


b) 低频减载加速轮功能 1) 频率滑差加速定值 范围:0.2Hz/s~19.5Hz/s; 误差:不超过±0.2Hz/s; 2) 时间定值 范围:0.1s~5s; 误差:不超过±40ms 或±1.5%; 3) 频率滑差闭锁定值 范围:0.2Hz/s~20Hz/s; 误差:不超过±0.2Hz/s;
c) 低电压闭锁低频减载功能 范围:30V~100V; 误差:不超过±2.5%;
2.6 环境条件
a) 环境温度:­25℃~+55℃,24 小时内平均温度不超过+35℃ b) 环境湿度:5%~95% c) 贮存温度:­25℃~+70℃,在极限值下不施加激励量,装置不出现不可逆变化,温度恢
复后,装置能正常工作 d) 相对湿度:最湿月的月平均最大相对湿度为 90%,同时该月的月平均最低温度为 25℃且表
DF3388 频率电压紧急控制装置技术说明书
1概 述
1.1 适用范围
DF3388 频率电压紧急控制装置(以下简称装置),用于频率电压紧急控制,具有实现包括低频、 低压等频率电压控制功能。该装置可同时测量两段母线电压,低频、低压各设 8 轮,最多可直接切 除 28 回负荷线路。适用于 110kV 及以下电压等级的输电线路。
电压:10 V~120 c) 被测信号频率范围:45 Hz~55Hz 2.7.3 数字量输入 装置可采集 6 路外部开入量; a) 开关量:
1) 去抖时间设置范围:0 ms~9999ms 2) SOE 分辨率:不大于 2ms 3) 隔离方式:光电隔离,耐压 500V 4) 触点方式:无源触点 b) 脉冲量: 1) 脉冲宽度要求:大于 10ms 2) 脉冲幅度:12V 或 24V 3) 隔离方式:光电隔离,耐压 500V 2.7.4 温度影响 装置在­25℃~+55℃温度下动作值因温度变化而引起的变差不大于±3% 2.7.5 绝缘性能 a) 绝缘电阻 装置绝缘电阻满足表 2.1 所示要求。


3 硬件原理说明................................................................................................................................................. 5
RCS-994C 频率电压紧急控制装置
1 概述
1.1 应用范围
RCS-994C 型频率电压紧急控制装置主要用于母线分列运行方式下的低频低压减 载,亦可用于并列运行方式下的低频低压减载。该装置同时测量不同系统的两段母线 电压,分别对电压和频率进行分析计算;低频与低压减载各设 8 轮。基本配置可直接 切除 22 回负荷线路。
z 完善的事件记录报文处理,可保存最新 128 次动作报告,24 次故障录波报告。 z 友好的人机界面、汉字显示、中文报告打印。 z 灵活的通信方式,配置有 RS-485 通信接口(可选双绞线、光纤引出)或以太网接口。 z 对厂站监控系统通信支持电力行业标准 DL/T667-1999(IEC60870-5-103 标准)的通
3.1 面板布置图 ............................................................................................................................................ 5 3.2 装置接线端子 ........................................................................................................................................ 7 3.3 输出接点 ................................................................................................................................................ 9 3.4 结构与安装 .......................................................................................................................................... 10

CSS-100BEFV2 数字式安全稳定控制装置

CSS-100BEFV2 数字式安全稳定控制装置

CSS-100BE/FV2 数字式安全稳定控制装置(频率电压紧急控制装置)装置功能(1)实时测量装置安装处两段母线电压、频率以及它们的变化率。


本装置设有3 个基本轮,2 个独立的特殊轮,最大配置可以切除32 回负荷线路,可满足一个厂站的切负荷要求;(3)当电力系统由于无功缺额引起电压下降时,装置自动根据电压降低值切除部分电力用户负荷,确保系统内无功的平衡,使电网的电压恢复正常。


本装置设有3 轮过频解列;(5)针对电力系统可能出现的工频过电压或谐振过电压,装置自动根据电压升高值解列或切机,使系统的电源与负荷重新平衡。

本装置设有3 轮过压解列;(6)当电力系统有功功率缺额较大时,系统频率可能会较快下降,本装置具有根据df/dt 加速切负荷的功能,可加速切第一、二轮,尽早制止频率的快速下降,防止频率崩溃事故;(7)当电力系统无功功率缺额较大时,系统电压可能会较快下降,本装置具有根据du/dt 加速切负荷的功能,可加速切第一、二轮,尽早制止电压的快速下降,防止电压崩溃事故;(8)装置设有根据df/dt、du/dt 闭锁功能,以防止由于短路故障、负荷反馈频率或电压异常情况可能引起的误动作。

装置具有低电压闭锁、TV 断线闭锁功能。


定值说明(1) TV1 一次额定值:指母线1 一次侧额定线电压值。


SCS-200A型频率电压紧急控制装置 技术及使用说明书 (V1.0)
PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建
SCS-200A 频率电压紧急控制装置技术及使用说明书
4.2.8 出口输出插件(SCM-960) ............................................................................... 25 4.2.9 人机界面处理插件(SCM-931) ....................................................................... 26 4.2.10 背板插件(SCM-990) ..................................................................................... 26
第 4 章 硬件原理说明 ............................................................................................ 15ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
4.1 硬 件基本 构成 ....................................................................................................... 15 4.2 各插件功能及 配线说明 ........................................................................................ 17 4.2.1 电源插件(SCM-940) ....................................................................................... 17 4.2.2 交流变换插件(SCM-970) ............................................................................... 18 4.2.3 交流滤波插件(SCM-972) ............................................................................... 19 4.2.4 中央处理插件(SCM-910) ............................................................................... 20 4.2.5 通信处理插件(SCM-911) ............................................................................... 21 4.2.6 开入光隔离插件(SCM-980) ........................................................................... 22 4.2.7 中央信号及启动插件(SCM-950) ................................................................... 23

频率电压紧急控制装置运行技术标准 (1)

频率电压紧急控制装置运行技术标准 (1)

安控装置运行技术标准Q/MLH.EGB.JS.YX.22-20131 主题内容与适用范围本标准规定了俄公堡电厂安控装置的运行操作、巡回检查及故障、事故处理等内容。


2 引用标准《四川并网水电厂(网)安控装置调度运行规程》南瑞继保《RCS-994B 型频率电压紧急控制装置技术和使用说明书》 3 保护定值序号定值名称符号 定值备注过频切机定值1 过频第1轮定值 FH1 51 Hz 过频第2轮定值 FH2 65 Hz 过频第3轮定值 FH3 65 Hz 过频第4轮定值 FH4 65 Hz 过频第5轮定值 FH5 65 Hz 过频第6轮定值 FH6 65 Hz 过频第1轮延时 TFH1 0.5 S 过频第2轮延时 TFH2 25 S 2 过频第3轮延时 TFH3 25 S 3 过频第4轮延时 TFH4 25 S 4 过频第5轮延时 TFH5 25 S 5过频第6轮延时TFH6 25 S过频解列定值6 过频解列定值 FH JL 55Hz 7过频解列延时TFH JL 0.5 S过压解列定值8 过压定值 UH 1.3 即130%Un9过压延时TUH0.5 S以下整定控制字如无特殊说明,则置“1”表示相应功能投入,置“0”表示相应功能推出1 过频第1轮 FH1 1 1:表示投入 0:表示退出2 过频第2轮 FH2 03 过频第3轮 FH3 04 过频第4轮 FH4 05 过频第5轮 FH5 0 6过频第6轮FH67 过频解列FH JL 18 过压解列UH 1注:过频1-6轮动作时切除发电机出口开关;过频解列、过压解列动作时切除220kV俄木线251开关。

4 运行规定及要求4.1 安装于我厂的RCS-994B型频率电压紧急控制装置,调度命名为:俄公堡安控装置。

4.2 按四川并网水电厂(网)安控装置要求,我厂安控装置均配置了过频切机、过频解列以及过压解列功能。


SRC-100型号 用户手册

SRC-100型号 用户手册
需要说明的是 1 恒温水槽内的恒温介质最好为蒸馏水 可以保持水槽透 明 避免长蘚等现象发生 同时还可以减轻对加热器和搅拌电机的搅拌杆和叶片 的腐蚀. 2 搅拌器的搅拌不可太弱 也不可太强 尽量使槽内温度均一化. 3 控温用的热敏电阻装在放有少量硅油的薄壁玻璃管中 如发现硅油有变质的现 象 应及时取出 用无水乙醇清洗. 3 DWT 702 精密温度控制仪的 PID 参 数值分别为 8 8 2 是经验值 不可随意调整 否则会影响控温精度. 4 由 于控温的温度传感器是热敏电阻 其灵敏度很高 很小的温度变化就可以产生很 大的信号变化. 5 改变温度设定时需逐步调整电位器 每次调整的幅度幅度不 宜过大 否则很容易产生较大的温度偏离现象. 6 室温一般要低于所设定温度 2 10 K 且需要保持相对的稳定 应尽量避免室内空气的流动 以保持控温精 度. 7 水浴温度要达到真正的恒定一般需要几个小时. 8 每次调整水浴温度 后 都需要对测温电桥的零点进行重新校正.
1 恒温环境的组成及原理
2 量热单元的组成与原理
3 量热操作的步骤
4 量热数据处理
5 量热计的标定方法
感谢您购买 SRC 100 型具有恒温环境的溶解 反应量热计. SRC 100 型具 有恒温环境的溶解 反应量热计是武汉大学化学与分子科学学院热化学实验室 在总结多年热化学和量热学经验的基础上 参照和借鉴国内外同行的工作而研制 出的精度高 操作简便的一种半绝热式量热计. 我们强烈建议您在操作前仔细阅 读本手册. 为了更好地使用量热计 请熟悉本手册.






就地判别装置具有检测500kV 线路及故障状态的功能,经判断向元宝山电厂远方执行装置发送切机或解列联变命令。



图1-1元宝山电厂就地稳控装置系统联系图图1-2 元宝山电厂远方稳控装置系统联系图图1-3元宝山电厂稳控屏柜布置图2、CSS-100BE装置上有6个灯分别为:<运行>灯,装置正常时此灯亮。










nVent Raychem JBS-100-ECW-A 非危险地点墙壁挂载数字电子温度控制器说明书

nVent Raychem JBS-100-ECW-A 非危险地点墙壁挂载数字电子温度控制器说明书

100PRODUCT OVERVIEWThe nVent RAYCHEM JBS-100-ECW-A is an electronictemperature controller that provides accurate control for all heating cables.Housed in a TYPE 4X enclosure and designed to be wallmounted, the unit includes a window and a digital display that shows the monitored actual/set point temperatures and alarm conditions (RTD failure, high or low temperature) if detected. Alarm conditions can be remotely indicated via a form C dry contact. Status LEDs indicate whether the digital display is showing the set point or actual temperature.Programming the set point temperature, deadband, and high and low alarm thresholds on the JBS-100-ECW-A is accomplished using the built-in digital display and push buttons.The JBS-100-ECW-A is programmable to maintain temperatures of 425°F (218°C), can be used with voltages from 100 to 277 Vac, and is capable of switching current up to 30 Amps.Temperature data is provided by a customer supplied 100-ohm platinum RTD, which can provide feedback for either temperature maintenance or ambient sensing for freeze protection.The kit contains all the necessary materials for a complete installation. For a direct connection to a RAYCHEM MI cable, eliminating the need for a field power connection device, a grounding kit is required (ordered separately).MI heating cable using direct connectionMONITORING AND ALARM OUTPUTTemperature Low alarm range: 20°F–420°F (–6°C–216°C) from set point, or OFFHigh alarm range: 38°F–482°F ( 3°C–250°C) from set point, or OFF RTD failure Shorted or open RTD sensorAlarm relay Form C: 2 A at 277 Vac, 2 A at 48 VdcNormally energized; changes state upon an alarmVoltage Alarm relay changes state upon loss of voltage to the controllerOur powerful portfolio of brands:CADDY ERICO HOFFMAN RAYCHEM SCHROFF TRACER©2018 nVent. All nVent marks and logos are owned or licensed by nVent Services GmbH or its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. nVent reserves the right to change specifications without notice.North AmericaTel +1.800.545.6258Fax +1.800.527.5703**********************Europe, Middle East, AfricaTel + +**********************Asia PacificTel +86.21.2412.1688Fax +86.21.5426.3167*************************Latin AmericaTel +1.713.868.4800Fax +1.713.868.2333**********************TEMPERATURE SENSOR (NOT INCLUDED)Input type100 Ω platinum RTD, 3 wire α = 0.00385 Ω/Ω/°CPROGRAMMING AND SETTING Method Programmable at controller – Set/Up/Down push buttons on front panel Units °F or °CDigital display Four numeric display digits for parameter and error/alarm indication LEDs Indicate actual and set point from display MemoryNonvolatile, restored after power lossStored parameters Parameters can be programmed without power supply (external battery) and parameters are stored in nonvolatile memory.Alarm conditionsLow/high temperature and RTD failure (open or shorted)CONNECTION TERMINALS Power supply input Screw rising cage clamp, 18–6 AWG Heating cable output Screw rising cage clamp, 18–6 AWG Ground Screw rising cage clamp, 18–6 AWG RTD Screw rising cage clamp, 22–14 AWG AlarmScrew rising cage clamp, 22–14 AWGORDERING DETAILS JBS-100-ECW-AWall mounted digital electronic controllerJBS-100-ECW-A P 0000001814.0。

Belimo TFCB120-S 基本Fail-Safe风扇阀控制器说明书

Belimo TFCB120-S 基本Fail-Safe风扇阀控制器说明书

TFCB120-SBasic Fail-Safe actuator for controllingdampers in typical commercial HVAC applications.• Torque motor 22 in-lb [2.5 Nm]• Nominal voltage AC 100...240 V • Control On/Off • 1x SPDTTechnical dataElectrical dataNominal voltageAC 100...240 V Nominal voltage frequency 50/60 Hz Nominal voltage rangeAC 85...265 V Power consumption in operation 2.5 W Power consumption in rest position 1.5 W Transformer sizing 6 VAAuxiliary switch1x SPDT, 1 mA...3 A (0.5 A inductive), DC 5 V...AC 250 V, adjustable 0...95°Switching capacity auxiliary switch 1 mA...3 A (0.5 A inductive), DC 5 V...AC 250 V Electrical Connection (2) 18 GA appliance cables, 1 m, with 1/2" NPT conduit connectorsOverload Protection electronic throughout 0...95° rotation Electrical Protectionactuators are double insulated Functional dataTorque motor22 in-lb [2.5 Nm]Direction of motion motor selectable by ccw/cw mounting Direction of motion fail-safe reversible with cw/ccw mounting Angle of rotation Max. 95°Angle of rotation note adjustable with mechanical stop Running Time (Motor)30 sRunning time fail-safe <25 s @ -4...122°F [-20...50°C], <60 s @ -22°F [-30°C]Noise level, motor 56 dB(A)Noise level, fail-safe 62 dB(A)Position indicationMechanical Safety dataDegree of protection IEC/EN IP42Degree of protection NEMA/UL NEMA 2Enclosure UL Enclosure Type 2Agency ListingcULus acc. to UL60730-1A/-2-14, CAN/CSA E60730-1:02CE acc. to 2014/30/EU and 2014/35/EU Quality Standard ISO 9001UL 2043 CompliantSuitable for use in air plenums per Section 300.22(C) of the NEC and Section 602 of the IMCAmbient humidity Max. 95% RH, non-condensing Ambient temperature -22...122°F [-30...50°C]Storage temperature -40...176°F [-40...80°C]Servicingmaintenance-free WeightWeight1.8 lb [0.83 kg]TFCB120-SFootnotesApplicationOperationTypical specificationMaterialsHousing material UL94-5VA†Rated Impulse Voltage 4kV, Type of Action 1.AA.B, Control Pollution Degree 3.Product featuresFor On/Off fast running, fail-safe control of dampers in HVAC systems. Actuator sizing should be done in accordance with the damper manufacturer’s specifications. Control is On/Off from an auxiliary contact, or a manual switch. The actuator is mounted directly to a damper shaft from 1/4” up to 1/2” in diameter by means of its universal clamp, 1/2” shaft centered at delivery. A crank arm and several mounting brackets are available for applications where the actuator cannot be direct coupled to the damper shaft.The TF series actuators provide true spring return operation for reliable fail-safe application and positive close off on air tight dampers. The spring return system provides consistent torque to the damper with, and without, power applied to the actuator. The TF series provides 95° of rotation and is provided with a graduated position indicator showing 0° to 90°. The actuator may be stalled anywhere in its normal rotation without the need of mechanical end switches. Power consumption is reduced in holding mode. The actuator is double insulated so anelectrical ground connection is not necessary. The TF-S versions are provided with one built-in auxiliary switch. This SPDT switch is provided for safety interfacing or signaling, for example, for fan start-up. The switching function is adjustable between 0° and 95°.Safety Note: Screw a conduit fitting into the actuator’s bushing. Jacket the actuator’s input and output wiring with suitable flexible conduit. Properly terminate the conduit in a suitable junction box.On/Off spring return damper actuators shall be direct coupled type which require no crank arm and linkage and be capable of direct mounting to a shaft up to a 1/2” diameter and center a 1/2” shaft. The actuators must be designed so that they may be used for either clockwise or counter clockwise fail-safe operation. Actuators shall be protected from overload at all angles ofrotation. If required, one SPDT auxiliary switch shall be provided having the capability of being adjustable. Actuators with auxiliary switch must be constructed to meet the requirements for Double Insulation so an electrical ground is not required to meet agency listings. Actuators shall be cULus listed, have a 5 year warranty, and be manufactured under ISO 9001 International Quality Control Standards. Actuators shall be as manufactured by Belimo.AccessoriesElectrical accessoriesDescriptionType Auxiliary switch, mercury-free P475Auxiliary switch, mercury-freeP475-1Signal simulator, Power supply AC 120 V PS-100Cable conduit connector 1/2"TF-CC USTFCB120-SMechanical accessoriesDescriptionTypeShaft extension 170 mm ø10 mm for damper shaft ø6...16 mm AV6-20Position indicator for TFB(X)IND-TF Shaft clamp for TFB(X)K8 US Ball joint suitable for damper crank arm KH8 / KH10KG10A Ball joint suitable for damper crank arm KH8KG6Ball joint suitable for damper crank arm KH8KG8Damper crank arm Slot width 8.2 mm, for ø1.05"KH12Damper crank arm Slot width 6.2 mm, clamping range ø10...18 mm KH6Damper crank arm Slot width 8.2 mm, clamping range ø10...18 mm KH8TFB(X) crankarm with 5/16" slot.KH-TF US TFB(X) crankarm with 1/4" slot.KH-TF-1 US Screw fastening kitSB-TF Push rod for KG10A ball joint 36” L, 3/8” diameterSH10Push rod for KG6 & KG8 ball joints (36” L, 5/16” diameter).SH8Anti-rotation bracket TF/NKQ/AM/NM/LM.TF-P Wrench 0.32 in and 0.39 in [8 mm and 10 mm]TOOL-06Angle of rotation limiter, with end stop ZDB-TF Mounting bracket for TFB(X)ZG-113Damper clip for damper blade, 3.5” width.ZG-DC1Damper clip for damper blade, 6” width.ZG-DC2Shaft extension for 3/8" diameter shafts (4" L).ZG-LMSA-1Shaft extension for 1/2" diameter shafts (5" L).ZG-LMSA-1/2-5TFB(X) crankarm adaptor kit (includes ZG-113).ZG-TF112TFB(X) crankarm adaptor kit (T bracket included).ZG-TF2Mounting kit for TFB(X)ZG-TF3Weather shield 13x8x6" [330x203x152 mm] (LxWxH)ZS-100Baseplate, for ZS-100ZS-101Weather shield 406x213x102 mm [16x8-3/8x4"] (LxWxH)ZS-150Electrical installationWarning! Live electrical components!During installation, testing, servicing and troubleshooting of this product, it may be necessary to work with live electrical components. Have a qualified licensed electrician or other individual who has been properly trained in handling live electrical components perform these tasks. Failure to follow all electrical safety precautions when exposed to live electrical components could result in death or serious injury.Meets cULus requirements without the need of an electrical ground connection.Apply only AC line voltage or only UL-Class 2 voltage to the terminals of auxiliary switches. Mixed or combined operation of line voltage/safety extra low voltage is not allowed.Actuators with appliance cables are numbered.Provide overload protection and disconnect as required.Actuators may be connected in parallel if not mechanically linked. Power consumption and input impedance must be observed.One built-in auxiliary switch (1x SPDT), for end position indication, interlock control, fan startup, etc.Wiring diagrams On/OffAuxiliary SwitchesTFCB120-S Dimensions。



5 辽西稳控装置CSS100BE运行规程5.1 辽西稳控系统简介5.1.1 简介辽西(绥电公司、高岭开闭所、沙河营变电所、董家一次变电所、元宝山电厂)稳控系统是一个跨越辽西,连接辽东、河北、内蒙古自治区电网的区域性稳定控制系统。




5.1.2 稳控装置构成5.1.2.1 绥电公司侧稳控装置由下列装置构成:GCSS100B-2/JS安全稳定就地控制屏Ⅰ(以下简称就地装置Ⅰ);GCSS100B-2/JS安全稳定就地控制屏Ⅱ(以下简称就地装置Ⅱ);GCSS100B-3/JS安全稳定远方控制屏Ⅰ(以下简称远方装置Ⅰ);GCSS100B-3/JS安全稳定远方控制屏Ⅱ(以下简称远方装置Ⅱ);GCSF-C05/JS型远方信号传输装置屏;GCSF-C04/JS型光电转换装置屏。

其中除 GCSF-C04/JS型光电转换装置屏安装在通讯光纤室外,其它装置均安装在500KV变电所保护室。 就地判断型稳控装置绥电公司就地控制型稳控装置共有6个CPU,采用一个CPU监视处理一个元件运行情况的工作方式,500KV绥高#1、#2线各对应一个CPU,其它4个备用,绥高#1、#2线故障时,根据故障严重程度及其本身潮流采取不同的控制措施,经就地判断,可向远方稳控装置发出切一台机、切2台机、关一台机、关2台机四种控制命令和启动命令。 远方控制稳控装置(远方跳闸装置)远方控制型稳控装置可以判断机组出力大小,结合接收来自本地的控制命令和远方(高岭开闭所、沙河营变电所或董家一次变电所)传来的控制命令,对应控制策略自动选择出力大的机组切除。



1 概述 ................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 应用范围.................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 主要特点.................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 装置的主要性能........................................................................................................ 1
2 技术参数 .......................................................................................................................... 2
2.1 机械及环境参数........................................................................................................ 2 2.2 额定电气参数............................................................................................................ 2 2.3 过载能力.................................................................................................................... 2 2.4 主要技术指标..............................................................................................证



SC- CTB型电流互感器二次过电压保护装置技术使用说明书保定双成电力科技有限公司目录一、概述 (1)二、主要功能及特点 (1)三、工作原理 (1)四、技术指标 (2)五、选型须知 (2)六、装置结构说明 (3)七、安装接线说明 (5)八、运输及贮存 (9)九、质量保证及服务 (10)一、概述在电力系统中,电流互感器(简称CT)是将大电流变成规定的小电流设备,广泛应用于一次测量、控制和保护。



针对上述情况,我公司研制出新型的CTB系列电流互感器二次过电压保护器,用于各种 CT 二次侧的异常过电压保护。

它固接于CT 二次绕组两端,正常运行时泄漏电流极小,呈高阻状态;当发生异常过电压时,保护器瞬间动作限压、延时短路并发出信号。












ZC—100B使用说明书〔中英文〕ZC—100B型ZC-100B-type超高频电压标准Super High Frequency Voltage Standard技术说明书Technical Specification中国计量科学研究院National Institute of Metrology目录Table of Contents 一、概述 I Overview 二、性能指标II Performance Indexes 三、使用环境及误差III Service Environment and Error 四、工作原理IV Working Principle 五、使用方法V Application Method(一)前后面板介绍(1) Introduction of Front and Rear Panels (二)开机前的准备工作(2) Preparations before Starting the Machine (三)主机功能介绍及操作(3) Introduction of Main Functions and Operations 六、热偶片的保护、安装及检查VI Protection, Installation and Inspection of Thermocouple 七、成套性 VII Whole Set一、概述 I OverviewZC -100B型超高频电压标准是在ZC-100A型的根底上加以改良提高的新型源式计量标准仪器,它具有操作简单、使用方便、准确可靠、实用性强的特点,其工作频率范围为DC,l 0Hz~2000MHz,可供各计量部门、科研单位、仪器仪表生产厂的实验室等作为高频电压计量的工作标准。

ZC-100B-type super high frequency voltage standard is a novelsource-type measuring standard instrument based on ZC-100A-type and has the advantages of being easy to operate, being convenient to use, being accurate and reliable and having strong practicability. The working frequency is 10HZ~2000MHZ of direct current. The standard can be used as the working standard of high frequency voltage measurement in laboratories in metrological departments, scientific research institutes, instrument and meter manufacturing plants, etc.该标准仪器采用由中国科学研究院首创的14元薄膜热偶作为电压测量敏感元件,它具有10-5量级的直流正反向差和良好的频率特性,并有灵敏度高、过载能力强等优点。



电压:0.5 V~120V
2.2.2 接点容量
2.2.3 跳合闸电流
2.2.4 各类元件精度
0s-1s 时,误差不超过 25ms;
1s 以上时,误差不超过<±2.5%;
2.2.5 整组动作时间(包括继电器固有时间)
速动段的固有动作时间:1.2 倍整定值时测量,不大于 30ms
2.2.6 暂态超越 不大于 5%
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ2.2.7 模拟量测量回路精度
电流、电压:0.2 级 功率、电度:0.5 级
2.6 环境条件
2.6.3 环境温度: 工作:-10℃~+55℃。
贮存:-25℃~+85℃,在极限值下不施加激励量,装置不出现不可逆的变化,温度恢 复后,装置能正常工作。
a) 相对湿度: 最湿月的月平均最大相对湿度为 90%,同时该月的月平均最低温度为 25 ℃ 且表面无凝露。最高温度为+40℃时,平均最大相对湿度不超过 50%。
2.1 额定参数
2.1.1 额定直流电压: 220V 或 110V(订货注明) 2.1.2 额定交流数据:
a) 相电压
100 / 3 V 错误!未指定书签。
b) 线路抽取电压 c) 交流电流 d) 额定频率 2.1.3 功率消耗:

BY100 系列微机保护测控装置技术指导说明书

BY100 系列微机保护测控装置技术指导说明书

前 言BY100系列微机保护测控装置是多年实践应用和运行经验上,吸取国内外微机保护装置现有的先进技术。




一、装置型号定义BY100系列保护测控装置BY100-01 线路保护测控装置BY100-02 母线综合测控装置BY100-03 线路备自投保护测控装置BY100-04 变压器保护测控装置BY100-05 电动机保护测控装置BY100-06 电容器保护测控装置二、状态指示状态指示灯状态及数量与保护装置类型有关,各灯指示表示功能定义如下:序号 指示灯 意义 颜色1 “运行” 微机运行自检灯:装置正常运行时,此灯闪烁,若装置硬件或软件不正常,此灯常亮或常灭。

绿色2 “合位” 微机合位指示灯:断路器合位时,此灯亮。

红色3 “分位” 微机分位指示灯:断路器分位时,此灯亮。

绿色4 “动作” 微机跳闸动作灯:装置正常运行时,此灯熄灭;跳闸类保护动作(发生断路器动作)后,此灯长亮;只有人为复归,此灯熄灭红色5 “告警” 微机非跳闸动作灯:装置正常运行时,此灯熄灭;告警类保护动作(不发生断路器动作)后,此灯长亮;只有人为复归,此灯熄灭黄色6 “通讯” 微机通迅自检灯:装置通过RS485进行远程通讯时此灯闪烁。

伊顿创新技术瞬态电压浪涌抑制器 使用说明书

伊顿创新技术瞬态电压浪涌抑制器 使用说明书

IS-006—Rev 021E a t o n ®I n n o v a t i v e T e c h n o l o g y ®T r a n s i e n t V o l t a g e S u r g e S u p p r e s s o r S .M .A .R .T .S u r g e C o u n t e r I n s t r u c t i o n M a n u a lG e n e r a l F e a t u r e sThe S.M.A.R.T.(Suppression Monitoring And Recording Technology)Surge Counter is installed on the lid of the I.T.Protector when the suffix “-SD”is part of the SPD’s model number.D e s c r i p t i o nMulti function surge counter with four (Low,Medium,High,and Total)surge recording counters,phase loss indicator,and audible alarm.A p p l i c a t i o nAvailable as an option on Innovative Technology’s Protector product lines (PTE048/PTX048,PTE080/PTX080,PTE160/PTX160,PTE300/PTX300,and PTE400/PTX400).F i g u r e 1.S .M .A .R .T .S u r g e C o u n t e rM e c h a n i c a l a n d E l e c t r i c a l F e a t u r e sD i s p l a y2-line,8characters per line LCD.The LCD displays the following as applicable:•Phase loss indication per phase •Number of low/medium/high surge events since the last counter reset •Total surge events detected since installation •S.M.A.R.T display configuration and circuitry test menusM U T E /R E S E T P u s h b u t t o nLocated to the right of the display,this momentary pushbutton performs the following actions:•Mutes the audible alarm when activated by a phase loss condition •Rests the surge counter •Changes operating parameters •Performs circuit test functionsL E D sLEDs,visible through the front cover,glow green when an LED’s associated phase voltage is present.B u z z e r(A u d i b l e A l a r m)When enabled,a3.7kHz,90dB buzzer will beep at a rate of one-per-second upon the loss of any phase voltage.The buzzer will also beep once for each detected surge event,and also beep each time the MUTE/ RESET button is pressed.R e m o t e A l a r m R e l a y C o n t a c t sThe S.M.A.R.T unit is equipped with isolated Form C relay contacts.These dry contacts are labeled N/O (Normally Open),N/C(Normally Closed),and COM(Common)with the relay energized.The relay contacts are rated125Vac at0.5A,or30Vdc at1A(60W or125VA).This relay operates in a“fail-safe”mode,causing it to energize only when all phase voltages are present;in turn,causing its N/O and N/C contacts to be open and closed,respectively.By connecting a remote alarm to these contacts,the remote alarm can be made to activate when the relay de-energizes if one of the system phase voltages is lost.O p e r a t i o nWhen power is first applied to the Protector,the S.M.A.R.T.display will show the unit’s revision number and the firmware’s date of compilation,tech support information,followed by the Phase Status Display.If all phase voltages are present,the three front panel LEDs will glow green(for single-phase systems only a single LED will glow),and the remote alarm Form C relay will be energized.The LCD can display the following information.Press the MUTE/RESET button for<2seconds to cycle the display through its Phase Status Display and Surge Count Displays(LOW/MED/HIGH/TOTAL).P h a s e S t a t u s D i s p l a y:If all phase voltages are present this display will show“PHASE(S)OK.”In this example,the display shows that all phases of a3-phase system are present.If a phase voltage is lost,however,the following occurs:•The display shows“PHASE(S),ABC OUT”(depending on the number of system phases and the phase affected).Once a phasevoltage returns to normal,its“PHASE ABC OUT”message is removed from thedisplay.This display shows that Phase A has been lost.•The corresponding front panel phase LED turns OFF.•The Form C Relay de-energizes.•The unit’s internal buzzer produces an audible beep once a second.Note that pressing the MUTE/RESET pushbutton can mute the buzzer.The buzzer can also be muted as described in section S.M.A.R.T.Unit Setup and Test.S.M.A.R.T.Surge Counter Instruction Manual2IS-006—Rev02IS-006—Rev 023S u r g e C o u n t e r D i s p l a y s (L O W /M E D /H I G H )These three displays show the number of low,medium,and high surges that have been detected since the SURGES counter was last reset.Surge levels are recorded in approximate accordance with ANSI C62.41-1991,Type A,B,and C surge levels.If the unit detects a surge,the buzzer produces a single beep and the appropriate SURGES counter will increment by the number of surges that were detected at a particular level (low/med/high).If a surge occurs while the unit is displaying its Phase Status,then the display will automatically switch to the Surge Display.If a surge occurs while the unit is in its Setup Mode,the surge will be recorded but the display will notchange.N O T E The buzzer can be muted as described in Section S.M.A.R.T.Unit Setup and Test.This display shows that 537low-level surges have been detected since the SURGES counter was last reset.Up to 99,999,999surges can be recorded,with the next surge causing the counter to be set back to00000001.S u r g e C o u n t e r D i s p l a y (T O T A L )This display shows the total number of surges that have been detected since the Protector was first installed.This counter is a factory setting and can only be cleared by an authorized factoryrepresentative.This display shows that a total of 565,890surges have been detected since the Protector was first installed.S .M .A .R .T .U n i t S e t u p a n d T e s tThe S.M.A.R.T.unit contains setup and test functions that allow a user to:•Enable/disable the phase-loss buzzer •Enable/disable the surge counter buzzer •Clear the low/med/high surge counters •Test the operation of the LEDs,relay,and buzzerE n t e r i n g t h e S e t u p M o d eEnter the Setup Mode by pressing and holding down the MUTE/RESET pushbutton for >2seconds,or until “SETUP MODE”appears on thedisplay.Once in the Setup Mode,release the MUTE/RESET pushbutton to display the first set-up parameter.Step through the individual set-up parameters by momentarily pressing the MUTE/RESET pushbutton for <2seconds.After the last parameter is displayed,the unit asks if you want to enter the Test Mode.Momentarily pressing the MUTE/RESET pushbutton at this time will restart the S.M.A.R.T.unit.S.M.A.R.T.Surge Counter Instruction Manual4IS-006—Rev 02P h a s e L o s s B u z z e r S e t u pThe factory sets the unit to beep when a phase is lost(MUTE:OFF).To disable the phase loss buzzer,press and hold down the MUTE/RESET pushbutton until “MUTE:ON”is displayed.To turn the buzzer back ON,again press and hold the MUTE/RESET pushbutton until “MUTE:OFF”is displayed.S u r g e C o u n t e r B u z z e r S e t u pThe factory sets the unit to beep upon the detection of each surge event(MUTE:OFF).To disable the surge count buzzer,press and hold down the MUTE/RESET pushbutton until “MUTE:ON”is displayed.To turn the buzzer back ON,again press and hold the MUTE/RESET pushbutton until “MUTE:OFF”is displayed.C l e a r S u r g e C o u n t e rTo clear the LOW/MED/HIGH SURGES counter,press and hold down the MUTE/RESET pushbutton until “SURGES CLEARED!”isdisplayed.C l e a r T o t a l S u r g e C o u n t e rThe Total Surge Counter is a factory setting and can only be cleared by an authorized factoryrepresentative.T e s t M o d e (T e s t s t h e L E D s ,F o r m C R e l a y ,a n d B u z z e r )To bypass the Test Mode without performing any of the tests,momentarily press and release the MUTE/RESET pushbutton for <2seconds.To enter the Test Mode,press and hold down the MUTE/RESET pushbutton until “TURN ON LED(S)?”isdisplayed.Toggle the LEDs ON by pressing and holding down the MUTE/RESET pushbutton until the LEDs turnON.Toggle the LEDs OFF by again pressing and holding down the MUTE/RESET pushbutton until the LEDsturn OFF.S.M.A.R.T.Surge Counter Instruction ManualIS-006—Rev 025Toggle the Form C Relay ON by pressing and holding down the MUTE/RESET pushbutton until the relayenergizes.Toggle the Form C Relay OFF by again pressing and holding down the MUTE/RESET pushbutton until the relayde-energizes.Toggle the buzzer (audible alarm)ON by pressing and holding down the MUTE/RESET pushbutton until the buzzer turnsON.Toggle the buzzer (audible alarm)OFF by again pressing and holding down the MUTE/RESET pushbutton until the buzzer turns OFF.E x i t T e s t M o d e To exit the Test Mode,momentarily press the MUTE/RESET pushbutton for <2seconds to display “TEST?MODE,”and then momentarily press the MUTE/RESET pushbutton a second time to restart the S.M.A.R.T.unit.N o t e s_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________S.M.A.R.T.Surge Counter Instruction ManualIS-00602IS-00602。



辽西系统CSS100BE稳定控制装置调度管理暂行规定批准:马新审核:侯凯元会签:孙正伟李群赵宇民编制:夏德明岳涵东北电力调度通信中心二O一O年十二月二十四日目录1 辽西稳控装置简介 (1)1.1 概述 (1)1.2 厂站装置介绍 (2)1.2.1 董家变稳控装置 (2)1.2.2 青山变稳控装置 (3)1.2.3 沙河营变稳控装置 (3)1.2.4 北宁变稳控装置 (3)1.2.5 绥中电厂就地稳控装置和绥中电厂远方稳控装置 (3)1.2.6 元宝山电厂就地稳控装置和元宝山电厂远方稳控装置 (4)1.2.7 白音华电厂就地稳控装置和白音华电厂远方稳控装置 (4)1.3 拨轮开关介绍及定义 (4)1.4 主要措施 (5)2 装置调度管理规定 (7)3 装置运行规定 (7)3.1 正常方式停用的装置 (7)3.2 正常方式停用的措施 (8)3.3 装置使用方式定义及介绍 (8)3.4 装置使用规定 (10)3.4.1 运行方式拨轮的使用规定 (11)3.4.2 启动措施使用规定 (11)3.4.3 控制措施使用规定 (11)4 通信通道调度管理规定 (14)5 一次系统停送电操作及侧路代操作规定 (15)6 装置定值的核对 (15)7 装置的维护检查 (15)8 装置异常时的处理 (16)9 本规定的解释权 (17)附录1 辽西系统CSS100BE稳控装置配置示意 (18)附录2 辽西系统CSS100BE稳定控制装置有关重要通道命名 (19)1 辽西稳控装置简介1.1 概述辽西系统CSS100BE稳定控制装置(简称辽西稳控装置)包括:董家变、青山变、沙河营变、北宁变、绥中电厂、元宝山电厂、白音华电厂共7个厂站的装置,每个厂站的装置均按双重化配置(A套和B套)。



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第二篇 用户使用说明..................................................................................................................................20
5 开箱检查 .................................................................................................................................................20
1) 本说明书仅适用于 CSS-100BE 数字式安全稳定控制装置(频率电 压紧急控制)。
2) 请仔细阅读本说明书,并按照说明书的规定调整、测试和操作。 如有随机资料,请以随机资料为准。
3) 为防止装置损坏,严禁带电插拔装置各插件、触摸印制电路板上 的芯片和器件。
4) 请使用合格的测试仪器和设备对装置进行试验和检测。 5) 装置如出现异常或需维修,请及时与本公司服务热线联系。 6) 本装置的操作密码是:8888。
4 装置软件 ................................................................................................................................................. 11
CSS-100BE 数字式安全稳定控制装置
CSS-100BE 数字式安全稳定控制装置

制: 许先华
标准化审查: 郑 蔚
校 核: 李 哲 审 定: 秦红霞
出 版 号:V2.0 文 件 代 号:0SF.457.014 出 版 日 期:2005.03.15

第一篇 装置技术说明....................................................................................................................................1
1 概述 ...........................................................................................................................................................1
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10
环境条件 ........................................................................................................................................... 2 电气绝缘性能 ................................................................................................................................... 3 机械性能 ........................................................................................................................................... 3 电磁兼容性 ....................................................................................................................................... 3 安全性能 ........................................................................................................................................... 4 热性能(过载能力) .......................................................................................................................4 功率消耗 ........................................................................................................................................... 4 输出触点容量 ................................................................................................................................... 4 装置主要功能 ................................................................................................................................... 4
3.1 装置结构 ................................................................................................................................................7 3.2 装置功能组件概述.................................................................................................................................7 3.3 交流插件 ................................................................................................................................................8 3.4 开入插件(DI) ....................................................................................................................................8 3.5 开出插件(DO) ....................................................................................................................................8 3.6 管理插件(MASTER).............................................................................................................................9 3.7 电源插件(POW).................................................................................................................................10
1.1 适用范围...........................................................................................................................................1 1.2 装置主要特点...................................................................................................................................1
装置主要技术参数 ....................................................................................................................... 5
3 装置硬件 ...................................................................................................................................................7
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
电话:010-62986668 传真:010-62981900
感谢您使用北京四方继保自动化股份有限公司的产品。为了安全、 正确、高效地使用本装置,请您务必注意以下重要提示: