



When (Where, Who, Why, What, How)…?
All of the following are mentioned in the passage except…
According to the passage, the best answer to…is…
所谓语义题就是从文章的某句话中 选出一个单词、短语或词组进行提问,要 求考生对其进行一定的分析,推测出其在 文章中的特定含义。语义题考到的词汇通 常有两种情况:一种是超过大纲的生词; 一种是简单词汇,但意义不常见。考查我 们通过上下文猜测词义的能力 。
The word “…” in line…probably means…
1.对某个细节进行推断---先在文中找到该细节 所在的句子,在正确理解该句的基础上推断 出未知的事实。
2.根据文章推测作者的观点、目的、态度和思 路---先确定文章的中心思想,再根据中心和 作者所陈述的事实及细节进行推断。
3.推断文章中没出现的前一段或下一段的内容--仔细阅读并理解了文章内容的基础上,重 点分析文章的首、尾两段尤其是文章的开始 句和结束句。
如有主题句,就能很容易确定文章或段落 的主题。 如果没有明显的主题句,就带着问题细读 文章的首段和尾段找出其中心,抓住每个段 落的主题句,明确文章的中心思想。
注意:如果文章主旨题出现在第一题,先不 要做这道题,把后面的题做完后再回头做第 一题,这样可以节省很多时间。
与细节性问题相似,推理题也是对文章具体 内容的判断。但推理不但要求掌握文章所表达 的字面含义,还要从表面推出更深层含义,这 部分往往出题分量大,难度大,出错也最多。 包括 (1)针对文章中的某个细节进行推断;(2) 根据文章推测作者的观点、目的、态度和思路。 (3)推断文章中没出现的前一段或下一段的内 容。



总结:在提炼关键词的过程中,先找“特殊词汇”,因为特殊词汇容易 快速定位,定位之后再结合题干中的信息实词,就可以很快锁定答案; 在题干 没有“特殊词汇”的情况下,可充分挖掘承载题干信息的动词、名词、形容词 及其相关短语,用它们来进行定位。在有些情况下,还需要从语法角度分析句 子,提取关键词。“吃透”题干准确判断关键词、中心词至关重要。采用由易 到难的解题策略, 可以提升大家的解题信心。对于那些答题线索较少的题目, 可留在最后再解答。在解答这类较难的题目时,可快速阅读原文中仍未选过的 段落的主题句通常为第一句、第二句或最后一句,然后根据段落大意与题干中 的细节信息进行匹配。
( 1 )承载题干主要信息的名词、形容词、动词短语等。如 diploma, shortage, beneficial, incline to 等;
( 2 )四级高频词汇及其派生词。比如: inevitability, globalization, innovative,possibility等,它们通常是文中对应信息词的变体。
第三步,回文定位。根据题干中的关键词,迅速在文章中找出与题干信息 相关的内容。
第四步,分析定位句。一旦发现与题干关键字“有交集”的内容,立即在段 落中画出,然后综合题干信息判断其是否为对应段落。一般情况下,如果题目 是对文章的同义转述、概括总结等,就可初步判定为答案。保险起见,可以再 延伸略读一下段落的前后意群、直至完全确定答案。注意,有时候确定答案时 还需要结合本段落主旨句或作者的观点态度句。
分解对应四分法:快速将问题分解成4个部分(主A 谓B 宾C+其他D),与 原文进行对比。



12月英语四级仔细阅读真题答案12月英语四级仔细阅读真题答案「篇一」Happiness can be described as a positive mood and a pleasant state of mind. According to recent polls (民意测验) sixty to seventy percent of Americans consider themselves to be moderately happy and one in twenty persons feels very unhappy. Psychologists have been studying the factors that contribute to happiness. It is not predictable nor is a person in an apparently ideal situation necessarily happy. The ideal situation may have little to do with his actual feelings。

A good education and income are usually considered necessary for happiness. Though both may contribute, they are only chief factors if the person is seriously undereducated or actually suffering from lack of physical needs。

The rich are not likely to be happier than the middle-income group or even those with very low incomes. People with college educations are somewhat happier than those who did not graduate from high school, and it is believed that this is mainly because they have more opportunity to control their lives. Yet people with a high income and a college education may be less happy than those with the same income and no college education。


要求考生具备较高的阅读理解能力,能够准确理解文章 的主旨大意和细节信息,以及作者的观点和态度。
要求考生概括文章的中心思想或 主要内容,考查对文章整体的理 解能力。
考查考生对文章中生词或难词的 理解能力,要求根据上下文猜测 词义。
细节理解题 主旨大意题 推理判断题 词义猜测题
针对文章中的具体细节进行提问 ,要求考生准确理解并找到相关 信息。
提供一篇典型的四级阅读文章, 并设计5-10个与文章内容相关的 问题,包括主旨大意题、细节理 解题、推理判断题等。
针对文章中出现的重点词汇和语 法结构,设计相应的练习题,如 填空、选择、改错等,帮助学生 巩固语言基础。
挑选文章中的长难句,进行详细 的结构分析和翻译讲解,帮助学 生理解句子含义并提高阅读理解 能力。
根据文章中的信息进行推理和判 断,要求考生理解作者的言外之 意和深层含义。
先快速浏览文章,了解文章的大致内 容和结构,有助于后续有针对性地寻 找信息。
注意排除与文章内容无关或明显错误 的选项,缩小选择范围,提高答题准 确率。
仔细阅读题干,明确题目的要求和考 查点,避免答非所问。
将原文信息与选项进 行对比分析,找出与 原文意思相符的选项 。
根据题干和原文信息 ,排除与题目要求不 符或与原文意思相悖 的选项。
一个段落通常由主题句、支持句和结论句构成,主 题句点明段落中心思想,支持句对主题句进行解释 或证明,结论句对段落内容进行总结或得出结论。





4.1大学英语四级篇章仔细阅读答题攻略一、命题考点及规律通过分析四级历年真题可以发现,篇章阅读在设置题目的时候,往往针对文中以下几个方面命题:1.强调处、绝对处、最高处、the only… 或only在句首做状语例:... When planes fall from the sky, as a Yemeni airliner did on its way to Comoros Islands in the India Ocean June 30, 2009, the black box is the best bet for identifying what went wrong. So when a French submarine (潜水艇) detected the device’s homing signal five days later, the discovery marked a huge step toward determining the cause of a tragedy in which 152 passengers were killed.(2010年6月)58. What information could be found from the black box on the Yemeni airliner?A) Data for analyzing the cause of the crash.B) The total number of passengers on board.C) The scene of the crash and extent of the damage.D) Homing signals sent by the pilot before the crash.【解析】该部分介绍了黑匣子在探寻也门客机坠毁原因上所起到的重大作用。



• had to be answered with any commercial consequence was when the laying of a telegraph cable from Europe to America was proposed. The engineers had to know the depth profile( 轮廓)of the route to estimate the length of cable that had to be manufactured. It was to Maury of US Navy that the Atlantic Telegraph Company turned, in 1853 , for information on this matter. In the 1840s,Maury had been responsible for encouraging voyages during which soundings(试探)were taken investigate the depths of the North Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Later, some of his findings aroused much popular interest in his book The Physical Geography of the Sea. The cable was laid , but not until 1866 was the connection made permanent and reliable. At the early attempts, the cable failed and when it was taken out for repairs it was found to be covered in living growths, a fact which defied contemporary scientific opinion that there was no life in the deeper parts of the sea.


1、态度题 2、是非判断题 3、细节题 4、观点题 5、考文章主题的主题题型 6、推理题 7、词汇题



针对性解释是作者为了更好的表达思想,在文章中 对一些重要的概念、难懂的术语或 词汇等所作的解释。 这些解释提供的信息具有明确的针对性,利用它们猜 词义比较容易。 1.根据定义猜测词义 如果生词是句子或段落所解释 的定义,理解句子或段落本身就是推断词义。 例如:anthropology is the scientific study of man. 由定义可知,anthropology就是“研究人类的科学”。

在复述中构成同位关系的两部分之间多用逗号连接, 有时也使用破折号,冒号,分号,引号,和括号等。 Capacitance, or the ability to store electric charge, is one of the most common characteristics of electronic circuits. 由同位语我们很快猜出生词capacitance词义—电 容量。 需要注意的是:同位语前 还常有or, similarly, that is to say, in other words, namely, or other等副词或短 语出现。

2 根据比较关系猜测词义 同对比关系相反,比较关系表示意义

上的相似关系。 例如: Green loves to talk,and his brothers are similarly loquacious. 该句中副词similarly表明短语loves to talk与生词loquacious之 间的比较关系。以 此可以推断出loquacious词义为“健谈的”。 表示比较关系的词和短语主要是similarly,like,just as,also等。



大学四级英语仔细阅读专项习题(一)Of the thousands of different kinds of animals that exist in the world man has learned to make friends with an enormous number. Some are pets, and offer him companionship; some give protection, and some do hard work which man cannot do for himself. Dogs, which serve man in all three capacities, are found in various breeds in all countries of the world. The Husky can live in the cold polar regions, and the Saluki is at home in the hottest parts of Central Africa. The inhabitants of certain countries are dependent for their very lives on the camel. In the West Indies the little donkey, strong and sure-footed, carrying heavy loads even in mountainous places, is a familiar sight.来源:考试大Trained and tamed for many generations, domestic animals are not accustomed to roaming(到处走动) in search of food and shelter. They look to their masters to provide for their needs, and as long as these are supplied, they are content to do what their masters require.All domestic animals need proper food. It must be suitable for them, sufficient in quantity, fresh and clean. Some people feed a pet dog or cat on odds and ends of table scraps, and then wonder why the animal seems listless(倦怠的) and dull. The quantity of food depends on the size of the animal and the amount of exercise it takes. Overfeeding is as bad as underfeeding. Containers for food and water must be washed regularly if the animal is to maintain good health.Even well cared for animals may sometimes fall ill. If this happens, the wise master seeks the best advice he can get. All sorts of medicines and treatments are available for sick animals, and in some countries organizations exist to provide them free or at a cheap price. Useful, friendly, hardworking animals deserve to have some time, money and attention spent on their health.1. What main idea does the author want to convey in the first paragraph?A) There exists thousands of species of animals in the world.B) Man came to establish a close relationship with a number of animals.C) In some regions a donkey seems to be a very useful beast.D) An animal will be useless unless domesticated.2. When an animal is underfed, it will probably ____.A) refuse to obey its masterB) immediately fall illC) require its master to offer some foodD) seek for food on its own3. Which of the following is NOT true of dogs according to the passage?A) They can act as friends, guards, and servants to man.B) They have great adaptation for the environment.C) There live a great variety of breeds of dogs on the globe.D) The Husky and the Saluki are the strongest breed ever known in the world.4. To keep a domestic animal physically fit, its owner is advised ____.A) not to hesitate to spend enormous amount of money on itB) to pay attention to its proper feedingC) not to allow it to take excessive amounts of exerciseD) to join some sort of pet-keeping organizations5. Which of the following would be best TITLE for this passage?A) Domesticated Animals - Man’s Best Fr iendB) Proper Diet - the Road to HealthC) The Advantages of Raising Domestic AnimalsD) Some Tips on Pet-keeping大学四级英语仔细阅读专项习题答案1.B)Man came to establish a close relationship with a number of animals. 黑体部分为第一段两个要点,A只包含了一个要点,C只提到了一头驴。





四级英语仔细阅读练习原文The decline in moral standards—which has long concerned social analysts—has at last captured the attention of average Americans. And Jean Bethke Elshtain, for one, is glad.The fact the ordinary citizens are now starting to think seriously about the nation’s moral climate, says this ethics (伦理学) professor at the University of Chicago, is reason to hope that new ideas will come forward to improve it.But the challenge is not to be underestimated. Materialism and individualism in American society are the biggest obstacles. “The thought that ‘I’m in it for me’ has become deeply rooted in the national consciousness,” Ms. Elshtain says.Some of this can be attributed to the disintegration of traditional communities, in which neighbors looked out for one another, she says. With today’s greater mobility and with so many couples working, those bonds have been weakened, replaced by a greater emphasis on self.In a 1996 poll of Americans, loss of morality topped the list of the biggest problems facing the U.S. and Elshtain says the public is correct to sense that: Data show that Americans are struggling with problems unheard of in the 1950s, such as classroom violence and a high rate of births to unmarried mothers.The desire for a higher moral standard is not a lament (挽歌) for some nonexistent “golden age,” Elshtain says, nor is it awishful (一厢情愿的) longing for a time that denied opportunities to women and minorities. Most people, in fact, favor the lessening of prejudice.Moral decline will not be reversed until people find ways to counter the materialism in society, she says. “Slowly, you recogn ize that the things that matter are those that cant’ be bought.”四级英语仔细阅读练习题目1. Professor Elshtain is pleased to see that Americans ________.A) have adapted to a new set of moral standardsB) are longing for the return of the good old daysC) have realized the importance of material thingsD) are awakening to the lowering of their moral standards2. The moral decline of American society is caused manly by ________.A) its growing wealthB) the self-centeredness of individualsC) underestimating the impact of social changesD) the prejudice against women and minorities3. Which of the following characterizes the traditional communities?A) Great mobility.B) Concern for one’s neighbors.C) Emphasis on individual effort.D) Ever-weakening social bonds.4. In the 1950s, classroom violence ________.A) was something unheard ofB) was by no means a rare occurrenceC) attracted a lot of pubic attentionD) began to appear in analysts’ data5. According to Elshtain, the current moral decline may be reversed ________.A) if people can return to the “golden age”B) when women and mean enjoy equal rightsC) when people rid themselves of prejudiceD) if less emphasis is laid on material things四级英语仔细阅读练习答案1. D2. B3. B4.A5. D四级英语仔细阅读练习带答案仔细阅读是英语四级考试中的重点题型,考生多做练习提高阅读理解能力十分重要。





四级英语仔细阅读训练题原文:By almost any measure, there is a boom in Internet-based instruction. In just a few years, 34 percent of American universities have begun offering some form of distance learning (DL), and among the larger schools, it’s close to 90 percent. If you doubt the popularity of the trend, you probably haven’t heard of the University of Phoenix. It grants degrees entirely on the basis of online instruction. It enrolls 90,000 students, a statistic used to support its claim to be the largest private university in the country.While the kinds of instruction offered in these programs will differ, DL usually signifies a course in which the instructors post syllabi (课程大纲), reading assignment, and schedules on Websites, and students send in their assignments by e-mail. Generally speaking, face-to-face communication with an instructor is minimized or eliminated altogether.The attraction for students might at first seem obvious. Primarily, there’s the convenience promised by courses on the Net: you can do the work, as they say, in your pajamas (睡衣). But figures indicate that the reduced effort results in a reduced commitment to the course. While dropout rate for all freshmen at American universities is around 20 percent, the rate for online students is 35 percent. Students themselves seem to understand the weaknesses inherent in the setup. In a survey conducted for Cornell, the DL division of Cornell University, less than a third ofthe respondents expected the quality of the online course to be as good as the classroom course.Clearly, from the schools’ perspective, there’s a lot of money to be saved. Although some of the more ambitious programs require new investments in servers and networks to support collaborative software, most DL courses can run on existing or minimally upgraded (升级) systems. The more students who enroll in a course but don’t come to camp us, the more school saves on keeping the lights on in the classrooms, paying doorkeepers, and maintaining parking lots. And, while there’s evidence that instructors must work harder to run a DL course for a variety of reasons, they won’t be paid any more, and might well be paid less.四级英语仔细阅读训练题:57. What is the most striking feature of the University of Phoenix?A) All its courses are offered online.B) Its online courses are of the best quality.C) It boasts the largest number of students on campusD) Anyone taking its online courses is sure to get a degree.58.According to the passage , distance learning is basically characterized by_____A) a considerable flexibility in its academic requirementsB) the great diversity of students’ academic backgroundsC) a minimum or total absence of face-to-face instructionD) the casual relationship between students and professors59. Many students take Internet -based courses mainly because they can_____A) earn their academic degrees with much less effortB) save a great deal on traveling and boarding expensesC) select courses from various colleges and universitiesD) work on the required courses whenever and wherever60. What accounts for the high drop-out rates for online students?A) There is no strict control over the academic standards of the courses.B) The evaluation system used by online universities is inherently weak.C) There is no mechanism to ensure that they make the required effort.D) Lack of classroom interaction reduces the effectiveness of instruction.61. According to the passage, universities show great enthusiasm for DL programs for the purpose of_____A) building up their reputationB) cutting down on their expensesC) upgrading their teaching facilitiesD) providing convenience for student四级英语仔细阅读训练题答案:57. A. All its courses are offered online.58. C. a minimum or total absence of face-to-face instruction.59. D. work on the required courses whenever and wherever.60. C. There is no mechanism to ensure that they make the required effort.61. B. cutting down on their expenses.。



















2)通过对比关系来推测词义 生词的前面或后面有时会出现的反义词或对比词,可推生词的含义 ,体现对比含义的词汇有but, however, yet , whereas, while ,nevertheless, otherwise instead, not…but ,on the contrary , rather , in contrast with.标点符号分号也可表示对比。 Written language tends to be static , while spoken language constantly changes. 3)通过同类关系来推测词义 一些常见的引出同义词的标志性词语有or like similar and Mr. Smith loves to talk , and his wife is similarly loquacious(爱说 话的)

文章内容涉及的题材十分广泛,但归纳起来有人物传记,生 活常识,人文社科和科普知识四大类,后两类题材的文章最 为多见。 就文体来说,虽然叙述、描写、说明和议论均有出现,但是 还是说明文和议论文占多数。无论是哪种情况,对文章的理 解一般都不需要有专门的背景知识。 文章的语言难度适中,词汇一般不超出大纲规定的范围。至 于个别生词如影响文章理解,通常有中文注释,如不影响理 解,则由考生根据上下文来猜测。 综观近年真题可以发现,有关社会热点的话题频频出现于四 级阅读材料中,例如,教育全球化、网络泄露私人信息、全 球变暖等。这类文章往往内容时新、语言地道、特色鲜明。

限定短语可以看做是限定从句的简化,如同 在名词后面加了一个括号 我会写汉字。 我会写汉字(简体) 书丢了。 书(黄色的)丢了。



四级英语仔细阅读训练附答案Like a needle climbing up a bathroom scale, the number keeps rising. In 1991, 15% ofAmericans were obese(肥胖的); by 1999, that proportion had grown to 27%. Youngsters, whoshould have age and activity ontheir side, are growing larger as well: 19% of Americans under17 are obese. Waistbands have been popping in other western countries too, as physical activityhas declined and diets have expanded. By and large, people in the rich world seem to have lostthe fight against flab(松弛).Meanwhile, poorer nations have enjoyed some success in their battles against malnutrition andfamine. But, according to research presented at the annual meeting of the AmericanAssociation for the Advancement of Science, it is more a case of being out of the frying pan andinto the fire. The most striking example actually in the poor world comes from the Pacificislands, home of the worlds most obese communities. In 1966, 14% of the men on this islandwere obese while 100% of men under the age of 30 in 1996 were obese.This increase in weight has been uneven as well as fast. As a result, undernourished and over-nourished people frequently live cheek by jowl(面颊). The mix can even occur within a singlehousehold.A study of families in Indonesia found that nearly 10% contained both the hungryand the fat. This is a mysterious phenomenon, but might have something to do with peopleof different ages being given different amounts of food to eat.The prospect of heading off these problems is bleak. In manyaffected countries there arecultural factorsto contend with, such as an emphasis on eating large meals together, or onfood as a form. of hospitality.Moreover, there is a good measure of disbelief on the part ofpolicymakers that such a problem Could existin their countries. Add to that reluctance on thepart of governments to spend resources on promoting dietand exercise while starvation is stilla real threat, and the result is a recipe for inaction. Unless something is done soon, it mightnot be possible to turn the clock back.四级英语仔细阅读训练题目1.The first sentence of the passage most probably implies that______.A.many Americans are obsessed with the rising temperature in their bathroomB.more people are overweighed in the United StatesC.people are doing more physical exercises with the help of scalesD.youngsters become taller and healthier thanks to more activities2.As physical exercise declines and diet expands, ______.A.other western countries has been defeated by fatB.obesity has become an epidemic(流行病)of the rich worldC.waistbands begin to be popular in other western countriesD.western countries can no longer fight against obesity3.Which is NOT the point of the example of the Pacific IslandsA.The poor community has shaken off poverty and people are well-fed now.B.Obesity is becoming a problem in the developing world too.C.Excessive weight increase will cause no less harm than the food shortage.D.The problem of overweight emerges very fast.4.Of tackling obesity in the poor world, we can learn from the passage that____A.the matter is so complex as to go beyond our capacityB.no matter what we do, the prospect will always be bleakC.it is starvation, the real threat, that needs to be solvedD.we should take immediate actions before it becomes incurable5.What is the main idea of this passageA.Obesity is now a global problem that needs tackling.B.The weights increase fast throughout the whole world.C.Obesity and starvation are two main problems in the poor world.D.Obesity has shifted from the rich world to the poor world.四级英语仔细阅读训练答案1.[B] 推理判断题。





4.1大学英语四级篇章仔细阅读答题攻略一、命题考点及规律通过分析四级历年真题可以发现,篇章阅读在设置题目的时候,往往针对文中以下几个方面命题:1.强调处、绝对处、最高处、the only… 或only在句首做状语例:... When planes fall from the sky, as a Yemeni airliner did on its way to Comoros Islands in the India Ocean June 30, 2009, the black box is the best bet for identifying what went wrong. So when a French submarine (潜水艇) detected the device’s homing signal five days later, the discovery marked a huge step toward determining the cause of a tragedy in which 152 passengers were killed.(2010年6月)58. What information could be found from the black box on the Yemeni airliner?A) Data for analyzing the cause of the crash.B) The total number of passengers on board.C) The scene of the crash and extent of the damage.D) Homing signals sent by the pilot before the crash.【解析】该部分介绍了黑匣子在探寻也门客机坠毁原因上所起到的重大作用。



英语四级仔细阅读训练题附答案In the United States, it is not customary to telephone somenone very early in the morning. If you telephone him early in the day, while he is shaving or having breakfast, the time of the call shows that the matter is very important and requires immediate attention. The same meaning is attached to telephone calls made after 11:00 p. m.. If someone receives a call during sleeping hours, he assumes it's a matter of life or death. The time chosen for the call communicates its importance.In social life, time plays a very important part. In the U. S. A. guests tend to feel they are not highly regarded if the invitation to a dinner partyis extended only three or four days before the party date. But it is not truein all countries. In other areas of the world, it may be considered foolish to make an appointment too far in advance because plans which are made for a date more than a week away tend to be forgotten. The meaning of thime differs in different parts of the world. Thus, misunderstandings arise between peopelfrom cultures that treat time differently. Promptness is valued highly in American life, for edample. If people are not prompt, they may be regarded as impolite or not fully responsible. In the U. S. no noe would think of keepinga business associate waiting for an hour, it would be too impolite. A person who is 5 minutes late, he will say a few words of explanation, though perhaps he will not complete the sentence.1."The same meaning is attached to telephone calls made after 11:00 p. m.."Here" attached" means ________a. takenb. drawnc. givend. shown2. Supposing one wants to make a telephone call at dawn, this would mean________.a. the matter is importantb. the matter is somewhat importantc. the matter requires immediate attentiond. it is a matter of life and death3. According to this passage, time plays an important role in ________.a. everyday lifeb. shool lifec. communicationsd. private life4. The best title for this passage is ________.a. the voices of timeb. the importance of timec. the importance of an ammouncementd. time and tide wait for no man5. According to the passage, the author of the article may agree to whichof the following statements?a. It is appropriate to send your invitation cards three or four daysbefore a dinner party date in U. S. A.b. It may be appropriate to send your invitation to your guests three or four days before a dinner party date in some cultures.c. It is best for one to make telephone calls at night because it costs much less.d. If one is less than 5 minutes late, he has to make a short apology.cdcabLiberia, the oldest independent Negro state in West A frica, has been struggling for survial ever since its foundation in 1822. Progress has been hampered by constant hostility between the American Negroes whose families returned there in the early 19th century, and the West Africans whoseancestors never left the continent. Though the two groups are of the same race, they are divided by language and outlook and regard each other with deep suspicion creating a conflict which was not foreseen by Liberia's founders.In addition, neighboring states, native tribel, disease, and poverty have made life dangerous and difficult. The government has tried desperately, through loans and a trickle of trade, to make ends meet. Anxiety about financial matters lessened somewhat when, in 1910, the United States accepted responsibility for Liberia's sruvival. However, not until Harvey Firestone, the American rubber king, decided that the United States must produce itsown rubber - with Liberia as the site of the rubber plantations - did liberia have much hope of paying its debts and balancing its budget.The rubber industry, founded in the 1920's, and the activity that followed it brought both progerss and profit to Liberia. Before that time Liberia had no roads, no mechanical transport and no good port; its people had little education and few tools. Liberians feel that the country is being ruled by rubber. For this reason, the recent discovery of iron ore is important. Liberian leaders are trying to moderate the power of the ruvver industry and to estaglish the country's political and economic independence.1. Liberia has been in idffculty since its independence mainly because________.a. the american negroes do not want to help the country.b. there have been constant hostillity and suspicion between different tribes in the country.c. there haven been constant hostility and suspicion between two groups of the same tride.d. the goverment has adoped a wrong policy2."The government has tried desperately, through loans and a trickle of trade, to make ends meet."to make ends meet" means ________.a. the goverment has to borrow money from othersb. the goverment has to lend money to othersc. the goverment doesn't have to borrow or lend moneyd. the goverment has either to borrow or to lend money3. The country's finance began to improve a bit in ________.a.1822b.1910c.1920d.1920's4. The Liberians's attitude on to improve a bit in ________.a. a total agreementb. a total disagreementc. a hostilityd. not a total agreement5. The best title for this passage is ________.a. American Negroes in West Africab. liberia - a poor countryc. liberia and its developmentd. liberia - a country with rich rubber and ironccbdc感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。



英语四级仔细阅读模拟试题附答案英语四级仔细阅读模拟试题1:Fried foods have long been frowned upon. Nevertheless, the skillet (长柄平底煎锅) is about our handiest and most useful piece of kitchen equipment. Strong woodcutters and others engaged in active labor requiring 4,000calories per day or more will take approximately one-third of their rations prepared in this fashion. Meat, eggs, and French toast cooked in this way are served in millions of homes daily. Apparently the consumers are not beset with more signs of indigestion than afflicted by those who insist upon broiling, roasting, or boiling. Some years ago one of our most eminent physiologists investigated the digestibility of fried potatoes. He found that the pan variety was more easily broken down for assimilation than when deep fat was employed. The latter, however, dissolved within the alimentary tract ( 消化道 ) more readily than the boiled type. Furthermore, he learned, by watching the progress of the contents of the stomach by means of the fluoroscope (荧光检查仪), that fat actually accelerated the rate of digestion. Now all this is quite in contrast with "authority". Volumes have been written on nutrition, and everywhere the dictum ( 权威意见) has been accepted--no fried edibles of any sort for children. A few will go so tar as to forbid this style of cooking wholly. Now and then an expert will be bold enough to admit that he uses them himself, the absence of discomfort being explained on the ground that he possesses a powerful gastric ( 胃的 )apparatus. We can ofcourse sizzle perfectly good articles to death so that they will be leathery and tough. But thorough heating, in the presence of shortening, is not the awful crime that it has been labeled. Such dishes stimulate rather than retard contractions of the gall bladder. Thus it is that bile ( 胆汁 ) mixes with the nutriment shortly after it leaves the stomach.We dont need to allow our foodstuffs to become oil soaked, but other than that, there seems to be no basis for the widely heralded prohibition against this method. But notions become fixed. The first condemnation probably rose because an "oracle" ( 圣贤) suffered from dyspepsia (消化不良) which he ascribed to some fried item on the menu. The theory spread. Others agreed with him, and after a time the doctrine became incorporated in our textbooks. The belief is now tradition rather than proved fact. It should have been refuted long since, as experience has demonstrated its falsity.56. This passage focuses on__________.A. why the skillet is a handy piece of kitchen equipmentB. the digestibility of fried foodsC. how the experts can mislead the public in the area of food preparationD. why fried foods have long been frowned upon57. People engaged in active labor eat fried foods because __________.A. they are healthfulB. they are much cheaperC. they can be easily digestedD. they can provide the calories the workers need58. The author implies that the public should__________.A. prepare some foods by fryingB. avoid fried foods if possibleC. fry foods for adults but not for childrenD. prepare all foods by frying59. When the author says that "an oracle suffered from dyspepsia which he ascribed to some fried item on the menu" he is being__________.A. gratefulB. factualC. sarcasticD. humorous60. The passage was probably taken from__________.A. a medical journalB. a publication addressed to the general publicC. a speech at a medical conventionD. an advertisement for cooking oil英语四级仔细阅读模拟试题答案:56.B定位:根据题干信息this passage focuses on可知解答本题需通观全文。



英语四级仔细阅读练习及答案解析(1)Section CDirections:There are 2 passages in this section.Each passage isfollowed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each ofthem there are four choices marked A.,B.,C.and D..You shouM decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 56 to 60 are based on thefollowingpassage.With so many of the deaths each year from around the world directly related to poor health choices we make.world health leaders have set a goal of lowering the number of preventable deaths by 25%from 2010 rates by 2025.That would save 37 million lives over 15 years.Reporting in thejournal Lancet,public health experts note that the ways to prevent those deaths areat surprising.But acting on those strategies will take individual and political will.Heres how the experts hope to do it.Not smoke.The UN General Assembly set a target of cutting smoking around the world by 30%by 2025.Already,higher-income nations that already adopted smoking bans in public places and instituted tobacco taxes have seen drops in smoking rates,however,residents in lower-income nations continue to light up at high rates.Limit excessive drinking.While moderate amounts of alcohol have been linked to some health benefits,overindulging can increase the risk of certain cancers and liver disease,as well as contribute to high blood cating people about the risks of excessive drinking,as well as instituting taxes on alcoholic products,has been somewhat successful in curbing(遏制)abuse.Cut back on salt.High sodium (钠)diets can increase blood pressure and contribute to heart disease and stroke,and in many developed countries,people eat several times the amount the salt their bodies need.In the U.S.,the average American consumes about 800mg more salt every day than health experts consider acceptable.Promoting alternatives,such as the citric acid in lemons,to satisfy the need for salt, Call help to bring sodiunl consumption down.Get blood pressure under ck of exercise and high sodium diets contribute to hypertension(高血压),and uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to stroke and heart disease.Monitoring blood pressure with regular screenings,and treating elevated levels with changes in diet and exercise,or medications if necessary,are the most effective ways to address this risk factor.Address diabetes.Closely tied to the obesity epidemic(肥胖病)that now affects developing as well as developed nations,diabetes can increase the risk of heart disease,kidney disease and other conditions that can shorten life.Studies show that lifestyle changes incorporating healthy diets low in sugar and physical activity call be as effective as medications in keeping blood sugar levels in check.56.What does the author mean by sayin9“acting on those strategies will take individual and political will”(Line 4-5,para.1)?A.Both politicians and individuals wish to put the strategies into practice.B. Conducting those strategies needs to consider both personal and official will.C.Carrying out those strategies needs both individual and govemmental support.D.Either individual or government can carry out those strategies.57.What have high.income countries done to smoking?A. Banned smoking in the public and reduced tobacco taxes.B.Banned public smoking and established tobacco taxes.C. Dropped smoking rates and banned smoking in public.D. Dropped smoking rates and lowered tobacco taxes.58.What is the authors suggestion to sodium consumption?A.Eat lemons instead of excessive salt to cut down sodium consumption.B.Take in as less salt as possible for the sake of health.C. Take in at least 800mg of salt every day.D.Never take in salt but citric acid to keep fit.59.What carl you learn about hypertension from the passage?A. Moderate amount of alcoholis good for blood pressure contr01.B.American people have a less opportunity to develop hypertension.C.Regular blood pressure monitoring can reduce the risk of diabetes.D.Controlling blood pressure properly can reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease.60.What should we do to address diabetes?A.Keep a low.sugar diet.B.Take physical exercise.C. Receive drug treatment.D. All of the above.56.What does the author mean by saying“acting on those strategies will take individual and political will”(Line4.5,para.1)?作者说引号中的这句话是什么意思?A.Both politicians and individuals wish to put the strategies into practice.政府和个人都希望将这些策略投入使用。



2023上半年英语四级仔细阅读模拟题及答案12023上半年英语四级仔细阅读模拟题及答案(1)There is evidence that the usual variety of high blood pressure is, in part, a familial disease. Since families have similar genes as well as similar environments, familial diseases could be due to shared genetic influences, to shared environmental factors, or to both. For some years, the role of oneenvironment factor commonly shared by families, namely dietary salt (i.e., sodium chloride), has been studied at Brookhaven National Laboratory. These studies suggest that long excess salt intake can lead to high blood pressure in man and animals. Some individuals, however, and some rats consume large amounts of salt without developing high blood pressure. No matter how strictly all environmental factors were controlled in these experiments, some salt-fed animals never developed hypertension whereas a few rapidly developed very severe hypertension followed by early death. These marked variations were interpreted to result from differences in genetic constitution.By mating long successive generations of those animals that failed to develop hypertension from salt intake, a resistant strain (the " R" strain) has been evolved in which consumption of large quantities of salt fails to influence the blood pressure significantly. In contrast, by mating only animals that quickly develop hypertension from salt, sensitive strain (the "S" strain) has also been developed.The availability of these two strains permits investigations possible. They provide a plausible laboratory model on which to investigate some clinical aspects of the human hypertension. More important, there might be the possibility of developing methods by which genetic susceptibility (敏感性) of human beings to high blood pressure can be defined without waiting for its appearance. Radioactive sodium 22 was an important "tool" in working out the characteristics of the sodium chloride metabolism.21. The study of the effects of salt on high blood pressure was carried out_______.A. as members of the same family tend to use similar amounts of saltB. to explore the long-term use of a sodium based substanceC. because it was proven that salt caused high blood pressureD. because of the availability of chemically pure salt and its derivatives22. The main difference between "S" and "R" rats is their_______.A. need for sodium 22B. rate of matingC. reaction to saltD. type of blood23. We can infer from the article that sodium 22 can be used to_______.A. control high blood pressureB. cure high blood pressure caused by saltC. tell the "S" rats from the "R" ratsD. determine what a sodium chloride metabolism is like24. The most beneficial results of the research might be_______.A. development of diets free of saltB. an early cure for high blood pressureC. control of genetic agents that cause high blood pressureD. the early identification of potential high blood pressure victims25. Which of the statements best relates the main idea of this article?A. When salt is added rats and human beings react similarly.B. The near future will see a cure for high blood pressure.C. The medical field is desperately in need of research.D. A tendency toward high blood pressure may be a hereditary factor.答案21. A 22. C 23. D 24. D 25. D。

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