



我喜欢的品牌英文作文英文:When it comes to my favorite brand, I have to say it's Nike. I love Nike not only because of its high-quality products but also because of the brand's philosophy of "Just Do It". Nike encourages people to pursue their dreams and push themselves to the limit, which is something that resonates with me deeply.One of my favorite Nike products is the Air Max 270 React sneakers. These shoes are not only stylish but also incredibly comfortable to wear. I love the unique colorways that Nike offers, and the fact that they are constantly coming out with new designs keeps me excited about the brand.Another reason why I love Nike is because of their commitment to social responsibility. Nike has made efforts to reduce their environmental impact and has also takensteps to promote diversity and inclusion within their company.Overall, Nike is a brand that I feel proud to support. Their products are top-notch, their philosophy is inspiring, and their commitment to social responsibility is admirable.中文:说到我喜欢的品牌,我必须说它是耐克。

耐克的成功 英文

耐克的成功 英文
ຫໍສະໝຸດ -- Just do it
They then manufacture wherever they can produce high quality product at the lowest possible price , If prices rise . And products can be made more cheaply elsewhere (to the same or better specification), Nike will move production
Nike has no factories. It does not tie up cash in buildings and manufacturing workers. This makes a very lean organization . Nike is strong at research and development, as is evolving and innovative product range. 耐克没有工厂,它不愿将资金套在厂房和工 人身上,这使得他能专注于设计。强大的研发部 门为耐克开发了大量革命性的创新产品。
• Weaknesses
The income of the business is still heavily dependent upon its share of the footwear market; Lack of stores catering to the active females; Provides poor working conditions, and tends to exploit cheap workforce overseas, especially in free trade zones



Nike英文简介NIKE是全球著名的体育运动品牌,英文原意指希腊胜利女神,下面是为你整理的Nike英文简介,希望对你有用!Nike简介NIKE is the world's leading sports brand, the original English meaning of the Greek goddess of victory, the Chinese translated as Nike.The company is headquartered in Portland, Oregon. The company produces all kinds of sporting goods, such as clothing, footwear, sports equipment and so on.Nike logo is a small hook. Nike has been to inspire every player in the world and offer the best product as a glorious task. Nike's first air cushion technology to the sports industry has brought a revolution. The use of this technology to create sports shoes can be a good protection of the athlete's knee in its strenuous exercise when landing to reduce the impact on the knee.June 18, 2016, "2016 BrandZ the world's most valuable brand hundred list" announced that Nike ranked 24th.September 8, 2016, Apple hands Nike officially launchedthe second generation of Apple Watch second generation products.March 15, 2017, 3.15 evening exposure, Nike Hyperdunk 08 FTB (SKU: 869611-001) basketball shoes were found to be incorrect description of the air cushion.Nike发展历程In 1908, Lean in Massachusetts built a shoe factory, so that the local shoe technology has been further developed. Where the workers are no longer independent of doing nike shoes, shoes for each production link by a trained person responsible. Production line began to form. At first nike shoes are still made, but in order to make workers in the off-season something to do, shoe owner began to do not book the shoes. These shoes are called for sale shoes, placed in the local store window.In 1958, the founder of the time, Phil Nate Oregon (Oregon) State University track and field team players, after graduation to return home to teach in Portland.In 1963, Phil Knight graduated from the University of Oregon and his mentor Bill Bowerman co-founded a company called "Blue Ribbon Sport" (Blue Ribbon Sports) company, the main sporting goods. In 1964, Knight and his coach Bowerman each invested $ 500, set up a sports shoescompany, named for the Blue Ribbon sporting goods company.In 1972, NIKE company was formally established. Its predecessor is the current NIKE president Phil Knight and Bill Bowerman coach investment in the Blue Ribbon sports company.In 2001, Nike in the development of air cushion technology and then launched a new shock force called Shox technology. The use of this technology to produce the same popular sports shoes, sales steadily rising. In addition to sports shoes, Nike's clothing is also no lack of innovation. For example: the use of FIT technology to create high-performance textiles can effectively help athletes in any weather conditions for training and competition. Nike other sporting goods, such as: watches, glasses, etc. are high-tech crystallization.Nike品牌故事80 years, Nike products from the track and field and gymnasium into the homes of ordinary people (especially teenagers). Nike must not lose the traditional sports in the traditional market situation, try to expand the attractiveness of Nike advertising, Nike must be like Levi's brand (jeans brand leader jeans inventor Li WeiStrauss established), as The composition of youth culture and the identity symbol. Nike in two completely different market operations, it faces the problem is to adapt to popular awareness and publicity sports achievements on how to get a balance and consistent, Nike began to rethink its advertising strategy.1986, a propaganda Nike inflatable insole advertising is a real breakthrough in the advertising film Nike adopted a new idea, not blindly promote the technical performance and advantages of the usual practices, but by the representative and symbol of the famous hippie The Beatles played the famous song "Revolution", in the rebellious rhythm of the new rhythm, melody, a group of Americans wearing Nike products as drunk to carry out fitness training, ... ... this ad accurately meet the emerging fitness campaign The style of change and the trend of the times, so feel refreshing. Nike has been using the magazine as the main advertising media, to the athletes to pass the product information, but since then, television advertising to become Nike's main "spokesman", this move makes Nike ads better suited to its new product market development of.Nike's expansion of the market is the primary breakthrough in the youth market, the market consumers have some common features: love sports, reverence heroes, Starchaser strong sense of hope, attention, thinking active, imaginative and full of dreams. For young consumers this feature, Nike have been with some famous, popular sports stars signed, such as c Luo, Drogba, Ronaldinho, Torres, Fabregas, Ibrahimovic, Robinho, A Guiluo et al. And shot a lot of imaginative advertising, such as the 2010 World Cup in South Africa's promotional film "kicked out the legend" in the May 22 Champions League final premiere.Nike英文简介。


The headquarters of the company
• Nike, Inc.: a traded sportswear; equipment supplier;
• Location: the United States.
• Headquarters: Beaverton , Oregon
2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0
1994,Nike sponsors the football team of Brazil
1996 Company signs golfer Tiger Woods
1996 The Nike equipment division is created
Sidney Wicks —— The first sport star who weared NIKE' sports shoes
Perry Fang Ting: the first athlete to wear NIKE sneakers
1979 the first clothes Production line
Philip Hampson "Phil" Knight (February 24, 1938)
•Started in 1962 with $500 •Base on a handshake between two men •Aim to make running shoes suitable for runners




下面是店铺带来关于耐克英文广告词的内容,希望能让大家有所收获!耐克英文广告词(热门篇)1. It's not about the shoes2. It's about knowing where you going3. not forgeting where you started4. It's about having with courage to fail5. not breaking when you are broken6. taking everything you've been given7. and make something better8. It's about work before glory9. in what's inside of you10. It's doing what they say you can11. It's not about the shoes12. It's about what you do in they13. It's about being who you are born to be耐克英文广告词(最新篇)1.“恨我吧,因为我也为同样的理由被爱着。

”2.If you really want it 只要心够决3.you'll push back pain 就能征服痛苦e it利用它5.control it 控制它6.if you really want it 只要心够决7.living your dreams 实现你的梦想8.if you really want it 只要心够决9.learn from the fails 从挫折中学习10. learn how to win 学习胜利11.if you really want it 只要心够决12.everything to your fire 将所有燃烧成激情13.all the pain 所有痛苦14.failures 失败15.criticisms 批评16.glory 荣耀17.take the ball 出手夺球18.take the last shot 出手绝杀19.you can do anything you want to 你可以做到任何事20.if you really want it只要心够决鞋子的创意广告词1. 谁说航空科技只适用于空中飞行! 双星牌皮鞋2. 千里之行,始于足下! 双星牌皮鞋3. 现代人的神行太保! 双星牌皮鞋4. 尽显男子汉的风度! 双星牌皮鞋5. 穿上双星鞋,好事自然来! 双星牌皮鞋6. 万里皮鞋,伴君走天涯海角! 万里牌皮鞋7. 虎威牌皮鞋令您步步生威! 虎威牌皮鞋8. 自由自在,惟我虎威! 虎威牌皮鞋9. 金帆伴你,一帆风顺! 金帆牌皮鞋10. 天天穿,日日顺! 万事达皮鞋11. 款式流行,活泼流畅,构思独特! 万事达皮鞋12. 万事达------万事通达! 万事达皮鞋13. 令您足下生辉! 润达鞋14. 情侣鞋的知心话...... 润达鞋15. 润达,踏出您的新天地! 润达鞋16. 走向新里程! 字牌鞋17. 买好鞋,请认“一字牌“! 字牌鞋18. 鸿鹰齐飞! 鸿鹰鞋19. 节日礼物------倍福来童鞋,最漂亮、最可爱! 倍福来童鞋。



耐克英文广告语篇一:耐克英文简介niKE英文介绍nike,inc.(pronounced/?na?ki?/;nYSE:nKE)isamajorpubliclytradedsportsw earandequipmentsupplierbasedintheUnitedStates.Thecompanyisheadquart erednearBeaverton,oregon,whichispartofthePortlandmetropolitanarea.itist heworld'sleadingsupplierofathleticshoesandapparel[3]andamajorma nufacturerofsportsequipment,withrevenueinexcessofUS$18.6billioninitsfi scalyear20XX(endingmay31,20XX).asof20XX,itemployedmorethan30,00 0peopleworldwide.nikeandPrecisioncastpartsaretheonlyFortune500compa niesheadquarteredinthestateoforegon,accordingtoTheoregonian. ThecompanywasfoundedonJanuary25,1964asBlueRibbonSportsbyBillBo wermanandPhilipKnight,[1]andofficiallybecamenike,inc.onmay30,1978. Thecompanytakesitsnamefromnike(GreekΝ?κη,pronounced[nǐ?k??]),theGreekgod dessofvictory.nikemarketsitsproductsunderitsownbr and,aswellasnikeGolf,nikePro,nike+,airJordan,nikeSkateboarding,andsubsidiariesincludingcoleHaan,Hurleyinternational,Um broandconverse.nikealsoownedBauerHockey(laterrenamednikeBauer)bet ween1995and20XX.[4]inadditiontomanufacturingsportswearandequipme nt,thecompanyoperatesretailstoresundertheniketownname.nikesponsorsmanyhighprofileathletesandsportsteamsaroundtheworld,withthehighlyrecog nizedtrademarksof”Justdoit”andtheSwooshlogo.篇二:耐克品牌广告词耐克品牌广告词科比广告语完整版:ifyoureallywantit只要心够决you'llpushbackpain就能征服痛苦useit利用它controlit控制它ifyoureallywantit只要心够决livingyourdreams实现你的梦想ifyoureallywantit只要心够决learnfromthefails从挫折中学习learnhowtowin学习胜利ifyoureallywantit只要心够决everythingtoyourfire将所有燃烧成激情allthepain所有痛苦failures失败criticisms批评glory荣耀taketheball出手夺球takethelastshot出手绝杀youcandoanythingyouwantto你可以做到任何事ifyoureallywantit只要心够决詹姆斯在niKE广告中的一句广告词让人们对他过目难忘:you'dbetterbring(你最好全心关注),causei’llbringeveryi’vegotit(因为我会全力以赴)是什么让人变得了不起是拿牛奶箱当篮筐练习投篮是连续三年当选俄亥俄州篮球先生连续三次为高中夺得州际篮赛冠军或是当选状元秀年度新人最年轻得8000总得分前锋还是率领球队历史上第一次进入总决赛如果在22岁前,你就做到这一切这些都很了不起但是,这一些都会过去你在乎的是赢得未来whatmakessomeonegreat?isitlearntoshootonamillframe? whataboutbeingnamedmrbasketballofohio3timesinaroll? whatiswhenhanging3statechampionshipsinyourhighschoolgym? maybebeingnumberonenbadraftpick,rookieoftheyear,score8thousandspoin ts,leadingyourteamintothefinal,firsttimeinourhistory, whatifyoudidallthatbeforeageof22,allthosethingsbeengreat,that’swhathappened.,andwhatyoucareabout,iswhatyouhaven'tdoneyet!易建联最新耐克广告词完整版:你可以15岁加入职业联赛,你可以入选国家队,你可以连夺3次冠军,你可以成为mVP,但这还不够。



Nike is one of the world’s leading sportswear and equipment manufacturers based in the United States. It leads the world in sales of athletic shoes. The company was founded in 1964 by Bill Bowerman and Philip Knight. In 1973,the long distance record creator Steve. Prefontaine become the first one who wear Nike shoes.In 1978,Nike international company was set up,and advance into overseas market.Nike’s profit form $13 million in 1985 to rise to around $400 million, which growthed about 30 times.Its first name was Blue Ribbon Sports but tha t changed to Nike in 1978. Nike’s original meaning is the Greek goddess of victory. We translate it into Nike in Chinese.The name is very lucky in western eyes.It is easy to remember and read .The Nike logo,most people would call it hook,actually it’s real name is swoosh .It will lets a person think of the speed and power after using the sports products of Nike .The Nike logo symbolizes the wing feathers of Greek victory goddess,stands for the speed,also represents a dynamic and gentle. “Just Do It”,this is the advertising language of the famous sports brand Nike,which is also the connotation the brand.that is to say “do what you want to do ”,it stresses young people’s sense of themselves and emphasizes the movement itself.How it can be so successful?Firstly,the company spends an enormous amount of time and money in the technology and innovation,which make its products keep technologicl superiority. Secondly ,Nike learns to know the thoughts of consumers and resonates with them by advertisement.It use the sports start as the brand spokesman ,such as Jordan,KobeBryant,Liuxiang,Ronaldo and so on.Thirdly,Nike is also a lifestyle,for example ,the company design an app “Nike+”,the user can read his sports datas through ipod or iphone,these products can deeply attract young people.To sum up ,Nike is a great international brand,it continue to write a brilliant.Ok,that’s all ,thank you !。



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* 1980 o Nike completes an initial public offering of 2,377,000 shares of Class B common stock on December 2. *1981 o BRS, Inc. merges into Nike, Inc. on December 31, and the company officially becomes known as Nike, Inc. *1982 o Dan Wieden and Dave Kennedy start their own advertising agency, Wieden+Kennedy, taking with them the Nike account on April 1. In October, Nike airs its first national television ad during the New York Marathon. *1982 o The Air Force 1 basketball shoe becomes the first Nike court shoe to make use of the Air technology. *1984 o Nike signs Michael Jordan to an endorsement contract. The first model of his signature shoe, the Air Jordan, originally is banned by the NBA, drawing a tremendous amount of publicity. The introduction of the Air Jordan shoe at retail in March *1985 is a key event in Nike's successful development. *1986 o Corporate revenues surpass $1 billion for the first time. + Nike releases Nike DUNKS a basketball shoe originally worn by Michael Jordan due to the banning of his signature shoe by the NBA. *1987 o The Nike Air Max shoe is introduced, which uses a much larger Air cushioning unit, and for the first time is visible at the side of the midsole. This was the first of many generations of Air Max-branded technologies. A television ad featuring the Beatles' song "Revolution" was the first — and to date the only — time that a song performed by the Beatles was used in a TV ad. *1988 o Nike introduces its "Just Do It" slogan, created by Dan Wieden to unify a new ad campaign. *1989 o Nike begins its Bo Knows ad campaign to support the launch of its cross-training shoe, which becomes a part of the national culture for the next few years.



Nike is one of the world’s leading sportswear and equipment manufacturers. It leads the world in sales of athletic shoes. The company was founded in 1964 by Bill Bowerman and Philip Knight. Its first name was Blue Ribbon Sports but that changed to Nike in 1978. Nike is the Greek goddess of victory. It is famous for its slogan, “Just Do It” and the Swoosh logo, which Nike first used in 1971. Blue Ribbon’s first product was a soccer shoe called Nike. A major factor in Nike’s success is its sponsorship of top sports stars. Tennis ace IlieNastase was the first. Subsequent tie-ups with superstars like basketball’s Michael Jordan and golfer Tiger Woods accelerated Nike’s corporat e success.耐克公司是世界上领先的运动服装和设备制造商。








介绍品牌的英语范文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Introduction to NikeNike, Inc. is a global leader in the design, development, marketing, and sale of athletic footwear, apparel, equipment, accessories, and services. The company is headquartered in Beaverton, Oregon, and was founded on January 25, 1964, by Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight. Nike is named after the Greek goddess of victory and has become one of the most recognizable and iconic brands in the world.Nike's mission is to bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. The company believes that if you have a body, you are an athlete, and their products are designed to help people of all skill levels reach their full potential. Nike has a strong focus on innovation, and their products are known for their cutting-edge technology, performance, and style.Nike's product line includes a wide range of athletic footwear, including running shoes, basketball shoes, soccer cleats, and training shoes. They also offer a variety of apparel,such as sports bras, shorts, leggings, and outerwear. In addition, Nike sells accessories like hats, socks, bags, and backpacks to complement their clothing and footwear offerings.One of Nike's most famous product lines is the Air Jordan brand, which was created in partnership with NBA legend Michael Jordan. The Air Jordan sneakers have become a cultural phenomenon and are highly sought after by sneaker collectors and basketball fans around the world.Nike is also known for its marketing campaigns, which feature some of the world's most famous athletes, including LeBron James, Cristiano Ronaldo, and Serena Williams. These campaigns emphasize the values of hard work, dedication, and perseverance, and have helped establish Nike as a brand that is synonymous with excellence and achievement.In recent years, Nike has also made significant strides in sustainability and social responsibility. The company has implemented initiatives to reduce its environmental impact, such as using recycled materials in its products and working to eliminate waste in its supply chain. Nike is also committed to promoting diversity and inclusion in sports and has partnered with organizations to increase access to sports for underserved communities.Overall, Nike is a brand that is known for its performance, innovation, and style. Whether you are a professional athlete or someone who enjoys staying active, Nike's products are designed to help you perform at your best and look good doing it. With a commitment to excellence and a focus on sustainability and social responsibility, Nike will continue to be a leader in the athletic apparel industry for years to come.篇2Introduction to BrandIn the competitive market, establishing a strong brand is essential for any business to succeed. A brand is not just a logo or a name, but it reflects the reputation, credibility, and values of a company. In this essay, we will explore the importance of branding, the key elements of a successful brand, and some examples of famous brands.Importance of BrandingBranding is crucial for businesses to differentiate themselves from their competitors. A strong brand can create trust and loyalty among customers, which can lead to increased sales and revenue. A well-established brand also helps in attracting new customers and retaining existing ones. Moreover, a strong brandcan command premium pricing, as customers are willing to pay more for products or services that they trust.There are several benefits of branding for businesses. Firstly, a strong brand can help in creating a positive image and reputation in the market. This can result in increased brand awareness and recognition among customers. Secondly, branding can help in building customer loyalty and trust, which is crucial for long-term success. Customers are more likely to choose a brand that they trust and are familiar with. Finally, branding can help in creating a competitive advantage in the market. A strong brand can differentiate a company from its competitors and attract more customers.Key Elements of a Successful BrandThere are several key elements that contribute to the success of a brand. Firstly, a clear brand identity is essential. This includes a distinctive logo, brand colors, and brand messaging that reflect the values and personality of the company. A strong brand identity can help in creating a consistent and cohesive brand image across all marketing channels.Secondly, a strong brand should have a clear value proposition. This means that customers should understand what sets the brand apart from its competitors and why they shouldchoose it over others. A unique value proposition can help in attracting customers and increasing brand loyalty.Another important element of a successful brand is brand consistency. This means that the brand message, visuals, and customer experience should be consistent across all touchpoints. Consistency helps in building brand trust and recognition among customers.Examples of Famous BrandsThere are several famous brands that have successfully established themselves in the market. One example is Apple Inc., which is known for its innovative products, sleek design, and premium pricing. Apple has created a strong brand identity that is synonymous with creativity, quality, and cutting-edge technology.Another example is Nike, which is a global leader in the sports apparel industry. Nike has built a strong brand image that is associated with athleticism, performance, and innovation. The brand is known for its iconic logo, "Just Do It" slogan, andhigh-quality products.In conclusion, branding plays a crucial role in the success of any business. A strong brand can create trust, loyalty, anddifferentiation in the market. By focusing on key elements such as brand identity, value proposition, and consistency, businesses can create a successful brand that resonates with customers.篇3IntroductionBrand Introduction:Today, I am going to introduce a well-known brand in the fashion industry, Louis Vuitton. Louis Vuitton, a French luxury brand founded in 1854 by Louis Vuitton, has become synonymous with elegance, sophistication, and high-quality craftsmanship. With its iconic LV monogram, Louis Vuitton has established itself as a global leader in luxury fashion and accessories.History:Louis Vuitton started as a luggage maker, creating innovative trunks and bags that were both practical and luxurious. Over the years, the brand expanded its product line to include leather goods, shoes, accessories, and ready-to-wear clothing. Louis Vuitton's commitment to quality and attention to detail has made it a favorite among celebrities, fashion influencers, and luxury enthusiasts around the world.Product Range:Louis Vuitton offers a wide range of products for men and women, including handbags, wallets, travel accessories, shoes, jewelry, and clothing. The brand's iconic monogram canvas is a timeless classic that has been reinvented in various collections and collaborations with renowned artists and designers.Collaborations:Louis Vuitton has collaborated with some of the biggest names in the fashion industry, such as Marc Jacobs, Nicolas Ghesquière, and Virgil Abloh. These collaborations have brought a fresh perspective to the brand and have cemented Louis Vuitton's status as a trendsetter in the luxury fashion world.Global Presence:Louis Vuitton has a global presence with stores in major cities around the world, including Paris, New York, Tokyo, and Shanghai. The brand's elegant boutiques are a testament to its commitment to providing customers with a luxurious shopping experience that reflects the brand's rich heritage and artistic vision.Conclusion:In conclusion, Louis Vuitton is a brand that represents luxury, sophistication, and timeless elegance. With a rich history, a wide range of products, and a global presence, Louis Vuitton continues to be a leader in the fashion industry and a symbol of style and opulence. Whether you are looking for a statement handbag, a classic pair of shoes, or a unique piece of jewelry, Louis Vuitton has something for everyone. Experience the luxury of Louis Vuitton and elevate your style to new heights.。



英语介绍熟悉的品牌作文Title: A Familiar Brand: Nike。

In the realm of global brands that resonate with millions, Nike stands tall as an emblem of athleticism, innovation, and cultural influence. Founded in 1964 as Blue Ribbon Sports by Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight, the company metamorphosed into Nike, Inc. in 1971, deriving its name from the Greek goddess of victory. Since then, it has evolved into a household name, captivating audiences worldwide with its iconic swoosh logo and innovative products.At the heart of Nike's success lies its unwavering commitment to innovation. From pioneering designs tocutting-edge technologies, Nike continually pushes the boundaries of athletic wear. Whether it's the revolutionary Air Max cushioning or the Flyknit technology that seamlessly weaves together form and function, Nike consistently sets new benchmarks in the industry. Thisrelentless pursuit of innovation not only elevates athletic performance but also captivates consumers who seek products that merge style with substance.Moreover, Nike's marketing prowess has played a pivotal role in solidifying its position as a cultural icon. The brand's memorable campaigns, such as "Just Do It," have transcended mere advertising to become rallying cries for athletes and enthusiasts alike. By celebrating the spirit of determination and perseverance, Nike has ingraineditself into the fabric of popular culture, inspiring individuals to pursue their passions fearlessly.Furthermore, Nike's commitment to social responsibility has garnered widespread acclaim. Through initiatives like the Nike Foundation and partnerships with organizations dedicated to promoting equality and sustainability, Nike leverages its influence to drive positive change on a global scale. Whether it's advocating for gender equalityin sports or implementing sustainable manufacturing practices, Nike recognizes the importance of using its platform to address pressing societal issues.In addition to its iconic footwear, Nike has expanded its portfolio to encompass a diverse range of products, including apparel and accessories. Collaborations with renowned designers and cultural icons have further enriched its offerings, appealing to a broad spectrum of consumers across demographics and interests. From high-performance sportswear to fashion-forward streetwear, Nike's diverse product lineup reflects its ability to adapt to evolving consumer preferences while staying true to its core values.In conclusion, Nike's journey from a small startup to a global powerhouse is a testament to its unwavering commitment to excellence, innovation, and social responsibility. As a brand that transcends borders and cultures, Nike continues to inspire and empower individuals worldwide to strive for greatness, both on and off the field. With its legacy firmly established, Nike remains poised to shape the future of sportswear and beyond for generations to come.。




耐克成立于1964年,由比尔·鲍尔曼(Bill Bowerman)和菲尔·奈特(Phil Knight)创办。


耐克的品牌宗旨是“Just Do It”,鼓励人们勇敢地去追求他们的梦想,鼓励顾客去充分发挥他们的潜能。




不仅如此,耐克还与众多知名运动员和体育团队进行合作,如迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan)、勒布朗·詹姆斯(LeBron James)等,这些合作关系使耐克的品牌备受认可。




















just do it翻译

just do it翻译

just do it翻译
Just Do It(就这么做吧),是美国耐克公司的品牌宣传语,出


Just Do It所表达的理念很简单,但也同时传达出了强有力的信息:别害怕,勇敢地去实现梦想,勇于挑战自己的极限,努力去成就

Just Do It 给人们带来的精神力量及影响是惊人的,它成为了


Just Do It 不仅仅代表了耐克公司本身,而且,在更大的意义上,它是一种新的文化,它激发了一股强大的精神力量,使梦想变为

Just Do It 给



关于鞋子品牌的作文英语Shoe Brands。

Shoe brands are a crucial part of the fashion industry. They are not only a necessity for our daily lives but also a way to express our individuality and style. There are countless shoe brands available in the market, each withits unique features and characteristics. In this essay, we will discuss some of the most popular shoe brands in the world.Nike is one of the most well-known shoe brands worldwide. Founded in 1964, Nike has become a symbol of athletic performance and innovation. The brand offers a wide range of products, from running shoes to basketball shoes, and everything in between. Nike has also collaborated with many famous athletes, such as Michael Jordan and Serena Williams, to create signature shoes that are both stylish and functional.Adidas is another famous shoe brand that has been around since 1949. The brand is known for its iconic three-stripe logo and its high-quality athletic shoes. Adidas offers a range of products, including running shoes, soccer shoes, and lifestyle shoes. The brand has also collaborated with many celebrities, such as Kanye West and Pharrell Williams, to create unique and stylish shoes.Puma is a German shoe brand that has been around since 1948. The brand is known for its innovative designs and high-quality products. Puma offers a range of shoes, including running shoes, soccer shoes, and lifestyle shoes. The brand has also collaborated with many famous athletes, such as Usain Bolt and Rihanna, to create signature shoes that are both stylish and functional.Converse is an American shoe brand that has been around since 1908. The brand is known for its iconic Chuck Taylor All-Star shoes, which have become a symbol of American culture. Converse offers a range of products, including basketball shoes, lifestyle shoes, and boots. The brand has also collaborated with many famous musicians, such as KurtCobain and The Ramones, to create unique and stylish shoes.Vans is a California-based shoe brand that has been around since 1966. The brand is known for its iconic skate shoes, which have become a symbol of youth culture. Vans offers a range of products, including skate shoes,lifestyle shoes, and boots. The brand has also collaborated with many famous musicians, such as Metallica and The Beatles, to create unique and stylish shoes.In conclusion, shoe brands are an essential part of the fashion industry. They offer a wide range of products that cater to different needs and styles. Nike, Adidas, Puma, Converse, and Vans are just a few of the most popular shoe brands in the world, each with its unique features and characteristics. Whether you are looking for athletic shoes or lifestyle shoes, there is a shoe brand out there that will fit your needs and style.。

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advertisement ".
creative rules of Nike advertising
Steve Prefontaine
Kobe Bryant
Michael Jordan
刘 翔
Eldrick "Tiger" Woods
Taking use of sports star as a brand spokesman is the most powerful weapon of Nike. Nike 's first brand spokesm is Steve Prefontaine ,who is a very powerful running star.The greatest star Jordan is owned by NIKE. What's more,Nike also has a great deal of sports stars ,such as Tiger Woods 、liuxiang 、Kobe Bryant 、Cristiano Ronaldo、 Yi Jian Lian、Li Na、Ronaldo and so on. 、 、 、
N IKE 360
Brand Slogan
, this is the advertising language of the famous sports brand Nike, which is also the connotation of the brand. That is to say" do what you want to do " , it stresses young people 's sense of themselves and emphasizes the movement itself. The text is simple but with rich connotation ,different people will have different understanding of it, Which contains the positive upward sports spirit, it is the most valuable brand core value of Nike.
In 1985 ,the global profit of Nike is 13 million dollars .In 1994, the profit reach up to $4.8 billion; The market share pulls ahead,it's profit is more than twice the adidas . Nike company did not slow down the pace.
Brand name
NIKE's original meaning is the Greek goddess of victory.We translate it into Nike in Chinese. The name, NIKE, is very lucky in Western eyes. It is easy to remember and read . It can make noisy.
Just do it
MIS.....『Mind Identity Systerm』 『 』
Corporate philosophy Business objectives
Never stop
is Nike 's
corporate culture。 。 knight think, sports has no end, only use the spirit of ''never stop'' and continuous innovation through the enterprise management, it can regard the "sports, performance, free and easy'' as Nike's brand culture core.
............. keeping developing
二、The brand myth of Nike
All over the world, many consumers feel matchless consumption glory because of wear Nike . In recent years,bec and -ause of admire Nike shoes, many teenagers, do not myth hesitate to take risks to theft or even kill others.
The Brand Myth of Nike
Speaker : Daisy/胡玲
一、 Nike's 、
development process.....
In 1972, the company was officially established by phil. Knight and bill. Bormann .
In 1973, the long distance record creator Steve. Prefontaine become the first one who wear Nike shoes . 1978, Nike international company was set up, and advance into overseas market . Nike's profit from $1985 in 13 million to rise to around $1994 in 400 million,which growthed about 30 times .
In the laundry
In the subway
On the sidewalk
In the supermarket
On the train In the world of fashion
Brand name VIS
Brand logo
Brand Slogan CIS MIS Products brand power Advertisements BIS spokesmen welfare activities Public activities Corporate philosophy Business objectives
希腊胜利女神 ---尼 尼 凯【Nike】 】
Байду номын сангаас.2
Brand logo
The Nike logo, most people would call it hook, actually it 's real name is swoosh(嗖的一声).It is modelling concise, quick as lightning.It will lets a person think of the speed and power after using the sports products of Nike. The Nike logo symbolizes the wing feathers of Greek victory goddess , stands for the speed, also represents a dynamic and gentle.
B I S『Behavior Identity Systerm』 S『 』
Nike and "Tudou" cooperate to create loading video advertisin#34;red shoelaces" welfare activities
Sports equipments
Underwear socks
Nike myth is because of "God"? The Nike Company President Knight replied:" yes, ' the consumer is God !We have a magical tool to dialogue with "God "——"Nike
The main products
Nike Mercurial系列 系列 Nike T90 系列 NikeAF-1系列 系列 Nike CTR360 系列 Nike经典“银钢铁”系 经典“银钢铁” 经典 列 Nike Tiempo Legend系列 系列 Nike Jordan系列 系列 Nike AW77系列 系列
Build a perfect and vigor image of the enter-prise and product is the Nike's strategic
goals. Nike products is various, both with vitality and individual character, most enterprise employees are not 30 years old, all of them have athlete's body .