
北京环球度假区英文介绍Nestled in the heart of Beijing, Universal Beijing Resort stands as a testament to the harmonious blend of Eastern culture and Western entertainment. Spanning across vast acres of lush greenery, the resort offers a unique experience, blending the essence of Universal Studios with the rich tapestry of Chinese heritage.Upon entering the gates, one is immediately transported to a world of fantastical themes and adventures. The resort is home to two theme parks - Universal Studios Beijing and Nujiang Adventure Park - each offering a distinct and immersive experience. Universal Studios Beijing brings to life favorite movie franchises, while Nujiang Adventure Park takes guests on a journey through the mysterious and enchanting landscapes of China's Yunnan province.But the charm of Universal Beijing Resort doesn't end there. The resort also boasts of luxurious hotels,including the NOVA Hotel Beijing Universal City and the Noble Hotel Beijing Universal City, offering guests a comfortable and convenient base to explore all the attractions. The hotels themselves are designed to providea serene and relaxing atmosphere, with each room offering a panoramic view of the resort.For those seeking a break from the hustle and bustle, the resort offers a range of relaxation facilities. The Spa and Salon at the resort provide a haven of tranquility, where guests can indulge in pampering treatments and rejuvenate their senses. The resort also features several dining options, catering to different tastes and palates. From fine dining to casual eats, there's something for everyone.What sets Universal Beijing Resort apart is its commitment to providing a memorable experience for every visitor. The resort offers a range of activities and events throughout the year, including concerts, festivals, and special themed events. These events not only celebrate the best of both Eastern and Western cultures, but also create a sense of community and belonging among guests.The staff at Universal Beijing Resort are the epitome of professionalism and warmth. They are always ready to assist guests, ensuring that their visit is as enjoyable and seamless as possible. The resort also providesexcellent customer service, ensuring that any issues or concerns are addressed promptly and effectively.In conclusion, Universal Beijing Resort is a must-visit destination for anyone looking to experience the best of both worlds - the charm and history of Beijing combinedwith the excitement and adventure of Universal Studios. The resort offers something for everyone, from thrilling rides and adventures to luxurious accommodations and relaxing spas. With its commitment to providing an unparalleled experience, Universal Beijing Resort is sure to leave a lasting impression on every visitor.**北京环球度假区的魅力与探索**位于北京心脏地带的北京环球度假区,是东西方文化与娱乐完美融合的见证。

北京环球影城主题公园的英语作文示例回答如下1:Sure, here is the English response:Beijing Universal Studios Theme Park is a world-class entertainment destination that offers visitors an immersive and thrilling experience. The park features a wide range of attractions, including thrilling roller coasters, live shows, and interactive experiences that cater to both children and adults.The park is known for its iconic movie-themed attractions, such as The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, Transformers: The Ride-3D, and Jurassic World. Visitors can step into the magical world of Harry Potter, experience high-speed action with the Transformers, and come face-to-face with life-sized dinosaurs in Jurassic World.In addition to the thrilling rides, Beijing Universal Studios Theme Park also boasts themed dining, shopping, and entertainment options. Visitors can indulge in delicious themed cuisine, shop for exclusive merchandise, and enjoy liveperformances and parades.Overall, Beijing Universal Studios Theme Park offers an unforgettable experience for movie enthusiasts andthrill-seekers. With its immersive attractions and entertainment offerings, it's a must-visit destination for anyone looking for a fun and exciting day out.现在用中文回答:北京环球影城主题公园是世界一流的娱乐目的地,为游客提供沉浸式和刺激的体验。

北京环球影视城英语作文Beijing Universal Studios is a place where dreams come true. The moment you step into the park, you are transported to a world of fantasy and excitement. The colorful and vibrant atmosphere is contagious, and youcan't help but feel the adrenaline rush as you explore the different themed areas.The park is home to a variety of thrilling rides and attractions that cater to all ages. From heart-stopping roller coasters to gentle carousel rides, there is something for everyone. The attention to detail in each attraction is truly remarkable, and you can't help but be in awe of the creativity and craftsmanship that went into creating them.In addition to the rides, the park also offers live shows and entertainment that are sure to leave you spellbound. Whether it's a Broadway-style musical or a high-energy stunt show, the talent and dedication of theperformers are evident in every performance.And let's not forget about the food! The park is filled with a diverse range of dining options, from quick bites to sit-down restaurants. Whether you're craving a classic theme park snack like popcorn and cotton candy, or you want to indulge in a gourmet meal, there's something to satisfy every craving.Overall, Beijing Universal Studios is a place where memories are made and adventures are had. It's a place where you can let your imagination run wild and experience the magic of the movies come to life. Whether you're athrill-seeker, a foodie, or a fan of live entertainment, there's something for everyone at this incredible park.。

政 府 进一 步加 大对 影 视基 地 的支持 力
度 ,将 其作 为 与 国 际 会都 相 配套 的 , 北 京 文化 创意 产业 国际化 的一 个 窗 口
影 视 城和 中 影基地 带 动 下 ,华 谊 兄弟
等 国 内 外 知 名 影 视 公 司 实 现 落 户 , 涵
盖 影 视制 片 、前后 期 制作 、营 销策 划 等产业环节 。
文 化活 动品牌 影响力不够 。
文 化旅 游 业。推 出影视 角色 参 与等 特 色旅游项 目, 实现旅 游观 光 、 科技推广 、 影视拍摄为一体 的 “ 大影视” 产业格局 。
三 、建议
加 强 集聚 区之 间的 统 筹协 调。发 挥 规 划 引导 作用 , 由市相 关部 门统筹
业 投 资 总 额 的 7 .% ; 地 年 制 作 影 视 29 基 作 品 2 0部 , 占全 国总 产 量 近 13 其 8 /。
创新 激励 、风险投资激 励等优 惠政策 , 增 加 专项 扶持 资 金 ,调 动各 方 力量 参 与龙头企业 、重大产业项 目建设 。
中,票房过亿 的 1 7部 国产 影片 中,有 l 出 自怀柔 。二是 推进 东方 原创 音 O部 乐剧 生 产基 地 建设 。与美 国百老 汇 联 合推 出的首部 原创音 乐剧 《 何处寻 爱》 登上 爱 登堡 国际 大剧 院 ,昆 曲 红楼 梦 成 功首 演 ,正在 制作 百 老汇 音 乐 剧 Ⅸ 牡丹 亭 》 ,筹 拍 电影 版 昆曲 《 红楼 梦》 。三 是打造 原创艺术 基地 。已集聚 影视 、绘 画、雕塑 、摄影 等 3 0余 个艺
进 行扶 持建设。
搭建 面 向 中小 型企 业 的公 共服 务 平 台。
加大 对 重大 产业 项 目的政 策支 持 力 度 。根据 影视 产 业发 展 现状 和企 业

北京环球影院英语作文Global Cinema in Beijing。
Beijing, the capital of China, is a city filled withrich history, vibrant culture, and modern developments. Among the many attractions in this bustling metropolis, the Beijing Global Cinema stands out as a popular destinationfor both locals and tourists alike. As one of the largest and most advanced cinemas in the city, it offers a unique movie-watching experience that combines cutting-edge technology with luxurious amenities.Located in the heart of the city, the Beijing Global Cinema is easily accessible and attracts movie enthusiasts from all walks of life. With its sleek and modern design, the cinema is a sight to behold even before stepping inside. The exterior is adorned with large LED screens, displaying trailers of the latest blockbusters, creating a sense of excitement and anticipation.Upon entering the cinema, visitors are greeted by a spacious and elegant lobby. The high ceilings, adorned with exquisite chandeliers, create a sense of grandeur. Thewalls are decorated with movie posters, showcasing the diverse range of films that are screened at the cinema. The lobby also features a stylish café, where moviegoers can enjoy a cup of coffee or a light meal before or after their movie.One of the highlights of the Beijing Global Cinema isits state-of-the-art technology. The cinema boasts multiple screening rooms, each equipped with the latest digital projectors and surround sound systems. The screens arelarge and curved, providing an immersive viewing experience. The comfortable seats are designed to ensure maximum comfort, with ample legroom and adjustable headrests. Someof the screening rooms even offer reclining seats, allowing moviegoers to relax and enjoy the film in ultimate comfort.In addition to the standard movie experience, theBeijing Global Cinema also offers special screenings intheir IMAX and 4D theaters. The IMAX theater features agiant screen that spans from floor to ceiling, providing a larger-than-life visual experience. The 4D theater takes movie-watching to a whole new level by incorporating motion seats, wind, water, and even scents to enhance the viewing experience. These special screenings are particularly popular among movie enthusiasts who seek an unforgettable cinematic adventure.To enhance the overall movie-watching experience, the Beijing Global Cinema offers a wide range of snacks and beverages at their concession stands. From traditional popcorn and soda to gourmet hot dogs and specialty cocktails, there is something to satisfy every palate. The cinema also features a VIP lounge, where guests can enjoy a more exclusive experience with personalized service and a selection of premium snacks and drinks.In conclusion, the Beijing Global Cinema is a must-visit destination for movie lovers in the capital city. With its modern design, advanced technology, and luxurious amenities, it offers a movie-watching experience like no other. Whether you are a local resident or a touristexploring the city, a visit to the Beijing Global Cinema is sure to leave you with lasting memories and a desire to return for more cinematic adventures.。

《中国(怀柔)影视基地规划》是怀柔新城规划的落实和深化,它将文化创意产业发展的空间 需求纳入到城市用地功能布局规划中,引导杨宋建设片区控制性详细规划的编制。对怀柔来说, 本次研究还同怀柔生态保护、水源涵养的职能相适应,还同怀柔国际交往、会议会展、旅游度假 等产业发展密切相关。同时,也是促进怀柔地区影视文化创意产业形成集聚的重要指引,是制定 相关政策的依据。本次研究的核心任务是一个关于城市功能布局的研究,所关注的重点是:如何 保护与维系建设片区内的生态资源;如何通过发展文化创意产业来调整地区产业结构,使之与片区 发展定位更加契合,改变杨宋目前二产为主、一产为辅、三产欠缺的产业构成比例;如何选择适
1. 项目概述
1.1 研究背景,
为深化落实《怀柔新城规划》,充分利用中影数字电影基地及北京电影学院教学实习基地同 时入驻怀柔杨宋的历史契机,大力推动北京文化创意产业的发展,区委区政府委托清华大学建筑 学院针对杨宋建设片区进行了《中国(怀柔)影视基地规划》的研究工作,目的是通过科学的研 究方法,严谨的研究态度及多方面多层次的沟通与交流,为杨宋建设片区寻求科学的发展途径, 同时为该地区的控制性详细规划编制提供科学的依据。
北京电影学院教学实习基地(筹建) 怀柔交界河艺术聚落 北京百汇演艺学校 怀柔中视腾飞影视演员培训基地 北京范冰冰影视学校 山水天地酒文化公园(建设中) 云蒙山户外运动基地 雁栖虹鳟鱼不夜谷 琉璃庙汽车宿营地 喇叭沟门满族乡民俗村
研发设计 广告业
包括:通过报纸、刊物、灯箱广告、 北京泛亚宏智广告有限


下面是店铺整理的北京十大景点英文,希望大家能喜欢!北京十大景点英文介绍紫荆城Forbidden City ( the Imperial Palace )北京是迅速发展着的首都古城。
Beijing is an old capital city developing at a fast pace. The Forbidden City is the ideal place for you to begin your exploration of Beijing by opening its mysterious face.旅途小贴士:由于路途比较远,选上一双舒适的鞋子尤其重要。
Travel Tips:Make sure to wear comfortable shoes as you have to walk a lot! I highly recommend you to have a guide. It is quite helpful to have a guide escort you and tell the stories behind the palace. If you are a non-group tourist, I suggest you rent a multi lingual guide recorder either at Meridian Gate (southern gate of Forbidden city) or the Gate of Divine Prowess (Northern gate of Forbidden City) and return it when you finish your Forbidden City Tour.如何到达 How to get there:地址Address: No.4 Jingshan Front Street, Dongcheng District 开放时间Opening Hour: 8:30-17:00售票时间Ticket office hours: From 9: to 15:00 pm行程Travel Time: Two hours Entrance门票Fee: RMB 60公交路线Buses to the Forbidden City: No. 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20, 52, 57, 22, 54, 120, 802, special bus No.1 and get off at Zhongshan Phongshan Park stop or Tiananmen stop. Take subway.更多信息Check for more details: URL: 天安门Tiananmen Square北京最具代表性的地方有哪些?答案是各式各样的。

北京导游真题(一)一、判断题1. 2008年末,全市共有自然保护区20个。
正确答案:A2. 北京市首条公交车专用道是1999年在长安街开辟的。
正确答案:B1997年(江南博哥)3. 位于房山区的石花洞市级自然保护区的保护对象是硅化木地质遗迹。
()正确答案:B溶岩洞穴4. 北京火车站正式交付使用的时间1959年9月15日。
正确答案:A5. 1985年,北京市政府规定每年4月的第一个星期六为全民义务植树日。
正确答案:B星期日6. 1951年4月,经周恩来总理批准北京汽车公司成立,这是新中国成立后由国家投资建立的第一家出租汽车公司。
正确答案:B首都汽车公司二、单选题1. 以眼科、耳鼻喉科、心血管疾病为诊疗重点的大型综合医院是()。
A. 安定医院B. 同仁医院C. 北医三院D. 宣武医院正确答案:B2. 北京旅游业诞生的标志是。
A. 1954年4月15日中国旅行社总社在北京成立B. 1949年4月15日中国国际旅行社在北京成立C. 1954年4月15日中国国际旅行社在北京成立D. 1949年4月15日中国旅行社总社在北京成立正确答案:C。
3. 规模大、品种多、特色强的展示人与技艺的“活”的博物馆是A. 自然博物馆B. 京城百二博物馆C. 首都博物馆D. 国家博物馆正确答案:B4. 驰名中外的卢沟桥、以及亚沙l、]最大的客运站北京西站,位于北京的() 区。
A. 丰台区B. 海淀区C. 朝阳区D. 西城区正确答案:A5. 1985年,市政府规定每年4月份的第一个星期日为()。
A. 首都全民义务植树日B. 全民爱眼日C. 全民健身日D. 全民学雷锋日正确答案:A6. 有“大自然山水盆景”之誉的是()。
A. 珍珠湖B. 黑龙潭C. 龙门涧D. 京都第一瀑正确答案:C7. 中央的干部保健基地是()A. 北京医院B. 同仁医院C. 协和医院D. 阜外医院正确答案:A8. 四环路全长千米。
()A.65千米B.60千米C. 70于米D. 75千米正确答案:A9. 哪条环路是北京第一条环城高速公路()A. 二环路B. 四环路C. 五环路D. 六环路正确答案:C10. 哪条环路将逐步建设成北京最具生态特色的花环大道A. 二环路B. 三环路C. 四环路D. 五环路正确答案:D11. 五号线全长多少千米。

主题公园介绍英语English Version:Title: Beijing Universal Studios Theme ParkBeijing Universal Studios theme park is a captivating destination offering a blend of thrilling attractions, entertainment, and cinematic experiences.Situated in the heart of Beijing, this world-class park features various themed zones inspired by blockbuster movies and beloved franchises.Visitors can immerse themselves in the magic of Hollywood with attractions like Jurassic World, Transformers, and Kung Fu Panda.The park's attention to detail creates an immersive environment, from intricate set designs to interactive experiences that bring favorite films to life.Beyond the rides, Beijing Universal Studios also offers live shows, character meet-and-greets, and dining options themed around popular movies.The park's opening has not only enriched Beijing's entertainment scene but has also become a must-visit destination for tourists and locals alike, attracting visitors with its unique blend of cinematic wonder and thrilling adventures.中文翻译:标题:北京环球影城主题公园北京环球影城主题公园是一个迷人的目的地,汇集了惊险的景点、娱乐项目和电影体验。


When I arrived at the HuaYi Brothers Film and Television City, I was immediately struck by the grandeur of the place. The architecture was stunning, with buildings reminiscentof different historical periods and film sets from famous movies. The attention to detail was incredible, and itreally felt like stepping into a different world.The first thing we did was take a guided tour of thefilm sets. We got to see famous scenes from Chinese and international films, and it was fascinating to learn about the behind-the-scenes work that goes into making movies.The tour guide was very knowledgeable and sharedinteresting stories about the filming process and theactors involved.After the tour, we had the chance to participate in some interactive activities. We tried on costumes from different historical periods and took pictures in front of famousmovie props. There were also some virtual reality experiences that allowed us to feel like we were part of the action in popular films. It was a lot of fun and a great way to feel immersed in the world of cinema.One of the highlights of the trip was the live performances. We watched a traditional Chinese opera and a martial arts demonstration, both of which were incredibly impressive. The performers were so talented and it was amazing to see their skills up close.Of course, no trip to a theme park would be complete without some thrilling rides. HuaYi Brothers Film and Television City had several exciting attractions, including roller coasters and 4D movie experiences. It was a great way to end the day and get the adrenaline pumping.华谊兄弟影视城的春游经历让我对电影和电视制作有了更深入的了解。

1. 雁栖湖,那可真是美炸了呀!就像一颗璀璨的明珠镶嵌在怀柔大地上。
2. 红螺寺也绝对值得一去呀!它就像一位安静的智者,在岁月中沉淀着智慧。
3. 怀柔影视基地可太有意思啦!那简直就是一个造梦工厂呀!你看那些电影电视里的场景,在这儿都能找到,是不是超级神奇?很多剧组都在这拍戏呢,说不定还能偶遇大明星哦!
4. 慕田峪长城那可是响当当的呀!它宛如一条巨龙盘踞在山间。
5. 白河峡谷,那景色真是绝了!就好像大自然特意为我们打造的一幅绝美画卷。
6. 青龙峡也是个好地方呀!像一个隐藏的乐园。
7. 圣泉山也很不错哟!就如同一个宁静的港湾。

中影怀柔数字制作基地近年来中国电影如日中天, 票房出现井喷奇迹, 中国市场跨入百亿时代。
2010年,中国电影票房年收入突破 100亿元人民币,增幅达 64%,创造了全球市场奇迹,票房总量超过英国,相当于世界最大电影市场——北美票房的 1/7,已进入世界电影市场前 10位。
票房、海外收入、电影频道广告收入等各项综合收入接近 160亿,增幅48%,电影产业规模明显扩大。
其快速崛起的产业化进程和广阔的市场潜力, 令世界电影人艳羡。
中国电影崛起的重要推动力量之一就是中国电影集团公司 (简称“中影集团” 。
中影集团是以影视产业为依托, 多种产业综合发展的国内一流的大型电影集团。
作为国内电影行业的龙头老大, 它不但引领国内电影的发展方向, 也左右着国内电影市场的发展格局。
而中影集团的扩张, 离不开中影怀柔数字制作基地的高效运作及其品牌效应的发挥。
中国北京怀柔区杨宋镇, 一个举世瞩目的花园式电影梦工场在此诞生,这就是中影集团电影数字制作基地。
基地第一期总投资近 20亿元、建筑面积 15万平方米、影视制作设备达到 1500台(套 ,是国内最完善的后期制作中心和全国最大的影视剧协拍中心。
一、使命感及其定位:中影集团的发展历程“中影集团” 是目前国内最大的国有电影企业, 国家广电总局直属的唯一一家企业单位。
中影集团是国务院批准,于 1999年由原中国电影公司、北京电影制片厂、中国儿童电影制片厂、中国电影合作制片公司、中国电影器材公司、电影卫星频道节目中心、北京电影洗印录像技术厂、华韵影视光盘有限责任公司等 8家单位组成,是国家组建的六大电影集团中规模最大、实力最强的一家,最早成为中央实施文化体制改革的试点单位。
目前, 中影集团拥有中影影院投资有限公司、北京电影制片厂、中国儿童电影制片厂等 14家全资子公司和 1家事业单位即中国唯一的国家级专业电影频道节目中心 CCTV — 6。

北京环球影院英语作文高中Beijing Global Cinema。
Beijing Global Cinema is one of the most popular cinemas in the city. It is located in the heart of the city and is easily accessible by public transportation. The cinema boasts state-of-the-art facilities and offers a wide range of movies, from the latest Hollywood blockbusters to independent films and foreign language movies.The cinema is known for its comfortable seating and excellent sound and picture quality. The screens are large and the sound system is top-notch, providing an immersive and enjoyable movie-watching experience. The theater is also equipped with 3D and IMAX technology, allowing moviegoers to enjoy the latest films in stunning detail and clarity.In addition to its impressive facilities, Beijing Global Cinema also offers a variety of amenities to enhancethe movie-watching experience. The concession stand offers a wide range of snacks and beverages, including popcorn, candy, and soft drinks. There is also a VIP lounge where guests can relax and enjoy a drink before or after the movie.The cinema has a diverse selection of movies, catering to a wide range of tastes and preferences. Whether you're a fan of action, comedy, drama, or horror, there is something for everyone at Beijing Global Cinema. The theater also regularly hosts special screenings and events, including film festivals and Q&A sessions with directors and actors.One of the things that sets Beijing Global Cinema apart from other theaters is its commitment to showcasing a diverse range of films. In addition to mainstream Hollywood movies, the cinema also screens independent and foreign language films, providing moviegoers with the opportunity to experience different cultures and perspectives through the medium of film.Overall, Beijing Global Cinema is a top destination formovie lovers in the city. With its impressive facilities, diverse selection of films, and commitment to providing an exceptional movie-watching experience, it's no wonder that the cinema is a favorite among locals and visitors alike. Whether you're looking to catch the latest blockbuster or discover a hidden gem, Beijing Global Cinema has something for everyone. So next time you're in Beijing, be sure to check out this fantastic cinema and enjoy a movie in style.。


介绍怀柔的小学作文英语英文:I want to introduce my hometown, Huairou, in this essay. Huairou is a beautiful place located in the northern partof Beijing, China. It is a small town with a rich history and stunning natural scenery.One of the things I love most about Huairou is its picturesque landscapes. The town is surrounded by mountains and forests, making it a perfect destination for outdoor activities such as hiking and camping. There are also several reservoirs and rivers in the area, which provide great opportunities for fishing and boating. The air isfresh and the environment is peaceful, making it a great place to escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.In addition to its natural beauty, Huairou is also known for its delicious local cuisine. The town is famousfor its roast duck, which is a must-try for anyone visitingthe area. There are also many street vendors selling traditional snacks and desserts, such as candied haws and fried dough twists. The food in Huairou is not only tasty but also affordable, making it a paradise for food lovers like me.Furthermore, Huairou has a rich cultural heritage. There are several ancient villages and historical sites in the area, which provide a glimpse into the town's past. The people in Huairou are also very friendly and welcoming, always willing to share their stories and traditions with visitors.Overall, I am proud to call Huairou my hometown. Its natural beauty, delicious food, and rich culture make it a truly special place. I hope more people will have the chance to visit and experience the charm of this wonderful town.中文:我想介绍一下我的家乡怀柔。
怀柔景点英文介绍PPT 2

Huairou—The back garden of Beijing
• Part 1.Reason • Part 2. Huairou Beautiful scenery • Part 3.Tips
1.The green mountains and rivers in Huairou
Huairou has a long history of Huairou has a long history, the Warring States period, the famous Yuyang County in Huairou; the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Huairou began to see the name, the beginning of 1368, officially in today's Huairou county organization system.
5.Huairou special foodБайду номын сангаас
1)Chinese chestnut
怀柔栽培板栗的历史悠久,早 在明朝时,皇帝在祭祀时就用 怀柔板栗作供品。2001年怀柔 被国家林业局认定为“中国板 栗之乡”。
Huairou has a long history of cultivation of Chinese chestnut, early in the Ming Dynasty, the emperor in the ritual use of Huairou chestnut as a sacrifice. 2001 Huairou was recognized by the State Forestry Administration as "the hometown of Chinese chestnut"".
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影人酒店 中国影都大厦
老爷车博物馆 版权交易中心
Provide showman with leisure, entertainment, catering, tourism, shopping, sports, health, education and omnidirectional integration of the service forms,Introduction of large commercial complex with modern city life function
film culture industry gathering area and the
core resources of national film digital Production base, and comprehensively
promote the construction of film base in
it has formed a certain scale and influence
Development of the overall situation
assets investment 4.5 billion yuan
360 Television Enterprises
Project under construction:The producer headquarters base,China film phase ii Projects will be construction :Film and television group building,Film institute……
Education and Training, Tourism experience, Dining , The financial business
Functional partition
Three pieces of function area: Industry clusters
Target location
China(Huairou)film base
Industrial Elements Gathered Complete industry chain
Assiciated enterprise gather together
Comprehensive servise is complete
base.And determine the construction work of the stage
spacial scale
Development of the YanQiHu ecological demonstration area THe science park of The CAS Rapana lake
factory, huairou, Beijing performing arts group performance center, Beijing people's art center, museum of gran torino
To construction projects: the Chinese cinema building,
白河湾外景拍摄基 地
《还珠格格》 鹅和鸭农庄外景拍 摄基地
2、objective planning and construction
phases of the Film base’s construction
the target and planning
Although the Huairou film and television industry have a certain industrial foundation.But there are still problems,such as imperfect industry chain,the comprehensive supporting service is not complete,etc.So that,Huairou district established the goal orientation and industry layout of China(huairou) film and television
objective planning and construction phases of the Film base’s construction
1、the general situation and the development of film and television industry in Huairou
China(Huairou) film base 18 square kms
The Huairou reservoir
The film and television core 5.6 square kms
China(Huairou)film base covers an area of 18square kms.Total construction scale nearly 500square meters,with a total investment of more than sixty billion.
Function service area Life recreational area
Three theme avenue:
Light avenue Star avenue The five rings lohas avenue
影视功能服务区 影视产业聚集区
34Characteristic culture blocks A center:Administration center
The film and television life recreational area
Three theme avenue is a showcase of three functional area
Light avenue is the theme of the whole show from film
3、Influence continued to improve is becoming an important bearing ground
◆differentiated competitive and dislocation development advantage
Tnd 2012 the revenue were more than 200 million yuan
Filmography is more than 1300
1、the core competitiveness is quickly upgrade
◆there are more than 200 film and television in 2012 ◆ Hardware equipment and production technology can rival with Hollywood andNew Zealand
◆ North China's largest
base for Ming and Qing
style filming ◆600 remnants of films
2.Film and television industry entered a new stage of development
copyright trading center, display media center
Become a distribution center for movie and TV
cultural communications highlands and film and television activities
三块功能片区——影视产业集聚区 Projects have been completed:China film base issue, Star mei sheng studio today,Parkway for performing arts,The school,The film and television cultural street
4、the pattern that integration and interactive of cultural and technological is shaped
雁栖湖生态 发展示范区
中科院科教 产业园 中国(怀柔) 影视基地
Landscape and cultural resources , Formed a number of film and television filming locations
Vigorously develop the film and television industry Comprehensively promote construction of film base of China(huairou)
2 0 1 2 年 12 月
In accordance with the municipal government’s requirements, Huairou is a cultural and technological high-end industries district, it will give full play to the city's unique