
关于法拉利介绍英语作文Ferrari is a luxury car brand that is known for its high-performance sports cars and sleek, stylish designs. The company was founded in 1939 by Enzo Ferrari and has since become one of the most iconic and recognizable car brands in the world.The Ferrari logo, a prancing horse, is a symbol of speed, power, and elegance. It represents the brand's racing heritage and its commitment to producing high-quality, high-performance vehicles.Ferrari cars are known for their powerful engines, precise handling, and cutting-edge technology. They are often seen as status symbols and are popular among car enthusiasts and collectors.In addition to its sports cars, Ferrari also produces limited-edition models and special editions, which are highly sought after by collectors and enthusiasts.Ferrari has a long and successful history in motorsports, with numerous victories in Formula One racing and other prestigious events. The brand's racing success has helped to solidify its reputation as a leader in automotive engineering and performance.Ferrari's cars are often featured in movies, television shows, and other forms of popular culture, further cementing the brand's status as a symbol of luxury and performance.Overall, Ferrari is a legendary car brand that continues to captivate and inspire car enthusiasts around the world with its iconic designs, powerful performance, and rich racing heritage.。

1. Mercedes-AMG Petronas Formula One Team(梅赛德斯车队),标志中有一颗星星,代表车队的成功和辉煌,同时也象征着
2. Scuderia Ferrari(法拉利车队),标志中有一匹奔驰的黑马,象征着速度和力量,同时也是法拉利品牌的标志。
3. Red Bull Racing(红牛车队),标志中有一头红色的公牛,代表车队的活力和冒险精神,同时也是红牛品牌的标志。
4. Aston Martin Cognizant Formula One Team(阿斯顿·马
5. McLaren F1 Team(迈凯伦车队),标志中有迈凯伦的品牌
6. Alpine F1 Team(阿尔派车队),标志中有阿尔派的品牌标志,由一只鸟的形象和字母"A"组成,象征着自由和灵活性。
7. AlphaTauri(阿尔法塔利车队),标志中有一只公牛的头部,象征着力量和决心,同时也是阿尔法塔利品牌的标志。
8. Alfa Romeo Racing ORLEN(阿尔法罗密欧车队),标志中

1. 奥迪(Audi)。
2. 宝马(BMW)。
3. 奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)。
4. 大众(Volkswagen)。
5. 丰田(Toyota)。
6. 福特(Ford)。
7. 雪佛兰(Chevrolet)。
8. 宾利(Bentley)。
9. 兰博基尼(Lamborghini)。
10. 法拉利(Ferrari)。

olvo沃尔沃volvo沃尔沃volvo沃尔沃volvo沃尔沃volvo沃尔沃olvo沃尔沃 vabis法必斯 josse乔瑟bebi百必koenigsegg科尼塞克nia斯堪尼亚scania斯堪尼亚scania_vabis法毕斯scania_saab萨伯scania_saab萨伯b萨伯(绅宝) saab萨伯(绅宝) saab萨伯(绅宝) saab萨伯(绅宝)6.俄罗斯车标gaz戈兹gaz戈兹gaz戈兹gaz戈兹gaz戈兹gaz戈兹gaz戈兹izh依兹laz拉兹kamaz卡玛斯ada拉达lada拉达uaz尤兹zil兹尔zil兹尔vitch莫斯科人avtotor阿维托托尔7.美国车标gm通用buick别克chevrolet雪弗莱hummer悍马cadillac凯迪拉克llac凯迪拉克oldsmobile奥兹莫比尔oldsmobile奥兹莫比尔pontiac庞蒂亚克corvette克尔维特aturn土星mercury水星aurora奥兹莫比尔曙光camaro雪佛兰卡玛洛camarofirebird卡玛洛火庞蒂亚克菲罗geo吉奥general通用上将general通用凤凰gmc通用汽车baci巴斯ford福特lincoln林肯mustang野马cougar福特美洲狮erird福特雷鸟monarch福特君主fairmont福特费尔蒙特cobra野马眼镜蛇ltd福特ar福特美洲狮mustang野马chrysler克莱斯勒chrysler克莱斯勒chrysler克莱斯勒sler克莱斯勒dodge道奇viper道奇蝰蛇eagle鹰牌jeep吉普outh普利茅斯plymouth普利茅斯stutz斯图兹ev1通用ev1 mack麦克mack麦克checker切克brockway布罗克韦8.中国车标汽车风神汽车神龙汽车东风裕隆东风车身台湾裕隆柳州五菱中国一汽一汽佳红旗一汽红旗江铃汽车天津夏利重庆长安重庆长安南京跃进厦门金龙苏州金通汽车广东粤海贵州云雀长丰猎豹江苏春兰万丰奥特湖南长丰济南轻骑北汽制一重工福建东南河北中兴三星汽车浙江吉利北京福田上海汇众上海华普宇通客汽车江苏悦达中华汽车华晨金杯中国重汽星马汽车安徽奇瑞上海吉士达陆风汽王牌松花江比亚迪福莱尔五洲龙昌河汽车昌河汽车哈飞集团重庆庆集团上海通用上汽仪征通用五菱重庆铁马宁波美日无锡太湖金杯通用上海华红岩中国北方北京吉普江苏长江武汉楚星陕西汉江江苏牡丹曙光汽车长安羚汽车徐工集团安凯客车中大汽车江淮汽车中通客车扬州亚星牡丹客车扬子子江 湖南同心 少林客车 万象汽车 京通客车 中大金陵 上饶客车 万通客车 宁波神客车 衡山客车 川马客车 江苏华新 保定大迪 海马汽车 驼马汽车 星王客车 新飞汽黄海 青专汽车 重庆云河 天津扫地王 华东汽车 北京北铃 湖北大历 沈阳天鹰 湖北三申龙 上海申龙 柳州运力 杭州专汽 安徽扬天 陕西金州 湖北双龙 广州骏威 猛狮客客车 齐鲁客车 三峰客车 山东黑豹 扬子汽车 江南奥拓 山东时风 天马汽车各國車標大全[三]标 2.意大利车标 3.英国车标 4.法国车标 5.瑞典车标 6.俄罗斯车标 7.美国车标 8.中国车标 9.日本车标 10.韩国车标 11.其他地方车标9.日本车标an 尼桑 president 日产总统 infiniti 日产英菲尼迪 diesel 日产柴 toyota 丰田 lexus 雷克萨斯wn皇冠corolla花冠hino日野daihatsu大发scion塞恩mitsubishi三菱da本田acura阿库拉isuzu五十铃isuzu五十铃yamaha雅马哈tortoise龟牌oka光冈subaru富士斯巴鲁mazda马自达mazda马自达mazda马自达kawasaki川崎omo住友komatsu小松hitachi日立howa丰和datsun达特桑datsun达特桑yu东急kinkisharyo近畿nipponsharyo车辆制造asl爱斯乐presskogyo普莱斯suehiro末广ce王子muratec村田kanto关东suzuki铃木10.韩国车标dai现代kia起亚ssangyong双龙ssangyong双龙daewoo大宇daewoo大宇客o通用大宇espero大宇伊斯帕罗asia亚细亚renaultsamsung雷诺三星samsung三星doosan斗山tors普罗通daelim大林hyosung晓星soosung帅成11.其他地方车标(罗马尼亚)dacia达西(罗马尼亚) polonez波罗乃兹(波兰)steyr斯太尔(奥地利) seat西亚特(西班牙)zastava红旗(南斯顿-澳大利亚skoda斯柯大-捷克1923skoda斯柯大-捷克1993skoda斯柯大-捷克1994)skoda斯柯大-捷克1999ikarus伊卡鲁斯-匈塔塔-印度telco特尔科-印度proton宝腾-马来西亚proton宝腾-马来西亚proton宝腾-马来西亚tatra太脱拉-捷毕加索-西班牙pegaso毕加索-西班牙pegaso毕加索-西班牙pegaso毕加索-西班牙autosan奥托森(波兰)jelcz耶尔奇(波士-澳大利亚nysa尼斯-埃及avia阿维亚-捷克daf达夫-荷兰spyker世爵-荷兰世界名车车标大全第一个大奔(德国),相信这个大家都识得。

法拉利标志图片的含义和法拉利标志的历史法拉利汽车标志含义第一辆披着法拉利“红鬃烈马”标徽,在赛道上先驰得点的,是由125型赛车加以改良的166型SPYDER CORSA,搭配一九九二毫升直列六缸引擎,勇夺一九四八年意大利的塔卡-傅里欧(TARG FLORIO)及米里-麦利亚(MILLE MIGLIA)大赛的双项冠军,“法拉利”从此一举成名,并接连胜出超过五千场赛事的“跃马传奇”。
另外,特别值得一提的,是伴随着线条动人、马力惊人、颜色引人的法拉利赛车转战各地的“跃马” 车徽,也有一段感人的故事。

劳斯莱斯(Rolls-Royce)是世界顶级豪华轿车厂商,1906年成立于英国,公司创始人为Frederick Henry Royce(亨利〃莱斯)和Charles Stewart Rolls(查理〃劳斯)。
路虎(Land rover),是世界著名的英国越野车品牌。
在landrover正式在中国销售前,国人一直把Land Rover翻译成陆虎(香港地区称为“越野路华”),但是当LR准备正式在中国上市时,发现“陆虎”已被国内一家汽车企业抢注商标,没办法,只得在中国注册“罗孚”商标。
捷豹汽车的历史源远流长,可以追溯到 1922 年威廉〃里昂斯爵士创造出第一辆摩托车跨斗之时。


4.阿斯顿·马丁(Aston Martin)。

介绍我的法拉利英语作文My Ferrari is a beast on the road. It roars like a lion, commanding attention wherever it goes. The sleek designturns heads and the powerful engine leaves other cars inthe dust. Driving it is like flying on land, a thrilling experience that never gets old.The interior is a luxurious oasis, with leather seats that hug you like a warm embrace. The dashboard is a symphony of buttons and screens, all at your fingertips, ready to cater to your every whim. The sound system is top-notch, blasting your favorite tunes with crystal-clear quality.Maintenance is a breeze, with regular check-ups keeping my Ferrari in top shape. The mechanics treat it like aprized possession, ensuring that every part is in perfect working order. It's a well-oiled machine that never failsto deliver a smooth and exhilarating ride.Taking my Ferrari out for a spin is a true joy. The speed, the power, the precision it's a thrill that never fails to put a smile on my face. Whether I'm cruising down the highway or tearing up the racetrack, my Ferrari never disappoints. It's more than just a car, it's a lifestyle.。

• 法拉利599 GTB Fioran o
• 是一款双座跑 车,由宾尼法 利纳(Pininf arina)设计
• 599 GTB Fiorano拥有一系列革命性的先进技术,许多 装备是第一次应用在中前置发动机的法拉利(Ferrari) 双座跑车上
• 并在操控性、驾驶乐趣和设计方面为同级汽车奠定了 新的基准。
• 法拉利F40 • 1987年,法拉利 推出了划时代的 超级跑车F40,这 款车是为了纪念 法拉利车厂生产 跑车40周年而打 造的。 F40从198 7年至1992年总共 生产了1315辆。
• 法拉利F50
• 1995年,法拉利推 出了F50,搭载4.7L V12发动机,最大功 率520马力,0-100k m/h加速3.7秒,最 高时速为325km/h。 F50限量生产349辆, 48万美元-55万美元 的价格区间同样非 常昂贵。
• 法拉利125S • 法拉利历史上的第一 款车型——125S。 法拉利60周岁庆典上 的125S • 这款车搭载排气量只 有1497cc、采用DOHC 技术的V12发动机, 压缩比只有8.5,能 产生100匹马力,也 正是它的出现,奠定 了法拉利60年的光辉。
• 法拉利250GTO
• 购买F50仅 仅有钱是 不够的, 还要求买 主必须拥 有两辆以 上的法拉 利,同时 买主要具 有很好的 驾驶技术 及遵守短 期内不能 转卖F50的 协议。
• 法拉利ENZO
• Enzo Ferrari 最初依然限量 生产350辆,其 中349辆用于出 售而另一辆则 存放于法拉利 博物馆内。
• 具有传奇色彩的“法拉利红”起初是国际汽车联赛在上世 纪初期分配给意大利赛车的颜色,作为这些赛车参加大奖 赛的专用颜色。 • 在这个世界上的许多领域,颜色只有一种象征意义。

1904 年,经销法国汽车的商人查尔斯·劳斯(皇家贵族)与制造
见如故,他们便一同北上去了曼切斯特。当天,在午餐中两人畅 谈人生和事业,下午又一同驾驶汽车游览曼切斯特,从而更加深 了之间的友谊。劳斯随即与莱斯达成协议,由莱斯负责生产汽车, 劳斯负责营销,并给予莱斯制造的汽车在市场上的独家优惠。同 时,他们给汽车起名为 ROLLS-ROYCE,曾译为罗尔斯-罗伊斯,后 又译为劳斯莱斯。 2003 年劳斯莱斯汽车公司归入宝马集团。
柯林·查普曼给自己设计的车起个名字。他突发奇想,就叫它 『莲花』。至于为什么叫莲花,查普曼始终不肯透露个中底细。
--罗 孚 英国罗孚车厂(Rover)一向都采用“维京人”——8~ 10 世纪的北欧海盗的标志。这些维京人(Viking)乘船到处流浪, 而 Rover 一词的意思也是流浪者。“罗孚”这个名称可追溯至早 期的 Starley 公司,该公司初期生产罗孚牌自行车,到 1904 年开 始制造汽车。初期的罗孚汽车,是以维京人的头像作标志,直到 1930 年才改为一艘船。罗孚(Rover)是北欧的一个民族,由于罗孚 民族是一个勇敢善战的海盗民族,所以罗孚汽车商标采用了一艘 海盗船,张开红帆象征着公司乘风破浪、所向披靡的大无畏精神。
--保时捷 波尔舍研究设计发展公司是德国较大的汽车研 究和设计公司,成立于 1930 年,创建人是著名的天才设计 大师费迪南德·波尔舍博士(FERDINAND PORSCHE)。主要 承担各汽车公司和政府委托的各种研究课题和设计工作, 也接受国外有关汽车公司委托的设计、研究和试验任务。 波尔舍博士的第一件作品就是获得极大成功的“甲壳虫 “轿车。第二次世界大战后,他和儿子费利·波尔舍制作 了 356 运动车,之所以命名为 356,是因为波尔舍作了第 356 次更改设计方案,该车在车赛中一举成功,取得桂冠。 60 年代开始生产 911 型运动车,其时费迪南德·波尔舍已 去世,主要是他的儿子和孙子亚历山大·波尔舍继承了他 的事业。在 1967 年一次 5 天的赛事中,一辆 911 试验车打 破了 16 项世界纪录,被人称为“顶级的波尔舍(保时 捷)”,由此,保时捷运动车名威天下。

Ferrari汽车史上数十年来的传奇品牌For decades one of the most legendary names of automobiles如今有款新车即将上市Now a new model is hitting in the streets这是1.25吨的高性能跑车One and quarter tons of high performance sports car有太空飞船等级的精准工程技术Engineered with the precision of spacecraft法拉利有史以来所设计过最快、最有力的车款The fastest most powerful production car Ferrari has ever designed这里就是这部车生产地,就是法拉利的超级工厂And this is where is being made inside Ferrari’s Ultimate Factory跑车的特征速度快Hire in sports cars The fast造型奇特,价格高昂Vagarious and very very expensive每种车都别具一格Cash has the trait don’t clear to define但只有一种能成为象征But one has become the iconic Ferrari对有些人来讲,那不过是部车To some it’s a car对有些人来讲,那是艺术品To others it’s a work of art对大多数人来说,法拉利两者兼备To many it’s a perfect vision of both法拉利代表着卓越的性能和完美的设计The name Ferrari conjures a the high performance and breathtaking design少有车辆能带传奇和神秘的光环走过数十年Few car carries such a aura of legendary and mystery through the decades一级方程式赛车的法拉利是赛车史上成绩最优异的品牌The Ferrari of the formula one track winning his name in the history of sport一般公路上的法拉利The Ferrari in the open road则是历史最有代表性的赛车An iconic sports car of ages无论在赛车跑道还是在马路上,每部法拉利都是手工打造Whether for the race track or for the road every Ferrari is handcrafted这是意大利北部马拉涅罗Northern Italy the town of Maranello法拉利的超级工厂就在这里This is the site of Ferrari ultimately factory此处就是高科技工厂High-tech garage也是艺术工作室Part art studio金属原料在此转化为惊人的力量A place where raw metal was transformed to raw power 车子在此被当成雕塑品打造And where cars are created like sculptures 车厂建筑物就像生产的车子一样流线时髦Its building ever built and modern as the cars created here因为法拉利生产一般道路用车与赛车Because of Ferrari make cars for the street and for the race track这座工厂具有某些独特特征The factory both has unique features如满足研发需要的风洞A wind tunnel for research development是由意大利超级建筑师伦左皮亚诺设计Designed by Italy super architect Renzo Piano或是充满自然光的引擎工厂And engine works flooded by natural light内有树木提供合适温度以利打造引擎With the trees provided exactly the right humidity for the engine construction甚至还有2英里的私人赛车道Even a two-mile private race track目的就是测试法拉利最新赛车Used to try the Ferrari latest race cars并且供跑车路测之And road tests its sports cars每部法拉利都在这些建筑中,走过第一趟历程These are the buildings through which every Ferrari makes his first journey对于生产线的三千名工人而言And for 3000 works along away在此工作是意大利人的梦想Being here is a Italian dream对我们意大利人而言For us Italians法拉利永远是神话Ferrari has always a myth always这里的男孩从小就梦想法拉利I mean the boys here grow up with Ferrari少有外人可以进入法拉利工厂,摄影机更少Few outsiders and even fewer cameras are ever allowed into Ferrari factory这里的警备森严Security is intense因为法拉利一级方程式赛车队就在工厂里For Ferrari’s formula one team has based the factory随时都得提防商业间谍There is ever-present threat form the industrial espionages而且法拉利的道路用车直接师承赛车的精髓And Ferrari formula one secrets go straight into the street cars这是法拉利所设计最快性能最强的车辆This is fastest and most powerful production car Ferrari has even designed就是法拉利599The Ferrari 599时速高达每小时200英里(322公里)Its speed tops to 200 miles per hour价格呢And prices超过26万美金Over 260,000 dollars法拉利总裁卢卡狄蒙兹莫洛表示Ferrari’s president Luca Di Montezemelo我认为这种车代表自由For me this kind of car means freedom刹车加速操纵引擎的应用Braking acceleration Handing engineering这些都是造就法拉利之所以不凡的因素All these elements that make something unique该公司经过5年的研发设计出法拉利最新车款Five years of research and development have gone into Ferrari’s the newest model60年的历史也是幕后功臣So was the 60 years of history法拉利的传奇创作者恩佐·法拉利非常拥有赛车精神Ferrari’s legendary founder Enzo Ferrari was a racing purist他认为法拉利生产道路用车只是为了资助赛车队伍To him Ferrari’s street cars were just a way to help fund his formula one team早前法拉利跑车可能中看Early Ferrari sports cars may be beautiful to look at却是出了名的难以驾驶But they are in the top list of hard to drive赛车特征并不适合一般马路The racing characteristic weren’t suit to the open road然而法拉利所设计的跑车越来越能传承赛车精髓But over the decades Ferrari has moved closer and closer to designing a sports car that fit all the company the formula one spirits改良为终极用车Into the ultimate the street machine法拉利599 就是最佳典范The Fiorano 599 is that car法拉利的设计师与工人面艰难挑战Ferrari’s designers and works face a daunting challenge 因为产品得具备一级方程式赛车的特征与速度Due to the car with the soul speed of formula one racer 又能轻而易举得在一般道路上驰骋But the handle the smooth still conquer real world streets外观要脱颖美丽Make it beautiful符合法拉利“四轮艺术品”得传奇Fitting for the Ferrari legacy of “Art In Motion还要够豪华配得上26万美金的价格And dressed in luxury worth its 260 000 piece take即是赛车也是道路用车Race car street car即是艺术品Or a art也是奢侈品Luxury item法拉利马拉涅罗工厂工人都得面对这个苛刻要求A tough order for the team of Ferrari’s Maraniello factory这座工厂占地极大It’s a vast complex45栋建筑物占用的空间足以容纳50座足球场45 buildings with enough space fit for 50 football fields 工厂的8个独立部门将协力从头开始打造法拉利599 In all separate sections of the factory will build the 599 form scratch从铸造工厂的熔炉到车身工厂的美丽成品Form the fires of foundry to the beauty of body shop 从引擎厂烤漆厂的精密机械操作到法拉利599的皮椅手工技术Form the robotic possession of engine works and paint shop to the handcrafting of 599 leather upholstery最后生产线则是大功告成之处And final assembling line will all comes to together法拉利第一个挑战是什么?The factory’s first challenge?为法拉利599打造出经典特色Giving the 599 the signature of trait速度Speed法拉利599配有v12引擎输出620 马力The 599 boost by v12 engine putting out 620 horsepower 这个关键设备就在铸造厂生产And the foundry is where the key component begins its life法拉利的金属工匠必须在此铸造引擎的两个主要零件Here Ferrari’s metal workers have to cast two core elements of the engine缸头和缸体The cylinder head and the engine block多数工厂大量生产这些零件Most factories mass produce these parts但是法拉利一次生产一个But Ferrari turns it out one of a time而且每个引擎都有自己的模具A separate mould is made for every single engine模具由压缩的砂土与树脂制成They are made of compact sand and rosin其他车厂用砂铸Other car companies use sand casts但是在法拉利这种高档车工厂But high in factories like Ferrari工人用手打造砂模Workers finish the sand mold by hand光是一个v12引擎的模具就得用手工打造5小时It takes around 5 hours to hand finish the mould for a single v12 engine组装模具就像拼凑复杂的立体拼图Theyfit it together like an intricate three-dimensional jigsaw为了减少磨损碎裂等瑕疵To minimize the chance of chaps cracks and flaws紧接着便开始铸造法拉利599 引擎缸头This will be the cast of the cylinder head of 599火炬导致砂模焦黑附上一层薄碳A flaming torch blacks the sand mold with a single layer of carbon薄碳的功能如同润滑剂The carbon layer acts as a lubricant融化的金属可以顺畅的流入模具之间To let the mould metal flow smoothly into the space of the cast一切就绪模具已经准备妥当It’s time the mould is ready铸造过程必须非常精准The mould metal is prepared just as carefully as the sand moulds熔化过程绝对不能出任何差错In the melting process obviously there can’t be anymistakes必须是最高品质不可It has to be the highest quality才配得上时速超过200英里的车辆(322)To able to sustain the car that goes over 200 miles per hour在超过华氏1300度的温度中(摄氏704.4)At the temperatures over 1300 degree Fahrenheit法拉利599 的引擎核心在熊熊烈火中诞生The heart of 599 engine begins its birth这部车将要被制造出来This is what going to built而这里正是其工厂This is where it starts在法拉利铸造厂In the Ferrari foundry主要的熔炉已经点火The main furnace is fired out即将铸成法拉利599 强力引擎的金属已经送入熔炉The metal will be cast into the core 599 engine is being melted某些送入熔炉的金属原料来自先前铸造的零件Some of the wrong metal being sent to the furnace comes form previously cast compounds当初可能未通过法拉利的品质检测But failed Ferrari’s quality checks金属几乎立刻熔化The metal melts almost instantly因为燃料的大量电荷通过As massive electrical charges are fired through it在熔炉融化2吨的金属一天所消耗的电力足以供应一户人家一年使用Melting 2 tons of metal in furnace uses enough electricity in one day to light a house for a year融化的金属原料流进坩埚进一步精炼The all molten metal pours into a giant crucible for further purify在华氏1300度的温度下(摄氏704.4)At 1300 degrees燃料看起来就像液态银It looks like liquid silver其实这是种韧性超强配方超机密的铝合金But this is the super strong super secret aluminum alloy特别用来打造法拉利的引擎Specifically created for Ferrari engines氮注入坩锅内的金属Nitrogen pump through the metal in the crucible与浮至表面的杂质结合Combining with the any impurities which float to the surface纯合金再倒进较小的容槽The pure alloys transforms to smaller holding tanks这些原料就是用来铸造引擎零件Form which the engine components will be cast这个压缩砂模即将成为缸头This mold of compact sand is about to become the cylinder head最后成为汽车史上最强的引擎A one of most powerful production car engines ever made金属涌进模具The metal gushes into the mould这里每十分钟就完成一次浇铸It is casting here every 10 minutes只有五十分之一无法通过品质检测Incredibly only one in fifty components its quality test成为回收废金属And send back to the scrap heap铸造厂打造法拉利的v12 引擎While the foundry cast the Ferrari v12 heart其他厂房的工人则负责车身And another building workers fractionate the body如同许多高档跑车制造商Like many high in sports car makers法拉利的车厂也算是个艺术工作室Ferrari’s body shop is part of studios法拉利599 是法拉利的最新艺术品But the Ferrari 599 maybe the Ferrari’s latest art work也是空气动力学工程的杰作It’s also a masterpiece of aerodynamic engineering数千小时的工作不止了为了设计出美观的跑车Thousands of hours down into designing a sports car that is not only beautiful也希望像一级方程式赛车看齐尽量驾驭空气But can cheat the air almost as well as Ferrari’s formula one race cars其实法拉利599 的车身造型就是颠倒的机翼形状In a sense the 599’s body shape is the opposite of an aircraft wing流线车身在高速时可产生负升力And in high speed the streamline body creates negative lift利用车顶与车底的气流车辆便能更贴地Using a air float over and through it depress the car to the road他的最高时速超过200英里And its top speed is over 200 miles per hour产生的下压力可达400磅That down force is equivalent to 400 pounds weight下压力表示抓地力更强The down force means more secure road handing过弯时的摩擦力更大And far better attrition at the corners法拉利的流线车身需要强力支持The Ferrari streamline body needs strong support要在街上开一级方程式赛车If you want to put a formula one race car into a street底盘必须有能耐承担高速高性能的压力You need a chassis that can take the stresses of high speed and high performance全由铝合金制成的法拉利599底盘Made in entirely alumina alloy必须够坚固才有以下三种能耐The 599’s chassis must be strong enough to do three things承受高速撞击Withstand high speed impacts支撑500磅的v12引擎Ankle the 500 pounds of v12 engine这具引擎可产生极大地扭力和马力Which produces the tremendous amount of torsion and power底盘还得承受轮组及悬挂系统The chassis also has to provide strong amount for the wheel assembling suspension跑车车轮在高速时会像凿岩机般上下震动At the high speed the wheels of the sports of the sports car go up and down like a jackhammer因此法拉利在法拉利599底盘上加配超强的悬挂座The Ferrari equip the 599 chassis with super tough suspension mounts普通的车辆底盘由机器组装Regular car’s chassis are put together by machines但是高性能跑车如法拉利599则是由人工焊接But high performance sports cars like 599 are hand welded因为底盘要打造的一分不差It means the chassis can be more exactly shaped车身板件也要装的更精确And body panels more precisely fitted法拉利599的底盘已经焊接完成With the 599’s chassis now welded第一块车身板件也已经装上And the first of the body panels is attached车厂的机械手臂也该出动了It’s the time to one of the factory’s robots to take over机械手臂相当于巨大订书机It’s basically a giant like stapler设计好的机械手臂可将180个柳钉钉入底盘特定位置The robot’s program precisely drive 180 rivets at the specifically points over the entire chassis底盘就靠这些柳钉才不致在超过200英里的时速下解体(322公里)The robots gave the car the muscle to hold itself together at the 200 miles an hour然而底盘还得通过严密测试才能进入下个阶段But the chassis can’t move down the line before it passes the rigor test此时又动用另一个机械手臂Another robot comes into play其上装有针状测探器It equips needle like probes这些探针测试底盘800个不同位置The probes test the chassis at 800 different places探针每次都接触到金属At the each point they touch the metal机械探针以电脑模式测量车身They are measuring the body against the computer model寻找金属上的小裂缝Searching for tinny cracks in the metal或是底盘轮廓有无瑕疵Or any flaws in chassis overall shape如果找到任何缺点If flaw is detected底盘就会被送出去The chassis is sent back 但是这种几率只有百分之一But that only happened to one of every hundred经过彻底检查之后机械手臂最后一次探测After exhausted examination the robot arms raise for last time法拉利599的技术骨干已经准备妥当The 599 metal skeleton is now ready to receive可以装上完成雕塑的车身板件The rest of the sculpted body panels镜头回到铸造厂Back to the foundry引擎已经铸造完成The engine caste is completed7分钟后温度已经冷却到足以移除砂模7 minutes later the caste is cool enough that the sand mould to be removed这个过程不需要高科技There is nothing too high tech about this process只是将压缩的砂模从固化金属外震落They compress the sand and just shake then off form the solid metal法拉利599的高性能特色需要搭配完美的引擎零件The high performance shticks of 599 require engine parts that are perfect强力x光扫描铸造的零件Powerful x rays scan the cast components寻找金属上的细小裂痕或缺陷Looking for microscopic cracks or flaws in metal引擎瑕疵所引起的些许震动The slightest vibration form the defect in finished engine 在高速时都会影响甚巨Will be magnified in high speed最糟的情形就是····Worst case in that area引擎本身可能停止运转The engine itself could fail通过x光检测的零件再由人工润饰Components that passed the x ray test are hand finished 然后再度接受检查Then they check again难怪法拉利铸造厂的工人认为他们不只是铸造引擎It’s no surprise that Ferrari foundry workers feel them making more than just engine我们制造的是灵魂We create the soul再由别人添加零件注入生命And some others add organs to make it live车身工厂将金属打造成艺术品In the body shop metal is becoming an art法拉利599的时髦外壳在此装上底盘As the 599 slick out shell meets its chassis任何人想到法拉利When anyone thinks of Ferrari特别会联想到两件事情You think two things in particular一就是引擎One the motor超大马力低吼的声音Mens of power the sound the growling二就是法拉利超炫外观And the second the external beauty of Ferrari法拉利的车身板件与底盘一样都是铝制的Like its chassis the Ferrari’s body panels are aluminum 这可能是法拉利有史以来生产的马力最强的一款车It may be the most powerful production car that the company has ever made但是全车用铝打造But the fully aluminum construction means it’s also one of the lightest法拉利599有大马力驾驭更轻的车身The 599 has more power preparing less car工人门将车盖引擎盖车厢装到正确位置上Workers fix the doors hood and trunk to the position hatches校正到误差不超过千分之一英尺And align them to within in a thousand of an inch从现在开始就是艺术心血From this point on it’s all about art工人要打造出近乎完美的车身Creating a finished body that is close to flawless is possible车身工厂的专家检查有问题的地方The body shop specialists check for trouble spots再小的凹痕瑕疵也不放过Dents or flaws no matter how small对法拉利的工作人员而言To Ferrari people这不只是车子而是雕塑品This no longer a car it’s a sculpture在密封的树脂玻璃室中In a sealed plastic glass room没有任何灰尘会干扰最后的检查步骤Where no expect dust can interfere with its final inspection法拉利599 通过检查之后便离开车身工厂The 599 even is given its sums up to move out the body shop我们保证形状完美We have to guarantee a perfect shape这道独特的装饰步骤The unique finishing consequently才能造就出完美的烤漆The perfect paint job这份铝合金艺术品将要完美打造This aluminum art work is now on track into the perfect finishing工人们已经做完引擎和烤漆工作The workers in the foundry and the body shop have done their jobs法拉利599将为其灵魂打造血肉The 599′s soul has been smelted from raw metal它的身体虽然简单但十分精密It′s body is simple with precision饱含许多机械魔术But there still a lot of mechanical magic to be spotted在这个汽车厂,血肉将完美结合At this ultimate factory before body and soul come into together在意大利北方马拉涅罗的法拉利工厂At the Ferrari′s Maranello factory in the northern Italy尚未完工的法拉利599更接近终点了The unfinished Fiorano 599 takes its next step towards to the finishing line这是法拉利的21世纪烤漆厂This is the ferrari′s 21st century paint shop科技之先进在世界是数一数二One of the most adanced of its kind in any car factory这座烤漆厂首重环保The environment is the high priority for this paint shop 多数材料都是水性漆Most material is water based多余漆料几乎都在收集后再利用And nearly all waste is captured and recycled一级方程式赛车无须担忧生锈问题Formula one races do not have to worry about rust然而法拉利599是一般道路用车But the 599 is built for the streets在进行烤漆之前Before they can be painted每部法拉利599的车身都经过防腐处理Every 599 car body receives anti-erosion treatment法拉利宣称这是世上最先进的防锈技术Ferrari claims it′s the most advanced rust proving in the world但是这种说法难以验证The claim is hard to test因为这里进行的化学过程是商业机密Because the chemical process doing on here is trade secret1吨重的车身在此降入﹑翻覆﹑摇动The one ton body is plunged tipped and shaken每次泡入大池都会改变车身的金属化学性质Every one of this giant bath chemically alters the metal of the car′s body打造出超薄盔甲对抗气候Creating a super thin armor against the elements法拉利599车身经过防蚀浸泡便会覆上正电荷These anti-erosion bathes also give 599′s body positive electrical charge这点对下一个阶段的烤漆至关重要That′s vital for the next stage of painting process另一端就是烤漆厂的重头戏At the end of this tunnel lies real work of the paint shop 这个玻璃墙密闭空间A glass wall hermetically sealed place有优雅的机械手臂以及控制机器的工作人员Populated by graceful robots and human controllers空间之所以密闭The chamber is sealed to avoid any air drafts是预防气流导致车漆小分子流动That might cause the tiny particles primitively paint以致上漆不匀To drift and created an uneven finished第一层称为底漆This first coat is called primer这种特殊混合物有助于真正车漆附着在车体上A special component combines the actual paint to the body底漆是一层微尘The primer is a fine dust颗粒细如痱子粉As fine as a talcum powder底漆之所以附着在车体上是因为车体先前覆上电荷It sticks the body because of the electrical charge that the metal was given earlier车身接着滑入巨大烤箱The body glides into a giant oven烘干底漆Which bakes the primer促使底漆与金属融合Fusing it onto the metal法拉利车辆有了底漆之后便能进行最后一道烤漆And providing the foundation layer for the Ferrari′s final paint finishing打造法拉利的每个阶段都注重美感和性能Every stage of Ferrari′s construction is about beauty and power法拉利599的V12引擎便代表性能The 599′s V12 engine is that power就在这个法拉利引擎厂打造It′s created here at Ferrari engine works缸体与缸头在铸造厂铸造完成The engine blocks and cylinder head cast in foundry如今经过误差近乎极微程度的精密调整Are now fine tuned to almost microscopically degree其他工人负责生产引擎其余800个零件Other workers turn up the rest of the engine′s 800 of parts法拉利的引擎厂是建筑史上的胜利Ferrari′s engine works is architecture triumph自然光透过玻璃屋顶照入室内Nature light floods in through the glass roof其环保效率极高It′s environmentally efficient工人也能看得更清楚And provides better light for workers引擎厂中央种有一小片树木The trees grow in doors are feature foundry that no other car factory in the world树木有助于维持打造引擎所需的适当湿度与空气品质There trees help maintain ideal humidity and air quality levels for engine construction也能提高员工的舒适度They also here to cheer the workers comfort这座工厂获选为意大利最佳工作环境之一This factory is rated the one of the best place to work in Italy在整个引擎厂中All through the engine works法拉利的金属工正在用机器制造V12引擎的精细零件Ferrari′s metal workers are machining the most detail components of V12 engine这个小小的气门只是法拉利599引擎800个零件之一This tinny valve is only one of 599 engine′s 800 components光是气门就得耗时近1小时制造It along takes nearly an hour an hour to make 虽然法拉利注重手工打造But Ferrari emphasizes on handcrafting引擎厂有两组特别的机器人There are two very special robots in the works第一组叫做“罗密欧与朱丽叶”The first group of robot they call Romeo and Juliet这两个机械手臂就是“罗密欧”These two arms are Romeo正在给“朱丽叶”送戒指Giving Juliet a ring但是这个戒指可不寻常But this is not ordinary ring其实这是引擎汽缸的气门座The ring is actually the valve seat of engine cylinder气门在气门座的封盖内移动It forms the seal through which the valve moves空气便能进入燃烧室And allow the air into the chamber继而与燃料混合﹑爆炸Or mixed it with fuel and explodes气门每秒进出几千次With valve move in and out thousands of times in a second气门座必须非常紧密The valve seat must be tight其实根本不能动弹Immovable in fact如果气门座松落If it became loose可能掉入引擎,导致停止运转It could enter to the engine and cause a complete failure “罗密欧”将每个气门座泡进液化氮Romeo give each valve ring into a bath of liquid nitrogen 使其温度降至摄氏零下300度Freezing until miner 300 degrees导致气门座略为缩小And shrinking it by a tinny amount“朱丽叶”则拿起缸头等“罗密欧”将汽缸座套好Juliet hold the cylinder head by Romeo set the valve ring in place接下来几秒内In the following a few seconds冷冻气门座的温度上升﹑扩大The frozen ring warms and expands现在便锁定了It′s now locked in place引擎厂的第二组机器必须微调另一个重要零件The second in engine works two robots have to fine tune another critical component就是曲轴The crank shaft法拉利599引擎产生的马力透过曲轴The power generated by 599′s engine is transfer though the crank shaft传到变速装置To the trans machine传到驱动轴To the drive shaft传到车轮To the wheels才能在马路上驰骋And then to the open road每分钟转动次数超过8000转When it speeds over 8000 RPM任何瑕疵都会导致曲轴不平衡Any imperfections will cause the crank shaft become unbalanced导致传遍整个引擎的可怕震动And create potentially distractive vibrations through the entire engine机械手臂钻洞削刨﹑辗磨曲轴The robot shaves and grinds the crank shaft确定曲轴完全平衡Making it perfectly balanced引擎800个个别零件800 separate components都在引擎厂制造﹑微调﹑检查Being made fine tuned and checked all through the engine works打从铸造厂的熔化金属开始From its birth from the melt metal in foundry法拉利599的引擎即将完成最后组装The 599′s engine is about to be assembling to its final form引擎厂打造性能About the engine works builds its power烤漆厂则妆点法拉利著名的美丽外观The paint shop as the beauty Ferrari has the famous for 现在要上最后一层车漆Now the final coats of paint apply这层车漆不同于底漆是液态漆Unlike the primer the paint is liquid机械手臂顶端喷出小滴车漆Tinny droplets spray out form the tips of robot arms机械手臂的动作都经过电脑精密设定Their movements have been precisely programmed by computer models因此车漆分量恰到好处才能喷出均匀的表面The robot supply the exactly the right amount of paint to achieve perfectly even surface烤漆结束之后便是超强的透明陶瓷膜After the paint comes to an ultra tough clear ceramic layer透明陶瓷膜的功能是防刮The clear ceramic coat provides extreme scratch resistance花25万美金买这部车当然希望有此功能Something you want when you spending a quarter million dollars on your car虽然法拉利599的标准色只有12种Though 12 colors are standard但是车主订购任何颜色599 owners can order the car any color they choose车体要抛光到如窗户玻璃般光滑The body is polished to surfaces as smooth as the window glass然而法拉利离开烤漆厂之前But before the single Ferrari leaves the paint shop每部都得通过严格的品质检测Each one has to pass the regular final quality check烤漆表面任何缺陷都经过抛光重新检测The slightest surface flaws in paint work are polished and rechecked 车漆厚度由超声波测量误差不得超过0.001毫米The paint depth that measured ultrasonically to with in a thousand of millimeter表面与颜色才均匀To achieve a even superficial and color如果缺陷无法以抛光消除If imperfection can not be polished away车体便送回去重新烤漆The body is sent back down a line to be repainted机械手臂完成烤漆Robots finished the paint job引擎却由人工组装Bit a man will assemble the engine每具引擎都由一人手工组装Each engine is built by one man by hand组装800个精准的零件Putting together 800 precision components是法拉利工厂最需要技术的任务之一Is one of most skill job at the Ferrarifactory技工将活塞装到超大缸体上The engine mechanic fits the massive engine block with the pistons活塞才能将爆发的能量转化为推进力They will turn explosive energy into propulsive force接着技工再安装上最重要的零件Then they put the most critical piece of all into the engine block也就是曲轴The crank shaft其他零件则逐一慢慢组装The remainder of engine takes shape as the hour spent by 忙了一整天后,引擎终于完成A full day after work began the engine is finished由火焰与金属原料造就出这颗引擎From fire and raw metal this has been made法拉利烤漆厂、引擎厂的工人已经完成任务The workers from Ferrari′s paint shop and engine works have dome their jobs如今美学与生猛力量即将会合Now the beauty and brute strength are about to come to togetherF599即将进入最后的制造阶段In the ultimate factory the 599 is approaching finishing line法拉利599已经由马拉涅罗工厂赋予强力心脏Ferrari′Maranello factory is given a newly design 599 its powerful heart美丽车体And its beautiful body两种挑战都已经达成Two challenges have met然而这种力量必须经过驾驭But that power will have to be highly mastered车身也不能离开路面And that body kept on the road这部一级方程式的传人才能在路上行驶If this heir to formula one racers is to perform on the street完成这个挑战便是最后装配线的任务Meeting that challenge is the job of final assembling line一般装配线工厂的车辆绝对不会停止移动On regular assembling lines the car being made never stops moving法拉利的车在最后装配线却要停止32次Ferrari stops 32 separate times during its finally assembling装配线最前端At the top of the line负责将法拉利599最大、最重最关键的零件放入车体The 599′s biggest heaviest most crucial component好让车速超过200英里的时速(≈322公里)Finally meets the body it will prepare at the speeds over 200 miles an hour光是V12引擎就占法拉利599全车重量的五分之一The V12 engine alone account for the fifth of 599′s total weight引擎必须闩在底盘上、接线The engine has to be bolted to the chassis and wired up 引擎安装完毕The engine is in这只完成了一半的工作But that′s only half of the job人工还得安装法拉利599的变速系统They will still have to fix the 599′s transmission system变速系统包括变速箱巨大的传动轴Made up of its gear box and massive drive shaft这两样东西已经组装完成Already bolted together引擎制造力量The engine create the power创造出620匹马力620 horse power这些力量由传动轴转移All the power is transferred by drive shaft经由变速箱Through the gear box传到法拉利599的车轴与车轮To the 599′s axes and wheels法拉利599的传动轴啊、是少数钢制的零件之一The drive shaft is one of the 599′s only components that made of steel非得如此才能驾驭引擎传来的力量It has to be to handle the power surging through it from the engine这种力量由自赛车的变速箱系统所控制That power is controlled by 599′s racing built gear system这种超强变速能力使得法拉利车辆透过所有齿轮加速This extraordinary power management allows Ferrari to accelerate to all its gears0到120英里的加速时间不到11秒And be moving over 120 miles an hour in a 11 seconds 然而也要工人正确组装But only if the factory workers get it right装配线工人已经装好法拉利599的引擎与传动系统On the assembling line they finished mounting 599′s engine and transmission system 跑车不只要能跑得快It’s not enough for sports car to go fast还要能紧贴地面It has to stick on the road高性能的车辆如法拉利599The suspension system of high performance vehicies like 599比一般车辆更注重悬挂系统is far more important than it is a normal car法拉利599的悬挂系统采用在美国研发的革命性避震器The 599’s suspension use the revolutionary shock absorvers developed in U S一般的避震器装的是油While conventional shock absorbers are oil filled法拉利599的避震器则用磁性液体The shock absorbers used in 599 contain a magnetically charge flew itPut simply就像是正负两极的磁铁It’s like the two poles of magnets可以准确、迅速地分析路上每个坑洞,并加以反应Reading and reacting to every bumping in the road former precisely and instantly更胜一般装油的避震器than oil filled shock absorbers安装避震器是法拉利599 最后装配线最重要也最费力的步骤Installing the shock absorbers is a critical and painstaking step in 599’s final assembling然而法拉利技工不到1小时便能装妥这种重要零件But Ferrar’s mechanics mount these key components in under an hour马拉涅罗工厂已经赋予法拉利599速度和美观,以及路面操控性The maranello factory is given the 599 speed beauty and handling for the street然而还有一个挑战尚未完成But there is still one challenge left to meet就是奢华度Luxury这是车身装配厂的任务That’s the job of coach works法拉利599在此装上奢华的皮件内装Where the 599 gets its luxurious leather interior每个部分都是手工完成Each piece individually handcrafted受过专业训练的女裁缝A highly trained team of sempstress draws发挥有百年历史的皮革制作绝活The century’s old Italian tradition of fine leather work我在这里工作了7年了,可学的仍然不够I’ve been here 7 years, I’ve never learned enough你总是有更多的东西要学There is always someshing more to learn你需要非常专业、精心You need be very precise特选牛皮成为法拉利的皮椅仪表板和饰边Specially selected cowhides are transformed into the Ferrari’s upholstery dash board and trim。
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意大利蓝博基尼汽车公司生产的第一辆机车实际上是拖拉机,该公司创始人Ferrucio Lamborghini用这些拖拉机满足了经历第二次世界大战后意大利农民生产对拖拉机的迫切需要。
在跑车风靡的七十年代,跑车款式层出不穷,如何创出自己的风格标新立异,是当时立足跑车坛的唯一标尺,马赛罗·肯迪找到了突破口,他设计的蓝博基尼Countach5000S跑车,隐藏着的前大灯使它打破传统的车型,前挡风玻璃与车头形成一个平滑的斜面,车身侧面有三个进风口,这不仅是为冷却发动机而设计,还能使车身整体造型具有强烈的雕刻感,全身上下散发着一股强烈的阳刚之气, 每一条线条和棱角都显示着不羁的野性。
特别是向上方打开的鸥翼式车门, 给人一种超级汽车的感觉,直至二十几年后的今天,还让人感受到设计师的超前意识。

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