• Jam tolerant with fail-safe operating modes • Pressure switch for hydraulic system failure detectionAerospace T echnologyParker Hannifin Corporation 6035 Parkland Boulevard Cleveland, Ohio 44124-4141(800) 9-2019 ©500Naval T echnologyElectromechanical actuatorSafety barrier positioning, platform locking, door and hatch latching• Stainless steel construction for corrosion resistance • Improved sealing to prevent environmental moisture contamination• Mechanical override for emergency operation • Multiple move profiles • Absolute positioning • Adjustable accelerationDrive control systemHigh-powered variable-speed drive for AC motors available as either stand-alone unit or complex multi-axis motor control system• Power range: 160-600 hp (100-400 kW)• Modular design, low maintenance • Dynamic brakingMultitube bundlingNumbered or color-coded bundled stainless steel or copper tubing for fluid conveyance • Design assessed by ABS• Outer jacket and tube coatings are flame-resistant PVC material • Round profile ensures ease of sealing around panel entry and bulkhead penetrationsSurface ship and submarine reverse osmosis systemsPotable and high purity water filtered from the sea• Single, dual, and triple pass systems for maximum filtration • Fully qualified for shock, vibration, and electromagnetic interference• Exotic materials for light weight and corrosion resistance• Sound attenuated to meet critical low noise requirementsMilton Manufacturing is Parker’s design partner for prototype vehicles. A leading supplier of metal components and critical systems and kits, Milton is a HUBZone, certified woman-owned small business.Cold platesThermal management• Unique macrolaminate construction• Transports coolant with complex liquid pathsAdvanced liquid-cooled enclosuresThermal management• Answer-to-reset (ATR) format• High-power, high-density, electronic connectors • Suitable for ruggedized military, aerospace, industrial, and commercial applicationsElectric motor-driven positive-displacement pumps• Engine oil cooling systems and military electronic cooling systems applications • Accept a variety of dielectric fluids • Fixed-speed devices• Easily adjustable flow by changing width of the gerotor to meet the specific application• Modifiable pressure relief valve for safety to control maximum discharge pressureAircraft engine-driven pumps• Provide primary hydraulic power for many of today’s leading military and commercial aircraft• Ranging in size from 0.03 to 5.5 in³/rev and capable of operation at system pressures between 1,000 and 8,000 psi• Unmatched efficiency and reliability • Superior power-to-weight ratioHydraulic accumulators• P iston-type hydraulic accumulators meet stringent weight, envelope, and performance requirements • D ouble end-cap accumulators designed in accordance with MS28700 and MS28797Bootstrap reservoirs• Supply system pressure to the reservoir connection and acts on the small piston • Found in service on the F-22 Raptor, F-16 Fighting Falcon, F/A-18 E/F Hornet, C-17 Globemaster, V-22 Osprey, and 787 DreamlinerParker can engineer your success with efficient, cost-effective off-the-shelf solutions. With more than 100 years of experience, Parker also offers military and aerospace grade components that meetdemanding applications without needing to be custom-manufactured.Here is a sample of high quality solutions that save time and money.。



1 概述PANTHER(磐狮)是梅特勒-托利多公司最新推出的称重显示仪表。


1.1 PANTHER主要特点易安装性:多种电压源-可以选择不同的电压供电。
















1.2 PANTHER技术特性PANTHER有两种型号:密封式(台/墙式)及面板式两种。

1.2.1 硬件特点•7位荧光段码显示器•6个轻触薄膜键盘•接线端子•一体化PCB板结构标准模拟传感器输入接口,可驱动8只350Ω的传感器双向串行口:COM1(RS232)并行口:一个输入,三个输出功能扩展口1.2.2 密封式外观特性•不锈钢外壳•外壳符合NEMA4X(IP65)标准•不锈钢支架•NEMA4X(IP65)密封接头•外部不用螺丝装配•五个LED指示灯指示OVER/UNDER分选或预置点状态1.2.3 面板式外观特性•铝合金拉伸外壳•不锈钢前面板•前面板符合NEMA4(IP65)标准•面板式安装•三个LED指示灯指示过量/正常/欠量,并可与预置点的输出状态对应。



目录1 安全与防护措施 (3)1.1 本手册中的术语和符号 (3)1.2 预防措施及安全手册 (3)2 概论 (4)2.1 简介 (4)2.2 一般规格 (4)2.3 禁止 (4)2.4 拆箱及检查 (5)2.5 符合CE标准和申报 (5)2.6 清洁说明 (5)3 Techimp PDCheck采集装置和它的连接器 (6)3.1 Techimp PDCheck采集装置 (6)3.2 采集装置的连接 (7)3.2.1 连接方式1 (7)3.2.2 连接2 (8)3.2.3 连接3 (8)3.2.4 连接4 (8)3.3 连接错误 (9)3.3.1没有设备连接到LAN (9)3.3.2 连接错误:系统无响应 (10)4 Techimp PDCheck PDC控制软件1.08.02版 (10)4.1 使用前需进行的操作 (10)4.1.1 控制装置最低配置 (10)4.1.2 软件安装 (11)4.1.3 控制装置IP设置 (11)4.1.4 连接到采集装置 (13)4.2 采集设备的控制 (15)4.2.1 截屏的解释 (15)4.2.2 预处理工具 (19)4.2.3 采集设置截图 (19)4.2.4 低速通道可视化 (22)4.2.5 内置闪存卡管理 (23)4.2.6 嵌入EUT信息 (26)4.2.7 监测参数配置 (26)4.3 运行时间菜单 (29)5 快速启动指南 (31)5.1 第一步:配置探测参数 (32)5.2 第二步:配置低速通道参数 (32)5.3 第三步:设置EUT信息 (33)5.4 第四步:设置监测参数 (34)5.5 第五步:启动监测过程 (34)6 可选设备 (35)6.1 TECHIMP多路器 (35)附件A (38)附录B:PD图库 (39)1 安全与防护措施本章主要应用于Techimp PDCheck系统直接或间接安装到高压设备是。


NSS Panther 15 吸尘器手册 双语说明书

NSS Panther 15 吸尘器手册 双语说明书

SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSSAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION QTY.0 2001502 PANTHER 15 (DRY VACUUM) 1 1 2065011 LID DECORATION STRIP 1 2 2065021 LID RATING PLATE 1 3 2065031 TOP LID 1 4 2065041 CREVICE TOOL 1 5 2065051 BRUSH TOOL 1 6 2065061 ACCESSORIES SUPPORT 1 7 2065071 AIR INLET HOLDER 1 8 2065081 AIR INLET FILTER 1 9 2065091 SEAL RING FOR BODY 1 10 2065101 AIR INLET GRILL 1 11 2065111 MIDDLE PART 1 12 2065121 VACUUM MOTOR TOP SUPPORT 1 13 2065131 BODY 1 14 2065141 VACUUM MOTOR 1 15 2065151 MUFFLER FOR VACUUM MOTOR 1 16 2065161 VACUUM MOTOR BOTTOM SUPPORT 1 17 2065171 SPONGE SEAL STRIP FOR BOTTOM 1 18 2065181 SHAFT CUP 1 19 2065191 PRESS BUTTON 1 20 2065201 AIR FLUE 1 21 2065211 MAIN POWER SWITCH SPRING 1 22 2065221 SHAFT PROTECTING COVER A 1 23 2065231 SHAFT PROTECTING COVER B 1 24 2065241 MAIN POWER SWITCH 1 25 2065251 SPONGE SEAL STRIP FOR BOTTOM 1 26 2065261 POWER CABLE CLAMP 1 27 2065271 POWER CABLE CLAMP 1 28 2065281 INNER WIRE 1 29 2065291 SWITCH HOLDER 1 30 2065301 AIR OUTLET SPONGE 1 31 2065311 REAR WHEEL COVER 2 32 2065321 REAR WHEEL 2 33 2065331 REAR WHEEL AXLE 2 34 2065341 REAR WHEEL BUSHING 2 35 2065351 RETAINING RING 2 36 2065361 REAR WHEEL HOLDER 2 37 2065371 CASTER 2 38 2065381 BOTTOM INSERT 1 39 2065391 CLOTH DUST BAG 1 40 2065401 TYPE Q BRUSH TOOL 1 41 2065411 TELESCOPIC WAND TUBE, SS 1 42 2065421 STRAIN RELEIF, POWER CORD 1 43 2065431 CAPACITOR 1 44 2065441 NOISE REDUCTION FELT, BOTTOM 1 45 2065451 NOISE REDUCTION FELT, FRONT 1 46 2065461 SOCKET FOR POWER BRUSH 1 47 2065471 AIR INLET HOLDER 1 48 2065481 HOSE HANDLE 1 49 2065491 SUCTION HEAD SEAL RING 1 50 2065501 SUCTION ADAPTOR 1 51 2065511 HANDLE COVER 1 52 2065521 MIDDLE COVER BUTTON 1 53 2065531 SPRING 1 54 2065541 COVER HINGE PIN 1 55 2065551 RETAINING RING 1 56 2065561 SAFTEY VALVE 1 57 2065571 BARE FLOOR TOOL W/BRUSH 1 58 2065581 SCREWS 12 59 2065591 35MM FLEXIBLE HOSE 1 60 2065601 FLEXIBLE HOSE SLEEVE 1 61 2065611 FLEXIBLE HOSE ASSEMBLY 1 62 2065621 PAPER DUST BAG1TROUBLESHOOTINGSymptom CauseSolutionMachine Does Not Run.No Electrical Power.Check Building Circuit Breaker and Outlet.Damaged Switch. Change Switch. Damaged Cord. Change Cord.Machine Has Poor Or No Suction. Obstruction in Hose, Tool or Wand. Remove Obstruction. Full Bag.Replace Bag or Empty Bag.Obstruction in Hose Coupling. Remove Obstruction. Machine is Difficult to Move. Damaged Wheels.Replace Wheels.Damaged Caster.Replace Caster.Bag Leaks. Improper Coupling connection. Adjust Coupling Connection. Filter Bag Defective.Replace Filter Bag.Gasket Missing or Damaged.Replace Gasket.Repair service for this machine must be performed by an NSS authorized service center. Repairs performed by an unauthorized company will void the machine warranty.保存上述说明条目零件编号描述数量0 2001502PANTHER 15 型(干式静音真空吸尘器) 1 1 2065011盖子装饰条 1 2 2065021盖子标示牌 1 3 2065031顶盖 1 4 2065041缝隙清洁工具 1 5 2065051刷子工具 1 6 2065061附件支撑件 1 7 2065071空气进气口固定件 1 8 2065081空气进气口过滤网 1 9 2065091主体部件密封环 1 10 2065101空气进气口过滤网罩 1 11 2065111中间件 1 12 2065121真空马达顶部支撑件 1 13 2065131主体部件 1 14 2065141真空马达 1 15 2065151真空马达消声器 1 16 2065161真空马达底支撑件 1 17 2065171底座海棉密封条 1 18 2065181轴盖 1 19 2065191按钮 1 20 2065201通风道 1 21 2065211主电源开关弹簧 1 22 2065221轴保护盖A 1 23 2065231轴保护盖B 1 24 2065241主电源开关 1 25 2065251底座海棉密封条 1 26 2065261电源线夹子 1 27 2065271电源线夹子 1 28 2065281内部电线 1 29 2065291开关座 1 30 2065301空气出口海棉 1 31 2065311后轮盖 2 32 2065321后轮 2 33 2065331后轮轮轴 2 34 2065341后轮轴衬 2 35 2065351固定环 2 36 2065361后轮支架桥 2 37 2065371脚轮 2 38 2065381底座插件 1 39 2065391灰尘收集布袋 1 40 2065401Q型刷头工具 1 41 2065411伸缩硬管,SS 1 42 2065421电线防拉伸防护件 1 43 2065431电容器 1 44 2065441消音棉,底座 1 45 2065451消音棉,前部 1 46 2065461电动刷头插座 1 47 2065471空气进气口固定器 1 48 2065481软管手柄 1 49 2065491吸头密封环 1 50 2065501抽吸适配器 1 51 2065511手柄盖 1 52 2065521中间盖子按钮 1 53 2065531弹簧 1 54 2065541盖子铰链销 1 55 2065551固定环 1 56 2065561安全阀 1 57 2065571用于清扫硬质地面的工具 W/刷头 158 2065581 螺钉1259 2065591 弹性软管,直径35mm 160 2065601 弹性软管接头 161 2065611 弹性软管组件 162 2065621 灰尘收集纸袋 1保存上述说明。



野马飞行员手册(中文翻译版)翻译:SINOFSX CPA9669目录制作人员名单 (2)介绍 (3)重要信息 (4)使用这本飞行员手册 (5)电脑性能 (6)重新安装你的软件 (7)飞机数据......................................................................................................8-9 代号和缩写.. (10)选择你的飞机 (11)2D面板......................................................................................................12-13 虚拟座舱...................................................................................................17-18 辅助控制面板.. (19)飞机外部图 (20)主飞行显示器.............................................................................................21-24 多功能显示器.............................................................................................25-34 音频面板.. (35)右侧开关面板.............................................................................................36-37 起落架和灯光面板.......................................................................................38-39 左侧开关面板.............................................................................................40-42 油门基座...................................................................................................43-45 自动驾驶仪................................................................................................46-47 备用仪表...................................................................................................48-49 增压.. (49)防冰 (50)主警告系统................................................................................................51-53 防火系统.. (54)限制和记忆项目………………………………………………………………………………55-60 正常程序………………………………………………………………………………………61-70 性能图表………………………………………………………………………………………71-90制作人员名单野马开发团队成员:野马测试团队成员:Jerry Beckwith Mike Badger Kurt Kalbfleisch Terry Gaff Paul Bartelt Giorgio La Pira Karl Gaff Cody Bergland Dave MarksJim Rhoads Elliot Block Roberto Serpieri Matt Kaprocki Dave Blevins William Mayr Todd Nicholson Zane GardHenning van Rensburg介绍赛斯纳奖状野马是超轻型喷气式商务机。

Cascade Push Pull 35E-PLB-153模型技术手册说明书

Cascade Push Pull 35E-PLB-153模型技术手册说明书

Parts Manual cFor Technical Assistance call: 800-227-2233, Fax: 888-329-8207 To Order Parts call: 888-227-2233, Fax: 888-329-0234OR Push Pull35E-PLB-153ModelSerial Number cascadeாcorporationPublicationsPART NO.DESCRIPTIONParts Manual686455Service Manual684945Operators Guide685531Operators Pocket Guide684944Installation Instructions680664Servicing Cascade Cylinders-VHS 679929Tool Catalog673964Literature Index Order FormDecalsFrame Group ITA IIThis tubing35E/45EREF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION204649Frame Group1 1 204651Frame232453Fitting, 6-631686509Tube41686510Tube512680Fitting, 6-6612375Fitting, 6-672683001Washer82683142CapscrewNon S/S Mounting Group ITA II682832Mounting Group-39" Wide 11682550Anchor Bracket-39" Wide 22671165Bearing Segment 32768759Setscrew 42682814Bearing547403Grease Fitting35E/45EREF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTIONQuick-Change Lower Hook Group ITA IIREF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION683179Lower Hook Group ITA II12678832Pin22675514Hook34683182Capscrew42675515Guide35E/45EREF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION364009Mechanism Group 11364240Arm-Inner Secondary R.H.21204692Arm-Secondary Outer R.H.34683154s Bushing4q683161Shim (.030)5q683162Shim (.060)64205070Roller7q683163Shim (.030)8q683164Shim (.060)94683155s Bushing101682821Pin11156229Washer1215685661Capscrew1315682999Eye-Pin142682822Pin-Head152205065Pin166683153s Bushing17q204532Shim (.12)182204694Arm-Outer Primary 194204533Pin-Frame204204535s Bushing214204695Pin221364238Arm-Inner Primary 231204693Arm-Secondary Outer L.H. 241364239Arm-Inner Secondary L.H. 252204696Pin-Outer262682823Pin-Rod272683165Spacer2867401Grease Fittingq Quantity as required.s Included in Bushing Service Kit 205075.CylinderREF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION355504Cylinder Assembly 11 ---Spacer 21562552Seal s 317348Snap Ring 41562334Piston 51562716Shell 61558626Rod 71559705Seal s 812785O-Ring s91615128Back-Up Ring s 101559696Retainer 111636853Wiper s 124559697Bearing 131559698Spacer 141678019Nut151671047Seal Loader Kit s 1627401Grease fittings Included in Service Kit 562338.2" D I A .56^@0!79831@#2$4%PP0089.illHydraulic Group35E/45EREF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION688382Hydraulic Group ITA II 11200649Tube22683173Hose312375Fitting, 6-641688384s Valve52765329Capscrew, M8x1.25x20-8.8 62685980Hose ITA II74605235Fitting 5-686604511Fitting, 6-691200647Tube102604510Plug, 6111200648Tubes See Valve page for parts breakdown.ValveLoad Push35E/45EREF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION688384Valve Assembly 11688385Body21687224Relief Valve32663694Fitting, 3Faceplate GroupPushREF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION205057Faceplate Group 40"x40" s 11204636Faceplate 40"x40" ss Width x height.P A R T S O R D E R I N G L O GP U R C H A S E S E R I A L R E F C A S C A D E C U S T O M E R D A T EO R D E R N U M B E RP A G E N O .Q T Y P A R T N O .P A R T N O .D E S C R I P T I O N P R I C EDo you have questions you need answered right now? 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EagleBlaster v1.71用户手册

EagleBlaster v1.71用户手册

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PanCOS/KC 专用手册
PanCOS/KC 技术 参考手册
PanCOS/KC 专用手册
1. 关于本手册 ............................................................. - 4 1.1 内容概述 ...................................................................................................................... - 4 1.2 参考文献 ...................................................................................................................... - 4 1.3 定义 ............................................................................................................................... - 5 1.4 缩略语和符号表示 ....................................................................................................... - 6 2. PanCOS/KC 简介 ......................................................... - 8 2.1 关于 PanCOS/KC.................................................

XDAS User Manual 探测器技术手册

XDAS User Manual 探测器技术手册

XDAS-V2X-ray data acquisition systemSens-Tech Limited6A Langley Business CentreStation Road, Langley, BerkshireSL3 8DS. UKtel:+44 (0) 1753 214714fax:+44 (0) 1753 214715email:info@registered in England 668759an ISO 9001 registered company© Sens-Tech Limited, 2007the contents may not be copied or disclosed to anyunauthorised third party without written permission user manual-S ENS T ECH SENSOR TECHNOLOGIESXDAS-V2 X-ray data acquisition systemcontentspage1 introduction3general1.13applications1.2features 31.31.43product2 precautions5voltage2.1supply52.2maintenancecleaning 52.35environment2.4radiation 52.55connections2.6screens 52.7 electrical3 installationrequirements 63.1 system3.2interfaces 6mounting 7 3.33.48installationsoftwareoperation 9 3.5softwaresoftware4 start-upinterpreter 104.1 commandacquisition 14dataX-ray4.25 advanced user guide5.1 the control channel 15the data channel 175.2additional configuration jumpers195.36 troubleshooting 207 module and system operation7.1 XDAS module operation 217.2 XDAS system operation 218 appendixappendix A interface characteristics 23appendix B environmental conditions 26appendix C block diagrams 2729interconnectionsappendixcableDappendix E USB2 protocol 33appendix F system (data) bus waveforms 34appendix G detector pin out 36appendix H outline drawings 40appendix I peripheral connections 421 introduction1.1 generalXDAS is a modular system of boards for use in any X-ray linescan application. Each board has 64 or 128 channels, corresponding to a detector pitch of 2.5, 1.6, 0.8 or 0.4 mm. Multiple boards can be connected in series and detectors can be butted end-to-end to provide a continuous array.Data output is in 16 bit format. The system can be interfaced to a PC via:•USB2 Local (5m maximum)• USB2 Remote•PCI-7300A data I/O card•standard frame grabber cardControl signals are transmitted to the board via the USB2 connection or an RS485 serial interface, which can be easily generated from a standard RS232 serial port, using an RS232 to RS485 converter.X-rays are detected using a scintillator and a photodiode array. Scintillators, such as phosphor strip, CsI(Tl), or CDW04 are offered to cover a wide energy range from 30 keV to 450 keV.1.2 applicationsThese include security, food inspection, thickness measurement, bone densitometry and non-destructive testing.1.3 features• 2.5, 1.6, 0.8 or 0.4 mm detector pitch•range of scintillator types available•up to 21504 (128x24DHx7SP) channels in a system•simultaneous data acquisition and read-out•dual energy option•wide dynamic range•16 bit output•high speed USB2 or parallel RS485 link to CPU1.4 producthardwareA standard XDAS board is supplied in 2 basic formats, depending on whether a dual energy version or a single energy version is required.•The dual energy version has 64 detector channels on each side of the board for detection of low and high energy X-rays.•The single energy version has 64 or 128 detector channels on one side of the board only.XDAS-V2 is a series of products that consists of two basic building blocks:• A detector head (DH) board populated with custom radiation detectors. It is possible to daisy chain up to12 DH boards.• A signal processing (SP) board that allows the user to control the operation of two chains of12 DH boards each. It is also possible to connect up to 7 SP boards together to form a singlesystem output.Further details can be found in the XDAS-V2 datasheet available from the Sens-Tech website: .XDAS units should be operated within a housing to provide electrical and radiation screening. A test box can be supplied for system evaluation.Connection cables for module interconnection and for connection to a PC can be supplied as required. They include the communications link and power connections. Signal terminators must be used for the local and system buses and must be fitted to the master signal processing board and the last detector board of every sub chain of an XDAS system. These can be supplied to order. standard softwareStandard XDAS software is supplied to permit basic operation and evaluation of the system. The software enables the user to set signal integration time and sub-sample rate, acquire and log data, and perform offset and gain corrections on live data. This is described in section 4, start up software.user software applicationsUsers may wish to write their own independent software application to provide system control and data acquisition. This is described in section 5 advanced, user guide. A Software Development Kit (SDK) is available. This provides the data acquisition source code.module and system operationThis is described in section 7, module system and operation.2 precautions2.1supply voltageEnsure the +6V supply voltage does not exceed +9V or fall below +5.5V. Exceeding these limits may result in unpredictable behaviour. The power supply must not exceed the absolute maximum ratings which can cause permanent damage to the unit. (see appendix A).2.2maintenanceThere are no user maintainable components. The user must not attempt disassembly. Boards must be returned to Sens-Tech for service or repair.2.3cleaningThe Boards may be hand cleaned using conventional printed circuit board techniques. Residues should not be left on the board that could affect the performance of the sensitive front-end analogue electronics.2.4environmentThe Boards must not be exposed to levels outside those specified in appendix B.2.5radiationThe Boards use components of limited radiation hardness. Additional shielding is required to protect the electronics from the X-ray source.2.6connectionsAlways make connections to the Boards with the power supplies switched off.2.7electrical screensThe complete system of XDAS boards must reside in a fully shielded enclosure, to protect from external noise and interference.3 installationThe following instructions will enable users to operate the XDAS unit using the software provided. Results can be taken immediately and the hardware setup can be checked for correct operation.3.1 system requirementsIntel Pentium® III or faster CPU(A USB2.0 capable PC is required for USB2 interface)Microsoft Windows® 98, 2000 or XPA mouse or a tabletVGA or higher resolution monitorCD drive+6V low noise DC power supply3.2 interfaces (see appendix A for details)The diagrams of appendix D show three different types of connection: USB2, PCI-7300A and a frame grabber card connection. Please make connections as shown.interface3.2.1 controlSet up the serial interface as follows:RS485typebaud rate 9600data bits 8oddparitystop bits 1USB2 connection does not require a separate serial interface.interface3.2.2 dataOne of three types of interface can be used: USB2; PCI-7300A Data I/O card or frame grabber. These should be set up as follows:USB22.0type USBdata rate 2.5-20 Mbytes per second sustainedmode Bulk transfer mode.Buffer 130kBytes of cache bufferA standard USB B socket is used, conforming to industry standards.PCI data I/O cardtype TTL, parallel 8 bitdata rate 2.5-20 Mbytes per second clocked using gated PCLKmode synchronousSignal types and connector definition are detailed in appendix A.Details of the synchronous protocol are defined in appendix F.Frame Grabbertype RS422, parallel 8 bitdata rate 5-20 Mbytes per second clocked using PCLKmode synchronousSignal types and connector definition are detailed in appendix A.Details of the synchronous protocol and line and frame synchronization are defined in appendix F. 3.2.3 detector interfaceWhere users are fitting their own detectors, details of the detector connections, for 16 and 32 channel detectors, can be found in appendix G.3.2.4 IDaddressEnsure dip switches are set on each signal processing module, based on the position of each module in the system chain. For systems with only one processing board, the address is always set to address 1.address address positions(jumper or dip switch)2101 0 0 12 0 1 03 0 1 14 1 0 05 1 0 16 1 1 07 1 1 1Note that each board is factory set to address ‘000’. The user must set the address for each SP board in the system before use.Address ‘001’ is Master.Header3.2.4 BoardSet the dip switch H to ON position. This enables the addition of two header bytes in the beginning of each data block identifying each detector board. This setting is required for XDAS software and is optional for customer specific software.3.3 mounting (see mechanical interface drawing appendix H)Four mounting holes, suitable for M3 fasteners are provided on each detector module to allow the securing of the modules into the system. The signal processing module has eight mounting holes suitable for M3 fasteners. Each provides a ground connection for the board.Care must be taken to ensure the modules are electrically screened from external interference. They must also be screened from the X-ray beam using appropriate techniques.3.4 software installationInsert the XDAS software CD into the computer’s CD-ROM drive.If the setup program does not auto-run, carry out the following.Run from the Start menu.• Select•In the command line box, type d:\setup (where d is the letter of your CD-ROM drive), then click OK or press the Return (↵)key.•Follow the on screen instructions.•The setup program creates a program icon in the Start menu.•Browse and click the XDAS Demo (V1x/V2) icon to start the program.3.5software operation (version 3.41) – V1x/V2On entering the program, the driver selection window is displayed first. Select the correct option applicable to the type of data interface you are using and click OK. The software will then display the Command Interpreter box and the Data Acquisition window.The system is now ready to be used. Data acquisition parameters are set up on the Command Interpreter and sent to XDAS using the Send button. The button turns green after a successful XDAS configuration.The system will commence data acquisition by pressing the Start button. Detailed setting-up instructions can be found in section 4, start up software.4 start-up softwareXDAS Software is provided with the unit to allow immediate use of the product. Custom user programs may be required and section 5, advanced user guide defines the necessary interface protocol for users to follow.These instructions are written for Microsoft Windows XP™. The software provided with the unit can be operated by carrying out the following steps.Before using the software the module(s) must be connected together and to the host PC as stated in section 3,installation.A copy of the latest version of XDAS Demo software must be installed.Start the XDAS demonstration software by browsing to Start\All Programs\XDAS\XDAS Demo (V1x). Select the applicable cable interface option in the driver selection window and click OK.*The EPP mode is not available on XDAS-V2.4.1 command interpreterIn the Command Interpreter set up the following default configuration:: AllmodeGraphIntegration period AB : 50 (i.e., 500us)Integration period CD : 50 (i.e., 500us)Subsamples : 2Test mode : uncheckednModules : 1 x 1Host speed : 5MHzRefresh rate : 10msNow click on the Send button which should turn Green indicating successful XDAS setup.4.1.1 graph modeThe axis of the graph is automatically scaled to correspond to the total number of channels depending on the number of modules in the system. The following modes can be set via the Command Interpreter:AB This selects only channels 1 to 64 to be displayed from each module.CD This selects only channels 65 to 128 to be displayed from each module.ALL This selects all channels to be displayed in a single line.Dual This selects modes AB and CD to be displayed at the same time, as different colours on the same x and y axis.4.1.2scan controlThis starts or stops the data acquisition process based on the last set of settings sent from the Command Interpreter.4.1.3integration periodThis allows the user to set either identical or different integration periods for channels 1 to 64 and 65 to 128 on each module. The integration period and can be set between 1 and 50000 (10 µs to 0.5 s) in steps of 10us.4.1.4test modeThis mode must only be used with the integration time set to a maximum of 30us for 2pF mode and 150us for 10pF mode.The test mode injects a factory defined signal into the odd and even inputs such that the odd numbered channels produce an output twice to that of even numbered channels. This feature allows the testing of the system in the absence of an external signal.4.1.5sub-sampleThere is a choice of three different levels of sub-samples: 1, 2, and 4.When Sub-samples is activated, multiple integration periods are taken dependent on the number of sub-samples requested. This allows the dynamic range of the module to be extended. The user may perform further sub-sampling in software.4.1.6modulesThis input tells both the hardware and the software how many modules are connected in the system.4.1.7refresh rateThis sets the software refresh rate for acquiring new data and can be varied from 1 ms to 100 s.4.1.8data logWhen data logging is activated a separate menu is displayed requesting the file name, number of data points required, and whether to add calibration data and command interpreter settings. The system then logs data based on these parameters and saves it in csv format.4.1.9open last log fileThis allows the last set of data to be logged or to be reloaded for analysis or viewing.4.1.10 calibrateThe calibration mode allows the user to acquire offset and gain calibration parameters. These are as follows:offset: takes a reading based on the current settings and stores the figure for each channel as the offset correction factor. This is carried out with no signal present.gain: takes a reading based on the current settings and calculates the gain correction factor for each channel to give 95 % of full scale. This should be carried out with maximum signalpresent on all channels.The calibrate function allows 3 display options as follows:offset correct: this automatically deducts the stored offset from all readings before displaying andstoring.gain correct: this automatically calibrates with the stored gain correction factor for each channel before displaying and storing.set threshold: this allows all readings below a set number (0 to 65536) to be set to zero, to allow for threshold detection.The calibration factors can be applied to either live or static data.4.1.11 save defaultsThis allows the current settings in the Command Interpreter to be set as the module power-on defaults that are used on initial switch-on.4.1.12 sendThis transmits the current parameters setup on the Command Interpreter screen to the hardware. The Send box remains highlighted in Red if settings have been changed and not transmitted to XDAS.4.2 X-ray data acquisitionThe following facilities are available from the X-ray Data Acquisition menu bar:fileopen: enables the user to select a previous set of results for as: enables the user to save a set of results.settings: allows the data and control interface to be selected as defined in section 3, installation.exit: exits the program.editcopy: copies data to the clipboard to enable it to be pasted into other softwareapplications, such as a spreadsheet or word processor.viewgraph only: displays graph as: channel/number: table referenced to channel numbers ( 1 to 8064 ) ormodule/channel: table referenced as module and channel numbergraph(ie. 1/63 = module 1 channel 63 ).type: selects bar, line or bar/line combination display types.windowdata acquisition: switches on/off the graphical display.command interpreter: switches on/off the command interpreter.cascade: allows data acquisition and command interpreter to be cascaded.helphelp:future option. For help contact the Sens-Tech technical help line.About: Opens a software information shield.5 advanced user guideXDAS-V2 has two interface channels. These are the control channel and the data channel . The control channel is used to issue commands to the XDAS system whereas the data channel is used only to receive channel data from the XDAS system. In this section, hexadecimal numbers are indicated by the prefix 0x.5.1 the control channelThe control channel is used to issue commands to the XDAS system. It is an RS485 serial input and is bussed to all the modules in the system. External connections to this bus are typically made using pins 8 [SCTRL+] and 7 [SCTRL-] of the system bus connector.5.1.1 command formatAll commands sent to the XDAS system follow a generic pattern described below.All commands start with the byte 0xC0. This is followed by one or two byte(s) representing the command (Cmd). Where a command has parameters, these are sent immediately after the Cmd byte.5.1.2 parameter formatThere are two types of parameters that can be sent with a command. These are one byte and two byte byte parameters are sent simply as one byte.two byte parameters however, must be split into nibbles (half bytes) and sent as four separate bytes. The most significant byte is sent first.An example of this is given in section 5.1.4.listing5.1.3 commandThe commands for controlling an XDAS system are shown below.descriptionCmd byte function parameter type(see section 5.1.2)scan none start continuous scan0x00 startscan none stop scan0x01 stopdefault = OFF0x02 set number of SP boards one byte sets the number of signalprocessing boards in thesystemN = 1 to 7default = 20x03 * set integration period AB two byte sets the integration period forblock AB (ch1-64).default = 68 (680us)0x04 set output data bus speed one byte sets the PCLK frequency where0=2.5, 1=5, 2=10, 3=20MHzdefault = 2 (10MHz)sub-samples one byte sets the sub-samples, S where 0x05 setN is the parameter.S = 2Ndefault = 0 (1 ss)0x06 test mode ON none enable test modedefault = OFF0x07 reserved0x08 * set integration period CD two byte sets the integration period forblock CD (ch65-128).default = 68 (680us)0x09 reserved0x0A test mode OFF none disable test modedefault = OFF0x0B set number of DH boards one byte sets the number of detectorboards in the system.N = 1 to 24default = 120x0C reserveddefaults none Saves current settings as power 0x0D savebooton defaults.0x0E reserved0x0F reserved* the integration time, T, is derived from the integration period, P as follows:T = 10 µs x Ncommands5.1.4 exampleSet number of sub-samples in system to 44 = 22Set integration period to 2600 (2600 = 0x0A28) on both AB and CDStart Scanning5.1.5 scan trigger (nSCAN)There is an option to start and stop the scan using hardware, for example, to synchronise scanning to an X-Ray shutter.nSCAN is a 5V CMOS signal (locally pulled high) and should be input to the first SP board in the system. The module address does not matter. nSCAN is then bussed to other modules over the system bus.By default, nSCAN is a level triggered pin and as such, when nSCAN is Logic 0, continuous scanning begins. When nSCAN is Logic 1, continuous scanning stops.Switch A switches nSCAN from leveltriggering to edge triggering on both rising and falling edges.Set Not Set nSCAN edge triggered nSCAN level triggered(factory setting)For edge triggering, there is one line acquisition and readout for each of the rising and falling edges. The integration time and subsamples are set using the serial control interface. XDAS ignores anynSCAN edges that appear while the current integration cycle is in progress.It is advised to use an opto-coupler to isolate nSCAN from XDAS if the trigger source is referenced toa different ground plane.5.2 the data channelThe data channelis used to receive channel data from an XDAS system. It is an 8-bit wide, RS485 (differential) parallel data bus running through all signal processing modules in the system.In a multi-processor system, the external connection between the XDAS system is made from the module with the highest address and notfrom the module with address 1. The modules send their data in order of address, starting at address Dip switches affecting the data transfer protocolThe data transfer protocol is set up using dip switches B, C, F, and H.switch B allows the user to change the order of channel readout from each detector board.Set Not setreadout reversed standard output(factory setting)switch C allows the user to change the order of detector board readout from each signal processing board.Set Not setstandard output readout reversed(factory setting)switch F switches the gated pixel clock (PCLK) mode. When PCLK is gated, PCLK only clocks valid data. When PCLK is un-gated, PCLK clocks continuously. In un-gated mode, LVAL ± is used to validate the data. Un-gated mode is normally used for frame-grabber cards. The un-gated mode is available only in single SP board systems. Set Not setPCLK ungated PCLK gated(factory setting)switch H controls the address header prefix.When enabled, two header bytes are prefixed to each packet data per module. The first bytes represents the SP board ID and the second byte represents the DH board ID. This enables software to verify that it is in sync with the data.Set Not setheader prefix header prefix enabled disabled (factory setting)DIP switches B and C allow to user to set XDAS to one of all the possible combinations of the readout direction.5.2.2 dataformatData bytes are presented on the data output connector. The data from each module is organised as shown below. The channels are output in order from 1 to 128. Channel data is two bytes wide.If switch H is set, a two byte header is added to the output of each module. The header contains the address of the signal processing board (m) in the first byte and the module number (n) in the second. For example, data output for the first DH board connected to first SP board with switch H (two header bytes) and switch E (digital test pattern enable – section 5.3) are set to ON is given below.SP address* DHaddress*CH1 Data CH128 data0x0m 0x01 0x0n0x01low byte0x00high byte0x00low byte0xFChigh byte0x01The test mode changes when the readout order is changed using switch B and switch C corresponding to data from different RAM locations. The header bytes remain the same. synchronous modeData is output synchronised to PCLK, running at 2.5/5/10/20 MHz. This allow up to 20Mbytes/s data output. Both USB2 and PCI7300 interfaces are able to meet these requirements.J1 & J237 PCLK-38 PCLK+Data must be read from the data pins on the NEGATIVE edge of PCLK.5.3 additional configuration jumpersswitch D is for factory testing only. Thisforces the system to boot from hardware defaults and is useful if saved boot data is corrupted. Not set(factory setting)switch E causes the ADC to be disconnected and replaced by a knownincrementing digital test pattern (a ramp function). All data processing is performed on this data in exactly the same way as if it were real ADC data, enabling the digital electronics to be tested. Set Not settest pattern ON test pattern OFF(factory setting)switch G is used to change the integration capacitance on the front end charge integration amplifiers. Set Not set2 pF 10 pF(factory setting)6troubleshooting6.1No responseCheck all the connections have been made correctly including data and power cables and termination sockets.Check the +6 V power supply is on and correctly set.(Note that the system will not operate if voltage at any moduledrops below +5.5 V).Check that module address has been setup correctly using DIP switches.Check that the unit has been set up properly on the software command window.6.2Count overflow or very high count ratesCheck module optical connection is light-tight.Check the front end gain setting on DIP switch G.6.3 Half full scale output even without any signalRemove and reinsert the local bus termination socket carefully.Check that offset adjustment potentiometer VR1 is not damaged.6.4 Output data/image is scrambledCheck that the readout order is set correctly using DIP switches B and C.6.5 Output is not synchronisedCheck that header bytes are enabled/disabled as required using the DIP switch H.6.6Software will not installCheck computer running Microsoft Windows® 98, or later.6.7No readings can be takenCheck unit connected to the USB2 port, data I/O card or frame grabber has been correctly installed.6.8 System not operating correctly with multiple signal processing boardsCheck addresses are set correctly.Please contact Sens-Tech for further support.7 module and system operation7.1 XDAS module operationA schematic of a single XDAS module is shown on the module block diagram, appendix C.The detector array is connected to the board via 4 x 16 way (1.6 mm pitch) or 4 x 32 way (0.8 mm pitch) headers. The dual energy boards are available in 1.6 mm or 2.5 mm pitch, and has a second row of detectors connected to the back of the board. The single energy board will accept 1.6 mm or 0.8 mm pitch arrays.Current from the photodiodes is measured by a custom designed microcircuit containing 128 charge integrating amplifiers and a multiplexer. The microcircuit provides two serial analogue outputs, corresponding to amplifier output voltages at the beginning and end of signal integration. These are fed via a differential amplifier, eliminating common mode noise, to a 14-bit ADC.The system can operate in continuous mode with one set of data being read out while the next set is being acquired. In continuous operation the dead time is less than 1 µs.The maximum charge that can be collected per cycle depends on the choice of the storage capacitors, one per channel, which are internal to the microcircuit. These can be set to 2 pF or10 pF. High linearity is maintained with a voltage swing of 1.5 V providing charge storage of 3 pCor 15 pC per cycle.If higher dynamic range is required, a facility for sub-sampling and data summation is incorporated on-board. This is the image data store (see module block diagram, appendix C). Up to 4 sub-samples can be acquired and stored in the image data store, which is a 16 bit device. When data is ready for transmission, the 16 bits are transmitted via the chosen interface to the host CPU.Operation is controlled by a gate array (FPGA), which provides the central intelligence for the board and the timing and control signals for system operation. The gate array is based on fused link technology, providing a high level of radiation hardness.User settings to control integration times, sub-sampling, and refresh rate, together with information on system configuration, are transmitted via an RS485 interface and can be stored in non-volatile RAM such that on switch-on, the system is initiated in the last mode saved. The RS485 is compatible with the RS232 serial port on standard PCs using the interface converter supplied as part of the cable set. The data output bus is a differential RS485 link (multi-drop RS422) capable of transmitting at2.5/5/10/20 MB/s. Interface to a PC is via USB2, PCI-7300A data I/O card or frame grabber card. The same configuration of XDAS board is used for each mode but a different cable set is required to connect to the PC. If USB2 mode selected, no additional board is required for a PC. USB2 cable is capable of providing a single link for both data and control buses.7.2 XDAS system operationUp to 12 detector boards can be daisy-chained to form a single detector system. Each SP board can process two chains of 12 DH boards each. It is further possible to daisy chain up to 7 SP boards. The first SP board in the system acts as the master board, ensuring that all boards in the system are synchronised. The master board transmits the image data from all boards to the host CPU via theRS485 link, see the system block diagram, appendix C. It also transmits all control settings from the host to the slave boards.To enable control settings to be made, each module is set up with a unique address, from 1 to 7. Address 0 is reserved as a broadcast address for all modules. The address is set by means of DIP switches links on the board.。

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1 概述PANTHER(磐狮)是梅特勒-托利多公司最新推出的称重显示仪表。


1.1 PANTHER主要特点易安装性:多种电压源-可以选择不同的电压供电。
















1.2 PANTHER技术特性PANTHER有两种型号:密封式(台/墙式)及面板式两种。

1.2.1 硬件特点•7位荧光段码显示器•6个轻触薄膜键盘•接线端子•一体化PCB板结构标准模拟传感器输入接口,可驱动8只350Ω的传感器双向串行口:COM1(RS232)并行口:一个输入,三个输出功能扩展口1.2.2 密封式外观特性•不锈钢外壳•外壳符合NEMA4X(IP65)标准•不锈钢支架•NEMA4X(IP65)密封接头•外部不用螺丝装配•五个LED指示灯指示OVER/UNDER分选或预置点状态1.2.3 面板式外观特性•铝合金拉伸外壳•不锈钢前面板•前面板符合NEMA4(IP65)标准•面板式安装•三个LED指示灯指示过量/正常/欠量,并可与预置点的输出状态对应。

1.2.4 电气特性•称重功能最多可接8个350Ω的模拟传感器最大显示分度数:10,000d按钮皮重功能皮重锁功能自动去皮功能自动清皮功能单位转换功能自动零跟踪动态检测毛重或净重零指示TraxDSPTM防震动技术•操作接口明了、直观的操作界面模块化设定菜单•存贮功能过量/正常/欠量分选功能中的四个目标重量值存储两个预置点和提前量值的存储•串行数据口功能三种输出格式命令方式输出键盘和ASCII字符输入打印命令自动打印功能打印锁功能连续数据输出串行口命令输入•并行输入/输出口功能一个输入点:可设置为打印,去皮,清零,单位转换命令三个个输出点:两个预置点,一个零允差1.2.5 选购件特性•模拟输出选件提供16位数模转换输出,可输出4-20mA,0~10VDC输出。



•光电接口选件(配三菱F1系列PLC)1.3 技术指标1.3.1 外形尺寸密封式尺寸: 15.9cm(高)×17.8cm(宽)×6.6cm(深)面板式尺寸:9.2cm(高)×17.1cm(宽)×13.2cm(深)1.3.2 电源电压PANTHER可选择多种电源电压:电压围85~264VAC,频率为49Hz~63Hz,最大功率12瓦。




1.3.3 控制板(主板)PANTHER有一个输入和三个输出信号。








1.3.4 显示器和键盘面板式PANTHER的前面板为不锈钢,符合NEMA4(IP65)标准。




1.3.5 温度和湿度PANTHER的工作温度围为-10︒C~45︒C,湿度为10%~95%,不冷凝。


1.3.6 环境适应性密封式PANTHER符合NEMA4X(IP65)有关防尘、防溅水要求。



1.3.7 防爆PANTHER不是本质安全型仪表,不能放于危险区。



1.3.8 标准认证UL和cUL PANTHER通过了UL1950测试,并取得了UL和cUL标志。

CSA PANTHER符合CSA标准C22.2No143-1975计量标准(U.S) PANTHER达到甚至超过了3级仪表的要求,并取得NTEP证书。


电磁干扰(RFI) PANTHER符合美国、加拿大和欧洲有关RFI的要求。


1.4 订货要求PANTHER仪表的命名规则:2 安装调试本章将介绍如何安装和调试PANTHER称重显示仪,在安装PANTHER 前请仔细阅读本章。

2.1 环境要求在安装PANTHER之前,先根据第一章确定一下PANTHER的使用环境,这样有助于延长仪表的使用寿命。

2.2 开箱检查请先检查一下包装箱是否完好,若包装已损坏,则按照装箱清单查看部件是否完整。


包装箱应包括:•PANTHER称重显示仪•PANTHER技术/操作手册2.3 密封式PANTHER安装密封式PANTHER仪表上下机壳通过弹簧夹(字符A所示)固定,这些弹簧夹已装在仪表上。


图2-1密封式仪表接口2.4 面板型PANTHER的安装面板式PANTHER的所有连线均在仪表的后面板上,不需要打开仪表机壳。


2.5 电气连接2.5.1 电源线连接PANTHER可以选接不同的交流电压。



2.5.2 传感器连接模拟传感器连接:PANTHER与传感器之间连接的最长电缆长度,决定于秤的总阻(TSR):传感器输入阻抗(欧姆)TSR=传感器数量PANTHER最多能带8个350欧姆的模拟传感器。

与4线制传感器连接:-EXC-SEN -SIG SHLD +SIG +SEN +EXC红色黑色绿色黄色白色17与梅特勒-托利多衡器公司的接线盒连接:1绿 色 ( 正 激 励 )黑 色 ( 负 激 励 )+ E X C- S I G + S E N + S I G S H L D - S E N - E X C 蓝 色 ( 负 反 馈 ) 红 色 ( 负 信 号 ) 黄 / 绿 色 ( 屏 蔽 ) 白 色 ( 正 信 号 ) 黄 色 ( 正 反 馈 )72.5.3 串行口连接PANTHER 有一个RS232串行口。

RS -232信号的最远传输距离为15米。

1R S - 2 3 2 发 送R S - 2 3 2 接 收地T X DR X D G N D O U T 3+ 5 V D C O U T 1O U T 2G N D I N 192.5.4 并行输入/输出口PANTHER 共有一个输入信号,可设置为去皮、打印、清零、单位转换功能。

PANTHER 共有三个输出信号,分别为预置点和零允差。

输出信号为+5VDCTTL 电平。

输入信号V 低=0.0~0.8VDC ,V 高=3.5~5.0VDC 。



2.5.5模拟输出接口(选件)模拟输出选件提供4-20mA 和0-10VDC 模拟信号输出。

当秤处于负毛重或超载状态、或在设定状态时,则“Alarm ”输出为低电平(最大吸入电流为30mA),允许外部电源电压为30VDC 。


2.5.6 固态继电器输出接口(选件)固态继电器输出接口将PANTHER 的预置点输出信号从TTL 电平转化成可带交流负载的固态继电器输出。

负载能力:3A ,28~240VAC ,50/60Hz 。

外部接线: TB1-1 交流输出1(带保险丝) TB1-2 交流输出1TB2-1 交流输出2(带保险丝) TB2-2 交流输出2TB3-1交流输出3(带保险丝)1 2 3 4 564~20mA 输出 地 空0~10V 输出 状态输出 电源TB3-2 交流输出3J1口接线(TTL电平):1,2 地3,4 输出点35,6 输出点27,8 输出点19,10 +5VDC2.6 PANTHER的跨接器和设定开关PANTHER的主板上有下列跨接器和接插件:•W1:选择2mV/V或3mV/V模拟传感器灵敏度•S1-1:设定允许。

只有在“ON”状态才能进入设定状态•S1-2:OFF•S1-3:逗号•S1-4:OFF工厂测试用•J1:键盘接口•J2:选件接口•TB1:电源接线排•TB2:输出口接线排•TB3:传感器接线排2.7 仪表上电检查一下所有外部连线是否正确,跨接器开关是否设置好。


PANTHER仪表接通电源后,部将作一系列测试:显示器所有笔划将点亮,操作员检查显示器是否完好;显示软件版本号“153790”,“LC 0X.Y”。


